Volume 3 ♦ Issue 10 ♦ November 2011 Kol HaNeshamah I N T H I S I S S U E Heska Amuna HaShofar Voice of the Spirit Rabbi Ferency.............………….......2 From the President...........................2 Join us for spirited discussion. From the Chair..................................3 Among Our Members………...…......3 Wednesdays HA Religious School……...............4-5 November 2 and November 16 Contributions…………………............5 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Temple Beth El Times with Dr. Howard Pollio Mah Jongg Madness...........................9 at Heska Amuna Synagogue From the Rabbi’s Study……..………..10 RSVP to
[email protected] President’s Message..........................10 Background: Sisterhood News...........................10-11 From 1990 to 2002, as TBE Religious School....................11-12 part of Heska Amuna Contributions…………….....….........13 Adult Education, a group Wilhite Bat Mitzvah.............................14 met for four weeks each fall. KJA Ha’Kol We studied and President’s Report…...…….....……..15 discussed a book about Lunch & Then Some.........................16 or by Jewish women. We then wrote our own Preschool News................................17 midrashim (legends) Suzy Snoops....................................18 about women in the Jewish Family Services....................18 Bible. Campaign Contributions..............20-21 What will we be studying? This year: we will revisit those stories, compare the status of Community News women then and now, and enjoy lively and thoughtful Hadassah Highlights….………....….26 discussion.