1. Those Present

Chairman Cllr J Foster; Cllr K Blythe; Cllr T Richardson; Cllr P Kettlewell

2. Apologies of absence

3. Minutes of last meeting read and signed

4. Matters arising

5. Police Report none present

6. Update on service station nothing so far

7. Report from: Cllr Bateman ; Cllr Atkinson

Cllr Bateman has had a busy year so far he feels the council is well run and they have set

their precept. He has suggested if more development takes place at Barkers Business

Park and Potters Business Park we might need to push harder for a roundabout at the

junction of Melmerby Green Lane and the A61

Cllr Margaret Atkinson The Inspector has commented looking at the District

Plan and will come back with his findings, he has some suggestions to make and will come

back by September. Cllr Atkinson has objected to County Council allowing building of

houses on Industrial estates. Need 6.5 million each week to run Harrogate Council

There have been no increases in Council member expenses for some time.

One of the councillors has said we seem to get less value for money from the council

than we used to.

The money is wasted in the constant complaints that are never followed up whether it is

drains or street lighting. People come and look and nothing happens.

8. Open forum

What do we actually have to do about getting a roundabout? It would need to be part of

building conditions. We need to get on to Highways as it was meant to be put in when

Barkers was started. Put a resolution forward as vehicles are now coming back through

village and up Underlands Lane to get to as it is quicker

9. Highways

Pot holes are once again on the increase and a village member has heard that they are

not even looking at holes on C roads. Can we find out how a pot hole is meant to be filled? They have just dumped filler in the holes of some and these are just as bad now as 6

months ago. Some of them have been done correctly, dug out edges and are much


Complain to highways area6 and ask for the specifications so we can tell if they have

been done correctly and we can then call them back to do them properly.

When should we expect Melmerby Green Lane to be completely resurfaced? We have

asked Cllr Atkinson to check for us. We need David Bowes to come to the meeting but in

the past they have come but still nothing has happened.

Speed Warning signs have been researched and the suggested one is movable, with a

battery. It also tells you how often the speed limit has been broken. It was suggested

that the council pays half and we ask local businesses to contribute the other half.

10. Planning

Deletion or variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission

17/02051/FUL to enable relocation of proposed sewage treatment plants.

LOCATION: The Long Shed Crossways Wobeck Lane Melmerby North


LOCATION: Trinity Garth Middleton Quernhow Replacement of existing conservatory

roof, walls, windows and doors with a tiled roof, APPROVED

Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of land to the rear of

the dwelling for domestic purposes.

LOCATION: Woodside Wobeck Lane Melmerby HG4 5EZ REFUSED

Complain to the planning reinforcement officer about the drain on Back Lane. Area ^ and planning

11. Playing field

Inspection was carried out on play equipment but despite numerous calls and emails we

have still not received any report.

Gate needs repairing as it has moved with tree roots

12. Accounts

Accounts approved

13. AOB Insurance renewal £421.18.

14. Date of next meeting May 13th AGM and Parish Meeting

HSBC Account Current Balance at 19.11.2018 £7,892.19 Payments PAYE tax £60.00 £7,832.19 clerk salary £240.00 £7,592.19 grass Farmland Service cutting £352.80 £7,239.39 Harrogate playground £66.00 £7,173.39 Harrogate bins £6.34 £7,167.05 village hall hire £70.00 £7,097.05 Balance at 31.01.19 £7,097.05