l lednasekrs Jury COmposed ~ The Weather Of·four Women £·iQhl Men Panb ebur .. eIMIr ... ur. Sala"'r ...., .... A jury of four 'Vomen and ei$ht men, two of whom said they wlUl ...... _ raJa ...... objected to the death penalty, was selected here ·Thur~day to try • a...... ~ ",lIte• ~obcrt E. Bednasek for the strangulation slaying of Margaret da" 54; Jrw, 15. IIIrIl DIIft­ e at lia,.. 4t: lew. II. (Geege) Jackson. . 1be panel was chosen after three days of careful qucstioning r.t. 1868-AP Leaaecl WIre, AP WIrephoto, UP lACIHd Wire-five Cents Iowa City. lowe. Friday, March 17. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 139 by'stale and defense lawyers. The job of selecting the U jurors lIJIed 14 hours and 15 minutes. '!'be jury Includes C. Jay MIIl- C •!II • f B' M If, ..-year-old Menonlte father of . apHII~n 0 ..11, 0 JIVeD chlldren, who toJd the court ' • < , ~ )Ie was "firmly a,alnat capital A.dered to Jtand Tuili~n Rai,se Approved pllllsbment." Miller works for the Vt: ; GaY Locker company In Iowa T ' t f G ft,l' CI~eraOD Moorel aSh ar ea ~ n~\ OJ rou.~mg 1fWIIblp farmer, idie.te. that NORFOLK, VA. III} - The vet­ lit .... w.. op.... e. to the death eran navy captain who requested "ult, •• rlOI' question In.. by that he alo!)e bear the blame for for,'; Addition To Uni.ori ""lib' AU,. Jack C. Wblte. grounding the 46,000 - ton battle­ Del~nlle lawyers said they will ship . ~18$ouri will be . tried by tall ,bout 20 witnesses. They also general CQurt marUal March 27, , ,.Id ~nasek wlU take the stand along wit~ two of his otlicers. , ill '1 Didn't.Raise My Boy to Be a .. IAnother Rise bIB own defense. Capt. Willlam D. Brown, 47, a .Prevlously, White named 50 veteran of, 30 years in the navy, CLEVELAND «J) - A.rthur Dunl ClP Jr., 20, stuck a sun In penons as possible witnesses for tilt state. . CtI)dr. John R. Miliett, the Mis­ h~ father's lacc Thursday niGht and demandcd his money. Okayed for Defense attorneys said they souri's operations officer, and Lt. Incredulously. Dunlap asked, "You'd sUck up your daddy?" Cmdr. Frank G. Morris Jr., the ~ not certain if Mr. and Mrs. His son orily lIhouted. "Dro!) your bllUold," Smil Bednasek, parents of the navigator, will be tried in sepa­ Mrs. Dunlap, 5&, started up {rorn her chair, hoping it was a Education Costs rate court martlais here beginning gun. , •• year-old former SUI psycholo­ joke. "Don't fool us wjth that son." she said. Plana to finance the proPQled f.Y senior, will be called to testify. at 10 a.m. March But Arthur turned the cun on her. took his 62-ycar old 27. $3-miWon addition to the Iowa They sJlld they believed it would father's W4l1let and left the house. With him was a man un­ Memorial Union by increaslD, DOt be necessary. The Big Mo weo,t aground on known to hls parenti. SU I tuition fcezJ wert! approvf'd II.... ~naaek. a" imml.-rallt Dunlap told poUc\i that "My 500 robbed mc ... I didn't think Thursday by the Iowa state baUd ,I Cleeheillovakla, ,.Id Thun­ Thlmb(e Shoals In Ham p ton hc had bad In him." of education. .., ~er onb son "I, a 1'00. Roads last Jan. The board, mcc:tina at the Oak· .. ,." 17 while trying dale sanatarium, also approved un "He always has ~n a good bOy, and we are sure this trial to run an acous­ addiUonal increase In tuition to 'IIill prove he is innocent." She tic range. There Sen.afo;, Peuriloy Swap cover the "rlsln, COIIL$ 01 educa­ !lid the girl's death "could have she sat for 1.5 tion and of educational functions _ nothing else" but an acci­ days whilc red­ • which arc supported by student dent. MORRIS faced admirals fees," "And I would feel ihat way I~tened to the Word:s' on Red Charges &eau,"ul V .... even If I were not his mother," blithe suggestions from other ser­ Beauty Admires Prize-Winning BfJCIrd "SUI will have onc 01 the {in­ ,be added. viccs, notably the airforce. WASHINGTON' (AP) - Sen. Joseph H. McCarthy and the est and most buuWul unlooi In It cost the navy $178,000 to the country when the addition Is The defendant's parents have THE WINNING BEARD ADMIRED BY MECCA PRINCESS OIcsna WI"'frow. A2, Oak Park, III. state department fired angry charges and counter charges Thurs· sat near Bednasek inside the haul the mighty Mo free and rc­ beJronl'. to Cyrus Spear, E4, Davenport. Spear raised lhe hlnute adornment (01 the l\tecca beard·rrowln, completed," Prol. Earl E. Harper, pair the damage. day in a running battle over McCarthy's allegations of Reds in director of the sehool of rlne arl.~ / courtroom raillng since the trial conte.t. Miss Witherow was one of the 12 Mecca pr,nces.es who selected the wlnnln& beards at tb( opened. Rear Adm. Allen E. Smith did Mecca smJker Thursday nl~bt. Other beard winners were Williard Sayre. IU. Cedar Falls. fullest ror the department. and the Union, laid Thursday nllht. Four of the jur- not reveal his formal charges and freshmen and sophomores; Clyde Mc~l1aD, El. Cedar Rapids, most unjqjle: aud David Jacobs. E3 McCarthy also turned his gw1S on the U.S, civil service loyalty 015 selected are specifications but said "the indi­ Ceclilr Rapids, thinnest. Other hi&,hlJ,hts at the nrc--ker wcre the IlresenlillJ: or the Theta Tau 'fution tor students In all col­ review board, 4C!cusing board more a year's delay larmers, one 01 Vidual officers concerned ... may achievement award to Gerald Luecke, £4. Matteson,llI.. ror bein&, the "o~l$tandlnf cnr neer" of thl the of than in lelles of thc university. both resI­ ~e women is the r~ease the charges and specifi­ year, and the unvelllnf of the elusive Blarney stone which senbr en&,lneers found Wednesday. reviewing the case of one of his dent and non-resident, will be in­ cations in tHeir respective cases tteased 6 a semester and a wjle 01 a re­ llleged pro-Communist slL~pects. ,3 tired ' farmer and at their own discretion." summer session to cover costs oC THe fourth defendant in the John E. Pcurl1oy, deputy ullder­ Two ' File Petitions the new construction. ano~'ntT \5 the :ccretary of state, opened the widow pf a far­ hearinas, Lt, John ~ E. Carr, com­ Thc Increase bcc:omCl et1eet.1 ve bat operations center officer, was College Student Guilty 1aY's crossfire by ~hllrgln, Me­ bellionin, with tho tall eemeslet mer. •Pat's Day. ':(arthy with reyivln, "dead. dls- For Student Council T.h()se selected given a letter of reprimand which of 1051. to /lear the case, will go Into his record. U.S. Celebrats'on MI"ght :redltcd, dl.sproven ~1)8rges" in his Se.... DeUar JaereaH ~itacks on the !,IepllrtrPel)t. 10 P.M. wbioh is expect­ In Slaying of Secretary 'Delegates-at-Large' The second lnereallC, to coveT ed to last at least Amaze Irish Cb.r~ "'.er"Vp the rise in education costs, will tll',Q weeks, i'n- ., GAF'J'NEY LANCASTER, PA. (UP) - Edward Gibbs, Franklin and Only two candidatcs Thursday amount to $7 a semester lor aU CO-Op St,ockholders Today's green beer and sham. The W\SOonsin senator rcported had returned complcted petitions elude: • Marshall college senior, was convicted of first dogree murder rock shindi"S would no doub1 "hat Peurilo>, was seeking to "cov- students and will become ellec­ for the four SUI s'udent council Mrs, EUinor Green" an SUI Thursday night in the bludgeon-slaying of pretty college secretary .. !r up and confulC the I..~~ue . " live at the bealonin, of the fall ,aduate and husband of a grad­ To 'Receive Refund bewilder St. Patrick. who was ac· "It would be amuslng," Me- dclclfale-at-lar,c posts, but IS semester 1hil ),elr. uate stuqcot and instructor in Marian Baker. tually a very serious saint. ".:arthy said, "I.t the: .Ittlitlon were pcti'ions had been called for al Harper said the board'. acllo" tilt ""tory department, When Mrs. The jury set the death penalty. Citizens of the Emerald Isle aisc lot so fraught with danler." the oUice of student altalrs. "glvcs the necesaary approval to Gteen was attending SUI. she was On· Original Shares The jury of seven men and five women retumed the verdict, are taken aback by our celebra· Meanwhllo. ChalrlT\lln MiUard E. ReynoJ,d Lao don. A4, Cou.ncil 110 ahead with phin, tor the Un­ I member of Delta . Delta Delta Stockholders in the married tion of St. Patrick'. day. In Irc· rydl!l~ (D-Md) $31\1 hi~ special J3\uCfs, publicity chairman of {he Ion addition at once!' IOI'Ority. students'. cooperative llrocery store the first Lancaster county rnur- land it is just a ~cgu lar holy 'coate JnvCfltI,aUoh eommlttcc Construction, which wlll triple r sl udcnl P1uncll. cmphlllized the (1., Jay Miller, 44, Fry town Lock will receive 87 cents per share der verdict in 28 years to carry , clay with no extra t lml}1lngs. vlU hear tho state department's deadline ror the return of the the present build In,', ,Ize, will L t' C d F d' bc&Jn In about a yelr, hc laid. ,Jant employe; on' the orl,lnaI $25 Invested for the death penalty, lifter deliberat~ OS . oe oun, "Yalljeee ingen~lty." however, I'o\lin ambassador Dr. ""IUlp C. peUHon$ aDd credentl Is is noon Arelji ectural pianl are in the "n­ Mrs. Merle Dewey, 412 N. Linn each share of . stOck. , . '. lng four hours and 27· minuteli. S1:'N d"d· ··· ' 'ila giv('n . ilt' dilf' "W twists. ·'ftiuP.t 8 P'ub'& sesst"n Gnlfon­ Saturday. street; Richard Sweltzer, 102 Rlverslde GIbbs, a 25-year-old married lie ee e a Rest Amcrica]lS -who claim to be sonr fay. nal tentative" lta,e, he added. anI! Glenn P. Wentzel, foremen of patle, member of a three ' - man ,'G I studen t, sighed and leaned for- of Erin, and even those who don'! Ml;Carthy hll.s accused Jos up Candidates must sccure 100 tho way Is now open to complete SUI plumbers and steamfitters: board of trustees, said checks were ward as he heard the verdict. weal' the green and celebrate witl" ,t showing "an unusual aUlnlty Ilomes on the petition, a staLement the financial plana. CHICAGO f1I') - A pretty coed from the registrar's orrice that the Robert D. Bothell, ~ansrer com­ sent to the 239 stockholders by 'Guilty-Death' ~u sto. '01' Communl.~ CRUseS" and said Direct BorrowiJlr panv offlce manager; mall late Thursday night. The jurors were polled immed- who l the good ole tunes like "When Thc rce boosts flpproved Thurs­ was started in 1946. It closed Jan. he rubbed his face with his hand. vanished from a dormitory Mon­ Irish Eyes arc SmiUng." and "My Delcllatc-at-Iarge and student he would permit no eavesdropping 18. Tears came to his eyes and he day. The school learned of her publications candidates and their day mark the tlrst Increase for II his law library door. where Wild Irish Rose." One-Inch Snowfciil 'hldenl Ktudents lIim:e Jt38, SUl _ buried his face in his hands as whereabouts when she telephon cd Sure, and 'tis a grand day! campaign manalers will be re­ be said reporters had been hov­ her parents that she was "all quired to attend a meeting at 2 officials said. At that time fees ering when he was In conference the jurors solemnly announced Here; ' Cle~r Roads ',797 Stud,_enls Ll'st their verdict of death. right" and ready to come home. p.m. Saturday in rOom 7, Schaeffer Increased from ~4t to $60. In 1929 with attorneys. 