l lednasekrs Jury COmposed ~ The Weather Of·four Women £·iQhl Men Panb ebur .. eIMIr ... ur. Sala"'r ...., .... A jury of four 'Vomen and ei$ht men, two of whom said they wlUl ......_ raJa ...... objected to the death penalty, was selected here ·Thur~day to try • a...... ~ ",lIte• ~obcrt E. Bednasek for the strangulation slaying of Margaret da" 54; Jrw, 15. IIIrIl DIIft­ e at lia,.. 4t: lew. II. (Geege) Jackson. 1be panel was chosen after three days of careful qucstioning r.t. 1868-AP Leaaecl WIre, AP WIrephoto, UP lACIHd Wire-five Cents Iowa City. lowe. Friday, March 17. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 139 by'stale and defense lawyers. The job of selecting the U jurors lIJIed 14 hours and 15 minutes. '!'be jury Includes C. Jay MIIl- C •!II • f B' M If, ..-year-old Menonlte father of . apHII~n 0 ..11, 0 JIVeD chlldren, who toJd the court ' • < , ~ )Ie was "firmly a,alnat capital A.dered to Jtand Tuili~n Rai,se Approved pllllsbment." Miller works for the Vt: ; GaY Locker company In Iowa T ' t f G ft,l' CI~eraOD Moorel aSh ar ea ~ n~\ OJ rou.~mg 1fWIIblp farmer, idie.te. that NORFOLK, VA. III} - The vet­ lit .... w.. op.... e. to the death eran navy captain who requested "ult, •• rlOI' question In.. by that he alo!)e bear the blame for for,'; Addition To Uni.ori ""lib' AU,. Jack C. Wblte. grounding the 46,000 - ton battle­ Del~nlle lawyers said they will ship . ~18$ouri will be . tried by tall ,bout 20 witnesses. They also general CQurt marUal March 27, , ,.Id ~nasek wlU take the stand along wit~ two of his otlicers. , ill '1 Didn't.Raise My Boy to Be a .. IAnother Rise bIB own defense. Capt. Willlam D. Brown, 47, a .Prevlously, White named 50 veteran of, 30 years in the navy, CLEVELAND «J) - A.rthur Dunl ClP Jr., 20, stuck a sun In penons as possible witnesses for tilt state. CtI)dr. John R. Miliett, the Mis­ h~ father's lacc Thursday niGht and demandcd his money. Okayed for Defense attorneys said they souri's operations officer, and Lt. Incredulously. Dunlap asked, "You'd sUck up your daddy?" Cmdr. Frank G. Morris Jr., the ~ not certain if Mr. and Mrs. His son orily lIhouted. "Dro!) your bllUold," Smil Bednasek, parents of the navigator, will be tried in sepa­ Mrs. Dunlap, 5&, started up {rorn her chair, hoping it was a Education Costs rate court martlais here beginning gun. , •• year-old former SUI psycholo­ joke. "Don't fool us wjth that son." she said. Plana to finance the proPQled f.Y senior, will be called to testify. at 10 a.m. March But Arthur turned the cun on her. took his 62-ycar old 27. $3-miWon addition to the Iowa They sJlld they believed it would father's W4l1let and left the house. With him was a man un­ Memorial Union by increaslD, DOt be necessary. The Big Mo weo,t aground on known to hls parenti. SU I tuition fcezJ wert! approvf'd II.... ~naaek. a" imml.-rallt Dunlap told poUc\i that "My 500 robbed mc ... I didn't think Thursday by the Iowa state baUd ,I Cleeheillovakla, ,.Id Thun­ Thlmb(e Shoals In Ham p ton hc had bad In him." of education. .., ~er onb son "I, a 1'00. Roads last Jan. The board, mcc:tina at the Oak· .. ,." 17 while trying dale sanatarium, also approved un "He always has ~n a good bOy, and we are sure this trial to run an acous­ addiUonal increase In tuition to 'IIill prove he is innocent." She tic range. There Sen.afo;, Peuriloy Swap cover the "rlsln, COIIL$ 01 educa­ !lid the girl's death "could have she sat for 1.5 tion and of educational functions _ nothing else" but an acci­ days whilc red­ • which arc supported by student dent. MORRIS faced admirals fees," "And I would feel ihat way I~tened to the Word:s' on Red Charges &eau,"ul V .... even If I were not his mother," blithe suggestions from other ser­ Beauty Admires Prize-Winning BfJCIrd "SUI will have onc 01 the {in­ ,be added. viccs, notably the airforce. WASHINGTON' (AP) - Sen. Joseph H. McCarthy and the est and most buuWul unlooi In It cost the navy $178,000 to the country when the addition Is The defendant's parents have THE WINNING BEARD ADMIRED BY MECCA PRINCESS OIcsna WI"'frow. A2, Oak Park, III. state department fired angry charges and counter charges Thurs· sat near Bednasek inside the haul the mighty Mo free and rc­ beJronl'. to Cyrus Spear, E4, Davenport. Spear raised lhe hlnute adornment (01 the l\tecca beard·rrowln, completed," Prol. Earl E. Harper, pair the damage. day in a running battle over McCarthy's allegations of Reds in director of the sehool of rlne arl.