Vol.II / Number 5 English Edition May 1951

(uclitß-t'icih Mass Revolution against Bolshevism and Russian Imperialism

The friction between the U.S.S.R. attitude in case of war, which explains must be recognized and properly and the Western Powers, and the grow­ the ridiculous contradictions in Bol­ estimated by the revolutionaries, in ing possibility of a new world is of shevist policy and propaganda of late. order to make the best use of it and ever increasing importance for the On one side, they boast of fantastic fit it into the plans for an active war; development of the revolutionary rearmament and military strength for the effect of permanent terrorism, movements in bolshevist controlled against the alleged aggression and war and propaganda as to the invincibility countries. Preparations for war, and potential of the West, on the other they of the Russian imperium, is not to be un­ still more, war itself will mean greater issue Draconic laws against the spread der-rated. The suggestion, drummed ''“^pression and general distress; on the of war talk. Everyone knows that this into the people, that resistance is mad­ .ner hand the anti-Bolshevist attitude new wave of mass terrorism, under the ness and that all the sacrifice is in vain among the masses will be strengthen­ cover of a love of freedom, is in real­ and that it would be so mudi more ed thereby. ity, not directed against material and reasonable to submit and adapt one­ The thought of war is always pres­ psychological preparations for war, self, in order to live at all, is all too ent with the Soviet people, overshad­ which the Bolshevist regime is pushing insidious and persuasive. Resignation, owing everything in their daily lives. at high speed, but solely to keep the however, would be the greatest ob­ It is not morbid or a passing mood, but revolutionary spirit and hopes, cherish­ stacle in a liberation revolt. That stone a reality, arising from the whole trend ed by the masses, in check. wall must be overthrown first of all, of Bolshevism, and supported by the The hope of a war waged by the so that the revolutionary potential, world situation. Western Powers against the U.S.S.R. is strengthened by the hatred of the ru­ The broad masses of the nations sub­ a real factor which might neutralize ling powers and the longing to abolish jected by Bolshevism expect war, the effect of the propaganda that Bol­ them, may break through, to fill the although they are fully conscious of shevism is all powerful and Russian minds and strengthen the wills of its horror, suffering, destruction and imperialism invulnerable. This factor those suffering under the present re­ the sarifice it demands. It hangs like the sword of Damocles over these peo­ ple, a fate that is destined for them by Russia’s insatiable imperialism and the Tokayev speaks of Western Ignorance urge to conquer the world. On the other hand the subjected peo­ The well-known Soviet military ex­ many peoples, the Ukrainian, Bye­ ples connect a war with their hopes of pert, Colonel Tokayev, who recently lorussian, Turknienistanian, Georgian, the collapse of Bolshevism and their “chose freedom“ and is living at pres­ Armenian, Azerbaijanian, Tajikistian, liberation. ent in the West, wrote an article for the Esthonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and This idea encourages the develop­ New York emigrant paper, “Sozialisti- Karelo-Finland S.S.R. There is no coll­ ment of a revolution for liberation, for chesky Wyestnik“, published in the No. ective “Russian people“ or “Soviet peo­ lights up the implacability of Bol- 3, 1951 number, on the nationality pro­ ple“, there are only peoples: Russians, auevist oppression and deepens the blem in the U.S.S.R., from which we Ukrainians, Baskirs, Georgians, Tar­ conviction that it cannot last for long. quote the following. tars, Esthonians, Byelorussians etc. This conviction stiffens the resistance against cruel reality, allows no thought “ . . . We are now rapidly approaching When certain émigré circles, states­ of the inevitability of serfdom to a third world catastrophe and that men, journalists or the radio, continu­ creep in, and counteracts resignation enjoins upon us the duty of realizing ally talk of Russia, the Russians or the and passive obedience. the value of the teeth we possess, be­ Russian people in this general sense, it only shows their ignorance of the The Bolshevist are well aware of all fore they are knocked out. A former elementary reality that 65°/o of the pop­ that and fear the outcome of such an correspondent of the “Völkischer Be­ obachter“ made the statement that the ulation in the U.S.S.R is not Russian Hitler government only grasped the at all and does not feel concerned fact in 1944 that the U.S.S.R., was not when the word Russian is used . . .“ Russia, and that it was not populated Tokayev then quotes the words of a From the Contents: only with Russians, but with 200 dif­ speaker who said at a meeting in 1936, ferent peoples, with their own histori­ “Comrades, no Stalin, or Molotow, will Joseph Caligula cal destiny, their own traditions, psy­ ever succeed in depriving the non-Rus­ chology and geographical position, as sian people of their State, land and Bolshevist Infiltration in West well as their own national develop­ regional administration. To-day that is Germany ment, religion and language. Each of less possible than ever“. them has its historical name given by After giving a number of examples The Language of Figures the State Constitution and anchored in of the awakening of different peoples „Russian Liberation Revolution“ the laws . . . in U.S.S.R. to a sense of nationality, In reality there is no “Russia“, nor Tokayev continues, “A number of si­ From behind the Iron Curtain are there “Russians“, nor a “Russian“ milar examples and other symptoms people“ in the pre-revolution sense. In of growing activity among the national From the Soviet Press law, and as an actual fact, there is liberation movements enable one to only a “Russian Federal Republic“ of (Continued on Page 2) Pape 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5 gime. Tf the subjugated peoples were before the broad masses in an appeal M.V.D. criminals and upholders of conscious, only for a moment, of this formulated as follows: Russian imperialism. strength and would rise spontaneously All subjected and oppressed peoples The revolutionary uprising must not against the tyrants, instead of obeying must rise in a common revolt against be put off to the end of the war. The the regime’s orders of self-destruction, Bolshevism, at the very beginning of sacrifices required to carry out a rev­ that same regime would be blotted war, without waiting for its end. Re­ olution victoriously, are often made out. volution is the end of Bolshevism and in a few days, in a war. It would be a The first duty of the revolutionary the end of its war. Revolution means mistake too, to watch for failures and leaders is to bring this realization freedom and peace. crises in Bolshevist trategy. To weaken home to the oppressed peoples. That is The revolutionary fight should be the Bolshevist war machinery by our present object. We must make started by the organized insurgent for­ drawing out the war, would cause these people conscious of their own ces, underground organizations, army useless bloodshed for our own peoples strength and fighting powers to achieve detachments and in workers’ circles. and the destruction of our own coun­ their own liberation, independent of This struggle will then be joined by tries. the world situation or outside help. the masses at the actual front, as well Hand in hand with the conviction of The adversaries of the U.S.S.R. might as in the rear. Success depends on the apply the strategy of systematic and the inevitability of war, belief in the support of the masses and the sudden­ imminent overthrow of Bolshevism slow exhaustion and delay pitched ness of the outbreak at all focal points. battles, in order to create a crisis in must be awakened, especially in pla­ The revolution must not be allowed to ces not reached by revolutionary prop­ the Bolshevist conduct of war. In that develop into small engagements, or be­ case, however, Bolshevist destruction aganda,or where the ground has not come a war of entrenchment, it must been fertile enough. and use of man-power would be of the run like wildfire and consume the utmost importance for our peoples. Hope of a war to come can also have whole State apparatus, thus bringing a negative effect, in that help will be the entire war machinery to an stand­ Probably two sorts of troops would expected from outside, so that people still. The burning torch of the revolu­ be disposed of, those made up of re­ merely wait to be liberated. Revolu­ tion must be carried everywhere, and liable elements, especially M.Y.D. tionary political propaganda must be at once, and the revolutionary slogans units, would not be sent to the front directed so that it promotes revolution­ must be lucid and stirring, deepening lines, but held in reserve for emergen­ ary effort at home, turning passive the belief in victory and intensifying cies and used in the hinterland *—\ waiting into active fighting. the readiness to fight. By propagating checkmate the army. The conception of a revolution for the aims of the revolution, the whole Other detachments would be put in liberation in case of war must be put nation and each individual, will be pre­ at the centres of attack where dams pared for the fight and a psychological of human beings would be formed, atmosphere will be created which will composed of a sort of “refractory com­ guarantee the execution of all the pany“ of elements hostile to the re­ Tokayev speaks. . . directives issued by the revolutionary gime. This distribution would, of leaders. course, take national and territorial state with some assurance that it is in­ After the collapse of Hitler-Germany, standpoints into account and be a mat­ correct. politically harmful, and anti- when the great Soviet masses still ter of special selection. The Bolshev­ Democratic, even tactically dangerous possessed their arms, would have been ists would methodically sacrifice the to label the national democratic ele­ the most favourable moment to get greatest number of subjugated peoples ments in U.S.S.R. as stubborn anti- these masses to join the fight for free­ who might be the first to turn their Russianists . . .“ dom which was already being carried weapons against them, while the Rus­ Tokayev then gives a report on the on against Moscow by our insurgent sians and convinced communists would underground movements in the differ­ formations. Instead of which, the weap­ be spared. After the same plan, the ent Soviet Republics and stresses the ons were laid down and men return­ war burdens would be distributed so fact that surprise attacks, shots fired ed to their hated yoke, to live under that those nations hostile to Russian- from ambush at members of the occupa­ the oppression of the regime they had Bolshevist imperialism would be ex­ tion powers, are the order of the day. fought to preserve. The illusory hopes hausted first. Thus the theory that the “Organized partisan battles often break of improvement and some evolution in revolutionary forces would become out under the banner of the nation­ the Bolshevist system, obviously play­ stronger as the war went on, would be al liberation struggle and from what ed its part then, but is that all to be entirely erroneous. repeated now? we know, with the support of the de­ Revolutionary propaganda must be mocratic elements in various parts of Apart from that, war alone, no mat­ directed at impressing upon the masses^ the imperium, as far as that is possible ter how it ends, cannot bring libera­ and every individual that the revoh under Soviet conditions. In any case, tion. Foreign powers waging war have tion must begin with the war and that no one desires the national liberation their own aims and objects and do not every one must take part in it, if free­ action to fail, except the incorrigible fight for the freedom of other nations. dom is to be won. Nor is the revolu­ imperialists, and it is time that the Without taking an active part against tion to be .kept a secret from the Bol­ Russian democrats in exile took this Bolshevism it is not to be expected that shevists. They may learn and know of matter into account in their platform.“ the victors will meet us half way, so its reach and importance. We are not As an illustration of the real attitude no more is to be hoped for from a war, planning a conspiracy like a coup of the non-Russian peoples towards than that it offers the subjugated peo­ d’etat aimed at the seizure of power. Moscow, Tokayev, cites, among others, ples the opportunity to free themselves That kind of revolution is hardly pos­ the unambiguous remarks of a Byelo­ by their own efforts. sible in the Bolshevist world, nor could russian women teacher, who said to The anti-Bolshevik revolution in a it produce a general upheaval among his face, in September 1947, war would not only mean the end of the masses. It would only be an epi­ “Your know, Comrade Chief, what­ serfdom and the foundation, of per­ sode. Potentiality and permament suc- ever kind of war it may be, we Byelo­ sonal and national freedom, with the ces lies, in our case, solely with the russians and not you Muscovites who least possible sacrifice, but it could masses. let others pull the chestnuts out of the mean the sudden ending of the war tiself and the saving of millions of sol­ Propaganda must be directed to­ fire, will be the first to suffer. It will wards awakening the consciousness and not be Moscow that is plundered by the diers’ and civilians’ lives, as well as villages, towns and whole nations, the inner conviction of everyone, and Germans or their own people, not your point the way each one is expected to women that will be raped. It will not from further destruction and from atomic warfare. If the broad masses, follow. All then must prepare silently be you who are driven out of your and inconspicuously to be ready when bunker homes, or your houses that will conscious of the justness of their na­ the call comes. be destroyed or burnt down. We have tional cause, ranged themselves on the had enough of all that, and you had side of the revolution, then only the The wider the circles in this process better leave us alone. Go and live in worst enemies of individual and na­ of preparation, the greater the difficul­ your Moscow, love your Stalin, we can tional freedom would remain to defend ty for the enemy in preventing the manage without you . . Bolshevism, namely, the N.K.V.D. uprising, the more intricate the distinc- «


Gaius Caligula frequently wore the Joseph Caligula dress of a triumphant general, pre­ cisely as Joseph Caligula, who possess­ By Dr. D. Donzow ed no more military genius than Hit­ ler. In order to prevent the brains of Roman citizens from unnecessary I say Joseph Caligula in order to lura, Trotzky, Kutyepov and others, strain, Gaius Caligula occupied them distinguish the Caligula of our days or to repatriate them. with gigantic public works. He had from the Caligula painted by Sueton­ Suetonius tells us that not all Cali­ planned to dig a canal through the ius. Because he who reads the Sueton­ gula’s punishments were for serious Isthmus in Greece, he built Liburian ius history of that Emperor will doubt­ offences, but merely for criticizing one galleys with utter disregard of expense, less agree that Joseph Stalin is his real of his shows, or for never having sworn built moles out into the deep and reincarnation. by his genius. The omission of the sac­ stormy sea, tunnelled rocks of hardest Before his death, Lenin warned the red name, Joseph Caligula, by some flint, raised plains to the height of Party not to give full power to Stalin speaker or writer would entail suspic­ mountains, and razed mountains to the because of his yiciousness and brutal­ ion of being a “counter-revolutionary“, level of plains, all with incredible dis­ ity. Before his death, the old Tiberius deserving the penalty of death. patch, since the penalty for delay was used to say now and then, that to allow When a Roman patrician on being death. Joseph Caligula did the same Gaius to live would prove the ruin of thrown to the wild beasts, loudly pro­ and for the same purpose in our days all men and provide a viper for the tested his innocence, Gaius Caligula in U.S.S.R., also with utter disregard people. took him out, cut out his tongue and of expense and the lives of millions of put him in again. When an enemy of labourers! Gaius Caligula caused the death of Joseph Caligula, on being thrown to his grand-mother Antonia. Joseph Ca­ Having reduced the finances of the the wild beasts of the Soviet “Court of Republic, Gaius Caligula turned his ligula caused the death of his wife Justice“, protested his innocence, Jo­ Aleluyeva. The first put his brother attention to pillage, through a compli­ seph Caligula imprisoned him again cated and cunningly devised system of and all who helped him to the throne and brought him anew before the Trib­ to death. The second also put to death false accusations, auction sales and tax­ unal, after he had been “persuaded“ ation. The system of false accusations all the “old guard of “, who that he really deserved the sentence of -J—dped him to the throne. of all classes in the country, the bourge­ death. ois, the “Kulaks“, “rich“, peasants, -Others, Gaius Caligula secretly put On signing the list of prisoners who etc., was employed also by Joseph Ca­ to death, falsely asserting that they were to be put to death every ten days, ligula in order to pillage them and to hao committed suicide. Joseph Caligu­ Gaius Caligula said that he was clear­ enrich himself and his clique. la compelled many of his friends, such ing his account. The same proceeding as General Frunse, to undergo an oper­ is called by Joseph Caligula the “clear­ Why is this historical parallel so in­ ation which, unfortunately, was un­ ing“ or “purge“. teresting to us? Because the case of successful. Joseph Caligula is not a separate case, Sometimes Gaius Caligula gave ex­ nor an exception, but a tendency of Wishing to have one of the senators hibitions in Greek and Latin oratory, the political and social movement of torn to pieces, Gaius Caligula induced in which the losers were forced to com­ our time, whidi necessarily leads to some of the senators to assail him pose eulogies upon the victors, or or­ Caesarism. Our continent is full of suddenly on his entrance into the dered to efface their writings with a greater and smaller, dead or living Ca- House, with the charge of being a pub­ sponge or with their tongue, unless ligulas. Such a one is Tito, is Thorez, lic enemy. Wishing to have one of the they elected rather to be beaten with is even Lewis of America, of whom one Party men torn pieces, Joseph Caligu­ rods or thrown into the river. Joseph paper wrote that he or the other mod­ la induced some other Party men or Caligula also gave political exhibitions, ern Communist leaders have a power the Party press to assail him suddenly in which the losers, too were forced to over the masses which is more effective with the charge of being “the people’s recite eulogies upon the victor, i. e. than was ever the power wielded by enemy“. upon infallible Joe. The latter himself Louis XI, because they can thwart the ordered the confiscation of their writings Gaius Caligula, thinking that his ex­ will of the people in the name of de­ in all the libraries, and forced them to mocracy. iles were praying for his death, sent erase their written “mistakes“ with his emissaries to butcher them all. The their own tongues, revoking them. Where is the reason to be found for same was done by Joseph Caligula, this movement towards Caesarism? In who sent his assassins to butcher Pet- Having had a great desire for popu­ the driving of the masses towards the larity, Gains Caligula had assumed ideal of equality which excludes that various surnames, he was called of freedom; and, as in the time of the “Pious“, “Father of the Armies“ and Roman Caesars, in the degeneration of “Best of Caesars“ . The Muscovite Cali­ elements; a fact which will create an the ruling classes of many countries gula assumed himself the surnames of of the Occident. atmosphere of tension in the army in “Father of the People“ the “genial war time, and in the communistic gov­ Leader“, “the Sun of the Country“ etc. Suetonious wrote that the richest cit­ ernment apparatus as well. Besides izens of Rome used all their influence which, the division of the Russians as Gaius Caligula ordered that statues to secure the priesthoods of Caligula’s reliable, and the other nationalities as of the gods, including that of Jupiter cult and bid high for honours. There “enemies of the people“ would be a of Olympia, should be brought from are. many citizens of Europe to-day heavy burden for Soviet nationality Greece in order to remove their heads who do the same, with the difference policy in time of war. The Bolshevist and put his own in their place. The that the name of Caligula is not Gaius regime would thus be involved in diffi­ Muscovite Caligula had old history but Joseph. Gaius forced parents to culties and contradictions and lose One books of the Party so reprinted, that attend the execution of their children position after the other. Just these all “great achievements“ of Party Lead­ and take dinner with him immediately facts, however, would make the way ers such as Trotzky, Lenin and others after witnessing their death. Half of clear for a revolution with a definite appeared as the achievements of Stalin. the European nations attend the ex­ aim and plan. Gaius Caligula thought of destroying ecution of the peoples of another half Our information must keep two the poems of Homer. He removed the of Europe and their leaders take din­ alternatives in view, to be sure that writings of Virgil and of Titus Livius ner with the delegates of Joseph Cali­ each one decides for the active fight from all libraries, railing at the former gula simultaneously, while witnessing and does not persist in passive wait­ as a man of no talent and very little the death of those nations. ing. Not only must the proper realiza­ learning, and the latter as a verbose The same causes produce the same tion of the situation be made clear, but and careless historian. Precisely the consequences. the way out of it too. The will, and same was done by the Muscovite Cali­ the feelings, of the masses must be so gula with many great authors of an­ The nations of Europe to-day — like stirred that they take up the fight with cient Russia, who deviated from the Rome, at the time of later Caesars — enthusiasm. “general Line“ of the Party ideology. need new leaders. Pape 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5

Azerbaijan Commemorates its Independence

(May 28, 1918—May 28, 1951)

After a rich historical past, during Sade, Seid Huessejn, Ahmed Dshad. iet family“, or that our people had which Azerbaijan enjoyed indepen­ Some 2000 mosques were turned into voluntarily joined the U.S.S.R., and dence, the country in the 19th century kolkhoz stables. 3000 clergy were that the red Russian troops had come fell a victim to Russian imperialism. In liquidated, among them Sheik Gani, into the country as liberators of the spite of a series of revolts in 1802—1804, Kasi Mustafa Efendi, Sheik Achunda, Azerbaijan proletariat. Such statements 1826. 1837, 1870, in which the Azerbaijan Habib Efendi and others. More than are mere inventions and bare-faced people fought heroically against Rus­ half a Million Azerbaijanians were lies. sian occupation, making every effort shot, exiled, and deported for no fault Were the Bolshevist assertions true, to burst the fetters of the conqueror, of their own. the Azerbaijan “proletariat“ would all its attempts at liberation proved in On the economic side the plunder not constantly rise against their “Liber­ vain. amounted to half a milliard tons of ators“ and it would not have been On May 28, 1918. after the fall of the petroleum, millions of tons of cotton, necessary to liquidate the national Czarist regime in Russia the country’s silk and raw materials. Thus the Bol­ Azerbaijan divisions of the indigenous independence was at last proclaimed shevists themselves have surpassed the' “proletariat“ and to import occupation and our people were able to realize the ill-famed Ivan the Terrible in ferocious­ forces and N.K.V.D. units from Russia, longed for ideal. But even in the dawn ness, and realized Peter the Great’s in their stead. of State independence, the horizon covetous plans, which the Romanov II the Bolshevist assertions are true, darkened and menacing clouds of red dynasty had not succeeded in doing in why then all the executions, arrests, Russian imperialism rolled up which all the centuries. deportations, which liquidated the Azer­ were to prove far more ruinous than baijan proletariat? Why the special Czarist tyranny. Nothing of all, that was able to daunt courts and all the paraphernalia of The new imperialists in the Kremlin our people or to throttle its will for ferocious Bolshevist terrorism? Where freedom and independence, the Bol­ made use of every means to trick the is the logic and where the truth? shevists were not permitted to exercise peoples of the , one of their methods of violence in Azerbaij­ In a certain sense Stalin is rig which was to assure them under the an, unpunished. A number of armed when he declares “Bolshevists are signatures of Lenin and Stalin, of "the revolts broke out in 1920, 1922, 1925, made of special material“ .They are right to self-determination, including 1929/30. 1933, and later, which gave the only good enough to spread lies, pro­ the possibility of ceding from Russia“. Bolshevists a great deal of trouble. vocation, death, terror. In the days To lure our people into the trap, Lenin More than once they had to put heavily when the Azerbaijan people gave the himself appealed to all Moslems in the world real preceptors in the sphere east, in December 1917, with the words: armed detachments, in greatly superior numbers, in action in order to crush of science and art, they had not only “Listen, you Turko-Tartars of the Cau­ these revolts, and so unmercifully was no literature of their own, but no casus. whom Czarist Russia robbed of it done that our whole country was standardized language. When Azerbai­ religious freedom and national exist­ turned into a Katyn. jan was independent and flourishing ence. We declare your national, cultur­ the Russians were living under alien al institutions as free, and we will There is no better illustration of domination. defend them .. . Organize your national Moscow’s despotic rule and its interest The Bolshevist statement that Azer­ life yourselves!“ Lenin’s special envoy, in Azerbaijan, than the following tele­ baijan accepted serfdom under Mos­ Shaumjan, who, first as president of gram from Stalin and Molotow to the cow voluntarily, that the Russian peo­ the Soviet and later as “ Sownarkoms“ sham government of the Soviet Azer­ ple had contributed to raising our na­ in Baku, worked hard to conquer the baijan “Republic“ on the occasion of tional culture, is just as untrue as the Azerbaijans and all the other Caucasus its 15th anniverary: “The U.S.S.R. ex­ boast that broadcasting, telegraph, peoples, met with determined oppo­ ists thanks to mineral oil, — the black' aviation, and all the achievements of sition and his special mission failed. gold of Azerbaijan. The annually lar­ the human mind were discovered and After that the Bolshevists resorted ger harvests gleaned from the cotton accomplished by Russians. to force. In April 1920. they had several fields of Azerbaijan feed the textile On the anniversary of Azerbaijan in­ units of the simply invade industry of the U.S.S.R." our country, and thus after hardly dependence we wish to •say to the Bol­ two years of independence, Azerbaijan It is one of the deceitful practices of shevists, “You may write and invent once more came under the Russian the Bolshevists to mislead the world what you like, but history cannot lj&. into believing that Azerbaijan is a yoke. This time it was accompanied by falsified. No power in the world c by the well-known cruelty and un­ “fully qualified“ member of the “Sov­ make the fact null and void, that >i scrupulous, sanguinary terrorism. Our years ago our people were choked in independent, national republic was blood and subjugated by you Bolshev­ ists, and have fought during .all these overthrown and liquidated, our nat­ A.B.N. fights for: years against oppressors and will not ional elite destroyed and our cultural give up the fight until the sacred aim life, which was just beginning to bloss­ the national and State indepen­ of national freedom is won. We shall be om. was crushed. What followed was victorious because our cause is a just dence of all nations subjected the establishment of the usual Soviet one. terrorism in Azerbaijan, carried out by Russia, true, unadulterated With the help of our brothers of the by the notorious “Ceka“ led by that democracy, religious freedom, Turko-Moslem world, allied with our hangman Ponkratjew. Systematic mur­ the return of all deportees and subjected brothers, the peoples of Cau­ ders, merciless depredations were the casus, Turkestan, , Byelorus­ regular thing. A real campaign began expellees to their home lands. sia, Idel-Ural, Crimea and the Baltic against o.ur economy religion, national countries we shall achieve our ideal. traditions, not even our mother-tongue We count, too, on the support of free­ was spared. A violent russification A.B.N. fights against: dom loving peoples everywhere in the started in full force. the subjugation of nations, world, and especially that of the west­ Victims of the boundless terrorist ern democracies. methods included: the Prime Minister hatred between nations, and The day is approaching when the of our national government, Fatali imperialism, — totalitarianism Chan Choj, with a whole series of rising sun will no longer look down leading men in public life, well-known of every kind, — every sort of upon the graceless symbols of the ham­ professors, authors of world wide re- one party system, — racial dis­ mer and sickle but on our blue-red- green-banner, the emblem of the free­ ute, poets and dramatits, such as crimination. Suessijn Dshawid. Jussif Tshemense- dom and independence our people. mcnli, Kafur Kantamira, S. M. Gani- A. Ismail Number 5 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

the efforts of political representatives Bolshevist Infiltration in West Germany of the East Zone should be given a hearing and that every opportunity of A Warning German Voice an East-West discussion should be made use of, in the interest of Ger­ many’s “unity“, as the phrase runs. The political life in the West Friends of German Unity) — in Frank­ The dependence of the groups on a German Federal Republic has been furt; “Gesellschaft zum Kampf für die centre may be recognized by the fact marked in the last few weeks by three Einheit Deutschlands“ (Association for that their activities harmonize with features: the Fight for Germany Unity — in those of the political representatives in Indifference towards world and for­ Hamburg; “Karlsruher Kreis zur Wah­ the East Zone, both with regard to eign politics, resulting from the occu­ rung der Deutschen Einheit“ (Circle for time and tactics. Maintenance of Germany’s Unity“) — pation with personal, usually economic Beside the above named there are cares, and an almost naive confidence in Karlsruhe; „Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Deutsche Einheit“ (Labour Community other organizations which are not so that the West, especially the U.S.A., shy about their Communist tendency, will not leave Germany in the lurch; for German Unity) — in Württemberg- Baden; “Rhein-Ahr-Kreis für Einheit in spite of the disguise of their names: lassitude towards anti-Communist "Society for Study of the “ defence; and the comparatively und Frieden“ (Rhein-Ahr-Circle for Unity and Peace) — in Ahrweiler; “Ar­ which has brandies in Munidi, Stutt­ effortless spread of camouflaged Com­ gart, Bodium, Hamburg, Hannover, munistic relief organizations. beitsgemeinschaft für Ost-West-Ge- spräche“ (Labour Community for East- Dortmund, Cassel, Frankfurt, Düssel­ An inner connection between the dorf, Mainz, Aachen, Bielefeld, Solin­ two last symptoms may be supposed. West Negotiation) — in Lübeck; “Aus­ schüsse für Einheit und Gerechten gen, Muenster. “Hamburger Arbeits­ To the same extent in which Commun­ kreis für gesamtdeutsche Fragen“, istic propaganda seeps through and Frieden“ (Committees für Unity and Just Peace)— Munich and Bad Reichen­ “Nauheimer Kreis“, “Bund der Kriegs­ gains ground, the lack of resistance gegner in Muenchen“ (anti-war so­ shown by constructive forces in the hall; “Aktionsgemeinschaft für Frieden und Völkerverständigung“ (Active ciety), “Internationale Frauenliga in tension between East and West, in­ Hamburg und Stuttgart“, “Aktionsge­ creases, and so these forces succumb Community for Peace and Understand­ ing among Peoples) — in Nürnberg; meinschaft der Jugend für das einige the “national“ bait dangled by the Deutschland“ in 28 cities and towns of ^st. “Landesausschufi für deutsche Einheit“ (Land Committee for German Unity) West Germany; parts of the European The weakness of the so-called or­ — in Kassel; “Komitee der Kämpfer movement “Sammlung zur Tat“, rem­ ganizations of the right, their ideo­ für den Frieden“ (Committee of Fight­ nants of the “Schwarze Front“, the logical uncertainty and vagueness and ers for Peace) — in Mannheim. “Kulturbund zur demokratischen Er­ their splitting up, owing to rivalry, The localization of these foundations neuerung Deutschland“ and groups means, on the other hand, the special and their names show the wish to give an against remilitarization, and peace or­ strength and danger of the Commun­ impression of a spontaneous voluntary ganizations. istic relief organization. Their numner organization and to deny connection They are spinning a web around the and their ambiguous national slogans with a superior, much less a Commun­ West German Federal Republic, which facilitate their work of infiltration in istic centre; therefore any mention of is growing ever closer. Any one who the West, because they are guided by Communism or the Soviet Union is supposes that these groups, with their the will of a camouflaged centre. carefully avoided in the titles. In motley names and their slogans, are When, in the course of the economic appeals to the parties, the Federal only on paper, greatly under estimates social recovery in West Germany, a Government, the Federal Parliament, the fanaticism of the functionaries political will began to come to the and in letters to different men in pub­ who guaratee their activity. fore, kindled by the division of the lic life, these organizations urge that Peter Shwarz (Germany) people and their position between East and West, this “national“ propaganda of the Communists set in and quickly created its special organization and tactics. They seized upon the terms 95The Voice of America44 used in German politics and turned them to suit their purpose, “a united From a long criticism of the pro­ Curtain. Unfortunately they hear very Germany“, “unity“, “freedom“, “peace“. gramme of the “Voice of America“ from little concerning that vital point. The Besides the Communist party, work­ the view point of the subjugated peo­ “Voice of America“ in the Ukrainian i n g openly, “Freie Deutsche Ju- ples, we give below some extracts: language, for instance, carefully avoids ind“ (Free German Youth) and the mentioning the former, or the present, 'Communist controled V.V.N. “Verein “Americans who wish to make broadcasting a success in the psycho­ heroic struggle going on in Ukraine der Verfolgten des Naziregimes“ against Muscovite occupation. (Association of the persecutees of the logical war against Moscow must ac­ Nazi regime), the so-called “Land Com­ quaint themselves with the history of It would seem as if names of such mittees for Unity and a Just Peace“, Muscovite despotism, as well as with heroes of the first world war, as exists, which coordinates countless local the present relations between the Mus­ General Simon Petliura and Colonel organizations. A not complete list covite people and the subjected na­ Eugene Konowalets were not allowed mentions the following organizations: tions. It is quite wrong to say the same to be mentioned, nor even the Com- thing to the oppressors and the oppress­ mander-in-Chief of the U.P.A. General “Provisorischer Landesausschuß Nord­ ed. If the managers of the “Voice of Taras Chuprynka, who was killed last rhein-Westfalen für die Einheit und America“ do not wish to do more harm year and is held in high esteem by all Unabhängigkeit Deutschland“ (Provis­ than good, or have the enormous sums Ukrainians at home and abroad. ional Land Committee of Nordrhein- which the U.S.A. government is spend­ Reports in the American and Euro­ Westfalen for the Unity and Indepen­ ing for the radio wasted, they must dence of Germany) — in Düsseldorf; from committees from the various na­ pean press of the fight of the U.P.A. and other militant organizations “Dortmunder Kreis für ein einiges, un­ tions the transmissions are intended to abhängiges Deutschland“ (Dortmund reach, to study the matter. Among the against the Muscovite occupation, are Circle for a United Independent citizens of U.S.A. there are plenty of also passed over in silence. Germany); “Recklinghauser Aktions­ people from those nations now suffer­ The subjugated nations are the na­ gruppe“ (Action-Group of Reckling­ ing under Muscovite rule who would tural allies of the free nations in the hausen); “Bund deutscher Einheit“ be competent for the purpose. common struggle against Muscovite (Alliance of German Unity) — in Ober­ despotism, but the former do not know, hausen; “Ausschuss für ein einheit­ First and foremost, these nations liches Deutschland“ (Committee for an want their national independence from under the circumstances, what to think United Germany) — in Muenster; “Lan­ Moscow recognized. It is from that of the United States, the sponsor and desorganisation Freunde der deutschen standpoint that they weigh everything guarantor of freedom for all the nations Einheit“ (Land Organization of that happens either side of the Iron in the world.“ Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5

The Significance of Turkey as a Neighbour

Turkey and, indirectly Iran (Persia), which the U.S.S.R. would hardly be tributed along the north coast of are the only neighbours of Ukraine able to carry on a war. Then again, Africa, over Tunis, Libya, Egypt to and the Caucasian people which have the south is the weakest point in the Irak and Iran. This plan would enable remained outside the Soviet sphere of Russian imperium, — Ukraine and the American B-29 bombers to drop their influence. They may be regarded as Caucasus region, — where the people deadly loads at any point in the U.S.­ the only window to the free world, for are ready and waiting to pull their S.R. It seems likely that the roles the it is only here in the south that a free weight against Moscow. Finally, the different western allies are to play, country and a free people border ours. strongest allied military forces are have already been cast, that the U.S.A. This fact is politically of the utmost concentrated at the moment in the is to supply the air force and the Brit­ importance. In Turkey the democratic south. ish the land troops which are to spirit of the free world pulsates on the It may be realized from the above occupy the Caucasus and the Crimea* threshold of our country. Hitherto our that the only active front ready for in order to force a wedge in the Red political circles and press have given war is south of the U.S.S.R. and not Army positions and force it to retreat. more attention to far away Australia, west. There are many signs that this Let us, therefore, devote more atten­ than to our close neighbours, Turkey, strategy has been taken into account, tion to Turkey and the countries of the the Iran or Irak. It is easy to imagine as the journeys of military experts that once we have succeeded in estab­ from U.S.A. and Great Britain to Tur­ Near East and see that they are pro­ lishing our state independence we must key, important diplomatic conferences perly informed of our aims. turn to Turkey with more interest than etc., indicate: Air bases are to be dis­ R. I. Horlenko (Ukraine) i. e. . In a war the role played by Turkey would be of the greatest importance for the development of The Language of Figures Ukraine, as it would be the centre of the operations of the West against , ^Fls Moscow. There can be no doubt what­ The thirty-fifth volume of the re­ same period the not very importa,.(, ever that Turkey, which has kept its vised complete works of Lenin appear­ but Communist Frendi author, Andre army fully mobilized ever sence 1939, ed recently in Moscow. It is published Barbusse achieved 2,075,000 copies. In whose military outlay is 50°/o of the by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute in spite of the marked tendency to close whole budget (the highest percentage an edition of about a hundred thou­ the Union off from all Western influ­ in the world), with 700,000 soldiers un­ sand. The State publishing houses of ence, the desire of the non-Russian der arms, will have one of the most the various republics have been in­ peoples of the imperium to become important tasks to fulfil in a future structed, besides, to issue this work in acquainted with western literature war. It may be forecast to-day, that their respective langeages. The works seems to be invincible, for in the per­ the first soldier to enter Baku and to of Stalin and other Party literature iod covered by the report, Victor land at the Crimea, in Odessa, or Mar- which the Politbureau considers im­ Hugo was published in 41 languages yupol, will be the Turkish soldier. portant and necessary for the State to of the Union, Shakespeare in 20, have circulated, will be handled in the When we try to visualize the events Romain Rolland in 19, Heine in 17, same way. It is therefore not surpris­ Maupassant in 16, Schiller and of a third world war we must see the ing that the editions of party litera­ importance of familiarizing the troops Dickens in 15. The Russian lang­ ture run into sudi huge figures, to the uage dominates over all the other who come to us with our history and detriment of the philosophical and languages to such a degree that there our ideas of liberation. They must not other literature. is not a shimmer of equality as far as be allowed to confuse us with their A survey of Soviet book production ideas of “Russians“, and must be well- the languages of the different Soviet in the last thirty years shows a con­ Republics are concerned. As an ex­ informed that we are Russia’s enemies spicuous number of these giant editions ample: In 1946 in the whole Soviet too, and desire its dissolution and the of party and propaganda literature, — Union 70,200,00 copies of polite litera­ freedom of all nations. We must make in the first place the bolshevik “bible“, ture were printed, 63,5 million copies them our friends and win their respect that is a “Short Outline of the History were in Russian and the remaining 6,4 for our position. of the Russian Communist Party of million were left for the others, though Bolsheviks“. On its eleventh anniver-. the number of Russians (Muscovites) is Churchill was Right sary, the end of 1949, it had an edition less than the total population of tf That this trategic development is of almost 50 million copies. It has been other states. In other words the Mun within the limits of possibility is clear, translated into 38 languages. The Ger­ covite State claims for itself, tenfold when we remember that Winston man edition reached ten million copies. opportunity to extend its literary devel­ Churchill in World War II, tried to The works of Lenin and Stalin in three opment over the “brother“ peoples in convince the Americans of the advan­ decades, appeared in some 11,500 edi­ the Soviet Union, — a test case for the tages of landing on the Balkans instead tions with a total of over 685 million trend of its cultural policy, showing it of in the Atlantic theatre. At that time copies. Adding to these countless pop­ up in vivid colours. Another example: operations from south ,to north, and ular editions and the commentaries the works of the greatest poet of the not from west to east, were under dis­ on the two “classics“ of bolshevism, it second largest nation of the Soviet cussion. The experiences of the last does not require much imagination to Union, the Ukrainian, Taras Shevchen­ war have proved that Churchill’s plan realize with what the libraries in the ko, have only had an issue of 5,3 mil­ was right. If it had been realized then, Soviet Union are crammed. All that at lion copies in thirty years, while the Bolshevists would not be in Berlin, a time when neither sociological nor Gorki’s works, in Russian and other Prague and Vienna now. As the world political works of non-Communist ori­ languages, had an edition of 44,5 mil­ looks to day, this conception has more gin are published at all. lion copies. Even a still dubious figure to it than at Hitler’s time. These two figures alone will show like Ilje Ehrenburg has the honour of under what pressure of propaganda an edition of more than 6 million cop­ the peoples of the Soviet Union have ies of his persiflage of Western cul­ Importance of the South to live. ture. As we have already mentioned the In comparison, how modest the fig­ In the report on “the thirty years of Allies, are only directly at the frontiers ures are for world classics that have Soviet achievement“ the figures for of the U.S.S.R. in the south. It is only been translated into the respective Estonia, and Lithuania are in­ from Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan languages and of course “edited“ in cluded. For Latvia, for instance, only that they would be able to reach So­ the last three decades. three authors are mentioned; J. Rainis viet territory on the first day of the Schiller leads with 683,000 copies, with 156,000', A. Uptis with 345,000 and war. Besides, there are inestimable na­ then Cervantes with 650,000', Goethe W. Lazis with 159,000 copies. The tural resources in the south, without 590,000' and Byron 499,000. During the figures for two Turkmenian writers are Number 5 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

soming fields. The banished, however, Karaganda have no eye for the beauties of this hated land. Hunger, the sense of the uselessness of it all, and resignation Stalin’s Shame and Symbol o f Resistance are their constant companions.“ The Communist article closes with On March 24, the “Arbeiterzeitung“, of wick, and the time is told by means the words, Vienna, published an interview with of improvised sun-dials. Yet the land “Karaganda to-day is a highly de­ an Austrian returnee from the forced is immensely rich in minerals.“ veloped centre of the Soviet country, labour hell, Karaganda. Four days With incredible cynicism the Com­ which has been created by Soviet later the Communist “Oesterreichische munist paper declares, “The Russian hands in an unbelievably short time. Zeitung“ had an article on the same people have given the people of Ka- The near future, however, offers a Karaganda, according to which it was sakhistan every aid in building up the still grander prospect.“ a paradise. new life. On the vast territory of Ka­ So much for the conventional avowal The Communist paper writes: raganda the greatest building activity of the Stalin slave system, in compar­ “Karaganda is the heart of Kasakh- is under way. From all parts of the ison with which the punitive measures istan. The Karaganda area possesses Soviet, people are streaming in, Rus­ of Czarist Russia fade away. But just fabulous riches. Everything, is found sians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Bas- as the strength came from the exiles there, coal, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, kirs, Kirkiz, all filled with the one wish in banishment, to which the Empire of petroleum, manganese ore, phosphor­ to wring the wealth from the ground the Czars succumbed, so Karaganda is ite, silver and gold. Under the Czarist for the service of man“. not only the “ Centre of the Soviet yoke and the local feudal lords, the It is not only Soviet citizens who counrty“ but it is also the symbol of wealth of this tract of land lay neglect­ the resistance of the peoples of U.S.­ ed ancl it remained a backward colonial throng there “filled with the one wish“, but Latvians, Esthonians, Volga Ger­ S.R. under which, one day, Soviet Rus­ border district. Under Soviet rule, how­ sian tyranny will succumb too. ever, wonders have been worked. The mans, Poles, Austrians, Spanish repub­ licans, and last but not least, Com­ Soviet government and the Communist munists from all over Europe, whose party have spared neither means nor effort to put life into this country.“ blind faith in the Soviet Union is re­ jt is true, wonders have been worked warded by banishment, populate this huge region. The doctor looking after Jews in U.S.S.R. and no effort has been spared, that is the sick, the hospital nurse who helps to say, human beings. The Soviets The unhappy lot of the Jews in the have succeeded in turning the whole him, the engineer managing the mines, all are prisoners. Russia of the Czars has gained world­ province of Karaganda into a gigantic wide notoriety. Since Ivan the Terrible convict colony. The Austrian returnee The authority quoted by the “Arbei­ who, upon seizing the city of Polotzk says on the subject. terzeitung“ apparently saw nothing of in Byelorussia in 1563 gave the “There is no need of the barbed wire what the Communist paper then re­ Jews of this city the choice be­ there, that is so typical of convict ports, during all the long years he tween submitting to baptism or camps. The hundreds of miles of spent at Karaganda. being downed, anti-Semitism in Russia steppes in which there are only sand, “The workers of Karaganda, with has continued unabated and resulted in stones and low-growing herbs, but no justifiable pride in the work of their a long series of cruel pogroms in the road, only one strongly guarded rail­ hands, now draw a profit from their 19th and 20 th centuries. Even after the way line, make escape impossible. Ka­ enthusiastic toil. The miner receives proclamation of the Constitution, 1905, raganda is primitive beyond words, no the best pay. The hewer, B. Kotrashow, the Jews in Russia were massacred in tools, no nails, no paper to write on. for instance, earned 72,000 roubles last thousands by notorious “Black hun­ Fires are lit with two sticks and a bit year. There are sanatoriums, and rest dreds“ . homes for the miners, too. The State The history of Soviet Russian domin­ grants the miners long-term credits to ation is also full of anti-Semitic acts build their own houses. There are by the Soviet Government, although given, Machmut-Kuli 450,000 and W. hundreds of small villas of four to five the Soviet Government was very care­ Kerbabayew, 950,000. rooms, with a garden each.“ ful not to issue laws disabling Jews as In this connection it may be of in­ “There are few stone houses“, re­ such. Moreover, the Soviet Government terest to note that from 1946—1949 al­ ports the former prisoner of war, “and issued laws preventing all manifesta­ together, some 4,500 children’s books they are from the Czars’ time. Most of tions of anti-Semitism and thus was ^ r e published in editions reaching the houses are built of clay, while able to create the impression, the O million copies. hundreds of thousands of banished world over, that the Soviet Union is a people exist in caves and holes.“ sort of paradise for Jews. In fact, des­ Finally something about the Soviet pite all these laws declaring that “the press, which, according to the latest The Communists are silent on the fact of the high rate of mortality which preaching of racial or national exclusive­ figures, has a total of 33,5 m. copies. ness, or hatred, or contempt is punish­ makes the returnee’s description all The two leading papers “Pravda“ and able by law“, the Jews were persecut­ “Isvestiya“ dispose of a million copies the more moving. ed in the Soviet Union. The Jewish each. It must be remembered that the “Around the town of Karaganda businessmen and shopkeepers were press in the Soviet Union is strictly there is a broad girdle of common annihilated and their property “na­ party bound! The general line of the graves of the thousands of nameless tionalized“, the Jewish political parties Politbureau which is to be followed is victims of dystrophe which rages in were outlawed and their members given by the two above-named papers, the oppressively hot summer months, banned to Siberia and even the Jewish so that the press in the different Repub­ when swarms of insects spread the religious practices were rediculed and lics has no other material to dispose germs. Dystrophie has many causes, religious instruction to Jewish youth of than the Moscow newspapers, local the utterly inadequate food supply for strictly prohibited. Instead of the news excepted, of course. What the the hard work of the mines; the water Hebrew language and culture, which Soviet people themselves think of merely trickles from the soil of the were banned the use of Hebrew being these two newspapers is strikingly steppes; the climate, — in summer punished. Yiddisch was imposed by shown by a “bon mot“ circulating in there are sand storms and unbearable force, as the language of the Jews in Moscow. It must be said beforehand heat, in winter at a temperature of 52° the Soviet Union, although it was only that “Pravda“ means truth and "Is- C. below Zero, heavy blizzards. — is a dialect of the German Jews. All vestija“ news, and so it is said that beyond the endurance of any Europ­ these acts, derogatory to the Jewish there is no truth in “Pravda“. ean in the long run. The coal dust that national dignity, cannot be classfied The above mentioned publishing gets into the lungs and the vermin do otherwise than as a policy of anti- figures may contribute to showing up their bit also. Semitism which attempted the assim­ the legend, that equality prevails When the Kasakhistan spring comes ilation of the Jews into Russian cul­ among all the “brother nations“ in the and the snow slowly melts, the steppes ture. U.S.S.R. K. V. A. are transformed, into fairy-like blos­ New repressions of the Jews by the Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5

the crews of Polish ships running reg­ ularly into Swedish harbours play an The Grey War along the Baltic important part in this work. These Polish ships, according to observations Prof. Franklin Scott, the specialist with Foreign Countries, as well as the made by Polish emigrants, have un­ for Scandinavia at the North West specialist for international law, Prof. usually large crews.' The extra “sea­ University, has coined the expression Korowin, and the young lawyer Molo- men“ generally go ashore at once on “grey war“, for the situation on the zow, came to the conclusion desired by landing, exchange their papers with Baltic Sea. In this he characterizes the the Politburo, that the principle that other agents and go to earth some­ existing campaign, which is a mixture the Baltic was an open sea was in­ where, while the agent who has been of diplomacy, threats, espionage and compatible with the protection of the “relieved“ goes on board with all the violence, carried on by the Soviet in sovereignty and national independence material he has collected. The so-called order to make the Baltic an enclosed of States lying along its coasts. Finally, “political refugee“ then registers with Red Sea. the Soviet Academy of Science declar­ the authorities, receiving from them It needed a scientist to investigate ed openly in a bulletin that the time by reason of his forged documents and this, as scientific forgery is one of the had come for the Baltic States to make other data, identification cards and means used by Moscow in this “grey an agreement to exercise a collective perfect freedom to go where he will, war“ to give the political demands at control in Ore Sound and the Belt. all of which he makes use of for his nefarious business. least an appearance of right. Moscow It is obvious that Moscow means that aspires to the control of the straits control to lead to the establishment of Besides this activity in the sphere of leading to the Atlantic, as an open door Russian bases at the Baltic Straits. The law, seafaring and espionage, an in­ for its fleet massed in the Baltic and parallel with the Dardanelles is per­ tense propaganda campaign is carried its much enlarged submarine flotilla. fectly clear. There is no use in going on, aiming at keeping the Scandinav­ To-day, the Soviet already controls the into the arguments brought forward ians in a state of uncertainty and ner­ south east, from Leningrad almost to by the Moscow authorities, who un­ vousness. By diplomatic steps, radio Lübeck, thus dangerously close to the earthed the treaties of the 17th century, broadcasts, threats in the Soviet press, straits, — a matter of about 100 miles which had hardy ever came into force, the attempt is made to discredit the in fact. in order to prop up Moscow’s demands governments in the eyes of their own When the Kremlin proceeded to in­ both historically and legally. In prac­ people, while, at the same time, th£^ sist on the extension of its territorial tice, the Soviets and the Poles bring in are warned that political commiime;re ' waters from 3—4 nautical miles to 12, all the vessels approaching their coasts with the West will be followed by due the Soviet scientific authorities were within 12 miles. There is no sea where consequences. entrusted with the task of proving that shipping and fishing are so much inter­ Quite recently, “Pravda“ pointed this demand was justified. The crux of fered with as the Baltic Sea. Fishing out, in connection with Norway’s par­ the matter is to prevent warships, not boats continually disappear, their ticipation in the Atlantic Pact, that the belonging to nations bordering on the crews are held often for months in Norwegian government was following Baltic, from passing through Ore Sound Polish or Soviet prisons. a course that would involve “danger­ and the Belt. Members of the All So­ Moscow’s protest against the U.N. ous consequences for Norway and viet Association for Cultural Relations guarantee of the Autonomy Statute for might lead to disaster“. A few days the Aaland Islands at the entrance to later, radio Moscow declared that high ’the Gulf of Bothnia, is a part of the ranking Swedish officers had discussed same chapter. Here too, the Russians military collaboration against the Sov­ Soviet Government after World War II are out to eliminate the influence of iet Union with Finnish politicians. are registering a fresh wave of any State not adjacent with their terri­ Similar and repeated threats are serv­ the traditional Russian anti-Semit­ tory. ed out to Denmark too. Until now, how­ ism. For months there have been re­ The most dangerous weapon in the ever, this blackmailing manoeuvre has ports of an intense anti-Semitic trend Soviet arsenal for the grey war is failed. Still, Moscow continues with un­ in the Soviet Union. According to re­ espionage. Moscow has spread a net of abated tenacity. Academies, professors, sponsible Jewish sources, the newest spies all over the Baltic countries. Its diplomats, the army, radio and press, anti-Semitic development has all the centre is Stockholm and the leading spies and agents bear the arms in this signs of being officially approved and strings are held by the Soviet Military campaign which the American Profes­ directed. But even now the Soviet are Attaché there. Agents passing them­ sor Franklin Scott has named the careful enough not to discriminate the selves off as “political refugees“, and “grey war“. Jews as such. It is “cosmopolitanism“ which has suddenly become dangerous to the Soviet regime. This new “crime“ of cosmopolitanism is being described On the Anniversary of Croat Independence1 as “a fruit of the American imperialist reaction“, but the “cosmopolitans“ are (10. 4. 1941 — 10. 4. 1951) found mostly among the Jews who, therefore, have to be arrested and de­ ported immediately. The Croatians rejected, and still re­ us, to destroy our young Croatian In his article: “Popular Changes be­ ject, the “Yugoslavian idea“, because State. Unfortunately they found allies hind the Iron. Curtain“ (The Annals of it is not compatible with, and therefore in the West as well as in the East, and the American Society of Political and unbearable to the Croatian mind and Croatia found herself left to her fate. Social Sciences for September, 1950), heart. Forsaken by the West, Croatia We Croatians are often dubbed Eugene Kolisher, demographer of the fought a war to the knife for her na­ “Fascists“ by the West. But this Library of Congress handles the tra­ tional and State independence. All that slander will be shown up by the light gedy, of the Jews in the Soviet Union. sacrifice of life and limb, however, was of history. Our struggle for freedom “Before the war, he writes, this was the in vain. To-day when our country has and independence began long before largest concentration of Jews in the become a victim to Tito-bolshevism, it there was either Fascism or National world. Of the 4,300,000 Jews in Ukraine, must be emphasized that Croatia never Socialism. Anyone who respects truth Poland and Byelorussia there have was fertile ground for Marxist-Leninist will admit that two facts cannot be been left no more than 640,000 or 15°/o. ideas. denied. First that the Croatian soldiers The rest were exterminated by Hitler. It was to ward off the Communist- fought whole-heartedly against Bol­ Now the Soviets are transporting these Bolshevist danger that the Croats shevism in the second World War, but survivors, to Asia and have removed fought so desperately in the second not against the Western democracies. from the one city of Lviv 35,000.“ World War. For us Croats it was by The high command of the Croatian We have nothing to add to this state­ no means a war of aggression, but of army issued explicit orders that in case ment. The tragedy of the ancient peo­ defence, to preserve our national ex­ the Allies landed, the troops were to ple is in full swing. The Humans in istence and the sovereignty we regain­ offer no resistance to Anglo-American the Kremlin are responsible for it. ed in 1941. White and red “Yugoslavs“, forces; second, the guerilla detachments O. M. however, began a guerilla war against and communist Yugoslav leaders had Number 5 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9

pointed out. Russian soldiers would not surrender, even when Hitler and „Russian Liberation Revolution46 his accomplices, assured them that they would leave Russia undivided. Fantasy and Reality They did not even crowd into General Vlassow’s army, although his pro­ The fact that there has been little Caucasus, Cossackia, Turkestan and gramme was drawn up in the spirit of or no definite U.S.A. policy regarding wherever non-Russian peoples lived, Great Russia. They preferred to die the Soviet Union, caused certain Amer­ have become popular uprisings. in German camps rather than go over ican circles to seek new ways and means Now all these nations are held under to Ylassow, who, at the end of the war, to solve the problem. Some people the Bolshevist yoke by Muscovite actually had only one division under were naive anough to believe the fairy stadtholders, who are, above all, Rus­ his command and in the end, that prov­ tales told by Russian emigrants, that for sians and who hold the key positions ed Moscow inclined. When the German a few hundred million dollars they could in the goverment of the non-Russian collapse came in Prague, these men attacked their allies from the rear. start a “national “, countries of the U.S.S.R. Moscow’s nationalist-Russia propa­ and get the power into their own It is a mistake to count Marshal Tu- hands. And it was imagined that this ganda, the eulogies to the Russian peo­ khatschewskyj’s conspiracy as a sign ple and the privileges they enjoy at object could be attained without either of an anti-Bolshevist attitude among a “hot“ or a “cold“ war, and the world the hands of the Bolshevists, are the the Russian people, for in reality it best proof that the Russians were and given a peaceful life by the wave of a was merely a plot by a military clique, wand. are the driving power behind Bolshev­ to gain power. The Russian people ism. It is the non-Russian peoples of The 34 years of Bolshevism, however, showed no interest in it at all. has taught us how illusory that all is. the U.S.S.R. who rise again and again The West must know by now that the In the second World War it was against the tyrants in Moscow and who Russian people never seriously resisted clearly shown that the Russian masses can hardly wait for their national liber­ Bolshevism, on the contrary it was the were for Bolshevism and ready to ation movement. Russians who lent it motive power and strengthen its power, as Stalin himself W. Glaskow (Cossakia) who carried its totalitarian principles abroad. The Bolshevists were only able -^seize power through the support of _.*e broad masses in Russia proper, Universary of Georgia’s Independence who sympathized with Communistic ideas and aims. These Russian masses were then mobilized to nip the awaken­ The 26, May is the 33rd anniversary our country, our freedom and our ing freedom movements among the of the declaration of Georgia’s indep­ wealth. non-Russian peoples, in the bud. Again endence in 1918. It was declared, after For 4,000 years the Georgians had it was the Russian masses who helped 117 years of oppression and subjection, lived in the Caucasus. The ground of the Bolshevists to drive the nations at a solemn meeting at Tbilisi, presid­ our country is soaked in the blood of who had freed themselves from their ed over by President Noc Shardania. our ancestors, for we have had to fight yoke, into the dungeon of nations. Once again the national flag flew again and again to free ourselves. While in 1917—1920 the broad masses from the Parliament building, announ­ In all the past 117 years Georgias has in Russia proper were the support of cing Georgia’s freedom. the regime of oppression, all non-Rus­ only felt politically bound to the Rus­ sian empire, otherwise she led her own sian peoples resisted stubbornly for At the time, England, France, Ger­ many, Belgium, Turkey, Argentine and national life, and every Georgian three years and were silenced in a sea a number of other states acknowledged knows to-day that it is an honour to of blood. be a Georgian. Resistance in Byelorussia, Ukraine, Georgia’s independence. Sad to say, the State was but short May 26, remains as a symbol of the lived. From the north came a great unflagging spirit of the Georgians and wave of Bolshevism and overflowed the a pledge for Georgia’s regeneration. secret orders to offer stubborn resist­ land. In an unequal and desperate That day is the pole-star for our in­ ance should Anglo-American forces fight our people struggled hard to pro­ dependence, — the symbol of hope that land. tect their freedom from the mighty the Prometheus bound to the Caucas­ The end of the war was by no means Russian imperium and only succumb­ ian rock will be released and live a the end of the fight of the Croatian ed after seas of blood had been shed, life to which a history of 4.000 years Ration against Communism and “Yu- and our best sons had been killed. Our gives a right. jlavism“ . There is a ramified and brave men under General Masnjjash- The spirit of our forefathers and of well established resistance movement wili and the national guard were un­ the present generation too, never lose going on against that double tyranny. able to stem the flood. sight of this ideal. The fight will go oil The leader of the guerilla war, Gene­ Like their predecessors of Czarist until all Georgians are able to live in ral Rafel B o b a n enjoys the reputa­ times, the Bolshevist robbed us of a free and independent national State. tion of a hero of legend. No communist terrorism is able to break down or overcome this resist­ Is there any Resistance in Russia? ance. In this struggle all the Croatian exiles are heart and soul with their heroic brothers at home and are In connection with the sensational which could carry on active anti-Com- straining every effort to contribute to statements by the Russian solidarity munist propaganda. their support. Enlightening the general group of the T.S. under the leadership Sometimes the activity of real par­ public in the West on the Croatian of K. Boldyreff, that they have organ­ tisan armies (chiefly Ukrainian) is re­ national problem, is one of the most ized a Russian anti-Bolshevist move­ ported, waging war against Stalin’s re- important items in our task. ment in their ethnic territories, the . gime and led by their own generals. When the hour strikes, the whole editor of the “Sozialisticheskoj Wyest- Two years ago the magazine “Look“ Croatian people will rise to a man and nik“ and chairman of the R.S.D.R.P. which has a circulation of over 2,000,000, fight. They will be as brave and as published an article by the Russian (Russian Social Democrat Workers Par­ ready7 for sacrifice as they were of old emigrant Boldyreff, in which he reports in the sea battle of Lepanto, in the blaz­ ty), R. A. Abramowich, in an article in wonders of his revolutionary organiza­ ing ruins of Siget, on the outer walls the “Forward“ declares that that is all tion in Russia . . . of Mohac, or in the trenches at Stalin­ fantasy. The Russian press at the time brand­ grad, because they will know they are Abramowich writes: I am sorry to be ed Boldyreff as liar and swindler . . . fighting for state independence and obliged to say at the very beginning, Every Russian émigré knows that all freedom. that there is no illegal underground these sensational announcements are a From an article by Dr. Andrija Ilic. organization at all in Russia proper fiction of the brain.“ Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5

the crowd became menacing, the officer From behind the Iron Curtain had to hide in a Soviet office in the Square of July 22. The enraged popu­ lace threw stones at the building and broke all the windows. The K.B.W. riel D’Annunzio, Marcel Proust, Rud- (Corps for Home Security) surrounded BULGARIA yard Kipling and the Tarzan stories — the square and arrestedt all the people Walt Disney’s “Snowwhite“ had to go, there. The officer in question has been because the Prince was not a people’s A Secret Wireless Station entrusted with the investigations. Stakhanow worker, or a “hero of the V ¥ ¥ in Bulgaria Soviet Union“. The as compulsory It is still not certain whether the Leaflets Call All to be Ready to Fight subject has been introduced in all “Good Soldier Sdiwejk“, from the Polish elementary schools from the 4th We have received reports that a neighbouring Czech literature, will fall secret wireless sender was working in form upwards. In the army, too, re­ under the red ban, as such plays as cruits have two Russian lessons a Bulgaria under the name of “Gorjanin“. Molnar’s have. The bad example of the Transmission are at 2050 hours. week. sly “Imperial and Royal“ soldier might Listeners are instructed how to listen seriously upset the discipline of the in without peril to themselves. people’s armoured division. At the same time, great quantities TURKESTAN of leaflets were circulated all over the The confiscated books, by the way, country bearing the following words: are to be turned into pulp to get ma­ terial for valuable Marxist literature. “Bulgarians! Unite! Prepare for the Armed Resistance fight against the murderers of our But, please note, only carefully edited home country!“ The population is call­ issues of works by Lenin and Marx, The struggle for the independence of ed upon to boycott all Communist not Marx quotations by any chance, Turkestan is still going on. In Western undertakings and resist Moscow’s yoke which might undermine confidence in and Eastern Turkestan i. e. in the in every sphere of life. the Soviet Union, such as the follow­ whole of Turkestan our compatriots ing, which Marx wrote in 1835 in the V- A'- A' are fighting under the symbols of na­ ‘“New York Tribune“ : “When the west­ tional unity against the Russian a“^ London (U.P.) an active member in ern nations have given more care to Chinese oppressors. juster social conditions, worthy of a tire guerilla war against Bolshevism in According to news we have received the Balkans, who arrived here re­ human being; when they have abolish­ in the last few days the Ourbashi cently, states that the underground ed castes and privileges and have cre­ movements there have grown so strong ated free political institutions; when Rakhmankul with his armed groups is fighting in the Pamir mountains lately that, communist functionaries in they have unfettered industry and many cases dare not carry out the gov­ emancipated their thinking, then they, against the enemies. Our enemies the ernment’s instructions concerning too, will regain their power and great­ red Russians and red Chinese, attempt industry and Koghoy economy. Last ness. The Russian giant, on the con­ by every method to suppress this na­ year alone 1000 communist functionar­ trary, will crush the explosive force tional resistance. Some Afghans, hired ies were killed by guerillas. To pro­ of ideas and progress in the masses. by the Russian government, under­ tect the oil fields from sabotage, the took to persuade the group of- Rakli- troops in Rumania had to be reinfor­ manoul to give up the fight. A man ced by 50,000 men last year. 10 oil trains CZECHO-SLO VAKIA from Badakhslran brought the Afghan from Rumania were blown up on Bul­ proposals to Rakhmankul. The propo­ garian territory. sals were: to give up the struggle in Youthful Martyrs the Pamir mountains and to come for Many of us“, said the guerilla negotiations to Kabul. Rakhmankul fighter, “have been executed and many Prague. According to an announce­ however rejected these proposals and innocent people have had to suffer, but ment in the official Communist paper, decided to continue his fight. in spite of that our forces are increas­ “Rude Pravo“ 7 young people were ing and we shall not cease fighting till condemned to prison sentences of up we are free again.“ to 25 years, because they destroyed Moslem World Conference pictures of Stalin and burnt commun­ On the occasion of the Moslem World ist party documents. Beside which, Congress held on the 2nd February HUNGARY they were accused of blowing up a car 1951 at the capital of Pakistan, Kara­ belonging to the Security Police, with chi, the branch of the National Tu-e^, dynamite. The Hungarian Reader under kestan United Committee in Pakist;-Hi To justify these disgraceful senten­ transmitted their greetings to the con­ Guardianship ces, passed on youthful fighters for gress and gave a report on the situa­ Hungary is “enjoying“ two signifi­ country and freedom, the communist tion in Turkestan. cant experiences at present. Firstly, it papers add the following commentary. From our representatives we have has become startlingly clear how much These admirers of the American way received particulars of this congress of totalitarian governments resemble one of life were disguised as Ku-Klux-Klan, which we will give some details in our another and how consistently their and disposed of arms and dynamite. next number. measures follow, one after the other. Whether the dictator is a fascist or a Assassination of the Minister stalinist, — the Hungarian libraries POLAND and publisher are “purged“. On the According to radio Urumuchi the min­ other hand, the occasion shows plainly ister of the Eastern Turkestanian how extremely difficult it is, even for New Oppression government, Djanim-Khan was arrest­ a communist, to keep his balance in ed and shot on the 5tli February 1951 every rope-dance called for by party In Stettin (Szczecin) the prisons in by order of the red Chinese govern­ lines. For the over-zealous elimination the Pomorzany and Mikulowska streets, ment. Djanim-Khan was known as. of “harmful“ literature broke the necks for political prisoners serving long sen­ man of great religious and national of those responsible for it. In their tences, have been enlarged. In a Stettin feeling who by every means strove for haste, they forbade books that Moscow suburb, at the end of the Gospodarcza the independence of his country. The is still allowed to read, among them street, a large concentration camp is news of his death has caused great Andersen’s and Grimm’s Fairy Tales; being built. mourning among our compatriots in all besides they erred in “historical and On April 9, several hundred arrested parts of the world. In Rawalpindi, in ideological“ matters. persons were taken to Stettin prisons. his commemoration, a divine service Altogether the Hungarian index con­ A Soviet officer, the worse for drink, was held. At the same time that we tains 10,000 “bourgeois“ books, among shot down a workman because he hap- received news of the death of Djanim- them those by Thornton Wilder, Gab- pended to jostle him in the crowd. As Khan, we were also informed that some Number 5 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page li of our compatriots had succeeded in es­ ever, damaged the machines which led dance is forced. Nevertheless their caping their Chinese persecutors and to intervention by drunken M.V.D. morale is high and the spirit of resist­ have arrived in the free world. agents. When they began to swear at ance is strong. The Ukrainian peasants the “trippers“ the peasants attacked ard prepared to endure everything, de­ „Nationalist Authors“ and disarmed the M.Y.D. agents and portation to Siberia, imprisonment and beat them up. torture; they will not give way. Mass During recent times purges have Ukrainian peasants are living on arrests and deportation have only taken place in the Turkestanian wri­ starvation rations, and the worst time strengthened their national feeling. In ter’s Union against “unreliable young is the spring. They have only potatoes, each peasant the consciousness that he authors“. cornbread, cabbage and root vegeta­ is Ukrainian born and must stand by The Soviet newspapers of Aug. 1950 bles. They have to make their clothes his nation at all cost is very much alive. make mention in a series of articles themselves out of flax and hemp. Foot­ Although the churches are closed on bourgeois nationalist influence in wear they have to cobble together out and services may not be held, the peo­ Turkestanian literature and of hidden ple gather round their church on Sun­ representatives of the bourgois in the days and holidays to pray together. ranks of authors. For example H. To- The ideals of our liberation movement kombaj, K. Janats, K. Esmambet, A. are warmly welcomed by the peasants, Uteke and Umitali and others have de­ as they point the way to a free Ukrain­ viated from Bolshevist ideology and ian State which is the only salvation have given full expression in their from the misery of to-day. school books to nationalist ideas. A The country school teachers are fa­ number of other authors i. e. Saman- miliar with our ideals and always read chin, Baichi and Bekten have purposely our illegal literature. They often give “misrepresented“ books on literature us their aid, for they are in full sym­ when proof reading. pathy with the liberation movement. Their task of education is sometimes Punishment sketchily fulfilled and then only under the threat of terrorism. They are, not —, of Allah Worshippers infrequently, in hot water with the U.P.A fighters resting According to recent information re­ government for their “inadequate" ceived from Turkestan, a new attack work in promoting the Communist is being launched against national cus­ of leather they have tanned themselves. spirit. toms, and the Islamic religion. The Sov­ Rubber boots are produced from old The village priests live in great ma­ iet newspapers severly criticise the tyres. terial need. The villagers support them adherents of Islam, some of whom are The .entertainments organized for as far as possible. Priests belonging to even to be found amongst members of propaganda purposes- such as cinemas, the Ukrainian Catholic Church are the .Communist party and make men­ exhibitions, dances etc. are boycotted forced by arrest and imprisonment to go tion of punishments meted out to them. by the peasants, unless their atten- over to the “Kremlin Orthodox Church“ . Fazzullaoglu, a member of the Com­ munist party was dismissed from his post and punished, on instructions from the Party, for his negligence in From the Soviet Press the fight against the Nationalists. The Director of the secondary school in the district of Kaganovidiabad was dis­ The Kremlin as the Elder that Muscovite “science“ in Lviv is missed for the same reasons. following a thoroughly practical aim, Brother of Hungary viz. to raise the inadequate productive The character of the celebrations on activity of the area of Lviv to the great­ the occasion of the sixtenth anniver­ er glory of Muscovite imperialism. UKRAINE sary of the “liberation“ of Hungary by It is true, the President of the Acad­ the Soviet Army, reveals the fact that emy Paladin, as well as the local pro­ Hungary is on the way to becoming a fessors M. Woznyak, M. Rudnitsky, Pa- From Reports of the U.P.A. Soviet Republic. The Soviet press is careful not to draw too much attention rashehuk, Kozij, Slobodyan, and others, The Martyrdom of the Peasants. The to this event. The speeches held by the declared at the inauguration that the "''^rainian peasant is being squeezed Hungarian “dignitaries“ at the festive task of the branch was to promote the , all the products of his hard toil by assembly at the municipal theatre of cultural work of West Ukraine, united the enormous forced deliveries he has Budapest were all the more -flamboy­ for ever and always, with its bother to make. According to decree every ant. country (sic!) . . . peasant in the possession of 1 hectare of ground is obliged to deliver 152 lbs. They were, of course filled with The choice of the Institutes organized of meat, approx 250 quarts of milk per glowing thanks to Stalin and the band in Lviv, show however, that that branch cow, and 150 eggs per hen. Aside from of U.S.S.R. described as Hungary’s of the Academy is meant to exploit the all the mal-treatment and blackmail, “elder brother“. West Ukrainia population more and countless peasants are sent to prison This outbourst of “loyality" -may, to more. The Michurin Agrobiology has while the distress at home increases a certain, extent be regarded as an an­ apparently the task of enclosing the more and more. To compel them to go swer to the intention of the Western refractory West Ukrainian peasants in to the collective farms, the peasants Powers to place the question of peace “kolkhozes“ and force them to work are beaten with iron rods, the are tied treaties with former Balkan enemies there for the Kremlin despots, in ful­ to horses and dragged to the village in World War II on the agenda of the filling the annual plans drawn up in hall. A peasant woman of the village planned conference of the four Foreign Moscow. of Nebyliw had her leg broken, a pea­ Ministers, respectively to revise them. The “productive“ friedship between sant from Topilsk an arm, and a professors and workers has the same woman of Nowytja died after inhuman A Branch of the Academy time task in the newly founded in­ torture, while another woman from dustrial enterprises. The comparisons Berlogy went mad; In this way the col­ of Science at Lviv drawn by Y. Shtykalo between the lectivization was carried out “success­ The Kyiv Radio with the usual de­ dark past under Austrian and Polish fully“ in 15 villages. magogic to do, announced on April 3, dominion and the present “blissful“ The peasants of the village of Bolo- the inauguration of a branch of the state are the usual order of the day, chiwtzi (Drohobytch) refused to thresh Ukrainian Academy of Science in Lviv. followed by humble subjects. As a on Sunday and therefore the work was From the address held by the prize­ matter of fact, hundreds of thousands to be done by “voluntary“ trippers winner, a Ukrainian “scientist“ named of West Ukrainian workers are being from Truskawetz. The peasants, how­ Yosyp Shtykalo, it is to be learned deported beyond the Urals. Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5

Significant Awards Mechanized Forestry The Moscow paper “Pravda“ of Feb­ ruary 15, 1951, had an announcement on “awards conferred on officers, non­ commissioned officers and men of the frontier troops, as well as members of the kolkhoz in the frontier districts“, “The Lenin Medal“ and the “Red Ban­ ner“ medals and others, were awarded. Among the 20 M.Y.D. officials thus distinguished, were 5 generals, 10 col­ onels, 2 captains. As is generally known, the Soviet “frontier troops“ are in reality M.V.D. troops doing police duty. It is their task to watch the population in a strip of land 180 km wide along a frontier, to terrorize them, to evict them, to break all resistance and finally to furnish the Soviet secret service with information, even from beyond the U.S.S.R. borders. The medals conferred leave no shad­ ow of doubt as to the “great achieve­ ments“ of these special units in the “frontier district“, respectively what the have to achieve. Their chief con­ cern is to keep down the wide-sj>read resistance in Ukraine. The members of the kolkhoz mentioned in the same breath, are nothing but spies employ­ ed by, or members of the M.V.D. troops working against the population. “ What do you need a horse for in such mechanized forestry?“ “ Well, what do you think! To transport the wood, of course»“ It is most significant, too, that these („Krokodil“ , Moscow, 10. 3. 1951) lists which according to the “Pravda“ were to be continued, suddenly stop­ ped. Apparently it was a slip or in­ discretion, for which the person re­ sponsible has probably had to pay few belonging to the nation they re­ counting of the votes, was threatened dearly. present. These names speak for them­ with 20 years imprisonment if he dared selves and make all further commen­ to hint at how things were done. The Russification tary superfluous. ceremony ended with a festive enter­ tainment for the election committee, in Vassal Countries too The Wish and Reality after they had officially declared that From the leading article in the more than 90% had attended the elec­ “Pravda“ of April 11, 1951 we quote The communist press reports as tion and voted for the Communist the following: follows, on the “elections“ in Lithuan­ Party candidate . . .!“ ia. “In the countries of the “Peoples’ Democracies“ most favourable condi­ “. Comrade Stalin was the tions have been created for intellectual candidate here. The electorate swarm­ „The All-Canadian Peace work . . . At all universities, lectures ed from all sides to the polls. At 6. a. m. Congress“ on Marxism, Leninism, dialectic ma­ the booth was surrounded by a closely terialism and social economy are held. packed crowd, by 8 a. m. all had voted. (from our own correspondent) . . . Scientists are learning more and 98,9% of the electorate were at the The communist branch in Canada, more thoroughly the only right cre­ polls and Comrade Stalin received the so-called “Canadian Peace Con­ ative methods . . . By discussions on all 100% of the votes. gress“, convened a meeting, ApribK' questions of literature and art . . . the A Lithuanian who recently fled to and 8, 1951, of all Communist and p. influence of the directives from the Cen­ the "West, tells how the “elections“ Communist organizations in all parts tral Committee of the Communist Party were carried out in Bolshevist occupi­ of Canada. of the Soviet Union, on the develop­ ed Lithuania. “In our village on elec­ At the initiative of the A.B.N. in ment of the cultural and artistic life in tion day there were bands playing, and Canada, a counter-demonstration was these Democracies, is quaranteed.“ dances were arranged. Special premi­ prepared and carried out in front of This article is proof enough that rus­ ums were annuounced for the first at the Messianic Hall, where the Congress sification is going on at pressure in all the polls. R., a peasant, distributed was held. On Saturday and Sunday the vassal states. hand-written leaflets saying: “Rather leaflets were circulated all over To­ cut off your right hand than give your ronto, giving the real aims of the Nomen est Omen vote to our traitors and oppressors. “Peace Congress“ the “fifth column“ of Communism. Some 3000 persons of The official Soviet paper “Pravda“ of At least 50% remained away from different national groups took part in February 22, 1951, publishes the results the polls. The ballot boxes were driven the demonstration. They carried signs of the elections for the “Supreme So­ through the villages to rouse some en­ and slogans in English. viet“ and gives the names of the elec­ thusiasm. When they appeared in our ted candidates. In the Ukrainian Kras­ village with the ballot box, many peo­ The press here, reported the anti- nodar district (Kuban) only 4 of the ple fled from the place and the convas- Communist demonsration, and the 20 members elected, bear Ukrainian sers found only empty houses. My wireless also broadcast a report. names, while the other 16 are out and grandmother said “I would rather vote out Russians. The ratio is the same in for the cemetery“. When it became the Altai region (Siberia) where perfectly clear that, in spite of every­ ABN-Correspondence P. O. Box 70, Ukrainian settlers are preponderant. thing, there would be no success, the Munich 33, Germany/Bavaria In all the so-called “autonomous“ So­ commissioners folded the papers them­ viet-Republics and government districts selves and stuck them into the box. Published by the Press Bureau of the the deputies, almost without exception, The doyen of our village, who, for Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) bear Russian names, there are very form’s sake, was allowed to attend the Responsible: K. W. Orlecky Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS

Vol.II / Number 6/7 English Edition june/july 1951

A. B. N. Speaks to the W orld A Serious Warning

We are devoting a good deal of this issue of our bulletin to material from the great anti-Bolshevist Convention of 22 peoples of the A.B.N., on June 3 ,1S51 in Munich. """Nrow this material the reader can ontain a clear idea of the depth of the anti-Bolslievist, anti-Russian and anti- imperialistic feeling, even ihe embitter- mcnt prevailing among these 22 na­ tions. In 22 languages at the Munich Convention we might say that actually only one fundamental speech was held, only one profession of faith was laid Sown, namely — “we will have no Rus­ sian Empire; we will have no federation with Moscow! Away from Moscow! We want our own, thoroughly indepen­ dent States, we want a free world in which each nation may decide indepen­ dently upon its own destiny!“ The great Munich Convention, how­ ever, was not only the disowning of Mass Rally ol A.B.N. Members Moscow; it contained also a grave warning to the West, especially to the In other words, what is fair for the ed by Moscow. Mr. Acheson spoke of U.S.A. Western nations is not fair for the na­ the “common ideals“ which were a The A.B.N.-nations know full well tions of the East. With this sort of fwo- bond between the two peoples, the that the West, including America, is facedness no constructive policy can be American and the Georgian. He pro­ iging stubbornly to the idea of a achieved in East Europe. posed that the Georgians should join g±eat indivisible Russia. The A.B.N. The Munich Convention came just in with the American people in a common peoples see again and again with the right moment. May 26, 1951 the future, a future which “would bring the bitterness and repugnance that the broadcasts in the Georgian language Georgian nation liberties which it did West still describes them as “Russian were begun by the “Voice of America“ . not enjoy to-day“. nations“ or “the peoples of Russia“. The introductory words were spoken Mr. Acheson refrained from defining In the opinion of the West, the self- by U.S.A. State Secretary, Dean Ache- more exactly “the common future“ and determination of nations only reaches son. That was the first time an official “the liberties“ which the Georgian peo­ to the frontiers of the Moscow Empire, American personality had spoken ple were to enjoy. Wliatevcr freedom within that Empire it loses its validity. directly to one of the peoples subjugat­ (Continued on Page 2)

The Convention adopted unanimously with enthusiastic cheers the following resolution: Greetings W e bow our heads in deep veneration before the countless sacrifices made to the Fighting by our heroic countries and send our hearty greetings to those carrying on the fight there, the national liberation organisations, the insurgent armies and formations o f our oppressed, but by no means conquered peoples. Home W e solemnly declare that we shall do everything to attain our common Countries aim — the restoration o f our independent States Freedom fo r Nations! — Freedom for Individuals! Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7

Quotations from the Speeches at the Public Meeting of Â.B.N. June 3,1951, in Munich

From the Opening Speech by Prince N. Nakashidse (Georgia) Away witli illusions . . . away with tolerance! The mask of dissembling “In this address I’m speaking not ever known? Where is the indivisibili­ Russian Bolshevism has fallen and its only to the members of our subjugat­ ty of freedom when the “preservation challenging face is a warning to be ed peoples assembled here, but pur­ of the present peace“ is only to be a active: If the world, Christianity and posely also to all the representatives of reprieve for the western world . . . ? our whole civilization, is to be saved at the so-called free world. For it must be Where is the indivisibility of security the last minute, the joint front of the realized that . . . all the people on our when the peoples of the West intend to West and the subjugated peoples must earth, this side and that side of the buy security at the expense of perpet­ take action at last. It is not enough to Iron Curtain, are faced by the same uating the misery of our peoples . . . ? stamp out Bolshevism, which is the destiny . . . Never has the idea of the Why does no one think of their re­ double face of audacious insatiable indivisibility of freedom, peace and se­ curity been so true as to-day . . . The western world still talks of merely restricting Soviet-Russian ag­ gression, of coming to an understand­ ing with Moscow . . . and even pro­ claims the preservation of peace . . . and the status cpio as the highest aim of western policy. We ask. however, where is the indivisibility of peace as long as the West gives itself up to the illusion that it can lead a pleasant, peaceful life this side, while on the other side millions of people are fight­ ing against and languishing under the most frightful tyranny the world has