1 they increased from $4~ to 148. One inch of wet s119w leI) on hall. Gal,e Willers, C1. Harian, Judie Oaffnu ~rae. Ulat and in It36 they ~e from $48 to Loc-al Lawyer Lauds Iowa City Thur.dll?: morning, ac­ all-campus election chairman, said Haa, .eWllpaper JtIIbUahed aD),' I $4.0. ~ordillJ to ClvU 8,eronilutlcs ad­ WIll about wbat took place In ~ ReUgiQus 'twice Ingrid Can't Return, Okay Bond Issue rtnlll election rulcs and rcgula­ In 10tt "II fces wcre consoli­ lIIe IIbrar),. "80meone Je plilr ·About 1,79'7 SUI students have mlrllstratlon offlciali at the al.l·- lions will be ou lined a t the dated to make the present total of City-Manager Plan . oort: " II be called here to aDtount ror listed no religious prererence, ac­ For meeting. fI Street Lights Highway offlclala herc reported $6S semCltc!r paid by resident ~" cordin, to figures released Thurs­ Says U,S, Senator Council - manager -governmeht students. In thankini members of the day throu,h the. SUI school of WASHINGTON (IP) - Sen. Ed­ The Iowa City council Thw's­ "has worked and is workin, in trucks were out Thursday morn­ Ing sanding and clearln, 'thc Ambrose said the board post­ lllJ'y panel for their service, the reUlion. win C. Johnson (D-Col) said day authorized the issuing 01 spec­ cities of all sizes," Atty. Dan C. Crash Victim R•• ting poned action for about 10 da,.1 lUdge commented on the "paltry Figures were ol;ltalned from the Thursday Ingrid Bergman and ial assessment bonds amounting Dutcher told the Iowa City Ro­ mowfall from the county high- ways. Walter Barkhurst, 36-year-old on proposed plans for D ,150,000 tltlance paid peUt jurymen In l'e,istratlon forms each student Roberto Rossellini cannot set foot to ' $20,738.06 to pay the balance tary club Thursday. Union Bus depot ofticials here Atalissa farmer, was reported Hospital School for S eve rei )' 10wI." Jurors are paid $3 a day 1fl1i out at the be,inning of each on American soil because they are due on the city's new streetlights. A member of the local council­ reported no delay from the snow "resting caslly" but stt 11 In "ser­ Handicapped Cbi,ldreo here. in Iowa. new semester. guilty of moral turpitude. The bonds are to be in de­ manager association's executive Hlmllton rebuked nilwamen af­ The Methodist faith led the He said it would be "most un­ nominations of not less thim $1,- lS most of the: main highwayS lous condition" at University hos­ • board, Dutcher said one of his cleared by the Il"vy trBfflc. pltals Thursday afternoon from ter a reporter attempted to Inter­ Ust with 2,209 students, followed fortunate" if the American tele­ 000 no more than $12.000. One main reasons tor supportin, the lCC "'fOINTIlINT A hi&h of 8aI ciell'ccs was re- Injuries suffered when he wa' ~ew Bednasek Wedneaday. "If by 1,471 CathoUc and 1,051 Pres­ vision industry "were to be un­ group, representing $11.738.06, will .couocil - manager plan is that WJ\sHJNdTON (.4") - Tbe sen­ lDy of you fellows let around byterian students. wise enough to deal with such be redeemable May 1, 1951, ported by CAA Thursday, but the thrown from his car. ate Thursday hllht c:>nfirmed the Students In' other (alths Include it has "proven itsel! in hundreds 1\ercury was e.pec:ted to 10 even The accident occurred Wednes­ reappointment of Richard F. Benny and talk with him," Ha­ immoral characters." On every May 1 from 1952 of oLher cities." ~H ' Lutheran (National Lutheran Johnson denounced Miss Berg­ higher today. Th~ wcather bu- day at 5:50 p.m. on a eurve about MlteheU at Iowa 81 e member of II1llton '!lId. "I shan r.port It to through 1960, another $1,000 It is difficult to sec;: the logic lIle court (Judge GafMly). and I council), 448 Conarel8tional, 360 man and Rossellini in a letter to "au saidlhe .mercury mlaht reach one-quarter mile west of Scott's the Interstate commerce com­ worth of bonds will become re­ in the idea that the plan will not 'lliU auure you there will be Jewish, 355 othet preferences Chairman Wayne Coy of the fed­ .0 degrees. . corner on hllhway 6. miss!Qn. deemable. The bonds plus five work here, Dutcher said. He the!! lOIne action." (.maller faith groups). 347 Epis­ eral communications commission. percent yearly Interest will be cited Dubuque and Cincinnati ::13 Hammon referred to a .&ate· COPtlian and 28i Baptist. He pljlced a copy of the letter redeemed anmIaUy at the ollice ...t , ..Unl' Bed.... as ny' Others lorrlude 284 Lutheran in the senate record. successful examples of the sys­ of City Treasurer Milo Novy. tem. Iar a.ut Mila JaeklOll, "I think (MisSouri SyncKI), 155 Dlaciples of And he added: "Since both of The bonds and their interest tt Iaer all &he time, ever, mia· Qhrlst, 99 Evan.~lIcal and Re­ these alien characters are guUty Mayor Preston Koser told the House Group 'Voles Slash in 'rwnall 8U.dalt will be paid from money yet to lie - ea,",all, at ••,hi." form~, 82 Uoitarlan, 61 Science, of moral turpitude, they cannot Iowa City Lions club W.ednes­ be collected (rom property own­ day that the council - mana,er WASHINGTON tA»-The house ltol 01 more cutlIng, perhaps an- additional ,S-billion tor MarshaU Hamllwn alao said there w!ll and, 33 Nazarene.. , set foot on American soil under ers who have not paid their as­ plan "isn't the best thing for Iowa ~pproprlaUoDJ eollUT\lttec has ap- other billion or more, before the Plan aid to other countries and be no inaanlty plea. despite Bed­ oul' Immigration laws." sessments. b..u'. two • week exal"/\lnation City." oroved tentatlvtl1 a four pertent, appropriationa bill lIets throulh some $t-blUlon tor permanent apo ~n Dawson A~point.d · Miss Bergman. who recently $1.213-milllon In a bl, one- conarees. "~pria\loM aDd trust fundi. Con­ ,'~ the Plyehopathlc ward of Unl­ ,. lave birth to a son fathered by "it might possibly be advan­ cut packa,e money bill which con- AI for taxes, prospects are sUm &rest must pus a separate biD ~l1lty hospitals. ,.IO,:,rc:.. ouncil Rossellini, is the star in the pic- tageous in a small city of 5,000 f:q Saturday Matine. Seat. talns muth of Pr"ident Truman's that the leaislaton will Increase approvin, mote Mal'lhaU plan aid "We never had a IUfplelon that Dean F. M. Dawson of the SUI ture "Strombol~' which Is now that owned Its own utilities," the he (Bednaaek) la Inaane, and we For Play Stili Available mayor said. bucllet. the take from them. before addl\tOllll eaab is voted for colle.e of en,ineerine haa belm .howing in American theaters. The AI the bill stands now, It would The appropriations eommitlec \hat. have never Intended to \lie tha' appointed to, the Iowa natural re- picture was directed by Rossell­ an Tickets are still available at allow aovornment alemla $H,- sUU must take flnal actlon on the AppropriaUona comm\Uec: mem- II a defenae," Hamllton empba- sourcea council, Gov. William S. ni. 1Iaed. room 8A Schaeffer hall for the - LEGAL DEDUCTION \l3-million In'' new approprlationa money measure - the lint In mo- bers said \he hand approved ten- BearclaleY announced Thursday. 10 DIE AS SHIP SINKS of "Shadow and SUbstance." cur- ALBANY, N.Y. !\PI - Federal for the year ltartlnJ Jut)' 1 - dernblatory to wrap U.S. appr6- tatively for &he defenae depart­ AUTO PINSION PLAN Dawson aucceedl L. C. Craw- GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR (III _ rently playinl at the University income tax clerks here pouled nearly balf of Ii for the defente priatloDa Into a tinlle bill. ment 11 ,12,8It-mUlloo c:ompared DETROIT 1111 - ~ Ford Motor 19rd, pmerl,y of Iowa City, who At least twenty persons, indudin, theater. over ene deduction on a barely department. But its "c:entral commllle4!" with the Sll,OI8-mlUlon \hat wu tl!1IIPInY and the 010 united auto r,aiped to devote more time to eiaht wcmen, drowned when the Prof. Gregory Foley of the dra­ le,ible return Thursday before de- That point. toward a bud,et manalln, the bill has recommend- requested. The, .aid 1M alrfon:e ~rter. union lIhuJ'Jday nllht other buslne., Ecludorean steamer Bolivar sank matic arts department said the cipjlering It as: "Food for kittens that would pu* the treuury fI,- ed \he four percent cut. The '21,- would aet arouad "-".lOO-mIDIon, IIIIOUnced "complete ."eement" The c.ouncil hu final jurladlc­ at dawn Thursday near the en- performance would belln at 2 p.OI. to cat~ the mouses in the store." 920-milllon deeper into the red - U3--miIllon it propoees compares the army .~ ..."" -.ne "-blI­ III d,taU. of their PI~lon plan, lion in liul .tate over such mattera trance of the Gulf of Qua)'aquil. No tieketa are available for the The claim of a forel,n-bom .tore- unleu there are 1arJer cutI later with the fJO,328-mlWon President Hon eac:b. and tile offlc:e of ICC- ~Ui, hopea o( an .arly peate a. Oood contro~ and filiated pro"" Seventy passcngers and crewmen Iperformance tonight or Saturday ~ee~f was perfectly lepl 81 a or conar_ raIHa taxes. Truman aaked. retary of d.