RISTian Annual Magazine 2014-15

REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Techno City, Kling Road, 9th Mile, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya-793101 MAGAZINE COMMITTEE

Patron : Mr. M. Hoque, Chairman, ERDF

Advisors : Dr. P.C. Mahanta, Director, RIST Dr. U.K. Sharma, Executive Director, RIST Mr. N.I. Laskar, Director, Corporate Communication, RIST Mr. J.U. Choudhury, HR, ERDF


Co-ordinator: Mr. A.H. Barbhuiya, Registrar, RIST

Faculty Editors: Mr. Nabendu Kumar Deb, Asst. Prof. (Physics), Deptt. Of Basic Science and Humanities. Ms. Nabamita Boral, Asst. Prof. (English), Deptt. Of Basic Science and Humanities. Ms. Mandira Baruah, Asst. Prof., Deptt. Of Electrical and Electronics Ms. Baishali Sharma, Administrative Assistant, RIST.

Student Editors: Sagorika Raj Chakraborty, 4th sem, EEE Sauvik Dey, 6th sem, CE Gagandeep Kaur, 8th Sem, CSE. Rashmita Mudoi, 8th sem, CSE.

Student Co-ordinators: Chinmoyuri Bora, 6th Sem, ECE. Abdul Ghani Kamson, 6th Sem, ECE. Sudeep Sinha, 6th sem, CSE. Saurav Jyoti Das, 6th sem, EEE

Illustrator: Santoj Hazarika, 8th Sem, ME

Layout & Designing: Giasuddin Ahmed, Graphic Designer, ERDF Jitu Mahanta, DTP Operator, ERDF

Printed at : Aman Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Christian Basti, Guwahati-5


From the faculty editors' desk... “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein

RISTian is a forum in which the students, faculty members and staffs (RIST Community) can portray their literary talents. This volume, which is n the second, has contributions from the RIST Community in the form of essays, poems, facts, sketches, etc. We offer heartiest thanks to all the contributors.

a Putting a magazine together is no cake-walk. Mid-way through editing a pile of articles and with the thoughts of the million things that 'Just had to be i done'; we gave our utmost efforts in bringing out this volume. The aim of the team RISTian was to complete the colossal task which was already started late and create a magazine which was meant for every member of the RIST

T family. Pleasing everyone is an impossible task but we can say that we tried.

Bringing out RISTian involved help and contributions of a number of individuals at different levels. The members of the magazine committee S motivated the contributors and collected the initial submissions from the

various departments. I

We hope this volume of RISTian is worthy of your appreciation. R Happy Reading!

Long live RISTian...

Faculty In-charge. Nabendu Kr. Deb Nabamita Boral Mandira Barua Baishali Sharma

ii From student editors' desk

Dear readers,

Here is something for the ever awake population of RIST, the 'RISTian' is back with its second edition. Last year it was the maiden opening of a cover that took to the stands portraying the technology, art, craft and academic pieces of our intellectually sound but the ever laid back and cool population of our campus. The magazine was well received, with appreciation and positive criticism from all around. This year we have tried to put an ensemble of a better collection of articles, poetry, academic pieces and art, to which your views and tastes is kept in mind. We hope to receive your constructive criticisms and views to this new edition.

Thanking you, we present to you “RISTian 2014-2015; a celebration of mind and matter.”

Students Editor. Sauvik Dey Sagorika R. Chakraborty Gagandeep Kaur Rashmita Mudoi)

iv RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine



Sl No. Subject Author Page

1. Construction Industry of India and Its Challenges Dr. H. K Barua 1 2. Wonders of Electricity Through the Ages. Dr. U.K Sharma 5 3. Interview not a terror movie N.I. Laskar 8 4. Brahmaputra - Its bank erosion and socio-economic impact. Abu N. Nszmul I. Laskar 10 5. Arsenic in ground water of Assam A. B. Paul 12 6. Enhancing employability in engineering colleges Soumen Das 18 7. The Genesis and Subsequent Growth of ERD Foundation A. H. Barbhuiya 19 8. History speaks- How primitive Ice box gave way to present Refrigerators Nabendu Kr. Deb 22 9. Lean Manufacturing Systems Nazia Rahman 24 10. Have fun with calculator Mukul Hussain 26 11. Computer Science Engineering and its scope Karjan Basumatary 27 12. Top Technology Innovation Saptarshi Choudhury 29 13. What is Pandora's Box? Nabamita Boral 30 14. What is the role of Education to Social Change? Malini Palit 30 15. Work Life Balance Syeda Sahida Sahin 31 16. Emerging Issues and Challenges of Higher Education in India Palash Mukul Das 32 17. Crop Circles Revealed. Abhishruti Bhuyan 33 18. A Relative study on Assam's Earthquakes in the years 1897 and 1950. Jayanta Sarma Kakoty 35 19. The need of vocational education. Angshuman Bharali 38


1. Melancholy in ink Mandira Baruah 39 2. For my parents.... Sharmi Dev Sharma 39 3. The Way of Nature Juhi Kangkona Baruah 40 4. Mathematical Genius Susaang R Sangma 40 5. A Thousand Mile Maaruf Bin Rafique 41 6. Live your Life Nipjyoti Baishya 41 7. In your Remembrance Sagorika Raj Chakraborty 42 8. Heaven to Hell Amos Chumbu Ronrang 42 9. Masks Vinoto. L. Chophi 43 10. Vial Drunk Midnight Sauvik Dey 43 11. Wondering Akashjyoti Khound 44 12. For You.... Bellarisha 44 13. Reflection of a lonely soul. Naorem Bijenta Singh 45 14. Love's Chemical Derivatives Susaang Sangma 45

v RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine


Sl No. Subject Author Page

1. Determination: The Act of Making up out Mind Sagorika Raj Chakroborty 46 2. History has been created from India to Mars N Rupeshwar 47 3. Alternative Fuels Abu Saleh Laskar 48 4. How to make people like you Arupjyoti Das 50 5. Google-Do it yourself Abdul Rahim 51 6. Earth slowing down Sudeep Sinha 52 7. Why is the number ‘13’ considered unlucky ? Jeena Gabison Ahmed 53 8. Traits of an Achievers Simona Kaimal 54 9. Photo Realistic Imagery Sanjib Hazarika 55 10. Relation between Hanuman Chalisa & Science Sudeep Sinha 56 11. Think Big and Dream Big Zakaria Hussain 57 12. Meditation -A way to Communicate Prasanna Choudhury 58 13. Child Labour Richma Khemprai 59 14. Bizarre programming languages Sumit Dey 60 15. How to Present a Paper Kaushelendra Singh 62 16. Android OS Prajjwal Dutta 63 17. Power Generation from Speed Breakers Aziz, Toinato, Mohsina, Akib. 65 18. Effect of Seismic Waves on Buildings and its Remedies Rommojyoti, Lablu, Jubair, Sagar 68 19. Sub Atomic World Ishaan Bhattacharya 71 20. What's ailing in Indian Sports? Armo Dejak M. Sangma 73 21. Mega Dams- a socio-political issue Pooja Nath, Bipasha Baruah 74 22. Disaster management with special reference to India Prajjwal, Joseph, Kalen. 75 23. Eco- Friendly Technology Subir Baruah 77 24. Various Indian Space Organisations. Wahiduz Zaman 78 25. 3G v/s WI-FI Denis Mackdonal Kharnaoir 79 26. Formula 1 Cars Akashjyoti, Supratim, Jodumoni. 81 KHASI AND GARO SECTION 1. Wangala Festival. Ferditha M. Sangma 82 2. Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem Khraw Kupar Phanbuh 82 3. Nitogipa a chiksong (Beauty of Garo hills) Timjim K. Momin 83 ASSAMESE SECTION

vi RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Construction Industry of India and Its Challenges

Dr. H.K.Barua Director Academic, ERDF

The construction industry includes all activities of the construction sector of India. It primarily includes (a) Buildings covering all categories such as residential, commercial, industrial and institutional and (b) Infrastructure covering roads, rails, dams, canals, airports, power systems, telecommunication systems and urban and rural infrastructures such as water supply, sewerage and drainage. This sector was declared as an industry under IDBI Act in March 2000. The construction industry has a significant impact on the economy of India. As shown in Table 1, it contributed around 8% of the country's GDP in the five years of the Eleventh Five Year Plan. The values of its contribution year-wise during the plan are also shown in the table. However, there has not been a significant growth in the rate of its contribution to GDP, as indicated by the figures given in the last row of Table I.


Source: Report of Planning Commission on 12th Five Year Plan (Vol 2)

The values (in rupees) of the infrastructures during the million in 2005 and 41.0 million in 2011. In view of the period of the Eleventh Plan are indicated in Figure . It projected value of the construction industry for the 12th shows the significant stress laid by the Government of India Plan, the employment figure is likely to be appreciably very on the development of infrastructures, the percentage of high by the end of the 12th Plan (the projected figure is not growth rate being as shown by the right hand side of the available). figure. The low participation of the private sector is The growth of construction industry, as indicated by indicated by the data reflected in the figure. Figure 1 and the targeted value for 12th Plan is indicative of The total investment in infrastructure sectors(1) in the extent of its impact on the economy of the country. Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-17) is estimated to be one However, the industry has been facing many challenges. trillion USD.About 50 per cent of this amount will be spent The basic challenges, as already identified by the Govt. of on construction activities.This is indeed a huge targeted India and other agencies are lack of skilled manpower, non- investment. In view of the trend of increase of share of existence of regulatory basis, lack of efficient and stable private investment, which increased from 22 per cent in the regime for dispute resolution, inadequate institutional Tenth Plan to 36.61 per centin the Eleventh Plan (Figure 1), finance, poor state of technology, lack of innovations, the targeted share of private investment(1) to the extent of safety and related issues of construction workers, corrupt 48 per cent in the Twelfth Plan is achievable.The targeted practices, improper procurement practices etc. value of the investment in infrastructure is likely to be All aspects of these challenges are beyond the scope of revised during the mid-term appraisal of the current Plan by discussion in this article. The aspect of lack of skilled NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, manpower has been discussed herein, since itposes the which has now replaced the Planning Commission, being greatest challenge to the construction industry of the an initiative(2) of the current NDA Government. country today and it has been adversely affecting the The construction industry in India has been the second activities on many fronts. The position of manpower of the largest employer after Agriculture. As per the available data industry is as shown in Table 2. (1), the employment figures are- 14.5 million in 1995, 31.5

1 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

TABLE 2: Breakup of Workforce** Year Skilled Technicians Skilled Unskilled Clerical Staff Total Engineers & Foreman Workers Workers (percentage) Workforce(Million) (percentage) (percentage) (percentage) (percentage)

1995 4.71 * * * * 14.5

2005 2.65 1.85 10.57 82.45 * 31.5

2011 2.56 2.74 9.1 83.3 2.26 41

** Compiled from data from Planning Commission Report (1) *Data not available

Figure 2 Position of Graduate Engineers passing out from Engineering institutes per year

2 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

The scenario of workforce (83.3 percent being agreements, (v) poor risk management of projects, (vi) non- unskilled workers in 2011), as shown in Table 2 indicates adoption of basic construction management practices etc. the predominance of unskilled workers in the construction The number of engineers available in the country is industry on one hand and on the other, the extreme scarcity huge. In all branches of Engineering, more than 1.5 million of skilled workers (only 9.1 percent in 2011). Obviously, graduates come out of more than 3000 institutions (Figure the lack of skilled manpower in this sector is the major 2) annually. According to a source (4), many of these challenge and in fact the major reason for sub-standard graduates (about a fifth to a third) run the risk of being quality of construction, delay in completion and cost over- unemployed. The reliable figure representing the number runs for many of our construction projects.As given in of Civil Engineers in this huge pool of 1.5 million per year McKinsey Report (3), each construction project in India is unknown but with all approximation, it will be quite has a time and cost over-run to the extent of 20 to 25 per cent large. Table 3 shows the requirement of engineers for the and in some of the projects, it goes above 50 per cent. construction sector by 2022 as 3.72 million. As such, as far Another adverse effect led to by the huge volume of as the number is concerned, there is no scarcity. For the civil unskilled workforce is the low productivity of construction engineers, there is huge potential for employment in view workers resulting in non-implementation of projects in of the huge construction market of India. some cases. An example of this type of project is available However, as per the assessment survey(1) of from the North East region. The amount of money allocated Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) of under SARDP-NE (Special Accelerated Road India, about 85% of these engineers are not employable, Development Program for North East) could not be spent. suggesting thereby the extent of lack of skill on the part of This situation as pointed out by the Planning engineers required for the appropriate implementation of Commission(1) suggests the absolute necessity of capacity the huge volume of construction projects in India. For the building both human and institutional. improvement of this situation, identification of factors The significantly low percentageof skilled Engineers in leading to unemployability and the remedial measures the total workforce (only 2.56 percent in 2011 as shown by thereof cannot be over emphasized. The major factors Table 2) has been a factor leading to many adverse effects already identified include lack of proper infrastructure and on the activities of construction industry. These adverse teachers with industry experiences in many of the institutes effects have been identified by many public and private imparting technical education (more so in private bodies involved in the activities of this sector. The institutes), low relevance to industry requirements, low engineers play the dynamic roles of planners, designers, levels of industrial training, low levels of student quality in construction managers, supervisors and also provide the many of the private institutes (percentage of cut-off marks guidance and skill to the labour force. As such, the lack of being brought down by AICTE to 45% for general proper skill on the part of engineers has been found to be categories and 40% for reserved categories) etc. On responsible for many of the negatives of Indian account of these factors, the graduates coming out of the construction industry, some of which are (i) poor quality of colleges have poor understanding of fundamentals of planning and engineering design, (ii) weak performance engineering, no knowledge of industry's requirements and management, (iii) unrealistic cost-estimates ( both over and lack of skills relevant to efficient implementation of under), (iv) ambiguous and unbalanced contractual construction projects.

TABLE 3 Requirement of Human Resources for Construction (2022) Engineers 3.72 million man years Technicians 4.32 million man years Support Staff 3.65 million man years Skilled Workers 23.35 million man years Unskilled/Semi-skilled workers 56.96 million man years Total Manpower 92 million man years

The remedial measures necessary for providing the Planning Commission (1). However, there is a long way to level of skills required for the engineers have been duly go in implementing the essential remedial measures, some identified by the Government of India and also the other of which are improvement of faculty including induction of related bodies (public/private), as reflected in the report of talented people with industry experiences into its fold,

3 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine creating well defined provision of internship in industry on workforce is the workers (skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled). graduation. In addition to the acquiring of technical skills, Therefore, as observed by the Planning Commission to the engineers, while budding in the institutions are required sustain the growth of the construction sector, a substantial to develop the moral values, the quality of which coupled addition (estimated about 4 million per annum) is with a sense of service to the country becomes a necessity necessary to the workforce in coming years. In view of this for the growth of construction industry on one hand and on scenario, the government of India has fixed a target of the other, for their own survival in today's competitive training-cum-certifying 35 million construction workers market of employment. by 2022, which requires a rate of skilling 3.5 million The data for 2011 in Table 2 reveals that the unskilled workers per annum. workers constitute 83.3% of the total workforce against The Government of India has been taking a lot of 9.1% of the skilled workers. The activities of construction measures to strengthen the mechanism for providing sector involve many trades such as masonry, carpentry, training to the targeted pool of workers through the bodies steel works, plumbing, electrification, fitter, painting, like National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), operation of construction machineries etc. These trades Sectoral Skilled Council (SSC), Construction Industry require the appropriate skills on the part of the workers. Development Council (CIDC), Skill Development Council Therefore, the percentage of skilled workers has to be much for Construction Sector et al. The stress is also being laid on more than 9.1 per cent. The shortage of skilled workers increasing the number of qualified trainers, setting up of an leads to less productivity, inferior quality of works, umbrella organization for providing certification and demolition and repetition of works, wastage of materials, accreditation to the training institutes, involving over-runs of time and cost, dissatisfaction to all users international agencies and encouraging participation of (customers/owners), injuries at sites etc. industries (both private and public) in the process of The need for skilled workers has been increasing in providing skills to the workforce of construction sector. India on account of growing adoption of technology and The construction sector of the country today has mechanization. On the other hand, need for unskilled become an attractive global market, thereby bringing in workers has been sharply decreasing. Research works done competitiveness, use of innovative technologies including indicates that, on training of labours the productivity mechanization. Therefore, skill development of the increases, absenteeism decreases, injury decreases and construction workforce is imperative and the greatest rework decreases. As observed by Planning Commission challenge facing this sector. The huge number of unskilled (5), the construction industry will require about 92 million workers has to be skilled for achievement of targets of persons (Table 3) by 2022. Major bulk of this total growth of construction industry in the coming years.

References: 1. Report of Planning Commission on 12th Five Year Plan, Volume 2. 2. Press Information Bureau, Government of India, 1.01.2015. 3. Building India(Accelerating Infrastructure Projects) ---a Report of McKinsey & Company. 4. A million engineers in India struggling to get placed in an extremely challenging market, ET Bureau, June 18, 2013. 5. Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth---An Approach to the Twelfth Five Year Plan, Government of India, Planning Commission, October 2011.

Education is not the name of any Degree or Certificate that can be shown to others as a Proof... But...

Education is the name of our Attitude, Actions, Language, Behaviour and Personality with Others in Real Life....!!

4 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Wonders of Electricity Through the Ages

Dr. U. K. Sarma Executive Director, RIST

Man's knowledge of electricity began with among others are fused to refrigerator and many other electrostatics since about 600 B.C. when the Greeks had the products are applied. In 1935, Chester Carlson and later the experience of some of the properties of natural magnet Xerox Corporation made 3 billion worth per year. Creating (load stone) and those of amber when it is rubbed with corona is another process to make ions that will have useful wool. It was known as the frictional electricity. effect. Electrostatics is still on the march. A few examples To-day, Moore [2] has commented “What is will be able to illustrate their important effects. It has a long Electrostatics? To the mathematician it is an absorbing line history of creativity. Electrostatics is both a science and art; of theory. To the physicists it is a science of many and and a fascinating mixture of the two. varied manifestations. To the engineer it is a nuisance or In 1800s, John Dalton (the father of atomic theory) hazard he must eliminate. To the ecologist it is a major brought back the ancient Greek idea of hard and invisible means of preventing pollution of the atmosphere. To the atom (Greek word meaning indivisible). By 1900 secretary, it is liberation from copying with batches of electromagnetic machines were developed. And by 1897, carbon copies. To the housewife it is a nuisance when it J.J. Thomson discovered the present day 'electron' which makes dust stick to her walls”. had virtually eclipsed electrostatics. To-day, Electricity (the science) is the attractive power (between electrons and nucleus) of amber and similar other substances (like wool) when rubbed one with the other. Electron (Greek word of amber) is a tiny particle of atom. Atom is the smallest particle of matter that cannot be cut or divided, which contains electrons, protons and neutrons (in the simplest model of atom with about 200 other particles). These particles are tightly cemented together by interacting fields and forming the nucleus. Electrons are mobile ( and -31 invisible) with mass ( me) of 10 kg (clearly which cannot Little was added to the world of static electricity until be measured by any scale), radius of 400 x 10-9mm, charge some ingenious experiments and machines were (e-) of 1.6 x 10 -19 coulomb, revolution in its axis up to 500 x demonstrated by William Gilbert and Otto von Guericke 109+ time /sec. Protons carry charge of e (=e-) and mass 1840 and a few famous men. Gradually, the science of electricity times of me. The photons are produced by electrons (when developed into two streams- Electrostatics and Electro- electrons change their states) and are easier to get a glimpse magnetic. Up to 1600 A.D., Electrostatics got more of them. A great contribution from the great scientist, importance and after 1900 Electromagnetic had virtually mathematicians, engineers, teachers, doctors and even eclipsed Electrostatics. This had some bad reputation as fire politicians (Napoleon appointed Fourier as Governor of due to friction and lightning created nuisances and people Alexandria). Great scientist cannot resist any challenge. were fearful of the devices. Moreover, until the Through the ages, everybody contributed for the growth of transformer-rectifier combination came along, there the science of electronics to to-day's level. simply was not enough energy to do what needed to be The two sciences- electrostatics and electromagnetics done. And this trend still continued. Modern electrostatics were discovered separately with separate mathematical is almost completely neglected in our colleges and theorems, laws, hypothesis and what not; but the two universities, even though billion dollar business on printing (electrostatics and electromagnetics) were unified through technology and other areas are there. By 1906, Frederick G. the Maxwell's four electro-magnetic field equations. Cottrell electrostatic precipitators were used for trapping Maxwell was successful in linking the two. A great wonder! 20 million tons of fly ash annually to protect the Electricity has created a lot of wonders; contribution of environment. Electrostatic separation minerals, spray Du Fay in 17th century postulated two kinds of electricity painting, better sandpapers, dry coating with powder ('vitreous' and 'resinous'). Franklin renamed them as 5 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

'positive' and 'negative' electrification; the names have sees a 'backstage life'. The electron has begun to play every persisted to this day. Electric currents are named through conceivable role. It doubles actors and performs as the 'animal' current from Volta's experiment (from frog's leg 'singer backstage', making speaker to reproduce the movement), ionic current in gas and liquid, Maxwell's accompanying sound. Electrons are made to control 'displacement' current through dielectrics, to the present rockets, machines, air-crafts, make complex calculations, theory of copper being the best conductor of current and preserve food in a refrigerator and even make food for you dielectric (air around the conductor), the best conductor of inside a microwave oven. A child will yell- a great wonder electric power and the present day work to make electric but the engineers will say- a great contribution of electron. current in superconductor in EHV power lines economical. Lightning in a Leyden Jar? Great contribution of semiconductor electronics and the Leyden is a Dutch city where first capacitor was computer is worth mentioning. A lot of similar wonders of developed in a glass jar filed with some dielectrics with two electronics is coming in near future. dipped electrodes. It was expected that the machine would Why this science is called electronics, neither produce an invisible electric fluid which would fill the jar to protonics nor photonics? the brim. Faraday had not the haziest notion about It is a great wonder! Nobody has ever seen an electron. electronics; Coulomb still less. Coulomb studied the Nobody knows whether it is a wave or a particle. Books are charge; Faraday introduced the field. And what does written as if it is hero, a central character in any device. electron deal with? Leyden jar capacitor is charged and Probably, an integral electron does not exist in nature. It is Mechanics come in when capacitor is discharged. King said- modern physics and electronics handle it nearly with Louis XV would form a chain of soldiers, touching hand to the same confidence as a cook does potatoes. A century ago hand and then given a charge energy ( ½CV2 J) from the many have not heard of it; but to- day, nothing moves Leyden jar. The king amused himself with aristocracies and without electronic devices and people use it even in day-to- public by watching the grimaces of the soldiers. What a day conversation. Yet it is considered as one of our family wonder lightning in a jar! [1] members. Reason is given- electrons were discovered first. Electricity kills and saves life? It has insignificant mass and inertia; it can fly along any It is said- electricity saves more lives than it kills. complex path; it is most manoeuvrable with highest Electric shock kills people but electric current from the acceleration. It will not be possible to draw an image defibrillator saves life. It bites like a serpent and saves life moving at a speed of 25 times /second on the TV screen by playing the role of a witch-doctor. A great saviour of without the electrons in the CRO tube. Also to control high mankind- the electron! speed rocket it will take one hour calculation time. Hence Role of producer and consumer electron occupies a place of honour in the atomic structure. It processes food with the help of machine/devices What will happen if one fine day electron disappears operated by electrons by consuming electric energy. In from science? What will happen to electronics? Will today's smart life, these electronic devices make it possible photonics take over? to get instant food on one's table. What a pleasure/need and Answer is- Why. Nothing will happen. It will not affect also wonder to get a piping hot food! the least. Electron current is flowing in conventional and How electron feeds the energy hungry ones? also in unconventional direction in literature; calculations Man, animal and plants need energy may be in different are not affected and machines are operating in same forms. World's energy sources are depleting. Meat can be direction. Electrons once detached from an atom also produced from coal or vegetables/seeds; grass can be becomes positive ion (Greek word for traveller). Not even grown fast by fertilizers and fertilizers from biodegradables photonics will be able to replace it. Firstly, in addition to or from hydrocarbon oil. Man eats animal and animal eats radio communication (to deal with higher oscillations), grass, man cultivates grass. A food cycle is complete. A real electronics have to solve other problems. Secondly, wonder! photons carry no charge and hence cannot be controlled by How to catch a flying duck and to roast? electric field. Thirdly, photons are to be produced by electrons only. Who knows? There is a possibility of communication by means of a neutrino or gravitational wave. [2]. It will be a real wonder, if the hero (central character) dies in the middle of the drama! Why we call these as wonders? Anything we cannot explain with reasons, we call it a wonder. Wonders are worked by spirits, magicians and gods. Electronics was created by man. Man has tamed it, studied its properties and makes it to solve multitudes of problems. Inside a TV, a multitudes of dead components, an intricate network of wires; only screen is alive. An engineer

6 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Normally, one hour is to catch it, another an hour to and hence protect the cooker from bursting). It is the effect collect fire wood , some time to make a fire, one hour to of electron which is air is ionized and conducts the charge to roast and then half an hour to wash utensils? It is a great cause voltage to fall and saves the building from falling of labour consuming, time consuming and expensive activity. lightning on it. But use a magnetron. It takes minutes to catch it, needs How a person gets electrically charged and gets neither firewood, nor gas nor red-hot spirals. Miracle electric shock while walking over an electric or woollen microwave oven cooks in only 6 minutes. Remember this carpet? electronic device to your help. A Great wonder! While walking on these carpets, frictionally induced It eats away metals by electrolysis and protects from electrostatic charges are induced between one's foot and erosion in metal pipes. How? the carpet and the charge remains on the body. If she/he There are few dc sources (say in railway electrification touches any earthed object, charge flows (i.e. current) or at the time of leakage or short circuits in any source). It between his or her body and the earth. Higher the charge results in (i) stray dc currents which find a way to flow accumulated on the body (it depends on the type of the through these underground pipes. At the point where dc carpet, dryness of the weather, speed of walking etc) higher current is leaving the metal pipe (of oil- or water supply) it will be the severity of the shock-current. gets electrolytic corrosion and eats away metal from that Electricity gives us extra vision power (radar, TV, point. It is reported that 13 -20 lb of iron / 75 lb of lead is Internet, mobile) & Audio power (through microphone, eaten away per amp per year by Faraday's law of 5000 W speakers) and gives another peculiar vision power electrolysis. A great source of not only loss of metal but a called “Machine Vision” but it blinds our eyes by electric great source of danger is important for oil and railways. But arc light. It helps us to regain eye vision by electronic- it is protected by cathodic protection. In corrosion as well as cataract-cuter. Are not these wonders of electricity? protection electrons are involved. A great job of electronics Electric shock current severity is sex sensitive. (called two faces of electrons); a great wonder indeed. Women get shocks at lower currents at lower voltage (dc Severity from hot lightning and cold lightning. or ac). It is explained that it may not be because of sex but Unless the effect is explained with scientific reasons, due to physical structure of body- muscle and fat content; every incident remains as wonder. and accordingly severity of shock points in body differs. Lightning carries very heavy currents (thousands of Again human body is considered as a complex network amps at millions of impulse voltage). Impulse of resistance, inductance and capacitance. So, it is found forces/currents and voltages are very dangerous than that high frequency currents are filtered such that they normal ones.(This can be understood from the jerk essential cannot enter into our internal body parts including the heart to snatch a thread/rope and in case of impulse voltage, it is (hence said that heart is safe from high frequency currents). the very fast rate of change of voltage which is the 'jerk' and But this skin effect is not the same. The diameter of the snatching power depends on the suddenness of the jerk). cylindrical metal conductor is different as there is no If lightning current is heavy and fast changing it has very capacitance to consider it as filter effect. These are also the severe damaging effect. If lightning falls on an object (tree marvels of electricity. or building), it will tear the object and it involves less time How a ship while washing with water hose pipe gets to get heated for getting burnt out. This is cold lightning. It inflamed? is very severe. If the lightning current is of slow rising in A ship needs a washing after transporting crude oil from nature , it gets time to heat the object and it gets burnt out a port. As It occurs in a cylindrical conductor, the 'skin and is called hot lightning. effect' occurs for various reasons. But while washing with How a lightning conductor save an object from water hose pipe at very high pressure, water jets strike the lightning? metal body of the ship (which was soiled with crude oil) at Lightning conductor is of metal rod or may be in a very high speed and impact. Because of frictional 'trishul' form. A gas (air also) get ionized when a HV(High electricity developed, charge is developed and a voltage Voltage) appears across the rod or any pointed object. When appears between the ship body and the water stream head. If lightning voltage appears across the lightning rod, air at the the amount of water and speed are high, a higher charge is tip of the rod is ionized and the lightning energy charge developed and spark appears and ship catches fire. These escapes and is released and high voltage remains at lower are also the marvels of electricity. value and no high lightning charge is released slowly and There are a lot of such marvels to cite. A few of them are lightning voltage (pressure) is reduced and the object is mentioned to incite interest in the young students' mind and saved from lightning. (It is like our pressure cooker; the top to be careful towards electric shocks and other useful weight controls the inside pressure to remain at lower value activity. Few books are listed to get further details with explanations.

Reference: 1) Sedov, S,”Engineering Electronics”, MIR Pub. 1997.Moscow. 2) Moore, A.D. ,” Electrostatics and its applications”, 1993, Wiley Int. NY

7 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

'Interview' is not a terror movie; so make it enjoyable

Nurul Islam Laskar. Director, Corporate Communication, ERDF.

