Urbanization and Its Effects on the Ecology Of
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Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 10(4):540-544, 1994 Copyright @ 1994 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc. URBANIZATION AND ITS EFFECTSON THE ECOLOGY OF MOSQUITOESIN MACAU, SOUTHEASTASIA EMMETT R. EASTON Centre for Extension Studies, University of Macau, P. O. Box 3001, Macau via Hong Kong ABSTRACT. Recent urbanization in Macau fras resulted in the precipitous decline to zero in popu- lations ofseveral anophelinevectors ofmalaria wtiile providing optimal habitat for the population increase in culicines.Of I 8 speciesof mosquitoesreported in Macau in recentyears, 15 speciesare included here. Culex quinquefasciatus,Culex sitiens, and Aedesalbopicrur were the most abundant species.Notes are provided for I nophelessinensis, Armigeres magnus,Armigeres subalbatw, Culexfoliatus, Culexfuscanus, Culex infantulus, Culex rubithoracis, Culex sumatranus, Culex tritaeniorhynchus,Mansonia undormis, Toxorhynchites splendens, and Tripteroides sp. INTRODUCTION ber ofspecies (70) were identified previously in the neighboring colony of Hong Kong (Chau Macau consists geographically of a peninsula l 982). of land connected to a larger island area of main- land China as well as 2 smaller islands that are MATERIALS AND METHODS connected to the peninsula by either 2 roap Adult mosquitoes were collected from March bridges or a causeway. Malaria is no longer a through September 1991 on Taipa Island with a disease of public health importance in the tef- New Jersey light trap (NJLT) (Hausherr's Ma- ritory. Even though Kwoh (1948) reported 6 spo- chine Works, Toms River, NJ) equipped with a cies of anopheline mosquitoes occurring in Ma- 25-W frosted bulb as an attractant. The trap was between 1945 and 1948, and active casesof cau placed on the University of Macau campus. Win- malaria were discussed by GonEalves (1952), only dow collections were made during the same pe- Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann and Anopheles riod with a battery-powered aspirator that was tesselatus Theobald were believed to be present also used for biting collections of female mos- by 1983 (Morais 1984). Urbanization that has quitos attracted to a human volunteer. Larval taken place in recent years has resulted in the collections were made with a standard enamelled reclamation of all swampy or suitable Anopheles dipper (0.47 liter) with an extendable handle to larval habitats on the Macau peninsula. The rap- search fish ponds, irrigation ditches, or cisterns. id urbanization, however, has created suitable A soup ladle with the inside of the spatula end many other peft habitats for the development of painted white was used to sample water collec- mosquito species. This trend is expected to coi[- tions that were too shallow for the dipper. Phy- least 1999, when Macau will become tinue to at totelmata examined for mosquito larvae includ- of the economic zones of mainland China. one ed the leaves of Nepenthes mirabilis prtc}l.er plants In past, studies of mosquitoes in Macau have the that grow vinelike in ravines on granite slopes mainly the vectors of malaria. More concerned along hiking trails on both the islands of Taipa recently, a zoological survey conducted by sci- and Coloane in Macau. The water content of l0 Institute ofTropical Science in entists from the leaves/plant was sampled monthly from January 1988 and 1989 has resulted in Portugal during 1990 to April 1991. l,arvae from pitcher plant becoming available on the cu- more information leaves were allowed to develop to maturity in Macau (Ramos 1990) along with the licines of the laboratory in artificial containers of similar preliminary studies made by Easton (1992a, size as the leaves. Standard mosquito breeders r992c, 1993). (Bioquip Products, Santa Monica, CA) were used well her immediafe The Macau region as as to rear larvae collected from water sources other have long be(n surroundingsin mainland China than pitcher plant leaves. Immatures and adults inveb- consideredremote in respectto scientific were identified with the manual by Chau (1982) fauna, and little tigations regardingthe Oriental for the Hong Kong mosquito fauna, assuming in the literature. In an information has appeared that these 2 areas share many similar faunal el- (Leitao S/ego- early account 1923),the mosquito ements. myia fasciata was mentioned as occurring here, so one purpose of the present study was to de- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION termine if Aedesaegypti (Linn.) still occurs here. A second objective was to identifr other repre- Culex quinquefasciatus Say, the southern house sentativesofthe culicidaebecause a sizablenum- mosquito, is considered the most abundant spe- 540 Drcer\rBER1994 UnsANrzATIox lNp Mecnu MosQtrrrors 541 'l (Table l). It inhabits all domi- ol*l \o co (n cies in the territory ll (.