-.e ~ let the Ia tbe &i-day-old Chrysler strike. leUlS. were resClled. nilht. bu~in~ss expen~e, they lIaid. There On! ~e bhila at tbe cap- Mr. Truman allo alked for an rest. PAGE TWO - THE DAlL~ lOW AN. FRIl)AY. MARCH 1'7.1950 Modern St. Patrick SUI Rece,ives S1 ~ ,000 Granl s A $12,000 annual grant was to cooperate wllh others in al. awarded to SUI last week by tho lied phase!; of the work and in­ children's bureau of the U.S. de­ terest in speech and hearilli work. Top 0' the Morning- partment of labor. A Iso consldert.d is .he liIIeU· The fund, to be administered hood ihat the tra.lniDl -wJII he There is a very large school of thought in But there are many students, who wi1l through the Iowa services for IIsed In publlo service, or ad· these United States that thinks there are bu t claim Irish ancestry today, who have said they crippled children, will be dIstri­ mlnlstratlve or unJvenUr teaeh· buted in the form of scholar­ pOSitions rehabllUatinr penoDI two types of people: the Irish and those who will go out looking for banshees and the other little people who inhabit the wprld - or so ships to a new graduate training with speech or hearlnc , diler· ders. wish they were Irish. . the Irish say. program in audiology and speech pathology, Dr. R.R. Rembolt, di­ Scholarships arc not li'mited to But today is the day the Irish really strut Far away in the lush green valleys of old their stuff. Today ' is the day green neckties, rector of the services a t SUI, J owa resirien ts, Rembolt Bald. Killarney, when St. Patrick walked the earth, shamrocks and sox take over the sartorial spot­ snid ThurMay. Applications may be made, at the he could hardly have reaHzed how widely cele­ speeell cliniC ofliGe ot in"the de­ light. T~ new course will feature brated his feast day would be. ; :brot_lonal tralnln, and relat­ partment of otolaryngology, A hearty "top 0' the morning t'ya" will Between driving the snakes out of the ed cJinlca.1 aspects. Included will About six scholatshi5ps are ex­ probably replace the conventional "waddya say" Emerald Isle and converting the Irish, St. Pat be speeltlc courSeII of study, pected to be continued , after gt'eeting throughout this day. had little time to worry about an American IlIiRlcal work In speech and 0&0- July I . .' Celebration of St. Pa trick's Day will take celebration. ' larynrolory and some field The first 11 soholanhlJII were work, Romboli satd. awarded to the followin, .....- on various forms on this campus. Classes will Anyway, we think it's a good idea to cele­ uate student!!: meet right on schedule, nccording to the uni­ brate st. Patrick's Day. The only trouble is, It will be conducted under the DarHnc B. Moore, Maxwell; Guy versity schedule. there isn't enough recognition of the [rish. jOint direction of Dr. Dean M. P. Jone , Burlingame, Cali',; Wal­ Lierle, head of SUI's otolaryngol­ ter W. Amster, Miami, Fla.i Mrs. ogy department, and Prof, Wendp.ll '. Jean Parker, 418 S, Van .Buren Johnson. director of the SUI street; Mary Frances Dalfl, Cedar High Oil Pressure - speech clinic. Falls. Eleven $IOO-per-montlt scholar­ Mildred N. Smith; Kansas City, A bill is now before the U.S. senate which in Teapot Dome were worth obout $l-billion, ships, awarded under the new pro­ Mo,; M,W. Buck, 108 Stalliurn exempts so-called independent producers of More Important, the le,lslation would gram, are effective (rom last park; Ben S. Andrews, West Corn­ natural gas from rate regulations by the lederal boost the ras bills of 40-mlJllon natural February I, when the program wall, Conn.; Loida M. Farrow, ullOfficially began, until July J. Cape Girardeau, Mo.; CarolYn power commission. Sponsored by Sen. Robert ,as consumers by $130 to $5S0-mlllion an­ S, Kerr (D-Okla) millionaire oil man, thc bill Scholarships are nwnrded on the Gustafson, Chicago, and Arnold J. nually. Consumers In the midwest would basis of scholastic ability, ability Golub, Boston. would allow gas producers to charge consumerll have to shell out about $27-million more , , what the traffic would bear. annually. The Teapot Dome Ica.ndal will look like How did thl house of representatives hop­ peanuts compared to what the "indepen­ pen to pass the consumer gouging bill In the dent" ,as companies are contemplating-. first place? Kerr has done some slick horse official -dciity Kerr says the bill is designed to help the trading. little man, the independent producer. The com­ He has gone a ll out in favor or most ad­ mittee on interstate and foreign commerce dug minlstt'ation legislatiop. In return he has cor­ up some interestin~ information on these little nered considerable support for his bill.. lfe can B U L LET I ~ N 35 I "independents." Tl1ey include companies who count on support (rom the big llatuJ)al gas pro­ ------STRAYER ------~ FRIDAY, MARCR 17, 1950 VOL. XXVI, NO. 139 supply 72 percent of all thc naturnl gns going ducing states - , Oklinion is less sol~d- 8 p.m, _ University play, "Sha- ion. French. Iy behmd depa.rtment policy dow and Substance" theater. 3:30 p.m. - Meeting of the Unl- launched his campaign to mob~lize stat~ To reassure the e a 8 t ern than at any time since the cold ' thc American pcople for ll:>lal war became generally recognized Saturda.y. Mar.ch versity council, house chamber, peoples that this Is an expedi­ 1~ diplomacy" with a general explan­ as such 2 and 8 p.m. - UnIversity play, Old Capitol. Depressing Depressions - ent which does not deny their I ation of far eastern policy i)150- . . tl f II bl' I "Shadow and SUbstance," theater. 4:30 p.m. - UWA Job Clinic, aspirations f"r Independence, T Remember the old street _ dnncing days far as it has been developed, o ~e,a.m Ie u p~ lC sup- Sunday, March 19 senate chamber, Old Capitol. city tha t pedestrians are forced to blaze trails the French may be asked to givc when couples "turned to the right" and changed across lawns nnd curbings to keep out of mud. Missing from his San Francisco port It has had durtn~ .most 4 p,m. _ Sunday vespers, Dr, 8 p.m. _ First Sidhundra Bose a formal if postdated ,uarantee o.f th~ col~ war, the admlDl~tra- ' Bernard Iddihgs Bell, Macbride lecture, Dr. T. Das, speaKing on partners gaily on Iowa City's streets? The intersection of Iowa avenue and Du­ speech is any disclosure regard­ of independence. Without such ing concrete steps to save Indo­ tlon IS gOlD&' to have. to either auditorium. India, senate chamber, Old Capi- It's a good thing those days are over or () buque street is disfigured by a chuck hole a lI'uarantee, Bao Dai may ,et modify its sta~d ~n this respect 8 p.m. _ Iowa Mountaineers, China or for re\!ognition of ,I the considerable number of dancers might easily bc whkh c~tends from one curb to another - im­ small response to his appeal for ~r else explam It better than "Land of Enchantment," (South- tOl p.m. _ Writer's Worksho\> lce- Chincsc Communists, Russia is ex­ the Nationalists amon, Ho's s lost in the depths of chuck holes, possible to avoid it. pected to rna ke the latter ryard It has s~ far. . west USA), Macbride auditorium. ture by Dylan Thomas, house forces to rejoin the Vietnam There IS room for belief th

t-_ t Seven Measles Cases SUIT DISMISSED Irish Stew's the Dish for Sf. Patrick's Day Reported by City Clerk Art Classes Create CEDAR RAPIDS (,4» - A di­ rant It's Shamrocks vorce case in which Mrs. Scundra Sure, and Party Line St. Patrick's day can be a meal­ Iriab Stew A 72--year-old woman, Mrs. Ed A. Rashid of Fort Madison IiOU&ht = timc celebration. 2 Ibs. shoulder or neck of lamb X. BoyLes, 229 Melrose court, 'Storybook' Curtains a $250,000 properly settlement. was Mrs. Stephen O'Brien Jr., 208 4 cups water Thursday rep 0 r ted she had dismissed Wednesday in district HILLCREST ASSOCIATION - Stadium park, has a menu that 6 halved potatoes mumps, according to records in New curtains, decorated with court at her request. The suit An informal party will be held will follow the St. Patrick's day 8 small onions peeled the office of City Clerk George storybook characters. bave been Willi against Idol J . Rashid of in the dining room of Hillcrest, theme throughout the meal. Her 1 1-2 teaspoon salt J. Dohrer. created tor the Junior hiJh school Cedar Rapids. men's dormitory, from 9 to 12 husband is a senior in medicine 1-3 teaspoon pepper Only seven new eases of measles llbrary by City hith school art p.m. today. Theme at the party from Mason City. Cut meat into convenient pieces - fewer than for any other day classes. Esther Reinking. librarian , will be "Shamrock Sweepstakes." '1'0 start out the celebration she for serving. Place in sauce pan, this week - were reported here at Junior high, $aid Wednesday. Music will be furnished by Leo suggests a green salad and a add water, cover and let simmer Thursday, bringing the total lor City hiJh art students, under CortimiglJa and his orchestra. main course of Irish st\!w. three Quarters of an hour. Add March to 178. February's epidemic the directlon of Mrs. William Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Green Salad vegetables and seasonings and total was 398. Chenoweth, desgined the pattern Robert Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. 1 package of lime jello continue cooking very gently until Three cases of mumps and four on the basis of books most popu­ Virgil Copeland and Mrs. Marie 1-2 No. 2 can Or crushed pine- tender or about one hour or long­ of chicken pox also have been re­ lar at Junior high school. Swords. apple er. Thls serves four persons, ported here this month. Stenciled figures Include Robin 1-2 envelope of gelatine Hood, Black Beauty. Robinson DELTA CHI - An informal St. 1 package ot cream cheese Roosevelt School Tots CI"U$OC, Huck Finn, Little Wo­ Patrick's Day party will be held 1-4 pint of whipped cream Magic Show Scheduled men and Pecos Bill. in the Delta Chj chapter house, nuts and olives At Horace Mann School To Give Musical Show The curtains themselves were Free Pickup 309 N. Riverside drive, from 8 Dissolve jello and pour one cup made by Miss Reinkini from nat­ to 12 p.m. Saturday. Pledges are A musical program will be held rual colored denim. The pattern into a mold and chill then add Horace Mann Parent - Teachers at Roosevelt grade school at 3:30 in charge of the party. Chaperons is done in green and brown. and Delivery " the gelatine to remainder of the association will sponsor a "magic p.m. today, Mrs. Alan Lehman, will be Mrs. Frank Silver and sgt. jello and add the pineapple. Fork show" at 3:30 p.m. today in the and Mrs. Glen Howard. principal, said Thursday. al beat the cream cheese and add it school auditorium. Second and third grade pupils to jello mixture. When cool add Philip Marsh, A2, Jowa City, wlll sing a group of songs from IAIDARII FIODS PHI EPSILON PI - A "332nd whipped cream and a few nuts - Prepared b)' CbIJu!.e Cbef Precinct Party" will be held in will present a program of sleight­ Hum per din c k's "Hansel and Varsity Cleaners and olives. Decorate it with salad ol-hand and illusions called "Ma­ Gretel." - Sbrimp Fried lUee, Err Foe the chapter house of Phi Epsilon Tunt', Chow Mela. Teeia Mela Pi from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday. dressing, parsley or watercress for gic Unlimited." They will also do the "Dance Dial '153 Guests are asked to attend in ap­ green effect. This serves live per- Tickets will be available at. the of Greeting" from "Hansel and REICHS CAFE REICHS 23 E. WaahiDQtoD propriate costumes. Prison food sons. door. Gretel," Mrs. Lehman said. will be served. Chaperons will be . Mrs. Sonia Sands, Mrs. Viola Heidenreich, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Glassman and Mr. and Mrs. Mor­ ris Dicker.