Every time the word 'interview' is uttered before questions, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. It youngsters, most of them get the jitters. But then interview is therefore advisable that you prepare by reading through is something that we cannot do away with at some time or the job posting, matching your skills with the position's the other in our life. So, it is desirable that we prepare requirements and relating only that information. ourselves well and face the interview bravely. Most Don't Be Too Familiar. important point is that we should not postpone our The interview is a professional meeting to talk preparations for the last moment when the interview is business. This is not about making a new friend. Your level knocking at the door. The wisest thing to do is to start of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanour. It preparations right from today and spare a little time is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the everyday to acquire all the skills required to crack an interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your interview. place as a candidate looking for a job. Even the smartest and most qualified candidates need Use Appropriate Language. to prepare well for interviews that could lead one to It's a given indication that you should use admission in an institute of higher education or into a professional language during the interview. Be aware of lucrative job. Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, and there are no second chances to make a great religion, politics or sexual orientation - these topics could impression. So study these following strategies to enhance send you out the door very quickly. your interview skills. Don't Be Cocky. Practise Good Nonverbal Communication. Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. Non-verbal communication largely depends on your There is a fine balance between confidence, body language. It's about displaying confidence: standing professionalism, and modesty. Even if you're putting on a straight, making eye contact, and connecting with a firm performance to demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is handshake. That first nonverbal impression can be a great as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved. beginning - or quick ending - to your interview. The Questions must be answered, take note of Dress well for the occasion. this! Today's casual dress codes do not give you Sometimes the interviewers would put a question permission to dress as "they" do when you sit for an about some time period of your life or about some activity interview. It is important to know what to wear to an that you were associated with in the past. This they do to interview and to be well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit find out about some behavioural aspect of yours. If you fail or something less formal depends on the culture of the to relate a specific example, you not only don't answer the employer company and the position you are seeking. If question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your possible, call to find out about the company dress code ability and talk about your skills. before the interview. Ask Questions. Listen! When asked if they have any questions, most From the very beginning of the interview, your candidates answer, "No." It's a wrong answer. Part of interviewer is giving you information, either directly or knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major that demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. opportunity. Good communication skills include listening Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out and letting the person know you heard what was said. if this is the right place for you. The best questions come Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace. from listening to what you're asked during the interview Don't Talk Too Much. and asking for additional information. Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know Don't Appear Desperate. could be a fatal mistake. Usually when you have not done When you interview with the "please, please hire me" your home work well, you may ramble when answering the

8 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine approach; you appear desperate and less confident. Reflect giving exposure in your domain skills?” the three Cs during the interview: cool, calm and Ø Work upon your communication skills and your confidence. You know you can do the job; make sure the ability to put across yourself forthright and interviewer believes you can, too. convincingly. Ultimately this is the make or break point in any interview. This is an area, which the interviewer never overlooks, be it from any industry. This is tested specially during GDs (as some companies conduct GDs as part of their induction process). Ø Work upon your domain knowledge and your area of interest thoroughly. Be very clear on your fundamentals and basics. Brush up your 1st & 2nd semester course material that relates to your specialisation subjects. You should be able to relate to your domain knowledge in given practical situation, which is nothing but a more refined Final tips for a successful interview. version of common sense. And I perceive that's the Here are the final tips for the first time candidates main objectives of any stream of studies, be it hotel who are going to sit for their interviews. management, marketing management, material Ø Get to know yourself clearly in and out. Define your management, or media sciences. It enhances your short to medium term objectives clearly. If common sense to a bit higher level, which is necessary, write it down so that you don't have to enhanced still further once you gain practical look for it afresh when asked. experience. Ø Be clear on a very common question that the Ø No matter from which industry the company or interviewer often pops up with, “how would you interviewer is, they are mainly interested in basic relate your educational skills with the curriculum elements of your character and personality, which offered?” or in other words, “how do you think that are common and cannot be attributed to any you would fit in our institution?” particular industry. If they are found acceptable you Ø Do a little research about the institution and its are in. This is mainly because a fresher has no fixed history, records and achievements. Get to know mind set towards any industry / sector, and expertise about the competitors and do a SWOT analysis of the can always be built upon through training and institution, if you have enough time and especially if development. The only thing expected of you is your it's an established and well-known institution. This aptitude towards learning. will help you in putting across the right impression Ø Apart from your curriculum, knowledge, skills etc, when you are asked, “do you know about our the other most frequently asked questions relates to activities?” Make use of the internet if required. your extracurricular activities, hobbies, Ø Be very clear on whatever is mentioned in your CV. achievements, recognition, your contribution Especially the projects the one does during summer towards society. trainings/ internships. Since summer training / Ø If your last institute of study was located in the North industrial internship is the only practical real life East or you yourself belong to the North East, be well experience that most of the students have (barring acquainted with the geography, culture, current those who have some pre institute job experience), a affairs, and politics of the region there is all lot of emphasis is given on the projects done in possibility that you will get at least one or more summer training. Indeed the major portion of most of questions on these. All these things help to gauge the the interviews revolves around this only. In addition, versatility and dynamism in your learning ability and the projects done as a part of a course may also be character. discussed. So one should be prepared for those as Ø The whole interview process is nothing but a test of well for everything else mentioned in the CV. your common sense skills. Interviewer never asks Ø Apart from the project in summer training the you anything that you do not know, the only thing interviewer may also ask for other on the job learning you need to have is to keep your mind and senses experiences e.g.” How did your practical exposure in open and above all be confident, though a little bit of your industrial internship has helped you other than nervousness is acceptable.

Nurul Islam Laskar is the Director (Corporate Communication), ERDF & Visiting Faculty (Motivational Sessions) at RIST. Contact: [email protected]

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Brahmaputra - Its bank erosion and socio-economic impact.

Abu N. Nazmul I. Laskar Senior Civil Engineer & Hydrologist.

Rivers, streams and lakes are gifts of God, Who is respectively. But total sediment deposited area (34.61KM2) very kind to all He created. Brahmaputra is one of the few between 1972-2001 was more than area largest rivers on Earth. It contributes about one third of eroded(23.152KM22). Erosion was again more (7.568KM ) country's water resources which is about 1953 km (average between 2001 and 2004 as compared to silt deposited area annual precipitation) long. The river is second in rank from (2.493KM2). During entire period, the overall eroded area sedimentation point of view. Brahmaputra flows south- on both the banks was 31.169KM2 and overall sediment west through Assam valley in India and runs towards south deposited area was 30.101KM2. It is a land loss and land to Bangladesh where it is called Jamuna river which is gain natural process of the river involving instability to the characterized as shallow, wide and braided. people residing on the banks so affected. Govt. of India and Brahmaputra is a very complex river with poor the State Govt. should attach top most propriety to erosion stability of river banks. It is life-line of the North- East control measures and providing compensation/relief to Region, particularly Assam. In view of discharge per unit erosion affected people as it is a natural calamity attracting area, the river is at the top among the ranking rivers of the importance at national level. world. Flood and erosion are twin problems to the people of Flood management is a complex affair and involves this region. Flood is a phenomenon of surface water when short term and long term measures as programmed by Govt. man goes in conflict with excess of water due to over of India in 1954. Raising and strengthening of topping of river banks by excess rainfall of high intensity in embankments/dykes and providing sufficient number of a shorter duration of time .Scarcity of water, on the other sluices and the items of works of immediate and short term hand, is called drought/ drought like situation which measures. Flood forecasting and warning mechanism is seriously affects crops / cropland. Preventing / controlling also essential component of work in reducing damage / loss flood totally is neither possible nor economically viable. of life, live stock and property. Regarding long-term But it can be controlled with partially reducing loss of life measures, construction of flood control reservoirs and size of damage of property / assets. Better flood (multipurpose projects) at source/boulder stage of rivers management is the answer to the problem. It covers and tributaries will be main and major items. As keeping moderating flood reducing loss / damage to life and bio-diversity has been a major issue now for survival, property, erosion control measures, tackling drought to correct impact assessment at downstream region of the dam save crops if/when raised. Flood and erosion is a greater site is exceedingly important. Building dams at suitable site problem than drought as the latter hardly harms the which are gifts of God must not interface rivers/ tributaries assets/infrastructure. Erosion by Brahmaputra led to loss of in such a way that it adversely affect man and animals, 7.4 percent of plain land of Assam. More than 4500 villages plants and trees, and flora and fauna. Even a tiger is as have disappeared and about 9 lakhs people were important as a development project keeping in view that residentially affected. There are about 155 reaches which “keep bio-diversity or face hunger” which everyone must are classified as sensitive and supersensitive for erosion. realize. Where there is a problem, there is always a solution. Submergence occurs when embankment erodes during Technology has advanced a lot and professional experts & monsoon season. Consequently affected people suffer from hydrologists, water resources engineers/managers in water untold misery. sector can find out avenue for a balanced way in tiding over The tributaries of Brahmaputra also caused heavy any situation, if allowed to work un-interfered from outside erosion and land loss / gain. For instance Buri Dihing , a agencies/organizations. Prevailing situation without tributary of Brahmaputra , which flows in meandering solution may provide wrong signal to general mass. It needs course for about 220 KM through alluvial plain of Assam sound coordination among concerned agencies with due including a short rocky and hilly track in between, may be recognition to the experts / hydraulic engineers who build cited. The total area eroded on both banks of the tributary the assets in water sector. Local people must also be during 1934-72 was more as compared to sediment involved in planning and participatory management. 22 deposited area. It was 26.796 KM and 19.273KM Economic viability is a very significant factor in taking up

10 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine any project which must bring more benefit than cost package in the form of grant-in-aid to deal with the major involved and loss sacrificed by people. Water is a liquid problem. There is urgent need of developing a sound gold if it is properly, judiciously and sharp-sightedly mechanism for wider coordination, better understanding utilized. This liquid must be allowed to flow in and mutual trust among all concerned nations / states and downstream of the river on which people in the concerned departments/non-government organizations (NGOs) and region depend for survival generations after generations. people as a whole. What every nation/state wants is peace Thinking globally and working together locally for shared and tranquility, development and progress, mutual sweet benefit from natural resource like precious water, bestowed relation for better tomorrow for all. by God, is the need of the hour. While short term measures like building Landslide and erosion of banks of the rivers where /maintaining embankments / dykes, improving drainage civilization first grew snatched not only property but also channels, strengthening town protection works are among title and socio-economic status of the affected families. structural measures, but simultaneously non-structural Dignified title like Sheikh among Muslim inhabitants of measures link flood forecasting and warning system, flood char area in lower Assam again comes back to the plain zoning, preparedness for any disaster management families/descendents of the families when they regain and motivation of people of vulnerable area is equally sediment deposited area around the houses lost by their important. Flood plain zoning needs to be attached with fathers/ forefathers. It is sad that lack of stability of river priority as an urgent job . Participatory crisis management banks caused instability of river bank dwellers/char during the days of natural calamity like flood and erosion is dwellers in their lives involving financial, socio- political to be wisely enhanced. Families of victims/ sufferers must fronts. It is a serious issue of a major river and needs to be be educated / trained as good managers encouraging them focused to the Government of India/Parliament of the to be equipped individually as well as by community status nation for realization of the size of importance of the owning boats and learning swimming etc. problem at the national level and granting adequate


Hornbill Festival Named after the Indian Hornbill (the large and colourful forest bird which is displayed in folklore), Hornbill Festival is organized by the State Tourism and Art & Culture Departments. The Hornbill Festival showcases a combination of cultural display under one roof. This festival usually takes place on the 1st and the 7th of December every year in Kisama which is about 12km from Kohima. All the tribes of Nagaland participate in this festival. The main aim of organizing this festival focuses on the revival and protection of the rich cultural feature of Nagaland and also aims at displaying its spectacular traditions. For tourists and visitors, the festival gives a closer understanding of the people and the culture of Nagaland. They also get a unique opportunity to experience the local food, songs, dances and customs. The festival goes on till a week and unites all the people in Nagaland. People enjoy the colourful performances, crafts, sports, food fairs, games and ceremony. Traditional arts are displayed which includes paintings, wood carvings, and sculptures. Traditional Naga Morungs Exhibition displays sale of arts and crafts, food Stalls, herbal medicine stalls, flower shows and sales, cultural songs and dances, fashion shows, beauty contest, games, and Musical concert. Naga troupes sing folk songs and perform traditional dances. Games and sports are also played during this time. Evenings showcase organizing music concerts and food to ensure the celebrations to continue through the night.

11 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Arsenic in ground water of Assam

Prof.(Er) A.B.Paul Guest Faculty, Deptt. of Civil Engineering.

Arsenic is an element which is metal like but non metal Countries affected by excess arsenic in water: in nature. It is one of the most abundant element of earth's Hungary.USA, Canada.Argentinia,Chile, Mexico, S.E crust widely distributed in air, water, soils, rocks, plants and Asia :Ganga Bhramaputra basin and Mekong Delta (India, animals in variable concentration and the 12th most Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, abundant element in the biosphere. It seeps into the ground China, Thailand) water through the dissolution of arsenic-bearing minerals Source of Arsenic In ground water In India : and ores, from industrial wastes and atmospheric Arsenopyrite (AsFeS) minera has been primarily depositions. Naturally found at concentration levels of identified as the main source of arsenic pollution in Bengal about 0.4 to 30 ng/m in the atmospheric air, about 0.4 to 120 basin. IIT-Guwahati studies found same in Brahamputra µg/kg in food and at concentrations from undetectable level Basin. Both pentavalent and trivalent forms of arsenic are to a few µg/L in natural water. found in nature and prevalent commonly in the ground The main use of metallic arsenic is for strengthening water. From the works of the different study in arsenic it is alloys of copper and especially lead (for example, in car now known that the arsenic originates in the Himalayan batteries). Arsenic is a common n-type semiconductor head waters of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers and has electronic devices, and the optoelectronic compound been undisturbed beneath the surface of the region's deltas gallium arsenide is the most common semiconductor in use for thousands of years in thick layers of fine alluvial mud after doped silicon. It is also used in pesticides. Arsenic is smeared across the area by the rivers. Gradually it seeped in lethal and poisonous substance. A fraction of gram can kill ground water. any living species. “It was favourite upon in the hand of Testing of the presence of Arsenic in ground water: killers.” The presence of excess arsenic in ground water of Inheritance powder-Infamous Historic Poison: Assam was not reported till it was discovered by the author Arsenic had been a popular way of poisoning people (the then Chief Engineer ,PHED, Assam) who had since the Middle Ages. Arsenic itself is not very poisonous suspected its presence after studying its nature of but another form of arsenic - arsenic oxide - is extremely occurrence in Ganga- Brahamputra -Meghna Basin in India poisonous. The symptoms of arsenic poisoning could be and in neighborhood countries and geophysical condition confused with those of many other illnesses, and it was also of Brahmaputra and Barak basin in Assam. He collected very difficult to detect arsenic after the death so it provided ground water samples from Dhubri and Karimganj a practical way of murdering someone. Indeed white districts in the fag end of 2003 and from Dhemaji district in arsenic became known as 'inheritance powder'. January 2004. Water samples were tested in his personal Was Napoleon died of Arsenic Poisoning at St. Helene laboratory, and hence confirmed its excess presence [Ref. Island deliberate or inadvertently not surely established? Jr. Kalyani university]. Due to lack of reliable quantitative His body was reburied in Paris. Arsenic above 10 ppb to 50 arsenic assessment facilities in Assam (2004) a few water ppb in water is considered excess and serious health hazard samples were taken to Kolkata and were tested in School Of .The following countries are affected by excess arsenic in Environmental Science (SOES), Jadavpur University ground water. which reconfirmed very high arsenic presence. Simultaneously, Dr.A.K.Singh, Scientist, NERIWALM, Tezpur too reported finding of excess arsenic in Ground water of NE region. How arsenic enters groundwater? Napoleon's tomb at Theories explaining how arsenic leaches into the Les Invalides in Paris groundwater: Oxidation theory: Researchers believe that the oxidation (gaining oxygen) of iron releases arsenic into the sediments. It is present in

12 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine pyrites iron-containing rocks that are deposited in the possible by sedimentological study of the alluvial aquifer sediments. When the iron is exposed to oxygen, its sediments, to guide the placement of new tube wells [Ref: capacity to adsorb arsenic reduces and the toxic chemicals Nickson Ross et al, Nature]. start leaching into the aquifers. Dipankar Chakraborti, Effect of arsenic on human body. professor of environmental sciences at Jadavpur Toxity of arsenic depends on its oxidative state in water. University, concurs that it is the heavy groundwater Infact As (III) is 60 times more toxic than As (V). The withdrawal that facilitates the entry of oxygen into the inorganic arsenics are about 100 times more toxic than aquifer, leading to the oxidation of arsenic-rich iron methylated forms .Oral intake of arsenic leads to sulphide that ultimately leads to the leaching of arsenic into abdominable pains, vomiting and coma, its ingestion may water. In fact, between 1970 and 1990, groundwater cause cirrhosis of liver and neurological problems. The irrigation in West Bengal increased by a staggering 575 per most pronounce effect of arsenic is on the skin; it causes cent. Similar patterns were observed in Bihar, Uttar hyper-pigmentation in areas not exposed to the sun and Pradesh and Punjab, and neighbouring Bangladesh, hyper-kerotosis on the palms of hands or soles of feet. The pointing to the indiscriminate use of groundwater in these prolonged exposure leads to the peripheral arteriosclerosis regions. Quite predictably, these are the regions that record and gangrene (black foot diseases) which ultimately turns a high prevalence of arsenic-related diseases. into malignant dermatosis (cancer). It has been observed Reduction theory: that incidence of pigmentation and keratosis increased with According to the reduction (loss of oxygen) theory, prolong intake of arsenic and also with increased amount of arsenic is adsorbed by iron oxides that are a part of fine- arsenic. grained sediments. These sediments are rapidly 'reducing' Phase wise manifestation of arsenicosis: because the organic-rich matter (microbes in the First phase: Sporadic patches (black & white in colour) sediments) constantly consumes oxygen. This reduction of in chest and back called melanocis develops which is the sediments triggers a series of geochemical reactions that lead to the release of arsenic into the groundwater. A followed by hardening of palm and toes and development 2004 paper in the British journal Nature reports that of corn like black spot called keratosis. anaerobic metal-reducing bacteria can also play a key role Second phase: The above symptoms are followed by in the mobilisation of arsenic in the sediments. "The iron severe cough, asthmatic problems, general weakness as oxides scavenge arsenic from soil solution and river water, well as anemia. building up a store of adsorbed (trapped) arsenic", reports Third phase: Complications ultimately leads to cancer the British Geological Survey that has conducted various of liver, lungs etc. studies on the arsenic problem of Bangladesh. What happens when exposed to arsenic? (Source : Further, to explain arsenic contamination in deep aquifers, organic carbon reduction theory has been CSE-Health And Environment News Letter Jan-Feb. propounded dissolved carbon in the waters of some 2005). regions reacts with iron hydroxides rich in arsenic, thus discharging arsenic into the ground water. It shows that Arsenic derives from the reductive dissolution of arsenic- rich iron oxyhydroxides, which in turn are derived from weathering of base metal sulphide. This means it should be

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)- intake of one milligram of inorganic arsenic per day may give rise to skin lesions within a few years. The early symptoms of arsenicosis-arsenic poisoning- are manifested in the form of dark patches (melanosis) along with white patches (leukomelanosis) on the skin (extremities), corn like lesions on palms and soles 13 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

top layer, increases in direct proportion to the increase of arsenic in irrigation water. School of Environmental Studies (SOES) in Kolkata has come up with a calculation that every year, 6.4 tonnes of arsenic is deposited on the agricultural fields of Deganga Block of North 24-Parganas in West Bengal owing to the irrigation from the existing 3,200 irrigation tube-wells. Food crops grown on this arsenic-laden soil imbibe arsenic in dangerous proportion. Rice samples tested in the contaminated regions have been reported to contain arsenic at unsafe levels. The recommended daily safe levels of dietary intake of arsenic (milligram) for adults ranges between 0.171 and 0.189 and for children between 0.092 Early Symptoms Melanosis and Keretosis and 0.101. In a limited study in Nalbari District, Assam, it was found that 20% of irrigation water from shallow wells in rice field contained arsenic more than 50 ppb. It is not only the raw food items that are spiked with high concentration of arsenic. Studies show that cooking doesn't rid arsenic from our food, as cooked food has also been reported to be high on arsenic (see Table: Arsenic diet). Various studies conducted in West Bengal reveal the presence of arsenic in perilously high levels in potato skin, vegetable leaves, arum leaf, papaya, rice, wheat, cumin, turmeric powder, cereals, bakery food and spices. According to D. Chakraborti, underground Prolonged exposure to arsenic may result in malignancy of skin, vegetables (roots, tubers and bulbs) contain relatively liver, kidney, lungs and bladder. According to WHO, cancer risk higher concentration of arsenic. Adverse health (lifetime risk of dying from cancer) from exposure to more than implications due to arsenic have been reported in animals as 0.05 milligram arsenic per litre per day is 13/1,000. well. Presence of arsenic in rice straw widely used as fodder can adversely affect cattle and, subsequently, human beings via the plant-animal-human pathway. Elevated concentration of arsenic has been detected in the hair and urine of cows and buffaloes in the arsenic- affected villages. Local ice creams and cold drinks have also been found to be laced with arsenic. Nutrition has a say: Nutrition plays a decisive role in the prevention or the onset of arsenic-related ailments. Low dietary intake of protein and micronutrients (calcium, selenium, vitamins) increases vulnerability to arsenic-related diseases. The (Photos: Courtesy Prof. Dr.K.K.Mazumder,KPC Medical reason could be that nutrition deficiency might result in College , Kolkata slow elimination of arsenic from the body. Studies confirm keratosis), increasing weakness and numbness of limbs that people with poor nutrition develop skin manifestations (neurological manifestation) and breathing problems after drinking water containing arsenic at concentration 0.3 (respiratory manifestation) mg/L. On the other hand, a healthy diet offsets any such Concerns have been raised about arsenic contamination adverse impact. People with good nutrition were found to in the food chain through irrigation with arsenic be in good health even after drinking water containing contaminated water. arsenic at concentration of 0.4 mg/L. Arsenic in food. Arsenic Standards and Guidelines: Arsenic has not only infiltrated our drinking water WHO Standard sources, but also started impregnating our food chain with a vengeance. A study conducted by Bangladesh University of The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, has highlighted the a provisional Guideline Value (GV) of 10 µg/L for arsenic fact that arsenic concentration in the soil, particularly in the in drinking water in 1993, which has been adopted as

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action (JPOA) with Government Of Assam. 7000 water samples from 25 km wide strips on two banks of the river Brahmaputra from Dhubri-Bangladesh Border to Arunachal Pradesh border in upper Assam were collected and tested in different laboratories in Kolkata including Bengal Engg. College, Sibpur, Ramkrishna Loka Shikha Parishad Labs., Kolkata by UNICEF Kolkata . Out of 203 blocks in 23 (old) districts of Assam, 76 blocks in 21 districts were found to be effected by excess arsenic which is more severe than widely known arsenic Arsenic diet : Arsenic levels (in milligramme per problem in West Bengal where 50 % districts were affected. kilogramme (mg/kg)) in food items It is clear that huge number of spot sources out of 3 lakhs Tuber 150 spot sources, created by Government for provision of Tomato 20.1 drinking water, will have to be screened for arsenic content Cabbage 7.2 apart from equal number of privately owned spot sources. Bean 5.1 Under the JPOA five rural laboratories ( Titabor, Leafy vegetables 4.5 Gagamukh, Belchar, Silchar and Bilasipara) with double Cauliflower 2.7 Papaya 1.1 beam UV Spectrophotometer, physio-chemical and Vegetable curry 0.81 bacteriological testing facilities and one referral lab Rice 0.35 (Guwahati) with Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer, Spinach 0.33 had been set up with UNICEF assistance. Management of Fish curry 0.27 rural laboratories was with the NGO under supervision of Note: Maximum permissible limit0.2 mg/kg. PHED with required support from IIT, Guwahati in Source: Andrew Meharg 2004, Arsenic in rice under- consultation to UNICEF. standing a new disaster for South East Asia, in Trends in Plant Science, Vol 20, No 20, pp 1-3. Gist of the finding: 18 out of 23 (old) districts found with excess fluoride in standard for arsenic in drinking water in many developed ground water of Assam countries. Number of effected Habitations 1970 and number of BIS Standard, people in risk areas( As >50 ppb) are 7,22,603nos. While many developing countries have retained the Out of 56,180 sources tested 11,459 sources are earlier WHO guideline value of 50 µg/L as the national containing As > 10 ppb <40 ppb And 4464 sources are containing As >50 ppb. standard or as an interim target for technical and 794 schools are with arsenic contaminated drinking economical reasons, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) water sources has also set a maximum allowable limit of 0.01 mg/L. The Government of India has also accepted, based on the environmental factors, socio economic factor and food habit, maximum allowable standard as 50µg/L for our country for the interim period. (It is very important to realize that the 0.01 mg/L WHO drinking water guideline for As is based on a 6x10-4 excess skin cancer risk for human males in Taiwan, which is 60 times higher than the 1x10-5 factor that is typically used to protect public health (WHO, 1996). WHO states that the health-based drinking water guideline for As should be 0.00017 mg/L. However, the detection limit for most laboratories is 0.01 mg/L, which is why the less protective guideline was adopted (WHO, 1993; WHO, 1998a). After these findings of excess arsenic (more than 50 ppb) in two districts of Assam , UNICEF stepped in for rapid appraisal of arsenic menace through a Joint Plan Of

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and charcoal bed and pour water over it for collection in bucket. In this process most of iron along with some arsenic is removed through process known as co-precipitation. Laboratory tests had shown that Fe/As ratio is important for determining the extent of co-precipitation of arsenic with iron though arsenic precipitation is directly related with iron and its nature in water, the interfering agents are phosphate and silicate. However, Experiment in Bangladesh had established that ratio of Fe/As of greater than 40 were required to reduce the arsenic less than 50 ppb(Ref; Meng and Korfiat Removal of Arsenic)

(Ref: Bangladesh Well Water, Technologies for Arsenic Removal pp.123) Another reason in the symptoms of arsenicosis mimics is many other known common diseases. Unless the physicians are specially trained the naked eye diagnosis is likely to miss arsenocosis. Skin lesion is mistaken as other socially disgraceful diseases due to which the patient does not likely reveal the cases and thus the chances of diagnosis become difficult. The Need of Screening Patients From Arsenic Suspected cases of arsenicosis ( found by author in Nalbari Effected areas for Arsenicosis : Distrcit in 2005) skin lesion on the palm of a boy of 6 years old The detection of arsenicosis requires intimate and on the back of a lady, photos taken after 3 months of knowledge about the diseases- in absence of published discontinuation of Arsenic Content private Tube Well water ( arsenic effected source lists and special orientation of the Arsenic reportedly more than 1000 ppb) earlier skin lesion was more sever , they are also suffering from enlarged liver , physicians it is difficult to discern arsenicosis from other arsenic in the nail and hair of patients are to be checked. common look alike diseases. Unlike fluorosis which drew early attention from government and external agencies, the Arsinocosis Status of Assam: early detection of Arsenicosis patients is important for No health check up program has been started due to which confirmed cases of arsinocosis are not yet known. In absence of epidemiological study and related factors we can at best conclude: An important factor is occurance of arsenic with excess iron in ground water. The wide spread iron in ground water along with/without arsenic makes the water non potable without some sort of treatment. Arsenic being tasteless, colorless, odourless goes undetected; on the other hand the iron contamination is visible it causes red water, strong metallic smell and taste, discoloration of teeth, utensils, cloths, throws red sludge at bottom of container, chocks plumbing- all these evils make presence of iron in water highly undesirable . Therefore, in absence of filtered water supply in all iron affected villages people normally make Photo: Iron Removal in improvised filter on a Karai in a village of impoverished arrangements in the form of filter with sand Ghilamara district, the danger of bacteriological contamination in this process looms large( photo by Author)

16 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine curative treatment to start with. It has been experienced that Teracotta Filter (TF) and Activated Alumina (AA); TF with the withdrawal of arsenic water and other normal removes iron and AA absorbs arsenic from water. Nano treatment the arsenic symptoms gets reduced. technologies are being tried in West Bengal along with in- Arsenic Mitigation: situ precipitation of Arsenic in the aquifer itself. It is to be Surface water is generally found devoid of arsenic. As kept in mind that all aquifer are not contaminated with policy, Government of India and State Governments have excess arsenic those should be alienated and tapped. taken decision to supply safe water from river, lakes, ponds, Conclusion: springs after necessary treatment. In Assam already a few In last one decade the perception about ground water Piped Water supply schemes had been taken up especially quality in Assam has undergone sea change mainly due to in arsenic affected areas the largest one is the Titabor Pipe finding of two toxic elements; Fluoride and Arsenic .We Water Supply scheme at a cost of more than Rs.100 cr. It is shall have to live with these newly found challenges to not possible to cover all villages by pipe water supply health. The base line data as collected during research has to scheme within a short time, and it is also difficult to be preserved correctly and up dated from time to time. maintain, as the average cost being Rs. 8000-10,000 per Water quality has be checked regularly. The revival of person which is hugely costly. Many in-situ arsenic unfinished agenda of Joint Plan Of Action UNICEF and removal methods are being tried. There was a research and Govt. Of Assam is necessary. It is imperative that with development of mobile arsenic removal plant based on sustainable engineering mitigation through provision of Electrolytic Treatment method with iron electrodes 3000 safe water (which has been started by the government in ltrs/hr. capacity, which had been successfully used in West some places), awareness generation, medical intervention Bengal along with the development of household iron cum and rehabilitation of crippled patients are to be done arsenic removal filter under UNICEF program based on without further loss of time.

Prof. Civil Engineering (RIST) Ex.Chief Engineer , PHED, Consultant UNICEF, Team Leader , IDC, Agartala , Consultant -Tata Consulting Engineers ,Presently Advisor to Arsenic and Fluoride Knowledge and Action Net Works(INREM, Ananad, Saci WATERS Secunderbad), Consultant to Oil and Gas Exploration Companies, Member Water Quality Task Force (GoA) etc. ****

45 ways to avoid using the word 'very'.

Avoid Saying Avoid Saying Avoid Saying Rather say: Rather say: Rather say: Very: very: Very: Afraid Terrified Angry Furious Beautiful Exquisite Bad Atrocious Big Immense Bright Dazzling Capable Accomplished Clean Spotless Clever Brilliant Cold Freezing Old Ancient Poor Destitute Good Superb Small Tiny Quiet Silent Happy Jubiliant Stupid Idiotic Tasty Delicious Valuable Precious Wet Soaked Wicked Villainous Conventional Conservative Dirty Squalid Dry Parched Eager Keen Fast Quick Fierce Ferocious Hot Scalding Hungry Ravenous Large Colossal Lively Vivacious Loved Adored Neat Immaculate Pretty Beautiful Risky Perilous Roomy Spacious Rude Vulgar Serious Solemn Strong Unyielding Thin Gaunt Tired Exhausted Ugly Hideous Weak Feeble Wise Sagacious Worried anxious

17 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Enhancing Employability in Engineering Colleges

Soumen Das Guest Faculty, Training & Placement

In spite of India being known for its technical skills and Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human engineering minds, less than 1 out of 4 engineering Resources Development (MHRD),Government of India. graduates is employable in India. Only around 18% of Qualifying in GATE helps students to get into the engineering graduates are employable. Some lack domain premier institute/organizations of the country for higher skill, some lack programming and algorithm skill, some studies with good scholarship which is equivalent to the have poor analytical and quantitative skill and majority of salary given by even some of the MNCs. After joining them lack soft skill and basic aptitude. This means that a M.Tech. at IITs and IISc, one can look at a salary package large number of engineering graduates i.e. almost 82% will ranging from Rs 7 lakh to 30 lakh per annum, depending remain unemployed even after graduation. An economy upon specialization and performance. Many public sector with large percentage of unemployable qualified undertakings such as BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation, candidates is not only inefficient, but socially dangerous. NTPC, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (there are PSUs Also there's a large mismatch in aspirations of graduating totalling 217 in number) are also using the GATE score for engineers and their job readiness, which can create large selecting candidates for their organizations. scale dissatisfaction. PSU banks have been announcing lakhs of jobs year on In recent time, the placement at engineering colleges year and it was a great relief to many of the engineering got some relief because of the public sectors announcing graduates to get a socially and financially stable job. Even job vacancies and initiative taken by colleges to prepare the graduates from NITs are going into the banking sector students for these jobs. Many of the engineering colleges jobs which are very lucrative by clearing the IBPS exam. now prepare the students well in advance from the 3rd year These jobs can easily get an income of 3lakh to 5 lakh per itself for the qualifying exams and interview preparations. I annum. am particularly talking about the GATE and IBPS/SSC Qualifying in the written test is just a part of the entire exams. process. The biggest hurdle for engineering graduates has The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) been the soft skills and interview skills. Since most of the is an all-India examination that primarily tests the business has become global, it has become indispensible comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate for the engineering graduates to be good in communication subjects in engineering and science. GATE is conducted skills. jointly by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and the I being an expert from the field, I must appreciate the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, effort RIST is putting in to improve the corporate readiness Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras andRoorkee) on skill of its engineering graduates. The college is one of the behalf of the National Coordination Board GATE, first colleges of NER to spend time and money for training and placements of its students at a very early stage.