A.B.N. speaks to the World (Continued from Page i) he may have had in mind, one was certainly not included: the freedom to separate from Russia and erect an independent national Georgian State. For, hardly had Mr. Acheson’s words died away, when a speaker of the State Department hastened to make it clear that U.S.A. policy was not directs d at supporting any national, separatist tendency among the “peoples of Rus­ Presidency of the A.B.N. Convention — Prince N. Nakasliidse speaking sia“. The words Mr. Acheson had ad­ dressed to the people of Georgia “must sponsibility for the millions of subju­ Russian imperialism. If the world is to not be misunderstood“. gated nations? . . . Where actually does be saved from deadly peril no half An answer was given in Munich on tne standard begin for the protégés for measures will do . . . That means June 3, 1951 which also was not to be whom the world conscience and inter­ destroying the very foundations '"“Nf misunderstood. The peoples of the national ethics feel responsible to-day? menacing, boundless Russian impel .- A.B.N. are not willing to enter into . . . Are not our peoples just as well ism and giving back their freedom and worth defending and protecting as the stateship to the subjugated peoples, so discussions with Moscow on any basis South Koreans, the inhabitants of For­ that at long last peace and security whatever, with the purpose to consider mosa and the Philippines? may reign in the world.“ “mutual interests“, “the common way of life“ and the like. What we want is absolute, full, unconditional freedom. There can be no debate about freedom. Greetings from the Scottish League One has it, or dies for it; it cannot be divided. The word “democracy“ is not for European Freedom some sort of charm which can bring The Chairman of the Scottish League for European Freedom, John F. two different things about at the same Stewart, sent the President of the Central Committee of A.B.N., Mr. Yaro­ time, i. e. preserve the unity of Russia slav Stetzko, a message of greetings for the Congress of A.B.N. June 3,1951, and give the “peoples of Russia“ their which we give in an abreviated form: freedom. If Russia really wants to be free, it Dear Mr. Stetzko, count of the wishes of the non-Russian must free “its" peoples unconditionally. There is no use shutting one’s eyes peoples in the U.S.S.R. Almost the mass That will be the acid test for Russian to the fact that the position of the non- of this section thinks there is no other democracy. The peoples combined in Russian nations in the U.S.S.R. is not solution wanted or possible than the generally understood in the West . . . keeping together of the whole Russian A.B.N. will take up the cudgels against Empire . . . If the Empire is preserved, any power which does not respect their There is one large section of the pub­ lic, both here and in America, which the treatment of the non-Russian peo­ wish for complete freedom. But they blindly supports anti-Communism and ples will be the same as under the Bol­ wish to become and to remain friends the restoration of freedom and in­ sheviks. with the West, friends and allies of dependence to those countries overrun It is admitted now on all sides that, America too. by Russia since 1939, but takes no ac­ at the back of every international evil Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

the Iron Curtain which have not yet The West on the Wrong Way sovereign rights, are approaching in­ dependence more and more. From the speech held by Yaroslav Stetzko (Ukraine), President And behind the Iron Curtain? o f the Central Committee o f A.B.N. The national liberation movements Friends! Fighters for the freedom of to the Russian dungeon of nations. there, are still more vigorous, though your peoples! Friends from the free Over the whole earth, wherever the circumstances are much harder in world! there is no real State independence a totalitarian State. In spite of all the In our epoch full of dangers and or national sovereignty, irresistible persecution by the Bolshevists these great events we, the representatives of liberation movements are at work. peoples never cease their fight. the peoples subjugated by Russia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philip­ It is hardly six months since the decided once more to appeal to public news echoed through the world of the opinion in the western countries, be­ death of the Commander-in-Chief of cause the trend in the policy of the the U.P.A., General Taras Chuprynka, Western Powers, especially that of the the leader of the revolution in Ukraine, U.S.A., is making us uneasy. We, here, killed fighting against an M.Y.D div­ raise our voices in the name of op­ ision. But at the same time another pressed Karelia- Finns, Etshonians, piece of news reached us, that the Latvians, Lithuanians, Byelorussians, fight was going on under another Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Serbs, leader. The men fall, but the fight Croats, Albanians, Slovenes, Bulgar­ continues without a break. ians, Rumanians, Ukrainians, Cossacks, A year ago the Bolshevist paper North Caucasians, Georgians, Armen­ “Pravda“ reported severe fights with ians, Aserbaijanians, Turkestanians, the insurgents of Osman Batus in the people of Idel-Ural, the Siberians, Turkestan, and alleged that they had '”~Nid, especially in the name of their been overcome. Yet recently inform­ underground liberation movements. ation reached us from Pamir that the We hope that our protest, our dem­ fight was going on, just as in the ands, our warnings will be heard, Caucasus. The other day the “Pravda“ above all in the West where the announced that the Supreme Council decisions as to the policy of the Western of the Soviets had bestowed decor­ Powers are made. We particularly ations and awards on members of the want the truth of the indivisibility of M.V.D. for work against “political freedom to be understood and grasped bandits“, i. e. members of the under­ at last: ground. Maturing national revolutions To-day, happily, there is no need to will burst the dungeon and national warn the West of the menace of Bol­ States will arise instead, as soon a shevism, because, aside from a few peace is established in the world. incorrigibiles, the fact has become clear to all. Our aim is: Now, however, comes the question Sovereign national States for the how the West is to act in order to peoples subjected by Moscow, within accomplish its task. It is no longer a their ethnic borders, reparations matter of preserving peace — that has Mr. Yaroslav Stetzko, President of A.B.N. gone already — but of securing vic­ for all the injustice suffered, es­ tory. The answer from official quarters, pines and many other lands have pecially from the occupation powers up to now, fills us with misgivings. joined the ranks of the free peoples. — i. e. return of all deported, There is a serious danger of the same It is still seething in Marocco, Indo- resettled and expelled persons to inexcusable mistakes being repeated China and elsewhere, but gradually their home-countries. in certain official quarters, expressed the Western World is yielding to these in the attitude of the Western Powers countries. The countries this side of Even the sham republics set up by the Bolshevists confirm the fact — nolens volens — that mighty national movements exist in the U.S.S.R. which is Russia . . . Russia will not be deter­ This would certainly mean the dis­ red from her own path, whether Stalin integration of any kind of Russian Em­ the Russian Bolshevist imperialists are or Kerensky is in the seat of power. pire, but, on the other hand, it would trying to neutralize, both by their No “Peace Campaigns“ in reality or­ compel the Russians to turn themselves unheard of terrorism, and smoke-screens ganised by Russia, will be effective. No to getting an honest living in the world. of the so-called “independent federal boast by America of having more or States“ which, in reality, are nothing To my mind, the object of the op­ but Muscow’s colonies. It was not by superior weapons than Russia will pressed nations ought to be proclaimed deter Moscow . . . accident that Bolshevism in 1917 took as, not wishing America, Britain, or up the parole of “self-determination anyone to “liberate“ them; they have of the nations, including the right of The only safety for the world does had plenty of experience of "liber­ not seem to me to be in better weap­ secession“. The very fact that it did ation“ in the past. They will liberate so is clear evidence that deceit was ons, “Peace Congresses“, Atlantic themselves, and they have a right to Pacts, United Europe, or anything of required beside terrorism to enslave expect support from the West, not that the people. It is not the Russian people the sort. The only plan is to take the they should support the West in liber­ power from Moscow to hurt anyone, with its other so-called “tribes“ which ating them. forms the Empire, but different nations and this can only be done by the com­ As for the Scottish League for Euro­ plete liberation from any kind of Rus­ have been forced into this Empire. pean Freedom, its whole work is devot­ There is no united, indivisible Rus­ sian control of the non-Russian States ed to educating public opinion to this of the U.S.S.R. They are all States of sian Empire, there is, for example, only end, and it has reason to claim some a united and indivisible Turkestan, superior civilisation to Russia, their success . . . The amazing stupidity and peoples outnumber the Russians by Georgia, Aserbaijan, Armenia, North appalling danger to the West caused Caucasus, Ukraine, Byelorussia, and more than 2 to 1, they have no imperial by the surrender to Russia of Finland, policies, their natural resources, if used there is also a national ethnographical the Baltic States and so much else of Russia — but the Empire, the dungeon for the peaceful development of their Europe, is becoming apparent even to own countries are more than sufficient of nations, must be broken up. Whether the muddled thinking of the West, and for prosperity, they have no wish to be the leading circles in the West like it dragged by Russia into any of Russia’s will have the inevitable result. or not, the process of bursting the wars, no matter for what purpose, and Y'ours sincerely U.S.S.R. dungeon of nations by the no small countries cause world wars. J. F. Stewart, Chairman national anti-Bolshevist liberation revo- Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7 lution has already begun and sooner which are aimed at upholding the enslavement. If it chooses the former or later will be achieved! Russian Empire, if only within the it will have our peoples and the Rus­ The third, independent power within frontiers of 1944, are indirectly an sian people proper behind it, that is to the Soviet Union is at work — the advantage for the Bolshevists, for they say, of course, if the sound element subjugated nations. It is not a question disintegrate our common front and among the Russians stand aloof from of so-called insignificant “minorities“» discredit the Western World in the their imperialist compatriots. -Should but of ancient, highly developed States, eyes of our subjugated people as the West choose enslavement, then our whose capital cities existed when some accomplices in setting up a new kind people will be against it. That is not of the. present western metropolies of serfdom. lightly said! It is a considered opinion! The explosive power of the national were not on the map at all. Condition for National Liberty We are not fighting for the creation, idea can be seen by its effect, when but for the re-establishment of States Real freedom of the individual is its greatest enemy, — Moscow, uses it which have existed for hundreds, in the condition for national liberty. as a means to stir up the colonial some cases, over a thousand years. In A.B.N. is fighting against Russian peoples of Asia and Africa. Why does the struggle to recover our independ­ imperialism, against serfdom, but not the West not support this idea behind ence our peoples behind the Iron Cur­ against those Russians who stand aloof the Iron Curtain with honest intentions, tain have made the greatest sacrifices. . from the oppressors. We call upon the when the Bolshevists do so much this Does the West intend to stand in our Russian masses to shake off imperial­ side with treacherous intent? way and attempt to force upon us ism and be content with a state within another, a new form of a Russian their ethnic borders. We de not protest No Hatred for Russians dungeon of nations? against the collaboration of the West And another thing. Not long since, with Russian anti-Bolshevist circles the Bolshevists decried the fight of The Age of Nations when they speak on behalf of their the Ukrainians, Turkestanians, Ase-rbai- The world is. not developing into an own people, blit we do protest against jans, Byelorussians, the people of Idel- enforced Union or World Empire, that the collaboration- of the West with Ural, Siberia and others as antURus- is to say a “World Union of Soviet- Muscovite imperialists, we protest sian. To-day, in the exhilaration of Socialist-Republics“. — but rather into against all assistance given to any new their chauvinism and russification more independent States, whose con­ form of serfdom planned for us, even policy, it is the fight of Bulgaria i solidation is based on equality and if it is called “white“ this time. Poles, Hungarians, East Germans evfr freedom without distinction of race, For us every Russian imperialist, that is anti-Russian, and to-morrow it size, wealth or any other peculiarity. even though he calls himself a dem­ will be the turn of France or Italy if The free nations and those still to be ocrat, is a Bolshevist tool. And it is we do not all conform to their way of liberated will, by reason of their the same with those who have col­ thinking. national, independent democratic forms, laborated with Bolshevism, for. on one Any people attempting to shake off and mutual respect of rights and side, they demoralize the anti-Bolshev­ Moscow’s chains counts with the Rus­ liberties, combine in world institutions ist front; they confuse the minds of the sian despots as hostile. Moscow alone for mutual aid and co-operation and subjugated nations in their notions of allegedly knows no hatred of other there, without any “ right of veto“ and the West thus strengthening Bolshevist nations. Shall we defame Bulgarian, the like, they will discuss and settle supremacy. If the West supports such Hungarian, Rumanian, Croatian, Czech, their affairs in harmony. elements it means that the fate and the Slovakian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Siber­ War as the means of settling inter­ real freedom of nations is a matter of ian, Cassackian, Georgian, or North national disputes will only cease when indifference. We on our part are ready Caucasian fighters for independence there are no more superior and inferior to co-operate with such circles'" as lay as chauvinists or Nazis, although we nations', no masters and slaves; when no claims to our countries and are neither claim foreign territory nor certain people in every nation cease content with their own ethnic terri­ hate any other nation? their robbing; when each individual tory. That is our one condition. We wish the Russian people to enjoy is content with what lie has and gives We here publicly accuse the white freedom and want Russia’s friendship, up coveting from his neighbour what Russian imperialists and their friends just as we want the friendship of all he "has not; when all chauvinism and in certain western circles of under­ other nations who respect our rights, international hatred has ceased. mining the united anti-Bolshevist front, on the basis of freedom and equality. The greatest enemy of truth, free­ fostering chauvinism, and confusing We regard the readiness of the West dom. justice and harmony among men the objectives. In that they harm the to break up the dungeon of nations and nations is the Russian Empire no Russian-Muscovite people proper. and restore full sovereignty to all matter what hue it may take, red, We blame them for their indirect nations on the basis of their natior^N pink, green or white. Its present high support of Bolshevism because they ethnic borders as the first condition L : stage in development is Bolshevism. ignore the most important factor in a victory over Bolshevism. It fights no longer for a division of liberation: the national ideal. What Our Appeal to the World spheres of influence, but solely for should our people fight for in common its exclusive, total and absolute with the West? Only to change their We appeal to the Western World to domination in the world, i. e. for a fetters? Why will those chauvinists leave the decision as to our future to Moscow World Empire!, There is no and new totalitarianists not recognize us. Do not, if you are really democrats, end to its covetousness. Wherever in the greatest truth of our time, namely as we are from the bottom of our the world there is a small nook where national and personal freedom for- hearts, hang more chains around our speech is free, there Bolshevism every individual? Some people in the necks. Treat us like you treat other stretches its tentacles. That is its law. West look upon them as democrats western nations upon whom you have Yet the idea of liberty, no matter how and our liberation movement as un­ no wish to force your will. Do not remote, might send its rays into their democratic. Where does the truth lie? forget that our peoples have announced dungeon. Is the man who fights for freedom a their will to freedom, not in paper The A.B.N. comprises the Mongolian, fascist, while he who seeks to enslave plebiscites but with their blood. If Slav, Ugro-Finnish and other races; him is a “democrat“. Since when have Bolshevism should once rule over your all of whom face Russian imperialism these terms been confounded in the countries and you had to fight against in a common front line. We reject and West? it, would you think it necessary to oppose Panslavism as a form of Rus­ hold a plebiscite to decide whether sian junkerdom. The Russian State must No one can openly go against our your people should be free after the be confined to its own ethnic borders ideals. It is also an error when some victory? to prevent the pressing of its “order“ western people believe that we, in Measure our peoples by the same on other people. propagating our ideas, are driving the rule you claim for yourselves. Dont Russian people into Bolshevism. The conception of a World Empire forget that just as you have the col­ is alien to the national liberation idea. The West has not to choose between laborators with Bolshevism in your Only with the latter can victory be us and Russia as a nation. The West lands ' and deny them the right of gained, not by half measures. has rather to choose between the ideas speaking in the name of your people, Therefore the efforts of imperialist of a future order, i. e. between the our people, too despise them because circles among the Russian emigrants, idea of national liberation, or further they have contributed to strength- Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

ening tyranny in the subjugated of the sovereignty of the liberated compromising fighters against Bolshev­ countries. Do not repeat the mistakes States therein. ism broadcast from the stations avail­ of the past. Bolshevism is preparing, and, in some able to the West? And why are broad­ places, waging a two-front war; aggres­ casts not composed in the spirit of na­ Our National States a Guarantee of sion from outside and civil war within. tional freedom? Why are these import­ Peace! It draws the West into periphery ant factors not in the hands of approv­ wars, such as Korea, China. Indo-China, ed anti-Bolshevists who have never had Would there be any Bolshevist any dealings with Bolshevism? menace if the western countries in 1917 for the purpose of attrition and to had not helped to maintain the bring the West into conflict with the Our Idea is Advancing dungeon of nations? Should one have other nations. So the bastion of tyran­ to fear a Russian atomic bomb? None ny must be attacked in conjunction The subjected peoples are a supreme of our national states would have been with the subjected peoples, i. e. the power. They are not a “fifth column“ in a position materially to produce it. second front. The real core of Bolshev­ of tire West, but an equal partner and The Soviet Union is so placed because ism, ethnographic Russia, must be a valuable potential ally. In contrast all the wealth of various peoples and overpowered, for only then will its to Bolshevism, which can only attract countries is at its desposal. Was it forces in the whole world break down. a certain sort of person in the West, not in your and your children’s interest The moment the West makes a counter­ the West could win whole nations be­ to destroy this horror then? Would a attack on the bastion of evil, on Mos­ hind the Iron Curtain on one condition, Georgia with 3 million inhabitants, a cow itself, the real ethnographic Rus­ support of the national idea. Byelorussia, or a Turkestan, have been sia, the subjugated peoples with some It is necessary and high time to able to produce that weapon to-day help from the West would not find it bring the two great plans of the free when, aside from U.S.S.R. and US.A., hard to settle accounts with the Rus­ world and the subjugated peoples to even Great Britain is not able to do sian Bolshevist occupation troops in a common denominator. their countries. so? Were the Moscow despots deprived , \ Slowly our conception is advancing of the mineral oil of Aserbaijan, the Possibilities Not Fully Used from its previous isolation. The sooner bread, iron and coal of Ukraine, the it penetrates into competent quarters cotton of Turkestan, the wood of Conclusions should be drawn, now. the better it will be, not only for us, mlorussia and the riches of other from the fact that the Soviet army is but for the whole freedom-loving ountries, would they be in a position made up of soldiers of different na­ world. to threaten the world and finance a tionalities. It is known, for instance, Finally, we shall never cease our world revolution? Only the national that the Far East divisions, stationed cry: the Russian Empire, whatever States can guarantee world peace, for near Korea, are for the most part men colour it has, must be divided up into they cannot pile up war material, and belonging to our nations. Would it not national independent States among reserves of manpower singly. They be advisable to start now a political which there also should be a Russian therefore, are really a guarantee for offensive by broadcasts etc., in our State within its ethnic borders. peace, progress and humanity. sense, so that our ideas penetrate from all sides into the U.S.S.R.? Why does Those are the conditions for victory and for enduring peace in the world, Military Strategy the West not make it possible for the broadcasting stations in Europe, Asia a peace for which we all long, but we Ladies and gentlemen! and the Near East to appeal to the sub­ place freedom above peace and life. jected peoples in our names and with Long live freedom and justice for Strategy depends on the political our representatives? Why dont un- all! conception of a war. The political con­ ception of the dissolution of the Rus­ sian dungeon of nations demands, of course, a strategic conception of the From the Speech held war. If this dungeon is to be left in some form or other, the co-operation by General Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarnak (Hungary) of the subjected peoples will be ex­ cluded. For a strategic conception of Chairman o f the Military Commission o f A.B.N. the war the constitutional anti-Bolshev­ ist attitude of the West is not suf- . . Bolshevism is already at work, and will dare a national revolution ficiant. It must be based on a positive with the help of its „fifth columns“, stir­ against the loathed system of terror­ idea: the dismemberment of the Rus- ring up unrest, civil war, revolutions ism . . . The future will show what im­ /'•^ian Empire as the dungeon of nations, and partisan warfare everywhere in portance is due to the strength of this national liberation of the peoples the world, and in this way there is no inner resistance. Our insurgent units, subjugated by Moscow.. stopping it . . . It is quite possible that especially the U.P.A. have been fight­ It is time that the West made some the cold war could continue, that the ing for years in the woods and moun­ decision in this direction. In making Korea of to-day may be followed by tains without outside support. these demands to-day we are not other Koreas, and the present state of These capable soldiers know the Rus­ acting from our own egoistic interest, affairs last for years. That is cer­ sian tactics, training, weapons and but because it is high time to prepare tainly the basic idea of Cominform territory and could, if necessary, be in­ effective counter-action. policy. In the present cold war and the creased tenfold in a short space of time. warfare of to-day, the Soviet „fifth col­ The military value of the LLP.A. and The Subjugated Peoples — A Second umns“ and “ideology of world liber­ other insurgent forces must be highly Front ation“ decidedly have the advantage estimated. and are able to support any Communist The victory of the West is only to It is time to act, for any delay is an attempt inside a country with money, advantage for the Soviets and adds to be gained if there is an adequate experts and arms from outside . . . second front behind the Iron Curtain. their strength and will cost the west They know perfectly well that their heavy casualties. Our A.B.N. units are National revolutions are necessary greatest danger is not atomic bombs, not ready, prepared in the ideology that and for them favourable conditions modern weapons, aeroplanes and west­ was born in the trenches and insurgent must be created, in order to assure ern army divisions, but the yearning warfare, in the martyrdom of our home co-operation with the free world. for freedom which cannot be eradicat­ countries and the political education in The West cannot count on success ed from the hearts of the subjected emigration . . . without co-ordinating and bringing peoples . . . These masses form an im­ Those who languish in prisons and the operations of the West into line portant power. It is true, they have no concentration camps and those who are with the front of the subjugated modern weapons at their disposal, but fighting in the mofintains and woods peoples. Such co-ordination is only as soon as they feel and know that the will not have things done by halves, possible if the West recognizes and moment of their liberation is approach­ they expect uncompromising action supports the political platform of the ing they will, be able, through their from us, for the sake of our much-tried subjugated peoples. That is, the con­ singleness of purpose, their deep faith peoples. ception of the dissolution of the Rus­ and their defiance of death, to be a sian dungeon of nations and recognition match for the achievements of technics, To that we shall adhere!“ Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7

From the Address by A. Ismail, in the epoch of great democratic ideas, above all the American Government, a disgrace which must be wiped out. know how many of those Bolshevist the Representative of Aserbaijan The democratic world which yesterday agents from the ranks of Benes-Czecho- saw in Bolshevism a partner and ally, slovakia, financed by American money, . . Thirty-one years ago the red are practising espionage and sed­ imperialists fell upon our democratic begins to-day to call it by its right ition? republic and abolished its national in­ names. Names we have known for dependence which was proclaimed and thirty-three years i. e. criminality, bar­ From the Address by Dr. A. Soysal, recognized in 1918. For the second time barity and robbery!“ in its history our country fell victim Representative of Crimean Tartars to Russian imperialism. For three de­ cades people have fought desper­ From the Address by W. Glaskow, “. . . Russian Bolshevism, after the ately. The national revolts in Azerbai­ the Representative of Cossackia second world war, when the free jan against the Moscow oppressors peoples were endeavouring to create have never ceased. No reprisals by the “. . . . Kerensky’s so-called democra­ peace and social well-being in the Moscow despots have succeeded in sup­ tic government refused to recognize world, drove the Crimean Tartars out pressing the will of our people for free­ the expression of the people’s will in of their home country, just because dom. Our fight against Bolshevism will the Cossack parliament. He began an they expressed their centuries old wish last till our aim is achieved . . . As long open war against the Cossacks with the to be free from Moscow. As the re­ as terrorism, fear, oppression and sla­ object of forcing them once more into presentative of the Crimean Tartars very exist there will be no peace on the Russian Empire. 1 accuse the Soviet Union of the ex­ earth.“ The Cossacks . . . continued their termination of whole peoples . . . “ fight against their alien oppressors. From the Address by Dr. A. Kamenoff, This liberation struggle is being car­ From the Address by Dr. L. Liptay, ried on by our brothers at home, and also the Representative of Bulgaria here in the free world by small groups Representative of Hungary of Cossack emigrants. The uprisings in “ . . . In the name of the National Bul­ 1922, 192», 1932/33 and 1937 are the best “... Bolshevist forces once more garian Front, as bearer of the liber­ proofs that the Cossack nation has not brought agitators back to Hungary. ation struggle at home and in exile, I given up its fight for freedom and in­ The Soviets went so far as to insist on declare the complete solidarity of the dependence. Communists being accepted in the Bulgarian people with the conception During World War II. more than a government, against the will of the and ideals of the A.B.N. and swear hundred thousand Cossacks fought for people .. . allegiance to the common fight for freedom and independence. We Cos­ To-day not more than 3—4°/o of the liberation of all subjugated nations ... sacks are proud that we were ne'ver on population, at the outside, are Com­ The subjection of our country towards the side of Bolshevism, were never the munists, and yet the population has the end of World War II. was only allies of Communism.“ suffered untold cruelty and terror at possible after it had been declared at their hands for years now . . . Teheran and Jalta as belcuging to the The western world should know ... Russian sphere of influence, thus the From the Address by Dr. Stjepan Buc what strong passive resistance is of­ Red Army was able to march into Bul­ Representative of Croatia fered by the people . . . Cardinal garia . . . without a fight . . . In those Mindzenty’s martyrdom has given the critical months the fatal conspiracy by “... Just as Moscow finds labels for people great moral strength in their the so-called “Fatherland Front“ began Russian imperialism, ‘Little Moscow1, unequaled perseverence ... It is a to spread, and against the political will i. e. Belgrade does so in south-east- silent, hard, unyielding, heroic fight of the people played Bulgaria into the Europe, in order to veil Serbian im­ for freedom.“ hands of Moscow . . . perialism ... Our struggle is still more In the government of the “Fatherland difficult to-day, as we have to over­ From the Address by G. S. Julay, Front“, which was set up by the Red come double obstacles. On one side Representative of Idel-Ural Army under the deceptive slogans we have to contend with the traditional „ . .. After overthrowing the Idel- political imperialism of single nations, “death to Fascism“ and “Freedom for Ural Republic, which the Turko-Tartar resp. their cliques which have gone the People“, the national and State life National Assembly had proclaimed in into partnership with Communism, of Bulgaria was washed away in blood. the liberation revolution of 1917, the besides which there are two Iron Cur­ Bolshevists destroyed the political The pro-Russian groups of the leftist tains, not only one. The Iron Curtain agrarians, left Socialists and the unity of the Turko-Tartars by dividing drawn down upon us by the West Idel-Ural into three autonomous re­ “ putsch“ party of “Sveno“ had been Causes us pain ... Communist partners. I am sorry to say that the West itself publics ... These groups were blind enough to The deportation of the Turko-Tartars has drawn a curtain of its own which from their homes into places as far contribute to depriving the Bulgarian prevents it from seeign clearly what State of its power . . . The Bulgarian away as Königsberg, was for the is going on behind the imperialist purpose of uprooting our people from people, however, who have been cast Communist one, and therefore from into their present martyrdom by these their own soil. .. coming to the proper conclusions ... The persecution of Islam in Idel- Russophile collaborators of Commun­ It prevents the western politicians, ism, feel that their behaviour in exile Ural was not only based on the godless organizations and peoples from look­ Bolshevist philosophy, but also to is a provocation. The “National Bul­ ing behind the Iron Curtain. They only garian Front“ considers it as its duty abolish this essential element of na­ see tyrannical governments at the head tional consciousness from the Turko- to warn the West against taking such of artificially formed states, maintained emigrant politicians seriously and sup­ by brute force. Thus false plans are Tartars . . . porting them . . .“ The policy of extermination carried set u p ... They can’t realize that on by Bolshevism, called forth freedom the idea of self-determination is the organizations and underground re- From the Address by Dr. St. Stankievic, strongest force to-day behind the Iron istance movements in the whole area Curtain . ..“ the Representative of Byelorussia of Idel-Ural. The armed revolt in Tartary and Baskir in the years of war “. . . And to-day, likewise, perse­ From the Address by Fr. Yanik-Horak, communism, the underground organiz­ cution and the annihilation of the Bye­ Representative of Czechia ation “Sultangalieffshdiyna“, the activ­ lorussian people have not broken their ity of anti-Moscow Tartar-Bashkir- will or belief in liberation . . . At pre­ “... Slavery prevails in the once national-Communists which were li­ sent two large groups of partisans are free Bohemian countries ... That is the quidated with much loss of blood in truth behind Gottwald’s bloodthirsty 1936/37 prove that the Turko-Tartars, operating in Byelorussia: — The Byelo­ régime... which not even the Iron since losing their own Stateship have russian Army of Defense and the so- Curtain can stifle, nor Kopecky’s prop­ carried on their fight for freedom .. . called “Black Cat“ . . . The existence of aganda ministry, nor even the hun­ 50,000 Tartar-Bashkirs fully armed the Russian dungeon of nations, in the dreds of agents who went into exile at fought against Bolshevism in World form of the U.S.S.R. is a disgrace to-day Gottwald’s orders ... Do governments, War II.“ Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

From the Address by Mg. Julijs Braes, justice, and freedom for nations and From the Address by A. Bater, individuals ... Representative of Latvia Representative of Turkestan The object of the immediate revo­ .. After the collapse of Poland in lutionary struggle is the psychological .. The national, armed struggle World War II. the Baltic States... mobilization of the broad masses, the which the Turkestanians have carried were occupied by the Soviet Union. winning of new forces for the fuller on for years against the Red Army, We call that year of Bolshevist rule development of a future armed en­ reached its climax in 1922/23 at the the “gruesom year“. Some 8°/o of the counter ... time of Enver Pasha. After the collapse Latvian population were killed, shot, Ukraine and other subjugated peo­ of the national resistance in 1923, the deported or fell in the resistance ples cannot be overwhelmed. Our fight Turkestanians went underground and movement. goes on and will continue till the Rus­ took up the fight from there against Latvian resistance at home is alive sian imperium is shattered, no matter the alien dominion forced upon them .. . still. Caution prevents me from giving what colour it may adopt.“ In spite of unceasing terrorism, the any details in public .. . alien régime has not succeeded in breaking resistance . .. oppressing the We shall fight for victory and From the Address by Dr. Ct. Pokorny, national will for freedom, much less in after the victory is won, we shall winning the people over to it.“ return home from all the countries Representative of Slovakia in the world. But the victory must be decisive. No new Russian imperialist “... Freedom can never be a gift, From the Address by J. A. Noreika, State must be permitted to arise again.“ one must work and fight for it. That is why the anti-Bolshevist resistance Representative of Lithuania movement in Slovakia and the Slovak From the Address by Dr. B. Huk, fighters for freedom, in the Carpath­ “ ... We must make it clear to the U.P.A. Fighter, Representative of Ukraine ians, have been carrying on an unequal, Western World that the present danger bitter struggle full of self-sacrifice of aggression does not lie with Ger­ “I speak in the name of fighting and heroism for the last six years many, Japan, National China or Spain, raine ... There is no armed or active against the red Prague dictatorship ... but solely and alone with the Kremlin istance within the Russian ethnic and against that unnatural State and the Communist States ... Let us murders, but only where, not only social formation called Czechoslovakia. Our spread the view that the Kremlin is serfdom, but also national oppression fighters for freedom in Slovakia are exists; that is to say, only among the no match for the combined co-ordinated just as forsaken and as self-dependent forces of all the anti-Communist na­ subjugated peoples ... as all the other revolutionary resist­ tions and will soon be forced to capit­ The Ukrainian liberation movement ance fighters of the A.B.N., and have opposes Russian despotism, hatred of been so for years ... In battles they ulate ... I, therefore, in the name of everything foreign, its effort to supplant can only rely on the mutual aid given the Lithuanian Central Delegation in Ukrainian culture with Russian which by the underground movements and A.B.N., give the watchwords: all to is alien to Ukrainian feeling, while revolutionary insurgent detachments action in the World War against the clinging to a national consciousness of other subjected nations which are world enemy — Russian and Bolshevist that has grown through the centuries, united by the common ideal of freedom imperialism of whatever colour it national dignity; the love of truth, and the right of self-determination . . . “ may be!“ RESOLUTIONS Passed at the Public Meeting o f the Anti-Bolshevist Bloc o f Nations (A.B.N.) June 3, 1951, in Munich

I. the world. That makes the fact that has been its motive power, breaking, _ At no time in history has the whole the western world fails to see the im­ by deceit and force, all resistance put Tlized world been so menaced by portance of the national idea, all the up by the non-Russian peoples of the eitastrophic ruin as the present. more tragic. The strong forces of the Czarist empire, to bring them even­ national movement in the oppressed tually under Bolshevist-Moscow law. Never has world policy played such nations have not been taken into It is, therefore only logical that all the trumps into the hands of the destruct­ account in the struggle against the non-Russian subjected peoples should ive powers of evil, as now. Trumps world menace represented by Russian- wage a war of resistance and for liber­ of politics, economy and strategy. Bolshevism. ation from Moscow, while on the We are standing on the threshold of ethnographical territory of Russia a new world war which will decide In view of this situation we, the there is as good as no struggle at all. the future of the whole world. representatives of the national resist­ ance and liberation forces of the 3. To crush all resistance and make Our subjugated peoples with their peoples subjugated by Moscow, namely: national anti - Bolshevist liberation these people tractable for its criminal Albanians, Armenians, Aserbaijans, conquests, Bolshevist Moscow makes movements, form the power which will Bulgarians, Esthonians, Georgians, Idel- decide the issue of the coming conflict. use of means unheard of in history, to Uralians, Cossacks, Croats, Latvians, break the spirit of and annihilate It is significant that the parole of Lithuanians, North Caucasians, Ruma­ whole peoples. Such means as mass self-determination which the Bolshev­ nians, Serbs, Siberians, Slovaks, Slo­ executions, torture, starvation, death­ ists put to their own uses in 1917/18, venes, Czechs, Turkestanians, Ukrain­ bringing concentration camps, depor­ to mislead our peoples, is still paraded ians, Hungarians, Byelorussians, hereby tation and mass resettlement. And it is by Moscow. It is a strange thing that declare: these methods which they are prepar­ this parole in the mouths of the Bolshe­ 1. Aggressive and destructive Bolshev­ ing for the whole of the free world. vists, even now, takes effect with people ism is only an enlarged form of 4. Like the Czarist régime, Bolshev­ who have not yet experienced them­ Russian imperialism which has grown selves what “self-determination“ means ism strives for the russification of ever greater in the course of centuries the people subordinated to it and to in the Bolshevist “language“. Thus self- by the conquest of other lands and determination, besides the “Fifth Col­ secure a hegemony for the Russian the enslavement of alien people in people as “master-men“. The manpower umn“, is a strong weapon at the service Europe and Asia. of Moscow Bolshevism, with the help and economic potential of the sub­ of which the peoples of whole conti­ 2. The thirst for conquest has been, jected peoples have been exploited nents are being stirred up in order to developed more especially on ethnic and misused to help the Muscovite make them tools for the conquest of Russian soil. The Russian people alone empire of the U.S.S.R. to world do- Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7 ruination. It remains with the Kremlin II. ishing permanent Russian world ag­ to nourish Russian messiahship, to At this decisive hour we put the gression and the threat of war, as well encourage the feeling of self-confidence following demands to the West: as the creation of a constitution of the and superiority and increase chauv­ 1. In the fight against Moscow’s world, which will guarantee real peace. inism. aggression the Western Powers must 5. Our oppressed peoples claim equal 5. The Russian political circles abroad, not depend solely on their material rights with the peoples of the free even if they are anti-Communist, are superiority in armaments, but. above world, with regard to the Atlantic incapable of turning their backs on all, on a morally superior ideology. As Charter and the principles of the United traditional Russian imperialism. They the experiences of Napoleon and Hitler Nations. We ask and expect that re­ deny the right of the peoples, formerly have shown, Russia cannot be con­ presentatives of our peoples be ad­ oppressed by Czarist, and later by quered without an idea that carries all mitted to all the institutions of the Bolshevist Russia, to their State in­ before it. In order to crush Bolshevism United Nations, including those re­ dependence. They oppose the abolition the West must promulgate now the presenting the national revolutionary of the Russian dungeon of nations and watchword of real self-determination, resistance movements against Russian- the restoration of State sovereignty for Bolslievist imperialism and who have the subjugated nations. Kerensky re­ not lost their legitimatation by any cently made this clear when he de­ collaboration with Bolshevism. clared, “rather the worst dictatorship 6. We demand that any maintenance than the dismemberment of Russia“ . of the Russian dungeon of nations, of no matter what colour or form, after 6. Our peoples have fought stubbornly the overthrow of Bolshevism, as well against Russian slavery for centuries. as all attempts at collaboration with In 1917/18 our peoples set up their certain, so-called “all-Russian liber­ independent national. States and were ation centres“, be given up once and willing to live at peace with all their for all. Russian neo-imperialist in­ neighbours, Russians included. The stitutions are likely to obstruct the unaltered Russian imperialism, this liberation struggle and discredit the time in the guise of Bolshevism, ruth­ Western World in the eyes of the sqjfe lessly destroyed and crushed the newly jected peoples, as holding the stiri gained independence of our peoples. for a new tyranny. 7. The Russian-Bolslievist campaign The exclusive support which former for the destruction of our peoples was collaborators of Communist despots idly watched by the world. Not a enjoy in the West is likely to harm finger was raised when the potential the respective peoples fighting at home of our peoples was abused to spread against that same tyranny. Bolshevist aggression. Thus Moscow 7. As the most important factor for was enabled to extend its dominion the success of psychological warfare right into the heart of Europe, after against Bolshevism, we demand that the second World War, and throw a Segment of tlie A.B.N. rally competent representatives of our na­ number of northern, central and tional liberation organizations and southern European States into the mill guaranteed by national sovereignty, underground movements be consulted of Bolshevist russification. At the same as the most effective ideological weapon in all Western initiatives. The broad­ time Moscow succeeded in dominating against Russian Bolshevist imperialism. casts, especially, by the “Voice of many places in Asia and acquiring 12. The inalienable right of the op­ America“, “B.B.C.“, “Free Europe“, important spring boards for its pur­ pressed peoples to national indepen­ must be so arranged that not only the poses. dence and State independence must be language of each individual nation, but unconditionally recognized and guar­ more especially, the contents and the 8. In spite of all the cruelties they anteed now. Unnatural State groups spirit of the transmissions meet the have to endure our subjected peoples and federations formed against the will requirements of the inflexible liber­ have not lost their belief in freedom, of our peoples, are to be rejected. ation movements, and appeal to the nor have they given up their fight. It is alone by this means that the unquenchable national will of the This fight, of course, is not only directed resistance of the peoples oppressed by people in question. against Bolshevism, but also against Moscow can be brought to a common 8. And finally, we demand that the Russian imperialism of every sort, denominator with the West and a free world, in fighting against the whether in monarchist, “solidarity“, genuine alliance with our people be Russian-Bolshevist threat, and for worMj-, socialist or “democratic“ garb. initiated. freedom, does not permit itself to s _ 9. Our peoples have seen through 5. Co-operation with the national side-tracked to secondary fronts, but the so-called all-Slavic idea, Pan­ revolution of the subjected people for concentrates its full striking power on slavism, as the perfidious weapon of the liquidation of the Russian Empire the fundamental evil, which is Russian Russian imperialism. It is a weapon as the seat of world incendiarism. imperalism. It is that which must he that Bolshevist Moscow uses to-day for 4. Restoration of the free, indepen­ exterminated once and for all, so that the russification and assimiliation of dent national States of all the peoples freedom, peace and general culture Slav. semi-Slav and even non-Slav within the Soviet-Russian sphere of may flourish once again on God’s peoples. We reject the pan-Slavist idea power, as the only right way of abol­ earth. most decidedly because we are con­ vinced that it only benefits Russian imperialism, and means the further Just published: New book: ruin of our peoples. We refuse every Oleli Martovych: kind of racial ideology and fight alone for our own national freedom and UKRAINIAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT State independence. IN MODERN TIMES 10. Notwithstanding our implacable struggle against Russian imperialism 176 pages, 11 pictures. — In English. of every sort, we recognize the sover­ eignty of-the Russian people within Published by “Scottish League for European Freedom“, Edinburgh. (heir own ethnic boundaries. This, This is a short story of the Ukrainian national liberation movement covering however, only on the basis of mutual the period from Hetman Bohdan Khmelnvtsky tillU.P.A. (Ukrainian Insurgent respect and the recognition of our Army) (1600—1950). national sovereignty, our own vital Place orders: A.B.N. Correspondence P.O.Box 70', Munich 33 interests and our right to State in­ Germany/Bavaria. dependence. Under these conditions The price in Great Britain: 6 sh. we offer our hands in friendship to the Russian people for our common In other countries: equivalent of 2 U.S.A. dollars. fight against Bolshevism. Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9

Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! Editorials An Appeal to free Peoples of the World „Russian Democratic Committee“ in U.S.A. Voted unanimously at the AB.N.-Convention, Munich, June 3, 1951 On May 9, the “Voice of America“ To-day, when the inevitable conflict between two irreconcilable opponents, — broadcast an article in Russian by an the world of tyranny and the world of liberty, — is approaching a crisis in psycho­ “old Russian democrat“ R, A. Abramo­ logical, ideological, political and military spheres, we feel it is our historical duty vich, recommending the formation of to draw the attention of the World once again to the following: a so-called “Russian Democratic Com­ mittee“. The article was not only pub­ 1) It is a dangerous illusion to believe that any reconciliation between Moscow lished in the Russian exile press, but and the free world is possible. Bolshevism as ideological totalitarianism would be unfortunately also in the paper of the denying its very being if it did not always remain aggressive. American Federation of Labour. This It is placed before the alternative either to attain world domination or fall to obliges the organizations of the sub­ pieces. Do not think, therefore, of reconciliation and cherish no illusions about jugated nations, especially those liv­ living peaceablv side by side! Think only of victory and how to secure it, so that ing in U.S.A., to take a stand against you are not defeated yourselves. these plans of Russian imperialists. 2) To secure victory two things are necessary. First you must be morally strong, Mr. Abramovich proposes forming a as well as armed to the teeth. Secondly you must win the subjected people to Russian Committee of the leading our side by a straightforward policy which shows you have confidence in them. “Russian democrats“ and the "demo­ You should contribute to the building up of a second front, both political and crats of other nations in the U.S S.R.". military, of the subjected peoples behind the Iron Curtain and support their It is a Punchinello riddle why a Com­ national movement for freedom, their political underground organizations and mittee of representatives of different insurgent armies. nations should be called “Russian“. It /3ffhat, above all, is the pledge for your victory. seems the “democrat“ Abramovich re­ gards the subjected nations merely as 3) As for your military strength, it appears that before long it will be great “national minorities“ in a Russian Em­ enough to cross swords with Moscow. That, however, is but one condition for pire, although they unerringly continue your victory over our common world enemy. their struggle against Russian oppress­ The first mistake is in combating only Communism,but not Russian imperialism ion. Actually, he makes no secret of it; at the same time. for he declares that the political plans The second mistake is made in treating the U.S.S.R. as a political and national of the Committee to be formed, are entity. identical with the miserable Russian The third is derived from the other two, namely that you aim at abolishing programme of 1917. the Bolshevist regime, but not at the dismemberment of the U.S.S.R. and the rein­ Mr. Abramovich, mindful of his statement of sovereign national states of the peoples caged therein. powcrlessness, “promises“ the oppress­ Russia must be forced back to its ethnic boundaries! Esthonia, Latvia, Lithunia, ed nations of the U.S.S.R. the “self- Ukraine, Byelorussia. Cossackia, Turkestan, North Caucasia, Georgia, Aserbaijan, determination of national minorities“ Armenia, klel-Ural, Siberia just as well as Bulgaria, Rumania, Czechia, Slovakia, under the supervision of the U.N., while Poland, Hungary and Albania, and also the Serb, Croat, Slovene people subjected even the Kremlin despots, — on paper, by Communism, must become free again and attain their independent national — recognize the independence of the States within their ethnic boundaries. national Soviet Republics. In this way 4) We must warn you seriously against certain Russian groups abroad which, the Russian exiles are doing Bolshev­ although they are anticommunists, still cling to the idea of a Russian Empire. ist demagogy an invaluable service. They are trying to persuade you that the peoples of the U.S.S.R. have no other When Mr. Abramovich and other wish than the end of the Communist regime, and not to regain their national in­ Kerensky helpers allege that “the great dependence. Such misleading statements are dangerous, for they may cost you the majority of the Russian people are of sympathy of the non-Russian population of the U.S.S.R., which constitutes no less their opinion“, the question naturally than 65°/o of the total population of the Soviet Union. arises, why they impose on the hospit­ .yAV'c wish to warn you, as urgently, against working with collaborateurs of ality of the U.S.A. while the despots in bimunism, for that might discredit you in the eyes of the oppressed peoples, the Kremlin rule with the blessing of and alienate the national revolutionary, really anti-Bolshevist, forces. 'the Church? The answer is very simple; Keep the friendship of the subjected peoples! Do not antagonize our peoples by because neither the millions among the supporting any new form of Russian despotism or any variation of Communism privileged classes in Russia, nor the or Bolshevist imperialism. mass of slaves under their direction, 5) Nations of the West! Out in the free world in our days a number of peoples, have any idea of overthrowing Rus­ — India, Pakistan, the Philippines, — have, achieved their State independence. Do sian despotism and setting up Russian you not realize that the same irresistible development, carried along by the ex­ exile “democracy“ in their place. plosive power of the idea of independence, is at work in the Soviet sphere of in­ It is a pity that the plans of the Rus­ fluence? Those are the forces with which alone you can achieve victory. Only the sian „Democratic Committee“ cannot second front of the national freedom movement and the insurgent armies behind be ignored; it is not possible to do so, the Iron Curtain, can avert the tragic ruin of the world under communist totali­ because they will cause confusion in tarianism and Russian imperialism. Give your support (o this second front which the political circles of the West and is already in existence and without which there can be no victory. might arouse illusions as to “Russian democracy“. Do not forget that the majority of the soldiers in the Soviet army, as well as those in the vassal States, are our countrymen and your friends! Make it possible It is not difficult to prove that the for them to fight on the side of freedom! Freedom, however, means independence Bolshevist government is carrying on in one’s own national State! at home and abroad the traditional imperialistic policy of its predecessors, Freedom, for the non-Russian peoples of the U.S.S.R. means the dissolution of and it is no less clear that the Russian the Russian Empire and the restoration of independent national States! emigrants abroad who allegedly raise Freedom-loving people all over the world, unite in the fight against Bolshevism their voices “against“ the Moscow gov­ ernment, have nothing in common with and Russian imperialism, for the freedom of nations and the freedom of in­ the members of the subjugated nations dividuals ! fighting stubbornly for the restoration Central Committee of their independent States, and for of the Anti-Bolshevist Bloc of Nations that reason could not co-operate in a June 3, 1951. (A.B.N.) joint Committee. Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7

the 20th century, at a time when it has been accepted, both in England an Is Cooperation with the Russians Possible? the States, that such principles are out By Y. Kayum-Khan of date. N.T.U.C. must draw together still We publish an article by Veli Kayum-Khan, the President of the Nation­ more closely all Mohammedans, Turko al Turkestanian United Committee, the Chairman of the Political Commis­ people and non-Russian people, as Rus­ sion of A.B.N., the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Peoples of A.B.N. sia by her imperialist policy and Com­ munist ideas is threatening all the cul­ Just now when the world is under­ self forgot that it was not1 a question tured nations of the earth. Russia wants going a complete change and when the of fighting solely the Bolshevist regime, to extend her power as far as the In­ national demands for the indepen­ but a question of fighting for the liber­ dian Ocean and the Orient. The time dence of Turkestan are beginning to ty and national independence of Tur­ has come for the East and West to play a part in world politics, the Rus­ kestan. unite. Attempts at separatism and sians both this side of the Iron Curtain We find that all Russians have the neutrality, as have been observed in and behind it, are acting against us. same imperialistic tendencies and feel, some nations, are a grave danger for They are determined to carry out the therefore, that cooperation with the their countries and for us. There is no legacy of Czarist Russia. Murder, loot­ Russians in a mutual fight against Rus­ room now for Western and Eastern ing, arrests and oppression are preva­ sian Communism is impossible, as long pride, we are all in the same boat and lent in Turkestan. as the Russians stick to their imperial­ must overcome the world danger. The Russians sometimes disagree istic policy. If, however, the Russians We now mention, in order to illu­ with regard to the ruling system in were to abandon their imperialistic strate the Russian methods applied for Russia, but tlieir policy of expansion policy, we could live on good terms combating the vanguard of the liber­ and tlieir views on colonial policy are with them. No Turkestanian has ever ation movement, a few of the directives the same. The Czarist Government, been a traitor to his country. No true Moscow issued to her representatives which conquered Turkestan and at­ Turkestanian has ever extended any abroad. tempted to make a colony of it, was help to his enemy. i.T o create dissension between the o1-^ overthrown in 1917t This Government We do not wish to divide Russia and the new emigration; 1 was succeeded by the Government of proper, we only want to have our inde­ 2. To create dissension between the in­ Alexander Kerenski who also pursued pendence, as Turkestan is not Russian dividual political groups or to foster the same imperialist policy in Turkes­ soil and we are not Russians. The same dissension artificially by interfering tan, but also in Aserbaijan, the North applies to the Caucasus, the Crimea, in their private lives and influencing Caucasus, Georgia, Armenia, Idel-Ural. Idel - Ural (Volga Tartary) and their press; Ukraine, Cossackia etc. Ukraine, and others. We possess our 3. To discredit the politicians living The red regime which suceeded the own culture, our own language and among the émigrés by involving them Kerenski Government also followed in our own country. The N.T.tJ.C. has al­ in scandal and thereby trying to con­ the foot-steps of its predecessor. The ways maintained and still does so, that vince the Western Powers that these crowns and colours changed but the they are not opposed to the Russians politicians are not to be regarded as principle of imperialist expansion and if these latter remain in their own serious representatives; the oppression of foreign peoples re­ ethnographical territory and do not 4. To cause religious dissension and to mained unchanged. attempt to rule over us. We will con­ use it as a weapon; The Kerenski group speaks about the tinue our struggle for liberty until we great and indivisible Russia. Kerenski achieve our aim — there can be no 5. To exploit insignificant quarrels bet­ is not opposed to Stalin’s policy of co­ question of compromise. ween the national groups and there­ by to obscure the principal issue lonisation. The Monarchists are pursu­ It would not be difficult to find a ing the old Czarist imperialist policy which is the struggle against Com­ basis for negatiations if the Russians munism; and wish to subjugate Turkestan and were to change their attitude, but it is oilier countries. useless to pursue colonial principles in 6. To slander and discredit the leading The group N.T.S. (National Labour politicians and to produce a state of Union) comprises chiefly the new frustration among wide circles of generation of the old Russian emigra­ emigres; tion and some new emigrants who call A.B.N. Press Conference in Edinburgh 7. To destroy national organizations themselves Solidarists and who speak The President ot the Central Committee of and replace them by decentralised of an imaginary “all-Russian people“. A.B.N., Yaroslav Stetzko, the Chairman of groups, which are led by nonentith the Military Commission of A.B.N., Ge­ They. too. hold the view that the as­ neral Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarnak, and the This is the aim of the Russian 5u- ' piration for independence among the Chairman of the Political Commission of column. Our reply to the above-men­ peoples living under Russian rule is A.B.N., Veli Kayum Khan, who are all now tioned Russian plans is unity, national in Great Britain, met June 20th, 1951, in more dangerous than Communist pro­ Edinburgh for a press conference at which integrity and national discipline and paganda. They too wish to uphold Rus­ the political aims and tasks of the A.B.N. we are determined to keep to the de­ sian rule over the other peoples. were discussed. Leading Edinburgh news­ cisions of the National Congress of papers like “ The Scotsman", "Evening The new Russian emigration is re­ Dispatch“, “Daily Record“, "Evening News" (•944. presented in the Ylassov group. The etc. took this occasion to give some positive When we talk of Turkestanian unity, members of the emigration, who were expression to the struggle and the political we do not wish to say that we want to aspirations of our subjugated peoples. separate ourselves from the Turki- educated and grew up in Reel Russia In this connection “ The Scotsman“ before the Second World War, enter­ writes: “ The West could never defeat Rus­ Islam and other peoples; on the contra­ tain the same ideas as all Russians, sia unless a second front was established ry, we wish to live in the closest con­ behind ihe Iron Curtain, formed by under­ tact with them. We wish to maintain both this side and behind the Iron ground national organisations and of in­ Curtain. They all propagate the idea surgent armies and formations of peoples Turkestanian unity because the Rus­ of an indivisible Russia. Vlassov was subjugated by Bolshevism." sians wish to make “nations“ of our supported only by Russians; we did all “ Evening News“ comments as follows: "If tribes and “languages“ of our dialects, another war broke out, A.B.N. . . . hopes to in order to divide us up more easily. in our power to oppose his aims at organize its own political and military Russian hegemony, while 120,COO arm­ strength within the Soviet Union and bring Only one people lives in Turkestan, ed Turkestanian soldiers and all other about the fall of Russia by means of na­ there is only one language, one culture, Turkestanians stood fast by the N.T. tional revolutions." one religion and one history, i. e. Tur­ U.C. The National Turkestanian Con­ “ Evening Dispatch“ says: “Bolshevism, Mr. kestanian. Stetzko said, launched its attack against the gress of 1944 approved the committee’s entire world, and it must be counter-attack­ We do not have an East Turkestan­ work and pronounced those as traitors ed on a similar scale. In order to combat ian and a West Turkestanian problem, who joined Vlassov or any other Rus­ it, all sane forces in the world must be but only one indivisible Turkestanian mobilized and the final blow dealt in co­ sian group. Vlassov’s object was to re­ operation with the underground movements problem. alize his imperialistic aims with the of the subjugated nations . . . It was ne­ The Turkestanian people wishes to assistance of Russophile circles in the cessary to unite both the strategy of the live and work with the Turki-Moham- free world and that of the underground medans and all non-Russian peoples on German Government. The sponsoring movement of the oppressed peoples in the German Government and Vlassov him­ name of one idea and one purpose." terms of closest friendship.

i \


An Action that was Prevented Third Conference of the O.U.N. The A.B.N. with its own means had built a radio station in Belgium (Ham- In the second half in the month of April, the Third Conference of all the aen Honveignes, Commune Wannes groups belonging to O.U.N. (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) in lez-Stavalot) which was in operation foreign countries was convened. At the Conference the attitude of the only for a short time, from October O.U.N. towards the liberation struggle in Ukrane itself was discussed, and 1950 till February 1951, because the the tasks of the O.U.N. groups abroad, in connection with the present Belgian police confiscated the appar­ world situation. atus and arrested the operators. Here some highlights of the resolutions passed: March 3, 1951 the Belgium court in Verviers sentenced 3 Ukrainian patriots 1 merely with diplomatic pressure and and anti-Bolshevists to .imprisonment International politics at the present their own means alone. In any case and fines, although they were working moment are marked by the contentions they will have to reckon with revolu­ for Europe and Belgium against Com­ between two blocks of States at var­ tion and a war of the different peoples munist danger. That happened under iance in tlieir outlook, social structure against Moscow’s imperialism. the government of the Christian-Social­ and policy. This struggle is led by two d) During a war, the national liber­ ist Party. The Belgian lawyer for the world powers, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. The ation movements would be of decisive defence, a deputy of a Christian party aim of the U.S.S.R. is to bring the importance in the military defeat of and a well-known Socialist, was only whole world under its yoke, to form a the U.S.S.R. willing to take over the case for the U.SjS.R. covering the world. The U.S.A. There must be a change in the atti­ defendant for a large sum of money, tries to bar the imperialism of the Bol­ tude of the West towards the over­ which the Ukrainian miners in Belgium shevists and, by the aid of its economy, throw of Russian imperialism and re­ had to collect among themselves. That as leading power in economic and cognition of the national and State is just an example of the “help“ given political life, to sway the world. rights of the subjected nations. by certain circles in the West for the anti-Bolshevist campaign. 6. At the same time, however, the The block around the U.S.S.R. is Our foreign policy must be directed Bolshevists, what with their free press formed by force against the interests at combating those forces which seek and tlieir deputies, have unlimited of the subjugated nations. The form­ to disturb our action, particularly possibilities of undermining western ation of a West Block has been brought circles among the Russian and Polish public opinion, especially in Belgium. about by threat to their national ex­ exiles. Those are facts, painful, bitter facts, istence on the part of Moscow. 7. which are a shame for the West. For To develop this foreign policy it must we are fighting our battle for the West 3. be borne in mind that all the activity too. If our struggle were not a- proved Besides this procedure of forming of Ukrainian circles is built up on the obstacle, the Bolshevists would have two opposite blocks there is another same principles: occupied Europe long ago. factor of increasing importance which a) rejection of any kind of federative The fact can be proved. Is the in­ is actually determining the character of conception without compromise, and all fluence of the “fifth column“ so great the 20th century. That is the liberat­ undermining of the principles of unity; in the West already, or does the West ion movements among the subjugated b) the work must be based on the liber­ not realize what is to be done? Why peoples and their struggle for national ation fight at home, on its forces and must some anti-Bolshevists and anti- independent stateship. The liberation ideas; c) complete independence in Nationalists still remain in American movement in Ukraine and that of other political activity. isolation camps, while the Communist subjugated peoples under Moscow’s 8. party, which is preparing your de­ yoke forms a third automatic power struction, is free to carry on? striving for the overthrow of Russian Our work must go on in the field of imperialism and the formation of in­ publicity in: In face of these happenings the dependent national states. a) press conferences and verbal in­ question may be put why does the West formation; b) mass action; c) diplomatic not support our struggle, strengthen 4. steps; d) counteracting moves made by our people and thus keep their con­ fidence in the West alive? On the r ^ aims of the nations subjugated the Western States, from the standpoint of Ukrainian interests. other hand the U.S.S.R. gives the “fifth by _ xbscow have had little or no recog­ column“ in Western countries every nition from the States of the western 9. imaginable kind of support, so that it block. That attitude on the part of the may dig the graves of democratic West deprives the anti-Bolshevist front Through the A.B.N. our organization, ideas. of an important revolutionary factor. working with the organizations of the subjugated nations, has not only been 5. able to mobilize the idea of the dis­ Should this situation remain unalter­ memberment of the Russioan Empire, but has even managed to obtain some ism. Every attempt to negotiate with ed, the Ukrainian fight will go on in­ Russian imperialists must be thwarted. dependently from that of the two understanding of the matter in the Western World. We must continue to We must concentrate our strongest in­ blocks. An analysis of this development tellectual forces in order to intensify leads us to the following statement: act in this direction and add to the success hitherto attained. and deepen our work of enlightenment. a) The existence of an independent Ukrainian. State, as well as those of 10. 12. the other States subjected by Moscow, As regards the Russian side, we may Polish political circles, even in exile, would in no wise run counter to the are still contemplating an imperialist aims of the Western Powers. say that Russian imperialism is what it always was and always will remain. expansion of Ukrainian, Byelorussian b) The nearer the conflict approaches, Our hostile attitude is directed against and Lithuanian territory. Such plans the more aware the free world becomes those Russians who are realizing Mos­ must be most decisively rejected and of the lack of a leading idea in its fight cow’s plans in Ukraine, not, however, combated. Polish-Ukrainian under­ against the U.S.S.R. and, as the latter against those who do not support or standing in their joint liberation cam­ is an imperialism, the objective can not serve that imperialism. paign, can only be on the basis of mu­ only be to change the political regime, tual recognition of the State sovereign­ but must be the destruction of that 11. ty of the two nations, and the integrity Empire. , We regard the political influence of of their ethnic territory, as well as the c) As a war becomes more imminent, the White Russian emigrants, — am­ recognition of those rights for our alli­ the U.S.A. and the Western States will bassadors of Russian imperialism, - - ed nations, especially Byelorussia and realize that victory cannot be assured as the greatest danger after Bolshev- Lithuania. Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/'

In the U.S. Congress On April 17, 1951. Charles J. Kersten Representative of Wisconsin, moved John F. Steivart a resolution in the House of Represent­ atives recommending active and moral help from the U.N. for the liberation On his Eightieth Birthday struggle being carried on by the nations subjected by Moscow. Referring to the American Declar­ ation of Independence and the prin­ On July 1, 1951 our great jrietul, the ciples of equality for all people and their right to life, freedom and hap­ Chairman of the Scottish League for Euro­ piness, it is affirmed that Communism, pean Freedom, John F. Stewart, celebrates which by deception and treachery played the power in Russia into the his 80-th birthday. hands of a criminal minority, later, It is a great joy to us that Mr. J. F. through military» aggression occupied the free democratic republics of Ukra­ Steivart lias reached this ripe age ill the ine, Byelorussia, Armenia, Georgia, best of health and full of energy and cre­ Aserbaijan, and others and then the Baltic States. ative power. We know we are expressing After affirming that all these peoples the wish of all the peoples in the A.B.N., are fighting unceasingly against this Russo - Bolshevist in justice, Congress in wishing Mr. Stewart many happy returns man Kersten demands in his resolution of the day and the hope that he may that: .re preserve his good health and well-being in 1. The United States Congress i stir firm the historical friendship of tne the coming years too. American people for the peoples of We believe that Mr. Stewart will agree the Soviet Union — Ukrainians, Byelo­ russians, Georgians, Lithuanians, Lat­ with us when ive say that perhaps the vians, Esthonians, and other non-Rus­ greatest reivarcl for his untiring efforts in sian peoples, with whom the United States is connected by the same ideals the cause of A.B.N. will be ivhen in the and the desire for freedom and dem­ near future, ive may repeat these birthday ocracy. greetings from our own countries that have 2. The United States Congress to insure the common struggle of the been liberated from Bolshevism and Rus­ American people and the peoples op­ sian imperialism. pressed by the Soviets, against Com­ munist imperialism. 5. The United States Congress to express the firm determination of the The Tragedy of Cossacks 1945 American people that non-Russian peoples in the Soviet-Union are to By W. Glaskow enjoy the right of self-determination, including the right to decide on their It is six years since, after the end of not imagine that that sacred right .own form of government. the war, a deed was committed which could be denied by representatives of 4. The United States Congress to has no equal in history, while the the civilized Western World. It never express its belief in the speedy liber­ whole free world looked on in silence. entered their heads that representatives ation of the subjugated peoples. Thousands of Cossack refugees, the of Christian civilized States, to please aged, women and children who had “good old Joe“, would deliver up the To make that possible the PresidTtvt escaped from the claws of Bolshevist victims of Communism to certain death. of the United States be asked: tyranny were handed over to Stalin. That sly old deceiver Stalin and his 1. Not to enter into any negotiation For that terrible deed the former accomplices succeeded in persuading or any connection with the present Western allies of the Soviets bear the his gullible allies to hand over the Soviet government which might in any moral responsibility. It will remain a most ardent enemies of Communism, way contribute to the stabilization, or dark spot in the annals of western the Cossacks, to be destroyed. They spread, of Soviet power over the sub­ democracies for they delivered up labelled them German collaborators jugated peoples; these unfortunate people literally to and refused them asylum. 2. To develop a strong foreign policy, be tortured. It was not the Cossacks, the undaunted taking into account the danger of the The right of political asylum had fighters for justice, for the rights of Bolshevist regime and its imperialist been regarded for centuries as sacred, their people to freedom and indepen­ character towards non-Russian peoples; and all free States with any sense of dence, who were collaborators, but 3. To make use of every opportunity self-respect recognized the right for Stalin was Hitler’s ally. August 25, that U.S. representatives have of call­ every fugitive. The Cossacks in their 1959 he concluded a treaty of friend­ ing upon the institutions of the U.N. free republics have always granted ship with Hitler and a secret agreement for aid for the non-Russian peoples, in asylum to all who needed it. No one for the division of Poland. By his order to realize their liberation; was refused even though the granting collaboration with Hitler he opened of that right often brought them into tlie way for the second World War. 4. To secure material help for the conflict with powerful neighbours, He broke old treaties, seized Latvia, active liberation campaign of the non- Turkey, Moscow and Poland. In later Esthonia, Lithuania, a part of Poland, Russian peoples in the U.S.S.R., from times, too, in 1917, after the union of Rumania and Finland. After September the government, or private institutions. the Cossack Republics, thousands of 1959 he delivered many wagons full After the well-known demand made Russian emigrants were given asylum of grain, cattle, mineral oil. iron ore by the Republican candidate for the and, in spite, of the demands made by etc., which he had taken from the Presidency, Harold E. Stassen, this the Bolshevist despots, the Cossacks peoples he had subjected, — to Hitler resolution brought in by Mr. Kersten refused to give them up, because they and thus helped him to wage war is a further important attempt to solve would not deny that sacred right. against Belgium, Holland, Norway and the political problem of the subjected The freedom loving Cossacks, the France. peoples in a way that is in the interests sworn enemies of Communism, could (Continued on Page 15) of the western world. Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 13

russians sayjs, that of all Soviet-Repub­ lics Byelorussia has suffered most F rom b e h i n d t he I r o n C u r t a i n from the N.K.V.D. In 1944—46 three great “purges“ took place. In 1944 the accusation was mainly espionage and A check last year revealed that the masses of suspects were shot. In 1945 ALBANIA drawing up of the program of work “enemies of the home country“ were was-not always taken seriously; 76 out sought and sent to Siberia. The most of the 199 subjects of research planned terrible purge was that of 1946 when An Island of the Cominform for 1950 proved to have neither scientif­ great numbers of Byelorussians were ic nor practical value. Serious errors deported to Siberia or put into local Albania with its 1.1 million inhab­ were also discovered in preparations concentration camps. As a result of itants is the most isolated country in for holding scientific examinations. these purges, Gonzales declares Byelo­ Europe. It is closed off from the free Heads of former scientific institutes of russia is the most depopulated of the world on one side by the Iron Curtain, research were too lenient towards the Soviet-Republics. on the others by the Cominform States influence of friendly relations between There are a great many concentra­ and ( 'otnmunist-Yugoslavia. The Soviets candidates and members of the board tion camps, of which best known, with their ships and planes have the examining for degrees. according to the author, are the camps monopoly of communications with the The party organisation revealed an in the environs of Miensk, Raliatschou, outside world. Once a month, an Italian erroneous and unscientific conception Kalenkawitschi, Krytschawa, Barana- ship lands post from the West and coll­ of what was supposed to be the pro­ witsdii and Hlybokaye. ects the outgoing mail. The Italian and gressive nature of "Mjuditismus“ and French are the last of the diplomatic the so-called Shamil movement, which corps there and they are closely watch­ lias been stressed by Soviet historians. ed by the secret police and their move­ Criticism of the errors in the light of CROATIA ments are restricted. The actual power some of Azerbaijanis historical prob­ is in the hands of the Soviet ambassa- lems is important for the party’s work. Anti-Communist Resistance i K , W. Chubakliin. He and his immed- The speaker emphasized especially the -Oi followers, \-K| all Russians, not one need for a constant fight against symp­ (Croatia Press) Bishop Dr. S. Ceka- Albanian, — occupy all the important toms of “bourgeois nationalism“. da, the Croatian bishop of Skolpje, posts in the country. He even gave S. Abramov, the regional secretary who was ordered by the Vatican to orders recently that the sessions of the of the Communist party in Bergkara- take over the administration of the see Albanian government were to be held bagli, stressed in his speech that party of Banyaluka, was commanded on at the Soviet Embassy. organisations . in the country did not March 7 by the “national authorities of The Moscow^ “Pravda“ has threaten­ sufficiently concern themselves with Bosnia and Herzegovina“ to leave this ed that should occasion arise Soviet collective farms, with the result that ‘People’s Republic' within 24 hours, or’ troops would occupy Albania. A men­ the experience of activists was not he would be taken to Skolpje under ace which affects not only Albania, but widely known or utilized. the armed escort of the U.D.B.A. The also Yugoslavia and Greece. S. Gordiew, the party secretary in Bishop wired to Tito for protection, but Kirowobacl emphasized that local or­ received no reply, so he had to leave ganizations of the Central Committee B'anvaluka. of the Communist Party in Azerbaijan The Communist government of the ASERBAIJAN were not interested in publicity work People’s Republic of Bosnia and Her- in Azerbaijan and did not answer any zogevina is almost entirely composed cpiestions. of Serbs, to whom Dr. Cekada is a thorn in the flesh, partly because lie „Bourgeois Nationalism“ refused to acknowledge the “Union of At the 18th conference of the Com­ Catholic priests“ founded by Commun­ munist Party of Azerbaijan which end­ BULGARIA ist authorities after the model of unions ed on May 28, 1951 attention was drawn of Serbian Orthodox priests. This Com­ munist experiment proved unsuccessful to serious “mistakes“ and “abuses“ in Anti-Communist Movement scientific, cultural, economic and polit­ in the case of Catholic priests. ical work. The following extracts from Should Tito ever send an answer to We have received a report from Bul­ the Catholic bishop’s protest, it would ,3^p eedi by M. D. Bagirow, the prin- garia that unrest in the country is -al secretary of the Central Com­ doubtless run: “In view of the de­ growing. Peasants are leaving the col­ centralization of the administration I mittee of the Communist Party in lective farms in great numbers and Azerbaijan deserve notice: cannot do anything in this case, it fleeing to hide in the woods. In several being the affair of the People’s Re­ places the Communist forces are met public in question.“ “Inadecprate control in many plants witli armed resistance. Partisan activ­ and the absence of book-keeping and Who could maintain now, that Tito’s ity is increasing in the mountainous Jugoslavia knows nothing of “democ­ financial reports, account more than districts. anything else for unsatisfactory work racy“ ? in the sectors of industry and trans­ * * * port. The party must fight daily to According to a report by Tan jug. a strengthen Bolshevist control and con­ BYELORUSSIA Jugoslavian press agency, a trial was duct systematic investigations to see opened in Zagreb on 4. 6. against 16 whether directives issued by super­ Extermination of thePopulation teachers and students of a Zagreb the­ visory organizations are carried out. ological college who are accused of The co-ordination of party and plant The memoirs of the former Spanish having formed a “Croatian National is one of the chief conditions for the Committee“ in order to upset Tito’s fulfilment of the economic plan. In or­ communist general, Valentino Gonza­ der to carry out the directives of the les, who w~rites under the pseudonym régime. They are said to be connected Central Committee of the Communist El Campesino were recently published with A. Pavelitch. Party, local organizations charged with in Paris with the title “La vie et la ideological work among members of mort en U.R.S.S.“. collective farms will find it necessary General Gonzales fled to the Soviet- CZECHIA to devote more attention both to Union after the Spanish civil war and manual workers and intellectual work­ later, as is usually the case with re­ ers and a higher level of education fugees in U.S.S.R., he was a prisoner Stakhanov Working Methods must be demanded of Party officials for years in Work ma and other con­ in plants and collective farms. centration camps in the Soviet-Union. May 9, 1951 the Moscow “Komsomols- In 19491 he succeeded in escaping. kaya Pravda“, reported from Prague, The Work in scientific institutes of Ill liis memoirs (pages 92 and 104) “Yesterday there was a special, much research is also far from satisfactory. Gonzales in speaking of the Byelo­ enlarged, meeting of the chair and Page 14 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7

committee of the Central Council of anian families had been deported in has been particularly frequent in co­ the Czechoslovakian Trade Unions, at the course of the last six months to the operative stores where thieves and which a delegation of the Soviet Sta­ Soviet Republics of Kasachstan and scoundrels got hold of goods amount­ khanov workers attended. Turkmenia. According to the same ing to millions. Mr. Frantishek, chairman of the Cen­ source “some hundreds of thousands of tral Council of the Trade Unions em­ Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Moldav­ phasized in his speech that the delega­ ians have been transferred to Turk­ tion of Soviet Stakhanov workers had menia where they have transformed RUMANIA visited more than 40 plants; this had steppes that have been uncultivated for been of great use to the workshops of hundreds of years, into fertile land. Russification the Republic. Mr. Supka expressed “All transferees, both people from warm gratitude to members of the de­ Baltic provinces and others, themselves May 20, 1951, the “Pravda“ published legation for giving the workers of wished “to be transferred to these the following report from its Bucharest Czechoslovakia the benefit of their ex­ areas.“ correspondent, perience. P * * * Members of the delegation spoke of “At present, more than 7.000 courses On April 23 and 24 the C.C. of the are being held in the Russian language. the impressions they had gained dur­ Soviet Latvian C.P. held a plenary ing their stay in Czechoslovakia. They are directed by the Central Com­ session and undertook some changes of mittee for Organizing Courses in Rus­ The secretary of the Central Council its functionaries. Instead of the former of the Trade Union, Zdenek Yaloukh, sian. The commission has issued a num­ C.P. secretary A. Nikonov who is ber of pamphlets and posters, in huge informed the Assembly that the chair minister for agriculture, since January of the Central Council was working editions, with the theme “Knowledge of this year Karlis Kruminsh, hitherto of the Russian language is the most out measures for spreading knowledge secretary of the Latvian Komsomol, of the excellent results achieved by the powerful means of acquiring and was elected to the secretary-ship. spreading valuable Soviet experience,in Soviet Stakhanov workers.“ the way socialism should be built up“. This news shows how false the hopes The commission is having lO'O.OOO text of the Benes clique were, that they books of the Russian language printed could set up an “independent Czecho­ LITHUANIA for these courses. I slovakia“ with Moscow’s help; an in­ dependence and hegemony of the To satisfy the demand of the work­ Czech people which was to oppress the Resistance in Villages ers to learn Russian, “Arlus“, the “So­ ciety for the Strengthening of Cultu­ other peoples within their borders. As On May 17, 1951 the “Pravda“ pub­ soon, however, as the growing depen­ ral Bonds with the Soviet Union“, has lished an alarming article headed organized several thousand more big dence on Moscow became clear, these “Party Work in Lithuanian Villages“ , men emigrated to the West and now courses which are to last 3' months. in which an improvement in the activ­ These courses have already been start­ spread the tale of Moscow’s cleceitL to ities of the Bolshevist Party among the conceal their own guilt. To-day, from ed in the factories of the towns Stalin Lithuanian peasants is asked for. The and Bucharest, as well as in a number U S.A. they are still demanding nation­ article says, al freedom for the Czechs and the re­ of' others in the Republic.“ tention of national slavery for the Slo­ “It is a question of excluding kulaks Just as the Russian despots, before vaks, Sudeten-Germans and Carpatho- from the collective farms. The kulaks the Bolshevist revolution, subjected L k I'm i niaiis. and other hostile elements have even the peoples under their rule to russi­ taken over leading posts in the collec­ fication, so now their successors con­ tive farms. The collective farms must tinue their efforts on new victims of be most decisively freed from these their imperialism. ESTHONIA people. * * * Will western politicians, once the peoples of central Europe have learned Signs of Resistance On 15. 1. 1951 the “Tiesa“, a Soviet Russian, count them as Russians, just Lithuanian paper writes as follows as they do to-day with the Ukrainians, The Congress of the Communist about wages in a model collective Byelorussians, Turkestanians etc.? Will Party in Esthonia, as the “Pravda“ re­ farm: “In the last financial year, British politicians think B.B.C. trans­ ports, has shown that there is opposi­ “Karolis Pozela“, a collective farm, had missions in Rumanian, Czech, Slovak tion at work against the Communist an income of 250.000 roubles the half and Hungarian just as superfluous then, régime, although more than 10' years of which came from the cattle. This as they do now for the non-Russ’ ^u have gone by since Esthonia was in­ income was divided in the first place peoples? cluded in the U.S.S.R. and in -1950 there between the state and the M.T.S. and was a “purge“ among “the politicians the formation of a common fund. What and intellectuals“. was left paid for the work done. A In the debates at the Congress the kolklioze worker received for one TURKESTAN Central Connhittee of the Communist working — day 1.72 kg of corn, 2 kg of Party of Esthonia was sharply criticiz­ feeding-stuffs, 118 grams of sugar and The Lack of Care ed although, according to the Pravda, 1.5 roubles. Lower wages will scarcely the majority of the members declared be found anywhere in the world, partic­ for the Disabled and the Families that during the purge the nationalists ularly when we remember that only of the Fallen bourgeois elements in the administra­ about 120 working days per year are tive, economic and cultural institutions counted for many of the kolkhoz No care is taken now of the Turkes­ and corporations were well screened. workers.“ tanians who were compulsorily recruit­ The resolution adopted by the Con­ The “Tiesa“ of 25 . 3. 1951 describes ed and sent to the front. The war gress stresses the necessity “of a con­ in a leading article the advantages of wounded and disabled are left to iheir tinuous struggle against the remnamts the Soviet trade system: own devices. The relatives of those of national, bourgeois ideology“ . “Quite a number of the directors of who fell in World War II spend their trade companies do their work very time going from one government office badly; they do not even supply their to another without achieving anything. LATVIA customers with goods of which there More and more names of war wounded are adequate stores. An inspection, for appear in the columns of the Turkes- instance, that was recently held in co­ tanian newspapers because their appeals Deportations operative stores in Vilnius, revealed to the Soviet authorities for assist­ that in many of them there was neither ance are disregarded. There is a state In its issue of 4. 4. 1951, the “Latvija“, salt, soap nor tabacco . . . The plunder­ of chaos in the offices of Social Welfare the organ of Latvian emigres, publishes ing raids at trading centres have not in the district of Kant in the province a message broadcast by radio Alma-Ata yet been stopped. Many such raids of Pishpek, which is run by Ivchenko. (Central Asia) according to which, were carried out in Kowno and in Disabled soldiers besiege these offices 160.000 Esthonian, Latvian, and Lithu­ other towns and districts. Plundering for weeks on end. The complaints re- Number 6/7 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 15

main in the offices for months without March 20, 8 Bolshevists smashed the any action being taken on them. One UKRAINE windows of several houses at Berlogy war widow’s petition was pigeonholed on which posters had been put up in the desk of an official for 10 months against collectivization. They then without any action being taken on it. „Voluntary Collectivization“ arrested the peasant woman T.N.; the Yanilov, manager of the works engag­ Bolshevist Pekarskyj and two others ed on making artificial limbs, is guilty (From O.U.N. reports). We have often raped her. of gross slackness in the carrying out reported on the methods used by the Many other such cases are reported. of his task. The newspaper agreed that Bolshevists to force the peasants into the prevailing conditions, which were the kolkhoz. Below we give some ex­ even intolerable for a Soviet State, amples, taken from reports of the Examples of Soviet Spoliation were, if possible, rapidly deteriorating. Ukrainian Revolutionary Underground Movement of the 1st quarter 1950. Some villages in the district of Stanis- laviv are an example of how the Bol­ Increase of Thefts and Looting In that period by territoristic meth­ shevists exploit the Ukrainian people. ods the Bolshevists were able to form Maydan. In 1945 the village had 110 B. Sadiqqizi, the Deputy President of collective farms in the following vill­ hectare of arable land 8'3 of which the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet ages: grew wheat, the rest, root vegetables, of Uzbekistan, in an article on “the in­ potatoes etc. crease of thefts and squandering of Sloboda Neb., kolkhoz “W. I. Lenin“ state property in the kolkhoz of the with 115 peasants farms; The Bolshevists demanded 236 cwts republic“, stated the following: “From of grain, 12.00© roubles in taxes, 9,000 Nebyliw, kolkhoz “ J. W. Stalin“ with roubles for tank convoys, 25.000 roubles the Kolkhoz, May 1st“ in the village 43 peasant farms; Telpakchinar in the region of Uzon of for the “State Loan“ . the Surhandarya district, the sum of Kaminy, kolkhoz “T. H. Shewchenko“ Stara Hula. 190 arable land, only 37 216,856 roubles had been embezzled. with 2170 peasant farms; of which is cultivated. Demands made: 110 cwts of grain, 3100 roubles in taxes, 557,390 roubles were stolen from the Topilsko, kolkhoz “I. Y. Franko“ with kolkhoz Kirov in the village of Qata- 10.00© roubles for tank convoys, 15.000 '“ san in the district of Ivanimeh. The 64 peasant farms; roubles for the “State Loan“ and 2.800 jOmplaints by the kolkhoz peasants to Nowytia, kolkhoz “New Life“ with 43(2 roubles for other expenditures. the district, party and Soviet organs, peasant farms; Mikitinzi. 600' hectare arable land 275 were not given a hearing.“ of which is cultivated. Demands: 620 Krasna, kolhoz „32 Years of Red Army“ The same things also happens per­ cwts of grain, 95.000' roubles in taxes, sistently in Kirgizia. For example, in with 283 peasant farms. 15.000 roubles for tank convoys, 38.000 the Talas district, the statute of the The above kolkhoz’ were organized roubles for the “State Loan“. kolkhoz was not obeyed and the' kolk­ in 1950. During that time the popula­ Pidpechary. 1.337 hectare arable land hoz property squandered. According to tion suffered unspeakably under Bol­ of which 476 is cultivated. Demands: the books of kolkhoz Voroshilov, 5 12(1 shevist atrocities. People were beaten 842 cwts of grain, 325.000' roubles in sheep and goats were registered, the with iron rods, tied to horses and drag­ taxes, 60.000 roubles for the tank eon- auditors however found that 117 sheep ged to the village halls. That was not ovys and 160.000 roubles for the “State and goats were missing. After 2 weeks enough, for at the village hall the exe­ Loan“ . a further 117 sheep and goats were cutioner was waiting to force the sig­ Kolodivka. 695 hectare arable land, missing. 71 sheeps were missing from natures by twisting arms and wrists, of which 315 is cultivated. Demands: the kolkhoz Cholpan-bai and no atten­ causing agonizing pain. All that usu­ 400 cwts of grain, 126.000 roubles in tion was paid to the working hours and ally took place at night. Whenever taxes, 10.000 for the tank convoys and the stipulated output of work. The the peasants tried to prevent them 75.000 for the “State Loan“. number of missing cattle rose to 2,228 from entering the house, the windows in the course of a year. Dobrivlany. 318 hectare arable land, were broken in and the owners drag­ of which 180 is cultivated. Demands: 280 The kolkhoz peasants also divided the ged out. cwts of grain, 30.000 roubles in taxes, tilled land belonging to the kolkhoz 35.000 roubles for the tank convoys, amongst themselves for their own use. During this „voluntary“ collectivi­ zation 533' people were maltreated. 57.000 roubles for the “State Loan“ and 1,638 such cases were recorded in the 46.000 roubles for other expenditures. whole region (extract from Soviet At Nebyliw on January 19; 1950' four press of 27. 7. 50 and 19. 8. 50 and from peasants were beaten to death because /'"Hie. B.B.C. broadcasts of 12. 12. 50). they would not join the kolkhoz. Jan­ The Tragedy o f Cossacks 1 9 4 5 uary 20, the Bolshevist, Ivan Wynnyk, killed two peasants T.O. and N.D. for (Continued from Page 12) The Struggle against Purdah the same reason. To even the most slow thinking In August 1950 in Tadjikistan an February 16, the head of the N.K.- people to-day, it must be clear that open letter was published by the “ac­ V.D., Bakumenko arrived at Nowytia the Cossacks were neither servants nor tive party women“*) against purdah. with 120 Bolshevists. While organizing agents of a foreign power. They did The Party and Soviet organs sent their the collective farm they ill-treated not fight to change the Russian or propagandists into all districts with this more than 350 persons. 15 of them were Soviet power for another, but they letter. In Stalinabad alone 675 propa­ severely flogged and a peasant woman, were, and still remain, deliberate pol­ gandists were mobilised to go from M.J. died a few hours after being ill- itical fighters against any kind of house to house. The motion was put treated. oppression and arbitrariness, against forward at meetings to dismiss officials every sort of dictatorship, and for the who had 2 wives, or who allowed them February 27, the district secretary of the Communist Party, Boryak, and the freedom of the Cossack people fettered to go veiled. Although propaganda is by Russian slavery. made that the abolishment of purdah public prosecuter Moskowkyj with 150 Bolshevists terrorized the inhabitants There can be no doubt but that these is not obligatory,' pressure is applied freedom-loving people had and still against those who continue to observe of Berlogy to force them into the coll­ ective farm. 120 persons were maltreat­ have a right to claim respect for their it. For instance in the kolkhoz “Karl ed, the peasant woman D.N. so badly political convictions, support in their Marx“ in the district of Gussar, a struggle for freedom and also the that she lost her wits and had to be woman wearing the veil was threaten­ elementary rights of political fugitives. sent to an insane asylum. ed by the Chairman of the village Sov­ We Cossacks know very well why iet and the President of the kolkhoz. March 18, at Ukryniw Stary 16 peas­ Stalin wants to destroy us. We were This woman was not given any peace ants were maltreated by Maslow and the living witnesses of his crime and until she ceased to wear it. Luchnikow, authorities for agricultur­ his reign of terror. With other freedom- al affairs and 25 other Bolshevists. loving people we constitute a mighty *) “Aktivistki“ ardent women Com­ They took 13 houses, dragged out the power against the red dictatorship munist enthusiasts who engage in pro­ peasants and had them sent to the which is already planning a new World paganda in their spare time. station of Kalush. War. Page 16 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 6/7

Bibliography Whoever wants the answer to these names of Stepan Bandera, Colonel An- questions should read Oleh Martovych’s drij Melnyk, Yaroslav Stetzko, Colonel book. He will learn from it, for in­ Vassyl Koval and others, the living „Ukrainian Liberation stance, that for the last three decades leaders of the coining Ukraine. Their there has been a powerful Organisa­ names will be as well known as those Movement in Modern Times“ tion of Ukrainian Nationalists (O.U.N.) of the leaders killed in action, such as By Oleli Martovych at work covering the whole country, the Ukrainian President Simon Pet- only waiting for a favourable moment liura, Colonel Eugen Konovalets, Ge­ Edinburgh, 1951. 176 p. 8°. No. 5 of to burst out into a, revolution. He will neral Roman Shukhevydi-Chuprynka. „Todays World Handbook of Current learn that the revolutionary liberation Anyone who wishes to know more World Affairs“, published by Scottish struggle is directed by the Supreme about the coming men who will be the League for European Freedom, Edin­ Ukrainian Liberation Council (U.H. decisive factors in East Europe and burgh. V.R.), both in political and military LIkraine, must read Martovych’s book. * matters, and is based on the well-or­ To-day these are, so to say, submerged The literature on Ukraine which has ganized, disciplined “Ukrainian Insur­ names in the same sense as Prof. Wil­ appeared in the last ten years in gent Army“ (U.P.A.). liam H. Chamberlain calls his book on English is not very copious or varied. No East European riddles need be LIkraine “The Submerged Nation“ (New Oleh Martovych who is a well-known guessed. All basic national, social and York, Mac-Millan Co. 1944). Ukrainian author, does, however, give cultural forces aret here which in an Mr. John F. Stewart, Chairman of the the names of 30 books on Ukraine writ­ uprising will automatically appear on “Scottish League for European Free­ ten in English in his bibliography. Then the surface. It is only essential that dom“, a good friend of Ukraine and there are 14 periodicals in English they are recognized and properly well-informed on the whole situation, which report regularly on Ukraine. estimated. In the eleven chapters of his has written an introduction to Marto­ The author has taken the trouble to book the author gives his western reader vych’s book. Mr. Stewart is one of the find out and name some 100 articles all the necessary information.-He reveals leading men in post-war Europe, who about Ukraine which have appeared in the historical foundation of modern have realized that only by using the magazines and newspapers in different Ukrainian life, describes the make-up revolutionary potential of the nations parts of the world in the last 10: years. and aims of the different political par­ subjected by Moscow can Bolshevism This is the richest and most carefully ties; describes what they have in com­ be brought to a fall. He sees Ukra, collected list of publications in English mon, but also what their differences as a pillar in the liberation movement on the subject of Ukraine ■yrhieh has are. He analyses the deep-lying social The book is illustrated with 11 por­ appeared up to now, and it will cer­ forces in LIkraine which, when the time traits of Ukraine’s historical figures, tainly be of the greatest use for every comes, will contribute their full mea­ photos of U.P.A. units, etc. English speaking student interested in sure to the fall of the Russiau-B&l- The make up of the book is good and East European problems. shevist regime. it will be an asset in filling up the gaps But the real value of the book lies One day “new“ names will be famous in the.West’s knowledge of Ukraine. in itself, it is a work which gives the m east Europe and far beyond, the Z. P. reader a deep insight into the political and social life of Ukraine in recent times. For the reader it is as if the “other side of the moon“ were sudden­ The Press Echo of A.B.N.-Convention ly revealed; the sight of a world which for the West, has hitherto been almost Over 30 newspapers resp. press agen­ “Nürnberger Zeitung“ of June 4, 1951 unknown and unnoticed. cies sent representatives to the A.B.N. places its exhaustive report on the Almost all the aforesaid 30 English meeting in Munich June 3, 1951. among front page of its Monday issue, under books on Ukraine have a general, his­ them Associated Press, United Press, the heading “23 Eastern. Peoples De­ torical, informatory character. They Reuter, D.P.A. (Deutsche Presse Agen­ mand Freedom". begin with Ukraine’s early history, the tur) numerous German daily papers “ Basler Nachrichten“ published Reu­ coming of Christianity, stretch over 4 and weeklies, the German refugees ter’s report on the meeting on June 4, epochs of Ukrainian history and devote, press and the free press of the subject­ 1951. at most, 10—15 pages to modern times. ed nations abroad. The meeting had a special echo in The reader thus learns a good deal but The Bavarian Radio reported it in the German expellee press “ Volksbote“, nothing thoroughly. the evening news on June 3, 1951. The an independent weekly paper, which With Oleh Martovych it is different. weekly newsreels „Welt im Film“ and devoted the whole front page of t1-^- The author devotes hardly 50 pages to „Fox“ took pictures. June 9, 1951 number to a report on t the course of Urkraine’s thousand-year- When this paper went to press, the meeting, under a heading of the three old history as an introduction. The following notices had been published. letters A.B.N. Large sections of the bulk of the book is the story of the “Die Neue Zeitung“ (American News­ speeches by the President of the Cen­ last 301 years, the years before and paper in Germany) of June 4, 1951 tral Committee of A.B.N. and the ad­ after World War II being especially under the headlines, “East-European dresses of the representatives of Cro­ brought into/the light. Refugees Protest against Oppression atia, the Czech National Group and In the conception of the world to­ by the Soviets“, makes special mention Slovakia were given. day Ukraine exists only as the place of the speeches by the President of the “Frankfurter Rundschau“, of June 4, officially represented in the United Central Committee of A.B.N. and the 1951 underlines in its own report “the Nations by the Soviet-U.N. delegation. Chairman of the Military Committee of third power which will be decisive in Oleh Martovych writes of quite an­ A.B.N. and gives the gist of the. resolu­ the coming conflict, . . . the national other Ukraine: the anti-Bolshevist; tion demanding the dissolution of the liberation revolution of anti-Bolshevist fighting, freedom-loving Ukraine, stead­ Soviet Union’s “dungeon of nations“, peoples“ and that the national liber­ ily, even fanatically determined to the restoration of the independent na­ ation struggle is still going on under erect on the ruins of the Muscovite tional States and the restriction of the the “most difficult circumstances“. Empire — in common with other Mos­ Russian State to its own ethnic bor­ “Main Post“ , Wurzburg of June 4, cow subjugated nations, — an indepen­ ders, which was unanimously adopted. 4951 points out in its report, in large dent, sovereign, democratic, national “Süddeutsche Zeitung“, Munich, of type, that the underground struggle in within its ethnograph­ June 4, 1951 stresses in its report the Turkestan and the Caucasus is still ical borders. psychological measures proposed by the being carried on, and draws attention The question is often discussed in the resolution, viz. a change in the trend to the extensive expeditions made by West how East Europe will be, what of the programmes of the “Voice of the U.P.A. in other subjected countries. will happen, what forces will come to America і “B.B.C.“ and “Free Europe“ the fore, what transformations will into one of “undiluted national will“. ABN-Correspondence P. O. Box 70, take place when one day, as is to be “Münchner Merkur“ of June 4, 1951 Munich 33, Germany/Bavaria expected, there comes a collision be­ gives first place in its report to the tween the democratic West and Bol­ Speech of the President of the Central Published by the Press Bureau of the shevist East? Committee. Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS

Vol. II. No. 8/9 • Aug./Sept,1951 * Published in English, French and German * Price: 6d; 10 c

