TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1971 PAGE SIXTEEN iianrl|ieBt?r Ewmittg Averajfe Dafly Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Ended Showers likely tonight and In­ Daughters of Liberty No. 125, T h e American Legion will April 4, m i There will be an exeeutive HolUs a r c le of South United Eta Chsqiter of Beta Sigma to tomorrow; tonight’s low near LOU, will meet tonight at 7:30 meet tonight at 8:30 at the Post board meeting of the Manches­ Methodist Church will have a Phi wUl meet tonight at 8 at WANT TO PLAY THI ORGAN? 60. little change In temperature in Orange Hall. A Memorial Home. Refreshments will be About Town ter Power Squadron tonight at fair workshop tonight at 7:80 the home of Mrs. Joseph Gon­ Thursday. service will be conducted. Of­ served. (BUT SKEPmOAL ABOUT YOUR ABHilTyT) 1 5,695 “ Family Night” for the Hart­ 7:30 at the "home of Command­ in the church Reception Hall. salves of 96 Lyness St. Mrs. C. Manchester— A City of Vttiage Charm B. Hudson Is in charge of the ficers will wear white dresses. FIND (OUT IF YOU OAN WTIH ford County Amateur Radio As­ er Frank H. Qakeler of 21 Cobb Keyboard Studio’s sociation will be Thursday at Hill Rd. The Adult Bell Choir of ISman- program. TransaUanUc Brides and Par­ a d u l t g r o u p DWTRUOnON CLAM VOL. LXXXX, NO. 189 (OlBMlfled Advertising on Fnge 88) PRIC® FIFTEEN CENTB 7:30 p.m. In the Veteran’s Me­ uel Lutheran Chtirch will re­ Phebe Circle of Emanuel Lu­ ents Association will meet to­ (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECmONS.1 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 morial Clubhouse, Sunset Ridge, hearse tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Capt. ChMiles D. Towle, son theran Church will meet to­ morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Vet­ WE WILL CONDUCT A GROUP CXAM OP B1KUNN18M St. Gerard’s Mothers Circle erans Memorial Clubhouse, Sun­ East Hartford. The meeting Is the church. of Mr. and Mrs. Charies S. night at 7:30 In Luther Hall -of e o r o n l y will meet tonight at 8 at the the church. set . Ridge,' East Hartford. open to the public. home of Mrs. Richard Carney ■Drarle of 204 Green Rd., has no.oo graduated from the Air Univer­ “ Oriental Culture" will be dis­ of 48 WoodhlU Rd. Co-hostesses Martha Circle of Emanuel cussed by a g^est speaker. Using a proven>iethod of Instruction to The executive board of the are Mrs. Robert McMahon and Lutheran' Church will have a sity’s Squadron Officer School St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild to 0 ^ organ, thSry of music, and how easy it Is to have tun will meet TTiursday at 11 a.m. Manchester Newcomers Club Mrs. Charles Oardella. sewing session Thursday at 10 at ktexweU AFH, Ala. He is a and enjoyment with the o r g i^ . . Mif merit Is U.S. Jets Destroy P ostal yieskill Seeks will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. a.m. at the church. At 2 p.m., 1660 graduate of Manchester at the Parish Hall of the ’The Senior Rhythm CSiolr of Please ^ 1 studio to make roaervaUons, as our space u at the home of Mrs. Paul Rice there will be a business meet­ High School and received hlB church. Members are reminded North United Methodist Church limited. The Cherub Choir of Emanuel BA degree in 1960 from the Uni­ to bring sandwiches. Dessert win rehearse tonight at 6 at the E m ploye » % of 16 Lawton Rd. Lutheran Church will rehearse ing and a Bible study conduct­ ed by the Rev. C. Henry Ander­ versity of OonnecUcut. He was and beverages will be served by church. ' 872-4622 Antiaireraft Sites tomorrow at 3 :80 p.m. In lAither copimlssloned there through Mrs. Gaylord Cannon and Mrs. Resignation Of The ways and means commit­ son. Devotions will be led by By GEORGE ESPEB Cutback Set Hall of the church, and the the Reserve Officer ’Training Elizabeth UtUe. V'. tee of Center CongregaUonal Mrs. Louise Hlnrichs. Hostesses The faly committee and work­ Aaaoclated Press Writer Junior Choir will rehearse at Corps Program. His wife, Pa- Church will meet tonight at 7:30 are Mrs. Okerfelt, shop of Manchester Grange will SAIGON (AP) — Striking in two waves, U.S. Air (AP) — A new 4:30 in Luther Hall. Mrs. Madeline Carlson and Mrs. , trlcla, is the daughter of Mr. Rockville Emblem Club will ...... I in the church office. meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at ^orce F4 jets destroyed 13 antiaircraft guns structure for the U.S. Postal Clara Gull. and Mrs. John F. Young of 9 observe Mother’s Day tomorrow Grange Hall, 206 Olcott St. * CHE Chairman 1110 book discussion group of Oak Place. ^ with a poUuck at 6:30 p.m. at around the Mu Gia pass in North Vietnam, the U.S. rf'm re x iS ^ * ^ p < ^ ^ ^ ^ n s Story Circle of South United the Manchester Newcomers the Elks Home on Park St. Mrs. Command announced today. with five, and some cutback of HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. Thomas J. Meskill asked Methodist Church will meet to­ Junior High Grades 7 and 8 The board of trustees of North Club will meet tonight at 8 at Gin Scout Troop 642 will meet William Davis Is In chkrge of The command said the Phan* ------^------personnel, was announced Wednesday for the resignation of the chairman of the morrow at 10:30 a.m. In the of Center CongregaUonal United Methodist Church will iR O U T ^ ^ E R IW M tT w irN iilli s( 1*6 m m the home of Mrs. David Wam- tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Com­ the program. A business session t^ s ^tacked the antiaircraft There was no claim by the Wednesday by Po^master Gen- State Commission on Higher Education. church Reception Hall. Church will meet tonight at 8:46 meet tonight at 8 at the church. pold of 14 Lawton Rd. to discuss munity Baptist Church. will be held at 8 p.m. command of knocking out the eral Wlnton M. Blount. ’The governor’s acUon followed ------“Mandala,” a novel by Pearl at the church. North V le tn ^ e se guM while largtr 86mm guns or any men- How many management em- criticism by CHE chairman Don­ be criminal to undue the good The youth ministry committee S. Buck. oyer Lnos. None of the U.S. ^ missiles fired. ployes will be affected by the ald H. McGannon of Meskill’s that’s been done during the pest of Emanuel Lutheran Church plams was damaged, the com- attack against the reorganization is "impoedible to decision to replace CHE’s only 10 years under the administra­ will meet tonight at 7:30 In the ’The Confirmation Class and U.S. observation plane, North tell” at this point, a spokesman Negro member, the Rev. Edwin tion of Gov. John EFempsey. church nursery. Senior High Youth Forum of 'm e <^ n m n d to a delayeci re- Vietnamese MIGs extended said. He said nonmanagement Edmonds of New Haven. On another subject concerning North United Methodist Church p ^ said toe strikes took place operation to the Plato of postal employes would not be McGannon said ’Tuesday that the state’s higher education sys- The board of Christian educa­ will meet tonight at 7 at the a lter a j^j.^ harass U.S. planes sup- affected. ’There are about thls would create a "Uly white' tem, Meskill said he agrees with tion of Trinity Covenant Church church. AnG21 Jet at- porting LaoUan government 750,000 postal employes, commission with no. minority a statement made by House will meet tonight at 7:30 at the tacked a small American obser- Blount’s announcement came group representation. Minority Deader Francis J. Col­ church. Dr. A. Elmer Dlskan of 543 ■mtlon over the Plain of y g Command said in a on the heels of .congressional re- “ I do not make appointments lins 'Tuesday night. Collins said,. Porter St. wUl speak about his Ja™ In northern Laos. delayed report today that a ports that as many as 3,600 on the basis of race, color or '"The state of Connecticut cannot experiences aboard the hospital A Commai^ spokesm^, Maj. made two firing passes white collar employes might be creed,” Meskill said at his Wed­ afford to compete with the top ship the USS HOPE, tomorrow a ^ l e s Johnson, said the ^ smaU American observa- given retirement or would be nesday news conference. universities in the nation in stittM Monday were aga^t pjg,g ^ terminated with six-months sev- However, Uie governor said terms of faculty salaries.” Don t .■..I'Moi .1 Special ('■ at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Manchester-Bolton Welcome antlalrcraft positions 76 miles, gu^day while a second MIG clr- erance pay. that McGannon might have a "W e’re not endowed, as some Wagon Club at Iona Hall, Re- north of the demUlta^ed zonel cled overiiead. The spokesman acknowledged point—and he was therefore ask­ of those universities are,’’ Mes- and two miles inside North Viet­ ing McGannon to resign so that kin said. “ All the money comes B A R R l C i N l I gent St. There will also be an It was the first MIG attack re- that the Postal Service is work- nam from the Lnctian border. a black may be appointed to from the taxpayers.” election of officers for the club, ported In more than a year and Ing with the U.S. Civil Service ’Hie 13 guns knocked out were take his place. “ I think we have more PhDs CHOCOLATES which is <^n to all Manchester the first reported so deep inside Commission to establish retire- * 1 . ^ _____ - a ■ V In VyVllUlliASMVML lAJ tXtULULUHl ” I don’t question his sin­ than there are Jobs for them,” area newcomers. w rfnL the a g ^ t U.S. aircraft sup- ment incentives for long-time . •; .h IIUMI Ovvn < \ one day by U.S. pilots since the cerity,” said Meskill. “ I think the governor said. "It’s a buyer’s porting Liaotian forces. management employes. halt In bombing of the North he has a point.” market. A service of Holy Commun­ ’The of tile twin-engine The reorg^anization plan cre- Nov. 1, 1968. “ If he is sincere, as I think “Paying a man more money ion wUl be held tomorrow at Bronco said he felt two explo- ates three operating ktaffs with- The U.S. Command said three he is, I think he will resign.” doesn’t make him a better teach­ 10 a.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopal __ j . j slons to his right rear, observed in the postal service and reaT*. 1 1 Meskill said he had a couple er,” Meskill said. “ I don’t think Visit Church. fiiTlM k^^a^k i^esS^^es^ that by being the highest-paying ther ^ strike—an a t ^ K 5 ny ^g^ explosion to his upper tween postal headnuartersF^itSS^itr^- and of black replacements for Mc- Gannon under consideration, but institution you necessarily have Wesley Circle of South United Liggett Drug Monday. ^ y g communique said the he declined to Identify them. ' the best faculty.” Methodist Church will meet to­ McGannon, an origlal member Referring to the act that the About 46 minutes later, thr^ American plane was not (See Page Thirty-Five) night at 8 at the home of more Phantoms attacked the However, reliable of the CHE, which was created University of Connecticut’s vice Mrs. John Beggs, 85 Baldwin at the Pailiade cluster of gun positions Ground gourdes In Vientiane, the I^ao- In 1965, has been chairman since president for finance is in a Rd. the Mu Gla pass and destroyed capital, said one wing was 1966. He is chairman of the higher salary bracket than the five 67mm guns and five 37mm ^ a j^ e d , but the pilot made it board and president of Westing- state finance commissioner, Mes- guns, the command said. back to his base. house Co., a subsidiary of the km said: “ Either we’re paying The U.S. Command described pilot was npt identified, H ouse V ote Westinghouse Electric Corp, and too much at Storrs or we’re pay- the Phantom attacks as “pro- ^ g tighter-bombers were a resident of New Canaan. ing too little at the Capitol.’ ’ Downtown Manchester tectlve reaction’’ strikes, the g ^ggp Thailand He was out of state and not The Meskill administration’s Seen T oday available for comment. proposals lor higher education Open Dally 9:30 A.M. S6th so far this year against they reached the area North ITetnamese positions that m i Gs had disappeared, A negative reaction to the Include a recommendation that lllOUlSl: UntU 5:30 P.M. either fire oo U.S. planes or North Vietnamese MlGs have governor’s announcement came teachers’ and administrators’ In S S T B id from House Speaker William salaries be set by the personnel Thursday till 9 P.M. tlireaten to fire. been appearing with increasing The Phantom Jets were flying frequency along the Laotian Ratchford, who said he was policy board, instead of by the Interdiction missions over Laos bo„jer, apparently to harass WASHINGTON UF) — House "shocked’ ’ by the request for CHE. Charge It With when they received fire from u .s. planes bombing the Ho Chi leaders havp put off until today McGannon’s resignation, an apparent bid to com- 86mm guns, the conunand said. trail. But none previously attempt to resurrect the con- “ Apparently, the governor promise with the administration, Master Charge "Upon attacking the gun post- attacked, according to mlUtary troverslal supersonic transport A result of the fighting between East and West , this wants 100 per cent uniformity of Higher Education Chancellor 11,( \\ll.ill H h a h Charge tlons," the command said, gpoicesmen. The last U.S. air- after 10 of the plane’s support- refugee sits in camp on ’s Assam border with East Pakistan. (AP Photo) thinking,” said Ratchford. “ Ap- warren G. HUl proposed that M “they (Phantoms) were fired praft shot down by a MEG was a ers left town before Thesday’s parently higher education Is go- salaries be set by a new com­ uixm iFy a combination of 37mm j^uy Green Giant rescue hell- planned showdown, ing to become his whipping miaslon appointed equally by the and 67mm antiaircraft artillery FToponents of federal financ­ Hoy-” personnel policy board, the CHE fl,e - (See Page Nino) WEDNESDAY MARKDOWNS ing for the faster-than-sound The Danbury Democrat said and the Assembly, ho detected "an antihigher edu- same Education Corn- The following Items are offered for sale at 9:80, continues passenger liner figured they had Death, Destruction Defy Belief cation pattern” In Meskill’s pol­ throughout the day while quantities last. Most are priced a 60-60 or better chance Tues­ extremely low for Immediate clearance. Soiled merchandise, icy, and he added: "It would (See Page Twelve) one and two of a kind, odd lots, broken sizes. All sales final. day to win House approval for the craft Just eight Weeks after In Wake of War in Pakistan Teamsters Await Word it was beaten 216-204. LOWER LEVEL But Dolltical ralUes In PhUa- EIDITOR’S NOTE: Six foreign ures and range to over a mil- major political figure. But nego- A deS^la ^ iL correspondents allowed Into Hon. tl^ions In Dacca wtto Prestoe^ On Hoff a Election Decision drew some supporters away East Pakistan after a slx-week to the port city of Chittagong, Agha. Mohammed Yahya Price of Gold Hits High a blood-spattered doll lies in a broke down, and Yahya flew DOMESTIC DEPT. from the Capitol and pro-SST news blackout found human cal Were NOW By NEIL GnBBIDE Hoffa had hoi^ f<»- a favora- J^g^s^e^^ce'l^teer^^d amity far beyond wte^‘what -^Yas wai heap . of clothing _ and excrement back^ to ^ We^ Pakistan March AP Labor Writer bleA ruilng,t-iillncr reportedlyr#»mf>rtedlv to use as *««**®™ were cenam uiey wouiu knowmj This_ . eyewitness report___ i, to « a Jute ^^iiimill recreation ninhclub 9s25. That nlahtthenlghtthe armvarmy rearedr e ^ d In Markets of Europe , new evidence in his bid for pa- lose again, so the vote was HQLDYWOOD, Fla. (AP) was filed from Bangkog, be where butchered 180 out of its barracks, and East offl- role to win freedom and run for rescheduled for today. Just 8 High-ranking 'Teamsters Deader yobd the reach of Pakistani cen- women and children. Pn’.ilstan was aflame. LONDON (AP) — Increasing demand for gold amid 3.98 U99 at the Teamsters House Republican 21x27 DACRON RED PILLOWS cials awaited word today from re-election a.i uic j • nnnihln Along the road to the mill, en- Soldiers assaulted two dormi- general monetary uncertainty drove the price of the the giant union’s Imprisoned convention in Miami Beach in iiir uii/wno tories at Dacca University highest level in 18 months today in Euro- Just 16 fidant House resurrection of the lire blocks of Bengali homes 77c president, James R. Hoffa, on July. i. . , By MORT ROSENBLUM and shops were blasted made P«an free bullion markets. Y 1.29 25x40 PLAID BATH TOWELS whether he will seek re-election nie u.S. Parole Board reject- would ^ v e won had the Associated Press Writer buriied to the ground by the re­ That pegged the dollar to gold from his p^tentlary cell. ed his request for parole in come before 6 p.m. Tues- used recoilless rifles, then auto- The price jump came as the Just 40 DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) venging Pakistani army. matte weapons and bayonets. Belgian National Bank an- at the $36 rate and other curren­ 25c “He agreed to send word and March, but gave him 90 days to y- Reporters were banned from cies fixed value of their curren­ ] PLAID WASH CLOTHS 39c we expect him to do so,” said present hew evidence for recon- Hep. Brock , Democrat ■ Vultures too full to fly perch They broke Into selected pro- nounced it had cashed in $80 East Pakistan from March 26, fcs.w s’ and students’ quarters. mllUon for Ft. Knox gold. The cies In relation to the dollar. Elnar Mohn, one of about a doz- slderation. from Seattle where the Boeing along the Ganges River In grim HOUSEWARE DEPT. Oo. Is dismantling the SST pro- contentment. They have fed on '"’Hen 40 newsmen were bunded executed some 14 faculty bank said Its Internal poUcy The U.S. reserves of gold buUt en top union leaders here for a Hoffa dominated the union for " - - ...... /vilout anH and atHT\rw»n stripped of oftnAlr their notAfl notes •' . . i*. niembers, at least one by mis­ barred taking In more dollars to up during the war years to a Were NOW crucial meeting of the Team- g decade before going to prison and film, untU the government • — _ . “ ucojui e f House reived would have won Hon bodies since March. take, Alt^ether, more than 200 add to Its already swollen rei level of about $20 billion. But sters’ Executive Boeuxl four yetiTB ago. e.scorted In a party of six on a eeu-ly In the afternoon by two Civil war flamed through Pak- students .were killed. serves of American money. the huge American commit­ The meeting is expected to de- Although there has been con- ments overseas, including the I Just 70 votes. Ist^’s e Z ;t;m "^ "o ir Ma;^h conducted tour May 6-11. Army units sheHed and set The Belgiem move, coming on 49c 33c termtoe v*o wlU for preri- gj^g^^le speculation that Hof- the heels of last week’s dollar Vietnam war, gold hoarding ov- FLORAL CUP & SAUCERS dent and other top offices at the ^ . But Democratic and Republi- 26, puriHng the bankrupt nation From ■visible evidence and fire to two newspaper offices. two 'to after losing to latest move ,gg^„g „„ y^g g,^. g^g ^ ^4 killing eyewitnesses questioned out of S aH popu^ crisis, could embarrass the U.S. erseas and increasing competi- I Just 5 — W ood Grain months away. The winners will “ uddle because Ford and devastathm defy tellef. rfflcial following g govemment. Any concerted tion from European and Japa- 2.69 123 away m e wumem w... ^ jjjg moVe by other European nation- nese Industry siphoned off the I NUT & FRUIT BO W LS run the 2 mUllon-member union said “ten sure votes’’ had to From a well at Natore, fetid account emerged: gh .ijj, dozen markets were set afire, picked stand-in, acting Presl- al banks to follow Belg;ium In Ft. Knox stocks., for the next five years. leave town for activities, Includ- gases bubble up around bones Throughout March, and at least 26 blocks were dev­ Just 15 dent Frank E. IFltzslmmons, _ _ Rahman’s Bengali- cashing In dollars lor gold could The deterioration reached cri- 1.29 There have been reports of Ing the Democratic functions In and rotting flerti. Mujlbur astated in Dacca. CHROME WALL SOAP DISHES mounting pressure on Hoffa to Mohn said P t ^ e l ^ a and Swith"*":^!-^* A tiny child gazes at a break do.m lna^ A w a ^ har- undermine the world monetary to proportions early In 1068 and Hindu Bengali Jewelry shops system top central bankers meeting in I Jiist 20 steo aside Had no Inkling what Hoffa a jj^g the lavender carpetJ^pei ofui waterwaici assed------the— military------^ government i™ in the Shakan Pathe quarter Mohn, Teamsters vice presi- ^ executive board gjjgyj^ jjjgU.C pi^nepxm.c winwu. new lifeme hyaclnto------In - » nearby pond were blown apart. Two Hindu The U.S. gold reserves stood Washington In March GOLD PLATED TRAYS 9.00 at $10.9 billion at the end of y e ^ agreed to ret up a twYVtier dent ftom California and direc­ In the House, It would stiU face where his parents’ bodies were Wont Pakistan villages inside the Dacca race tor of_____ the- union’s------'Western------"W® dropped o*^ cryst^ ball another Senate test. SST oppo- dumped. killed some West were attacked with al- March,_ w 7 $1__ billion T- less than a to keep the gold which backs T year before. Tme United States *, . ® 1.1. i_ j STREET FLOOR Conference, said In an interview a time ago, Mbhn said. nents knocked money for the knows hew many ^n- ^ nf rhflji- nriost holy war fury by the Mo»- i ___. . . 4^ ^ currencies from the hands erf that Hoffa had promised to send However, another Teamsters craft out of the Transportatiem families the army machine troegw. has enough gold in stock to re- , j hoaiders deem less than one-third of the weed of his decisionSion through his vice ■vice president, Harold Gibbons Department budget 61-46 in or how many mlgi^t vln ^ . had won a ma- Counts At the same time, the govern­ ■ settlers BengaU secessionists Mujlb s party had won a ma » _„g_g_tj„ reUable accounts dollars held by foreign central COSMETICS attorneys when he learned the of St. Louis, said several March, ment bankers agreed to contin­ sU-Bhed to delth. But estimates Jbrity In the National A ^ m b ly c ^ n T S banks. W ^ NOW outcome U t o latest bid for pa^ months ago that most members ue holding doUars In their offi- role reconsideration. of the unlwi’s executive board (See Page Five) of the total dead start at six fig- elections and he was Pakistan s mass graves, say about 10,000 The monetary system Is bared gjgj reserves instead of cashing Just 60 Hoffa lost tiiat Wd Motulay would try to dissuade Hoffa persons were shot to death or on ^esident^ Franklin R^ them In far gold, I 59c ■when U.S. Dlst. Court Judge from seeking re-election If he burned to death the flrat few qvelt’s 1934 declaration “ that the A concerted drive by Euro- C LO SE UP 6.2-oz. TOOTHPASTE /I.09 Richard B. Austin In Chicago ■was stlH in the federal penlten- nights in Dacca. United States would buy or sell m l (8ee Page Twelve) Just 60 refused to change Ikrffa’s five- tiary at Dewlsburg, Pa. Official spokesmen contended gold at the rate of $36 an ounce. ' 1.25 64c year mall fraud sentence to run Bgt Qlb'bons commented here that the army went Into action M ISS BRECK 13-oz. H AIRSPR AY cwicurrently. Instead of consec- „ „ (he posslbiUty of Hoffa’s run Quake Kills 58 in Turkey to stop a rebellion planned for 3 I Just 36 — Men's utively, with t o el|^it-year Jury o’clock the next morning. They 7-ox. DRY LO O K H AIRSPRAY^ 1.49 77c tampering sentence. (8«e Page Eight) By NICK LUDINGTON insisted that the army killed no Associated Press Writer one but those who fired at the Nixon Plan To Fight Cancer FOUNDATIONS 200 soldiers. ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Were NOW Need more room Stock $0O But other officers said the re­ Studied by Senate P a n e l — At least 58 persons were MILES bellion plot was only an assump­ Israelis Deny Report tion. I Just -48 — Magic Lady killed and hundreds injur­ ' Eyewitnesses said at least By JOE HAIJ. tional Institutes of Health where 6.00 226 ed this morning in a pow­ hundreds of the ■victims were Associated Press Writer the Cancer Institute has been at HOSE HOLDER GIRDLE work for years. Beirut Press Says Israelis women and thousands were un­ 2 erful earthquake that WASHINGTON (AP) A g g j yje agency would report Small, Med., Large to rattle around ins armed civilians, gunned down struck the town of Burdur Senate subcommittee on the (Uj-ecUy to him and have an in- Just 20 Enter Lebanon^ Cut Road indiscrimliuitely.mscnmumreiy. verge o f endorsing a cancer-re- dependent budget including an PETER PAN SPORT BRIEFS 4.00 210 and surrounding villages in I took film action to P™vent search bill sponsored by its gbove what is Hartford National Home Improvement Loans can answer a lot of problems. BEIRUT (AP) — An Israeli ed at nearby villages, the re­ southern Turkey. Ankara heavy casualties later, said the chairman has backed off to call I Beige in Small, Med., Large..... The governor of Burdur Prov- T* ------HOW pFovlded. l^ie President force crossed Into ‘Debanon ports said. governor, Lt. Gen. hearings on a new plan offered promlred there funds in his SPORTSWEAR Like adding on a room for baby. Or putting in another bath. Tuesday morning and buUdozed No casualties______were______reported. Ince, Esref Ayhan, said 18 Tikka Khan. jjy President Nlxcm. State of the Union message. a road for mlHtary operatiems InIn the the Qaza Qaza Strip, Strip, meanwhU meanwhUe, , deaths had been . confirmed , ^ in Dacca was brought under Nixon unveUed his plan Tues- Kennedy bUl introduced Were N O W Fixing up a basement play room. Or maybe expanding the family garage. some 600 yards Inside Lebanese grenade explosions Injured, six TURKCY army control quickly, but word day, and Democrats said their jg g js would take cancer re- teirttory. the Beirut newspaper Arab workers riding in a civil- „ of the army action flashed first Impression was that it con- ggg^gh ' out of NIH and the Just 22 Al U m ta. reported today. The Ian bus, the Israeli mUltary He said 70 ^ r through the province of 68,000 tained neither enough money Healtli Education and WeUare FRAYED BOnOM DENIM SHORTS 2.98 UNI So if you’ve got that fix-up, add-on, re-do kind of feeling, fcraeU mllttary command In Tel command said. Two grenadre square miles and 76 million In- nor enough administrative revl Department, and put It under'an Aviv denied the charge. were thrown at the bus near the 30,000 people, had t»en ^ habitants, one of the world’s slon to get the Job done. • organization with the sole pur- ] Sixes 5, 7,9,11 ThA rm e v t ^ d Israeli army BurelJ refugee camp. stroyed. Ayl^ also h^ reports most densely populated areas. Nevertheless, the Senate p^gg gj lighting cancer. quick! See your nearby office of Hartford National. You U like The report said Israeu wem y mnade was thrown entire villages collapsing in Thousands of Bengalis In the Health subcommittee deferred q,jjg gg^ajor said this step Is HOSIERY ^^te^VUtoe^uTa op- at an IsraeTarmy patrol near outlying areas wWch had not army, police, miUtla and border approval of a bill proposed by pgggntjaj yjg battle Is to get Were N O W what they have to say about Home Improvement Loans. mta Village In a n w ajw^ar refugee camo In the Heen contacted yet. forces revolted. Under the ban- ®®*’- Edward M. Kennedy, D- jj,g necessary push, eration as a link with other dirt wounded a 9-year-old Instanbul’s Kandllll Obrerva- roads the IsraeUs have built In- ^ wounded a year ow registered the quake at 8 ner of Bat^la Desh, the Inde- ^^ass-. to allow time for study- Kennedy proposes an extra Just 12 side Lebanon since the 1967 vw. Ara gi . on the Richter scale, signifying pendent Bea|;ali state, the de- '“ g the Nixon measure. mllUon In funds for the I MUKLUKS SLIPPERS 4.00 2 - 9 8 The Israelis cross the border YORK (AP) — Former it was of grefit violence. The sertens and armed volunteers A draft bUl to carry out Nix- In the next year, and $400 fought back, seizing wide areas °H’s program was formally sub- million In the following year, periodically and use the roads president Lyndon B. Johnson lqs Angeles quake In February INFANTS to search for Palestine guerril- ^gyg goviet Premier Alexei N. registered between 6 and 6.6. of the provinces before the rattled to Congress today by El- Health subcommittee aides 11,000 West Pakistani regulars L. RlchardsoJi, secretary of ggjq tj,gy understood only $30 Were N O W Kosygin used the hot line during Housing Minister Sellahattin Al Liwaa said that while the jjjg Arab-IsraeH war to Baburoglu dispatched reUef sup- could occupy them. health, education and welfare. mi.llon 'of the sum Nixon pro- Bengali civilians and “ libera- Keimedy said the subcommit- poggd would be spent in the fls- Just 3 NATIONAL engineers worked, a 12-man po- warn that Moscow was pre- piles and a mobile hospital to HARTFORD trol, two halftracks and two hel- p^u-ed to take mlUtary action if the city '228 miles southwest of tlon troops” began a mass to® will act quickly on one of the ggj yg^]- starting July 1, and $70 BOYS' BLUE JACKET w/HAT 10.98 7.n Icopters guarded the operation, necessary. Ankara. slaughter of Mohajlrs—Indian proposals, both of wlHch are million would be authorizations The soldiers set up roadblocks warning came on the Ayhan said the local hosiHtals Powerful quake struck the Turkish town of Burdur migrants from the 1947 partition ®tmed at finding a cure for can- future years. Sixes 2, 3, 4 ' t h e c h o i c e b a n k \ and searched passersby, then naornlng of June 10 after the were cleared of noncritical pa- today, bringing deaths and injuries and causing —and West Pakistanis. ®®’’- Congress voted $230.4 ■ mllUon Just 2 puUed back under cover of In- Tbc Nixon plan would keep HARTFORD . WEST HARTFORD • ELMWOOD • NEWINGTON ’ St' oKiNGTOn’ ."HD?ARr.”°M5NmU^rN0RWC^^^^^^ ^ temfive machine-gun fire direct- (See Fage Ihirty-FIve) Be(e Page Stxteea) destruction of most of the buildings. (AP Photo) (See Page Sixteen) cancer research under the Na- (See Page Eleven) BOYS' PLAID RAINCOATS w/HAT 13.98 HAMDEN . MIDDinOWN ,. COLCHESTER,. ESSEX • °LD SAYBROOK^^.^ ^N T IC danS uRY • • STAMFORO-


best of two possible wlorlds,” ,he Japitol In time to catch his MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, M A Y i2 ^ W ^ PAGE TW O Legislator says. “I’m a political-type ani­ flight. Despite some late com­ Viet Cong Booby Traps Tonight mal who doesn’t have to sacri­ mittee meetings, he hasn’t fice his family for politics. missed a flight yet. MOVIE RACnNOB Shein^’old on Bridge A Daily Threat to GIs, for Complete Listings. Commutes ‘"This also lets me keep my Before running for office last Buffaloes In the Home Helper See Satuidkyle TV Week private law practice going, so fall, he determined that coip' FOR PARENTS AND I’ll continue to commute as long muting was feasible and talked WEAR POKER FACE Fun For All Ages! By LYNN NEWLAND guimed ’’^down villagers at My ■■ Stamps News YOUNG PEOPLE NORTH 8 0 0 Miles as possible.” it over with his wife and daugh­ Fund Near EVEN AT BRIDGE Associated Press Writer Lai. 6:DD <3) Pernr Muon Run W ild ID* oNwMn e< M* raMnH S10 Mona fD AKJ743 Calley has been convicted of (18) WUd WUd West

/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY »12, 1971 PAGE FOUR IMTevo l Y w n presided at the instadlation of llams, membership: Mrs. Wil­ committee has, provided baptis­ ° Willimantic Gets Bohan J r l r s . U o n V r U i n a n officers. The Guild’s annual liam Hoch, hospitality; Mrs. mal grarments for each .child more than 88,000 lives In high­ ' ^ communion supper was held af­ James Carroll, publicity; Mrs. baptised in the parish in addi­ New Housing Grant Volpe Contends way Occidents.” Mascubne, Feimnine Look Guild President ter the Mass. Thomas Parker, St, Camllus; tion to caring for the alter. So- WASHTNOTON (AP) — The Books Added While vehicles have Im­ Other officers installed are Mrs. Eugene Kelly, alter; Mrs. clal action committee members Dep^ment of pouring and Ur- New Highways proved, largely due to Imple­ Mrs. Don Gulnan of 149 Lud- Showing in Italian Design Finance -Board Sets Mrs. Arthur Chariebois, first Richard Jennings, social ac- have continued to perform ban Development awarded a A t Library mentation of the Highway and low Rd. last night was InstaUcd vice president; Mrs. WUldam tlon; and Mrs. Chariebois par- many civic and ecumenical pro- grant of $2,113,436 to the Hous- Real Lifesavers Traffic Safety Act of 1966, all Is NE3W YORK (AP) — models said the shoes felt *‘fan- as president of the Guild of Our Wagner, second vice president; ish dance. grams throughout the year. The ing Authority of WlUlmanUc, Fiction still not well,” Reed said. masculine but feminine at the tastic." One said ^ she just St. Camllus Society has made Conn., Monday tor a publlce WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre­ 56-Mill Tax Figure Lady of St. (Bartholomew In Mrs. Bernard Kean, secretary; Father Hussey and the Rev. Hintze—The atone carnation "Thousands of persons die same Ume,” said Italian design- walked funny because hers were ceremonies at St. Bartholo- and Mrs. James Downing, trea- Edward LaRose were presented Tegular visits to the sick of the housing project, tary of Transportation John A each year because their auto- Valentino about the sports the wi'ong size. L.angiord—^The winter of the A,tax rate of 55 mills for 1971- elude a paperweight donated by mew’s Church. She succeeds surer. with gifts. Mrs. Jerome Walsh parish. Thg proposed project Is a fisher Volpe told a Senate p ^ e l Mon- ^lles do not Incorporate all j—jj in his fall bouUque th e evening look was sultry day the Interstate highway sys- technically look m ms ran q _ ^ ^ 72, an increase of 2 mills over Sen. Edward Kennedy which Mrs. William Eetherston. Appointed chairmen of stand- was chairman for the c o m m u ------seven-story high-rise building Non-Fiction The Rev. Phillip J. Hussey, tag committees are Mrs. Wag-, nlon supper. Sixteen species of palm trees containing 100 units for the tern, by ^nservaUve estlma^ available "crashworthiness”— m-ned out a modest-look- Inga with seams, dark Ups the current rate, was set by the contains a quote from his Ainslie-^Ainslle's complete guide brother Robert; a personalized pastor, celebrated Mass and ner, program; Mrs. Donald Wll- During the past year the alter flourish ta the United States. elderly. to harness racing the ability of the machine to ab- ,,,j,2 er and pleated skirt and louged^eeka-nrt to men Board of Finance last night. lives, mainly because of roa^ damage and protect Its oc mug from John Wayne, person­ Auty—Tito; a biography theme, including shirts, neck- tlon all that heavy black and Tile new rate Is one less than alized pens from Art Llnkletter Bagdlkian—^The information ma­ equipped wjjh flat slopes, break- ^upants,” Reed said. away signs and Ught poles, and ______ties, and sleeveless sweaters. red. anticipated by the board last and Gov. Thomas Meskill and chines For evening, he did the same At the Stei*en Burrows show, effecUve guardrails that provide week. Sfixi, Edmund Muskle. Barr—A curious life for a lady thing in black and red—a big It was a different scene. Gbld An autographed copy of a Blair—Western window in the some margin tor driver error. Q ose ^^ote Seen combination for this fall. hatted, high bouncing, crayon- To the property owner, this bc»k co-authored by Sen. Abra­ Arab world Volpe told a Senate roads sub­ “I do appreciate Valentino’s bright and full of beans, models means an increase of $2 for ham Rlbicoff will be offered, Brewer—The elementary school committee the Interstate sys­ On Checking Bill designs, but I can’t afford to pranced out In clothes that vl- every $1,000 of property assess­ as well as a personalized desk SUPER STRETCHY TERRY . . . POPS library tem has proved twice as safe as dress like that,” said Mrs. Rich- brated color and energy. ment. The current rate of as­ set from Bing Crosby. Brown—104 easy projects for the conventional highways, a factor HAR’TFORD (AP)—’The Sen- ^rd Aurello, wife of the deputy Th-J Burrows models looked sessment is approximately 65 Non-celebrity Items to be electronics gadgeteer HAPPILY OVER BIKINIS AND THINGS y L r ^ ^ e d ^ t i o n '^ f to U ” h S - ate planned to begin debate m ay;r" o r N e w York. Instead, like c h ll ^ n ’s ^ w l n g s of pe^ per cent of market value. auctioned include several “ din­ Clark—^Mill town years reaucuon oi w ia i iukh y » , , wafp blue leans sewn with ple: Striped fabric on arms and In Second Term T!Tie cutoff of the' additional ners for two” at local restau­ Dedljer—The battle Stalin lost way fatailUes. Thursday on the controvers al .’.jead bird” legs and fe e t.’They-(frore printed mill was accomplished by cut­ rants; passes to a health spa, Deutsch — International educa­ “ As an absolute minimum we and much-lobbied bill to let sav- _i_j. hair fops and checked bottoms. Mrs. Dorothy F. Kenny , of 68 ting the surplus fund from, ap­ drlve-ln movie and a bowling tion and exchange should...... realize a one-third.. reduc ings banks offer checking ac- cloaks were JiVed up proximately $25,000 to $5,000, Chestnut St. last night was In­ Erlanger—^Louis XTV tlon in the fatality rates of our alley. counts. Valentlno got carried away with overlapping blats of color, The cut was recommended by Gift certificates from beauty stalled for her second term as Very much what you want tor sun-filled, Ewen—George Gershwin highways by 1980," Volpe said. with one ensemble for ’Tues- Black Jodphurs, cartoon charac- And one lawmaker. Sen. Jo- Aloyslus Aheam and defended salons, service stations and president of Gibbons Assembly, Fecher—Bright star; a portrait “ This willV,... require a reduction a. ------■’ dav’s ahowine‘ Black satin ter prints, pleated pants, Egyp- fun-filled summer days. Terry, that's soft to of Ellen Terry in the rate of fatalities to 3.6 per seph D. Buckley of Ansonla, day s ™ tiers of banlon-all by Normand Lemalre, who said many other local merchants will Catholic Ladles of Columbus, ta Fensch^Films on the campus 100 million vehicle miles,” he says the ultimate outcome Is a pants, black ana wmie oi^ otu toe-ether in a iovhil It is not right to ask towns­ also be offered. ceremonies at St. James’ the touch , . . with a very stretchy very tetchy ,-nMhoneee pfiot sweatcr, cherry pin on the thrown togeuier m a joynii people to keep their money In a The auction will begin at 10 Field—Bernard Malamud & the cliMha^er. neck tie ropes of beads and a mash, made from some magic School Hall. "This goal must be oidy1 a Buckley, a Democrat and co- neck He ^ s M ^ large surplus fund. He added a.m. and will be held May 22 critics Mrs. Doris Rondeau of New­ way of fitting to the figure. Romper, in orange Friedman—Steambath; a play minimum, " Volpe added, “for It chairman of the Banking Com- email ^d satin hat. ’Tha At Teal Tralna, models wore that large, unanticipated ex­ in the event of rain. penses should be provided for Bandages Needed ^ ington, state president, was the Friedman—The white savage Tuesday he had gold anklets akmg with good Ut- the $25,000 contingency fund and and pink, 5-13, 14.00. Stripe pant, purple, Gllbreth—Time out for happi­ still ^ 50,000 P e ^ e killed on canvassed the Senate and found ^ ^ ^ o r S n ^ Ue jersey dresses In red and Mrs. Olive Toomey has ask­ installing officer. She was as­ ness our highways In 1980.” the division to be "very close” the $33,0(39 fund for capltol and ed townspeople for donations sisted by Miss Helen A. TTiom- green and white, or navy, orange and white, non-recurring expenses. of used cloth or remnants that Goodstone—-Pulps; fifty years of John H. Reed, chairman of on the i^e. *"^^^ev’re luck for me,” Elinor Simmons tor Malcolm as and Mrs. Mary Lyons, both American pop culture The board unanimously voted would be suitable for bandages, the nattonai TransportaUon ^he 1®69 legislature referred y^enUno adding that he’s Starr ($128-»380) offered lots of of Gibbons Assembly. S, M, L, 11.00. Sleeveless tank top in purple, Graham—^Man’s dominion to express Its thanks to John Anyone wishing to donate such Other officers Installed are Board, said that 1970 may have the concept to a study commls- „razv about the mbc-and-match beaded evening gowns and Green—The warplanes of the Connolly, former board ntem- materials is asked to leave Mrs. William McCarthy, hon­ been a turning point in highway that reported back to the jjj the collection Merciful- black velvet. Some necklines navy and green, S, M, L, 5.00. Third Reich ber, for his contribution to the them at the town clerk’s office, orary president; Mrs. James Halstead—GIs speak out against "^•F^r the first time In more ‘^L^lsTeeS """ cuM ohere__ board during his term. Connol- Linens, cottons and muslins Tani, vice president; Mrs. John sportswear, downtown and parkade war b x o Steele, treasurer; wirs. Thadius than a decade fataUUes on 'sai^TaJ^s Tay S Lrt Te-el^ reaters’ ^e Tail ly, a Demexirat who was ap- the best materials for the Hamburger — Your thyriod Kiejna, financial secretary; American highways dropped g^gtomers wlnt the checling ac- g^„t MO a T y tT c ^ get a pointed to fill a vacancy, did bandages, which are to be used gland, fact and fiction not seek elecUon to the post. In the community nursing pro- Mrs. Irene Bergln, recording siimificRntlvsignificantly despitedesnite Increased gg„„ts at the Institutiohs that g„,aii gcar/a little bigger A comet’s taU usually petals Hanser—Putsch! How Hitler The seat was won ta last week’s gram. secretary; Mrs. John (Jarabtao, made revolution ^*^^Md s^d^^'Im provem ent Is accepting than a handkerchief for $8. a^ay from the sun because Drugs Program corresponding secretary: Mrs. Reed said this improvement is deposits.” Those open-toe, ankle strap, forces from the sun drive town election by Donato Rataz- Harr—^The mortgaged wife credited to both better highways zl, a Republican, who will take The fifth ta a series of six In- John Allison, mistress-at-arms; Harris—The Sisters The commercial banks argue high heeled evening shoes are tenuous gases away from the Mrs. William Stenger, assist­ Congressman Robert Steele admires laminated wood sculpture created by Con­ andHR better VCLXO#cars. ------— — ------w R.# — J ^ office immediately. service drug programs for Bol­ Hendersob—^Maury Maverick comet to make its ant mlstress-at-arms. necticut College Assistant Professor David Smalley. Art works of others from But he added: “ In spite of the that passage of the bill would right, he says, because shoes heM of a Opening Day ton teachers will be held tomor­ STORE HOURS Hicks—^Llterary horizons; a reduction . . . our nation lost create detrimental competition, “are extravagant now.” The tall. row at 1 :30 ta the all-purpose Also, Mrs. Anne Campbell, quarter century of American the college are hung on the wall of Steele’s Washington office. TTie Yankees defeated the sentinel; Mrs. John Flynn, DOWNTOWN Giants, 11 to 4, ta the opening room of the elementary school. fiction The high school will be dismiss­ Mrs. Frank Ruff and Mrs. Hen­ DAILY 9:30-5:30 Hosmer—Viet Cong repression game of the Little League sea­ ry Wittke, auditors; and Mrs. son'last right. pitcher ed at noon and the elementary and its implications for the Second Congressional District and center schools at 1 p.m. to Alexander Gates, Mrs. Vernon THURS. TO 9 P.M. Tom McCurry struck out 12 bat­ future enable all teachers to attend. Hauschlld and Mrs. John Jas- ters In four tarings. Huebener—The literature of The afternoon kindergarten lowski, trustees. PARKADE McCurry also had three hits, East Germany AUTOMOTIVE session will meet with the After the ceremonies, a buf­ MON.-TUES.-SAT. Including a home run. Catcher Illich—Celebration of awareness Paintings, Sculpture Turn morning session. fet supper was served. Mrs. Scott' Beecher also had three 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. Jameson—Journey from the C a ld o r Dr. Wesley C. Westman, exec­ Mary Fraher was toastmaster. hits tp his credit. WED. - THUR. - FRI. North utive director of the metha- Mrs. Bernard Fogarty and Th^ Yankees will play the Jarvle—Movies and society done maintenance treatment GS'les 'J^tc co-chairmen 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Cardlpals tonight at 6 at the Johnston—The heart that would Steele’s Office to Art Gallery SERVICE CENTER program at the Hartford Dis- t^e event. They were assist- high school field.' ed by M rs.. Edward Stephens, hot hold pensary wll present a video-tape By BETTE QDATBALE report regarding his recent drug Steele has called for measures In farm league competition Mrs. Alan Gates, Mrs. John Kerensky—The world of ballet lecture on life styles and (Herald Reporter) fact finding tour of the Far East regarding the development of Monday, the Mets outlasted the Sullivan, Mrs. Jaslowskl, Mrs. Kershaw — Government against ideologies of drug-dependent and Europe. non-lethal weapons and for a ■Flyers, 9 to 6 after two extra Flynn, Mrs. Terrell Rice, Mrs. poverty youths. Khrushchev — mnrushchev re­ Second District Congressman The trip concentrated mainly college fellowship program. innings. Jim Kowalyshyn was Ruth Murray, Mrs. Salvatore Dr. Westman has been associ­ Robert Steele of Vernon has on drug usage by U.S. troops Steele’s measures introduced the winning pitcher. Home runs Fllloramo, Mrs. Beatrice members TRUCK LOAD TIRE SALE! ated with the Conectlcut De­ Koenig—^Bryan; a political bio­ in Vietnam, which the freshman this week would authorize the were hit by Bob Kaufmann and Sweeney, Mrs. James Farr turned his Washington office partment of Mental Health, Div­ graphy of William Jennings Congressman termed as of appropriation of $12 million for Mark Hopper of the Mets ad Mrs. John Allison and Mrs. Ec into an art exhibition, featuring ision of Alcohol and Drug De­ Bryan “ epidemic proportiens. ” He al­ research and development of Tim Beinks of the Flyers. ward Walsh. the works of artists from pendency. He has also served Kurland—Politics, The Consti­ so visited poppy fields in coun­ non-lethal weapons and protec­ Full 4 Ply Nylon Cord In other farm team action, throughout the district. on the New York Narcotic Ad­ tution and the Warren Court tries such as 'Turkey and called tive equipment for police, and Mark Phillips of the Tigers ’The exhibits, which Include diction Control Commission. L«ete—The best of Bicycling! for the establishment of regula­ subsidize their purchase by lo­ pitched a no-hltter against the M works of art in various media, Student Carwash Levinson—The Alliance that lost tions controlling the export of cal police departments. Braves, winning 5 to 0. Phillips House Vote have drawn enthusiastic re­ The Student Council of the its way the drugs to the United States. The second amendment would Whitewall Safety Custom Tires struck out 10 batters. sponses from his colleagues, ac­ Bolton Center School will hold Lippman—Muskle The task force will be charged create a college fellowship pro­ Tigers Jeff Winkler and Chris cording to Steele, and do much a carwash Saturday from 10 Seen Today London—The confession with the job of developing a gram for 2,000 ix>licemen and Ursin hit home runs and Mark to relieve the usually barren T j i., j j a.m. to 3 p.m. behind the school. Luxemburg — Rosa Luxemburg comprehensive plan to cut off deputies over the next two Jensen doubled, drl-vtag ta two „ „ .u ^ speaks office walls of the Senate office the flow of harmful narcotics ^ Bulletin Board years, permlting them to take Other runs. The Public Building (Commis­ In SST B id Matthiessen—Blue meridian building. and drugs Into the United States ■(. Thursday's games have been full-time advanced training in sion will hold a special meeting Meggyesy—Out of their league Presently on exhibit are the as well as for the establishment law enforcement. CHARGE cianceled due to a concert at (Continued from Page One) Merton—Contemplation In a works of six faculty members of meaningful education pro­ Urging all Americana to par­ 700x13 “the L . elementarv scnooischool elemen- world of action of the art department of New grams for youth regarding the A L L YOUR Our Reg. 17.99 The Parent-Teacher’s Organ!