Golfer's Guide for the United Kingdom
Gold Medals Awarded at International Exhibitions. AS USED BY HUNDREDS THE OF CHAMPION UNSOLICITED PLAYERS. TESTIMONIALS. Every Ball Guaranteed in Properly Matured Condition. Price Ms. per dozen. The Farthest Driving- and Surest Putting- Ball in the Market. THORNTON GOLF CLUBS. All Clubs made from Best Materials, Highly Finished. CLUB COVERS AND CASES. Specialities in aboue possessing distinct improuements in utility and durability. Every Article used in Golf in Perfection of Quality and Moderation in Price. PKICE LIST ON APPLICATION. THORNTON & CO., Golf Appliance Manufacturers, 78 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. BRANCHES—, LEEDS, BRADFORD, aqd BELFAST. ' SPECI A L.1TIE S. WEDDING PRESEF ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE JAMES GRAY & SON'S NEW STOCK of SILVER-PLATED TEA and COFFEE SETS, AFTER- NOON TEA SETS, CASES "I FRUIT and FISH KNIVES and FORKS, in Pearl or Ivory Handles, FINE CASES OF MEAT AND FISH CARVERS, TEA and FELLY SPOONS In CASES. CASES of SALTS, CREAM, and SUGAR STANDS. ENTREE DISHES, TABLE CUTLERY, and many very Attractive and Useful Novelties, suitable for Marriage and other Present*. NEW OIL LAMPS. JAMES GRAY & SON Special De*lgn« made for their Exclusive Sale, In FINEST HUNGARIAN CHINA, ARTISTIC TABLE and FLOOR EXTENSION [.AMI'S In Brass, Copper,and Wrougnt-Iroti, Also a very Large Selection of LAMP SHADES, NBWMT DJUUQWB, vary moderate In price. The Largest and most Clioieo Solootion in Scotland, and unequallod in value. TnspecHon Invited. TAb&ral Heady Money Dlgcount. KITCHEN RANGES. JAMES GRAY & SON Would draw attention to their IMPROVED CONVERTIBLE CLOSE or OPEN FIRE RANGE, which is a Speciality, constructed on Liu :best principles FOR HEATINQ AND ECONOMY IN FUEL.
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