Fall Sports Kick Off Practice Time Again Thursday, Aug
ssttaarr--nneewwss 10 The Goodland Star-News / Tuesday, August 14, 2007 sports Fall sports kick off Practice time again Thursday, Aug. 23 Goodland High Fall Varsity and junior varsity volleyball at Sports Schedule Norton, 3:30 p.m. Practice for the fall sports at Friday, Sept. 14 - Football at Hoxie Goodland High School started on High School, 6 p.m. Monday. Here is a tentative sched- Monday, Sept. 17 - Varsity tennis, ule of events to the end of Septem- Scott City, 12 p.m. ber. Tennis starts off the season with Varsity golf, Colby or Russell, 2 p.m. the first event on the second day of Junior varsity football against Hoxie, school. The first football game will home, 4:30 p.m. be Friday, Aug. 31. Tuesday, Sept. 18 - Cross country, Thursday, Aug. 23 - Varsity tennis, Ulysses Invitational, 2:45 p.m. Cimarron High School, 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20 - Varsity golf, Tuesday, Aug. 28 - Varsity tennis, Scott City, 2 p.m. Phillipsburg, 2 p.m. Varsity, junior varsity and C volley- Thursday, Aug. 30 - Varsity golf, ball, Ulysses Quad, 3 p.m. WaKeeney, 2 p.m. Cross country, Ogallala, 4 p.m. Goodland Cross Country Invita- Varsity tennis, Russell, noon. tional, 4 p.m., Sugar Hills Golf Club. Friday, Sept. 21 - Football against Friday, Aug.31 - Football, Rawlins Scott City, here , 6 p.m. County High School, here, 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 - C volleyball, Tuesday, Sept. 4 - Varsity, junior Oberlin, 8 a.m. varsity, C volleyball quad, here, 3:45 Varsity tennis, Garden City, 7:30 a.m.
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