- The House’ leading SST foe, A ticipate In Police Week pro­ Mltford—^Frederick the Great London’s Conectlcut College. “ Insidious horrors o i drug Its '^a^uri Rep. Sidney R. Yates, D-Ill., grams this week, Steele noted Plus 1.95 F.E.T. zatlon will head Nixon—Setting the course the abuse, Steele explained. ’The displays wll be on exhibit “ Participation In this annual I PURCHASES I spring fair May “ ^-^^B olton cc^operatlve nur- the plane’s House backers first year lor three months, when they the “ My recent trip has provided observance will serve as a re­ grounds of sery school will meet tonight at obviously believed they had the Norris—A novelist in the mak­ will be replaced by the works the necessary research for Con­ school. ing » minder to every citizen in our 8 ta the education building of votes to win and he was contact­ of other artists from the dis­ gress to act quickly and intel- communities of the public ser­ Tubeless • No Trade-in Needed This year the festivities will „ ^ ^ O'Connor—The cactus throne trict lingently to save Mves,” the begin at 10 a.m. with a baton the CongregaUonal Church ing every opponent to get a O’Connor—The oil barons vice rendered by all branches His colleagues In the House freem an Congressman added. and blcycie parade which ■will Herald maximum “ no" vote. Rice—TJie man in the sycamore of law enforcement.” SIZE OUR REG. SALE F.E.T. Manchester Evening drop by periodically lor a view­ He proposed that U.S. aid travel from Bolton Center Judith “ We probably won’t know un­ tree 14.88 2.01 Bolton correspondent ing of the art show, Steele ex­ should be withheld from South­ 735x14 18.99 Green to the, elementary school. til the vote,” Yates said, “ what Riemer—^The new Jesuits east Aslan countries until gov­ 2.14 At 10:30 ■fifths will open fea­ Donohue, Tel. 649-8409. plained, which Includes a large 775x14 20.99 16.88 our strength is.” Y Kidney Repairing Sajer—The forgotten soldier ernments there halt the flow of turing such novelties as a water collage on masonite by Profes­ 825x14 22.99 18.88 2.32 The vote was on an amend­ Schindler—'Hawadi Kal cookbook drugs to American servicemen. pistol shooting gallLery, base­ sor William McCloy, chairman HOUSTTON, Tex. (AP) — Re­ LIFETIME GUARANTEE 775x15 20.99 16.88 2.16 ment to turn an $86.3 million Scott—^The southern lady from Steele is particularly concern­ searchers at Baylor College of Every tire is guaranteed through­ ball, a fish pond, darts and bal- of the art department at the out the life of the original tread, 815x15 22.99 18.88 2.37 Pupils Briefed SST contract termination penal­ pedestal to politics, 1830-1930 ed over the problems which will Medicine have developed a loon4, ring toss, bean bag toss, college. Associate Professor regardless of time or mileage, ty ta a $6.8 billion appropriation Shadegg—Clare Boothe Luce; a lace society when the 30,000 to method—used so far only cm against manufacturer's detects hole-ta-one game, drive - the - For Jr. High Richard Lukoslus has provided and all road hazards, cuts, bruises, bill into that much money to re­ biograirfiy 40,000 American troops present­ lalboratory animals—to take or­ blowouts, etc. We will at our op­ On hand stock of bloekwolls $2 less por tire ^ Ik e and bowling. Shipman—The great movie stars an acrylic on canvass and Tom ly using drugs and narcotics in gans out of the body, repair tion repair It at no charge or re­ In addition to the games, Wlthln the next three weeks vive the SST. Simmons—A rose for Mrs. Lin­ Ingle, a lecturer, a modem oil place It, charging only for Vietnam, return home after be­ them, then reimplant them. amount of tread worn. ' there -will be a chuck wagon for Grade 6 students ta the thirteen The $85.3 million would resur­ coln on canvass. Other Items In the ing addicted on a high grade of They have taken the kidneys [Si.iivTrr».«.vnrffrtlljJTTlTTr refreshments end a baked rect development of the two pro­ Southern—^The music of Black show, valued at $2,000 are a 40,000 Mile Tires elementary schools entering heroin. from 30 dogs, kept them func­ good booth. Pon6^ rides -wUl also totypes through June 30—and Americans metallzed plastic sculpture by Bennet or Illlng Junior High tioning out of the body for up to be available. bring on another fight ta Con- Stevenson—Zanek! A chronicle lecturer Tom Schmitt and a “ We have a society that can’t three days, then reimplanted At 10:30 judging for decorated Schools In September will have gj.ggg over contim^d SST ftmds of the Israeli Air Force laminated ' wood sculpture by begin to cope with the heroin them. Eighty per cent of the \ % bicycles will be heOd. A doll the opportunity to learn about for the fiscal year starting July Strayer—On the medieval ori­ Assistant Professor David problem we already have,” Performance Belt 4x2 carriage parade will begin at jonjor high school. A program, 1. gins of the modem state Smalley. Steele added. kidneys functioned well enough Sweezy—^Vietnam: The endless Drug Talk Force Police Week to sustain life for long periods. 2 p.m. “ What Is a Junior High Sch(X)l,” Boeing began laying off 7,000 war Steele has been named to a Using the start of national ’The ability to detach a kidney, One of the hlghUgnts o presented to som^ of s S T workers and dismantling 15-member Republican Task "Police Week”, for a kickoff repair it, then return it to the O Fiberglass & polyester day will be tl^ ba on r g gixth grade classes by mem- and packing more than 13,000 Force on Drug Abuse, and Is point tor two amendments to body can be a distinct advan­ eompetition hers of the junior high school s s T parts and tools after Con- Twin-Stripe VVhitewalls E78x14 after the parade, ta 'the all Mayors Ask Vote presently compiling a detailed the Omnibus Crime Control WU, tage In certain cases. , HO r, , fL guidance department. The pre- gress cut off federal funds effec- Belted - Bios Our Reg. 35.99 purpose room of the elementary sentation' features whait is new tlve last March 30. But the com­ “Plus 2.21 F.E.T. school. This contest, which will =1= TRADE-IN at junior high, what is differient, pany reportedly was prepared For Jobless Bill 29 feature 100 girls from Ctonnectl- and. how junior high is similar h, pyf the program back togeth- NEW HAVEN (AP)—The Con­ cut. Including many from Bol­ NEEDED to elementary school. er if funding could be arranged. necticut Conference of Mayors SIZE OUR REG. SALE F.E.T. ton, Is the first such competi- Visiting days will be the cul- Ford, and other Republican has urged the state’s six con­ 31.88 2.38 Uon for Bolton’s twirlers. Sev­ gressmen to vote for the Emerg­ F78x14 37.99 minating activity of the orien­ SST backers, ta a closed-dcx)r SMILING W SERVICE 39.99 33.88 2.55 eral trophies abd medals will be ency Public Service Employment G78x14 awarded during the pr<^(ram tation sessions held ta Manches­ GOP conference Tuesday, urged 41.99 35.88 2.74 ter schools to inform boys and Act to provide jobs for unem­ H78x14 which will last all day. some 85 Republicans who voted ployed workers and to help cit­ F78x15 37.99 31.88 2.42 Auction girls about what they can ex­ against the SST ta March to ies and towns provide needs G78x15 39.99 33.88 2.64 Many interesting items have pect of junior high school. switch their votes. services In danger - of being H78x15 41.99 35.88 2.80 been collected for Saturday’s Grade six pupils will visit either The GOP backers argued that eliminated. J78x15 43.99 37.88 2.96 auction at United Methodist Illlng or Bennet Junior High layoff of an estimated 16,000 The bill, which would provide 45.99 39.88 3.19 Church, Including several ar- Schools for a program and tour SST workers prompted the call L78x15 of thp facilities, meet the per­ federal subsidies for the creation tides solicited from celebrities. for a vote s'wltch. Tbey also sonnel, and learn about the of state and municipal jobs for NO KIDDING ... WE HAVE Autographed pictures and argued that the past week’s Bu- Grade 7 school program the unemployed, has been ap­ FAMOUS KADETS CASUAL records have been received . __ hoiH ropean run on the dollar showed proved by the -U.S. Senate and An evening program was held , , , , ^ . from Cart>l Burnett, Harry recently in each of the town’s the need for sale of an Ameri- will be voted on Wednesday by SHOES . . . NOW ON SALE! James, Benny Goodman and two junior high schools, to give can SST abroad to strengthen the House. Lifetime Guarantee Brake Special ! Jim Nabors, according to Mrs. parents an overview of the in- U.S. balance of payments and “Municipalities are being Ernest Whipple, chairman. forced to curtail many crucial New 40,(MX) mile brake shoes for all 4 wheels. Other Interesting Items in- formation being given to pupils, the dollar. programs and services because 3 .9 9 .. Inspect wheel cylinders. of cutbacks in state and federal Muffler Sale! funding and the squeeze of spi­ 2 A raling property taxes,” Clarence Our Reg. 32.99 F. Heimann of ’Trumbull said In 2 s 7.00 Most a letter to the Connecticut con­ Our introducing the HIGH PERFORMANCE American gressional delegation. Mdst reg. 6.00 each Reg. cars "However, in many cases 18.99 American these services would not haye to Cars be eliminated if the salaries of 12.88 Whether you’re size 4 the staff could be subsidized un­ 'HAHN-ECLIPSE Our mechanics are disc der provisions of the Emergency or 10 . . . or any size in Muffler and installation! THE BIKINI BIT ... ANY WAY YOU Public Service Act,” said Hel- between, we have your fayorite brake experts. Get a free TRACTOR-RIDER LTD-500 Free exhaust system cheek. brake inspection! mann, who Is first selectman of sporty casual shoe for Summer. Works like a tractor. . . handles like a sports car. WANT ’EM . . . FROM HIGH TIDE Trumbull and president of the This is no markdown, we bought LTD-500 has separate clutch and brake, spring- mayor’s conference. loaded instant height adjustment, exclusive The bill would release $500 every pair especially for this great Pow-R-Vac® mower housing to assure million to selected cities and sale! In summer shades of ' Inspect Car While Jumbo Johnson 12 oz. perfect cut every time. Big 7-hp engine, towns when the national unem­ electric key-start, automotive steering, ployment rate exceeds 4.5 per powder blue, candy pink, Tiny tops . . . smashingly skimpy bottoms . . . Auto Sponge Kit Wax too . . . and anti-scalp skids, flotation i^f cent. The national rate now is daffodil yellow, white or black, Balancing Wheels tires to make sure your lawn is never 6.1 per cent, while Connecticut’s ■K to pull-together as you wish. Put it together shoe 'n boot shop We inspect front Mo«t Amer. eon Handy around Pre-softened; marred. (Ask us what gear transaxle is 8.4 per cent. end, brakes. Our ML your car, home Our with applicator. Our drive can mean to ypu, too.) The conference said that some downtown only with a button, a bow or a ring. They're 'all shocks, exhaust, Reg. or boot. Big size Reg. Easy to apply Reg* of the programs that might be 9"x7"x2-1/2". 49c an d remove. 1.49 At low prices Hahn-EClipse eliminated or curtailed without tires. 1.50 gives you the most quality. designed of n^lon or acrylic fabric^in assistance for staff salaries are , STORE HOURS a special police force for public DOWNTOWN sun-sational colors. Sizes 5-13. ^ow tie front 14.00. housing In Bridgeport, a day DAILY 9:30 - 5:30 ua ter y«*r tMTica s ffa lfir t Sole: Wed. thru Sot. care center In Norwalk, a drug THURB. to 9:00 P.M. Ring front 15.00. -Button frpitf' 16.00. PARKADE Open U te Every Niglit 195 BUSH HARDWARE CO. abuse prevention program In MON. - T U ia. - SAT. Manchester, 1145 Tolland Tpke. Except Sat. entii 6 P.M. $1 North Haven, a senior citizens’ 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. Cfihlor 793 MAIN STREET — 64S-4121 S'portswear, downtown parkade center In Wallingford, a housing WED. - THURS. - BIRJ. EXIT 93. WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY code enforcement program In 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. Hamden and an adtilt tutorial program In Bristol. PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY ij 1971 MANClifESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,. 1971

of this division would obviously constitutional requirement that -crosses right dewn to the presidential contenders be at 2 Crosses M art tain soft thoughts about the nature of last page, even while he seems be the rankest kind of dark- Political Parade horse in the final. But bright least 36. the enemy in Vietnam remember that to be makiner 1, 1881_____ the perfidy of the enemy does not auto-, Newborn Found fallback choice In the conven­ broaden and Improve the U- „„n ,paignH under the present system. Michigan, has written one of the 1st from Hicksville, L.I. Ben The ceremonies opened .a Publlsiwd Every Evenln* Bxporpt Sundays matically establish our own candor. tion, should the younger divi­ sues debate. “ yearling” dlvtslon for and HoUdaya. Krile*^ at The |\)at Ottlce ^ most succinct, yet wide-ranging manages to get to Paris to al­ Under Bu^es sions produce winners who are week-long memorial service Haacfaeater, Conn., tuj Second daaa MaU Examination of some of the “truce and beautifully illustrated, his- tend a “ World Conference on In that division In 1972, for -^^2 would probably have In It Kipnis Is 80 that student leaders said would Hatter______MILFORD (AP) — An hours- lame. example, we would find Bayh, g^, John Turmey of California, violations" Included in our latest statis­ lories of our Greek heritage to the Arts and Sciences,” even give the black community an old infant girl, found here Tues- The next division — compar- NEW YORK (AP) — Alexan­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES appear in a long time. though he is not an official dele- George McGovern and Harold Wendell Anderson of Min opportunity to “reflect, so It P a y ^ e In Advance tics suggests that we may have been der Klpnls, famed Russian bas­ “The Ancient Greeks,” In only gate. Tlie star performers of day afternoon, was . reported tn w^id be'^to probable favor- -^^rgmia Secretary won’t happen again.” One Year ...... slon horse-racing—would be lor other 401sh Democrats .t™ ami so star of the Metropolitan and Six Hontlia ...... 19.E0 a little over-eager to ^roeecute. 227 pages Including a glossary, this conclave of eggheads are fair condition Tuesday night at Rockefeller and Approximately 500 students Three Months ...... 9.76 men in their 8^. dlvlsi^ a s p ^ t o ^ e Chicago operas and of the Heder One of the "violations,” for Instance, Moyers, ■who have One Month ...... 8.36______manages to cover the main out- some literary jackasses whom yale-New Haven hospital, au- would normally produce the stage, was 80 oji Feb. 1. stood in a light rain to take part ■llne of Greek geography, art, Ben detests, in the activities, which included m e m b e r o f occurred when a South Vietnamese thoriUes said. Kipnis tqaches voice at the Such men as Frank Qiurch, but hold no pubUc office at the the singing of spirituals and a THE ASSOCIATED PRESS history, even philosophy, from Finding himself insulted and The baby girl was found un- find Humphrey and Edmund JuUllard School. Tlie AaaooMed Preaa la (rtolturivcily ei^ ferryboat hit a mine which may have prehistory to the conquest of the shoved aside by these pompous ^ y. ^ y^rd by neigh- Muskie, Henry Jackson and Wll- Adlal Tom Bagel- moment. candle lighting ceremony. titled to the uae of repuhllooUon of afl When one thinks how much Seraphim Records has re-ls- news dispcdches <5edlted to it or not other­ been floating in the river for weeks. (^er states In the peninsula by fools, the angry Ben poses as a yoryood children who notified Ham Proxmlre (and doubtless Walter , Newsmen have been barred wise credited In this paper and also the men in their 20s, like John sued an album of Hugo Wolf the much-less civilized Macedo- secret agent to gain attention, jy j parents who caHed»pollce. others running against each ®"*®*’ *® from the campus for the week. locri news puhllahed J^re. , . j.. Another "violation” occurred when the Kerry and Capt. Aubrey Damel, songs that Kipnis believes is AU ri^ta of repubUcatlon of apeclal dla- mans led by PhUlp II and hU And suddenly he Is getting plen- soo^ eL en she other. \ Warner Buxton, student body North Vietnamese fired up at an Ameri­ have contributed to the nation- among his very best. He also patches Herein are also reserved.______overwhelming son, Alexander fy of attention from some real sufferine from pneurnoma. The “ two-year-olds” In this Since 1 am writing these rules president, said the press would al dialogue In recent weeks, was known for his performances The Herald Printing OonMony Jnc., _as- can helicopter which was flying over the Great. secret agents from Russia, Is- p„ii„p copt William Bull said new presidential derby would to suit myself, I would au o „ turn the services "Into a cir­ sumee no financial reeponslblllty for typo­ there may even be a case for in “ Don Giovanni,” “ FldeUo.” graphical errors aiw>«u;lng to advert^ them. We happen to maintain that, dur­ At the end, Starr even in- rael. Red China and the United ofy^gra were questioning sus- be the men In their 40s—sp?edy, create a “ yearling” for there ev yivigi™ the “ Faust” and “ Boris Godunov." cus.” menta and other read%, matter in 'Hie udes some excerpts from a States. The real spies are ma- jyg g^gg flashy, but of dubious staying candidates under 40. The wiimer overlooking to______ing a truce, we shall have the right to eludes Bluicheater Evening Herald.______few of the more revealing clas- neuvering around two Hungari- Suhscrlber to Los Angeles Times-WaMilng- keep on looking for the enemy, but he slcB of Greek prose—the histo- ana who are conference dele- ton Poet News Service. , „ . „ . Pull service eciel ^ency at us when we happen to find him. — New Yoric, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. pher Plato—plus three final veteran Marxist from Budapest, In another "violation” instance, the lines from the poet Pindar who has survived torture and DImtay advertising d oel^ hours P^Monday — 1 p.m. enemy fired on a South Vlettnamese stressing the radiance and var- Imprisonment over the years; For Tueeday — 1 p.m. Saturday. lety of the classic concept of rumor has It that he Is going to . For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. patrol party which had been sent, out For Thursday — 1 p.m, Tuesday life. shake up the conference by For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. to clear a road. The little book is unquestiona- making an anti-Stalimst speech, Oaaalfled deadline ^80 p.m. day be­ fore publication 4:80 p.m. Friday tor Good propaganda doesn't use weak or ply an outline, yet an exception- The other Himgarian Is Veg, a Saturday and Monday publication. controversial evidence, for fear It may ally clear one. Naturally, this neurologist who has made a Wednesday, May 12, 1971 does not leave any space for the breakthrough In the teclmlque discredit what authentic evidence it develc^ment of original thinking of influencing people’s behavior does possess. or even Interpretation. But here by electromc stimulation of OF MANCHESTER The Mass Arrest Technique ------8------that is not Starr’s ol^ective. His their brains. And wouldn’t the 2 purpose Is to make available to real secret agents like to learn K we are Irrevocably into an age In The Neglected Apple Tree the nonspecialist the generally how he does It? agreed facts about the little cor- in between his capers with the which the Immediate practical result All the Innocent, unspoiled beauty in ner of the world where Western two Hungarians, Ben gets is all that counts, then that choice and the world — unspoiled by either the cl'villzaticm as we treasure it got mixed up with a bunch of hip- decision Attorney General John Mitchell poisons of preventive spray or the im­ its start. pies picketing the conference. Toward the end is the de- fights with the literary crowd recommends to police departments In perfections of eventual fruit — Is to be pressing story of the Peloponne- and even gets an offer to join a cities everywhere — to confront any found In the of the neglected slan War In the fifth century Swiss counter-espionage outfit. threat of dtsturbfince with the technique apple tree. B.C. In which the more or less The odd thing Is that Green democratic states of Greece— of mass arrests — has the green light. It may be taken for granted that the has written a genuine spy story, more in the case of Athens and complete with double and tri- There is little doubt that the tactics blossom will be the \^ _ WF.KK — 6IONT 1I the more experienced of the con­ blood for the average recipient, nificant choice, and I think Miss Louise Copping is elected parents. Win the game or sit a spy story and a very funny l.diiK Te rm Le:isiiiK ed with such things because they feel air, that full tide of fragrance which tenders. but it is probably conmbuting to I there is a way to achieve it, commander of DAV Auxiliary. on the bench. What’s wrong comedy at the same time? .\ny M;ike or Model that. If principle and justice and In­ makes a May evening a pure enchant­ with only a slight modification. But our present system elimi­ 7,000 deaths a year from hepati­ with, "do the best you can." Answer: W enhit Is a slapstick nates the younger contenders tis alone, only one of several dis­ dividual righU are trampled, no matter ment. in the present rules of the nom­ Which means pay attention, spoof of other spy stories, be­ Manchester Motors almost before their claims can eases which can be contracted listen and learn, have fun, and sides being a raucous jeer at the for what Immediate practical reason, There were undoubtedly other reasons, ination game. Lease, Inc. The idea, quite simply. Is to be considered, and thus depriv­ by transfusion. if you 'Win fine. If you lose, Uterory estaWlshmont. some of them perhaps having to do with es the nation of hearing the Im­ A Thought for Today The Communicable Disease M rnihrr (Jriiway :iml Kyder our society Is building Itself dangers run the contenders against men learn what being a good sport Green, known best for his nov­ Syslrin*^ portant differences of views Sponsored by th/B Manche'ster Center in Atlanta Indicates that is. The WdB don’t need uniforms els about life In Brooklyn—“ The more violent than anything it has yet - cheeked fruits and luscious {rips, of their own age In the pri­ 31:! WKST CKNTFU ST. that stem from the differences Council of Churches blood from this type of donor any more than I need the lousy Lent Angry Man” and “ To but this May gift is beyond doubt the maries, and then put the cham­ >i.v\cni:sTKK— 1 seen. pions of each age division up of age and outlook. carries ten times the hazard of jacket that they voted down. Brooklyn With Love’’—makes a For some Americans, then, the flaws basic reason the apple seed was includ­ against each other in the cem- The age range of this year’s Words of Jesus the disease than that which I’m willing to teach, to the best comes from a volunteer or re­ In the Washington procedure will loom ed in the plan. vention. It is a simple adapta­ active Democratic contenders of my ability, the game of tion of the rules of horserac­ stretches only from Birch "You have heard that it was placement donor. baseball. ’The boys on our team as Important as ite grand general suc­ Congressman Edward Koch ing to politics. Instead of hav­ Bayh’s not-very-youthful 43 to said, ‘Love your friends, hate have been told that if Johnny Manchester’s “Do-It-Yourself” your enemies.’ But now I tell (D-N.Y.) Introduced a bill (HR Solid Maple & cess. ing races for two-year-olds, Hubert Humphrey’s not-very- j Is fat and Henry wears glasses you: love your enemies, and 853) which encourages through Many of those who were involved in Program three-year-olds and handicap old 69. Except for Bayh, all of you don’t make fun of him be­ horses, we would have divisions the Democratic hopefuls were pray for those who mistreat a tax deduction system the vol- the protest movement were seized and There was plenty ot logic and common imteer donor to medie his Wood cause everyone Isn’t built the in each primary for 40-year- bom within a decade of Hum­ you, so that you wUl become sense tn the message Nathan G. Agosti- the sons of your Father In available to the public. Hemo­ same, and that they are to act held without any due legal process of olds, 60-year-olds, and older phrey. The age range of the nelU gave members of the Connecticut heaven. For he makes his sun philiacs, Leukemls, automobile as gentlemen at all times. It Solid Oak men, and then let the conven­ 190B Republican contenders was arrest, having committed no provable Association of Development Commis­ to shine on bad and good people accident victims, and surgical they don’t I let them know about tion pick from the champion equally narrow. It. A boy had a “confirmatloii” offense, and being accorded none of their sions at Wallingford. Too often, he said, . of each division. alike, and gives rain to those patients would all be benefac­ But if the presidential prim­ on game night. Another boy had proper legal rights after their arrests. hands are extended for state and feder­ Crazy notion, right. But It who do right and those who do tors. Today the problem is aries were nm In age divisions, scouts on a game night. Should al assistance when a "do-it-yourself” de­ came to mind—rather forcibly wrong. Why should you expect theirs, tomorrow It could be What happened to such people does he be penalized? Tliere are termination is all that Is needed. —after listening to three speech­ the competition would be more God to reward you. If you love ours. Speolally Coaches that do and I say It's not weigh too heavily on our national AgostinelU is state comptroller but he es at last week’s Washington open and the range of choice at only the people who love you? Truly, wrong. Here again, there are conscience because they were at least did not speak from his diort experience Post book and author lunch. By the finals stage of nomination Even the crafty do that! And if James E. Juros, In that office. He is a former mayor of^ far more Interesting. you speak only to your friends, Architect exceptions. If a boy doesn’t part of the movement, which was Invit­ accident or design, the speak­ Manchester where he saw ^local initia­ ers represented different dec­ One could begin by setting up have you done anything out of care about the game and would Prioed ing trouble. tive do the job that was needed in help­ ades. There was 23-year-old a “handicap division” for the. the ordinary? Even the pagans "Our Final Comment" rather do all the other eCctivltles then he should hb told to make There were in many scenes, however, ing small busine^ to expand and in In­ Garry Trudeau, the Yale grad older political war horses, great do that! You must be perfect— To the Editor, ducing industrial firms to take spaice in and creator of the Doonesbury in the wisdom of their years just as your Father In heaven After reading the letter sub­ a choice. those who happened to be totailly inno­ vacant buildings. ^ comic strip; 36-year-old Bill D. but now conslderad too old for is perfect.” mitted by Mrs. Edward Mad­ I can take criticism as ■well as cent of all Involvement except that of "Without that ‘go and get ’em’ spirit Moyers, the former White House the presidential primaries. Matthew 5:43-48 sen Jr. I ’d like to make one dish it out but the one state­ Each Major Piece being bystanders or spectators or per­ at the core of any community, there is aide and newspaper publisher, Arbitrarily taking age 60 next J. Grant Swank Jr. final comment and regaldless ment that you made that really little hope for sound and progressive In­ and 43-year-old Rep. James W. Jan. as the cutoff point, that GIFT OFFER! haps merely Innocent people trying to 1 of what Is said In respect to hurt was, “Your sadness with dustrial development,” AgostinelU ad­ Symington (D-Mb.), the former' division might include such Little League, I’ll remain quiet! my thoughts being conveyed to go through or around trouble to their vised. chief of protocol. worthy men as Senate Majority Current Quotes I don’t -wish to get Involved boys that are probably thrilled $S.OO STEBUNG SILVER Enjoy your Bedroom Set as you pay for it. own business. There must have occurred What Manchester has done for self­ Each was talking of his vision Leader Mike Mansfield, Stuart in name calling nor to sling ■with just belonging to a uni­ “ I am proud of the Washing­ CHARM BRACELET betterment Is not too weU known outside of —talking with rare Symington, Abraham Rlblcoff mud, however, I think that If a formed team.” If you think that among the thousands of arrests for the ton Caty police. I am proud that Choose one of Watkins convenient budget of the city. It found a home-spun formu­ eloquence—and while they and Wilbur Mills. Even Averell person read my letter of the my thoughts are anything but they stopped a repressive mob FBiEE! week at least hundreds of false arrests. la that worked. No federal or state hand­ shared what might be called Harriman, Dean Acheson and honorable, you send a replace­ from robbing the rights of oth­ fifth of May, he or she might terms: Take up to three years to pay outs were sought. The program succeed­ a humane optimism about our Clark caifford might be coaxed uUhpurchateofanyS WeUteharmt The excuse would be, we suppose, that ers.” —Atty. Gen. JWm N. say, “ That’s telling them.” And ment to Buckland field and I’ll ed without them. country, each man described into entering the gentlemanly If* «n ld»al w»y to itart your ch»rm collection. . . or police could not take time and care to Mitchell, commenting on the ar­ If they read Mrs. Madsen’s of walk off the field like a man. with as little as 10 % down. Use 30-60-90 AgostinelU likes to talk about what Its peril and its promise from competition In this dl'Vlslon. eomeono elee'i. The perfect gift for Greduetlon, Furniture thats’ functional will suit your son or daughter to rests of Mayday antiwar pro­ the 10th, they might say, I’m not ashamed of anything make nice precise selections from Manchester has done because the city Is a distinctly different perspec­ None of them is a prlmS con­ or enyother epeclel occasion. You testers In a speech to a meeting “ That’s telling him !" That Isn’t and won’t hide for your cri- a tee! Watkin’s has it all with these handsome bedroom pieces day Payment Plan or Master Charge. proud of what it has done through com­ tive, reflecting his age and his tender for President at this get a $5.00 Wells sterling silver bracelet among the people they found In a given of California law enforcement the Issue at all ! TTie Issue as I free when you buy eny three the "Lexington” collection . . . sturdy, solid rock maple . . . munity effort. It Is a record to be proud own experience. officials. see it, Is that there are only 21 (See Page Ten) Welle charms. From $2 JO. Or try our Layaway Plan. area. of — and worthy of emulation. — MERI­ I had gone to the luncheon (See Page Seven) and “Ranchero” , the rugged solid oak. But that would be the kind of alibi DEN RECORD. rather as a matter of duty. which would most dlsturi) those concern­ Political reporters learn to en­ RibicofPs Plan Will live dure speeches, but after listen­ "Ranchero." A rugged and handsome ed with principle. ing to the Democratic presiden­ "Lexington" collection .. .featuring corner blocked, The Rlblcoff Plan is dead, but It may Bill Whitaker It raises the prospect that the more tial cemtenders for four months solid oak bedroom that grows with well rise from the grave tb mock us. this year, I felt I had already dowelled, dovetailed, dust proof construction ... the technique praised and recommend­ Sen. Abraham A. Rlblcoff, the Con­ heard enough to last me a life­ a young teen's needs. Best ot all, the ed by Attorney General Mitchell might necticut Democrat, proposed that large time. very specially priced! spread, It 'might tend to perfect and re­ cities and their suburbs be required to To my astonishment, 1 found ' integrate their schools within 12 years. price is planned to please a family budget fine itself by leaning even more 1 was listening with interest to No longer could a central city have fresh ideas. Not that these men exclusively on Its quick appUcaticn of largely black sdiools while its suburbs were necessarily wiser than the ARB G0m& T Full br Twin Panel Bed w/Nite Table ... come in now and choose from had schools attended; almost entirely by fiBTTUTG MOBaRr muscle rather than trying to Improve presidential contenders, but Watkin's entire groupings of young its talents for selecticpi and discrimina­ whites. ' they saw things differently just 4 Drawer Chest 32xl8-H. 42 Rlbicoff’s reasoning: was simple. Seg­ r b e tte r because of their different age. THINK IT'S THAN HAVING world furniture! tion as between the involved and the regation imposed byalaw (mosUy in tire All the active contenders are 'EM IN THE PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, 3 Drawer Dresser 42xl8-H. 34" unlnvolved, the particit>ants, and the South) has been ruled unconstitutional looking at America from the and seems on the way out. But segrega­ Innocents. same vantage-point—the per­ PUBLIC GARDENS,WOODLANDS,TRAILS, Framed Mirror 22x28" ...... $29.95 tion caused by housing patterns (mostly It Is, in some degree, a matter of try­ spective of the World War n GROueS BALL FIELDS. PICNIC In the North) Is flourishing, and even In­ vets Who entered politics in the Bunk Bed 3/3 Post 2'/j" Stock. . .$/9. 3 Drawer Dresser 42x18-H. 30 ing to remember, even under circum­ creasing. era of the Fair Deal and tile Framed Mirror 22x28 .$ 2 9 .9 5 Yet the damage done to education and PRIVATE PROPERTY.AND POSTED rowERLANESJ "...... stances of enraging pressure, that this Gold War. They’re not to be to society by segregation occurs no mat­ Full or Twin Bed fi Nit Stand Is still supposed to be America. faulted for being captives of SOLID MAPLE WALL UNIT ter what causes the segregation. their own experience, like all I7 x I4 -H . 26" Ribicoff’s solution was to treat each the rest of us. But their experi­ central city and Us suburbs as a unit, Truce Violations ence Is by no means the whole and to compel each such unit, by bus­ Student Desk 4 Drawers 40xl8-H3D' of the national experience and Every time there is any kind of truce ing or other means, to maintain racially their perspective Is not that by Bookcase Top 40x I O'/i -H. 45 SOLID OAK WALL UNIT In Vietnam, the word warriors on our balanced schools throughout Its area. The plan lost In the Senate the other which the nation might choose RlGHTgLETS side follow it up with a statistical ac­ to see Itself, and be led, If it Bachelor Chest, 3 Drawers Student Desk 42x18-H. 30" day by a vote of 61 to 35. America prob­ CAN DO TO GET cusation against the eneitiy, ably is not yet ready for such a drastic . were given a free choice. Bachelor Chest 40x18-H. 30" Our system of presidential 3 0 x l8 -H 3 0 " Tiiis year, our side has announced, solution. )UR TOWN U8X TOUR CREDIT politics tends to narrow the Bookcase Top 42xlO-H. 45" the enemy violated the 24-hour truce Yet the problem remains. It Is wrong /■■ to have nearly all-black cities surround­ choice to men In their 60s. An Bookcase Top 30xl0*/2-H. 45 In honor of Buddha’s birthday a total ed by nearly all-white suburbs. Such a occasional “ ambitious upstart” In his 40s can try to crash the of M times. situation cannot last — at least, it can­ SUOOR circle, as John Kennedy did, but 935 Main St.,St.. Manchester - Open 9 A.M. ♦«> 5:30 P.M. - Closed Mondays One thing such an allegation ought to not last without generating violence. 917 MAIN •*■■■* MAHOBBtMB It is a safe bet that we have not heard the political odds are stacked Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 P.M. - Telephone 643-5171 do for us is refresh our memories, and the last of the Rlblcoff Plan.—ANSONIA ageilnst him. “THt GEM OF MAIN SflEir' make any of iis who Incline to enter- EVENING SBJNTINEL. Doubless our system ts right

•1 ' r -

MANCHESTER EVENING H^flALD, MANCHESTER, GQNN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,^971 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT L. Laraba, East Hartford; Stev­ Manchester Area the ladies’ faces pretty and un- posal f®using ® taxati® of, South Windsor en G. Luzzl, 46 Wells St.; Mrs. Beauty Show On-the-Road Uned while they lose weight. Democrats Vow “unearned in®me.” I BanquetEuds Annette G. Mancarella, Bast State G irl That prc^Mwal, which gained Police Log Face sag and .prominent lines ‘Hands O ff On O bituary Hartford; Deborah Marschat, Plans are usually temporary, but both the g^reatest favor during recent 1087 Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. Mar­ A Success in New York^ Dem®ratic caucuses of the BifUM IN O US sUn and hair need care when CO EP Y ea r ARRESTS garet Mayer, Glastonbury; Mrs. Cited For Income Tax Bid H ® se and Senate, would hold Mrs. Harold Turner PZC Ruling Blocks By 'VIVIAN BBOWN legs straight in front, back you diet. A good firming lotion, Ronald E. Ralph, 23, of 34 En­ Mary 'Parla, 166 W. ■ Middle Publicity toe sales tax at 6 per cent In­ Mrs. Margaret Maloney fTur- AP Newsfeatures erect, arms held out in front. slmUar to a mask helps keep HARTFORD (AP) — Demo­ Manchester High School stu­ glewood D r„ eharged with Tpke.; Mrs. Mary E. Parsons, Bravery stead of increasing it to 7 per ner, 69, of Seminole, Fla., moth­ Breathing out, grip buttocks, toe akin tight. After ten minutes crat members of toe State Sen­ DRIVEWAYS dents enrolled in the Coopera­ breach of peace, yesterday af­ 944 Tolland Tpke. If women can’t get to cent as proposed by Mesklll. er of Mrs. Dolores Goguen of Campaign curl your bottom under and tt Is rinsed off with warm water, Parking Areas • Oas Stations e Basketball Coorto tive Occupational Education ternoon at his home after a Also, Leo W. Rlchloff Sr., 217 HARTFORD (AP) — A 13- ate maintained a “ hands off" Revenue Increases w®ld re­ South Windsor and sister of Proposal to Construct Greenhouse, the health and slowly begin to lower your beibk, “After a week of dieting, toe domestic disturbance, held in Autumn St.; KeUy A. Ryan, 426 year-old East Hartford girl sult from a 10 per cent tax on Now Booidng for Seasonal Work - John Maloney of 2B Norwood St. Program (COEP), cooperaUng ' An extensive campaign td beauty spa In Arlington, Tex., curving It towards toe floor. Une from nose to mouth may be- attitude toward any state In- All Work Personally Supervised. We are 160% Insored. lieu of $500 bond. Court date yf Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Jo Anne has been named recipient of died Monday In Florida. She employers, and g^uests attended that has been frequented by arms in as if you were come more pronounced. I cover come-tax proposal after huddling interest, dividends and capital Valentine, 610 W. Middle l^lte.; make the programs and plans toe state police department’s gains, plus broadening of toe was the wife of HaTold Turner. the end-of-the-year banquet held May 24. nin4 Tv.,»h.oo •’owlng, then push toem forward It and the under-eye line with a Monday evening behind clo^d Rural Colonial Village Mrs. Mary T. VoUand, 61 Haw­ of the Indian Valley YMCA bet­ highest clvtUon award tor sales tax to Include n®-profes- DeMAIO BROTHERS Other survivors are 2 sows, ^ B M Johns®, toe Duchess breathing in hlghUght foundati® that makes last night at Mr. Steak. Gerald P. Martell, 40, of 51 thorne St.; Mrs. Mary M. Wlp- ter known throughout the five bravery. d®rs. sional services and extend® of CALL 643-7691 her mother, 3 sisters, and 12 tional number of vehicles, Int oc Windsor, and other famed and letting motion of arms and it look less conspicious. Over it, Edward Fisher, master of The Planning and Zoning Jarvis Rd., charged with breach pert. Brandy St., Bolton. communities It will serve was Lynn Therese G®ld, a Senate Majority Leader J. Ed­ other taxes. grandchildren. eluding trucks. personalities ^The Greenhouse • gh®lders pull back to a sitting I put a darker foundation, which ceremonies and chairman of the Commission last night deniied of peace, operating a motor ve­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A launched Monday when the ward Caldwell and Sen. Charles - The funeral will be Friday at The voting on the request might come to them. position. may be used al® e to shadow seventh grader, accepted toe' banquet committee, was as­ hicle while under the Influence son to Mr. and Mrs. David chief executives of the towns T. A'lfano, toe Senate president 8 a.m. from the Benjamin J. the request by William and came after two months of de­ The Initial experiment of the award from State- PoUce sisted by Miss Roxann Faucher of Intoxicating liquor, and dis­ Wampold, 14 Lawton Rd.; a son If y ® exercise with®! diet- areas that sag ® either side of pro tempore, said their col­ Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 Patricia Krawskl for a change bate. According to Carlno, Paul proclaimed May 10 to May 22 beauty-show-OT-toc road c o t - Commissi®er Cleveland B. in presenting certificates of ap­ regarding a traffic light, last to Mr. and Mrs. Norman W t- ing, y ® can lose inches as chin. leagues were not Impressed fa­ Main St., East Hartford, with a _ __ Kupchuncs made a motlcn to as YMCA days. The signing ducted by Charles of toe Ritz, Fuessenlch. preciation to the following em­ to general commercial zoning night on E. Center St., after a mer, 224 Union St.; a daughter weight redistributes, but y ® “Lubricating creams sh®td vorably with a surprise request Mass of requiem at. St. Francis took place on the Y’s recently ® e of the sponsors of the Texas Lynn was credited with ployers; Alcar Auto Parts, domestic disturbance, released to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Bpen- w ® ’t l® e weight unless y ® cut be used to maintain the elasticl- by a majority of toe Senate Re- of Assisi Church, South Wind­ purchased land site In Ellington. establishment, was a notable saving toe life of a 3-year-old Beneficial Finance Co., South­ on $200 non-surety bond. Court 94 Midland Rd., Coventry; calories, she says. ty of toe skin when ®e is reduc- pubUcans for m ® e seri® s c® - sor, at 9. Burial will be in St. the construcUon of a replica of Robert Gllligan had To better Inform the public success at a New York store boy who feU through toe ice ern New England Telephone date May 24. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. The calorie-cutting job be- thr® t suffers tremen- Catherine’s Cemetery, Broad an authentic colonial rural farm gome reservations about it and Parade Marshal In the five towns of Vernon, Tol­ where two classes, 80 women on Park River ® March 7, sideration of an Income tax to Co., W. G. Glenney Co., Man­ ------Keimeth Perkins, 122A Syca^ land, Ellington, South and East longs to Helen Corbitt, another •lously as it loses plumpness, 1969. Authorities '\said toe raise necessary state funds. Brook. chester Carpet Centre, Shaklee and village using naUve mate- wanted additiona\ InformaUcm. Mmmi7 20 of Mld- each day for a week, were riala He chose to abstain from the John L. Nutt^l, 2^ ol Mia more Lane. Windsor, a trailer will be set up member of ’Ihe Greenhouse. Throat sticks and creams do a boy, Bryan Guiliano of Hart­ However, Caldwell, who had Friends may call at the funer­ Products Distributors, Mr. Steak Lt. Col. (reUred) Ernest H. taught exercises, diet and toe on the 16-acre site owned by use oi maxeuD ov auenoiiiE’ t®am. Sie recom m®ds 880 calo- good job.” She exercises ford, walked out ® thin Ice predicted earUer that an income al home tomorrow from 2 to 4 of Manchester and East Hart­ According to PZC Commis- voUng. Mrs. Lcuise Evans and dletown, charged DISCHARGED YESTER- Larson of 39 Andor Rd., owner use^ of oi maxeup makeup oy by auenamg attending nlanned to *^1® th«>at in a paddling motion Sion C^ai^an Joseph J. Carlno Carino objected. ing under $16. yesterday mom- the Y In the “ five com ers’’ two-hour lectures and dem ®- ^ Diets are piannea w y to retrieve his hat and fell tax w ® ld not pass toe Senate, and 7 to 9 p.m. ford. DAY: Michael Donnell, 39 Rich- of Manchester Hardware and four reasons were given for re- Carlno said 58 per cent of the ing at Caldor. Court date May area of Ellington on May 15 and stratlons. COTtinued at home. The for- “ ®*^ hand. through. described toe issue as a “ toss Also, Manchester Veterinary ard M ., Vernon; Mrs. Margue- supply Co., has been selected Lynn ran over toe Ice, John J, Rickey iecUon of the proposal: 1. This property owners within 500 feet 24. 22 from noon to 5 p.m. mer h o ^ ta l dietician—she was If the face takes ® a long, up.” Clinic, Sears Roebuck and Co., rite Coleman, 108 Lockwood Bt.; marshal for the annual Memo- What the women got was a grabbed toe youngster’s coat John J. Rickey, 60, of Tuscon, Howard Johnson’s, Optical type of zoning was not onnn thethf» offtf Krawski’sTCrawski’a propertyUrODCrtV whowhO oOt>- ^ In addition the Y office at with Cornell Medical Center— lean l®k, ®e needs to change The proposal had seemed to Judith T. Rlttllnger, Broad rfal Day parade. reasonable facsimile of The collar and fell part of toe Arlz., brother of Mrs. John P. Style Bar, Connecticut Bank Town Comprehensive Plan for posed the zone change^ request, _ Anne M. Kingsley of 260 Vernon Circle, next to the c®centrates ® high protein ® e ’s hairstyle to give the lllu- be dead for toe current sessl®— Brook; Mrs. Anna Herman, Thg parade will start May 31, Greenhouse treatment, for $6 . way through toe ice herself CalRlhan of 34 Oliver Rd., died and Trust Co., Yankee Creifts- a commercial enterprise any- which meant the commisMoncommission Wetherell St., charged with fall- Samuel Lavltt Agency, will be foods, supplementing toem with si® of more width, she advises. Gov. Thomas J. MesklU 'was op­ r FD 4, Rockville; Edwin at 9:30 a.m. at the Army-Navy At ’Ihe Greenh®se itself, where ’The chUd’s head went ® d er yesterday at his home after a a red light, last manned on May 14 and 21 as vitamins. A typical day’s menu ------posed to It and toe H®se Demo­ man. General Cleaning Service, Where in the area; 2^ If a llo ^ ^ to am l^lht a t ^ T CeAtor m d" Mali'- Worthington, Glastonbury. club and march to Center Park toe fee Is more than $700 a water, but she grabbed him long Illness. well as May 15 and 22 during might be this ® e : . ^ crats had decided none of toe Inc., Brown's Tire Shop, Search, it would be considered sprt ourt date M^^ Also, Tammy A. Hyson, U4 where exercises will be held, week, they would have enjoyed again and lifted him out of Other survivors are his wife, Inc., Charlie's Atlantic, John F. zoning, the rezonlng of a small prove it Can™ said It w ^ son Sts. CourW ate May 24. ^ ^ the same hours. A secretary Breakfast: One-half grape- Ll^ tn ing Is Costly several Income - tax proposals to check the names more elegance—brocade bed­ toe Icy water. a son and another sister. Tierney Funeral Home, Laurel parcel of land in an area re- necessary will also be present In the of- ______thin BHce of homemade CHICAGO (AP) — The Light- had a chance of passing that ACCroENTS gent, ^Broad Brook; Mrs. Gladys Guard in 1041. In World War II spreads, herbs and oil baths, Fuessenlch gave Lynn chamber. The funeral and burial will be Manor, Pilot Co., Inc served for another purpose (in cn the petltlcn when Mrs. Rd.; Mii. he mceivertiae^lati^^^ flee ^ y week day from 10 a.m. kky-vaulted ind® r swimming ®oyhcau snd wheat germ , ning ProtecU® Institute says Also Home Improvement, ^this case the area os reslden- Evans, in her original action ^ summons charging him ^ ® son, atnrR a $25 I savings b® d and Then nine Republican senators This is Friday in Tuscon. to 2:30 p.m. pool, but basically toe women ®°^®® tea. playing the odds against a light- aldor Inc Corbin-Gentry, tlal) 3 There is now active asked for rejection of the appli- ^ith failure to obey state traffic Slmonne TafUn, 360 C ^ e r ., ribbem, four c a m i ^ ^ stars, The recently hired Executive certificate proclaiming her signed a petiU® Thursday urg­ Caldor,^dor, Inc., Corbin GentiT, ^ ^ u ^ b le to get a commission traffic control slg- Mrs. NelUe Keneflck, Green eombat Infant^r badge and a all...... seek toe same thing: ■ -Beauty, Ten o’clTCk; Potassium Broth nlng strike cost some 3,200 ‘,‘HOTorary ’Trooper of toe Angelo Grippo Director Carey Green will take made from celery, carrots, par- American business property ing toe Senate to “ consider seri- the In 1945 “ All ® e needs is discipline Year.” The award, the ninth Angelo Grippo, 81, of Hart­ WIwT^Man^e^^^^Ntai’or, Inc.! g^g*^on""— ''iipUc^ations are be- second to her motion K u ^ u - ggriy yesterday L ^ e Home; f ^ t h ^ r m v Re over his duties on June 1. The snips or other vegetables. owners over a quarter billl® ® 8ly“ a levy ® personal in­ Tolland Tpke. Esso Service, fore th,e commission requesting nos requested approval but morning at 12:01 to Raymond ^mers; Mrs. EUle Gaal, RFD when he was In the A rm y^- “Y” already has several pro­ and y ® can do a great job in of its kind given by state po­ come. Treasure Chest ford, stepfather of Joseph M, Lunch: Small cheese souffle dollars In 1970. lice, was established In Inc Manchester Memorial Hos- zone changes within the resl- unable to get a second (m his H. Grezel, 20, of------107 Summer — i, Bolton. serves,------he------was„ In charge ol tnathe grams going, Includlng'a swim­ y®r own home,” explained Alfano, a Dem®rat from Suf- Pagano of Vernon and Mrs. An- made with extra egg whites. The Institute said the average memory of toe late Trroper t o ^ e Carr of Manchester, pltai, and the law firm of Gar- dential definition. 