~ / courtroom raillng since the trial conte.t. Miss Witherow was one of the 12 Mecca pr,nces.es who selected the wlnnln& beards at tb( opened. Rear Adm. Allen E. Smith did Mecca smJker Thursday nl~bt. Other beard winners were Williard Sayre. IU. Cedar Falls. fullest ror the department. and the Union, laid Thursday nllht. Four of the jur- not reveal his formal charges and freshmen and sophomores; Clyde Mc~l1aD, El. Cedar Rapids, most unjqjle: aud David Jacobs. E3 McCarthy also turned his gw1S on the U.S, civil service loyalty 015 selected are specifications but said "the indi­ Ceclilr Rapids, thinnest. Other hi&,hlJ,hts at the nrc--ker wcre the IlresenlillJ: or the Theta Tau 'fution tor students In all col­ review board, 4C!cusing board more a year's delay larmers, one 01 Vidual officers concerned ... may achievement award to Gerald Luecke, £4. Matteson,llI.. ror bein&, the "o~l$tandlnf cnr neer" of thl the of than in lelles of thc university. both resI­ ~e women is the r~ease the charges and specifi­ year, and the unvelllnf of the elusive Blarney stone which senbr en&,lneers found Wednesday. reviewing the case of one of his dent and non-resident, will be in­ cations in tHeir respective cases tteased 6 a semester and a wjle 01 a re­ llleged pro-Communist slL~pects. ,3 tired ' farmer and at their own discretion." summer session to cover costs oC THe fourth defendant in the John E. Pcurl1oy, deputy ullder­ Two ' File Petitions the new construction. ano~'ntT \5 the :ccretary of state, opened the widow pf a far­ hearinas, Lt, John ~ E. Carr, com­ Thc Increase bcc:omCl et1eet.1 ve bat operations center officer, was College Student Guilty 1aY's crossfire by ~hllrgln, Me­ bellionin, with tho tall eemeslet mer. •Pat's Day. ':(arthy with reyivln, "dead. dls- For Student Council T.h()se selected given a letter of reprimand which of 1051. to /lear the case, will go Into his record. U.S. Celebrats'on MI"ght :redltcd, dl.sproven ~1)8rges" in his Se.... DeUar JaereaH ~itacks on the !,IepllrtrPel)t. 10 P.M. wbioh is expect­ In Slaying of Secretary 'Delegates-at-Large' The second lnereallC, to coveT ed to last at least Amaze Irish Cb.r~ "'.er"Vp the rise in education costs, will tll',Q weeks, i'n- ., GAF'J'NEY LANCASTER, PA. (UP) - Edward Gibbs, Franklin and Only two candidatcs Thursday amount to $7 a semester lor aU CO-Op St,ockholders Today's green beer and sham. The W\SOonsin senator rcported had returned complcted petitions elude: • Marshall college senior, was convicted of first dogree murder rock shindi"S would no doub1 "hat Peurilo>, was seeking to "cov- students and will become ellec­ for the four SUI s'udent council Mrs, EUinor Green" an SUI Thursday night in the bludgeon-slaying of pretty college secretary .. !r up and confulC the I..~~ue . " live at the bealonin, of the fall ,aduate and husband of a grad­ To 'Receive Refund bewilder St. Patrick. who was ac· "It would be amuslng," Me- dclclfale-at-lar,c posts, but IS semester 1hil ),elr. uate stuqcot and instructor in Marian Baker. tually a very serious saint. ".:arthy said, "I.t the: .Ittlitlon were pcti'ions had been called for al Harper said the board'. acllo" tilt ""tory department, When Mrs. The jury set the death penalty. Citizens of the Emerald Isle aisc lot so fraught with danler." the oUice of student altalrs. "glvcs the necesaary approval to Gteen was attending SUI. she was On· Original Shares The jury of seven men and five women retumed the verdict, are taken aback by our celebra· Meanwhllo. ChalrlT\lln MiUard E. ReynoJ,d Lao don. A4, Cou.ncil 110 ahead with phin, tor the Un­ I member of Delta . Delta Delta Stockholders in the married tion of St. Patrick'. day. In Irc· rydl!l~ (D-Md) $31\1 hi~ special J3\uCfs, publicity chairman of {he Ion addition at once!' IOI'Ority. students'. cooperative llrocery store the first Lancaster county rnur- land it is just a ~cgu lar holy 'coate JnvCfltI,aUoh eommlttcc Construction, which wlll triple r sl udcnl P1uncll. cmphlllized the (1., Jay Miller, 44, Fry town Lock will receive 87 cents per share der verdict in 28 years to carry , clay with no extra t lml}1lngs. vlU hear tho state department's deadline ror the return of the the present build In,', ,Ize, will L t' C d F d' bc&Jn In about a yelr, hc laid. ,Jant employe; on' the orl,lnaI $25 Invested for the death penalty, lifter deliberat~ OS . oe oun, "Yalljeee ingen~lty." however, I'o\lin ambassador Dr.
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