Bilag 6 til Fra passiv iagttager til aktiv deltager Artikel 6 The aluminium smelter project in Greenland – New aspects of an industrialisation process? Hansen (2013a). I Klaus Georg Hansen, Søren Bitsch and Lyudmila Zalkind (editors), Urbanization and the role of housing in the present development process in the Arctic. Nordregio Report, 2013:3. Stockholm 2013. pp 85-101. 141 The aluminium smelter project in Greenland – New aspects of an industrialisation process?27 Klaus Georg Hansen, Ilisimatusarfi k, University of Greenland, Greenland
[email protected] Introduction Greenland is today in a situation where important de- mental assessment related to the aluminium project. cisions have to be made. Th e demography is changing, It inevitably leads to a discussion on the planning of the economy is challenged, and the settlement struc- housing and infrastructure related to the aluminium ture is exposed to both internal and external processes smelter project in Maniitsoq, which is a former cen- of change. Furthermore the option to become less de- tre for fi sheries. It has now been selected as the future pendent on transfers from Denmark has become an centre for Alcoa’s planned aluminium production in important issue in the political discourse. Greenland. Th e overarching question in this connection is fi rst An important issue in relation to the on-going pro- of all what should be done in order to meet the upcom- cesses of change is the question of legitimacy and dem- ing challenges over the coming years and as a part of ocratic potentials, where Greenland clearly is a brand this question it is important to look into what impact new player on the playground of global economy.