4. The traffic motion. Carino completed the St., after a collision at Middle Also, Raymond C. Jeffers, 113 Manchester Armory for five _ming__ program______for the summer Toni Beck, exelxise director, a field, said toe Demwrats ques­ It's what we've been talking about for 23 years: the joyful little Salad. 'loss to each building struck by James W. Lamber, klUed bi problem on Buckland Rd. is a petition investigation Tpke. and Main St. between his Steep Rd., South Windsor; years. He went on active duty '^ d *an ‘ Indian Guide Program, professional choreographer and tioned toe "sincerity’’ of toe gold-tooled leather jewel box into which go only the worlds died yesterday at Mt. Sinai Hos- rity, Walsh and Diana, toe line of duty Oct. 29, 1960 best diamonds. To qualify for this distinction, a diamond has to pltai. In commending the school serious problem now and the oar and one driven by Robert James P. Kupyar, 246 Main St., again in 1950 and served with ^ famUy camping dance teacher, who has been Three-thirty: A small glass Of GOP support of toe Income tax. Herald fresh fruit and ice are put into Additional mUUons of dollars meet the strictest standards gemology can devise. Priced from Other survivors are two daugh- system for Inaugurating COEP commission felt that a change Manchester Evening L. Hennequln of 60 Deerfield South Windsor; David R. Main- the 43rd Division In Germany, weekends. wlto the spa for six years. “ We are waiting for toem to $100 to many thousands. Easy Payments Invited. to commercial zoning would South Windsor correspondent Dr. Court date for Grtzel is vlUe, 903 Center St.; Robert F. Alter he returned from Europe Additional family member- Her dance training—die the blender to make a sugarless h o m e o ^ e r a b y ters, another stepson, and four and the business community for fruit ice. ughtnlng damage to roofs. More Jobs Created say if they actually would vote burden the town with an addi- Barbara Varrlck, tel. 644-8274. May 24. Vlolette, 4 Little St.; Mrs. Fran- he served with the reserves on ships will be stressed during the teaches at ® ch institutions as tnilt Ice. -mi other stepdaughters. its support. Dr. Richard Whin- BRUSSELS — Foreign Invest­ for such a tax," he said. The funeral will be tomorrow field, assistant professor at the ces I. Vlkllnetz, East Hartford; the reg;lmental staff In Hartford fij-gt part of the campaign to S®toem Methodist University Etve o’cl®k: S®p h®r. Yo- aoiilances. ’ Caldwell, D-Bridgeport, added A summons charging her with Mrs. Kathleen Johnston, 230 and the 76th Division in West take advantage of the Impetus ments in Belgium In 1969 broke at 8:16 a.m. at the D’Esopo Fu- University of Connecticut, point- -h a s InstiUed In her the Impor- S»rt or Gazpacho (vrito®t olive Lightning-Ignited fires leveled all records and resulted In an tiiat “ If a tax proposal were put motor vehicle while Box Mt. Dr., Vernon. Hartford. He was given com- apparent In the five towns to neral Chapel, 236 Wathersfleld ed out that the increasing in- tance o l easy-d®s-lt exercises. or gutted more than 2,000 estimated 13,600 new Jobs. In to a vote right now, a majority Bennet Smarteens Sponsor Influence cl Intoxlca- Also, Mrs. Angela T. Cran- mand ol a battalion In Water- expand programs and facilities Ave., Hartford, with a high terest of businessmen in young If women work too hard at t® Dinner: Roasted veal with houses. Each homeowner’s loss toe prevl®s decade toe annual ol the Dem®raUc senators ting liquor or drugs was Issued * 5 Dr., after a three-way ^ .. Such strong opposition to any to illness. The people who are being torium wiU be Robert Anastas, Drugs;’’ speaker to be announc- on W. Middle Tpke. Atmit Word tend toe south central business oTtoe b^ess area Mr. Behnke was bom July 3 g^g^changed,rtchawed are those striving drug coordinator at Framing- ed, “Drugs and toe ^ w ;“ a ^ near Dover Rd. between his car zone on toe east side of Rt. 85 include Old Colchester Kd. 1886 In East Glastonbury and only to * get Into coUege,” -he ■ham----- '•••■— (Mass.) ' «•- Hlg^i School. Peter Gruden, feder^ and those driven by Michael P. from toe present zone (Grant was expressed that toe commis- lived In Glastonbury before said and added that COEP Group meetings wUl be held agent, “ Drugs and toe Federal ggu^erl of Vernon and Duane From Hof fa Agency) south to the Intersec- sion did not even consider toe coming to Rockville seven years ’ In toe three cafeterias. Three Government.’’ white of 97 E. Middle Tpke. area when voting after the students are fortunate to have (Comttnued from Page One) tion of Rt. 207 with a depth of ago. He was employed as an ac­ three options: College, work, or wUl be held from 9:56 to 10:40 In toe auditorium at 12:80 ^ ^ e for Dougan Is May hearing. a.m., and another three from p.m.. Dr. O’Brien will speak on M countant at the Maxim Silencer a specialty school. nlng for re-election by saying, 400 feet and on toe west side of guch was toe case also with Co. In Hartford before he retir­ as 10:46 to 11130 a.m. marijuana. This will be followed ------Rt. 85 from toe Hope Valley Es- the request to extend toe zone James Farr, speaking “ Don’t sell toe guy short.” ed. He was a member of the mayor, a member of toe Edu­ Speakers and their subjects by studait reaction from a pan- CX)MP1AINT8 tates boundary south for 1200 on toe west side of Rt. 86 south WESTERN Fltzstoimons, long-time De- Rockville United Methodist cational Advisory Committee, in toe first seg;ment will be el of Framingham High School Monday night, someone enter­ feet, also with a depth of 400 from toe Old Colchester Rd. to Church and a 60-year member and a cooperating employer, Ernest Steed, director of Non- students. Questions wUl be ac- ed a room oh toe west side ^ trolt associate of Hoffa who was teet. toe property of Aaron Reid. Intematlonal, Wash- cepted from the audience. ol ColumWa Lodge ol Masons COEUP and promised his smokers Multi carcults Inc. at elevated five years ago to the This approved extension Is on- in spite of toe opposltidn ex- in South Glastonbury. continued support. Harrison St. and took $46 newly created post of general ly a ®paU portiod of toe ap- pressed, many of those oppos- b e rar He Is survived by two sons, Wlntorop Nelson ^ ^ proximately 200 acres requested ing changes did speak in favor U’W amall bills from a desk. Kenneth E. Behnke ol Arllng- jj,^ director of Christian Edu- vice president vrito toe I»wera EUenberg and Emery of re-zoning toe land owned by Agreement Said Reached of acting president, has said he ton, Va., and Donald E. Behnke pastor-elect of Cen- Sometime yesterday, a rock T,^ or, a„ oa a ^ included In the Emery Taylor on Rt. 86 on the of Cedar Grove, N.J.; a daugh- congregational Church, de­ ----- „• would run for Team^ers presl- change. east side where Taylor present- A was thrown through e dent If Hoffa was “unavailable” ter, Mrs. Ward Langstroth of Uyered toe Invocation. Dinner For Spencer St. Sewer Ihe conunlsslon took toe ac- ly operates a small nursery, of a Devon Dr. home. at toe convention. Billings, Mont.; a brother, Vic­ plans were made by James Da- made foUowlng a public hearing Oioir atation TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHKTERj A tentative agreement has ol Spencer St. He said today " Fitzsimmons hasn’t tor H. Behnke ol Hebron; and shot attended by approximately 60 Junior Choir of the He- ■1^8, (X)EP students, and assis­ been reached between toe town that he Intends to develop toe Monday night, s o m ^ e OpenTnes., Wed., Sirt. till 6 — TTiiirB.. Fri. tm jl two granddaughters. tant manager of Mr. Steak. and interested parties for thie land for a shopping center. The a BB through a window on a m^lL j ^ ^ t Hofte^testiu'to t**® majority rf which bron Congregational Oiurch Funeral services and crema­ Hostesses were Miss Karen installation of sewers along present owners of toe land are Main St. home. nHofwi nr It meflns realde In this area and who pre- received a citation from the We Reserve The Right To Um lt Qoahtltles tion will be at toe convenience Schaefer, Miss Michele Ger- Spencer St. to Hillstown Rd., Arthur and Emil Seelert. ------of toe family. Burial will be in main. Miss Gwen Feder and according to Town Manager Both tracts are zoned for busl- Two sliding door windows the Nlpslc Cemetery, Glaston- Miss Faucher. y ^ any changes. with pleasure toe volunteer ser- Robert Weiss. If toe agreement ness. were broken sometime during One of these petitions, signed vices contributed” by toe choir — SPECIALS — bury. ------is finalized, as Is expected, toe The Seelert parcel was toe the past two days at a con- The Whlte-Glbson Funeral “Fitzsimmons has to make a residents of Hope Valley Es- “to toe Stula Convalescent Y subject of an appeal to toe dominium under construction sewers would be put In under declsion,” said one source, THURSDAY. PRIDAY & SATURDAY Home, 65 Elm St., Is In charge Manchester Area State Supreme Court by Spencer gn Ambassador Dr. tates, inged toe commission to Home In Colchester In paitlcl- a contractors agreement where- _____ think most of toe executive request, especially toe patlon with toe recreational ser- ol arrangements. by toe developeis would pay for St. residents. On April 27, toe Thera are no calling hours. Two Juveniles the Installation of a sewer line court upheld toe 1969 zone A two-way _ radio was stolen ^ m a^ea from Hope . j . Valley , =» Estates vices program”. ^ The family suggests that any and be reimbursed from assess- change on toe property to Bust- last week from a car under re- Denitentiary as a nominal ^ which is under toe NTT MEATY, LEAN memorial contributions may be Apprehended In ments of whichever property ness III from Rural Residence pair at Manchester Motor Sales ,, Old Colchester Rd. direction of Mrs. Shirley made to toe Rockville United owners along toe line tap In and Residence AA. at 612 W. Center St. ^ Home owners In thte a ^ felt gghaeffer and Mrs. Sally Slate- Methodist Church Memorial House Break over 10 years. The Cedar piece has been toe ------Flt^mmons has l^n sltti^ property value of their house, has been performing for Fund. Two shopping centers are subject of extended conversa- Monday night, a van truck ^ ® homes would be adversely af- the past few years at the con- Vernon poUce picked up two planned for toe land at toe end tion by toe Board of Directors, parked at toe V&R Construction• In 1967 'said union iggted and, according to the pe- valescent home and just recenb Pork Herman ElUs line. Cedar hod proposed to install co. on Homestead St. was brok- , tltlon, “ The concentration of ly began performing at the sor Spareribs Ellis both Mon delegates going v^^e^ent Dr Vernon on Api^ 30^ ______Richard P. Hayes, a Man- Insta.'ilation of water lines to broken_ .______Into______and 35 stereo tapes less of kind, will be produced about 20 boys and girls from ent ways,” said one Other survivors are .his wife, The recovery ot a arg Chester real estate agent, has the Cedar site will be paid for a leather case were stolen In large quantities. Therefore, toe first through sixth grades two sons, two daughters, seven amount erf money whic was re- ^ contract to purchase a 21.6- by Cedar at a cost of about from it. source. the element of poUutlon satura- in Hebron. grandchildren, and two great- ported taken from toe W a t^ parcel on toe north side $38,000. Some Teamsters groups only Drug Panel led to the apprehension lb Irandchiadren. home, The radio antenna was stolen around toe country have an- ^ matter of time.” ■nie Hebron Drug Advisory Funeral services vvlll be to- of toe pair, poUce said. The In- Richard Grant, who operates Committee will hold an open Sunday night from a car parked ^ an morrow at 10 a.m. at toe John- vestigatlon was made by Offl- by a Center St. apartment com­ name a business In toe present zone, meeting tomorrow evening at 3 agreement by Hoffa not to run ^ yj^ business In toe Hebron Elementtuy son-Kania Funeral Home, 106 cer Martin Kincmann of toe de- Trash Turned into Cash plex. Oak St., Windsor Locks. Burial partment’s Special Services Di- T ® “Jhe extension. However, he felt Sdiool. LEAN vrill be in Springdale Cemetery, vision. Goes to Case Mt. Fund Sometime during toe "Past ______agaln^ m p J ^bat It was "quite obvious that a Guest speaker will be Dr. Bast Windsor, at toe conve- Mlcola Dante Jr., 30, of Hart- would quash such a m , percentage are not In Karl A.Nleforto, assistant dean nience of toe family. ford was arrested by Vernon Let’s turn trash into cash,” and load trucks ti) bring it to month, ^ Olcott St, af«rtm rat gourcee said, favor” and toe commission and associate professor of irfiar- Friends may call at the funer- poUce last night and charged It In nnld for Storage bln was broken into and Mrs. Leonardo Parla, glass DayvUle where la sold for a pnwlnclal dining should take this Into consldera- maceuUcal chemistry, Schoirf of Ground Chuck tele- al home tonight from 7 to 9. with making harrassing recycling. titai. Pharmacy, University of Oon- The family suggests that any phone calls. He was released on chairman of toe Conservation Newcomeara set of a table and four J 1 OO 4ro * yOUT The Manchester Arrest Made In voting on this section from nectlcut. Dr. Nleforto will memorial c^tributions may be a $ioo bond for appearance in Commision says. “Bring your of the Hart- stolen. Hope Valley Estates south for speak on "Introduction to made to a charity. .. of.. toe -donor’s- 1.^ arcult CourtA-.- 12. Rockvllje, discorded m glass and paper to Regional Area will co-spon------T ...... In Break Case 1,2(X) feet on toe west side of Drugs.” Patties choice. June 1. » no in ni a tbe drive Saturday from 9 a.m. sor this month’s drive. Mrs. An altercation yesterday eve- Rt. 86, toe commission felt this This meeting has been sched------Elleen J^ W m of M raghJaM . rffpd innni o.l. wtn Municipal -..- Build-uuu- ,Charlette .iin.riKi.i.„ jru.jjf^ Pirog will wlix be Ml, Mlin nlngmm*^ between two ...... men —outside------A Wcst HaxtfoTd mon wss was for the best Interest of toe uled as a direct result of sug- Dean A. OampbeU ------, i . m.^ parking lot to raise money charge of toe club’s part of toe toe Den Cafe on Main St. re- gerved a warrant yesterday ______and voted 6-0 In favor of gesUons made on the queMon- Dean Arthur Campbell, 71, of early this morning, with tnto^- Mt. fund.” event. GREEN, an ecology suited hi broken glass at the charging him with breaking and the extension nalres. distributed by toe Drug 1633 Tolland Tpke. died this cation. Vernon police ^ d she £|C S’**------^ ___4„ pnniBtlon on TneThe lunafund now nashas ?W$985.6680.0O orof group Ii-uiufrom Manchester mguHigh Park Hill-Joyce Florist door. entering with criminal Intent, Most commissioners also felt Advisory Committee, morning at toe Newingtm Ve - o released on which $783.66 was raised from School, will assist club mem- that toe extension on toe east Preparing for School erans Hospital. He was the hus- i appem -X^Clr- glass and paper drives, Mrs. bers ^ th toe glass. Keith Gates PoUce received a neighborly and larceny over $2,000 side of Rt. 85 to Rt. 207 would parents of children attending O bJJ ■ ctot 12, ^ » . J^e 1. larla said. rest was raised and Jan Cushman wlU be in complaint of drinking and The man. Howard R. Rice, be logical. They voted to ap- kindergarten next September at wood CampbeU. T a ^ L. raetecki, 16, of 977 by Bulkley School students and charge of this group. laclvlous behavior among a 20, was teken Into cus^y ^ prove this 4-1, with Roy Wirto the Hebron Elementary and Mr. Campbell was bom in Hartford Tpke., Vernon, was donated by Town Director Wil- Clear, green and amber glass group of teen-agers outside anJ, west Hartford poUce and turned Qiigad Hill Schools will be re- LEAN, ITALIAN STYLE 2 Hartford and lived there until over to Manchester Det. Joseph ceivlng a comprehensive book­ charged this morning with op- liam Fitzgerald, Dr. (Frederick should be separated, particular- Eva Dr. home Brooks, who returned him to Wirto felt that toere Is a coming to Manchester^cn esw r 13m yeayears gratlno- a motor vehicle without Spaulding, commission chair- ly if it Is smasehdbefore It is M ^ , 1 _ traffic hazard there” and also let, "Looking Forward to School ago. He was formerly employed ^ operator’s license and warn- man, and Mr. and Mrs. Parla. brought to theparking lot, Mrs. Last night, several eggs were ^ he la not In favor because of In Hebron, Connecticut” . MOST SIZES nectlon with the theft April 25 ___fw*. TAN, BROWN, NAVY as a clerk for the American possession of Uquor In' a The Beard of Directors lari parla said. All glass is smashed buried at a car travelling along of a motorcycle, a jack, and t h e ^ a m p area Included in this CompUed by Paul A. White, Veal Cutlets Railway Express Co. motor vehtcle by a minor. She week voted to aj^ly for an Open before It Is brought to DayvUle Woodland St. principal at the Hebron school, feur tires from Carpenter’s Mo- ... - The private funeral and bun released on a $60 non-sure- Space grant from toe federal so It wUl take up less truck ------bll Station at 917 Center St. Wlrto’s o p i^ t lo n was back- toe booklet, according to 'White, lal wUl be at toe convenience of appearance In Clr- government. If toe appUoation space In a bond hearing in East ed up by Thornton H. Secor, is a "guide to help parents help toe famUy. Court, RookvlUe, June 1. is granted, toe federal govern- H artf^ vesterSy $6 000 baU conservation agent, iriio stated their child to happiness and ful- 'The Newkirk and Whitney Fu- .OOVENTBY ment would pay h ^ the pur- ' Kin) McCaughey and Matt Manchester Henntgan, high school students, wii, o ordered r d ^ ^ fJJfor that that "basically "basically toe toe area area south south flUment flUment InIn school school -— throughthrough un-un- neral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., Irene Ashley of WilUmantic, chase price; and the ' state and was oraerea lor . . ^g^standlng how a chUd grows wUl be co-chairmen of the paper Hospital Notes Rlce, who was taken to Hartford d Grant Agency down to East Hartford, Is In charge of ^as arrested last night by Cov- town each would pay a quarter, and develops, how play helps coUection. Paper was added for Correcticnal Center in default Uie end of toe zone offers severe arrangements. entry poUce and charged with Present selling price of toe 212- him, how to understand Individ­ toe first time last month to toe Patients Today: 284 to await court appearance in limitations for any develop- n iere are no calling hours. breaking and entering In the acre tract is $683,000. ual readiness, toe Importance ■ * 1 ,4 9 Manchester Monday. ment,whether houses or busi- The famUy suggests that any daytime. Police said toe arrest The commission members monthly glass coUection. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: of good health and personal Newspapers, magazines, tele- PoUce say they were notified nesses.” memorial contributions may be followed an Investigation of a- feel a large portion of the Nellie E. Blotsky, Mansfield of toe break by a passing Hfe added that there are habits” . BONELESS made to toe Artoritls Fund. 961 break Into a Cheney Lane home town’s share can be raised by ^*“^® ^ Training School; AUlson put motorist who said he saw a ”wet, swampy areas, steep The booklet also lists tbe Asylum..,, 1— Ave., Hartford In cjoventry earUer In toe day. projects such as coUections of “ easier to put toem on Buck, North Windham; Kurt trucks. truck drive away from toe sta- areas ol bedrock.” Secor also schools’ responsibilitieB to the She was released on a $100 non- glass and by individual and Carlson, 28 Hamlin St.; Emil G. Any club wishing to co-spon­ tjpn felt that there would be a se- chUd and toe parente’ respon- surety bond for appearance In group donations. These wish­ Casperson, 20 Cobum Rd.; sor a collecticn with toe com­ Entry was gained through an vere "traffic problem on toe siblUties. Pork Roast Personal Notices Circuit Court, Manchester, ing to donate may make checks fred Challfour, 39B Blue|teld mission may contact Mrs. overhead door window, police curves and steep slopes.” 'White hopes to distribute June W. payab’e to toe Manchester Con­ Dr.; Mrs. Mairle A. Charest, Parla. say. In his opinion, toe area these booklets at a reception for RHSAL MEN'S SHOP In Memoriam servation Commission Case Mt. Main St., Vernon. “should be zoned as ' open parents the evening at klnder- Fund and send toem to Mrs. Also, Mrs. Lila H. Cohen, 19 space” as It could pose long- garten visitation day early next '*THE COMPLETE MEN'S STORT' In loving memory of Mrs. Mary Ciovernor Leads Choir Mildred Schaller of 218 Parker Cushman Dr.; Brian J. DiCSan- Priviz2ino who passed away May ‘Frisco Strike range problems to toe town if month, 12. 1970. _ CHARLESTON, Ark. (AP) _— St., secretary of toethe commls-commis- " Abby Rd. Ext., South built upon: Bottle OoUeclion 9 The largest local general Always a silent heartache, FoUowlng toe j inauguration of slon; or to Mrs. Parla of 66 DALLAS (AP) — There are Windsor; Frank J. Fazzlma, -Richard Keefe, Hebron’s build- The Hebron Congregational 901 • 907 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER 643-2478 Many a silent tear, Arkansas Gov. Dale Bumpers, Bruce 8 t. more apartments vacant new H*® Birch St.; Beth M. Forrest, strike In San Francisco in July, ing Inspector, also expressed Church Is still collecting used But always a beautiful memory. Of the one we loved so dear. he went to church at his home The m ontoy glass and paper than at any time rince 1964, Lebanon; Mrs. Ruth V. Hutch- 1934, lasted four days and was opposition to this area. He bottles at toe church for toe OPEN MONDAY tfcn SATURDAY 9:30 A M . to 5:30 P.M. congregation, toe United Meto- ‘irives are sponsored by toe -ays Devane Clarke, president his, 85 Broad St.; Mrs. Shirley caused by stevedores and ship- asked toe commission, "Are you benefit of toe Sunday School God gave us strength to bear it. THURSDAY NIGHT^ UNTIL 9:00 P.M. And courage to face the blow, odist Church here, and led toe commission with toe coopera- of toe Texas Apartment Asso- E. Johnson, East Hartford. owners attempting to break a people not. concerned with toe However, they would Ilk® to But what Tt meant to lose you, choir’s singing. Hiat used to be tic® various civic groups ciaticn. He blames overproduc- Also, Mrs. Mary Kunashev- maritime strike for union recog- health and welfare of toe peo- remind residents to remove aU PORK STEAKS lb. 59® Nq one will ever know. his regular job In tbe chiirchi— which take turns prtjvldlng vol- tion and the present state of the sky. East Hartford; Ronald Le- nition, according to Bncyolo- pie in town? This is toe most metal bands and caps belbre CHAROS YOUR PURCHASE WITH: MASTER CHARGE OR YOUR PERSONAL REGAL CHARGE CARD! Sisters, Anne and Frances the choir’s director. unteer workers td smash glass economy. BeUe, 204 Oak Grove St.; David paedia Britannlca. dangerous piece of property in depositing toem at the church. Lombarao MANCHES'TER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12.'1971 PAGE ELEVEN

