NJ Launches TS Awareness Campaign By now you may have Volume 1, Issue 1 heard our big news… Wednesday is TS Day na- July 2008 tionwide! Our long-time supporter Congressman Albio Sires, who was instru- NJ Center for Tourette mental in establishing Syndrome & Associated NJCTS in 2000, introduced a Disorders resolution in the U.S. House 50 Division St. of Representatives to bring Suite 205 awareness to Tourette Syn- Somerville, NJ 08876 drome and our efforts here This Wednesday and every Wednesday think about another in New Jersey. To our sur- way you can help someone with TS. T: 908 575 7350 prise, Rep. Sires’ resolution www.njcts.org includes the declaration of is] often misdiagnosed.” He We are asking New Jersey
[email protected] a National TS Wednesday. continued, by issuing a call families, medical profession- We did not expect such for TS awareness and recog- als and educators to take recognition, and we would nized the work of NJ Center each Wednesday to spread HELP WANTED like to thank Rep. Sires and for Tourette Syndrome and the word about Tourette Associated Disorders as “the Syndrome any way they can his staff for their continued Looking to make a difference support and advocacy on first and only program of its - whether it’s talking to a this summer while having kind in the nation, serving neighbor, organizing a fun? NJCTS needs volunteers as the model for others” Wednesday Walk for TS, or to facilitate Wednesday is TS “the first and only pro- Day! events at baseball games across the country.