Entergy Services, LLC 39 Loyola Avenue (70113) P.O. Box 61000 New Orleans LA 161 1000 Entergy el 504 576 2603 ax 504 576 5579
[email protected] D. Sky ar Rosenbloom SenI 0rCounse LegaI Services -ReguIatory (³ October 14 2020 REc ED VIA HAND DELIVERY oct 1 4 2020 Brandon Frey ' Louisiana Public Service Commission |_A Pub Inc ServlµFe Commission Galvez Building, 12th Floor 602 North 5th Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Re: Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Ex Parte. Application of Entergy Louisiana, LLC for Approval of Ratemaking Adjustment for Interim Hurricane Laura Financing, and Request for Expedited Treatment (LPSC Docket No. U- ) Dear Mr. Frey: I have enclosed the original and three copies of the Application of Entergy Louisiana, LLC ³(//´ for Approval of Ratemaking Adjustment for Interim Hurricane Laura Financing, and Request for Expedited Treatment (the ³$SSOLFDWLRQ´ This ¿OLQJ includes the Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Phillip R. May and Sarah M. Harcus. In addition to the substantive reliefrequested in the Application, ELL is also requesting that the Commission move and vote to exercise its original and primary jurisdiction pursuant to and or in accordance with Rule 57 of the &RPPLVVLRQ¶V Rules of Practice and Procedure and other authorities and take this matter up at the &RPPLVVLRQ¶V November 2020 Business and Executive Session. ELL further requests that the Commission establish a 10-day intervention period in this matter. Finally, ELL respectfully requests that notice of this ¿OLQJ be published in the &RPPLVVLRQ¶V 2I¿FLDO Bulletin on October 16, 2020. Please retain the original and two copies for your ¿OHV and return a date-stamped copy to me in the enclosed stamped self-addressed envelope.