Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals ! CORRESPONDENCE MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS Vol.II / Number 5 English Edition May 1951 (uclitß-t'icih Mass Revolution against Bolshevism and Russian Imperialism The friction between the U.S.S.R. attitude in case of war, which explains must be recognized and properly and the Western Powers, and the grow­ the ridiculous contradictions in Bol­ estimated by the revolutionaries, in ing possibility of a new world is of shevist policy and propaganda of late. order to make the best use of it and ever increasing importance for the On one side, they boast of fantastic fit it into the plans for an active war; development of the revolutionary rearmament and military strength for the effect of permanent terrorism, movements in bolshevist controlled against the alleged aggression and war and propaganda as to the invincibility countries. Preparations for war, and potential of the West, on the other they of the Russian imperium, is not to be un­ still more, war itself will mean greater issue Draconic laws against the spread der-rated. The suggestion, drummed ''“^pression and general distress; on the of war talk. Everyone knows that this into the people, that resistance is mad­ .ner hand the anti-Bolshevist attitude new wave of mass terrorism, under the ness and that all the sacrifice is in vain among the masses will be strengthen­ cover of a love of freedom, is in real­ and that it would be so mudi more ed thereby. ity, not directed against material and reasonable to submit and adapt one­ The thought of war is always pres­ psychological preparations for war, self, in order to live at all, is all too ent with the Soviet people, overshad­ which the Bolshevist regime is pushing insidious and persuasive. Resignation, owing everything in their daily lives. at high speed, but solely to keep the however, would be the greatest ob­ It is not morbid or a passing mood, but revolutionary spirit and hopes, cherish­ stacle in a liberation revolt. That stone a reality, arising from the whole trend ed by the masses, in check. wall must be overthrown first of all, of Bolshevism, and supported by the The hope of a war waged by the so that the revolutionary potential, world situation. Western Powers against the U.S.S.R. is strengthened by the hatred of the ru­ The broad masses of the nations sub­ a real factor which might neutralize ling powers and the longing to abolish jected by Bolshevism expect war, the effect of the propaganda that Bol­ them, may break through, to fill the although they are fully conscious of shevism is all powerful and Russian minds and strengthen the wills of its horror, suffering, destruction and imperialism invulnerable. This factor those suffering under the present re­ the sarifice it demands. It hangs like the sword of Damocles over these peo­ ple, a fate that is destined for them by Russia’s insatiable imperialism and the Tokayev speaks of Western Ignorance urge to conquer the world. On the other hand the subjected peo­ The well-known Soviet military ex­ many peoples, the Ukrainian, Bye­ ples connect a war with their hopes of pert, Colonel Tokayev, who recently lorussian, Turknienistanian, Georgian, the collapse of Bolshevism and their “chose freedom“ and is living at pres­ Armenian, Azerbaijanian, Tajikistian, liberation. ent in the West, wrote an article for the Esthonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and This idea encourages the develop­ New York emigrant paper, “Sozialisti- Karelo-Finland S.S.R. There is no coll­ ment of a revolution for liberation, for chesky Wyestnik“, published in the No. ective “Russian people“ or “Soviet peo­ lights up the implacability of Bol- 3, 1951 number, on the nationality pro­ ple“, there are only peoples: Russians, auevist oppression and deepens the blem in the U.S.S.R., from which we Ukrainians, Baskirs, Georgians, Tar­ conviction that it cannot last for long. quote the following. tars, Esthonians, Byelorussians etc. This conviction stiffens the resistance against cruel reality, allows no thought “ . We are now rapidly approaching When certain émigré circles, states­ of the inevitability of serfdom to a third world catastrophe and that men, journalists or the radio, continu­ creep in, and counteracts resignation enjoins upon us the duty of realizing ally talk of Russia, the Russians or the and passive obedience. the value of the teeth we possess, be­ Russian people in this general sense, it only shows their ignorance of the The Bolshevist are well aware of all fore they are knocked out. A former elementary reality that 65°/o of the pop­ that and fear the outcome of such an correspondent of the “Völkischer Be­ obachter“ made the statement that the ulation in the U.S.S.R is not Russian Hitler government only grasped the at all and does not feel concerned fact in 1944 that the U.S.S.R., was not when the word Russian is used . .