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Hope in the Time of Need

Immediately after Hurricane Isaac struck the nation of , Hope Force leaders Rene & Marianne Lako made their way to Sous Savanne and the surrounding area to assess the situation. They soon realized that in Babay, a nearby community, many people endured the storm with little to nothing as shelter. They soon mounted a response to provide the basic necessities of short-term shelter, tarps and other materials. It has become apparent that this community is in desperate need. Read on to learn how Hope Force International hopes to provide much needed assistance in collaboration with and the full participation of the community leaders of Sous Savanne.

Shortly thereafter, Isaac came ashore in the USA. Within 24 hours, HFI members Craig Snow and Jack Minton were on location in Plaquemines Parish, to assess damage and determine how best to respond. The greatest need soon became apparent: application of blue tarps to mitigate further water damage. Since that time, volunteer Reservists from across the country, representing 15 states, have been busily at work in the communities hardest hit by Hurricane Isaac. Click here to view a short video from the Gulf Coast.

Reports from the field this week are that with rain setting in, survivors are frantically contacting our team in an effort to secure a commitment for help. Roofs compromised by strong sustained winds are now under assault and the fear of further loss is evident in the voices and on the faces of the people. Hope Force is there to provide whatever assistance we can in the form of practical relief and emotional / spiritual care at a time when both are desperately needed.

There is a strong sense of having been abandoned and overlooked as the need for help so far exceeds the current response. Our teams tell us that for everyone we help, three or four ask for assistance. Please continue to pray for the people of Plaquemines Parrish, for our teams that are working so tirelessly and that in the midst of it all, the love of God will overwhelm each heart and home. Click here to make a gift to the hurricane response efforts.

Isaac's Impact in Haiti

Only four days after Tropical Storm Isaac bombarded the nation of Haiti with strong winds and torrential rains, Hope Force Field Team member René Lako made the arduous journey from Sous Savanne to the remote community of Babay. Hidden in the foothills and blocked off from road access by a river, Babay was only recently discovered by Hope Force. Since becoming aware of the village, René and Sous Savanne community leader Joseph had made the 1.5-mile trek to Babay twice already. Click here to read more.

HFI Ahead of Schedule on "Houses of Hope" Project

After the torrential rains of Tropical Storm Isaac drenched the nation of Haiti in August, the nation's recovery and reconstruction have once again been pushed a step back by natural disaster. With 400,000 people still living in tent cities and thousands more making their homes in makeshift shacks after the 2010 earthquake, Haiti's housing conditions left many in a vulnerable situation as the storm approached. But for many people living in Sous Savanne, shelter was not an issue in the face of the recent tropical storm – already 11 families have been given a safe, durable home through the "Houses of Hope" project. Read the full story here.

Bonjou, Bonsoi - from the Child Sponsorship Program Manager

"For nearly two years now, I have translated words that journey from the small community of Sous Savanne, Haiti to sponsors who live hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Once every few months, I receive piles of letters from families in the Child Sponsorship Program and read through them line for line, charged with the task of hurdling cultural and linguistic barriers to convey the intended message. These letters, often adorned with colorful drawings and the outlines of children's hands, present me with both a challenge and a source of inexpressible encouragement." Read more here.

Alysa Brings Help After Isaac

After Category 1 Hurricane Isaac blasted the Louisiana coast with strong winds and heavy rains in late August, Hope Force International was on site within a matter of days. Only seven years after being devastated by Hurricane Katrina, the state once again suffered severe damages, with flood waters in some areas reaching 10-14 feet. Alysa Halteman of Harleysville, Pennsylvania was among the Reservists who jumped on the opportunity to bring much-needed aid to those affected by the storm. Read more here.

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

With media attention primarily focused on the more sensational and dramatic crises existing in America, the ongoing plight of the rural poor can be pushed out of the public spotlight. In the midst of other national and international issues, it is easy to forget about the daily struggles of those suffering from chronic, generational poverty within our nation. Hope Force International seeks to call attention to this issue by maintaining a presence in West Virginia, a state where poverty has penetrated deeply into the community ethos over a period of decades. Click here to read more.

Home Renovations in West Virginia Running Smoothly

Hope Force Program Director Craig Snow recently reported that construction on the home of J.R. and Ellen Stinson of West Virginia is moving along quickly after several teams of Reservists came to work on the house this summer. Craig dubbed August 5-11 "Miracle Week" after the number of people coming to help rose from one to 19 at the last minute. The "Miracle Week" team included 10 volunteers from Windham, New Hampshire and eight from Ashburn, Virginia. Read the full story here. HFI Disaster Response Training Coming to Nashville!

HFI Reservist training is held throughout the year in various locations across the . Our vision is to equip and empower willing responders to serve in immediate aftermath and recovery efforts, whenever and wherever disaster strikes. Hope Force Reservist training focuses on preparing an individual for the arduous task of a disaster responder. Click here to read about the October 18 to 20 training in Nashville.

Hope Force International, 7065 Moores Lane, Suite 200, Brentwood, TN 37027, (615) 371-1271, | [email protected]

Hope Force International is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Copyright © & Trademark ™ 2007 Hope Force International All Rights Reserved.

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