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY l2, ,1971 stated Storm, that there are a PAGE TEN Selectman Cook in order to ef­ Expensive Move Coventry Andover fect a more orderly transition limited number of job openings South Windsor t of administrations, and was in­ for the summer periixl only for PEORIA, 111. (AP) — Part of who acquires his motivation er. The public use of accessible youngsters between the ages of the agreement in hiring

and it may be the nick of time right now. n 1 u ■ ■ 1 u ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ C h o p s browned chops on top. Sprinkle with Call us^ today at 649-1390 for a free, no Vi tsp. soy sauce. Cover, bring to boil, obligation inspection of your property. Call ^ HUNDREDS OF UNADVERTISED SPECIALS! ^ lb. bag reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. us before things start dropping in on you. Give Yourself A Treat, As Tills Is As Good Groimd Chuck - ■ - i 815 MAIN ST. ABAIR-LAVERY PEST CONTROL CO. FIRST FOOD MANCHESTER EXTEUlINLTOtl • TELMITE CONTtOL KMOWH FOR VALUES SPECIAL for THURS„ FRI. asd SAT. M6 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER. CONN. WE RESEBVE THE BlGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES G/ta/nts WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS (We Reserve The Bight To Limit jQuantitlea) 115 CENTER STREH, MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 • PHONE; 649-1390

t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTE3R, CONN.. WEDNfeSDAY, MAY 12," 1971 t>AGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, i^IANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,^971 PAGE SEVENTEEN the army stayed In Its barracks charred areas which foreign ^ Mr, and Mrs. G eorje Walker, Slate Elected by the airport. servers say were caused when would have voters choose dele­ ted on two power plants. Some A^olimt^ers Set Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennison, Destruction the army dropped containers of curtailment of power due to Hie first week in April, vidien By Gardeu Qub Direct Primary gates pledged to candidates. Strikers Oaim STAR eAXER^*iO Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Griswold gasoline from the air and set beloW-normal oil supplies has For Horse Show Jr. the army turned Ita attentlwi to them afire with tracer rounds. Coventry Honor Roll ’Ilie bill required emergency Yale Security Harrison’s Stationers By CLAY R. POLLAN- In Pakistan the city, occupation was swift. Mrs. Robert Glenney of Bol­ For Presidency been claimed by the union. The ARIES L llt A Also, Mr. and Mrs. Maury Tlie army demolished homes classification because the dead­ JW Your D a ii/ AdiVify Gu/c/* Mancheater volunteers who imlverslty says normal academ­ ESTABLISHED 1945 MAR. 2f Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MorUrs and heavy guns pound­ along 90 miles of the railroad ton Center Rd., Boltwi, was GRADE 12 Deborah Gilbert Kathleen Hatch line tor committee reporting of According fo fh* Sfarf. ed the three-block market of Gains Approval Fights Walkout ic progrrams are being conduct- MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT 09040 T4l9pheone 35 Ploce 65 Ideos 3-15-29-34J at the Farmington Polo Grounds Mrs. Joseph Swensson. olnfiTt Bengalis out of their houses and Liberation Force” hide out. Mary Oxigdon Nancy Worthington force,” vealed. l> fa -3 7 -5 2 Other elected officers are favorably reported out of the 6 Your 36To 66 And 57-68-74 1 machine gunned them. But little serious threat re­ Cheryl Covey Sherry Farr Eileen Sypek iMt l A n — i^ui- Vincent Slrabella, business ------37 Importont 67 Food have been annoimced by Mrs. Several members of the Man- stopping to rape Mrs. Donald WoUe, vice presi­ RAiLEIGH, N.C. (JLP) — Clln- GEMINI 7 Difficult SAGITTARIUS One patrol roared up to the mains, even of guerrilla activi­ Lesume Demars Patience Galinat Gale Stults legislative Elections Oommlttee , • ■ ♦ manager of Local 36 of the Fed- . 8 Necessary 38 Through 68 With AUred J. Kargel, Manchester Chester group are serving for loot. ^ . dent; Miss Edith Wilson, trea­ Bonnie Dibble 9 Aspects 39 Use 69 Privote NOE. 2 2 ^ chairman. their 11th consecutive year. The army shelled towns and Roman Catholic mission hosgl- William Gleimcy Richard Watne ’Tuesday. will soon be avallab e eratlon of University Employes, J odO fV ITt H lS tO T Y 20 ty. surer; Miss Amy Jones, secre­ Steven Hamblett 10 Create -40 Borrowirtg 70 Slow DEC. 21 Those working at the Flea Two-thirds of the proceeds from fired at anything that moved, tal on April 4. An Italian priest The problem Is sullen Inactivi­ Patricia Hansen It Is similar to one petitioned teach retail clerks In North Car- jjjg security i)ollce have Q\50-55-59-62 11 DiKussions 41 Where 71 Home tary; Mrs. Charles I>Bperance, Donna Hawley GRADE 9 12 keying 42 Mole 72 Those 1- 6 -4 5 -4 8 ^ Market tent on Friday are Mrs. the annual event will benefit The army action was far more who had lived there 18 years ty. Bengalis put Pakistani flags Peter Hucklns out last week, mid the Tues- ollna how to detect and detain -not been acting strlcUy as a . ^72-78B3B8 151-70-76 R . horticultural group chairman. Maureen Healy Honors 13 Find 43 On 73 Resentments Louis Champeau Mrs. Robert the agency’s Manchester office brutal than anything seen In the walked out to meet them. They on their clothing and fly thpm Marian Kissane day action apparently Improves shoplifters under a law that law^enfor^^ent 233 days left In the year, CANCER 44 In 74 Core Elected to the board of direc­ Janis Hletala Anne Aronson U G o CAERICORH Dennison Mrs. William Fits- which serves Northeastern Con- Nigerian civil war. cut him down with machine-gun on homes and sh<^, but their TTmothy Kolodzlej *^JUNE 21 IS A n d 45 Pleasure 75 Affoirs WC.22 ^ tors are Miss Mllllcent Jones Susan Hoisington Barbara AughMibaugh chances that Connecticut be goes Into effect July 1. ^ Today’s Highlight In HI|story 16 Or 46 Nursing 76 Down gerald Mrs. Clarence Rush, nectlcut. EuropeaJia Ukened the dam- fire though he wore a red cross, loyalty to the state Is only on Michael Le Doyt V^JUtV 22 JAN. I» for three years; Mrs. Joseph Carl Lakes Pamela Brink one of the ‘ primary stetes. T^e executive vice president nonunion On this date in 1949, Soviet 17 More 47 Associote 77 Don't Mrs. Joseph Swenss/m and Mrs. Tickets will be available at h> that of the hardest hit Then they murdered hjj™* Ben- the surface. Richard Loyzlm 18 Sensitive 46 In 78 Who 2- 8-12-16^ Sullivan, two years; and Mrs. Holly Matthews Sheryl Caisse The m e^ure requires ttet clt- Carolina Merchants ,uel oil truck drivers get through authorities In Berlin a^ounced 13-25-35-41 Bernard Waldman. the gate and there Is free park- theaters of World War H. pha. Inc^dlng a mother and a ^ y ^ oHlcers si^^k eficiol 4060-79-80' Andrew Reggetts, one year. Susanne Mendenhall Patricia Carl izens be given a chance to vote Thomnson Green- = iina inat that the 328-day blockade of 20 Give 50 Mingle 80 Aspects ^ — . . . Jessore, a major rail and road teen-age boy, at the church. “phase two, a selective eliml- Janeen Reedy Association, ’Thompson Green- union picket line last week, AQUARIUS Working Sunday on the mid- Ing on the grounds. 'Tickets at It was aimounced that the James Nardlne Peggy Clay for their choice of a party pres- LEO , 21 Loved 51 Moderation 81 D r^ center 24 miles from the Indian As the army regained control nation of persons considered Melinda Rose wood,vvwu, said clerks - and------store own- Picketing of several sites con- land routes to the Isolated city ^ JULY 23 ^ 22Th«re'» 52 Now. 82 Or JAN. 20 way are Mrs. Philip Holway, pre-show discount prices may club will conduct Its annual Charles Papanos Amanda Edwards from Mrs. Paul border, was typical. across the province, embittered dangerous. Informed sources Cynthia Roy nartv cnnvpntion would select '"'H* 1*® advised Ip the cllnlcs tinued Tuesday, with no end In I'®'** 1*®®” **^*t!i, _ , J 23 No 53 Hurts 83 Stimulate «*. I* , captain; Atty. and Mrs. Donald be obtained „ „ , .. j spring plant sale on May 22 Donald Pelletier Joanne Fuller ^AOG. 22 1 2»PP^ Paula Prevost Cynthia Goble ,4 - 5- 7-14 2 2 5 A 55 With 85 Fast - or at the of- West Pakistanis and Mohajirs to own revenge, adding Norma Watrous a slate of ^ force necessary to restrain sus- April 30. American troops cap- •17-24-31 I 26 Special 56 Attempts 86 One Kargl, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence at Watkins Bros., o r ^ t the of- T r e 3 t o t h ^ ^ ^ “ l^ c a u ^ you a% vacant lot' at E. Center and C^athy Robbins Curt Wlttig Donna Hayes tional convention pledged on , . ahoDllftcrs Roma i IRO workers heeded the tared CTrown Point, N.Y., on f 27Conditioru 57 Friends 87 Good Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Louis flee of Child and Family Serv- death, looting their businesses more deaths to the toll. VIRGO RISCES Lauren Rose Kim Haddad the first ballot-tn proportion to P®®1®“ sbopwit®™- • ^ m e 1,160 workers heeded me chamnlaln from the Brlt- s 28 Ones 58 To 88You _ and bunting thedr homes while In some towns ai^ gaping, here,” said one Bengali. Lenox Sts.______Richard Wehrle me vote each candidate got In THe new law relieves the strike call, forcing most of the J^k® Champlain from me Brt § 29 Choose 59 Intellectuals 69 Office « l . I» ^ Champeau, Mrs. Sandra Neel, Ices on Main St. Marguerite Shea Bonnie Hill a 30 Attention 60Ur>der 90 Them MAR. 20 Leonard Sherman g r a d e 10 PrlscUla Hutt the primary. stores of virtually all liability university’s dining halls to shut t Y Air Beverly James \42-47-56-58 ^Adverse ^^Neuttal 20-26-30-36, Sharon Trombly High Honors A 1-63B 5B 6 iuie' 5469-75 James Nardlne Ralph Cohn Raymopeir Debra Ridzon nation were ridiculous. GRADE 11 presidential choice by name, the customer could file assau haa been concentra- Justice of me Supreme Court. City; Qaim “ Every city in the United Laurie Dibble Douglas Sinclair The bill mat came out last week charges. States has one area or another High Honors William Elwell Barbara Sperry that needs certain improve­ Robin Boynton Emily Galinat WilUam Usab Service Cut Kris Wehrle ments,” Blomstrom said. Scoop Bethany Berry Debra Green 9 WINNER, SJ>. (AP) — A "There Is work to be draie In Sioux Indian, backed by govern- many areas of Winner, and our, ment-funded lawyers, has won a plans for the future certainly In­ WITH U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF hearing In federal court cm his elude some developments In In­ Amended Case Mt. Bill STOCK YOUR FREEZER charges that the poor Indian dian Town.” Town sectloh of this rural mar- Blomstrom said the city had keting center is being deprived c.irrled out several drainage Referred to Committee cf its share of municipal serv­ projects in the area in the last An amended version of the ” We are all realistic enough ices. 10 years and planned more. to know that me entire $683,000 John Fire brought the suit SAVE Case Mt. Bill was scheduled for "We keep talking about In­ Savings is not available now,” Bogginl against Mayor Paul Blomstrom dians,” he said. “ Other people debate In me House yesterday, explained. “ The best we can and eight other city officials ijesldes Indians live In that dis­ but was removed from the cal­ hope for is to keep the proposal claiming services such as elec- 4^^., even If they do call It In­ A great money-saving-first is here!. endar at the last moment. It alive. That’s why I submitted tricity, sewage and streetpaving ^own. It’s simply a low-ln- an amended bUl — to utilize are provided In an was referred to the legislature’s -invidiously gome district. Every town has Watkins Famous "Homemakers 70" Early Amer­ me same $60,000 authorized In (hscrimlnatory manner. them. That’s not to say either committee on finance for a re­ U.S. Dist. Court Judge Jin. 1969.” that Indians don’t live In other ican Wing Sofas and Chairs; at a savings of 22% . There's view and recommendation. The town, meanwhile. Is seek­ OVEN READY drew Bogue of Rapid City db- parts ofiorwn. They do. Some of ing anomer avenue for iicqulr- lUed the city’s r^uest k^day ^ ^ ^ard a beautiful selection of fabrics in Early American prints, solids, Substitute H.B. 8671 would Chuck Steak ^ Rm Roast Ing Case Mt. On May 3, me to throw out Fire’s suit and set » j . amend an omnibus bonding bill and live just like anyone else.” Board of Directors Instructed * 1 0 9 a hearing for June 1 on the re' of the 1969 General Assembly. ’The mayor said steps were florals, and tweeds . . . just about any pattern or color to fit your decor. Town Manager Robert Weiss to quest of a preUminary injunc­ The 1969 bill authorized a $60,- being taken to create a city apply for a federal "open tion against the city. You have a choice of two back heights; Regular 34" or Extra High 37". 000 bond Item for a “feasibility dmchKIlBl and a apace” grant for me acquisi­ Sirloin Steak Judge Bogue cited a Jan. 23 P’anning wmml^on study” of a proposal for state rulli^ b ^ ^ Sth U.S. Circuit authority to study some These upholstered groups offer custom made features generally unknown to this tion. purchase of Case Mt. If me application is approved, Court of Appeals that the Mis- . The amendment would aumo- slsslppl town of Shaw waa re- These rti^es of ^rlm lna- price merchandise. . . features such as select, kiln-dried hardwoods of 1V2 inch stock, with joints me federal government would rlze use of the same $60,000 as pay 60 per cent of the appraised RUiSleak qulred to bring about "equallsa- « « ridicules, -aere are RnundRnasI double doweled and reinforced with corner blocks. These sofas ore available in five sizes plus the Uon” of services for white aJid areas of tovm that need the state’s entire share of the value. ’The state would be asked black areas. The appeals court Improved services. But we har^ matching choir____ AND NOW _____we must mention the new "HERCULON"® Fabric! Note these great features? cost of Case Mt., for use as a to pay anomer 26 per cent and CHUCK found that nearly all homes " ’t ignored this district te- state park. me town me remaining 26 per BONE IN A l E f L Shoulder Steak fronting unpaved streets and c^nse Indiana live there. That Stain Release that's built in not added on . . . • Wearability Fabrics of Hercu- The $60,000 aumorlzed In li969 cent. .9 9 ’ Chuck Roast 65^ Calif. Steak CHUCK without sewers were inhabited true,” he said, for a "feaslbUlty study” was FRESH LEAN by blacks and that this amount- Fire’s lawyers have told hta Ion® are made to lead a tough life beautifully. They resist wear, scuffs, never spent, because all of me CHUCK Calif. Roast ed to discrimination. not to discuss the case while Its principals Involved agreed mat Ground Round 99« and abrasion. • Cleangbility . . . moth proof, mildew proof, non Beef for Stew 95^ FRESH LEAN ETre claims a similar situs- pending but John King, a neigh- “ the proposal had been studied CHUCK WANTED B EEF LOIN 419 tlon exists In Indian Town, a hot and a Sioux, said the suit is allergenic, and static frep. » Colorfastness . . . resistant to ^ * enough.” Ground Chuck narrow strip of plank and tarxio- n®^ backed by all Indians In the Clean, Late Model Flanken Ribs .79« The original H.B. 8671. fUed Porterhouse steak >» ■ SHOULDER AnQ per shacks near the business area. fading and retain their colorfastness for long periods of in me 1971 legislative session MIDDLE CUT district of this county seat of “People In this town are un- SHOULDER flOa asked for a $683,000 state ex­ USED CARS Cross Rib Roast 3,800. liappy with J<*n Fire,” said time. .65* penditure for 212 acres of Case Chucl( Steak In his suit on behalf of all In- King, who Is a community or- ✓ ✓ Top Prices Paid London Broil ^ dlan Town’s residents, he said ganizer for the Office of Eco- Mt. The substitute bill was sub­ For All Makes! the predominantly vrtiite ui^ill nomlc Opportunity, r- Y mitted by Manchester State section has paved streets, side- “He Is even having difficulty ^ f CARTER CHEVROLET U.S.D.A. A Rep. N. (3iarles Bogglni when walks, drainage systems, elec- witli other Indians. Their attl- CO .. INC. GRADE A Slic8d Bacm It became obvious that. In this 4-5 lbs. trlclty, sewage and other serv- tude Is that John Fire Is causing lb 4 9 ices that are lacking In Indian trouble. Many of them are year of an “austerity budget,” 1229 Main St. Cornish Roasters ’Town. afraid they’ll loee their jobs the possibility of a $583,000 au­ Phwie 649-5238 BILL of 1 "A t all times, but especially witli thp city or that the city will thorization was very remote. SMDKED Slab Bacnii during the spring, rain and cut tiielr lights off If they’re two Pork Shonider WATER - ADDED |b . nGHTis melting snow funnel efficiently days late with their bill.” GELATIN - ALL FLAVORS and rapidly down the paved ------— 1 TbF Rith i to Know f r a n c o A M E R IC A N 2 the Ri|M 10 Choice streets and gutters and flood 3 The R i|h l to S ilritjctio n into Indian Town,” the suit said. 4 The Ri|h t to t>e Hcaid JELL-0 DESSERT Y Fire, who works intermittent­ SPAGHETTI ly as a model In commercials F ire CaDs SHOP AT HOME I and advertisements for the Sav­ age Rifle Oo., la represented by One o f the Rights in Grand Unions Town firemen cooled off a William Janklow of Legal Serv­ smoking stereo at 33 CooUdge I FOR YOUR CARPET • ices of Rosebud, which provides Cnmaimer Bill of Rights free legal aid to Indians under a St. at 4:04 p.m. yesterday, and BARWICK — BIGELOVy er MOHAWK program funded by the U.S. Of­ this morning corrected an over­ fice of Economic Opportunity. heating fluorescent light at an DEL MONTE office at 417 E. Center St. PRICE COAAPARISONS - The Rosebud Sioux Indian R e­ m a y o n n a is e ‘YELLOW servation Is nearby. ’The eighth District used two j NO LONGER A PUZZLEAAENT CLING John Barrett, another attor­ trucks to put out fires set by PEACHES ______childr^h in some old junk cars | HELLMANN'S ney for Legal Services, said that y c A U P ii As we have been lellmg you - one ol your rights COMPAei-A-P*ICi of the 93 Indian families shown across from 397 Tolland ’Tpke. 1-lb. in Grand Union s Consumer Bill ot Rights is The t 10 4S6 012 24 OZ. by the 1970 census to live In yesterday aftemooai at 4:02, k Right to Know We leel you have the right lo know 13-oz. Winner, 79 lived In Indian Town. RUGS more about the puce ol the products you buy. BRAND A NAMI OF ITIM can He said the rest were scattered f around the city ajid that some Price comparison information is now available on ! .813 PER OT. 1 RRICt .61 Banana Puree New approximately 800 items in Grand Union stores m indigent white families also Banana Puree New this area We call our inlormalion Compare-A- Compare-A Price inlormalion only deals with puce lived In Indian Town. We know that price is |usl one ol many laclors that MIAMI — A new oemo-vac 1 Price The tickets look like the illustration in this “ Ttils doesn’t weaken our aO and they are on the shell in Iron! ol the 800 items. you consider in deciding what to buy Quality con­ dried-banana process can turn | venience and your lamily's prelerences are other case at all,” Barrett said. "IMS' Within the next few weeks, we will Compare-A Puce considerations But tor your price comparisons, crimination on an economic ba- chocolate-covered banana a total ol 1800 items in our stores sis Is just as reprehensible as candles. Another new banana I we leel Compaie A Puce will help W hy' Well many of our cuslomers like lo compare II you have questions or suggestions about Compare- discrimination on a racial or product Is a puree used for I EASY PAYMENT TERRS AVAILABLE prices between brands and sires in order to know A-Price write to me. ethnic basis.” flavoring and dairy | SALE SAVE what they are really paying Compare A Price shows Mayor Blomstrom, who runs foods. you Ihe weigh! or measure ol the particular ilem, and the price per quart, pound or count, along withh Chair m a n gold ” AVOCADO !he lolal item puce. Swivel Rocker We wanl you lo be able lo understand Ihe inlor Phosphate Ban Passed; mation and know huw lo use it loo So we have jeanF Ju(ji(e piisled large signs Ihroughoul our stores lo help Love Seat Th*CF«ndUf*ionDiFBCtOf ol Consurikef Company A llJ if5 you know where the Compare A Priced items are, lOOBuMdwAy $7.95- E*»l PJler'on. New Jef$ey 0/407 '''''' b r e a k s t o n e Awaits Meskill Signing how lo read Ihe inlormalion on Ihe ticket, and how k 66" Jr. Sofa to use It lo make cumpansuns signature of Gov. Thomas J. drinking hours and removed Its TEMPTEE§::i^rx 76" Standard Sofa 'w a l l -t o -w a l l specialists GRAND UNION Meskllli is needed to ban the own amendment that would have permitted liquor stores '-fYJ THE NEW TRIPLE-S C ^ A L O G sale of phosphate detergents In 84" Senior Sofa and bars to remain open during IS HERE! GET YOUR COPY TODAY! Connecticut by July 1973. 96" Jumbo Sofa The bill received final legisla- The measure, which now goes tlve approval in The Senate Tues- to the House for final actlcm, would extend the drinking Besides banning phosphate de- hours from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. tergents two years hence, It on the two nights, 2 would limit to about 30 per cent Meskill has said he would (8.7 per cent by weight) the sign the meaaure. amount of allowable phosphates Also among the 29 bills 646-2130 in detergents beginning next passed during a rapid-fire Sen- Feb. 1. Most phosphate deter- session were the following gents now contain at least that nieasures -receiving final legds- \ latlve approval that would; PhosiHiates are nutrients that —Require cmifldentlal hand- can cause excess marine plant ling of information on state- 6 49 growth and ultimately prema- hospital patients that is sent to ture "death” of bodies of water, Department of Finance and (TERMELON 1 J O The him excludes detergents control In connection with wel- ______^WATERMELON mmmnnfflVALUABLE coupon ( for automatic dishwashers. In- ,^^^6 assistance, I-Kun ncdicnn m ntM innnnreiVAlUABlE COUPON lOOOOOOOOOOg! g W anduiitiui. GRAND UNION - 2 PLY dustrial cleaning, and dairy, _p erm lt banka in CVxmecti-1 beverage and food processing cut with capital and surplus of| equipment from the low-phos­ GRAND UNION - SOLID CARR0TS2;^3N more than $60 million to be ell- MB” STAMPS FACIAITISSUES phate requirements. .. ^ glble as reserve agents If the Meskill haa said he favors an- WITH THIS COUPON city in which they are located (»RPn CENTER BUTTER d| wilt tlpollution legislation such as the , ^ ^ ■ pitt ~ (hit bUl that Is on its way to his ^ designated a reserve city by| AND PURCHASE OF coupon jggjj the Federal Reserve Board. with -A and Excltiiig Bbim Place o( ■ tbit LDING CH $7.50 OR MORE Phosphates are among a host ^Decrease from the waiting I coupon FamouB Bog* aod OaipcAa” lUUULARUUUl AH CHHOMl 1*1 AAtt tt D I Except items regulated by lavv) of chemicals that have come P®rlod from ten years to five | OF MANCHESTER Coupon good thiu Sat., May 15 under attack as pollutants. They tor. the state tb take over prop- For All Your Carpet Neoda See A gpectaUat PADD(D SlA;iAAt I AND BACK 4 Coupon good thru S it., Miy 15 Umh; ona coupon por customar w ore, however, viewed os one of srty unclaimed ■ after the own- Coupon good thru S it., M iy 15 Limit: ona coupon p ir custonur V -rf 2 Motiil iHinloMiloM Bit bunom ON] ^Y oooQOO^oooooooOQOOOOQUiigMOOQilOSMMJUlSjc Come to tlio Manoheotor Carpet Center Umh: ont coupon por customor the most effective cleaning er has died, 935 Main Street, Manchester ilBxTvy l|•lu^BI hlB( k vinyl ( (ivfliinqovniinq agents. —C^tange the makeup of the I i » « h . w . t h . ria l... in n e-oiiti«. N.1 x«p«uiM . 