

China’s Space Odyssey World’s Envy?

The race for space dominance has already started, driven by the US on the one hand, and and on the other. Peacefully, the race has a great deal of promise in extending mankind’s understanding of, and reach for, the stars, including scientific, technological, and other civilian benefits that have the potential of changing our lives for the better.

n June 17, 2021, from the Gobi Desert, China launched three astro nauts to rendezvous with the country’s nascent called O‘Tiangong‘, or ‘Heavenly Palace’. The launch is the third of 11 mis- sions planned to complete the construction of China’s first long-term outpost in space before the end of next year. The , ‘’ (‘Divine Ves- sel’)-12, succeeded in docking to the two modules launched earlier. The crew of Shenzhou-12 is scheduled to spend the next three months in , to be replaced by a second crew of three afterward. The astronauts’ main tasks are to continue building the , installing equipment, and testing various functions, including life support and waste management. They are scheduled to conduct two spacewalks in the process. The Tiangong is expected to weigh between 80 and 100 tons. It is designed as a third-generation modular space station as- Andrew K P Leung sembled in-orbit from pieces launched separately. Modular design and as- SBS, FRSA sembly in space improve reliability, reduce costs, shorten development International and Independent cycles, and meet diversified task requirements. China Strategist The Chinese station will serve as an orbiting scientific laboratory for the country’s space program, allowing it to perfect operations and conduct new experiments. At least nine of these experiments include partnerships with a host of Western nations. Officials have said that once the station is com- pleted next year, they will consider allowing foreign astronauts to be ferried to the station.

44 | July 2021 | | The Global ANALYST | China’s Space Odyssey

The Tiangong will remain in Low is openly contesting the US for space This space mission, called Tianwen Earth Orbit (LEO). It is scheduled to be leadership. Once China completes its (‘Questions to Heaven’), completed in followed by the launch of the permanent space station, the prestige one go, a trifecta of feats that NASA ac- (‘Heavenly Vessel’)-3 cargo spacecraft of being viewed as a capable space complished over several years. It or- and the Shenzou-13 spacecraft later power equal to the US has strategic im- bited around Mars in February, safely this year, with three replacement astro- plications. There is potential for China put a craft on the planet’s surface in nauts expected to stay six months—by to entice current and potential space May, and soon afterward successfully far the longest stay in space by Chinese partners to create a ‘Space Silk Road’ released a robotic rover. astronauts. along the lines of the Belt and Road Ini- Earlier, on January 3, 2019, The Tiangong, when completed, will tiative. If successful, this would consoli- Chang’e (‘Goddess of the ’) - 4, a be rough one-fifth the mass of the cur- date China’s overall geopolitical power , soft-landed on the rent 5-nation NASA-led International and influence in global norms on space dark, far side of the moon. Compared to Space Station (ISS), which has deliber- behavior. other unmanned lunar missions so far, ately excluded China. The four other Fourth, space capacity translates this lunar landing was technologically participating space agencies are into capacity. China’s space more sophisticated. No other nation prowess has military implications such (Russia), JAXA (Japan), has made a similar attempt before. as Space Situational Awareness (SSA), ESA (), and CSA (Canada). In 2019, China National Space Ad- reconnaissance, navigation, and intelli- Launched in 1998, the ISS was ministration head Zhang Kejian an- gence, as well as . originally designed to have a 15-year nounced that China is planning to build Fifth, a permanent space station life span. Decommissioning was later a scientific research station on the would enable China to develop tech- extended until 2024. NASA has Moon’s south pole within the next proposed keeping the station go- 10 years (by 2029). As mentioned ing for a few more years. If the sta- earlier, China plans the estab- tion is eventually decommis- lishment of a lunar base in 2036. sioned, China’s could be the only China plans to send a second game in town for some time. to Mars by 2028 and, ulti- According to an insightful piece As part of the China Dream for national re- mately, to bring samples back by Namrata Goswami on May 1, naissance, aims to become a leading from the planet. It’s a complex 2021 in The Diplomat, a perma- feat that NASA and the Euro- nent space station has several geo- space nation by 2045, following a long-term pean Space Agency (ESA) are political, astropolitics, and techni- working on, to bring soil and rock cal advantages for China. strategy of space capacity development samples home in 2031. China’s First, a permanent space sta- and technological advancement to this end. mission could happen this de- tion increases China’s global le- cade, setting up a potential race. gitimacy, giving it the ability to According to a report in the host astronauts and experiments South China Morning Post of June from the international commu- 2, 2021, China’s Tiangong space station nity, especially after decommissioning nologies for the crewed moon and Mars could help pave the way for a manned of the NASA-led ISS. habitation missions, leading to future mission to Mars using a propulsion sys- Second, it could cement a partner- permanent settlement. The Chinese tem that has never before been de- ship with Russia. Russian officials space station’s lower inclination than ployed for a manned spacecraft. The have warned that ISS technologies are the ISS (41-43 degrees vs. 51.6 degrees) already outdated and, given fraught US makes it better positioned for logistical space station’s core Tianhe (‘Heavenly relations, Russia has indicated not to support for its planned 2036 lunar River’) module is powered by four ion participate in the NASA-led initiative base. drives—also known as ‘Hall effect by 2025. China and Russia could well China’s space program has had a thrusters’—a form of ‘electronic propul- partner in China’s space station. Addi- very successful series of launches and sion’ that could dramatically slash the tionally, Russia and India recently es- landings in recent years. Despite rela- time needed to travel to the red planet. tablished a 2+2 ministerial dialogue tively, a very late start and exclusion In addition to the possibility of a fu- between their foreign and defense min- from the NASA-led ISS collaboration, ture crewed mission to Mars, China is istries with space cooperation as one China’s space program advances so far planning a 10-year mission to collect a key area. This augurs well for possible are truly remarkable. sample from an asteroid and by a future China-India-Russia space coop- In May this year, (‘God of comet. It has also proposed orbiters for eration. Fire’), a robotic rover, landed smoothly Venus and Jupiter. In 2024, it plans to Third, China’s permanent space on the surface of Mars. It was China’s launch an orbiting simi- station signals to the world that China first rover to land on another planet. lar to NASA/ESA’s renowned Hubble