|rO ciles or buildings in Macau that are not centrally :. 1 €15 air conditioned. It is the most important species -alZO l'- o0l N biting man in dwellings during periods of twi- A EI dwellings not 3l light, being able readily to enter I properly The author noted a somewhat ^l screened. ql similar situation in Guangzhou on mainland ol o\o\o ti cnoo o China (Easton and Au Yeung 1986) where living <l 6 F conditions are somewhat more primitive. In Ma- q o0 ;-b - cau, where buildings are equipped with window o z air-conditioning units, Cx. quinquefasciatus can ! ci ci enter apartments with the opening of a window (n or door. At times when a window is opened, a passerine found o newly hatched bird can be on ti the window ledge, having apparently fallen from ll ao \o rq a nearby nesting site. Buildings on the University z O-O campus provided with window air-conditioning units provide corners and crevices that tree spar- q rows, Passer montanus, can use for their nesting (Viney ca ca ro sites and Phillipps 1983). Buildings illu- q\qq minated at night by artificial light attract insects F 7 (Easton 1992b) that can serve as food for pas- B co€oo serine birds and their young during early morn- .k Yd ing hours. These observations suggest that Cx. quinquefasciatus adults rest during daylight hours in cracks and crevices on the outsides ofbuild- n9 q ings, where they are near their food source, P. o \\;tt O\ I tt: montanus. Otherwise, these mosquitoes would o (H 2 n c.i not be available to enter a domicile as sponta- neously with the opening of a window, particu- a larly in flats that are ll-12 stories above the ground. o corn Mosquitoes also can enter a lift or ele- c) $ooo vator on the ground floor, ifthe doors open to z the outside, and then gain access to apartments o E n e.i in upper levels by riding with passengers the in z .F the lift. > In the spring, levels of humidity inside of do- miciles are very high because building construc- ' c{r) o F NciOO rl tion materials do not insulate the flats from the oo\ocno lV9oo/o RH levels that persist at sea level in the ' z Pearl River estuary. Adults of this species there- o fore can survive indoors for longer periods than would be expected mosquitoes t< of entering heated { or centrally air-conditioned domiciles in other z F ON areas where relative humidity is lower. House r.l plants that grow in water indoors also can serve z oo as a source for Cx. quinquefasciatzs, hence water 6i o in plant containers needs frequent replacement. 00 The accumulation of waste water from sources o of {)>. building construction in Macau has increased o L the potential habitats ofthis species. The recla- () o o mation of land from the sea presently underway ; and expected to continue until 1999, when Ma- () o cau will become a special economic zone of z o mainland China, also increases potential habitats a for this species. Along the Baia da Praie Grande o o on the Macau peninsula, plans are currently un- derway to reclaim saline water from the Pearl F z River delta and establish fresh water reservoirs. ssslgs 542 JounNer or rnE Arr,rEnrcertMosqurro Cortrnor AssocrerroN Vou 10,No.4 Until these depressions are filled with fresh water are no spring-fed streams on the island ofTaipa, and stocked with predatory fish, the site will sup- but rainwater can accumulate in man-made dams port mosquito breeding. at higher levels and constantly flows to lower Culex sitiens Wiedemann (l 16 males. 243 fe- levels before emptying into the Pearl River es- males attracted to NJLT) was the second most tuary. During heavy rains, if gutters are not pro- abundant mosquito collected. Apparently rang- vided, serious erosion and mudfalls can occur, ing throughout the Oriental region, it is consid- but when these gutters are semi-clogged with or- ered a brackish water species ofcoastal marshes ganic matter, such as small twigs or leaves, the in Hong Kong (Chau 1982) and may bite humans pools created can also serve as larval habitats. at night some distance away from the sea. Adults Discarded automobile and truck tires often are attracted to the Cultural Centre windows or the moved from Macau across the border to main- NJLT in this study could have been attracted land China. When these tires are left lying in old from Coloane Island (l-2 km distant), as larvae fields that are partly shaded by tall grasses or had been collected from rock crevices near the shrubs, they serve as a mosquito breeding source. sea near Ka-Ho village. This mosquito may now Tires lying in the open sun do not contain live inhabit the water-logged mangrove forest near mosquitoes because summer temperatures great- Taipa Island where a land barrier recently has er than 35"C would soon exceed the upper limit been constructed as a portion of a reclamation of the mosquito's temperature tolerance.