• ess 1 e -4merica ~ Che:u n ew:Jpape,' Copyright IUS by United S'II'" ChHS federot' lon ~ol. X, No.4 Thuraday,' October 200, 1955 15 Cents

Twenty Ladies Contend at, Moscow Conducted by PO/i/«m No. 17 J In Woman's 'world Championship RUSSELL CHAUVENET At the cad of four rounds in the Candidates Tourney at Moscow, END solutions to Position No. the lead was shared by U. S. Women's Co-Champion Mrs. Gisela K. Gres­ S 171 to Russell Chauvcnct, 721 ser and lame. M. Laz.arevie of Yugoslavia with 3~ ·'I.a each. Mlle.· Lazare­ Gist Avenue, Silver Spring, Md. vic gave Mrs. Sonja Gra[·Stevenson her first deteat, dropping the U. S. November 20, 1955. With your Women's Open Champion from a for first to a tie lor {lith with tion, plense send analysis or reason 21h·Ph. The third U. S. representative, former Women's Champion Miss supporting' your choice as "Best Mon'a May KarH, has had consistent bad luck to date, with three losses Move" or moves. and an adjourned game fOr an O-S score. Solution t o Position No. 171 wlll ep · Tied for third in the 4th rd, with pur In thl OIClmber 5th, 1955 Issu,: 3-1 each, are Mme. V,lentina Be· STANDINGS lova of lhe USSR and Mme. V. Aii.r j.ii"e Rounds NOJ'f , Do not pllK. 10/''''0''1$ It;> /"''' JoYa noY ic-Ncdeijkovic of Yugosla­ Lu:.revlc 1 ·2 Chaude 4~-O P<>~; t;o" , on 0'" c

man. We !I ra Inclined to I nswer that It Is neilhe r_it is deliberat e theft. The othu ei!lhteen p laye. s In the I subscribed to "Ohess Life" on ·Aug· Dear Sir: U. S. C"ampionship Tournament were entitle d to expect that messires usl 1st, and paid $3.00 for the year's I have been recetving "Chess L ife" Ewans and Shipman eac" make a defin ite effort t o win a full point, and subscription. Arter reeelving the flnt for the past few monlhs on a trlal their failure to make tha endeawor cannot ba condemned in tcrms too Is~ue and the 10lder on the USCF, I I s ub ~crlp tlon . I WoU ld like to enron In strong. deeided to join and support t he Federa. the Federntlon, although 1 will not be Unfortunale ly, this Is only t he last of a series of s uc" desplkable tion although I am not a olember of any an aetlwf> member hut wish to encourage draw. by agreement. We m us' ,lie ' he recant e xample in Pittsburgh where Chess Club and do not expect to play th~ ,,'ed erattoo whkh ls- sure ly doing a Ihe situation was ewen mOre delleat a. When Spir o a",epted a draw f rom In any matches o r tournaments for rat· I lot for chess play 1n our country. Bwland after only o ne mOWe ..ad been m ade, he definitely anured Byland Ings. The newspaper "Ches.~ Life" IS an REV. JAMES McFARLAND firsl place and himse lf a lie for 'second. T I>e othe r !> Ial'er s in the tourna. exeenent puhlleatloo and wet! worth Suaucus, Nn- }rrsQ men' were e ntitled 10 '''e e xpedatlon thet Spiro would lit least make a t he mcmbel"5hip fee of $5.00 a lone. gesture 'oward winning a ume that mlg.. t c"anlle Ihe final r esults of THOMAS G. HARRIS Ihe tourn ament. B'l",I;ng Cree .. , K,. USCI' Member s",p Dues, In~ludlng $Ub!cnption to Chen Life, semi annual publl. CHANGE OF AODRESS. Four weeks notiee I'f!Qul r ed. When orderlne: ' cbarlce ~ "tlofl of nat'on,,1 chess r ating. and nil othl'f prlvtleres: !