Soumen Das, B.Tech (IIT Guwahati), PGDM(IIM Lucknow) He is founder Kindergarden Preschool, Bhavishya (an NGO for education and healthcare upliftment) and T.I.M.E Guwahati. He worked with General Motors and Capgemini in USA and India. He is also mentor to Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship and taught in various premier institutes of the country at various part time capacities. He has trained 3000+ students till date from NER for various competitive exams in India and many of his students are now studying and graduated from IITs, IIMs and abroad universities.


18 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

The Genesis and Subsequent Growth of ERD Foundation A .H. Barbhuiya Registrar

A humble beginning: The gradual steps of evolution: A small seed sown someday emerges into a big tree, Today, under the aegis of the Foundation, he has provided the seed sown is tended to with proper care and established two CBSE Schools, one Junior College, two nurture. The story of ERD Foundation is like an emerging professional degree Colleges, one Engineering College, tree, which has firmly planted its roots in the soil of Assam. one University and a Coaching & Career Guidance Centre. And this story scripted its success due to one person and his More than 5500 students are studying in various disciplines inimitable endeavour, who is fondly called Mr. Mahbubul under ERDF group of institutions and around 650 human Hoque. This great pioneer of education was at some point resources are engaged in the Foundation in different of time, just a boy next-door, very common and humble, positions. It has become possible for the Foundation to hailing from a nondescript village situated in the district of achieve this stage today only due to the overall support Karimganj in Assam. He was raised amidst umpteen from all sections of people associated with it-mentors, struggles against poverty having lost both his parents at an guardians, students, staff- both teaching and non-teaching early age. From a very tender age, he had taken the onus of involved in every aspect of development. There is excellent his studies upon himself by giving tuition classes to young team work and sincere contribution along with devotion by students in his own vicinity and also by selling home- each and every employee of the Foundation as they are all grown vegetables in the market. This is not all, the untimely bonded with a sense of belongingness to the entire ERDF demise of his elder brother in a tragic accident suspected to Family. Although the Foundation had a young and dynamic be a conspiracy, who was also his mentor and financer, staff during the initial periods, now having seeing the rapid further escalated his woes. But unfazed by all the financial growth many resource persons with experience and difficulties, he went on with his studies and ultimately came expertise in different fields have also joined hands, thereby out with flying colours from prestigious Aligarh Muslim helping the Foundation scale newer heights. The chairman University in the year 2000. Although, he had got lucrative has developed a very strong network with different job offers from different MNCs and IT industries of the renowned personalities of academic fraternity as well as country as well as abroad but he decided to come back to his scientists across the country as it is his hobby to meet new native place and mould his career as an Educational people with new ideas and implement the same in his own Entrepreneur. His first educational venture was Central IT ventures. College which he started in the year 2001 with only one The policy of ERDF is “Empowering Education is computer and 4 students. He managed finance by Empowering Society”. Apart from the regular academic assembling computers and selling them off in the market to activities, ERD Foundation always strives for holistic uplift set up a computer laboratory. In his initial days of struggle, of the society with its welfare initiatives such as - Free he lived in the institution premises itself, spent his nights education for poor meritorious students, Scholarships, sleeping on office sofa as he could not afford to rent a house Endowment, Fellowships, Emergency treatment and for permanent stay. That was just the beginning but after Medical Assistance for poor and economically weaker that he did not have to look back. Central IT College soon sections of the society, Women's Endowment for financial became the second best study-centre of Sikkim Manipal assistance to the widows, Interest free Loans, Marriage University in the whole country. Gradually, this dream Loans, Awareness Campaigns and Rallies/Street Plays for grew big once he began to derive exclusive ideas from social cause, Relief drives etc. Recently the foundation has different top-level educational institutions he visited across also established a Centre for Educational Rehabilitation for India. He got both inspiration and encouragement from the strife affected/displaced students. The whole idea of this gradual success of Central IT College to set up more centre is conceptualized by Mr. Hoque himself totally on ventures. Thus, he continued his struggle in the field of humanitarian ground to shelter the strife-affected students education and succeeded to achieve one milestone after of BTAD areas irrespective of caste or community to foster another. To streamline all the Institutions under a parent peace, unity and harmony through Education. Out of total organization, he founded Education Research and 14000 affected students of recent BTAD violence, more Development Foundation in the year 2005 under his than 400 students have been already rehabilitated in the first Chairmanship. phase by adopting in the residential schools under the

19 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Foundation for free education. This humanitarian concept employees and honoured them with awards in the same came as a permanent and perennial solution to a very meeting. volatile socio-economic problem unleashed by political As Mr. Hoque himself was a victim of brutal poverty reasons. Many humanists, social workers and stake-holders during his student life, he therefore, is always ready to came forward with various relief-schemes like distribution extend his helping hand to the poor meritorious students of of food, clothing etc. and other resources in the strife-torn the underprivileged rural areas. This extraordinary areas. But Mr. Hoque dwelled at length on the problem and visionary already has a proven track-record of helping the identified educational rehabilitation of the displaced poor and needy juniors in Aligarh Muslim University, students, irrespective of caste, creed and religion to be one which he is continuing to do till date. He had initiated a of the most befitting and long-term solutions to a complex special scheme called “HOQUE 20” under which 20 such psychological and emotional predicament of the strife brilliant students are fully sponsored by the Foundation for victims. In this lies his greatness and strength of mind to do obtaining coaching on Civil Service Examinations, things differently without a tinge of fear in unlike his other isolating poverty from the path of realizing their cherished counterparts in the society. dreams. Mr. Hoque is an awe-inspiring figure in the field of “Empowering Women” is ERDF's another dictum. A educational entrepreneurship, as he keeps setting unique Women's College is being established at Badarpur in trends for others to imitate. His innovations are often Karimganj District of Assam in the memory of Late ground-breaking, unconventional and first of its kind. He is Khairun Nessa, the beloved mother of Shri Mahbubul the first educational reformist from the region to provide a Hoque who served his mother during her death struggle till distinguished platform to all the graduates of the North East the last moment fully dedicating two most crucial years of Region to voice their concerns and opinions freely by his life when he was in his twelfth standard, the blessings of organizing a mega-event called North East Graduate which is probably the mystery behind the miraculous Congress in his Techno city campus. Currently, this event success of Mr Hoque to establish himself as a pioneer in the has attained the status of an annual feature which is jointly field of higher and technical education today. This organized by University of science and Technology educational venture dedicated for women is indeed a bold Meghalaya (USTM) and Regional Institute of Science & step to break the barriers in Female Education, especially Technology, 9th Mile (RIST). for the downtrodden rural women from the minority Consolidation of ventures: communities. It can be mentioned here that ERD Due to Mr. Hoque's resourcefulness, USTM and RIST Foundation has always been in the forefront so far as have become two concrete educational ventures with state- education of the girl-child is concerned, as 33% seats are of-the art facilities within a short span of 15 years of his reserved for girl students in each and every institution under foray into the domain of educational entrepreneurship. The ERDF. university offers diverse academic curriculum for all the 3 With his keen interest and initiative a women forum has streams of Arts, Science and Commerce including a host of been constituted headed by Dr Aloka Sarma, Dean, other co-curricular courses like Ph.D and RIST is an Students Welfare especially to take guard of the interest of engineering institute with a difference offers B.Tech the women community including staff and students in his programmes in almost all major disciplines like Civil, biggest educational campus located in the 9th Mile of Ri- Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Bhoi district of Meghalaya. Honoring the Meghalaya's Communication Engineering and Computer Science & traditional matriarchal society, a concept contrary to the Engineering with a present students enrolment of more than patriarchal trend across rest of India, the foundation's 1000.The students of RIST institute are persistently shown Chairman has recently appointed Ms. Anju Hazarika, a outstanding performances by bagging gold medals and dynamic and the senior most lady worker of the foundation holding top positions in the final examinations under North who proved her dedication by contributing a part her mere Eastern Hill University, Shilling, the prestigious and the amount of salary towards meeting the official expenses oldest central University of the Region. Although, the during the initial developing stage of the foundation, as university (USTM) is in a growing stage, it has a world- Registrar of the University of Science & Technology, the class infrastructure and adequate human and material highest educational venture of the foundation committed to resources to organize international seminars. In fact several promote quality higher education in the region with a national and international seminars/workshops have special focus on women's education and welfare. already been hosted by various departments of the He applauded the women employees of the foundation university on emerging areas which have generated a deep- in a recently held meeting organized in the Techno city on seated academic impression in the minds of both the the occasion of International Women's Day-2015, who are national and global intellectuals. Another feather is added working relentless for the growth of this great educational to the cap of his unique activities with the launch of a daily mission and assured his best support and cooperation news-bulletin service called, “Techno-City News” inside towards empowering women so that every woman is the Techno city campus to update the faculty members as respected, honoured and placed in a good position in the well as the students with day- to-day happenings within and society and announced 16 Ideal Ladies among 200 women outside the varsity premises. Mr. Hoque has strongly 20 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine vouched for the growth of Science and Technology time is spent solving critical problems of life, problems education as a harbinger of social change and community mainly afflicting the community and his educational development and made it one of his thrust areas in his enterprises. Mr. Mahbubul Hoque's ideas spring forth from educational interventions. He also firmly believes that only his ideology of nation-building by selflessly contributing scientific and technological know-how can provide our humanitarian service to the society. He has single-handedly students with the necessary wherewithal to make it in toiled to raise the stature of ERD Foundation towards an today's global world. In keeping with this view, he started acme of success. He had weathered many storms to build up both RIST and USTM to cater to the technology vacuum the Foundation with limited financial resources. Because of North East India is suffering from. He further consolidated his outstanding contribution towards his community both these august institutions each of them having adequate members he has been appointed as a member of NMCMEI infrastructure by converting the RIST-USTM campus into (National Monitoring Committee for Minority educational the Techno-City to uplift scientific and technical education Institutions) under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. As a in the region and disseminating the knowledge in the form result of his exemplary zeal in spreading education and his of innovations and research all over the country. He is not untiring efforts to bring affordable technical education only a successful entrepreneur but also a true path-finder by within the reach of every household of North East Region, being the first alumni of AMU to initiate an educational he was the sole winner of the Award, “The Edupreneur venture, seen by many from this prestigious university, 2013” from the North East Region conferred on him by today, as a real “iconoclast”- a breaker of traditions. Instead Engineering Watch, a national-level magazine that of becoming a technocrat like his contemporaries, he opted advocates the cause of technical education in India and for a path hardly taken by others and indeed he became a promotes Educational Entrepreneurs who have been resounding success. His action-plan and way-faring contributing immensely towards the growth of technical outlook has earned him a comparison with Sir Syed Ahmed education in the country. Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University. Mr. In this whole evolution process of the Foundation, there Mahbubul Hoque is, therefore, called by many as Sir Syed were lots of hurdles involved mainly in terms of managing of North East Region. funds. The constant source has been only the mobilization Because of the presence of such a colossal personality at of fees collected through the students. But unable to meet the helm of affairs of ERD Foundation, it has grown from with the huge expenses of ongoing construction works for strength to strength within a decade or so. Yet, this man with infrastructure upgradation, the Foundation had to take an indomitable strength of will is unstoppable and is all set loans from NEDFi and other banks interest-free loans from to traverse the farthest distance with his keen thirst for stakeholders etc. Also, there are lots of contributions from knowledge and a critical eye for detail. His administrative the sponsors and well-wishers who have been giving credit abilities are rarest as he is known to be one of the youngest to ERDF just to grow and expand. The Foundation has a educational administrator as well as chancellor of a strong resolution to continue its mission of spreading university in the whole country. He is known to start his day Education to every nook and corner of the North East as early as 4:30am in the morning, overseeing and Region. Under ERDF VISION 2020, the Foundation has a supervising every work taking place since early morning plan of establishing number of CBSE schools in rural and both in RIST and USTM until the wee hours of the night. underprivileged areas of the region along with other Losing minimum time over sleep he utilizes his waking institutions including a Medical College. hours at night in other productive works. Maximum of his


“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”

------Albert Einstein

21 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

History speaks- How primitive Ice box gave way to present Refrigerators.

Nabendu Kumar Deb Assistant Professor (Physics) Deptt. of Basic Science and Humanities

In the last half of the 19th century, roughly from staggering. In the winter of 1879-1880, about 1,300,000 1850 to the turn of the century, the principal export to the tons of ice was harvested in Maine alone, and in the winter United States was cotton. The second most important of 1889-1890, the Maine harvest was 3 million tons. The export by dollar volume was ice. Americans developed Hudson river supplied about 2 million tons of ice per year to methods for harvesting, storing and transporting natural ice New York City during that period. Even that was not on a global scale. In 1810, a Maryland farmer, Thomas enough, for during those same years, New York City Moore, developed an ice-box to carry butter to market and imported about 15,000 tons from Canada and 18,000 tons to keep it hard until sold. This early refrigerator was an oval from Norway annually. cedar tub with an inner sheet of metal serving as a butter Ice changed the American diet. Fresh food container that could be surrounded on four sides by ice. A preserved with ice was now preferred to food preserved by rabbit skin provided the insulated cover. Moore also smoking or salting. Fresh milk could be widely distributed developed an insulated box for home use. It featured an ice in the cities. By now, the people were accustomed to having container attached to the lid and a 6 cu ft storage space ice on demand, and great disruptions of the market place below. Ice harvesting was revolutionized in 1825 when occurred when ice was not available. Ice was, after all, a Nathaniel J. Wyeth invented a horse-drawn ice cutter. It was natural product, and a “bad” winter (a warm one) was Wyeth's method of cutting blocks of similar size quickly disastrous to the market place and to the diet. It was time for and cheaply that made the bountiful supplies of natural ice the invention of machines to make ice on demand and free resources of the United States available for food the market from dependence on the weather. preservation. A steam-powered endless chain was Machines employing air as a refrigerant, called developed in 1855 that could haul 600 tons of ice per hour to compressed air or cold air machines, were appearing. They be stored. Wyeth and Tudor patented a means to prevent the were based on the reverse of the phenomenon of heating ice blocks from freezing together by placing saw dust that occurred when air was compressed, namely that air between the layers. Uniform blocks reduced waste, cooled as it expanded against resistance. This phenomenon facilitated transportation, and introduced ice to the of nature had been observed as early as the middle of the 18th consumer level. century. Richard Trevithick, who lived until 1833 in The amount of ice harvested each year was Cornwall, England, constructed engines in which

Figures showing horse-drawn ice cutter and the primitive ice box.

22 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine expanding air was used to convert water to ice. In 1846, an job to determine how much cooling is produced, how much American, John Dutton, obtained a patent for making ice by work is required for that cooling, and what kind of the expansion of air. The real development of the cold air compressor or other equipment is required. More than that, machine, however, began with the one developed by John we have made it our business to optimize such a cycle, till Gorrie of Florida and Patented in England in 1850 and in the date, by trading energy for capital until a minimum cost is United States in 1851, which eventually evolved into true found. We can make any process more “efficient”, i.e., less cryogenics (the branch of science that deals with the study energy-demanding, by increasing the size, complexity, and of low temperatures), not merely ice production. cost of the capital equipment employed. For instance, an For now, however, in the late 1800s, it was possible to buy isothermal compressor, the most expensive compressor to an ice making machine for home use, which had the same build, requires less energy to operate than any other kind of components and followed exactly the same thermodynamic compressor; and so on. processes as all or any of today's refrigerators. This is how Finally someone quoted for all posterity: the refrigerators came into being. “There once was a young man named Carnot All refrigerators involve exchanging energy (or work) Whose logic was able to show to compress a working fluid. The working fluid is later For a work source proficient expanded against a resistance, and the fluid cools (usually). There is none so efficient Engineers' role then came into play. They have made it their As an engine that simply won't go.”

Laugh a While!!

ü This is the collection of leave letters and applications written by people from various places. This is Indian English at its best. 1) A candidate's application : “This has reference to your advertisement calling for 'a typist and an accountant Male or Female' … As I am both for the past several years and I can handle both, I am applying for the post.” 2) An employee applied for leave as follows: “Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife. Please sanction me one week leave.” 3) Another employee applied for half day leave as follows: “Since I've to go to the cremation ground and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave.”

23 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Lean Manufacturing System

Nazia Rehman Assistant Professor Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering

Japanese manufacturing techniques emerged as an Based market leader in the business of manufacturing of area of influential practice in the post-World War II era and compressors, construction& mining equipments & reached the height of prominence in the 1980s. Several machine tools. Having got the opportunity of working as a adaptations of these practices have infact made their way planning engineer in air filter assembly line in this into the U.S. and worldwide manufacturing operations organisation, I got a hands-on experience on Kanban flow. because of their distinguishing characteristics which In the TPS (Toyota Production System), a unique include emphasis on optimizing efficiency and a strong production control method called the "Kanban system" commitment to quality. plays an integral role. It is called the "Supermarket method" Perhaps the most widely recognized collection of because the idea behind it was borrowed from Japanese manufacturing techniques is what is known as the supermarkets. Such mass merchandizing stores use product Toyota Production System (TPS) or lean control cards upon which product-related information, such manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a systematic as a product's name, code and storage location, are entered. method for the elimination of waste within a manufacturing Because Toyota employed kanban signs for use in their process. The pioneers of these methods were Taiichi Ohno, production processes, the method came to be called the a former Toyota executive, and Shigeo Shingo, an eminent "Kanban system." At Toyota, when a process refers to a engineer and consultant.TPS or lean manufacturing preceding process to retrieve parts, it uses a kanban to includes several tools like Kanban, Five S, Poka yoke, communicate which parts have been used. SMED, Total productive maintenance, etc. During my short tenure of 7 years in manufacturing So why JIT and Kanban? and SCM industry I have been fortunate enough to Because they provide a number of benefits like experience some of the best Japanese manufacturing tools · Reduce inventory and product obsolesce used in lean manufacturing. I was extremely fascinated by · Reduces waste and scrap the process of Just In Time (JIT) and Kanban flow in · Provides flexibility in production practise in assembly line in Atlas Copco (I) Ltd , a Swedish · Increases output etc

24 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Also while working in Cummins (I) ltd , a market leader in Diesel & Gas engines, I experienced and used some other tools used in lean manufacturing like '5S' and 'Kaizen'. '5S' is a Japanese workplace organisation method that has five phases Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiton, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. These five Japanese words can be translated as sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. These steps describes how to organise a workspace/manufacturing unit for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items and sustaining the new order. While implementing 5S practises in the shop floor in Cummins we first made a detailed study of each section in the shop floor like assembly, dismantling, cam shaft, fuel pump etc. and made a detailed report of the list of things to Fig: 5S procedure in a nutshell be organised with target dates. On completion of the project This is a continuous process. In Toyata, an employee put we got a more systematic and organised shop-floor. Thus forwards average 60-70 suggestions per year. Thus the these practices results in profitability, efficiency, service company combines the collective talents to create an engine and safety. for continuously eliminating waste and hence improving Another such tool of lean manufacturing is Kaizen manufacturing processes. which is the practice of continuous improvement. Kaizen These are of course only few tools of TPS or lean in Japanese means 'change for better'. Kaizen is a system manufacturing but the overall list is exhaustive. Still it that involves every employee in an organisation from upper throws a light on how the steady growth of Toyata has been management to workers. Everyone is encouraged to come achieved from a small company to the world's largest up with small improvement suggestions on a regular basis. automaker. ****

Chapchar Kut Chapchar Kut is named after bamboo that has been cut and is drying. This agricultural festival is celebrated before planting begins. The festival is celebrated in the month of March. Cheraw or the bamboo dance is a big part of the festival. Different styles of dance performances take place amidst beats of drums. Art, handicrafts, concerts, flower shows, and cuisines also play a major part of this festival. Towards the end of February, the Mizos prepare the land for fresh planting. After the planting, a few days of relaxation are followed before the serious business of sowing.The Chapchar Kut festival is celebrated during this relaxation period with merriment and enthusiasm. On this day people of all ages, young and old, men and women get dressed up in their colorful costumes. Distinguishing head gears and jewelries are paired with the traditional colorful dresses. Various folk dances and traditional songs are accompanied by beating of drums, gongs and cymbals. They dance in blissful celebration of life, each team displaying the preeminent of its region. Some dances are firmly martial dance performed by warriors with their weapons and trophies. Bamboo dance is another feature which is performed with the help of long bamboo staves. Bamboo dance is considered as the most colorful and distinctive dance of the Mizos and this dance form requires skill and an alert mind. Khuallam, Chheihlam, Chai and Sarlamknce performances performed during this festival. The ceremonies are accompanied by a feast. Friends from nearby villages are invited to this feast and Khuallam or the welcome dance is performed to greet the visitors and guests. Exhibition and sale of native Handloom and Handicraft products are organized during the festival. Other tourist attractions like flower show, food festival, music competition and different traditional games are also organized during the festival.

25 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Have Funs with Calculator………..

Md. Mukul Hussain Assistant Professor Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering

“Amusement is one of the fields of applied 2. Generating numbers having only digit 8: mathematics” W.F. White. One of the most fascinating things I have observed 9x9+7=88 while playing with a calculator is that it can solve a 98x9+6=888 transcendental equations, can give exact results but has 987x9+5=8888 limitations in simple calculations. 9876x9+4=88888 For example: we can find the solution of 98765x9+3=888888 transcendental equations like tan x=x, cos x = x, x + lnx = 0, 987654x9+2=8888888 x + log x = 0, etc. For instance, to find solution of cos x = x, 9876543x9+1=88888888 we proceed realizing that whether x is positive or negative, 98765432x9+0=888888888 cos x is positive so that x must be positive. Next, we realize 987654321x9+(-1)=8888888888 that cos x < 1 so that x < 1. So, we press any number in the 9876543210x9+(-2)=8888888888 range of 0 < x < 1. But since cos x is a number, so x is a number and hence the calculation must be carried out in 3. Square of few numbers having 5 in ones place. radian measure and not in degree measure. So, we press any Find the Square of the numbers like 15, 25, 35, … 105, 115, …. 155, 165, ... 205, ... 255 etc. The observation is that number, say, 0.6. Press the button of cos again and again till multiply the ones position values and put it without we find that there is no change in the result displayed. Then carrying any values to right most position of equal sign, add x = 0.739085133 radian or 42.34645884 degree. 1 to the remaining digits of either values and multiply them But it will not be able to find the integration of put left to the values that we have already put right to the improper integrals. It will display 'Ma error'. But without equal sign.(e.g. 12345 x 12345 = ?) using the calculator we can find the improper integrals Ans: 5x5 = 25, (1+1234=1235) x 1234 = 1523990. which are convergent like dx etc. obviously they are convergent but the calculator cannot find them. Therefore, Nothing is perfect in the universe. The calculator has a defect. Everything has its own merits and demerits. So, it is 12345 x 12345 = 152399025 only through knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a system, we can maximize the advantages and minimize 4. The special reversals: the disadvantages. 9x9=81; 9+9=18 1. Generating Digits except zero in ascending 24x3=72; 24+3=27 47x2=94; 47+2=49 order: 497x2=994; 497+2=499 11111111/0.9, 22222222/1.8, 33333333/2.7, 5. Squaring numbers having only digit 3: 44444444/3.6, 55555555/4.5, 66666666/5.4, 33x33=1089 77777777/6.3, 88888888/7.2, 99999999/8.1; 333x333=110889 Interestingly you will get the same display on your 3333x3333=11108889 calculator , i.e. 33333x33333=1111088889 123456789 (And so on)


26 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Computer Science Engineering & Its Scopes:

Karjan Basumatary Assistant Professor Deptt. of Computer Science Engineering

It is true that due to information technology the world Hardware Engineer: Responsibility of this is changing, the communication has developed and the professional includes installation of computer hardware as people have started exchanging cultures from one well as installation of operating systems in the systems, community to another community. With the technology the design & tests the systems for operations. Hardware world has become global village, distances are no more a engineers are sometime said to be System Administrator. bar now, the skies are covered with communication Hardware engineers are having large scope in the corporate network. Living standard of human being has been world. Most of the organization having their own OS but changed. From rickshaw puller to the house wife, every these days Linux and windows having more scope compare person is connected with computer network & mobile to the other. So student can take extra certificate on Red Hat network by using the social network sites where everyone (Linux) for better opportunity. can updates (audio, video, text) on portals, tweet, post and Network Engineer: Network engineers are said to be share every things within few seconds by just clicking & Network Administrator. This profession needs to design a typing. system network & configuration of network with different Everybody became busy with networks but why? The devices such as SONET, ROUTER'S and Switches, simple answer is Computer Science/ Information maintaining a secure transfer of data to multiple networks Technology and father of internet i.e. Tim Berners Lee who through the internal and external network. Along with the has invented and developed the www. Anyway compared to configuration, the implementation, administering the other field of the engineering, the computer LAN/WAN security, antivirus and spam control and science/information technology provide white collar job troubleshooting of networks are core task for Network with more career scope in every aspects from work culture Engineers. Student can pursue short term courses on to the annual earning. After graduation, entry levels in IT CISCO certification such as CCNP, CCNA for better jobs are quite tough but once if entered then his/her profile opportunity. will change dynamically with more opportunity to the Cyber security: Role of cyber security involves corporate world. After taking an experience of one or two identifying the unknown messages forwarded or received years in IT field he/she can bargain with the organization on the particular one / more machines in the network. It based on his/her skills set. maintains the organizational recorded databases and Therefore, I jotted little job availability in the IT performs the different operations such as authentication market for CSE/IT where students can build their career on maintenance, data integrity, non repudiation and access respective fields and they can develop skills before facing control for the end users from different sources and many any interviews to the IT company. The following are few more. It can be done by using hardware peripheral or jobs available for fresher's CSE/IT graduate: software's. The ethical hacking courses are best option to become

27 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine a cyber security engineers. pages. Apart from the programming skills, the Content Software Engineer: The most preferable job for all Management Systems such as Drupal, Zoomla and computer engineers is Software Engineers. Software moodles software are used for designing the web sites. Engineers having lot of responsibility such as: Designing & Basically those who are expert in HTML, XML, JSP, CSS, Creating engineering specification for software programs PHH, AJAX can go for the web developer job. The main & applications, Working with quality assurance to develop responsibilities of web developers includes: teams design, test plan, Collaborating with hardware to engineers to formatting & redesigning web pages, Testing & assess and test hardware & software interaction and troubleshooting web pages features and many more. implementing a software development methodology as per Data Analyst: Data Analyst job is the most the customers need. challenging job in the IT Sectors. For data analyst a person The software engineers having many profiles in the or individual must have excellent research, analysis and corporate world, few of the profiles are: Software problem-solving skills, as well as good verbal and written developer, Software Testing, System Analyst, Application abilities. The typical duties of data analyst include: Developer, programmer, Database Administrator, Data Collecting, analyzing, mining and leveraging data stored in Analyst, Security Analysis, Web Developer, E-Commerce data warehouse, converting the physical data to the logical Specialist, Technical Writer, Data Warehouse Manager, data models and defining user interfaces for interacting Business Intelligence and many more. with the data warehouse and using the skill of data mining Database Administrator: The main role for the on the stored information. Database Administrator are: Creating, inserting and Conclusion: Even though IT market goes through the updating the organizational data in to databases, managing, ups and downs, but jobs are still available to those who can monitoring and maintaining organizational databases, meet the need of corporate world. Corporate needs smart making requested changes, updates and modifications to people i.e. who can think faster logically, can solve quickly, databases, ensuring database integrity and system calmly with leadership ability. Apart from the corporate availability and maintaining database backup and recovery. world, the Public Sector Union, Medical & Banking Interested student can learn SQL Server, Oracle and Sectors are also recruiting more number of IT engineers as DB2. special officers. A wide range of opportunities such as Web Developer: One of the interesting areas of COO, CEO, CTO, CIO and MD, are offered by the computer field is web developer. These professions need corporate sector, for the students who are graduated from creative and possess excellent design and conceptual skills Engineering and have MBA degree with minimum 7years in combination with an in-depth knowledge of the of experience. technology and software applications used to create web

**** Science Sizzlers For The Mind...

Ø There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times. Ø At over 2000 kilometers long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth. Ø A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8,000 one megaton bombs. Ø We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine. Ø The oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet. Ø Polar Bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras, due to their transparent fur. Ø The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty-five gallons in twenty-four hours. Ø Butterflies taste with their hind feet, and their taste sensation works on touch this allows them to determine whether a leaf is edible. Ø The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph, by Fred Rompelberg.

The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty-five gallons in twenty-four hours.

28 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Top Technological Innovations of the last two decades.