Western Book-Keeping The Fetish of the Soviet Frontier 1939 by Double Entry Although the public in America, These facts explain why America England and the rest of Europe, seem has a fairly clear idea of what has to The “Voice of America“ recently in­ to be getting reconciled to the idea be done in case of war, with the states troduced broadcasts in the Georgian lang­ that the armed clash with world Com­ and peoples west of the Soviet frontier uage. U.S.A. State Secretary Dean Acheson munism and the Soviet Union inevitably of 1939. The American public, without inaugurated the transmission personally by more ado, openly discuss the plans an introductory speech. must come and, although in America armaments are frantically being regarding these countries and their For the first time an American in a rushed through, there seems to be no practical execution. In this American high official position spoke directly to a definite idea how this war will be policy is quite clear. nation east of the Soviet frontier of 1939, waged. It will be required that all states for long decennias subjugated by Mos- lying west of the Soviet frontier of The West is overpowered by the \ j . State Secretary Acheson pointed out 1939 receive their full sovereignty the common principles and ideals which thought of Russia’s, vastness. The thou­ again. In this it is believed. American sands of miles from the Oder river to connect the two peoples, — the American policy is on firm ground. It is con­ and the Georgian. Mr. Acheson proposed Vladivostok are reckoned with a .hor­ fidently expected that no Russian that the Georgians should “ share a com­ rified gasp. The thought intrudes itself, government will be able to incite the mon future with the Americans which how can a campaign be carried out in population of the Soviet Union proper, ivould bring the Georgians freedoms, such that engulfing immensity, where is much less those of the Finnish frontier as they did not possess today“ . . it to begin and where to stop? It is districts, Byelorussia, Ukraine the Cau­ Hardly had Acheson’s words faded away like falling into a bottomless abyss. casus, Idel-Ural, Turkestan, etc. to in the air ivhen a State Department speaker The Western hesitation is very well fight another fanatical “fatherland hastened to explain that U.S.A. policy was known and it is duly taken into con­ war“. not directed at supporting any “national­ sideration in Soviet politics and made The activities and enterprises of ist“ or “ separatist“ tendencies among the use of in Soviet propaganda. The Rus­ American institutions such as “National “ peoples of Russia“ . “ The words of the sian thesis is proclaimed and adopted Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.“ Slate Secretary must not be misunder­ by the West that geographical reasons and, partially, the “Crusade for Free­ stood“ — the spokesman stressed. alone make it impossible to conquer dom, Inc.“, are significant in this 1 hat made it clear why Mr. Acheson Russia, added to whidi there is the respect. For some time they have been had so carefully avoided elucidating the deep love of country, so strong in the sending broadcasts from “Radio Free “common ideals“ or the “freedoms“ pro­ Russian masses. Allegedly they have Europa“, Munich. Programmes covering posed for the Georgians. Whatever free­ always risen as one man and seized a whole day are put on the air for doms they may have been, one ivas cer­ their weapons when “sacred mother Czecho-Slovakia; daily programmes tainly not among them: the right of the Russia“ was to be saved. It runs like are being prepared for Hungary, Georgians to secede from Russia and their this: as long as it is a question of polit­ Rumania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. fundamental right to live in a national ical disputes outside “real“ Russia, Sunday, July 22, 1951 a “University State of their own. Russia will allow herself to be “coaxed“ . Free Europe“ was inaugurated in New *~^his freedom which is a matter of course For instance, the lot of the satellite York, with permanent seat in Strass- states might be discussed, it might bourg, France. It is closely connected j -- the West and a precondition for all the other civil and human rights, is still even be possible for Russia, one day, with the “National Committee for a denied the Georgians. Moreover, even to to withdraw without loss of face from paring statesmen, lawyers, civilserv- claim it still is in the eyes of official countries west of the Soviet frontier from the New York Times of July 23, America a tendency to “nationalism“ and of 1939. But should the claims of the 1951, has the task of training and pre­ separatism. So what is right for the West democratic West go further, it would paring statesmen, lawyers, civil serv­ is no more right for the East. This is be quite another story. The Russians ants, economists etc. for East Europe, political book-keeping by double entry. would show no mercy in that case. in case of a collapse or the abolish­ ment of Bolshevism. The students ad­ Perhaps the day is not far ivhen the In order to impress these ideas, Rus­ mitted to this University are Alban­ aspirations of, for example, the Latvians, sian intimidation propaganda quotes ians, Bulgarians, Czechoslovaks, Eston­ Continued on Page 12 many historical examples; especially ians, Hungarians, Latvians, Lithuan­ the disastrous campaigns into the in­ ians, Poles, Rumanians and Yugoslavs, terior of Russia under by Charles XII, that is to say all members of nations Wilhelm II., the foreign armed inter­ west of the Soviet frontier of 1939. But From the Contents: ventions at the time of the Civil War there are no Ukrainians, no Byelo­ and, most especially, Hitler’s horrible russians, no Georgians, Armenians, defeat. “Many came in but few came Idel-Uralians, Turkestanians, etc. in­ The Giant is not so Tough out again“ the Russians are wont to Panslavism cluded; no nationals east of the Soviet cite in speaking of those occasions. frontier of 1959, can enjoy stugy at this Ardent russian Chauvinism There is no overlooking the fact that Strassbourg University. in U.S.S.R. this Russian propaganda has a strong This is significant, and seems to Enough Speculations with the and fairly lasting influence on the point out that America is apparenty East Problem! West. In America particularly. The not interested in training a corps which, result is that American political after the war, would be able to take The U.P.A. Red Cross thought and planning halts almost in­ over the democratic direction of these From behind the Iron Curtain stinctively at the Soviet frontier of countries and the responsibility for From the Soviet Press 1939. That frontier has the power and them. This too, leads to a much more effectiveness of a political fetish, a important conclusion viz. that America taboo. has in general no constructive plan Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9

countries — Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Eastern Germany, LIungary, Poland, The Giant is not so Tough Rumania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slo­ By Major-General J. F. C. Fuller, C.B., D.S.O. venia. In Ukraine, the most important in Reprinted from “Answers“, No. 3082/1951) the Russian group — its population numbers 42.000.000 — an Insurgent Are we enthralled? Is Russia what and magnified by our ignorance and Army, known as the U.P.A., has been she appears to be, an unattackable credulity. fighting for years and still remains all-conquering giant? First of all, is there such a thing as unconquered. And from Eastern Ger­ That her empire now covers a quar­ Russian Communism? many monthly between twenty and ter of the globe including eight hundred Between 1917 and 1920 there cer­ twenty-five thousand people seek re­ million of its inhabitants is indispu­ tainly was, but it led to so profound fuge in Western Germany — a sure table, nor can it be questioned that a confusion that in 1921 Lenin sub- measure of discontent. her resources are enormous and that stitued for it his New Economic Policy, In spite of deportations, the struggle her army is greater than all other and out of it, under Stalin, there ra­ of the A.B.N. is irrepressible. All its armies combined. pidly emerged a mixure of State members seek liberation from the Yet there is something strange about Capitalism and Asiatic despotism. Soviet regime; all reject national com­ this immensity and power. Seeing that Instead of being a land of classless munism (Titoism) and fight for the ever since the days of Lenin, Russia’s extermination of Bolshevism. aim has been to revolutionise the angels living in an Eldorado of blissful equality, today Russia is a country They demand self-determination, and world, why, it may be asked, now that are opposed to Russian Imperialism of the Western European nations are so inhabited by two antagonistic classes, again the “haves“ and the “have-nots“, any kind, whether Tsarist, Bolshevik, weak, does not the giant stride out Socialist, or Democratic, for they know from behind his iron wall and impose but this time called “state bureau­ crats“ and “state serfs“. that one and all spell despotism. his will upon them? Unfortunately for the detested Soviet Is it because he fears the atomic World Revolution régime, these subjected count bomb? supply the greater part of R u sses But why should he? For he now has All that has happened is that what agricultural and industrial needs. this weapon and his empire is not an Stalin calls “Communism“ has replaced Ukraine is in itself the economic centre easy bombing target. the Tsar and the Church, and what is of gravity of the Soviet Union. still called “world revolution“ is Are His Feet Made of Clay? This is why Hitler in 1941 set out to nothing other than Tsarist Imperialism conquer it. Besides being the main Is it because he is still exhausted? — of a super-ruthless kind. granary of Russia, it supplies 70 per Possibilly, yet no more so than his The population of this vast despotic cent of i-ts sugar, 40' per cent of its opponents. empire is the most heterogeneous in coal, 70 per cent of its coke, and 60 Is it because he wishes first to test the world. It is a mosaic of two hundred per cent of its iron ore. Fifty-five per out his subversive tactics? — Again different peoples, millions of whom cent of Russian production comes from this is possible; nevertheless, ever have nothing in common with Russian Ukraine as well as hundreds of thous­ since the introduction of the Marshall culture and do not speak Russian. ands of recruits for the army. Plan they have increasingly become As in the days of the Tsars, these The following percentages show less effective. millions are seething with unrest. In clearly how dependent the Kremlin is May not there be still another rea­ both world wars they rose and fought on the subjugated countries: son, one which fear obscures from us? against Moscow, and in the second, Almost the entire production of oil That the iron wall he stands behind had it not been for the brutal way they comes from Azerbaijan, N. Caucasia, prevents us from seeing that his feet were treated by the Germans, Russia Turkestan, and Ukraine; 100 per cent are made of clay, and were he to would probably have succumbed. of manganese ore from Georgia and move they would crumble and he would Twenty-four of these nations are Ukraine, 40 per cent of copper from topple over and be smashed into a now banded together into what is Turkestan and Caucasia, 801 per cent of thousand fragments. known as the A.B.N. (Antibolshevik lead from Turkestan, 801 per cent of When we examine this possibility, Bloc of Nations). zinc from Ukraine and Caucasia, 80 per we shall discover that' actually it is In Russia it includes Armenia, Azer­ cent of mercury from Turkestan and not only a probability but very near baijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Ukraine, 80' per cent of sulphur f>—"i a certainty, and that therefore we are Idel-Ural, Kosakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkestan and the Turkmenistan, , V living under the spell of a dread il­ North-Caucasia, Siberia, Turkestan, 100 per cent of cotton from Turkestan lusion, cunningly expoited by the giant and Ukraine. And in the occupied and Caucasia. Therefore, the more discontented Continued from Page 1 the subjugated countries become, the for the solution of the national, social put at long last to Russian aggression. But what is to be done with the re­ more impossible is it for the Russians and constitutional problems of the to wage a war of aggression. Soviet Union in itself. America knows maining masses of humanity, no one what to do with countries this side of knows. They resort to wishful thinking Systematic Destruction the Soviet frontier of 1939; but Wa­ that some “all-Russian national com­ shington does no know what to begin mittee“ with influence over the “na­ It is often thought that the strat­ with the countries and nations beyond tional minorities“, or some sort of egical strength of Russia lies in her that frontier. The task Seems so Russian “exile government“ may be expanse. But under present-day con­ enormous, the space so vast, the formed which will take over the care ditions this is less true than in the peoples so varied that no one appar­ of the new order in Russia. The Amer­ past, because the remoteness of many ently dares tackle it. icans will not cross the frontier of of the industrial centres from the more The purely military plan of bombing 1939. They are afraid of it. likely areas of military operations out the chief towns, railway junctions But they need not be afraid. The enables enemy aircraft, by destroying and chief industrial centres of the western horror of the “invincibility“ the inter-linking lines of communi­ Soviet Union exists, but there is no of “holy mother Russia“ is unfounded. cation, to sever the one from the other. plan for the occupation or the ad­ The only way out is the liberation So vast is the area to be defended, ministrative and national-political or­ programme as offered by the A.B.N. that no Russian air force, however der in this gigantic territory. We know with dead certainty: Ameri­ strong, could prohibit the systematic Even the Americans, accustomed as cans will experiment awhile with the destruction of either railroads or in­ they are to everything on a large “Russian problem“, but in the end dustrial centres. scale, shrink before the enormity of they will turn to the A.B.N. pro­ Further, the Russian railroad system that task. They concentrate on the gramme. There is no other way of is so thin that from the Pacific to idea of crippling the Soviet Union by overcoming Moscow-Soviet imperialism. Poland and Rumania it could be para­ their arms; the tendons of the collos- The fetish frontier of 1939 can be lysed by air attack. There are few sus are to be cut, an end has to be overcome. Z. P. junctions and any attempted diversion Number 8/9 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

While the Nordic element is strong in the Urkrainian people, it is difficult PANSLAYIS M to say of Russians whether "they are By Dr. Sljepan Buc, form. Croatian M. P. Slavized Mongols or Mongolized Slavs“ (Padany) “The Russian“, says Pro­ fessor Padany, “is not only different The term “Slavism“ is variously un­ for it. “Sclavi sive Avari“ became, so from the Western man, but also from derstood even to-day, for, to a certain to speak, a matter of course in writ­ all others who are known as Slavs.“ extent, it is a remnant from the past. ing. It is therefore no wonder that the In the last and earlier decades of our Persian author Gurdese once thought, There is no all-Slav History century the label “Panslavism" en­ — “The Magyars are the finest Slavic Just as every Slav people is different joyed a more important meaning, tribe“. from the anthropological standpoint, which was not surprising in those days; There ist a Nordic, an Alpine, a its history and culture is different too. for there were circles in the Slav Dinarian, a Mediterranean race, but There are, it is true, epochs in the countries who believed in it and there­ not a Teutonic, or a Roman, and still history of individual Slav people when fore fell into the error themselves. The less a Slavic race. If there were, we they lived under the dominion of broad masses, however, were always should at least know its anthropologi­ another Slav people, but they were not more or less indifferent, if not hostile, cal characteristics. We have no idea assimilated, each people kept its own to the panslavic idea. what the term “Slavic“ is supposed to culture and national characteristics. represent, when used for a race. These “communities“ were not volun­ There is no “Slav Race“ tary either, they were the result of Pittard, who studied the Slavs of force majeure or betrayal. They were In the West one often hears people the Balkans particularly, writes: “Are speak of a “Slavic or Slav race“, even always regarded as slavery on the these Slavs in the Balkans ethnic rela­ one side, and the cessation of that among educated persons. In reality tions of those of Russia and to what this term is utterly ridiculous, for it kind of “community“ was celebrated degree? The question answers itself as liberation. Even a systematic policy has no support, either in science or and is negative.“ .^""Historical empiricism. No one has ever of assimilation on the part of the attempted to analyse a type for this To-day, we know absolutely that dominating Slav people for the other “ Slavic race“, much less define its Croats and Serbs are not of the same, “brother people“ was not able to traits. race. The former are determined by undermine the real differences, or Nordic, the latter by Mediterranean equalize the ethnic differences, and The well-known Swiss anthropolog­ elements, just as the Bulgarians are brought about no unification. ist Eugen Pittard once made the state­ by those coming from the Volga, as As there is no “Slav race“ in an ment, “To find out what really lies the name Vlgari resp. Blgari shows. historical sense, there is no general behind all that, the label “Slavs“ must The ethnogenesis of the Czechs can Slav culture, only differentiated cul­ be removed“. — It is a conglomeration only be explained by a strong Celtic ture, as for instance Ukrainian, Serbian, of every kind of racial, national, cul­ basis with a determinative nomadic Slovakian etc. History, of course, does tural and other elements, that is to strain. The origin of each of the Slav point out many experiments made to be found nowhere else in the world. peoples can be explained, however, create a civilization, disregarding all The Greeks, that is to say the By­ with the help of the usual “building national peculiarities and pressed upon zantines, have the credit of coining material”, without the “Slavic ele­ the people by police measures, such the term. Whenever they were in doubt ment". The racial and ethnic diff­ enterprises, as experience has shown, how to name an unknown tribe they erences between the Russian and the were doomed to failure from the very used the word “sclavini“ or “sclavi“ Ukrainian people are just as clear. start. National culture cannot be made as we can see from the U.S.S.R., the so-called “Czecho-Slovakia“ and “Yugo­ of transport would lead to inextricable explosives. The 150.000.000 subjugated slavia“. There never has been an all- confusion. peoples constitute a bomb of sudi super- Slavic culture in the past, nor does it Also distances are so great that re­ atomic power, that if detonated the exist to day. placement of railway traction by motor Soviet regime would be blown to The language factor cannot be taken transport is seldom practical. Added smithereens. Therefore, Russia must either as a proof of Slav unity or a to this, the most important railroads be attacked within. common denominator of the “Slavic _!eading from east to wes't run through Only the subjugated peoples can do world“ . There is, without doubt, a ^ "’kraine and Baltic States, both of so, for they alone can turn the ideo­ Slavic group of languages, just as there which are hostile to the rulers in the logical weapons, now being used by is a Germanic (German, English, Kremlin. the Kremlin against all non-Com- Dutch etc.) an a Latin (French, Ital­ ian, etc.) group. That, however, does Finally, what of the Russian' army? munist nations, against the Kremlin itself. not do away with the fact that the Is it as formidable as we are led to languages of the so-called “Slavic suppose? This would seem doubtful, What, then, should the Western na­ people“ are just as different from one seeing that since the last war ended tions do? another as their genetic origin and over 16,000' Russian officers and men They should enter into alliance with their national cultural development. have deserted and sought refuge in all subjugated peoples, offering them “There never has been a prime Slavic, the West. liberation from the Bolshevik yoke, uniform language“, the leading Slav­ Also there are two further reasons and self-determination once they are ish Professor Jagic declares (Archives why the Russian army is suspect. One freed from it. of Slavic Philology, Vol. 22, p-33). is that 42 per cent of its recruits come To achieve this aim, out of all anti- It is only an arbitrary supposition from the subjugated peoples, and the Bolshevik peoples they should create that peoples using a similar language other is that since 1945 scores of thou­ a common anti-Bolshevik front, di­ must be related. Linguistic relation­ sands of Russian soldiers have come rected and aided by an anti-Bolshevik ship and the results of comparative into contact with the West. The result Cominform. philology do not, by a long way, prove has been that Soviet propaganda on a uniformity in a political and his­ the achievements of Communism has National Committees of all subjugated torical sense. There are no fewer than been considerably discredited. There­ peoples should be established and i billion persons between the English fore, it is highly probable that the recognised as provisional governments; Channel and India which could be in­ structure of the Russian army is weaker refugees should be cared for and or­ cluded as Indo-Germanic from the than it was in 1939. ganised, and agents trained and planted philological view, but it would never in each subjugated country to foment enter anyone’s head to speak of “Indo- Attacking' from Within resistance and keep it alive. Germanism“, much less pan-Indo- In short, the Western nations should Germanism in a political sense. What can we deduce from this? cease to be enthralled by what they That though the vast Russian empire see, and attack what is so carefully There are only Independent Nations is all but invulnerable to attack from hidden from them — the feet of clay Alone the national idea can be a without, within it is packed with high of the Russian colossus. criterion and bring some order into Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9 things. It is this idea which has blown the romanticism of naïve pan-Slavism overboard. After democracy, it is the Ardent Russian Chauvinism in U.S.S.R. national idea which is determinative in modern historical development. Judging the real situation in U.S.S.R. “I want to propose the toast to our we have often ascertained, that today, Soviet and above all to our Russian Ernest Renan says — “The nation as well as in the past, the Russian people“ — Stalin said. is a soul“, while the wellknown socio­ people is the main basis on which the “I drink to the Russian people, logist Max Weber formulates a Nation, Kremlin builds its power. Our enemies especially, for it earned, during the most strikingly, as “a community of have — on such occasions — tried to last war, recognition as the leading souls having the same sentiments, the reproach, us with chauvinism and hatred force of the Soviet Union.“ adequate expression of which would against the Russian people, In reality be an independent State“ . Accordingly I drink to the Russian people, not Russian chauvinism is increasing rap­ only because it is our leading people, development has decided for ethnic idly in the U.S.S.R., as well as among units and against geographical ones, but also because it possesses a clear the Russian emigrants. It stresses mind, a steadfast character and en­ and that is also valid for the so-called everywhere the superiority of the Slav peoples. durance.“ “great“ Russian people over the other Then a long harangue of praises of The experiments with arbitrary peoples, its Messiaship, its unsurpassed the Russian people followed, concern­ state forms, for instance, “Yugoslavia“, genius in technics, art, science etc. ing not only its support of the Soviet “Czechoslovakia“, to say nothing of des­ The Soviet press demonstrates every power, but also the qualities it had potic U.S.S.R., have proved monstrous day the better qualities and superiority revealed in the history of the past. miscarriages. The national idea has of the Russian people, even outdoing Thus the Russian patriotism of Alex­ remained unconquered and each Slav Dr. Goebbels in stirring up nationalism. ander Newsky, Suvorov, Kutusov and people, like every other nation in the All the achievements of science, all Nakhiniov, the Russian literature which world, aspires to its own independent had prepared the soil for Communist State. inventions and discoveries, simply must have been made by Russians!.. Rus­ ideas were lauded. “And it is not by Certain fanatics infected by Pan­ sian music, fine arts, literature and accident that Russia became the cradle slavism dreamed, some years ago, of dramatic art must be the best and must of Communism“, the newspaper ex^5 a great “union of all Slavs in a federal be a model for other nations. The Rus­ claims. “The Russian people can be -- State“, taking that between Germany sians are introduced to all other justly proud of the way it has fulfilled and Italy as an example. But they nations as exemplary in every respect. its historic task. In the course of its forgot in propagating this idea that Never before have Russian chauvinism existence the party of Lenin-Stalin there was no analogy whatever. For and nationalism taken on such terrible has educated the masses to love their while, in the case of the Germans and ugly forms as now in U.S.S.R. The home-country and the Russian people. and the Italians, it was a question of Kremlin knows very well that in a Lists of all the wonders which the uniform peoples who for centuries had future conflict it may only rely on Russian people have performed under been conscious of themselves as na­ the Russian people proper, and there­ the Soviet regime, follows. Moscow is tions, the “Slavs“ were absolutely dif­ fore its excellency is praised, exag­ defined as the Mecca of “progressive ferent races, each with its own national gerated and glorified. Due to that, the mankind“. consciousness and each having followed Soviet press takes advantage of every It sounds like a bad joke when the its own historical way. possibility to awaken chauvinistic feel­ “Isvestiya“ declares that the peoples ings in the Russian people and to of the Soviet Union sing the following “ Slavism“ in the Service of Imperialists stress its precedence over the other lines: nations. “ Great Russia created an indestruc- Over against the broad masses of table Union of free republics, expres­ the Slav people who had always been To avoid future reproaches of pre­ sing herewith all the love and gratitude indifferent to Slavism, there were a judice, we quote some extracts from they feel towards the Russian people, few individuals in Slavic lands, and the “Isvestija“, of May 24th, 1951, •— the leading people of the Soviet perhaps a few circles, who worshipped referring to the 6th anniversary of the State.“ the idea of Panslavism. For them, reception of the Red Army officers by We ask, is it possible for prisoners Moscow hat always been a sort of Stalin in the Kremlin, and which repeat to love and be grateful to their Mecca, from which they expected his eulogies of the Russian people. warders? some miraculous blessings. These per­ “Comrade Stalin“, the paper com­ “The great historic role of the Rus­ sons were the hendimen of Russian ments, “spoke words, which would for sian people, as the leading nation, was-» Messiahship. ever be remembered enthusiastically proved in the years of the gret ] A hundred years ago, the father pf and gratefully.“ Continued on Page 5 Croatian nationalism, Ante Starcevic, in an ironic poem said, “All that is Slavic squints towards Moscow“. By Moscow, like Belgrade makes use of seriously believed. That label, how­ way of this political “Slavism“ the a “Slavic“ political co-ordination. A ever, served only definite political people of that mentality later, came characteristic example of this method purposes and always under abnormal to Communism when Moscow became in Belgrade was the execution of the circumstances. Thus the “Slavic“ peo­ its capital. Some became active agents, 80 year-old Croatian historian, Pro­ ples in the former Danube monarchy others remained only friends and fessor Segvic, who was sent to the resorted to this „label“ in order to sympathizers ... After they had done gallows in 1945, only because for 50 resist Vienna and Budapest. After the what was expected of them they ... years he had devoted himself to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Em­ were shot or hanged by the spirits theory of the Gothic descent of the pire the far worse tyranny of Prague they themselves had called up. Some Croats. “Because by his teaching he and Belgrade began and the new of these elements succeeded in escap­ had undermined ‘Slavic“ unity,“ ran oppressors took up this label and used ing abroad, mostly to the U.S.A. where the excuse for his murder. it for their own imperialistic purposes. they usually rally round the “green At any rate any kind of Panslavism international“. They have been crushed Western short-sightedness has allowed is now a thing of the past, its label is by the wheels of history and there is Moscow, Belgrade and Prague to ex­ in evil repute and in tatters. It has lost nothing left for them but to wait for tend their domination over alien peo­ all attraction and will deceive no one their physical death. ples, by the pretense of an imaginary any more, so there can be no question “Slav community“ and “unity“ . When Most of the “Slavophiles“, however, of any political reality in it do-day. once these imperialist centres have Wliat the West should do to bring are leaders in the present govern­ been confined within their own ethnic ments in Moscow, Warsaw, Prague, stability and order into the present borders and the peoples subdued by chaos is to assist the national ideals Belgrade, Sofia etc., serving the “all- them have regained their freedom, Slav ideal“ in a symbiosis with Com­ behind the Iron Curtain to gain vic­ then too, the phantom of “Panslavism“ tory. These much-tried peoples will munism. What they are really, is will vanish. genocidal imperialists of the worst appreciate and cherish their regained sort, such as the world has been spared Thus Panslavism is revealed as a freedom and know how to defend it from till now. mere label in which a few Utopians against everyone. Number 8/9' ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

Enough Speculations with the East Problem! By Roman Ilnytsky/Ukraine

The fact that the U.S.S.R. of to-day not bear out the historical facts. Hitler them seemed more appropriate than consists of 16 national republics and did not want any national states, built with a dozen small nations which in comprises more the 50% of non-Rus­ on the ruins of the U.S.S.R. On the his eyes were simply slaves, without sian population, places the West be­ contrary, he fought against all polit­ any statesmanship and political elite. fore a series of difficult problems. Is ical ideas aiming in that direction. We It is a fact that none of the great a uniform propaganda possible for the all saw him divide Ukrainian territory conquerors or reformers of Europe, whole territory covered by the Soviet up, one part of which he gave to Ru­ thought of dismembering the Russian Union? Should the West seek to appeal mania, another to the General Gouv­ Empire and of setting up national to the Russians, or the non-Russian ernement Poland; furthermore, ■ the states in its place. Ukrainians experienced the “Reichs peoples? Is the West to decide for a Will the Western Powers also shrink Commissariat Ukraine“ under the united Russian Empire, or for its dis­ from playing this trump card, which memberment and consequently the bloodthirsty Erich Koch. We saw tens formation of a system of national of thousands of Ukrainians trans­ all until now have avoided? States in the East? ported to concentration camps and we lived to see the U.P.A, starting a fight The Kremlin’s East Propaganda What have the Russian Emigrants to against these conditions. The same say on the question? happened in Byelorussian and the The Kremlin has always been aware Baltic States. of the natural aspirations for in­ The answer of the Russian emigrants dependence of the politically advanced ^4p these complicated questions is Thus Hitler was certainly not fa­ peoples. It is therefore not by accident jmple, but superficial. They say, “There vouring a policy of natural national that the Soviet Union introduced the Is no serious national problem in the development of the peoples of the principle of “independence up to com­ U.S.S.R. The Ukrainians, Georgians, U.S.S.R. He not only persecuted our plete separation“, and gave each nation Aserbaidjanians, Turkestanians, Byelo­ fellow citizens who fought for a pro­ its own “Socialist Soviet Republic“. russians etc. only desire the abolition gramme of separation but also cold- Centralization in its old form was no of the present political and social shouldered the German politicians who longer possible. approved of it. system, they do not aspire to have The Ukrainian people as the most independent States of their own, nor These facts have been proved by populous among the non-Russian na­ do they wish the Russian Empire to extensive publications, such as those tions was especially courted. The be divided up, on the contrary, they brought out by American experts, Ukrainian S.S.R. received its own are so accustomed to that Empire and based on documents from German constitution, including the assurance living with the Russians, that they ardiives. They all confirm the follow­ that it might at any time leave the wish merely the status quo.“ ing: Union if the people so desired. Further­ If the West does not understand that, 1. At the beginning of the war, when more this constitution established a and should favour the dismemberment the peoples of the U.S.S.R. did not yet Ukrainian government in Kiew, with of the U.S.S.R. into national States, know what Hitler was about, hundreds its own foreign ministry, its own army the Russian people will be for Stalin of thousands of “red soldiers“ sur­ and, between 1921 and 1923, the re­ and defend his imperium stubbornly. rendered to the German army. public was permitted its own consular They base their arguments on an 2. Most of those soldiers, however, representatives abroad. Ukraine was alleged historical fact which they ex­ belonged to the non-Russian nations. acknowledged as the official language. pect to have an immense influence on The Russians among them formed only The old Russian allegation that the West, — they point to Hitler’s a small minority. Ukraine was merely a part of Russia defeat in the eastern theatre, and say was thus officially denied. that Hitler also had in mind the dis­ 3. The Russians remained on Stalin’s solution of the Russian Empire, en­ side, even at the beginning of the war, The concessions remained on paper, couraged national movements and when nobody yet knew, what Hitler in reality, however, they were nullified /'"W lapsed through that fatal plan. Just was planning. and Ukraine definitely became Rus­ hand for an undivided Russian Em­ 4. After the end of the War, Stalin sian. During World War II Moscow pire, you Americans, who are so in­ repeatedly praised the fidelity of Rus­ could not avoid granting Ukraine some experienced anyway in European pro­ sians, while the other peoples were privileges, again: the Soviet-Ukrainian blems, and you will win, for the whole never even mentioned by him. author, A. Korneichuk, became deputy Russian people will rise and help you. foreign minister in Moscow; one of 5. On the contrary the non-Russians the highest military orders of the How much of that is true? were severely punished for their dis­ U.S.S.R. was named after the greatest Two things are really true: loyalty. All the world knows now Ukrainian statesman, Bohdan Khmel- about the banning of the Crimean nytsky; Ukraine was admitted to in­ 1. The proper policy for the East Tartars, Chuvashens and Chechens. will be more decisive than weapons. ternational organizations, such as the 6. When Hitler felt that the war was 2. The West must be warned against U.N. Ukraine was even acknowledged lost he tried the tacties which the Rus-. as an independent partner in the case a repetition of the mistakes Hitler sian emigrants now advise the West to made in the East. of war, with the right of declaring war follow. He made an agreement with and concluding peace treaties. Manu- What were these mistakes? The the Russian general A. A. Ylassov, ilsky represented the Ukrainian S.S.R. allegations of Russian emigrants do having listened to the same Russian as its foreign minister abroad. exiles, hoping to paralyse the Red 1950 Ukraine was more courted than Army’s power of resistance by con­ Continued from Page 4 ever: she received her own national senting to the restoration of the Em­ anthem and flag. The illusion of national war ... the trust the Russian pire. people placed in the Soviet . govern­ having an independent state was to ment,“ said Comrade Stalin, “was the What did he achieve? The Russian be strengthened in the Ukrainian decisive factor which secured the his­ Empiré card was not a trump. The people. The Kremlin wished to take torical victory.“ Russians did not desert Stalin, Vlassov the wind out of the sails of the Ukrain­ This playing upon the patriotic and was only able to set up two divisions. ian Liberation Movement by represent­ chauvinist feelings of the Russian The hundreds of thousands of prison­ ing itself as the real founder of the people plainly shows that Bolshevism ers of war did not join up. State of Ukraine. It wants the Ukrain­ is counting more especially on their Why did Hitler try to come to terms ian people to believe that those who support, less on the non-Russian with the Russian? He was impressed are true Soviets, are the true Ukrain­ subjugated nations. Therefore these by their ninety millions and their ian patriots. It is clearly to be seen, eulogies! W. G. political experience. Negotations with that the Kremlin recognizes the fact, Page b ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9

that Ukraine is ripe for national in­ dependence. The U.P.A. Red Cross What is the West to do now? By Bohdan Melodya-Kruk, Battalion Doctor of the U.P.A. It is easy to guess, what effect the Western propaganda of today has on Like every other army at war the special text book by Dr. Jurko and the Ukrainians, Byelorussians etc. if Ukrainian Insurgent Army (U.P.A.) has Dr. Shuvar '‘Ambulance Directives“. one considers the effect Moscow’s suffered casualties which necessitated propaganda has. The Bolshevists say: provision for the care of the wounded Underground Hospitals and convalescents, so the task arose the Ukrainians and Byelorussians etc. When Ukraine was reconquered by etc. from independent peoples which of procuring doctors, nurses, hospital equipment, instruments and medicines the Bolshevists in the summer of 1944, are, however, related to the Russian the most arduous, most difficult and people. The West says: no, the Ukrain­ under the difficult circumstances pre­ vailing in an underground movement. dangerous phase began for the Ukrain­ ians or Byelorussians are only part of ian Red Cross. The number of wounded the Russian people. Moscow says: Special ambulance corps were set up increased continuously so that new Ukrainians you have your own, in­ very early in the campaign. Since 1943 ways and means had to be sought for dependent state within the Union and they have born the name of Ukrainian their care. Above ground buildings may if you desire — leave the Union Red Cross, and carry on the tradition were out of the question as hospitals and be quite independent. The West of the former Red Cross of the old or convaliscent homes, added to which declares: you Ukrainians and Byelo­ 1918—1920 fights for freedom. Below provisioning the stations and military russians have no right to a state of we give the first more complete report hospitals was becoming ever more dif­ your own, you have always lived in on the activity of the Red Cross with ficult, owing to frequent raids by the the Russian Empire, and it is much the U.P.A., based on notes taken down Red Army and N.K.V.D. Consequently better for you to go on living in it, by a doctor. U.P.A. technical groups began to build as part of it. Moscow says: Ukrainians, underground hospitals i. e. ambulance Byelorussians, you can have your own The First Units bunkers. They were generally preparecL foreign representatives, become mem­ for 6—15 beds, contained a kitchen, a j bers of international organizations, The first ambulance units with the office, ventilation, and canalization' and all this you owe to us Russians, U.P. A. were formed in northern Ukrain­ plant and water supply. They had to your friends and protectors. The West ian districts when the army was formed. be so cleverly camouflaged that Soviet says: Ukrainians, Byelorussians, as As the U.P.A. grew, things became scouts would not be able to find them. you are only a part of the great Rus­ more complicated so that the beginning The wounded had to be given a few sian Empire, it is much better for you, of 1944 the ambulance service covered weeks, sometimes months of undis­ if your interests in the politics of the the whole field of operation. Every­ turbed quiet. In building these bunkers whole world are represented by your thing required for the care of wounded the greatest care had to be taken that central government in Moscow. was lacking. In a two front war against no trace of building operations was Which propaganda will be successful? Hitler German and Bolshevist occupa­ noticeable. The technical units of the Which will fail? Is the West to be out­ tion, and without supplies from the U.P.A. are to be congratulated on their done by Moscow in this respect, too? air from any foreign power there was masterly work. no other possibility but to fend for What is the West to do? We think themselves. The underground network It frequently happened that the in­ the following arguments would not of the Organization of Ukrainian mates of the bunkers heard the steps fail to impress the non-Russian peoples: Nationalists (O.U.N.) performed won­ of enemy commandos over their heads, Communism did acknowledge your ders in procuring instruments, medicine without, however, being discovered. right to live in a state of your own, etc. through connections with Ukrain­ O11 the other hand it happened some­ under pressure of your national power. ian medical circles. times that the bunkers were dis­ But do you really live in a state of covered, either by accident, good spy­ your own? Can you really demand The support of Ukrainian doctors ing or be confessions, which captured your independence openly? No, you and medical students made it possible, U.P.A. men made after torture; then cannot. But listen! We want to help in Spring 1944, to buy medicines for bunkers were cleared out. you to gain in reality what Com­ IV2 million zloty in Lviv. Besides, The U.R.C suffered its greatest losses munism only promises. If you fight for fighting groups of the U.P.A. attacked in the Spring of 1947 in Lemkivshchyna that, we shall stand at your side. enemy bunkers capturing medicines (Lemken district) when, after the_ and instruments; moreover the stores treaty between Moscow and Prag c 1 What will the Russian People say? of the ambulance detachments were Juli 7, 1947, Soviet-Russian, Polish" replenished by voluntary contributions and Czech troops and police, started Considering the above arguments, from doctors and chemists. Under­ evacuating the Ukrainian population the West will certainly ask: What will ground depots were built in the woods from the villages, thus depriving the the 75.000.000 Russians say, if we pro­ where stores could be properly kept. U.P.A. of its support. The enemy claim the dismemberment of their troops, which were in greatly superior Empire? Will they not take Stalin’s Training number, caused the U.P.A. and U.R.C. side at once and absolutely? terrible losses. We can answer this question with The training of a suitable ambulance another question. We ask: why was staff offered a good deal of difficulty. Heroism of Ambulance Unit Lenin then not afraid of the parole of Schools were set up for male and national independence? Did the Rus­ female personnel. Conditions for the At the beginning of the offensive sian people rise against him, then? Did enrollment of volunteers were; suffi­ against the U.P.A. the ambulance sta­ tion at Khreshchata fought a heroic not Stalin repeat Lenin’s parole? Why cient school education and loyalty to battle. When the enemy had discover­ was he not afraid to divide up the the ideals of the U.P.A. and the O.U.N. former united imperium into federal On finishing their training, canditates ed its exact siuation, 500 men started republics? received a diploma stating their in­ a regular siege under the command of dividual abilities, whereupon they were a colonel. There were 12 men, a phy­ If Stalin can afford a propaganda sician, Dr. Ratay, a chemist, Mr. Orest aiming at the independence of Ukraine, appointed to ambulance stations or U.P.A. units. The U.P.A. issued a and one member of ambulance corps, why should the West lose anything by Mr. Arpad, three female assistants and using the same arguments? 6 wounded resp. sick U.P.A. soldiers. On No, there is no danger that this pro­ and it wall adapt itself to their sep­ the enemy’s call to sourrender, they paganda will do any harm to the plan opened fire. A Polish N.K.V.D. soldier aration from the Empire, just as the of the West to get the Russian people who had taken part in the siege and on its side. The Russian people — not British did when India and Pakistan became independent, or the Dutch, in was later taken prisoner by the U.P.A., its emigrants — have grown quite the case of Indonesia. described the fate of the defenders: accustomed to the idea that the Ukrain­ When the munition was coming to an ians, Turkestanians, Georgians, Aser- Soviet propaganda has unwittingly end they directed the last shots and baijans etc, are independent peoples, contributed much to this development. liandgrenades against themselves. The Number 8/9 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page ?

last man set the 100' litre barrel of sible he supplied the field ambulances international regulations for warfare petrol on fire so that nothing should with medicines, which in part he put and the treatment of the wounded fall into enemy hands and then killed up himself in his underground labor­ strictly, in consequence enemy wound­ himself. Even the Czech and Polish atory. ed were cared for too, — in contrast press was not able to conceal this to the way the U.P.A. wounded were heroic incident. Transport of Wounded treated when they fell into the hands Of course the enemy press always The transport of the wounded de­ of the Bolshevists. Families of the stated that the U.P.A. could liever pended to a great extent upon local bereaved were notified. Special pre­ have erected ambulance stations conditions and the underground laws. cautions were taken to obviate any without support from the West. The Enemy alertness often prevented trans­ danger to these families, and docu­ truth is, however, that only the read­ port by horse and cars, so the wound­ ments left by the dead were returned iness of the Ukrainian people to ed had to be carried on makeshift to relations. make sacrifices, made the Ukrainian stretchers, or over a comrade’s shoul­ The U.R.C. was divided into a mili­ Red Cross possible. For instance, der, by devious paths to the ambulance tary branch working with the fighting school children were told to collect centres. The wounded alwavs had units and a civilian branch working medicinal herbs, even during the time of the German occupation. Of course, part of those supplies was lost, due to the lack of proper store-rooms, but a great part of them was saved and was later at the U.R.C.’s disposal. This action was -also of great educational value. The U.R.C. edited a special text-book “Medicinal Herbs and their Use“ which every U.P.A. ambulance man carried with him. WN .1 pulation Support Red Cross With the assistance of the popula­ tion the food question was solved by Unit o f Ukrainian the economic department of the U.R.C. Insurgents Army Wounded or sick soldiers received a U.P.A. daily ration of fat 50' grs; meat 200 grs. bread 500 grs; potatotes 1 kg; su­ At barber’s shop in a gar 30' grs: and vegetables and cereals hide-out, deep in as well. Of course it frequently hap­ Carpathian Forest, pened that enemy troops halted sup­ 1950 plies, so that the staff of the ambu­ lance stations were reduced to pota­ their eyes blindfolded when they were for the population. Both branches col­ toes and salt or “chyr“ (porridge of being transported, so that the position laborated. One of the tasks was the maize) “partisan food". In general the of the Red Cross station remained a training of qualified medical officers Red Cross stations received provisions secret. and ambulance men, the procuring of for 5—6 months from the commissariat The underground network of the instruments, medicines and the trans­ of the U.R.C. or the U.P.A. detach­ O.U.N. took over the care of the dis­ port of the wounded and sick. Many ments. Stores were kept in special abled U.P.A. men. That was possible men and women gave their lives in underground depots. as the enemy directed his attention fulfilling their duty. Some day their more especially to the fighting units story will be told by historians. Ambulance Men of other Nationalities and the O.U.N. network was out of . . Hands blackened by the sun, At first the doctors took care of the reach. wind, and baking potatoes on the field; wounded, but as casualties increased Winter made things extremely diffi­ ragged coats and caps, tattered foot­ ambulance men had often to substitute cult. As warm clothing was not always wear. but with a smile on their faces, f/w^ doctors who were then only attach - to be had the wounded and the nurs­ sharp eyes and the expression of an to the batallions. The ambulance ing staff suffered very much from the iron will, — that is how the U.P.A. then were not always Ukrainians; cold. Transport to the ambulance sta­ soldier looked that I often met at there were Georgians, Jews, Germans tions took longer than at other times, home . . .“ and members of other nations among as traces of footsteps left in the snow them. would have been fatal. They, there­ Lack of doctors necessitated the fore, had to be carefully obliterated better organization of the ambulance or cunningly confused. Estonian National Council service. First came ambulance men Aid for Deportees for platoons, then for companies of a The “Estonian National Council“, a The activity of the U.R.C. was not central organization of the Estonians hundred (ambulance man or doctor) restricted to the U.P.A. units. The on to the highest degree, — the bat­ in the free world, held in Stockholm, Ukrainian population energetically re­ Sweden, its 3rd Congress on Sunday, talion doctor. The platoon ambulance sisted Bolshevist terrorism in punitive men had to give first aid, and care for April 29, with 200 delegates from all and deportation actions, and in many over Sweden, where the greatest num­ the wounded, until they could be places suffered serious casualties. The removed to a collecting point. There ber of Estonian refugees have obtained Bolshevists left these people lying asylum. The purpose of the Congress a doctor or company ambulance man where they were, uncared for. It was took over. was to discuss ways and means in the then the task of the U.R.C. to come struggle for the liberation of Soviet- The doctors or canipany ambulance to their aid in every possible way. occupied Estonia. men were responsible for the general Then, too, there were epidemics which health and hygiene of the whole unit the authorities took no trouble to over­ In a declaration the Congress called and the instruction of the men. The come. Finally, in some districts the upon all free nations to aid and sup­ U.P.A. battalion doctor’s work was Bolshevists resorted to bacteriological port the struggle for freedom of the mainly organization. He gave instruc­ warfare against the population which Estonian people. The Estonians who tions, directed the men’s training and the U.R.C. had to combat by system­ have succeeded in escaping to the free undertook inspections. He was in con­ atic vaccination, procuring the serum world regard it as their mission to tact with the district doctor and had on the “black market“ at high prices. speak for their unhappy countrymen the various ambulance units under his and to work for their liberation. The supervision. Multiple Activities Estonian refugees must collaborate The district pharmacist took care of The selfless work of the U.R.C. de­ with their comrades in misfortune from the medical supplies. As far as pos­ serves special mention. It kept to the the other Soviet-occupied countries. Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9

teachers and the activists among the pupils are given insulting nicknames; the enemy even frequently succeeds From behind the Iron Curtain in inspiring the sons and daughters of workmen who have been hitherto loyal members and activists of the So­ obviously making an effort to hold cialist Youth. All means undertaken ALBANIA their positions in “bourgeois national­ against this bourgeois influence in the ism“ i. e. to preserve national obstin­ schools have failed and our activists acy against the growing russification. are helpless.“ The “peoples republic“ blossoms The question of growing resistance The Soviet news agency, TASS re­ in the Bulgarian schools and its danger ports from Tirana, June 7th, 1951. BULGARIA for the Soviet-inspired regime was “The regular meeting of the Assem­ also the chief point of this year’s bly of the Peoples Republic of Albania Resistance Increasing in spite of Spring Congress of the Socialist was convened yesterday in Tirana. Youth in Sofia. The “Nation’s Youth“ Abdul Kellesi, Minister of Finance Terrorism of March 9, 1951 in reporting the con­ gave a report on the budget. Reveal­ Extracts given below, taken from gress, comes to the conclusion that ing the imperialist character of the the Communist press of Bulgaria, Communist ideology has not conquer­ politics of U.S.A. and England, and show a true picture of present condi­ ed the pupils’ hearts. From reports it the provocative policy of the Belgrade, tions in this much tried country under may be seen that resistance in the Athenian and Roman puppets, he Soviet Russian despotism. schools is so strong that even Com­ stressed the determination of the munist activists and informers among Albanian people, led by the workers In a speech, Cherwenkoff, Prime Minister by the grace of Stalin, said the pupils dare put nothing in their party and Enver Hodsha, to continue recently: “In order to put a stop to way “from a feeling of comradeship“. socialist construction and to defend repeated enemy attempts to hold up In treating this question the Com­ their country. Kellesi emphasized the munist Bulgarian press does not e?\ fact that in 1951 there was a surplus the Communist revolution a new general political attack must be initiat­ how many young Bulgarian boys ahul of 8% in the revenue. The income from girls have had to pay with their lives, the socialist section in 1951 will ed against internal enemies. Their venum must be extracted with an iron or hard labour, for their “preferance amount to almost 40% of the total in­ for bourgeois culture“. Anyone who come, whereas in 1950 it was only 31%. hand and they must be exterminated once and for all.“ knows the conditions in Bulgarian se­ The economic plan for 1951 provides condary schools and universities as for an increase in building of 33% in The wave of terrorization against open enemies and resistance move­ they were before the Communist up­ comparison to last year, and a 49.6% heaval, can have no doubt that this rise in industrial production.“ ments continues unabated, parallel with the persecution of so-called heroic resistance in intellectual and The Soviet press report that in 1951 cultural fields is nothing but fear of Soviet agricultural machines will be “disappointed Communists“ — which reaches even the cabinet. Arrests dis­ that deeply founded anti-Communist working for the first time in the fields movement which was known by the of Albania. appearances, innumerable concentra­ tion camps, shadow the majority of name of Bulgarian National Legion in Fiery political speeches against the the thirties and which embraced the free world and eulogies of the Com­ the Bulgarian people at every step. Notwithstanding the careful covering whole young generation, and is ap­ munist party for their handling of parently today the inexhaustible the budget, as well as questionable up of all signs of resistance it cannot be altogether concealed. source for the national liberation cam­ figures of planning and production paign in the Bulgarian schools. show that Albania in on the way to The government paper “Rabotnidies- the status of a Soviet Republic. There ko Delo“ of April 5, 1951 reports a was no need to mention Soviet trac­ great political trial of several persons, tors. for taking part in a Bulgarian “Anti- LITHUANIA Bolshevist Legion“ to save the nation. A number of them was condemned to death by hanging. Lithuania’s Communists are Slow to ARMENIA Learn The Communist juvenile paper “The Nation’s Youth“ in a leading The end of June 1951, a plen^t^ Armenian Authors do not “Toe the article of April 25, 1951 calls for “a meeting of the Central Committee of Line“ decisive struggle against enemy in­ the Communist party of Lithuania fluence in the schools“ and unwittingly was convened in Vilnius to hear a re­ According to a report in the “Prav- reveals the following: “At this mo­ port by Trofimov, the Russian secre­ da“ of June 27th, 1951, the full meet­ tary of the Central Committee, “Prav­ ing of the Central Committee of the ment class war is coming to a head... In Industry the enemy seeks to disrupt da“ reports July 2, 1951, on the work Communist party of Armenia recently of the meeting: discussed the weak points in Armen­ production, in agriculture the Kulak ian literature. Manikonyan, the head elements seek by every means in “At the plenary meeting weakness of the section for literature and art their power to thwart the plan and in the leadership of party organiza­ in the Committee, declared that the the setting up of collective farms, to tions in the villages was sharply party organizations must lead a con­ get around the contributions to the critizised. Some district committees sistent campaign against publications State, to destroy live-stock etc. . . . In seldom discuss statements of accounts which are not compatible with party the ideological and cultural sphere, tendered by party cells, and fail to directives, such as relapses into bour­ too, the enemy still clings to the de­ take the necessary care in the train­ geois nationalism, formalism, cosmo­ caying bourgeois culture and morals. ing of party secretaries. The workers politanism, lack of ideas and political The class war is especially notice­ of district and provincial committees indifference. The Pravda report men­ able among the school children in rarely attend party meetings at the tions especially that in many Armen­ Sofia, which is no wonder, as Sofia collective farms and tractor pools.“ ian novels “Soviet reality is distorted“ . was the stronghold of the Bourgeois. Members of the plenary meeting Talk of a relapse into “bourgeois na­ . . . Communistic discipline is being deprecated that provincial committees tionalism“ in modern literature, runs undermined and instruction disturbed. and the different departments of the like a red thread through all the meet­ . . . The enemy of the working people Central Committee did very little to ings of the Communist party in Ar­ is making every effort to get control spread the experience gained in party menia, Georgia, Aserbaijan among of the ideas and feelings of the school work, and so few lectures and training Volga-Tartars and in other republics. children. . . The enemy knows very possibilities were organized for village The repeated allusions in the Soviet well that the young, bred in the spirit Communists. This short “Pravda“ re­ press seem, to point out that these re­ of bourgeois morals, can easily be­ port reveals an important feature and lapses are wide-spread. The authors come a tool for his sinister aims. The one which holds good for the other among the non-Russian peoples are means for sedition are manifold. The countries, too, which have fallen vie- Number 8/9 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9 tims to Bolshevist imperialism in the dance is poor. Llardly half of the com­ In Sweden, too, fresh refugees have last few years, namely that key po­ pulsory members turn up. The paper turned up, among them a young stu­ sitions in these new Russian provinces recommends severe measures for the dent, who had concealed himself are held exclusively by Russians. absentees. The teachers are also back­ among the bunker coal, on a Swedish They are secretaries of the Central ward in fulfilling the requirements. steamer, arrived at Göteborg from Committees of the Communist party Comrade Laukaitis does not even Gdynia. He reported to the police and in each land. master the material himself, he merely begged for alylum. A sailor from a It is they who, at the instigation of reads from text books, without com­ Polish ship in the harbour of Karls- Moscow, criticize the activities of those mentary or examples. He gives the ham failed to return on board. traitors who place themselves at the German declaration of war against disposal of alien powers against the Russia as the cause of the World War, Prices interest of their own people. and describes the big farmers (kulaks) A few instances of prices in Poland: merely as the owners of large estates 1 kg of cherries costs 10' zloty; straw­ Large Collectives Ruin Villages without pointing out the exploitation berries 11.50 zl., new potatoes 2 zl., of the workers. “The change in agriculture to large cauliflower 8 zl., tomatoes 501 zl. At collective farms creates most favour­ Breslau and Stettin 16—40 zl. is charg­ able conditions for building activity“, ed for 1 kg cherries. At Szczecin (Stet­ the “ Tiesa“ (Truth), the Lithuanian POLAND tin) 1 kg of butter costs 22 zl. and one Communist paper, writes March 23, egg 70—80 groszy. 1951. The real objective of large col­ lective farms is the destruction of vil­ New Constitution lage communities and small settle­ SLOVAKIA ments which give a country its whole­ Preparations for forcing a Stalin some natural structure, and enliven Constitution on Poland are in full the landscape. That picture is doomed swing. A commission under the direc­ Proofs of Resistance tion of President Bierut has been to disappear and yield to the gloomy, In April, at Levoce (Leuchau) seven l^ less factory character of the large charged with the preliminaries. From a speech held in the Sejm it appears members of the “Slovak White Parti­ » xhoz. The construction of these sans“ were condemned for having car­ huge factorylike farms requires an that “a Constitution for the country of victorious socialism“ is to be drawn ried out sentences against Communist immense amount of building material, functionaries that had been proclaim­ especially bricks of which there is a up to “strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat“ and to be the expres­ ed by partisans tribunals. On July 2, great shortage even in the towns, let Nosek, Communist Minister of the In­ alone in the country. That the brick­ sion of the real relationship of the class forces. terior, officially admitted the facts. He yards “Dawn“ near Dotnava, only had received orders from Moscow to supplied 40.000, that of Plunge “Vic­ Dissatisfaction and the hostile atti­ liquidate all “elements of opposition“ tory“ 70.000 while Klaipeda (Memel) tude of the peasants caused the regime in Slovakia by the end of May. The only prepared 100.000 bricks, is much to demonstrate in a series of trials partial confession of seven sentences criticized in another place in the that the government cares of the peas­ instead of a final report of victory newspaper; also that until now only ants and that only unreliable offi­ may be regarded as a proof of the 3 cowhouses have been erected in cials and policemen are to be blamed fact that he was unable to carry out Dotnava and Pasvalis. The building of if there are any violations of the law. his orders and that resistance in Slo­ large collective farms is lagging be­ vakia is still alive. hind. In Plonsk several policemen were sentenced to 5—7 years prison because The local party and building author­ they beat the peasants when they ities of rayons are to blame for the bought corn. In a trial in Gryfice TURKESTAN slow progress in production and build­ which caused quite a lot of excite­ ing plans. In consequence they are ment, even a party-secretary and most sharply criticized. The News­ some “activists“ were sentenced to The Youth of Turkestan is Refractory paper does not admit that there is not 1—6 years imprisonment. enough timber in the country to carry “The office of the Central Commit­ out the plans, while in another place But the beaten and exploited peas­ tee of the Communist party of Us­ it praises the prefabricated wooden ant is not to be deceived or contented bekistan has adopted a resolution, in h^qses delivered by Lithuania for by the punishment of some subordin­ which it is stated that the previous re­ al constructions on the Volga and ate officials. He wants to see his real solution of October 7, 1950 concern­ in Turkestan. “Workers building the torturers hanging on the gallows. ing the defective enrollment of new hydroelectric power station at Kuyby- members for the W.L.C.S.M. (Kom­ somol) and the abolition of these de­ shev have received a fine present from Good Train Derailed the Lithuainian woodworking concern, fects has not been fulfilled.“ Thus the viz. 25 prefabricated dwelling houses The Berlin “Nachtdepesche“ reports Moscow “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ of made of Lithuanian timber“, the that Polish partisans derailed a goods June 27, 1951, in an article on the “Tiesa“ of April 6, 1951 declares. train conveying material from Poland situation in Usbekistan. to the Soviet Union. The Soviet guards, The work of the youth organizations The homeland suffers and the “fa­ in the districts of Fergana Surkhan— therland“ at large gains . . . Contra­ protecting the line, are said to have been killed. Daryinsk and Bukhara are described dictions of that kind are frequent. as especially unsatisfactory. The Kom­ Once they are decried as failings and somol organization in the towns of then as credit. At every opportunity, Flights from the “Paradise“ Tashkent and Samarkand are reproach­ however, the actual progress achieved ed for not being able to attract more During the past weeks a large num­ by agriculture in the former free, in­ young workers to their ranks. Alto­ dependent Lithuania is covered with ber of Poles has succeeded in fleeing from the “people’s paradise“ in strange gether the party, as well as Komsomol, mockery and scorn. are criticized for working too slowly. At the speed of the present building ways. For instance 2 employees of the Warsaw airfield, R. Jurek and J. Ko- It is important to note that the youth activity in Lithuania there is no saying of Turkestan has been successful, in when the large collective farms will zaczynski, who had hidden in the hold of an aeroplane of the Lot line, landed spite of pressure on the side of party be ready. The plans are there, but organizations, to keep up their passive in Paris. their fulfilment is another story. attitude towards the Komsomol as a Two polish fliers landed with a Russian organization. Training in Communism Fails to school plane at Passau, Germany and Function asked for political asylum. Growing Disinclination to Communist Teaching The evening courses held by the Eight of the crew of the steamer “Lithuanian Communist Party leave “Batory“, laid up in London for re­ In the autumn of 1950 the District much to be desired, the “Tiesa“ writes pairs, preferred not to return to the Party Committee of Stalinabad called in its Nr. 39. In all these groups atten­ steamer. a meeting at which the Party secretary Hage lü ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9

of the Party Committee, Kuznetsov, According to this report there are had first been published in 1944 in the made a speech on “the improvement two mechanized Soviet divisions and and was reprint­ in ideological work“. "It has been ne­ more than 50 planes in action. The ed several times. cessary lately to remove many Com­ partisans have withdrawn, after stub­ Now Sosyura is blamed for asking munists from their posts, as they ab­ born resistance, to the Rien-Chau his readers in his poem to love “his“ sented themselves from attending Mountains. Up to date they have kill­ Ukraine, an “eternal“, “timeless“ party teaching, on purpose.“ The ed over 8000' Soviet soldiers, the de­ . Ukraine, that has nothing to do with Party secretary stated that among puty commander of a division and his the epoch, i. e. the present socialist the dismissed persons there were many chief of staff and the regimental com­ Ukraine. “Pravda“ remarks that any who had held high posts. He talked manders. enemy of the Ukrainian people, com­ about the great number of Commun­ The partisan leader, Elbar Khan ing from the nationalist camp, like ists, who not only did not take an in­ reports further that in East Turkestan Petliura, Bandera etc., could as well terest in the Party teaching, but did some 20 000 Soviet soldiers are occupi­ have written such a poem. not even attend the Lenin-Stalin lec­ ed in the transport of uranium and tures! lie then went on to criticise the “The Soviet Ukraine grew and pro­ other important minerals to U.S.S.R. spered by the solid friendship be­ Communists, Komsomols and the in­ He states that the partisans have the tellectuals in the villages, who, in tween the socialistic states, by the support of the indigenous population. irreconcilable struggle against the spite of their higher-gracle education, They appeal to the head of the Na­ did not participate in the propaganda enemies of the people, the bourgeois tional Chinese government for help, nationalists. This Ukraine is not to be campaign, which is being carried on above all for weapons. by the 12.000 propagandists belonging found in Sosyura’s poem; in that it to the 1.056 collective propaganda stands all by itself, without any con­ groups in the districts. nection with the other peoples of the Soviet Union . . . At the district meeting, Erkaoglu, UKRAINE the second secretary of the Party It is well known, that nationalism Committee, was deprived of his func­ “The Ukrainian Decade“ in Moscow is always trying to retreat into its tions in this connection. own national shell without pay>^ir any regard to those facts which ii.-.d, A. Ivanov, the deputy manager of From June 15, — June 25, 1951 the "Decade of Ukrainian Culture“ took the working masses of all the peoples the department for propaganda and of the Soviet Union . . .“ agitation of the Central Committee of place in Moscow. With it the Soviets tire Communist Party (b) of Kazakh­ wanted to prove the “indestructible The "Pravda“ does not only criticize stan reported the following on 28. 8. friendship of the Soviet peoples“ . the editor of “Zwezda“, and its pub­ 50: “In 1950, 280 000 party members lisher W. Druzin, but also the whole participated in the party training This year there were more than Ukrainian press which permitted the courses. These are 9'5.5°/o of the total 2000 Ukrainian artists, such as actors, poem to be published for 7 years party membership.“ In spite of the singers, composers, musicians, authors, without criticism, and especially the large attendance at party training painters, sculptors and workers in Central Committee of the Communist courses the standard of training was applied arts, who could be seen and party of Ukraine. They charge it with very low, as the management of the heard in many a concert, exhibition, not having given enough attention to school was in the hands of men, of and theatre perfomance. But behind “ideological questions“. whom only 15% of the higher officials the beautiful facade of a prospering had a middle class and university “Pravda“ has not only reproached education. The report gives ample Ukrainian culture, the Soviet manage­ Sosyura for having produced poetry ment was easily perceptible, which of “ideological distortion", other poets, proof that the lack of interest in Com­ such as Maksym Rylsky had to suffer munist training among the leading only permitted the products of the same. Pravda states, too, that Communists is on the increase. Ukraine’s national culture to go back to the folk plays and farces and bur­ similar lapses are to be found in other spheres of Ukrainian art and mentions lesques. Every proceeding in a cultur­ The Wireless under Russian Control the text of the opera “Bohdan Khmel- al respect is duly controlled to see nytzky“ which was written by Alexan­ On looking at the programme of the • whether it is a contribution to the der Korneichuk and Vanda Vasilevska. wireless broadcasts in the Soviet Re­ glorification of “socialistic realism“. public of Turkestan, it appears that The new songs sing of Stalin, the We think it of great political im­ the time cilotted for Turki broadcasts "new“ plays praise Stalin and the portance that “Pravda" criticism is 1 hour and 36 minutes per day. The proached Sosyura for a mistake of- time allotted for transmissions in the painters only paint Stalin. After 10 made 7 years ago, and includes per­ Kirgiz languages are from: days of the festival, people really sons whose true Bolshevist ideology might gain the impression that the and attitude had never been doubted, 7.45— 7.56 Political lecture in only thing that inspires Ukraine’s cul­ — on the contrary, had frequently the Kirgiz language 11 min. 8.39— 9.20 Kirgiz Concerns 41 min. tural life is — Stalin. been awarded and stressed. This re­ proach has nothing to do with the 18.09—18.38 Kirgiz Concerns 29 min. Yet the splendour surrounding this abandonment of the last remnants of 21.15—21.30 News in the Kirgiz “Decade“ cannot deceive us. The real national concessions, which had once language 15 min.Ukrainian culture has meanwhile fled been granted by the Politburo, for Total 1 hr. 36 mins from the mortuary of the Moscow gal­ obvious reasons, during the “Great On the same day, at the same sta­ leries into the underground and emi­ National War“. Neither is it caused by tion there was a transmission in Rus­ gration, and there the true spirit of the revision of the spirit of the lan­ sian which lasted for 3 hours and 30 the Ukrainian people is developing guage, based on Stalin’s recent “phil­ osophical" perceptions. minutes. This illustrates the pressure and proving itself, without any outside the Russians exert on Turki wireless support. Other tendencies are to be noticed. transmissions. During the last weeks the Communist Before a Tempest? parties of nearly all non-Russian re­ Guerilla War publics. from Turkmenia, to the Baltic National Chinese government circles In an editorial “Pravda“ of July 2, Sea, were attacked by the Politburo announce from Formosa that heavy 1951, starts a campaign against the on account of their tolerance towards fighting is going on in East Turkestan “ideological distortions in literature“. divergencies of a nationalistic kind. between Soviet units and anti-Com- Which is actually directed against in­ A method seems to lie behind the munist resistance fighters. The latter dependent intelluctual currents in whole affair. A new purge is obvious­ are estimated at some 60 000. The in­ Ukraine. The editorial was caused by ly imminent? The last one Ukraine formation concerning this fighting a poem by the well known Ukrainian had to undergo started in 1936 and was given Tschiang Kai Chek by a poet, V. Sosyura, with the title “Love was ended when the war broke out. partisan leader from the province of Ukraine“, which was published in the May be now the Russian war pre­ Sinkyang. magazine “Zwezda“ (Star). This poem parations which will cause a new one. Number 8/9 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11

From the Soviet Press Lecture in Political Science Western Book-Keeping . ., “ Crocodile“ , the Moscow satirical journal Continued from Page 1 Clothing only for Small People camplains in No. 19 of July 10th, 1951, that poli­ Lithuanians, Estonians, Hungarians, Ru­ tical lecturerers in the province of Kuibyshew manians, Bulgarians and other peoples of Clothing only for Small People show up unprepared are not able to keep the the Soviet Russian dominion, to get out of attention of their audiences. Not in Kuibyshew the clutches of Moscow, will also be labeled only . . . Complaints from various towns of and denounced as a “nationalist“ and the Soviet Union are reaching the “separatist“ tendency. offices of Moscow newspapers, that stock and outsize clothing is not to be For the peoples united in the A.B.N. it had in the shops. The Moscow “Isves- is no secret that in the West, more es­ tiya“ applied to the competent trade pecially in U.S.A., people cling to the chief in Leningrad, Kirsanov, with a fatal idea of the indivisibility of a great request to inquire into the matter. Russian Empire. With embitterment and After discussions with him and the repugnance our peoples hear themselves representatives of the Soviet clothing defined in Western publications, even to­ factories, the newspaper published an day, as the “ Russian people“ or the peo­ article saying: ples of Russia“ . As if these peoples had no names of their oivn, no national his­ “Comrade Kirsanov gave the follow­ tory that lasts for centuries, no honour ing explanation, based on his personal and dignity of which they may be as justly observations: proud as the nations of the West. The ‘In the Leningrad shops there are much lauded principle of self-determin­ really no clothes for large men.1 ation seems, for the West, to halt at the frontiers of Moscow’s despotic empire. But why? What is the reason for The responsible statesmen of the West, R, Comrade Kirsanov? To this question however, should be aware that this double e head of the Trade Department book-keeping will not take them far, nor gave a clear, direct answer: lead to any constructive policy in the end. ‘The factories are not turning out A clear ansiver to such errors of Western clothes and coats for the broad masses.' policy ivas once again given at the great Comrade Dubrovina head of the trust A.B.N. convention held in Munich, June 3, “Leningrad Clothing“, cleared up this 1951. In 22 languages at this convention in point. reality only one basic speech was held, only one vow was made: The material for large size suits and We want no Russian Empire. We ivill coats is there, but there are no . . .‘ have no State union with Moscow. We will ‘No what?‘ not be chained to the great Russian Em­ ‘No instructions from the municipal pire. Away from Moscow! We want our Trade Department.“ own independent national States. We want a really free world in which each nation ‘It all depends on Kirsanow then?1 can decide its own fate. ‘Yes, everything depends on him The peoples of the A.B.N. will no longer, It would be a mistake to suppose no matter on ivhat basis, discuss with the that it is only in Leningrad that the Russians a “ balance of mutual interests“ clothing factories have no care for tall or a “common form of life“, or the like. people. It is an actual fact that many We ivant our full indisputable freedom. of them produce clothing only for There can be no discussions about the short people, and but rarely even for meaning of national freedom. One has it, stock-size. The reason is first, because or one dies for it, it cannot be divided. with one model less, the production Democracy is no magic ivord that can plan can be more easily fulfilled. bring about two different things at the same time: retain the unity of Russia and S econdly,, it makes it possible to boast It’s a bit strange, himself a nice fellow, and is -f “great saving“ at the end of the talking devil knows what! give the subjected peoples so much desired month. The:je are good and beautiful freedom. It simply cannot be done. If materials to be had, it is true, but as democracy means respect for the tvill of before mentioned they are only in­ the people, and especially is not to have tended for small people.“ A.B.N. Manifestation in Canada a hollow sound for the peoples behind the Iron Curtain, the West must decide without (Isvestiya, June 3, 1951.) On June 24, 1951 Ukrainians, Byelo­ ambiguity for real freedom for all op­ russians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Esthon- pressed nations. And first of all this means Moscow and its War Potential ians, Hungarians, Croats and members the unconditional separation of these peo­ of other peoples subjugated by Mos­ ples from Moscow, from Russian Empire. May, 1951 the “Isvestiya“ published cow, marched through the streets of a long article by M. Baybakov, Minister Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in orderly A Circulation for Mineral Oils in the U.S.S.R., con­ taining important information on the columns to a joint anti-Communist of 36 Million Copies changes in mineral oil geography. He manifestation. Some thousands of people were assembled around the Official Soviet newspapers announce says: that last year 90 more newspapers monument to the Unknown Warrior “One of the characteristic features appeared in the Soviet Union, pub­ of development in the 5 years after the when the priest, Semen Izhyk, himself lished in Russian, Ukrainian, Byelo­ war, is the fundamental change in the a former political prisoner in con­ russian, Tadjikian, Moldavian, Tuvin­ mineral oil geography of the country. centration camps, spoke of all those ian, Yakutian, Caracalpakian and many While five years ago the eastern pro­ who had been victims of Bolshevist other languages. The total daily edi­ vinces only produced 12.3% of the total terrorism. tion of Soviet newspapers amounted oil production, they now, in 1950, sup­ After a march through the main to 36 million copies the beginning of plied 44% ... streets, there was a demonstration of this year. This' information shows the gigantic Extensive investigations in the east protest. At the close, the resolutions have led to the discovery and equip­ struggle that is being carried on by ment of the richest oil fields in the which had been passed were sent to the Bolshevists on the ideological front, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Republic, the United Nations, President Truman, and their endeavour to russify the in the Tartar Autonomous Republic Prime Minister St. Loran and to the souls of the peoples with the help of and in the province of Kuybishew.“ Central Committee of the A.B.N. their native languages. Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 8/9

Bibliography the subjugated peoples of the U.S.S.R. and sian dominion, lost some 15%> of its write a similar book about them. The national substance through execution, West is in great need of a book like Major massacres, starvation and deportation, Major Tufton Beamish, M.C., M.P.: Beamish’s. There do not seem to be many i. e. 185.000' of its inhabitants. Instead, Must Night Fall? such experts among the present generation over 300.000 Russians and peoples of in the British Parliament, who are so well Mongolian descent have been imported Hollis & Carter, London 1950 — X. 292 p. — informed as Major Beamish. Z. P. into Estonia. The Russians came in as In spite of the Iron Curtain there is conquerors, the Mongols were dragged today in West Europe as tvell as in Amer­ * there. ica a flood of publications on East Euro­ Alexander Kaeles: The author quite rightly points out pean problems. Too many people feel call­ that this fate has not only been meted ed upon to publish their experiences, im­ Human rights and Genocide out to the Baltic peoples. It was the pressions and memoires, in the belief that same thing with the Volga Germans, they are contributing to the better under­ in the Baltic States the Chechen-Ingusen, the Crimean standing of present East European problems; Tartars, the Kalmucks, who were all while on the other hand there is much too Stockholm 1950 64 pp 8°. Eslouian Infor­ mation Centre. either exterminated or evicted from little direct archive material, too few do­ their homes and settled elsewhere. cuments, too few unprejudiced analyses of The middle of June all the members actual occurences. In one thing we, unfortunately, can­ of the Baltic States scattered abroad not agree with the authors. They attri­ Major Tufton Beamish, ivho is a member in the world, keep an exceedingly bute this Soviet genocide to-the idea of the Conservative Party in the House of tragic anniversary: — the beginning of Pan Slavism, while in fact it is not Commons has written a book tvhich be­ of their systematic extermination, de­ the Slavs as such who are to blame for longs to the above second category. He deals portation and “resettlement“ into' the this continuous extermination but the in the first place with the historical back­ interior of Soviet Union. Great Russians the Muscovites who ground and the actual events in“ the people’s In the night of the 13th of June 1941, are thus creating a new living space. democracies“ Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, The Muscovites rage in Slavic Byelo-,. and Rumania, and particularly ivith the the criminal action began suddenly in all the Baltic States at once: Estonia, russia, Slavic Cossackia and Slat f. courts, police, army, religion, education, Ukraine in exactly the same way. These culture, and the life of the youth in these Latvia and Lithuania. Since that long prepared for tragic night in which people are being deported or ex­ countries. He deals chiefly with the time terminated literally in millions. after the Bolshevist night had fallen upon thousands of Balts were arrested, shot these lands. and deported far into Russia, the ter­ Altogether Ukraine has lost in the rorism of the N.K.Y.D. later M.G.Y. course of 33 years of organized gen­ This book gives indeed one of the deep­ has never ceased. Deportation and est, most matter of fact, glimpses behind ocide, some 9 million of her inhabitants. the Iron Curtain. Whoever ivants to learn eviction continue almost unabated. All three Baltic States have a total ivhat has been done in these countries That June night of 1941, with its population of 5'A million, so it is easy since the ivar and above all how these once carnage was repeated in other St to reckon out how long it will take Western inclined democratic agrarian Bartholomew’s nights from March 23 rd Moscow to make away with the last countries were overrun and pressed into to 26th 1949. Balt. How long is the free world going to look on passively at all this? Z. P. B olshevism m u st read Major Beamish’s Alexander Kaeles in his small book book. He has a subtle but sure hand in gives us a deep insight into these arranging facts and events, with a good events. It is actually a compilation, put The Anti-Bolshevist Rally sense for the national peculiarities of the together by the “Estonian Information countries he is dealing ivith, knowing ivhat Centre" in Stockholm, which was in London is essential and ivhat to leave aside. He gives founded by the Estonian National an excellent analysis of the mechanics, the On June 30, 1951 some 6000 people Council Mr Johannes Klesment, a gathered in Hyde Park to commemor­ methods and the fiendish machinery for former Esthonian minister of finance, bolshevizing these countries .His, description ate the lOtli anniversary of The Res­ and the well-known publicist Paul toration of Ukrainian Independence. of the Bolshevist meatmachine tearing the Poom have contributed largely to the living bodies of these nations apart, to make The rally was organized by the work. a horrible Communist Frankenstein out of Ukrainian Youth Association in Great them is outstanding. The title of the book is somewhat Britain which to-day has almost 3000 members. _ _ For the Eastern reader especially, the misleading. It should be called “The fact that the author justly distributes the Rights of Man and Genocide in Besides the Ukrainians who hr ,, blame for the rising and later imperialist Estonia“, a practically almost nothing come from all parts o f . the British growth of Bolshevism, is most satisfying. is said of the massacres and the statis­ Isles, also British spectators were pres­ It does not say in the book, that any tics of other two Baltic countries. ent and many who had come to Lon­ “dark forces“, “super-national plots“, or a What the reader learns of the fate don for the Festival of Britain. “special race quality“ or a “specific na­ of the Estonian people is serious and After a religious service and the tional trait“ in the Eastern peoples is to shocking enough. The authors have blessing of the flags of the different blame for Bolshevism. No, the West is to made use of an interesting method in groups, addresses in English and blame, too, in fact all of us are, to a cer­ their work. As a motto for each chapter Ukrainian were read by representa­ tain extent. Had ive in the West behaved they take a quotation from the “Ge­ tives of the political and general or­ differently, night would not have en­ neral Declaration of Human Rights“ ganizations, as well as representatives veloped these countries and, furthermore, of December 1948 by the U.N. and of the Poles, Byelorussians, Slovaks, this same night would have been less men­ against the background of this declar­ Czechs, Lithuanians and the British acing for Western countries. He castigates ation, the Soviet actions are described. friends of Ukraine. They all warned the fatal mistakes of the British Labour Thus page for page we read the story the Western world that the menace of Government, attacks the Americans, and of Soviet slavery, torture, cuerlty. Bolshevism must be stopped as soon does not spare even his own Conservative as possible. Through this juxtaposition we get a Party. In spite of that his book is optim­ At the end of the Hyde Park Rally istic, because the author believes that by striking picture of a completely dis­ torted, chaotic world. Whatever is a resolution was read in English and the proper handling of the Bolshevist Ukrainian. problem, bright daylight will once daivn positive in the U.N. Declaration of after this terrible night. Richts“ is, on the Soviet side, a com­ plete negation. Everything has been ABN-Correspondence The author has travelled very much in turned into the exact opposite of the Eastern countries, also after the war; his intended good. And it is all proved, P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, critical matter-of-factness does not prevent over and over again by hundreds of Germany/Bavaria him from expressing warm sympathy for facts. these peoples. As he has obviously gone Published by the Press Bureau of the Anti- very deeply into their problems it would We learn that the Estonian people, Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) be a good thing if he could find time, and which up to 1939 counted 1,125.000 in­ the possibility, to turn his attention to habitants has, under 10 years of Rus­ Responsible: K. W. Orlecky Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS

Vol. II. No. 10 • October 1951 * Published in English, French and German * Price: 6d; 10c

Moscow’s Fight Against The Promise of Siberia ” Bourgeois Nationalism” By Kirilo Siberyak The great wave of purges, which “I don't fear Siberia, Siberia is also The share of the Muscovite serfs in has been sweeping over the satellite a Russian land“ — are the words of a the development of Siberia was very states and the U.S.S.R. since the Russian song and the Russians like to insignificant and. therefore, Siberia of spring of 1951, has assumed horrify­ ing proportions. According to estimates sing it. Unfortunately, their masters today, is far less Russian than Mas­ given by Mose Pijade of the Commun­ from the Kremlin not only like to sing sachusetts or Pennsylvania were British ist Politbureau in Yugoslavia (and he but still more to act as if Siberia and at the time of American Revolution. should know), this is a political cam­ many other countries of the world paign launched by Moscow on the were Russian. It is little consolation Early History for us to realize that today Russians same scale as the purges that shook The Cossacks, and not the Russians, the Soviet Union in the years, 1935 to from Moscow like to act as if the entire world were Russian. conquered Siberia, which had been 15238. under Tartar Khans since the 13th cen­ here are, however, differences. Fif­ The Meaning of “Russia“ tury. It comprised the Khanate of Sibir. teen years ago, the entire Communist and the capital was situated at Isker party in the U.S.S.R., including Russia However, contrary to world-wide on the Irtysh River, near the present proper, was subjected to the purge. opinion, our Siberia has never been town of Tobolsk. When there was a Now Russia proper is excluded, and the Russian historically and ethnically. To clash between the Siberian Tartars and purge is limited to areas inhabited by avoid confusion T must stress that by the merchant activities of the Novgor- peoples subjugated till 1939, and to “Russians" 1 mean the Muscovites. I odian Stroganov Family, A Cossack the countries which became satellite must point out the fact that “Russia“ Yermak was called in to help. This states after 1945. The countries most is a confusing term. “Russia“ (Rossiya) “Pizarro of Siberia“ began the period affected are Ukraine, Turkestan, Aser- was a Greek term to designate the of expansion in 1581; another Cossack. baijan and all the satellite states. ancient state of the Ukrainian people Deshnev, developed it till it reached Another difference is that, 15 years — the Kievan Rus. In this sense “Rus­ the Pacific in 1648. The rapid conquest ago, the purge and the Moscow show- sia“ was the cradle of the Ukrainian is accounted for by the circumstance trials shook the whole world. But to­ people. The cradle of what we mean that neither Tartars nor Turks were day, though the numbers involved are by “Russian“ people at present was able to offer any serious resistance, as high, the effect on Western public Muscovy, called “Russia“, because the in 1607—1610 the Tunguses fought for opinion is not one tenth of what it was founders of the “Russian empire“ not their independence, but were subdued in 1955—1938. Facts are conscien­ only desired to appropriate the history about 1623. Around Lake Baikal some tiously recorded, but that is all. It is no and traditions of the . old “mother-city opposition was offered by the Buriats, longer a matter of principle, but a of Russlands“, but also to prepare Mus­ but in 1650, another Cossack, Khabarov, problem of statistics. “There is no evil covite expansion on the lands of old set out into the Amur valley. The to which we cannot get used“, says a Kievan Rus. By right the name “Rus­ Chinese resisted him and brought Cos­ Russian proverb. The West seems to sia“ and “Russian“ belongs to the sack progress to a stop by the Treaty have got well used to this evil. Ukrainians and I still wonder why the of Nerchinsk, in 1698. Further ex­ The motives behind the latest purge latter so easily renounced their old pansion along the Amur River had to gjq of particular interest. It is carried historic name, of which they were de­ wait till the middle of the 19th century, under the slogan of “Down with prived by an insatiable Moscow. when, in the treaty of Aigun in I860 bourgeois nationalism“ ! It is no longer the Chinese recognized as Russian all a fight carried on by a Stalin clique Siberia and U.S.A., a Parallel the country on the left bank of the against this or that “right" or “left“ Amur. deviation; it is not a fight of the Com­ Speaking of Siberia, I must point out munists among themselves over the the fact that the origin and develop­ Cossacks Conquerors interpretation of Marx-Lenin dogmas, ment of our country and people show Continued on Page 12 a close and striking resemblance to Few of us know that the conquerors that of the U.S.A. Therefore, to main­ of Siberia — the Cossacks — consider tain today that Siberia is Russian is themselves a separate ethnic group, the same as to maintain that the U.SjA. distinct from Russians. People who From, the Contents: is — British! The American nation have been used to think in terms of owes its origin to colonizing activities Russian imperial mythology cannot U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. in which British, Dutch, Swedes, French think of Russia without remembering * and Spaniards bore a share. However, the Cossacks of “Russia“ and fighting Another Face of Russian Com­ the British share was a preponderant all the enemies of the White Tsar in munism one and the British secured a controll­ Moscow. It is true that this warlike ing influence in the development of and freedom-loving people worked Attitude of the A.B.N. to the the U.S.A. As to the Siberian nation in sometimes as frontierguards for the “Council for the Liberation of its true sense, the country of Sibervaks Tsar of Moscow, but it is true, too, that the Peoples of Russia“ owes its origin to the Cossack conquest at other times they attacked the Tsars * and to the colonizing • activities by in bloody uprisings (Razin, Bulavin, many freedom-loving people front Pugachow), which nearly brought about Hungary, Moscow’s Spring-Board the destruction of the Russian Empire. * Eastern Europe, chiefly, by Poles, Ukrainians and Byelorussians in the The fact is that the Cossacks are the From behind the Iron Curtain past and by many others (Balts, Cau­ descendants of the native Slav popul­ casians, Turkestanians, etc.) at present. ation of Northern Caucasia which, Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10 during the Middle Ages, formed a the Russian tsars and, therefore, were millions of slave laborers in detention powerful state of its own — the Prin­ severily persecuted and massacred ,by camps, which form huge slave labor cipality of Tmutorokan, very loosely the tsars. territories. Slave labor territories in connected with old Kievan Rus. This North Siberia are completely isolated principality fell a victim to Tartar in­ Very many Ukrainians and even the native hunters are not vasion in the 13th century, but at the In the vastnesses of Siberia which allowed to enter them. The population time when the Moscow principes were were not easily accessible to the of those slave labor camps is estimated clever in winning the good favors of henchmen of Moscow tsars, the Old at 10 million (in Siberia) and most of the Tartar Khans, the Cossacks resisted Believers found freedom to worship them (over 90 per cent) are non-Rus­ the invaders and formed independent in their own way, and to live accord­ sians according to Prof. Ernst Talgren, semi-military communities — in the ing to their own traditions. Another himself a former prisoner in one of lower Don as Don Cossacks and along these camps (1940—1942). the River Ural (Yaik) as Yaik Cos­ important group of compulsory settlers were the political exiles. They gave sacks. The Cossacks acknowledged no Increased Population law except that of their elected coun­ Siberia a tone of its own. This tone was their freedom-loving uncompro­ cils executed by elected Atamans, Consequently, the population of Si­ responsible to the Cossack council. mising spirit which extended through­ beria increased rapidly. In 1911 it was out our country, especially in its cities. This democratic system had nothing in put at 8.719.200. It numbered about In the early nineties of the last common with the iron rule by Moscow 10 million at the outbreak of World century, Siberia received a new influx tsars, and the Cossack communities War I. Twenty years later it was more of voluntary settlers. These were far­ considered themselves fully indepen­ than 25 millions. Today it is estimated dent of Moscow, maintaining only le­ mers, most of them Ukrainians and at 40, or even 431 millions, not including gations there. However, as result of Byelorussians who settled in the Far political prisoners in the camps of de­ unsuccessful risings against the tsars tention. The vast majority of this po­ of Moscow, the latter were able to pulation is non-Russian. It presents different racial stock: Ukrainians, tighten their grip on the Cossack lands . and to deprive them of their indepen­ A.B.TS fights Byelorussians, Cossacks, Balts. Poles, dence. In 1917, the Cossacks of Don, for the liberation o f Sibiria Caucasians, Turkestanians, Aserbai- Kuban. Terek, Astrakhan and Ural Janians, Idel-Uralians, Germans, Jews, declared once more their independence and its independence etc. Being of different racial stock, the of Moscow and fought with arms new-incomers feel as Ukraini against Soviet-Russian supremacy. At Byelorussians, Balts, Germans, e.c. present, the separatist movement is However, if they remain in Siberia, very strong among the Cossacks and East and South of Siberia. As a result they begin to feel as the Siberyaks. they aspire to the establishment of a of this immigration, the Far East There is no doubt that the second and sovereign state, Cossackia, which would (“Green Edge“) and the South of Si­ older generations already feel like include all lands with a prevailing beria (“Grey Edge“) became chiefly that. Anybody who knows the con­ Cossack population. Ukrainian. In some districts they ditions in the U.S.A. understands what formed .over 80 per cent of the entire 1 mean by such feelings. Pioneers in Siberia population. This cannot be overlooked as the Ukrainians are the bulwark of Native Tribes By far the largest parts of the Siber­ anti-Russian and anti-Soviet nationa­ ian population are not the descendants Some 25 per cent of the Siberian po­ lism. In 1918, .a third Ukrainian Con­ pulation are the Siberyaks of the of the Cossack conquerors. Early in gress convened in the city of Khabar- the 17th century there were no more second and older generations. They owsk. It decided that the Far Eastern call themselves “Siberyaks“ and con­ than some 20,000 Cossacks in the whole territory populated by the Ukrainians of Siberia. Just before World War I. sider themselves a distinct nationality be recognized as part of the Ukrainian from the Russians. The analogy with they formed four Cossack armies state. Later, Ukrainians were among (“vovskos“). There were the Siberian the Americans is striking. They are the staunchest supporters of the Far the descendants of early conquerors Cossack in Western Siberia, the Trans- Eastern Republic. baikal Cossacks around Lake Baikal of Siberia, early settlers and their native wives and of new immigrants. and the Amur and Ussuri Cossacks in Recent Immigration the Far East. Following the Cossack Besides the European population of conquest, many freedom-loving people Thé years of collectivisation and the different racial stock, there are also left their ancestral homes and set out subsequent policy of persecution of nearly 170 groups of native population for Siberia in search of freedom and Ukrainians, Cossacks, Byelorussians, and certain groups of these have a fresh start in life. Many who were etc. have resulted in a new influx of features that show a strong resei unwilling to submit to the iron rule non-Russians in Siberia. Even the lance to those of the American Indu1 by Moscow tsars made their way to Soviet sources (The Economic Geo­ One people is definitely Mongol in Siberia, and Siberia looked to them as graphy of the U.S.S.R. from 1940) type and speaks the Mongol language. the Far West of the U.S.A. to such pointed out that “during the last twelve These are the Buryats (900,0001) in the people in America. The composition of years (1'926—1939) there was a con­ Lake Baikal area, closely related to the those early settlers showed a strong siderable migration of people from the Mongols of Mongolia. In the' Middle resemblance to that of the U.S.A. There Ukrainian S.S.R. and the Byelorussian Lena valley there are over 300.000 were hunters and fishermen among S.S.R. to the industrial centers of the Yakuts, who are aii outlying group of them, seekers of gold and silver, ran­ Russian S.F.S.R., especially in new peoples speaking Turk. There are Tar­ chers and farmers, merchants and in­ manufacturing centers“. Due to such tars in the Altai mountains (Oirots) dustrial laborers. Besides, the central migration, population of the Ural and in the Irtysh valley of Western authority of Moscow sent compulsory region, of Siberia, and of the Far East Siberia. The old Asiatics bearing a settlers into Siberia: prisoners of war increased by 5.900.©00“. The influx of strong resemblance to both Eskimos (Swedes, etc.), convicts, exiles and the new immigrants was still bigger and Indians live in the North, North- sectarians. Most important among the during World War II. and continues East and East of Siberia. Besides, there sectarians were the Old Believers even now. Hundreds of thousands of are some 100.000 Jews in Birobijan. a (“starovyery“) who, under the leader­ Ukrainian workers, engineers and Soviet-made “national home“ for the* ship of the Protopope Avvakum, main­ technicians are forced to leave their Jews in the Far East. tained the superiority of old customs homeland and ordered to transfer to Thus, Siberia much resembles Amer­ and traditions in the Russian Orthodox Siberia. The same policies are carried ica and the Siberyaks — the Amer­ Church. Those descendants of the pure out in the Baltic lands, in Byelorussia, icans. Like America, Siberia is a new Slav population in Muscovy did not in the Caucasus and in Turkestan. country, rich in natural resources, in accept the reforms of the Patriarch Thousands of new prisoners of war energy and in promise. Its size, its Nikon in the 17th century which aimed (Germans, Japanese, Italians, Ruman­ high-pitched activity, its youthful ex­ at subordinating the Russian Orthodox ians, Hungarians, etc.) were forced to uberance are typically American. The Church to the imperialist policies of remain in Siberia. Besides, there are Continued on Page 6 Number 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

These, then, are further differences.

U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. Some Erroneous Views By P. G. Andree Other traditional views, sometimes American Unity expressed by Americans, also require alien dictatorship which they were for­ to be rectified. ced to accept. Let us start with a little game; sup­ It is, of course, much more conven­ pose an enemy were to land in United That is the first difference. ient to imagine the world as a simple States territory, in Alaska, Texas, Ca­ entity, and not to pay heed to compli­ lifornia or Connecticut. Everywhere he Soviet Union Based On Compulsion cations, just as it is simpler to count in would find Americans, speaking the The United States of America is a round figures instead of in fractions. same language, all feeling and react­ voluntary union of free people in free Unfortunately the accounts presented ing like Americans. communities, these — and this is im­ us by the world are not always in If this enemy were to announce that portant — being called “States“ ; they round figures. he had come, for instance, to liberate are parts of one and the same great Let us consider, for instance, the ad­ the State of Texas and the Texan peo­ nation, namely, the American nation. vantages of extensive economic areas. ple from the dictatorship of Washing­ If a free plebiscite were held in the It would probably be more practical ton, people would laugh at him, and all U.S.A., it would make no difference to from the economic point of view if the Americans, whether from Texas, Cali­ this state of affairs. American continent were an economic fornia, Connecticut or Alaska would Things are not so simple in the Soviet unit. But this is not the case, probably do tlieir best to drive him out of the Union, where propaganda, false ideas because the states of Latin America country. and slogans used in class strife throw would not then be able to hold their Russian Parallels dust in the eyes of outside observers. own. But nobody dreams of forcing a In Soviet opinion, only part of the po­ united, and perhaps more efficient ex­ Now, suppose a,n enemy were to land pulation is politically of age and entit­ tensive economic area on (hose states. in the territory of the U.S.S.R., in the led to express its views; it is prepared In the Soviet Union, on the contrary, Union Republic of Turcmenistan, or to say “yes“ to all Soviet demands and which is geographically speaking a Aserbaijan, or Ukraine, or Latvia, he desires. This must be said in order to continent, the unity of a big economic ^ > ! d find a different nation in every explain why 99.9 per cent of the votes area is upheld against the interests of of those parts of contemporary in all plebiscites held in the Soviet the peoples who inhabit it; it is even Russia, a people with a language of Union are in favour of present condi­ propagated by Americans (cf. George their own, traditions of their own, and tions there. It is true that, by constitu­ Kennan: “U.S.A. and the future of Rus­ cpiite different reactions. If this enemy tion, 1he Soviet Union is also a volun­ sia“, in ‘Foreign Affairs1, April, 1951) were to tell them that he had come to tary union, but we must not forget that who assert that Ukraine for instance, make good Russians out of them and the adjective “voluntary“ was applied is just as much a part of Russia from give them a new, good Russian govern­ in Moscow, after Ukraine, the Caucas­ the economic point of view “as Penn­ ment, they, too, would laugh at him, ian Republics, Turkestan and other sylvania is of the United States“. This and ask him what a good Russian or Republics, Turkestan and other areas as we have pointed out already, is an a good Russian government mattered had been conxjuered by the Red Army erroneous comparison, for Pennsylvan­ to them as Latvians, Ukrainians, Aser- in 1918—21 and after the same fate had ia’s position in the United States is not baijanians or Turkestanians; nor would overtaken the provinces of Estonia, at all that of Ukraine in the Soviet they consider anyone who approached Latvia and Lithuania after 1940. The Union., or as Kennan has it, in Russia. If them thus as a friend. “free will“ of the Constitution was we wish to talk of extensive economic But if this enemy of the Soviet Union therefore established, and will be areas, then it would be nearer the were to come to Latvians, Ukrainians, maintained by force of arms. mark to say; Ukraine, or Caucasia, or Turkestan might be part of Russia front Aserbaijanians and Turkestanians and If a really free plebiscite were to be say, “We will give you the same rights the economic point of view in the same held in the separate parts of the Soviet way as Mexico, the Argentine or Peru that every people in the West has“ he Union, it is most probable that the po­ would be welcomed by these nations as might be part of the U.S.A., provided pulation there would not vote for the they so desired. a friend and a liberator, except perhaps continuance of the Soviet Union. Lip till for a very small group everywhere in And this, I think, leads us to a cri­ now it has been impossible to gain such tical point. the Soviet Union who are personally proof, as all attempts in this direction interested in maintaining the present have been suppressed at great sacri­ Public opinion in America regards fice on the part of those concerned. the legitimate national efforts of the nations in the Soviet Union as chau­ Furthermore, the communities that Important Differences vinistic and separatist, because it is constitute the Soviet Union, i. e. the easier to speak simply of Russia than What does all this mean? Union Republics, are not parts of the of the many different nations that are same, homogenous area, say of Russia, included in the frontiers of the Soviet It is a dangerous simplification to but territories settled by different na­ compare the United States of America Union — the Ukrainians, Byelorus­ tions. More than 50% of the population sians. the Baltic and Caucasian nations, with the Soviet Union of Socialist Re­ of the Soviet Union are non-Russians, publics, only because these great pow­ the Turkestanians, etc. ers are both, federal unions in form, The Soviet Union, therefore, does not and because, therefore (apart, of possess the common national denomi­ Why Different Measures? course, from their system of 'govern­ nator present in the United States of ment), the situation is the same in both. America; but it tries to compensate for If I am not mistaken, American pub­ this lack by creating the fiction of a lic opinion reacted differently to cases When a Latvian, Ukrainian or Cau­ homogeneous Soviet nation. Russian that are fundamentally the same as casian emigrated to the U.S.A., he did exiles do the same when they speak of ours. Movements for liberation in India, so of his own free will, desiring to be­ an imaginary Russian people (rossiys- Pakistan and Indonesia secured the ap­ come a hundred per cent American as ky narod), erroneously translated in proval of American public opinion, soon as possible, and he was then Western languages as "Russian peo­ though it might; have been more prac­ proud of his American citizenship. ple“. There is a Russian people, but tical from the economic point of view When Latvians, Ukrainians, Aserbai­ no Russian peoples, no Russian family to have left those countries as they janians or Turkestanians became Rus­ of nations, no Soviet nation, no nation were — in the British or Dutch Colonial sian citizens, they were forced to do so of Russia. Clear thinking on this point Empires. If American opinion was,right because their country was conquered would save much misunderstanding and in these cases, it is hard to understand by Moscow. They will not recognize annoyance. But both the Soviet Union why other measures are applied to the government of the Soviet Union, or and Russians in exile assume that peo­ Russia and the Soviet Union; the desire any other Russian central government ple abroad accept their fictions and of people there for freedom is- stig­ as their government, but only as an repeat them out of ignorance. matized as “Chauvinist separatism“ Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10 which would do better to accept Rus­ sian hegemony than to shake the “his­ toric frontiers of Russia“, divide the Another Face of Russian Communism country up, or destroy such an “ex­ By Dr. D. Donzov cellent economic unit“.