1.x ------six-member Adult Probation I Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 P.M. OPBN DAH.T TO — 'THUM-. *«*• “TO • The Senate eUso reconsidered Board to mclude a Circuit] a bill that would extend the Court judge, a Superior Court ] Closed Mondays — Telephone 643-5171 811 MAIM OTBUBtr — Opportto tte State Armory Friday and Saturday night judge andean attorney. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEST^. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE EIGHTEEN Section Two WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 iKjUtfWEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 Pages 19 to 36 Oommissicner 'Barbara B. Dunn 426 Connecticut residents to In- chak, Hartford City Council Beta. Sigma Phi valentine Air Crash Kills Slate Installed representative; and Mrs. Peter dance sponsored by the Hart­ Opinion Poll Trial Date Set have asked for a court order franchlses to sell and distribute prohibiting Koekot and its sub­ franchises to sell and distribute Schunder, alternate Hartford ford City Council. She is em­ 4 in Guatemala In Koskot Case sidiaries from doing further busi­ cosmetics, including “mink oil.” By Eta Chapter City Council representative. ployed as a secretary at the Not Worth Fuss Blamed In ness in the state. Koskot has in­ A tpokesman for the attorney Committee chairmen for next Southern New England Tele­ GUATTIMALA. (AP) — Four MHS Schedule Changes HARTPORD (AP) — A state- Mrs. C. B. Hudson Jr. of 9 phone Co. dicated it will contest the injunc­ general’s office said ’Ihesday year are: Mrs. Boberiy, mem­ persons were killed and 18 were Says Od^ard activated injunction against a tion suit. that the State of Thompson Rd., Apt. D, was in­ Three women were also in­ bership; Mrs. Gonsalves, so­ Injured ’Tuesday when a <3uate- Outlined at Assemblies Nixon Slip firm offering cosmetics fran­ won an injunction against Koeklano students of gard stdd. “It Is a bUl to do 1. Poll which showed a sharp in­ Hurry In For Super Savings Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 3 or 3:46 p.m., depending upon Mrs. R. Gray will pre­ what Is already being ddne.” crease In pubUc support for the whether the day Is seven or sent a Recital of Song Sunday year-end withdrawal deaxUine. Odegard emphasized that “on eight periods Icnig. at 2:80 p.m. in Fellawshlp Hall The Gallup survey put support the day the bill was being de­ Starting time for MHS stu­ of South United Methodist for the measure at 78 per cent. Easy Off Window Cleaner bated, the woric already was dents will be 6 minutes earlier, Church. Scott said the Opinion Re­ ‘‘Myslere” Dianioiicl being done by 30 men and 20 and dismissal time 17 minutes The beginning vocal students search poll not only asked about 18^/.) oz. aerosol trucks.” earlier than the present times will appear in “Tlie Water the year-end wiUfdrawal legisla­ Engagement Ring can. Contains Stating that ”The passage of on the first four days of the Fairies,’’ a cantanta by Abt. tion but also questioned people Sensational ammonia for this bill can have no effect on " ■ The Intermediate students will Our week. Hie number of hours in if they wouhl favor the with­ efficient anything,” Odegard insisted the school week will remain the sing solos and duets, and a trio drawal if it meant a Communist Low Reg. cleaning. that “unnecessary legislation is will sing ’ selections from the $100 same, 31)4. takeover of South Vietnam. Fif­ a waste of our time and' the The school day will be divided "Mikado.’’ Price Easy Off Oven Cleaner Appearing In the recital will ty-five per cent sald no. 14 K gold mountings, elegantly taxpayers’ money, at a time Into e l^ t periods. Currently, whMi more serious action must be Gary Bujalclus; Edith Bur­ The opposition increased to 75 gift boxed. Certificate with 16 oz. aerosol there are six, Monday through p o r cent when poll takers asked can. Ideal for be taken.’’ ton; Joan Oartwright; Sue at Caldor each ring. Matching band Thursday, and five on Friday. whether people would favor barbecue grills Houley, in a statement last Classes will meet five times a Denavan; Chris Mark, and Scoft year-end withdrawal “even if it available. - cleans hot or s 8 3 * week, had criticized Odegard Where Sheldon Rd. Connects at Parker St. EUasson; Pamela FMlows; cold ovens. week instead of the current four, threatened the lives or safety of tor (^rposlng the proposal and has and periods will be” ^oitoned U.S. prisoners of war held by The last stretch of Sheldon completed road was taken from town to open up some IQO acres the town In assessments from The me BoardBoara ofoi Directorsuireciors naa Jaworskl; Marlla Levy; Faiitastik said that previously he (Ode­ o t land for Industrial develop- abutting property owners to r appropriated $250,000 toward the ‘(”>"1 00 minutes at present to Maureen Lough- North Vietnam. gard) had voiced approval tor Rd. (formerly the Parker-Oak- barker ^St. The Lydall^ aiM “■When you add qualifiers,” 14K Gold & Sterling Charms 64 oz. container Foulds Division of the Colonial ments. Hiere are five owners water and sewer Installations project. (Herald photo by Bu- «• . . rev- Kevin Marseau; Kathy the MU. land connector) has been jg background who hold land In the tract, along the road. celvlclus).‘ The revisions are due Dasicat- * Scott said, "you come clooer Select group-varying styles in all stores - strong, all ly to an Increased Ullng ninth MoKeon; Kalhy M cN am a^ “Sen. Houley was wrong on cleared through to Parker St. the left. The project will cost about and cikiser to what people are purpose both counts,” Odegard said. ^ , ,, i ^ __ Also, Alort TTftthvKathy Mlnftr: Miner; Jiidv‘Petl-Judy Pen- Our Reg. 10.95...... NOW 5.50 cleaner. Buy and sewer lines are now being According to WllUam O’Neill, $325,000. Of this, the town will 2 grade enrollment, 19 program thinkli«.” “He was Incorrect in Implying multiple-family units were in­ changes in addition to those oc- dergast; EUen P l ^ ^ J^ k le Our Reg. 17.95...... NOW 9.00 and save. Installed. Work on the Installa- town director of public works, pay about $250,000 tor the con- Scott said critics of Nixon’s I was opposed to the project. I Health Officers spected. curing in the English curricp- Q u ^ ; R ic h a rd ^ ; tlon of water lines will begin the road should be ready for struction of the road and the One restaurant, one store, war policies touch “on the war- Lysol Disinfeetant am not. And he was Incorrect . „ H 4.„ 1, 1 lum, and the accompenjring I^Yid and Susan Schm , weariness of the American peo­ shortly. traffic by mid-July. Installation of storm drainage. View 304 Units anti five septic tanks were also Sloesbeog; Helen and when he said I previously voic­ This picture of the soon-to-be- TTie road is beln^ built by the The remainder will be paid to ple without analyzing further ^ Class Ring Headquarters! 14 oz. spray ed approval of his bUl. I had The town Health Department f MlUe*- «dd that plans are be- Snelgrove; Rodman Stow- can, kills what the people really want,” Our Reg. 29.95 not.” inspected 304 dwelling units In ^ ">ade to assign one third of " t ; Mathew ToWn; Joecelyn household proval of a speech against the Scott said. In conclusion, Odegard said, April but ordered no correc­ ducted four clinics which were approximately 2.400 students Woods, and Edward Zatursky. In a Senate speech, Scott said germs - adds a biU. “Tile Senate has passed this tions. Of the units inspected, attended by 21 people. the fifth, sixth and seventh Both Donna Richardson and there would he “an entirely dif­ new fresh They again were rebuked by blU. I hope the House o< Repre­ Lobbyists Draw Ire 105 were Inspected on the out- Thirty-three cases of com- starting at Edward Zatursky are scholar- ferent view of the electorate’s Ratchford. "This Is not a play gjj^gg they were buUt munlcable diseases were report- ^1515 am noon and 12-46 pm ship students presented by the sentatives won’t. Since we al­ response to the President’s han­ —not a performance,” he said, g^ter 1966. ed In April. Of these there were jj„ ‘ „,gth g r^ e students ^11 iBali* Baldwin SchblarMilp ready have spent unnecessary dling of the war if the questions “We are conducting matters of jjj March 281 units were In- 19 cases of chicken pox, 1 of the last of the Fund of the Hartford (aiorol time, it can’t actually do much were cast in a-different frame- Of House Speaker government, and we permit the gp^gted and 22 corrections or- German measles, 3 of Infectious periods. Wherever possible, sen- Club. work.” harm, but it certainly repre­ public to^ watch gw^rnment In ^gred. mononucleoBls, 1 of mumps, 1 jg,. jjjgjj gghool classes will be Ushers will be Jackie Quinlan sents the worst in our legisla­ He said the pollsters should By SOL B . COHEN . . action. If you persist. I'll ask ^ April 264 slngle-fomUy of salmonella, 6 of strep and 8 scheduled In periods 1-6, with and Susan Steponskl. tive process.’’ ask whether the people “ap­ (Herald Reporter) . . that the gallery be cleared." homes, 13 two-fomlly homes and of venereal disease. ______prove or disapprove of the Pres­ The unprecedented actions of a dozen or more lobby- The group remained quiet ident’s withdrawal of two-thirds ists, first on the floor of the House, a little later in the during the remainder a the de­ of the American farces,” and M gallery, drew the ire yesterday of House Speaker Wil- whether they think Nixon is About Town Apparentiy they accomplished doing a better job in ending the Ham Ratchford. ~ their mission, however, for the war than did his two predeces­ Washington will meet The lobbyists, all unregistered fUitchford, when he saw the bill they were opposing lost— sors. Friday at 8 in Orange and all representing employ- confusion, ordered the lobbyists by a voice vote. HaU. ment agencies, were opposing to desist and leave—or to face Proponents of the bill argued a bill which would have In- -removal bodily by the sergeant that It woulti protect those who The Ameiticon Legion Auxili­ creased from the present 10 at arms or police, find a job through an employ­ j'i, ary has been Invited to attend weeks to a proposed 26 weeks “'We can’t tolerate this,” he Quake Kills ment agency, pay it a fee based III y a meeting of the Rocky Hill the period during which the warned. “Our rules do not per- on yearly earnings, and then agencles would have to refund mlt It. I must ask you to leave Alanchestei'^ unit tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the lose the job through no fault of A 58 in Turkey Rocky HUl United Methodist fees to clients losing their jobs, at once.’’ their own. Church. Hie Auxiliary mem- Swarming onto the floor of the The group of men and women At__ present,______those_____ losing jobs (Ocnttnued from Page One) hers have also been invited to House, prior to Ojf season, they' left and took seats in the gal- jg weeks and through no SAVINGS dents and were raiddly filling attend a Newjngton Auxiliary went from seat to seat, button- lery. Later, during an hour de- jg^jj ^ their own are refunded supper Friday at 8:30 at the holing legislators and asking bate on the bill, they broke out g pro-rated formula with injured from the quake. Newington Post Home. them to defeat the measure. in applause, showing their ap- in..rcAi»d LOAN ’Troops were sent to dig tor A “ ~ the pro-rated period for refunds vicfims in stricken villages. \ to 26 weeks. Association The housing minister said he i Opponents of the bill aigued and the ministers of interior and { that it would place too great Y village affairs were flying to the | a burden on employment agen­ earthquake area. cies and might even drive some Turkey has been struck by of them out of buslnees. killer earthquakes each year “We’re not here to legislate since 1966. In March 1970, a | businesses out of business,” quake killed 1,089 persons and said one opponent of tiie bill. destroyed the town of Gediz in Ratchford said after the ses­ western ’Turkey. sion that his brief clash with V The quakes take place along | the lobbyists had nothing to do the Anatolian fhult, that starts | with the merits of the Mil. “It around Burdur, ranges north was their uncalled-for actions along the Aegean coast and east : z .— that disturbed me,” he explain­ almig the Black Sea, then | ed. plunges south again in the east­ A resolution banning lobby­ ern mountains. ists from the floor of both ~ 1 chambers is being backed by 2.37 leglBlative leaders of both par­ HQOt Dodd Seeking sturdy steel box ap­ B a i n R e r s Newborn...... 1.37 ties. proved by the Postmaster Hess Freedon General. Daytime 3 0 ’s...... 1.57^ SELFISH. House PoU Asks CttJD LYME, Conn. (AP) — When it comes to home Former U.S. Sen. ’Tbiomaa J. Membership Cuts Dodd says he wlU ask Secretary White Owl Cigars Resulte of a poll among mem­ General U Thant of the United | K o All Purpose Nations to intercede with the So-1 Box of 50 - _ _ bers of the State House of Rep­ buthel, choose from Our Reg. 4.19 resentatives, shows that 69 per vlet Union in cm attempt to free | Tote Cart P a n a t e I a , lortgages, Savings & Loan Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s for- ’ cent of those responding favor Coronas, a reduction in members from mer deputy. Rangers, tips, Think of yourself for a change. Dodd said today he will write its current 177, to some smaller a letter to Thant seeking bis Perfectos, etc. Bug Keeper and Hunter You deserve something for bringing number. help in freeing Hess, who has Planters Peanuts The poll was conducted by does it all been in Berlin's Spandau Prison 6.47 the legislature’s Commission on Giant 12 ounce O ur Reg. .88c With magnifying home the bread. Reapportionment and Redis­ since 1946. Hess, now 77, was Holds two 20 gallon trash sentenced at the Nuernberg war i size. No fats, glass-scien- tricting. cans. Easy roll 8” wheels, oil or sugar tifically venti­ crimes trials to life in prison for | and 1” heavy gauge You deserve a little tenderness. A Of the 177 house members used in dry lated. polled, 116 replied. Only 27 per Manchester Savings & Loan brings you HOME MORTGAGES war crimes. He is now the only 20 gal. cant available in Hdwr. Dnpl. tubular construction f222 iiiimipiimD!?® roasting. 6 4 * ^ prisoner in Spandau and is nice, quiet place and a big, juicy steak. cent of those responding favor­ a new. lower interest irate now on home guarded by American, French, j 4 ed maintaining the present size mortgages . . . and includes existing REDUCED TO British and Russian troops. , Steak served just the way you like it. of the House, and only 14 per mortgages, too. In an interview with the New’ i Smith Corona cent voted to increase the size Haven Register, the Oonneotlcut [ Don’t Miss This Spectacular With a steaming-hot baked potato, Texas of the House above the present Manchester Savings & Loan gives prompt Democrat, who was the chief | Super Sterling level, a few to as high as 226. trial counselor at the Nuernberg j Sheet8’'Curtains-Y arns-F abrics Of those who responded, 20 service. Applications are processed with­ trials, scdd he had received a i toast, and a cool, crisp, green salad. 2 O ur Reg. 77.97 per cent favored reducing the in a week. plea fnnh Hess’ son on behalf of j size of the House to a constitu­ the prisoner. Office size, 88 A ^ So be selfish-for your whole tional minimum of 126 seats. Manchester Savings & Loan makes it character Dodd said he felt Hess was May White Sale! The most popular decrease possible for you to make future repairs- mentally Incompetent to stand i keyboard. ■ ■ family. You can afford it at Bonanza. other than to 126 seats was to Carry case in- W trial and should have been com­ 9 ■ 160. or do remodeling and add the costs to mitted to a mental institution eluded. Steak dinners start as low as 1.59 . Members of the commlssI


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Oven-fresh from the Stop & Shop bakery i BEATS MINI-PRICING NO OTHER WAY OF SHOPPING mOILEBS Calorie counter BEATS MINI-PRICING Chocolate Eclair Pie HIIHSU.E labels help Creamy smooth filling, These sweet and succulent meats come from tender young Hellmann’s 54' a sweet tooth pleasure. our guarantee of superb flavor! Fragrant pork is a h^rty and 17-oz Zingy dessert idea! delicious change . . . and it’s always a favorite. So take advantage Carnation EVAPORATED MILK 3 cans 53' SWEET can ’* 3 9 ' you win the Del Monte Peas of this medley of mini-priced meats. i ovm 12-oz D^isy Whlt6 Bre3d ’"'’siw r'sh^p 5 « 1 NtsLETs Corn can Kellogg’s Corn Flakes ; r 39' Green Giant Dozen Daisy Donuts Plain or Sugar 3 p k g s 1 Our Best “battle of Frosted Fudge Creme Bar 2 pi“‘1 CENTER GUTS Del Monte FRUIT COCKTAIL Skippy PEANUT BUTTER 45' Pork Chops Cul-up or Split 2»/2 to 3 lbs 3 2 * ib the bulge” 24-oz To.pamper your pets and your budget! bottle (Loin) 15 Taster’s Choice i i -1.8 9 Welch’s Grape Juice Boneless Pork Cutlets 8 0 A variety of poultry “ Feasting^* for your eating pleasure More than 40% of adult Americans 101/2-oz Sun Glory- Dog Food are overweight. So it’s easy to see cans Tide XK Detergent 85' Campbell’s 5 Our own economical brand'mini why today’s homemaker is looking priced for extra savings. Choice for ways to serve meals that are lower SPAGHETTI- 15V 4-O Z of Beef, Chicken or Liver Fresh Pork Clorox Bleach g^ lonjug^ * Franko-Amer. O’s cans flavored. Shoulders 39 Chicken Parts Sale! in calories, as well as economical and 49 M o ist Ch u n k s PatUts w targm M n gki 59*= nutritious. 2 % - q z lb ttopasing. Fresh Pork Butts 4 0 I Leg Quarters Upton ONION Soup pkg Chicken Breasts Windex 4 7‘ D o g Food Crmr «r Cr»»c*T S Ik tag *+ J or CALOIWI9 Wtn 12-oz Hills Dog Food ■C 4 'r 95' 4 OZ. SfNVINO Spam LUNCHEON MEA can Fresh Pork Sunsweet 45' 2 ” r3 3 ‘ Chicken Thighs Breast Quarters «i 9 Lives Cat Food 45: o o lo e 7 Rib Portion Statr % m a , Utaty, tr Hactartl w U r n CK*“"^ALOniE GUIDE Welchade grape “'’'nk 3 98' Bumble Bee whVt e Tuna Loin Roast 75',5 ion P A c White Gem Chicken Drumsticks sen','-® >s OTr lb 57X721 - I LAYER CAKE MIXES Pork Loin Roast lb Del Monte 29' Pillsbury 17 V4 oz pkg lb Chicken Wings 39 o‘-< ' Exclusive with Stop & Shop Chicken Legs '"“"“I - ... I 4 0 - O Z PORK iWarUll Orsogg — I ' AVAILABLE AT Gold Medal Flour c l .0 9 Bisquick Mix pkg Ekeo Stainless Tableware Rib Half 'lb SSS'I f-TiSco'!***’- — « From our Self Service Deli Sliced fresh in our Deli Hut \ c r 60 ent Dinner Fork This W eek Loin Roast Planter’ s peanuts 'cL? 95' FAMILY NAPKINS 3 Scott pkgs Custom forged tableware in the distinc­ Fresh Spare Rihs 69'.. Pure Pork Sausages Glazed Imported Ham tive Canoe Muffin pattern. You get one Caterer's Kitchen C C c piece for 2 % with a $3 purchase, 2 100 ent pieces for 5^ with a $6 purchase, and Countryfine Brand 7 0 e Delectable Danish ham V W To Waldorf Toilet Tissue Vs 39' pkg ea Lipton Tea Bags “ with a $3 purchase PORK Our own quality saUsages | V Ik glazed by our master chefs. spiced just right. Nepco Dell Loaf ><> 89 CRANBERRY JUICE Loin Half *^Your choice of 5 varieties Ragozzino 48 OZ btl Colonial Cold Cuts pm 55 Soft-Weve Tissue r 27' Ocean Spray tllc a S Loin Roast Coloniol^ Bologna i1 *"'m pmpki R5‘ Boon Salad 49S © From our Spaghetti If you’re concerned aliout your fam­ Boneless Pork Roast 8V lb Colonial 73 ’ Snow’s Clam Chowder " ^ 31‘ Caterer’s Extra Mild Franks Onian Ralls T. 43‘ ily’s weight, you have new help from Minute Rice 85' Kitchen Stop & Shop. Calorie counter labels i Sauce 1 8 '/2 o z Mini-priced dishes for on Stop & Shop canned fruits, vegeta­ pkgs 73 ' Campbell’s 10' "busy da/’ dinners. Caught in cold Atlantic waters! Duncan Hines MIX^S 2 Nothing **fishy” about the low prices Home Style bles, juices and juice drinks tell you Large Pizza 16-oz jar Imported langostino *1.D9 49‘ the number of calories in a serving. 14 oz Scott Towels ' 35' With tomato and Tasty Fresh Cod Fillets Heinz Ketchup 2 bots 4 7 ' cheese. Serve it When the fishing boats Smoked Cod Fillets T9 'o bubbly-hot from In addition to showing the calorie your own oven. 69' dock. Stop & Shop buyers Purina Dog Chow » 4.51 are there to select the best Cooked Fish Cakes Vm 59 content of the fruit, vegetable, juice Welch’s Grape Jelly f. 55' 16 ozSW of the catch. or juice drink in the can, these com­ Gelatines Flavors 3 pkgs I m parative calorie guides give the same Ken-L-Ration 6 87' information for all the other canned Marshmallow Fluff 1. 35' Stock your freezer with the finest brands you ever ‘*thaw!” fruits, vegetables, juices and juice l*iil “piy.zux” in tossed suluds! Leaf or q 10oz$| ISVx oz Glad Bags OS' Choppad O Pl"«n