Saptarshi Choudhury Assistant Professor (Management) Deptt. of Basic Science and Humanities

As a teacher, I often find myself telling my students completely changed the way I do everyday research. about tech products and innovations that I didn't have It's my first stop, not my last. And I sometimes spend as growing up. All teachers do it: trying to get their students to much time on the footnotes and where they lead as I do understand how much tougher life was in the old days. on the main text. In my case, the old days were in the 1980s and 1990s-- 9. YouTube: I had considered not including YouTube not that long ago. But the range of change in our lives because it is, in many ways, just an evolution in online continues to impress me and makes me roll my eyes. video. But in recent years, YouTube has become its own I've made a list of the top tech innovations of the last community with 4 billion hours of video watched every two decades. Before you read it, I gave myself one ground month; an important tool for all kinds of marketing, rule basically it has to be stuff I didn't have when I was a promotion and propaganda; and a source of kid. entertainment and information for 800 million people Here is my list (the first six are in order of importance; every day. the rest aren't): 10. Credit cards and Debit cards: Until they came along, 1. The Internet/Web/search: No explanation needed. I had to always check my wallet for cash before buying 2. E-mail: Electronic messaging recently celebrated its something. Since debit cards and credit cards became 30th anniversary, but it wasn't a true mass product until widely available in 2007, I've not had to hesitate before the mid-1990s. going shopping. 3. Cell phones: Cell phones have been around for 11. iPod and iTunes: These changed the music world for decades, but the true revolution has only happened me forever letting us carry thousands of songs at a time since the mid-1990s. and getting millions of us to pay for digital music for 4. Digital cameras: These cameras changed the way I the first time. capture and share memories and how I see the worlds of 12. Tablets and apps: In some ways, tablets feel like my friends, family, and complete strangers. While cousins of laptops and not worthy of this list. But in more of my friends than ever before sling fancy digital many other ways, they are, indeed, new. The key here SLRs, the only digital camera I've used in the last 15 are the apps we use in tablets. As millions of users have months or so is the one in my iPhone. The other day, discovered, tablets can be used in ways that are when someone took a group portrait with a point-and- different from laptops and we see them being used as shoot digital camera, several of us in the picture cash registers, restaurant menus, medical devices and commented on how long it had been since we had used much more. And all this is just getting started. an "old-fashioned" camera. 13. API: APIs or application programming interfaces 5. Laptops and Wi-Fi: Sure, there were ridiculously which allow live data and content from one Web service expensive laptops around in the 1980s, but none had to be posted and used on another have changed how we the transformative effect on my life the way the ones in access information. Everything from mash-ups of real- the 1990s or 2000s did. And the arrival of Wi-Fi freed estate listings and Google maps, to embedding those laptops from the suffocating Ethernet cord. videos, APIs are now a critical part of our digital lives. 6. GPS: I still remember our car vacations started with 14. Cordless irons: I know some of you will claim to have my dad buying maps and highlighting our route in had cordless electric irons for decades now, but the day yellow. When I first saw Web-based Google Maps I I saw one of these, I had to have one when the prices was blown away by the potential; and set the stage for became reasonable. They aren't as good as corded ones how we all use GPS today. (the heat dissipates too quickly), but they changed my 7. Social media, including blogging: Here I'm including ironing life. various platforms -- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, These are my top tech innovations of the last two decades. blogging -- that have changed the way a billion-plus Am sure I am missing some others and that you will people spend their time, express themselves, and disagree with many of my choices (especially if you are in a engage with each other. For better and worse. different age bracket). That's what makes this list so much 8. Wikipedia: While it's easy to complain about some of fun to put together. It has no right or wrong answers, and it's the problems of Wikipedia, the fact is that it has all about you. **** 29 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

What is Pandora's Box?

Nabamita Boral Assistant Professor (English) Deptt. of Basic Science & Humanities.

Often we hear the idiom 'open a Pandora's Box' brother Epimetheus fell in love with Pandora and was which implies something that will create many new and warned by Prometheus not to accept any gift from Zeus. But unexpected troubles. But have we ever given a thought of course, Epimetheus did not listen to his brother and about the origin of this idiom. Well there is an interesting married Pandora anyway. story about this. Pandora's Box is an artifact in Greek Pandora had been given a box by Zeus. It was not a mythology. box but originally an earthen jar. In the jar contained many It is an attempt to explain the beginning of various evils and illnesses. Pandora had been instructed by something. Zeus to never open the jar, but Hermes had also given The name 'Pandora' comes from the Greek words Pandora the gift of curiosity, and she eventually opened the 'Pan' and 'Dora' which means 'giver of all'. She was said to jar. When she did, all the evils, illnesses and diseases were be the first woman created by Zeus (Jupiter). She was given released to plague mankind. After Pandora saw all the evils unique gifts by various gods and goddesses, i.e., Hermes being released from the jar, she tried to close it, but was too gave her the gift of speech, Aphrodite gave her the gift of late. The only blessing to the entire incident was that at the grace, Athena taught her to needlework, etc. bottom of the jar, laid the gift of Hope. There are various versions of the myth. One of the Many other myths also explain the ills of the world myths goes on that the reason Zeus created Pandora was to by saying they are caused by human disobedience of God's get even with Prometheus who stole the 'sacred fire' from instructions. him and gave it to benefit all mankind. Now, Prometheus' Today, Pandora's Box means a source of troubles. We use it as a metaphor to mean what our steps may lead us to.

**** What is the Role of Education to Social Change?

Malini Palit Assistant Professor Deptt. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Education can be used as a tool to empower the Education has been accepted as one major agency of individual. Through child centered learning, students are socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as able to see their own role in transformation. Societal change socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument comes from the collective transformation of the individuals of social change, three things are important: (a) the agents within that society. It has become secular today. It is an of change, (b) the content of change, and (c) the social independent institution now. Education has been chiefly background of those who are sought to be changed, that is, instrumental in preparing the way for the development of students. Educational institutions under the control of science and technology. Education has brought about different cultural groups reflect the values of those groups phenomenal changes in every aspect of men's life. which support and control education. In this situation, According to John Dewey, “Education is the teachers impart specific values, aspirations to the children. development of all those capacities in the individual which Education is never static but dynamic towards more will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his and more progressive changes. The educational system of possibilities”. any society is related to its total social system. It is a sub Education can initiate social changes by bringing about system performing certain functions for the on-going social a change in outlook and attitude of man. It can bring about a system. The goals and needs of the total social system get change in the pattern of social relationships and thereby it reflected in the functions it lays down for educational may cause social changes. system and the form in which it structures it to fulfill those functions.

30 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

In a static society, the main function of the educational educational system influences changes in the society. system is to transmit the cultural heritage to the new According to V.R. Taneja "Education and social generations. But in a changing society, these keep on change is a two-way traffic”. While education preserves, changing from generation to generation and the educational transmits and disseminates the whole culture, social change system in such a society must not only transmit the cultural is the instrument and precondition of educational thought. heritage, but also aid in preparing the young for adjustment It is noted that social change is impossible without to any changes in them that may have occurred or are likely education. Education makes the people aware of the to occur in future. In contemporary societies, the proportion inadequacies of the existing system and creates a craze for of change that is either planned or issues from the social reform. Many of the old superstitions, beliefs and secondary consequences of deliberate innovations is much outdated customs which retards social progress, can be higher than in former times. This is more so in societies that prevented by education. Education is considered as a has newly become independent and are in a developing powerful instrument for social change, because it deals stage. Consequently, in such modern complex societies, mainly with the thought patterns and behaviour patterns of education is called upon to perform an additional function younger generation. The axe of education can cut down the of becoming thick roots of traditional superstitions, ignorance and the Thus, the relationship between educational system and backwardness. Education prepares the people for social society is mutual; sometimes the society influences changes. changes in educational system and at other times the **** Work Life Balance Syeda Sahida Sahin Academic Officer “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go….” In today's busy world, prioritizing between your commitments. It involves you and your employer deciding work and your personal life can be a huge challenge. together on your hours of work, work location and the way But studies show that a poor work is carried out. work-life balance can result Life balance can therefore be understood, planned and in unhealthy levels of stress, achieved, just like any other important aim. Work-Life Balance does not mean an equal balance. unhappiness, and even Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of reduced productivity. your various work and personal activities is usually Maintaining a balanced unrewarding and unrealistic. Life is and should be more life and preventing overwork fluid than that. and stress is essential for Your best individual work-life balance will vary over thriving at work. We know that time, often on a daily physical, social and mental basis. The right activity can help build and balance for you today maintain your mental health. Prioritising work effectively will probably be is essential for managing your workload and will help to different for you reduce stress when you are under pressure. Identifying tomorrow. The right urgent tasks, non urgent tasks and unnecessary activities balance for you when and arranging work accordingly is a helpful strategy. you are single will be Effective planning and communication at work can help different when you to maintain reasonable workloads and anticipate peak marry, or if you have periods. Let your manager know if you have too much work children; when you start a new career versus when you are and ask for their help in managing more effectively. nearing retirement. Maintaining open team communication can facilitate There is no perfect, one-size fits all, balance you should delegating and sharing work during busy periods. be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for Remember to plan ahead for days and extended periods each of us because we all have different priorities and of annual leave to ensure you have time for your personal different lives. commitments,relaxation and other interests. “A true balance between work and life Flexible working arrangements may assist you to comes with knowing that your life balance your work and personal life by enabling you to activities are integrated not separated.” work in a way that suits your life circumstances and - Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

31 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Emerging Issues and Challenges of Higher Education in India Palash Mukul Das Assistant Professor Deptt. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

“Encouragement of higher education for our youth is critical to the success of our collective future.“ Charles B Rangel

India's higher education system is World's Third Largest in Council of India (BCI) , National Council of Teachers terms of students enrollment is next to China and United Education(NCTE), Medical Council of India (MCI) and States .India educates approximately 11 percent of its youth other such regularly body from time to time accommodate in higher education as compared to 20 percent in China. these development. UGC (University Grant Commission) is the main India's GDP growth rate is expected to touch 8% by year governing body of India's higher education, which enforces 2016-17, which makes it one of the promising economies of its standard, advises the government and helps co- the world. Higher education can play a crucial role in coordinating state and central govt. According to 2011 releasing India's dream of becoming a world economic report, India has 227 government recognized university, out super-power. Task Force constitutes by World Bank and of them 20 central university, 109 deemed university and 11 UNESCO observed that higher education helps increasing open university and rest are state private university. There wages and productivity that directly enrich individuals and are 4.57 lakh teachers and 99.54 lakh students in various society. So expansion, inclusion and excellence have to be higher education institutions of India. three main objectives of Indian government. Keeping in Institutions like IIT and IIM have been globally acclaimed mind, government has constituted '' knowledge for their standard of education. However India has failed to commission'' to suggest measures to alleviate the problem produce world class universities like Harvard and of higher education. Biggest challenge in front of Cambridge. According to London Times higher education government is constraint of resources which leads to in- QS ranking no Indian Universities featured in first hundred. health of higher education. Inadequate and diminishing Same picture prevails when we see the recent evaluation of financial support for higher education from the govt is a Universities and research institutions all over world major problem. Under enrollment, poor infrastructure conducted by Shanghai University, when there was not a series of judicial intervention causes a serious blow to the single Indian University in the world's top 306. India is also whole system. With advancement of science & technology home to many universities which have been founded with brings the need for modernizing education system. the sole objectives of making easy money. Despite all those problems and challenges of India's higher Country lacks critical mass in higher education. It's GER education scenario much can be done to improve the (Gross enrollment Ratio) is just 11 percent whereas in system. As world bank says-'' The time is very opportune USA 83 percent and in South Korea 91 percent. for India to make its transition to the knowledge economy, Government of India envisages increasing GER from 11 an economy that creates disseminates and uses knowledge percent to 15 percent by 2020. This requires a substantial to enhance its growth and development. Tertiary education increase in the number of faculty. The overall scenario of is critical for the construction of knowledge economies. Higher Education in India does not match the global India currently produces a solid care of knowledge standard. Many government committees and independent workers. Although country needs to do more to create a academicians have highlighted the crisis of higher large cadre of educated agile workers who can adopt and education in India. Increasing educated unemployment, use knowledge. Measures are also needed to enhance the weakening of students' motivation. Increasing unrest in quality and relevance of higher education so that education campus, degrading standards are few of the major problems is more demand driven, quality conscious and forward faced by India's higher education. Most Indian colleges and looking, especially to retain highly qualified people and universities lock in high end research facilities. Under meet the new and emerging needs of the economy.'' investment in libraries and information technology makes Industry and academia connection, incentives to teachers the cutting edge research almost impossible. Emergence and researchers, innovative practices, mobilizing of New economic order with globalization, resources, student centered education, public-private- industrialization and IT brings the need for policy change in partnership(PPP) are a a few steps Indian authorities can higher education. Along with UGC, All India Council for take to meet the challenges of higher education in India and Technical Education (AICTE), Distance Education Council we will be able to match and compete other countries and (DCE), Indian Council for Education Research (ICAR),Bar dream to be world's super power. 32 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Crop Circle’s Revealed...

Abhishruti Bhuyan Assistant Professor Deptt. Electronics and Communication Engineering

According to some estimates, crop circles appear accidentally produced by the especially vigorous sexual every week somewhere around the world. The strange activity of horny hedgehogs. Some people have suggested circles and patterns appear mysteriously overnight in that the circles are somehow created by incredibly localized farmers' fields, provoking puzzlement, delight, and intrigue and precise wind patterns, or by scientifically undetectable for both locals and the news media. The circles are mostly Earth energy fields and meridians called ley lines. found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of Many who favor an extraterrestrial explanation claim countries around the world in past decades. But who or that aliens physically make the patterns themselves from what is making them? spaceships; others suggest that they do it using invisible Early claims of crop circles energy beams from space, saving them the trip down here. Many people believe that crop circles have been Still others believe that it is human, not extraterrestrial, reported for centuries, a claim repeated in many books and thought and intelligence that is behind the patterns not in websites devoted to the mystery. Their primary piece of the form of hoaxers but some sort of global psychic power evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a that manifests itself in wheat and other crops. field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. . At issue are swirled, Forensic analyst John F. F identified several often circular designs pressed into crop fields, especially characteristics that suggested the work of hoaxers (Nickel those of southern England. They can range from small and Fischer 1992): circles only a few feet in diameter to elaborate 1. An Escalation in Frequency:- Although there “pictograms,” some now as large as a few hundred feet were sporadic reports of simple circles in earlier times and across. By the end of the 1980s books on the crop circle in various countries (possibly as UFO-landing-spot phenomenon had begun to spring up as well, and soon hoaxes), the classic crop circles began to be reported by the circles-mystery enthusiasts were being dubbed mid 1970s. Data on the circles showed that their number cereologists (after Ceres, the Roman goddess of increased annually from 1981-1987, an escalation that vegetation). Circlemania was in full bloom. seemed to correlate with media coverage of the The woodcut was actually used to illustrate what in phenomenon. folklore is called a "mowing devil" legend, in which an 2 Increases in Complexity : -A very important English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding characteristic of the patterned-crops phenomenon was the that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat tendency of the configurations to become increasingly field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the elaborate over time. They progressed from simple swirled harvesting is not unknown or mysterious it is indeed Satan circles to circles with rings and satellites, to still more himself, who can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe. complex patterns. In 1987 came a crop message, According to the original text of the legend, the devil "cut “WEARENOTALONE” (although skeptics observed that, them in round circles, and plac't every straw with that if the source were indeed English-speaking exactness that it would have taken up above an Age for any extraterrestrials, the message should have read “You” Man to perform what he did that one night." This image and rather than “We”). story cannot be related to crop circles because it states 3.There also appeared beautifully interlinked spirals, explicitly that the crop was cut (i.e., harvested) rather than a Menorah, intricate “snowflake” and stylized “spider laid down, as occurs in crop circles.. The number and web” designs, elaborate “Torus Knot” and “Mandala” complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a emblems, pentagram and floral patterns, and other peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate distinctive formations, including an “Origami Hexagram” circles were produced, including those illustrating complex and several fractals (mathematical designs with a motif mathematical equations such as fractals. subjected to repeated subdivision)-all consistent with the Theories and Explanations. intelligence of modern homo sapiens.. Crop circle enthusiasts have come up with many Crop circle features theories about what creates the patterns, ranging from the While there are exceptions, virtually all crop circles plausible to the absurd. One explanation in vogue in the share a set of common characteristics. early 1980s was that the mysterious circle patterns were 1. Circles:- Crop circles, as the name implies, almost

33 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine always involve circles rarely triangles, rectangles, or circle that shows a bright “mysterious arch with internal squares, though some designs contain straight or curved structure that seems to spiral like a plasma.” lines. Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest Again, Howe shows several photos containing pattern for hoaxers to create. “transparent spheres” that the croppies call “energy balls,” 2.Nocturnal creation:- Crop circles are formed “light orbs,” “atmospheric plasmas,” etc. They are overnight, often sighted by farmers or passersby the indistinguishable from “orbs” of “spirit energy” typically next morning. Though there seems no logical reason for seen in photographs of graveyards and other “haunted” extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at places and that sometimes appear in snapshots as UFOs. night, it is obviously a great advantage for hoaxers to create Skeptics have demonstrated that these globelike effects can the designs under the cover of darkness; full moon nights be produced by particles of dust, water droplets, and the are especially popular. like reflecting the flash. Other simulators of paranormal 3. No obvious human trace:- Most crop circles show “energy” in photos include lens flares (the result of inter- little or no signs of human contact. While many people reflection between lens surfaces), bugs and debris consider this very mysterious, in fact it's quite logical: reflecting the flash, and many other causes, including film Hoaxers who devote the time and effort required to design defects and hoaxes and create the (often complex) crop circles are unlikely to Sometimes, however, “hovering balls of light” and carelessly leave obvious signs of their activities. other “energy” effects are reported by eyewitnesses, though Cereologists were forced to concede that hoaxers were not only in the vicinity of crop circles These too may have a producing elaborate designs and that “there are many ways variety of causes including pranksters' parachute flares, to make a hoaxed crop circle.” various misperceived aerial craft and other phenomena Nevertheless the croppies were sure that some of the (such as ball lightning), false claims, hallucinations, etc. In formations must be genuine, citing various “unexplained” some instances, small lights observed moving about crop features. More recently they invoked new “scientific” fields at night might have come from the flashlights of the evidence in that regard, such as that provided by “the BLT circle makers! Research Team” in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The “B” It appears that for the foreseeable future the crop- and “T” are circle “researchers” and “L” is a semi-retired circle phenomenon will continue. At least it has moved biophysicist, W.C. Levengood. He finds a correlation from the level of mere hoaxing-"a form of graffiti on the between certain deformities in plants and their locations blank wall of southern England” (Johnson 1991)-to within crop-circle-type formations, but not control plants represent an impressive genre of outdoor art. The often outside them (Levengood and Talbott 1999). breathtaking designs (best seen in aerial photographs, like Levengood's reasoning is circular: although there are the giant Nazca drawings in Perú) are appreciated not only no guaranteed genuine formations on which to conduct by the mystery mongers but by skeptics as well. Indeed as research, the research supposedly proves the genuineness reliably reported, skeptics have helped to make many of of the formations. Prominent cereologist Colin Andrews them! (2001) has conceded that 80 percent of the British crop References:- circles are manmade; yet Levengood claims his research Ø Delgado, Pat, and Colin Andrews. 1989. Circular “suggests that over 95 percent of worldwide crop Evidence. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Phanes Press. formations involve organized ion plasma vortices . . .” Ø Flares spark reports of UFOs. 1999. Cornish (Levengood and Talbott 1999). Guardian, August 19 (quoted in Howe 2000, 166-167). Levengood and others who postulate crop-stamping, Ø Haselhoff, Eltjo H. 2001. The Deepening Complexity ion plasma vortices have to face the fact that those remain of Crop Circles. Berkeley, California: Frog, Ltd. unrecognized by science. They owe their imagined Ø Levengood, W. C. and Nancy P. Talbott. 1999. existence to George Terence Meaden, a former professor of Dispersion of energies in worldwide crop formations. physics who took up meteorology as an avocation. His Physiologia Plantarum 105: 615-624. book “The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries (1989” ) is still Ø Nickell, Joe. 1994. Camera Clues: A Handbook for revered by many cereologists. Alas, however, he merely Photographic Investigation. Lexington, Ky.: attempted to “explain” a mystery by creating another, and- University Press of Kentucky. humiliated by hoaxers-eventually retired from the scene, Ø 1996a. Levengood's crop-circle plant research. conceding that all of the complex designs were fakes Skeptical Briefs 6:2 (June), 1-2. (Hoggart and Hutchinson 1995, 59). Ø 1996b. Ghostly photos. Skeptical Inquirer 20:4 Nevertheless, many circles aficionados have begun to (July/August), 13-14. photograph supposed vortex effects which, curiously, Ø Nickell, Joe, and John F. Fischer. 1992. The crop-circle resemble some of the same photographic anomalies that are phenomenon: an investigative report. Skeptical the stock-in-trade of ghost hunters. For example, in her Inquirer 16:2 (Winter), 136-149. Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles, credulous journalist Ø Schnabel, Jim. 1994. Round in Circles. Amherst, N.Y.: Linda Moulton Howe exhibits a flash photo taken in a crop Prometheus Books. Ø www.csicop.org 34 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

A Relative study on Assam's Earthquakes in the years 1897 and 1950

Jayanta Sarma Kakoty Assistant Professor (Statistics) Deptt. of Basic Science and Humanities

Introduction: Ahmedabad and Peshawar. The effects were also observed North eastern region, including Assam is prone to in Myanmar. It had a magnitude estimated variously natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, landslides, between Ms 8.7 and Ms 8. cyclone and occasional draught. Much of Assam lies in the New studies show that the earthquake originated on a Brahmaputra River Valley except, for a few southern southwest dipping fault, named the Oldham Fault, districts. The northern and eastern parts of this valley are bounding the north western section of the Shillong Plateau. bounded by the Himalaya Frontal Thrusts (HFT). In the During the event, the total slip 4 on this fault amounted to eastern parts along with HFT, there is the arc of the Lohit 16 metres, which is among the greatest for any known and Naga Thrusts. Among all the earthquakes, Assam has earthquake. Geodetic observations indicate that the rupture suffered from the earthquakes of 1897 and 1950 are among extended up to 35 kilometres into the crust and might have the world's biggest earthquakes in recorded history. even cut through its base, which in this region, lies at a Date Location Intensity depth of 43-46 kilometres. The rupture of the Oldham Fault 06-15-1896 Japan 8.5 terminated at a depth of 9 kilometres from the surface of the 06-12-1897 Assam (India) 8.8 earth, implying that this event was blind. This makes the 09-21-1897 Philippines 8.7 1897 earthquake the largest blind earthquake ever known. 01-31-1906 Ecuador 8.7 Post-earthquake surveys mapped large fault scarps on 12-16-1920 China 8.6 the western edge of the Shillong Plateau, most notably the 03-02-1933 Japan 8.5 Chedrang and Samin fault scarps. The former, which 08-15-1950 Assam(India) 8.6 follows the Chedrang River, resulted in numerous sag 05-22-1960 Chile 8.5 ponds and waterfalls as the drainage was disrupted. The maximum offset recorded here was 35 feet. These faults Significant Earthquakes in Assam were the result of large scale secondary faulting that Both instrumented and non-instrumented events may be accompanies blind earthquakes, which is often observed listed below. Reported magnitudes are listed for and sometimes misinterpreted as the primary rupture. instrumented events while the maximum observed The earthquake caused great destruction to many towns intensities are listed for non-instrumented shocks. in Assam and Meghalaya. Most often referred to is Earthquakes during non-instrumental period in Assam are Shillong, where most of the structures like the Telegraph 1548, 1596, 1601, 1642, 1663, 1696, 1756, 1772, 1838 and House, were demolished. Landslides were reported all 1841. Earthquakes during instrumental period in Assam are across the Garo Hills. The towns of Dhubri, Goalpara, 1869, 1897, 1923, 1930, 1943, 1947, 1950, 1985, 1984 and Guwahati and Kuch Bihar in Assam and West Bengal was 1988. heavily damaged. Earthquake fountains, some 4 feet high, 1897 - Near Rongjoli, Assam, India were reported from Dhubri. The Jolboda and Krishnai Date 12th June 1897 bridges were also ruined. At Goalpara, a 10-foot wave from Epicentre: 14 kilometres ESE of Sangsik (Meghalaya), the Brahmaputra (possible subsidence), swept into the area, India destroying the bazaar and many pukka buildings. Ground Latitude: 25.50o N waves were reported from Nalbari, where the observer saw Longitude: 91.00o E rice fields rise and fall as the waves passed under them. At Origin Time: 11:41 UTC / 17:11 IST Guwahati, the earth subsided along the Bramaputra and several sand vents were formed. The Bramaputra is also Magnitude: Ms 8.7 reported to have risen by 7.6 metres and even reversed its This was one of the most powerful earthquakes in the flow during the shock. The earthquake formed frozen Indian subcontinent and probably one of the largest known earthwaves of "jinamis" in a rice field in lower Assam, anywhere. The quake caused disaster across south-west of where the crest to trough difference was between 2 to 3 the present states of Assam, Meghalaya and Bangladesh. metres. Fissures and sand blows occurred over a wide area 1542 people were killed and hundreds more hurt. Damage of Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal and northern from the earthquake extended into Kolkata where dozens of Bangladesh. At Tura, a hanging lamp was kept constantly buildings were badly damaged or partially collapsed. on the swing for 3 days. Shaking from the event was felt across India, as far as

35 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Bent rails at Rangapara, Tezpur-Balipara Tramway All Saints' Church, Shillong

Sand vent at Rowmari Ground effect in Shillong Plateau The earthquake badly affected both Dhaka and Kolkata, 1897. which are presently the most densely populated cities in the 1950 - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, India region. Sand vents also occurred at many places in the Date 15th August 1950 Assam, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The city Kolkata was Epicentre: 20.7 kilometers NW of Tajobum (Arunachal less effected than Dhaka city. Shaking effected over a wide Pradesh), India area of the subcontinent as far as Himachal Pradesh, Latitude: 28.50o N Myanmar and the present-day Indo-Pakistan border. The Longitude: 96.50o E shaking was strong enough to displace crockery at towns Origin Time: 14:09:28.5 UTC / 19:39:28.5 IST like Lucknow and Allahabad,. At Kathmandu, trees and Magnitude: Ms 8.7 free standing objects swayed and people ran outdoors. To This earthquake was the 6th largest earthquake of the 20th the south it was felt at Bezwada in Andhra Pradesh and in century. Though it hit in a mountainous region along India's the west upto Sehore, in Madhya Pradesh. Chandeliers and international border with China, 1500 people was killed lamps oscillated in long period at Piploda and Khandwa. It and the drainage of the region was greatly affected. The was not felt in Mumbai, though instruments did pick up the resultant floods were the cause of most of the losses after disturbance. Long period effects such as water oscillations effects of this earthquake. The initial shock was followed were also reported at Ahmedabad. In Myanmar, on the by thousands of aftershocks, some of which were big Theingale River, near Tagaung, no tremors were felt but earthquakes enough to be reckoned. It had a magnitude of water in an old river course was "lapping along its banks" 8.7 and struck a relatively lightly populated region along and at Thayetmyo, water in a tank began to oscillate back the Indo-China border. This earthquake is often referred to and forth for about three minutes, rising 18 inches on the as the “Assam Earthquake of 1950”. side of the tank. Hot springs at Sitakund became more The earthquake occurred at 07:39 PM on August 15, active following the quake, while those at Rajgir 1950. It was felt throughout north-eastern India and in discharged coloured water for three days. Dozens of many parts of eastern India. It was also felt throughout aftershocks were felt in the region. On June 13, at around Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar. Damage occurred in 01:30 local time (LT) and again at 13:00 LT two severe the entire region as far as Kolkata. It was felt across a wide shocks were felt. The earlier event was strong enough to be area of the subcontinent, over an area totalling 4.5 million felt at Kolkata and as far as Sutna, which lies beyond square miles. There was widespread damage in Upper Allahabad. Two more quakes, were felt at Kolkata, at 22:40 Assam, the Abor Hills and the Mishmi Hills. The region LT on June 13 and at 00:47 LT on June 14. Later, on June 22, that suffered the most damage to life and property was at 07:24 LT, June 29, at 22:19 LT and October 2, at 20:58 15,000 square miles. This included the districts of Jorhat, LT, strong aftershocks were felt as far as Kolkata. The last Lahkimpur, Sibsagar and Sadiya, in Assam. Dibrugarh and event felt in Kolkata, occurred at 01:40 LT on October 9, 36 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Saikoaghat were among the worst affected areas. Railway NW. Surface faulting is thought to have also occurred as a communications were disrupted due to damage to tracks result of the quake. A recent fault plane solution by Chen & and bridges. However, the area that suffered damage and Molnar (1977) suggested a plane dipping NW with a slip in covered nearly 75,000 square miles. There were fractured the dip direction of the plane. According to this model the in the earth, from which water and sand was emitted. These source of all known great earthquakes, that is, the are called sand vents and represent liquefaction due to Himalayan detachment extends further east than the intense ground shaking. Vast areas of land either were surface termination of the Himalaya, and also the locus of elevated or subsided, altering the drainage of the region. the 1950 event. The earthquake was followed by a large There were huge landslides in the mountains and these number of aftershocks, most of which were of magnitude dammed streams of the Brahmaputra River, like the 6.0 or greater. These were very frequent following the Dihang, Dihing and Subansiri. The latter was dammed by earthquake and continued for many years after the main landslides for several days and some worst liquefaction shock. Their frequency however kept on decreasing with damage was reported from the area where the river enters the passage of time. The aftershock zone extended from 94 the plains. These were breached a few days later and degrees east longitude to 97 degree east longitude. The resulted in serious flooding. Most of the lives were lost due aftershocks Chen and Molnar, 1977) are located primarily to heavy flood and not directly due to the earthquake. Pilots in the entral portion of themeizoseismal area, and extended flying over the meizoseismal area reported great changes in considerably beyond the limit of the landslides to the north topography; this was largely due to enormous slides, some and to the southeast The most dramatic feature of the 1950 of which were photographed. Alterations of relief were event was landslides. The landslides covered15,000 sq. km brought about by many rock falls in the Mishmi Hills and (Mathur,1953). According to him at least 5x1010 m3 of destruction of forest areas. 1,526 deaths were recorded, out material was The occurrence of landslides in the mountains of which 600 were from Lakhimpur and Sibsagar districts and extensive liquefaction in the alluvial plains correspond alone. In the Arbor Hills 70 villages were destroyed with closely to severe damage to buildings, roads and rails, etc 156 casualties due to landslides. Dykes blocked the involved in the sliding. This is about 30 times the average tributaries of the Brahmaputra; that in the Dibang valley yearly amount of detritus carried by the Brahmaputra river. broke without causing damage, but that at Subansiri opened The Subansiri river was dammed by landslides for four after an interval of 8 days and the wave, 7 metres high, days (Poddar, 1953) and worst liquefaction damage was submerged several villages and killed 532 persons. At least reported from this area where this river enters the plains. 5x1010 cubic metres of material was involved in the sliding. The areas of most severe landslides correspond to the This is about 30 times of the average load of accumulation deepest gorges of the meizoseismal area along the Dihang, carried by the river Brahmaputra annually. the Dibang and the Luhit rivers. This earthquake was According to F. Kingdon-Ward, a botanical explorer at caused due to a slip on the Jiali and Po Chu Faults in Rima, very near to the epicentre, heavy explosive sounds southern Xizang, along the border with northeast India. The were heard. These sounds were also heard at many places in fault plane mechanism for this event indicates strike-slip India and Myanmar, at distances of over 750 miles. That faulting. Surface faulting is thought to have also occurred was violent shaking at Rima as well as extensive landslides. as a result of the quake. The earthquake was followed by a Anders Kvale coined the term seismic seiche in 1955 to large number of aftershocks, most of which were of describe oscillations of lake levels in Norway and England magnitude 6.0 or greater. These were very frequent caused by the earthquake. This earthquake was caused due following the earthquake and continued for many years to a slip on the Jiali and Po Chu Faults in southern Xizang, after the main shock. Their frequency however kept on along the border with northeast India. The fault plane decreasing with the passage of time. The aftershock zone mechanisms for this event indicates strike-slip faulting extended from 94 degrees east longitude to 97 degree east (Ben-Menahem et al. 1974) with one of the planes striking longitude

North Lakhimpur, Assam Bridge on Ranganadi Saikoaghat, Assam 37 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Interpretations and Conclusions: Meghalaya(Borapani) and other parts of the North-eastern Both the earthquakes are among the world's biggest ten regions, were created due to the earthquakes. Even the belt earthquakes during instrumental period. According to of the Brahmaputra river lifted to 4 metres due to the various experts, the 1897 earthquake is more powerful than earthquakes and the problem of floods created after the that of the 1950 earthquake. The 1897 earthquakes 1950 earthquakes. The directions of the rivers in the originated on a southwest dipping fault, bounding the north Lakhimpur and Dhemaji districts turned due to the western section of the Shillong Plateau. The 1950 earthquakes. earthquakes originated near to the north-east India-China References: border. The 1897 earthquakes were more effected in Assam, 1. Documentation on past disasters, their impact, Meghalaya, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Kolkata, Koch Bihar, Measures taken, vulnerable areas in Assam. Bhutan, Nepal and the rest of the countries, but less effected Prepared by: - in Bombay. The 1950 Assam's earthquakes were very much Centre For Natural Disaster Management Assam effected in Himalayan valley Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Administrative Staff College Jawaharnagar : Meghalaya, Kolkata, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and less Khanapara : Guwahati 22. effected in the rest of the countries. Most of the 2. The Great Assam Earthquake of 1897 By Jugal Kalita, geographical areas were dramatically changed due to the published in The Assam Tribune effect of the 1897 earthquakes. Experts said that some of 3. Seismotectonics of the great and large earthquakes in lakes, ponds in Assam (Deepor Bill, Jalukbari), Himalaya by J. R. Kayal, Institute of Seismological Research, Gandhinagar 382 009, India.