SIGMA NU - The annual "ho­ tel party" will be held in the Sig­ ma Nu chapter house, 630 N. Du­ bugue street from 8 to 12 p.m. Saturday. Leo Cortimiglia and his A 'BIT OF GREEN for St. Patrick's Day. Ted Kielenstyn, orchestra will play. Chaperons will E. Churc" street, displays some shamrocks as shown In a loca[ be Mr. and Mrs. Vic Howard, Mr. rreenhouse. The "flowers that bloom In spl'illg" have nothing on and Mrs. Paul Running and Mrs. ,- jji~ Shamrock In respect to popularity beca.use. accJrdlng to Kielen­ Arthur Guernsey. ~l.l1, approximately 1,000 plants are wid every year to l:>wa City ci~flomers. He added that the 'Ior ~ fied clovers are sown in January bj order to be ready tor March 17 wJ1en they are purchased tor Professor to Speak , pe~onaI deeorilUrns, parties and the "wearing of the green." At Science Meeting Prof. Stanley Wawzonek, SUI Job Conference to Open chemistry department, will speak riday, Saturday, and Monday Saturday at a science conference at Iowa State Teacher's college, With Merchandising Talk Cedar Falls. The conference is for elemen­ .Sessions on fashion merchandising amI recreation will open tary and secondary teachers. Women's Shoe RubbersI ta,lay's Vocational conference program at 9:30 a.m. in the senate Wawzonek will speak at il phy­ A~other, Great Purchase Just Received! :' and house chambers oJ Old Capitol. sical science sectional meeting Lightweight rubbers that will $le stretch to ·fit almost any shoe. " Today's schedule includes additional sessions on secretarial Saturday morning on "Polarogra­ phy, A New Tool in Cehmistry," Can be rolIed into a small tube, sell-out last time ad'lertisedl .. A A WDrk, social services, drama, homemaking and community volun­ he said. to carry in your purse. ~ .A .A A services. Sponsored by University Women's association, the tJ~ r Pre!. F. E. Brown, Iowa State ALDENS - First Floor Newest look for spring 1950 ""r~1!I/a1 program is the 12th annual ser­ college chemistry department, is ,--:.... viCe of its kind designed to ac­ of public assistance with the soc­ scheduled to speak at the same 9/ quaint students with various yo­ ial secuti ty . board. meeting on "Accelerators Used in Atomic Study." Children's 1.98 Raincoats NOW, before the MalOn has even ciOonal fields. . The director of the Cleveland been officially launched. you can ' Featured speaker lor the lash­ playhouse, Frederick McConnell, Wawzonek, Brown and Prof. Ira Spring rains will soon M will be in charge at the drama C. Davis, science education, Uni­ 1 buy the.. new spring and late here! Protect your children ioh merchandising clinic in the session from 1:30 to 2:20 p.m. in versity of Wisconsin, will parti­ $ 47 winter dtesaes at terrific savings! senate chamber will be Mrs. Wan­ the Senate chamber. ci pate in a roundtable discussion from getting wet! Sizes 8 to da Breese, associate professor of The homemaking section will of teaching problems in the after­ IS-years. Assorted colors. You'll love lIIe fresh appeal of , retailing at Drake university. She feature Mrs. Gertrude Miner, in­ noon. ALDENS - First Floor these ,abardlne, crepe, taffeta received her B.S. in home eco­ structor of home economics at and print dresses In MV)' and nomics from Southwest Missouri C:)I'nell college, Mt. Vernon. Slate college and her M.A. from colors. Community volunteer services ~,,\\\\ \ \ 11111110 P~abod y college, Nashville, Tenn. Women's L-eather Billfolds Hurry Organizer of the present retail­ will be discussed by Mrs. George to see the.. young-looking big program for Drake seniors, Stoddard, wife of the 'president A v'ery special purchase brings styles! Mrs. Breese was employed after of the University of Illinois. The these values! All leather bill· the war as a buycr of suits for session will be held from 3:30 to ff~ 4:20 p.m. in the Senate chamber. folds with pockets for every Bon wit Teller, exclusive woman's For QUICK­ purpose. All colors. store in New York. Mrs. Stoddard has worked with the American Association of Uni­ ALDENS - FIrst Floor Do~othY Enderis, director of versity Women and the Ameri­ DEPENDABLE Clearance of Early Spring community recreation in Mil­ can Red Cross and the volunteer w~ukee, will lead the 9 :30 recre­ nurses aide corps. A member of Service atlon session in the house cham­ Gamma Phi Beta... she is now in­ 5.95 House Coats ber. A former assistant to the I~nd Late Winter Dresses ternational scholarship chairman s,\perintendent 'of schools In Mil­ for the social sorori ty. Wonder buy at this eye­ wllukee, Miss Enderls retired a PHONE, 9629 . stopping low price for these build up your wardrobe and your budget year ago and is now a member Concluding the two-day confer­ ence will be a coffee hour from rayon Crepe house coats. of the President's committee on Sizes 12 to 20. r~lgion and welfare in the armed 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. sponsored by the These are the ones and twos from many price lines, embracing home economics department. The LIM IT ED. ALDENS - Second Floor forces . She is director of the Wis­ women's, misses and juniors sizes ... in plain. colors and fancies! consin Society of Mental Hygiene, coffee hour will be held in the second vice-president of the So· department dining room in Mac­ CAB CO. Formerly to 15.95 Dr..... S 8 ciety of Recreation Workers of bride hall and is open to all par­ "Radio Dispatched" America, on the advisory board ticipants of the conference. 2.98 Rayon Crepe Slips Formerly to 22.95 DreaM. $12 of the Legal Aid society and a member ot the Association of Lace top and bottom. Sizes Formerly to 29.95 DNu" $" 32 to 44 in green, pink, blue Health, Physical Education and $2' 7 Formerly to 35.00 Ore .... $17 Recreation. and white. Save SIc on 4 each slip! , The seeretarial division of Vo­ ALDINS - Second Floor cational conference will be dis­ ALDENS - SecoDd FI.r cussed from 10:30 to 11 :20 a.m. in the Senate chamber with Gretchen Vanderschmidt as featUred speak­ er. Director of Miss Vander­ 59c Rayon Pants s¢hmidt's secretarial school in St. 2.98 Girdles LoUiS, she is also a lecturer in Rayon panties in pink, blue and business correspondence at St. white. Elastic brief leg. Priceq. . Panty girdles are includ­ Iiouis university. special for this sale only. 2 for ed. Genuine Munaingwear '·Prot. Wayne Vasey, director of ALDENS - Second Floor garments. knit of rayon Ute SUI school of social work, will ) and lastex, White only. 24 lead the social services discussipn frqm 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. in the to 30. House chamber. Prof. Vasey has ALDINS - Second Floer !alight at the New York school 79c Rayon Briefs ol social work and the University Run-proof: elastic leg. Pink of Cali1ornla. A research associ­ ate for the Russell Sage founda­ and white. Snug elastic 52 To 3.50 Garter B.elts tion, Pre!. Vasey was also county waist: double crotch. Sale 98 welfare director of Contra Costa values only! 5 for ...... 2 ·for 1.501 Fashioned of rounty, Cal., and assistant region­ ALDENS - Second Floor nylon. satin and lace. All al repfesentative for the bureau colors. Sizes 24 to 30. See A,aiD we are able to o.er them! • Y01l Wria1ey woaderful 3.98 Rayon Print Frocks AWINS - . Second Floor hard.milled, rich latberin, \I Ie . {I ( bulk IOlp' ••• deluxe quality A surprise value if ever there was one! ill teYea ~t varietiea. Smart tailored style for 52 HUe, yoar aelectioa lor afternoon wear. Young 77 FISH FRY lines: new colors! Sizea to • Men's T-Shirts yoaneH and lor the sub-ll.to 20. . . whole lamily a'. thia ALDENS - Second Floor aaoMy lAm., priee. FRIDAY "Well whadayuh know'-it says. 'whenever you're 5169. each Wllh a ,eneroUi porlloD in doubt just call for PHILIP 'MORRIS!''' 5.95 Nylon Knit Slips , , GOLDEN FRENCH FRIES TerriJlc Val". at 24 Cakes PHIUP MORRIS smokers don't need a Alde... Low Price $le : COLE .SLAW "c~stal Lace top and bottom . . . in ~ BREAD and BUTTER ball" to tell them this is the OM a,arette . pink only with white lace You'll want several in your favorite pattel'lUl and colors AII .for •• 49c proved definitely less irritatin,. definitelY milder. trim. Sizes 32 to 40. This ~497 Choo. rront ..... III than any other leadillJ brand. sale only! at this money-savin, price! dli'erent l11*' ALDINS - SecoDd Floor UOpen the Door ThaI's why there's No CIGAUITJ HANGOV" Choose from strin, knits and relUlar knita in ,...... Step when YOIl smoke PHILIP MOUls...... And Insid. horizontal and vertical stripes We Dellver Let America', Finest Cigarette &0"";,"' )IOU r ~.. ~ Sale Women's Gloves . . aU l)ew Sprinl desllJ1l ...... ----...... Phone 8-1391 and colors...... ,,---. A .pecial purchase new s,Pri!w Sizes S. M. L. ... r-'7"" w.."