>Iease rurnl$h a n ;tddre~ atenell impreSSion from recent luue or euet repr~ ONE YEA,"" SS.OO T WO YEARS: U.SO THREE YEARS: S13.S0 LIFE: SlOO.oo iu<:tlon, Including numbers an" dates on top llne. 4. ..ew member ~h ip sb rt~ on 21st day of month of enrollment. erplr el .t t he Send me'mbe.. .. lp dues lor .ubscrlpllons) and c"angn of addre.. to k ENNETH Gnd or th .. pcrlnd for whleh dues are pili". Family Dues for t ... o or mor e memo HAR KNESS, Buslne •• Manaller, 81 Bedford St reet, New York 14, N. Y. ~~r~ " f ,"'~ r~mnv IIvlnlt" M '~m~ ~'1tl"n t o Somd. tOU fnJ>'!Ient ratln!! reports (with feu. If any) ...,d all communintlolU [f' rb"•• LIre. ~r .. ~t rel'III.r rates Ile.. . "ovel for flrst membcrRhlp. at the follow. ,ardlng C"''''n: L11"! edftOr!81 malters to MONTGOMeRY MAJOR, Editor, 123 Inl' nt.H ror e~eh 8,l<1ltloo,,1 membf>r 3n U.75, th..., .. North Humphrey Awenue. Oak Park, III. v .. a r~ ~.75 . Subscription "lite of Cheu Life to n"n · m~mhers Is '~ .OG per year. o;;lnll"le copl e ~ 15c each. Makt ,11 chrcks payablt w: THE UNITED STATES OiESS FEDEItA nON f < Th",sd

By V. S. Expert DR. ERICH W. MARCHAND Cl.m ofi/e By Willa WhUe Owem Adctress news items . nd Inqulrl u on Women" Cheu to Mrs.' Will. Whit. Owen,. 124 South POInt 0 1'1" . , Avon lIe ntrDr•• . MarcInt. rhuant.d remedy. Alto play 'low and keep double- Lake, Ohio •. add ressed enve lope. ~~~~~~t:~~:;~~~;,:~~~~~~~~~~~~-m~"~'~'~"f:'checking;'; beforeP~'~'~"~"~ every'~'~P~' "~move_$U~'~';;" ;.Jp.~.~l~aU... .Y 17, N.Y. at\)' uplllrca the oppone nt rna)' h.ve. WO or the players in the recent ' Q 12. Kt. 8 axa 14. P.Q 4 T U. S. Women's Chess Champ­ 1. Answers to Readers' uestions n , I(x8 Q.Kt 4 ionship Tournament whose games Tom GrifCiths, Des )loines. Iowa asks, anything wrong with l. Beine a -pleee IIhead White should "Is plt,y t or simplicity and .$pe<:li-Ily t ry were most eagerly watched were ...... , P·QB3 in answer to 1,. P·QB4? The game might continue 2: P·K4, to (!Kch.nJ;e oft the p iKe•. However, Mrs. Jacqueline PiaUgorsky of Los P·Q4; 3. KPxP, PXP; 4. p.Q4." White undershDd ably wanted to r e­ Angelcs and Mrs. Irene Vines of Answer : There Is nothi"ng wrong with this defense. In fact it h as the move tho ho le . t hla Q3. New Or leans. Mrs. P iatigorsky's 14 ...... M. Q.1(13 advantage of taking the game into channels which are at leas t partly Now B I1I6 clever ly t..k

Annolated by Che.. Malter JOHN W, COLLINS, Ma"hall Chell Club Champion, 1954

USCE ,.0... g,,,nel Jo. Jt94tlWKfti ,., JOHN W. too 1.\ 0-0 PxP" R2, RxR chi 31), KxR. QxP cb; 31. Q-82, COLLINS, 91 Uno" ROdJ, Brooklyn 26, N. Y. Stnft ~iJtI Iim iuJ, Mr. Coltn." ",ill DlJick thinkS to win a pawn• Q;