| The Global ANALYST | | July 2021 | 45 International

Five Key Themes in the New Space Economy Climate change, security and telecoms are among the key themes driving a boom in the space economy. Here’s a look at what’s behind the increased interest. The rush to explore the expanding frontiers of the space economy is accelerating, with sustainability- and government-related applications driving critical growth and private investment. “If I had to pick just three words to capture my conversations in this arena, it would be ‘space is existential,’ from the future of the planet to the future of commerce,” says Adam Jonas, Head of the Morgan Stanley Research Space Team. For example, are now providing a clearer view of how industries and human activities are intensifying climate change, while communications, navigation and issues dominate governments’ growing interests in space. To advance the conversation on space development and capital markets, Morgan Stanley Research recently gathered corporates, government represen- tatives and venture-capital participants for its third Annual Space Summit. For investors, here are five key themes that emerged from the summit: 1. A Growing Relationship Between Space and Climate Change Space and sustainability have aligned. With more investors focused on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors, imagery may provide them with key data on the environmental impact of company activities. Satellite applications include monitoring greenhouse-gas emissions from companies and regions, helping utilities optimize renewable energy infrastructure and mining data to project how climate change could affect particular industries. 2. Increased Capital Formation Despite Covid-19, last year saw the biggest private investment in space to date, with space capital formation and infrastructure developing on multiple fronts. 3. Mitigating Orbital Debris According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the number of active satellites in orbit could increase by 50% or more in 2021. As space becomes more congested, the threat of ‘space junk’—orbital debris from old spacecraft and satellites—to new satellites and launches has grown. Some government agencies now struggle to track this orbital debris, creating potential demand for private companies to monitor and manage this potentially catastrophic space waste. 4. Space and Security Space has become an increasingly contested domain among countries, underscoring the need for ‘’ by private and governmen- tal players. That means identifying, characterizing and understanding objects in orbit. 5. Telecoms – A Near-Term Focus Satellite operators see value across all three orbital altitudes—GEO, MEO and LEO (Geostationary Equatorial Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit and , respectively)—with companies taking different approaches to blending them.