..- ENALDO'S glov.. of fine ~m.rauede...... ,...... ", ..... Stoc:lr up for War. Daya RFAMOU8 FOOD' bracelet and other 'lellgtU. All ...... , ...... ,--- ws: anany color.. t Ahead ••• ,SaY.1 ,.c.u ...... " ..... =~PHILIP MORRI AM)INS - FI", Floor PJ\Gl~ FOUR - TilE DAlLY IOW{\N, FltIDAY, MAIlCn 17, 1950 • -.--- - . . , . . ... , • II!' • Nine Across Ente , 7~ AlblS ClaSS '·' A~l'i(t~r ': "P'_""""'" (hal I SfuJ'tU Z'ed' A n_ Chiefs to Meet THE BOX SCORE Defeat. Maq~oketa ' By Alan Moyer .....___ ...... Squad SUB-STATE* * RtSULTS * KEOKUK (40)* FO * ,FT *FTM PF BI~ - Younkin, I ...... • 2 ~4 0 III .... Cllr (II.ly Family) 41, schedu Ottumwa in finpls' tligh, I ...... 1 I I In SuJ,.State,59-33 . H~t Dog/ 'Hete Come the Grbetrotters- Corwllb IG Pryor, c ...... 1 2 I 3 Mnrch Shelby SA, M •• rbead lIS BJ yON MOYER Ward, /l ...... 8 , 1 I 0 Liste Ne"klrk ~ I. LO/lan , ' .; ...... 1 0 2 1 By OZZIE 'ENS~ Fo,r , the first time in the history of Iowa athletics stuqents, Po.ahonl•• (Sacred Hearl) 3~ A last minute ba~ket gave Keo­ Reed. , ...... 1 0 I 1 conch Mllon City 8", West Wlterlo. ~a An lS-polnt barrage in the sec- townsPeople. and basketball fans In the Iowa City aren are gail), to B. WilUams. /l .. , ... 3 ' 0 0 ~ Harris. Lor•• n, Marthaillown SA kuk the necessary margin Thurs­ ond quarter' 'thursday night gave be able to see the on an A-I basketball ncor Frank day night to edge its Little Six Tllal...... " ~ ,. ,It fti Albia the necessary advantage tp a~ ' Where thousands can attend the lame-the Iowa ~ lt"UlIUCI~e. NAIB RESULTS rival Bur4ngton, 40.44.. BUaLlNGTON I"" FG FT rTltI, PF ;l'r WlIllar Cloee. l ' ..... ,., ..... 6 o 0 ! 12 grind out a 59-33 victory ,<>ver Thei ramOU8 GbbetroUere, by ==-~' ==="., Turchi (at Kansas City) The Chiefs now face Ottumwa, Knapp, i _...... 4 o 0·. I 8 Maquoketa In the .semi - 11nal ttle best known tra.vellnr t ...... ,.r 1949 state champions,' in a sub­ Mollf, c .•... 3 3 I 3 8 low University.' Tamp. A•• Yaler; /l ...... ,: .. 4 o l ' 3 8 roulld of tHe sub - statl! to\lrn

DIMAG HOMERS ~atbata ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. M­ Joe DiMaggio sma hed a 440-foot home run and two singles as the Co-Starr in, "AI witty 01 any film you can think New YOl'k; Yankees went on n of. Greot brlllioRC', mogn~icent ba IIi ng I'D m page, lol' the. secQnd SYDNEY acti"" r'Iourceful diredion.· ' stl'alght doy to defent the Wash-, -HERAlD TtI.UN' .GREENSTREET lnIC10n Senatrrs 13-2----, - . "TN. DUTCHMAN" FLY HOME ElSTER .JOHN HODIAK ROBERtmRUNG , SPECIAL FLiGIiT "Tit. OOVI.NM~NT \,AN" JOHN ~ IRELAND . lEW YORI170 a.:~ CLAUPE JARMAN, JR. rlTT8BIJRGIl - $80 Roun4,TrlP ,lIONEL CLEVELAND - ,50 R.und Trip GlO"A GRAHAME' ·BARRYMORE TAX INCLUDED Plull COLORTOON * COMEiJY * LATE' NEWS Phone 4273 4-1 I) P.M. '. ..,

1 •• THE DAILY JOW;\S, FRIDAI'. lfAJlCH 17, un - PAGE FIVE . . ' ------. ,------.------~----. Nine Iowa Gymnasts Unnoticed at Fieldhouse - Harlem Globetrotters Entered in Big Ten Slated to Play Here • • U·High Track Team Practices The Original Harlem Globetrot­ 'ADS Championships Here ters, Negro team which features For Spring Meet. basketball fancy variety, wiiJ ap­ • Mu.le and Radio A nine-man Iowa gymnastics pear in the Iowa field house 1 WANT March 29 as one of four teams AD RATES 111'08 IllS squad has been entered in the By JACK BEEGER* ~= ~:e~e..: ~. GUARANTEED re~,.. lor aU mUtes BI. Ten championship meet * * In an exhibition double-header. For consecutive insertions Chevrolet recUR, 11341 Pontiac 2-dr. _ Home and Auto .-ad"". We pklt up and Although they go practically un­ Iowa Athletic Director Paul dan, 1_ Nash sedan. _ those dean dell,'er. SV1TON RADIO and TELEVlS· scheduled for the !Ieldhouse ODe BaT •___ ._ Ie per w" used ears al IDCWALL MOTOR CO., It'! IO!lf, 331 I!:. Market. Dial 2131. March 25. noticed among the vast throng of Brechler said Thursday that the Three na,. ___ lie per w" S. Dubuq"" St. ConvenIent terms. Listed as Hawkeye entrants by college athletes taking daily work­ dOUble-header, sponsored by the Six Da,•. •. ____.. lJe per wd EXPERT radJo repa\rL PlclI:up and cle- department of athletics, will fea­ 1.. 1 BtIlCX convertIble. Very I'UIOn· U'·"ry. WOODBURN SOUND !IER. Coach Dick Holzaeplel were Bill outs in the SUI fieldhouse, there One Month ... _. ..Jh per w .... able. Excellent ~dltlol\. call 1413 VIC!:, • I!:. Colkle. Dial 10151. ture the Globetrotters against the afternoons and everuncl. Harris, Clair J enneH, Bill Lewis, is, in one corner, a smaH group Frank Engels, Don Casady, Paul Ind.iana Clark Twins, national fa­ I'OR SALE: Dod,e eu~lom 4-door I .... TYPEWRITEHS Williams, Kenny McKenna, Dick of young - looking lads who are mily champions. W. R. Crowley (ully eQuJpped. Reynolds Molors Co. PreUminary Game Classl!led Manager Phone 11-0IIII1. Rentals Repait:s Turchin and Earle Dl1ggan. dest\ned to make a name tor Portables Iowa hopes to Ilcore ,well in the The first game of the twin bill MODEL A )'onl tudor. Good eondlUon. themselves. Call Sam I1e1S. Authori~ed ROYAL Dea ler trampoline with Harris as the star. will pit the Philadelphia Sphas, 4191 This ' "unknown" outfit is com­ Am e ric a n Professional League WIKEL Harris, who is nursing a slight prised of the 20 or so hopefuls IGNITION knee injury, wlll be able to com­ champions, against the Toledo Typewriter Exchange who are making a bid for a spot Mercurys, a team with numerous Notices CARBURETORS 124'3 ·E. College 8-1051 pete In the tourney. on University high school's track former midwestern college stars. WANTED: Vol.,. lor Joan Ban,. Cor GENERATORS STARTERS , lIawks Won In 1937 team. We.Uawn Soellil ChaIrman. BRIGGS & STRATTON Holzaepfel, who is meet mana­ The Negro team, in its 23rd sea­ Lettermen Back son, has a record of 3,184 vi\:­ MOTORS ger, said that the tournament will Where Shall We Go Honest Values' he the first here since the Iowans With 13 lettermen back from tories against only 235 deteats and PYRAMID SERVICES took first place honors in 1937. last season, the Blue Hawks loom one tie. Last year the Trotters DON'T FORGET the PRINCESS CAFE, 220 S. Clinton Dial 5723 USED CARS as one ot the powerhouses amon, won 146 of 151 games and played towa CJly'. lead In, rest.un'nt for The Hawkeyes arc competing in q uamy and SC'rvlce. IO'mnastics this season fol' the the state's Class B cinder squads, to a million spectators. Their • 1948 WILLYS Jeepster first time since 1942. and the group of prepsters, al­ most treasured victory last sea­ IT'S A "ACT thai the prof.....,. Who la though small In number, has great son was over George Mlkan and lal. I. rare - In Caet, h.·1 In class HOBBY HARBOR 1947 PONTIAC 2 dr. Three Big Ten powers were bv hlm·ell. W1S"E BIRDS FLOCK TO 1941 PACKARD 4 dr. among the first entrants receiv­ potentialities. the Minneapolis Lakers before THE HAWK'S NEST. Handicraft Supplles Those back again tor more com­ 1939 OLDS • dr. ed by Holzaepfel. They are Mich­ more than 21,000 in the Chicago Model Airplanes petition are sprinters Frank Bak­ " I WAS SROT In th. lei In the war:' 1937 PONTIAC 4 dr. Igan, seeking its third straight stadium. " Have a Icar'" ·'No. thanks. 