The Need of Vocational Education

Angshuman Bharali Deputy Registrar

Education ought to produce the complete man. A their interest and brings them employment. Secondly, complete man is one who is good in his profession and an vocational education teaches the students the lesion of ideal citizen. The general aims of higher education are in manual work. The physical labour done by they make them imparting knowledge to transmit national culture, to form strong, smart and active. Thirdly, vocational education is character, to produce ideal man and to make a boy or girl helpful to national economy. Our government will have no earn living. Our education should be so shaped as to meet need to import foreign technicians on higher wagwe as our the need of the hour. The aim of the education is the own technicians will do the required work. professional, intellectual and moral training of an Vocational education has certain disadvantages also. individual. Man does not live by bread alone. He has a stomach to fill There are two kinds of education. One teaches how to and a mind to think. This education should not only make live and the other how to earn a living. The first is general people materialistic and utilitarian but should also promote education for each and all. The second is technical or in them human qualities and virtues. Hence vocational and vocational education for those who wish to learn various literary both kinds of education should go side by side and practical occupations. Vocational education means be given to the students. teaching and training in some trade or profession like Thus, no country can advance without technicians and carpentry, smithy, mechanics, weaving, engineering, technologists in the modern age. In India also vocational electronics etc. Education must be general as well as education is very essential from every point of view. It will vocational. provide for each student suitable opportunity to use and There are benefits of vocational education. Firstly, it develop his natural aptitude and inclination in the special solves the problem of unemployment. It trains the in course. Hence there should be great effort to vocationalize commercial, scientific and industrial trades according to our educational system.


38 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Melancholy In Ink...

Mandira Barua Assistant Professor Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

The cold embraces of memories….. make my thoughts tremble…. As my soul dances to darn aspirations, My mind traces all those paths again…. Where loneliness was such a friendly fellow.... And along those sad roads, an adoring nostalgia falls in love…

**** For my 'PARENTS’ Sharmi Dev Sharma Assistant Professor Deptt. Mechanical Engineering

I examined my life, From the ab initio, And strongly felt that I Something to my parents owe. My every heartbeat is their gift, My every breath belongs to them. Pray thy lord they remain happy, And I never hurt them. Rivers Flowing in one direction. The supreme sacrifices they make, They guide us in every moment of life, Are totally incomparable, Especially in our youth, The way they care for our happiness, They advise us to follow, Is something admirable. The great path of truth Their love and concern, When we go on the wrong path, Cannot fit in few suggestions, Or difficulties come our way For it is compared to, They are there to help us, To show the right way. Oh! How can I ever pay them back, For all that they have done? As the hardships of their life, Could be understood by none.

39 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine The Way Of Nature

Juhi Kangkana Boruah 6th Sem. ECE

Oh,the trees, See their clusters… They give us shade, That's the way of nature..

The mountains high, Could touch the sky... Of different sizes and colors That's the way of nature... They clash together And the thunder seep The oceans blue That's the way of nature... Spreads so far The stars with the moon It has no end Pop out at night Like a war And there they glow That's the way of nature... With all their light The clouds in the sky that look like sheep That's the way of nature...

**** Mathematical Genius

Susaang R Sangma 2nd Sem.CE

Scrawled equations on the chalkboard, Teacher talking as she writes, But I am not paying attention, I'm at home with Aristotle, Under bright fluorescent lights. I can prove the whats and whys. But it's warm and I feel sleepy, I am Pythagoras with the best of them, As my mind just dreams of pi. Fibonacci 'till I'm blue. I'm at home with Euclid's theorems, And with turning I just flew.

40 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine A Thousand Miles...

Maaruf Bin Rafique 6th Sem.ECE

A thousand miles of empty way, happiness is far away Horizon seems to be the hope, but as I walk it drifts away Dusty wind resisting me, I can't see my destiny Thirst of life is killing me, Wished for rain, but now it's drowning me...

A hundred ways of pretences, But now I'm done, I'm no more restless I'm resting here, but it's such a mess, when will I get rid of this tiredness! Heart is beating but there's no blood, All washed away in disguised flood Day light dies drowning the sun, Now I'm all alone, my shadow's gone...

**** Live your life

Nipjyoti Baishya 2nd Sem. CE

What happens to people after death? It is a mystery of life. Don't make your life a waste of breath Who knows you may not have another life.

When you are alive you must help all the people It does not matter whether they are blind or cripple That their life is worth, make them say Only then you can be happy and gay. One day everyone in the world will die You can't escape death, however hard you try People believe this I don't think it's a lie That you've reached paradise, you should not make anyone cry. And yes it's true that it is hard to survive. But when you're alive, you must Live your life...

41 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine In Your Remembrance

Sagorika Raj Chakraborty 4th Sem. EEE

The darkness was so long, The pain was so strong, It pushed me up, it pushed me down, You know, I was just an inch to get drowned. I said, heart, cry cry, There's someone to make your eyes dry, And I in my foolishness, Waited and waited, Just thought I will be attended. But alas! Gone was the day, With the setting of the sun, Heart said, you fool whom you waited for, And, the day was last. The sun was there again, Bringing with it the sunshine again, But never did he come, And my eyes were wet all again.


Heaven into hell

Amos Chumbu Rongrang 2nd Sem. ME Our mother earth slowly turning into hell, It appears so dark in the brightness of the sun, Have you ever thought about that, why it is? But maybe every why of ours don't have Actual solution. It's the act of us. The Human who created this evil darkness So, why are we running away from it? We have destroyed, the beauty of our mother With our greedy and selfish action; The earth says “be kind to nature” But we turn a deaf ear to her! We have made our mother bare We neglect her cries. But how long? We're converting this wonderful Heaven into hell. There is the same Pleasure to all of you.

Please stop these inhuman acts Or the time will arrive soon When the whole world would Truly turns into hell.

42 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Masks. Vinoto. L. Chophi. 6th Sem.CE

Don't be fooled by the face I wear, for I wear a thousand masks, none of them are me. I give you the impression that I'm secure, that confidence is my name and coolness is my game, and that I need no one. But don't believe me. Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in aloneness, in fear. That's why I create mask to hide behind,to shield me from the glance that knows, but such a glance is precisely my salvation. That is, if it's is followed by acceptance, if it's followed by love, it's the only thing that can liberate me from my own self-built prison walls. I'm afraid that deep down I'm nothing and that I'm just no good, and that you will reject me. And so begins the parade of masks. Please listen carefully and try to hear what I'm not saying. I'd really like to be genuine and spontaneous, and me. But you've got to help me. You've got to hold out your hand. With your sensitivity and sympathy, and your power of understanding, you alone can release me from my shallow world of uncertainty. It will not be easy for you. The nearer you approach me, blinder I may strike back. But I'm told that love is stronger than strong walls, and in this lies my only hope. WHO AM I, YOU WONDER, I AM EVERY MAN AND WOMEN YOU MEET, AND I AM YOU, ALSO.

**** Vial Drunk Midnights Sauvik Dey 6th Sem.CE The morning blues seems faded A night queen would just do fine, she said, Too long and dusky to be satiated: But little did both of us know, what in divine's mind A bright sun with unwilling streak, was. Bring trickling sweat as a sour steak. The land of white sand I left And came to a land of so called humans, Somehow the battered beaten day passes Collected the flowers my lover desired An evening comes by, and I am there- Alas! But I could never find my Pegasus With liquor in my hand gazing a blazed, To take me back where my paradise was. A play was staging for only me; I was the hero, so un-flattered worthy. Thunderous voice of divine echoed Prophecy he narrated, the truth he stated; The hangover was yet due in hours Never could I ever touch my lady And the fun and frolic just began, Never could her praises be heard to me again. The moon was thy white queen So egoist and loud, praises she had- Cold breeze, rain drops, brought me back to reality Were only of hers, but none for the lad. I see that my liquor is empty in vial But my hangover still remains- The lady in white, I lovingly call moon Seeing my lady, the beauty I love, Curved her serene crescent lips; But still my stares go unaware. And asked me of a favor That I could never let decline; agony. Drunken are my stares and are never shared- Love that I loved so much could never be mine; Asked did she me a little request Mercy was a quote I heard in myths; Could I just bring her a flower, But now I see a seldom wishful sigh A chrysanthemum would do; o'er no naught: That these drunken stares share anything else than an empty vial.

43 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Wondering Akashjyoti Khound 2nd Sem.ME

What happened to the world around me? Why everyone doesn't care except how to be Why there is war everywhere? And the devil is driving us all Why I have to be a survivor or a killer? Why I just can't live forever? Why I can't walk alone Without being afraid of not returning back home Why the children are supposed to die? Instead of having a good life. Why the doctors are diseases? And the policemen are the thieves Why you think you won't suffer? Even if you made all these people suffer Why you think you will escape? From a punishment you will have at the end When I will be able to look to the sky? With that smile and tears in my eyes Knowing that the rainbow will appear After a bad stormy year. For You ..... Bellarisha B Sunn, 6th sem Electrical and Electronics Engineering

I wish you happiness The kind that's deep within your soul. And shines through your eyes..... I wish you serenity And a sense of perspective That calms you and lends you Understanding In the most difficult times I wish you success In every face of your life; Satisfaction and contentment In everything you do. I wish you dreams....With the promise of their fulfilment of A lifetime of extraordinary memories And a path which leads to beautiful tomorrow.. Above all i wish you could see What a difference you could see And how grateful I am to know you...

44 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Reflections of a lonely soul... Naorem Bijeta Devi 6th Sem. EEE. I'm sitting there, silent and still While something inside me keeps digging I call it mind and it is restless Looking for a glimpse; a glimpse of life. That could be the heart of my poem. But nothing; I see nothing... Ah! That hollow mind terrifies Makes me cold and stone Compels me to ask myself Is my life living? Yet I hold on to my heart and say I am something to feel nothing....


Love’s Chemical Derivatives Susaang Sangma 2nd Sem.CE

Can love then, be based On an index of elements From which one joyfully tumbles Or drifts into equations as we wander Towards a rush of serendipity... A metaphysical merging of ardour Writhing in a shared communion Like tuneful whispers in breathes of Helium, Unabbreviated oxygen rhapsodies From unbidden laughter Invigorating the warmth of co-owned stars On heaven's destined Oracle? Love transcends chemical derivatives Of fractals on measurement, Between our atoms, relaxed In the shuffle of emotional electrons As we quiver weightless... The heart's embrace suspended together In the affectionate cosmos Of a deep love.

45 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine DETERMINATION: The act of making up our mind about something

Sagorika Raj Chakraborty 4th Sem. ECE

.In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was curtains apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting the trees outside for just a moment. New York with the Long Island. However building experts It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. throughout the world thought that this was an impossible Suddenly an idea hit him . all he could do was move one feat and told Roebling to forget the idea. It just could not be finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving done. It was not practical. It had never been done before. this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of wife. this bridge. He thought about it all time and he knew deep in He touched his wife's arm with that finger, indicating to her his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers he managed to convince his son Washington, an upcoming what to do. It seemed foolish but the project was under way engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. again. Working together for the first time, the father and son For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally how the obstacles could be overcome. With great completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands excitement and inspiration, and the headiness of wild in all glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defected build their dream bridge. by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the engineers and The project started well, but when it was only few months their work, and to their faith n a man who was considered underway a tragic accident on the site took the life of John mad by half of the world. It stands too as a tangible Roebling. Washington was injured and left with a certain monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 amount of brain damage which resulted in him not being years patiently decoded the messages of her husband and able to walk or talk or even more. told the engineers what to do. “We told them so.” Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die “Crazy men and their crazy dreams.” attitude that overcomes a terrible physical handicap and “It's foolish to chase wild visions.” achieves an impossible goal. Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, a project should be scrapped since Roeblings were the only hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others one who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had a that seem impossible can be realized with determination burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still and persistence, no matter what the odds are. as sharp as ever. Even the most distant dream can be realized with He tried to inspire and determination and persistence. pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay on his bed in his hospital room with the sunlight streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white

46 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

History has been Created from India to Mars

N. Rupeswar, 2ND Sem.CSE

Mangalyaan or Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) on cars. At this point let us remember a great physicist Sir Isaac Wednesday, September 24, 2014 entered the orbit of the Newton and his first law of motion “Everybody continues red planet successfully. With this, India has become the to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line first nation in the world to have entered the Mars orbit in unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force.” So if the first attempt and the first Asian country to do so. we remember this law, then, our confusion is vanished. ISRO's MOM is also the cheapest such mission till now, Since Mangalyaan has given a force to leave the Earth, costing only Rs. 450 corers or $75 million which is not because of that force it moves with a uniform velocity to only spectacular and awe-inspiring, but also an reach Mars since there is no appreciable unbalanced force affirmation of the words “impossible is a word only to be with respect to Mangalyaans' path in space. But some fuel is found in the dictionary of fools.”- Napoleon Bonaparte. needed for trajectory correction. IN space the sunlight can ISRO launched the 1350 kg Mars Orbiter Mission- push you because you are weightless (since g=0) and also Mangalayaan-from Sriharikota using PSLV-C25, an XL get some effect from gravitational pull of the Sun. Radio variant of the launcher, on November 5, 2013 at 14:38 hrs to signal from Mangalyaan to reach earth takes almost 12.5 avail of the November 2013 launch window for the planet minute. Hence scientists on the ground cannot control the i.e. When Earth, Mars and Sun are in 44 degree Mangalyaan spacecraft in real-time so they installed a approximately which occurs after every 780 days. The computer onboard Mangalyaan to take suitable action of its launch was earlier scheduled for October 28, 2013, but was own (autonomous function). Let us if we want to talk to postponed to accommodate the delay in the arrival in South Mangalyaan like we do on phone say ' hello Mangalyaan' it Pacific, due to bad weather, of one of the two SCI ship to be will take 12.5 minute to reach Mangalyaans' ears to hear it used for tracking the launch of the spacecraft. as soon as it reaches, Mangalyaan will say 'hello ISRO', As soon as it launched, it didn't go to Mars directly instead it again it will take another 12.5 minute to reach the Earth and kept orbiting Earth for 25 days. Why? Since ISRO didn't hence 12.5+12.5=25 minute. This is because of the huge have powerful rocket to put the spacecraft directly into distance separated between Earth and Mars. The value of Heliocentric phase hence it has to depend on less powerful the time is not always 12.5 but also can increase up to 20 but fuel efficient PSLV XL.PSLV XL can keep the minute so in 3 minute it will cover a distance more than spacecraft in Elliptical Parking Orbit(EPO) for this, Guwahati to Bangalore. So if you command the spacecraft perigee=250 Km(closet to Earth) and to decelerate to be captured by Mars gravitational pull but it apogee=23000km(farthest from Earth). From there, by will execute your command after 20 minute or 26400 km firing spacecrafts' onboard rocket engine when the away from the desired time or position, yeah you may give spacecraft is at perigee because at perigee the spacecraft commands just before 20 minutes but you don't know there moves faster since the gravitational pull is higher so if you may be human error or communication error so it will let to give a little push to the spacecraft when it is there then you the failure of the whole mission. So for the best result that can move a long distance, and this effect of perigee is called had uploaded the commands on the computer onboard the Oberth Effect. Just like pushing your friend down a spacecraft some days before the event to happen after mountain then he will move a long distance rather than knowing the position of the spacecraft, with these pushing him up he will move a short distance. While doing commands onboard the computer has taken its own so it gained some velocity plus the orbital velocity (already decision for when to fire or stop the Liquid Apogee Motor attained) and hence escaped from earth's sphere of (LAM) depending on the readings of the spacecrafts influence (SOI) which extend up to 9 lakhs km and moved accelerometer. You need to reduce the velocity because under Suns' gravitational field to reach Mars'? But how did escape velocity of Mars is almost 5Km/s but Mangalyaan Mangalayaan reach Mars? Just like we need petrol of our was travelling at 22km/s w.r.t, the Sun hence if Mangalyaan

47 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine entered the orbit with that huge velocity then it would escape from Mars and would become an object revolving around the Sun since it doesn't have escape velocity of the Sun just like the planets. Spacecrafts Details: Total Mass : 1350 Kg Science Payload Mass : 14.49 kg Fuel Load : 850 Kg Launch Date : 5, 2013 Trans Mars Injection December : 1, 2013 Mars Orbit Insertion September : 24, 2014 Planned Mars Orbit Periapsis : 365 Km, Apoapsis : 80,000km, Orbital Period : Approx 77-hr Restarting the Liquid Engine :

Can any car on earth restart after keeping idle for 300 days in a garage? Absolutely not, in fact no sound will come out when you switch on. But for this liquid engine, when it reached Mars it was compulsory to do or else whole mission has to fail. This Liquid Engine was used for trans mars injection on Dec 1, 2013: kept idle after that and restarted again on Sept 22, 2014 for a trajectory correction and to check the health of the engine after travelling 680 million km in space that too with unknown situations like engine restarted after 300 days in space and a huge temperature, it was a 4 sec job and kept idle again for the contribution to the success of the mission. Kudos to ISPO! great event i.e Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) on Sept 24, So far so good so far more than an Indian! Kudos us hope we 2014. Yeah it really restated, this is a great achievement for get fruitful results from our MOM in days to come. ISRO. This is the first time that an Indian-made liquid

Alterna****tive fuels Abu Saleh Laskar 6th Sem. ME Alternative fuels, known as non-conventional or user employs this fuel to generate heat or perform advanced fuels, are any materials or substances that can be mechanical work, such as powering an engine. It may also used as fuels, other than conventional fuels. Conventional be used to generate electricity, which is then used for fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal, and natural heating, lighting, or other purpose. gas), as well as nuclear materials such as uranium and Biofuel:- Biofuels are also considered a renewable thorium, as well as artificial radioisotope fuels that are source. Although renewable energy is used mostly to made in nuclear reactors. generate electricity, it is often assumed that some form of Some well-known alternative fuels include biodiesel, renewable energy or a percentage is used to create bioalcohol (methanol, ethanol, butanol), chemically stored alternative fuels. electricity (batteries and fuel cells), hydrogen, non-fossil Biomass:-Biomass in the energy production industry is methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil, propane, and living and recently dead biological material which can be other biomass. used as fuel or for industrial production. The main purpose of fuel is to store energy, which Algae-based fuels:-Algae-based biofuels have been should be in a stable form and can be easily transported to promoted in the media as a potential panacea to crude oil- the place of use. Almost all fuels are chemical fuels. The based transportation problems. Algae could yield more than

48 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

2000 gallons of fuel per acre per year of production. Algae Propane as an automotive fuel shares many of the based fuels are being successfully tested by the U.S. Navy. physical attributes of gasoline while reducing tailpipe Algae-based plastics show potential to reduce waste and emissions and well to wheel emissions overall. Propane is the cost per pound of algae plastic is expected to be cheaper the number one alternative fuel in the world and offers an than traditional plastic prices. abundance of supply, liquid storage at low pressure, an Biodiesel:-Biodiesel is made from animal fats or excellent safety record and large cost savings when vegetable oils, renewable resources that come from plants compared to traditional fuels. such as, jatropha, soybean, sunflowers, corn, olive, peanut, Propane delivers an octane rating between 104 and 112 palm, coconut, safflower, canola, sesame, cottonseed, etc. depending on the composition of the butane/propane ratios Once these fats or oils are filtered from their hydrocarbons of the mixture. Propane Autogas in a liquid injection format and then combined with alcohol like methanol, biodiesel is captures the phase change from liquid to gas state within the brought to life. From this chemical reaction. These raw cylinder of the combustion engine producing an materials can either be mixed with pure diesel to make "intercooler" effect, reducing the cylinder temperature and various proportions, or used alone. Despite one's mixture increasing air density. The resultant effect allows more preference, biodiesel will release smaller number of advance on the ignition cycle and a more efficient engine pollutants (carbon monoxide particulates and combustion. hydrocarbons) than conventional diesel, because biodiesel Propane lacks additives, detergents or other chemical burns both cleanly and more efficiently. Even with regular enhancements further reducing the exhaust output from the diesel's reduced quantity of sulfur from the ULSD (ultra- tailpipe. The cleaner combustion also has fewer particulate low sulfur diesel) invention, biodiesel exceeds those levels emissions, lower NoX due to the complete combustion of because it is sulfur-free. the gas within the cylinder, higher exhaust temperatures Alcohol fuels:-Methanol and ethanol fuel are primary increasing the efficiency of the catalyst and deposits less sources of energy; they are convenient fuels for storing and acid and carbon inside the engine which extends the useful transporting energy. These alcohols can be used in internal life of the lubricating oil. combustion engines as alternative fuels. Butanol has Natural Gas Vehicles:-Compressed natural gas (CNG) another advantage: it is the only alcohol-based motor fuel and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) are two cleaner that can be transported readily by existing petroleum- combusting alternatives to conventional liquid automobile product pipeline networks, instead of only by tanker trucks fuels. and railroad cars. CNG Fuel Types:-CNG vehicles can use both

Ammonia:-Ammonia (NH3) can be used as fuel. renewable CNG and non-renewable CNG. Benefits of ammonia include no need for oil, zero Conventional CNG is produced from the many emissions, low cost, and distributed production reducing underground natural gas reserves are in widespread transport and related pollution. production worldwide today. New technologies such as Hydrogen:-Hydrogen is an emissionless fuel. The horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to byproduct of hydrogen burning is water, although some economically access unconventional gas resources, appear mono-nitrogen oxides NOx are produced when hydrogen is to have increased the supply of natural gas in a fundamental burned with air. way. Compressed air:-The air engine is an emission-free Renewable natural gas or biogas is a ethane-based gas piston engine using compressed air as fuel. Unlike with similar properties to natural gas that can be used as hydrogen, compressed air is about one-tenth as expensive transportation fuel. Present sources of biogas are mainly as fossil oil, making it an economically attractive landfills, sewage, and animal/agri-waste. alternative fuel. Based on the process type, biogas can be divided into Propane Autogas:-Propane is a cleaner burning, high the following: Biogas produced by anaerobic digestion, performance fuel derived from multiple sources. It is Landfill gas collected from landfills, treated to remove known by many names including Propane, LPG (Liquified trace contaminants, and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Propane Gas), LPA (Liquid Propane Autogas), GPL (Gas Sources :Internet Propano Liquido), Autogas and others. Propane is a hydrocarbon fuel and is a member of the natural gas family.


“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ------Albert Einstein

49 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

How to make people like you.

Arupjyothi Das 8th Sem. ME

Everybody in this world needs friends in everyday them a subtle and a very effective compliment. But forget it business and social contacts. Without friends, one feels or misspell it and you have placed yourself at a sharp alone and uncomfortable. In order to have friends, we need disadvantage. Just try to remember the names and half the to have training in the fine arts of getting along with other battle is won. people. To me, friendship means likeness between two or (iv)Be a good listener:Do you want to become a good more persons. Without likeness, no one can develop a good conversationalist, be a good listener first. Encourage others friendship. So, if you want to have a good and lasting to talk about themselves and make others to be an interested relationship (friendship) with other, conditionally, I'll like listener. The chronic kicker, even the most violent critic will to suggest you seen ways in addition to make yourself frequently soften and be subdued in the presence of a likeable. Okay, let's switch on patient, sympathetic listener. Remember that the man you (i) Become genuinely interested in other people : are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself You can make more friends in two months by becoming and his problems than he is in you and your problems. His interested in other people than you can in two years by toothache means more to him than a famine in China that trying to get other people interested in you, co.'s people are kills a million people. A boil on his neck interests him more not interested in you and not in me but in themselves every than fifty earthquakes in Africa. time. If we merely try to impress people and get people (v) Talk in terms of other man's interest: In order interested in us, we will never have many true, sincere to attract and grab the attention of others, talk about the friends. If we meant to make friends, let's put ourselves out things which they are interested. Whenever Roosevelt to do things for other people, things that require time, expected a visitor, he sat up late the night before reading up energy, unselfishness, thoughtfulness and greet people with on the subject in which he knew his guest was particularly animation and enthusiasm. When somebody calls you on interested. For Roosevelt knew, as all leaders know that the the telephone, use the Sam psychology. Say, 'Hello' in tone royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things that it speaks how pleased you are to have the person call. If he treasures most. Most of you are going to meet romance, we show interest in someone the person shows it in return. try to find out what the other person is interested in and what (ii)Smile : A simple way to make a good first they enjoy talking about. impression is smile. Actions speak louder than words. Have (vi) Make the other person feel important : Almost a captivating smile on your face. Who does not like to see a everyone considers himself very important. If one cheerful face? Everybody gets interested in knowing the neglected our moods, we feel annoyed and angry. “The reason behind the smile. deepest principle in human nature is the learning to be Here smile, I meant to say about a real smile, a appreciated”. We hesitate to appreciate and admire the good heart-warming smile, a smile that comes from within. quality in them. As we already know everyone is meant to Smile denotes happiness. Everybody likes to be with a be praised, but we human beings become so contemptibly happy and joyful person than with an angry and furious selfish that, we can't radiate a little bit of praise for others in person. So, if you want to be liked by others, try to be happy honest appreciation without screwing something in return but if you can't, just control your thoughts. Happiness from the person. doesn't depend on outward conditions, it depends on inner The unvarnished truth is that almost everyman you condition. “Smile costs nothing.” So smile whole heartedly meet feels himself superior to you in some way or the other. you will win the hearts of millions. And a sure way to his heart is tomake him realize in some (iii)Calling by names : Remember that a man's subtle way that you recognise his importance and that too in name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in a sincere manner. any language. Average man is more interested in his own Conclusion : As it is said “From birth till grave we name than he is in all the other names on earth put together. human beings are learner. So don't lose heart if you don't If you can call others, with whom you are not so close by have the quality to make good friends. Just follow these six their names, they think that they occupied an important ways. Try to adjust yourself with the environment in place in you and they begin to like you. Also you have paid which you live. And finally you may succeed. ****

50 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Google Do-It-Yourself Smartphone

Abdul Rahim 6Th Sem. CSE

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT YOU provide more specialized features, such as medical devices, WILL GET YOUR OWN DESIRED HARDWARE IN YOUR receipt printers, laser pointers, Pico projectors, night vision sensors, or game controller buttons. Each slot on the frame The impossible has happened and this MOBILE PHONE? will accept any module of the correct size. The front slots impossible thing has been possible by the techno giant are of various heights and take up the whole width of the Google. Google has been working on a project “Ara”. frame. The rear slots come in standard sizes of 1×1, 1×2 and Project Ara is the codename for an initiative by Google that 2×2. Modules can be hot-swapped without turning the aims to develop an open hardware platform for creating phone off. The frame also includes a small backup battery highly modular Smartphone. The platform will include a so the main battery can be hot-swapped. Modules are structural frame (endoskeleton that holds Smartphone secured with electro permanent magnets. The enclosures of modules of the owner's choice), such as a display, camera or the modules were planned to be 3D-printed, but due to the an extra battery. It would allow users to swap out lack of development in the technology Google opted malfunctioning modules or upgrade individual modules as instead for a customizable moulded case. innovations emerge, providing longer lifetime cycles for Modules will be available both at an official the handset, and potentially reducing electronic waste. Google store and at third-party stores. Ara Smartphones Project Ara Smartphone will begin pilot testing in 2015 will only accept official modules by default, but users can with a target bill of materials cost of $50 for a basic grey change a software setting to enable unofficial modules. phone. The project was originally headed by the Advanced This is similar to how Android handles app installations. Technologies and Projects team within Motorola Mobility So this is really a great development in the mobile while it was a subsidiary of Google. industry. Time will tell that Project Ara will be successful or Ara Smartphones are built using modules inserted not. into metal endoskeleton frames known as "endos". The frame will be the only component in an Ara Smartphone made by Google. It acts as the switch to the on-device network linking all the modules together. Two frame sizes will be available at first: "mini", a frame about the size of a Nokia 3310 and "medium", about the size of a LG Nexus 5. In the future, a "large" frame about the size of a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will be available. Frames have slots on the front for the display and other modules. On the back are additional slots for modules. Each frame is expected to cost around US$15. The data from the modules can be transferred at up to 10gigabits/sec per connection. The 2×2 modules have two connections and will allow up to 20gigabits/sec. This is to defer its obsolescence as long as possible. Modules can provide common Smartphones features, such as cameras and speakers, but can also

“Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.”