Chauvinism and Separatism In the West it is believed that Com­ tacus“, such as Dostoyevski and Ler­ munism, as propagated by Moscow, is montov foresaw. The wdll known satir­ Let us consider separatism and chau­ a new social order; the object in itself ist, Saltykov, the Russian Swift, nearly vinism for a little, beginning with the by which the revolutionary suppression 100 years ago painted a fantastic por­ former. Contrary to the situation in In­ of the “rich“ i. e. the bourgeois, in fa­ trait of Tsarist dignitaries who were donesia or India, the struggle for na­ vour of the “poor“ i. e. the proletariat, sent to communistic barracks (Falan- tional liberty in the Soviet Union is so is to be attained. steres) in which all free citizens went bitter, entailing such enormous weril to bed at the same time, ate and drank for the individual, that it imposes rigid In reality and, as the Russian Bol- to the minute and were to increase and discipline and demands unequivocal shevics look at it, Communism is multiply. This was not only theory, for expression. That the controversy quite another thing. It is not the ob­ Arakcheyev, one of the ministers of the knows no compromise is the result of ject of a social class movement by the “liberal“ Tsar Alexander I who had his measures adopted by the opponents means of a national, Russian-political father Tsar Paul murdered, actually and not by the protagonists of the idea, but an idea which arose under the founded such Falansteres, so-called mi­ movement for freedom. Surely this is Tsar which they used, no less than the litary settlements, where the peasants not chauvinism. We can talk of sepa­ Bolshevists as a method for purely cultivated the land under strict mili­ ratism only when part of a homogen­ Russian expansion, preaching also a tary regulations. eous national whole tries to secede, if struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors. For a West European who sees only for instance, the State of Texas or Ca­ social class warfare in Russian Com­ lifornia should attempt to secede During the Polish revolt 1865 the munism it is incomprehensible from from the U.S.A. But it is surely not Tsar’s envoy in Poland, General Mu- whence these Communist tendencies of correct to talk of separatism when, for raviyov, "the hangman“, incited the the Tsar, his dignitaries, his writers and instance, Ukrainians, the Caucasian Polish peasants against the great land- ideologists arose. nations or the Turkestanians wish to owners (the instigators of the revolt). liberate themselves from an alien re­ Another phenomenon still more ir"^ The startled West European ambassa­ comprehensible for the west-Europea’. .. gime. Was it separatism when in 1905 dors reported from St. Petersburg that the Norwegian people decided to dis­ is that while many white Russians “the Tsar had become a Communist“ were enthusiastic about the idea of solve peacefully their union with Swe­ and was encouraging the poor peasants den? Was it separatism when Czechs, Communism before 1917, now red Mos­ to take possession of the property of cow attacks many Communists, for in­ Slovaks, Croats, and Rumanians de­ the nobles to divide among themselves. manded their own national homes after stance Ukrainian Communists of 1919 the collapse of the Empire of Austria- And that was not even the only ex­ to 1930, the Serbian, or Dimitroff Com­ Hungary? Surely not. ample of Communist policy (against the munists in Bulgaria. All that can be “rich“) instigated by the Tsar. Just as easily explained, for the Russians fra­ George Fischer, an American jour­ ternize with the lower classes of other nalist (cf. his article “The Vlassow in 1959- the Bolshevist army invaded Galicia to liberate the poor peasants nations when they revolt against their Case" in ‘Der Monat', 1951, No. 54), for own authorities. instance, speaks only of extreme se­ from the rich Polish landlords, the paratist and chauvinist movements Tsarist army entered that country in On the other hand, however, as soon when describing the nationalist move­ 1914 exactly for the same purpose. as these classes have the power in ments in the Soviet Union, and he calls In 1917 the Bolshevists attacked their own hands Russia goes against their refusal to join a committee under LTkraine in order to overthrow the so­ them. In both cases it is the object of Vlassow, a Russian, “malignant“. Were cialist government, the so called Gene­ the Russians to destroy the leading the movements for freedom in the Phi­ ral Secretariat of the Republic, with classes and make of the nation a “bel- lippines, India, Pakistan, Burma, Cey­ the excuse that the General Secretariat lua sine capite“; a herd without a shep­ lon and Indonesia extreme separatist was composed of generals, landlords herd will fall all the more easily to the and chauvinist movements? Were and other bourgeois who were exploit­ Muscovite saviour. their- efforts to achieve independence ing the poor peasants in favour of the Whatever class of society it may be “malignant“, or was American public ridr, — the Kulaks, Tsar Peter I appeal­ which has the leadership of a nation opinion, which obviously sympathized ed to the common people of Ukraine that is to be liberated. — nobility, with these efforts “malignant“ ? Ob­ against the Ukrainian nobility when bourgeois, priests (Tibet!) socialist iiu_ viously not. And sauce for the goose the latter with Hetman Mazeppa at tellectuals, working classes, rich pea ' is sauce for the gander . . . their head made an alliance with Char­ ants or even a Communist party which les XII of Sweden against Peter I. He, is all too independent from Moscow, Stalin’s Methods the Tsar of the rich, in a country where that class must be fought against. If the serfdom existed, paraded as the protec­ poor are the under-dogs in such a na­ Stalin is perhaps not a sympathetic tor of the common people of Ukraine tion they are used to destroy the rich person, but he is no blockhead. Would which at that time knew nothing of who have the upper hand. Should, such a man, with the enormous powers such bondage. (It was first introduced the poor happen to be on top, then it of a centrally governed state at his dis­ by Catharine II). is the poor who have to be destroyed. posal, give himself the great trouble It is no question of poor and rich but The so-called Muscovite “Slavophi­ to pacify, at least in form, the nations of who is on top and has the power. A living in the Soviet Union by granting les“ (middle of the 19th century), all followers of Tsarism, harangued in nation that is to be liberated must lose them republics, constitutions adminis­ its leading caste in order to succumb trations, and to take meticulous con­ their writings against “rotten Europe“, against its bourgeois in particular, to Moscow’s leadership. Class warfare sideration of them, if he did not deem is a mask; the Communist idea is mer­ it practicial and necessary? Stalin pro­ which was “oppressing“ the common people“. Dostoyevski expressed his de­ ely a tool in Moscow’s hands to achieve bably knows the proper strength and its national political conquests. value of the national movements sire to the Frenchman M. de Yogul to among the nations living in the Soviet see bourgeois Paris destroyed either That is why the White Russians un­ Union. He tries to control them by by her own proletariat, or by the Rus­ der the Tsars longed for an “Imperator making them formal concessions, and sian army. All these Khomyakovs, Ak­ Spartacus“ to call forth a revolution of when that does not suffice, he applies sakovs, Leontyevs — most of them tsa- the masses in the world; that is why methods of the M.V.D. and “mass mur­ rists and with proprietory rights over the red Russians make their Spartacus der“. But the Western world will have their own people —, urged the Tsar to emperor to rule over the wandering nothing to do with these last two me­ put an end to all thought of legitimism herd absolutely, in the name of Mus­ thods, even in connection with the peo­ and start a revolution in West Europe. covite messiahship. Communism is mer­ ples behind the Iron Curtain. They all dreamt of an “Imperator Spar- ely his weapon. Number 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

Moscow in the U.S.S.R. and the satel­ Attitude o f the A.B.N. lite states, categorically refuse to have anything whatever to do with Ke­ to the ”Council for the Liberation o f the Peoples o f Russia” rensky’s Council. These peoples do not wish to be liberated by the Russians, A “Council lor the Liberation ol the Committee“1 is Mr. Eugene Lyons; Re- but from them. For these nations, the Peoples in Russia“ was formed in ginal T. Townshend is executive direc­ only way to destroy Bolshevism and to Stuttgart by parties of political Rus­ tor and John F. B. Mitchell Jr. is coun­ liberate the nations oppressed by Mos­ sian émigrés, under the leadership of sel. Its members include William H. cow and restore peace to the world is Alexander F. Kerensky, notorious as Chamberlain. Charles Edison, William to completely disintegrate the Russian the Prime Minister of the short-lived Y. Elliot, Allen Grove. Isaac Don Le­ Empire into the national states that Provisional Government in the first vine and William L. White. The Amer­ compose it. The peoples in the A.B.N. months of the Revolution of 1917. The ican Committee is organized “to pro­ do not believe in the possibility of a Russian democracy; there has never “Council of Liberation“ was constitut­ vide advice and guidance, when asked, been such a democracy in all the 700 ed after the amalgamation of five par­ and to make available to the Russian ties of purely Russian exiles, who Council“ such funds as it has. The years of Moscow’s history, nor does the psychology of the people of Mus­ maintain that they represent demo­ “American Committee“ is taking over covy lead one to hope for such a pos­ cracy. the whole seventh floor at 6 East For­ ty-fifth Street, New York City, N. Y. sibility in the future. The peoples in This “Council“ does not seem to have the A.B.N. cannot see why they should a broad foundation, as Russians iti exile Anyway, the funds put at the dis­ remain in the Russian union of states are known to be split up into at least posal of the Kerensky’s Council seem even after the collapse of Bolshevism. thirty parties, some even say forty1- to be sufficient to operate in Munich a For them, Kerensky’s activity is only nine. At the press conference after­ big Russian broadcasting station, like the attempt of certain circles of Rus­ wards, A- Kerensky stated that the aim that of “Radio Free Europe“, and to sian exiles to save the unity and the of the “Council for Liberation“ is to print much propaganda material. A continuity of the Russian Empire at destroy Bolshevism, perhaps without large house in the Augustenstrafie, any price, once Bolshevism has been another world war, by means of an in­ Munich, has been acquired and equip­ destroyed. Rendered wise by bitter ternal anti-Bolshevist revolution. This ped for Kerensky’s Council and is now experience in the past, these peoples ^jrn is to be realized in three stages; the scene of great activity. do not for one moment believe in the “e first stage is to be a campaign of sincerity of Russian “democratic“ and propaganda when the “Council“ will Repudiation by the Peoples Oppressed other “liberations“. distribute leaflets and will broadcast by Russia speeches in order “to inform the popu­ The oppressed “peoples of Russia“ The creation of Kerensky’s Council have had too bitter experience of Rus­ lation of the U.S.S.R. about the real has met with very little sympathy evils of Communism“. sian “democracy", particularly in from the peoples of Eastern Europe, 1917/18, to be duped again by the pro­ both in exile and most surely also at Kerensky’s “Propaganda Drum“ mises of Kerensky & Co. All promises home. As soon as the news of its for­ made by Moscow have always come Mr. A. Kerensky proposes to drum mation was announced, it was greeted at a moment of Russian weakness in propaganda throughout the entire area by a shower of repudiations, the first order to disarm and paralyse its op­ of the U.S.S.R. What a man, who has of those being sent in by the circles of ponents. When once it has recovered, lived for the last 34 years in the safety monarchist Russians in exile. Moscow has always renewed its of exile in the West can tell people But the negative attitude of the na­ pressure and annulled all former pro­ who have lived just as long directly tional organizations of the so-called mises and concessions. Every Russian under the tyranny of Bolshevism, is not “Peoples of Russia“ whom Mr. Ke­ “movement of liberation“ inevitably clear. Nor is it clear what kind of rensky proposes to '“liberate“ is much has ended in the more severe tolitar- liberation can be expected from a more important. On August 4, 1951, for ianism and the dictatorship of Rus­ leader like A. Kerensky who, when instance, a Press Conference was sum­ sians over other peoples. This must be things got dangerous in Russia, fled moned in Munich by the Central Com­ avoided in the next war, or revolution. abroad from Lenin, wrapped in volum­ mittee of the Anti-Bolshevist Bloc of Such were the opinions expressed by inous skirts. Nations (A.B.N.). On this occasion the the Central Committee of the A.B.N. It also seems that Mr. A. Kerensky at A.B.N. stated that the 22 peoples it The resolutions passed on August 24 the suggestion of his foreign patrons in­ represents, who live under the rule of 1951 are appended. tends to renew his rights “as a Russian Prime Minister still in office“ and to Resolutions ''"'Arm a Russian exile government. - The “Council“ declared that it does The Central Committee of the Anti- struggle for their freedom and their possess the right and the power to Bolshevic Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) political independence. speak on behalf of the nations of Rus­ announces its attitude to the so-called sia, though not a single representative 2. The term “Peoples of Russia“ is a “Council for the Liberation of the symbol for ancient Russian imper­ or party of these “peoples of Russia“ Peoples of Russia“ as follows: is, or wishes to be, represented in it. ialism which has not changed, and 1. There are no “Peoples of Russia“ a violation of the feelings of non- American Help within the Soviet Union. That state Russian peoples. It is intended to includes a Russian people within its lead the Western World deliberately It is not the first time that these or ethnographic frontiers, and the fol­ astray, and actually helps to main­ those parties of Russian exiles have lowing non-Russian peoples: Eston­ tain the despotic structure of the joined to form a “great committee for ians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrain­ Soviet Union. liberation“ ; there have been number­ ians, Byelorussians, Turkestanians, less such actions in the 34-year history 3. The attempt on the part of Russian Cossacks, Idel-Uralians, Georgians, exiles to speak on behalf of these is of Russian exile. So this formation of Armenians, Aserbaijanians, North- exiles would not have been of particu­ an abuse of the rights of non-Rus­ Caucasians, Siberians, and others. sian peoples, who have long had lar interest if, this time, it had not They do not live on Russian soil, but been backed by certain American “pri­ their own organizations for achiev­ each on its own ethnographic terri­ ing national liberty, which alone vate circles“ . They give this latest Rus­ tory. sian “liberation council“ a certain in­ are entitled to represent these ternational status and — their money. These non-Russian peoples were peoples. subjected to Russian imperialism by A purely “American Committee for 4. The organizations of Russian exiles force. the Liberation of the Peoples of Rus­ which have joined to form the sia“ has been formed, too and will sup­ They still continue their fight “Council for the Liberation of the port Kerensky’s Council in all its eff­ against Russian imperialism in its Peoples of Russia“ cannot claim orts. The president of the “American present form of Bolshevism, and recognition as representing non- Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10

received first attention in this gigantic The Promise of Siberia enterprise. The labor for these gigantic Continued from Page 2 projects was “contracted" by the N.K. Ukrainian army fighting Soviet Rus­ V.D. and Siberia became a huge pri­ Siberyak is a pioneer and enterprising, sian aggression. In Siberia, the Allied son, covering millions of sq. miles, the and he loves his freedom. He lias much expeditionary forces and their sub­ largest in the world. The capital of this in common with the American pioneers ordinate Czeeho-Slovak force helped huge slave Empire — Magadan has including such traits as enterprise, the tsarist Admiral Kolchak to power now more than 1 million “inhabitants“, courage, boldness in planning. And as “Supreme Ruler of Russia“ instead mostly slave-laborers and their guards. even if this Siberyak speaks some sort of supporting the thoroughly democra­ It is evident that the population of Si­ of Russian, he does not want to have tic Siberian government. In Ukraine, beria has increased recently at the anything to do with the Muscovites, Gen. Denikin fought with British arms cost of non-Russian nationalities and for whom he has utter contempt. The the Ukrainian armies formed to oppose these are the staunchest enemies of the Soviets know of this attitude of the the Bolsheviks, and thus helped the Kremlin. freedom-loving Siberian people and Bolsheviks to create “a single and in­ they chose to appease the Siberyaks divisible Russia“ now engulfing nation Strategic Importance of Siberia in order not to provoke them against after nation. In Siberia, the White Once thé world has become a many- the Kremlin. Apart from the camps of guards of Acini. Kolchak, allegedly fight­ ringed circus of conflict, one of the detention, there is much more freedom ing against Communists, fought in the most glaring spot-lights has suddenly iii Siberia than in any other country first instance against the ‘Siberian se­ gone up in Korea. This is an area that of the U.S.S.R. paratists; they claimed that all their has always been a traditional zone of opponenst were Bolsheviks. In Decem­ Russian imperialistic expansion. For ber 1918, Kolchak, having secured Struggle for Independence long years Russian armies struggled Allied support, dispersed the Siberian there in the time of the tsars; now However, the Siberyaks have always government in Omsk. Moscow has made greater headway in aspired at autonomy and separation our time in the disguise of Commun­ from Moscow. The prevailing freedom- The Far Eastern Republic ism. Siberia is an immensly essential loving spirit of the e-arly settlers and After Kolchak’s defeat in 1919, it was factor. It has vast stratégie importance political exiles and the influx of free­ an ex-lawyer of Chicago — Alexander for the Russian empire. By the possession dom-loving Poles and Ukrainians con­ KrasnOshchekov — who believed that of Siberia, the U.S.S.R. qualifies as m tributed much to the development of a separate government should be set potential world power, because it c f i the Siberian “separitism“. In 1917, the up in Siberia; he tried to do so without trois an impregnable and self-sufficièm Siberyaks established a government in antagonizing the Japanese, who held land-mass stretching from Central Eu­ Omsk which demanded autonomy for power over a large part of Eastern rope to the Pacific Ocean and beyond Siberia. Unfortunately, the Allies in Siberia. Thus, the Far Eastern Republic to the very shores of the U.S.A. This the First World War did not under­ was formed by the will of the people, continuous land-mass is not only a stand the movement for the disintrega- as expressed through its duly elected strategic redoubt, but also a strategic tion of the Russian empire. In Ukraine representatives; it guaranteed to all base for Soviet aggression in different and in Cossackia, in Turkestan and in classes of society “the democratic directions. Thus, thanks to Siberia the Siberia they gave their full support for liberties that safeguard the peaceful U.S.S.R. is a Near Eastern, Middle the forces striving for the restoration development of social forces" — to Eastern and Far Eastern power. Siber­ of the “Holy Mother Russia“, of the one cjuote the Declaration of Independence ia, too, makes the Soviets direct neigh­ and indivisible Russian empire. In of the Far Eastern Republic drawn of bors of the U.S.A. Through Siberia the Ukraine and in Cossackia the Allies in April 1920. Soviets have an easy access to China. supported the tsarist reactionary Gen. And because of Siberia, the U.S.S.R. is A. Denikin with arms and war mater­ The Role of Japan also the leading Arctic power, a fact ial instread of supporting the demo­ which acquired agreat importance with cratic Ukrainian government and the The creation of the Far Eastern Re- the advent of the continent-spanning public was not in the interest of Japan­ airplane. ese imperialists. They decided to inter­ Its Future Role Russian peoples, even if a few dis­ vene and to set up a Japanese civil illusioned or paid persons have de­ administration in the Far East. They The Future role of Siberia is closely clared their readiness to cooperate. supported Ataman Semyonov, half linked to the plans U.S.A. have for The only genuine claimants to re­ Russian, half Buriat, one of the most combatting the Soviets. At any rate cognition as representatives of non- hated followers of Adm. Kolchak and Siberia soon may be the battlefield Russian peoples are the representa­ set him up as a Japanese puppet. A upon which the future of mankind will tives of these countries who take patriotic popular movement rose be decided and perhaps the final act active part in their national organiz­ against the Japanese and their puppet. the world drama may be enact*. ations for liberation. What is neces­ The Siberian patriot Tripitzin formed Therefore, U.S. policy makers must sary is not the “Liberation o! the a Siberian guerilla army and fought pay the greatest attention to this area and its population. According to the Peoples of Russia“ who do not exist, the Japanese with success. The Japan­ principles of psychological warfare,, it but the liberation of these peoples ese placed a price on his head, but from their oppressor, Russia, and were not able to catch him. would be advisable to exploit the anti- uncompromising opposition to all Under Allied pressure the Japanese Soviet sentiments of the Siberian po­ attempts to re-erect the Russian were forced to leave Siberia. Now the pulation. which consists of freshly im­ dungeon of nations in any form Far Eastern Republic faced the Soviets. ported Balts, Poles, Ukrainians and Byelorussians, Caucasians and Turk­ whatsoever. Early in 1922, the Red Army invaded the Far Eastern Republic which ceased men, and, combining them with the lo­ 5. The peoples oppressed by Russia, to exist on Nov. 17, 1922, when Kalinin cal separatist movement of the Siber­ who are united in the A.B.N., are issued a proclamation which merged yaks, to help in promoting a sort of fighting for the dissolution of the the Far Eastern Republic with the Rus­ American Revolution in Siberia and in Russian dungeon of peoples, what­ sian S.F.S.R. establishing the United States of Siber­ ever its form — whether totalitarian ia. These would comprise separate and or democratic, republican or Tsarist Recent Development theoretically sovereign states of the — and the formation of independent, Urals, Western Siberia. Siberian Cos­ democratic national states in their Siberia’s importance increased im­ sackia, Central Siberia, Southern Siber­ ethnographic frontiers; they repud­ mensely when the Soviet Government ia (“Grey Edge“), Mongol-Buriatia, Ya­ iate all cooperation with Russian turned its attention toward the Pacific kutia. Birobijan, Altay, Oirotia, Trans­ imperialists, no matter their species, and Asia as a whole. New industrial baikalia, the Far East, Sakhalin, Kamt­ and they will continue this fight to centers were built up in Siberia, a sign chatka which are joined together by a realize their ideals, regardless of of the Soviet “Drang nach Osten“, federal government in Nove-Sybirsk the attitude of official circles in the shifting the center of gravity to the (federal territory) and with national West. East. Consideration of national defence reservations for native peoples of Xumber 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

Hungary, Moscow’s Military Spring-Board

m By Ltn. Szabo

The political situation in Hungary ers. unemployed and politically un­ Hungarian satellite army under “Gene­ lias recently become very critical in reliable workers. ral" Stefan Bata. By the end of 1951, consequence of the condemnation of The economic position of the average the standing army is to be increased Catholic church dignitaries, including Hungarian is determined by two fac­ from 110,000 to double that number, an Archbishop Grosz, and of the deporta­ tors: the production target to be reach­ enormous effort for a country with a tion of about 10,000 inhabitants of Bu­ ed every day, and food rationing cards; population of 8 millions. Rigorous dapest who lost their houses and all — the raising of the target, political in­ measures bring in plenty of recruits, their belongings within 24 hours. trigues in the factory, tickets for milk, but their “fighting morale“ is a matter As a direct consequence of the Grosz bread, meat, cheese, etc. in an ag­ of concern for the Soviets. During trial, the “presidial council“ of the rarian country like Hungary — are the manoeuvres last autumn, there was such confusian among the units “in the Hungarian People's Republic issued a main concerns of the Hungarian work­ law, saying that archbishop, suffragan man's daily life. Work-brigades, con­ battlefield“, that the soviet Russian bishops, bishops, coadjutors, abbots, sisting of “volunteers“ who work for general in charge called the entire per­ and the leaders of the church in the nothing, are making an underground formance off and ordered the compan­ ies to return to their headquarters. provinces may be appointed only with railway in Budapest on the plan of the the approval of the presidial council. metro in Moscow, which is to be the A flood of arms and armaments of This means, of course, the liquidation “most modern underground in Eastern all kinds pours into the big army ar­ of the Hungarian Catholic Church by Europe“. Two thousand guilders have senals of Budapest and Szeged. To sim­ Moscow, where the opposition of the been ear-marked for the project, and plify training, Soviet Russian technical clergy in Hungary was most unwel­ 85,000 tons of iron, 30,000 tons of iron terms have been introduced into Hun­ come. So Bishop Hamvas, who cucceed- cement and 130,000 tons of cement are garian service regulations. After re­ ed to the office of Archbishop Grosz, estimated to be necessary. No one, of organization, the Hungarian army will longer directs the destiny of the course, mentions that the directors of comprise the following active units: ungarian Catholic Church, but Beresz- the construction are soviet engineers, 8 infantry divisions, toezy, and Lajos Szecsi, two new Savelyev and Danilia by name, or that i armored car division and, priests appointed by Moscow. Both its object is purely a military one. The 1 division of paratroopers, have been excommunicated by the Va­ intention is to make two tunnels for ex­ a Communist elite division of 8000 re- tican. And the courage of the Hungar­ press underground trains, under the liabe Communists, half of them being ian people leads us to expect that such level of the Danube, able to transport paratroopers who are stationed at Pecs, measures will not help either Beresz- 60 waggons of war material or 43,00© near the Yugoslavian frontier. toezy nor the red priest Szecsi, who men per hour. It is worth mentioning here that cer­ were trained for this political function Enormous sums are available for tain armament materials probably in the Church in Moscow, to do their military purposes, but the Hungarian reach Hungary via Italy, such, for in­ duty. people’s standard of living is very low. stance as American motor vehicles, jeeps and scarce raw materials like Hungarian propaganda attempts to A place like Szombathely, the capital wolfram, aluminium and nickel ("Ost- make light of the inhuman deportations of a country with 30,000 inhabitants, for probleine“ Bad Nauheim No. 29. dated from Budapest. The broadcasting sta­ ■instance, has not a single hotel or a bed tion of Budapest announced a list, ac­ for a stranger. (“Ludas Matyi“, Buda­ 21. 7. 1951, p. 879). The exact number- of Soviet troops cording to which only barons and pest, p. 6, dated 26. 7. 51.) In the military field the Soviets are stationed in Hungary is not known, but counts, general and big capitalists were Soviet units, who exercise great re­ trying to strengthen their own position to be evacuated. They did not say that serve, are garrisoned in every Hungar­ 80% of the evacuees were old pension­ in Hungary and to organize a powerful ian town of any size. In Papa there is a Soviet military aerodrome, with many bombers and North-Siberia. This is how the late the backwater of history and would be­ fighting planes; the first relays of So­ Commander of the Ukrainian Insurg­ come a factor of first-class magnitude. viet jet planes landed here recently. ent Army (U.P.A.), Gen. Taras Chu- It is not illusory: Siberia lias never In Somlohegy Soviet anti-aircraft -^sryuka, saw the situation and project- been ail organic part of Russia and the troops are stationed, to protect the 1 the development, arguing: (1) the Siberyaks have always belonged to a triangle of Veszprem, the centre of desire to get rid of Russian domination world different from the Russian. This Hungary’s heavy chemical industry, is not smaller now in Siberia than it fact may some day prove to be of de­ from "attacks by Western capitalist was in 1917—1920; on the contrary, it cisive importance for the future of aggressors“. has increased by the influx of many mankind. Consider well the effects of In Komarom there are Soviet motor­ non-Russian populations into Siberia. a sort of American Revolution in Siber­ ized artillery units, estimated at about (2) The masses of political prisoners ia! Today’s huge prison covering mil­ 4'—5,000 men. There is also a munition should be stimulated and exploited in lions of sq. miles would be a free dump in the town. promoting of these developments; (3) country rich in natural resources, in the The garrisons of Szombathely, Sop- Siberia as a sovereign state with the bold and enterprising activity of its ron, K6intend and Koszeg are moving heavy industry of Magnitogorsk, Kuz­ freedom-loving people, in the energy in the direction of. Szombathely — netsk, Stalinsk, Komsomolsk and Ma­ and promise of new developments! Czelldomiilk — Papa, in accordance gadan, with the oil of Sakhalin and We are curious to know whether the with manoeuvres usually held at this Klilyma, with the belt of black earth in power of the foremost nation of the time. the south and the gold mines in Yaku­ western hemisphere — of the United 2,500 men hav been called to the man­ tia would be a completely self-suffi­ States of Ameria — is able to cope with oeuvres from Kormend, leaving a gar­ cient area, its . riches and communica­ this gigantic project? This may well rison of 250 men. A Russian military tions would be made available for the prove the salvation of Western civil­ broadcasting station remains in the entire world; (4) the deprivation of the ization in case of a world-wide war. town, also a unit equipped with “Sta­ Russian empire of Siberia would mean But for the Siberyaks, the United Sta­ lin organs“ ; the Soviet general Tsehi- a blessing for humanity, as Russia’s tes of Siberia is only a symbol of the bere is the commanding officer during pressure on the Pacific and Eastern struggle on the huge stage of the -Silur­ the manoeuvres. Asia would once and for all be re­ ian wastes at the present time: in There is a large garrison in Szekes- moved. camps and in mines, in factories and fehervar and additional quarters have By the realization of this gigantic in forests, on the kolkhoz fields and in been requisitioned. project our Siberia would cease to be the cities, everywhere. Continued on Page 112 Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10

are characterized by deep patriotism, national feeling, nobility and heroism.“ From behind the Iron Curtain It was a grave political error on the part of the leaders of the Academy of Learning and the Institute for Liter­ ature in Aserbaijan to publish this the Communist party in Armenia, re­ book. ALBANIA marked that there are certain deficien­ One of the chief tasks of our leading cies in contemporary Armenian liter­ critics and men of letters is to fight ature due to its enthusiasm for the indefatigably against bourgeois and FEVERISH RUSSIFICATION historical past and its frank, unscienti­ national distortions in the study of fic idealization of the same. Life in an­ Now that political and military tens­ our cultural heritage, and to reveal in cient Armenia, he said, is unfortuna­ the history of literature and folk-lore ion is reaching a climax in the Balkans, tely described without any reference all hostile ideas as set forth in Stalin’s Albania’s importance for the Soviet to class dissensions, and Armenian great works on philology.“ Union lias greatly increased. The Com­ rulers are described:as progressive and munist government is strengthening national heroes, while the reactionary pressure and measures of russification part played by church and priests is DISCOVERY OF SHORTCOMINGS in the hope of overcoming the oppo­ not mentioned. This idealisation of the sition of the inhabitants, which has been past greatly impedes Communist educa­ The plenum of the central committee expressed in recent years in a series of tion of the working classes. of the Communist party in Aserbaijan acts of terrorism. The Pravda cor­ discovered at its August meeting in respondent in Tirana published a com­ Baku “considerable shortcomings in prehensive report of these measures party work“. on 6. 8. 1951, which runs: AS ER BAU AN The editorial staff of the two papers, “The experiences of Soviet Russia “Communist“ and “Bakinsky Rabochy" was sharply criticized. The papers are being studied and introduced in all AGAIN OF DANGEROUS BOOK provinces of economy and culture seldom publish articles of propaganda in the People’s Republic of Albania. In Aserbaijan as elsewhere, the So­ nor do they generalize the experiences This year the Society for Albanian- viets are much concerned with the gained by propaganda work.“ Soviet Friendship has arranged dozens spread of nationalism; it is increasing “To generalize experiences" of conferences for workmen, peasants among intellectuals as a result of russi­ expression in the language of Moscv.' and members of intellectual profes­ fication. meaning to apply Russian working sions; they were addressed by the best methods to non-Russian countries, In the “Literaturnaya Gazeta“ for These methods are not welcomed either workmen who apply the experience 7. 7. 1951 there is an interesting analys­ gained by Soviet Stachanovists. A mass by freedom-loving members of non- is of the extent of this “dangerous“ Russian peoples in the Soviet Union conference was held lately in Tirana, and “deleterious“ movement which has organized by the same Society. The or by many Communists in party or­ infected even the cultural and political ganizations who have hitherto colla­ director of “Enver Hodsha“, a 'metal­ apparatus of the republic. lurgical concern, gave a lecture on borated with the Russians. technical Standards in industry in the "There are proofs in Aserbaijan liter­ Soviet Union. Working people in Al­ ature that many old works containing- bania show great interest in the study anti-Marxist views are being uncritic­ BYELORUSSIA and adoption of Soviet experiences, ally idealised for their bourgeois atti­ that help them to build up a new life.“ tudes.“ - One of the most glaring examples INADEQUATE BOLSHEVIST of this tendency is Kiitaba’s “Dede VIGILANCE Korbut“, an injurious book which was ARMENIA forced on the Aserbaijan people by In recent times the Soviet press has scholars for a long time. been devoting increasing attention to the activity of Byelorussian institutions At the eighteenth congress of Aser- COMMUNISTS DISCONTENT WITH and Soviet organisation in the Byelo­ baijan’s Communist party, Comrade russian Soviet Republic. Many short­ LITERATURE M. Bagirow, the secretary-general, comings in party organisations and said: “Certain leading critics and writ­ Communist propaganda have been dis­ ers do not display the necessary politi­ The plenum of the Central Commit­ covered and severely criticized. tee of the Communist of Armenian cal vigilance and responsibility . . . and The “Pravda“, in its number of Jv^\ have propagated this injurious book. party discussed the further develop­ 7, 1951, reports that the general mec ment of Soviet Armenian literature. “Dede Korbut““ is not a national epic. ing of the Communist party in the Comrade O. Mamykonian, president of The whole book is a eulogy of the Ogus Voroshilov ward of the town of Minsk the section for art and literature in the and nomad tribes, then the reigning attacked the program of the Byelorus­ communist organisation in Armenia, class, who came to Aserbaijan as plun­ sian Academy of Learning. It was al­ enumerated in his speech all regula­ derers and murderers. The book is leged that the political training of the tions issued by the central committee thoroughly steeped in the poison of na­ tionalism. Nevertheless, some leading scientific members of the Academy was for the successful development of Ar­ most unsatfactory, that of young peo­ men of letters have endeavoured to menian literature after the war. ple backward and neglected. Work But in this republic as elsewhere, establish “Dede Korbut“' as a national epic. IT. Arasly, for instance, wrote in within party organisations was said to tendencies have appeared which the be on a very low level; the party office an article that was published in 1958: powers in Moscow consider dangerous. did not prepare or carry out meetings. “Literaturnaya Gazetta“ No. 76, dated “The epic of “Dede Korbut“ is an There was little or no criticism and 28. 6. 51, describes the dangers of mo­ ancient monument of the folklore of self-criticism among active Commun­ dern Armenian literature for the ideas Aserbaijan. It is rich in content, and ists and too little was being done to held by tbe people, says; has great artistic qualities which place . train young adherents. “Thanks to suggestions and support it alongside the most important epics But these shortcomings are not mere­ from the party organisation in the in the literature of the world. In the ly local. In a report of 18. July 1951, Republic, writers in Armenia have simple language of the people it des-, dealing with a general meeting of the taken up cudgels succesfully against cribes life in the tenth and eleventh - Central Committee of the Communist reactionary bourgeois nationalism, centuries; it reflects the heroism, the party in Byelorussia, the "Pravda“ manifestations of formalism, against thoughts and nature of the people.“' « states that organizations of the party paucity of ideas, cosmopolitanism ancl The same errors were repeated ami V exercise little vigilance towards the lack of interest in politics.“ developed by Professor M. Rafily. He, i| [fate of the harvest, they neither take But Comrade Z. Hyphorian, who is for instance, wrote: “The heroes of this,|| •'proper care of the seed, nor do they Secretary of the Central Committee of ancient national epic of Aserbaijan^ (attend to the gathering-in of the liar- Number 10 ABN- CORRESPONDENCE Page 9 vest. This was said to lie true of the Tito’s foreign policy lias be entirely ed on 6. 7. 195) a sharp criticism of the areas of VVitebsk. Mohilev, Gorodon negative. It has not launched a single “Rachwa Cliajal" (Voice of the People), and Minsk. measure dictated by the desire for a an Estonian newspaper, accusing it of It is, above all, significant that Com­ just settlement of internal strife or a systematically neglecting its main func­ munist leaders are also dissatisfied regulation of foreign affairs. This need tion. that is, of indifference towards with 1he activity of the Komsomol and not astonish us when we remember problems of Marxism and Leninism criticize it severely. The “Pravda“ that the continued existence of Tito’s and towards the political education of states that at the same meeting of the regime and the fiction of the Yugoslav­ the masses. It also criticises the pro­ Central Committee of the Communist ian state depends on party dictatorship. vincial paper for not taking note of party, serious faults were revealed in * new publications of Soviet Estonian connection with the education of youth literature and of ignoring the literature and the leadership of young Commun­ BARREN POLEMICS of “brotherly“ Soviet nations: the ist organisations. A Soviet Russian delegation under “Rachwa Chajal“, it is alleged, does These examples prove that the party Molotov and Marshall Schukov took not keep its readers sufficiently in­ apparatus 1ms not succeeded in making part in the celebrations arranged for formed about cultural events in the Byelorussian people abandon their the anniversary of the “liberation of brotherly republics, or with the best passivity towards Communist methods Poland". In the speech he held on 21.7. works of Soviet literature which pro­ of education and in influencing them Molotov attacked Yugoslavia sharply: pagate mutual friedship among those as desired. “Everyone can see what a fate has republics and Soviet patriotism. The * overtaken Yugoslavia, now in the paper is reproached with having pub­ ‘ READERS ARE ASTONISHED . . hands of spies and provocateurs who lished no reviews of books which were have sold the Yugoslavian people to awarded the Stalin prize in 1950. The “Pravda“ of 9. 8. contains a American and English imperialists. But one of the paper’s most heinous severe criticism of the “Svyasda“, a Everyone realizes that the Tito-Kardel- offences in the eyes of the “Pravda“ is paper in Byelorussia. Rankovic-regime has introduced capi­ that the point of view taken in com­ "We regret to announce that this talism into Yugoslavia once more, thus menting on events in the western world paper has in recent times provoked making the. country a willing tool in is not Communist — tilings, for ex­ serious disapproval from its readers. the hands of imperialist aggressors. ample like the lower standard of living Readers of the paper are astonished The Yugoslavian people destests this among working people in Scandinavian that its editors should obstinately avoid criminal regime which illegally' seized countries, their feverish race for arma­ ling with »ideological problems. Its power and maintains it by force and ments with the support of the U.S.A.; editorial staff is quite indifferent to fascist methods. This state of affairs also the struggle of progressive circles these, particularly to the most import­ cannot last. The Yugoslavian nations in Finland for peace and their rights of ant of them, viz., thet heories of Marx­ will find the way to freedom and living have not hitherto been mention­ ism and Leninism. The editors avoid destroy Tito’s bloody regime. That is ed at all. dealing with questions like the tend­ why we must be obdurate towards the This is not an isolated report. But it encies of Byelorussian literature and enemies of the world proletariat, and proves that the Politbureau in Moscow the production of individual writers. why freedom-loving nations must re­ is not satisfied with the rate of sovieti­ At a recent party conference of the main faithful to Lenin’s teaching.“ zation in recently affiliated non-Rus­ Society of Byelorussian writers, a dis­ On 24. 7. the broadcasting station in sian republics and that its speeding-up cussion was held about an article in Belgrade replied to this speech by an­ is meeting with resistance. the “Pravda“ entitled, “Against ideo­ nouncing that the Yugoslavian people logical distortions in literature.“ In had found its own way and that Sta­ commenting on this conference, the lin’s way of freedom was not neces­ editors of the papers in question did sary. “Our people has not the desire HUNGARY not dare to mention the name of M. to exchange its freedom for Soviet Tank who was censured for having Russian occupation.“ translated into Byelorussian the dan­ Molotow’s hint that “this state of VIOLENT MEASURES BY THE gerous poem “Love Ukraine“, written affairs cannot last long“ fully deserves SOVIETS by V. Sossyura. the careful attention it received in the According to a communication from These serious shortcomings on the Western press. It suggest that Yugo­ “Slobodna Voyvodina“, the organ of part of the “Svyasda“ can be explained slavia would become a new centre of the people's front of the Voyvodina, a only by assuming the absence of the danger if Soviet Russian military and state of siege was declared for the proper creative spirit, an uncritical political activity should be transferred town of Cegled, and 18 persons were attitude to work and a lack of ideas from. South-East Asia to Europe. arrested, after several acts of sabotage ijjtlie editors.“ This recent exchange of polemics had taken place and the telephone between Belgrade and Moscow need to cable of the Russian garrison in the give cause for alarm. Molotow’s state­ town cut through. Soviet troops were CROATIA ment that “the peoples of Yugoslavia not content with these measures, broke hate this criminal regime“, and that it into the people’s houses, raped women “seized power illegally and holds it and girls and handed them over to the with the aid of terrorism“ is just as Commander of the garrison as “spies“. NO TITO TROOPS FOR THE U.N. true as Belgrade’s reply that Yugo­ When the United Nations passed a slavs have no desire to exchange their resolution that all member states should present position for Soviet occupation. provide troops to defend the organisa­ The truth is that the present state of LATVIA tion, many agreed. Tito, however, re­ affairs is not a state of freedom, as fused. alleging that pressure on the Belgrade mistakenly believes. The Yugoslavian frontiers from communist nations in Yugoslavia have no leanings LATVIA UNDER SOVIET’S states had never been stronger than towards either Belgrade or Moscow. COLONIAL STATUTE now. They wish to secure their democratic True as this statement is, there is an­ freedom by self-determination. More and more products of Latvian other motive behind Tito’s refusal: a industry are being transported to Rus­ Communist state, be it Stalin’s or sia — electro-motors, transportable Tito’s, cannot risk putting part of its power stations, telephone equipment, army under non-Communist leader­ ESTONIA machinery, linoleum and other com­ ship. The reactions to such an object mercial goods are being taken away lesson in democracy might be very for use in Russia. In exchange, Stakha­ DISSATISFACTION WITH THE nov workmen from Leningrad are dangerous for the stability of the gov­ PRESS ernment at home. Up till now, Tito’s teaching Soviet methods of working to “support“ of the West has consisted in The sovietization of the non-Russian Riga labourers. saving his own skin and maintaining republics in the U.S.S.R. is meeting At the present, the Riga Opera House his dictatorial regime. Except for this, with difficulties. The “Pravda“ publish­ is producing the old Russian opera, Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10

“Life for tlie Tsar". It was composed Nine higher officers were accused in order to strengthen the Russian in Warsaw of having prepared an SLOVAKIA people’s devotion to their Tsar and to “armed coup“ ; their names are General teach them to sacrifice their lives for Stanislav Tabor-Tatar, General Fran- the Tsar, if need be, as is done by Ivan zishek Herman, General Yerzy Kirch- NEW SENTENCES OF DEATH Ssussanin, the hero. To conceal the mayer and General Stefan Mossor, reactionary tendency of the opera, it Col. Marian Utnik, Col. Stanislav Oil 2(0. 6. 1951 a new anti-Red group has been re-named “Ivan Ssussanin“ . Nowizki, and Col. Marian Jurezki, of Slovaks was tried by the State Court But the contents have not been altered. Major Vladyslav Roman and Lt. Szcze- of Justice. They were accused of spying The opera is abused today to inspire pan Vazek. They are accused of having for the Western Powers and of under­ the Latvian people with feelings of entered the service of the Warsaw gov­ mining the authority of the State in devotion to the Red Tsar. ernment in 1945 after they had been Czecho-Slovakia. The following were Documents have been discovered in in contact with British arid American condemned to death: Jan Dlliy, for­ the Latvian State Archives which government agencies. General Tabor- merly a secretary in the French Con­ “reveal the activity of Anglo-American Tatar and Col. Utnik, who were sent sulate in Bratislava and Vlad. Valesky. imperialists in the years 1918'—1919“. on a mission to London by the Warsav General Bodichy, fomerly chief of Po­ The “ Pravda" of 6. 7. comments hereon government after the end of the war, lice in the Slovakian Republic, was as follows: “These documents show are alleged to have brought to Warsav condemned to 25 years’ hard labour. that the prime movers in the plan to instructions for the continuation of The Underground Movement in Slov­ make an anti-Soviet block out of the their revolutionary activity in their akia continues to spread; it is gaining Baltic States were Anglo-American own and the Soviet Army in 1949 after influence above all in peasant circles. imperialists. General Berts, at that being on leave. Plans for the coup are The convict camps in Yasov, Sasun. time the head of the British Military said to have lain in the hands of Ge­ Sv. Benedikt, Poclolinez, Sv. Anton, Mission in the Baltic, organized this neral Tabor-Tatar and General Kirch- Kostolno, Hlohevee, Mocenolc, Novakv block, which existed till 1940 when mayer. They are accused of having and the one newly established in Latvia’s working people, with the help planned to put “agents“ in party of­ Eastern Slovakia are overcrowded. of the entire Soviet people overthrew fices, to encourage desertion and acts According to the latest information, the hated regime of the Ulmanis clique of sabotage against party functionaries, about 500,'OCO Slovaks . are thus de­ and re-established Soviet power in to re-admit in the army officers known tained. In addition. 20,000 Slovaks have Latvia.“ to be hostile to the regime and put been deported to U.S.S.R. and about Anti-Anglo-American agitation in the them in key positions, to isolate Polish 300,000 compelled to settle in Sudett Soviet Union, which is particularly troops from their Soviet units and to land. active in non-Russian republics in the give information constantly to the At the moment measures arc being Union, and which draws much support Anglo-American Intelligence Service. taken to transfer Slovak peasants to from the alleged attempts of the Brit­ Their aim and commission was to industrial areas in Bohemia. ish 'and the Americans to colonize establish a regime which, like that in these areas, began, significantly enough, Yugoslavia, was to be under the con­ THE CATECHISM LIQUIDATED with the Preliminary Conference in trol of the Anglo-American imperialists. Paris, It .should help to prove that “the After a trial that lasted for 10 days, The catechism and all other religious readiness to come to an understanding“ the generals were summarily con­ writings have been removed from which the Soviets have displayed since demned to imprisonment for life, the schools, libraries and bookshops. last January is really intended to colonels to 15 yhars, the major to 12 Sermons arc the same for all churches, divert attention from their actual aims years and the' lieutenant to 10 years the text being prescribed by the Com­ with the help of diplomatic manoeuv­ imprisonment. munists. res, and to gain time for prewarating The Communist government of War­ The pastoral letter which is issued for them. saw evidently hopes to break resist­ by the Communists discusses war, or ance in the country by sudi terrorist peace, and Western war-mongers. methods and by abusing the forms of Every parish priest must always apply LITHUANIA justice. for permission to held a procession a * fortnight beforehand, giving the num­ FLIGHT TO SWEDEN ber of people expected to attend. INCREASING INDUSTRIALIZATION The inhabitants of the community of According to a report from Stock­ Koliva, Livicc district and many people The Soviet press is now drawing holm, a Swedish sihp towe a Polish in the neighbourhood attended church conclusions from the fact that practi­ mine-sweeper into Ystatl harbour on on the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. cally all the peasants in Lithuania are August 2, after mutiny had broken Paul and were forced by members pi organized in an agricultural cartel. out on the mine-sweeper. Twelve Pol­ the S.N.B. (Red Police) to leave c h u b ! There are 120 Machinery and Tractors ish sailors had shut up the officers and work in tlie fields. A working bri­ Stations (M.T.S.). below deck. Tlie mutineers said they gade must attend to potatoes and beet The transformation of an agricultural were political refugees and sought crops every Sunday. country into an industrial one is pro­ asylum. They were placed under the gressing, industry, for instance, con­ protection of tlie Swedish police, and stitutes 55% of the entire economy of the Polish boat went back to Poland AGRICULTURE THREATENED Lithuania. with the rest of the crew. Smallholders, called the wealthy The last fact means, when translated On August 4, 4 Polish refugees, in­ people in the village, are ordered to from the language of the Soviets, that cluding one women, landed on an aero­ -deliver more than double the quantity Lithuania’s economic resources. are drome near Malmo. They, too, had they actually produce. If they fail to already being largely utilized for been forced to select an exceptional reach the target, they are accused of armaments to defend Russian imperi­ method of flight; they had seized an sabotage, their property is sequestered alism. ancient plane that had been left oil a and their holding converted into a Polish farm. The engine was in such a kolkhose. But if they wish to avoid being- state that it seemed impossible for 4 swamped in a kolkhose and deliver the POLAND people to fly to Sweden with it. The required quantity of produce, that does 4 refugees delivered up their arms and not save them. The commission that put themselves under the protection of takes over the produce, finds all sorts PURGE IN THE ARMY the Swedish police. of deficiencies, such as flies and beetles During, and immediately after the in grain; the farmers are accused of A new Soviet Russian “show“ trial war, Sweden has opened its doors to having spoiled their produce deliber­ marks a climax in the program to about 10,000 Polish refugees. Acts of ately in order to damage the Commun­ eleminate from the Polish army all desperation, such as the two just des­ ist regime. The holding becomes a whose past might lead to suspicions cribed, are characteristic of tlie politi­ kolkhose, the peasant is put into some of loyalty towards Moscow, and who cal atmosphere of Poland today under factory or employed as an ordinary might therefore take part in resistance. the dictatorship of Communism. agricultural labourer. Number 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11

occupied Ili, Chuchek and Altai, which 60% from the Kolkhoz “Stalin“ and TURKESTAN contain the rich mineral fields of only 50% from the Kolkhoz “Qahra- Eastern Turkestan containing gold, pe­ man“ took part in kolkhoz work and troleum. wolfram, uranium etc. The the cotton harvest. REGULAR RUSSIAN FORCES IN Russians then disguised themselves as The newspaper further states that in EASTERN TURKESTAN pro-Chinese helping them against the the Kolkhoz “Gorki" (which heretofore rebels, but at the same time working enjoyed a very good reputation) there Immediately after the Chinese Com­ as mediators between them and the is also absenteeism i. e. out of 36 able- munists occupied Eastern Turkestan as Chinese Government; they insisted on bodied men only 20' turned up at work. a result of the coup d’etat in Septem­ the Chinese recognising these three The same things can be said of the ber 1949. Russian regular troops num­ provinces as a separate autonomy. In Asonglu brigade. Out of 35 ablebodied bering 23.000, including the 9th, 7th, a treaty of 11 clauses signed by both men only 18 go to work. The daily net 11th motorised divisions and 40th parties as a result of their mediation, production of each individual peasant Army unit, were stationed in three it was stated that the Ili army should is only 36 lbs. of cotton. The daily Provinces of Hi, Chuchek (Tacheng), be recognised as a Chinese army. The average output per person as laid Altai; some units of iltli and 40th rebels should have full right to appoint down by the Government is 140'—150 division between Urumtsi. the capital all military, civil and administrative lbs. As is apparent from the Press, not of Eastern Turkestan, and Kucha; the officers, the Chinese Government to one of the kolkhoz workers collects 7th division between Hami (Koumoul) permit the Ili autonomy to keep a more than 40' lbs. per day. and Shing-Shingsha and Kansuh. Fur­ division of 12.000 men. In this way the According to the Press, the same state thermore, the Russians then forced Ili National army came into existence. Chinese communists to recognise as a of affairs exists in the regions of Tad- Chinese State Army all the troops who * zikistan, Stalinabad, Hojand (Lenina­ were stationed at Ili and were under SHER MUHAMMED BEK bad), Kulab and almost all districts of the command of Russian military offi­ Uzbekistan, in all regions of Kirgizia, cers. who insisted that the Chinese News has reached us, that the former e. g. Osh, Jalalabad and Frunze, in should give them authority to increase Commander-in-Chief of the Turkestan- many districts of Kasakhstan and Turk­ the army and raise it to be a corps. ian national forces, Slier Muhammed menistan. Bek, has gone to Pakistan. There are After having obtained this authority, gjhey recruited more Russians and call- few Turkestanians who do not know1 1 these units “5th Army“ . A Russian Slier Muhammed Bek. His name is of UKRAINE officer named Laskin was appointed great importance to our national armed Commander of a division and this was resistance and we Turkestanians are confirmed by the Chinese Communist proud of him. To us he is a hero and Ossyp Dyakiv (O. Hornovy) authorities. As this army is familiar to the Russians he is a terrible bogey. with the geographical situation in Especially during the years 1918—23, The Ukrainian Liberation Movement Eastern Turkestan (so the Russians these decisive years of our national has suffered a serve blow which can fight for freedom, they learned to know said), it had to fight against the Bas- only be announced now. Ossyp Dy­ machis of Usman Batur and Yolbars. what a dangerous enemy he is. Until akiv (O. Hornovy) was killed in a now, they consequently, have called By this manoeuvre the army was taken fight with Soviet M.G.B. troops in No­ him “the leader of bandits“, but they out of the three provinces and station­ vember 1950 at a place in Ukraine. He forget, that they themselves at that ed at strategical important points in was an office-bearer in the Organiza­ time begged him to negotiate with tion of Ukrainian Nationalists (O.U.N.) the South of Eastern Turkestan, accord­ them. They even seem to have forgot­ ing to reliable information. At the same an underground movement in the ten, that the so-called President of the time Communist China was urged to home-country. He was an eminent pub­ Turkestanian Soviet Republic Nizam licist and a supporter of the modern reduce the size of the Chinese army in Khodja asked Slier Muhammed Bek to Eastern Turkestan. democratic views of Ukrainian natio­ work with the Soviets. Nizam Khodja nalism. Above all, he was concerned The Chinese army here which has on this occasion said: “I have been with the problem of the friendly co­ been financed by the Russians was or­ nominated as a leader of the Govern­ operation of the nations of Eastern dered to obey Russian commanders in­ ment and you also now must work with Europe and Soviet Asia as independent stead of General Wang Chen, Comman­ us.“ Sher Muhammed Bek answered; states, after the collapse of the Russian der-in-Chief of the Chinese army in “Do you as the leader of the Govern­ empire. He was surprised at his work Eastern Turkestan. This state of affairs ment also control the Russian military in a fortified, underground bunker by annoys the most sincere Communist, staff in Tashkent? If so, give orders to M.G.B. troops, and as he was not only General Wang Chen, when he sees him- the Russian troops to leave our country a man of theory, but a fighter, he im­ gjelf a puppet commander without a at once. When this is done, I will be at mediately seized a hand grenade, and unmand and real authority. your disposal.“ Sher Muhammed was was killed at the early age of 31. The enquiry mission about minori­ not a “bandit“ but a Turkestanian sol­ ties, who arrived from Pelting in Sep­ dier, who fought against Russian op­ tember 1950, were surprised at seeing pressors. He was chosen Commander- “PROSPEROUS UKRAINE“ a special unit with a special slogan and in-Chief by his countrymen. For 28 catch words, which were neither Rus­ years he lived as an emigrant but he Soviet documentary film in technic-o- sian nor Asian “Chinese“. When the has never forgotten his home-country lour, which was shown in Italy and Chief of the Mission asked him “who nor have Turkestanians forgotten him. France in 1950, and in the United States are these?“ General Wang Chen re­ early in 1951, was shown in Moscow in plied: "they are the 5th division of Ili • it July 1951, but only to an invited au­ National Army“ . Let me throw some INCREASED ABSENTEEISM FROM dience. In Ukraine itself, the film has light on the facts of Ili National Army: WORK ON KOLKHOZ’ not yet been shown. It is so blatantly the Russians began to set up plans to full of distortions and lies, that it occupy Eastern Turkestan when the Almost every edition of Soviet news­ would only provoke scornful laughter Chinese Nationalist. Government who papers gives account of absenteeism in in a Ukrainian cinema. It is arrant for 30' years (1953—43) had been unable the collective farms in various districts. nonsense, not a documentary on a pros­ to establish a firm rule here, establish­ Non-participation at the cotton harvest perous Ukraine. ed it by concentrating more troops. To has assumed enormous proportions. this the Russians answered by entering One of these newspapers in its edi­ THE STAKHANOW MOVEMENT into a treaty with Ali Khan, a promin­ tion of September 1950, stated that in ent scholar of Ili, and promised that if the region of Voroshilovabad in Tad­ Does not appear to have struck deep he could lead the people and launch a jikistan only 63%> of the peasants, who roots in Ukraine, as is abvious from the revolution against Chinese rule, they had. been detailed to take part in the report of a debate on the workmen’s would help and recognise his indepen­ cotton harvest, came to work. In this cadre at a meeting in June 1951 of the dence. The rebel Ali Khan with his district only 40'Vo of the members Supreme Council of Soviet Ukraine. followers, after defeating the Chinese, (peasants) from the Kolkhoz “Pravda“, Provincial agencies were sharply cri- Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 10 ticized for having “criminally neglect­ Moscow’s fight Hungary, Moscow’s Military Spring-Board ed the Stakhanow Movement“, Some Continued from Page 7 telling statistics were quoted, whidi is against”BourgeoisNationalism” an unusual procedure in the U.S.S.R. Continued from Page 1 A big dump of ammunition and gas These stated, for instance, that in the tanks has been laid alongside the line Poltawa district there were 27,000'Stak- “Bourgeois nationalism“ is merely the Veszerem-Circz, but so well camouflag­ hanowists, i. e. "scarely 2.8% of the Communist party’s synonym for na­ ed that it cannot be seen from the rail­ working population, in Kharkiw,. 87,000 tional patriotism in the countries con­ way. (3.6%), in Kyiv 413,000' (3.1%), in Odessa cerned, and is expressed in the in­ In Pecs, Siklos, Harkamyfiirdo, Vajsz- 30,009 (2.9%). As elsewhere, these creasing efforts of those countries for lo and Suniony schools and private “ champions“ are most unpopular with independence. It is Moscow’s fight for houses have been requisitioned for the population. The Supreme Council the preservation of the Russian Empire. troops; the Russian general Samsonov complains particularly of the absence It is not a fight between classes or has his headquarters as divisional com­ of young workers iu the Stakhanow parties, but between nations. mander in Pecs. Movement, alleging that they are pre­ In Haymasker experiments are being vented from joining by “illegal pres­ It is interesting to note what classes of society are attacked by the purge. carried out with steering armored cars sure“ and “lack of understanding". Such by radar, new kinds of mines and pro­ frank criticism points to sharp personal In Poland and Bulgaria, the victims are officers; in Hungary, officers, the jectiles. Military life is stirring, troops attacks and purges in this direction in and material are being collected and the near future. remaining nobility, wealthy peasants and the Catholic clergy; in Ukraine, garrisons re-organized. All Russian un­ writers and artists; in Rumania, offi­ its have double the arms, munition and DELIVERIES OF GRAIN cers and well-to-do peasants. Every­ equipment that their strength warrants where it is the middle classes, the in­ (s. "Hung. Research and Inf. Center Seem to be as unsatisfactory in 1951 Weekly Digest of News from Hunga­ as they had been in former years. This tellectuals, the clergy, the intellectu­ ally progressive that constitute the ry“ New York, 9. 7. 51 and “Hadak Ut- is the conclusion drawn from­ yam“, Innsbruck, No. 7, July, 1951). paganda offensive that has been backbone of every modern, indepen­ dent, national state. The resistance of the Hungarian peoc launched this year in connection with pie against the dictatorship forced deliveries. The services of press, radio, The purge has been particularly upon them continues to .increase, but and film have been requisitioned, and severe in Ukraine. The criticism of open resistance is rendered impossib1^ there has been a flood of meetings and “nationalist deviations in literature“ by the Hungarian political police (A. forced resolutions. The entire Soviet that followed the “decade of Ukrain­ H.). Secret sabotage, all the more gall­ propaganda apparatus in Ukraine is ian culture“ in Moscow was only a pro­ ing to the Communists, is admitted to working under the motto: “Deliveries logue to the severe purge that was exist. Even the Communist press in are the citizen’s first duty“ . “Old sins“ carried out, especially in Western Hungary is obliged to censure severely or. to put it more accurately, the old Ukraine. It is also significant that the in articled entitled "Self-criticism“ the resistance in Ukrainian country to Mos­ masses of the people are affected even Hungarian workman’s indifference and cow’s policy of exploitation, conies to more than the. leaders of society, or unsatisfactory morale. In a plant manu­ light in this connection. It was em­ people of outstanding reputation. A c­ facturing building cement U11'2 work­ phasized that “last year’s shortcomings cording to news which this paper has men stayed away front work in one from underground sources, thousands must not be repeated this year“ . It now month without excuse; in the same became known that in 1950, the follow­ of intellectuals have been liquidated — officials, engineers, teachers, techni­ month there were 538 absentee min­ ing districts were behind with their de­ ers in SzuhavoSgy. Communists con­ cians, young officers, artists, economists, liveries: It districts in the Volhynia sider that miners are particularly un­ etc. The Ukrainian people has once area: 7 districts in the Dniepropetrowsk reliable, and the Budapest district more, so to speak, got its “brain re­ area; 9 in the Lviv area; 15 in the Wo- court had to make an example of one moved by operation“, lest it should rosliylograd area. It is significant that who was condemned to 11 months’ im­ in autumn 195® the Soviet press an­ “get wrong ideas“ in the event of another World War. In the Second prisonment because of deliberate ab­ nounced that the targets for these di­ senteeism. In the Danube-Construction stricts had been fulfilled. Also in the World War, Ukraine proved to be most unreliable, although the country had Concern, 35,180 working hours were current year Soviet “reports of success“ lost as a result of absenteeism and in must be taken with a grain of salt. no great sympathy with Hitler and the Nazis. The situation might become May 1,352 workmen absented themsel­ more dangerous if Moscow were to ves without permission (“Weekly Hig­ “MORE IRON!“ come to grips with the democracies of hest of News from Hungary“, New York. the West, as Ukrainians are partic­ 9. 7. 1951). Is the latest slogan of Soviet authori­ Such self-criticism in the Hungarian-, ties in Ukraine. It was introduced when ularly susceptible to democratic ideas of freedom. press is cautiously expressed; neve the “Josef Stalin“ metal concern in theless it does reflect the atmosphere Magnitogorsk challenged recently all The purge has had one interesting of tension in the country. metal industrial plants in Ukraine to a result — the entire Ukraine and the In the village of Palosszentku two “socialist competition“. Strict orders other countries affected regard this policemen must guard the grain from have been issued that the iron and steel measure as a certain sign that war is attempts at sabotage by “wicked ku­ plan for 1951 of the Ukrainian indus­ not far off. All are convinced that this laks“ . . . In the State Food Cooperative tries concerned, be fulfilled well before is a definite measure of mobilization, Stores in Budapest, the greatest confu­ the date appointed; production is to be though in the negative sense. Ukraine sion attends the allocation of food­ increased, the costs reduced, the qua­ expects war, and through war, its final stuffs . . . Too few activists and no ap­ lity ' considerably improved. As if liberation and independence as a State. plications for party membership . . . charmed by "love for Stalin“ and “en­ More non-members than members of thusiasm for work“, the following in­ the party are employed in the Hungar­ dustrial concerns in Ukraine announc­ metal as possible, thus making it stron­ ian Rubber Factory . . . (all from “Yila- ed that they will take part in the com­ ger and mighter; all powers must be gossag“, Budapest, No. 167 of 19. 7. 54). petition: “Leninruda“ . In the iron-pro­ pressed into the service of this great, “Villagossag“ is the official organ of ducing district of Kryvy Rih “Dnie- patriotic task.“ — the Communist party of' Soviet Hun­ prosstal", “Ferroaloy“, “Zaporishbud“, Consequently, during recent months gary. in Zaparoshe, “Azovstal“. the turbo-, pressure on metal industries, in combination “Shdanow“ and a whole Ukraine has been enormously increas­ series of plants in the Donetz basin. ed, and brutal methods employed. The ABN-Correspondence Every day other plants announce working-classes in Ukraine can explain P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, their intention to take part. The lead­ this pressure only as preparation for Germany/Bavaria ing organ of metallurgy in Ukraine war. It means, they say, that a great reports as follows: “It is the duty of war is intended. Ukrainians hope that Published by the Press Bureau of the Anti- every one who is engaged in the metal this will be the last war Russian im­ Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) industry to give our fatherland as much perialists will be in a position to wage. Responsible: K. W. Orlecky Vol. II. No. 11 • November 1951 * Published in English, French and German * Price: 6d; 10 c

’’Intolerance Incorporated!”

By John F. Stewart, Chairman, Scottish League fo r European Freedom

In the New Leader of September legal firms in Scottland; myself. I exist between different peoples; they 10th, there is an article with the above cannot help being 80 years old, but I provide good pulpits. Except commun­ heading (without the exclamation have not yet readied the stage of the ists and their fellow-travellers it is safe mark, which is mine). The writer, Fred Bath chair and the armchair by the to say that every decent person in the Forrest, is described as a former U'.S. fireside. There is little change in the world loves and is loyal to his own intelligence agent and veteran student last forty years, and I am still the ac­ land first of all — that is nationalism, of Soviet affairs. I think I may, wi­ tive director of the Scottish League and and it will be a sad thing for the world th o u t undue egotism, claim to be an do a long day’s work for it seven days if it is ever eradicated. en “veteraner“ student of Soviet af- a week. And, after all, 80 years of age I have the honour of the personal iairs, and, certainly, with much better does argue, unless one is a fool, friendship of all the leaders of A.B.N., opportunities of acquiring knowledge, knowledge of the world. It may interest both outside and inside the iron cur­ not only in the Soviet Union, but in some of your readers that, among other tain, and have members of them at my all the Border States during the whole matters, I get correspondence and home when I can get them, as well as period between the two wars. printed matter from many parts of the actual fighting soldiers of the Under­ In any case, 1 cannot remember read­ world, in seven languages that I under­ ground armies (U.P.A.). These armies ing any article displaying more ig­ stand, English, French, German, Dutch, and the Underground Resistance Mov­ norance of the subject on which Mr. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, in ements could not have lived so long Forrest presumes to write and more others such as Hungarian, of which I under the merciless attacks of Russia complete distortion of historical facts. do not know a word, and in still if they had not the support of the em- If this is a sample of United Sates “in­ others such as Ukrainian and Byelo­ tire peoples. I know all the details of telligence“ it’s little wonder that the russian of which I do not know even the formation of A.B.N.; that its pa­ United States has made such a ghastly the letters. So it would appear that, ternity is “shadily Nazi“ is completely mess of everything connected with from very tiny beginnings, the without justification. Eastern and Central Europe and Rus­ League’s work has expanded and can­ sia since1 they entered the late war. not be so lightly dismissed. Every Nation’s Right to its own Way I am sorry that the New Leader, which of Life I have so long respected for a well in­ History of the League formed journal, has given currency to Tie League was only formally The aim of A.B.N. is the wholly such nonsense. However, there is ab­ established in 1944, but its work was admirable one of each separate nation undant evidence that American public continuously carried on from August having sovereign independence and opinion, in Senate and House of Re­ 1939, when one or two of us correctly freedom to live its own life within presentatives and outside, is increas­ interpreted the Molotov—Ribbentrop its own ethnic frontiers, and this in­ ingly coming to realise the correctness Pact of that time and Russia’s inten­ cludes Russia. Has the U.S.A., Great ^ci| our estimate of the policy necess- tions. Our own great national news­ Britain, or any one of the organisations y to be adopted towards Moscow, paper’s columns have been open to us mentioned above any right to force including the closest cooperation with ever since, have been freely used, and on non-Russia peoples (or any other) the non-Russian peoples of the U.S.- in no single case has one of our fore­ a Government and a way of living S.R, casts or statements ever been incor­ unalterably opposed to their" own, all rect in the slightest degree, or has been the more when it is accompanied by Personalities of the Scottish League seriously challenged. Russian-imposed slavery, torture, mas­ sacre and deportation? Surely not. May I first briefly refer to the Scot­ My own claim to some little author­ tish League for European Freedom and ity is based on the fact that, for over Resistance on Both Sides of the Iron its “eiglity-year-old Chairmann (my sixty years I have worked in many humble self“), scoffingly alluded to by parts of the world, including United Curtain your contributor. States, Canada, Newfoundland, South, West and North Africa, Spain, Portu­ The Delegates of the Resistance The Council, dealt with in the same Movements who are outside the iron gal, Soviet Russia and the Border Sta­ spirit, is composed of a prominent curtain do represent these Movements tes, and the Balkan and other Euro­ Scottish peer, bearing a great name and therefore their nations. They are pean countries. I have been on intimate and inheritor of a great tradition of certainly not self-appointed, but even terms with all classes of their peoples public service, a recognised authority if they were, it would be nothing new from Prime Ministers to dustmen, and on foreign affairs; the senior partner — many great movements in the world have lived for months at a time in the of one of the leading firms of mining for good have originated with indi­ Russian peasants’ homes as one of engineers in the world; the Professor vidual men (or women, look at Joan them, over some thousands of miles of Law at one of the great Universities; of Arc). I shall show their authority of Russia. an ex-Australian Governor; two dis­ later. So far from the Ukrainian Re­ And now to deal with Mr. Forrest. tinguished Members of Parliament, sistance Movement having been formed widely respected; a former Unionist Mi­ Is Nationalism a Crime? under the patronage of Rosenberg or nister; a (now retired) very great any German, its organised army Editor of an equally great national The Schuman Plan, Council of Eu­ (U.P.A.) was formed and fought the newspaper, with a quite unique know­ rope, United Nations, Atlantic Pact Germans, not when their power was ledge of Russian, and Eastern European and so on have shown and will con­ waning, but at its height. Like all the affairs; the head of one of the oldest tinue to show the disagreements that peoples on Russia’s western front, from Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number it

Estonia to Ukraine, when the Germans Russian Chancellor gave orders that tion camps in Germany, among the entered to attack the Russians they any Estonians who were captured latter being Stetzko and Bandera, who were welcomed as Liberators; as soon were to have their noses and ears cut were sent to the notorious Sachsen- as it was recognised that they came as off. Catherine drowned 30,000 Cos­ hausen, where they remained four conquerors all these peoples organised sacks in the Black Sea; Suvorov,, sent years and have the marks of suffering to fight them. to conquer Poland, among other atro­ yet. Scores of. thousands of men and The term “Banderites“ was coined cious deeds and massacres, destroyed boys, women and girls, were sent to the entire Praga district of Warsaw and by both Russians and Germans in the slave labour in Germany. In short, hope of dividing the country and pre­ its people, and sent the gratifying Germany was attacked at the peak of message to the Tsaritsa, Catherine II, senting a false picture to the "West. her power. “Peace reigns in Warsaw“ . Russian Bandera, who is my friend, is the “peace“ has always meant the peace Until a Constituent Assembly could deeply respected leader and organiser be convoked, a National Assembly had of the present Resistance, but the of death. A list of similar atrocities could be extended indefinitely, and been called, when Stetzko was ap­ Movement is Ukrainian, not personal. they are Russian atrocities. pointed Premier, under the Presidency The Ukrainians and the other 21 of the venerable Dr. D. Levitsky, who members of A.B.N. are anti-Russian, had been Premier in Western Ukraine as your contributor says, but quite The Germans as Conquerors in 1918. definitely not anti-Semitic. When the Germans attacked Russia Calumny refuted in 1941, the promised to liberate all “While one of A.B.N.’s major aims Opposition to Russian Imperialism the enslaved countries, and in all they were welcomed as Liberators; when is the carving of a Ukrainian State out I fully support the aims of A.B.N. in the Germans proved to be coming as of Soviet territory, Soviet Ukrainians opposing, not just communism, a name conquerors, all the countries at once play almost no part in this whole only adopted by Stalin to delude the organised Underground Resistance Movement, preferring to join more West, not Stalinism, but the centuries- Movements which continue in one democratic groups (separatists or fe­ old world enemy, Russian Imperialism, form or another to the present day; at deralist).“ There are no “groups“ ex­ and it makes no difference if this is first against Russians, then against cept the Ukrainian Nationalist, a;~“\ run by Tsar, Bolshevik, Communist, Germans and now again against Rus­ the term “separatist“ is one of tho„, Kerenskyist or any other. It is Russian sians. Taking Ukraine alone, which used to discredit it. There is no such Imperialism from which these nations seems to be the principal target for thing as “an impressive record of have suffered for centuries, and the Mr. Forrest’s animadversions, the Ger­ Stetzko’s wholesale massacre of Poles, Russian people, like all other people, mans first began to remove all stocks Russians and anti-Banderist Ukrain­ must bear the responsibility for their of food. In one of his instructions to ians. The Underground Army has rulers’ actions. They are different from the Gauleiters under him, Koch states, fought Moscow-directed Poles, Rus­ the Russians, none has ever accepted on August 25th, 1943, “If there will be sians, Czechs, Rumanians and Hungar­ Russian domination, they were brought a shortage of foods in Europe, and if ians, and no war was ever conducted into the Russian Empire by force and war conditions will require that some­ without killing on both sides. fraud, and to term them “Separatists“ one has to suffer from hunger, it will Alfred Berzins, whom Forrest at­ is only silly and ignorant. They are certainly not be the German people. tempts to blacken along with his Pre­ nations. Confronted by a choice of whether it sident, Ulmanis, was not only a Cabinet will be our countrymen in Germany Minster in free Latvia, but is one of The Formation of the A.B.N. who will have nothing to eat, or the Europe’s most brilliant economists. No A.B.N. was formed, not in 1946 but Ukrainians, we will know whom to doubt he did his best to confine rene­ in 1943 by representatives of 12 nations; kill. There is no need to give the land gade Latvian communists conspiring it now consists of representatives of to the population in Ukraine, it must against the State — had he not done the following: Albania, Armenia, Aser- be reserved for the Germans . . . “ so he would have betrayed his country. baijan, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Caucasus, When the Germans destroyed the Yeli Kajum Khan is a very able Turk- estanian leader, I know him very well, Croatia, Cossackia, Czechia, Estonia, small village of Lidice in Czechia, to Georgia, Hungary, Idel-Ural, Latvia, avenge some comparatively trifling and he has often been my guest at my home. Many brilliant men of many Lithuania, Rumania, Turkestan, Ukrai­ offence, and killed all its inhabitants, ne, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Siberia. the world rang with horror. There nationalities have been educated in The strongest of these nations is were countless German “Lidices“ in Germany, but Kajum Khan was no more a Nazi favourite than I was. ' Ukraine, with a population of 45 mil­ Ukraine and nobody cared. Here is one lions and, the richest natural resources of them. “When A.B.N. members converse of any country in the world for its On July 14, 1944, in the village of with each other they do so in German, size. In all, A.B.N. represents 180 mil­ Malyn, the people were driven by force (thanks to their wartime service).“ In lion people, bitterly hating all Russia into the local wooden church and burnt what’ other common language would stands for, and has always stood for. alive. Those who could find no room Forrest suggest they should converse!? Massacre, torture and deportation are in the church were driven into the I do not suppose one of them ever not new or peculiar to bolshevism. former village hall and into barns and heard of Esperanto! My own business Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine, burnt there too. All this was done by connection with the countries of Suvorov were Russians, not bolsheviks. Germans, assisted by Poles, and in all Northern, Eastern and Central Europe 850 were burnt alive. The shrieks of goes back over more than 50 years — Russian Terrorism in the Past the unfortunate people were heard probably before your contributor was Ivan the Terrible drowned 60,000 in­ about three miles away. After in­ born. I found that, in every single offensive men, women and children numerable incidents of this kind, does country German was the “common when he seized the peaceful little re­ Mr. Forrest still wish his readers to language“, both with business men and public of Novgorod; when Peter, in his believe that the Ukrainians were pro- all educated people. That was many march of aggression, attacked Finland, Nazi? years before Nazism was ever thought he established the seven years period of or your contributor’s “war service“ of massacre still referred to as the Ukraine’s Resistance To Germany even imagined. “Great Wrath — 1714 to 1721. At the There would be no “carving out“ same time he attacked little Estonia, It should again be emphasised that new States by any member of A.B.N.; which suffered equally during the the Ukrainians did not wait for the all of them have traditions of free self- same period, and Peter’s general, tide to turn against Germany, but began government going back many centuries. Cheremetieve, was able to tell his to organise vigorous armed resistance master that “not -a cock crowed or a immediately after their Declaration of Certainly, the whole course of Rus­ dog barked between Lake Paipus and Independence on June 30, 1.941. The sian history, at least from the time of the Baltic,“ he had devastated the Germans arrested the leaders, shot Prince Audrey Boholubsky in the whole country. During that time the many and sent the rest to concentra­ twelfth century has been one of ag- Number 11 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

gression and the annexation of smaller neighbouring States by violence or Karl Marx on Russian Imperialism fraud or both. In one period of 128 years Russia fought 97 aggressive The Ukrainian paper, “Ukrainski Visti“ (Ukrainian News) No. 78 (543) wars. qnoted an article by Karl Marx which , Eleonor Marx-Eweling Personnel of Russian High Command pnblished in the “New York Staats Zeitnng und Herold“. Although it is a As for the Russian High Command, hundred years since it was written, it has sufficient bearing on affairs today including non-Russians, it is composed to deserve further publicity. of the Politburo, the innermost circle of the inner circle of the Kremlin. The “If Russia had succeeded in getting ing. If they had dared from the beginn­ members are — Stalin. Malenkov, Bul- control of the Dardanelles, it would ing to use the bold language suited to, hanin, Molotov, Mikoyan, Voroshilov, have been the first step to world im­ their position in the world and the Beria, Kaganowich, Khrushchov, Shwer- perialism. By annexing Turkey and claims they are justified in making, nik, Andreyev, and Kosygin; later Greece, the Russians would have if they had showed that they would have been added — Ponomarenko, acquired possession of first-class ports not let themselves be bluffed, the Premier of Byelorussian S.S.R.; Popow, and excellent seamen. Constantinople despots would probably not have ad­ Secretary of the Central Committee of would have given the Tsar access to vanced to attack and would never have the Moscow Communist Party; Pos- the Mediterranean, andDurazzo would dared to treat England and France pielow, Chief Editor of Pravda; Suslow, have opened the Adriatic to him... without respect. Chief of Communist Propaganda; Conquest after conquest, annexation Shkiryatow, whose job I don’t know. “The only possibility of preserving after annexation would have followed. peace would have been for both These are 17 in all — 12 Russians The conquest of Turkey by the Rus­ (70%), 2 Georgians (Stalin and Beria countries to declare clearly and un­ sians would have , been the prologue mistakably that they were ready to the dreaded Chief of the Secret Police to the annexation of Hungary, Prussia — l'2°/o), 1 Armenian (6%), 1 Jew (6%), send their armies and their fleets to and Galicia and of the foundation of help Turkey. _U Byelorussian (6%). Ukrainians, in the Slav empire of whidi fanatic philo­ imber over 45 millions, 20% of the sophers dream. Russian foreign policy is determined whole population, are not represented, “Russian* diplomacy gains from the by geographical conditions, by the neither are the Estonians, Latvians, desire to own warm sea harbours and Turkestanians and others. fact that Western statesmen fear it. The Russian bear can do whatever he be able to play a leading part in That the Ukrainians and Byelorus­ likes if he knows that the other animals Europe. As long as the pursuit of this sians are distinct nations and not Rus­ are afraid of him. Since Peter the Great policy meets with a weak policy on sians has been recognised by no less opened his famous “window to the the part of Western states, stereotype than U.N., of which they are . members, West“, Russia’s frontiers have come Russian moves will always be repeated. introduced by whom? Stalin, no less. 700 miles nearer Berlin, Dresden and Russian diplomacy is more dangerous Vienna, 500 miles nearer Stockholm and than the Russian General Staff, because Why Deportations and Murder? 1000 miles nearer Teheran. The terri­ it creates tensions, and operates with If there was any reason to believe tory Russia took from Sweden is larger threats, lies and hypocrisy.“ that the entire peoples are not behind than what it had left. She cut almost This view of Marx’s has meantime these Movements, why has Stalin as much off Poland as off Austria. In been confirmed often: the firmness thought it necessary, in order to bring 60 years the Russians have conquered displayed by England, France, Austria them to heel, to massacre or deport territory as large as what they had and Sardinia when Russia invaded at least ten million Ukrainians, a mil­ owned before in Europe. Turkish territory on the Danube lion and a quarter from the Baltic “As far as Russian diplomacy is (Crimean War 1853/56) and the resist­ States, and so on. In Ukraine, the concerned, England is its worst victim. ance of Turkey (Russo-Turkisk War planned 1933 famine alone starved six It is true that the French have allowed 1877—78) prevented Russian expansion millions to death, and millions more the Russians to make fun of them, but on the Black Sea, while the attempt have been killed by the introduction not to such an extent as the English to open a gateway to the Pacific failed of filthy diseases and the refusal to have done. Both countries allow them­ because of Japan’s action (Russo- permit medical treatment. There is no selves to be intimidated, and do not Japanese War 1904—05). The weak kind of doubt of this. take meakures which might preserve policy of the Western powers then peace, but which would not have per­ allowed the Tsar’s successors to extend Britain’s Failure in Eastern Europe mitted their infulence to be encroached the frontiers of the Russian sphere of It is, unfortunately, not the case that on. To the boldness of the Russian power far beyond the wildest dreams “ influential British circles are behind despot they replied with anxious curni- of “fanatic philosophers“. A.B.N. in their ideas, as they fit in with British economic and power inter­ ests“ . Britain has had no Central and Eastern European policy at all for creasing pressure that is carrying the or anyone else. They are fighting and generations. A bitter comment by a day, will disintegrate any Russian dying for their cause and the precious distinguished Central European states­ Empire, put these ancient nations trio above are not and never did. man recently to myself is that Britain again on their feet, confine the Rus­ has been represented by diplomatists sians to their own ethnic territory, Kerensky’s Campaign who take no trouble to mix with the where they will have to begin to make Kerensky’s latest move with the sup­ people, have not troubled to learn an holiest living. port of the trio, whose 'success in their language or political problems Mr. Forrest, however, would appear charming the dollars out of the pockets and the aspirations of the masses; but (Allies We Don’t Want) to arrogate to of generous but misguided Americans they can play golf and tennis, can himself the right to pose as America. is stupendous, is to set up in Europe dance and hand round teas and speak Those Russians of whom he approves, a powerful radio station to broadcast, charmingly to the ladies. The ignor­ Kerensky, the futile Russian Premier to the peoples behind the iron curtains, ance and bias of our Foreign Office for a few months in 1917, Chernov and appeals to them to rise against Stalin. and bias of the B.B.C. are almost Abramovich, have only in the last few The non-Russians repudiate him and beyond belief. weeks, owing to the change in Amer­ all his works, while the Russians will ican public opinion, been forced to only hear what the Kremlin permits American Policy amend their programme of “Holy them to hear, and that will not be much. On the other hand. America is at Mother Russia, One and Indivisible“, As to the trio’s efforts, I have long least groping for a policy after a period to allowing the non-Russian peoples held the opinion that the Russian mas­ of complete ignorance, and it is to have a plebiscite. They don’t need ses will not rise against Stalin; for American public opinion and its in- it and they don’t trust either Kerensky one thing, they have always submitted Page 4 AÉN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 11

promised success. Moscow has not been able to deceive the people. It is only A Black Day for the Bulgarian the traitors who have long been the minions of Russian imperialism, who On the occasion of the anniversary of Bulgaria’s subjection by the Red serve as members of the communist Army, the well-known Bulgarian fighter against communism, Dr. Ivan party and obediently carry out the D o c h e f f wrote an article for the Ukrainian newspaper “Homin Ukrainy“ plans for the destruction of Bulgarian (appearing in Canada) of August 8, 1951, which is noteworthy. independence. We are reporting the author’s remarks here as they give a true picture This year again, as in the past, there of the aims and methods of Russian imperialism as seen from Bulgaria. will be “folk demonstrations“ in Bul­ Dr. Docheff is the founder of the Bulgarian generation of the thirties, and garia on September 9th, in which the he is now a member of the committee of the National Bulgarian Front, an satisfaction of the Bulgarian people associated organization of Bulgarian emigrants and representative of the with the present situation will be present resistance struggle in Bulgaria. manifested, to prove their “love“ for the enforced régime and occupation On September 9th this year it will must be obliterated, the Tsarist gov­ army. The “loyal“ press will sing be seven years since the Red Army ernment was really following an imper­ hymns of praise to the “Russian liber­ appeared on Bulgarian territory and ialist aim. To make sure of its influence ators“ and Stalin. But we know what against the will of the Bulgarian people in Bulgaria “instructors“ were placed all these expressions of the “people’s established the communist régime. in all ministries and barracks. Even will" are worth. We Bulgarians are at that time there was talk of a “Danube not to be hoodwinked and the Bul­ That régime had no support in the garian people have learnt the value country, not even among the working Gouvernment“, that was to be a bridge for further expansion to the south. of Russian declarations of “friendship“ classes. It was set up by means of and “support“ by bitter experience. terror and brute force, and by terror The methods employed then, too, and brute force it holds its sway still. made it impossible for the Bulgarians The 9th of September will always be a black day in the history of Bul­ Words fail to describe the conditions to free themselves from the Russian garia, even for those who are forcr'NN under which the people are living to­ protectorate. day. Distress and fear prevail every­ to march in line, because terrorizatio- The new Russian conquerors who compels them to. They bear their where, now the Russians are in the went to Bulgaria in 1944 as “liberators“ land.. Hatred of the imposed régime hatred of the regime and the occup­ used even more radical means. Moscow ation in their hearts however. is growing, and day by day resistance had not forgotten how the Bulgarians increases and the longing to get rid had reacted to the Russian attempts To-day, the Bulgarian nation is sub­ of the alien yoke becomes more in­ in the previous century to form a jected and has no means of speaking tense. “ Gouvernement“ across the Danube to the world, but in its name the Russia’s imperialistic policy towards and decided this time to set up a national Bulgarian exiles appeal to Bulgaria has not changed through the Bulgarian Soviet Republic, and good the free world. centuries. Only the means with which care was taken that this republic “The struggle against a regime that Moscow seeks to achieve its end, have received a Russian avantguard. was forced upon us has begun and is changed. In order to understand Rus­ For Moscow’s purpose any means going on. Nothing that happens in sia’s great interest in Bulgaria, its would do. The resistance of the Bulgar­ Bulgaria to-day is an expression of strategic position in the Balkans must ians is to be broken by brutal terror­ the real will of the people. In spite be considered. ization which is described as the of terror and sacrifices our holy war In the last century when Russia gave “brotherly aid of the Russian people“. for freedom and our own sovereign as a motive for the declaration of war But this time too, all the measures State will be continued till victory is against Turkey, that orthodox Bulgaria employed have failed to attain the gained.“ to their Governments and they have, defeat appeared possible, they released All the objects which Russia pursues' like most people, a respect for a strong Bandera and Stetzko, recognising them unceasingly, with indefatigable persev­ and able man, which Stalin undoubt­ as national leaders, if Forrest doesn’t. erance, amounting to nothing less than edly is, and which Kerensky’s best Up to now they had described the the subjugation of the greater part of_^ friend could1 not say he is. And my Ukrainians as Ukrainian national Europe and Asia, were already cor ^ belief has been strikingly confirmed bandits and brigands, now they were ceived and designated to his successor., " - recently by two unquestioned author- Ukrainian fighters for freedom! They by Peter I... The impulse which his tities. One was a member of the staff urged Bandera and Stetzko to bring iron will gave to the nation still con­ in Moscow of the newspaper, Brit­ about an alliance on equal terms with tinues, and by an extraordinary con­ ish Ally, published by the British Germany; had this been accomplished course of circumstances, Russia has Embassy, but now closed. A trained the war would have ended differently. come alarmingly near to the attain­ observer, in his recent most arresting The leaders, supported by the entire ment of his object without Europe book, “Moscow Close Up“, he confirms nation, declined even to listen to any succeeding in stopping her. Internal my view, and be is further confirmed proposals. With the result? That the difficulties may have from time to time by a letter in a recent number of Germans cooperated with the N.K.V.D. retarded her progress, but the spirit Truth. It is from a member of the (Russian Secret Police), whose agents of Peter still hovers over his Empire, delegation of the Society of Friends they brought in by parachute and and his pitiless ambition still lies at who recently visited Moscow in the otherwise, to attempt to destroy the the bottom of every Russian heart.“ hope of fowarding the cause of peace. Ukrainian Insurgent Army (U.P.A.)! ' I think I hear Mr. Forrest say “mere No one can impute partiality to them. A.B.N. propaganda“. No, the foregoing A Russian View of Russian Methods is a quotation from the Memoirs of Russian Revolt, an Illusion “The Tsars of Moscow had the instinct Prince Adam Czartoryski a member of of conquest from the reign of Ivan the Imperial Russian Court, an inti­ He says, “To count on the imminent the Cruel; they employed violence mate friend of the Grand Duke Alex­ revolt of oppressed multitudes in Rus­ ander, a confidant of the Tsar Paul, sia is to cherish a dangerous illusion. and artifice by turns, and succeeded with rare ability in augmenting their and a Russian Ambassador. He lived I doubt very much if the Russians feel territory at the expense of their from 1770 to 1861, and his Memoirs themselves oppressed,-even if we judge were published in 1888. them to be so.“ neighbours. It was under Peter the Great, however, that Russian policy I could go on indefinitely, but I hope Returning to “Ukrainian pro-Naz­ first assumed that decided and stable I have said enough to expose Mr. For­ ism“, when the tide of battle began to character which it has retained to this rest’s article as a complete travesty roll the Germans to the west, and day. of historical and present day facts. Number 11 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