1 don't Railroads er, Ronnie Coldsnow, Curt Miller, team title; Illinois, led by a na­ Two of the best - known stars Imoke." ALWAYS A GOOD TIME AT FilUI'lnes 1936 FORD 2 dr. Kenny Alberts, Dean Siesseger, with the Globetrotters are (Sweet­ THE ANNEX. tlonai champion, and Michigan, 210 N. Unn Dial 8-0474 and Bob caQtrell; guar~er - mller with. defending titlists in three )Vater) Clition, 6-foot, 7-inch cen­ - Today- Special Bruce Nolf; hall-mllers Bob Ewalt, ter, whose huge hands enable him Help Wanted evt:!nts. Wally Ingram, al]d Bob Ballan­ Guaranteed Watch Repairs lesS Cbev. % dr. stronrest Threat ~ perform amazing ball-handling MAD HATTER'S Tell Room wan I, head tyne; milers Bill Crippen and Bob feats, and Capt. (Babe) Pressley, woltre••. Dial 6791. ON ALL MAKES RURI ,0041, and elean. Illinois is regarded as the Peters: and hurdler Karl Harsh­ For only 160. strongest threat to ,Minnesota's playing guard for his 13th sea­ PLUMBERS. Also sheet mel.1 workero. Chronographs A Specialty barger. .son. Pressley, a giant showman, LAREW CO. supremacy. The nine - man 11- The squad has been working • llnj tcam has Irvin Bedard, twice fpecializes In passing. C.T.ALGER out in the field house for two w~ks Wanted To Rent National AAU tumbling champiop. Seven Titles Jeweler KELLEY IOTORS and will continue to do so every The Philadelphia Sphas have Cornu Unn It; Coliere Sl. He was a member of the two­ GRADUATE .tudenl and wile dell .... ,., 205 E. Wamlngton Dial 3975 day until weather permits the on seven titles in 16 years of man team which last year. won the team to run 'outdoors. room apartment lor occupancy June NAAU title for Navy Pier, branch play in the American league. They 15. Expect to rent 'or at least twa 3'ear'l. Coachinll U-High on the cinder lave such men as Mike Bloom, for­ Will b. in Iowa City week of MI..,h 20. of the University of Illinois. I1- paths is Dr. M. F. Carpenter who Addr... . E. J . Arch.r. 5~ Gr.enwood, jinois has defeated Minnesota in mer Temple player; Joe Green­ 'F'vJII"ctnn. tn. will be entering his 30th year as berg, formerly of LaSalle. and a dual meet this season. the track mentor at the school. Other prospective Illini stars Red Klotz, one - time Villanova Dr. Carpenter ls associate profes­ star. General Servicea include Gay Hughes, second in the sor of English at SUI and directs Big Ten trampoline last season; Three sets of twins make up the English department at Univer­ the Clark team, now touring tor PORTABLE electric lewln. machln.. Joe Fina, tied tor second in tumbl­ sity high. Cor rent. $5 per monlh. SINGER ing and third in parallel bars, (Dan, IOWID PlIol.) the second year. SEWING C£NT!:R, 125 S. Dubuque. and Frank Dolan, second in the READY FOR THE STARTER'S GUN 1\ the University hlrh school Enviable R~ord track captain, Karl Harshbarrer, h~lder 01 three hurdles records He has cd'mplJed an enviable FULLER BRUSH1:S and cOlm.Uc,. Can all-around competition. Pep Favored to Keep 8·lese. Minnesota's star is Herb Loken. in the Eastern Iowa Hawkeye conference. Held.nr the starter's record while coaching the prep 1 who has entered five events. He run Is U-high Coach M. F. Carpenter. tracksters at U-High. Rumors are 'Featherweight Crown WESTMORLAND Itulln, Illver. Myrna is the defending Big Ten side being circulated about that hia NEW YORK (JP) - Willie Pep, A.new. 7292. horsc champion. Loken also took teams have never finished lower the great little fe therweight second on the parallel bars last Indiana State Advances to NAIB Semi-Finals than second place In a conference champion, ruled a big 5 to J 8 Lost and Found year. Howard Swanson, second in meet. . KANSAS CITY, MO. 1m - A again last year, the Terre Haute phoJce Thursday to repel France's LADlES WITH lTe.n coati. aUentlon: the high bar last year, is another When questioned about this confident Ray Famechon in their veteran tournament team from In- team displayeti plenty of polish the professor smiled and modestly RocenUy dlleovered I have wronl eoat. potent Gopher in that event and diana State Teachers college at and ball control and unleashed an 15-round title bout in Madison An)' Information appreciated. Dial 8-\261. 1 the all-around. ,. all-around attack which moved said, "Well, we did flnisl1 third Square Garden tonight. once or twice." FOUND: CAR keys Ipr Iowa l04i II· ,j Michigan, the only undefeated Terre Haute stamped itself a title with the precision of a fine watch , A crowd of more than 15,000, eense ~2·788l . Owner eln elalm .t gym team in the conference meet contender Thursday night as it movement. I including thousands of Pep's loy- O.Uy Iowan Busln" .. Offlee. , with five victories, is led by Cap­ won easily its quarterfinal NAIB Jim Berger paced Indiana with BABE LEADS a1 legions from Connecticut, and LOST: Bille lICellme Shurrer pen. Name tain Pete Barthell. Versatile tournament game, 61-39, from 19 points. Baldwin - Wallace, AUGUSTA, GA. IIP\ - Babe Di- a gate of over $70.000 is predicted enaraved. Ext. 2'48. nnrthell won the parallel bars Baldwin - Wallace of Berea, Ohio. which in two previous games in drickson Zaharias came back to by the promoting International and tumbling ti tles last year for Using some 0, the boys who the tourney hit for a total of 166 the golf wllrs, Thursday with a Boxing club. The fight starts at Want To Buy Michigan. Ed Buchanan returned played Indiana State's second points, stayed fairly close through superb par 72 to snag a flrst- 9 p.m. (Iowa time) . It will be USED FURN1TURE: T.ble.t chalro. To Place Your Want to defend his trampoline title also. place team in the tournament two the first half, trailing 29-23 at in­ round lead in the important Wo- broadcast by A.B.C. and televised ",Ca •. CI II Ro,er Hlpp.ley. Ext. 2111. Ad Wolverine Hopefuls years ago and who saw service termission. men Titleholders tournament. by N.B.C. before H) p.m . Other Wolverine hopefuls in­ w ASH1NG machine. Call 7J6~. cludes soph~more sensation Con­ BLONDlE nie Ettl, top performer on the " CHIC YOUNG Work Wanted parallel bars; Bob Checkley and EXPERlENCED oteno.rapher de. lres per· PHONE 4191 Jeff Kni ght. Coach Newt Loken's manent posltton. 'I'ypin,. ahorthand. and charges defeated Ohio State last ",meral o(llce worl< . Write Box 8. Dally Saturday, 61-34. Iowan. Only Purdue, which doesn't CURTAINS laundered. Dial 5692 by 10 have a gym team, and Michigan g,m. or arter 8 p.m. LET THE CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU State, ineligible to compete until GRADUATE mile nurse wants work. 1951, will not be represented at Call Ward Liebe re s Jdenr~ , Shoron the conference tournament. Center. ( 100M AND BOAJU) Ohio State, Wisconsin, North­ wE!l:tern and Indiana have also s'ent TH£P.E ARE A LOT CJ= D4.FFY IT MAY JUST BE lUC in their entries making the list QUICK LOANS on jewelry. dolhln,. WAYS FOR PICKING RACE gUT 'MORlON" HAS PICkED radio •. etc. HOCK·EYE LOAN, l'O ~ WINNERS, BUT THIS MOUSE 5 WlNNER.S UP 10 1QO,to.Y of teams for the conference meet S. Dubuque. total eigh t. METIolCO THE <.1UOG£ US£S AT NANf.IOLT P,..,RK'''·THE. The eight schools have named $$$$$$$$$$ LOANED on luno. CIImero., TOPS "lL T>lE SILLY JUDGE, ROBIN , .... ND I BET dI amonds, "IOlhlng, elc. RELIABLE SYSTEMS / .•. DONT TELL '10 APIEC£ ON THE a total of 60 athletes for the af­ LOAN CO., 10e . if, B\lI'lInlllon. 'ME 'IOU PLAY MOUSE'S CHOICE ~ fair. The seven events on the pro­ IT, UNI<..? mOO¥. AND WE EACH GOT gram will be divided into morn­ Real Estate J 33.50/ .. " IT WAS A PHOTO ing and afternoon sessions in the FINISH. AND 'TME PICTURE LARGE APT. building. Owner would north gym ot the tieldhouse. consider trading on 0 lorm II It were SHCM'ED OUR HORSE HAD ,.., localed near Iowa City. WrIte Box 5. WART ON HIS UP Dally Iowan. TOl-CHING THE WiR.E FIRST! Slower, But Still Typing THESIS Genual 'I')I.,lnll - Mlmeo· ,r.phln,. Notary Public. Mary V. Effective: IHewhouser Burn.. GOI ISBT Bldll., Phone W6 or 2327. LAKELAND, FLA. (.4') - Can EXCEPTIONALLY reasonabl •. Typln. 01 II star speedball pitcher lose some­ • all kin s. Mildred K lpnl• . a·0718. tiling off his fast ball (}Od still remain as good as ever? Miscellaneoua lor Snl~ Hal Newhouser, great Detroit BLUE STUDIO couch. Very rellonlble. ~NKY lefthander, answers "yes" and Call 7482 .Iternoons and evenln ••. IS STRICTLY points to himself as an example. SHELVADOR Refrlleralor. 1t4. unit, SUS, Plastic top Uibl •. ~d chairs, '10. Gains in Experience I SoUd maple dogb-].. bedltead, $10. Misc. FORM" "I'm not as fast as I used to 613 7th Ave. • Pl,..,YEIl... be," he admitted, "but I believe I'm as good a pitcher now as I m.truction as back in 1944-45-46 when I BALLROOM dance lusons. Mimi Youda , , won 80 games. What J lost in Wurju. Dial t485. speed I've gained in experience, I a BALLNOOI\{ ".ncml 'eSSonl. Harriet L_~ __ L~A_F_F_.