-----Albert Einstein

51 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Earth Slowing Down

Sudeep Sinha 6th Sem.CSE

Did you know that the Earth's rate of rotation is will vaporize the oceans (in approximately 2.1 billion slowing down? Could this be a precursor event to a possible years) and that the sun's evolution into a red giant will upcoming shift in the Earth's axis or some other major destroy Earth (in about 4.5 billion years). Forces that geophysical event?) Consider that when a spinning child's sporadically speed up Earth's rotation cause the top slows down, it begins to wobble around its axis of irregularities in its rotational deceleration. Rapid tidal rotation. That wobbling of a spinning body is called variations change the distribution of water on Earth, which nutation. Is the Earth (also a spinning body) possibly going can decrease the planet's moment of inertia, or the inertia of to nutate? its rotation. A common example of moment of inertia is a A number of forces cause the slowing of the Earth's figure skater who pulls her arms tight into her body to spin rotation, but the strongest is tidal friction, a result of the faster. When the moment of inertia decreases, the Earth's moon's gravity. The side of Earth closest to the moon feels rotational speed increases. Post-glacial rebound, a its pull the strongest, the centre of Earththe point from phenomenon that occurs when land previously kept under which gravity is measuredis essentially neutral, and the side huge ice sheets starts rising, also decreases Earth's moment farthest from the moon feels its gravity less. That difference of inertia. Similarly, as the polar ice masses disappear, in gravitational pull stretches the Earth, which causes tides Earth's mass moves closer to its axis, making Earth more and tidal bulges. Because they have massand thus, elliptical and increasing its rotational speed. Natural gravitythese bulges pull the moon forward or farther away disasters can also accelerate Earth's rotation. The from Earth by roughly four centimetres per year. But just as earthquakes that hit Japan in 2011 and Chile in 2010, for these bulges exert force on the moon, the moon exerts the example, likely displaced enough mass to change the opposite force on them, pulling them back toward it, Earth's moment of inertia (scientists are still refining their creating friction and slowing down the planet's rotation. calculations). While these accelerative forces oppose the Using eclipse data from as far back as 2000 BC, scientists Earth's rotational deceleration, they aren't strong enough to estimate that the Earth's rotation is slowing at offset it. approximately 1.7 milliseconds per solar day per century. Researchers have found that there have been 21 "leap In other words, the Earth day has grown by roughly 0.07 seconds" added to the clock since 1972. It seems that the seconds in the last 4,000 years. This is where the atomic day has lengthened by 21 seconds in just 32 years. That's a clock comes in. It measures time by atomic vibrations, lot. The Earth is slowing down. I wonder if something is rather than by the Earth's rotation, which is what our clocks getting ready to happen. Remember that if the Earth is do. slowing down, then all that kinetic energy will go The Earth currently rotates every 86,400.002 somewhere else -- perhaps into crust slippage, magnetic secondsand the 0.002 means that our clocks lose time field alteration, physical changing of the axis of relative to the atomic clock. (Similarly, in the novel, orientation? Like massive volcanism or Global warming? “clock” time doesn't match up with “real” time as the days The rotation of the Earth is not intimately related to the stretch longer and longer.) This is why scientists length of the year. It is related to the length of the day. The periodically add leap seconds to our standard time. period of the Earth's orbit around the Sun determines the The deceleration of Earth's rotation is irregular: length of the year, and it is this value that is being From 1999-2005, there were no leap seconds, but synchronized by the leap second program. The period of the since then, there have been two, with another scheduled for Earth's orbit around the Sun is subject to variations the end of this month (June 2012). resulting from interactions with all of the gravitational Without leap seconds, we'd have a 25-hour day in roughly objects of the universe, but most particularly those nearby - 140 million years. If the Earth is still around billions of - the other planets of the solar system. Because the orbits of years in the future, tidal friction would be eliminated when the planets around the Sun are not synchronized, the forces the tidal bulges line up exactly between the centres of the upon the Earth due to those planets are different each year, earth and the centre of the moon, thus “locking” the Earth. as their arrangement in their respective orbits continually One Earth rotation would equal one revolution of the moon changes. Intercalary or "leap" days are added to the around the Earth; one month would be the same as one day calendar on a regular basis, because the actual length of the (about 47 current days long). However, most scientists year is not an even number of days. This does not imply that believe that long before this happens, the sun's radiation the Earth's rotation has slowed down. If it had, it would

52 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine become necessary to add Intercalary days more and more become increasingly prominent in public attention, often, until eventually every year would be a "leap" year. especially in technical circles, recently, because the Leap seconds are similar. The routine addition of 1 second LORAN and GPS satellite navigation systems maintain an to the year does not indicate that the absolute time measure, which deviates from UTC Earth's rotation is slowing, but rather that the increasingly as leap seconds are added. As a result, the somewhat complicated devices of the leap year tradition are compromises which resulted in the current system are being slightly inaccurate. The goal of the leap second program of reconsidered at the level of the international standards the IERS is to insure the close synchrony of the UTC and bodies, and in global academic discourse. As the ways in UT1 time scales, as measured by reference to our most which people use time measurement systems change, the accurate reference clocks, so-called "atomic" clocks. As technical means of measuring time and synchronizing tiny (presumably) gravitational perturbations occur in the clocks change, and the defects in the older models become orbit of the Earth around the sun, the amount of deviation increasingly visible, it seems likely that some substantial between UTC (which is how clocks are set around the change will occur in the definition of UTC, at least. What world) and UT1 (which tracks the time of Solstice at form it will take, I will not guess, being an uninformed Greenwich) is also perturbed. outsider to the process. Without these variations, leap seconds could be scheduled Finally, I will note that the rate of the Earth's on a regular basis, like leap days, but because these rotation is in fact slowing down. perturbations are sometimes more, sometimes less, and But not at a rate that anyone would noticeunless because the goal of the IERS is to keep UTC and UT1 one happens to be around in 150 million years. So we're within 1 second at all times, leap seconds are instead safe, for now. Although I have to say, a 25-hour day sounds reactively scheduled. The matter of leap seconds has pretty good at times.

**** Why is the number '13' considered unlucky?

Jeena Gabison Ahmed 4th Sem. CE

The general feeling that the number 13 is unlucky is with his 13 disciples and which proved to be his last meal. just a superstition. This number is considered in almost all Since then this number came to be considered unlucky. the countries of the world. Many hotels don't have a 13th Some people go back to the story of the valbala banquet, floor-the count goes from12 to 14.in some hospitals there are no bed bearing this number. Many people would never invited Lori, the spirit of strife and mischief, intruded, have 13 persons at a dinner table. But strangely enough bringing the number to thirteen. As a result, Beleler, the there is no single accepted explanations for the origin of this favorite of gods was killed. Since then number 13 is superstition. considered unlucky. According to some experts 13 was an unpopular Whatever may be the reason of considering 13 as an number from the time men learnt to count. By using his ten unlucky number, it has no scientific basis. No number is fingers and two feet as a unit, he could count up to 12.but lucky or unlucky. They are simply numbers used in beyond that; things were unknown and frightening to him. mathematical calculations. According to religious views, the superstition about 13 is traced back to the 'last supper' when Christ dined

53 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Traits of an Achiever Simona Kaimal 8th Sem. EEE The success of a college student is not only with the teachers know. Overall your teacher may well think you are point of testing. Young recruits enter college with not intrigued, genuine or trained. On the off chance that you confidence and fear. They soon discover that it isn't the have to be truant, or skirt a duty, inquire as to whether it will most brilliant students who resolve the superlative impact your evaluation. Attempts should be made to settle everytime. Here are the key attributes that each and every the set up of homework/make-up/additional credit successful college student(s) must hav:- assignments to balance this. Some teachers appear to hold Persistence back their support as to their students' issues, difficulties Life happens along the way. Wellbeing issues, and clashes, and are more than ready to grudge with you. investment troubles, administration issues are general in In the event that you keep on facing tribulations, or nature. Most students are trying to adjust work and training, understanding the matter requires some form of help, and a lot of people are raising a line, as well. What's more, a numerous schools offer coaching or uncommon study liberally proportioned amount of students right now are gatherings to sort out these matters. single folks. They can undergo various streeses which Resources might lead to disillusionment and frustration.So a Utilize all the other riches you can have access to. persistent nature along with a positive outlook helps to keep Everything from Admissions to Financial Aid, Business a student on the right track. Office, Registrar's Office, Student Services, Career Patience Services, and so forth., is close to help you and provide you Be available to your teachers and try to cultivate a with necessary instructions. Avail yourself of all these forgiving nature in yourself. Understanding will help you workplaces and their capacities. For example, you may evade the snow-balling of minor matters into real issues. decently need to re-compose your learner development, or Consider the concerned matter thoroughly and you won't you may generally need help a grant, or an occupation, and encounter anxiety with the point of prompt impulsivity and what not. poor choices. Focus Involvement Never lose sight of the “goal”. Students often lose Become involved with the trainings and the focus and go astray as they contract demotivation, opportunities it provides. Regularly choose different frustration and obstacles. The more you discover by hand associations, outcome gatherings, cooperative association finishing student training, the more the probability of you as these open doors. These associations are an image of an graduating successfully. Practically every college graduate additional measurement of your learning and open various opines on how rapidly the calendar flew in college, and by doors to set ups of authority and interest. Other than the time they knew it they were prepared to face the “test of looking high calibre academic profile on your resume, they ability”. also look into your training. Many successful college student(s) also have the Communication ability to utilize the resources properly and time to achieve It is of extraordinary importance that you keep the the overall goal and obtain good grades. If you are a college authorities inform of your circumstances as well as to be freshman or about to join a college, these tips will surely regular in the class. On the off chance that you have to be guide you in achieving your goals. late or truant for unavoidable reasons,always let the ****

Do You Know?

· A boy's hair grows much faster than that of a girl. · Like fingerprints, the tongue-print of one individual differs from that of another. · The average weight of the human brain is about 1,300-1,400 grams. · The human memory stores more than 100,000 times more information than computer. · Every word we speak requires the use of 72 muscles. · Chewing on chewing gum while cutting onions can stop our eyes from watering. · The two kidneys in our body contain 20, 00,000 of tiny blood filters, which deal with about 4,000 liters of blood every day. · As many as 900 pencils can be made with the amount of carbon present in our body.

54 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Photo Realistic Imagery

Sanjib Hazarika 4th Sem. EEE The photo realist painting cannot be exhibited without the canvases usually this is done either by projecting the slide photograph. In photorealism change and movement must onto the canvas or by using traditional grid techniques. The be frozen in time which must then be accurately represented resulting images are often direct copies of the original by the artist. The photo realists gather their imagery and photograph but are usually larges than the original information with the cameras and photograph. Once the photograph or slide. This results in the photo realist style photograph is developed then the artist will systematically being tight and precise often with an emphasis on imagery transfer the image from the photographic slide onto that requires a high level of technical process and virtuosity to simulate.

AN EXAMPLE OF PHOTOREALISTIC IMAGERY IN PIXAR'S LATEST ANIMATED SHORT “THE BLUE UMBRELLA” Such reflections in specular surfaces and the modernism. However the admittance to the use of geometric rigor of manmade environs the invention of of photographs in photorealism was met with intense criticism photo realist happened in the nineteen century. The photo when the movement gained momentum. realism evolved from pop art and as a counter to abstract The evolution of technology has brought forth expressions as well as minimalist art movements in the late photorealistic paintings that exceed what was thought to be 1960s and early 1970s. In the United States, photo realists possible with paintings; these modern paintings by the use a photograph or several photographs to gather the photo realists are sometimes referred to as Hyper-realism information to create their paintings and it can be argued with new technology in camera and digital equipment that the use of a camera and photographs in acceptance of artists are able to be far more precision oriented. ****

Do You Know? · Our heart pumps 1.5 million gallons of blood a year. · An individual blood cell takes about 60 second to make a complete circuit of the body. · Our tongue is the only muscle in our body that is attached at only one end. · Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. · Our brain stops growing after the age of 15. It represents about 2 percent of our total body weight. It is roughly 140 mm wide, 167 mm long and 93 mm high. · Our brain detects pain in other parts of our body but cannot feel pain itself. · Our head has 22 bones. · Snails have 14175 teeth laid along 135 rows. · A butterfly has 12000 eyes.

55 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Relation between HANUMAN CHALISA and SCIENCE

Sudeep Sinha 6th Sem.CSE According to modern Astronomy and Science, we know 1 Sahastra= 1000 that the earth's orbit around the sun is not a circle and is slightly elliptical. Therefore, the distance between the earth 1 Yojan = 8 Miles and the sun varies throughout the year. At its nearest point on the ellipse that is the Earth's orbit around the sun, the Thus 12000 X 1000 X 8 = 96,000,000 miles. earth is 91,445,000 miles (147,166,462 km) from the sun. This point in the earth's orbit is known as Periapsis 1 mile = 1.6 km (perihelion) and it occurs around January 3. The earth is farthest away from the sun around July 3 when it is This further implies that distance is 96,000,000 x 94,555,000 miles (152,171,522 km) from the sun. This 1.6 km = 153,600,000 Km. point in the earth's orbit is called Apoapsis (aphelion). The average distance from the earth to the sun is 92,955,807 Hanuman chalisa was written by Goswami miles (149,597,870.691 km). According to Records, for the Tulsidas (born 15th century) in Awadhi language who first time in 1672, Jean Richer and Giovanni Domenico belongs to 15th century, which means the distance between Cassini measured the distance between Earth and Sun as Sun and earth has been calculated much more accurately 22,000 times of Earth Radii. (Earth's Radius is 6,371 Km) than the 17th century scientists even before 2 centuries. i.e. 22000 * 6371 km = 140,162,000 km (140 Million Km). The Question here is not how Tulsidas calculated Two lines of Hindu Prayer “Hanuman Chalisa" computes this distance or how he came to know about this distance. this distance with great simplicity. But what we have to observe is the people of that age have more knowledge, capabilities and much more advanced that is beyond the imagination of our present day technologies. History is not presented to us in a way it should be. There are still many elements and precious jewels of information that are being kept hidden from us. Ocean of history is before you, dive in and dig the jewels out. The gleaming beam of knowledge from these jewels will not only enrich our country but will also keep bestowing direction to our future generations. I hope that this article will help you to understand the significance of our ancient 1 Juug = 12000 principles, technology and culture.

**** Laugh a While!!

Akhil Chandra Sen wrote this letter to the Sahibganj Divisional Railway office in 1909. It is on display at the Railway Museum in New Delhi. It was also reproduced under the caption “Traveller's Tales” in the Far Eastern Economic Review.

“I am arrived by passenger train Ahmedpur Station and my belly is too much swelling with jackfruit. I am therefore went to privy. Just I doing the nuisance, that guard making whistle blow for train to go off and I am running with lotta in one hand and dhoti in the next when I am fall over and expose all my shocking to man and female women on platform. I am got leaved at Ahmedpur Station. This too much bad, if passenger go to make dung that damn guard not wait train five minutes for him. I am therefore pray your honour to make big fine on that guard for public sake. Otherwise I am making big reports to papers”

Any guesses why this letter was of historic value? …………………………………

It apparently led to introduction of toilets in trains.

56 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Think big and Dream big

Zakaria Hussain, 8th Sem.ECE

Why should we think big? Is it necessary? nothing that can stop you. Whenever we talk about dreaming big, there are some If you have goal then write it on the paper. From paper benefits associated with thinking big or dreaming big. your goal must move on to your mind and get carved A few of them are to get better solutions. If we think there, you think about it. You live with it, you eat with big or dream or set bigger goals, we will get solutions it, and you sleep with it. A person with clear purpose to reach there. will make progress on even the toughest road. When we think of crossing a lake, a boat comes to our YOUR DESIRE HAS NEITHER MEANING NOR mind, when we think of crossing an ocean, a ship IMPACT UNLESS YOU ARE MAD ABOUT YOUR comes to our mind. So, solutions for success are based GOAL. on the way we think. DON'T TELL THE WORLD WHAT YOU CAN When we have big aims and high expectations from DO….JUST SHOW YOUR SPEED. ourselves then our day to day problems look small in The perfect example that thought big and dreamt big is front of a big goal. I have set an aim of becoming the DR. APJ Abdul Kalam, who used to sell newspaper in topper GATE (GRADUATE APTITUDE TEST FOR a village, now became a top scientist of India and also ENGINNEER), there is a possibility that I may not was the president of India and there are so many. reach my aim of becoming the topper of GATE, but I “ATTITUDE IS ALL WHAT MATTERS.” may become the topper of northeast. If I don't become We have a big fear of people around us. We fear what the topper of northeast, then may be the topper of people might comment if we think big. They may ask Assam will at least reach somewhere. But if I just us to be practical in life; they will remind us that we think to crack the exam, then I will not be able to crack can't achieve success as we haven't scored good marks for sure. So, when we set high goals and dream big or in exam. think big, we reach somewhere even if we don't reach But now you have to decide whether you want to live our aim. life according to the people around you or according to your own wishes. If others put your dreams down, the absolute worst thing you could do is to agree with them. If I have four hours to cut a tree, I will spend three hours sharpening my axe. Likewise we should start polishing our talents beforehand. Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. Any dream will remain a dream until action has not been taken. Action is what brings things about. Action is what produces results. Action is what differentiates people from people. The solution to problem is action. The key to power is action. Many a time, we think it is impossible “this is not my The secret of success is action. cup of tea”.”I will not be able to think big”. We look at Remember one thing: our circumstances and we feel that success is not easy Teachers open the door, but you must enter by for us. But if your aim is burning enough then there is yourself.


57 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Meditation- a way to communicate with the Spirit World and to rediscover our true self again

Prasanna Choudhury 6th Sem.EEE “The act of discovering your true self is the purpose of meditation.” (From the book: The Challenge of the Mind, P.53)

Meditation is a method to remove yourself from three dimensional world and initiate communication with the high realms of Heaven in the Spirit world. The purpose of meditation is to discover our true selves- a spiritual being residing in a physical body; and experience true happiness by feeling free from the restrictions of this physical world. When we are living in the earthly world, we tend to forget that we are essentially spiritual beings whose real home in the Spirit World. When we become immersed in the worldly values of the third dimension, our mind gets cloudy and our physical body also gradually feels more and more fatigued. The key to easing this fatigue is to provide the soul with the chance to spiritually rejuvenate with Heaven's light. In order to do this, we need to temporarily disturbed by worldly vibrations. Happy Science Shojas disconnect our three dimensional consciousness and , via (Monasteries) and Happy Science Faith Centres are perfect right concentration, connect with the Heavenly Realm. The places to meditate not only because they have peaceful and soul can restore its innate energy by receiving the light of quiet environment, but also because they are spiritually God (Budhha) through right meditation. protected. How to prepare the mind for right meditation? Meditation is the source of spiritual energy: Before entering a meditative state, it is important to Meditation does not exist just for its own sake. By keep our mind serene. If we start practicing mental practicing meditation, we are given the chance to contact concentration without calming the vibrations of the mind, the world from which we originate and glimpse into an this might result in possession by stray spirits. Essentially, ideal world. During meditation, we receive light from the before we are able to contact the Spirit World, the door to other world through our brother or sister souls, or from our subconscious needs to be opened and for this to happen more advanced guiding spirits, so we can transform it into a we have to gradually quiten the surface consciousness. source of vitality, a source of energy for our everyday life, When the door of the subconscious is open, depending on an origin of wisdom to dissolve our problems. Through the state of mind, there is the possibility of contacting not meditation, we can regularly correct the orbit of our lives heaven but the hell instead. Those who always live in a and acquire a renewed zest for living, which we will be able good-hearted way, who try to have good thoughts and good to use as the power to spread goodness in this world. deeds, can easily start contacting their guardians and guiding spirits as soon as they silence the surface consciousness. But those who have few good thoughts and hardly ever endeavour to do good deeds are very likely to come under negative spiritual influences. Therefore, exploration of the right mind is 'a must' for right meditation. As regards to our environment in which to meditate, it is important to choose a quiet place, where we will not be


58 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Child labour Richma Khemprai 2nd Sem. EEE

Children are the greatest gift to humanity and childhood is an important and impressionable stage of human development as it holds the potential to the future development of any society. Children who are brought up in an environment, which is conducive to their intellectual, physical and social health, grow up to be responsible and productive members of society. Every nation links its future with the present status of its children. By performing work when they are too young for the task, children unduly earning capabilities, ether by shrinking their own future external choice sets or by reducing their own future individual productive capabilities. CHILDHOOD LOST IN THOSE BITTER STRUGGLES OF LIFE...... Under extreme economic distress, children are forced to forego educational opportunities and take up jobs which are mostly exploitative as they are usually underpaid are engaged in hazardous conditions. Parents decide to send their

child for engaging in a job as a desperate measure due to poor economic conditions. It is, therefore, no wonder that the poor households predominately send their children to work in early stages of their life. One of the disconcerting aspects of child labour is that children are sent to work at the expense of education. There is a strong effect of child labour on school attendance rates and the length of a child's work day is negatively associated with his or her capacity to attend school. Child labour restricts the right of children to access and benefit from education and denies the fundamental opportunity to attend school. Child labour, thus, jeopardizes children's education and adversely affects their health and safety.


59 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Bizarre Programming Languages

Sumit Dey 6th Sem.CSE

How many of you know that “Shakespeare” and “Chef” are 2. Whitespace, designed in 2002, by Edwin Brady and the name of programming language. These types of Chris Morris, is an esoteric programming language languages are usually called “Esoteric Programming that uses only whitespace characters as syntax. Thus, Languages”. An esoteric programming language only spaces, tabs and linefeeds have meaning. When it (sometimes shortened to esolang) is a computer was released on April 1st, 2003, most people took it as programming language designed either as a test of the an April Fools' joke, which it wasn't. boundaries of programming language design, to Unlike most programming languages, which ignore or experiment with weird ideas or simply as a joke, rather than assign little meaning to most whitespace characters, for practical reasons. There is usually no intention of the the Whitespace interpreter ignores any non- language being adopted for real-world programming. Such whitespace characters. An interesting consequence of languages are often popular among hackers and hobbyists. this property is that a Whitespace program can easily Usability is rarely a high priority for such languages; often be contained within the whitespace characters of a quite the opposite. The usual aim is to remove or replace program written in another language, making the text a conventional language features while still maintaining a . language that is Turing-complete, or even one for which the 3. Chef, designed by David Morgan-Mar in 2002, is an computational class is unknown. esoteric programming language in which programs Many fascinating and unlikely languages have been look like cooking recipes. The variables tend to be developed, and there is a small but active Internet named after basic foodstuffs; the stacks are called community of people creating, programming in and “mixing bowls” or “baking dishes” and the debating them. instructions for manipulating them “mix”, “stir”, etc. A “Hello World” program has traditionally been the first The ingredients in a mixing bowl or baking dish are program most people learn in a language that is new to ordered “like a stack of pancakes”. them. It is a (usually) simple piece of code that outputs the According to the Chef Home Page, the design words “Hello, World!” on an output device, typically the principles for Chef are: computer screen. - Program recipes should not only generate valid Some of the Esoteric programming languages are:- output, but be easy to prepare and delicious. 1. INTERCAL was created in 1972, thus probably making - Recipes may appeal to cooks with different budgets. it the first ever esoteric programming language. Donald - Recipes will be metric, but may use traditional R. Woods and James M. Lyon invented it, with the goal cooking measures such as cups and tablespoons. of creating a language with no similarities whatsoever 4. Velato is a language which uses MIDI files as source to any existing programming languages. According to code. Programs in Velato are defined by the pitch and the original manual by the authors, “The full name of order of notes. It is intended to allow for flexibility in the compiler is 'Compiler Language with No composition, so functional programs will not Pronounceable Acronym,' which is, for obvious necessarily sound like random notes. There is a reasons, abbreviated 'INTERCAL'.”Common tendency for Velato programs to have jazz-like operations in other languages have cryptic and harmonies. All statements in Velato begin with a redundant syntax in INTERCAL. The INTERCAL “command root” note; intervals from this note are Reference Manual contains many paradoxical, translated into commands and expressions. The nonsensical or otherwise humorous instructions, like: command root can be changed between statements, to “Caution! Under no circumstances confuse the mesh allow for more musical (or at least less repetitive) with the interleave operator, except under confusing progressions. Of course, like all MIDI files, Velato circumstances!” INTERCAL has many other features programs can also be represented as sheet music. designed to make it even more aesthetically unpleasing 5. The Shakespeare Programming Language (SPL) was to the programmer: it uses statements such as designed by Jon Åslund and Karl Hasselström. Like “IGNORE” and “FORGET”, as well as modifiers such Chef (item #8), it is designed to make programs appear as “PLEASE”. This last keyword provides two reasons to be something other than programs; in this case, for the program's rejection by the compiler: if Shakespearean plays. The first line in a Shakespeare “PLEASE” does not appear often enough, the program program is called the “title” and acts as a comment. The is considered insufficiently polite, and the error “Dramatis Personae” is the section where variables are message says so; if too often, the program could be declared. Each variable name must be the name of a rejected as excessively polite. character from a Shakespeare play. A piece of code in

60 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Shakespeare is broken into “Acts”, which contain lol iz nope liek “Scenes”, in which characters (variables) interact. Other keywords in Omgrofl include: rtfm, tldr, w00t, Each Act and Scene is numbered with a roman numeral stfw, n00b, l33t, haxor, stfu(exits application and serves as a GOTO label. They are written in the immediately). form: 7. Piet is a language whose programs are bitmap graphics Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery. that look like abstract art. It was designed by David Scene I: The insulting of Romeo. Morgan-Mar, who also created Chef. It is named after Before “characters” (variables) can “act” (be acted geometric abstract art pioneer, Piet Mondrian; the upon) they must first be “on stage”. To call a variable to originally intended name, Mondrian, was already the stage the “Enter” command is used. To tell taken. There are 20 colours for which behaviour is characters to leave the stage, use the “Exit” command. specified: 18 “colourful” colours, which are ordered by “Exeunt” calls more than one character to leave, or in a 6-step hue cycle and a 3-step brightness cycle; and the case that no characters are listed all the characters black and white, which are not ordered. When exiting a will leave the stage. “colourful” colour and entering another one, the performed procedure is determined by the number of 6. Omgrofl is a language created in 2006 by Juraj Borza. steps of change in hue and brightness. Black cannot be In stark contrast to the previous entry, its keywords entered; when the pointer tries to enter a black region, resemble Internet slang. The name comes from the rules of choosing the next block are changed combining the slang “words” omg and rofl. Rofl is instead. If all possible rules are tried, the program actually one of Omgrofl's commands. Omgrofl is not terminates. White does not perform operations, but case-sensitive, thus lol is the same as LoL. You may use allows the pointer to “pass through”. this to produce “nicer” code. Variables in Omgrofl must be a form of the slang word 8. Befunge differs from conventional languages in that lol, like lol, lool, loool, looool, etc. A variable can be programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid, the defined as: playfield. “Arrow” instructions <, >, ^, and v direct lol iz 4 the control flow to the left, right, up or down, and loops wtf condition is a conditional statement (like if in C). are constructed by sending the control flow in a cycle. The statements until the matching brb are executed Befunge was invented in 1993, by Chris Pressey, with only if the condition is true. the goal of being as difficult to compile as possible. Usage: This was attempted with the implementation of self- lol iz 1 modifying code (the 'p' instruction can write new wtf lol iz liek 1 instructions into the playfield) and a multi-dimensional rofl lol playfield (the same instruction can be executed in four lmao lol different directions). Nevertheless, a number of Brb compilers have subsequently been written. Most one- Possible conditions are: dimensional programming languages require some iz uber checks if one expression is greater than another. syntactic distinction between comment text and source iz liek checks if two expressions are equal. code. In Befunge, there is no comment syntax: to These may be modified by: embed documentation in the code, the programmer nope negation (like ! in C) needs to be placed in front simply routes the control flow around the “comment” of liek or uber. Usage: area, so that the text in that area is never executed. x iz nope uber y **** Do You Know? · Dolphins sleep with 1 eye open. · A blue whale can eat 3 tonnes of food everyday and can live without food for 6 months · The Earth has over 1200000 species of animals and 300000 species of plants. · Cassowary is one of the dangerous bird that can kill a man or animal by tearing off with its dagger like claw. · The swan has over 25,000 feathers in its body. · Ostrich eats pebbles to help digestion by grinding up the ingested food. · Polar bear can look clumsy and slow but during chase on ice, can run 25 miles per hour speed. · Kiwis are the only birds which hunt by sense of smell. · Elephant teeth can weigh as much as 4 kg.

61 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

How to present a paper

Kaushelendra Singh, 6th Sem.ME

Many students generally those who present paper for may mean most novel, most central, most relevant, the first time, present a paper (especially one authored most clever, most important, and so on. Write down by someone else) by going through it page by page. this idea, preferably in your own words, and a one-line The student reads out the definitions and points the justification for why this idea is the best one. This step audience to the figures.. The student works through is particularly important when the paper you're the paper linearly, taking great care not to miss presenting is your own. anything that the author might have written. This Now come the most important step: Figure out how to approach is not useful because the student is just get your audience as quickly as possible to the point reading the paper aloud, forgetting that the audience is where they can understand this idea. perfectly capable of reading the paper themselves and Next, if necessary, elaborate the idea and fill in the in most cases has already done so. Here is a different details. Explain things like how the idea came about, approach. how it was fleshed out in the paper, how it was proven, If you're presenting the paper: what benefit it had, what difference did it make, what Read the paper twice before presenting it, and decide alternative ideas might have been pursued instead, and what you think of the ideas presented in the paper. In so on. particular, decide whether you think the paper has Finally give a short summery before concluding the some good ideas that is presentable. If not then let it be presentation. The total time for presenting a short in the dustbin. Keep in mind that very few papers have paper (generally 2 to 4) pages should not be more than no worthwhile ideas whatsoever. However, if you're 15 minutes. It is also important to make sure that the convinced that your paper belongs in this category, audience are not feeling bored and are interested to follow the steps listed below for critiquing a paper. listen what the presenter has to speak. Decide which idea is the best idea in the paper. "Best" Hope this article is helpful for all of you.


Kharchi Puja Kharchi Puja is one of the most popular festivals in Tripura. It's a week-long royal Puja which falls in the month of July on the eighth day of the new moon and attracts thousands of people. This festival is celebrated at Agartala (Puran Agartala) in the temple premises of fourteen gods. There are many legends associated with this Puja. The celebrations extend till a week and are held in the temple premises which are attended by thousands of people. The word Kharchi is derived from the word Khya which means earth. Kharchi Puja is basically done to worship the earth. All of rituals are of tribal origin, which includes worshipping of fourteen gods and mother earth. The Puja is performed to wash out the sins and to clean the post menstrual phase of mother earth's menstruation. Thus the Puja is performed for seven consecutive days. On the day of the Puja, the fourteen gods are carried to river Saidra by the members of chantai. The gods are bathed in the holy water and are brought back to the temple. They are again placed in the temple by performing Puja, offering of flowers and vermillion. Animal sacrifice is also an important part of this festival and includes sacrificing of goats and pigeons. People offer sweets and the sacrificial meat to god. Both tribal and non-tribal people join together and celebrate the festival in a festive mood by becoming a part of it. Plenty of other attractions along with a large fair and cultural programs are organized during this time.

62 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Android (Operating system)

Prajjwal Dutta 2nd Sem. CSE

Android is a mobile operating system based on the linear kernel and currently developed by Google. Klith a user interface based on direct manipulation, android is designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers, with specialised user interfaces for television (Android TV), cars (Android Auto) and wrist watches (Android wear). The OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real world actions, likes swiping, tapping, pinching and reverse pinching to manipulate on- screen objects and a virtual keyboard. Despite being primarily designed for touch screen input, it also has been used in game consoles, digital cameras, regular PCs (e.g. the HP state 21) and other electronics.