Society has arranged 157 evening courses for the study of Russian.“ From behind the Iron Curtain The “Pravda“ would have us believe that the whole world wants to speak Russian only. According to an official commentary ASERBAIJAN by the government, the new Ministry for State Control, which was only COSSACKIA established after the latest purge and SHORTCOMINGS re-organization of higher party and OF THE KOMSOMOL administrative agencies, has the same FRATERNAL ASSISTANCE powers as a state court of justice and After grain was delivered and harv­ In addition to alarming reports in can therefore issue executive measures, est work ended, many of those employ­ the Soviet Press on deficiences in the so this appeal to workers plainly in­ ed on tractors and threshing machines communist training of young people dicates that the espionage carried on in Ukraine, there is similar news from were sent from the Don areas to the by secret police in factories is being central provinces of Russia “to help Azerbaijan. On 12. 10. 1951, the Moscow extended. “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ reported as on the collective farms of the elder follows on work among the young in brother“. Bolshevist exploitation of Baku, the largest town in the Re­ human labour is not over when the public: BYELORUSSIA target is reached. “The committee of the Komsomol LACK OF SOVIET PATRIOTISM for the town and district of Baku does not take the pains necessary to train MASS PRODUCTION AND POLITIC­ On 19. 8. the “Pravda“ published an and discipline youth in the theory AL TRAINING attack on cultural and political train­ and practice of marxist-leninist doc­ ing in Cossack areas, where workers trines. Many active members are not The Soviet press reports that in the were not “instructed in the spirit of '"^jgaged in study and are slack in months of July and August 1951 alone, Soviet patriotism, in the socialist atti­ ^T.olicity work though, thanks to their communist propagandists gave 25,000 tude to work and in the proper rela­ training, they know enough to have lectures on one and the same subject, tionship to the community“ . Lenin’s a complete mastery of the theories of namely, “The Soviet Union, A Bulwark and Stalin’s ideas, it seems, are not Marx and Lenin. The town and dis­ of Peace and Security for Nations“ . sufficiently propagated among work­ trict committee are often weak in their This uniform lecture had to be attend­ ing people. The district round Stalin­ efforts to educate active members in ed by 1,850,000' people. grad was particularly criticized. the ideas of bolshevism.“ RECURRING COMPLAINTS DEVIATIONIST COMMUNIST PRESS CAUCASIA At a meeting of the party organiza­ At its last meeting, the Central Com­ tions of workers in the Cossackian oil­ mittee of the Communist party in Azer­ fields a discussion took place of the baijan had to pass a special resolution CAUCASIAN TROOPS IN KOREA causes of failure to fulfil the plan for to censure the “serious shortcomings of the prdduction of oil. Serious short­ the newspaper, the “Pioneer“, the organ American newspapers state that comings were found in the work of the of the young communists of Aserbai- Allied reconnaissance reported a Cau­ Achtirok Trust. jan. At the same time, the “Komsomol­ casian unit of about 5,000 men and at According to the Soviet newspapers, skaya Pravda“, in Moscow declared least 70 armored cars, now on their the plant is being fulfilled at the that the “Pioneer“ was devationist. way to the Western front in Korea. cost of the quality of the work, the Such reproaches have been too fre­ This is probably not the only non- costs of production being increased in quent, particularly in recent times, to Asiatic unit which the communists in­ consequence of excessive use of mater­ be a sensation. But it is interesting to tend to put in the field in Korea. Much ial and extraordinary waste. ask why “ideological distortions“ i. e. attention was given to this report in The “Stalinskaya Pravda“ reports "nationalistic deviations“ are the mo­ American circles. In the past, soviet that the housing target for the first nopoly of non-Russian nations in-the propaganda mentioned merely the half of 1951 has not been readied, and Soviet empire. The Politbureau in presence of “voluntary“ units at the that living conditions are wretched. scow, perhaps against its will, there­ front in Korea, in which members of In a lecture, I. Pyshkin, the secre­ by confirms that the resistance against Eastern European nations were repre­ tary of the regonal committee of the Bolshevism expressed in literature, art sented. The Caucasian armored unit, communist party, declared that the and journalism as “a reaction to on the other hand, was identified as economic production of this important bourgeois nationalism“ is actually also a type that did not belong to an inter­ industrial centre in the Cossackian area the antagonism of non-Russian peoples national brigade. had been unsatisfactory not only in to the despotism of Russian imperial- 1949 and 1950', but also in 1951-. Accord­ Up till now no “ideological devia­ ing to the “Molot“ (Rostov-Don) the tions“ have been found officially in CHINA political training provided by many Russian literature and journalism." party organizations is completely un­ satisfactory they being infected by RUSSIFICATION OF CHINA “nationalistic tendencies“, “anti-pat­ riotism" and “local sectarianism“. BOHEMIA The “Pravda“ reports that the membership of the “Society for Chinese- MORE SPIES IN INDUSTRIAL Soviet Friendship“ is increasing daily. It is the Society’s task to “enlighten HUNGARY CONCERNS the population of China“ about life in the Soviet Union, which is just a In the recently formed Ministry for KIDNAPPING CHILDREN State Control, a special department psychological preparation of the has been created to deal with reports country for the extension of Soviet A refugee from Hungary reports on shortcomings in production plants. Russian influence. In North East China that the communist government in A public appeal was made to workers alone, the Society is said to have more Hungary is utilizing the deportations to report to this department in writing than 35 million members. It is also of undesirable persons that have been or orally all infringements of legal or preparing the way for the spread of going on since May 1951 to forcibly plant regulations, in particular all the Russian language among the Chi­ separate children under 6 from their cases of inadequate results, waste of nese people: “in order to meet the parents, if these are politically un­ material and money, and bureaucratic desire of working people who wish to reliable. The children are taken to practices in running the concern. learn the great Russian language, the special communist childrens’ homes Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 11 where they receive new names; this adequate care, calves often die at FRESH DEPORTATIONS birth.“ Another reason for high mort­ will help to erase memory of their Fresh deportations have taken place home-life and will make it difficult ality is the lack of warm,) weather­ in Cracow and Warsaw, against whidi proof sheds. Winter is too severe in for parents to trace them. Such deport­ the Polish Episcopate has protested. In ations of children have been carried Lithuania for animals to stay in the spring it is expected that deportations open. There are sheds for only 30% out up till now not only in Budapest will increase and will include not only but in a number of large Hungarian of all the cattle. Last winter alone, people in towns, but also big peasants. towns. 60 percent of the cattle left outside The government in Warsaw is already froze to death. drawing up lists of these peasants. MORE WOMEN AT WORK According to statistics quoted by The Hungarian government which Zambrowski in the Cominform paper, has called unemployment “the greatest POLAND “For Lasting Peace, For The People’s scourge in capitalist countries“, a Democracy“ (No. 37) there are about scourge unknown in Hungary, is issu­ 170,000 so-called kulaks, or rich peas­ ing energetic measures in order to THE SOVIETIZATION OF LEARNING ants, in Poland. If we add to these, the increase the number of women emp­ AND RESEARCH fairly rich peasants, we find that there loyed in factories and even in mines. are 378,000 peasants who are viewed The systematic sovietization of higher with disfavour by the communists. 150 A statement published by the govern­ learning in Poland was introduced at goods trains would be necessary to ment runs: “The voluntary recruitment the first congress of Polish Scientists transport these people to Siberia and of workers — including females — by in Warsaw in August. The most imr thus to solve the peasant problem in the government started in February portant action carried out by the Poland in the communist sense. 1951, when no fewer than 160,000 new congress was to dissolve the famous hands were asked for industry alone. Academy of Science and Art in Cracow, DEVELOPMENT OF AIR FORCE For the whole five-year plan (1050 to founded in 1872, and to transfer its 1954), as Erno Gero, Minister of Econ­ functions to a new communist organi­ Brigade General A. Romeyko, for­ omics declared, 650,000 new industrial zation which is to carry on its “work merly in command for the Polish air workers are required. 62,100 additional and educational experiments and force has gone to Moscow as militer workers, of whom 25,000 must be activity and to take over its property“. attaché, his successor being the Sovmt women, are required for the first half Thus an end has been put to all in­ Russian General Ivan Turkiel. The of this year. For 1951 the government dependent scientific research in Poland. appointment of a Soviet officer of this put the number of women workers at rank to the command of the Polish air 50°/o, 47% in the building industry, The congress was attended by more than 1500 delegates who included re­ force leads to the conclusion that Mos­ 80% in trade and state agencies for cow has begun to pay attention to the food, clothing etc., 40% on state farms. presentatives of the educational world, members of the Polish government, the development of a department that has In addition, 10,000 women are to be been much neglected. employed in 1951 on railways. trade unions, Stakhanov workers and other invited guests. Delegations also At the same time new air-fields, such According to an official order, the appeared at the congress from France, as those at Malborg and Puzk have recruitment of women workers for the Soviet Union, China, Hungary, been built. The naval flotilla, hitherto industrial concerns is to be the result Rumania, Great Britain, Italy and the stationed on Lake Leba, is to be trans­ of personal conviction and no pressure German Soviet zone. ferred to Puzk. is to be exercised. Seeing that there were relatively few women working The dissolution of the Cracow Aca­ SPEEDING UP COLLECTIVIZATION for their living in Hungary in former demy is particularly noteworthy, but times, and that they were exclusively the resolutions of the Congress in­ According to official statistics there employed in women’s work, with the fluenced practivally all Polish scien­ were 3,045 collective farms in Poland exception of agriculture, personal con­ tific institutions and organizations. For at the beginning of July, an increase viction will scarcely suffice to carry from now on, there is only the new of 856 for the first half of 1951. out the government’s demands. Polish Academy of Sciences which, according to “Poland Today“, an RUSSIAN CONTROL OF INDUSTRY official publication, is a “well organized Soviet Russian control of Polish in­ body working a plan that coordinates dustry is being developed. A number LITHUANIA all sudi institutes throughout the of Soviet Russian engineers have re­ country“. cently arrived to supervise the extfCt It is obvious that the dissolution of sion of heavy industry in Poland. DIFFICULTIES OF CATTLE the Cracow Academy is the last link REARING in a chain with which the communist The “Tiesa“, the official soviet Li­ regime has bound all scientific and thuanian newspaper, recently publish­ educational efforts. The congress was RUMANIA ed targets for cattle-rearing up to the divided into sections corresponding to the various provinces of scientific and five-year plan that ends iju 1955. A ACTION AGAINST UNDERGROUND comparison of these figures with the school life, and every section had to number of cattle reared in Lithuania submit a plan for the scientific work MOVEMENT in progress, emphasizing subjects and before the war gives us a sorry pic­ The Soviet press can no longer con­ ture of economy in the once prosperous methods of study which will “help scientists to get to know marxism and ceal the increasing activity of the un­ Baltic states. derground movement in Rumania. But. Target Pre-war number historical and dialectical materialism“. Special training courses were held in order to camouflage its true nature cattle 800,000 1,200,000 this year; they were compulsory for of national resistance against the Sov­ 800,000 cows 590,000 teachers, who had to show that they iet Russian regime of force, Rumanian 1,500,000 patriots are discredited in the public pigs 500,000 had made progress in their mastery 260.000 1,300,000 press as being agents of the Vatican sheep of communist theory. Subjects of ex­ And it is extremely doubtful whether amination were: problems of marxism and the U.S.A. this target, can be reached 10 years and leninism, criticism of capitalist The “Pravda“ of It. 9. published a after the war, for the very high mort­ imperialism, the Polish six-year plan, long article on the trial of members of ality among cattle has not been taken the fight for peace and methods of the Rumanian underground movement into account. Cattle are badly looked teaching socialism derived from soviet which was opened on September 10 by after: there is not sufficient fodder, models. Examiners tested the profes­ a Bucharest military tribunal: nor, as “Tiesa“ reports, enough veter­ sional qualifications of candidates, “The subversive group, to which Ge­ inary surgeons, plagues are neither their knowledge of marxist literature orge Sandulesku and Lasar Shtefanes- prevented nor recognized and combated and socialist theory, and their level ko belonged, was appointed by repre­ in good time... As a result of in­ of self-knowledge and criticism. sentatives of the U.S.A. and the Vati- Number 11 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

can for the purpose of creating an therefore to be made to pay for their “idealise the feudalism of the past“ underground organiation called the conduct. (s. Abdula’s “Alpamysh“). Literary “Christian Socialist Party“ . In the Well-informed circles of Slovak critics and scholars in Usbekistan must pamphlets they distributed, they ap­ émigrés connect this railway sabotage be blamed for not exercising more pealed to the Rumanian people to over­ with the activity of Slovak White influence on the development of liter­ throw the regime of the People’s De­ partisans, as it took place in the district ature. The Institute for Language and mocracy . . . Agents of the Vatican and where they are most active. Literature in the Usbekistan S.S.R. Anglo-American imperialism formed was branded as a “refuge for bour­ terrorist and various so-called religious FOR SABOTAGING geois-nationalist elements“, “who“ de­ liberately ignore the successes of communities with the same revolution­ THE DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC ary purpose.“ Usbekistan literature and try in their FOOD The indictment emphasizes that “it scientific studies to propagate the pan- is the criminal aim of the Vatican to Mrs. Maria Dankova, head of the Turkish, pan-Islam ideal“. prepare for a new world war on the food office in Ruzomberok — a town During the debate which followed territory of the Rumanian People’s in Central Slovakia — was sentenced this speech, other shortcomings were Republic, under the leadership of the to 9 years imprisonment in the middle mentioned. Translators, for instance, accused, Pacha,Gatti, Shubert, Waltner of October. She was accused of caus­ were reproached with abitrarily alter­ and Geber“. ing losses to the state of 51,000 kilo­ ing the contents of original texts that The trial lasted for several days and grammes of sugar, 8,850 kg of lard and they did not approve of. concluded with long sentences of im­ 9,850 kg of margarine. Her deputy The reader who peruses this list of prisonment with hard labour and soli­ Stefan Slachta was sentenced to 6 years bad marks may well inquire in what tary confinement for all the accused: for missappropriating 48,130 clothing the progress of “pupils“ in Usbekistan coupons and soap coupons. Sentences consists. Bishop Augustin Pacha, 81 years old, were also pronounced on Jan Serafin, condemned to 18 years solitary con­ manager of the co-operative shops finement and a fine of 1,200,000 lei, organisation in Ruzemberek, (9 years) ^Pietro Ernesto Gatti, 71 years old, and his assistant Ladislav Hatala UKRAINE \vh years solitary confinement, (3 years). ' Josef Shubert, a priest, 61 year old, solitary confinement for life, INCREASING INDIFFERENCE Petri Tota, 62 years old, 10 years so­ IN KOMSOMOL litary confinement, TURKESTAN The “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ of Eraldo Pintori, 36 years old, former­ October 19, 1951 complains of growing ly an employee in the Italian embassy MORE BAD MARKS indifference and a falling off in num­ at Bucharest, hard labour for life, bers in the Komsomal in the Soviet Adalbert Borosh, 45 years old, hard The conference of the central organ­ Union in general and in Ukraine in labour for life, ization of Soviet writers of the Usbe- particular A certain Comrade Krywol- Joseph Waltner, 59 years old, 15 years kistan Rezublic ended in the last days hard labour, utsky wrote to the paper mentioned of August. The lectures held then, and complaining of the inadequate support Lion Geber, 41 years old, 12 years above all the criticism that was voiced hard labour, given him by the higher local and were evidence of the continued inter­ district secretaries of the Komsomol Lasar Shtefaneskn, 47 years old, hard nal resistance of intellectual circles when he was organizing a local branch. labour for life, in Turkestan to the russification of George Sandulesko, 44 years old, the people there. The Soviet official In replying, the paper tells tales out hard labour for life. press was loud in its censure. of school. In Ukraine during the first half of 1951, 224 secretaries were dis­ The accused were not in court when The “Literaturnaya Gazeta“ of missed from the Komsomol altogether the verdict was pronunced. Their sen­ August 28 writes: “A discussion fol­ while 1,306 were dismissed from office. tences were communicated to them in lowed the speech held by Comrade The reasons given are always the same, their cells. Ujgun, the president of the Society of namely, carelessness, indifference, bu­ Soviet writers in Usbekistan, who reaucratism, lack of devotion to the gave a report of the five years that cause, deviations. had elapsed since the central comittee of the Communist party in the Soviet Whatever efforts the Moscow powers Union published its decree on the make, communism simply will not take root in Ukraine, especially among THE ROAD OF FRIENDSHIP reviews, “Svyesda“ and “Leningrad" and on the tasks of Soviet literature young people. Mass purges will be of AND PEACE in Usbekistan. little avail. In Slovakia the “road of friendship According to the press, the speaker LITTLE INTEREST and peace“ is being constructed. This first referred as usual to the successes IN THE KOMSOMOL is a strategic motor highway which of those years and then went on to will connect Slovakia with the Soviet speak of shortcomings that are evid­ The soviet press continues its re­ Union. The “Pravda“ reports that ently numerous enough; the real life velations of conditions within the Slovakian peasants have to work on of the Republic “the enthusiastic Komsomol in Ukraine. It was reported, the road which, according to official development of industry, agriculture, for instance, in the “Komsomolskaya statements, is “to unite Slovakia’s science and culture“ are not, it would Pravda“ that an alarming state of af­ culture and economy with those of the appear, adequately reflected in the fairs has been caused in Kyiv, the Soviet Union“ literature of Usbekistan. There are no capital of the country, by the fact that important books on “the working- the leading positions in the Komsomol SABOTAGE ON RAILWAY classes of Usbekistan“ . Many books have been vacant for some time, as no The “Pravda“, the official organ of are “unsatisfactory as regards ideo­ one wants to take them. This might the Communist Party in Slovakia, logy“ . Writings, for example, by M. at first sight sound incredible. But the published in Bratislava, admits that Sheyklisade, Taruba Tula and others same paper published on 28. 9. 1951 an the railway accident near Tatranska still “bear the stamp of bourgeois article that reflected the indifference Lomnica (area of High Tatra mount­ nationalism or are not political, and many members of the Komsomol feel ains), when many people lost their lacking in ideas.“ for their organisation. lives, was due to sabotage. The report The dramatists of Usbekistan, who Hanna Konstantinenko, a Ukrainian accuses railway personnel of having have not produced a single new play girl, was sent to work on a stud farm behaved like common criminals and in the last 18 months were censured in the Furmanow area (Kazakhstan) of having endangered the security of for not fulfilling their duty to the after she had graduated from the the train by carelessness. As “enemies people. The theatres stage, it was said, Veterinary College in Kyiv. As a loyal of socialism and the state“ , they ought inferior or perversive plays which member of the Komsomol, it was her Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 11 duty to report at tbe local branch as SABOTAGE EVEN IN MUSEUMS A Memorandum soon as she had taken up her new of the Croatian National Committee work. The “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ An article in the “Pravda“ of 13. 9. reports indignantly that she kept her 1951 entitled “The Message of Museums in Lviv“ states that the department in In a Memorandum dated Septem­ membership of the Komsomol secret ber 15, 1951, the Croation National for eight months so as to avoid work the Historical Museum in the capital of Western Ukraine devoted to the feudal Committee seizes the occasion provided in the organisation. When the local by the support given by democratic branch got to know of this, she was period deliberately tries to deflect the visitor’s attention from “the efforts of powers of the West to Tito’s regime to asked to give a written statement inform the free world about the situ­ confirming her membership of the the Ukrainian people to unite with the great Russian people“. ation of the Croatian people in Yugo­ Komsomol. Instead of doing so, she slavia under its communist govern­ declared: “I prefer to give you a writ­ In the department dealing with the ment. Beginning from the collapse of ten statement to the effect that I am in the Soviet period, the Danube Monarchy in 1918 which no longer a member of the Komsomol.“ a number of important historical forced the Croatian people, contrary events are missing. It is characteristic The “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ does to its right of self-determination, to not reveal the consequences this en­ that these exhibits should have been live in the newly established state tailed for the young Ukrainian. accomodated in small, dark, quite in­ of “Serbs, Croats and Slovenes“ this adequate rooms which contrast un­ “unnatural concentration of nations, NEW PEACE CONFERENCE favourably with the space given to the cultures and worlds“ in an artificially pre-Soviet period.“ constructed state is described as a The “All-Ukrainian Peace Confer­ “There are many museums in Lviv, danger for peace in South-East Europe ence“ was opened in Kyiv on Septem­ and justice compels us to admit that which is now acute. The Memorandum ber 13. Its purpose is expressed in a things are no better, sometimes even refers to a remark by the late Franklin sentence from a speech by M. A. Pos- worse ,in them than in the Historical Roosevelt, President of the United mitny, the “hero of socialist labour“ : Museum. The State Museum for Ukrain­ States, which appears in the Memoirs "By means of a mighty effort on the ian Art in Lviv is open to the public, published by R. E. Sherwood, his se­ part of all nations, we intend to strike but working-people would like to see cretary: “The President expressed their weapons out of the hands of all changes there . . . While there are only often repeated opinion that Cro warmongers“. 150 pictures in the Soviet department, and Serbs had nothing in common and The background of the eastern there are hundreds of exhibits in the that it was ridiculous to attempt to “peace campaign“ could not be formu­ section devoted to old Ukrainian force two such contrasting nations to lated more clearly and succinctly. art . . .“ live together under one government.“ The feelings and political aspira­ tions of the Croatian people were ex­ For the Independence of Cancasia pressed by Dr. Aloisius Stepinac, Arch­ bishop of Zagreb and head of the Ca­ Meeting o f North Caucasians in Munich tholic Church in Croatia, when he declared before his communist judges The North Caucasian National Committee has sent us this Communiqué: in 1946: “The Croatian people stated On 16. 9. 1951 a meeting of North Caucasians living in Western Germany was in a plebiscite that it wanted a state held in Munich, 200 people from all over Germany being present. A. Mahoma, of its own and I should be unworthy president of the North Caucasian National Committee gave an address after if I did not feel the pulse-beat of my which several of those present expressed their appreciation of the work the people which was a slave in Yugo­ Committee had done up to date. slavia!“ In the discussion afterwards of the general situation and of Kerensky’s attempt to include representatives of non-Russian peoples, among them North Caucasians, The Memorandum concludes with in the Council for the Liberation of the peoples of Russia, the meeting was the declaration that, if a European unanimous in its condemnation of such manoeuvres and in its determination to federation of free states should fail restore the independence of North Caucasia, a republic that has been occupied to materialize, the independent Cro­ and destroyed by the Bolshevists. These present withdrew their confidence from ation state would prefer, in accordance ex-General Bidierakhov, who has put his services at the disposal of the Council with the will of the people, to work and has founded a North Caucasian representative body in Schwabach, Germany, with Danube states rather than to cooperate with Serbia. _ for the purpose of misleading world opinion. The meeting recommended close cooperation with representatives of the peoples of Aserbaijan, Armenia and Georgia and the formation of an independent #ABN-Correspondence, P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, federal Caucasian state in the common interest of all Caucasian peoples. The Germany/Bavaria. Published by the Press Bureau North Caucasian National Committee was asked to work together with repre­ of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN). sentatives of all peoples subjugated by Bolshevism. Responsible: K. W. Orlecky. A.B.N. Press Conference On 6. 11. 1951 Central Committee of the A.B.N. held a bodies as fully recognized delegates from their respective press conference in Munich which was attended by 25 re­ peoples; presentatives of prominent newspapers and press agencies. 3) that the underground armies behind the iron curtain be The A.B.N. was represented by the following office-bearers: recognized as active fighting forces. Yaroslav Stetzko, president of the A.B.N., Dr. Ctibor Pokor- As regards Kerensky’s campaign, the representatives of ny, general secretary, Dr. B. Balkansky, head of the informa­ the press informed that in Wiesbaden between Novem­ tion department (as chairman of the press conference) and ber 3 and 5, 1951 certain mercenary members of the non- General Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarnak, head of the military Russian peoples formed “parties“ willing to join the ‘‘Coun­ Commission, Prince N. Nakashidse, member of the Georgian cil for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia“. Such un­ National Committee in Central Europe, and others. worthy and venal methods are condemned by the non-Rus­ In a statement to the press, the office-bearers of the A.B.N. sian peoples united in the A.B.N. demanded: The A.B.N. further demanded that an end be put to black­ 1) that diplomatic trade relations with the Soviet Union be balling Hungarians, Bulgarians, Rumanians, Slovaks and Cro­ broken off! ats who, during the defence of the freedom of their peoples 2) that representatives of the liberation movements of peo­ against bolshevism, were compelled to fight on the side of ples behind the iron curtain be admitted to international the axis powers. Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE ABN MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS Vol. II. No. 12 • December 1951 * Published in English, Fiench and German * Price: 6 d; 10 c

What the Kremlin Fears Most By Maj. Gen. J. F. C. Fuller, C. B., C. B. E., D. S. O.

We are printing an extract from the great article of General J. F. C. and not on his body in order to influ­ Fuller in the “Saturday Evening Post“ for October 27, 1951. We ence his mind. It is not as with the are glad of tlie opportunity to make our readers familiar with the views Western powers, when they talk of this eminent British military strategist, all the more, as w e' are psydiological or political warfare, as gradually noticing the spread of truth about bolshevism and Russia an auxiliary of actual war, but instead the real war — the decisive conflict. throughout the Western World. By his courageous campaign for truth and liberty, General J. F. C. Fuller has stormed the hearts of numberless Cold War as an Instrument of Policy members of the nations subjugated by Russia. In its outlook upon war the Kremlin All subtitles are ours. — Ed. is far more up to date than its anta­ gonists. It realizes that in modern in­ ... In the World War II no sooner preservation the subjugated peoples dustrial and scientific conditions, phys­ did the German armies enter the Baltic turned against the Germans. ical warfare is increasingly becoming States, Byelorussia and Ukraine than This was the beginning of the col­ mutually too destructive to be a pro­ they were acclaimed as liberators and lapse of the Third Reich, whidi was fitable instrument of policy. As the vast numbers of Russian soldiers de­ hastened by Stalin’s astuteness in last two World Wars have clearly serted to them. At that time, so en­ adopting non-Bolshevik tactics, though, shown, the victor comes off almost as couraging was the German reception like Lenin, his intention was to discard bad as the vanquished, and this, politi­ that Count Schulenburg, former Ger­ them once the war was won. Had Hitler cally, does not make sense. man ambassador in Moscow, proposed but offered the subjugated peoples We simply cannot ignore the fact that the invasion should be turned freedom and self-determination, the that today cold war is increasingly into a civil war in which the Russians high probability is that the U.S.S.R. ousting hot war as an instrument of themselves would help in overthrowing would have collapsed before the end policy, and that unless we learn to the bolsheviks. He suggested that of 1941.. wage it in all its forms — political, Germany should announce that she ideological, economic and military — had no territorial claims; that she Reasons for the Cold War, and its Aims so that in wartime we win over the would agree to each conquered terri­ Besides not being able in wartime allegiance of the enemy’s masses in­ tory setting up its own local govern­ to rely on the loyalty of its subjugated stead of destroying them, the very ment, and that she would recognize peoples, the Kremlin is fearful of in­ means of destruction we employ will these government as her allies. vading Western countries, because, end in defeating us. should it do so, its soldiers will dis­ Hitler’s Policy in Ukraine Fatal The Best Tactics for The West For Germany cover that the U.S.S.R., instead of being, as they have been brought up Now that we have inspected the con­ ^ u t Hitler’s suicidal policy of “the to believe, the most advanced country tents of the bolshevik shop, the ques­ nplete extermination of the Ukrain­ in the world, is one of its most back­ tion, “What is the problem?“ becomes ian and other East European peoples“ ward, and that they are the victims of clearer. It is to frustrate the Kremlin’s prevailed. Instead of liberation, the a gigantic lie. For this reason alone two-front strategy by adopting a two- destruction of the Ukrainian and other — though there are others — Stalin front strategy of our own: (1) To be underground movements was ordered. has been compelled to substitute what strong enough physically either to The result was that for their self­ is called “cold“ war for “hot“. Its aims prevent the outbreak of war or, should are: (1) To confuse the thought of war come, to be in a position to contain Russia’s adversaries by turning every Russian military operations. And (12) argument upside down and reaping a under the cover of our physical forces, From the Contents propaganda value out of the confusion. to be astute enough to wage a war of Page (2) To rot her opponents internally by In Defense of Churches disintegration within the U.S.S.R. and means of fifth columns, and discredit its satellite countries, not only after in U.S.S.R...... 5 their democratic principles should they the outbreak of war but from this very Regrettable Distortions . . . 4 resort to repressive measures. (3) To moment. Should this aim — successful compel them, by constant military counterrevolution within the U.S.S.R. National Independence threat, to expend such large sums on — be attained without actual war, so Comes F ir s t ...... 5 armaments that they will cripple their much the better, but war or no war, it finances and undermine their econo­ will remain unattainable unless the Gaps in the Democratic mies. (4) To distract their military war of disintegration is ultraoffensive. Youth Front? ...... 7 forces by drawing them into distant Our existing solution of the problem regions, such as Malaya, Indo-China — if “solution it can be called — is A Bad Bargain: and Korea, in which only satellite troops ultradefensive because it is based on are engaged. the conception of containing commu­ Alliances Between Russia For the Kremlin, cold war is the only nism, (1) by military action on fire- And the W e s t ...... 9 type of aggressive warfare ■ which fits brigade lines whereever an aggression From Behind the Iron Russian psychology. Its strategy is that may take place, (2) by economic better­ of dissolution and not of destruction, — ment in the Wesern countries in order Curtain...... 10 the attack on the mind of the enemy in to prevent communism from spreading, order to gain control over his body, and (3) by building up what is called Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 12 \ the Atlantic Alliance as the progenitor The History of the A.B.N. per cent from Turkestan and Ukraine; of a defensive Atlantic or European and sulphur, 80' per cent from Ukraine, In 1943 the representatives of the army. Caucasia and Turkestan. resistance movements then springing Almost the entire production of oil up among the conquered and sub­ The Weakness of our Present Policy in the U.S.S.R. comes from non-Russian jugated peoples banded themselves of Defense soil. Finally, as regards agricultural together into an Anti-Bolshevik Bloc products, 33 per cent of Russian wheat Because it is a purely defensive of Nations - (A.B.N.). Today it includes policy, it leaves the initiav.e in the the following twenty-five countries — comes from Ukraine and North Cau­ casia, 70 per cent of the sugar is pro­ hands of the Kremlin. Worse still, it fourteen in the U.S.S.R. and eleven in does not face up to realities. What is Europe. duced in Ukraine, and 100 per cent of the use of a fire-brigade system as the cotton is grown in Turkestan and In the U.S.S.R.: Armenia, Aserbaijan, Caucasia. long as the fire-raiser is left at large? Byelorussia, Cossackia, Estonia, Ge­ Further, this dispersion of force emas­ Therefore the conclusion is, should orgia, Idel-Ural — between the Volga in wartime organized guerilla war be culates the building up of an Atlantic and the Urals, —, Latvia, Lithuania, Alliance, which is equally unrealistic, fostered in the subjugated countries North Caucasia, Siberia (East and West), and adequately supplied by the Western for it is based on regional planning Tataria, Turkestan and Ukraine. involving over fifty committees, and powers, the high probability is that includes France and Italy, countries In Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Cro- the whole economy of the U.S.S.R. with large, communist elements. As atioa, Czechia, Finland, Hungary, Pol­ would collapse. regards prevention of the spread of and, Rumania, Serbia, Slovakia and communism by economic improvement Slovenia. Russia’s Strength and Weakness of the Western countries, it is excellent Its Aim Historically Russia’s strength has so far as it goes; yet is is frequently The aim of the A.B.N. is the com­ been based on two factors: the vast overlooked that economic betterment extent of her territory and her vast in itself can no more remove an ideo­ plete dissolution of the Soviet Empire and the establishment of each part as man power. This held good as long as logy than filling an empty stomach a sovereign nation. The A.B.N. is, there­ weapon power remained simple and can cure a deranged brain. fore, opposed to any form of Russian movements were governed by h u i This confusion of defensive measures imperialism, whether czarist, socialist, traction. But this is no longer the caoe, has fortified the policy of the knockout democratic, republican or communist. for weapon power has been industri­ school — that the simplest way out of Nor will it Tolerate any form of Rus­ alized and air power has reduced her the tangle is to cut the Gordian knot. sian federation, because it fears that expanse. In other words, to rely on physical whatever form it may take, it will in­ Communications in Russia have al­ force alone. After all, have we not got evitably lead to the re-establishment ways been indifferent because ex­ the atomic bomb, and should the worst of a Russian hegemony. panse and movement are incompatible^. come to the worst, cannot we blow Even today there are no more than Russia to hell? Because in the Atlantic Pact how­ ever defective — is to be found the 57,487 miles of railroad in the U.S.S.R., This, however, is a somewhat crude whereas in Great Britain there are solution, for instead of curing the only potential first front against the Soviet Union, so in the A.B.N. — how­ 19,863, and in the United States 227,000. patient — the world crisis — it knocks Further, many of the Russian railroads him on the head. ever lacking in organization it still is — is to be found the only potential second are still single track, and because those The importance of the Moral State front. Together the two should con­ linking the Baltic to the frontiers of Poland and Rumania pass through the of' the Russian Peoples stitute the grand strategical instrument of the Western powers, the one being subjugated Baltic States, Byelorussia Though a sufficiency of force is the as essential as the other, for neither and Ukraine, they are open to sabotage first half of the solution, the amount without the other can achieve what both in peace and wartime. needed will depend as much on the should be the Western aim — not the moral state of the Russian peoples as containment of communism, but the The Dangers of Dispersion on the stregth of the Russian army. complete elimination of bolshevism, The lower the first is, the weaker will In order to sercure her industries — without which there can be no peace her arsenals — against air attack, Rus­ the second be, and the weaker it is, the in the world. less will be the physical force required sia has adopted a policy of dispersion, to vanquish it. From the value of the A.B.N. as a but, seemingly has overlooked that disruptive instrument, I will next turn the remoteness of many of them fr«^ The second half of the solution to its ability economically and stra­ centers in the unbearable Bolshevik the more probable theaters of war p. tegically to strangle the U.S.S.R. in mits present day aircraft to cut them .rule, which has established a ready­ another war. made second front in every country off from the latter by destroying the behind the Iron Curtain. Wherever interlinking communications. Actually bolshevism is sown, anti-bolshevism Economic and Strategic Value there would be no need to destroy the can be reaped. For, though by terror of Ukraine industrial centers themselves, for if a people can be compelled to obey Ukraine, with a population stated to the few main rail junctions in the their masters, they cannot be compelled be 42,000,000, is the economic hub of U.S.S.R. are put out of action, the few­ to cease hating them. the Soviet Union — this is why Hitler’s ness of the railroads in most cases will render the deflection of traffic impos­ aim was to wrench it from Russia. It The Kremlin Dreads Psychological supplies over 50 per cent of the whole sible. W eapons of Russian production and there is no Further still, the greater the dis­ Hatred is the Uranium 255 of the possibility of destroying the Bolshevik persion, the more difficult does it be­ second half, and without it, its phys­ empire without severing Ukraine from come for the Russian air force to ical prototype remains purely a weapon it. Still today a Ukrainian Insurgent prevent the systematic destruction of of material destruction. And of all ex­ Army, known as the U.P.A., is engaged either the industrial centers or the plosives, psychological fission is the in guerilla war against the Kremlin. railroads leading to and from them. one the Kremlin dreads most, because The following percentages, show the Relative to this, it should not be over­ it blows the bottom out of its ideology. importance of Ukraine and other sub­ looked that, on account of climatic Therefore to turn the U.S.S.R. into a jugated countries to the over-all Soviet conditions as well as the great distance gigantic psychological bomb is the sec­ economy. Coal, 60 per cent from to be traveled, the replacement of rail­ ond half of the solution. Ukraine and 9 per cent from Turkestan; road traction by motor transport will Thus far, this half has been almost iron ore, 60 per cent from’Ukraine and generally be out of the question. Also entirely neglected by the Western 30 per cent from Idel-Ural; manganese, that, unlike the United States, the powers, yet it is by far the easier to 100’ per cent from Georgia and LTkraine; U.S.S.R. possesses no extensive system arrive at, because the U.S.S.R., being copper, 40 per cent from Turkestan of pipe lines for the distribution of ethnographically divided into Russians and Caucasia; lead. 80' per cent from oil and petrol. and non-Russians, is in consequence Turkestan; zinc, 80 per cent from The conclusions to be drawn from packed with psychological uranium. Caucasia and Ukraine; mercury, 100 this strategical survey are: (1) that the Number 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

were, during their independence, from the first, close and intimate members In Defense of Churches in U.S.S.R. of the Western family, and werq well By John F. Stewart, Chairman o f Scottish League for European Freedom known in Britain. But the same con­ ditions apply to all the non-Russian We publish an open letter from one else in Britain, as his business lay States in the U.S.S.R., and in some on the Scottish League for European with them and he made more or less a stupendous scale. In Ukraine alone, Freedom which was sent to all prolonged visits each year. In all the with a population of over 40' millions, devotedly Christian, the Russians have bishops in the British Common­ world there were no more admirable or prosperous peoples; religious, edu­ “liquidated“ not less than 10' to 12 mil­ wealth. — Ed. cated, cultured, thrifty, hard-working lions by massacre, deportation to the My Lord Bishop. and patriotic, happy and peaceful, slave camps, planned starvation (the threatening none, and devoting men deliberately planned famine of 1943 We ask you to take up strongly and and material to their own and world killed at least 6 millions), or the intro­ publicly the cause of the peoples of betterment; there were no peoples duction of filthy epidemic diseases and the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and more worthy of emulation by others, the prevention of medical aid. Lithuania, who are literally being de­ and none who more should have been liberately exterminated by Russia. The left in peace. What has happened? The Failure of the Churches Russians, characteristically and hypo­ critically agreed to the prohibition of With all respect it must be said that How They Were Treated genocide at the very time they were the Churches could have ascertained engaged in further extermination — The Russian violently seized their all this if they had wished, and they loading the people into cattle trucks countries without even an attempt at have failed in their duty to God and for the slave camps in Siberia and excuse, by arrangement with Hitler, man in closing their eyes to this ter­ Arctic Russia. The evacuation of their massacred their leaders and their rible tragedy, and we urge with all the countries and the restoration to their peoples by thousands and deported to emphasis at our command- that they homelands of all who can be traced the slave camps hundreds of thousands now take the load in a compaign to .and are still alive must be enforced by — men, young women and old women, bring pressure on Moscow to restore .he Powers of the civilised world, pregnant women and mothers with complete independence and freedom otherwise they are as guilty as the babies at the breast, and children, in to those non-Russian peoples in the Russians of hypocrisy and genocide. cattle trucks under inhuman conditions U.S.S.R. We can give assurance that From the political point of view it in which possibly the greater part died. none of these peoples has the slightest is easy to prove that the occupation Parents were separated from their desire to interfere with Russia, they of the Baltic States by Russia is a children and from each other, and these wish Russians and all other peoples to pistol pointed at the heart of this children remaining alive are bought up be confined to their own ethnic terri­ country, and that as long as they are in complete atheism, hatred of God tories, and the peoples to be permitted immensely strong fortified positions and Christ, and worship of Stalin. to live their own lives in peace and held by Russia, the security of Britain In cases where wives were left on security. We have no faith in politic­ is not worth an hour’s purchase. But the farms, and the Soviet Government ians of any party; they must or should politics can be left out. The Churches’ have sent in semi-savages from the Far know the truth, but have shut their action can surely be dictated by mo­ East, these cultured women have been eyes to it and prevented the common tives of Christianity and humanity — forced to submit to these savages and people from knowing it. There must are we not our brothers’ keeper? to bear children to add to the man­ be some means of bringing pressure on Surely. power of Moscow in its centuries-old the Russians to do justice to these attempt at world conquest and the ex­ peoples, and till they do, surely they The People of the Baltic States tension of Russian Imperialism. should not be admitted to the group The writer knew these countries We have confined ourselves mostly of civilised nations. We cannot believe between the two wars better than any­ to the Baltic States, as their peoples Continued on Page 9

technical equipment of Russia’s fight­ to garrison them the less numerous They must understand that the sword ing forces will be at its best at the will be its troops in the areas of mili­ of liberty is but dead metal as long as opening of the war, and should her tary operations. it is sheathed. It is because they fear railroads be paralyzed, it will rapidly When all these factors are considered, to unsheathe it that they lack a positive ' 'deteriorate. And (2) because of this, it will be seen that Russia’s fighting policy concerning the nations forcibly ' it may be expected that, as in the man power, great though it is, can as and fraudulently incorporated into the past, Russia will rely on mass man­ a whole no more be concentrated than Soviet Union. Yet without a positive power in order to make good her can that of her opponents. Though policy they can never hope to exploit technical deficiencies. the latter are an association of auto­ the seething discontent behind the nomous nations tending to diverge Iron Curtain. Be it remembered that, The Role of the Subjugated Peoples rather than to unite, the U.S.S.R. is a without counting the subjugated peoples of the U.S.S.R., ten dependent Clearly then, adding to the demands despotism of subjugated nations, for­ states of Old Europe,. inhabited by on the Russian army within the U.S.S.R. cibly united by terror, and inhibited about 80,000,000 people are now under will lead to its numerical reduction in by disruption. That, in fact, Russia is a giant with feet of clay, and that the Soviet domination. Of these millions the areas of operations, and this can and the millions more in the U.S.S.R., be effected by the assistance of the more her fighting forces are dissipated on internal security, the more formi­ the vast majority are potential allies. subjugated peoples. For them, the ex­ Until the Western nations openly pro­ panse of the U.S.S.R., when coupled dable do those of her opponents be­ come. claim them to be such, the sword of with outside air supply and assistance, liberty will remain sheathed. facilitates revolt which simultaneously Faith More Necessary Than The will be difficult to suppress should If the West is to gain the sympathies rail communicationc be paralyzed. Also Atom Bomb of the enslaved peoples, it must inspire it should not be overlooked that a vast I hope I have made it clear that, in them. To think in terms of the atomic belt of labor and concentration camps, order to overthrow the fireraising bomb is autocratic; to think in terms in which millions of slave workers are colossus, the technical superiority of of liberation is democratic, and though imprisoned, stretches across Northern the Western nations is not in itself the atomic bomb has its uses, they .must Siberia and Manchuria. The first of enough. What they are lacking is not be weighed against the psychological these areas is within transpolar air power to wage war, for though power effects they are likely to produce. To range of the United States, and the may still be insufficient, there is no use this weapon indiscriminately is to second at no great distance from insuperable difficulty in rendering it repeat Hitler’s blunder. The way in Korea and Japan. All these camps are sufficient. Instead, it is lack of faith which it is used will determine whether potential centers of revolt. Therefore, in their way of life, and lack of courage the millions of enslaved peoples in the more the Kremlin can be compelled in proclaiming it. Europe arid the U.S.S.R. are to be the Page 4 ABN-CORRESPÔNDENCE Number 12

legrettable DI§t©pii®ns

By Dr. Ctibor Pokorny, General Secretary o f the Central Committee o f the A. B. N.

In its edition of 10. 9. 1951, the Ame­ public in 1941, he caused a great many ence as an “invention“, as Mr. For­ rican periodical, The New Leader, Poles, Jews, Russians' and Ukrainian rest does, proves that he lacks a know­ publishes a number of falsehoods con­ opponents to be murdered. The Ukrain­ ledge of history and that he discrimin­ cerning- the A.B.N. and some of its ian government referred to was per­ ates invidiously between nations. It is representatives. The tone of this re­ mitted to exist for exactly ten days — a well-known fact that the Cossacks grettable article would ordinarily in an area occupied by German troops proclaimed their independence in 1918, merit silence on our part; if we take j—-;_and had neither the possibility of and lost it only after bloody battles, notice of its polemics, it is only be­ carrying out such actions, nor any in­ and that they have not yet ceased to cause we would prevent these distor­ tention of doing so. Almost all the im­ struggle for it. The same applied to the tions from influencing the readers of portant members of the 1944 Ukrain­ peoples of North Caucasia and the area a paper that is widely circulated. ian government were arrested by the between the Volga and the Urals. Fred Forrest, the writer of the Germans and put in concentration It is a calumny to assert that the article in question, who introduces camps a few days after the independ­ A.B.N. ' hates the Russian people and himself as a former U.S. Intelligence ence of Ukraine had been proclaimed. would welcome its destruction. Russian agent and veteran student of Soviet imperialism is for the A.B.N. the in­ affairs, maintains that the A.B.N. was What German Support Looked Like veterate enemy of the liberty of na­ founded in 1946 as a collection of rem­ According to Mr, Forrest, the men tions. We wish the Russian people no nants of various “national committees“ who represent the A.B.N. today were less, but no more, than all the other that had operated under Alfred Rosen­ supported and financed by the German peoples in the U.S.S.R. and its satellite berg, the notorious Reich Minister for government during the way. If we un­ states, namely, the right to lead a free^ occupied areas in the East. In reality, derstand by this the free board and life in its own independent, nationc^T the A.B.N.'^svas formed in 1945 in an lodging and clothing enjoyed, for in­ state within its ethnic frontiers. The area of the so-called “Reichskommissa- stance, for almost three years and a A.B.N. has never refused to cooperate riat Ukraine“ that was at that time half in the German concentration camp with the Russians, provided that they controlled by the U.P.A. (Ukrainian at Sachsenhausen, by Yaroslav Stetzko, recognize the rights of all peoples sub­ Insurgent Army) and that suffered the president of the Central Committee jugated by Moscow, i. e. their indep­ particularly from the brutal measures of the A.B.N. and by Alfred Berzins, endent national states within their employed by the occupying army to former Prime Minister of Latvia, now ethnic frontiers. crush the Ukrainian people. It is not president of the Peoples’ Council in Towards the Poles, the A.B.N. takes possible that there could have been the A.B.N., then it is true. The accusa­ up the same position, and here a co­ movements of the peoples incorporated tions brought against Veil Kajum- operation has already begun. As far as any understanding between liberation Chan, president of the Political Com­ the Jews are concerned, it is a base lie in the A.B.N. and the Nazi government. mission in the A.B.N. and other re­ to maintain that the A.B.N. is anti- presentatives of the Organization are semitic. Mr, Forrest has not even taken Invention of Ukrainian Atrocities on the same level. It is not worth re­ the trouble to provide his readers with Another gross falsehood on the futing them here. any proof whatever, not even with an author’s part is his assertion that when invented one. Facts give him the lie. Yaroslav Stetzko, President of the The A.B.N. Does Not Hate Peoples It is well-known, for instance, that Central Committee of the A.BN., was To represent the existence of a Cos- during the war, the Ukrainian Insurg­ Prime Minister of the Ukrainian Re­ sackian people striving for independ- ent Army (U.P.A,) protected the J ewish population, and that many. Jews owe their lives to it alone. For the A.B.N. allies of the West or the unwilling de­ the enslaved peoples can build up their there is no discrimination of religion, fenders of Moscow. What they seek is fighting forces on or after the outbreak race, or nationality; it fights for the liberation ant not obliteration g— let of war. freedom of all peoples and the freedom the Western nations remember this. The duties of the second should be of the individual without any excep­ to collect and coordinate information tion whatever A Concrete Proposal gathered by the underground move­ 1 Lastly, I will end with a concrete ments; train intelligence agents for Ignorance or Prejudice? proposal. Because from past history work not only behind the Iron Curtain there is no reason to suppose that a but also in all countries which in war­ It says little for Mr. Forrest’s know­ change in regime in Moscow will call time may be overrun by the Russians, ledge of history and his political in­ a halt to the age-old urge of Russian so that guerilla war may be organized sight that he holds the clear division expansion, the aim of the Western in their rear, and by intensive propa­ between Slovaks and Czechs to be powers should coincide with the aim ganda keep the spirit of counterrevu- political propaganda on the part of the of the A.B.N. This means that the lution alive. A.B.N. That Slovaks and Czechs are two distinct peoples is a fact both of Soviet Empire must be dealt with as The duties of the supply branch should was the Turkish — that is, split up be to make ready on a vast scale all general knowledge and history. Mr. Forrest must be aware that even the into its component parts, each part be­ the requirements of guerilla warfare: coming an independent country. the provision of arms,, ammunitions, State Department recognized the right The first step toward achieving this explosives, medical stores, rations, of the Slovak people to unlimited in­ dependence as a state. end is the formation of all freedom- radios and so on, as well as earmark loving peoples on both sides of the the aircraft needed to carry them and The AB.N. has never spoken of an Iron Curtain into a common anti-bol- also personnel to prearranged dropping alien Russian supremacy over the peo­ shevik front. The second is the creation points, so that when the flag falls, the ples of Yugoslavia. If the A.B.N. pleads of a psychological;— warfare general psychological bomb may be detonated for self-determination for these peo­ staff which will give teeth to this from the Artie shores to the Mediter­ ples, i. e. for the Serbs, Croats and Slov­ union. It should comprise three main ranean and from the Baltic to the Elbe. enes, it is because Tito’s dictatorship over these three peoples is a faithful branchesg- operations, intelligence and If these thing’s are done, the Western supply. copy of Stalin’s. To refuse these peo­ The duties of the first should be to nations need have no fears. But if they ples the right of self-determination is plan and organize partisan activities are not done, though the West may to refuse a natural law. within all subjugated countries and win the next war, in its winning it will As regards the cpiestion of federation train refugees and form them into the reap its own destruction and may well and confederation, the A.B.N. supports nuclei of national armies, around which end in bolshevizing the world. the democratic principle that the peo- Number 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

tween democratic states are based on principles of equality, and national in­ National Independence Conies First dependence has been achieved in the form of«complete and unlimited sover­ By Blaq Bashi / Turkestan eignity. That is why wars cannot arise between pqwers and their former co­ It lias become tlie fashion in recent According to the bolshevists it is im­ lonies and why there can be no hege­ possible for nations not included in the years to form unions of states or na­ mony of any one nation. tions by voluntary treaty and condi­ communist system to achieve independ­ tions that are equal for all participat­ ence and to form free unions; they also The Soviet Union is, quite another ing- states. aver that if nations are to live in peace kind of formation; from its birth, it has and unity, they must belong to that worn the disguise of a “voluntary“ The Union of Europe, a project that regime. union of very different nations com­ has been discus^ted for decades, is now pelled by force to be members of a on the point of realization as the Uni­ Democracies Grant Colonies Indep­ “Union of Republics“. In addition, just ted Democratic States of Europe. Indo­ endence before and after World War II the Sov­ nesia, comprising more than 5000 is­ iet Union annexed by force a number lands with a population of 70 millions, Now, the colonial system is crumb­ of nationally independent states or for .150 years a Dutch colony, has be­ ling away in the world outside of the compelled them to be satellites. By thus come an independent, national state, encircling Soviet wall. Conquest and suppressing the independence of these known as the Indonesian Union, mutual strife is being replaced by in­ states, Soviet Russia has greatly ex­ both partners having equal rights. ternational understanding and mutual tended the frontiers of its “Union“. Similarly, Indo-China, formerly a respect. There are many indications Thus there are two totally different French colony, has become independent in the world today that the imperialist trends towards union which have split and is about to form a French-Indo- system is rotting away. the world into opposite camps. chinese Union. India and Burma and The democratic states, designated im­ Pakistan with its 70 million Moham­ perialist by the bolshevist, have, not In the democratic part of the world, medan inhabitants, all for centuries only by words, but also by deeds, given new national states have arisen which ''polonies of Great Britain, have attain­ the lie to the bolshevist contention. As have formed voluntary unions on the ed independence and have become in­ already mentioned, and in spite of basis of equal rights Here real liberty dependent members of the British Com­ destructive Soviet influences, a great and peace have been secured. monwealth with the same rights as the number of states not included in the In the part of the world comprised Motherland. Thus an end was put to communist system have achieved in­ in the Soviet socialist republics, natio­ the oppression and degradation of co­ dependence , Burma, Pakistan, nal rights, history, traditions, languages lonial peoples and to the constant and India, Indonesia, Indochina, and other and cultures in consequence of a bitter strife between colonial powers small nations. These states are now vicious doctrine has strengthened the and their dependencies. Independence living- as free nations on terms of equal­ hegemony of one nation. This is why and freedom have set these colonial ity with the other free nations in the the nations fettered by Soviet Russia’s peoples on the way to progress. The world. Disputes which might have chain of unions and deprived of their Jews, who lost their national state occasioned wars, were settled by these liberty are fighting unceasingly to re­ centuries ago, have now established states within their own union or by the cover their freedom and independence. Israel as a free state and are advanc­ U.N. by peaceful negotation. The var­ There can, therefore, never be peace ing to a life of liberty and progress. ious unions that have been formed be­ in this part of the world.

pies themselves must decide the mat­ equal vote, no matter the size of the Non-Russian Peoples Oppose Russian ter. But a free decision presupposes the people they represent; the same rights Imperialism sovereignty of the states concerned. and duties are recognized for all. The A.B.N. is no mere instrument of the The constant fight for liberation and In the opinion of the A.B.N. no people independence, waged by Turkestan, has authorized any politician in exile “Bandera Movement“ or of the national cause of Ukraine or any other single Ukraine, Caucasia and other non-Rus- to a abandon any of its national sion nations, aims at destroying not sovereignity. Those who think and act national organization. It is the volun­ tary union of subjugated nations, only the communist system but also the as if they had this power, are contrav­ fetters of Russian imperialism. The ening the democratic principle of the whose resistance movements are re­ cognized as equal. present fight of Turkestanians for their «elf-determination of peoples and thus national independence is not new; in display considerable prejudice. But Mr. Forrest goes further in his 1898 there was a .rising under Duktschi suspicions. He writes, believes it or not, Eschan, in 1916, mass risings, and be­ What about “Russian Resistance“? of communist infiltration of the A.B.N.! tween 1917 and 1923 there were many Mr. Forrest protests that the A.B.N. But he gives no proof of his absurd bloody battles, all against Russian im­ never mentions Russian resistance and contention. He would indeed find it perialism, with the aim of throwing its heroes in any of their publications. difficult to produce any, for the A.B.N. off its fetters and regaining national Here we must reply that Russian move­ is the strongest political bulwark liberty. The present struggle is only ments of resistance in the Soviet Union against Bolshevism. It is to the interest more intense than those of the past, but have up till now been no more than of exiled Russian imperialists and the its aim is the same. Everyone has now wishful thinking. Mr. Forrest niust . Bolsheviks themselves to spread such grasped that the Soviet Union is not a have noticed that the Western press suspicion in the West. Mr. Forrest also voluntary union of nations or national constantly reports resistance in Tur­ deems it necessary to censure organ­ states. It is, indeed, absurd to maintain kestan. Caucasia, Ukraine, the Baltic ization or personalities in the West, that nations which have been deprived states, Croatia, Bulgaria or Slovakia. who sympathize or cooperate with the of every trace of liberty and sove­ From the territories of Russia proper, AB.N., among them Mr. John F. Stew­ reignty are voluntary members of a on the other hand, we hear no such art, the chairman of the Scottish League Union that is merely an association of reports, obviously because no anticom­ for European Freedom. It remains to Communist party leaders working for munist movement exists there. This be seen whether the author will have Russian hegemony. fact is greatly regretted by the A.B.N., the honesty to withdraw his malicious distortions after Mr. Stewart’s recent as it implies a gap in the front of the Twofold Aim of the Struggle for peoples who are fighting against Bol­ statement. Liberation shevism. That is the truth about the A.B.N. Whoever is against the A.B.N., is volun­ It is clear, therefore, that non-Rus­ Voluntary Common Front of Peoples tarily or involuntarily a supporter of sian movements in the Soviet Unions The A.B.N. is not controlled by the bolshevism and Russian imperialism. pursue two aims. The first of these is representatives of one people or party Whoever is against the right of peoples the destruction of the bolshevist system only. On the contrary, all its national to self determination is against demo­ of totalitarianism, and the second, the delegations have equal rights and an cracy.. more important, the liquidation of Rus-' Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 12

sian imperialism of every colour, and ihe establishment of national and in­ dependent states which will lead a free The Fiasco of Wiesbaden and peaceful life in the community of free nations. The liberation struggle of About 30 men met early in November decided ex-fascists, and nazi supporters. the non-Russian peoples in the Soviet in a hotel in Wiesbaden, Germany —■ Union is based on these two fundamen­ The programme of the N.T.S. before 20 Russians, 3 Aserbaijanians, 3 Armen­ 1943 for instance, contains the follow­ tal and inseparable aims. ians, 2 Georgians, 2 Turkestanians, 1 ing: “Russia has no need of the comedy Sometimes the erroneous view is ex­ Byelorussian and 1 American. They of parliamentary elections, but rather pressed that the sovereignty of nations wished to found a “Council for the the choice of strong personalities. For­ violates world unity in the provinces Liberation of the Peoples of Russia“, eigners may not belong to the Russian of economics and politics, or that it is on which, for the first time, Russian nation even if they have lived in Rus­ a danger to wrorld peace. Equally politicians were to cooperate with re­ sia for years. The samê applies to Jews wrong and unjust are assertions that presentatives of non-Russian peoples who have the right to leave Russia if the principles of the U.N. or the Atlan­ in the U.S.S.R. they leave their property behind. The tic Charter do not apply equally to all This step was prepared some eighteen government is not responsible to a nations. While such opinions are un­ months ago by Russian exiles in the parliament. The Prime Minister is likely to have much influence on real United -States. The notorious Kerensky, appointed by the head of the state, to life today, there is always a danger who played into the hands of the bol- whom alone he is responsible.“ The that they may be utilized by bolshev- shevists when he was the weak head same party (N.T.S.) also includes mem­ ist propaganda. of the state in 1917, was behind the bers of the Russian Kaminski SS.-Divi­ plan. In spite of the great efforts made sion which had a share in quelling the Bolshevist Imperialism in Disguise by his preliminary committee, things Warsaw rising. The Union of Fighters did not get moving until some rich for the Liberation of the Peoples of Bolshevist imperialism is but a con­ Americans decided to join and help to Russia and the other organizations tinuation of the notorious colonial po­ realize the plan. What is now known selected are composed mostly of fol­ licy of the Czars; it brutally suppresses as the “American Committee for the lowers of General Vlassov whose anti- small and weak nations and insolently Liberation of the Russian People“ was semitic and antidemocratic views a n ^ utilizes the desire of small nations for founded for this purpose. hostility to the Allies have been his­ independence in its propaganda against torically proved. democratic states. To the world, Soviet Mr. Don Levine and Mr. Williams, For weeks these five chosen parties Russia poses as the champion of the members of the committee, came to quarrelled about who was to lead them. liberties of nations and, at the same Germany some months ago in order to One of the main arguments of the N.T.S. time, endeavours to extend its author­ conduct negotiations in what is the against the claims of the other parties ity over many nations, particularly in centre of Russian emigres, and were to leadership was the undeniably true the Far East. The masses, dazzled by often in New York, Paris, Frankfurt fact that not one of them had more Soviet propaganda, are ready to allow and Munich in pursuance of their ob­ than a dozen members. The S.B.O.N.R. themselves to be organized as a weapon ject. They met with considerable dif­ in reply reproached the N.T.S. with of communist destruction. ficulty. First, there was the question being a fascist organization and there­ of selecting the most representative of fore excluded from leadership. But dif­ the thirty odd Russian political organi­ Independence For Export Only ferences in the question of nationalities zations abroad, so as to draw up a were more serious than those internal common plan of action. Monarchist Soviet Russia demands from the non- disputes. The least progressive party and totalitarian organizations were to was the N.T.S. with its programme of Russian peoples it subjugates that they be excluded, and this made things destroy all national feeling but it ap­ a centralised Russia, in which non-Rus­ easier. After lengthy negotiation, the sian peoples should have autonomy parently furthers national independ­ following five Russian parties were ence beyond its frontiers. It is com­ only in cultural affairs. To this the selected: League for the People’s Free­ mon knowledge that Soviet Russia does S.B.O.N.R. which is composed mainly dom (L.B.N.S.), National Work Union of more recent exiles, replied that such its best to destroy the United Nations (N.T.S.), Russian People’s Movement from within and to form a “Union of a centralised programme' of autonomy (R.N.D.j, Union of Fighters for the Nations“ under the supremacy of the has been exceeded by the present Sov­ Liberation of the Peoples of Russia iet government.’Stalin,’they pointed out, Kremlin. Soviet Russia and every form (S.B.O.N.R.), and the Fighters for the of imperialism that is based on the had been obliged to acknowledge the Freedom of Russia (S.B.S.R.). destruction of national independence non-Russian peoples in the U.S.S.B^- are dangerous enemies of international There is a certain irony in the fact officially, even if he granted them understanding, world peace and the that these parties comprised some nothing more than the form of in­ union of nations and national free­ dependence as Soviet Republics. The doms. There will never be freedom N.T.S., whose members are mostly in the real sense of the word as long old émigrés, refused to accept such as the conditions that guarantee it are a foundation-stone in the edifice of in­ reasoning, and so the first meeting absent. There can be no freedom with­ ternational democracy. of the prospective Council, held in out national independence. Discrimination of race, destruction of Füssen on Juli 20, 1954 dissolved with­ this or that nation are characteristic of out coming to any result. Thereupon It goes without saying that a nation the American sponsors became active that is not free and independent can­ soviet Russian imperialism and medi­ eval barbarism; they are utterly out and tried to compel obedience by not be a member of a national union stopping the money. They insisted on with equality of rights. Otherwise, such of place in the democratic, civilized world of today. federalism as a basic principle in build­ a union would, as in Soviet Russia, ing up the new Russian- imperium. This mean the hegemony of one nation and In spite of terrorism, violence and was the atmosphere of the second the destruction of the national sover­ persecution, the idea of national liber­ meeting of the parties concerned at eignty of others. This would lead to ty and independence has gained much Stuttgart on August 20,1951. It “solved“ fresh unrest and wars. ground. It is as impossible to prevent the difficult question of nationalities There can be no just and free union the sun from rising as it is to supress by resolving that the future Russian of nations unless the independence of by force the idea of liberty. The en­ imperium should be constructed on a its member states is guaranteed. Demo­ emies ■ of independence would be wise basis of federalism. All agreed that cracy demands that there be no differ­ to realize this fact. the non-Russian peoples should not ence before the law between small and There is only one condition that will receive an independent status. great nations, for the inhabitants of the ensure the destruction of totalitarian­ Meanwhile Mr. Don Levine had put former have the same status as those ism and expansionist imperialism and out feelers to representatives of the of larger nations. They, too, have a the formation of a union of free nations non-Russian peoples, in order to win right to liberty and happiness. The re­ with equal rights, and that is .— na­ them for a federal Russian imperium. cognition of the equal rights of all is tional independence. The results of these attempts were Number 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

standpoint was: “We don’t want any American, anti-Soviet propaganda“, Gaps in the Democratic Youth Front and every guest from the East was un­ welcome. “Camp“, the official bulletin By Yaroslav Z. Pelensky issued by the management, openly published anti-American propaganda, in the U.S.S.R. and the satellite states, In the summer of 1951 mass youth and that with American money and its message was federation, although rallies were held on both sides of the American support. The third event iron curtain. A comparison of these organizers must have known how wel­ which merits attention is simultaneous demonstrations discloses come such an idea is to Russia. This is reasons for weaknesses in the youth where the interests of delegates from The First General Meeting of the policy pursued by the West. non-Russian peoples in the East should World Assembly of Youth have been stressed, and, as this was The Berlin Youth Festival, an Event not done, the whole affair became a in Ithaka, U.S.A. Here a dtub of elderly in the Cold War fiasco. . gentlemen (50—601 years old) discussed The problem of youth became im­ “youth problems“ for 11 days. Appar­ The managers of the communist ently youth is not fit to discuss its own “Festival of Youth“ in Berlin had two portant for the West about the same time and the problems. Here again statements were main reasons for focussing attention made sudi as: “We want an under­ on this event: first, in order to weld “European Youth Meeting at the standing with the East! We are opposed communist youth closer and second, to Lorelei Rock“ to political activity! The U.S.S.R. must win thereby a battle in the cold war. not be. irritated and peace must be An enormous apparatus of organzation was organized. It was to be a proof to made!“ We cannot understand how the was set in motion for the purpose of the East of Europe’s vitality. The aim showing the West how strong, well- was to prove the solidarity of European West can desire to nave any kind of peace with Stalin. disciplined and idealistic youth in the youth and, if need be, its readiness to East is. More than a million young resist communism. The present writer Lack of ideas was characteristic of people were brought to Berlin and who attended the meeting- as a member this meeting. Although the World matched through it streets in endless of Ukrainian delegation, experienced Assembly of Youth is based on the c, inns, thus demonstrating their there one of the worst disappointments Charter of Human Rights, it hesitates rdadiness to fight for Stalin and com­ of his life. The Youth Meeting at the to apply them wherever the Soviet munism. Lorelei Rock developed into a veritable Union is concerned. If the peoples of This is not affected by the fact that scandal. the U.S.S.R.. were mentioned at all, it was only as “the dear, great Russian individual members fled to the West, The “Komsomolskaya Pravda“ of and that the Western press was forced 26. 9. 1951 stated with considerable people“. to take notice of the demonstration; satisfaction in its article on the “Lorelei When we review these meetings, we they actually published more com­ Rock of Opposition“ that the “Camp“, must ask what the West has done mentaries than necessary and uncon­ the bulletin issued at the Meeting, bore for the sciously gave good publicity to bol­ the dove of peace on its frontispiece.“ Formation of the Democratic shevism. The same article continued: “The camp Youth Front? was decorated with such bills as: “Free Europe Committee“ “Americans, get out! We don’t want to We must try first to discover the The counter-demonstration, organized be soldiers for the Yankees!“ That such reasons for the apathy of Western by the Committee for Free Europe was things could happen at all was not youth. inadequate both in conception and only the work of the many French com­ The first is lack of ideas. The youth execution. munists there, it also proved the in­ of the Western World wants above all The combative spirit was absent; capacity of the managers of the camp to be let alone, no matter at what cost. instead of attacking communism, and ' and the organizers of the Meeting. They It flirts with the amenities of prosper­ revealing the nature of the dictator­ failed to notice communist infiltration, ity, for which it is willing to sacrifice ship of the Russian people in the Soviet and refused to allow delegates from almost everything, including patriotism Union, and supporting the other nations Eastern Europe to cooperate. Their Continued on Page 8 deplorable. First there was the Ukrain­ ship of less than thirty, who are mostly the Wiesbaden meeting by non-Rus­ ian refusal: representatives of all seven politically indifferent or men with a sians: 1) The automatic reconstruction F^Vinian parties active abroad gave doubtful past. The expanses of this of independence for all peoples who L'- Levine an unambiguous negative. puppet show were borne by the Ame­ proclaimed their sovereignty as states All Ukrainians demanded complete in­ rican circles already referred to. The between 1917 and 1920; 2i) No Russian dependence from Russia and an in­ “artistes“ thus hired for public per­ leadership in the proposed committee, dependent Ukrainian state. And those formances received new coats, shoes, Russia to have the same position as of the peoples of Turkestan, Georgia, hats, etc. the other members. Needless to say, North Caucasia, Aserbaijan, Cossackia Now the curtain could go up on the those conditions were not accepted by and Idel-Ural made it clear that they meeting planned for Wiesbaden early the Russians, so the meeting was not­ will certainly not subordinate them­ in November with the cooperation able to arrive at a satisfactory result selves to Russians. of “Aserbaijanians“, “Turkestanians“, after five days of difficult negotiation. It is worth noting that this refusal “Armenians“, “North Caucasians“, In order to prevent the public from of non-Russian nations in the U.S.S.R. “Georgians“ and “Byelorussians“. The getting to know the real nature of the to form a federation with the Russians non-Russian peoples, however, were ' fiasco, the Russians persuaded the non- was energetically supported by re­ “represented“ by private persons whom Russian “delegates“ to sign a common presentatives of the soviet satellite nobody had authorized to do so. Details bulletin which does indeed mention the nations: Bulgarians, Rumanians, Slov­ about these “representatives“ and the right of peoples to “self-determination aks, Czechs and Hungarians. They, as manoeuvres at the Wiesbaden meeting but carefully avoids any definition of “burnt children“ evidently dread the will be made public shortly in a de­ this term and any indication of how fire of federalism with Moscow. claration by the lawful representatives this theoretical right is to be put into There was, therefore, only one way of the nations ^concerned. Mr. Akber, practice. We do not need to say that left for the Russians and their American for instance, who was in Wiesbaden as for the Russians it means only the managers, viz., they would have to do a representative of Aserbaijan,. de­ federal construction of their imperium, without genuine representatives of the clared that the Russians there played while all non-Russian peoples long for non-Russian nations and try to find a trick on him by putting his name to complete separation from Moscow and substitutes. This they had no scruples the declaration and communique issued continue to insist on their own national in doing; within two weeks no fewer by the Wiesbaden meeting although states. The Wiesbaden declaration, than five “Ukrainian parties“ were they had no authority to do so. therefore, throws a very thin veil over hunted up and marshalled into action. We understand that the following a sharp division without contributing These “parties“ have a total member­ demands were put to the Russians at at all to bridging it. Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 12

alist ends his report with these signi­ ficant words: “Every honest observer A Statement by ’’National Bulgaria” who saw the Fatherland Front in action can swear that it was not a de­ For the Information of the West mocratic body representative of the broad mass of the people.“ We reproduce here an article that appeared in “National Bulgaria“ the official organ of the National Bulgarian Front, as it is of import­ It certainly was not the Bulgarian people! The great majority of the ance for the satellite states in general. It deals with the controversy people knew the fate that threatened , between national politicians who have fought against bolshevism for it from the -Soviet Union and the lot years and are still its determined enemies, and Left radical politicians prepared for it by a communist govern­ who helped communists to force their people under Moscow’s yoke and ment. That is why the people did not then, when their hopes were disappointed, emigrated to the West, where make common cause with the “Father- strangely enough, they alone receive support and recognition as demo­ land Front“ and why it wept so bitterly cratic champions in the fight against bolshevism. — Ed. when its king died. The only eyes that were dry then were those of supporters The article deals with two remark­ nient and, under the protection of the of the mob that rejoiced at the coup able events in recent Bulgarian history Red Army, the “two-fold liberator“, of September 9. For it was nothing but — the mysterious death of King Boris transformed our happy country into a a mob of criminals, of undisciplined on August 28, 1943 and the communist slaughter-house. Laws were no longer rowdies, of fools poisoned by propa­ revolution of September 9, 1944, and valid, conscience was stifled and the ganda They alone could rejoice so draws certain conclusions from a com­ sense of right trampled under foot. irresponsibly on September 6 and wel­ parison of conditions in the consituti- Order was replaced by a regime of come our oppressors. onal monarchy and those under the caprice whose supreme law was: “Down Some of their leaders are once more regime of the “Fatherland Front“, an with fascism! Freedom ft>r the people!“ in the capitals of Western democracies. -organization that was inspired by com­ In the eyes of this government of Their comrades and functionaries dur­ munism. bandits, everyone was a fascist who ing the days following September 9 did not belong to the conspiracy of the The king opposed Bulgaria’s entry are in various émigré camps throy^ - into the war and tried to lead his “Fatherland Front“, and who had re­ out Western Europe, where they are country unscathed out of the general mained loyal to the constitution and once more using their fists and their catastrophe. One story is that his death national interests. These, it may be knives in the best traditions of their was arranged by Himmler because said, were the intellectual, political party to terrorize rightful exiles from King Boris had refused to obey Hitler’s and military elite of the country. Bulgaria. Nor is this all. orders to take active part in the war. After a few months the “Fatherland They are considered worthy of serv­ The other version is that the King was Front“ triumphed 'completely. Patri­ ing as “the democratic vanguard in the poisoned by order of Stalin because he otism was declared to be treason, na­ crusade for freedom“ which the Ameri­ was preparing to make terms with tional duty high treason, while treason Washington and London to end the can committee for Free Europe intends became the citizen’s first duty. Courts to launch in Bulgaria as well as in formal state of war in Bulgaria, which pronounced sentences by order, the would have deprived Moscow from “enlighteners of the people“ spread other countries. Poor crusade! Poor later extending its sphere of influence darkness, the army lost its leaders and Bulgaria!“ by invading Bulgaria with the Red its soldiers took an oath of loyalty to The author goes on to point out that Army. The people mourned for their Moscow. Servants of law and justice the question at issue is not one between king as for a martyr whose death filled the prisons, thieves were given the monarchist and republican form of presaged evil to come. state posts, and murderers became government. He expresses the alter­ The article continues: ministers. native facing Bulgarian exiles and “Then came the coup of September 9. And yet there are Bulgarians in exile Western statesmen as follows: It turned out to be worse than the today who dare to speak of a “people’s “The question is really which ideal people’s darkest forebodings. A com­ rising on September 9“ ! The world, our Bulgarian exiles are prepared to pany of irresponsible adventurers, pa­ thank God, knows better and history stand for. Are they, in harmony with radoxically called the “Fatherland will not be led astray by participants the longings of our oppressed people, Front“, usurped supreme power and in the bloodshed of those days. In 1945 for the restoration of its lost rig^+s began to “liberate the people’s state“. the “Reader’s Digest“, the well-known A handful of bandits, calling them­ American periodical, published in its and its national dignity, which w ^ . l selves the “partisans" of an alleged October number a striking report en­ guarantee a really “Free and indep­ resistance movement, crept out of their titled “I saw the Russians take posses­ endent Bulgaria“ ? Or do they use this hiding-places, got arms from'the govern- sion of Bulgaria“. The American journ­ phrase as a meaningless label for a new conspiracy formed in exile among those responsible for September 9, who Continued from Page 7 ity ought to be utilized. This means intend to usurp supreme power in Bul­ and national traditions. The polished that an attempt should be made to garia anew, to stifle democracy there pacifism of the Twenties with all its realize those ideas everywhere in the again, sow discord among our people weakness, is typical for these young world, but not that the idea of freedom and cast over the future the gloomy people. should be a monopoly. We are think­ shadow of death and dungeon? .. This What could the West offer youth? ing here in the first place of the young : is a question which must be faced by people of the nations represented in It could inspire it with the ideal of all responsible statesmen and institu­ democracy, but it would also have to the A.B.N. who have been fighting for years for the realization of the ideal tions of Western powers, and above all give it the chance to stand up for that in the United States, when they con­ ideal. It would have to defend not only of freedom in their home countries. sider whom they are to trust and its own freedom but that of nations Further, a scheme should be launched deprived for it. There will be no united to form a united, anti-communist youth support, — those who keep step with front of democratic youth as long as front in which Byelorussians, Hungar­ the historical march of our small, but there are no bridges to the youth of ians, Baltic peoples, Ukrainians, etc. hardy and proud Bulgarian nation and peoples in the East and as long as they should be represented. who fight for the restoration of a are not given wholehearted support in To discuss plans for federation and genuine democracy in Bulgaria, fol­ their fight for freedom. to ignore soviet maneouvres at russi­ lowed by the great majority of the people; or will the Western democra­ What should be done? fication is to weaken the democratic ideal of peace in the West. There will cies continue to support those who The answer to this is short: As the be no democratic youth front until it organized the fatal bomb of Septem­ ideas of the Western World are super­ includes the idea of freedom held by ber 9, from the consequences- of which ior to those of bolshevism, this superior­ the youth of the peoples of the East. the people is still suffering.“ Number 12 AB N - C t) RR E S P ONDEN CE Page 9

Japan and Germany. The negative atti­ A Bad Bargain: tude to Spain, Lfkraine and the Arab World is part of this policy. Is there no end to this suicidal policy on the Alliances Between Russia and the West part of the West? Will England in particular not revert to its policy in By Dr. D. Donzov the 17th and 18th centuries, when its statesmen and representatives in Italy, Peter I was the founder of Russia’s West get out of its alliances with Rus­ Constantinople and Stockholm gave European policy. Even then Russia sia? The Fifth Column, civil war in support to all European powers, in­ found allies among the states of Western Europe, cold and hot war in Asia and cluding Ukraine, against Russian ex­ the danger of falling itself under the Europe (Denmark and Poland). Thanks pansion. to their help, she gained access to the yoke of Russia. Baltic Sea, an advance that was to Edmund Burke, England’s leading cause these allies considerable trouble. Pro-Russian Influences in the West politician and orator at the time of the The West requested and received help French Revolution wrote with sorrow: To weight the balance even more, f rom Russia in its war against Frederick obscure but influential circles in the “'The age of children is gone. That of the Great. Russia took part in the West are aiming at removing all kinds sophists, economists and calculators “Three Ladies’ War“ (Maria Theresa of anti-Russian states and nations out has succeeded and the glory of Europe of Austria, Elizabeth of Russia and the of the way of the Russian imperium, is extinguished for ever.“ ... Let us Marquise de Pompadour) against Prus­ such, for instance as National China, hope that such is not the case. sia and was for the first time present as an arbiter in the settlement of dis­ putes in Western Europe. Aserbaijan Opposes Russian Imperialism Russia and the French Revolution As a result of the appeal for help We publish parts of the “Declar­ ethnical elements deprived of a national f by Western monarchies to Russia, ation“ of “MUSAVAT“, the Natio­ territory and living scattered in the Russian armies penetrated as far as nal Popular Party of Aserbaijan midst of a large mass. But the nations Italy and Switzerland, and her annex­ ation of Poland with its capital, War­ concerning the “Council for the in question are ethnical entities living saw, gave Russia an excellent strategic Liberation of the Peoples of Rus­ grouped on territories of their own, position in the heart of Central Europe. sia“ . The “Declaration“ has been possessing formally the same rights as Soon the price for help against Na­ issued by the Foreign Bureau of the Russians. poleon seemed to the West too high, “MUSAVAT“. - Ed. 5) Upon the collapse of the Russian and England planned an Alliance of Empire, the people of Aserbaijan pro­ Western Europe against Russia. But it 1) The concept of “Nations of Russia“ claimed its independence on May 28, was too late. dates back to the Russian empire and 1918 and established a modern republic is therefore an anachronism today. This Russia’s Part in the World War which was recognized by the Great terminology, which clings to the no­ Powers. Russia paid for the help it received minal frontiers of the late Russian from its Western Allies in the war of empire, is essentially anti-democratic. 4) The present Soviet regime in 1914—18 by a treacherous separate The very concept of “Nations of Rus­ Aserbaijan was created by .military peace that greatly imperilled the situ­ sia“ lost all meaning with the collapse forces who invaded the country. The people of Aserbaijan put up a des­ ation of the Allies. The West, however, of the Russian Empire. In the Soviet was not slow to recognize these traitors perate resistance to this Russian in­ Union, the successor of the Empire of as the lawful government of Russia vasion and lost tens of thousands of the Tsars, there are no “Nations of who were immediately welcomed as men. No member of this nation, whose Russia“, but only a “Russian Nation“ members of the League of Nations. sovereignty was generally acknow­ Russia’s next step was to found- the on the one hand, and “Non-Russian ledged, will consent to having this Third International in order to stir up Nations“ on the other. The nation of sovereignty Blurred and degraded; the domestic trouble for its generous Aserbaijan is entirely different from nation of Aserbaijan made a final de­ pa±rons. the Russian nation. cision on this point when it proclaimed v ■ World War II the West hastened 2) Just as it is inadmissible today to its independence in 1918, sealing it with once more to form an alliance with the Kremlin gangsters. And the balance talk of the “Nations of Russia“, it is its blood. for Russia? — The half of Western also absurd to talk of the “The Na­ 5) If all free nations are to be united Europe, the half of Asia and a seat in tional Minorities“ in the Soviet Union“. against the dahger of Bolshevist im­ the United Nations. And what did the This term should be applied only to perialism now threatening civilization, democracy and the rights of man, the principle of a “Federation of the Na­ In Defense o f Churches . .. their God in their own way, to free­ dom of thought, speech and assembly, tions of Russia'“ which is but a disguise Continued from Page 3 and to live in peace with all the world. for "Russia one and indivisible“, the that the statesmanship of the despised The beginning must be the depriving slogan of Tsarist and bolshevist im­ Victorians would not have been able of Russia for good of all its power for perialism, must be discarded. evil. All the 125 millions of non-Rus­ to rescue the world from the ruin in­ 6) If the Russian parties are genuine­ flicted on it by Russian Imperialism. sian peoples in the U.S.S.R. are pre­ pared to help to this end. But they ly democratic, they should refrain The Church Should Lead need a lead and they do not wish that from extending the concept of ““Russia" lead to come either from politics or to the t erritories of the so-called If politicians and the Press will not finance. “minorities“, whose population amounts lead the way. to justice,- we pray that Again we urge that it is the Churches’ to half of that of the entire Soviet the Churches will, and that it will mean duty to give that lead, and in no un­ Union, and should restrict this concept not more talking and registering plat­ certain way, and to repudiate any idea itudinous protests, but a campaign such to the ethnological frontiers of Russia of friendship with a nation which has proper. In our opinion, only those Rus­ as has been fought in the past for, pos­ been responsible for more torture, sibly, less worthy causes. murder, misery and destruction than sians can be considered democrats who We would repeat, no one wishes to have ever existed in the world, until really respect the principles of national interfere with the Russians, but all there has been the fullest expiation. independence and democracy in other these non-Russian peoples demand the For the Russian people must bear their nations, and confine themselves to their right to rule themselves, to worship share of responsibility. own ethnical territory. Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 12

LITHUANIA From behind the Iron Curtain THE FATE OF LITHUANIAN BISHOPS “accused“, for instance, V. Zakrutkin, ARMENIA the author of the novel “Swimming No one knows what has become of Stanitza“, A. Koshevnikov, the author the bishops in Lithuania, nor does any­ of “Living Water“, Vasilenko, Petrov one speak of their fate. The only one POLITICAL TRAINING IS WEAK (Biriuk) and many more. left is Bishop Paltaroska. Many pa­ A long leading article in the recently rishes have no priest and even if they The “Pravda“ of November 20 pub­ published “Don“, an almanach that ap­ have one, the church is often closed lished the following report from its peared in Rostow on the Don, talks of because of high taxes. own correspondent in Erevan: the political importance of works by Last year the Bishop sent a repre­ “At a general meeting of the Central Cossaekian writers and poets. sentative to Memel, where he preached Committee of the Communist Party of The “Pravda“ and the “Isvestiya“ con­ and dispensed the Sacraments. When Armenia a lecture was discussed which tain severe criticism on the collected he was in the train on his return jour­ had been given by Comrade Martiross- works of Cossaekian poets that have ney, he was arrested at Telsiai. Most yan, the chief of the committee’s sec­ been published recently. They censure churches and convents are closed. tion for problems connected with the particularly the works of I. Frolov Where they are still open, the populace party, trade unions, organizations of and A. Gadatatl, as “greatly damag­ makes every sacrifice to ketep them communist youth when he talked about ing political thinking“ . (The same going, sharing their last penny with improving conditions of entrance into applies to the work of the young Cos- their priest. Terrorism has not been the party and of training young com­ sackian poet, VI. Kostin. He is accused able to stamp religious life out, and munists. of giving too much thought to Cossack- the churches are overcrowded on Feast Several party organizations in Ere­ ian patriotism and too little to “Soviet Days. The bolshevists are trying to van, and in the, districts of Kirova- patriotism“. hammer into the people that the pr' ts kansk, Srtik, Alaverd and Bassargechar and the Catholic Church are para\5res do not apply the principle of strict se­ and rogues, but the people know them­ lection; they take members into the selves how much of that is true. Show party without first examining them CZECHIA trials of churchmen are rare, as the carefully. power of faith in the country is still In.the course of the discussion, it was STUDY OF THE RUSSIAN too strong. This explains why priests pointed out that in many party groups, simply disappear when they are arrest­ the training of young communists and LANGUAGE ed by M.G.B. agents during the night. particularly of party candidates was In consequence of directives issued badly organized. Candidates for mem­ by the Prague government, the study PARTISANS ACTIVE bership are not sufficiently employed of Russian in Czechoslovakia is in­ in party life, and too little attention is creasing. New courses continue to be Everybody in the country knows paid to the systematic improvement of opened in many towns and villages and about the partisans, though nobody their political level. are much more numerous and better talks of them. They operate in small groups against ruthless opposition. It is worth noting that, when articles attended than last year. According to Many a peasant has been sentenced to in the Moscow press deal with inade­ official statistics, there are 5200 cour­ many year’s imprisonment merely be­ quate political training, they are al­ ses in Russian in Czechoslovakia at cause a “partisan" has passed through ways devoted to non-Rusisan republics present and the number of those at­ in the Soviet Union. Is there any better tending them is 107,138. his farm. And every stranger may be proof that the Russian people is not reckoned as a partisan. Many so-called “stribai“ have been sentenced to 25 interested in the anti-bolshevist fight years’ forced labour because they have for freedom in the Soviet Union? HUNGARY allegedly been in communication with partisans. The bodies of partisans who have been killed are no longer left AS ERE A! JAN FORCED LABOUR lying in public squares or in fron+ of On November 18, 1951 the “Isvestiya“ the Militia’s quarters, but are b'%_ d published the following report by its on the quiet. ^ “NOT SOCIALISTIC“ own correspondent in Budapest: “Stribai“ is what the people call the Russian “Istryebiteli“, M.V.D. troops. The Soviet press continues to publish “Profiting from the rich experience severe attacks on the 'writers of Aser- They, too, are well-known throughout of the Soviet Union, the young councils the country. The members of such baijan. M. Dilbasi, S. Chalil, I. Ibragi­ of the Hungarian Peoples’ Republic try mov . and A. Dzhamil, Aserbaijanian troops must sign a declaration, saying to keep in close touch with the electors. that they are the most loyal of the poets, are censured for “lauding, not Thus, meetings are arranged at which socialist Aserbaijan, but Aserbaijan loyal disciples of Lenin and Stalin, that representatives in the councils tell their they obey their superiors blindly, in general“. Y. Sliirvan, G. Akhundla, electors about their work. Recently 226 M. Mushtaga, S. Rustama, Aserbaijan­ ready, if need be, to arrest and destroy members of district councils have given their own parents. Cases are known ian writers, are accused of having "dis­ reports to a total of 13,000 electors. torted truth in their books“. A number when these “stribay“ have actually of Aserbaijanian writers and scientists At many meetings electors have de­ taken their parents to the trucks stand­ are reproached with “entertaining anti- cided to organize unpaid work to im­ ing ready to transport them to exile in marxist? nationalistic views“ . prove the town. Thus, for instance, the Siberia. employees in the central office for They are recruited from adventurers statistics have undertaken to do part who have managed to avoid military service and who hope to make money. COSSACKIA of the digging in certain building schemes. The workmen in the 16th In the past, it is true, they did make District have promised to help with a lot by robbing their victims. But now FRESH PURGE laying water-pipes in Aran Janosh that everybody is poor, and they have no longer this source of aggrandise­ Street.“ Purging works by Cossaekian poets ment. they must depend on their and writers of what is called “bour­ This article shows that the Soviet monthly wage of 400' roubles. They geois nationalism“ and “terrible na­ Union is indeed experienced in making are despised by all; they are poorly tionalism“ in Cossackia continues. Men working people report voluntarily for equipped and have to do hard work. who not long ago received Stalin prices forced labour. In every other country Now they try to desert though impri­ for their books are also among the such work is paid. sonment is the penalty. Number 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11