· A_-_D_A_Y__ ~ .. greater knowledge of the batters HEN II Y Walsh. Djal 3780 aller 6 l>.JIL and improved contro!." F=::::==~====::::I:::t It is difficult to believe that .Room. for Rent this quiet-spoken veteran is the ONE DOlJBLE room ''<' double room. same hoL - tempered, erratic kid Student me-no 17 S. Governor. Phone Who joined the Tigers in the lall 8·2737. ot 1939 fresh from the sandlots. \!o DOUBLE roo';'. men ' .iudentl. Inquire 'fuday, Hal not only is one of the .,nE . J,.Uerfllon. Phone 51&3. top stars of his profeSSion but one of the best mannered on and Iowa City Trailer Mart ot! the field. In ten full seasons, Ncwhouser RENtAL - SALES has racked lip 170 victories, sec­ Rental luc.aae trailer ond only to Clevelahd's Bob Feller by the hour, dar. or weU among the American league's big­ lest winners. He won 18 games m,hwa, ~a Dear AIrport last season. It marked the sec­ Phollle .sa ond time In three years, the tall­ . !III - curly - haired hurler failed to 40-100t reath 20. Wash the fUJ, economlaal "17 as the Same Ability LAUNDROMAT on a ' ''I had the same ability," he t T T A lET T , . , 1" laid, "It's Just that I didn't get F~.:..!.:"-'---~~__:::__:::---:--.::-:r------__:--~'7-....,_, r"------"-'l~--__:-::-::-----.:::-;,..----.-~ second the breaks. I lost [our gamcs by Wash ~y AppolIltm8llt Wash- one run and was taken out with the score tied In three others. Wo DIal' 8-6291 Won those games, but another Pitcher receiv~d the credit." MAHER BROS. Pancho to Rest ~ Rf,LEIGlI, N.C. (.4') - Richard T~ANSFER (Poncho) Gonzales, frcShman flash o( 1>1'0f~ssion81 tenniS, explained '1'hursdlly why he will sit out his rOI .mellll' fUrDlture SOphomore seaSon. "I'm pooped out and tired of Voviat . I~okln. at tenf\ls balls;" sighed aM GOllzales, who Is In his first ¥ear of the play-for-pay game as a I p.M. IntmlJer. ot Bobby Ri ...' tennl. tr~uPt, Dial· 9696 Dial "Aha! I KNEW we'd Aod you hom ••" , rAGB 8JX - THE DAILY IOWAN, "mAY, MAllOH 1'7. 1950 Local Price Survey - Boy Hurt Slightly Student, ChQrch Groups In Street Accident Wi :. Un·Expeclanl Ma Abandons Day-Old Twins , (osl-of-Living Drops SUghtl·y HILLEL FOUNDATION .ervlcc. Prot Ralph Greenl.w of Ihc SOUTH BEND, IND. 1111 - A Rob!!rt Dllni!!lson, 6, son of Mr. (J .... I. .. Stadonl.) SUI hlltoty deparlment will speak on 'Nil barefoot 'widow who abandoned "The Episcopal Way." the Ullrd In lhe The cost of food items included in The Daily lowall's mal" and Mrs. Virgil E. Danielson, 1322 "rlday, 7:30 p.m. Relular Friday .er- .erlel of "}JIlhs 01 PrO"'sl.nUsm." the In blue-eyed girls a da" after vice. Friday. 3:$0 10 5 p.m. Informal coUe. ket basket survey decreased slightly this week. Muscatine avenue, \VIIS injUred win e bore them said Thursday she Salurday, 2 10 4 p.m. Dllcusslon group hour. Ellaabeth Kalsey will pour. ~jldn't even known she was preg­ with Prol. Judah Goldin of Ihe SUI I The cost·or.living index for a family of three is $15.30. slightly in an automobile-pede.. Ced Bchoo l of relillon I ••dln, Ihe dllcllilion. ",01 pant. 4 p.m. Onel Shabbat. EI'ISCOPAL ST,UDBNTS Pork 'prioes remained stable, but the price of ground beef in­ trian accldent Wednesday eveniila, Sunday. 2:30 p.m. Dance ,roup. I. "I tell you, it was a shack when Friday. 8:43 a,m. Kply Commullion police reported. , fdcl Mond.y through FrIday. . :301 p.m. and breakl86t following. 8 p.m. Inlor­ creased 5 cents to 54 cents a -1 woke up and found I had twins," P.alm sludy ,roup at 301 Macbride au­ mal meeting of the Ball .nd Cilain 'rhe O.lIy low.n market bloket D/. The ehlld suffcrcct scratch!!s al1d ditorium. pound. "aid Mrs. Margie Johnson, 39. club. 7:, /J p.m. Ecumenical student eon· OEX 10 nol In Idded tolal Of the bruises on his legs and anklea, lerence at Ihe ~ethodlst church. Peas were down 3 cents a can, I She added that she has "abso­ Salurday. 8:30 a.m. Mornlng pl'ayer prl~. listed above. That I., the Indel< but was not taken to a hospital, BAPTIST STUDENTS sugar dropped 2 cents for ,the 5- IIlU1'e tak.. Into conwldoraQon both his father said. , ~utelY no interest" in the future Saturday. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Open llouse service for Ecumenical conference. The Canterbury choir will sln/l . .II •. m. Can­ the costa of the Item. lilted .bove and . ~t the twins. lor dele,atea to Ecumenical conference. pound sa·ck and Kraft Velveeta Ih. .neli ~lud"nt Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Sunday semInar. terbury choir rehearsal. 7 p.m. Sen:or amount of Jlem the The accident, Involving a car I Mrs. Johnson fl'eeted reporters Continulnr study 01 the book of Mat­ cholr rehearsal. cheese was ott 8 cents for the 2- !emily of three use. In one Week. The driven by Wilford H. Emmolll, fng .mount eaeh Itom the family of 37 E B I' t t ...... In her bare feet when they found thews. under the leadership o( the Rev. Sunday. 8 a.m. Holy Communion and pound box. three u.... 0' In one week was arrived at 11 . ur tngton s rec • occu" "" Elmer Dierks. , p.m. V... per rervlce. breakia,t lollowlng. 10,30 •.m . Morl'lng ~er In a one - room apartment, Roger Wllllaml delegates will report on prayer alld 'erIPOII. 4, p.m. Unlveralty Prices gathered in a survey of In • survey conducted In cOoPer.tlon In the 1300 on Muscatine where .he said she has been conference hllhll,lhta. 8 p.m. COlt supper veapers at Macbride auditorium with wJth the UnlVelsllY bureau Of economIc l\Venue. police said. and fellOWShip social hour. the Rev . B.I. Bell speakln.. 5 p.m . !'keeplng house" for a truck tlriv­ Evenln, prayer dnd sermon. Canterbury seven Iowa Oity stores are com- .:....n;";;b;u_;.I~n~;.;;.r;e.;.;;• ..,;b; .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Met ~r. choir wlU Iinr .• p.m. Canterbury sup­ pared below with last week's ~ • PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS I She left St. Joseph hospital at per Ind discussion with IIOvetal guests. Friday. 4 p.m. Friday fun. Re,lslrlUon Wednesday. 8:45 a.m. Holy Communion Mishawaka Tuesday after refus­ for the S.C.C. Midwest Ecumenical eon­ and breakfast following. 10:45 •. m. Holy Jean Ing to' look at the twins and sign­ ference at the Meth(>dlst chUN:h. 6:15 Communion. 5:45 p.m . Evenln, prayer ~I:~es. w~:; w~~ REOP~NED UNDER p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Club PDtluck supper. I lb. Iowa Rrand Buller .. $ .n ~ $." ~ ball Fri ~nl away her rights to them. She service. Potluck eupper and Lenten pro­ I doz. grade A eggs ...... 35 .3~ Pro,ram meeting. ,ram. ,aid girls were "too hard to bring Saturday, 8 p.m. Open hou se. student! I Friday, 8:4S a.m. Holy Communion I doz.lb. Hills mCd. Bro sizes. coffeeoranges ...... 4578 .79.49 I Sunday, 4 p.m. Unlvenlty vespers In NEW MANAGEMENT up." and breakfast folJowlnl. 8 p.m. 'The 10 lb. potatoes ...... 49 .49 Macbride auditorium. The Rev. Bernard The Mishawaka wei far e offldals member. of Ihe B.)I Ind Chain club wlll (rned.) ...... 16 .10 I Iddlnlls Bell will IPeak. , p.m. We.t. ,be the supper ,Uest$ of the Rev. and No. 2 can Van Camp pork - ' Union ( were :going ahead with plans to minster vespers. Lellten medltaUon.Fel ... Mh. Harold McGe •. fl8 N. Linn slreel. put the twins out for adoption. low.hlp supper and Cun .Ingl ng. N~.n d2 ~;~n ~T,;,;d~·~S~~~i"p~~~· ::~ G]esJl8 Tuesday. 8 a.ln. Mornln, watch. Lead­ ::ri H 'N E er will be Jake de Ryke. Mrs. .JohnsOn didn't care to name STUDENTS .. ..2' .27 I chester, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Westminster choir LUT~ERAN N~.:c~e~a~ . ~c~.~~n~~ S.I~C ~d am gger them, ·so they have been dubbed Saturday. 9:30 p.m. Open houle for I can Campbell tbm.to soup.1I .11 rehearAal. the deleg.tes 10 thc Ecumenical confer- 1 lb. spry . '...... 29 .29 ~3, Car :'A" and' "B." . Thursday. 12:30 p.m. Bible study and .69 .69 cost lunch. 6:15 p.m. Lcnlcn potluck ence. . I lb. can red sockeye . almon A (ina The widoW', who was married supper. ' Sunday .• a.m. Bible study at lhe Carge size Ivory flakes .....26 .28 DIRECTl,( ACROSS FROM W.S.U.1. In Kentucky at the age of 13. said .\udent house. 2 p.m. MeeUn, of the DP 10 lb. Gold Medal flour .... .93 .93 princeSSE commltlee. 3 p.m. Meelln! of the LSA I-I lb. 4 oz. B.ker·s choc . )lecca q she was not interested in the fu­ UNITED STUDENT FELLOWSHIP council. ~ p.m. Lutheran Student as.o- {unsweet.1 ...... 3 9 .39 Offers For Your Eating Pleasure ture of her babies. (Co"Jr.JoIlonol .nd EvanJ.U ••1 and cia lion meets al the First English Lu- 2 lb. Kraft Velveeta checse .79 .87 IiWyel's, theran Church. 5:a p.m. Supper. 6 p.m. l lb. Armour lard ...... 18 .16 BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER light. • "How could I take care · of Reformd dudonlal l;ievotJons and pro~am . Blrthe Synn- I lb. ground beef ...... ~ ~ .48 " lhem?" she asked. Friday. 