“ Russia, and that it was not populated Tokayev then quotes the words of a From the Contents: only with Russians, but with 200 dif­ speaker who said at a meeting in 1936, ferent peoples, with their own histori­ “Comrades, no Stalin, or Molotow, will Joseph Caligula cal destiny, their own traditions, psy­ ever succeed in depriving the non-Rus­ chology and geographical position, as sian people of their State, land and Bolshevist Infiltration in West well as their own national develop­ regional administration. To-day that is Germany ment, religion and language. Each of less possible than ever“. them has its historical name given by After giving a number of examples The Language of Figures the State Constitution and anchored in of the awakening of different peoples „Russian Liberation Revolution“ the laws . in U.S.S.R. to a sense of nationality, In reality there is no “Russia“, nor Tokayev continues, “A number of si­ From behind the Iron Curtain are there “Russians“, nor a “Russian“ milar examples and other symptoms people“ in the pre-revolution sense. In of growing activity among the national From the Soviet Press law, and as an actual fact, there is liberation movements enable one to only a “Russian Federal Republic“ of (Continued on Page 2) Pape 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 5 gime. Tf the subjugated peoples were before the broad masses in an appeal M.V.D. criminals and upholders of conscious, only for a moment, of this formulated as follows: Russian imperialism. strength and would rise spontaneously All subjected and oppressed peoples The revolutionary uprising must not against the tyrants, instead of obeying must rise in a common revolt against be put off to the end of the war. The the regime’s orders of self-destruction, Bolshevism, at the very beginning of sacrifices required to carry out a rev­ that same regime would be blotted war, without waiting for its end. Re­ olution victoriously, are often made out. volution is the end of Bolshevism and in a few days, in a war. It would be a The first duty of the revolutionary the end of its war. Revolution means mistake too, to watch for failures and leaders is to bring this realization freedom and peace. crises in Bolshevist trategy. To weaken home to the oppressed peoples. That is The revolutionary fight should be the Bolshevist war machinery by our present object. We must make started by the organized insurgent for­ drawing out the war, would cause these people conscious of their own ces, underground organizations, army useless bloodshed for our own peoples strength and fighting powers to achieve detachments and in workers’ circles. and the destruction of our own coun­ their own liberation, independent of This struggle will then be joined by tries. the world situation or outside help. the masses at the actual front, as well Hand in hand with the conviction of The adversaries of the U.S.S.R. might as in the rear. Success depends on the apply the strategy of systematic and the inevitability of war, belief in the support of the masses and the sudden­ imminent overthrow of Bolshevism slow exhaustion and delay pitched ness of the outbreak at all focal points. battles, in order to create a crisis in must be awakened, especially in pla­ The revolution must not be allowed to ces not reached by revolutionary prop­ the Bolshevist conduct of war. In that develop into small engagements, or be­ case, however, Bolshevist destruction aganda,or where the ground has not come a war of entrenchment, it must been fertile enough. and use of man-power would be of the run like wildfire and consume the utmost importance for our peoples. Hope of a war to come can also have whole State apparatus, thus bringing a negative effect, in that help will be the entire war machinery to an stand­ Probably two sorts of troops would expected from outside, so that people still. The burning torch of the revolu­ be disposed of, those made up of re­ merely wait to be liberated. Revolu­ tion must be carried everywhere, and liable elements, especially M.Y.D. tionary political propaganda must be at once, and the revolutionary slogans units, would not be sent to the front directed so that it promotes revolution­ must be lucid and stirring, deepening lines, but held in reserve for emergen­ ary effort at home, turning passive the belief in victory and intensifying cies and used in the hinterland *—\ waiting into active fighting. the readiness to fight. By propagating checkmate the army. The conception of a revolution for the aims of the revolution, the whole Other detachments would be put in liberation in case of war must be put nation and each individual, will be pre­ at the centres of attack where dams pared for the fight and a psychological of human beings would be formed, atmosphere will be created which will composed of a sort of “refractory com­ guarantee the execution of all the pany“ of elements hostile to the re­ Tokayev speaks.
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