s the International Composing Contest pmgresses, its seems to us A advisable to suspend temporarily publication of three·mover prob­ lems. All [our compositions above are two-movers participating in the contest. As soon as the "rush" of contest entries subsides, we shall re- sume our old routine of presenting one three-mover. . Position Qft~1 33. P_KBf This make. the win essy. Black's K can simply march In at KICts. If 33. p·ro. Black has to sacrlfice to gain an entry lor hl.$ K. However. Black can sUIl win by playing his K to K4. wslt­ No. 587 (Barclay): Key 1. Q-R6. thrcat 2. Q·ns mate. Chanicd mau. after: 1 ••. ing until the whlu. K is not st Q3. plsy­ _M", Ing P·RS! and thereby galnlnc an entry R-n6 ch; 2. 8-R2 mste. The close try: L Kt·86 whkh misled many ~xpcr1enced clther at Q5 or KR.4. solvers is defeated by I. .._. R·B2. Numerous c laims of "No solution"· 33. _ ..:.. K.K3 3S. K-Q] K. Kt3 1'l0- S88 (Hjelle): Intention: I. Q·Kl. The Kt(Q7) Is on the bOllrd ror the sole 34. K-81 K·8] 36. Rn lgns purpose of securl.ng three close tries: Q·KKU. Q-KRI and Q.xBP. met by L __, PXP. 1. .• _ .• RxKt respectively. However. I . Kt·88 causes II cook. on Ql No. S89 (Beale); Key ; 1. RU', thrNt 2. Q.Q1UJ mate. . And on the by Black to get · CORRECTION: The endgame position given In CHESS LIFE September 20, on No. 590 (Ravenscroft-Hawes): Alrnost all solvers cave 1. R·KIU follOWed by 2- a perpetual After this falls, this page Clnnol be won "gainst best Kt.R5 Ilnd 3. Kt·Kt3 mote, wllleh b a cook! Intention: 1. K·66 waiting. All poi$\ble BlacJ could thoueh there are Black pawn moves allow Whi.u. to unpin either tbe Knl&ht or the Bishop and P'''Y b y BI"ck. &$ "ven' readers h ave some pretty Consider, for 1u- pointed out. The reply 1 ...... P·lCt" matc on the 3rd move. F or sol.,en who are intclested In the subtleties of tblA stance, the Immunity of White'. QKt· problem, we i:lve our corrected version in Forsylb notaUon (with apologlu to the (I nslead ef 7 ••••• _ ., KxP); .. PxP st"le­ ,.,Mch later moves QRA. compOJ!leI"S) IS follows: 6Rlj2p2KUj2Pp4.j2pKPp2/1pSp j7Pj KWpktp jR4bkr. Mate to m"tel is the corred dofence In the 18. .•.•. Rx Peh 22. KI· R4 KxKt in three1 1. K·lQjl v.rI"tlon given In the column. 19. IC_RI R·Kt2 23. Q.B6ch K-Q' 211. R.Q3 8 ·Q1 24_ P-Q83 21. g .B3 Q-KIS Manhattan (N.Y.) Chess Club: The At this pOint U. ft.-Ql ancl 25. R/3xB $Ummer tourneys ended with R aul Ben"­ COLLEGE CHESS WOMEN'S CHESS would end the agony quicker because dlcho wlnnlni the Premier 5"'1r ·I'h, Ar­ (Continued from page 3, col. 4) (Continued from page 5, col. 4) thur Feuerstein second with 5-2. and if 2.4. R·QI. B-B6 cb; 25. RxB, K·K2; 24. 27. Q.B2 Q.R4 31. P·K1 g . B2 R·QKt3. lIlai'lln HarTOW and John Penqulte ShAr­ F. Steining of the Ma.ssachusetts In­ 24.. _ ..... BxPch 27. Q-Qkh K.QI Ing third with "'!t.2Y.1 each. VIctor A. 28. PXP BPxP 3&. Q-Q' ,Q.KI stitute of Technology has stopped 29. BxP PxB]9. RoOT R·a. U . Rxll K-K2 21. K R· BI R-QKtl Cuals lind James Core shared the all chess activity except "What's U. R-M Q.KI4 2'. R-Q4 _ Premier Resenres with 4'h-llh ell1;h, 30. QxBP R·B2 40. Q-Q6ch K·82 11. Q-K6 K·N2 41. Qx R R;al Quicker Is 29. R-QB7 threat~ nlng 30. whllc Edwin SObin Wl.$ third with 4-2- The Best Move?" Although he is Syd SchUler topped the Major with 5-2. only a college sophomore, Rae bas 32. Qx P P·NS 42. Q.BSch K.NI RxKt..no. __ ._ 33. Q-Q4 K·R3 41. Q.K6ch K-Rl R·Kl 35. K.Kt1 ..... wbile Ronald Llrhl.5tone and Roger proved to be a talented player. 