License- apache license 2.0, modified Linux kernel Some important facts about Android: under GNU GPL V2 Developer- Google Open Handset Alliance. Official website-www.android.com Written in C (core), C++, Java (UI). Android is the most widely used mobile OS family- Linux-Like Operating System (OS) and as of 2013, the highest Working state- Current selling as overall. Android devices sell more than Source model-open source and in most devices with Microsoft windows, IOS and MAC OSX devices proprietary components. combined, with sales in 2012, 2013 and 2014 close to Initial release- September 23,2008. the installed base of all PC's. As of July 2013, the Latest release- 5.0.2 lollipop. December 19,2014 Google play store has had over one million Android Latest preview- 5.0 lollipop developer preview. applications.( app's) published, and over 50 billion October 17,2014 applications downloaded. A developer survey Marketing target- smartphones, tablet computers, conducted in April- May 2013 found that 71% of TV's, cars and wearable devices. mobile developers developed for Android. In Google Available in- multi-lingual (46 languages) I/O 2014, the company revealed that there were over Package manager- Google play, APK. one billion active monthly Android users, up from 538 Platform- 32 bit and 64 bit APM,MIPS,X86,X86-64 million in June 2013. Kernel type- monolithic (modified Linux Kernel) Android's source code is released by Google Userland- Bionic libe, mksh shell, native ore utilities under open source licenses, although most Android with a free from Net BSD. devices ultimately ship with a combination of open Default user interface- graphical (multi-touch) source and proprietary software, initially developed

63 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine by Android inc., which Google backed financially and Android's open nature has encouraged a large later brought in 2005. Android was unveiled in 2007 community of developers and enthusiasts to use the along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance open-source code as a foundation for community a consortium of hardware, software and driven projects, which add more features for advance telecommunication companies devoted to advancing users or bring Android to devices which were open standards for mobile devices. officially released running other operating systems. Android is popular with technology based The operating system's success has made it a target for companies which require a ready-made, low-cost and patent litigation on as part of so called 'smart-phone customizable operating system for high-tech devices. wars' between technology based companies. **** Awesome Answers In IAS Examination

Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it? A. Concrete floors are very hard to crack! (UPSC Topper) Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? A. No time at all it is already built. (UPSC 23rd Rank Opted for IFS) Q. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have? A. Very large hands. (Good one) (UPSC Rank 11 Opted for IPS) Q. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? A. you will never find an elephant with one hand. (UPSC Rank 14 Opted for IES) Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep? A. No Probs, He sleeps at night. (UPSC IAS Rank 98) Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become? A. It will Wet or Sink as simple as that. (UPSC IAS Rank 2) Q. What looks like half apple ? A: The other half. (UPSC - IAS Topper ) Q. What can you never eat for breakfast? A: Dinner. Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state? A: Liquid (UPSC 33 Rank) Interviewer said "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!" The boy thought for a while and said, "My choice is one really difficult question." "Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this. "What comes first, Day or Night?" The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on the correctness of his answer, but he thought for a while and said, "It's the DAY sir!" "How" the interviewer asked. "Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!" He was selected for IIM! Technical Skill is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the master of presence of mind. This is a famous paper written for an Oxford philosophy exam, normally requiring an eight page essay answer and expected to be backed up with source material, quotes and analytical reasoning. This guy wrote the below answer and topped the exam! OXFORD EXAMINATION BOARD 1987, ESSAY QUESTION Question: What is courage? (50 Marks) Answer (After 7 blank pages, at the end of the last page…): This is courage

64 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Power Generation From Speed Breakers

Abdul Aziz, Toinato Chophy, Mohsina Narlin, Akib Javed. 2nd Sem. CE

Introduction. deflection of the spring is given by A large amount of energy is wasted at the speed breakers D= 64 w * n*N*R34 /(Gd ), through friction, every time a vehicle passes over it. So where, D-deflection (in our case maximum D =0.1m), electricity can be generated using the vehicle weight w=designed load, R= mean diameter of coil, d =diameter (potential energy) as input. Therefore, this is a small step to of wire, n=no of spring turns, G= Modulus of rigidity = try to convert this wasted energy into efficient power 8*1042 N/mm , N= No. of springs. generation. Different mechanisms possible in this regard are: Working process. Spring coil mechanism, Rack- Pinion mechanism, Crank- Let us consider any vehicle approaching the speed breaker. shaft mechanism and Roller mechanism. Maximum load on the speed breaker is when the vehicle is on the middle of the speed breaker. When the load is on the Out of these methods, Crank-shaft mechanism and Roller speed breaker, the volume of air compressed by it is found mechanism are not used because of their certain demerits. by, Thus, spring coil mechanism and Rack- Pinion mechanism Volume of compressed air = Volume of air in base -Volume are discussed. of spring

Spring coil mechanism. Working principle: Mechanical energy here is converted to pneumatic energy which is further converted to electrical energy. Construction of the speed breaker. The speed breaker here is made up of vibrating type; when a vehicle crosses the speed breaker, it gets pressed and then it gets back to its original position. Design of the speed breake. The material used in construction of speed breakers is of steel. The shape of speed breaker is trapezoidal. When the pressure in the FRL unit exceeds the defined level Dimensions of speed breaker:- the valve opens and the pressurized air is given to the Height : 0.2m nozzle. The diameter of the inlet of nozzle must be greater Width : 0.4m than outlet. Here the pressure energy is converted to kinetic Length : 4m energy. This velocity of compressed air when hits the impeller, makes it to rotate. Construction of the trench. Height: 0.35m Length: 4m Width: 0.45m The bottom layer of the trench is filled with concrete or with wooden plates of 0.5m. This is for cushion effect.

Design of the spring. The actual height of spring is 0.3m before loading. The

65 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Impeller Block diagram It consists of casing, runner and buckets. Casing is provided to safeguard device against accidents. Runner consists of a circular disc on the periphery of which the number of buckets evenly spaced are fixed. Each bucket is divided in to 2 symmetrical parts by a dividing wall which is known as splitter. When the air strikes the runner, it rotates and continues rotation due to inertia.

VOLTAGE GENERATED (VS) SPEED OF VEHICLE. Speed of vehicle Voltage generated (km\hr) (volts)

10 7.93

30 5.03

Alternator, is then used, which is an electrical 50 3.03 generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy. The output of the VOL TAGE GENERATED (VS) LOAD. alternator is used to light the street lights and is Voltage generated rectified and stored in batteries. Load (kg) Rack-pinion mechanism. (volts) Principle: In this mechanism, the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. 60(man load) 8.33 Construction. The various machine elements used in the construction 170 10.22 of power hump are rack-pinion, sprockets, gears, flywheel, shaft, electric generator. Flywheel is used to 270 11.81 regulate the energy and maintaining it at a uniform level so that the shaft rotate at a uniform r.p.m. Working procedure. SURVEY AND DATA COLLECTION Here the reciprocating motion of the speed-breaker is Study area:- NH-37 National Highway passing converted into rotary motion using the rack and pinion through 9th mile,Ri-bhoi district (Meghalaya) to other arrangement. Rack and pinion gears normally change places. rotary motion into linear motion, but sometimes they Survey Report:- We have conducted a weekly survey are used to change linear motion into rotary motion. about the transportation of different vehicles which The axis of the pinion is coupled with the sprocket passes through NH-37 National Highway to their arrangement. The axis of the smaller sprocket is respective destination point. We have classified the coupled to a gear arrangement. Finally the gear vehicle into following categories on the basis of their arrangement is coupled with the generator. un-loader weight as two-wheeler, 3-wheeler, 4- wheeler and 6-wheeler or above. At the best of our knowledge we have conducted the different types of vehicles run through the highway. Our study area is NH-37 Highway nearby CRPF CAMP and recorded the data and tried to understand the load carrying capacity of road per day or year in weight. Data collection:- We have collected the data of total number of vehicles passing up and down through NH- 37 Highway.

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Site of survey:- NH-37 highway nearby CRPF CAMP Survey Period:- 1 week from 7 AM to 5 PM Total weight of the vehicle (unloaded) passing everyday on the road (to and fro) = 17, 49,500kgf As per the information (non-official) of District Transport Office, Ri-bhoi and Joint Secretary of Truck Union of Ri- bhoi, the total number of vehicles passing to and fro everyday are 10,700. The above mentioned statistical data may be more in busy trunk roads and in super highways. Besides, as per the data collected from concerned person of traffic enforcement unit, we have found that there were about 15051 loaded truck and 1305 unloaded truck which entered Assam from different parts of the country during the month of November 2014. The weights of such heavy vehicles are indeed a good source of potential energy which can be used to generate electricity from speed breakers. The data is collected from “RI-BHOI GATE Post”. Statistical Analysis The average weights i.e. kg forces of different vehicles are calculated in percentage of NH-37 national are not practically implemented till date. But they are Highway to determine per day kg force. practically implemented in New Jersey, China and There are certain merits and demerits associated with this Indonesia. Lots of researches and investigations are going mechanism, which are discussed below. on to practically utilize this technique. Merits: Low Budget electricity production, Less floor area, Conclusion No obstruction to traffic, Suitable at parking of multiplexes, The existing source of energy such as coal, oil etc. may not malls, toll booths, signals, etc. be adequate to meet the ever increasing energy demands. Demerits: We have to check mechanism from time to time, These conventional sources of energy are also depleting It can get rusted in rainy season, May not work with light and may be exhausted. These are some non-conventional weight vehicles, Less quantity. methods of producing energy. This project is a one step to Scope and Uses path of exploring the possibilities of energy from several This mechanism is very economical and easy to install. Two non-conventional energy sources. protocols of this type of speed breakers, developed in India


67 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Effect of Seismic Waves on Buildings and its Remedies

Rommojyoti Bhattacharjee, Lablu Mazumdar, Jubair Ahmed Laskar, Sagar Bezbaruah 2nd Sem.CE

Prerequisite knowledge about Seismic Waves the earthquake zoning map of India divides India into 4 Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the seismic zones (Zone 2, 3, 4 and 5) unlike its previous Earth's layers, and are a result of an earthquake, explosion, version which consisted of five or six zones for the country. or a volcano that imparts low-frequency acoustic energy. Many other natural and anthropogenic sources create low According to the present zoning map, Zone 5 expects the amplitude waves commonly referred to as ambient highest level of seismicity hereas Zone 2 is associated with vibrations. Seismic waves are studied by geophysicists the lowest level of seismicity. (also commonly known as seismologists). Seismic wave fields are recorded by a seismometer, hydrophone (in water), or accelerometer. The propagation velocity of the waves depends on density and elasticity of the medium. Velocity tends to increase with depth, and ranges from approximately 2 to 8 km/s in the Earth's crust up to 13 km/s in the deep mantle. Earthquakes create various types of waves with different velocities; when reaching seismic observatories, their different travel time help scientists to locate the source of the earthquake hypocenter. In geophysics the refraction or reflection of seismic waves is used for research into the structure of the Earth's interior, and man-made vibrations are often generated to investigate shallow, subsurface structures.

Short Description of Different Seismic Zones The Indian subcontinent has a history of devastating earthquakes. The major reason for the high frequency and intensity of the earthquakes is that the Indian plate is driving into Asia at a rate of approximately 47 mm/year. Fig shows the division of Indian Subcontinent Geographical statistics of India show that almost 54% of in different Seismic Zones the land is vulnerable to earthquakes. A World Bank & United Nations report shows estimates that around 200 Earthquakes: Types and Causes Types: Foreshock, Aftershock, Blind thrust Doublet, million city dwellers in India will be exposed to storms and Interplate,Intraplate ,Mega thrust, Remotely Triggered, earthquakes by 2050. The latest version of seismic zoning Slow Submarine Supershear, Tsunami Earthquake Swarm. map of India given in the earthquake resistant design code Causes:1. Fault movement Volcanism, of India [IS 1893 (Part 1) 2002] assigns four levels of 2. Induced Seismicity seismicity for India in terms of zone factors. In other words,

68 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine List of Major Earthquakes in India

Additional Information: of the situations that can give rise to this situation in the Effect of 1897 earthquake on Meghalaya : Cherra- building plan are: Companyganj State Railways (CCSR), a narrow gauge Positioning the stiff elements asymmetrically with Mountain Railway that existed 117 years ago in British respect to the center of gravity of the story. The placement India. CCSR was in fact a 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge of large masses asymmetrically with respect to stiffness. tramway and the Railway operated between Tharia, a mining town in Meghalaya, near Cherrapunjee and Companyganj, now in Syhlet District of Bangladesh, fora distance of 7.5 miles (12.1 km). It was built at a cost of 8 Lakhs, which was incurred by erstwhile Provincial Government of Assam. The Railway continued to run between Tharia and Companyganj till the Assam Earthquake of 1897 inwhich tracks were completely damaged. The tracks were not repaired after that and the Railway finally closed in 1900. In fact the Cherra- Companyganj State Railway was conceptualized by Hubert Kench, the British ExecutiveEngineer of Khasi and Jaintia Hills Division. As there was need to connect Shillong, to Fig: A combination of the two situations described capital of Province Calcutta, then to the Capital of British above. India. An extension of Railway link up to Syhlet and Goalundo was in plan from whereRailway link to Calcutta Common faults done during Construction that already existed, but after the Earthquake of 1897, all plans makes a Building less resistant to Seismic Waves were shelved. Buildings with no Structural Framing Effect of Seismic Waves on Buildings Torsion has been the cause of major damage to Earthquake damage caused by the building buildings subjected to strong earthquakes, ranging from having no structural framing where the upper floors visible distortion of the structure (and its resultant loss of and roof are simply built on to masonry walls. This is image and reliability) to structural collapse (see figure difficult, because some sort of framing is vital; once below). these walls shake a bit, the entire strength is lost and Source of Torsion the building will collapse or pancake during an Torsion is produced by the eccentricity existing earthquake. The solution here can only be to between the center of mass and the center of stiffness. Some strengthen each room with a 12-member cubic frame 69 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

(on 4 sides round the floor, up the 4 corners of the the columns, and should be strong enough to give walls, and around the 4 sides of the roof). Such frames positional and rotational restraint to all the columns. It would have to have substantial moment resistance all is not possible to make buildings 'earthquake proof', to three ways in all 8 corners. And every room would the extent that they will resist any earthquake; but the need the treatment, especially on the lower floors. The remedies proposed in this list will help any building, frames should be tied in to walls, ceilings or roofs, and its occupants, survive. floors as well as possible, with through bolts, or Excessive Building Weight, Compromising Structural chemical anchors etc. Such frames should be in steel Strength or in properly designed reinforced concrete. It would Additional weight added to buildings leading perhaps be cheaper to demolish and rebuild properly. to structural weakness and elevated susceptibility to Buildings having Suspect Structural Framing earthquake damage or collapse. This is very common, The buildings have structural framing which is particularly in poor areas of poor countries in suspect, leading to poor earthquake resistance. This is earthquake zones. Peru and Haiti spring to mind. A as common as paragraph 1. You only have to look at building may have been perfectly well built for one or pictures from any earthquake to see concrete framing perhaps 2 floors. Increases in family size with no which has failed: not enough steel main increase in family budget leads to another floor being reinforcement, leading to bending failure: not enough jerry built on top, usually as described in paragraph 1 stirrups, leading to bursting failure, not enough or 2. A new roof is put on, usually as described in cement in the concrete, leading to crumbling under paragraph 3. Further increases of more floors can load; and of course under-sized members. It is follow. If the building does not fail under the continued common for people to build hollow block walls, and upwards expansion, it will certainly fail under a slight leave some vertical gaps filled with a bit of concrete tremor; even taking down the perhaps well-built with a few rebars; and at every floor, a course of blocks original building below. The best solution here is to is left out and a similar sized concrete beam replaces it. enforce removal of stories which make the building Unless a structural engineer is quite certain that the dangerous, though the strengthening of paragraph 1 concrete and rebars are sufficiently sized and well and 3, at every floor, might help. In addition, many enough built, especially at the joints, such structures such buildings have balconies, or have had balconies should be treated as in paragraph 1. bolted on; and then the balconies have been bricked in CompromisedBuildingFoundations to create further rooms. But the extra weight is in the The foundations of earthquake resistant wrong place. The higher weight is in the building, the buildings require special considerations to allow for more it shakes the building about in an earthquake. ground movement. Frequently the foundations of Discipline is needed to remove additional weight. If traditional buildings are often designed as 'pinned', there are block work and concrete roofs, they should but, because the bottom of every wall or column bears be replace with lightweight steel and insulation and down onto the foundations, the bases do provide a bit sheeting, which may weigh ten times less. of fixity in the static condition. This gives some Common faults observed in destructed Building of additional strength to the walls or columns, in the Kutch (Gujrat) during Earthquake of Year 2001 static condition. But in earthquake conditions, the Non-Engineered rubble masonry buildings: ground is not static: it moves up and down, side to side, Many buildings in Kutch of up to 2 storeys in and can change slope. If you can imagine a base of a height are made of random rubble masonry wall or column rotating out of the horizontal, you can construction. The 26 January 2001 earthquake caused see it putting a bend into the wall or column. This massive damage to these buildings. A great many means that the apparent fixity at the base is now not partially or completely collapsed, especially close to giving extra strength but, on the contrary, is the epicentre in Bhuj, Anjar, Bachau and Sukhpur, contributing to early failure. Also, in earthquakes, the where the destruction was almost total. Towns and ground can crack and expand or ruck up within the villages that are further from theepicentre of the dimensions of a building, and this would put enormous earthquake were less affected but only in the sense that forces into the structure. For this reason, foundations total collapse was not aswidespread. For example, of buildings in earthquake areas should always have a near the villages of Kera or Naranpur buildings of this grillage of reinforced concrete or steel, going both nature were stillstanding with sometimes only partial ways under all load supporting members. Such collapse.During the earthquake, many buildings easily foundations should have full strength connections to separated at corners and T-junctions resulting inwalls

70 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine overturning and roofs collapsing, which killed damage. What sets this building apart from others thousands of people. This was because therandom thatcollapsed nearby, is that it has been designedwith rubble walls were made of uneven stone and the stones strong reinforced concrete seismic bands at linteland were laid on either weak soil ormortar bedding. Under cill level, which completely tie the four walls. There is the heavy seismic shaking, the tensile strength of the also a flat concrete roof. The seismicshear force is mortar (and rubble)was easily exceeded, and walls resisted by the lintel and cill bands, and has clearly bulged or totally collapsed. strengthened the building against repeated shaking Buildings that survived or suffered less damage during from an earthquake which would make lesser Earthquake in Gujrat buildings collapse. The masonry buildings which performed the best, have the following features in common: · Cut-stones were bedded in cement mortar · Roofs were properly fixed to the top of the walls. · Window openings were sensibly sized in relation to the total wall length; · Buildings were symmetrical with no concentrated masses; · Many had cross walls at sensible spacing, although it was unclear whether they were adequately tied at T and L junctions; · Foundations were typically founded at 0.5 to 1.0m depth, probably on firm to medium dense soils or rocks. Peripheral seismic bands or ties: Seismic bands or ties greatly increase the strength of buildings in earthquakes. The railway lookout building in Figure is made with random masonry, is well-constructed and Strengthening of buildings by use of seismic bands. is bonded with cement mortar and suffered very little

**** Sub Atomic World

Ishaan Bhattacharya 2nd Sem.ME

According to quantum theory, particles are wave like Consequently the particle will move around. The more it is in nature and behave in a strange manner. If a sub atomic confined to a smaller region; its movement will be faster. particle, viz., electron is confined to a small region in space, This tendency of a particle to react to confinement with it starts moving around in the region of confinement. If this motion shows the fundamental restlessness of matter even region becomes smaller, the particle's movement will be though material world around us may seem to be passive faster within it. This behavior is a typical quantum effect of and inert. Atoms, which make up the material world the sub atomic particles. Other than the sub atomic world, produces various molecular structure which are not rigid this feature is not seen in the larger bodies. and motionless. In vibrating atom the electric forces of In quantum theory, particles are represented by wave nuclei try to keep the electrons asa close as possible and the packets. The length of such a wave packet represents the electrons react to this confinement by moving around uncertainty in the location of the particle. In any particular extremely fast. Thus matter is in a continuous dancing and wave pattern we cannot say to certainty where exactly the vibrating motion whose rhythmic patterns are determined particle is located in the region. If we precisely try to by the atomic, molecular and nuclear structures. The nature localize the particle, we will have to confine the particle in is therefore not in a static but in a dynamic equilibrium and the smaller region. In doing so, the wave length of the wave has to be grasped dynamically and this nature of dynamic packet will get affected and also the velocity of the particle. equilibrium is found in the case of larger bodies- the world of stars and galaxies.

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To understand the sub atomic world which is Einstein's theory, thus, matter and space seem to be constantly in motion, the conventional framework has been inseparable and interconnected parts of a single whole. The found to be not adequate and we have to describe it in the material objects are therefore influenced by their framework of special theory of relativity. We have to take environment directly. According to Ernst Mach; the inertia into consideration, both the quantum theory and the of a body is not an inherent property of matter, but a relativity theory. Under the relativistic framework, the measure of its interaction with the rest of the universe. In concepts of mass and energy are initiated by the Einstein's Mach's view, therefore matter has got inertia because there famous equation are other matters in the universe. Thus when the body E = mc2. rotates, its inertia produces centrifugal forces, but these Thus mass is a form of energy. Mass, therefore, is no forces appear only because the body rotates “relative to longer indestructible but it can also be transformed into fixed stars”. energy. It has been seen during the collision experiments If these fixed stars were to suddenly disappear, then involving subatomic particles that the colliding particles the inertia and centrifugal forces rotating the body would can be destroyed and their masses may be transformed disappear with them. According to Mach, (Mach's partly into mass and partly into the kinetic energy of the principle) these interactions among matters reaches out to newly created particles. Conversely, when particles are the universe at large. The basic unity of the universe is made to collide with very high velocities, their kinetic increasingly acknowledged in modern astrophysics and energies can be used to form the masses of new particles. cosmology. In the word of the astronomer Fred Hoyle:\ In such a process, not the mass, but only the total 'Present day developments in cosmology are coming energy involved is conserved. Thus mass cannot be to suggest rather insistingly that everyday conditions could associated to any material substance but as bundle of not persist but for the distant parts of the universe, that all energy and hence the nature of sub atomic particle is our ideas of space and geometry would become entirely intrinsically dynamic. Thus these particles may be invalid if the distant parts of the universe were taken away. conceived in relativistic term, i.e., in the framework where Our every day experience, even down to the smallest details space and time are fused into a four dimensional seems to be so closely integrated to the other parts of the continuum. This implies that subatomic particles are universe that it is impossible to contemplate the two being dynamic patterns having space-time aspect. This space separated.' aspect make them appear as objects with certain mass and Quantum electrodynamics, which combines classical the time aspect as processes involving the equivalent electrodynamics with quantum theory, describes all energy. Quantum theory has shown that the particles are not electromagnetic interactions between subatomic particles. isolated grains of matter but are probability patterns, This theory incorporates both quantum theories to relativity interconnected in an inseparable network. Relativity theory theory. The striking new feature of quantum has shown that these patterns are intrinsically dynamic in electrodynamics arises from the combination of two character. The particles of the subatomic world are the concepts: that of electromagnetic field and that of photon as different aspects of the same space-time reality. Because of the particle manifestations of electromagnetic waves. Since the relativistic nature of the sub atomic particles their photons are also electromagnetic waves, and since these properties cannot be understood without understanding waves are vibrating fields, photons must be manifestations their mutual interactions and because of their basic of electromagnetic fields. Hence comes the concept of interconnectedness, it is not possible to understand any one quantum field which can take the form of quanta of particle. of the particles before we understand all the others. This concept is extended to describe all sub atomic particles As seen above, modern physics has led not only to a and their interactions, each type of a particle corresponding new notion of the “particle”, it has also profoundly changed to a different field. In these quantum field theories, the the concept of void. It began with the Einstein's idea of classical contrast between the solid particle and the space associating the gravitational field with the geometry of the surrounding them is completely overcome. The quantum space and it became even more comprehensible when field is seen as the fundamental physical entity; a quantum theory and relativity theory were combined to continuous medium which is present everywhere in space. describe the force fields of subatomic particles. In these Particles are merely local condensations of the fields, quantum field theories, the distinction between the concentrations of energy which come and go, thereby particles and the space surrounding them losses its original losing their individual character and dissolving into the sharpness and the void is recognize as a dynamic quantity underlying fields. of importance. The concepts of matter and the surrounding In the word of Einstein: void can no longer be separated. Whenever there is a 'We may therefore regard matter as being constituted massive body, there will also be gravitational field, and this by the region of space in which the field is extremely dense. field will manifest itself as the curvature of the space There is no place in physics both for the field and matter, for surrounding that body. the field in the only reality.' In Einstein's general theory of relativity the The concept of physical things and phenomena as gravitational field and the structure of space is identical. In transient manifestation of an underlying (as in the case of 72 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine water waves) fundamental entity is a basic element of like a water wave across the surface of a lake; there is no quantum field theory. In case of water waves, up and down such thing as one and the same substance of which the movement of water particle make us believe that a “piece” electron consists at all times.” of water moves over the surface of water. This analogy is With the concept of quantum field, physics has found used by physicist in the context of field theory to point out an unexpected answer to the question whether matter the illusion of a material substance created by a moving consists of individual atoms or of an underlying particle. continuum. The field is a continuum which is present Thus Hermann Weyle writes: everywhere in space and yet in its particle aspect has a “According to field theory of matter, a material discontinuous granular structure. The two apparently particle such as electron is merely a small domain of contradictory concepts are thus unified and seem to be electrical field within which the field strength assumes merely different aspects of the same reality. As always in a enormously high value, indicating that comparatively huge realistic theory, the unification of the two opposite concept field energy is concentrated in a very small space. Such takes place in a dynamic way. The two aspects of matter energy knot, which by no means is easily delineated against transform themselves endlessly into one another. the remaining field, propagates thorough the empty space


What's ailing in Indian Sports?

Armo Dejak M. Sangma 2nd Sem. CE

Sport is one area where India lags behind even culture in India. Sports in India are considered as a some of the poorest nations in the world despite the secondary and supplementary activity. This explains to a presence of huge pool of talented sportspersons that exists large extent, the apathy on the part of the government in all parts of India. At the junior levels, our boys and girls machinery towards sports. can compete with the best in the world in almost every The corporate indifference too stems from the fact that they sport. However when it comes to the senior levels, where are not sure that the sponsorship money will be efficiently the actual capabilities of our sportsperson are tested, we fail used in promoting the game and for the welfare of the miserably. This shows that it is not the lack of talent that players. bogs down our athletes but somewhere along the line, it is The corporate sector should be encouraged to take full the lack of power training that lead to their poor control of the management of games and training of performances in the international arena. athletes. This only will ensure greater accountability on the The fact that professional sportsperson in our country face a part of the players and the coaches to show results. It should lot of hardships cannot be denied. There are usual problems make all efforts to encourage young boys and girls to take of lack of infrastructure and funds, lethargic approach on up sports as a full time profession and not as a secondary the part of government agencies and indifference of the activity. corporate sector in providing sponsorships. However the fundamental problem lies in the absence of a sporting


73 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Mega Dams : A Socio-Political Issue

Pooja Nath 2nd Sem.CE Bipasha Baruah 2nd Sem. ECE

Dams are massive barriers built across rivers and controversies. Lack of comprehensive Environmental streams to confine and utilise the flow of water for human Impact Assessment (EIA) and project planning threatens purposes such as irrigation and generation of hydro- the local biodiversity and has tremendous downstream and electricity. It also helps in stopping the river's natural course upstream upheaval affecting livelihood and aquatic life. so that water can be set off which controls flooding. Dams Poor EIA appraisal has already led to unwanted deluge in have been built with the intention to improve human quality the lower riparian areas of Assam. of life but have also resulted in human health concern and There is a lot going on as far as the construction of Dams is environmental problems. Large Dams are often criticized concerned. The issue is not just one, but many matters being because of their negative environmental and social impacts entangled with one another. The government of India has such as increase in communicable diseases and social adopted a neo- liberal policy which is capital intensive and disruption caused by construction and involuntary people insensitive. Thus, this development through Dams is resettlement. regarded by many as anti-people which is solely focused on Dams built by blocking by progress of a river in one country benefitting the government. usually means that the water supply from the same river in The issue becomes more crucial because it deals with the the following country is out of their control. Also, north eastern part of India. The north east is projected as communities living close to dams often do not benefit from potential power house due to the fact that the government of water transfer and electricity generation revenues. People India has offered strong counter resistance for its are forced to move from their homes due to the construction developmental projects in other part of the country. It also of dams. has a strategic dimension as China frequently claims Dams its development and relevance in the national Arunachal as part of Chinese territory and also China is scenario-have historically evolved as potential agendas for building a Dam in the upstream area. The origin of the nation building since 1950. The era of protected regime till Brahmaputra and most other rivers is in the Chinese the 1980s had a strong policy towards restricting territory and the flow through Arunachal and Assam of construction of mega structures on the mainland. The India and finally touch Bangladesh. Inside India again these obvious reflection that can be seen in Punjab, Jammu and rivers flow through two or more states and hence can be Kashmir and the North Eastern part of the country where characterized as inter-state rivers. And thus, unfortunately, big dams and heavy industries were not planned because of the downstream states like Assam are completely ignored in the regions proximity to hostile neighbours. the context of both policy making and share benefits. There is a spat of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) The Government of India is not addressing local genuine with different hill states. In the north east India, Arunachal concerns and is bypassing the people's interests in the name Pradesh has the most vibrant potential to generate hydro- of national growth. Hence, critics argue that it ignores the power. However, the innumerable network of Dams that are very foundation of justice. The proposed power distribution proposed for the different river basins in Arunachal Pradesh centre for the project has been fixed outside the region do not only threaten the smooth flow of the river waters that which also causes centre periphery dilemma. are projected to be small as compared to their counterparts But we, as people of the 21st century should be foresighted. in Narmada and Tehri, but will have more complex We need to think not only about our survival and outcomes as the communities in the states are innumerable, development but also about the sustainability and the small in size and heterogeneous. Big dams will have serious development of the future generation, of the people who are implication on the cultural bonds that the Arunachali tribes yet to come. Hence, our approach should be one which is maintain. But the challenge towards contesting such based on moving ahead on the pattern of thinking globally, vehement resource use lies in understanding how marginal acting locally and living ecologically. Sustainable landscapes are integrated into a nationalist dream of development, that is, accessing nature sustainably without integrating frontier space. destroying the needs of the future generation, should be our Dam construction in recent years has invited lots of goal.