The district towns are full of these mortar shells punctuate uneasy nights. and its desire to live at peace with “stribai“, and of the M.G.B.-M.V.D. In spite of recurrent house to-house other peoples. and Militia. The latter are hated by seardres, sudden forays, and arrests, the There are twelve songs in the book Russians as bitterly as the “stribai“ by villagers continue to sympathize with which are ascribed to Korkut Ata. This Lithuanians, because they also punish the outlaw groups, and give them what is not the name of a popular minstrel Russians who, as is well-known, expect assistance they can. but of the bard of the Ogusian feudal to “have a good rime“ in foreign count­ lords of the lltli century, and a re­ ries. There are also decent men in the SOVIET TRAIN DERAILED presentative of nationalist ideology. Militia who really try to protect their countrymen from robbery and mal­ A Soviet military train was derailed “Korkut Ata" has nothing in common treatment. last July, near Fetesti, where the Buka- with the Turkmenian people and is rest—Constanza tnd Galizi—Constanza quite unknown to them; it is alien to lines meet. About ISO1 people were kill­ the spirit and character of the people ed, most of them Soviet army person­ and to its endeavours, traditions and POLAND nel and Rumanian railroad workers. customs. The investigations pointed to sabotage, “A summary of the contents of “Kor­ and numerous arrests were made. kut Ata“ was published for the first EXPLOITATION time in 1945 and 1946 in the review, The Soviet press reports that Poland SABOTAGE “Sowjet Edebijaty“ (the organ of the is being industrialized at a great rate. We have heard that the huge furn­ Union of Soviet writers of Turkmenis­ The number of workers employed in ace recently completed at the Medgi- tan). industry is twice as high as before the dia (Dobrudja) cement works, built at Mr. Kossayev, formerly the editor of war. In the last two years alone, the the cost of some four million lei and that paper, gave space in its pages for number employed otherwise than in stated to have been the most modern a eulogy of this epic which he printed agriculture has increased to 1,200',000'. in existence, went up in flames a few under the little of “Extracts from Old The “Nowa Iluta“, the largest metall- hours after being put in operation. In Literary Monuments of the Turkmen­ ^Irgic plant in the country, now being spite of_ the presence of foreign spe­ ian People“. In his article Mr. Kossa­ rected, will produce as much as the cialists, Rumanian workmen had suc­ yev wrote: ‘“Korkut. Ata‘ had a great whole country did in pre-war days. It ceeded in sabotaging the construction. influence on Turkmenian poets and is obvious that the Kremlin has al­ The new furnace is a total loss. writers; it was a source, of heroism to ready engaged the potential of Poland At the “Fenix“ vegetable oil plant in which we owe a number of fine novels in its war machine. Bukarest, two cisterns, holding some dealing with the defence and love of 5.000 liters of oil, were recently found our country. It played a great part in RUSSIAN TEACHERS completely empty. The bottoms had the production of patriots.“ “O. Abcla- Many Russians came to Poland for been punctured, and the oil had drain­ low, editor-in-chief of the state pub­ the “Month of Polish-Soviet Friendship" ed out overnight, as the investigation lishing concern is also to blame for the , in order to give the Poles the benefit revealed. A number of workers were publicity that has been given to ‘Kor­ of Soviet experience. Russian directors arrested immedaitely. kut Ata‘. In the textbook on contem­ of factories and Stakhanov workers are porary Turkmenian literature, pub­ teaching Poles how to work. The in­ lished under the supervision of Abda- iov for use in the ten g'rades of secon­ troduction of Soviet methods of work­ TURKESTAN ing in Polish industry and business is dary schools, it is maintained that the another step towards the russification rich literary heritage of the Turkmen­ ian people contains masterpieces like of Poland and the transformation of NATIONALISM AGAIN the country into a Russian province. ‘Korkut Ata‘, one of the treasure of The “Literaturnaya Gaseta“, a Mos­ world literature. PRIESTS ARRESTED cow paper, published in its number for Literature experts and philosophers October 2i7, 1951 a long article entitled in the Republic have supported these 'Many Roman Catholic priests have “Korkut Ata, an epic alien to the Turk- views and made zealous propaganda been arrested in recent weeks. Most of emian people. The writer deals with for the work. Fragments were publish­ them were released after a few days. expressions of “bourgeois nationalism“ ed in literary reviews and almanacks, These measures are obviously intend- in the Soviet Republic of Turkmen­ while extracts were included in most to frighten churchmen. Some of the istan, east of the Caspian Sea, a section anthologies and textbooks.“ -iests were kept in prison, for in­ of Turkestan. We reproduce extracts stance, Pater W. Sygmunt, Leszno, Pa­ from the article: ter Dominic, Jelenia Gora and Pater “At its Tenth Congress, the Commun­ Milevski, Sprottau. ist party of Turkmenistan appealed to UKRAINE party organizations in the Republic and workers on the ideological front CRTICISM OF ARTISTS RUMANIA to increase their opposition to all ex­ pressions of' other ideologies and to Moscow’s attack on the national cul­ barrenness and indifference in the pro­ ture of non-Russian peoples in the RESISTANCE AND REPRESSION vince of politics.“ Soviet Union continues. At the moment, “Some experts in the field of liter­ it is the turn of Ukrainian painters to The region round the Horezu monas­ ature and philology are idealizing dele­ be criticized. tery, in the district known formerly as terious foreign books which tend to in­ Balcea, is one of the centers of active Towards the end of September a fect our people with the poison of general meeting of the officebearers armed resistance in the mountainous bourgois nationalism. regions (Carpathians) of Wallachia and in the Union of Soviet Painters in Oltenia. In spite of all the extra­ In recent years, experts in Turkmen­ Ukraine was summoned for the purpose ian literature have beeen extolling the ordinary security measures taken by of considering the implications for the militia formation stationed in Ram- book, “Korkut Ata“ as the heroic epic their field of art of the article in the nicul-Valcu, Targu-Juc, and Craiova, of the Turkmenian people. “Pravda'Von ideological distortions in the group operating in the mountain What is heroic about this book? Ukrainian literature and of registering fastnesses round Horezu has not yet Nothing whatever. It makes no men­ admissions of shortcomings. On 2. 10. been liquidated. tion of the heroic past of the Turk­ 1*951, a special correspondent published Special security troops have been menian people, of its brave deeds in its the following report in the “Pravda“ stationed in the neighbouring villages, fight against oppressors. It contains dealing with Ukrainian Painters: “The notably at Barbatesti and Novaci, and nothing about the noble and lasting life and work of the heroic working- the local peasantry has come to take qualities of the Turkmenian people, of classes in towns and on collective farms rounds of pitched battles as a matter its love for its native land, its hatred is poorly represented. The reason for of course. Rifle and machine gun fire, of oppressors, its readiness to make this deficiency is that political work the explosion of hand grenades and sacrifices, its courage and generosity in the Union of Soviet Artists in Page,*2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 12

The Slovak Republic Byelorussian National Council Insists on Independence *> Against Russian Imperialism The Slovak Liberation Committee sent a note to the General Assembly of the United At its plenary meeting on October 28, 1951, in New York, the Byelorussian Nations in Paris begging it to settle the National Council (B.N.R.) unanimously rejected the programme of the five Russian present problem of Slovakia which is still at war with the U.S.S.R. We quote: exile parties as represented by the “Council for the Liberation of the Peoples of “The Slovak Republic was proclaimed Russia (S.O.N.R.)“, regarding it as a great danger for the common fight against and Slovakia became independent on bolshevism. March 14, 1939 by the unanimous vote of the Slovak Diet elected on December 18, 1939 by universal, secret and equal suf­ fr a g e . The Right o f the Czech und Slovak Peoples “This decision fulfilled the centuries old to Self-dermination efforts of the Slovak nation and the ivill of the Slovak people. By this act Slovakia realized her right to self-determination The following is an extract from a Resolution submitted to the House of Re­ arising from the principles of democracy. presentatives by Mr. Kersten of Winsconsin on July 4, 1951. “The Slovak Republic was created in a To direct our representatives in the United Nations — "... To demand that time of peace and in accordance ivith the free elections be held for the Czech and Slovak peoples under police supervision principles of international law and without of the United Nations in order that they may freely decide without outside violating international peace. their own government founded on such principles as to them shall seem most “Therefore, in a short time, the Slovak pressure, whether to establish a common or separate states, and to organize Republic was recognized de jure or facto by many States , and became a memb ; likely to effect their safety and happiness and to secure to themselves the of the international community of free blessings of liberty. nations. Of the States which recognized the Slovak Republic, several are members of the United Nations: Poland (March 16, ■ Foolish Imperialist Dreams of the Anti-Bolshevist Bloc of Nations 1939), Great Britain (May 4, 1939), Liberia (A.B.N.). (May 12, 1939), Ecuador May 17, 1939), We regret that various imperialist A Polish priest, the chairman of this Costa Rica (May 24, 1939), Yugoslavia tendencies have recently appeared in Committee, declared that the could not (June 8, 1939), France (July 14, 1939), certain publications of Hungarian ex­ support the politics of the Polish Exile Belgium (July 14, 1939), Sweden (July 26, iles. There have been foolish suggest­ Government in London while he fully 1939), Soviet Union (September 16, 1939), ions from time to time that Croatia, approved of the program of the A.B.N., The Netherlands (April 15, 1940). Slovakia or Carpatho-Ukraine are especially the points dealing with the “During the Second World War, Slovakia parts of Hungary, suggestions that claims of Ukrainians, Byelorussians ivas at tvar only ivith the Soviet Union.“ are too absurd to call for comment. and Lithuanians to their territories, The letter then states that although We should only like to state that formerly occupied by Poland. responsible Hungarians in exile re­ peace treaties were signed and decisions pudiate such illusions. In accordance By joining the anti - Imperialist made in regard to Italy, Hungary, Rumania, with the principles of the A.B., all A.B.N., the Polish Committee in Vene­ Bulgaria, Finland and even Japan, no peace national delegations of the A.B.N., in­ zuela condemns all imperialist greed treaty has been signed with the Slovak cluding the Hungarian, support the in­ for foreign territory and supports the Republic, nor have the United Nations dependence of Croatia and Slovakia re-construction of political relations taken any decision about her fate. In 1945 and regard Carpatho-Ukraine as an in countries behind the Iron Curtain Slovakia was occupied by the Red Army integral part of the State of Ukraine. on the principles of liberty and equal­ and incorporated into Czechoslovakia by a unilateral act. This happened in contra­ C. P. ity for all nations. diction to the established practice of de­ Poles Members o f the A.B.N. mocracy, according to ivhich one does n/iS^ A.B.N. Stamps proceed to the destruction of the advei The Polish National Committee in ary even in the case of a lost war, but only Venezuela has applied for membership imposes certain conditions. “As the aim of the United Nations is the respect of the self-determination of nations Ukraine is insufficiently organized... and the establishment of friendly relations The organizational work accomplished among nations, the respect of human rights, by the leaders of this Union is not the fundamental liberties and progress of equal to the creative tasks set before humanity, the maintenance of international it.“ peace and the solution of situations which ADMISSIONS BY FUNCTIONARIES might endanger it“, the Slovak Liberation Committee, acting on behalf of the Slovak At the meeting of party functionaries Republic in accordance with Article 37, in Kyiv on September 17, it was stated para 2 of her Constitution, asks the General that the fight against bureaucracy and November 1, 1951, First Edition, issued Assembly of the U.N. to convoke an inter­ slack discipline towards the state was by the Anti-Bolshevist Bloc of national conference for the purpose of not yet being waged with sufficient Nations (A.B.N.) Symbolic figures, putting an end to the state of ivar between energy. Criticism and self-criticism, it the Slovak Republic and the Soviet Union letter press, on paper with honey­ seems, are weak, and political work and deciding about the fate of Slovakia in among the masses badly organized. comb watermark, 10 perforations, the spirit of law, justice and democracy“. These facts are taken from the 1. 15 dark red “Pravda“ of 18. 9 . 51. As the minutes of 2. 15 dark blue-green meetings of party functionaries are 3. 35 purple ABN-Correspondence written in the central office of the 4. 35 blue P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, communist party in Moscow, the Issue: 12 276 complete sets, of which Germany/Bavaria “Pravda“ report may be regarded as confirming the disapproval which the 1080 sets are unperforated. Published by the Press Bureau of the Anti- central office entertains for the work Supplied bv: A.B.N. Correspondence, Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) of the communist party in Ukraine. P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, Germany. Responsible: K. W. Orlecky Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! Q R1VI CORRESPONDENCE ill Lii r r MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS

Vol.ll / Number 1 /2 English Edition Jan./Feb. 1951

£di±aitia.L We and the Others Our Annual Balance

The Antibolshevist Bloc of Nations acquired meaning for western opinion for the world today is due to an “un­ A.B.N.) had long been no sercret for and that more and more Western states­ holy alliance between marxist com­ those behind the Iron Curtain. For the men are acknowledging the truth of our munism and Russian imperialism“ and subjugated nations, the A.B.N. is ideas. * that, in the present situation of the cherished as a promise of freedom, by world, the American people can help We were the first to maintain that the despots in Moscow, it is feared as itself only by helping other nations freedom and peace are indivisible. It the most powerful hostile force direct- who are threatened by bolshevist ag­ was we who first drew the attention of P^igainst their tyranny; it is a politi- gression. the West to the fact that it will never ^ re a lity which cannot be overlooked know peace or security as long as the But all these statements and declara­ and which causes the bolshevist regime monster of Russian bolshevism is allow­ tions tally with what we have been long constant anxiety. But, strange to say, ed to continue destroying the subjugat­ trying to hammer into the world. It the free Western world tries to ignore ed nations unpunished, thus being en­ gives us a certain satisfaction to see the A.B.N. There have even been some abled to advance to further aggression. that Western politicians have at long unconscious tools of the Kremlin who When we proclaimed this truth, others last decided to touch the core spot. And have put obstacles in our way. This shouted us down as disturbers of the yet we are astonished that they do not can be the only explanation for the peace and war-mongers- who threatend seem to draw the logical conclusions fact that an active united resistance of “peace-loving“ Russia. But now, after from this fact. Instead of openly declar­ the nations that have been tortured by the lesson of Korea, even such pacific, ing war on the tyranny of Moscow and bolshevism, a community consecrated trustinig statesmen as Truman and immediately mobilizing all powers in by blood and tears and supported by Acheson have spoken frequently of the the service of a total and implacable millions of human beings who have “indivisibility of freedom“ and the war of liberation, they allow the Krem­ been driven west out of their homes, “persistence of Soviet aggression“. And lin to push them into the defensive. should up till recently have been neg­ not only that: John Foster Dulles, Ad­ “Appeasement“, it is true has officially lected and even regarded with suspic­ viser to the American State Depart­ beeii abandoned; but in actual practice ion. If today, when we are entering the ment, stated clearly in a speech he held this policy is being continued. “Re- second half of our century, public opin­ at the close of the year that the danger (Continued on Page 12) ion in the West is slowly beginning to recognize the importance of the A.B.N. and to take an interest in it, it is due above all to the lessons of the past The West Facing Inexorable Alternatives vear. Such lessons have forced the West What we wont and have to do ^B dm it the historical significance of our ideals, the value of our potential The freedom- and peace-loving world which nevertheless might bring free­ powers and the rightness- of our meth­ is gradually recognizing that war with dom, they choose the war of liberation. ods. It is true that the West is still far Moscow is inevitable. The intensity of This brings- the western world the Russia’s preparation for aggression is duty of solving the problem in such a removed from a proper recognition of increasing. Whether it likes or not, the way that it will be possible for sub­ our potential, but we may state with Western world must draw conclusions jugated nations to annihilate Bolshev­ a certain satisfaction at the beginning from this fact. The present question is ism and the Russian Imperium with the f this new year that the A.B.N. has how to win the war and not how it can minimum of loss. We must bear in be avoided. All conditions for victory mind that these nations desire war; are present. In the first place, it was- an they do not want to avoid it as the West error to believe that the nations sub­ does. The Western peoples are, _ of From the Contents: jugated by Russia are against war. course, free, so they have everything Page They are against a war of plunder, but to lose. But we subjugated nations can “We Can Win the Cold War for a war of liberation. It is unwise of only shake off the fetters of slavery. in Russia“ ...... 3 the West to spread pacifist propaganda That is why quite a different attitude in the East and to emphasize constant­ is demanded towards subjugated na­ Turkestan and the Peoples of tions as compared with free peoples, 5 ly that war means only horror, ruins, Islam ...... and catastrophe. The subjugated na­ living in prosperity. Today it is a fact Two Opinions — Two Worlds 8 tions know this quite well, but their that Iroth the bolshevist clique in the Kremlin and the nations it subjugates The A.B.N. Sends Challenges longing for freedom is still stronger and war gives them the opportunity to desire war, with the difference, how­ 9 to Resist and Fight . . launch the national revolution of liber­ ever, that while the Kremlin wishes to Byelorussia’s Desperate Fight 10 ation within the Soviet Union. These subjugate the rest of the free world nations are aware of the curse of war, by means of war, the subjugated na­ 15 From the Soviet Press • • • but faced with the choice between slow tions regard it as an opportunity for death in slavery or the horrors of war, getting rid of their yoke, i. e. war is Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

for them a weapon against Moscow’s by another faith which promises the values does the West claim as its own? imperialists. It is therefore necessary alleviation of daily hardship. It must be Our duty must still be to show the to support movements among subju­ opposed by a philosophy which has a West clearly what ideas inspire the gated nations aiming at the destruction clear answer to all burning national East and to emphasize the necessity of of the Russian Imperium, if there is to and social questions. All who imagine a renewal of the West’s ideas; for this be any serious effort to frustrate the that they can stand between the two alone will enable it to oppose commun­ schemes of Bolshevist imperialists; for opposing forces will be crushed. In the ism successfully. But this enlighten­ this is the only way by which such peo­ present struggle not even the individu­ ment should not come only through ples can recover freedom. General W. al can stand aloof; a new conception of publications. It should follow from the Bedell Smith the outstanding expert on life is at stake, values which will make words of every political exile, in all Russia, is absolutely right when he says man once more a god-like being, or circles and social classes in the West. in his book “My Three Years in Mos­ introduce a system which reduces him Political mass action and demonstra­ cow“: “When we study Soviet aims to being a wheel in the machine of to­ tions against bolshevism and Russian and intentions we must remember that talitarianism and degrade him to being imperialism of every form and color communists today are nothing but All- a slave without will and faith, a slave must be organized. The mass of exiles Russians and Pan-Slavs.“ in a system of terror. In our native must also participate actively in fight­ countries this alternative is obvious, ing bolshevism. It would however be an error to be­ for daily life shows what bolshevism is. lieve that the subjugated nations seek The most important problem is that We do not believe that the West, in to recover their freedom by means- of a of proving to the West that it is a false foreign war. To the question whether as far as it is attempting to overcome policy to underrate the front of the subjugated nations would be able to communism, seeks to avoid the solution oppressed nations. We must create a liberate themselves; we reply, “Yes.“ of these problems. But this solution can center of coordination between the But that would only happen if the whole only be attained in a spirit of social West and the oppressed nations in the of Europe were subjugated by Russia justice and national and religious ideal­ fields of politics, military strategy and and were in the same position as we ism; for communism has become the propaganda. Military formations of the are today. Even before national revolu­ belief of masses today and it can only various suppressed nations in exile tions were ready to break out, bolshev­ be successfully combated by a new be­ must be set up, as soon as the Allies ism. in consequence of the West’s atti­ lief for the masses. In periods of doubt have acknowledged their aims. Nations tude to subjugated nations, would it is difficult even to overcome false that are fighting for their freedom, stretch out its hand for the Atlantic. belief. Belief alone is not sufficient. Be­ their underground movements av'N lief in freedom is not everything. We Therefore it would be a mistake if the groups of political resistance must Y. West were to throw the whole burden must have faith in a higher truth, a supported. On the eve of war, agree­ of battle on the subjugated nations in higher justice, and a deeper meaning ment must finally be reached between the hope that they would be able to of life. Freedom is only a frame for the aims of the West and those of the deal successfully with bolshevism with­ realizing truth and justice. In France oppressed nations; otherwise the vic­ out any support from the West. The for instance there is almost unlimited tory of the West will be doubtful. If Russian danger is universal in extent, freedom but it is not sufficient to eradi­ the Allies find no basis for common so the fight against it must also be cate bolshevism. On the contrary, bol- action with the oppressed this year, it world-wide. We must therefore win shevim exploits this freedom for its will be too late. public opinion in the West for our own ends. Ceterum censeo: victory is only pos­ cause, for the subjugated nation’s fight Freedom is onlv a frame for the re­ sible if the entire oppressed and peace- for freedom; and we must coordinate alization of values, and the question to loving world forms a common front. the actions of the West with those of which we demand an answer is: what Z.K— our resistance movements so that our ideas and aims be recognized. A united front of all the peace-loving nations in ihe world against the realm of slavery Draconic Laws in Bulgaria which already includes a third of the world must be formed. The active and passive resistance of 5. Destruction, damage or waste of How is this to happen? If the leaders Bulgarians to the bolshevist system is property belonging to the state or co­ of the West do not understand us and causing the present regime much operatives, up to 15 years hard labour. our ideas, we shall have to appeal to trouble. In particular, the absolute 6. Setting fire to buildings belonging all uncompromising circles in the West failure of the “harvest campaign“ was to the state or to cooperatives or to who acknowledge nationality as one of a severe blow for the leaders of the agricultural produce, or machines, for­ the ruling principles in a well-ordered People’s Democracy; as was to be ex­ ests, bridges, mines, etc., — 5—15 yen“"'^ world and who champion social justice pected, they immediately took counter­ hard labour — in serious cases, deaY and a healthy, creative democracy, who measures to wipe the defeat out. The 7. The property of anyone who has see in religion a powerful factor for the anti-sabotage law which has just been been found guilty may be totally or regeneration of mankind and the coun­ promulgated is to be the instrument partially confiscated for the state. All ter-weight to godless materialism. We for the population to obey. previous laws, paragraphs etc. which must appeal to men of the future, see­ The preliminary articles emphasize guaranteed the inviolability of private ing that those of the present refuse to that this law is directed against en­ property are declared invalid. understand us. We must constantly emies of the people. raise the alarm. It is of no use to tackle this problem by halves, for this must The following will be punished: Even before the promulgation of the stand out clear before us; who is not 1. Thefts of property belonging to the new “anti-sabotage law“, the law courts for us is against us. In the present State or to cooperatives, up to 10' year’s in the whole country had their hands struggle of the universe there is no hard labour. more than full with proceedings against middle way. For whoever is not with “agricultural sabotage“ . The prisons God, is with the devil! 2. Theft of agricultural produce, mach­ and concentration camps are crowded inery, stock etc. by “organized groups“ with “Kulaks“, “saboteurs" and ’’ene­ But if the Western world wishes to who apply “force and threats“ — up mies of the poeple“, guilty of all kinds be successful, in its fight against com­ to 15 years hard labour (minimum, 10 of “lapses“ concerning the Kolehos munism in its own ranks, it must do years). system, or the cultivation of the ground, away once and for all with all social 5. Officials who abuse their position or harvest, especially of failing in their injustice. It is not right that many work­ as opportunity of stealing property be­ compulsory deliveries. ing people should regard communists longing to the state or to cooperatives The bitterness has grown immeasur­ as the protectors of their social inter­ — up to 15 years hard labour. ests. National circles in the West must ably all over the country and the newly attack with decision and energy social 4. Officials who attempt to conceal a decreed “anti-sabotage law“ is a sign problems that have long awaited their crime — 5—15 years hard labour, in of the increasing resistance offered by solution. Communism must be opposed serious cases, death. the peasants. Number 1/2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

”We Can Win the Cold War - in Russia46

Yes, but how, and against which ” Russia“ ? (An answer to the article on that subject by Constantin W. Boldyreff in “Reader’s Digest“, November 1950 number).

We were much interested to read an that we or they have the possibility of living in could destroy or cripple the regime. Then, it.“ (Translation from German — Ed.; Thus it is having established safeguards against future article in the “Reader’s Digest“ (No­ that Prof. J. Burnham sizes up the situation. aggression, we would leave the Soviet peoples vember, 1950), entitled “We Can Win to work out their future in their own way. the Cold War in Russia“. It reminded Carroll, too, demands a similar deter­ What do we need for such a war of limited us of similar articles by American, mination from American statesmen. objectives? English, German, Ukrainian and other 1. We must have an air force ready to deliver “ Many well-meaning people presume, as did to any part of the Soviet Union any message writers, but particularly of “The Com­ Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United which the American government may choose to ing Defeat of Communism“, by James Nations, that if leaders of both sides will sit send to the Soviet people. We must have an air Burnham, an American sociologist and down together their differences can be settled force which will be ready at the very slart of by discussion and compromise. That is not true. a war — and not two years later — to plaster of the article in “Life“ in December Marxist Communism is a militant, proselyting the Soviet Union with leaflets bearing the pled­ 1949 by Carroll, an excellent review of doctrine, based upon struggle. It carries inspir­ ges and promises of the American government and people. We must have an air force which poissibilities of strategy in psychological ing promises, it creates zealots. But it cannot permit liberty of thought or action, it cannot will be able to deliver not only atomic bombs warfare. tolerate opposition. Therefore it can never be but anti-Soviet agents and guerrilla leaders to appeased. It must be defeate d.“ any Soviet hamlet. We should like to point out similar 2. We must be prepared at the very start, if and different ideas in those three It is also interesting to learn the ways war should come, to answer the prayers of the authors. peasant millions. We must have a message to and means these men suggest for van­ those millions — a slogan as simple as “ Land In the first place, their aims are alike. quishing communism, being largely the for the Peasants“ — which will set the steppes same in all three cases. aflame. Burnham and Carroll, both Americans, 3. We must have clear in our minds at the and Boldyreff, a Russian, all investigate Prof. J. Burnham thinks that it is cer­ very start, and not after months of bungling, a and means of how the threaten- tainly not sufficient to apply usual, way to meet the conflicting aspirations of the Great Russians and the minorities. Our propo­ v Third World War is to be avoided traditional methods. The new situation sals should be flexible, yet sufficiently concrete without the abandonment by the West demands new methods that have not to carry evidence of our sincerity. of its fundamental spiritual values and hitherto been tried. He writes: 4. We must prepare to support guerilla war­ its political supremacy. fare on such a scale as the world has never seen “ Many of these untraditional methods cost before. We must develop weapons such as guerr­ Our three writers also agree to a little, many even much money and they will not illas have never used before. We must train great extent that this high aim can be greatly appeal to the public. On the other hand, men to think guerilla warfare and to plan they demand much imagination, steadfastness, guerrilla warfare. attained only by a firm, courageous intelligence, and sometimes, courage. We have 5. We must set up a joint staff of civilian and policy, willing to take risks. Neither already shown that measures taken in the battle military leaders to devise the plans and tech­ “containment4' nor “appeasement“ will against world communism can only be evaluated niques which enable this nation — should the according to their influence on the balance of need arise — to bring to bear upon the Soviet bring the West any nearer its goal. power in the world. This balance of power will Union all of the power of psychological fission.“ perhaps be less influenced by an action which “ All that remains for us is to pass from the has been launched with the help of milliards of defensive to attack. It is obvious how policy dollars and thousands of speeches and leading We have given more consideration to must be shaped if it is to be right and ade­ articles, than by another action undertaken by the arguments of Burnham and Carroll quate . . . First comes the proper appreciation a handful of men with a few thousand dollars, becasue they coincide to a large extent of the enemy’s position, of his strength, his not a line appearing about it in the press. Nay, weakness and his aims. We know the enemy — where the grand action serves to support a false with the views of politicians in the sub­ world communism, sponsered by the Soviet political decision, its consequences may be the jugated nations. These ideas are com­ Union. We know its aim, complete world ma­ more negative, the greater its extent. mon property among free journalists stery. If we analyze the material at our dispo­ Take an example: no matter whether we agree living in exile. sal, we find this situation: a constant war of a or not with the judgement of the State De­ new type, a political, underground, ideological partment in its WThite Book on China in 1949, C. W. Boldyreff offers us little that war of resistance, which is also to a limited it is a fact that several milliard dollars were is new and original when he says: extent an armed conflict and which may develop spent on Chinese affairs from 1945 to 1949. It into an unlimited, shooting war. is also a fact that these milliards were not “ The masters of the Kremlin dread most a That being the situation, our first need is for only wasted, but that they contributed to the movement that will show their victims how to a proper plan of war, but not a plan according Chinese debacle as a result of the way in shake off Communist control. The Achilles’ heel to military traditions (although that is included), which they were wasted. Take the following of Soviet rule has always been in Russia. Be­ but a plan for this new type of war. If a war example as a contrast: In the early twenties, tween 1922 and 1942 there were more than 50 i^—in progress, in which we participate, whether Moscow sent a number of agents with very revolts, rebellions and active plots against the vant to or not, then, unless we capitulate, little money to Albania. There they succeeded Bolshevik regime. Most of these, spontaneous y must be ready for the effort to fight it to after much trouble in gathering a few native and disorganized, were doomed from the start. a victorious end. Albanians together, mostly discontented intell­ But they indicated unmistakably the hatred of ectuals from the towns. After 1940 the group The first essential step in this warfare is to re­ the people* for their oppressors. under Moscow’s leadership could be counted When Hitler’s armies invaded in 1941, the cognize that it is war. The next is to define only by the dozen. At the end of 1944, although our own aim. If this définition is to be a useful people greeted them as liberators. In less than the material support they received from their five months millions of Russians surrendered guide, it must be short and accurate. It is dic­ lords and masters was still very small, they tated by the situation, by the nature of our to the Germans. By 1942 an organized anti- were able to take control of this strategically Bolslievik revolution under the leadership of enemy and his aims and it can only be — the important country. . . To put it more plainly: destruction of communism sponsered by the Gen. Andrej Vlassov was on its way. But Nazi it is more important for us to win one single atrocities were more than even desperate anti- Soviet Union . . . In the new type of war in member of the communist party to our side which we are involed, the military aim must be Cominunists could stomach, and the powerful than to make a complicated treaty with a Great force of Russian patriotism switched from com­ subordinate to the dominating political aim. For Power and spend milliards on it, if we cannot once the political aim was attained, it would bating the regime to defending the homeland. trust that power. If we support the French Atom After the war, hundreds of thousands of Russian follow automatically that the Red Army, too, Commission under the leadership of communist must be destroyed as the instrument of the prisoners of war and displaced persons refused Juliot Curie, would it mean defeat and not to return to the Soviet Union.“ Soviet Union or communism. If, on the contrary, victory. If we should succeed in keeping only we should regard the military aim as the chief one small unit of the Ukrainian Army of Insur: aim of our strategy, we should conceal the fact gents alive, this an unqualified victory, whose Boldyreff. therfore, like Burnham that we should perhaps at the same time be effect on the final outsome cannot be foreseen. and Caroll, also demands “untradition­ able to destroy the Red Army by largely non­ Traditional methods (armaments, diplomacy, al“ methods for the conquest of com­ military means if we succeeded in destroying trade policy) cannot bring about a decision. the political power of communism. In addition, Recent history has proved that untraditional munism. But there the similarity be­ we might put little weight on those non — or methods can produce a decision, while tradition­ tween the arguments of the three wri­ half-military means by which we could achieve al methods may be able to do so only at the ters comes to an end. We on our part our aim and which might at least simplify the expense of total warfare.“ (Translation from usual military problem I f w e d o n o t German. — Ed.) feel impelled to state that C. W. Boldy­ destroy the power of the commu­ reff quotes facts that are historically nists, we shall c e a se to exist as a state and a nation. A young man may Carroll arrives at practically the false in order to prove that the area regard it as the crown of his desires to become same conclusions: that is best prepared for such “untra­ a natural science researcher; but if he has ditional“ methods is in Russia proper. typhoid fever, he must first get better. What­ “ If war came, we would seek simply to frus­ ever the world that we desire for ourselves and trate Soviet power outside its borders and This is not so. On the contrary. The our children may look like, we must first see release the forces within the country which present situation in the U.S.S.R. proves Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2 that ethnographic Russia is least pre­ casians', Armenians, Aserbeidschani, but politically fatal, to represent the pared for such action. Cossacks, Tnrekstani and other peoples Russian people as the central point of As we shall see later, Prof. Burnham in the Soviet Union are endeavouring anti-communist resistance, as Boldyreff and Carroll judge the present situation with all their strength to get free for does. in the Soviet Union in the light of ever from the Russian imperium, whe­ The NTS. whidi Boldyreff praises so historical facts and of an objective ther it be despotic, Czarist, democratic highly is a mere organisation of exiled view of the present. They are Ameri­ or communist, and to form independent Russians, and if it really is active in cans. C. W. Boldyreff, as a Russian, has states of their own. Here, Boldyreff has the U.S.S.R., then it is taking the first only the interests of an All-Russian also concealed the fact that the revolu­ tentative steps there, which do not policy in mind, a policy that ignores tion of 1917 was inspired by strong na­ justify such advertisement. Although historical developments within the tional. centrifugal powers which gave we are well informed about under­ Russian imperium. It is quite clear to it its original impetus and aim. This is ground movements in the U.S.S.R. we Prof. Burnham and Carroll that Russia supported by the following historical have as yet heard nothing about the today is not inhabited by Russians facts: the Ukrainian declaration of in­ activity of the NTS in the Soviet Union. alone. They therefore base their plans dependence in January, 1918, the form­ However that may be, the decision of for the application of “untraditional” ation of the Byelorussian republic in the leaders of the NTS to arouse the methods on the fact that all construc­ March 1919, of the Cossack state in De­ Russian people, too, to revolutionary tive policy in the East of Europe must cember 1917, of a free Georgia in May activity must be heartily welcomed. take into consideration the natural 1918, the declaration of the indepen­ desire for freedom and political inde­ dence of Turkestan in 1918 etc. It was Meantime, we cannot but repudiate pendence that is cherished by the many only after years of a bitter so-called decisively one of the points in the pro­ nations comprised by the U.S.S.R. civil war that these areas were re-con­ gram of this political party, namely, the In discussing the minimum demands quered and their people once more presentation of the U.S.S.R. today as a which the U.S.A. must make of Soviet forced under the yoke of Moscow. But unit, a political whole and the aim of Russia as the basis of American foreign this has not destroyed these nations’ restoring the Russian imperium as it policy, he adds: desire for freedom and independence, was in 1917. Such a program is a tragic as is proved by the resistance move­ challenge to all antibolshevist powers, “ The conditions of this bargain with Russia ments which have never ceased to fight a call to all non-Russian peoples in the are nothing like what we desire, what we ought present U.S.S.R. to rise against the to desire in repect of Russia. This is true above under the surface behind the Iron all of the demand for internal changes. Should, Curtain. Russian people. We doubt therefoxt tor instance, measures be included in our bar­ whether responsible Russian politicia gain which guarantee a minimum of political Boldyreff also forges history when in exile can present such a policy to freedom within Russia — i. e. the right to poli­ he says that in tical opposition, to freedom of speech, freedom their people and the whole world. of assembly, to inviolability of person etc.? “ Russia there were 50 revolts, rebellions Their decision to swim against the and conspiracies against the bolshevist system Should provisions be included that refer not current of progress in the world is a only to former vassal states, but to other areas in the last 20 years.“ within the Soviet Union, that would make them risk that might ruin others as well as free to choose their own sovereignty, — areas, In answer to this statement, it must themselves. that is, which are inhabited by “ subjugated be emphasized that the centre of anti­ peoples“ — who up to the present day have communism is not in Russia proper But at present, the NTS plays no part preserved their national character and their but in the countries of non-Russian among the anti-bolshevist powers active efforts for independence, as Ukraine, in parti­ in the U.S.S.R. The Ukrainian Army of cular? Should we demand the cessation of all nations. forced labour? Surely we desire that such things Of the “30' revolts“ mentioned, all Insurgents (U.P.A.) is the most impor­ should come to pass. But the question is whether that were clearly directed against bol­ tant of such powers and it has made a to include them in a contract that we should name for itself throughout thejEoiid. submit as an alternative to war. (It is fairly shevism and Russian imperialism took certain that, in the case of a total war, these place in non-Russian countries. Caroll sizes the U.P.A. up in these points would count among the war aims of the words: United States both for reasons of expediency There were, of course, also in Russia sham trials of “imperialist spies and and of ethics and psychology.). “ The Ukrainian underground which had existed It may be added that the realization of the traitors to the fatherland“, hut we must before the war was given a great impetus by five points (constituting the minimum demands)* German brutality in 1911 and 1912. This under­ would lead indirectly to many other changes state with some regret that none of these trials were concerned with anti­ ground however, did not become pro-Soviet, within Russia, including probably a certain de­ nor was it entirely anti-German. Its motto was, mocratization, and the possibility of liberating communist movements among the Rus­ “ We fight every oppression regardless of its the Ukraine and convict labourers. These de­ source.“ During the German occupation the mands, therefore, do not mean that the Ukraine sian people. On the contrary, these trials were just ordinary party fights underground forces concentrated their attacks and convict labourers, would be left in the on the German police and SS (Elite Guard) lurch; on the contrary, they are thus offered a between various bolshevist leaders that units. In general they spared other German far better chance of liberation than in the case troops because they felt that the army leaders of a total war.“ (Translation from German. — were carried out in law courts. To put Ed.) it more plainly, Stalin was getting rid sympathized with them. of rivals or candidates for his position The principal underground organizations w e ^ \ the Union of Ukrainian Nationalists (O.U.l Thus, Prof. Burnham whose argu­ in the Kremlin. If instead of Stalin. and its striking force, the Ukrainian Insur­ ments are obviously based on an ob­ Sinowjew or Bucharin were ruling as rection Army (U.P.A.). Members of this army jective view of the situation in the dictator today, it would make little joined the Germans to get military experience, then slipped away as the Germans retreated U.S.S.R. difference to the despotic and imperia­ and took up the fight against the Russians Mr. Carroll also sees things clearly, list nature of the Soviet regime. It is behind the lines of the advancing Soviet troops. when he writes: definitely a disadvantage for the non- German intelligence officers who secretly re­ turned to the Ukraine behind the Russian lines “ In Ukraine the spirit of nationalism further Russian nations that they should have reported that in Galicia (the Western Ukraine) heightened the antipathy to Stalin’s regime, no allies in the Russian people to sup­ the Red army could retain control only of the though the nature of the regime itself remained port them in their fight against the bol- principal towns, highways and rail lines. The always the greatest source of discontent“ . rest of the region was dominated by the U.P.A. sbevist. imperialist regime in Moscow. and O.U.N. Galicia was the cradle of Ukrainian In contrast to them, Boldyreff, to the Stalin has repeatedly paid due tribute nationalism, and it was somewhere in this area to the Russian people’s fatal loyalty to late in 1911 that a congress of separatists was regret of all anti-communisff, wishes to convened. It was attended by representatives of create the impression that this basic the present regime. This is one of the most of the minorities. To the Germans they problem of the nations within the So­ chief reasons why his entire policy is sent word that if the German army succeeded in based almost entirely on this people, returning to Ukraine, the O.U.N. and U.P.A. viet Union does not exist at all. He at­ would not fight against it if Germany guaran­ tempts to strengthen Western public which he sets up as a model to all non- teed Ukrainian independence after Stalin’s opinion in the error that the U.S.S.R. Russian peoples. Everything that is defeat. Russian is praised as- the best, the most Long after the final defeat of Hitler in May is inhabited by a' uniform Russian peo­ 1915, these Ukrainian forces were active. They ple, or what is worse, that the non- worthy of imitation. probably were partly responsible for bringing Russian nations in the U.S.S.R. are Such a development gives no pleasure on the Soviet purges in Ukraine in 1917. And to non-Russian peoples; on the con­ as late as last summer there were unconfirmed - content with the plan of reconstructing reports that several Russian divisions were being the Russian empire as it was before trary, they would be glad to have the kept busy by Ukrainian guerrilla forces.“ 1917. And that is an error with grave Russians as allies in their bitter struggle consequences. He would like at least against totalitarism, dictatorship and C. W. Boldyreff® comments on the to conceal the fact that Ukrainians, imperialism. As long as this is not Ylassow movement and Russian D.Ps Byelorussians, Georgians, North Cau­ the case, we consider it not only wrong, also call for rectification. Number 1/2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

Turkestan and the Peoples of Islam By V. Yurtci

Turkestan, which since olden times It is forbidden, to listen to the wireless was proclaimed after the Second World has been the crade of Turko-islam from abroad. It is dangerous tou­ War and thereby permission was grant­ culture, occupies an important place in rists are immediately arrested and are ed for pilgramages to Mecca. But the the Soviet Union, because of its geo­ punished under the pretext of being Soviet Union had ulterior motives for graphical position and its political agents. taking these measures. The Turkesta­ structure, as well as because of its na­ It will be seen from the above that nians who went to Mecca were not able tural resources. Turkestanians cannot know anything to tell their co-religionists anything Moscow is making use of the position about life in the West or in the coun­ about conditions in Turkestan, as their of Turkestan in. its propaganda among tries of the Near-East and conversely families at home were held as hostages. the peoples of all Islam countries. In the West and Near-East does not know 'Idle real facts about conditions in Eastern, Turkestan, China and among anything about life and conditions in Turkestan could therefore not be made the peoples of all Islam countries. In Turkestan. known and people outside the Soviet Union are consequently of opinion that various towns of Turkestan propaganda Fugitives from Turkestan to Europe there is liberty, freedom of religion schools have been opened for the pur­ and to the East between the years pose of spreading propaganda in Mos­ 1941—1948 were surprised when they and independence in Turkestan. lem and non-Moslem countries. saw with their own eyes conditions and In its propaganda towards the East, Moscow lays stress on the costruction life in these countries and realised The propaganda apparatus organised of factories, schools, houses, and streets in Turkestan for the Turkestanians that they had been misinformed by the Soviets, in the large towns of Turkestan and continues its work. The radio station, points out how advanced the latter is the press and agitators are obliged to Turkestan even to-day is the centre in comparison with the East. The rea­ carry out their daily duties. For exam­ which unites the Moslem Turks resid­ son for the East being so far behind ple the political cultural organisations ing in the Soviet Union. 95°/o of the Turkestan, is attributed by the Soviet “ \ Uzbekistan prepared 5500 reports in population of Turkestan consists of propaganda machine to the lack of free­ ae course of a year. Whilst engaged on Moslem Turks, Centres of Islam, like dom there, foreign influence and out- bringing in the harvest and cotton crop the Caucasus, the Crimea and Kazan of-date rule. Turkestan is being praised in Kazakhistan. 12,000 people were have lost their influence, but Turkestan as being a “paradise“. In this propa­ engaged on agitation work (“Prawda“ is even to-day an important centre of ganda the Soviets make use of the fact of 25. 2. 49). Islam. Bukhara and Samarkand were in that both countries are separated from In these reports it is said that there ancient times the centre of Islam, to each other by the Iron Curtain. are outlawry, starvation, poverty and which students from all over the East It is a fact that middle and high unemployment both in the Western came to acquire their religiu® educa­ schools have been opened in Turkestan. Democracies as well as in the West. tion. Many high schools were built. A few factories and houses have also, The Soviet Union is compared with “pa­ the Soviet Union is trying to been built. But it is not known abroad radise“. Some people, particularly make use of this fact. In Tashkent and who learns in these schools and how youth, may perhaps believe in this as Samarkand, Soviet authorities have very hard the conditions of work are they have no idea of life in the West. opened religious colleges and appoint­ in the factories. At the same time, Tur- No news from abroad is ever received. ed Red Muftis. Freedom of religion (Continued on Page 11)

It is historical fact that the Vlas- domestic regime, while the non-Russian peoples . — figures taken not from propaganda sources were fighting against both bolshevism and Rus­ but from the secret files of the Foreign Armies sow movement was a purely German sian imperialism. They justly considered that (East) Department- June 29 — July 7, pocket of experiment and that it was a complete they could never identify a Russian with the Bialystok and Minsk, 320 000 prisoners; July 16, failure. Vlassow did not develop any aims of their fight for freedom. The Committee battle of Smolensk, 500 000; Ang. 5—8, battle of to liberate the Rusian peoples was at bottom a Uman, 105 000; Sept. 24, , 665,000; underground activity in Russia: he belated German attempt to play the All-Russian Oct. 18, double battle of Bryansk and Vyazma, recruited his force exclusively from card. Vlassow’s attempt came too late, but it 665 000. It should be noted that these mass Russian P.O.Ws in Germany. After the is doubtful if it was expedient in the form it surrenders of more than two million men took took, as it aroused the opposition of all non- place at a moment when the Soviet forces were German armies had suffered severe Russian peoples.“ fighting on their own soil against a nation -defeats in the East, German leaders which they knew to be the aggressor. „■cided to cause, a split between the That is how a leading German politi­ As the Germans advanced on Smolensk at the soviet government and the people, or rate of 40 miles a day, the found to their cian in the Second World War sums up amazement that the people welcomed them as rather to widen and exploit the diff­ the Ylassow movement, a statesman liberators and offered their cooperation. In the erence already existing. This political who was in charge of the political de­ Baltic states and the Ukraine and even in White decision, like many others, was taken Russia, the peassents greeted the field gray partment in Alfred Rosenberg’s Mini­ columns with the traditional offering of bread too late and badly executed. The cam­ stry of the East. The Germans made and salt.“ paign was initiated where these diff­ one of their many great mistakes by erences were most insignificant, namely playing the all-Russian card, which And finally — what happened to in the Russian section of the Soviet could win nothing, as the Russians Russian labourers in Germany? Did Union. were loyal to the government in the hundreds of them prefer to stay in Profesor von Mende, a German, char­ Kremlin. At the same time, they thus exile, as Boldyreff says? Statistics are acterised this policy in a interview forfeited the chance of winning over interesting. The following refused to which he granted the writer of these the subjugated nations, the great ma­ return to the Soviet Union: lines, saying: jority of whom where hostile to the Ukrainians 220 000 “ There never was actually a Ylassow army, Bolshevist regime. It seems interesting Latvians 85 OOO there were only two Ylassow divisions. He did in this connection to point out that at 60 000 indeed demand to be put in charge of all units Russians of volunteers from the East, but this was never the beginning of the 1941 campaign, it Lithuanians 49 000 carried out. Politically, this attempt should be was mostly non-Russian soldiers' who Cossacks 43 000 judged in the same light as the Committee for surrendered in masses to the Germans. 35 000 the Liberation of the Russian peoples (the orga­ Estonians nisation under Vlassow). As the SS headquar­ Even then, the Russians showed that ters and the German Foreign Office thought they were loyal to the Government. If we remember the size of the na­ that they had discovered a magic weapon in Carroll writes in his article in Life: tions concerned, it is clear how few Ylassow, the latter’s German advisers did all they could to compel non-Russian national com­ Russians protested against the Soviet mittees and organizations to subordinate them­ “ Yet when the Germans struck on the morning regime by preferring to remain in selves to Vlassow. This war turned down by all of June 22, 1941, their early success exceeded exile. In France, loyalty to the present national committees who alleged that Vlassow even the hopes of the psychological warfare as a Russian was merely fighting against a planners. Here are figures on Soviet prisoners regime spread even to thoise who had Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

be its teacher. Russian dreams for cen­ OPEN LETTER turies have been to make Moscow a Third and Last Rome. And, therefore, To Her Grace Katherine, Duchess of AthoU President, both knupfers and stalinists are ardent The British League for European Freedom advocates of the indivisibility of “Holy Mother Russia“ being the source for Madam, the force which now endangers the Russian imperialism and expansion. In a Ukrainian newspaper I read your world. They are succeeding in doing And knupfers are succeeding in spread­ letter defending Mr. George Knupfer that as the people in the West place ing their mythology in the West as who made himself known by his pro­ immense confidence in Knupfers who many people do not realize that the voking assault upon the leaders of pose as irreconcilable foes of bolshev- core of evil in Russia lies in the dy­ liberation movements assembled at the ismfl namism of Russian imperialism and not Conference in Edinburgh. In this letter Yet, at the close of World War II. in “international communism“ which you recommended Mr. Knupfer as an when it became apparent that Russia practically does not exist (in Russia). anti-Stalinist and a virtual foe of bol­ would emerge as a power of the first Both knupfers and stalinists are at­ shevism. rank, hundreds of thousands of Knup­ tempting to conceal the truth about fers raced to Soviet consulates in order Russia and about enslaved non-Russian I do not know how to apologize en­ to apply for Soviet citizenship. They ough for my heedless breech of good nationalities. In fighting the liberation had suddenly discovered that Stalin, movements of the enslaved peoples manners, but I consider it to be none after all, was a great Russian patriot, the less my duty to tell you that it is they often use slander as a very effec­ an empire builder with an impressive tive weapon. In their written and oral far from being true. Of course I am not record of conquests and aggressions far meaning to say anything against the in­ propaganda against e. g. the Ukrainian surpassing that of the inefficient and liberation movement, the knupfers and tention of your letter to the Ukrainian corrupt Czars. editor. stalinists speak of an “independent“ For Knupfers and stalinists are not Ukraine as of a “Polish“, “German“ or As for Mr. Knupfer himself, he is in antithetical groups as many think in an “Austrian“ intrigue to divide “in­ virtual accord with the Kremlin’s the­ the West. There can be no enmity be­ divisible“ Russia. They speak of sis of the indivisibility and unity of the tween them as both serve “Holy and “Ukrainian-German“ nationalists, as of Russian empire. Like all White Russian Eternal Russia“ . They can only rival Nazi-German “collaborators“ and “trai­ emigres, he refuses to recognize the in their endeavors to establish Russian tors" who sold Ukraine to the Germa.№> right of self determination to the non- supremacy all over the world. The fact The maintain that the Ukrainian . Russian nationalities and believes that that stalinists march under a red star surgent Army (U.P.A.) is composed of "it is better to have a bad dictator than and Knupfers under a black eagle with “armed terrorist gangs which raid and to cut the life body of Russia“ (Alexan­ two heads must not bring about a con­ pillage villages and murder their pop­ der Kerensky). Like all Red and White fusion. For, though their methods may ulation“, or that they are “fascists“, Russians alike, he confesses to the ideal be different and sometimes diametri­ “Red army deserters“ or other “crimi­ of preserving the Russian empire which cally opposed, their aim is identical, nal elements“. They follow the prin­ is a conglomeration of peoples repre­ namely to preserve Russia as an em­ ciple: “calumniare audacter semper ali- pire, to continue Russian expansion and senting diverse cultures and civiliza­ quid haeret“. tions. By his “democratic“ attitude he to realize Russian dreams for world is playing directly into Stalin’s hands. hegemony. In his letter to Mr. John Stewart, Mr. Moreover, the chief task of many Both knupfers and stalinists have George Knupfer uses the same method. Knupfers in the West is to spread igno­ been educated to admire the Russian He speaks of “quislings“ and “collabo­ rance and misinformation about Russia empire as a great power with mystical rators“, though he knows that the lea- in order to conceal the true nature of conceptions to save the world and to (Continued on Page 10) settled there after the First World War be very ill-advised if. in order to com­ better health and education, more food and who now returned in great num­ bat this danger to the world, it should and a higher standard of living'.“ Sure­ bers voluntarily to the U.S.S.R. ally itself with those who appear as ly nothing could be more damaging to the representatives of its second com­ the realization of this ideal than the ponent part. That would be setting the readiness to accept the preservation of However much we agree with Boldy- fox to keep watch over the geese. the monster of Greater Russia in the reff’s view that it is right and politi­ The centre of resistance in the cold future. The collaboration of Russian cally necessary for the West to support war against Moscow cannot therefore imperialists thus bought would weigh opponents of the Bolshevist regime in be in the Russia that is infected by light against the dangers that wouM Russia in every possible way, we be­ Russian imperialism, no matter its emerge from such an alliance for lieve that the comments we have made colour, but first and foremost among outcome of the Third World War. on his article prove how dangerous it the nations subjugated by the U.S.S.R. Of course, the nations subjugated by would be to stake everything on a po­ who confront the present threat to the Moscow do not claim any monopolies an licy of Russia, as Boldyreff recommends world, in its double form, with equal the cold war against Moscow; nor do the West to do. hostility. This alone guarantees that they cherish feelings of intolerance to­ When even Berdiajew, the well- they are genuine, reliable allies of the wards Russians. They ask for nothing known Russian author in his book “The West in the fight against Moscow and better than to stand side by side with the Meaning and Fate of Russian Commun­ that they will remain so for all time. Russian nation in fighting the imperial­ ism" which was published in 1937, pro­ All the non-Russian peoples in the ism of Moscow. But the Russians would claims that “bolshevism is the third U.S.S.R. which constitute the main po­ first have to give proof not only of form of Russian imperialism or of the tential of the cold war against Moscow their hostility to bolshevism but also Great Russian Empire“ and when more claim nothing for themselves except of having abandoned every thought of recently^ John Forster Dulles, .one of the realization of the principle pro­ continuing the slavery of Greater America’s leading politicians, agreed claimed by President Truman in his Russia. Only then would Russian pro­ with all acute thinkers in the modern New Year address when he said: “We grammes in the cold war against Mos­ world of politics that the danger for believe that all nations have the right cow seem genuine, to the subjugated the world was an “alliance between to independence.“ These peoples pur­ nations as well as to the West and only Marxist communism and Russian im­ sue the same ideal that the American then would their collaboration fit into perialism“, it is obvious that bolshevism President expressed in the words: “We President Truman’s conception of a new cannot be conquered by its other self, believe that free and independent na­ world. It is only on such a basis, then, by Russian imperialism, and its repre­ tions can be united in a world order that Boldreff’s ideas of arousing and sentatives. If Dulles has recognized the based on right. .. We believe that such utilizing any Russian resistance there present danger to the world to consist a world can and ought to extend may he against Russia could be of fe- of two components — communism and throughout the world the blessings of nefit, Russian imperialism — the West would modern science and industry, with Roman Ilnytzkyj Number 1/2 All N- CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

ihose who yesterday were still colonial The only Way out nations, are now emerging on the stage of history. It was only yesterday that The difference between the two is no wonder that Russia nevertheless the world was laughin at Gandhi’s camps into which the world is divided succeed in hypnotizing the colonial goat; today the voice of India is just as is continually increasing. On the one peoples of Asia and many nations out­ important as that of any European hand, there is Russia and aggression, side of the U.S.S.R. and in giving the power. Yesterday, Indonesia was still and on the other the Western world on impression that they are helping them an object of political bargaining; today the defensive. Far-reaching conclusions to national liberty. For Russia’s success it is a member of the United Na­ must be drawn from the events in in Asia is won not only by means of tions. And what awaits, for instance, Korea. Bolshevism hais succeeded in in­ social but above all by means of na­ Ukraine? - the land of immortal heroes, volving the United Nations in a war tional ideas and catch-words; it is also the ancient culture land of Europe, with Asiatic peoples, and with China in succesful in kindling civil war in Indo- the representative of the national idea particular. The power of the U.S.A. is China and other Asiatic territory. It is of liberation of which Voltaire said, being used up in unimportant cam­ obvious today that Bolshevism, with “The Ukraine always demanded free­ paigns. The Soviet Union would thus the help of its fifth columns, and above dom.“ like to draw, the U.S.A. in particular all with the aid of communist parties Thus the subjugated peoples, partic­ into a disastrous war, while keeping throughout the world, is attempting to ularly in the Soviet Union, appear to­ Moscow, the center, free from all war­ cause civil war in all the countries of day as a third power beside the West like operations. If the Western world the world. Russia has a second front and the Soviet empire. They form a will not see that there is no point in throughout the world. second front within the Soviet Union, waging war with Korea or China while As long as the Western powers pur­ and there can be no victory without enemy No. I, Russia, is standing on the sue a policy of imperialism towards this front. Where is the second front side-lines, the war can last for decades colored peoples they will have no suc­ of the West The West today does not without any prospect of final victory. cess in their struggle against Bolshe­ even want to have one because it does It is not necessary to throw atom vism. That is why the West must now not understand. On December 28th 1950 bombs on Korea but rather on Moscow. abandon imperialist ideas and replace Mr. Barrett, Assistant Secretary of If Bolshevism, i. e. Russian imperial­ them frankly with national aims. Na­ State in the USA.. Chief of the Office ism in communist garb, is destroyed at tional freedom and not imperialism is of Psychological Warfare, was in Mu­ C^Ue center, it is ruined atomatically the trade-mark of our epoch. nich. He declared to the press that the (bAroughout the world. In Asia, Russia U.S.A. did not intend to support under­ is playing a clever game; it pretends The latter, like national socialism, ground movements, but to instruct the to be the representative of the national fascism and all other abortions of na­ population about the truth of events in idea, of national and social liberation, tionalism, is already a thing of the the world. In the same number of the by fighting the imperialism of Western past; these are a mere distortion of the “Neue Zeitung“, dated 29. 12. 50, Mac- colonial powers. In reality, this is idea of national liberation. Nationalism Arthur’s tenth report to the United Na­ merely because the idea of the national with the aim of freedom and not plun­ tions on the war situation in Korea was liberation of Asiatic nations is a very der and oppression, with the motto of published; he stated that more than convenient item in the present imperial “freedom for nations, freedom for the 50% of all the troops of the United policy of Russia towards Western pow­ individual“ is spreading throughout the Nations in Korea had been used to ers. But it is not the nationalism of world. Freedom for nations means fight against partisans, whose number colonial nations but rather the policy sovereign national states, and freedom was estimated to be 35,000. This means of Western powers that is to blame for for the individual means securing all that the Allies in Korea had to fight the absence in Asia of a united, deter­ liberties and rights for citizens in a on two fronts and therefore lost. And mined front of Asiatic peoples against free state, the right to private property what conclusions are drawn therefrom? Bolshevism. and the guarantee of social justice. Mr. Barrett declared that the U.S.A. had Bolshevism can be vanquished if the Whoever is of opinion that national­ no intention of supporting underground Western powers declare clearly and ism is out of date and that a new movements, which means that defeat is unambiguously that they are pursuing epoch is dawning is much mistaken. Let being prepared. For today there can a national and not an imperial policy, us look at what is happening in the be no victory over Bolshevism without and if they would put these words world. What activated the biggest con­ Union, without national revolutions. We into action. The characteristic feature tinent in the world solely the idea of the second front within the Soviet of our epoch- is the decay and not the national freedom of nations, the ideas are of opinion that anti-Bolshevist stra­ consolidation of empires. The British of struggle for a national state, the tegy must assume that there is a second have realized this and have wisely foundation of national freedom. The front behind the iron curtain, which i^ransformed their empire into a Com- great social movements are merely con- must be consolidated and developed 'i.ionwealth of equal and free nations. comminants and results of the birth of and adapted to the first front. Perhaps The process of decay in empires cannot nationalism among colonial peoples who the second front, on account of the be held up and still less the decay of are bound together today by national ideas behind it is more decisive in the the Russian empire, which is one hun­ social ideals; after attaining national present great struggle of ideas than dred times worse than any Western freedom, they will also establish a re­ the first. empire. For Russia is attempting to gime of social justice. This strategy would have to attack assimilate every subjected nation. It While Bolshevism is exploiting the the seat of evil, namely the ethnogra­ forces such a nation to adopt the Rus­ idea of a free nationalism in Asia, it phic area of Russia. This area must sian language and Russian customs; it is at the same time endeavoring in the first be disarmed, in order to paralyze oppresses its intellectual life and vio­ Soviet Union and the satellite states Bolshevist aggression in the “hinter­ lates its soul. In Poland today, for in­ to eradicate by force every expression land“. At the same time, if tactics are stance, there are hundreds of Russian of free nationalism. This contradiction coordinated with those of the West, the schools; Russian is compulsory in va­ between the home and foreign policy oppressed nations will manage to de­ rious teacher training colleges and it of the Soviet dictators is bound to feat Russian troops on their own is easy to see that attempts are being lead to the decay of the Russian im- ground. Russia must be attacked from made to make it the official language perium sonner or later. For the world all .sides; the Soviet Union must be. in communications. Leading agencies today is marching towards the national carght in the pincers of our campaigns. in Moscow decree that Russian is the freedom of all nations to the brother­ There are also Soviet soldiers in Siberia language of Western socialism. Western hood of all free and equal nations in and on other Asiatic fronts. Could they colonial powers have done much to national sovereign states and to the not be won for the West as the result raise the culture and improve the well­ decline of empires. This process cannot of a wise policy on the part of the being of their colonial peoples, and be retarded either by atom bombs or Allies? What is there to prevent a great they have never tried to make Indians, by the terrorism of the Soviet regime. propaganda campaign among them? Malayans, or others into Europeans. Empires fall asunder, they are being Why does the West not support a cam­ In spite of the cruelty and the decep­ blown up by tile dynamite of the na­ paign of political ideas? Why don’t tion of Russian imperialist methods, it tional idea. All free nations, including (Continued on Page 16) Fuge 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

As we already said, the A.B.N. Con­ gress held in Edinburgh from June The Past and the Future 12—14 is one of the high-lights in our record. It was a great success and was We should like to seize the oppor­ In the course of 1950 new partisan followed by demonstrations in all cen­ tunity offered by the beginning of an­ groups have been formed in Hungary, tres of exiled A.B.N. nations in which other year to summarize briefly the as we reported in our December num­ the Resolutions passed in Edinburgh most important events in the 1950 re­ ber; their activity kept the Hungarian were welcomed and approved. cord of the A.B.N. Security Police busy. In the course of 1950, the leading re­ In the course of the year under re­ We should like first to state that presentatives of the A.B.N. repeatedly view, many agencies and branches of received delegates from the Press and the impressive conference of the A.B.N. the A.B.N. were founded in various in Edinburgh this year marked a cer­ spoke to them of the aims and ideas of countries in Western Europe and the A.B.N. These press conferences tain peak in its seven-year old existence. abroad. Their activity, at first, is It was obvious there that the A.B.N., found a due echo in international pub­ mostly publicity. lic opinion. Delegates from the A.B.N. which represents millions of members The A.B.N. also conducted a success­ of 22 nations, is the only organisation were enthusiastically welcomed at the ful campaign to found a “Liberation World Conference for Moral Rearma­ which has an active underground mo­ Fund for Subjugated Nations“. This vement today behind the Iron Cur­ ment in Caux, where they had frequent financial action was carried out chiefly opportunity of speaking on behalf of tain. This activity behind the Iron Cur­ with the help of coupons issued by the tain has been significantly confirmed the oppressed nations. financial commission of the A.B.N. The successes of the past year are a by the dictators in the Kremlin for their which were then exchanged for foreign official press agency, “TASS“ announ­ spur for us to be still more active on currency. The finances of the A.B.N. both sides of the Iron Curtain in the ced on 23. 11. 1950, that the Supreme come largely from donations from Soviet of the U.S.S.R. had found it ne­ service of our great idea: Freedom for members of A.B.N. peoples living in Nations, Freedom for the Individuals! cessary to create a special Order of exile. Merit for services in fighting “political K. A. banditry“. Almost at the same time we received the tragic news that General Taras Lithuania Ready to Fight, report to the UN. on the position in Chuprynka, Chief in Command of the Korea was published. We quote t,T7 We received some appeals from the Lithuan­ following from this report:“ °j Ukrainian Insurgents Army, and one of ian Underground Movement, of which we re­ the founders of the A.B.N., met a hero’s produce one in translation: “Up to Nov. 30, five well organized death in battle against the oppressor. Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! communist armies with a total strength Col. Wasyl Kowal, who had long ser­ of about 250,000 had already crossed ved with him, was nominated his suc­ Lithuanian^' the Korean frontier. Partisan activity cessor. is so lively that about 30% of the UN The decisive battle for the freedom The struggle, therefore, continues, re­ troops must be diverted to fight against gardless of the enemy’s increased and independence of Lithuania is at 30—35,000 guerillas.“ efforts, though no longer in mass ac­ hand. We leave it to our readers to form tions but in smaller groups who oper­ The free, democratic, Christian world their own opinion of those two facts ate in accordance with a fixed plan and of the West is uniting and preparing which indicate a suicidal or at least an who are in constant connection with for the great crusade of the free world one another. It was only recently that incomprehensible policy. Unfortun­ against bolshevism and Russian imper­ ately, men like MacArthur do not seem the Soviet Press reported “sabotage on ialism! the part of bandits hostile to the state" to have much influence on the policy Let us be prepared, too! Let us do of the West. in the districts of Proskuriw and Win- our sacred duty! Let us unite for the nica. decisive battle for the freedom of our Couriers of the U.P.A. have been beloved country! Let us strengthen our West and East able to maintain connection, not only relations with the underground move- between different groups in their ownments of Ukrainians, Latvians, Eston- An Old Anecdote organization, but also with under-ians and other nations! A Frenchman and a Russian once ground movements of other nations op- -1T, . . . , . were praising their respective countries pressed bv the bolshevists thus preserv- ^ .hr'le we are bl;ayely, rT y to ;T fk® ing unity in the A.B.N. struggle f0rsac,rlfices+’. “ “ ft be doubly watchful The former talked of the progress of French science and culture and life, libertv beyond the Iron Curtain. and. caubT u US ^ ° n n°Ur gUard . against Bolshevist agents and provOca- without, however, creating a great irre­ Couriers from the U.P.A. have also^eurs. pression. At last, the Russian inte. managed to reach countries on this side Lfm Hye th Antibolshevik Bloc of rupted his French comrade, saying: of the Iron Curtain, m order to keep upN ,, ” , “Rubbish! What is there in France? contact with the competent A.B.N. offi­ Look at us, at Russia! All is huge there. ces. In the November and December Long live a free, independent Lithu- Our bees, for instance, are as big as numbers of our Correspondence weania and its glorious old capital Vil- sheep!“ published copies of pamphlets of under-nious! ground movements behind the Iron The Lithllanian Underground The Frenchman, somewhat astonished Curtain which were brought to us by Movement asked: “How is that possible? Are Rus­ such couriers. sian beehives, then, as big as houses?“ We also received reports of under­ “No, no. They are no bigger than else­ ground activity by. fighters for freedom Two Opinions — Two Worlds where.“ in other countries under the bolshev- “The American State Department “But how do such big bees get into ists who are likewise in contact with does not intend to support under­ such small hives“ ? the Frenchman the centre of the A.B.N. In Bulgaria, ground movements in eastern states but asked. for instance the “National Bulgarian only to instruct their inhabitants about “Oh, just as usual — they have to“, Antibolshevist Legion“ has recently what is really happening in the world.“ been very active. There were clashes retorted the Russian emphatically and with communist militia in the Balkan These words, which we quote, from with icy disdain. mountains. “Basmachi“ Movement in a report in the “Neue Zeitung“ of 29. The picture that accompanied this Turkestan; Chief in Command Gen. 12. 50. are taken from a longer state­ anecdote depicted a /Russian hitting Osman Batur, in Slovakia, too, the so- ment given by Mr. Edward W. Barrett, unfortunate big bees with a long whip, called White Slovak Partisans who Assistant Secretary in the American in order to force them to enter a small were in close connection with the State Department to the press in Mu­ beehive. Ukrainian Insurgents Army in 1951, nich. In the same edition of the “Neue continued their activiy. Zeitung“ General Mac Arthur’s tenth (In Memory of M. Threecross) Number 1/2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9

The A.B.N. Sends Challenges to Resist and Fight

«ihwl*dwv.btî>rhc>. Btmfc dyn» F^atii.wn <ЛВМ

Freiheit «len ViHkern! Freiheit dem Mensehen! F!fc«M»te „ Д,р н<иА freie*. VSiUec dee ШеМ! Z-k'Crfecn 8 UH&Ss liiSjHir'.d . ^ ^ , ., w f t % ’■ »*Ь,‘Шс<чы:аа?ч8)г *.-• % - -, ■ - IS -** » 4 < « . ’i„k ~ • • s VMV • J 4©i>P* V;StK »»‘Sä efe-gs» ****' f t , ’ ' - : . : a À £ ;/. ;/• *ä8« J ■ U « v ^ tt^ U * « 2 r S«disi Z T :,> t Ä Ä - Ш •■ Ш i - „Z*-; nt#*^ ‘'ö»ßfR“ 4 t ‘f . ■ > i f , it '-©»U-Ï?, h X'I .frt№ 0®5?0M !i««SS >г*Щ ’г •ЗА C^TAc ïeV,l«A S " S » oceo^- 4 © V „ . w »* î, Î -bi-' ‘ •'*!« : ,rm,o d.4«i ( : & i * * * i : *«$ **• - the iW Bt».«* O0"®' 2 -4%:tJ|gg& L ,«йц V&& ^ ..-, * ;;v « t r © CPf’&‘AUua>*tdU'*« «кину)») ït ,«•*«, «Ш'Ь г»«1 « c * « £k>pi-ö>5 «j>.nty* öU.'^mLijfe, «Л 1.4 1*Й$«ЗУ :

ПГ;Ч>Ч.-! tt Г1Г^а?Ди*! ro».R»tmc--; Свобода ейШЙ «»* KA BoKü ».' MâtîJôi-»«. ccp»;»U'fasi n <гг&рат«йм, «о ftee^r .&o6oAa_jmg£? t^üsueprer»?/; Cfcrriiiy CojjrvckoS ap«ss«. tc т и р ^ н Ш Товарищи солдаты, матросы, това­ рищи офицеры Советской армии! 8 Ф51>2>»зыую- т?>дсфйй*ну. т «»% „Октя^ршмй; poioaips.wt", ;s«ç- Цоне»ояеШ 3i* сгийцаскак »д»-<а ussfmtibnux. na»»pas*« м ее пи»,ш .кодцщй за> 9ЯЗМО!» яароя® Rv’ÇJi ,vRp.«i«X, ö6’<>Ä*SJ*«nib«; * К<зм»ик|юр'«> К|Й*ЧД7' «S J't-WXaK. 5,ОК- . 5^я" Я йоспчуадцклч тоаимой ,<*.%sхед«;.»; ка«*««у.. *и ssc paRy.vtj^ï л .«ад г«ти «ft. уш с \шз» tt досшжвяияш*; ^еаш ptßfbute - ‘"Г Г .”«* ““ 1 г — mit livxûmaf.ib хахп<>т.яж.и, «* CWOJW» yi«f w; Ждалда. wo Вр i Ытеязгсвтя! mvmx ~~ w wffensafcut«* ч*зж*>} ■ • лД«М».««!*Й5Й.-:- щ м т ш м & ь <3$М«80М « T^pptRlOW 5 ^ 8 *Т «8 -'»’ Qg- . , .v' vrïbC« KCl **f . t:-.-f»ä-:1J*p»p-.j0.yit<» »J**«rr«S,- $Й/!*-Ш0Х)Г!К?< чЙОЩЛчи’ ГШЛЯУ»? СВЙ- • . !«<Ö. lVifMrn*Pi4’1'1 *. * >U*CV. » у<ккШ1ся5<£*т, » « .и .P VJ,1JS> VU •,», ^!Ôïÿl4RtRrrS!«ÇV,t-tX jK4’U>’’S^a«SX •■. f^C П pft-- *6fe‘S^w?>'©i'"i©t4 •'ft- ■ 'А *1фдй1?«г, «>гййХ<«1б «л UKK-&SMÜ СССР влп о ,. •NÎê^^fVbww- **?4[ÄkV *■**"& 4j*4i&-»■*■■■> & ' ' , 8<аН>д*.-.»»а!.«е4 »st e^ s^ ti даяаой ■’tiVf >*•/> ^ ^ ï » . Рлж* -*k»ô¥ «s Jdovtcay и ■B 1»S2X S3Se»* о *4 "t T ■ g .жеэзай-, ИД гес; .... 1*»*! C, RiKïi ^ û!4>- ^slheB d«s Völkom: freshaif Й2Ш iv-^nscks« Yorf I.i ;'Ä Sowjet-Buiger, LSÄi-л" Bfirger der usteriodifen UMer! Свобода Hapoflawl Cr c>4,?S *pSSSl «iS.ftKft» %S* .,w ... W“-.aBtR«r1>hdae Swl«, ife», hä«H ?öott g*gcbtaea Doitirlkb« Redvt - atif KeUgsnnsö’RfhtJlC uxT ö r - %$*> i 'ete«r'd«P«n»äöo Eh« und $&dfc»£fce« FansRl«. »uf M önsdK in^ Wohät-r^hert vod p9t3§t*HÖ»e ITelfe-itt, sowie- g"JK't&td E«liä»dfc*, a * - d S S ^ ^ . Рабочий! ’ V , . * ■. I , - -■ ' '"‘CA,© : aus. der dir, dum SdVafit*fld«n"2U dienen h ä lf * -1 • tiT" .üß у к p,a î -h с ь k i c O T i i 'i î i Крест! öa-bist eln .Sldavc, beraub* ' aller jnerti,<3')lScbRr> R etbV И« c/.jsaSrß Соаьш<***2г.х р 1 dpeithl' El« F m h d t. du bC* ela um er Mensch, dciien „fch*" XU ehs»? Ntd ,ibdj*o„ x » « т » * а у « :М » « 8 и .г а л < ? д хьа>т» tnöRbnfcnumföFeeaden S berab^würdl^t . , iranÄtrscbHch .tevTorijk-rt wird. Ött sltterR' find stehri d i^ j . Зла *ш а щ г * «üc{fü&«»aö-5s/.wue#ngaai , бреку»«, der . bchuuta^ Babb" nkM kotnjKE «m dich' ftt dtd • ^ераселе.аая са«о, »« коагойп а д«я укр*1«- И и т е . и . 0 î саде b-, ea*f.ff44» Лр «Si«», « ait Н й щ х <»адп1 Тазе'таердя?' Т ^ е «'«tuatjcsuïj б ф е щ т т - е х и я ''■ ope^t*^ . .wwttdnbmddn HRufef’- - ' •'- > • - ■ -1 lip Тй.ЧС>Г<( рйбетяв. »:ltk «J0»x и-i зл а »« рЛ Ъ м ЯрШ '.Г- ГО «îbgua mчего e« ■ йулТге : Тут ' $?$лк& : З^жршь «р* ,s*fRC' „«wçMOiv еорРва’С Tw щугрф ЙЛЯЛЧУ i -RXA&öfy, 8 ÔJa ! * t « *7ßon .« « „ x ПОйаж« : - сштпая»: « w » » « и -Тыi ж*!П0Шй; f rribi-U <*еп Viitkcr»: Км-ШеМ ri<-m МупмЬсв! a» » podôTÎ. nu харч*»«, « t-*» ub'f»' Та» k* ko ~ ' c r t «. T w 'ÄRtnät. ea«)>«î w«.»atC'MT-»ia$j»0s*-:.:^»a.' • ДОСОХ о!дя<ееаиЙ *i стерт кара air« да Pt B.-SP pçxe- ■ Чгкпмп' » S W Ты •угрлхь ;? очерггр^ч. W t w xjanm» rnfes» ¥» чд>р«а. И« *«4*f*f« $Ллж>1 Ä«w^.idt»«a л,ду»*дц MWU -Рер&ОЙ П«00ХОД,Ч5ОЗСГ!г, Tfot Ж>'*8СЧ»Ь Шф&ШЗОД),.• T if ««Я . Tod de« Тугаияеи und der Tyrannei! 8 *р } #«у>ях Д*с«0. Б« а »е-i Йгд-еге, ли; г« я пийол» ;и кв.1яр&?гз-й ял«?швд?*; jMisiv<-ou ч<лорг>й s«» лр^аырткут n«g % р ’я « , щ р $ tfm сьац«'»и ауш в-ге,; а в'.гир-f.i «- *ГГ>~ЫЦ)Я -WOTîWfW, 8 TßWt >т»*втат«лн « ruptS^M RCl ш у х ‘ b »SKt At» }пЪтШ Ь&}^ф0«-^$ё1бя-Туг9ягм*> a,ii / - N*-*>. .ISflï- . : - ЧОТОрЬ*Х ' /е * Ш Ж Я № У Ъ COCtîOiPr-ROX . й»«>«0б*<ЯЯ2. 0«Й ; 5*&Ш «»■га. буди *V*6. 8дш#' s г « а « *2« Ьейдрдщ« q ü s s-ù ca .к ш die s*iif< xm m Kwtui »«Д ihre, in riaetn. «еакД KosUfUern ШШ й »*. Тс-.-» дрегар, .oi«-t ХРТзп- сд«.;ы'гь ; « . Т ебя гажлуия«*то ц«'1^иа|| Af,»1^е.пы*й тя Zeiten tHß *t>g. -Oicinbr-f-Rpcnlnllbtt/ - - fritr*!. mdt?)« s«o tiit*«4 Ы р ; de« Б а р а к е * про;» iiauro перед«-#е««я «fix» ß*> В годи ïjeaô^iwtn«. üijRWumKTettili? « а ж »# •■• i^ e e ^ w t - Nütue.« „eiHTf \lorgtsfik>tf in dre MnüsédpîU'syefdtiAfn“ grb«W aft- dtetKtn *:»$А**й!. На шддйсуЙ,-« W ex X * pepb5«Af-»aal •/..'сглоаж»!^«» .^awas-sta ©^^»ß^KotRi Нп ошг '*«<ол» ?.-.”iV стряша;-'!^ фх^яг'"'-■ 9каш«арш?«г-. зкспдол'сший» f a k r W «•bebri» « if. dk* Völker de» ABS. a » * m .-чиаше tk.t .Aatisteft . «яята ира»а «ет» на c*oïâ загадЦ g,>»ô. UppfOCU- Z.£!>; r.’XlSÛ KûTOpW-O : trrow ■ 5!>УЯЯ y&atH -V ужЩ ртоюч, ; Vüf de. ««»w e *VeU егд.ц tlte teb^>w*M*uhe Vrf. Ш#а g a ß fö д р а в »! ; гр«<т>' UXÖS. ' ,rj«cting ttttd rak-a dt« W«U auL -ith -.n. de. *-dir«nkl!thf» binllUu ш*& *kd- île д*йп> с»5в «i2SîCp*iB?n craAläabKsx -S*s* MJf© . - - t*op«w. «ouncarfptjUffUnKhte. auf«!?«. « я ? * « ! s-.-posî® ‘iüîupuif wppnp n постлпйый голод ms*}x>sj*»: d*ft|iO • Ks ist eine der whteekikhtik'a lùigt-й. duB h« Necntßber P».IT elfte Не дояугг1»а, *«û $ 8»ш! .at«xï *ае«АкА«2 я ä-rr — еоу.ч«* as»Ao 1мш иародап ,халое saiK^sißTawtjRtifeif sîaîWefimden M ile.' ' . .. аувйХр.я««! . - • - -• ':рзЕдакдь*Ш>~- ■;• ' . . . I - ^ « ö , p „ r iw « damals die Muck*, an dth mid ч « г д к ч di«' hakt nd. С**врГ> C fiftH JI t б о г » #p»6iÄ.«jpi,x|S xrpàïJ Ti*> г.орл s x «a • apisKbWftm» кздаЕй-течыггби кучхй впд e>?*t IktVUie* traten !ta «f«r V-diu-f sfe. ^ . tHîo* «îWW^Rôè лгодей» • .... I Dzm&H luMItk- *kr laj!>dtt>bn.tis«u/i ARithir-t ineiianti v.ttrdets dn Ckreiet-. X«S лввеукра1асаае ««ля««.'»« «х ' • 's u оеас-ЙОЖДй«*»л Гфйбдшипйкп, И дет. зелий«« 1Ш »«й* d«- kankad.-ir-t! U n A « . V.'eA.uibfiM.n,. I t«A«-Uon. di« ! Шк-r hdj.neas dut Х«й *я*е уяраТчяЬхаа а;род, ё'л«гш их -.dean«я ^ н зя poüO.tßbUftK yfi«T«SM%uj. паррдпа. Она от^^ейШ- kos-tkeiduade», Ш -Lralt tww. e*or dwt* F«*8*rt b w a k t tm*фпг •па«тдя«спв *Щ -?л п&е»|»й». па pjeiJ-ыч donwxiwnietmdt зж?р«м пчродпа сан Ibands todtaktn «йупн- tK*»»ds»(ktt«t ?hntutinCteut«a reiddfC *?P' У К Р А ?Н С Ь KÏ П О Е С Т A H Ö !' яейодяых гыпадагп.тгвхих «жуя»й»»'; 6 ■>«* 'fmsbfpa^n*u?^»os | i « m and oi» acnes Ledifigenluj«. eiRtfrRÜtfi and -kantl das g-.fdk*- K e « 2 * t n - осцах дбо всзнеий »ирод Roafejo: тогда с«с>ж«Д йсгюйЬДйТЧйй щ irali'unthleger der Vtil.ker |rnb»lde|. V|i| dm Киг«йф«г VH~ Ь щ т п eine деве ^ ш в м iatiefdrü^tbtg da* УШ2П

In Pamphlets 1—3 Central Committee of the A.B.N. appeals to the fund for peoples oppressed by bolshevism. No. ? is a pamphlet in Russian still free peoples of the world, warning them against the Russian bolshe- appealing to soldiers, sailors and officers in the Soviet forces to support vist danger and calling for a common campaign; Pamphlet No. 4, in the underground movements of the subjugated nations. The two next Bassian. shows the national liberation movements of Lithuanians, Lat­ pamphlets, both in Russian, appeal to workers, peasants and intellectuals vians and Esthonians the importance of coordination of their resistance in the Soviet Union and the satellite states. No. 10 is an appeal to Germans movements with those of other nations subjugated by bolshevism. Pam- in the Eastern zone; No. 11 is a pamphlet to commemorate the October phlet ? appeals to Ukrainian working people, peasants and intellectuals to revolution and No. 12 is an appeal to Ukrainian peasants. These pamphlets • © Stalin's dictatorship. No. 6 appeals for the formation of a liberation are an evidence of a wide-spread, campaign of publicity. Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

tration camps, where certain death Byelorussia’s Desperate Fight awaits them. It is therefore not astonishing that there should have been repeated ri­ most brutal system of exploiting and Byelorussia is a rich, country. The sings in Byelorussia even under the main sources of its wealth are agri­ plundering subjugated nations. The Czars, in the attempt to recover free­ culture and forests. This can be proved regime of the Politbureaux has increas­ dom and independence. This fight for by statistics from the time of the Czars. ed the need and misery of the Byelo­ In 1915, for instance, Byelorussia pro­ russian population by introducing slav­ freedom continues under the bolshevists duced: 100 million gold roubles’ worth ery in collective farms and factories and has assumed still more desperate of grain and tobacco, 75 gold roubles’ and by the murderous methods of the proportions. The press of the democra­ worth of flax, construction timber for M.G.B. (bolshevist security service). tic world has more than once described 300 million roubles, and cattle for about Those are no mere empty words. They the heroic antibolshevist fight of Byelo­ russian partisans, in particular of the 75 million. Those are only the main represent millions of victims and a sea products. We could extend this list by of blood . . . unit known as “The Black Cat“, under the leadership of General Witushka. many millions of gold roubles, if we Formerly we have already reported mentioned only the 3 thousand tons of that M. Abramchyk, the President of We should like to mention here a honey and wax. the Byelorussian Democratic Republic report in the paper, “Neues Tageblatt“, No. 136 which gives a desciption of a Nor does this exhuast Byelorussia’s (B.N.R.) in exile has in his possession four hours’ battle between the Byelo­ wealth. It is also rich in various miner­ original documents on the grand-scale russian partisans known as “The Black als — for instance, coal, iron-ores, salt, liquidations of many thousands of in­ oil, the best kinds of kaolin, phosphates, nocent Byelorussians. He has published Cat“ and units of the bolshevist Secu­ rity troops in Wilno. According to the copper, aluminum, lead etc. And yet, these documents in Canada, in a even under the Czars-, the population of pamphlet “I accuse the Kremlin of my report, the partisans were not driven Byelorussia was very poor; for it was people“. out of the town, until armored cars simply a colony of the Russian empire. were brought into action. These documents prove that the N.K. We derive a certain moral satisfac­ As such, it was mercilessly exploited V. D. ambitous to give evidence of its tion from the reports of the severe, and plundered. industry to -superior agencies, killed heroic struggle of Byelorussians for As far as bolshevism, the modern thousands of Byelorussians without a their liberation from the bolsheyi^t form of imperialism, is concerned, the trial, say, for “spying“. Other thousands dungeon of nations that appear :in , whole world knows that it is also the were sent to work as slaves in concen- Western press-. But in their fight tor freedom and democracy, our heroes were supported only by subjugated na­ includes all forms from passive resist­ tions. Nevertheless, the Byelorussian Open letter people, in spite of terrorism and blood­ (Continued from Page 6) ance to armed rebellions by the un­ derground armies. For the last five shed, will continue to fight with other ders of anti-bolshevist liberation mo­ years, the M.Y.D. and all the security nations oppressed by Moscow until the vements had nothing in common with forces of the Soviet-Union have been restoration of freedom and indepen­ Nazi-Germany, etc. For example: Mr. trying to cope with this force, hunting dence to the Byelorussian Democratic Yaroslav Stetzko, President of the and searching, but usuccessfuly. Republik (B.N.R.). In his book, “Life A.B.N. was prisoner in the Nazi concen­ and Death in Soviet Russia“, the well- tration camp in Sachsenhausen for more Mr. George Knupfer has his motives known Spanish general El. Kampesino than three years. for concealing this truth and, thus, writes as follows about the sufferings playing into Stalin’s hands. It is necess­ of Byelorussia:, He speaks of “separatists“, though he ary for him and for Stalin that the “The Byelorussian people has been knows that they are not “separatists“, West bet this time on a wrong horse. hardest hit of all. It has suffered three because they are not Russians who But he and his compatriots red and purges. The first was carried out in would like to separate part of Russia white alike, must begin to wake up to 1944 on the pretext of stamping out from Russia. They are not Russians, the fact that in an increasing degree espionage. Russian troops under the and Russia is not their state, but rather educated people the world over are be­ N.K.V.D. carried out the shootings; is a prison for their peoples. Their coming conscious of the motives inspir­ there were children of 13 and 14 among struggle against the Russians (red or ing- knupfers to play openly into Sta­ the victims. In the -second purge in 1945, white) does not constitute any separat­ lin’s hand. the “Traitors to the Fatherland“ were ism, but a liberation movement of ens­ seized. This purge accounted for about laved peoples. Deeply regretting the necessity of writing this letter, 1 remain. 1 million people. All the property, An honest man writes honestly, Mr. eluding the better clothing, of e\ j Knupfer writes dishonestly. But vain Madam. | victim was taken away. The central are hi-s efforts to save his “ matushka Yours respectfully camp for these unhappy people was Rossiya“. Inevitably, history will pro­ Lew Shankowsky still in Smolensk in 1948, its permanent nounce its verdict, in 1917, the Russian 4641 Stiles Street population being 62,000. Other camps empire was dismembered by the en­ Philadelphia 37, Pa were in Witebsk (55,000) and Wiasma slaved peoples and only the Allied pow­ U.S.A. (18,000). Besides, there were 90-,0-0-0 pri­ ers, by aiding the White Guards of soners in Minsk, Rohachow, Barano- Gen. Denikin and Adm. Kolchak with wichi and Hlybokoje etc. All these pri­ arms and ammunition, helped to create The Press Fund o f the A.B.N. soners were actually condemned to death; for they could not -survive the the modern Frankenstein which is now In recent weeks the press fund of the engulfing nation after wrong nation. hard labour they had to perform on a A.B.N. has received donations from But betting on a horse will not prevent daily bread ration of 100 gr.“ the course of events in the East. The various countries, particularly from Nevertheless, in spite of all this, and future catalysm in Eastern Europe will England, Belgium and Germany. A sum in spite of the oportunism of the West inevitably bring about the division of of £ 7.17 was sent from England, while with its -errors and lack of sympathy, Russia whether Britain or the U.S.A. the Ukrainian Cooperative in Mitten- the Byelorussian people continues its wish it or not. In 1917, when the nation­ wald sent 20® DM. Space does not per­ fight against its tyrants in the Kremlin. al consciousness of the enslaved peoples mit us to list every donor by name, but For we are living at a time when it is only the ideals of subjugated nations — was- far leSiS, Russia split into parts. In we should like here to thank all most a new catalysm it will happen ten times freedom for individuals and freedom heartily. At the same time, we should as quickly. There is too much -evidence for nations — that can produce the in the West that the struggle of the en­ like donors abroad to send in specifica­ courage, the sacrifices and the hope slaved people against Stalin’s- Indivi­ tions with their gifts, so that we may necessary for a victory over the slavery sible Russia continues relentlessly in be able to meet their wishes in the of Russian bolshevism. every country enslaved by Russia and material we publish. A. Sorkin Number 1/2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11