34. P·K6 R·B4 44. Q· R6ch K-Nl 30. R/Jl.QI R-K2 36. Q. B8dt K·a2 Spero dlared second with 41h·2'h,. The His friends hope that he wiU return 11. Q·BS Q·Kt2 31. QxRch K• • Major RC$Cl"ve went to Edward lfolod,ny 35. B·B4ch K· N3 "S. B-KS Resign 32.. RxKteh 3 •. KtxR PxKt with :'i'h-l'h. JOJ!Ieph Lander second with to tour nament play; but even if 36. Q·Q7 Q·R2 33. RxQch ••• 39. K· B3 Reigns 4'h-2y'> and RCilnalcl Saundcrs third he does not. they are sure he ,will 14. Kt·Kt6 R.QBch••• with ".]. In the Minor J ohn Marberry be as successful in physics as Fine placed first. with 6-1, Leonllrd Parker Th"ml41. Page '1 WS5 second .... Ub 5!1.a-l!1.a. A USCF Club and Dulles have been in their M fillllte. fields. mwss tlf' O~/obf1 20. 1951 ThllmJ"", OctolH. 20, :Journament .iJ.~ n ew and 'Renewed Se nd to CHE5S LIFE. 121 No. Humph,.." A ...... Oak ,.rtt. ilL for ap,l~ s..I.t,.. :7. tlon form for announelnl tournament In this column. use] .A/filal.. ' Renewals of <;-harters W'-,; :7lu IJ.., m_? Unle .. o lhe rwlse SpAc lfled, I II tourn. men'" announced In this column .re 100% USC F n ted . RatinS! fees, If a ny, . r. included In specIf ied e ntry fee; no additiona l REGIONAL ntln, fo r non-me mbers USC F. Position No. 168 'M Southe rn Chen ASSOCiation .... rbeller-Iladlsc:h, Derlin. 1936. Blade: Nowmbu J2 ·JJ Nf»'tm~r n .z7 Holda annual South e", Champlon­ ",Ina with 1•. _ . nD> o;h; 2. JU.8. Q-RS ,hlp. PrelliQl.nl) are ac­ No~tmbcr 12·13 Oayton, Ohio L.OUI SIANA knowl(,'d,ed from AnonymoUJ (we'll Na tchitoches Che., Club , cheek YoYr handwritin, II "twa. youn). Maryland J unior Championsh ip Open; .t YMCA, Dayton! II rd Sw1aI. KeeLs at vrw Home, ToullDe St" Milton I). Blumenthal. Da". Bo,dllnoU. Baltimore, Md. 44 mOVei: in 3Va hn; entry f .. , 1.50 Natchltoch.s, LA. a t 7:.10 on flnt A bel R. Bomeruult. K.. H. Chao Gaston (Uscr members hip $5 r equired); eash Thul'$da,- of sch month. Pres1d"rzt.: Open 10 Marylanders under 2t at start priUI, .mount d ependlnl on nllm b er Cilappula, George F . Ch .lC. J . E. Coach­ of touml)),; 11 Maryl.nd CbeN Club, Carmll R. ' e rnb.uarb; 5ee-'y.T,.. ...: man, J . 1:. Comsluck. W. J. Couture. C. of e ntn n t.s; T D PaUl J. Wortml n ; for L.u;9ie Bennett, W S1. Maurtn, Natchl­ 1017 No. Cherlea; 5 rd Swlsl. time Jlmlt debUs, write: HAlVey B. MeClella.n, J . Cueullu,. Robert DkklnlOn. LL. B. G. mavea In 80 mlnutel; enlry f~ tochel, LA. Oud lcy' . S. J. Einhorn. Dr. Erle L. -to n M.D., 200 ROfe" SL., Xen l., OhllJ: G:",S, Edwi n G;,ull, Bdmuml (;Oh ClIayayda was eleel.ed p r eslden t· Y. l e ct ~d ~ o ornce were 'Fra nk Olvera Bela Suranyi 1st vic<:·pru1dcnt; Ernest p resident: M. A. Sanders vlce' presld ent; 1,I<:hwal1 b. C. J. S 1',....-1 , Artld .. Mail your order now to Book·Ends For Sale , .nh'" 1i, ..1 - "'."'.... m ob1"," •. " .... Bookends made fro m hardwood $3 .00 per year---12 1slU e~ So ,~pl~ '"01'. • !!lit. &; UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION with cast Chess Bridge orna­ O rJn F,om ments. Ask for Folder. CHESS liFE. 123 Nc. H.. mO ~ f .' ...... 81 Bedford Street New York 14, N. Y. E &; At ?tUg. Co .• P.O., Tillson, N.Y. oo~ P ort . III.