3:30 to 5 p.m. CofCee hour. stvedl \VIII .pelk. I lb. choice round sleak ... . .79 .19 "bou l I She bore them Monday after Mrs. Truman Slager will pour. Tllesdlly. 4 p.m. Bible study with lhe 1 lb. center cut pork chops .. .65 .64 Meals, Snacks And Desserts oean Saturday. 8 p.m. Open house In the Rev. Arthur Proehl leadlllg lhe study. I lb. 1st grade bacon ...... ~9 .59 where ,he fainted in a Misha~aXa res­ firealde room. All visiting and local Thursday, 4 p.m. DI.~u .slon with the I 20 oz. loof While bread .....17 . 17 pIeS w delegales are welcomed. Rev. Ralph Krueger leading. t qt. grade Aln.l.nxllkT.·\·.·I..... ··17 .17 Open Dal'ly From 6 A.M. Till? taurant and police took her to the Sunday. 5 to 8 p.m. United Student P'rJday. 8 p.m. Talent show at lhe Jaospital. III errol The ( t "Everything was a blanj( bk­ , ;ut Week ...... ~15.37 tween tht! time I fainted in the _fu;II;O;W;.h;IP;.;;C;o;st;;,;up;~;;r;;an;d;;w;;on;h;l~p;s~t';ld;e~nt;;h;ou;~~.;;;;;;~~~;;;;~ ~T~h:I'::W:P~.k:;:"~' :" ~"~":' ~"~' ~" ~"~' ~" ~"~"~~~'~~" :O~~;;~;;;;~~;;~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;::~ pecting s festaurant and woke up ' in the BAREFOOT MRS. MARGIE ANDERSON JOHNSON. the woman and wer hospital," she said. "Nobody was who walk'ed out of a Mishawaka, ind., hospital 24 hours after liv­ IIleY saw lheJII, th more surprlse~ than me when Inf birth twin girls, said aga'n she does net want the children to and city they told me I had twins." aDd Is "absolutely not intcrested in their future." Mrs. JohllS'on said intorcem She emphasized that her late she had no Idea that she was pregnant. She Identified the father The la husband was the father of the as her late husband, Euel Johnson, who was killed last Dec. 19 In Ileal wt twins. She said his name' was,Euel an automob~ le accident. The welfare department II! carinr for the rived. Johnson and that he was. killed babies tempora.rlly. Mrs. Je-hnson Is now living In a sha.bby Dne- coron: last Dec. 19 In an auto ac~ldent room apartment In South Bend, Ind. ( at Herrin, Ill. ' queen br Mrs: Johnson said she walt born I-~o-;~-I gineers' Honors Awarded val in h( in Hancock county, Ky." and that Coil Jenna IE,ndorses One 29c Package her parents live at Dawson , 51. Patr The f Springs, Ky. r Advanced Cadets I FRESH CREAMERY I Hallmark Chili IDd enl I Welfare officials at Mishawaka World Government Advanced senior ROTC cadets, wllh each purchaae of tiel Iha said scores of couples had offered Col. William W. Jenna. head of who received the distinguished to adopt the twins. PllMck SUI's military science and tac­ military student award, and ad­ 1 BUTT.ER I.- Last) tics department, told J 0 h n son vanced junior ROTC cadets, who HALLMARK ped Ihe county United World Federalists I I are in the upper one-tbird of betor~ tt • Wednesday night, "that any im­ their military class, have been prain Hemorrhag~ ~ c=~ BEANS By nol provement over what we have is awarded white and red identifi­ I Ib.59c I the quee a step In the right direction." in cation ribbons, respectively. SUI to the c' endorsing UWF plans for world military department officials said. , _W~ThIS co:: _I Fatal to Ie Widow I • FREE • IGA engineer government. To be eligible for the distin­ Jaw stud , Funeral services for 14rs. Helen Jenna made the statement at a guished military student award, I year's dl Smith, widow of Dr. Fred Smith, UWF "Study Meeting" in which a cadet must be in the upper one­ SELECT VEG~T ABLES Grapefruit Juice Final former head of the SUI depart- common questions of world gov­ tbird of his military class and wasn't ment of Internal mediclne, are ernment were discussed. The meet­ also be passed by all his other Giant 46· LETTUCE .... 2 ~a;::s 16e cifERY larn 19c 31c p,,'adec pending the arrival of her family. ing was held in the low... City instructors. ... _...... bch. o:!;. can arm of Mrs. Smith was found dead at Community building. California Cobbler The la about 5 p.m. Wednesday in her Chapter members saw a UWF last year CARROTS ... 2 bebs.13e POTATOES 3ge apartment at 10 Woolf avenue by film entitled, "How to Con que r LIKE 10b~~· hoistcd t neighbors who bad heard water W,ar," and heard a pt;Ogress re­ Fresh Fresh strinl'less l'UREX top of tI running and noticed the .lights in port by Attorney J. Newman Too~ LOTS OF BUTTER Wilson Sugar Cured The p the . apartment had been on all m.ey, prior to the open forum dis~ TOMATOES .... pkr. 1ge GREEN BEANS ..Ib, 19c stead' ON YOUB , laun dry SMOKED HAIS . ac yers mi~ day. cussion led by David Stanley, A3, ib 'tar mov, . The cause of her death was list- _M;u~s~c;a;;ti;n;;;e;.~;;,;;;;;;;,;~~~~~ SELECT FRUITS Gallon ~)! ed as cerebral hemorrhage. • POPCORN? 28c lu, Cudahy's SUlar Cured Lean Meab appearec Surviving are two sons, Fred- BEST BUY IN TOWN DELICIOUS building erick Richard, Sante Fe, N.M., lind PORK OHOPS .. .. 1b.55c The CI James !ferrick, Berkeley, Calif., APPLES BACON ...... lb. 43e Student Dinner, complete 49 out mis~ and a daughter, Mrs. Don New­ (Milk" dessert Included) I glneers land, qttle Rock. Ark. c:t:."c:t.117t.4 Iowa Ave. Llpl.on's Tender Juicy FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS Cudahy's Grade A without The l>6dy is at the McGovern REICHS CAFE REICHS "Taste the DiHerence" e ROUND lb. funeral home. 'r Honor Brand box Honor Brand RED Noodle Soup Mix BEEF ROASTS .. lb. 4g 8Ic STRAWBERRIES 31e RASPBERRIES box35c 3PkrS.2le Small Honor Brand Honor Brand CORN BEEF ...... It>. ac LlNfSAUSAGE Ib.41e PEAS ...... ~ ...... box 26c CORN ...... box 26c Constr Honor Brand Minute Maid 2 for 100% Pure U·mtllic Fresh Creamery No Wasie Union p , PEACHES ...... box 25c ORANGE JUiCE .... 55c ROLLED RIB .... lb. lIe PORK SAUSAGf'b.39~ spring 01 BunER er, VOiD SELECT MEATS I About Fresh Ared Oheddar be requli Extra Standard, Fre.h ' 1P:I~t 6le and finD GROUND BEEF lb. CHEESE .• Ib.&&c : at The Ie OYSTERS ...... :...... 55e tion Th~ p~ linance Ready For the Pan --- increasin FRES'H Immec BROILERS, SPRIIO FRIES ~ch $1.29 ~~~J~ 1dke'. Good Luck not coml Stewing Iy will · 10 FRUITS AND DlSCOVII- the sale lb. 89 for "olH ~.1f MW fr.,h ... J .ftr.,li"f Oleomafg~rine borrowir. . , ...... bag C Lean Loin End PORK HEIS ..., ...... fluit .flld 1III ...... bl4 ... ,.,t"' •• " SUGAR ~ch8ge ." k.pt i" !GA ,tor ••• tions, he VEGETABLES lb. 21e Pork -_._---- 1 pkl. Before • IOWA CITY'S MOST COMPLETE VARIETY • an aSSO( KRAFT 2 lb. Ib.39c ( 'EESE Velveeta - American box 73e Roast CHOPS ...... , ...... lb.3ge - CELERY· CARROTS· LETTUCE· BROCCOLI - SPINACH· I H• Tender and 1ulcy • CAULIFLOWER· PEPPERS • CELERY CABBAGE - TURNIPS • - CUCUMBERS· PARSLEY· RUTABAGAS - TOMATOES • I FRESH • ENDIVE - GREEN BEANS - A V ACADOES • Whiter 33 T·BOIE STEAK .. ! ...... ~ ...... lb. 73e Su.ar Cured .•• Smoked ••• FlDest DUZ ...... 2bo:i.. e Oysters. pt. Ue Full of Juicc - Larre She Solid Crisp - Jumbo lIeads larle PICIIC HAMS ...... lb. 2ge pk,. 23e '0R N Del Haven 3No.2 49 ORANGES .... doa.3ge LETTUCE " each 14e . ( . Fancy Cream Style cans C Lean Meaty BOIL Pure ~auly Brand e LARD ...... 2Ibl.1ge QHEESE Ilb•. 5g DOLE 1------, CARROTS bc~8.15e LEMONS 7lor 33c .PINEAPPLE Sliced ...... :. 3ge Beef Ib.35e , Del Monte Pink I PEACHES 1 S~LMON 1 Jarre 26c : 1 !:~ 21c I BAN A I- S Golden Ripe ...... 2 Ibs. 19c __.. ,._. :_ "...... 9"!,,,!",cl can Wltl\ T,JUI CO~P.O~ l·S_A_L_M_O_N_A_~r:_ta _!a_I~·~3 oi~n.~ Ib.31,( Finest I_i ---- - _I CATSUP .e~y" Winesap California Sunk_t - lure slae v-a SYRUP. larle 38 2. bottles C 3-lb', 2 L APPLES 31bL2ge ORANGESdo,en 4ge r SAN.!' FLUSH...... Ig. can 19c Shoulder LAMB 2 Clans ~ Mushroom Soup Coeoa, Mar.h Chocolate S~ty Brand o,Uelous flavored $ALAD ORES SING 'RY ,palcal 1ge 2 cans 3le 19. box24c (hops .. Ib.69c ~~ 2&c CELE .... bunch 'CABBAGE ...... lb.6e WAX PAPER CUT-RITE lit. ROYAL GELATIN Onellin'.c G:optl 1 Aluminum Mold or PUDDING I CRACKE~S Fine Green Red - Ripe Cello pkf, JELLO 6 Delic;ioul Flavors 1 Ic;e B~x Bag ..... 'S9c 3Pkfl• llc .!!~ 2'c PEPPERS .... each 5c TOMATOES .. ..19c Carnation iui IALinuOE PEANUT BUTTER ~~::~ ~~. 35£ 1: MILK , tall _ 3 cans ' .' .c MotMr'~~n4 ~~'~~~~----~~ I '" "'-Il-BD-F:-:-C-:-~-.S.-N-o.-l"'" (f'RY PASeA:. Ig. bunch 19c Good Grade APRICOlS n I, Heavy Snup PEAS POTATOES Jarre . 101 .... Gc 9c