74 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Disaster management with special reference to India

Prajjwal Dutta 2nd Sem. CSE Joseph Yomdo, Kalen Tamuk 2nd Sem. CE

Disaster is the sudden accident or a natural catastrophe natural disasters, can be mitigated with good evaluation that causes great damage or loss of life. It got its name from plans, environmental planning and design standards. In the Italian word “Disastro” which means “unlucky event”. January 2005, Governments of different countries adopted A disaster can be man-made or natural and causes a great a 10 year global plan for natural disaster risk reduction loss of both life and property. Recently, we have witnessed called The Hyogo Frame Work (which offers guiding the disaster which struck Kathmandu in Nepal causing principles, priorities for action and practical means for death of thousands. Hence management of disaster comes achieving disaster resilience for vulnerable communities). into action. Disaster preparedness: The disaster management field allows people to better These activities are designed to minimise loss of life and understand the process of coping and dealing with large property damage for example by removing people and scale natural disasters. This is a discipline that has been property from a threatened location and by facilitating developed to help communities and people understand the timely and effective relief and rehabilitation process. process of natural disaster and how to deal with natural Preparedness is the main way of reducing the impact of disaster and their aftermath. It is now possible to gain a disaster. degree in disaster management, and universities and Disaster relief: colleges are offering degree in Disaster Management as a This is a coordinated multi agency response to reduce the field of study. impact of a disaster and its long term result relief activities Types of Disaster: include rescue, relocation, providing food and water, There is no country that is not immune to disaster. preventing diseases and disabilities, repairing vital services Although vulnerability to disaster varies, there are four such as telecommunications and transport, providing main types of disaster temporary shelter and emergency health care. 1) Natural Disaster which includes floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, forest fire, and volcanic eruptions. 2) Environmental emergencies which include technological or industrial accidents. 3) Complex emergencies which include a breakdown of authority and attacks on strategic installations, including conflict situation and war. 4) Pandemic emergencies which includes a sudden outbreak of contagious diseases bringing economic loss. It is really an unfortunate and undesirable situation that in our country around 6 crore people are affected by disasters everywhere. We have no policy on systematic Disaster Management. It is only after a disaster strikes that the will of Government, both at centre and at state level, move, that too slowly. Despite the need to build up capabilities to meet the challenges of disasters, the thrust has been unfortunately an alleviation and relief. Even the Fig: A bar diagram representing natural calamities relief has not been quick and adequate, a few disasters such versus death rate. as Orissa super cyclone, Tsunami of 2004, Gujarat earthquake etc. experiences has shown up the following Disaster recovery: weakness in our disaster management efforts: Once emergency needs have been met and the Disaster Prevention: initial crisis is over, the affected people and the These are activities designed to provide permanent communities that support them, are still vulnerable. protection from disaster. Not all disaster, particularly Recovery activities include rebuilding infrastructure,

75 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine health care and rehabilitation. Measures taken to improve disaster management in India: Disaster management is linked with sustainable 1) Central level: at the central or national level, Ministry development, particularly, in relation to vulnerable people of Home Affairs is entrusted with the nodal such as children and other marginalised group. responsibility of managing disaster. At the open level, As far as our country is concerned, we are yet to be there are low cabinet committees viz., Cabinet on the mark to face the havoc of disasters. The reasons Committee on national calamity and Cabinet behind this are as below: Committee on security. All the major issues concerning 1) Inadequate early warning system- Though the natural calamity whereas calamities which can affect forecasting, monitoring and warning mechanisms are internal security or which may be caused due to use of beautifully articulated on paper, in practice, the nuclear, biological or chemical weapons etc. are placed warnings are not early enough and they do not reach out before the Cabinet Committee on Security. to all likely to be affected. In case of tsunami 2004, Bhuj 2) State and District level: At the state level, there are state earthquake etc., for example, communication facilities relief commissioners who are in-charge of the relief which could have resulted in better coordination of measures in wake of natural disasters in the perspective warning and reduction of damage to life and property states. The Chief Secretary is the overall in-charge of were inadequate. the relief commissioner and additional relief 2) Lack of pre-disaster preparedness With disaster commissioners work under his direction and control. In striking India with increased regularity,, there should be addition, there are number of secretaries, heads of a plan to tackle the disaster and reduce its impact. On the various departments who also work under the overall contrary, people are caught unaware time and again. direction of the Chief Secretaries. At the district one, There is no planned information system as to what needs headed by district collector or District Magistrate who to be done when faced with a calamity. As an instance, in is responsible for overall supervision and monitoring of the tsunami of 2004, many dead bodies laid floating on relief measures and precautions of disaster water for many days due to the unavailability of lack of management plans. At the Tehsil level, DSO/SDM take required equipments to meet the need of time or care of disaster management. emergency. Technological Developments: 3) Inadequate and slow relief relief is an important aspect Technological innovations are vital for effective of the disaster management to provide health to the disaster management. The DST, Government of India is affected people. The relief operations are often handled taking several measures to upgrade technological inputs. in ad hoc and haphazard manner. How efficiently to The important developments include- provide food, medicine, to reduce the sufferings of the 1) India Disaster Resource Network this is a web enabled affected people are addressed are met improperly. centralised database which will ensure quick access to 4) Lack of coordination Disaster Management requires resources to minimise response time in emergencies. concentrated efforts from central and State This database will be available at national, state and Governments, NGOs, International Agencies and district level simultaneously. Police network is another Private Sectors etc. Due to the lack of co ordinations, important communication network to be used for relief materials are not properly distributed among the disaster management. In emergency, mobile satellite people. Even worst happens when they are misutilised based units which can be transported to disaster sites and are not distributed uniformly. are produced. 5) Proper administration A quick assessment of the extent 2) Development of GIS based national database for of the damage is necessary so that relief and disaster management- the GIS is an effective tool for rehabilitation work can be properly planned. However, emergency responders to access information in terms of it was seen that months after Bhuj earthquake and crucial parameters for the disaster affected areas. This tsunami of 2004, the Government was yet to finish the include location of public facilities, communication preliminary survey of assessing the total impact of the links, transport network etc. the GIS is already damage. available with Government agencies, it is currently 6) Poor management of finances for post disaster relief been upgraded. Mostly relief and rehabilitation work suffers from the 3) Installation of early warning and hazard detecting lack of coordination, proper management and equipments early warning systems has already been supervision at all levels and indicated the absence of installed for cyclones and floods in the country by IMD adequate planning and preparedness to meet an and CWC. There is well established organisational emergency. setup for detecting, tackling and forecast cyclones. 7) No instruction for pre-seismic period there is no There are 6 cyclone warning centres at Kolkata, instruction for the pre seismic period. Unfortunately, in Bhubaneswar, Vishakhapatnam, Chennai, Mumbai and the present administrative setup, no official will visit the Ahmedabad. Cyclone tracking is done with the help of people to tell them about an eminent earthquake. INSAT satellites. CWC does flood forecasting. There are nearly 700 stations from where hydrological and 76 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

hydro meteorological data are collected. Now a) Identification and prediction Government has also succeeded in acquiring and b) Early warning system installing the tsunami warning and detection system in c) Evacuation the aftermath of tsunami disaster of 2004. d) Relief WHAT INDIA NEEDS? e) Rescue In the view of frequency of disaster striking India, f) Rehabilitation there is need for continued vigilance, preparedness and g) Compensation conscious efforts to reduce the occurrence and for h) Reconstruction mitigation of impact of natural disaster. What is required is i) Preparedness a planned approach to disaster management; its 3) There is a need to show the expertise and management is a fundamental component of sustainable experiences so that states can learn from each other. There development because the reduction of disaster is also a need for training each individual who are likely to management is equivalent to increased developments. The face natural disaster and those who deals with relief following suggestions can be offered for effective disaster operations. management system in India: India in recent years has made significant 1) There should be a proper multi-layer organisational development in the area of disaster management. A new structure in a focused and coordinated manner culture of preparedness, quick response, strategic thinking responsible for overall management and national, state, and prevention is being ushered. The administrative district, village level. framework is being streamlined to deal with the various 2) The basic design of disaster management should disaster managements. However a lot more need to be done consist of planned coordinated efforts in the following to make disaster management a man movement in near important areas: future.

**** Eco-Friendly Technology

Subir Baruah 2nd Sem. ECE

Eco friendly technology is also known as Green · Energy efficiency Tech and Environmental Tech. Eco friendly technology can · Multi functional help preserve the environment through energy efficiency · Low impact manufacturing and reduction of harmful waste. Green tech innovators use Recently new innovations in the field of green tech includes the latest environmental science and green chemistry to highly efficient LED lights which can be used to make reduce the harmful impact of human activity on the earth. countless other gadgets moreenvironmental friendly, as Green technology is still in the earliest stages of well as promising growth. In lesser known renewable development, but many exciting innovations have already energies like algae oil. Major companies like DELL and been made in areas like renewable energy, water GOOGLE are taking notable steps forward with eco- purification and waste management as well as in everyday friendly technology in projects ranging from plant based consumer products like electronics and vehicles. It can be packaging to vast wind farms. as small as a hand-held gadget or as expansive as a new Dell is bringing out its latest eco friendly technology method of filtering green house gases out of the closure to home specifically the homes of the customers atmosphere. ordering the company's computers. Dell has announced a Eco friendly technology often involves some of the new sustainable packaging strategy which will use following: mushroom to create product cushioning for ship. · Recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable content Eco friendly technology innovations such as these will · Plant- based materials continue to have a tremendous impact on the technology · Reduction of polluting substances based industry, especially when implemented by · Reduction of green house gas emissions companies with a large influence of consumers. · Renewable energy ****

77 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Various Indian Space Organisations

Wahiduz Zaman 2nd Sem. ME The Indian space programme began in 1962. In (DECU) at Ahmedabad is involved in the conception, 1969 the Indian space research organisation (ISRO) was set definition, planning, implementation and socio-economic up with headquarters in Bangalore for the purpose of rapid evaluation of innovative configuration for space development in Space technology and its application. In applications. 1972, Space Commission was established. In 1975, India ISRO Telemetry, Traking and Command Network launched its first satellite, Aryabhatta and thus , entered the ISRO Telemetry, Traking and Command Network space age. Over the last two and a half decade, the Indian (ISTRAC) provides mission support to law-earth orbit Space program has made impressive progress through a satellites as well as launch vehicles missions. well integrated, self reliant programme. Its main objectives Master Control Facility aare as below: Master Control Facility (MCF) at Hassan in Karnataka and 1) Mass communication and education via satellite Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh monitors and controls all the 2) Survey and management of natural resources geo-stationary satellites of ISRO. through remote sensing technology, environmental ISRO Inertial System Unit monitoring and meteorological forecasting. ISRO Inertial System Unit (IISU) at tiruvananthapuram 3) Development of indigenous satellite and satellite carries out resource and development in Inertial Sensors launch vehicles. and Systems. Indian Space Research Organisation: National Remote Sensing Agency Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), set up in 1969 National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) at Hyderabad is at Ahmedabad with professor Vikram Sarabhai as a an autonomous institution under DOS. The agency Chairman, is the Apex body to provide guidelines, responsible for satellite data acquisition and processing formulate policies and monitor implementation of the data dissemination, areal remote sensing and decision national Space policy. support for disaster management. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. Physical Research Laboratory Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) at Ahmedabad is an Tiruvananthapuram is the head centre for the development autonomous institution supported mainly by DOS. It is a of satellite launch vehicles and associated technology. premier institute for multi disciplinary research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Earth sciences, planetary ISRO Satellite Centre. sciences, Space sciences and Basic Sciences. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) at Bangalore is the head National Atmospheric Research Laboratory centre for developing satellite technology and National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) at implementation of Satellite system for scientific, Gadanki near Tirupati is an autonomous society supported technological and applications missions. by DOS. It is a premier centre for atmospheric research Satish Dhawan Space Centre. facilities ike mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) is the main launch RADAR, LIDAR etc. centre of ISRO and has facilities for solid propellent Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre casting, static testing of solid motors, launch vehicles Five Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre (RRSSC) integration and launch operations, range operations have been established by the DOS at Bangalore, Jodhpur, comprising telemetric tracking and command network and Kharagpur, DEhradun and Ngpur. RRSSCs support the mission control centre. various remote sensing tasks specific to the regions as well Liquid Propulsion System Centre. as at the national levels. Liquid Propulsion System Centre (LPSC) is the lead centre North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) in development of liquid and cryogenic propulsion for North Eastern Space Application centre is a regional Space launch vehicles and satellites. centre established in September 2000 at Umiam, Space Application Centre. Meghalaya by joint initiative of Department of Space, Space Application Centre (SAC) at Ahmedabad is engaged Government of India and North Eastern Council to expedite in the development of payloads for communication, the usage of remote sensing technology to discover natural meteorological and remote sensing satellite. minerals unveiled in the North Easter States of India and to Development and Educational Communicational Unit promote overall growth of north-eastern states of India (DECU) using space, science and technology. Development and Educational Communication Unit

**** 78 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

3G versus Wi-fi

Denis Mackdonal Kharnaiar 2nd Sem. EEE

Introduction. Hotel. The 3G network is third generation of mobile Why is there a subdivision? It is because smaller region networking and telecommunication. It features a wider allows higher user density and faster transmission rate. range of service and advance network capacity over the This is why they are called “Hotspot”. A 3G technology, previous 2G network. The 3G network also increases the there are basically two competing technologies to achieve rate of information transfer known as spectral efficiency. multiple accesses- TDMA and CDMA. Wireless networking technology that use radio wave to Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) works by provide wireless high speed internet and network dividing a single radio frequency into many small time connections. The wi-fi alliance, the organisation that owns slots. Each caller is assigned a specific time for the wi-fi term specifically defines wi-fi as any Wireless transmission. Area Network. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) works by giving What is 3G? each user a unque code. The signals from all the users can Based on the Internal Telecommunication Union then be spread over a wide frequency band. The Standards, the 3G network is a third generation of mobile transmitting frequency for any one user is not fixed but is networking and Telecommunication. allowed to vary within the limitsof the bands. A 3G network provide for download speed of 14.4 How Wi Fi Technology works? Mbps and upload speed of 5.8 Mbps. The minimum speed The wireless adaptor of a computer translates data for a stationary user is 2 Mbps. into radio signals and transmits the signal over an antenna. Japan and South Korea were the first countries to The transmitting antenna is generally connected to a successfully launch this network. The Japanese Company DSL(Digital Subscriber Line) or a LAN based nternet FOMA launched in May 2001 and South Koreas SK connection. The Wi Fi signals have a range of about 120 Telecomm launched in January 2002. feet indoors and 300 feet outdoors. With an increase in the Delays on the role out process of the 3G network distance between the user and the signal, the connection impacted the growth of mobile technology in many speed decreases, Wi Fi connections allow us to get rid of countries. This network uses a different radio frequency the cluster of wires. than 2G, which forced many companies to built entirely The use of Wi Fi technology for internet access is n the rise. new infrastructure and obtain additional licences. Companies and households have begun opting for wireless What is Wi-Fi? internet access. Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking Similarity between 3G and Wi Fi technology that uses radio wave to provide wireless high · Both are wireless speed internet and network connection. · Both are access technology. Wi-Fi work with no physical wired connection between · Both offer broadband data service. sender and receiver by using rdio frequency technology, a Difference between 3G and Wi Fi. frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated · Current business models or deployment are different. with radio wave propagation. As noted above 3G represent an extension of the Any product that are tested and approved as Wi-Fi certified mobile service provider model. This is the technology of by the Wi Fi Alliance are certified as interoperable with choice for upgrading existing mobile telephone services to each other, even if they are from different manufacturers. expand capacity and add enhanced services. The common misconception is that the term Wi-fi is short In contrast, Wi Fi comes out of the data form for “Wireless Fidelity”. However this is not the case. communication industry (LANs) which is by-product of Wi-Fi is simply a trade mark term meaning IEEE 802.IIX. the computer industry. The basic business model is one of How 3G works? equipment makers who sell boxes to consumers. The The 3G network might be divided in hierarchical services provided by the equipment are free to the fashion- equipment owners. Macro cell the area of largest coverage, e.g., an · Spectrum policy and management. entire city. One of the key distinctions between 3Gand Wi Fi Micro cell the area of intermediate coverage, e.g., that have been only touched upon lightly so far is that 3G a city centre. and other mobile technologies are licenced spectrum, while Pico cell the area of smallest coverage, e.g., a “hotspot” in a 79 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Wi Fi uses unlicenced shared spectrum this has important both near coverage and distant coverage with good implications for- a) cost of service, b) quality of services, c) voice telephone support. congestion management. · Success of Wi Fi is potentially good for multimedia Implication in Industrial Structure. content. · Wi Fi is good for competition. The success of Wi Fi wireless local access alternative is Multimedia content benefits for higher bandwidth likely to be good for local competition. service so the ability to support higher speed wireless If both 3G and Wi Fi servive, then the diversity of access may help encourage the development of broad visible networking infrastructure strategies will be band multimedia content. conductive to greater facilities based competition. · Heterogeneous future. If Wi Fi service module survives, then we can expect Technical progress in wireless service favours a this to be inherently more competitive because of the heterogeneous wireless future. Once the world accepts lower entry barriers for setting up local property the need to co-ordinate heterogeneous technologies. services. Conclusion: · Wi Fi and 3G can compliment each other for a mobile This article offers a qualitative comparison of two wireless provider technologies which could be viewed simultaneously as Each of the technologies has distinct advantages over substitute and/or complimentary parts for involving to the other that would allow each to offer higher quality broadband wireless access. The two technologies are 3G services under desperate. which is the preferred path for mobile provider, and Wi Fi, 3g and Wi fi network provides the opportunity to offer one of the man's WLAN technologies.


Some important Ministers in our body a) Brain is our Prime Minister. b) Head is our Education Minister. c) Heart is our Finance Minister. d) Ears are our Post and Telegraph Minister. e) Stomach is our Food and Agricultural Minister. f) Hands are our Labour Minister. g) Nose is our Health Minister. h) Teeth are our Industrial Minister. i) Eyes are our Law Minister. j) Skin is our Defense Minister. k) Legs are our Transport Minister. l) Tongue is our Broadcasting Minister.

Jeena Gabison Ahmed. 4th Sem. CE

80 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine Formula 1 cars

Akashjyoti Khound, Supratim Kalita, Jodumoni Saikia 2nd Sem. ME

Introduction: gears, apply reverse, adjust fuel, change brake pressure and A Formula 1 car is a single- seat, open cockpit, open- call the radio. LCD screen is used on the wheel where engine wheel racing car with substantial front and rear wings, and rpm, lap time, speed and gear is displayed. The wheel which engine positioned behind the driver, intended to be used in weighs 1.3 kg is constructed from carbon fibre. competition at Formula 1 racing events. The Formula 1 The tyres of a F1 car cannot be wider than 14-15 inch at regulations specify that cars must be constructed by the the rear and 10-11 inch at the front, and have minimum racing teams themselves though the design and threads on them. The compounds are same as regular tyres manufacture can be outsourced. but are available in wet or dry versions according to the The modern day Formula 1 cars are constructed from track condition in a race. These tyres stick to the road when composites of carbon fibre and similar ultra-lightweight cornering all high speeds. In fact, F1 tyres are re-heated to materials. The minimum weight permissible is 102 kg help them get a better grip. Each set of tyres last about 125 including the driver. miles. Aerodynamics: Tyres: Aerodynamics has become key to success in the sport The tyres of a F1 car cannot be wider than 14-15 inch at and teams spend millions of dollars on research and the rear and 10-11 inch at the front, and have minimum development in the field each year. threads on them. The compounds are same as regular tyres The aerodynamic designer has two primary concerns- but are available in wet or dry versions according to the the creation of down-force, to help push the car's tyres onto track condition in a race. These tyres stick to the road when the track and improve cornering forces; and minimising the cornering all high speeds. In fact, F1 tyres are re-heated to drag that gets caused by the turbulence and acts to slow the help them get a better grip. Each set of tyres last about 125 car down. The primary wings mounted front and rear are miles. fitted with different profiles depending on the down force Braking System: requirements of a particular track. Disk brakes consist of a rotor and callipses at each Every single surface of a modern F1 car from the shape wheel and are made out of carbon composites to handle the of the suspension link to that of the driver's helmet has its enormous heat produced when these cars brake or de- aerodynamic effect considered. accelerate from 100-0 km/h o in about 15 metre. This Chassis: produces an immense heat of 1000°C and it has to be made The heart of a formula 1 car is the chassis, the part of the sure that the brakes can handle such temperature. automobile onto which everything is bolted and attached. Speed: Like most modern cars and aircrafts, Formula 1 race cars Every F1 car in a track is capable of going from 0-160 feature monocoque construction which refers to the process km/h and back to 0 in less than 5 seconds. An average F1 car of making the entire body out of a single piece of material. has the following figures of acceleration- Once upon a time the material was aluminium. But today it 0-100km/h- 1.7 secs is like strong composite, like spun carbon fibres set in resin 0-200 km/h 3.8 secs or carbon fibre layered over aluminium mesh. The result is 0-300 km- 8.6 secs a lightweight car that can withstand the enormous The acceleration is about 1.45 G's which means the downward acting forces that are produced as the vehicle driver experiences a force of 1.45 times the earth's gravity. moves through the air. The de-acceleration is a much higher figure of 4.5 to 6 G's. Formula 1 cars are very rigorous technical regulations. Safety system: The seat is made to fit a driver's precise measurements so Formula 1 cars are now safer than ever. The fuel tank is his movement is limited as the car moves around the track. made up of a carbon alloy and is at the back of the driver. It is Engine: insulated from heat and accidents. In 2006, Formula 1 season FIA introduced a new The cockpit of a Formula 1 car is a safe place to work. It engine formula which man dated cars to be powered by 2.4 is not only the carbon fibre costumed seat, helmet and litre aspirated engines in the V8 engine configuration with overall that help the drivers- the safety belts are key no more than four valves per cylinder. elements that give the driver a sense of security, and in an For a decade F1 car had run with 3. Litre naturally emergency protect him directly from serious injuries. The aspirated V10 engines, however, development had led to drivers are strapped into the cockpit by a six point harness. these engines producing between 980 and 1000 hp and Two shoulder straps, two pelvic straps and two leg straps reaching top speed 375 km/h. allow them just enough freedom of movement to be able to Steering Wheel: steer and reach the various switches and buttons in their In a Formula 1 car, the steering wheel is used to change field of vision.

81 KHASI AND GARO SECTION RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine

Wangala Festival

Ferditha M. Sangma 3rd Sem.EEE

Bilsi kari bon'ango, mia misi akmano A'chikrang do'me pote, gando gane aro kabako padre wene antangko uamangna pattigipa Misi Saljongko mitel- mitchuna taria. Wangalao dokna damna jakalgipa bosturangara dama, Wangalako mania. Wangalako bilsini bon'angachipak bangsi, adil, chigring aro rang, onga. October ba November Ja'rango manironga. Iako manina Wangalani skanggipa salo Nokmani noko skang A'chikrang a'bao ge'gipa gamgipa bostuko rugalaniko daka aro uni jamano cha'chat so'e manianiko mamingkoba cha'ja. Wangalani somoi sokbahaon pilakan a'bachenga. Ia somoimitingo Nokmani nokningon Wangalao gana gita bara- chola gital bretoka. Somoi me'asarang doka damanirangko doka aro metrarang sokahaon songgimik ku'si ong'e, katcha'e, cha'e ringe chrok chroka. Nokningo chrokani jamano a'palona ong'kate kusi mesatoka. Ia somoion pante-metra rang an'tangtangna jora ong'e chroktoka. Nokma an'tangan jakrachi mil'amra'e, ripengko base'e ra'na gita namgipa somoiba ong'a. jakasichi seppi ra'e grike mikang mikang re'e chrokaniko Wangalani somoio mechikrang sko'o kotip kae, Do'me dila. Me'asarangni dama dokmitingo mechikrang ki'sang pote, rikgitok gane, nachilo natapsi gane, jako sangong nongneng nongneng dake dingtang bewalo chroka. Mitam gane, re'king gane aro kangkareo seng'ki gane chrokani bewalrangara sa'ra roa, jajong mesoka, kambe toa, antangtangnko nitoe tario. Measarangba sko'o kotip kae chame mikkang nia, chambil moa aro salam ka'a. Indake A'chikrang kusi ong'e Wangala ko manironga.


Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem

Khraw Kupar Phanbuh 2nd Sem.CSE

Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem kadei ka shad jong u khun Kumta ha baroh lai sngi jong ki sngi shad ba la Khasi Khara ba la ju pynlong shisien shisnem da ka bynbeit, ka don ka nguh ka dem ka duwai ka phirat ha jingpynbeit bad ka jingpyniaid jong ka seng khasi. Ka long phyllaw Ingseng jong ka Seng Khasi ha ka por shiteng sngi ka shad kaba heh tam bad ba pawnam tam ha Ri Khasi, bad shuwa ban hiar sha lympung shad. Shuwa ban pyndep ia kaba la bna nam kylleng ka Ri India. La ju pyllong iaka lai katei ka niam ka rukom, ka ju don ka jingtem ksing tem dhah sngi linter ha u bnai iaiong man ka snem. Kane ka kdew lem bad ki sur ka tangmuri ha phyllaw Ingseng hi kum ka jingmut baka Shad Suk Mynsiem kadei ka dak jingai nguh jingpynshit pynshngain ha boroh lai ki sngi shad. Tang mar aidem jong u khun Khasi Khara ia U Blei, U Trai Kynrad ha iadep ka nguh ka dem ka duwai ka phirat da ki longsan jong man ka aiom pyrem kaba long ka aiom bet ka aiom thung ka Seng Khasi Ia U Trai nongbuh Nongthaw, ka riew ka ha kaba u khun byriew u pynnoh ia u symbai u rynai ha ki jingtied iaka ksing ka nakra bad nangta, ka kynhun jong ki kper, ki lyngkha bad ki pynthor. Kata, ba U Blei un kyrkhu Longksan bad ki riewseng ryngkat bad ki nongput nongtem iaka rep ka riang bad ka thung ka tep baroh khnang ba kan ki jam la ki kjat ban hiar sha Lympung shad. long kan man bad kan seisoh naka bynta ba u khun bynriew un dap un biang ka bam ka sa.


82 RISTian-2015 Annual Magazine NITOGIPA A.CHIKSONG (Beauty of Garo hills)

Timjim K Momin 4th Sem. EEE Garohills ian meghalaya a.dokni mongsonggipa 3:BALPAKRAM NATIONAL PARK-Ian India bak ong.a. A.chik song ian A.chikrangni dongram Isolni a.dokni mingsing gipa mingsa National park ong.a.Bang.a pattigipa mittim gnang gipa a.song ong.a.Ia a.songo dingtang dingtang jonturang ko ia a.brio nikna man.a.Ia dingtang dingtang bang.a a.dok gipin o nikgijagipa sam bol a.briko matchu bolot rangni dongram aro se.el rangni aro jontu rang ko nikna man.a. chakram nok ineba agana.Dingtang dingtang sam bolrang Bang.a dingtang mancha nitogipa biap rang jekon jean namen gamchatgipa sam rangna jakkalachim a.dokgipinrango nikna man.ja uandakgipa biaprangko indakgipa sam bol rangko balpakram o man.a. A.chikrang GARO HILLS o nikna man.a jean Garo hills ko namen ni mingsinggipa jekon “DIKGE” ine agana ia samni mikkim gnang ata.Mongsong gipa biap rang jean a.chik rokomari bang.a jatrangko man.na ama.Indake bakpakram a.songo donga uarangko k.mao janapatenga. ian mittim gnang gipa gamchatgip biap ong.a.Ia a.brio 1: NOKREK A.BRI- Nokrek a.bri ian garo hills o mande burung dongkuenga ineba wildlife research mingsa mingsing minggamako man.gipa biap damsa ka.giparang parakataniko dakaha. Indaken rokomari ong.a.Ia a.brian garo hillso chubatsranggipa a.bri gamchatgipa sam bolrangko ia a.brioniko man.na ama. ong.a.A.brini chua 1412 mitre ong.a Ia a.brio bang,a 4:SIJU CAVE-siju cave ian mingsing gipa dingtang dingtang jontu aro gamchatgipa sam bolrangko rong.kol ong.a. Ia rong.kolni chel.a Turaoni km 132 man.na gita ama.Me.mang narang jekon Indiani gipin ong.a.siju cave ian asiao mingsingbatgipa rong.kol ong,a. biapo man.jachim uko nokrek a.brioniko man.na gita Ia rong.kol an Indiani skanggipa rong.chun baksa man.a.Dingtang mancha gipa sambol jekai me.mang koksi ong.katgipa rong,kol ong,a.Ia rong.kolo chiring ni jokani indakgipa sam bol rangko nokrek a.brio nikna aro do.bak rang ni gapanian ong.kamaiachim.Unigimin man.a.Indake bang.a manderang nokrek a.brini siju caveko minggipan bimung chi “DO.BAKKOL” ineba gamchataniko nina gita dingtang dingtang a.song rangoni agana. re,baa. Indakgipa A,chik a,song ni nitoanina gipin a.dok o 2:IMILCHANG DARE-Imilchang dare ian donggipa manderang namen nina gita re.baronga. Indake mingsa mingsinggipa chidare ong.a.Ia chidare west garo patia gnang ggipa a.chik song ko ripingna gita a.chik jat hills district ni Tura-Chokpot rama sepang jola donga.Ia sakantini daito ong.a. Do.o matni ku.rang rang aro nitogipa chidare ko uni tu.ani aro apalanina namen a.bri rangko nie a.chik jat sakantian kusi ni on.a.Burung mingsingbeamaina ua chini tu.ako bolgrim chiring rangni tangsimanina sakantian ka.tongo agansokjachim.Dingtang mancha ia chi ni tu.anina aro katchaani ko man.na. ………. ANG ATCHIRAM ma.manti rokom jat ni dingtang dingtang na.tokrangni GARO HILLS PANGKAMCHINA A.SONG….. donganina ia dare ko mingsingbea.Ia dare o na.tokan TANGKAMCHINA CHASONG ONI CHASONG…. gapgimikaiachim. **** Nongkrem Dance Festival Nongkrem Dance Festival (held annually in November) is a five day festival which is celebrated for the harvest thanksgiving by the Khasi tribe. The Nongkrem Dance is the most important festival of the Khyrim state. The festival is associated mostly with goat sacrifice and is held at Smit, which is around 15 kilometres to the southwest of Shillong. The Nongkrem word means “Goat Killing Ceremony” Nongkrem'. The word nongkrem was used because in the past years, The tribes used to celebrate this festival at Nongkrem, which is the headquarter of Khyrim state. This five day long festival exhibits many religious. Drums and Pipes are played continuously during this festival to mark the occasion. A major feature of this festival is young virgin women, who come out to dance on the specially prepared festival field. The women come dressed in their traditional costumes and heavy gold ornaments. The traditional dance is performed by dancers who are the young men and women of the tribe. The youngsters get dressed up in exquisite attire. The silver or gold crowns worn by the tribes on their heads signify the glory and dignity of the Khasi society. The dance performed by the man is known as "Ka Shad Mastieh". The men dance by holding the sword in their right hand and whisks in their left. The sword is used to symbolize a man's defense of himself and his family. Men wear dhotis, full sleeved shirts, embroidered sleeveless coats and turbans. Prayers are offered to Ka Pah Syntiew and U Suid Nia Tong Syiem. The prayer is offered for good harvest, peace and prosperity for all the community people.

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