Courtesy: Morgan Stanley Research on the future of space development space telescope, which was first 2020 Space Economy launched in 1990. As part of the China Dream for na- tional renaissance, Beijing aims to be- come a leading space nation by 2045, following a long-term strategy of space capacity development and technologi- cal advancement to this end. Essential to any space mission is a global satellite positioning system. Wary of the US-controlled GPS, China first started developing its own BeiDou (‘The Bid Dipper’ or ‘Northern Star’) navigation satellite system in the 1990s. In 2003, America’s of Iraq (“ on Terror”) demonstrated what GPS-assisted ‘’ could achieve militarily. The BeiDou development soon picked up speed. The final satellite of the system (BDS-3) was sent into orbit in June 2020, com- pleting the entire navigation satellite network of 55 satellites, which claim millimeter-level accuracy. Source: satellitemarkets.com

46 | July 2021 | | The Global ANALYST | China’s Space Odyssey

World Government Expenditures for Space Programs (2020)* Total $82.5 bn an arms race in ,” “Further practi- cal measures for the pre- vention of an arms race in outer space,” “No first placement of in outer space,” “Transpar- ency and confidence- building measures in outer space activities,” and “Reducing space threats through norms, rules, and principles of responsible behaviors.” The US voted against all of these resolutions ex- cept the last resolution on reducing space threats. This followed direc- tions set in a Pentagon

Source: satellitemprome.com Report in September 2020, which referred to China’s capabilities of As in the case of the American GPS, launches. As reported in a Foreign using an Anti-Satellite (ASAT) missile along with positioning, navigation, and Policy article of May 14, 2019, the de- to shoot down its in timing services, the BDS-3 system of- bate was largely dominated by rival 2007. The report alleges that despite fers a variety of advanced civilian ap- commercial interests between aviation public stance against the militariza- plications like global search and rescue and firms like tion of space, China continues to de- assistance, early-warning for geologi- Lockheed Martin, , and SpaceX. velop “counter-space” capabilities in- cal disasters, short message communi- In contrast to different American ad- cluding kinetic-kill missiles, ground- cation, precise-point positioning, and ministrations’ policy uncertainty and based , orbiting space robots, and automated transportation services periodic shifts in the direction facing space surveillance to monitor objects such as process monitoring, highway NASA, China has stuck to its plans and across the globe and in space. China’s arsenal of counter-space systems is infrastructure safety monitoring, high- timetables, with the country’s space said to include electronic weapons— precision real-time positioning and program serving as a source of national such as satellite jammers, cyber capa- dispatching for port operations. The pride and another tool of international bilities, and directed-energy weapons. system has also wide applications for diplomacy. All along, China has been The race for space dominance has al- agriculture and forestry. About 45,000 consistent in opposing the militariza- ready started, driven by the US on the one pieces of BDS-based automatic agri- tion of space. Together with Russia, it hand and Russia and China on the other. cultural machinery are already work- proposed a joint draft treaty in 2008 on Peacefully, the race has a great deal of ing nationwide, cutting labor costs by the “Prevention of an Arms Race in promise in extending mankind’s under- 50%. Coupled with the ubiquity of glo- Outer Space”, which was revised in standing of, and reach for, the stars, in- bal system-em- 2014. However, the proposal was re- cluding scientific, technological, and other bedded smartphones, BDS-3 is rapidly jected both times by the US. civilian benefits that have the potential of changing how people, businesses, and On December 20, 2019, President changing our lives for the better. other human activities are conducted. Donald Trump signed the 2020 Na- Militarily, however, the China’s advancing pace of space ex- tional Defense Authorization Act in- could spiral into a seemingly “science- ploration has been awakening Ameri- cluding the establishment of a Space fiction” “Star War” arms race that could can concerns about the US’ capacities Force as the sixth branch of the US further destabilize international rela- for a new Space Race for “dominance of armed forces. On November 6, 2020, the tions. It also expands the risks of mis- the stars”. However, as recently as in First Committee of the UN General As- calculations with catastrophic conse- 2019, the focus was on America’s cur- sembly voted in favor of adopting five quences for mankind.  rent reliance on Russia’s RD-180 en- resolutions on outer space security. gine to power national security space These resolutions were “Prevention of Reference # 20M-2021-07-12-01

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