In spite of the declaration of “free­ dom of religion“ made during the Se­ Turkestan and the Peoples of Islam cond World War, it was not safe to visit mosques. People who worship God easi­ (Continued from Page 5) The policy of Soviet Russia does not ly fall under suspicion. Religious ser­ kestanians do not known of the excel­ differ in any way from the policy of vices are therefore held mostly secret­ lent conditions in the West and in Czarism. On the one hand Moscow de­ ly in private houses. The opening of Eastern countries. clares “freedom of religion“ and on the religious schools by the Soviets has been other hand it supresses it. The foreigner who comes to Turke­ done for propaganda purposes and in stan is led through the best streets Religious dignitaries are subjected to order to gain the sympathy of Eastern which are clean and wide and where reprisals. For example the trial of the countries. you meet the best dressed people. But religious dignitaries Nasikhan Tora, The Turkestanians people have from nobody is shown the true state of af­ Abclumutal Damla in 1935 is known to time immemorial regarded the whole fairs and condition in the rest of the all Turkestanians. These people were Islam people as their brethren and have town. The interpreters who are attached accused of anti-communist agitation, always held them in high esteem. to these foreign representatives are with the slogan “Komsomol in this world, but Murid for the other world“ . Turkestanians have always upheld the appointed by the Soviet authorities and Islam religion. Their clandestine or­ know ihe Turki and Arab Languages. All our mosques and religious schools ganisation carried on religious agita­ were turned into cafes, clubs and sto­ To the question “Is there any tion. When visitng anti-religions mu­ rage houses. Some mosques have been seums they secretly conducted religious independence in these Soviet Re­ converted into anti-religious museums. publics“ a reply is given in “Milij services in the anti-religious museums. The paper “Kizil Uzbekistan“ the pro­ (Journal “under the banner of Marx­ Tiirkistan“ No. 63 under the heading of paganda newspaper of the central Com­ “colonial questions“. ism“ Moscow No. 12 1938.) Mention was mittee of the Communist party in Uz­ made of the collaboration of the clergy Between the years 1945—1947 a few bekistan, of, 19. 4. 36 writes that the with the Nationalists at trials between thousand political emigres and before ancient great medresse in ihe town of 1935—38. Are our Moslem brethren this time more than one hundred thou­ Bukhara in Zarganan district is being aware of these facts, particularly of the sand emigres have come to us and we demolished and the bricks are being measures adopted by the Soviets in have spoken to them. In reply to our carted away. The most prominent me- 1949 against the clergy and the natio­ gestion s regarding the situation inTur- dressesMinara.Michet-Kalan andDivan- nalists? xestan we are told "There is everything begi are destroyed. A road has been At the beginning of the Second World to be had in Turkestan a,s in Europe. War the Soviets mobilised the Turke- There are also long and wide roads, stanian population between the ages of and as an example the tarred road call­ A.B .N . fights against 14—60. Of these Vs million have gone ed Navai between Orda and Khadra in over to the West. We have talked to Tashkent, is cited as well as the houses Bolshevism and every form them. They are found in camps, hun­ built on this road which are of Euro­ gry, and naked, and lived in very diffi­ pean type. o f Russian Imperialism ! cult circumstances. No outside help When asked whether there are many was forthcoming. Thousands died daily wide roads of this type and how many of hunger, cold and illness. We were houses are built during the 30 years of asked “Where are our brethren, the Soviet regime and who is residing in built through the Minare medresse. Moslem Türkis. Why don’t they help these houses there is no answer. In The Kalan mosque has been turned into us?“ We could not give a reply to these their laudatory accounts they state that a warehouse. The. medresse “Shaikhan questions. The Turkestanian National the Navai road is 4—5 kins', long. But Tahur“ has been turned into cinema. Committee quickly adopted measures when asked whether there are other The large mosque in Kokand has and liberated them from the camps and roads as wide as the above-mentioned been turned into a chocolate factory. saved their lives. - and the distance between the new and The medresse (church) Kokaltseh has People between the ages of 16.-30. i. e. the old town being 25 kms. why only been converted into a reading room. In who had grown up during the Soviet 4—5 kms of this way are a regularly Namangan the medresse “Mulla bazar regime and who had even been mem­ tarred road, they remain silent. Akinin“ and Kambar Baivaca have been bers of the komsomol youth had hidden It is clear that the number of Euro­ destroyed. The large medresse on the under their shirts little bits of paper pean houses is small and they are occu­ Vadil “Mazar-Tagi“ has been destroy­ given them by the their mothers with pied by Soviet dignitaries. The local ed. These are only a few examples of quotations from the Koran. The young Stipulation lives in very old and damp many horrible facts. people, however, declared that in spite rouses, the streets are very narrow; Over 80.000 scientific and religious of being educated in Soviet schools and in the winter they are muddy and in books dating from the XVth—XVIIth belonging to the party, they had still the summer very dusty. Those are real century are rotting in cellars. Objects remained faithful to Turkestan and the facts. of art like carpets, silks, musical in­ Islam religion. The foreign visitor is not allowed to struments, ancient money are also rot­ These are not isolated cases. These see these streets and is only shown the ting in the cellars (“Kizil Uzbekistan“ of etamples are a proof of the faith and wide. So the foreign visitor does not It. 5. 36). spirit of our people. see the real conditions in the old cities, Turkestanians who object to these These young emigrants created the and the historical buildings destroyed measures oil the part of the Soviet au­ Turkestan national army and wore on by the Soviets. thorities are subjected to reprisals and their right sleeve a band with the slo­ accused of being, class-enemies and gan “God is with us“. This policy is not a surprise to Tur­ “nationalists“. Turkestanians are not kestanians, as they are used to it. The permitted to keep their historical, In spite of the hard conditions Tur­ Czarist Government applied the same scientific and religious inheristance, but kestanians stuck to their religion and methods. Foreigners were not allowed they are forced by the Russians to keep national ideas; what demands can they to visit Turkestan by the Czarist Go­ and secure all Russian historical works. put to the Eastern Moslem peoples? Do vernment. Some of them are brought from Russia they know the conditions under which the 25—30 million Turkestanians live? These authorities tried to suppres our to Turkestan for propaganda purposes national and religious customs and to to demonstrate the preponderance of The Soviet Union is stretching its ten­ annihilate our art. For instance, in 1913 Russian culture to all the young Tur­ tacles in all directions. In order io the .uestion of safeguarding historical kestanians, who do not know their own Safeguard ourselves from our enemy buildings was raised and the Governor forbidden inheristance. Amongst them and for our defence we need strength of Czarist Russia, General Samson there are portraits of some generals of and friends. replied that it was in the interest of the 19th century (Czarist times). These The Turkestanian people are faithful Czarist Russia to destroy historical art Czarist generals however do not seem to their tradition and friendship to­ in Turkestan. to be typical “class-enemies“. wards their Islam brethren, Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

They could not, therefore, be our We and the Others friends, and have remained our enemies. Others, again, tried to win the con­ (Continued from Page 1) ism and urgently warned the West fidence of the West by constructing an taxation“ of tension in the world si­ against laying their hands in their laps, artificial difference between our na­ tuation, “stabilization“ of the status we were maligned as “fascist war-mon­ tional ideals and democracy. In so quo and the “blocking“ of Soviet ag­ gers“ by certain smart circles in the doing they deprive the anti-bolshevist gression are still proclaimed to be the West, who are ready to make compro­ war of liberation of its force and.thus aims of Western politics. Even Mr. mises and to promote understanding work directly into Stalin’s hands. Dulles, greatly as we respect him, (he and who like of think of themselves as Others, again, abuse democracy to con­ is otherwise a gifted practical politic­ “progressive“. Now, however, things ceal imperialist plans and to catch poli­ ian) thinks it sufficient to assure the have reached a point where the in­ tical emigres from countries enslaved world at the New Year that the Soviets evitability of another war is the lead­ by -Russia in the net of a doubtful and will not be allowed to continue their ing political topic of the day and can fantastic federalism. They feel no old methods in the coming year and to no longer be banned from the columns shame, in the 20th century, in denying bring at least two nations more under of the Western press. But this some­ highly cultivated subjugated nations the domination of Moscow. what late “discovery“ finds the Western the right to national freedom and poli­ What scant consolation for humanity! World unprepared; it is confused and tical independence; they belittle the How weak the foundation of its free­ apathetic, and is still unable to muster fight of such nations for liberation and dom is, as long as the West takes up the energy which is the fundamental “ graciously“ allow them to exercise this position of defence, and is quite factor of our fighting community and passive resistance only, in the manner ready to he deceived by every. hypo­ which the A.B.N. has always insisted of Gandhi. All such types are political critical “gesture of peace“ that Stalin on. bankrupts from the world of yesterday, chooses to make, when hundreds of Moscow is unpleasantly surprised by who curiously enough are always re­ millions of human beings must con­ this recognition of the inevitablility ceived in high places in Western ca­ tinue to live in slavery and lose their of a war caused by bol-shevism. How pitals, and even play the part of “ad­ life-blood in an invisible war! What greatly it is concerned in lulling the visers“. , "“W then is the practical value of having West into illusory dreams so as to keep This paradoxical state of affairs niU", recognized the persistence of Soviet it unprepared, may be seen from a be due to accidental connections in the aggression and the chronic danger to recent article by Ilija Ehrenburg on past, political or personal. But if Wes­ the world of Russian imperialism, if the occasion of the Prague “peace con­ tern statesmen wish to prove that they it is to go scot-free now? Finally, where ference“ . In it, the poet laureate of are equal to the demands of the mo­ does Russian imperialism actually start bolshevism demands that an end should ment, they must not look back, but for the West, and where does it end? be made to all “talk“ of the inevitabi­ forwards, to the future. The advancing Does it start, perhaps, only with the lity of a new world war, as this alone danger to the world that bolshevism subjugation of the Baltic states, to end can guarantee “peace“ . It ought not to is, cannot be met by spectres from the with Korea and Eastern Germany? Why be difficult for the West to decide who past, but above all by revolutionary do they shut their eyes to all the cruel is on the right path: we, who from the ideas, constructive plans for the fu­ oppression of the past, all the subju­ very beginning have recognized the in­ ture. The democratic ideal, which we gation that must inevitably come in the evitability of the war and have cons­ acknowledged without reserve, is not future? Why are people still afraid to tantly appealed to the world to get in itself sufficient to liberate and mo­ speak officially of Ukrainians, Byelo­ ready, or the others who have stigma­ bilise all the revolutionary forces in russians, North Caucasians, Cossacks, tized us as disturbers of the peace and the world. The steam roller of bolshev­ Georgians, Armenians, Aserbayani, war-mongers, and who have thus un­ ism cannot be held up by mere defence. Turkestani, Ideluralians, Crimean Tar­ consciously paved the way for Stalin It can be met by the superior ideas of tars, etc. Are they perhaps afraid that and bolshevist aggression. national freedom and social justice and by so doing they will destroy the illu­ It is worth noting that even the idea by tie defensive force of the struggle sory “understanding“ with the slave- of a preventive war has cropped up for liberation. And those are the prin­ drivers in Moscow, or are they too con­ during the last year’s political discus­ ciples of the A.B.N.: freedom for na­ siderate of loud “antibolshevists“ who, sions, causing a lot of dust, while it tions, freedom for individuals. Tli^rv, with Kerenski at their head, are spread­ has occurred to nobody to talk of a are written, not only on our standaTJj but in the hearts of millions of us. ing a new form of Russian imperialism “crusade for liberty“. It seems as if * in exile not hesitating to slander the the freedom and liberation of hun­ It is no accident that the men sup­ sacred cause of the Antibolshevist Bloc dreds of millions of subjugated people porting the A.B.N. principles are men of Nations as “fascism“. is not in this century of ours an ethical who always acknowledged the same The problem is very serious. It tole­ value that is worth defending. ideas consistently and uncompromising­ rates no half-measures. If freedom in * * * ly in times of decision whenever their the world is indivisible and if Russian Meantime our ideals and the confir­ national interests demanded. The fate imperialism is a fundamental evil, and mation of our prophesies have increas­ that overtook a number of countries if all the powers in the world — on both ed the interest of the world in the and nations as a result of the resolu­ sides of the Iron Curtain — are to be A.B.N. The reaction of the “others“ tions of Jalta and Potsdam at any rate mobilized against Moscow’s tyranny, who have a bad conscience and in exonerates their politicians and soldiers then there is only one single common whose flesh we are a thorn, was bound of all blame for not having stood on denominator and that is: a fight for to come. Not knowing what to do, they the side of the Allies; they were forced liberation which will bring freedom to resorted to maligning the A.B.N. as by the general situation of the war to all nations, no matter when they were “fascist“ . In their methods even, they seek secui'ity from bolshevist aggres­ subjugated by Moscow’s despots. Who­ are at one with Stalin, revealing their sion. on the other side. These suffering ever does not accept this standpoint, is kinship with him unconsciously and nations have long in their hearts writ­ working directly or indirectly into spontaneously. Some of them, until re­ ten the tragedy of the past off; today, Moscow’s hands. cently, were collaborators with com­ they frankly offer the West their munism; they helped the bolshevists to hands. Why cannot the Western Allies When we spoke of the inevitablity power and are therefore inculpated in do the same, seeing that they desire to of a coming war with militant bolshev­ the destruction of their own nations. win Germany as a partner in the fight Number t/2 ABN-Correspondence Page 15

8. Understanding and co-operation Resolutions of the Mass Meeting with U.S.S.R. are a mere illusion and no peace with Moscow can be lasting, Massey Hall, Toronto, November 26., 1950, regarding the Russians policy of even if the Western World were pre­ pared to purchase such a peace at the endangering the world peace and liberty of nations and individuals. price of the life, freedom and culture of the present and future oppressed Assembled at the above mentioned decades and centuries to exploit and nations. mass meeting, we inhabitants of the abuse the natural resources of enslaved City of Toronto, originated from the countries and nations in the service of 9. The nations, enslaved and oppress­ countries conquered by Russia i. e., Russian imperialism. ed by U.S.S.R., are firmely determined Byelorussia, Bulgaria, Cossackia, Croa­ to continue their desperate fight for 4. The defeat of those independent liberty against the tyranny of Bolshev­ tia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Ru­ states which had won their freedom in mania, Slovakia, and Ukraine submit ism no matter jvhat sacrifices they must battle in 1914—1918 was a preparatory make or what attitude the Western the following resolutions to the public step to later Soviet aggression for which opinion of the free world: World will take towards the Soviet the West was partly responsible. Union. 1. The present world crisis is a con­ 5. The direct aims of the imperialism 10. The driving power behind these sequence of Russian imperialism. Dis­ of Moscow to-day — and it has not conquered nations’ fight is not only guised by slogans of proletarian revo­ altered a whit — is to destroy the na­ their resistance to the Bolshevist re­ lution. it is to-day striving for world tional substance of the oppressed na­ gime as a system of government, but hegemony in form of Bolshevism which tions and to undermine the rest of the also their repudiation of an alien Mos­ is hostile to Western and Christian world. cow supremacy as well as their ideals principles of civilization founded 6. At the same time, Moscow’s Fifth of national freedom and state indepen­ mainly upon the freedom of individu­ Columns, recruited from the ranks of dence. als. duped or bribed adherents, are work­ 11. The proclamation of programmes 2. The spread of the U.S.S.R. over the ing in all the countries of the world to which are antagonistic to these aims as greater part of two continents is merely make them ripe for conquest and to for instance, the re-establishment, on the logical continuation of the four cen­ force the majority of people under the so-called “democratic“ principles of the turies-old Russian expansion to which a yoke of a Moscow-dominated minority. Russian imperium or the formation of ' Mrber of small and large nations in The Canadian sector of the Communist federations as a cloak for the despotic Eastern Europe and Asia have been Fifth Column is represented by the claims of certain allegedly “superior“ sacrificed. Labour Progressive Party. nations to rule over others, will para­ 3. This new and dangerous expansion 7. The U.S.S.R. is counting for the lyze the struggle for freedom and of the U.S.S.R. was only possible be­ realization of its plans on the lack of weaken the anti-Bolshevist front deci­ cause the world cast away the idea unity, but above all on the tolerance of sively. that the old despotic Russian Empire the Western World which had made it 12. An international world order can was the dungeon of many nations and possible for Russia to develop into a only be built on the principle of com­ because Moscow had been permitted for colossus that threatens the world. plete equality of free and independent nations and on a foundation of mutual respect and recognition of their initial rights. against bolshevist aggression. The term Serbs, Croats, Rumanians or Bulgar­ The present struggle for freedom in “collaborator with the Germans“ might ians. The future belongs to a genuine which all nations oppressed by the possibly be out-of-date already, but holy alliance between the national U.S.S.R. are engaged, has created be­ collaboration with communism is as idea, social justice and democracy on tween them a bond of brotherhood. This real today as ever it was ... the basis of equality and international bond will constitute a solid foundation solidarity. for their friendly and harmonious co­ A militant — liberation nationalism operation also after they have attained and an uncompromising opposition What a hostile world of self-satisfied their freedom. drawingroom politicians imagined it to bolshevism are not in contradiction 13. The present world peace campaign to democracy; on the contrary, they could reproach A.B.N. with, is for us in­ lead by the Russian and Communist do­ are what Western democrats require exhaustible moral strength, of which minated World Peace Committee is de­ if they really wish to put an end to we are justly proud, namely that we signed to weaken th morale and vig­ fjjWji Kremlin’s conspiracy against the unite all uncompromising and militant ilance of Western World to the danger ;c)ld. Otherwise democracy and a powers against bolshevism under the of Russian aggression. conservative and capitalist social order leadership of our people’s loyal sons 14. Besides the atom bomb, Russian are an ideal state for the infiltration of and tested soldiers. The masses of our rulers are most afraid of liberation and communism. nations stand behind them and will resistance movements of the oppressed stand in the ranks of battle to­ nations. These movements within the Why should it occur to anyone, for morrow — not the quislings who serve U.S.S.R. and satellite countries organiz­ instance, to call the members of the foreign powers, against their own na­ ed to-day in the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Ukrainian Insurgents Army “fascists“ tional interests. The experiences of the of Nations (A.B.N.) are the most power­ ful potential allies of a free world in merely because they took up arms and nazi era are too fresh in our memory, risked their lives against Hitler just as the present and coming, struggle for them to be repeated now by the against Russian imperialism, provided they are still doing against Stalin, while other side. they are supported morally, politically others only talked of freedom and even and materially. dreamed that something would result The A.B.N. thus starts another year from compromises with Berlin or Mos­ firmly conscious of its moral and poli­ 15. Peace is indivisble! There will be cow. Anyone who looks at the matter tical superiority. We were the first to no world peace without freedom for all nations and invidiuals. The world raise a banner against bolshevism, by seriously must see that either the fight­ can’t remain divided into two camps ing Ukrainian nationalists will succeed a long time the first. Our nations sur­ — one camp of communist slavery, ter­ in gaining freedom and then there round this banner, for our struggle is ror and murder, and another one of will be a democracy in Ukraine, or their only hope for the future. The freedom. West has still the choice between us there will never be a Ukrainian de­ Founded on the above stated findings mocracy. And what holds for Ukrain­ and “the others“. The sooner it de­ this mass meeting submits to the Ca­ ians; holds just the same for all other cides to follow us on the path we have nadian Government, United Nations, nations subugated by Moscow, whether tested, and to learn from our experien­ and to the public opinion of a free Byelorussia, Turkestan, Hungary, the ces, the better it will be for them. world the following request: Page 14 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

New ”Elections“ Rumania’s Fight Against Communism in the Soviet Union By H. Matei Hojbota, President of Rumanian Committee of Canada The Soviet press announces that the (Resume) office-bearers of the Supreme Soviet (the parliament) of the Russian Soviet Rumania is subjugated today by a have faith in the “U.S.A.“ and their Republic and those in the Georgian, great force which is the communist Allies who they believe will liberate Kirgish, Kasachish, Moldau, Latvian, party called the “Marcist-Leninist“ or them. Tadschikish and Carelian-Finnish So­ “United Workers Party“. Today the U. Nations troops are fight­ viet-Republics have decided to carry All opposition has been extirpated ing for the same cause in Korea and out elections for the Supreme Soviets and the Secret Police holds the main at the same time thousands of Ruman­ of their republics on February 18, 1951. power and becomes more absolute ian partisans are fighting in the Car­ The office-bearers of the Supreme So­ every day. pathian mountains under the command viets in the Soviet Republics of Ukraine The Rumanian Nation to-day as a of General Cornelin Dragolina to free and Turkmenia have decided to carry out their elections on February 25. whole is deprived of all religion forms, their country and they die a heroic her educational and social standards death to liberate Rumania from the By means of such a trick (different have been completely destroyed and terror of a red Russian Communist election days in different republics) her independence and human rights regime. bolsheviks at home and abroad wish radically suppressed. to create the impression that the long­ Being a very rich country. Rumania In conclusion I do hope that every­ ing of non-Russian nations in the So­ is obliged at present to deliver unlimit­ one of us should be prepared to fight viet Union for independence from Rus­ ed supplies of minerals and agricultural for the freedom of our nations. sia has already been realized and that oil and products to Soviet Union. Long live King Michael! all parliaments in nations within the Her national wealth has been plun­ Soviet Union are free to make their dered by the communists now in power. May Free Rumania live forever! own resolutions. The people are the victims of terror and are suffering indescribable punish­ ment, hardship and privation. The only hope of destroying this evil which has befallen the Rumanian nation is a third world war. Rumanians still believe and

1. The re-organization of the United Nations, excluding Russia and her sat­ ellites as guilty of aggression against democratic countries. 2. The breaking off of diplomatic re­ lations with communist countries. 3. The recognition of Insurgent Ar­ mies and fighting groups within the U.S.S.R. and satellite countries as re­ gular fighting forces in accordance with the provisions of the Hague Con­ vention of 1899 and 1907, the recogni­ tion of their representatives and the granting to them of admission to the United Nations. 4. The proclamation of Soviet Russia as a prison of nations, which must be disbanded for the sake of world peace. The necessity of partition of the Soviet Russian Slave Empire into independent national states on ethnic principles must be recognized. This would de­ prive Russia of huge natural resources and manpower which would make her unable for future aggressions against the democratic countries. This is the best and the only warrant of preserva­ tion of the everlasting peace in the future. 5. The outlawing of the Communist Party in Canada, its affiliations like Labour Progressive Party, Canadian Peace Congress and others, because they are tools of Russian imperialism. We endorse the action of the United' Nations in Korea and especially the part played by Canada in this action. We express our loyality and full support for Canada in the long-termed moves of the Canadian Government to­ ward preserving peace, justice and freedom for all nations. Adopted at the mass meeting “No peace without freedom for all 3k 0 ^ 7 nations and individuals“, Pamphet, spread by the Ukrainian Underground Movement behind the Massey Hall, Toronto, November 26, 50. Iron Curtain. Number 1/2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 15

Hussein whom he accuses of grave, From the Soviet Press: nationalist fallacies. “Critics and scien­ tists have failed to discover the vices of Hussein’s harmful book, and its politi­ Moscow Wants to Found a New U.N. cal ideas. They have not managed to appropriate the experiences of Soviet On November 23>, 1950, the “Prawda“ been founded by Moscow which will literature and have not been energetic published interesting information about deal with the same problems as the in their support of the effort to study the last meetings of the “Peace Con­ U.N. Who is to represent the nations the methods of socialist realism. And gress in Warsaw. These comments of the world in this organisation? We the two books published in the last ten throw significant light on Bolshevist find the answer to this question in the years about the history of Soviet liter­ plans. D. Saslawskij, the correspondent same report: ature in Aserbaijan are full of politi­ of the paper, wrote the following re­ cal and mythological mistakes“ ... “I listened attentively to the speeches port from the hall where the meetings Moscow fears the mountains of the took place: and tried to determine to which politi­ cal parties the various speakers belong­ Caucasus, and demands from the poets "All resolutions and projects have of Aserbaijan that they must not allow been resumed in two documents. Piet­ ed. Who were they — communists? — democrats? — Catholics? But it was themselves to be inspired by these ro Nenni, who was interrupted by loud impossible to guess the party member­ mountains — but that they should pay applause, read out the manifeto and the ship unless the speaker himself referred homage to the realism of Baku oil­ appeal to the United Nations. to it.“ fields and be enthusiastic about the oil- The proposals are simple, clear and wells of Mossul... concrete. The unanimous applause in If a debate takes place in a parlia­ the hall before the voting showed that ment and if the representatives of dif­ It is Moscow’s aim to make of the the Congress approved of the proposals ferent parties agree; on any question, literature of Aserbajan and every other for peace. Delegates rose spontaneously their arguments and approach always subjugated nation an instrument of from their seats and applauded hearti­ make it possible to guess the party intellectual oppression in its own in­ ly. A proposal was brought forward to they belong to. But at the Warsaw terest. examine the crimes of the aggressors "Peace Congress“ it could not be dedu­ in Korea and to put responsibility on ced from the arguments or the approach The Russian People as a People jjUeral MacArthur. to the matter under discussion that the ’bVenni solemnly announced the mo­ speakers belonged to different parties. of Rulers It follows therefore that all the dele­ tion to found a world peace council, a By means of force, cunning and the permanent body representing all the gates belonged to one and the same party. And if many of them had mem­ violation of the right of nations to self- peoples in the world, a body of high determination, Russians in the course international authority whose function bership cards of non-communist par­ would be to preserve peace and to give ties, it proves that in addition to open of centuries have created an empire, in constant expression to the desire of na­ agents there were many disguised which they themselves are less than tions for peace. agents of Moscow present who had half of the population and which non- Russian nations, the victims of Russian The ovation he received from the joined non-communist parties by secret orders from Moscow. If we read the meeting was convincing confirmation imperialism, rightly call the “dungeon article by the “Prawda“ correspondent of the great Charta of peace ... of nations“. It is true that this dungeon we understand immediately what kind of nations altered its sign after the The last point in the agenda was the of peace was intended at Warsaw — a First World war from “The Russian appointment of the world peace coun­ peace organization in which, as in the cil. The list of candidates had already Empire“ to “The Union of Socialist So­ Soviet Union, members of one party viet Republics“, without, however, been drawn up by the different dele­ only may voice their opinions, and in gates.“ which all nations would be represented changing the aim and nature of the Up till a short time ago it was by traitors, i. e. by agents of Moscow oppression it exercises. The oppressors the function only of the United Nations a peace, that is to say, when the entire are still Russians and the oppressed are to preserve peace. Now we learn that world would dance to the piping of still the non-Russian peoples in this a new international organization has Russian Bolsheviks. dungeon of nations. A striking article in the “Iswestija“, a Moscow paper, on December 3, 1950, on the nations in the The ’’Freedom44 of the Intellectuals in U.S.S.R. Soviet Union is a reflexion of this fact. ; .1 There we read: fluous nationalism. The “Iswetija“ pub­ •ahe “Weeks of Art and Literature“ “During the war years, the eminent arranged in Moscow, particularly for lished a long article severely critici­ non-Russian nations in the Soviet sing Azerbaijan literature. It repeats the characteristics of the Russian people Union, aim not so much at showing the statements m a d e by the Russian con­ stood out clearly — their intelligence, achievements of the various national trolled communist party of Aserbaijan, their steadfastness, their patience . .. cultures, as at revealing and stigmatiz­ that Aserbaijan critics of literature and The great, Russian people played the ing national peculiarities in the art of experts are inefficient, because they main part in welding the many nations the nation in question as “nationalism“ cannot unite the problems of literature in Russia into one Soviet state.“ In the and “bourgeois error“. It is not the art with those of the bolshevist party, and same article we read that“ the Russian of these nations subjugated and ex­ because they are not sufficiently ac­ is the most eminent of all nations living ploited by Moscow that must keep alive tive in their opposition to “formalism“ in the Soviet Union“. the national tradition — they must or to echoes of bourgeois nationalism rather fall into line ordered by the in the literature of their country ... The leading article in the edition of Bolshevist party clique in Moscow, i. e. In particular, the “Prawda“ stigma­ December 10, 1950 of the same paper everything must be subservient to the tizes works by Aserbaijans writers, like calls the “Russian people the leading bolshevist idea of socialism, of Musco­ Osman Sariveli, Mechti Said-sade, A. nation among all nations in the Soviet vite imperialism, of world revolution. Azulfas and H. Hussein because they Union“. cling to ancient and petrified forms The “Week of Aserbaijan Art and With such cynical sincerity Russians Literature“ held in Moscow early in and themes, and from a “pseudonation­ have been endeavouring for centuries December“ is an interesting example alism“ sing the praises of their country of this policy — or rather, the bolshev­ with its mountains, rivers and valleys, to_make clear to the nations subjugated ist criticsm of the week. On this occas­ and do homage to dead ideals of the by them that they, the Russians are ion, too, the healthy patriotism of a past. specially fitted by their eminent quali­ non-Russian people in the Soviet Union In the “Bolshevik“, a Moscow paper, ties to dominate a whole world of for­ was branded and condemned as super- M. D. Bogirow is most severe with H. eign nations. Page 16 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2

Russian bolsheviks call this a sign ot flourishing culture that is national in Their Seed is Sprouting all over the World form and socialist in content. These books which are being published in The “Prawda“ of December 29; 1950 over each other — where the Kossuth non-Russian countries of the Soviet gives an account of the unveiling of a Square was. This policeman, too, in­ Union and in national languages are- monument to Lenin and Stalin in Sze- formed the Szegedin peasant, who did mostly translations from Russian and, gedin, an industrial town in Hungary. not seem to know the “new“ Budapest, as they do not contain only the ideas of Atonal Papai, a Szegedin sculptor, has that the old hero of Hungarian libera­ Karl Marx, but also propagate Russian presented the two heroes of the bol- tion had been replaced by Molotov, an ideas, the idea of Russia as a “Messiah“, shevist revolution “at the historical mo­ incomparably greater man. The peasant these tactics of Russian bolsheviks are ment of their meeting in Gorki in 1922“. then asked for the present name of the merely a cunning method of gradually The granite pediment bears the foll­ Paris Boulevard and was told that it undermining the national feeling of owing inscription: “Their seed is was now the Stalingrad Boulevard in non-Russian nations by means of Rus­ sprouting all over the world“. Janos honour of the heroic Soviet town. Com­ sian literature published by the state Sombary, the secretary of the adminis­ pletely dazed by all these changes, the in different languages. It would there­ tration in Szegedin, held at speech to peasant went to the banks of the blue fore be more correct to describe the the 15,000 workers and peasants who Danube, leant over the bridge and culture that is being transplanted from witnessed the unveiling of the monu­ sought to find consolation in the sight Russia to non-Russian regions as na­ ment. Among other things, he stated of the quickly flowing river. He realiz­ tional in form (language) and Russian that “the workers of Szegedin have set ed that his own national heroes were in content. up a monument of their love, gratitude no longer held in honour in this once and devotion towards the Soviet nation magnificent capital and that they had and its great leader, Stalin“. all been replaced by Soviet victors. Poles are Turned into Russians We cannot avoid being impressed by The policeman, whose suspicions were On December 5, 1950, the newspaper the ambiguity of the inscription and aroused, followed the peasant and asked “Iswestija“ published a long article on should like to relate a little story about him, half in threat, half in pity, if he the relations between Poland and Rus­ Budapest. intended to commit suicide. But the sia, saying: “In Poland today there is An old peasant from the same Sze­ peasant had regained his self-control n-ot a factory, not a school where leg^ gedin was there lately and inquired of and answered quietly: “Oh no, Com­ tures about the Soviet Union are i the policeman at the station where the rade Policeman, 'I only wanted to watch given ... Besides lectures, enlighten­ Andrassystrasse was. He was informed the good old Volga flowing past... ment is provided by other means, e. g. that the name of that street had been in club entertainments, Soviet films, altered and that it now bore the name The Bolshevist Paradise Soviet plays, dances, songs etc. The of Stalin, the great' hero. When he got In its No. 55, 1950, the “Krokodil“, a large circulation of Soviet newspapers there, the peasant asked another police­ and magazines must be mentioned, as man — in Budapest the policemen fall Moscow magazine, published an ar­ ticle by an inhabitant of the town of for instance, the “Nowy Chas“ and the Baku (the largest centre of the oil in­ “Literatura radzjecka“, published both dustry in the Soviet Union). He com­ in Polish and in Russian, both of which The only Way out plains that a window-pane in his flat support the Society for the Promotion (Continued from Zage 7) was broken and that he could not get of Friendship between Poland and Rus­ it repaired in the whole town. The ar­ sia. The study of Russian in Poland has proper representatives of the subjuga­ ticle runs: become general.“ ted nations broadcast from America, Great Britain, Japan, Australia, Paki­ “There is the “Baku Repairs Con­ There is no doubt that the Bolsheviks stan, India, etc.? Where is the West’s cern“ with 5 branch offices, but they are purposing a policy of intense russi­ great campaign of ideas? Why does the are all too big! fication in Poland particularly. From Soviet Union not defend itself against — ‘I am sorry —‘ they tell one — the highest army headquarters right Western propaganda? Where are the ‘but we repair only objects that cost down to the courses for Russian, arran­ pamphlets of the West which are being more than 50 thousands roubles. That ged for industrial workers, it is obvious dropped over the Soviet Union? Where is our standard. And your standard is that an attempt is being made to turn and when in Siberia does this happen? a broken window-pane. the Poles into a new “branch“ of the And Korea is Siberia’s next neighbor. great, Russian people. Thanks to the Where is the message of the West to There are other offices in Baku, but lies spread by Russian imperialists dur­ subjugated nations? For the Bolsheviks, they repair only things that are ing the last centuries, Ukrainians figu»»s it is enough to print and distribute Bar­ brought to them.“ in the scientific literature of Euro,^ , ret’s statements, as they did Mr. Roller’s Is it astonishing, we should like to as “Little Russians“ and the Byelorus­ message in the “Voice of America“, ask the Moscow paper, that the indi­ sians as “White Russians“ . We may when he said the United States were vidual citizen in the Soviet Union therefore be prepared for an announce­ not interested in the liberation of the should not be able to get a window- ment from Rusisia declaring that the Ukraine and other nations within the pane mended? Can anything else be Poles are not different from the Rus­ Soviet Union. expected in a state where everything sians, but a branch of the Russian na­ is directed towards preparing a new tion, and that the scientists of Western Where and when have Allied aero­ war of aggression, where even the planes dropped pamphlets with mess­ Europe who for centuries have swall­ smallest business has been nationalized, ages of encouragement for oppressed owed all the lies served up by Russia, and where private initiative has been will call the Poles “Red Russians“ or nations? When and where has President completely' eliminated? Truman declared his support for the “Black Russians“. If this goes on, the division of the Russian empire into na­ whole world will consist only of “bran­ tional states? What is the West really ’’National in Form and Socialist ches“ of the Russian nation. fighting for? If it is fighting for an in Content“ allocation of “spheres of influence“, its efforts will be in vain; for the oppress­ Soviet papers report that the State ABN-Correspondence ed nations will oppose them. The belief Publishing Concern of the Esthonian of these nations in the final victory of Soviet Republic has published the P. O. Box 70, Munich 33, the national idea, of a free anti-impe­ fourth volume of Lenins’s works in Germany/Bavaria rialist and anti-chauvenist nationalism Esthonian. Single books byJLenin have Published by the Press Bureau of is unshakable. History teaches that also appeared in the national languages the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations slavery, injustice, and lies, never last of Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and (A.B.N.) long, and that finally freedom and jus­ Byelorussia (all Soviet Republics), hav­ tice will triumph. ing been published by the respective Responsible: K. W. Orlecky N. A. Mudia State Publishing Houses. Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS r - • Vol.II / Number 3 English Edition March 1951

ôdliotiah Harold E. Stassen Shows the Way!

After a tour through the capitals of It is a welcome sign of the recovery President of Pennsylvania University, the world including a visit to Stalin in of world opinion that more and more Stassen belongs to the political élite of the Kremlin, Harold E. Stassen, the eminent politicians and publicists are the U.S.A. His voice has always carried well-known American statesman, the finding the courage to present the situ­ weight and commanded attention and Republican Party’s candidate for pre­ ation of the world in all its seriousness respect both in Washington and abroad. sidency, broadcast a remarkable speech and to point the way to a: proper and The seven points of the program he on January 1951. In it he proclaimed just solution of its problems. The announced, the brevity and clarity of the program of what he called a “coun- A.B.N. may claim credit for having which testify to political acumen and t revolutionary“ policy which must contributed to the increasing enlighten­ vast experience, will be received with bJ pursued by the U.S.A. and which ment of public opinion in the West, as great satisfaction and gratitude espe­ would incite nations beyond the Iron a result of its difficult and indefatig­ cially by all oppressed nations behind Curtain to revolt against their tyrants. able information services. the Iron Curtain. We are grateful to The seven main points of this program Among the voices that have been Mr. Stassen for the determination he are: heard lately in the West, we would draw here proclaims to go to the bottom of 1. The independance of Ukraine, particular attention to Harold Stassen’s the problems that cause the present Esthonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkestan, words. As a leading representative of the world crisis, and we hope that he Byelorussia, Poland, Czecho-SiovaKia, Republican Party, a former, Governor speaks for the great majority of the Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary; of the State of Minnesota, at present American people. (Continued on Page 11 2. The release of the millions of po­ litical prisoners condemned to hard labour as convicts in Soviet concentra­ Stalin Ante Portas ... tion camps; To be, or not to be, the Choice of the Civilized World 3. The restoration of land to peasants Offensive, not Defensive Strategy Demanded for private management; 4. The right of the workers of the When the Belgian Marshall Ligne was bilities of choosing between war and world to organize and to make collec­ discussing the I rench Revolution with peace. And yet the existence of whole countries and cultures is at stake. The tive treaties with employers; the Duke of Windischgraetz at the Con­ gress of Vienna 135 years ago, he made question is whether Europe and the 5. The right of religious liberty for the following significant remark which rest of the free world is ready to de­ all people in the world; applies to our situation today: fend the heritage of its ancestors and 6. The reconstruction of a free, de- “The battle of the Revolution was not the future of its children, or whether m—c.ratic and united Germany with a fought against the Bourbons or the ari­ they intend to abandon them without i ydonsible government and humane stocracy of France, but against the ‘Zeit­ a struggle. For no compromise is pos­ laws for the entire people in east and geist’ of absolutism. The Revolution sible. west; aimed at undermining and destroying It is true that the historical life of peoples and nations is determined by 7. The restitution of Manchuria to a the entire ancient structure of Europe. human reason and free will; it is, how­ democratic China. And it knew that its achievements could be secured for all time only if it man­ ever, at the same time influenced by aged to inspire the souls of all Euro­ higher natural laws. We deceive our­ peans. A revolution always wants to selves if we arrogantly assume that the upset .everything. If ever one nation decision between war and peace is in From, the Contents : absolished private property, it would our hands alone. The national forces Page compel all the nations in the world to that lie deep-rooted in nations refuse to Thomas E. Dewey Prophe­ do likewise. A revolution expects is­ be suppressed and they suffer no com­ sies the Day of Liberation 2 lands to be swallowed up by the sea. promise. To deny the will for self- preservation in the life of the individ­ King Philipp an Athenian That is why it wants to flood the globe; sometimes it succeeds in so doing.“ ual means death, just as it does in the of our d ay...... 4 Could anyone today doubt the truth life of nations. The continuance of A Worth-While Task for of those words uttered by Marshall Europe’s life and the fate of the world that is still free depend on the intelli­ Russian Political Emigrés . 5 Ligne, one of the outstanding figures of the Congress of Vienna? The aptness of gence and the self-sacrifice of their in­ Hitler’s Fatal Policy in the East 6 the prophecy becomes evident when we habitants. * * * Moscow’s Ambition to be the think of bolshevist world aggression which is but another form of Russian It is of the utmost importance today Rome of the Orthodox Churdi 9 power politics and All-Russian imper- to be quite clear about the extent of the From reports of the U.P.A. 10 rialism. coming world war in space and time (the strategical position) and also about From the Soviet Press . . • 11 But the western World is slow to draw obvious conclusions. Mediocre politic­ the belligerents’ intentions (political ians are still considering illusory possi­ and military aims). The countries be- Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

longing to the western system of alli­ partly unfavourable for the Russians. Thomas E. Dewey Prophesies ances which are in the continent of Eu­ Railway communications for the Sov­ rope are most exposed to the danger of iets to Bulgaria are inadequate. Only the Day of Liberation Russian imperialism. As often before one bridge, at Cernavoda, spans the In the course of an important speech in its history, Western Europe and Danube. There is a tendency to attri­ Christian culture Ure threatened by ad­ bute undue importance to Tito. Serbia celebrating the 142nd anniversary of vancing barbarism. The key to the de­ cannot be defended on the north. By Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, Thomas fence of Europe against attack from the using the valley of the Morawa and the Dewey, leader of the Republican Party East still lies in the basin of the Dan­ railway line Belgrade-Nisch-Sofia, the and Governor of New York State, said: ube. If the tide of attack can be held superior armored forces stationed in here, the peace and security of the Hungary could reach the Bulgarian “Even now I see the day coming West would be assured: if not, Europe frontier in a few days. Tito would then when slaves of Soviet Russia in Cze­ will certainly become a war-theatre. In retreat to the hills and would scarcely the intoxication of victory after World be prepared to die for “capitalists“. The choslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Bul­ War II, this natural bulwark of the railway line just mentoined would there garia, Rumania and China and also in strategic unity of Europe was destroyed fore be the main artery of operations Soviet Russia itself will be freed by the eastern Allies themselves and its in this campaign. from their fetters by a new proclama­ ruins handed over thoughtlessly to the * * * red imperialism of Moscow. A very tion of emancipation from slavery. curious prologue to this process may be Geographical, or ethnic-national con­ When this day dawns, the Kremlin will found in the minutes of the Peace Con­ ditions mean for the Soviets a loss of no longer be able to offer its dictators no fewer than a hundred fighting divi­ ference at Trianon in 1919 when certain any security.“ “scientists“ made the suggestion to “re­ sions. Communism, it is true has swall­ settle“ in Asia the Hungarian nation owed many nations, but it cannot digest “New York Herald Tribune“ publish­ them. The very existence of under­ which had controlled the Carpathians ed the following comment on Dewey’s for thousands of years, as it would dis­ ground movements and liberation fronts turb the “liberation“ of Europe. in the A.B.N. nations is a great danger speech: “Last night Dewey described One does not require any particular for the Kremlin. If all those oppressed not only the great difficulties of our training in strategy to recognize after nations were to rise at once, they would present age, but also the great pos“ v secure the West decisive superiority. a glance at the map of Europe, that the bilities it holds, and that in such clv^f The Kremlin is well aware of the first natural, solid line of defence in language that no one could misunder­ Western Europe now lies in the Pyren­ inevitability of the final settling of ees, and that the hundred odd armored accounts between the two sides with stand. If words and ideas have any cars and four hundred infantry div­ their opposing ideals; that is why it is influence at all on the soul of man, the isions could easily advance to that line already resorting to preventive war by United States must draw from this whenever Stalin gives the signal. launching attacks with limited aims. speech a fund of fresh decision, fresh That is the reason for our title, Stalin It is hardly possible that the main at­ ante portas! tack of the Soviets should be directed courage and fresh readiness for de­ The continued existence of Europe, towards Central Europe. Moscow’s pri- fence.“ as we already said, depends on its intel­ ligence, its will to fight and its readi­ ness to bring sacrifices voluntarily. In­ telligence, however, says that all avail­ able forces must be mobilized, but also that all strategic advantages on the side of the West and the weaknesses of the Bolshevist regime and of the Soviet Union must be utilized to the full. * * * A military decision can only be real- . ized by an offensive campaign. But the problem of all offensives is above all the problem of supplies and transport. If we compare the possibilities of trans­ port of the two sides, it is obvious that the West is strategically superior and that the enormous numerical superior­ ity of the combined forces of Russia and China is not decisive, at least for the present. A really effective coopera­ tion between those two teeming nations cannot be realized as long as means of transport are so inadequate. As long as the communist giant can­ not reach the main arteries of the West, namely the economic and industrial resources of the U.S.A. it could only disturb, but not destroy American pro­ duction. But the road to the heart of the Russian empire is open to the West­ ern Allies who have sufficient supplies of the necessary means of transport. It is true that practically all Europe could be overrun, but there is the possi­ bility of saving its fighting forces from destruction by the enemy by withdraw­ ing them to North Africa, where they could be organized without disturbance. The position of the Balkans, however, is decisive. In consequenc of Tito’s atti­ tude there are chances for both oppo­ nents here. The present situation is Number 3 ABN -CORRESPONDENCE Раге 3

The First Anniversary of a Hero’s Death

March 5, is the first anni­ life on Soviet territory as ear­ versary of the death of Lt. ly as 1943 on his initiative and General Taras Chuprynka consolidated as the union of the commander of the Ukrain­ all armed fighters for liberty, ian Insurgent Army (U.P.A.). members of several nations He fell fighting against Rus­ oppressed by Moscow, Taras sian bolshevist tyranny and Chuprynka has become for the freedom of his native the symbol of an idea which land and all other peoples will be realized in the future oppressed by Moscow. Not only does Chuprynka when the world becomes fully belong to those fortunate he­ conscious of it. roes who will live in the histo­ The news of the heroic ry of their own people, but is death of the great Ukrainian one of whom posterity can leader of liberty was scar­ justly say that they have not cely noticed by the free world, lived or died in vain. entangled as it is in the Supported solely by his confusion of these tense, an­ faithful Ukrainians, quite xious days. The same fate may without help from outside, he await this tribute to his mem- stirred up revolution for the li­ mory in the noise of world beration of Ukraine for years, politics and news of ominous in spite of bitter persecution events. But we see the day and terrorism on the part of coming when the blessed task Russian bolshevists; invisible, will be ended for which Chu­

elusive, he commanded the (From the archives of the XJ.BLV. R.) prynka and innumerable heroic resistance of his in­ fighters have fallen and will vincible U.P.A. which won legendary fame tronghout continue to fall. For only when the clouds of tyranny the world under his leadership. flee before the light of freedom for all nations and And yet Chuprynka will live not only as a hero inviduals in the world will Chuprynkas‘s name of national Ukrainian history. By founding the Anti- appear in its full radiance, to be held in grateful bolshevist Bloc of Nation (A.B.N.) which was called to honour by posterity.

mary military task is surely to occupy of the world, but it demands that they this operation is the control of the road the Bosporus, the Dardanelles and the should seize the initiative. The success from Kertsch which means that the Rus­ ^N.ez Canal, or at least to destroy them of a bombardment is doubtful in the sian fleet would have to be defeated _nd put them out of use for a long time. long run. The rocket fighter “Yak-21“ is first and the eastern section of Crimea If it were to succeed in doing this, the an excellent weapon of defence and so occupied. decisive battle for world hegemony cheap that it can be produced in unlim­ II. This operation by the main force would be won for Moscow. The first ited numbers. must be preceded by the landing of the victim to fall would certainly be Tito, The West can only achieve victory by right wind at Tuaspe, Noworosijsk and the second, Turkey. To prevent this means of an invasion with the follow­ Anapn, the aim being to conquer the would demand the lives of very many ing primary aims: i. the liberation of oil area and neutralize it. soldiers in the free world. The turn of Ukraine as the most important oppres­ III. The third group of armies would Western Europe would probably come sed nation, from the point of view both have to advance from Odessa and Niko- later: or it might be attacked simultan­ of strategy and economy. 2. the neurali- lajew and liberate Ukraine and Poland eously, but as a side-line. The bolshev- zation of the oil-fields on the Caspian, and so cut oTf oil supplies from Ru­ isation of India would then have prior­ 3. the liquidation of the industrial area mania and Poland. ity as one of the Kremln’s aims. ‘The in the Donetz basin. It is not right to regard bolshevism power that controls India also controls THE WESTERN ALLIES WOULD merely as the instrument of Russian Europe“, as Peter the Great said 250 HAVE TO LAND ON THE NORTHERN world imperialism. In spite of its de­ years ago. The Soviets reckon that, SHORE OF THE BLACK SEA, RE­ ceptiveness and terrorism it is merely when things have reached this stage, GARDLESS OF WHAT IT COST an ally. The unfathomable nature of America will no longer have sufficient THEM. This is the only way that makes bolshevist world revolution, which „has reserves at its disposal to master these final victory certain at the minimum, allied itself with Russian despotism, enormous tasks its huge expenditure cost for Europe and that would pro­ pursues the same aim as Peter the will have pushed it to economic ruin bably save that continent from being Great’s lust for con.uest. and with it, the entire free world left occupied by Russia. Stalin ante portas! The only way will be dragged into the abyss, and the The plan should be something like open to the West is — a preventive stra­ way cleared for the long looked-for this: tegic offensive. bolshevist world revolution. I. The main force must advance to­ Ltn. A. Nngy It is true that the strategical position wards Moscow from Berdjansk. Mariu­ (Hungary) is more favourable for the free nations pol and Tangarog. But the condition for (Copyreight by the author) Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

"Freedom for all the Nations King Philipp an Athenians of our Day of the World“ By Dr. Dmytro Donzow The Voice of the American People. At the moment of the greatest danger his careless countrymen with, did According to a report of USIS, a to Athens, Demostenes spoke to his not allow them to look the aggressor in message was broadcast on February 13 countrymen: “Philipp always in move­ the face nor to anticipate him in offen­ by the “Common Cause Society“, an ment, doing everything for- himself, sive operation. This practice of waiting American union of citizens representing never letting slip an opportunity, pre­ for Philipp to act offensively and then all professions and classes, which gave vailed over you, who merely talk, in­ sending aid to the point attacked, was the assurance that the United States quire, and vote without action. It would ruinous in the time of the Macedonian and the entire free world are in close be wonderful, if under such circum­ aggression, as much as at the time of association with the nations in the Sov­ stances he had not been the conqueror.“ Russian Imperialism. iet Union, in their fight for human lib­ Demosthenes spoke to the Athenian And then the 5th Column of Philipp erty and against the tyranny of dicta­ Democracy. Would he speak otherwise, in Thessalian and other cities, always, torship. It declared that the American if he had to speak to our Western De­ did its work by laxity of public moral­ people has only one aim, namely: mocracy at the time of her conflict with ity. Philipp always attained his aims “FREEDOM FOR ALL THE NA­ “Philipp“ of Moscow by purchasing corrupt partisans among TIONS OF THE WORLD, THE RIGHT Demosthenes urged his fellow — the leaders of his enemies such as Iso- TO ELECT THEIR OWN GOVERN­ krates. Phokion, who sold their coun­ citizens to provide active encour­ MENT FREELY AND THE RIGHT TO try to the enemy, or under the mask agement and material assistance to PERSONAL AND NATIONAL SELF. neighbour states, conquered by the of peace-lovers discouraged public eff­ DETERMINATION.“ King or those about to become so. The ort, forcing the Greeks to await pass­ final result was the collapse of the ively the preponderance of the Maced­ Our commentary: at last the ice has independent Hellenic world. Were the onian arms, deceiving them with a been broken! The tissue of lies spread methods inefficient? No, only those who tissue of false assurances as to the pur­ for imperialist purposes about the “in­ applied them, the Athenian politicians pose of Philipp; the philippising fac­ divisibility“ of Russia has been torn of his time. tions were everywhere rising in arms It is not only politicians and respo!8*' Philipp’s foreign policy had a clear or conspiring to seize the government sible statesmen in the West who begin purpose namely the domination Greece. for their own account under Philipp’s to understand the basic problem of the Did the Athenians possess such a clear auspices ... Is it all not the true picture present world crisis. Objective public purpose in their policy towards the of our day in our conflict with the opinion of all classes of the American aggressor? Certainly not. Russian Philipp? people, as represented in the “Common Cause Society“ mentioned above, also Philipp had an ardent, fanatical wish The Athenians accepted the Olymp­ •to realize his plan by all means. On ian alliance, but took no active step to acknowledges the principle of the liber­ co-operate with Olympians in the war ation of all peoples from the Russian the other hand, the Athenians had an dungeon of nations and bolshevist sla­ unconquerable repugnance to every against Philipp. Demosthenes complain­ ed of the lukewarmness of his coun­ very, and supports the realization of effort required to counteract the blows the lofty aims and ideals for which the of the aggressor. trymen in a crisis which called aloud for instant action; reproached them nations of the A.B.N. have been fighting Philipp knew what he wanted: to pre­ with lack of apprehending the terrible and dying for years. pare a strong army for war against the consequences of this Olympian war, Hellenic world and to support philo- Freedom for nations! Freedom for in­ while as yet distant, unobserved by dividuals! macedon party in the different states of others; admonished them: "the aggres­ Greece, to attack each of them separ­ sor“ has aggrandised himself through ately. The Athenians did not know what your negligence and improvidence, by winners in this war will be those, who they wanted, peace or war. If even taking into pay corrupt partisans at they accepted an alliance, they took no possess the strongest faith, wisdom, Athens, by cheating successively Olym­ courage and fighting spirit of proselit- active step to cooperate with their allies pians, Thessalians and all his or her ism; whose ideology will appear suf- against a common enemy. They “could allies . . . If only you Athenians will ficently clear, attractive and firm to in­ not see events in their beginning, to do your duty! Yet here you are sitting flame the subjugated peoples as the discern tendencies beforehand“ (De­ still, doing nothing“ . . . The prophetic spirit of newborn nationalism inflamed mosthenes); gazing inactive on the fall prediction of Demosthenes — if the the peoples of Italy against Austria irj-x of Chalkidikes, of Olynte, of the Pho- Athenians refused to carry on a the past, or the peoples of Greece an- ' 1' kions who watched over Thermophyles), strenuous war against Philip on his Balkan Slavs against the despotism of until they were forced into the defen­ coasts, they would bring upon them­ the Sultan or as the spirit of the Span­ sive for their own security at home ... selves the graver, evil of having to re­ ish people against Napoleon in the XIX Is not this the case of Western demo­ sist him on or near their own frontiers - century, and against Moscow in the XX cracies between the two wars and after? fulfilled. Inactivity, lack of foresight, of century. Or as the spirit of those under The blow has of Russian Philipp cons­ courage, of idealism and great ideas Russian domination, which, — Ukraine train them sometimes to counteract the corruptibility of the Athenian leaders leading — do not lay down their arms far-reaching fancies of the Kremlin, but led the great nation into slavery, to in their fight against the monstrous they do it like the Athenians against the downfall of a great civilization. Empire. Philipp. Their resistance, said Demost­ henes — “Like awkward pugilists, Is this picture of the irresolute Athen­ Europe and the West in general wanted Philipp to strike and then ian Democracy of that time and of its need a New leadership, not the modern put up their hands to follow his blow“ : inexorable enemy, not similar to the Isocrates and Aeschine, not lukewarm yesterday in Persia or in Greece, to-day picture of Western Demoracy and its calculators, but men like Pitt and in Korea, to-morrow in Turkey, always enemy today? Burke, Cardinal Mercier, Clemenceau in the defensive. of Charles Martel and Aetius, the West Leading their war the, disciples of needs Saints and Heroes. The repugnance to the efforts, per­ the Prophet Marx do not think in cat­ sonal and pecuniary, required for egories of “lebensraum“, security, Without such men, a new leadership, prosecuting a hearty war against Phi­ peace, proisperity, of being fed and the West, will receive peace too, but lipp, aversion to a strenuous foreign housed, but in the faith which they will that will be a new Pax Philippiana. policy, the incapacity to look forward impose by the sword upon unbelievers. Either all nations will be free or none. to the consequences of inaction, lack of The essential conflict of our time is And the new Philipp seems to be great preventive vigilance in the citizens:, ab­ not the conflict between Right and Left, only for those who kneel down before sorbed in their property, family, and “Reaction“ and "Progress“, but be­ him. recreation, the comfort and all the tween the adherents of posilve Chris­ “He were no lion, were not Romans peaceful refinement of the Athenian tian ideals of life and adherents of the hinds“ — said Shakespeare in “Julius life, all that Demothenes reproached devilish doctrine of materialism. The Ceasar“. Number 3 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

A Worth-While Task for Russian Political Emigres By Dr. Oskar Loorits

... It is not enough to get rid of the Russian fighters for freedom and other The Importance of Personality aggressive ideology of imperialism. nations. As long as Russians regard .... In order to rob the after effects This must be accompanied by a genuine other peoples as nations to be influen­ of communism in the Russian people’s desire to cooperate with the “enemies“ ced, or as “minorities“, to whom they of yesterday. The problems existing are inclined at best to grant a purely soul of their poison, it is of the great­ between France and Germany, Ger­ theoretical autonomy in cultural mat­ est importance to reform the lifeless masses living in the chaos of a Russia many and Poland, Poland and Ukraine, ters, their policy will be regarded as a that is only kept in order by force, to Ukraine and Russia can only find a manoeuvre that gurantees nothing at peaceful and friendly solution under all and that never can win any other be self-confident, independent personal­ certain conditions. people to fight for a federal Great Rus­ ities which would realize the cultural, social, political and economical inde­ sia. Mutatis mutandis the same thing pendence of the Russian people and as­ Conditions for a peaceful solution of holds for the Poles, the Czechs, the differences sure it for all time. If no educated Serbs etc. The solution of the problem personalities with a higher sense of Aggressive nations must finally re­ of minorities or federations must not cognize the errors' of their military lead­ values can be produced among the be to the interest of one single “ruling“ people, new leaders will soon appear ers and do their best to eradicate people. them. Their nationalist ideology must who will first parody the democracy be thoroughly revised. Their relations No Room for Expansionism they pretend to represent by inducing with other nations must be based, not If a people is inclined to expand at anarchy, and ultimately replace it by on destructive egoism, on the lust for the cost of others, if it is infected by terrorism and dictatorship. Just as im­ expansion and exploitation, but on a the idea of a great empire and regards personal mass mentality is enslaved by constructive, stable foundation of par- it as its mission to make other peoples the cult of a leader, the spirit of the '“ je tolerance and mutual respect. happy by assimilating or li.uidating masses can and must be ennobled till ■ • ideals of life and culture must attract them, such idea« must be evaluated as they become solid and faithful sup- orts of democracy. If the western world the mass of the people to this new psychic diseases demanding careful wishes to save itself, it must take up attitude, ideals which do not underrate treatment by re-educating the masses. and carry out the spiritual transform­ the value of each individual member The soul of the German people is not ation of the Russian people as part of of the mass, but which at the same time so much concerned with abstract consid­ its fight against world communism. This aim at securing the happiness of all erations as the Russian which inclines masses and nations by peaceful and to metaphysics more than to real poli­ task is also the duty of Russians in exile and a condition for the avoidance friendly cooperation. tics; it is more apt to seek what is known as the “meaning of life“ in of future conflicts. Dangerous Poisons castles in the air rather than in positive, Editor’s note: Lack of space has In Germany there are so many heal­ creative work. It is therefore easier to compelled us to shorten this interesting thy cultural forces that we may hope treat the soul of the German people article. We beg the author’s pardon and for a speedy recovery of the people’s and that not by controlling it from thank him for his valuable contribu­ soul. This psychic recovery seems much without but by initiative from within. tion. more hopeless and difficult in the case of the Russian people. Their soul has been poisoned, not only by a fanatic The ’’Committee for a Free Europe46 communism, but also by a romantic New Tasks Panslavism and mystic illusion of their mission, till they have fallen a victim Recent changes in the leadership of Radio broadcasts by “Radio Free to the fixed idea of their duty to con­ the “Committee for a Free Europe“ "Europe“ are known to be the most quer the world. would seem to indicate that its program important feature of this Committee. In is to be more energetically^ pursued. the spring of this year, a broadcasting Political Exiles and a New Ideology Charles Douglas Jackson has been elec­ station with a strength of about 300 It would surely be a noble duty for ted president. Jackson is 48 years old kilowatts is to be established at Holz- 'pjp many Russian politicians in exile to and is an important American publisher kirchen, near Munich. It will broadcast ..ark out a new ideology to take the and publicist. He is the publisher of the over the European part of the Soviet place of this pseudopatriotic, hypno­ wellknown magazine, “Fortune“, and Union, including the Urals and the tized Russian spirit, an ideology that vice-president of the publishing society, Caucasus, the Near East and the whole would be no longer directed to the open “Time“, which publishes the weeklies of North-East Africa. Broadcasts will be or disguised aim of russifying the “Time“' and ‘Life“, with a circulation of given in the languages of the inhabi­ “dungeon of nations“ that has been millions During the war, Jackson was tants of the so-called satellite states. It proclaimed as “indivisible“ ; this new the real chief of the division for psycho­ is strange that broadcasts have not yet ideology should acknowledge and sup­ logical warfare in 1944 in General Eisen­ been planned in the languages of the port the right of other peoples to self- hower’s Atlantic general staff. He had subjugated peoples in the U.S.S.R. determination. By adopting such ideals the entire propaganda of the Allies whose countries are in the area served and spreading them, Russian exiles under him and was the chief figure in by this station. It is to be hoped that would render the cause of world peace the huge workshop that shaped public this omission will be made good in the a far greater service than by form­ opinion, rumours, hush-hush propag­ future, and that the new chief of the ulating empty phrases about the union anda, broadcasts, films, pamphlets, R.F.E. will utilize the enormous possibil­ of communism and democracy, or with papers and the policy of the press. ities offered here for an efficient, ener­ Catholicism, a la Berdiajew, not to Jackson’s appointment as president getic support of resistance in all our mention ancient and ever recurring of the “Committee for a Free Europe“ countries. Utopias based on the mystic mission of is generally regarded as a deliberate It is also to be hoped that the “Com­ the Russian soul to ennoble or “re­ intensification of the psychological war mittee for a Free Europe“, being ill deem“ humanity. between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. It such a favourable position, will devel- seems that from now on, America is ope to be a decisive factor in the The Spiritual Re-education of Russia going to wage psychological warfare psychological war against the danger Essential against the U.S.S.R. with the same to the world from Russian bolshevism The spiritual re-education of Russia, energy as it did in 1944 against the and will cooperate with political émi­ particularly in regard to relations with Dritte Reich. Jackson is said to have de­ grés from countries beyond the Iron foreign countries, is the minimum con­ manded 145 million dollars for his Curtain, including representatives of dition for genuine cooperation between operative budget for the current year. subjugated nations. It is essential that Pape 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union, the German attack was a war of Hitler’s Fatal Policy in the East liberation from bolshevist tyranny In the five years that have passed were to decide on what principles the which released powerful forces against since the collapse of the nazi regime, a “New Europe“ was to be constructed the centralisation of Moscow that had self-scrutiny has set in throughout Ger­ after bolshevism was destroyed. Many long been restrained, thus seriously many which is neither a concomitant of them were not surprised when Ger­ threatening the entire Soviet structure. nor a result of the process of “demo­ many collapsed; the catastrophe merely This process of disintegration spread cratic re-education“ imposed on the confirmed their own vague feelings, to the Red Army; tens of thousands of German people by their Anglo-Ameri­ their observation and fears; they could Soviet soldiers rushed into the “pocket” can victors. It is only natural that a not avoid noting the great change in the to prove their unwillingness to fight for power which fell from dizzy heights — attitude of the population in the East Stalin any longer. But the moral pow­ its expansion after the con.uest and that occurred when German civilian ers which alone might have helped Ger­ occupation of the entire continent, from administration took over, nor could they man arms to win a righteous victory North Africa to the Arctic Circle, from escape reflecting on the reasons for the were soon prostrated by the merciless the Atlantic to the Volga seemed, even change. treatment meted out to prisoners of in 1942, to hold new and undreamt of war, the indignities suffered by civilian A rdview of the past shows that the possibilities — to depths lower than workers from the East, and the Hiwi wider the gap grew between German following the Thiry Years’ War, should units that were set up without any military and political leaders, above all voluntarily study the causes of such a sense of responsibility. The German in the East, the more rapidly was Eur­ fall much more intensely than, say, after soldier, meanwhile, was far quicker to the German defeat in World War I. ope plunged into a chaos that threaten­ comprehend the consequences of such ed to make it an easy prey for bolshe- courses than his leaders, intoxicated by The self-scrutiny which occupies Ger­ vists. success as they were. mans now has led to conclusions that If we sum up the results up-to-date will influence not only the future exis­ For the consequences of this policy tence of the German people but the of German efforts to clarify the past, of brute force, of the disregard for, the entire development of Europe. Cau­ we find a few basic conclusions which opposition to the desire of these non- are of importance for world opinion, tious though we must be in forming Russian peoples for a national, indjg^ judgments, we can nevertheless sum especially now that the general situa­ pendent life of their own were felt lek tion calls for German participation in things up as follows: after the events themselves, as is Uu- the defence of Europe against bolshe­ disputably recognized in Germany to­ The realization that Hitler came a vism. These conclusions are frequently day; for it was due to this policy only cropper in the East is no longer con­ expressed in the German press. that Stalin was able to proclaim a pa­ fined to a small group of experts in triotic war of defence against an alien Eastern questions“ . During the years The first of these is the realization — occupying power and to attract even also increasingly proclaimed by Sude­ that separated the glory of the German those who were hostile to bolshevism. advance from the misery of retreat, ten German expellees — that the Bol­ shevist advance in Central Europe was We must give Hitler the credit for hundreds of thousands of German sol­ paving the way for this war for the greatly furthered by Masaryk’s and diers became familiar not only with the Fatherland and for Soviet patriotism. country between the Warthe and the Benesh’s policy in Czecho-Slovakia, that in itself being ultimately due to To put it briefly, with the help of his Volga, but with the far wider areas blind policy of terrorism in the East, affected by Hitler’s policy in the East, errors in Hitler’s policy of placing the interests of a powerful Germany above he weakened national, revolutionary and these men are now trying to derive forces in the oppressed nations in a some conclusions from their experien­ obligations to Europe as a whole. It be­ came clear that, in spite of its fantastic costly war on two fronts against bol­ ces. They attribute a certain signifi­ shevism and national socialism, and expansion, the nazi party had not ex­ cance to their experience of the East thereby strengthened the national, anti- because nazi doctrines taught them that tended its political horizon, and felt no cultural forces of bolshevist imperial­ wider responsibility than at its found­ in the East lay Germany’s and Europe’s ism which constitute today a grave destiny and future, though the words ation. danger to the entire world. were used in another sense. The conflict There is no doubt that the mass of Peter Shwarz between Germany, which assumed the the German people, dazzled by the vic­ role of the champion of Europe, seeking tory of nazi policy over the democra­ to support this assumption by engaging cies of the West at Muni dr completely The Resistance Movement troops from all European states in the overlooked the seriousness and the im­ Russian campaign, and bolshevism is portance of the hour — namely the duty in Turkestan JT for them a genuine conflict of the pres­ of Germany, once it had extended be­ ent, more, the inevitable conflict of yond its political frontiers, to establish According to the “Ukrainian Word“ Europe and our epoch. The great major­ a European order based on the self- published in Buenos Aires (Argentina) ity of these German soldiers were determination of peoples, a duty that on 24. 12. 50, the “Basmachi“, a revolu­ .uite ready to leave the solution of this has been equally neglected by all post­ tionary, anti-communist organisation is problem to their political leaders who war conferences, especially in Central active in Turkestan. From 1935—41 and Eastern Europe. thousands of young Turkestanis who It remains for us to examine more had been called up for active service in stricted to particular groups of exiles closely the reasons why Hitler and his the Soviet army, fled to the hills and with one-sided interests, but that it leaders, who owed their own position joined the “Basmachi“. should be extended to those organiz­ to political struggle, should have neg­ ations of political exiles who respresent lected political processes in the East During the Second World War the the fight of resistance against Russian after having furthered them; they even “Basmachi“ in Turkestan ‘caused the bolshevist tyranny in their countries. tried to crusn them by armed force in Soviets much trouble. Cases were re­ It cannot be a matter of indifference the Russian campaign, whenever they ported of political Commissars and for our subjugated peoples, and there­ came in contact with the revolutionary fore, also for the success of the program M.Y.D. functionaries being stoned to anti-bolshevist underground movements of the “Committee for a Free Europe” death. of individual nations. whom this powerful organization sup­ According to most recent reports ports— exiled politicans who are ready Intoxicated by their early victories, from Turkestan, large units of the to compromise and who are partly to the Germans forgot their own aims “Basmachi“ are heroically continuing blame for the present state of our peo­ and lost sight of the intellectual, reli­ their bold fight for independence. A ples, of fighters against Russian im­ gious and national interests of the pop­ perialism and bolshevism who know no ulation in Eastern Europe. They did deep and extensive underground move­ compromise and who are regarded to­ not realize that the first great victories ment against Moscow’s bolshevist op­ day as the core of underground resist­ of military strategy were perhaps to pressors is going on behind the apparent ance. Z. P. W. an equal degree political triumphs. For peace that prevails in Turkestan. Number 3 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 7

Malicious Attempts at Calumny

The more imperialist Russian propa­ in 1946 by M. Lebidj, a leader in the from anyone. It had to take everything ganda in the West to preserve the Ukrainian underground movement, off the enemy, either during military dungeon of nations loses ground, and under the title of “The Ukrainian In­ operations on Ukrainian territory when the more convincingly the ideas of the surgent Army (U.P.A.)“ : the front was on the move, or in open A.B.N. for the reconstruction of inde­ battle against the occupiers. No aero­ pendent states for thesubjugatednations planes flew over areas where the are propagated, the more unscrupulous Ukrainian Insurgent Army was active, the campaign which organizations of to drop food and munitions (thanks to imperialist Russian exiles have long the Allies, Polish, Russian-bolshevist been directing against us and our just and Tito’s partisans were supported cause. In their calumny of historical from the air- Ed.); the only aeroplanes truth, Russian émigrés in America that flew over the Ukrainian Insurgents resort to the meanest lies. Their last brought death and destruction. Resist­ invention, with which they hope to deal ance groups from other nations subjug­ a blow to resistance movements and ated by Moscow were allowed to fight liberation organizations united in the in the ranks of the Ukrainian Insur­ A.B.N. is to maintain that the latter are gents, and actually did so. The banner, antisemitic and should therefore not be “Freedom for nations, freedom for in­ supported by the U.S.A. In reply we dividuals“ united them in a common should like to recall the following battle. The majority of the doctors in facts. the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were When the A.B.N. was founded in 1943 Jews who had been saved from Hitler’s R Wolhynia and the armed delegates mass destruction by the U.P.A. Jewish • the congress of 13 subjugated nations doctors were treated as fully privileg­ decided unanimously to wage war on ed citizens of Ukraine and as officers two fronts, against both Russian and of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. We German imperialism, one of the main should like to emphasize here that they motives was Hitler’s racial theory. did their duty honestly and helped not Quite apart from this, the struggle for only the Insurgents but also the people independence of the non-Russian in general, organising field medical sta­ peoples in the Russian empire has nev­ tions and hospitals. They did not leave er been anti-semitic. The notorious po­ their posts when situations became ser­ groms were started in Ukrainian towns, ious, not even when they had the they were intended to besmirch the opportunity of deserting to the enemy cause of Ukraine in the eyes of the Many of them fell as heroes in the de­ public and to sow hatred of the Ukrai­ fence of the ideals for which the entire nian people. These pogroms, moreover, Ukrainian people fights (M. Lebidj took place in towns only, where a large “U.P.A.“ pp 30, 32, 35, 36). percentage of the inhabitants were In all the illegal political literature Russians. In the country, where the published by the Ukrainian Insurgent population was almost purely Ukrai­ Army in the years from 1943 to 1950, in nian, there were never any pogroms. all the publications of the Antibolshev- On the contrary, when Jews fled in An ambulance “pill-box“ of the U.P.A. ist Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) there is not masses from these pogroms, they went (From the archives of the U. H.V. R.) a single antisemitic passage. This is to Ukrainian villages where they found proof that the revolutionary fight for protection and help. A pamphlet called “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army is liberation waged by the subjugated “The Independence of the Ukraine as the only armed power in Europe to be peoples of the A.B.N. and their military the Only Salvation from the Danger o f . established and maintained solely by organizations has nothing to do with ♦ Russia“ published in 1915 by Dr. Karl the efforts of the people. Throughout anti-semitism, a fact which no amount Ritzel, a German scientist, contains the its long struggle, the Ukrainian people of calumny on the part of imperialist following facts: “We see, therefore that, has never received a single cartridge Russian émigrés alter. in spite of all its trials through the cent­ uries, the much-tried Ukrainian people has never ceased to resist the Russian evil, nor has its readiness diminished Legalized Slave-Labour in Bulgaria to make sacrifices for everything that serves the cause of humanity as a “The old bourgeois legal system is no to work like slaves. Death, alone, re­ whole. We are filled with amazed ad­ longer applicable today, as it is out-of- leases them from the duty of working. miration when we see that all the dev­ date and no longer corresponds to con­ No one forfeits the “right to work“ by ilish machinations of Imperial Russia temporary conditions in our era when illness and incapacity; sick leave is — and there was no lack of these here socialism is being constructed“, is the granted only in the most urgent cases. — failed to incite this marvellous comment of the “Otechestwen Front“, people against the Jews. Ukrainians are The law gives the state an entirely Sofia on the new labour law which is free hand to dispose of every citizen always in the van of the fight for lib­ founded on Soviet law. erty; in thousands they eat their souls as if he were an inanimate object. At Article 1 reads: “The new labour law the discretion of the state, work is out in Russia’s prisons, in thousands regulates labour contracts and duties, they have died on the frozen steppes allocated to individuals or groups, re­ with the aim of constructing socialism, gardless of personal interests and de­ of Siberia. We need never fear that a assuring the realization of state-plan­ sires; workmen can be arbitrarily people that has preserved such liberty ned economy and guaranteeing for of soul, such courage for the right in transferred from one place of work to every individual the citizen’s right to another. Anything in the way of refusal the face of intolerable tyranny, will work.“ ever abuse the freedom it wins to sub­ is severely punished, from fines to hard labour for life. The right to change jugate other peoples“ (pp 26—27). The right to work to the point of ex­ haustion is the only right the Bulgar. one’s place of work according to the We take the following comments on ians enjoy under this law. In many in­ worker’s wishes or plans is “out-of- the spirit and attitude of the Ukrainian dividual provisions for “the construc­ date“ and cannot be granted in a "pro­ fight for liberty from a book published tion of socialism“, people are forced gressive, socialist“ state. Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

nization, the Committee of Lithuania The Political Aspirations of Lithuania Minor and other bodies and more than a million Lithuanians are confident in By P. V. Gytis the successful outcome of their struggle. Their aim is a separate and independent Lithuania has an important strategic labourers and peasants were sent to Lithanian state within its ethnographic position, lying as it does right across labour camps in Siberia. During the frontiers. the path between Russia and Germany. last six years, when Lithuania has again It bars Russia’s access to the Baltic and been occupied by Soviet Russia, the An End To All Imperialism holds up Germany’s drive to the East; majority of the people has been mass­ The Lithuanian nation knows that it even hampers Poland’s advance to acred, and their property plundered. after Bolshevism has been defeated and the Baltic. It has, therefore, always Many have been deported to labour the country freed from Soviet occupa­ provided a barrier against imperialism, camps or obliged to work as slaves on tion, their struggle will not be over. whether Slavonic or German. The stra­ colchoses. Refugees who have escaped A new Russian or other imperialism tegic role of Lithuania is brought out report that life in Lithuania today is may emerge. Like their fellow members by Mr. C. A. Manning, professor at Co­ appalling, of the A.B.N., the Lithuanians are ut­ lumbia University in his preface to the terly against any imperialist aims and History of the Lithuanian Nation by The Russification of Lithuania in favour of freedom for all European C. R. Jurgela (New York, 1948), from The Bolsheviks are carrying out the nations on a basis of democracy. As which we quote: old plan of the Czars who always strove they wish this freedom for themselves, “The Lithuanians had established a to make Lithuania a colony of Russia. so they will fight that others get it. powerful and independent state in Eur­ Russian is the main language in the They are proud to count themselves ope during the Middle Ages. They were schools and Russian plays have a mo­ members of the universal front against able to check the German drive to the nopoly of the theatres. Russian work­ Bolshevism. east for centuries. They protected Eur­ men have been sent to replace Lithuan­ For Baltic nations, June is a month ope against the Mongols and the Tatars. ians in the towns and in the colchoses. of mourning, as it recalls- the deportation They furnished a power and a govern­ There are pessimists who say that there of thousands of theit people to Siberia ment behind which the Eastern Slavs will be no Lithuanians left in Lithuania ten years ago. In Lithuania, Latvia, could live in peace and safety with a if the Bolshevist occupation continues Esthonia, Ukraine and other occupi&^x freedom that was unknown in Muscov­ for five more years. Others point out nations, every day is a day of mourv ite Russia. They blessed their subjects that, if the Czars could not destroy the ing as long as the occupation lasts. with more freedom than in the neigh­ Lithuanian nation in 120- years, the bouring countries. They encouraged Bolsheviks will not manage to do so in The Menace Ahead education and toleration, and they 10 years, especially as it is but one of We Lithuanians know from bitter ex­ played their part in the general devel­ 20 enslaved nations who are fighting perience what a terrible menace Red opment of European civilisation.“ for their freedom. totalitarianism is- for the whole world. We appeal to all men and women to Lithuania’s Only Weapon Against Lithuanian Fight For Freedom join the members of the A.B.N. in their Russia Today Terrible though their fate has been. fight against Bolshevism. We have Lithuanians today are aware that Lithuanians have not lost hope and heard speeches enough about genocide historical traditions cannot compete faith in the restoration of the Lithuan­ and terrorism; it takes more than vdth modern weapons of warfare. Then- ian state. The various organizations of words to prevent nations from being- only chance of attacking occupying Lithuanians in exile are not idle. The exterminated. All who love freedom Bolsheviks is to foster the idea of lib­ Supreme Committee of Lithuanian and who wish others to have it must erty and give active demonstrations Liberation, the Lithuanian A.B.N. orga­ unite to combat the common foe. that, however enslaved the nation may be, its spirit of independence is still alive. Slovak day of Independence This spirit is particularly strong in a country like Lithuania whose inhabi­ (March, I4th 1939) tants, being mainly engaged in agri­ (SIS) National independence is uni­ conviction and international documents, culture, have the peasant’s fervent love versally considered as one of the fund­ such as the Atlantic and United Nations of his native soil and traditional amental rights of ethnical groups con­ Charters, only the people concerned individualism. Class distinctions have scious of their specific individuality may decide their own destiny. Thus, practically never existed in Lithuania among the other peoples of the world. only the Slovaks ultimately can decir~T and the Communist Party there from Just as the idea of personal freedom the destiny of Slovakia. Any suppress 1918 to 1940 never was more than 1% triumphed over the en-slavement of ion of the Slovak will is a violation of the population, and these were main­ human individuals so the idea of the of Natural Law and Democracy. ly Jews. national freedom of single ethnical Even if the Slovak national independ­ Russia’s Annexation Of Lithuania groups is progressing to complete vic­ tory. After the 19th century, full of ence has been destroyed by the tacit assistance of the victorious Powers, the The Soviet-German Pact of 19-39 struggles for national freedom, the 20th meant annexation of Lithuania by Rus­ century, is more prone to recognize Slovaks have not ceased to celebrate sia. A revealing sentence in that re­ the right to national independence even March 14th as their greatest historical, markable document runs: “Now the of former colonies. day. Six years of brutal Communist people (of Lithuania), helped by the After long struggles the Slovaks too oppression have taught the Slovaks to mighty Red Army, have established proclaimed their national independence love their national independence more Soviet government in their own coun­ on March 14th, 1939. This day became than ever. Blood is being shed by the try“. This occupation, here blantantly a true milestone in Slovak modern occupators, but the Slovaks do not cease to manifest their desire for a stated to be the work of the Soviets, history and it cannot be deprived of its was not recognised by the great powers profound historical significance by any Slovak Republic. — the U.S.A., Great Britain etc. It is endeavour to blame the Slovaks for This year once again all Slovaks will therefore a violation of international having made use of the international celebrate the Day of Independence, law. situation as it was in Europe in the even if secretly, because there is no Bolshevist Terrorism spring of 1939. On this day the Slovaks force which could tear out of their During the year of the First Bolshe­ only took what was their inalienable hearts the love of freedom and national vist Occupation (15. VI. 40—22. VI. 41) right. No Czech or other interests could self-government. But the celebrations the state, with its administration, army, prevail over the natural right of the of this year will take place in the full finances, economy and agriculture, was Slovaks to self-government and by no belief that Slovak national independ­ systematically ruined. In a short time, means can the destruction of Slovak ence will at last reward the free Slov­ leaders of intellectual life in Lithuania national independence after the last akian liberated from Communist tyr­ were imprisoned, while thousands of war be justified. According to universal anny. Number 3 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9

Moscow’s Ambition to be the Rome of the Orthodox Church Religion as a Weapon o f Propaganda

According to a broadcast from the Vatican Ra­ more than the half of all churches were by creating the legend of the renais­ dio, the Russian Orthodox Church by order of the Kremlin transformed 40,000 members of the closed; thousands of priests, monks, sance of the church in the Soviet Union, secret police into “priests66 last year. The 75 and church members were executed or people, might believe that bolshevism bishops of the Orthodox Church are said to be sent to concentration camps. Moscow was developing. in reality employes of the Soviet Ministry of the Interior. The Orthodox Church, it seems, has tried with all the means at its disposal What was the real object of these become the tool of communists atheism (DAP). to uproot religious feeling and thought concessions? We must first point out everywhere. For this purpose, for in­ that they were intended to be merely For centuries the Russian church has stance, a large printing press was estab­ a measure of tactics, which was mainly been bound to the state; the rulers of lished to publish anti-religious, scurri­ for the purpose of winning over the the Church, in particular, suffered from lous pamphlets to be used as propa­ leaders of the Russian Orthodox this subordanation to the state, a con­ ganda in the Soviet Union and through­ Church, men who were docile creatures dition which promoted the growth of out the world. of the regime. It was thus possible to religious and philosophical movements include the church in the mobilization and social currents outside of the Stalin’s Need of the Church of all powers against the enemy. The church. In 1937, the zealous members of the success of this measure was complete. The Fetters of a State Church Party wished to liquidate the church Sergius, the Metropolitan appointed by completely. But Stalin had still need the bolshevists, in 1942 designated Sta­ Because it was bound so closely to of the diurch. In the new constitution lin as the “leader appointed by God“, the state, the Russian church has always he proclaimed liberty of conscience and and an apostolic letter issued by the been unable to assume any objective gave priests the vote. It seemed as if convocation of Russian bishops in 1945 position towards the different political the bolshevists were going to retard appealed to all the faithful “to serve parties with their very different theo- religious prosecution.. But this was not obediently the soviet power appointed of social reform. As it was not free the case. Earlier Russian constitutions by God“. Meantime, the Church Coun­ . 'teach itself, it had to leave the so­ also contained a clause about liberty of cil in the Soviet government which had lution of social problems entirely to se­ conscience, even the Decree of 1918, been newly created, organized a second cular authorities, and to renounce all which separated church and state, guar­ convocation of bishops in 1945 who re­ its natural rights of proclaiming prin­ anteed liberty of conscience. The earl­ newed the patriarchate and elected Ale­ ciples-. Socialists demanded the separa­ ier consitution of the Soviet Union xei as Patriarch. tion of church and state, anarchists, the even granted liberty to make religious destruction of the church. propaganda; its Article 4 runs; “Free­ Plans for a Universal Orthodox Church dom of religious and anti-religious pro­ Encouraged by this success, Moscow Separation of Church and State paganda is recognized for all citizens.“ seems to be planning the creation of a The fall of the monarchy in 1917 In 1929 this was significantly amended. universal orthodox church — i. e. to widened the gap between all non-mon- The Congress of Soviets of May 18, de­ assutne the role of a third Rome — for archical parties from the official Rus­ termined the following: "Freedom of the millions of adherents scattered sian church. After the Revolution, the religious creed and anti-religious propa­ throughout the world, above all in the church was separated entirely from the ganda is granted to all citizens.“ Athe­ Balkans, the Near East, the U.S.A., Ca­ state and the schools. Religious instruc­ ists, therefore, could make propaganda nada, etc., and to put this church under tion in schools was prohibited, all at­ of their views, while church members the influence and control of a supreme tempts to preserve it being severely could not; they are allowed to practice head, the Patriarch in the Kremlin. But punished. The official proclamation is their religious rites and ceremonies, but this Patriarch remains under the in­ based on an atheist and proletarian phil­ not to oppose atheism. fluence and control of the Kremlin, or osophy which regards every ecclesias­ of the Church Council which is under tical organization as handicapping what Atheism Guaranteed by Stalin’s the leadership of Karpov, a tested Sta­ is known as freedom of conscience, Constitution linist . . . These imperialist church championed by bolshevists. All open Stalin, therefore, understood some­ plans, as we said already, do not alter participation in church life was regard­ thing quite different by liberty of con­ the general line of Soviet church policy. ed as a violation of the dictatorship of science; for him it is not freedom of proletariat. All employes who were religion, but freedom from religion. Ja- Anti-religious Propaganda Continues l enbers of the church were removed roslawski, the president of the atheist Anti-religious propaganda remains as from town and village soviets and from movement in the Soviet Union, com­ before. The property of the church has all educational institutions. Church mented on May 19, 1937 concerning the not altered nor can religious life devel­ marriages were no longer valid. The Papal encyclical message on atheist op. Without the knowledge and the word “family“ was removed from the communism, that Stalin’s constitution permission of the Church Council, nei­ codex. Although the Russian church was the best guarantee of atheism. Sta­ ther Patriarch nor bishops can do any­ was progressive in outlook, it was at lin gave priests the vote, because he thing at all independently. Schools first reactionary in political matters, knew that they had no political impor­ continue to be operated as they were as it failed to grasp the social message tance whatsoever, and that they could — without religious influence. Acccord- of the revolution. not be a danger to him. The few priests ing to the “Iswestija“, the official organ still at liberty had to serve Stalin as of Moscow, “materialism and empirical Result of Bolshevist Decrees dummies and help him to convince the criticism trains soviet citizens and all The execution by force of the Bol­ world of the the genuineness of the fighters for socialism and democracy shevist decrees cost the leaders of the “most democratic“ of all constitutions. in the spirit of active and decisive church, priests and people many lives. struggle-against all the foes of marxism, When the church jewels and sacred ves­ The Church’s Role in War whatever form they may assume. Le­ sels were taken away, allegedly to re­ Then the war came and the Soviet nin’s deed acquires peculiar significance lieve the famine of 1923, the tension Union had great need of an appeal to in these rdays when imperialist reaction between church and -state reached a the religious instincts and forces that is utilizing all the poisoned weapons at climax. 1400' trials were carried out slumbered deep in the Russians peo­ its disposal, such as cosmopolitanism, with all the brutality of a proletarian ple’s soul, in order to be “morally“ ideal philosophy and the clergy. Along revolution. This did not alter the legal armed, too, for the imminent conflict with their God, they press the most position of the faithful. The church had with the /Western World. So the Ortho­ varied reactionary philosophical move­ no right to acquire or own property, all dox Church, or rather its leaders, were ments into their service“. The Soviets churches having become the property of granted certain concessions. These con­ are, therefore, not only anti-Catholic the state. They had no schools, no press, cessions were given solely for reasons and anti-Christian they are definitely no means of defending themselves; of foreign policy — it was hoped that anti-religious. Dr. G. P. v. Brody Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

national consciousness. One of the chief From Reports of the U.P.A. means of stamping out the people’s life is to transport masses of them to other Bolshevists Create Janissaries areas. They believe that if the people are transplanted to other districts in The more intensely Russia prepares people’s- desire for freedom and inde­ the immense empire, they will lose for war, the more intolerable terror­ pendence, it would even seem as if they their power of resistance and their ism becomes. The power of the police were determined to achieve their aim national consciousness. Western Ukraine, has also taken possession of the people over and beyond the physical death of in particular, has suffered from in the country, so that practically every­ these mass transporta­ one is now under the control of some tions. Hardly a month agency of bolshevism. Youth, in parti­ passes without a trans­ cular is exposed to Bolshevist propa­ port of Ukrainian peas­ ganda. A further sinking of the general ants to the East. Such standard of life is obvious. Constant transports are generally fear of the authority of the state produ­ arranged to start in the ces a state of depression which, in turn night; they are carried causes ever-growing hatred of the bol- out with the help of a shevists. There are two irreconcilable strong police force. To camps — on the one hand the bolshev- mention only one of ists with their whole apparatus of op­ many examples, about pression, and on the other, the people 80 policemen were ne­ with their natural desire for freedom cessary to catch 67 peo­ and prosperity. This contrast increases ple in the village of as time goes on. Oriv the district os Do- The severity of sentences pronunced hobytsch who were by what are known as People’s Courts transported in the night. contribute much to the schism. Peasants It is not necessary to on collective farms are sentenced be­ add that this was acco-'-S cause they are found gleaning stubble panied by brutality a fields or because they hide a few shea­ bloodshed. In place of ves from fear of famine, or because these displaced Ukrain­ they are not punctual in delivering the ians, Russians or Mon­ required quantities of grain, or because gols are brought to the their noses displease bolshevist over­ Ukraine. It is not diffi­ seers, Here are some examples: the cult .to see the purpose thirty- year-old Wasylyna Jaroschuk in “Freedom“ of science in the U.S.S.R. of such a policy of trans­ the village of K. in the district O., a portation. widow with a boy of 8, was condemned by such a People’s Court to 7 year’s im­ prisonment, because she had refused to How Bulgaria is Being Looted deliver up grain out of her own por­ tion; the collective peasant. Semen Fest- The “Basler Nationalzeitung“ (No. are exploited to a great extent by the schuk, in the village of J. in the same 178, 1950) published an informative ar­ Russians and the entire produce of district, 40 years old, married, 3 child­ ticle on present conditions in Bulgaria, these industries goes to Soviet Rus­ ren, was condemned to 5 years im­ under the title of “The agents of Mos­ sia and their produce is also trans­ prisonment because unthreshed corn cow rule in Sofia“. We take the follow­ ported to the port of Varna in sealed was found in his bant in harvest time. ing extracts from it: trucks, guarded by M.V.D. agents, Anton Wyschnywatzky was sentenced . . . Ministerpräsident Cherwenkoff whence they are shipped once a week to 3 years imprisonment because he declared in the Central Committee of to Odessa. The lion’s share of the coal hadn’t delivered the required amount the Bulgarian Communist Party that that is mined is also transported to the of wood in time etc. This list could be the government’s chief task was no lon­ Soviet Union. The cloth manufactured prolonged to infinity. ger to industrialize Bulgaria and pro­ by Bulgarian textile factories is made Meantime, bolshevist functionaries go vide electricity, but above all to adjust almost exclusively of Russian wool and scot-free, even if they are guilty of Bulgarian economy to the needs of the cotton and must he sent back to Russ!"s\\ severe abuses and maltreatment of Soviet Union. The construction of pow­ It is intended to introduce the sai. peasants. There are sufficient examples er works which was begun in 1947/48 procedure for agricultural produce. of this, too. in order to increase electric current Two-thirds of the tobacco harvest are Many young peasants are forced to threefold has actually been halted. The put at the disposal of the Soviet export go to the mines in Dombas and are enormous orders for machinery that trade, and Bulgaria has difficulty in accompanied thither by police. Many were placed in Czechoslovakia have not disposing of the remainng third, as the flee and join the underground move­ been fulfilled . . . People in Bulgaria Russians cut prices on the world market ment. If any one is caught, he must be today realize that all the bombastic by flooding it with quantities of Bulgar­ prepared for severe punishment. School plans for Bulgarian factories for steel, ian tobacco which they have looted. The boys and girls are told that it is machinery, cement, textiles and canned Russians also buy up the greater part their duty to join the communist goods, which were to make the country of the produce of the Bulgarian attar Komsomol. In this organisation they independent of imports from abroad, industry at ridiculous prices which they are trained in accordance with the laws have ended in the waste-paper basket. themselves fix. When the Bulgarians and requirements of the communist This would be no great misfortune try to sell what attar of roses they have party, i. e. against God, religion and for Bulgaria if the country was free to left, to the United States, they find that family, for Stalin, the Party and world export its natural products and agricul­ the Russians have knocked the bottom revolution. Bolshevist education aims tural produce as it used to, and thus out of the market there by their offers at producing janissaries, blind, fanatic be able to import essential industrial of Bulgarian attar. fighters for bolshevism. Bolshevist goods that cannot be made in the coun­ It is obvious that the Soviet Union training begins in the lowest classes try. But the country is forbidden to do has a complete monoply of Bulgarian of the elementary school, in kinder­ this by its Russian “protectors“ and foreign trade. While it has good use for gartens even. their Bulgarian tools. All Bulgarian ex­ all Bulgarian exports and sells them on In the course of these ceaseless efforts ports are directed to the Soviet Union world markets for hard currency, Bul­ to impose bolshevism on the peoples of which floods the world market with the garia only gets articles which it cannot the subjugated nations, and of Ukraine Bulgarian exports which it does not it­ always use and at enormous prices. The in practicular, the dictators in the self require. Bulgarian people is thus condemned to Kremlin constantly try to crush, the Bulgarian iron, lead and zinc ores slavery and to work for foreign masters. Number 3 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11.

