CCERA MPA management inquiry. Submission by Blaise Bullimore Page 1 of 32 Fairhaven, Tiers Cross, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DG 01437 890984
[email protected] Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee National Assembly for Wales Pierhead Street Cardiff CF99 1NA 9 February 2017 Dear CCERA Committee members, INQUIRY INTO THE MANAGEMENT OF MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN WALES Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this inquiry. Personal credentials I am a marine scientist and MPA management practitioner with over 30 years of unparalleled experience of UK marine nature conservation legislation and implementation at a practical level. This encompasses considerable experience in every aspect of science based marine conservation work from the design of survey, monitoring and impact assessment, through wet and dirty field implementation, to management planning and face-to-face engagement with stakeholders. The length and breadth of my first hand experience of attempting to implement and deliver marine nature conservation gives me a unique, and arguably the most comprehensive perspective of MPA management of any relevant professional in Wales and a considerable amount to contribute to this inquiry. Further detail is included in Annex 1. The comments included herein are my personal professional views derived from extensive experience and knowledge and/or reliable source evidence. For the avoidance of doubt, my submission should in no way be construed as necessarily representing the views of any of the agencies for which I have previously worked. General comments I was concerned the 250 word limit per question constraint imposed by the inquiry consultation response form would prevent me from providing much essential information.