A New Staged Trial Harold E. Stassen Shows the Way! A new trial has been staged in Slo­ (Continued from Page i) foreign yoke of bolshevism but for a vakia against three Slovakian bishops free, Slovakian national state. This Slo­ who are charged with the stereotyped The first point in his programme is Soviet “crimes“ of high treason and of great historical significance. Here he vakian ideal is acknowledged even by espionage, for western powers, as well demands that freedom and indepen­ Czechs, and circles of national Czech as the Vatican This trial too has been dence be restored to the nations behind émigrés round General Prchala are broadcast for propaganda purposes. the Iron Curtain, and not only to those constantly and clearly pointing out After three days the sentence was who have recently come under the yoke that what is known as Czecho-Slovakia announced by the State Court in Press- of Soviet imperialism, but also to na­ is an artificial creation, founded on a burg (Bratislava) on January 15,. Bis­ tions who have been subjugated by lie and upheld by force only. The so- hop, Hojdych of the Ukrainian Greek called “Jugoslavian“ state presents a Catholic Church and Bishop Buzalka Moscow in the course of history. Stas­ sen, therefore, sees through the fraud, similar problem, as it was constructed were condemned to imprisonment for at the cost of the freedom and indepen­ life and Bishop Wojteschak to twenty the lies of the Russian slogan of the years dungeon. “unity and indivisibility of Russia“ and dence of Croats, Slovenes and Macedon­ Bishop Hojdych was also accused of has drawn the logical consequence ian Bulgarians. Croatian resisters and being in connection with the Ukrainian therefrom and pointed to what could martyrs round Stepinac collected in the Insurgent Army and the Prague groups render immeasurable service in the underground movement known as the of Ukrainian Nationalists which were coming world struggle for liberation “Crusade“, hope, like the Slovaks, that only recently condemned. from Moscow’s bolshevist imperialism. their heavy sacrifices will not only This trial of the three dignitaries of liberate them from the terrorism of We are convinced that Stassen did the Catholic Church is fresh proof of communism but will also procure the not intend to restrict this freedom to Communism’s merciless fight against reconstruction of a free, historically the Church and religion. Ukraine, Esthonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkestan, Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, founded Croatia. If we cannot dwell here on a detailed consideration of the The Coast of Esthonia Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary and to program proclaimed by Stassen, it is deny it to the other nations in the So­ ~ Now a Soviet Naval Base because the problems involved will be ч viet Russian imperium — to the Aser- The construction of Soviet naval beidschani, the Georgians, the North solved as a logical conséquence of the bases in Baltic waters, which was start­ Caucasians, the people of Idel-Ural etc. principles he has enunciated and can­ ed in the three Baltic states immedia­ Nor do we suppose that Stassen in­ not be separated from the ideals for tely after their occupation, was practic­ tends to preserve for all time artificial which we shall never cease to fight. ally finished in 1950. Leningrad, before formations like Czechoslovakia and to Finally, we should like to express the war the most important naval base, has made way for Tallinn (Reval); ignore the claim of the Slovaks to free­ our particular gratification that men Leningrad itself is an auxiliary base dom and independence. For the Slovak­ like Stassen show such determination and still the largest centre of ship­ ian nation, in particular, has proclaim­ in the present world crisis. We should building in the Baltic. ed its desire for national liberty and in­ like to thank him for his sympathy As a naval base, Tallinn is respons­ dependence, not only in words and be­ with our long struggle for truth and ible for delivering current supplies and fore the whole world, but with the justice, with the entire problems of the for smaller repairs, including the re­ sacrifices of the White Slovak parti­ East which for centuries have been fa­ pair and exchange of naval guns. Big sans who have been fighting up to the tally interlinked with Russian imperial­ repairs cannot be executed here, as present day, side by side with the ism and which have been fully com­ the dry docks of the Kopli Wharf can Ukrainian Insurgent Army and with prehended by very few. Our peoples only take ships up to 2000't. The Kopli Wharf has also a floating dock for ships the underground movements of all stand in constant readiness, prepared to of 5000—6000 t. But extensive repairs other nations oppressed by bolshev­ make every sacrifice to realize the prin­ must still be taken to Leningrad. ism; they struggle, not only against the ciples and ideals proclaimed by Stassen. The harbour of Tallinn was consid­ erably increased by the addition of the Island of Plojessaar and the Kopli From, the Soviet Press: Peninsula. Paldiski (Balticport) is now the most .rMportant naval base in the Baltic. Its The National Policy of Russian Bolshevists limestone soil has proved a great asset. Storage cellars, electricity plant, repairs The following extracts from the Soviet mic and intellectual life of the people workshops and living quarters for press throw significant light on the of Aserbaijan.“ employees were built below the sur­ policy of Russian bolshevists towards On February 1951, the “Iswestija“ face; U-boats are also accomodated non-Russian peoples. published an article by the president of here in subterranean tunnels. The en­ On February 1, 1951 the “Prawda“ the Supreme Soviet of the Tadschik trance to these tunnels is about 2 kilo­ published an article by I. Rassakow the Soviet Republic, from which we take meters north-west of the old harbour. secretary of the central committee of the following sentences: Paldiski is the headquarters of the per­ the communist party of Kirghiz. He “Before the victory of the great so­ manent staff of the so-called operations says: cialist October revolution, the Tadschik division (operatiwnaja chastij) of the “There has been a cultural revolution people had no state of their own. It Red Fleet. Naval parades are held here. in Kirghiz in the years of Soviet sup­ owes its state to the Leninist and Stalin­ remacy. A nation that used to be ist policy of the bolshevist party.“ Deportation of the Jews analphabetic has learned to read and On January 28, 1951 “Iswestija“ pub­ write, and has created a national litera­ lished an article by the president of In the “New Leader“ a former mem­ ture ... Our people now reads in its the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian ber of the Hungarian parliament, Dr. own tongue great works by the classical Soviet Republic, where we read the Bela Fabian, declares that the comin- writers of Marxism and Lenism, and following: form has declared war on Zionism. the best monuments of Russian and “Our people will always be grateful According to information at his dispos­ world literature.“ to the great Russian people for having al 35 000 Jews were deported to Siberia On February 3, 1951, the “Prawda“ helped to establish Soviet supremacy from Lemberg alone. Almost the whole wrote as follows: in Georgia, thus making it possible for Jewish population of Ukraine, White “The brotherly help of the great Rus­ the Georgian people to have a state of Ruthenia, and the Crimea met with the sian people — the first among the equal their own.“ same fate. The anti-Jewish - campaign members of the soviet family of peoples Contrary to their better knowledge, began in Hungary in 1949. — has been invaluable for the econo­ therefore, the Russian bolshevist press Page 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 3

maintains that the demand of all non- Russian peoples for national indepen­ dence has been fulfilled, and that the various Soviet Republics are indepen­ dent states. We should like to add to these state­ ments by Moscow the following extract from the leading article in the “Praw- da“ for February 1, 1951 which is par­ A good friend of th’e Antibolshevik Bloc of Nations idea, ticularly illuminating for the bolshev- the President of the Esthonian Parliament, ists’s “love of truth“ : “For almost 200 years India, one of the largest countries in the world has OTTO PUKK been under the supremacy of English colonisers. Thanks to their constant died suddenly the age of 50, on February 14, 1951 in Stockholm, plundering and shameless exploitation, English imperialists have reduced India, We wish to express our deep sympathy to his family, the fighters in a country with enormous natural res­ the Esthonitn Resistance Movement and the whole Esthonian people ources, to a ruined, impoverished coun­ on the death of their great son. try where millions of workers die every year of famine.“ Every child knows that the British have given India her freedom and that is now an independent state. But Moscow maintains that even today The Independence of the Byelorussian Nation India is under the yoke of England. The Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Lithu­ While Western public opinion, influ­ 1. The subjugation of the independent anian, Latvian, Esthonian, and Turkes- enced by imperialist Russian and Polish Byelorussian Republic (B.N.R.) in 1920; tanian peoples, the peoples of the Cau­ propaganda, is sometimes apt to deny 2. the complete destruction of indepen;:_ casus and many others have been sub­ the right of the Byelorussian people dent Byelorussian peasantry and tl jugated by the Russian, some of them to political independence, the “Iswesti- transformation of free peasants, firmlyf for centuries, by means of barbaric ja “, the official organ of the Kremlin, rooted in the soil, into slaves of the measures. Voltaire, in his “Histoire de published an article on Byelorussia on soviet colchose system; 3. million loyal Charles XII“ wrote that the Muscovites February 2, 1951, from which we take Byelorussian peasants, workers and (Russians) had enslaved the Ukraine as the following extract: members of the intelligentsia, sacrificed far as they could. This uspeakably “On February 25 there will be elec­ to the bolshevist regime; 4. slavery, heavy national yoke still exists today. tions for the Supreme Soviet of the misery and convict camps. But Moscow maintains that the bols­ Byelorussian Soviet Republic. This sig­ But the most significiant thing about hevism which was brought to all these nificant event in the life of the Repub­ this publication of the official soviet countries from Russia has brought na­ lic finds the Byelorussian people en­ newspaper is the fact that it here ex­ tional and political independence to all joying new and great triumphs in all pressly admits that the Byelorussian the victims of Russian imperialism. provinces of economic and cultural nation is an independent people and The most interesting thing is, how­ reconstruction. ... All the peoples of quite different from the Russian people. ever, that the English say nothing at all our socialist native country, and above So it is time that Western opinion real­ as they watch Moscow spreading abroad all, the great Russian people, have gen­ ized that between the Polish and the the lie that India is still under the yoke erously supported the Byelorussian Russian peoples there is another large, of Britain. The English do nothing at Republic...“ independent people with its own lan­ all to inform the world of the past and It certainly cannot be disputed that guage and culture that has never re­ present sufferings of the victims of Rus­ the Byelorussian nation has really very nounced its right to independence. Al­ sian imperialism, although it would not much to “thank“ the bolshevist regime though the'Byelorussian state, which be at all difficult, seeing that there are in Moscow for. But not for the advan­ proclaimed its independence in 1918, about 2 million members of non-Rus­ tages which the “Iswestija“ hypocritic­ was attacked in the years following by sian peoples of the Soviet Union living ally pretends to find. White Ruthenians Russians and Poles and occupied by in exile. have to thank the “great“ Russian them, it has never ceased its fight for Strange things happen in this world! people for “ gifts“ like the following: independence and it will renew thi^—^ independence again. Apology All who are interested in the fight for liberation being waged by sub­ jugated nations behind the Iron Curtain should read the new publica­ In the last number of “A.B.N. Corres­ tions in English, of the Scottish League for European Freedom. They pondence“ 1/2, two errors unfortunate­ ly crept into the text of the article have had a favourable reception and are full of authenic information: on “Byelorussia’s Deperate Fight“ which distorted the sense. We apologize 1) “Convention of Delegates of the Resistance Movements of the Anti- to the author and our readers. Bolshevik Nations“ By John F. Stewart — price 6 d.; Page 10, line 5 should read “Byelo­ 2) “Red Russia and the Independence Movements in the U.S.S.R.“ . russia exported 100 million gold rou­ By John F. Stewart — price 1 s.; bles worth of grain and tobacco“, and 3) “The Russian Danger — Europe’s Only Defence“ By Yaroslav Stetzko not “Byelorussia produced“ etc. — price 6 d.; In col. 2 of the same page, line 20, a word was omitted from the title of the 4) “The Workers in Soviet Russia“ By John F. Stewart; pamphlet mentioned which should run 5) “The Strength and Weakness of Red Russia“ “I accuse the Kremlin of the Genocide (Congress of Delegates of Independence Movements within the of my nation“. Editor U.S.S.R. Held in Edinburgh), Introduction By John F. Stewart; 145 pp. ABN-Correspondence P.O.Box 70, These may be ordered either from the Office of the A.B.N. Correspon­ Munich 33, Germany/Bavaria dence or directly from Mr. Bohdan Tarnawsky, 6 Mansion House, Edin­ Published by the Press Bureau of the burgh 9, Great Britain. Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) Responsible: K. W. Orlecky Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS

Vol.II / Number 4 English Edition April 1951

ô d itô -fia h Was h i it g to st9§ Blunder in Psychological Warfare

The Ukrainian newspaper “Ukrainez Chas“, published in Paris, reports speaker, — much precious porcelain that of late there have been several official statements concerning the needed in the psychological war against fundamental problems of our peoples, which appear very strange and which Moscow. may be regarded as real errors of judgement in the psychological war The upshot of this- American reaction against Moscow. Below we give a short summary of the facts leading up was an over-zealous speech by Senator to this regrettable occurrence as well as our comments thereto. McMahon (Democrat) on January 22nd i. e. the very next day after Pospyelow’s ,,—NOn the occasion of the traditional mark. A perfect storm of indignation address, at the plenary meeting of the imorial ceremonies in Moscow on and violent opposition arose in Wash­ Senate introducing a motion to assure the 27th anniversary of Lenin’s death, ington. It was not enough to reject the great Russian people of America's the- official speaker, Peter Pospyelow, Pospyelow's attack and threats as pro­ sincere friendship. At the same time head of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Insti­ vocation against the U.S.A., but beyond an exhaustive “positive programme for tute, in his address before the leading that, people went so far in their efforts a peace with Russia“ was submitted, personages of the Politbureau, with at appeasement as to declare that the whidi may perhaps not seem -so very Stalin at their head, made a sharp U.S.A. today, as before, upheld the extraordinary. What does strike one as attack against America, President Tru­ indivisibility of the historical territory most unusual, however, was that Sen­ man and the U.S. Government. of the old Russian Empire. Thus the ator McMahon went -still further: writing to State Secretary Acheson he Alluding to the intervention of the American reaction to this Pospyelow -suggested an “authoritative official in- Western Allies during the so-called speech shot far wide of the mark and civil war in Russia, the speaker declar­ smashed, — as was intended by the (Continued on Page 8) ed: 'The Russian people will never forget that American hands are stain­ ed with Russian blood“. Pospyelow Marching Orders against Tito Imminent? threatened further that, should the U.S.A. provoke a third world war By Major-General Hinko Alabanda (Croatia) against Soviet Russia it would end for America with the same catastrophe The eventuality of marching orders pincers and become a colony at the against Tito being given by Stalin to mercy of Russia. with which World War II ended for his vassals in the south-east, is an ever Keeping in mind the present expan­ Hitler. Finally with an allusion to Pres­ more frequently discussed subject in ident Wilson’s policy towards Russia sion of the Soviet Russian sphere of in­ the western press of late. fluence in south-east Europe, one can­ ju^l919, the speaker accused the Truman The whole question, which is of no not fail to realize that Stalin's diplo­ vernment of holding to-day the same less significance for the politicians than macy has -systematically and consistent­ conception of destroying and dividing for the army, is illuminated in the ly worked for the execution of just the Soviet Union. following two questions this plan. Western statesmen and dip­ This well-thought out and prepared 1. What motives could move Stalin lomats, until recently, still saw in speech of intimidation did not miss its to take such a step, or in how far does Stalin the “ally“, let him go his this seem probable? own way and even sacrificed, in good faith, the vital interests of their own 3. Could Tito‘s thirty-two divisions countries and peoples. It is true, the withstand an attack by the Soviet sat­ great statesman Churchill was one of From the Contents: ellite states? the few who saw in time, and rather Page Even to the uninitiated it must be clearly, through Stalin’s intentions. His Peter “the Great“ and “the perfectly clear to-day that Bolshevism well-meant warnings, however, were Great“ S ta lin ...... 5 is only a means for the realization of disregarded and met with little under­ A Frank Message To The Russian imperialistic plans. In Europe standing. Thus Stalin succeeded Russian People . . . . . i it follows the identical plans laid down through his then exponent Tito, who in the testament of Peter the Great, was being actively -supported by the Competent Criticism of the viz. control of the Black Sea and the Western Powers, in getting Croatia, “Voice of America“ . . . . 5 Mediterranean, conquest of Constanti­ with its ideally articulated Adriatic American Friends of A. B. N. 7 nople and the Dardanelles. The outcome coast fromTriest to Spizza, its excellent of Constantinople and the Dardanelles commerial and naval ports, temporar­ Appeal to the Free World . . 8 being in the hands of Russia would be ily into hi-s hands. In this way Stalin U. P. A. Expeditions in control of the sea-route Gibraltar-Suez, had procured for himself a maritime Rumania...... 10 and then, a firm hold of North Africa base, and the only proper one for his would menace all the other Mediterran­ far-reaching aim-s, for the control of Resistance in Slovakia . . . 11 ean countries. Before long the Contin­ the Mediterranean. By its geopolitical ent of Europe would be in Russian and strategic position Croatia was be- Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

sides, a key position for the domina­ Each country is striving for freedom, mander refused to surrender at Stalin­ tion of the whole hinterland in the for a national sovereign State of its grad even when the situation was basin of the Danube. The way to Con­ own within its ethnic borders, and in­ hopeless. In the fight against bolshev­ stantinople, the Dardanelles, and the sists on its right of self-determination, ism th«e Croat volunteers died to the Mediterranean Sea, would thus be open laid down in Wilson’s fourteen points, last man with the words “let Croatia by land and sea. Had Tito not deserted the principles of the Atlantic Charter be free” on their lips. Stalin, the Croatian Adriatic coast and the fundamental basis upon which It would be unwise to ignore the would have been built by now into an the U.N. has been built up. impregnable Russian maritime base. teaching of history; for what happened The question then arises, can Tito in 1941 will happen again with the But Tito has allegedly deserted Sta­ rely on his thirty-two divisions under conmunijgt-Yugoslavian army; at the lin. The Croatian Adriatic coast has not these circumstances? Recruited, as they first attack on Tito, it will break up in a been turned into a Russian base, the are, from different parts of Yugoslavia, few days. National units will be formed sea-route to the Mediterranean is not would these soldiers, who, for the of Croats, Slovenians, Serbs, Macedo­ open for Russian plans. Tito with his greater part, are anticommunist, be nian Bulgarians, Montenegrins; they thirty-two divisions stands in the way. ready to die, «so that Tito and his will join existing resistance movements But Stalin’s policy is going its way communist government is preserved to fight on their own soil against na­ consistently and ruthlessly by all con- and a handful of despots may continue tional oppression and for liberation .cei'vable means to realize his plans. to terrorize and enslave the country? from the communist yoke. Is it not more likely that these For the time Stalin has to put Thus Tito’s thirty-two divisions will troops will take the first opportunity up with the narrow strip of coast melt away. Stalin will try to play of joining their comrades in the na­ belonging to his Albanian satel­ one national group against the other tional liberation movements«, taking lite, which is most inadequate for Mos­ and then, in the general chaos, their arms and equipment with them, cow’s maritime plans in the Mediter­ take possession of Yugoslavia and ranean basin. Besides« there is no direct and fighting everyone «standing between them and national independence? the Adriatic coast. The West ought to overland connection with Albania. look at things as they really are, and Since Tito’s’ defection cut it off from Do people really underestimate the not give way to wishful thinking. The the eastern bloc, it stands more or less strength and importance of the exist­ only sensible thing for the Western forlorn. For all these reasons Stalin, ing resistance movements? Do they Powers, considering the conflict looming will probably seek access to the Alba­ really believe that nations can be forc­ in the south-east, would be to support^ nian Adriatic coast via Sofia-Skoplje- ed to fight and die for their opres- national liberty movements, prevei- ^ Tirana; which would necessitate a “li­ «sors? fights among the peoples of Yugoslav**.. beration action“, after the Korean Are the examples from Finland, by determining their borders, — first sample, from Bulgaria against Tito’s Ukraine, Byelorussia, the Far East, and foremost the Drina as a frontier be­ “Macedonian People’s« Republic”, tak­ and even from pre-war Yugoslavia not tween« Serbia and Croatia, within ing possession of the Croatian Adria­ clear enough? In the war, the Yugoslav which the national units would have to tic coast at the same time (in the “war army in which the West had invested operate. of liberation” against Tito), with the enormous sums, and of which so much help of Hungarian and Rumanian sa­ was expected, disintegrated after 6 days But they must act before it is too late. To-day Tito seeks the. support of the tellite troops. Should, however, Tito’s in 1941, chiefly because the Croats would defection from Moscow prove to be not fight and die for Yugoslavia: they West and the. West is ready to help. merely a manoeuvre, or become one, would do it, however for a free, inde­ Now is the time to undertake proper this prognosis would of course not hold pendent Croatia as they proved in 1941 preparations and see that the support good. up to 1945, with heroic self-sacrifice with, is not given in vain and that the peo­ The issue of marching orders to the no less« than 20 mountain divisions. The ples of Yugoslavia become active, re­ vassal states, Hungary, Rumania, Bul­ Croatian Legion under their own com- liable allies of the West. garia and Albania, to achieve this car­ dinal goal is thus only a question of the most favourable moment. There is no shadow of doubt but that Stalin State of Alarm among the Despots will give them. in Moscow’s Vassal States As to the second question mentioned at the beginning of this article, the “Makedonska Tribunal! the paper of voted for their respective Communist resistance Tito could offer against an the Macedonian political organization governments? Why this exaggerated assault by his neighbours, we must in U.S.A. and Canada, published an in­ vigilance, why this militia, armed to consider that the present Yugoslavia, teresting article in its number of Feb­ the teeth, and how is this perm anent like its monarchist predecessor, is a ruary 15, 1951, on the above subject, fear of attack to be explained? . . . , conlgomeration of peoples with differ­ from which we take the following: In short, in all the countries behind ent standards, different religions and the Iron Curtain an everlasting state ideals, which,, against their will, have “The few travellers from the West of war prevails. No one trusts anybody. been forced into an unnatural politi­ who succeed in visiting Prague, Buda­ Each feels himself menaced and per­ cal state and held there by brute pest, Bukarest, Sofia, or any other town secuted by the other. The Communists force and terrorism. behind the Iron Curtain, soon discover fear not only the future development that a real state of war prevails, even 6,5 million Croats, 5 million Serbs, of the international situation, but, 1,5 million Slovenians, 1 million Monte­ though it is camouflaged. On all large above all, in their own countries. The negrins, 1 million Macedonian Bulgar­ squares, streets or crossroads heavily- conditions obtaining there which are ians or more, all completely different armed militia sentries are met with, marked by insecurity, restlessness and while behind many an out-of-the-way peoples. The Croats with their tradi­ nervousness can hardly be imagined. corner, rifles, pistols, hand-grenades tion of state independence, of over a By despicable judicial intrigues, even thousand years, all are held together and often light machine-guns peep out esteemed Communist functionaries are from concealment. All comissars, mili­ by the despotic regime of Communism, done away with whenever they fail in their countries« resemble huge concen­ tiamen and communist agents carry servility to Moscow, to say nothing of revolvers or automatic pistols about tration camps, their men are pressed enemies of Communism . . . into compulsory military service for with them. The question involuntarily . . . Finally it becomes clear that the their communist masters. arises, against whom do the powers subjected peoples in the east and south­ that be want to defend themselves? National liberty movements operate east of Europe, despite terrorism and in the various countries, in Croatia Is not all that a proof that the enemy despotism, have not grown in the least the “Crusaders”, and the “Young Mus­ is to be found in the country itself. reconciled to their present lot, but bear sulmans” under the command of Croa­ How does this alarm tally with the in their hearts the belief in a resusci­ tia’s great national hero, General Rit­ election results when allegedly 99°/o tation of freedom. They are on the ter Boban, in Slovenia, the “White of the population in all the so- alert and their eyes are turned to the Guards“, in Serbia, the “Chetniks“. called “people’s democratic republics” West.” Number 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 3

Peter ”the Great66 and ”the Great66 Stalin An Insane Testament and its Execution

It appears appropriate and instruc­ and their election enforced by our gether with a conquered Turkey, our tive in our times to recall the last will troops marching in and staying there, concentrated army and the protection of Peter ‘“the Great“, which, according until the time arrives to leave them of our fleet in the Black and Baltic to authentic documents ran as follows: there for ever. Should neighbour states Seas would put us in a position to pro­ “In the name of the Holy Trinity We, make trouble, Poland must be divided pose, first to the Court of Versailles Peter, Imperator and Autocrat of all up immediately, to make up our losses. and then Vienna the sharing of the the Russias, leave this testament to 5. Everything possible is to be taken world. Should, these powers, however, all Our successors to the Throne and from Sweden, under the pretext that be blinded by ambition, or led by po­ power in the Russian Empire. we have been attacked, which provides litical aims to reject our proposals, a We stand under the protection of the us with a reason for its subjection. In conflict must be provoked between Almighty, to Whom We owed Our exis­ order to achieve that, Denmark must them and the surviving State over­ tence and by Whom We were enlight­ be separated from Sweden and the thrown. Our success would be assured ened. God has made known to Us that enmity between them stirred up. if Russia were in possession of the the Russian people is called to rule 6. German princesses have always to whole East and part of Europe. Should over the whole of Europe in the fu­ be taken in marriage to strengthen our plans miscarry, Russia, at a suit­ ture. Our conclusion is based on the family ties. Our interests in Germany able moment would go against Ger­ fact that the European people are se­ must be stabilized and through our in­ many. Simultaneously, two large fleets, nile and rapidly approaching utter creased influence the Germans must be carrying Asiatic hordes, one from the ruin. The European nations must there­ won for our purposes. Sea of Asov, the other from Archan- fore be easy to conquer by a new, gelsk, convoyed by the Black Sea and 7. Trade relations must be sought Baltic Sea fleets, would cross the ocean young nation, if the latter improves in with England, as she needs us for her development and strength. and the Mediterranean to attack France fleet which again is of importance for while, at the same time, our land We see the future invasion of the the development of ours. Our wood troops would conquer Germany. The Western and eastern countries from the and our products must be exchanged overthrow of these two powers would north, from whence a decisive operation for English gold and good relations very soon mean the subjection of the with all the signs of divine Providen­ kept up with English merchants and remaining countries in Europe. Europe ce will start, and by which Europe will seamen in shipping and trade. can and must be dominated in this be as refreshed as Rome was by the in­ 8. Expansion to the north along the way.“ vasion of the barbarians. This stream Baltic Sea, and in the south along the of people from the north is to be com­ Blade Sea is to be steadily continued. Thus centuries ago the notorious pared with the flooding of the Nile apostle of Russian messiahship and 9. Constantinople and India must be which fructifies the barren soil of teacher of boundless Russian expansion, approached as close as possible for he Egypt. thought and spoke. With this memo­ who rules India is the real ruler of rable testament, which is so amazing I found Russia like a small brook the world. For that reason wars must to-day,he bequeathed to hisdescendants and have left it as a mighty river, and be continually fomented, once in Tur­ that manomania and insatiable greed my successors will make of it a sea to key then in Persia. The Black Sea and strengthen impoverished Europe. The for conquest lying at the root of the Baltic Sea must be conquered step Russian despotism, — nor have the waves of that sea will pour forth, if be step. Persia's fall must be accelerated, crowned heads alone been seized by my successors know how to direct their the Persian Gulf must be reached and, this obsession. way, in spite of obstacles and dams if possible, the traditional trade with The craze for power and conquest, and in spite of weary hands trying to the Far East via Syria is to be revived, as the genuine driving force, has but resist their flow. For this reason I leave and pushed on to India — the been transferred in the last three de­ you the following directives and re­ latter possessing the greatest gold re­ cades to the Bolshevik despots in the commend them to your constant serves in the world. If we succeed in attention. Kremlin: for to-day through Stalin and that we can do without England's gold a sham “proletarian“ World Revolu­ 1. Keep the Russian nation in a con- 10. An alliance is to be sought and tion, they menace not only Europe but tinous state of war, so that the soldier carefully maintained with Austria The the whole earth. Out of the different ''“ 'mains ever on the alert and ready to Austrian idea of dominating Germany clauses of this testament all the mo­ .„jht. Only allow a respite in order to is to be apparently supported, but in tives, aims and methods of the brutal improve State economy. The troops reality some German princes are to aggression guiding and inspiring Mos­ must always be armed, ready to attack be incited against Austria. The matter cow's policy of world conquest, shoot at the proper moment. Thereby in the must be handled in such a way that forth in detail. Moreover, as the pre­ interest of Russia's enlargement and both parties call upon us for help, so sent Russian imperialism, in the garb development war shall serve peace and that we can establish a protectorate of world-embracing Bolshevism, is not peace war. in these countries as a preliminary to to be satisfied with Europe and Asia 2. By every possible means the mili­ our future sovereign government. alone, but is stretching its tentacles to­ tary men are to be drawn upon in war 11. Interest in driving the Turks out wards the whole globe, it must be ad­ and the scholars in peace, so that Russia of Europe is to be roused in the Aus­ mitted that Stalin has outdone even may adopt all the useful things emana­ trian Royal House, but its wish to con­ his great teacher. . ting from foreign lands, without losing quer Constantinople must be neutral­ If ruthless domination and the ex­ any of her own. ized. termination of alien people, the main­ 3. Every occasion for negotiation 12. Great attention is to be given to tenance of an imperium by torrents and all unrest, especially in Germany those members of the Greek Orthodox of blood and tears, means “greatness“ which lies nearest us and is therefore Church, living scattered through Tur­ even in our century, then the author of of the utmost interest for us, must be key and south Poland. They must be this testament has "honestly earned this made use of. brought together wherever they may­ title and his successor, Stalin, “the 4. Poland is to be divided by stirring be. We must be their central point and greater“ can be sure of his distinction up dissention and disturbances. Power support and proclaim a universal Pri­ in history, as well. is to be acquired by the power of mate of the Orthodox Church. These The mask of the Boshevist world gold, corruption is to be practised in people would then be our friends in renewers seated in the Kremlin has at order to assure our own liberty of ac­ the house of our enemies. least been torn off. They can no longer tion in the choice of kings, our 13. A dismembered Sweden, a defeat­ make the “workers of the world“ be­ friends are to be set up as candidates ed Persia and a subjected Poland, to­ lieve that the Soviet Union is fighting Page 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

bolshevism. For those little despots, freedom is a hundred times worse than A Frank Message to the Russian People bolshevism! They can be nothing but Russian imperialists, and that is why The A.B.N. is a common fighting tions — the Russian. So it is of interest their “socialism", like Stalin’s democra­ front comprising all nations that have to point out here that bolshevist pro­ cy, i,s only a lie. It is perhaps the tra­ been robbed of their independence by paganda against the A.B.N. is identical gedy of Russian history that the Rus­ with the propaganda of Russian organ­ Moscow, recently and in the past. From sian people has never been able to the end of the 15th century, the prin­ izations abroad. What is the reason of evolve what the West considers to be cipality of Moscow, originally small,' this touching harmony? Because they an order of society worthy of human are, all of them, Russian imperialists, has expanded at the expense of peace­ beings. We should like to point out here because all of them,whether commun­ able independent nations on a higher that we understand by the Russian peo­ level of culture. These nations defended ists, monarchists, socialists or whatever ple, only the Russians proper, of their independence with much courage they like to call themselves', are oppos­ whom there are about 90' millions, and and with their life-blood, but the ag­ ed to the freedom and independence who, therefore, constitute a minority in gressor in Moscow, with the help of of the nations “united“ by force in the the Russian imperium. traitors from other nations, succeeded Russian empire, the maintenance of in subjugating these free peoples. This which they hold to be their most sacred We should like also to point out the was the origin of the Russian imperium, national duty. The chief reason for this regrettable fact that whereever the in which some 50 nations are imprison­ is the Russian’s strong feeling of su­ Russians brought “liberation", they ed. And it is still spreading today over periority, which is developed in a man brought misery, famine and slavery, Central Europe and to the shores of like Stalin to megalomania. The supre­ and that not only since 1944! But we the Pacific. Yet it is not content . . . macy of Russia is also a result of his­ have no intention of making the Rus­ tory, as the bureaucracy that adminis­ sian people responsible for this, or even Such is the position. That the bolshev- of laying the blame on them. It is in the ists are masters in the Kremlin today tered the subjugated nations was re­ cruited almost exclusively from mem­ nature of things and in the nature of is of little account. From the very be­ leadership: the Russian Czars were ru­ ginning, bolshevism took possession of bers of the Russian intelligentsia. This mass of officials and employes, of po­ lers who thought only of the expansion the heritage of the Czars and has tried and consolidation of their power, but ruthlessly to realize their plans of con­ licemen and priests was the real basis of the Czar’s power. They all felt them­ not of the welfare of the people. And quest. From the point of view of our now? Misery, famine, slavery and feaji^ national independence, it does not mat­ selves to be “representatives of cul­ ture“, masters over the life and death are the instruments the Kremlin use, ter whether it fell a prey to the Czar to make men blind, automatic tools for or the Politbureau. We believe that the of the non-Russian peoples whom they considered and treated as inferior. This the execution of its plans. The Bolshev­ still free nations of the earth are be­ ists intend not only to carry out. the ginning to grasp this truth; that is why “protective power“ made it quite im­ possible to get any appeal through to plans of the Czars, but to extend them we emphasize that bolshevism is iden­ — to conquer the world. That is why tical with Russian imperialism. authoritative persons. This explains the proverb: “God is too high, the Czar too they need hungry animals always ready But what is Russia? We repeat that it far away.“ This feeling of superiority, to plunder, to murder and to rape. In is the prisonhouse of nations, who were this desire to rule, is still the main­ order to hang a mocking cloak of hu­ driven into it by force. And who forced spring of Russian imperialism, whether manity round their intentions, they them? Firstly, the Russian people of Czars, democrats or bolshevists. It speak constantly of peace, freedom and alone. Later various traitors from other is difficult to find an intelligent Rus­ democracy; the services of a willing nations helped. Non-Russian peoples sian without this feeling, no matter church are engaged, and other such have tried repeatedly to escape from whether he is a monarchist, a socialist, manoeuvres. But this does not help the this prison at enormous sacrifice of life a communist or a priest. It was and still individual. The Russian people must and property. Every twenty years there is, therefore, for Kerenski and his like; also suffer. Moscow’s' anti-Christian was a rising in Russia. And today it is more important to preserve the Russian church cannot help. We alone can help the same. While all non-Russian peo­ imperium than the freedom of the peo­ the Russian people, we nations of the ples are fighting courageously against ples who have been subjugated by Mos­ A.B.N., by means of our national liber­ bolshevism, the Russian people is prais- cow. ation. And how is this to happen? Our eb by Stalin as being the sole, the most Gnce this has been understood, it is liberation will destroy the layer of Rus- reliable support of his power. easy to grasp why the most radical Rus­ sion imperialists who are hungry for In the fight waged by the A.B.N. sian socialists have always been im­ power and bent on loot. Russian in­ againt bolshevist tyranny, one people perialists, why they refuse to join the tellectuals will be forced to recognize is absent from the community of na­ subjugated nations in their fight against that it is possible to live without con­ quest, slavery, lies and deception. Chat, means that they will have to find possi for peace, “progressive democracy“ volution are, at bottom, only external bilities of living a peaceful, really cul­ and “social justice“. The. experience adjustments of Russia's traditional tured life, worthy of human beings, and of the last thirty years of domination imperialism, determined by the ambi­ there are many such possibilities! The by the Bolshevik system which has tious aims of Peter I. But while the Church will reflect on Christ’s teaching brought human society under the bar­ Europe of the 19th century was polit- of grace, and the Russian people will barous law “homo homini lupus est“ tically alert and resolutely opposed have to learn that intellectual and ma­ must have opened the eyes of everyone. Russian imperialism and expansion, by terial prosperity, blessed by God, can The machine of the old Russian im­ the Crimean war, forcing the Czar to only be .secured by peaceful relations perialism, provided with a new engine, give up Pan-Slavism, to-day, unfortuna­ with all neighbours. — bolshevist terrorism, — has written tely, the necessary energy and deter­ That is why we send this message to a whole chapter of history peppered mination is lacking, Although Soviet the Russian people: You can and must with crime, oppression and violence. Russia, since the October Revolution, be friends with us! You can and must Woe to the western politicians who has changed Pan-Slavism for the Com­ join us! Your may be assured that we still hope to be able to work with the munist Manifesto, Russian imperialism alone are your genuine friends'! Throw Kremlin and to solve the problem of exists to-day, faithful to the tradition your imperialists aside, for they bring world peace with Russia! The unchan­ of Peter I. you only disaster! We should like you, ged tendency of Great-Russian policy That is why the Ukrainians, like all too, to be able to enjoy the honour of as laid down in the above testament the other nations subjugated by Mos­ human dignity, that with your creative and manifested in history, shows that cow, as a .geopolitical and cultural work, you may be a good neighbour collaboration with a great Russian im­ part of Europe, appeal to the Western and a worthy member of the community perium, whether red or white, is bound Powers to be on the alert and to see of nations. Put no faith in your im­ to fail. Russian politics aright in their histor­ perialist seducers who proclaim that we The idea of an orthodox “third Rome“, ical course. Peter fs political testa­ wish to lay hands on your Russia! No, as well as the idea of Pan-Slavism, ment must be a warning to the whole we want to leave Russia to you, we let alone that of a Marxist World Re­ world. Mgr. A. L. want, moreover, that you at long last Number 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 5

Competent Criticism of the ’’Voice of America66

We publish a comment by the head of the Information Office of the Su­ The first and most important step preme Ukrainian Liberation Council (U.H.V.R.) behind the Iron Curtain, to set in motion behind the Iron Curtain, Major P. Polta wa, of the U.P.A., on the “Voice of America“. is to shake the Soviet masses out of As these most instructive remarks by a leading member of the Ukrainian their apathy, their feeling of isolation Underground Movement are an important contribution to the justified crit­ and hopelessness, which can only be icism of the transmission, we should like to mention their chief points. accomplished if the American people are able to convince Soviet peoples The author's view is all the more significant, considering the recent re­ that they sympathize with them and grettable incident when the “Voice of America“ in broadcasting the state­ wish to be active allies and friends. It ment by Harold E. S t a s s e n on the necessity of granting the non-Rus­ is a question of making the Soviet peo­ sian peoples in the Soviet Union their independence, omitted the word ples realize that the Americans are Ukraine, and, as we feel, not accidentally. Thereby the obvious trend of against the Bolshevist rule of terrorism, wherever it may be, even in the Soviet these transmissions once more comes to the fore, arousing surprise and in­ Union itself, and that they are on the dignation among Ukrainian circles, and not among them alone; which would side of the Soviet peoples in their just, seem anything else but appropriate for achieving the object aimed at by national and social struggle for liber­ ation. the “Voice of America“. The theme of American propaganda An important means in this battle died, so that both in form as well as must not be emphasis on the principle against Bolsvehist tyrants is the “Voice contents they might answer the require­ of non-interference in inner Soviet of America“ with its broadcasts for the ments of those fighting behind the affairs, but, on the contrary, it must Soviet Union. As soldiers in the fight Iron Curtain and express the feelings show active interest and the will to for liberation behind the Iron Curtain, of the Soviet people. support these peoples in their struggle 'e know very well of what tremen­ for freedom. As soon as the Soviet peo­ I. The Soviet masses must be roused ples feel that America is on their side, dous importance information which is from their apathy, from the thought true and free, is for the Soviet masses. they will lose their feeling of iso­ that they stand isolated in the world, lation will throw off that deadening To assure the effect of such infor­ and the consciousness of their defence­ apathy which is engulfing them, and mation it is essential that the psycho­ less position in face of Bolshevist that will be the first important step on logy, the way of looking at things and tyranny. The most characteristic feature the way to rousing the Soviet masses the feelings of the Soviet masses are met with in the Soviet masses is a kind to fight Bolshevist tyranny. duly taken into account. That is a of psychical paralysis caused by the perfectly comprehensible and indispen- utter terror of the all-embracing police II. It is inexpedient, from the capita­ sible condition for every kind of in­ supervision of the M.G.B.—M.V.D. and list point of view, to criticize the Bol­ formative propaganda. their horrible, inhuman and everlast­ shevist regime. The Soviet masses hate In the case of the transmissions by ing oppression. This state is also due, the Bolshevist regime and Bolshevist the “Voice of America“ for the Soviet in no small part, to the success the re­ “socialism“, but they have no yearning Union, I am bound to say that the gime has had in crushing all anti-bol- for capitalism, which was abolished in conditions above mentioned are not shevist resistance, for the terrorism of the whole territory of the present So­ always fulfilled and for that reason the M.G.B.—M.V.D. has broken the viet Union in the period from 1917 to 1920. The Soviet Masses are, for the the desired success is not forthcoming. heart of the Soviet citizen; he has lost As an active member of the armed all hope of any change, has gained the most part, decidedly against the return of capitalism, due to the outcome of the forces in the Ukrainian fight for liber­ conviction that there is no use fighting 1917—1920 revolution, which it would ation, I regard it as my duty to put against the regime, that the evil must be a mistake to belittle. Reality de­ down some remarks, in order to show be put up with and that he will have to end his days in that Bolshevik hell. mands real political expediency too. how these broadcasts should be han- Every wise policy must look real facts There are also other, outside reasons in the face. American propaganda should be the sole rulers of Russia, as for this depression; for what reaches directed to the peoples in the Soviet ^_we should like to be our own masters in his ears through the broadcasts from Union must take that into account. Bol­ Ukraine, in Byelorussia, in the Baltic the West? What impression must he get shevist rule must, above all, be criticiz­ Atates, in Cossackia, in Poland, in Cze­ from the continual assurances given by ed from the view point of the progres­ chia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ru­ the Western World in its propaganda sive elements among the peoples of the mania, Hungary, Turkestan, Caucasia for the Soviet Union, that Bolshevist Soviet Union who do not wish to re­ and eleswhere! order in the Soviet Union is an inter­ establish the old order when bolshev­ nal matter for its peoples and that the ism is overthrown, but a new, just and We should then all take up our work Western’Powers, above all U.S.A., have progressive social order. like brothers and the Almighty will no intention of interfering in internal bless us. There will then be no more affairs? Such an attitude deprives the The Ukrainian Underground Move­ bloodshed, no hatred, no destruction, no Soviet citizen of his last tiny hope of ment in which U.P.A. is incorporated, more war. Then there will be peaceful, an improvement in his lot and increas­ is a part of the progressive element in creative work, prosperity, democracy, es his feeling of isolation and defence- the fight against Bolshevism. The freedom, happiness and joy! lessness. No wonder that his apathy Ukrainian liberation movement up­ If we worked together in peaceful grows. His will to resist his oppressors, holds national independence, co-opera­ brotherhood, we should not need an and his courage is undermined, for lie tive property in industry and trade, Iron Curtain to isolate our countries. cannot understand the Western atti­ the principle of private ownership for With God’s help we should really tude, nor the policy of the U.S.A. Her the peasant, and democratic govern­ "conquer“ the world, i. e. it would be asks himself why Western propaganda ment, in the real sense of the word. open to all of us, for we should all be takes that line, a question which, in III. Criticism of Bolshevism must free to go wherever we liked. Everyone our opinion, is only too justified, con­ therefore be based on the point of would be treated as a brother wherever sidering the contrary tactics of the bol- view of each individual non-Russian he came with peaceable intentions. shevists. It is true, they declare the nation subjugated by Moscow, and must Join us then, and help to realize this principle of non-interference, but in proclaim a re-organization of the Bol­ blessed dream; You will be welcomed reality they exercise scathing criticism shevist imperium according to the prin­ as our dearest brother, our comrade-in- on the internal conditions in U.S.A., ciples of national independence for all arms. openly calling the masses to rise and peoples in the Soviet Union. The watch­ A. Skalsky (Byelorussia) fight against their government. word must be the liberation of non- Page 6 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

Russian people. The importance and the actuality of the national impetus in the Soviet-Union of today is deci­ Connections, Strange but True dedly underestimated by the West, and that is a pity. The national sensibility A Byelorussian on the Events of the Day within the individual Soviet peoples, Two events of the greatest impor­ knowledge that nations in the free and their struggle for independence tance are taking place in Korea and in world are fighting likewise against represent a power which ought under Czechoslovakia. In Korea thousands of tyranny. In this sense the freedom- no circumstances to be undervalued, the best men in the democratic world loving Byelorussians have a part, also much less disregarded. The policy of are giving their lives for freedom and in the Korean war. denationalization and russification, justice, in the conflict against Russian- practised by Czarist and Bolshevist Bolshevist imperialism. We stress the The latest events in Czechoslovakia Moscow, — always with terrorism, — words Russian-Bolshevist especially, have aroused a good deal of attention. has perhaps swamped or suppressed because it is clear to every thinking Hundreds of more or less prominent the aspiration for freedom and indepen­ person that the supreme command of stars and starlets are disappearing dence in one nation or the other, but the Communist troops in Korea is from the Soviet Czechoslovakian sky. when the time comes, its tremendous neither there, nor in Peking, but in For us that is nothing new; stars and power will be shown. The moment Moscow, and that tho organizers of this starlets disappeared from the Byelo­ the Soviet Union begins to disinte­ war are to be found in the Politburo russian Soviet sky in 19128—33—37. grate, this aspiration will be one of with Stalin at its head. Among them there were even naive scientists academicians, professors, the most important political factors; for It appears that the free democratic the longing for nationhood is strong world is now beginning to realize that writers, artists and theatre people, who among the Soviet peoples, especially in fact and we are glad that it is so, believed that it was possible to work Ukraine. It has merely been suppress­ although our pleasure is shadowed by with the Bolshevists, to say nothing ed and therefore kept concealed, but it of the real Communists of Byelorus­ is alive and will have irresistible force sian nationality as, for instance, “Pre­ once it is set in motion. sident“ Cherwyakov, Prime Minister A.B.N. fights against Haladsied, the president of the Aca­ During the 1917—1920 revolution the demy of Science, Prof. Ihnatousky, or non-Russian peoples were in a much Bolshevism and every form other leaders. They have all been sacri­ more backward state in the question of ficed by the tyrants, so that there -**** nationalism than to-day and yet the o f Russian Imperialism! not one single Byelorussian in an revolutionary spark kindled the nation­ leading position in the Byelorussian al idea, giving the whole movement a Soviet Republic. Russian imperialism in positively national sentiment and anti­ its present form of Bolshevism, does bolshevik character. That is a general­ the thought of the millions of Byelo­ not tolerate anyone with any other ly known historical fact. To-day the russian martyrs who have perished in thought but that of world revolution non-Russian peoples in the Soviet the struggle against the same imperial­ and conquest. Millions can die of star­ Union are much more awake to their ism. vation and perish as slaves if they only national and cultural possibilities and The Byelorussians were the first vic­ cry morning and evening “long live more alive to their subjection and ex­ tims in 1918—20 in this struggle for the Kremlin, our great leader and the ploitation, in spite of all the terroriza­ freedom and independence, especially great Russian people!“ Everyone must tion and the mendacity of Bolshevik forget his own language and adopt that national policy. in the great revolution in the Slukz area in November 1920, then in We- of the Kremlin, not only in political The American broadcasts must appeal lisdiki 1925, and later during the great life but also in the literal sense of the directly to the individual non-Rus­ purges in 1935, 1937—38—41. Even offi­ word. Everyone must learn Russian, sian peoples, strengthen their national cial Bolshevist statistics give the losses and if the great stars in the Communist consciousness and make full use of the as some hree million. For a people of sky of the subjected peoples will not fact of their political and cultural his­ 18 millions that is almost 20°/o of the adapt themselves, then they are simply tory. In a word appeal to their patrio­ whole population. Besides, we know put away. That has been happening tism. very well that Soviet statistics have no with us and other enslaved peoples for claim to veracity. years. In their place only faithful IV. The “Voice of America“ should And in spite of that, the Byelorussian Kremlin robots are set. Now it is the make the most of the fact of an internal people are fighting shoulder to shoulder turn of the peoples who were later anti-Bolshevist struggle within the So­ with all the other subjugated peoples. enslaved, dementis and Co. are only viet Union, and the Ukrainian Libera­ the beginning. The others will come; tion Movement. The European press has often reported about the Byelorussian partisans under the Czech Cherwyakov —. GottwaliT It is hard for us all to understand the lead of General Witushka. These and Haladsied and Zapototzki, as we why, though the Bolshevists never miss partisans with the Ukrainian, Baltic, as the Slovak Bortnyansky, and all the an opportunity of reporting the least Cossack, Caucasian, Turkestanian and others who are doing away with their dissatisfaction, disturbance or fight in those of the satellite states are the own predecessors at the moment. Rus­ any workers’ organization in the U.S.A., second front in the Korean War. The sian imperialism has no heart, no mer­ the Philippines or anywhere else, Moscow High Command in working cy, practises no indulgence and follows American propaganda almost entirely out further plans for aggression, must only one aim which is to Bolshevize overlooks the anti-bolshevik struggle take this second front into account. and Russsianize the world at any in Ukraine and in other non-Russian All our partisans are glad to know cost . . . territories; This attitude makes it ex­ that they are no longer alone in their It. is beginning to dawn on the world tremely easy for the Bolshevists; for struggle against this, the worst tyranny that it is facing a maniac. Like all it allows them to convince the World the world has ever experienced, and maniacs he is crafty and powerful and that a national political unity, hitherto that they may even count on allies. it will take strength and courage to never experienced, prevails between Our peoples, too, are hayyp in the lock him up. Cowardice and folly only the regime and the public. further his aggressiveness. Heaven be In democratic countries a campaign thanked that the free world is begin­ against the government can be carried instance, given by “the Voice of Amer­ ning to mobilize its strength and there on by legal and peaceful means, where­ ica“, would be of value for the rest is some hope that this terrible monster as in the Soviet Union that is an im­ of the world, by exposing the real con­ will soon be under control. ditions prevailing in Soviet Russia and possibility. There the most suitable and Then, at last, every people, the Byelo­ only possible means is guerilla warfare. revealing the true face of bolshevism. Such information, too, would not re­ russian too, even the Russians them­ It is wrong of the West to criticize the selves, might live in its own state, go fight of the underground movements main without influence on the resist­ ance offered by the masses in Russia quietly about its work and live in peace by the standards recognized in demo­ with the rest of the world. cratic countries. Information about the against the despotism and terrorism of Ukrainian struggle for liberation, for the Moscow regime“ . . . A. Sorkin (Byelorussia) Number 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Pag© 7

Girdle of Security, American Friends of A.B.N. or the Heel of Achilles? Extract from their Aims Moscow and its Satellites The arrest of the Czech Foreign Min­ The American Friends of Antibolshevist Bloc of Nations, Inc. was newly ister, Vladimir Glementis, and the new established, with the City of New-York as its center. The principal aim of this purge in Czechoslovakia, have brought Organization is to fight Russian Communism — Bolshevism and its fifth columns the problem of Moscow’s satellites into in the II. S. A. the news again. As we know, the West The free democratic world is uniting and preparing for the great crusade looked on, almost appreciatively, after against Bolshevist Russian imperialism. It becomes an obligation of the U. S. A. to World War II., while Russia set io work to draw a gridle of security from do its utmost in leading the free and good forces.of the world to liberation from Poland to Bulgaria around the Soviet evil forces of Bolshevism. We must devote our full energy to strengthening our Union. It goes without saying that Rus­ own forces in the country and making the freedom loving peoples behind the sia hoped greatly to strengthen her Iron Curtain our faithful and reliable friends. Winning their confidence means power by a close bond with east Euro­ to the A. B. N. and its peoples coming as a PARTNER, with a clear and just idea pean satellite states. of mutual UNDERSTANDING, which is often more effective than arms. This is During the first years, the satellite sys­ the purpose of the American Friends of A. B. N.: tem appeared to function as desired, as The earlier this sympathy and confidence are won, the sooner these two the peoples in the east were hard hit partners, — the Western World and the A. B. N. forces — will come into closer by the war and its economic after- collaboration; such policy will bring better results for both sides and less math, and they grasped at help where it was to be had quickly. sacrifice; the quicker Bolshevist imperialism is annihilated, the sooner real freedom and real peace will be established. As realists the Russians were well Believing in the principles of freedom, human rights, protected by the aware that, in the long run, a Com­ munist regime in the satellite states Constitution of the U. S. A.; was only to be maintained by ruthless supporting religious efforts in the psychological offensive against Communism terrorism. And indeed without Mos­ Bolshevism; the Organization of the American Friends of ABN. will endeavour: cow’s intervention the Communist re­ to unmask the real aims of Communism — Bolshevism and point at its gime in these states would probably immediate danger for the free world; have been swept away in the first days after the war. The repeated purges to reveal the savage inhumanity of the Russian Communist system and prove that the Communist regime, sub­ propagate a true democratic order for all the peoples behind the Iron ject to Moscow’s beck and call, has not Curtain; been able to conquer the hearts of the people. to enlighten the American people on the danger of the infiltration of Communism into the United States, This girdle of countries created by the Soviet Union for the sake of se­ to aid all forces fighting against Communist — Bolshevist aggression and curity is now proving a fatal burden. infiltration in the U. S. A.; Politically the Satellite States' are to enlist support for the Antibolshevist Bloc of Nations on the religious, anything but reliable. A well known social, political and economic fronts. European newspaper reports that the Hungarian government, to show its The Antibolshevist Bloc of Nations (A. B. N.), created in 1943, is an alliance svmnathy, fitted out an ambulance of the national liberation centres and organizations of the nations of Central and train, complete with doctors and nur­ Eastern Europe and Asia, enslaved by Russian Bolshevism. The purpose of the ses. and sent it to North Korea. At the A. B. N. is the establishment of just order in Central and Eastern Europe as well verv first opportunity the whole per­ sonnel went over to the Americans. as in Asia, based on the principle of self-determination of nations; on the idea That kind of tiling would be a common of independence — sovereignty of national states within ethnic borders and on occurrence should a European conflict the idea of social justice and prosperity. This is possible — in the opinion of the break out. Tt may be presumed, without A. B. N. — only by annihilating Russian Bolshevism and overcoming Muscovite exaggeration, that whole detachments, ijaperialism by revolutionary uprisings of the peoples within the U. S. S. R. The «p+h flags flving would go over to the ^ ongest external blows, resulting from a war against the Soviet Russian impe­ West when opportunity offered. There rialists, without simultaneous cooperation of A. B. N. forces, cannot he sufficient is no shadow of doubt that such occur­ or decisive for the liberation of the world from the threat of Russian aggression. rences would have a demoralizing effect on their Russian comrades. We — the American Friends of A. B. N. — are of the opinion that the war, which Economically the Satellite States is inevitable can only be won with the help of the A. B. N., this Third Power, were very soon exploited Moscow’s re­ the peoples who are fighting for freedom against Russia. The A. B, N. ist the only fusal to permit them to have a part in organization which deosn‘t forget any nation or people in its struggle for freedom the Marshall plan — as originally pro­ against Bolshevist Russian domination, holding that every one has the same posed— the partial loss of their west­ God-given right to be free. That is the highest merit of the A. B. N. and that is ern markets, and the utterly inade- why we deem it just and wise to create our organization, the American Friends rruate supply of raw materials and in­ of A. B. N.; We are firmly convinced that ONLY A. B. N. is capable, in case of dustrial products bv the Russians, have war, to form and organize the SECOND FRONT; ONLY A. B. N. is capable of produceed an economic situation in Eastern Europe which make pre-war bringing ALL SUBJUGATED NATIONS into this Second Front; ONLY A. B. N. conditions look like the “golden age“. is capable of assisting the United States and the Western World effectively in the “global struggle for freedom‘s eternal survival.“ What is Russia to do in case of.war? Either she must place weapons in the We feel that through our efforts we shall help preserve our democracy and hands of unreliable satellite soldiers secure for all nations and individuals the freedom that we so dearly cherish. who will one day turn them against The American Friends of A. B. N. are confident to find full understanding by all, their oppressors, or she must send mil­ for their noble task and firmly believe that Almighty God will grant His lions of ablebodied men to the interior, abundant support. thereby increasing the number of her slaves, and take over the defence of the For the Executiv Council of A. F. A. B. N.: Satellite States herself. It is easy to imagine the attitude of the civilian Chairman: Geza Erenyi Secretary General: Dr. Nestor Procyk population towards Russian soldiers Page 8 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

Washington’s Blunder... Appeal to the Free World (Continued from Page 1)

The Association of the Free Press of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic terpretation“ by the State Department and the Balkans, in Germany, resolved unanimously at the general meeting expressed in the following terms: held in Munich, March 3, this year, to address the free world in a proclama­ “The U.S.A. has always cherished tion which we give below verbatim, though slightly abridged. the greatest friendship, respect and sympathy for the great Russian people. This proclamation, in the name of the press representatives living in free­ The U.iS.A. has always opposed and dom, of Byelorussia, Esthonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Ru­ still opposes the dividing up the Russ­ mania, Ukraine, Czecho-Slovakia and Serbia, is an impressive document ian Imperium, or the separation of of publistic responsibility and is a warning which cannot easily be over­ certain territories from it!“ heard by the world. Simultaneously, the Deputy State Sec­ The document runs: retary, Jack K. McFall, indulged in loud protestations, saying, among other “As the few representatives living Material poential has no value, unless things, “In President Wilson's bio­ it is used to realize an ideal. in freedom we voice the public opinion graphy in the Soviet encyclopaedia of of our subjected peoples. By pretending that the present war 1932 there is not a word to support With dismay we realize that after is only “a colcl war“ it is hoped that Pospyelow's reproach that the Ver­ peace will be maintained. thirty—three years of Bolshevist ter­ sailles Peace Treaty aimed at annihila­ rorism, the free world has not seen The attempt is made to preserve free­ ting the Soviet Republic and cutting through this system and does not seem dom while it has actually long been up Russia. Facts prove the exact op­ given up, for freedom is indivisible. to care to. posite. The Germans were forced to The Kremlin tyrants have long pro­ We state that although the political quash the “disgraceful“ treaty of Brest nounced the death sentence for the Litovsk and to recognize the inviolabil­ errors are admitted to-day which made whole world-. Now the western world ity of all territory belonging to Russia. it possible for the Soviet government seeks to postpone the execution. What to enslave, first of all, the peoples of price will be asked and paid? Who is We must give the misled Russi—**, the old Russian empire and after World the next victim? peoples our friendship, our respect a. War II to occupy new states and de­ Have the many' nations which were our sympathy.“ prive. their people of freedom, the free sacrificed been forgotten? Does the In face of this most surprising inter­ world still refuses to draw the logical still free world believe that it still has mezzo in America‘9 present political consequences for future policy towards a right to live when it keeps silence attitude towards this highly impor­ the Soviet Union. The free world de­ about and tolerates the fate of countless tant problem we can only say that clares itself ready to-day to sit around millions languishing under Communist we cannot see what “friendship, respect tyranny? a table with the Soviet despots, in or­ and sympathy (which after all is due der to reach some understanding. In the name of all these people and to every people, and to which every our enslaved nations we raise our people has a certain right) for Russia,“ We ask: voices. has to do with the indivisibility of When has the Soviet government If we are to remain slaves, you too the great Russian autocratic Empire. ever respected an international agree­ will have the same fate! We cannot and will not believe that the ment? If we regain peace and freedom you freedom — loving, progressive democ­ What agreement entered upon have and your children will never become racy of the United States of America slaves! the Kremlin tyrants ever kept? feels bound, out of love and sympathy There is only one goal: Human dig­ for the Russian people, to grant a char­ What does the free world expect in nity, as Christianity teaches, is to be ter to-day and in future to the gover­ trying to make a compromise with its respected where it exists and to be ning men in Moscow to hold over own enemy? brought back to the world where it has IOO million alien people under their It is a fatal mistake to suppose that been lost through any kind of tyranny, brutal domination and go on exter­ — Stalinism, Leninism, Titoism etc. freedom and tyranny can live side by minating them. We believe rather that Freedom for nations must be upheld side . . . where it exists and re-instated where the Russian people can only gain tbft. . . . Freedom can only be preserved it has been abolished. “respect“of the world, and dignity, turning away from the greed for power if tyranny is annihilated wherever it There is only one way: To make no and conquest, from its boundless im­ is met with. compromise with the Soviet govern­ perialism and by forming its future The free world is deceiving itself in ment, to cherish no suicidal idea of neu­ trality. state according to the principles of the relying only on its material strength. Atlantic Charter, with due regard to the Our peoples are fighting alone. They sacred and immutable right of its are ready to fight with the free world, for in spite of all disappointment, they neighbour nations. after their own men had been deported. have not lost faith in justice or the Now what is the object at the pres­ However one looks at things, and hope of freedom. ent moment, of the official declaration, whatever solution the Kremlin is think­ on the part of America, of the “in­ ing of, if the worst should come to the Make the liberation of our peoples worst, a solution favourable to the Bol­ your objective. violability“ of all territory belonging shevists is hardly possible. Destroy the enemy from within. to the Soviet Union? Appeasement of Moscow, the stirring up of Russian im­ Therein lie invaluable chances for We appeal to the press of the free perialistic elements against the Bolshe­ the West, a far-sighted, wise policy fol­ world and emphasize the tremendous lowed by the West in those countries, responsibility which will rest upon vist regime, or both together? and, beyond that, co-operation with those who have the task of keeping We can assure the official American the anti-Moscow elements there and in public opinion on the right path. departments that they were ill-advised. Russia itself, might change Moscow’s Proclaim the truth. Show the danger Any “success“ that they may have ex­ security girdle into a security belt for of world-wide Bolshevist conspiracy. pected would be too ephemeral and West Europe, and, if things took a serious turn, be the means of building Proclaim the fight for freedom, peace would in no way counter-balance the up a second front behind the Iron and justice for all oppressed people devastating effect of such statements on Curtain, S—on and nations.“ the hearts of the 160 millions of ensla- . Number 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 9

If we have understood the signs of the times aright, the period of appease­ Nations Await the Signal ment, of tyring to reach an under­ It is easy to imagine the hopes and standing with Moscow, is over. Korea Kerenski or for any other imperialist has shown the entire free world what desires with which the subjugated na­ Russian aim. And these nations behind the Kremlin’s desire for peace is worth! tions behind the Iron Curtain accom­ the Iron Curtain declare that they claim panied Eisenhower’s tour of Europe. No understanding can be reached with the realization of the principles of the bolshevism and Russian imperialism, From the Baltic to the shores of the Atlantic Charter. If the West is clear for Moscow’s first principle is brute Black Sea and the peaks of the Caucas­ about this, nothing can separate us; our force. This, in our opinion, does away us, throughout the entire Russian em­ union is perfect in our common love of with all considerations and diplomatic pire, held together by force, everyone freedom and justice. listened, putting the anxious question: practices. But cooperation must come quickly. The hour calls for UNITY, unity in “When shall we be free again? And Invaluable services can be rendered to when will we be called to arms to win the cause of Freedom by members of battle against Russian bolshevist ag­ our freedom back?“ our nations in the West, with their gression. The second front behind the Iron great political, geographical and ethnic When it is attacked from without and Curtain is ready to throw off the yoke knowledge. Thai? couriers bring news combated from within, the Russian des­ of the oppressors whenever the first of living conditions and events behind potic system will collapse. A Russia front of the West is set up. the Iron Curtain. In the U.S.S.R. and that is divided into its separate inde­ Everywhere in the Russian empire the satellite states, organizations of pendent states within the ethnic front­ there are enemies of the regime, even resistance seek to maintain close con­ iers of the nations now subjugated, will in the offices of bolshevist terrorist ad­ tact with important Western agencies. never be a danger for the rest of the ministration and even in the Red Army. Eminent military leaders are to be world. The future will show the importance found -among those anti-communist or­ The subjugated nations await the of this second front of internal resist­ ganizations. signal!!! ance. Napoleon’s and Hitler’s campaigns against Russia demonstrated that she could not be conquered for good with- United Workers in Exile to acknowledged officially and confirm qyS the help of the subjugated na- again, that behind the Iron Curtain an l, and these nations desire their There will be a conference in Paris armed anti-Bolshevist fight for freedom freedom today, as they have always of delegates of the emigrant workers is going on. done; when the West advances, the from the subjugated peoples of East The Bishops, as the prosecution, sta­ second front will rise in the country and South-East Europe who are mem­ ted among other things, were in close and Stalin will not be able to proclaim bers of Christian Trade Unions. The connection with the Ukrainian Resis­ a national war of liberation. The West conference will begin on March 3'lst, tance and had assisted Ukrainian In­ will con.uer only by means of strategic and is the first of its kind. surgent couriers to reach West Europe. and political cooperation with this This unusual event is to demon­ That respected and influential Fa­ front. The West has not at its disposal strate the unity of the workers from as many armies as are necessary to ’ thers of the Church in the Soviet sphere subjugated countries with those of the of influence behind the Iron Curtain, occupy the entire extent of the gigantic free world, and, at the same time, the Russian empire. But the second front are systematically prosecuted in order inauguration of a mutual labour front to silence them, is one ol the old, ap­ will break the power of the Russian is proposed. Steps will be taken to fur­ colossus. The Second World War show­ proved methods' of Russian-Bolshevist ther the idea of Christian Trade Unions terrorism in all subjected countries, ed. what partisans could do in the East; among workers in exile and to prepare, the most glprious name in the history and in this respect the trial at Press- for the future, directives for spreading burg was nothing out of the way, but of guerilla warfare is that of the U.P.A. the programme and ideological aims of The desire of the subjugated nations what was remarkable was the admis­ Christian Trade Unions in countries sion that is stamped on the reverse side behind the Iron Curtain is invincible now under subjection. and the Russian lust for power will be of this slanderous accusation, namely checked by this desire for freedom, The free delegates in Paris will not the official confirmation by the Soviets once the West gives the signal to start. only speak for the workers in exile, of the existence of an underground or­ but for millions in subjugated coun­ ganization which is in a position to get In his report to Washington, Eisen­ its couriers through to west Europe hower said that he would like to fight tries who are deprived of any possibil­ ity of organizing and leading a free life, and keep in constant touch with the only with soldiers who joined the army exiles and their organizations there. o^—Mieir own free will. Well, hundreds owing to conditions prevailing in those o. .Aousandg of members of subjugated countries and the inhuman treatment It is, however, not the imprisoned meted out to the workers. These del­ nations who have the good fortune to Bishops alone who support the under­ egates will be fulfilling a sacred duty live in the West, agree joyfully with ground movement and help to maintain General Eisenhower and millions be­ towards their comrades at home, in communications, but here in Slovakia, stating their case. They will uphold the hind the Iron Curtain are waiting only interests of their countrymen before as well as in all other areas where the for the battle signal. the free world and do everything in U.P.A. operates, the resistance meets These millions and millions, it is true, their power for their liberation. with the active support of the broad would fight for the liberation of their masses in our subjugated countries. country and their independence. They Under the patronage of the Interna­ would never fight and bleed for a tional Federation of Christian Syndi­ restoration of a “Great“ Russia under cates, the representatives of Bulgarians, Ukrainian Insurgens in Rumanians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Cro­ Upper Silesia ats, Czechs and others, will meet the ved people, whose power of resistance delegates of the free world and pro­ Through the failure of the Polish and readiness to fight against bolshe­ claim the aspiration of their peoples police in their conflict with Ukrainian vism will lose incentive if the only for national freedom, a state of their Inpendents who are operating in own and social justice. prospect before them is to be left in groups in Upper Silesia, the Polish the clutches of the Moscow despots. government has been compelled to From the standpoint of psydiologi- The Reverse Side of a Calumny organize fighting detachments in Upper cal warfare it is in truth a serious The staged trial of the Slovak Bishops Silesia. Hitherto fighting against the mistake, the consequences of which Jan Yojtassak and Michael B u - well-armed Insurgents has ended with will certainly be no less regretted in z a 1 k a and the Ukrainian Bishop Pav- the defeat of the Poles, as recent eye­ the future by the Americans than the lo H o j d y c h, held recently at Press- witnesses report. Polish losses have fuct itself is to-day by our peoples. burg, has caused the Bolshevist press been considerable. Page 10 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

towns. Innumerable discussions were U.P.A. Expeditions in Rumania held to enlighten the people on politi­ cal subjects, some meetings were also Editor’s note: This report is taken from “Oseredok Propahandy i Infor- arranged. Lieutenant Perebyjnis, who maciyi“ (Centre for Propaganda and Information), No. 4, 3rd year, May 1950. speaks Rumanian, was able to answer These sheets appear illegally in Ukraine and are published by the Ukrain­ the numerous questions put to him ian Underground Movement. The report below is an extract from notes by the Rumanian people. Efforts were made by Captain Khmara, Commandant of a U.P.A. detachment. also made to get into touch with the Rumanian underground. The insur­ U.P.A. expeditions outside the fron­ through Rumanian-Ukrainian villages. gent remained on Rumanian territory tiers of the Soviet-Union, through the They passed through the district for two weeks. territory of the so-called People’s De­ around the towns of Vichev and Siget. When the Rumanian government mocratic Republics, occupy a special In some villages a halt of two or three heard of the presence of the U.P.A. de­ place in the history of the Ukrainian days was made. The Rumanian mili­ tachment. they sent troops armed with Underground Movement. The inhabi­ guns and mine­ tants of these Republics, who are ac­ throwers against tually under the domination of the them. Thanks to Kremlin, are to-day the natural allies information re­ of the Ukrainian people, also subjugat­ ceived through ed by Moscow. the population, the Between 1945 and 4-7, detachments of insurgents were the U.P.A. went on expeditions outside able to withdraw the Soviet Union, through Czechoslo­ to the mountains vakian and Polish, as well as through in time. The shells Byelorussian territory. These expedi­ sent after them tions strengthened the friendship with into the woods mis­ other subjugated peoples and awaken­ sed their target. ed their interest and sympathy for the Ukrainian revolutionary struggle for Although the liberation. They also spread the idea frontier gua '“"'V that revolutionary underground meth­ had been reinU_ • ods were indispensable in the fight ced on both sides. against Bolshevik oppressors. Captain Khmara In 1949-, in summer, a U.P.A. detach­ was able to lead ment, under the command of Captain his men by de­ Khmara was sent by General Taras vious paths back Chuprynka, C.-I.-C. of the U.P.A., on to their quarters. a propaganda expedition through some A district commander of the U.P.A. with his staff in the They were in sa­ areas of the so-called Rumanian De­ woods of the subjected native country. fety on July 27, mocratic Republic. The glorious tradi­ 1949. tion of U.P.A. was to be upheld by tia was afraid to leave the towns, while The news of this expedition spread these expeditions. guards at the bridges retreated without like wild fire through the whole of The object was to enlighten the resisting. Everywhere the detachment Rumanian and contributed in no small Rumanian population as to the aims was made welcome. Thousands of leaf­ measure to strengthening the anti-So­ and methods of the Ukrainian fight for lets were distributed in villages and viet attitude there. freedom, and the spoliatory character of bolshevist despotism, and finally to call up the Rumanian and Ukrainian The Fate of the Turko-Tartar Peoples populations beyond the frontiers for a revolutionary fight against Bolshe­ vik imperialists and their agents. What is the social political life of the Kujbyshew, Orenburg, Swerdlowsk, Turko-Tatar peoples in the Idel-Ural Chelabinsk and others are among Before they marched off, the U.P.A. area like, under bolshevist rule? Before these. In dividing up this area the bol- detachment was supplied with the ne­ answering this question it must be said shevists followed the principle of di­ cessary number of . leaflets and revolu­ that the Turko-Tatars have been de­ vide et impera. It is true, the Turk^ tionary literature in the Rumanian prived of all rights as masters in their Tatar autonomous republics poss and Ukrainian languages. Lieutenant own country, under the Bolshevist sys­ their “own national governments“, on Perebyjnis was attached to the expedi­ tem. In the Idel-Ural area Russian paper. The puppet governments, how­ tion as Captain Khmara’s political ad­ Bolshevists rule just as they like. After ever, are merely the executive organs viser. subjecting these Tatar areas, Moscow for Moscow’s instructions. In no case in On June 17, 1949, the detachment set divided up the territory of Idel-Ural the Bolshevist imperium, have either off from their headquarters for the Ru­ into separate autonomous puppet re­ the autonomous governments or their manian frontier. In the Zhabje area, publics and special governmental dis­ people any right of decision; vital the other side of mount Pip Iwan, they tricts, in spite of the desperate resistan­ >roblems, such as the construction of halted to reconnoitre. Up on an alpine ce of the Turko-Tatars and Ugro-Finns. new industrial plants, the economic pasture, a U.P.A. patrol encountered a Their number and borders have been exploitation of important natural re­ Bolshevist frontier unit, which they dis­ changed from year to year. To-day in sources of the countries in question, or persed after a short engagement. Two the Idel-Ural area there are the fol­ the choice of certain economic forms frontier guards were killed, the insur­ lowing autonomous republics: Tatar of development, lie no longer within gents captured arms and equipment. A.S.S, Bashkir A.S.S.R., Chuwash A.S. the competency of the peoples, but At noon the same day the detach­ S.R., Mari A.S.S.R., Udmud A.S.S.R., alone with Moscow. In the Bolshevist ment crossed over into Rumanian terri­ Mordwin A.S.S.R. The A.S.S.R. of the system of administration the national tory. At the alpine hamlet of Herscht, Volga-Germans was liquidated in 1941. governments have a minimum of im­ the detachment halted again and got It must not be forgotten, however, portance. In each republic Moscow has into contact with the Rumanian pea­ that Moscow included only one third a sleuth whose official title sounds sants. The insurgents were well re­ of the Idel-Ural territory in these quite innocent: Secretary of the District ceived and aroused much interest; the autonomous republics, the rest was Committee of the K.P. A European, not ncessary information was readily vol­ formed into different governmental knowing the secrets of Bolshevist tac­ unteered and food supplies given. districts having no political or adminis­ tics, could never imagine that a man Soon afterwards, they left the moun­ trative connection with the autonomous with such a title had anything else to tains and continued their march republics. The districts of Astrakhan, do but write party reports or propa- Number 4 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Page 11

The Anniversary Resistance in Slowakia of Byelorussian’s Independence “Die Neue Wiener Tageszeitung“, a A-s the London “Daily Telegraph“ On March 25, the Byelorussian peo­ paper which is said to have good con­ learns the various detachments are arm­ ple are celebrating the 33rd anniver­ nections with Slovak nationalists, ed with light automatic weapons and sary of the day, — in 1918, — they de­ writes on February 24, 1951, of sharp portable radio transmitters. According clared the independence of their re­ fighting between Czechoslovakian gov­ to some accounts their number is about public, after a national revolution. 5.000. ernment troops and the Slovakian The free Byelorussian state was but short-lived, for the West at that time partisans in the Tatra mountains. The The chief operations are against the strategically important east-west com- had not comprehended the historical paper has also learned that the Czecho­ moment which had come with the dis­ slovakian Minister of the Interior, solution of the old Russian Empire. Nosek, has been ordered by the Soviets The importance of the newly arisen na­ to put a stop to partisan activity and tional republics in the territory of the sabotage by the middle of March. Russian prison of nations was not re­ cognized, and so the opportunity was * * * lost to stop the continuation of Rus­ The Vice-President of the Slovak sian imperialism which was beginning Liberation Committee, Igor Bazovsky, to show its head under the Soviet Sys­ who is just now in London, addressed tem. the following letter to the editor of the Since then thirty-three years have “Daily Telegraph“: passed, but the freedom-loving Byelo­ russians have never ceased struggling "Sir — May I comment on your re­ for their freedom and independence, in port of the fighting by partisans in spite of the blood and tears of Bolshev­ Slovakia? Slovak Partisans are by no ist terrorism. On the occasion of this means “national Communists“ ; they 33rd. anniversary of Byelorussia's are anti-Communist nationalists. Their From enslaved Slovakia declaration of independence, we of the /‘=s^vity goes back as far as 194b and Inscription on a wall: common front of the A.B.N. greet our „Long live Dr. F. Dureansky“ / We want an Byelorussian comrades and' the whole 1 ^ /, when the closest ties were estab­ independent Slovakia! people, confident that Eastertide in lished with Ukrainian Insurgents. which this day falls will be a promise This Slovak National Insurgent Move­ munications, for instance, the railway for the resuscitation of Byelorussia's ment has been organised and led by line between Ruzomberok and Poprad liberty, in the near future. the Slovak Liberation Committee in in the valley of the Waag, along which collaboration with the Ukrainian In­ the Czechoslovakian goods for the So­ For the Anniversary of the surgent Army and the anti-Bolshevik viet Union are conveyed. At least three Independence of the Croatia group of nations.“ attacks are said to have been made in­ * * * side a week on this line. Moreover, the April 10, will be the 10th anniversa­ partisans undertake reprisals against In the last few weeks Slovakian ry of the day on which Croatia restored villages with notorious Communistic its independent national State. A State Resistance has received a new impetus. mayors, where the population has been Armed groups are carriyng, on a real which can look back on a thousand- cruelly treated. In one or two villages year-old tradition. guerilla war against Communist police the mayors responsible for such hap­ units. Most of the leaders and numer­ For this occasion we have received penings have been killed or dragged an article specially written by Prof. ous fighters in these groups belonged off to the mountains. to former partisan units operating dur­ Andrija 11 i c, who is at present in Lon­ ing the war in the Banska Bystryca Partisan groups are beging continu­ don. We much regret that lack of space area. Today again they have their hid­ ally reinforced, generally by deserters prevents us from publishing the ar­ ing-places in the Tatra and Fatra from the army or evicted landowners ticle in this issue. mountains. and peasants. Some of these deserters We reserve the right, however, of are said to have brought with them publishing the article in our next num­ the only existing map with the mine­ ber in view of the importance of Cro­ ganda circulars. In reality he has quite fields marked. atia’s great day. other tasks, to fulfil he actually has s ^ th e power; for all the orders from jcow to the autonomous republics go through his hands. The “heads“ of From the Ukrainian Representatives in the A .B . N. these “governments“ tremble before him. For example; in the Tatar auton­ we have received the following dementi: omous republic, up to World war II, the Russian Bolshevist, Alemassoff, was According to Reuter, part of the world press reported that discussions had taken secretary of the district committee of place between leading Ukrainian, Polish, Turkestanian, Aserbaijanian, Georgian, the K.P. He lived in Kazan with his Cossack, Czech, Croat, Slovak politicians and British anti-Communists. family, in a castle surrounded by a stonewall and guarded day and night Among other things, the report alleges that an agreement has been concluded by N.K.V.D. units, while the head of between the Ukrainians and the Poles, by which a joint administration is to be set the government with his family had to put up with two rooms in an old house up in West Ukraine (“Polish Ukraine“? — Ed.) and a plebiscite held on the belonging to the municipal housing question of a local government . . . office. Although the Moscow Bolshev­ ists have the power, still they fear the 1) The Ukrainian delegates have had no discussions with Poles on the question subjugated Turko-Tatars and for this of West Ukraine, thus no agreement could have been concluded. reason will not allow them to establish 2) The Poles did not take part in this conference. their own national army units or their own police and administrative offices. 3) There is no question of the integrity of West Ukraine. West Ukraine was, Strong detachments of the Soviet army, is and will remain an inseparable part of Ukraine. mostly N.K.V.D, troops, are posted in 4) There is no foundation either, for the statement about the possibility of a this area, on which Moscow builds its hopes of “ re-educating“ the Turko-Ta- plebiscite. tar population. Ukrainian Representatives Ing. A. Batu (Idel-Ural) in the A.B.N. Page- 12 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 4

From the Soviet Press: the Moscow paper “Isvestija“ of Ja­ able Soviet institutions have first prior­ nuary 18, 1950. ity. The report also shows that domes­ tic building only reached 52% of the It would be n ic e i f ... At first the paper declares that the cry “We want to learn from the collect­ plan for the year. Most of the Latvian Tire Right Words iu the Wrong' Place ive peasants and workers“ has become workers have lived in crowded barracks the motto for the peasants in all the since the war — 1950 did not bring The Kiew newspaper, “Radvanska People’s Democracies in Europe, then them any relief. Ukrayina“, a paper of the Central com­ continues word for word: The health of the population is not mittee of the Communist-Party and the “There is no sphere in the People’s among the things that worry the Soviet government of Soviet Ukraine, publish­ regime: the Ministry for Public Health ed a noteworthy article January 30, Democracy in which the application of Soviet experience has not led to ex­ has fulfilled only 75% of its plan. 1951. from which we quote the follow­ Every fourth hospital, policlinic, sana­ ing: cellent results; has not opened new perspectives and brought forth hero- torium etc. of those promised for 1950. “The great Russian people has help­ workers . . . In Czechoslovakia, and failed to be built. Solicitude for inva­ ed the Ukrainian people to rid itself Poland, in Hungary and Rumania, in lids and the aged is feebler still: the of the yoke of social and national op­ Bulgaria and Albania, iu the Chinese Ministry for Social Insurance has ful­ pression, to acquire its sovereignty and People’s Republic and in the German filled only 38 per cent of its plan for defend it in heavy figthing against its Democratic Republic more and more “capital investments“ . The population enemies. workers are fighting to improve the of the occupied countries is fed with Thanks alone to the indestructible quality of their production after the planned figures, and sees none of the friendship and ready help of the great methods os Alexander/ Tschutkin; take benefits which the Soviet regime pro­ Russian people and other brother na­ over the rapid working of metals-after mised them. At the same time they are tions, the dreams and hopes of the Pawel Bykow’s method; organize their daily made to curse the time of their Ukrainian people for a free life, its collective work after the Nikolai Ros- independence, when they lived happily own State and independence, for the sijskij method; save raw and other and properously, and to thank Stalin reuniting of all Ukrainian territory in materials bv the Lidija Korabelnikowa for favours which exist only on paper. a single State, have been realized. Un­ method etc.' . . . The best workers, men der the Soviet star, re-united Ukraine and women, of science and art, come to The Barden of Collective blossoms in the family of Soviet peo­ the Soviet Union from these lands, as ples for ever and ever.“ to a great university of modern life. Farming in Estonia —^ They come to learn how to build, how The “Rahawa Haal“, the official com­ to overcome difficulties and make the Attempted Revolution munist paper of Soviet Esthonia; pub­ splendid, illustrious edifice of the new lished the following report recently. in Prague world, and they return to their homes rich in experience and knowledge.“ Unheard-of cases of peasants secretly The Soviet press acknowledges that Anyone with some knowledge of Rus­ leaving Soviet collective farms have an attempt has been made in the sian history knows that Russian mes­ occurred more than once. Most of such Czechoslovakian “People’s Republic“. sianic propaganda was the same in the cases are reported from Abja, in the An article on the subject in the Mos­ 18th and 19th centuries, when lousy district of Viljandi where, for instance, cow paper „Isvestija“, of March 1, 1951, Russian conqeurors enslaved cultural members of the Raja colehose tried to runs as follows. countries like Ukraine, Georgia etc. run away in a body. The peasant J. “In his communication, Kopetskv has and brought the “light of civilization Hail, was made responsible for this revealed the contents of documents and culture“ from Russia. “monstrous crime“, as he was alleged to which illustrate the espionage of Otto have been the ringleader and incited Shling, the old agent of western im­ Welfare of the Population the others to rebel. perialists. From these documents, The paper is proud to report that, on too, the pernicious activity of M. Shwer- A fortnight ago the Statistical Board investigation by the authorities, he was mova is made evident. She was the of the Latvian S.S.R. published its re­ proved to be a “Kulak“ and “removed“. head of a widespread conspiracy aim­ port on the realization of the economic Nothing is said about what happened to ing at overthrowing the Party and plan in 1950. To stress the “great achieve­ the others. The paper merely points out State, detaching Czechoslovakia from ments of the Soviet Regime“ the that "it is not permissible to leave a the peace group directed by the Soviet report maintains that “as regards total collective farm on a member’s own Union, and re-introducing capitalism .. . output in 1950 the plan has been accom­ initiative“. Stefan Bashtowanskij revealed to the plished 108 per cent.“ The same bad management in other Central Committee of the Communist Even admitting that the report is places has led to hostility towards c^L Party of Czechoslovakia the espionage truthful, it is amazing to observe how lecti v-e farming, for instance in the c carried out by Vlado Clementis and little the Soviet government cares for of “Koit“ the colehose in Lohsiiu. The,..,, the hostile policy of the bour­ the needs of the local inhabitants. most of the field-work was left undone geois-nationalist wing of the Commun­ Since the turnover for 1950 only reach­ and the peasants were reduced to ab­ ist Party in Slovakia. The Central ed 96% of the amount estimated in ject poverty. Party inspectors maintain­ Committee unanimously accepted a the plan, the population has not even ed that L. Kiik, the leader of the field- motion to expel V. Clementis, G. Gus- received the small quantity of goods workers and his son, Meinhard Kiik, sak and L. Novomesky from the Cent­ which was not to be shipped to the were to blame for all shortcomings. But ral Committee and the Party, and to U.S.S.R.. but was reserved for local when- M. Sild, the Party’s Commissar deprive them of their seats in parlia­ consumers. It is not only chance that mentioned this in a members’ meeting, ment.“ “Sovietskaia Latvia“ of January “pub­ he was much surprised when the peas­ lished the complimentary letter of a ants contradicted saying that it was Muscovite, on the quality of Latvian not the two Kiiks, but the system that Russian Messiahship goods. This letter -says, inter alia: “The was to blame. They even threatened Muscovite knows that textiles from him, shouting: “Don’t you dare come For centuries the Russians have been here again!“ making inroads upon one country after Riga are attractive, wear well and do the other; for centuries they have en­ not bleach.“ J. Kiik and his son are reported to slaved one people after the other, and The picture is more gloomy still when have been “removed“. always they have tried to persuade the one sees that the transport of firewood victims of their imperialism that they in 1950 was only 81%. Firewood is the are fortunate in being allowed to live principal fuel in Latvia today, for the ABN-Correspondence P.O.Box 70, under Russian rule, for Russia alone is cost of importing coal from Ukraine is Munich 33, Germany/Bavaria in a position to bring them the "light exorbitant. Falling short of the target of civilization“ . What Russian messiah­ here means that the urban population Published by the Press Bureau of the ship looks like in its modern form, may of Latvia was cold this winter and is Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) be gathered from a leading article in so still, for industry and the innumer­ Responsible: K. W. Orlecky