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-T^HREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO low the third floor window from T H E revenue to meet current needs Mustache Fails I breaks or sometbiing. It’s just Waterbary Fire' which she jumped. She was Meskill ‘Open’ and pay off a "substantial part" that you wait a certain period tf-eated for a hand injury. f a m i l y 4 ^ Manchester Student Lands of the state’s $262 million deficit Holdup Suspect of time to see what falls into To Idea of Tax Kills One, 3 Hurt place.” this year. RJCHMOND, Va. (AP) — LAWYER. He predicted early passage cf WATB21BURY (AP) — ®»e Like the right summer job. ’Three false mustaches faUed to ‘Dream Job’ for Summer On Advertising a state lottery bill pending in Model Cities man died in flames- and deter a trio of witnesses In the the General Assembly. By JUNE IJNTON Is he apt to give In to the WEST HAR’TPORD (AP) — three other persons were Injured bank robbery trial of William Ad Piracy Meskill said poor planning by Home Occupied (Herald Beporter) impulse to go on stage again? Gov. Thomas J. Meskill told jumping from windows vdien Wray Matthews. Limit Forecast previous administrations has left NEW YC«K (AP) — Four Poster ads for a circus we;re so He guessed it could happen. He Connecticut broadcasters Tues­ fire broke out in a second-flocr The FBI contended that Mat­ eye-catching that a printer made Any summer job may be day he is reserving judgment on the state in “a precarious fi­ members of a Brooklyn family TOP has acted in four or five sum­ In Asian Troops Bank Street apartment ’Tuesday thews, 88, wore a mustache the up some copies— without asking a proposal for a state tax on nancial condition.” are the Initial residents of the precious smd out of the ordi­ mer productions at the Nutmeg night. day the ^ ch m on d branch bank VALUE anyone’s permission. The owner advertising. One example of poor planning, country’s first low-income hous­ STAMPS nary this year especially, but Theatre and consequently had to TOKYO (AP) — The com­ The dead man was identified was robbed of more than $8,000, o f the circus promptly fi'ied suit, Speaking at the annual spring he said, is the University cf ing project completed under the join Actors Equity. He’s also mander of U.S. forces in Japan as Joseph Pallozzl, 80, of Wa- and that he shaved it off the charging infringement of copy­ one graduating University of meeting of the Connecticut Connecticut medical - dental Model (Jities program . done, in the course of four said today he believes American terbury. next day. right. But in court, the printer Connecticut senior found what Broadcasters Asscclatlon, Mes­ school under construction in Mayor John V. Lindsay hand­ years, technical and backstage military strength in Jaq>an and His body was found by fire­ To test the witnesses, U.S. argued: kill said he is not pushing lor an Farmington. Meskill said the ed a gold key to Mr. and Mrs. at least ha^ all of the appear­ work, and Is currently direct­ South Korea will remain at a men using breathing apparatus Dlst Court Judge Robert R. “ Mere advertisements cannot ad tax, but he ^ded that he school will not turn out enough Terry ’Thornton ’Tuesday, as ance of perfection in summer ing a one-act play as part of a level cf about 70,000 men be­ 20 minutes after the fire was Merhige Jr. ordered Matthews, be copyrighted. The Constiliition would not veto an "acceptable” doctors and dentists to justify they and their two children course In directing. He was as­ cause of tensions in Asia. controlled about 1 a.m. Wednes­ a deputy marshal and a U.S. at­ says copyright is intended only employment. tax package simply because it its cost. moved into a 4%-room apart­ sistant lighting designer for day. torney to don false mustaches for the ‘useful arts’. That means John Ostrout, the son of Mr. " I think you have seen about ccntnlned a levy on advertising. ment to officially < ^ n the 186- "M an of LaM ancha" housp Ihe Injured were Sandra Bru- and sit in the spectator area of something on a higher artistic and Mrs. E lm er Ostrout Jr. of all the drawdown you are going The Democrats in the state unlt project in central Brooklyn manager one summer and pub­ Wool Record Likely noll, 20, W aterbury; Vincent level than just ads, which are 422 Park er St., Manchester will to see in Korea and Japan," Air legislature recently proposed a after two years’ crnistrucUtm. the courtroom. lic relations director another Barlow, 26, Waterbury: and Sal­ All three witnesses picked out plain commercialism." be the assistant m anager of the Force Lt. Gen. Gordon M. Gra­ tax package which included a MELBOURNE, Australia — Their rent is $101 a month. summer. H e knows the glam ­ vatore Mancarella, 28, Hartford. Nevertheless, the court ruled Falmouth Playhouse on Cape ham told the Foreign Corre­ levy on newspaper, radio and Australia’s wool production this The $5.9 million dev^t^ment, Matthews, mustache and all, orous world is on stage and the The two men were being treat­ that ads are indeed protectable 'Cod during his weeks under the spondents Club of Japan. television advertising. Advertis­ season is estimated at a record ^d a few minutes later he sharpest headaches in the head a series of eight buildings, is a by copyright and held the printer 2,087 million pounds, 44 million ed at St. M ary ’s hospitals. changed his plea from Iniiocent TTiere are now S0,800 U.S. ing presently is exempt from the dozen blocks from Brownsville, liable. The court said the Consti­ of the producer but it’s what pounds more than last season. The woman was rescued by servicemen in Japan. In South sales tax. a ghetto hit by arson fire and to guilty of bank larceny. Mer­ tution drew no line between hig;h- he’s looking for at the moment. This will account for almost a firemen as she clung to a res­ Korea, the troop withdrawal The governor told broadcasters looting in a night-long disorder hige sentenced Matthews to brow and lowbrow art. "It’s strange that things are taurant sign 25 feet above the the only tax bill acceptable to third of the world’s wool pro­ eight years in prison. In earlier years, many courts so definite at this point,” he ob­ schedule calls for a reduction to pavement and about 15 feet be­ last week. SAVE ' duction. 43,000 men by July 1. him is one that produces enough 2.37 did draw such a line. But today, served, "It’s not like you catch almost everywhere, ads are en- WITH COUPONS DELOW I titled to the same copyright pro­ m ' ■? t tection as a book or a painting. Courts have recognized that a o great deal of money and a great deal o f talent are now fioing into CHICIEN llGS the creation of ads. It is still true, however, that a copyright won’t stand up if the WorthSOOEXTRA ad is dishonest. Thus; A series o f ads was developed by a sales agency, to be used by 2-LB. I b p Valu e S t2unps piano dealers. When one dealer CAN f 6 9 began using the ads without per­ TM$ CMPM fN< fw 3N ntn T$p ValM Staap mission, the agency sued him for «i1li p w e k M of $ia00 « Mra It aqr Popiv HU. With coupon 4 purchsM of SS.OO or more. Coupon expires | copyright infrttgement. Saturday. May 15,1971. One coupon per customer. But the judge refused to' m ix , CMPM nM Hto idtiirtai. Hq 15, 1971 i popuutn^'; !n; when' he discovered that the ads were riddled with deceit. (*ixchidbi| itMS pnhibited by la«4 “The law should extend its John Ostrout protection," he said, “only (to summer sun. In the fall he will ads.) that speak the truth.” craitinue to pursue an educa­ UHILADBLPHIA Furthermore, only the specif­ tion in theatre at Yale Univer­ ic details o f an ad— the words, the drawings— are protected, not sity. lb. the general idea. Ostrout is one of few theater In another case a merchant ad­ majors who is concentrating on '< ' i 'J' ' 8 oz. vertised a contest in which peo­ the production aspect of the PKG. ple were supposed to write let­ stage. He wlU get his Bachelor ' I f " : ters, telling why , they liked to of FHne Arts degree in a few I With coupon 4 purchase of $5.00 or more. Coupon expires FRESH CORNISH Saturday, May 15,1971. One coupon per customer. shop in his store. weeks and when his summer Later, another merchant an­ introduction to managing a pro­ POPUUMt^'l nounced a contest along the same fessional theater is over, he’ll SPARE RIBS lines, but describing it in different begin three years at Yale in a language. Was this an infringe­ comparatively new theater GEM BRAND ment o f copyright? managinb - producing course *1hU A court said no, since only the Liciulcl Palm olive general idea had been copied. I f leading to a Masters degree. •Xk Pine He said such a course is also DAISY RUTTS Brook general ideas were copyrightable,, in the process of being develop­ DETERGENT said the court, one person could ed at UDonn under David Heil- The stake out an entire field of Hygrade All Beef Knockwurst...... 89'n weil who now heads the Depart­ thought and keep it as his own ment of “Theater. Ostrout said Armour Skinless Frankfurts...... 79‘ < private monopoly. he studied with Hellweil during An American Bar Association this past year and had many Oscar Mayer Sandwich Spread...... 43' j With coupon 4 purchase of I5.M or more. Coupon expires j CHUCK Saturday, May 15.1971. One coupon per customer. public service feature by W ill words of praise for the former Oscar Mayer Braunschweiger...... po‘"n<>39' Bernard. Hollywood and New York pro­ popuinnp'j ducer. Oscar Mayer Link Sausage...... 89' © 1971, American Bar Association 'ihe most unusual producing Hellweil did at the university Double-Duty Oscar Mayer Sliced Bologna...... 79' this year w as the rock opera Shaw Plays ‘TTommy," and Ostrout used West Virginia Brand Sliced Bacon...... 79' U.S.D.A. this as an example of the kind CHOICE on 10 os. Jar Booming In of thing he would like to do. He Sliced Imported Cooked Ham...... ^ n J 9 ' Boneless said Hellweil conceived the MAXWELL HOUSE Great Britain idea of doing "Tommy” and Fresh Haddock Fillrt^^. ^ - . • - • • - ...... • W" worked out the script for it with LOiNDON (AP) — Suddenly, his wife, Eva Wolas, who is a there’s no business like Shaw playwright. They had just the f With coupon 4 purchoM of $5.00 or m ort. Coupon oxpirti r business in Britain. Dollar. ‘ Saturday.Mayl5,1971.Onocouponptrcuftomtr. ^ W h en “ John Bull’s Other Is­ album of “’Tommy,” to go by, KRAFT _ ^ _ PETER PAN SMOOTH but worked it into a theatrical land” is presented at the M er­ production which snowballed m m m maid Theater “Thursday, It will Shop where you get Top Value Stamps PEANUT BUTTER 2 " 8 9 ' be the seventh play by George into what w as without doubt the APPLE JELLY.;rs 3 - *1 Bernard Shaw to be produced In most wildly applauded, rocking POPULAR FANCY WHOLE LYSOLTUBA presentation ever held in Jor­ London In the past year. gensen. In two nights more Hie boom, which comes 20 and make your dollar work harder. TILE CLEANER...... 8 9 ' years after Shaw’s death, Isn’t than 7, students reacted to GREEN BEANS....2 .~ 4 9 ‘ onQel. Jug 1 0 O only in London. it and it -was later performed LYSOL TOILET British Broadcasting Coip. twice at the Bushnell in Hart­ television has carried four Sha­ ford. t o w »RICES POPS G IFTS SWEET PEAS...... 5 ™ M BUWL CLEANER.....» 3 9 ' vian plays while 'HBC radio has It took Ostrout a trip to New 1 " a a . 1 presented one and plans anoth­ York to talk with the producers er. or Vienna lAVj oi. Thin • Rod! i With coupon 4 purchasa of $5.00 or mora. Coupon oxpirti | of summer theater to come up \ Saturday, May 15,1971. Ont coupon par cuftomar. * 'The Chichester Festival, a Fingtri • • • • • Pkg- C h e ttt r s s ' with his job at Falmouth and 1' Sunshine Hydrox 47‘ Bachman prestigious affair held 60 miles just this past weekend he visit­ ^ M M I 13 01. $ 1 south of London, Is presenting ■ Van. ■ '• “'■ 3 3 * I p k g i. I ed the playhouse. He said he , I Sunshine Cheeze-its Wsliri ..p i*- Golden Goceanut Bars “Caesar and Cleopatra” this found it delightfully situated in i 2 0 1 . summer, alter last year's ac­ f I ••••••••••••••••••jar t( (id the middle of a golf course , Ehlers Minced Onions..... Ehlers Paprika claimed "A rm s and the M an.” practically next to the club Mb. T Q c FINAL TOUCH And all over the country re­ house, “a beautifully spot.” He Tip Top Leaf Cake • •• • • • • • • A 01. ■ OP pertory companies are averag­ expects to have the job of as­ Fabric SoCeener ing a Shaw play every week. sistant m anager and to be doing "John Bull’s Other Island” Is more or less everything from I M i W ; a biting satire on Anglo-Irish re­ 33 OZ. lationships, and although it was promotion to public relations to written in 1904 it is highly rele­ scheduling some of the dates BTL. vant to present times. with those on the star circuit, I With coupon 4 purchase of $5.00 or more. Coupon o xp irti F Players will Include Oiristo- "a ll the names come through.” SWANSON TV DINNERS Saturday, M 0)7 15,1971. One coupon p^r customer. pher Benjamin, who starred in The first play at Falmouth the M erm aid presentation o< the will be "M an of LaMancha” with CHICKEN juicy Huntly Harding comedy, which Ostrout is somewhat '"The Licentious Fly,” Eldward familiar, having seen it ten Petherbrldge, Patrick Mc- times, most recently at UOonn TURKEY Alllney and Anna Cropper. this week. CHOPPED SIRLOIN Alan Strachan, a 23-year-old Happy Merger Get gifts Scot, w ill direct. The business aspects of the­ Save The Cambridge “Theater re­ ater managing and the creative for Top Value ports brisk box office business aspects of theater producing 16 OZ. for "Captain Brassbound’s Otm- on B read verslon,” a 70-year-old Shaw seem to merge somehow in a PKG. happy arrangement. Ostrout . Stam ps NIPULAR ICE CREAK »- = 69‘ play that decidedly is not one of his greatest works. feels the business end is mostly j w ith coupon a p u rc h o M ol tS.OO o r m o ro . Coupon oxpiros Ingrid Bergman, lovely and common sense and he is turned STOUFFERS POTATOES AU GRATIN OR Saturday, M ay IS, 1171. Ona coupon par cuitom or. regal at 64, plays Lady Cicely on by the creative aspects of BIRDSEYE Waynflete, an aristocratic En­ the job. F o u r ” “ *• glishwoman who becomes em­ A F la v o rs As he expressed it, “I see a PUDDINCS 3 8 ' MAC A CHEESE 2 8 9 ' broiled with pirates and sheiks producer standing out there as in Morocco. the eyes of the public looking A' HOOD’S De^ite her Swedlsh-Amerl- at the product and being able to D im r DOLLAR / ------can accent, which is hardly In determine which ivay it should keeping w i^ the role, playgoers go.” This is different from di­ Healthy, Young, Flowaring seem delighted with her per­ recting. ORANGE formance, her first In London He explained that "if you get since Turgenev’s " A Mionth in Involved in directing the show JUICE the Country” in 1966. alter awhile, regardless of what Oven-firesh hread Your choice oS GERANIUMS Two more Kiaw plays, "Back you’re doing, it seems great to to Methuselah” and “Mira. W a r­ you and you fall in love with it. POPULAR ren’s Profession,” have, mean­ We Reserve The Right To Limit QuanNttes That’s the most dangerous thing 1-LB. LOAF toasters Sor F A N C Y GREEN CUKES for o while, been added to the reper­ because you can’t recognize its only X*«49^ toire of the National Theater at faults and you lose the objective the Old Vic. viewpoint.” And the Royal Shakespeare Top Value Stamps. 2 bunches 29«^ Thpater compimy has included “The important thing in the­ RADISHES AND SCALLIONS "M a jo r Barbeutt” in Its reper­ ater, -he said, is to entertain, Choose firom Toastmaster, Mary Pjjoctor, G.E., toire., educate, or whatever, but to get GREEN AND YELLOW SQUASH 29L Judy Dench as the Salvation that message across to the pub­ and Sunbeam toasters. There’s one for REGULAR 1/^ TA^fTc§> Army officer was a triumphant lic. ‘‘Whatever the play_ is try­ every size family...from 3 4/5 to 8 books. FAMILY PAK TOMATOES (IV 2 lbs.) or3 Pak success. ing to speak to them alXMit, if Other Shaw presentations of you're too far above them, or in­ Bunch Only 48c the past 12 months have includ­ sult them by being too fa r be­ CRISP CELERY HEARTS We welcome Federal ed "The Applecart” and "St. low, you simply miss.” The 3 lbs. Joan,” both at the Mermaid. producer must see that it Shup NEW CROP TEXAS ONIONS Food Stamp shoppers “The Shaw boom has Increased doesn’t miss. wbore yotsr RUSSET BAKING POTATOES 5 ibi. 48* a ' 7 the income of the British Creative Promotion TOP at Popular Markets! Museum, the National Gallery And, of course, there can and T O P ^ dollar doae in Ireland and the Royal Acade­ must be creativity in promotion. VALUE' VALUE my of Dramatic Ait, who afe One stunt he remembered be­ STAMPS Dotttda Duty beneficiaries under Shaw’s will. ing successful at UConn was From a large theater, Shaw's to publicize "D racula,” a stu­ with STRETCH YOUR FOOD BUDGET THE DOUBLE-DUTY DOLLAR WAY AT POPULAR estate would get around $144 a dent production of an oldtime night In royalties. scare play. "Dracula Ixrves You” buttons appeared all over T^p Vataa the campus and wotlMd. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEHTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1271 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE

ToUand County- Superior Court DIVORCES Dlvtirces were granted re­ WHY PAY MORE? cently by TbUand County Supe- rlw Court Judge Paul J. Dris­ coll to: ■ Alice Joss from Jerzy Joss, s both of , on grounds SHOP-RITE HAS LOW, LOW PRICES of Intolei-able cruelty. She was awarded custody of one minor child with sui^port payments of |2S per week and medical In­ surance for the child, and as alimony his Interest in a IMO Six Full Days a Week, Every Week! Volvo station wagcm. He is also to pay all current''bills jointly Incurred. Uargaret Jeffries Lathrop of Manchester from George E. NON FOODS COLOMBIA OEM LEAN Hsithn^ of Haddam on grounds 01' intolerable cruelty. She was C O A ^ awarded custody of one minor DOUBLE HIBACHI child with support payments of $20 per week and medical in- rorance for the child and $2S per week alimony. 10"x20" SMOKED Janet E. Peluso from Richard A. Peluso, both of Manchester, on grounds of intolerable cruel­ ty. She was awarded custody of ALLT two minor children with su i^rt payments of $22.60 per week for 8-Web Adjustable Aluminum SHOULDERS each child, medical insurance 87J9 for each child, the payment of Chaise Lounge certain outstanding bills, $16 7-Web Adjoetable Almnlnum per week alimony and $160 to­ ward her counsel fees. Lawa Chair 8 i7 9 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CJ3JD.A. CHOIOE Francis Hugh Hill of Andover PcHTtaUe TOCNO 8TEUBB BEEF" FOOD from Diane Yvette Hill of Wind­ ham on a cross complaint cm Grill, 13 inch $1,33 SHOP-RITE’S QUALITY LEAN F irst Cut grounds of Intcderable cruelty. 84” Bound Adjustable He was granted custody of Chudi Steak lb.S9e three minor children. B rill 85419 Gerard A. Cantin from Clem- Cltronella ence J. Oantin on a cross ccsn- SMOKED Cut Short ” Iriaint on grounds of Intolerable Candles 2/89e Rib steak ib.99e PRICES cruelty. She was, granted cus­ tody of two, younger minor chil­ Foam Insulated CaUfomia dmek ’ dren with support payments of SHANK Picste GlmL 34 QL n>.' N c $S0 per week for each child. PORTION Pot Roast Suzanne Langeller Vernon Bondesa Chock from Paul W. Langeller Jr. of HAMS Athol, Mass, on grounds of in­ HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS BUTT PORTION b . 49c Pot Roost .h.95e tolerable cruelty. She was For Braising/Potting granted custody of two minor Twice As Nice Shampcc Beef Short Ribs ih.79e W ITH OURS children. F o r Stew Periey H. Spaulding of Som­ CEN TER CUT ers from Rachel Spaulding o i with Boneless Chuck .h.95c Vernon on grounds of intoler­ Condirioner able cruelty. He was granted custody of one minor child. 10.5 o i. (Water Added) Chuck Chopped lb. 85e Norma E. W. Martocchio Beg., Dry ft OUy — 2Cc off Istoel from Anthony Martocchio, both “C.8J>JL GOV’T. OBADIXl CWHOB of Vernon, on grounds intol­ HAM erable cruelty. She was grant­ CHICKEN PARTS ed a change of name to Norma Why Pay M«weT Wilson. BuffBrin 160 tab. 89c Legs 49c Breasts 59e Arnold I. Miller of EUington Plump ft Meaty Plump ft Meaty from Patricia V. Stepien Miller 16c off Label-^FamUy Size this FSCT uilll stand nut of Andover on grounds of intcd- SLICES GIo m Up Toothpaste 6.8-os. tube 59C erable cruelty. She was granted ■PRODUCE' custody of three minor children 84c off Label with support pa}rments of $20 per week and medical insurance Colgate .*10(r Mouthwash 17-os. C9C Why fay Mere? FRESH for each child. 18c off la b d State Referee John Hamilton Dry Aatt-Per^irant Spray SHOP-RITE King granted a divorce to Mari­ SWEET CORN lyn Fox Islieb from Raymond Hoar After Hour 5-os.can 59c H. Isleib, both of Bolttm, on MAYONNAISE Quart Jar grounds of intolerable cruelty. She was awarded custody of DAIRY DEPT. five minor children with sup­ Sht^BIte (Grade AA 63 Score 8oUds) port payments of $16 per week for each of four of the children 1-lb. can 83c and $10 per week for . kC Rival Cog Food 3 ing contests. Tongy Pojfc — Italian Niblet 12-oz. can 19e FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS Then he went to bed one night Shop«Rite 3c o ff L e b d with perfect hearing and awoke Tomatoes with Paste 8-Ib. S-os. can 39c the next morning totally deaf. Shop-Bite Scott Towels roU of 168 30e C aE N T A N O Doctors can't restore any of Why Pay MoroT — ScotUeo his hearing. Begniar or Thick Facial Tissues RAVIOLI "W e’ve tried everywhere and Shop-Rite Sliced Bacon p^. 6Sc Vanity Fair Facial Tiesues box of 866 3te nothing has helped, so we've 8b<9-Bite learned to live with it," said his AU Meat or AU Beef—Gem Printed Tewalt S89e pkg. 0186 wife, Marian. Shop-Bite Trash Can Liners 99e Harrison received a college Child Mild Franks m. pkg. 69c Grape Jam or degree in engineering and Shop-Bite Vac Pack Strawberry Prcsenrcs3 85c moved to Detroit to work few Itoonomy Bathroom W eld’s Crape Jolly Chrysler. On a trip back to Domestic BoHcd Ham p^lT 99e Why Pay More? Tennessee in 1962, he found Turkey, Beef, Corned Beef, Pastrami Dixie Refills box o f 866 some old handmade violins he SOS Pads Green GoddcM or 7 Seas OUcken, Turkey Meat Loaf or Slrlola 6-oz. had maele as a youngster in the Shop-Rite S llctd llt6b 4^$l Domino Granulated attic of the family hewne and his Colonial Caesar Dressing *'*' M e Swanson Dipnari 2 99e enthusiasm was rddndled. He Why Pay Blorer Sugar 5 reed every bex>k available on Sliced Bacon b. pkg 79c KeUogg’s Vahizing, Crinkle Cut the art o t vicdin making and be­ Shop-Rite Flour 5 ^ 3 9 0 Rico Krispies gan constructing them again— PUIaboty 24^ French Frias 2 ^ 19e but this time from the viewpoint 1b. 8-oz. B A - Sunsweet APPETIZER DEPT. AU Varieties—BIrdzeye'z Pnddlag of an eqgineer. WEAVER'S WHITE MEAT Layer Cakes 3 boxes O a C Praao Jnieo He's made so many now that PU lsbury < GotlirOnmy 3 ’: ! ^ $ I jM he cannot remember the num­ Ocean Spray Why Settle For Just e FEW ber—somewhere between 60 and CHICKEN ROLL Fudge Brownie Mix V / i-o t. box 39e Great ou Pudding, Blrdaeye’a Craaborry Cocktail 32-OS. ixtL 47e 80. “I would lear some E4>art b e­ Shop-Bite Coffee m cause cmce you make one mis­ G I Whip 2J:£.N4 / D i s c o u n t 46-oz. can 3 4 c take you have ruined the fiiwl Eloctrie Perit ib. cm. 89e Hawaiian Punch Shop-Bite product," he said. Lemon or Begular Manhmaliow FluH IS-oz. Jar His fingers are his ears as he V z lb . 35e Orange Juiea 8 ^ 95e Price Reduetions? Johnson’s Pledge 7-oz. can 89e STORE HOURS: tunes the instruments, and Planters B iG gauges the precision Uiickness Shop-Bite Save 14c Shop-Bite "Grade A " MON., TUES., SAT. of woods for new violins through Dry Roasted Peanuts 8-oz. Jar 49e 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Store SUced Di Y Dish Washer S-lb. 8-oz. box 39e Broccoli Spears 4 I9e vibrations on a tuning fork. « t M tf6n MWT 16 LUm •iWTITIU-6661 U L I16 IUU6$ D d Monte VerlUne WED., THURS,, FRI. In 1969 he won a grand award Imported Boiled Ham ^.u>. 89c 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. for tone at the International Vio­ T o m ateJiiM lin Makers Association meeting Kraft Casino or Borden’s Applasauee 3’ ;;r^$1.00 in Arizma. “With the tuning Domestie Swiss Cheese .^.u>. 59e FISH DEPT. EAST HARTFORD fork he can tell if there are any EAST HARTFORD ^ differences in the vibrations,-’ In T oot House Serve Freeh SUnleM ft Bonele MAHCHESTER ^ ^ """.V his -wife says. Most of the violins Ben has Colonial Boloj^a^ ib.79c PRICES EFFECTIVE AT MANCHESTER SHOP-RITE ONLY 801 Silver Lane msule go to some of his favcwite Csrandoe FLOUNDER 260 North Main at Mam ^ 1150 Burnside Ave. people, young music students, 587 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE lor "moderate prices" from PapparenI '^^



s o K i m SirM t, W att HartfwJ 250 Alaa Straat, Haw Iritah 4 5 0 M m M b A v m m , H m IM 703 W att Mala Straat, Naw Irltaia | 4 S 7 S I m D m m W |hw«r, WatiMnfbM 1224 Fanahitaa Avaaaa, Irbtal 2430 M ih StTMt, Iwiiy M i 150 Narth M ali Straat, Srbtal ( ^ 25S Was! NUa Straat Rta Na. 44, Avaa 200 Mab Straat, SaatWaitaa 13 4 Hapnaalaar Straat, Stauhary m HliUaad AvaMM, OMtVra 124 FanaNAM Avaaaa, Uahaafc 144 M arbiriaili Straat, OirtlaaJ VanM O n h , Kaly Raa4, Varaaa 4 7 Saath Mala Straat, Tarriaitaa East Caatar Straat, Maadiiitar 100 Saath Mah Straat, Whuta4 733 Haw M taia Aaaaai W att Straat, UtdiflaM

Fresh Pork Shoulder Lean Tasty Pork ib 49c Pork Chops „ Quarter Loin COMPARE 9 to 11 End & Center Chops '"69c Fresh, WholeWhol Hams lb 59c 64c Fa rm F r ^ h ... D ire c t to You... We Dare to Compare! Boneless Perk Roast Butt lb 1 lb can 69c 69c Puerto Rican Pineapples ea 38c 66c Southern 19c Boneless ■ Skinless Green or Yellow Squash lb 1 8 c SIbtxix SHced to Order POTATOES New York lb 14c [ T u n a 6 % o i can 41c Baddock Fillet 3 .5 0 Red Onions Italian Sausage . Pure Pork 6oz Q Hot & Sweet lb 75c 3 2 o z|a r 55c Greenland Turbot Fillet »> 58c BOILED HAM Red Radishes Florida cello U v Jones Sausage Meat 69c Available lb 79c Genuine Smoked Cod FIliet »> 89c Martin Rosoi Kieibasa lb 89c lb in Stores Southern Egg Plant 18c 13W o z p k l 69c Jones Link Sausage Ib Casino Ciams Large or Small 11 oz pkg 89c A. C. Genoa Salami % lb 79c with 89c Buds Itozpkf 41c Service Garlic 5(114c Artichoke»««« 31,^*1 Fresh Potato Salad lb 29c MAINE - U.S. NO. 1 Swift’s Sausage Brown N ’ Serve Fish Sticks79c Flounder FIHet''^U” 'n> 99e Deli 1 7 o z c a n 29c

7 o z c a n 68c Slbpki 1.12 Fresh Brisket Boneless Whole Carolina Rice 22c ^89c Itoipkf 86c SUNSWEET Rib Roast Oven Ready RAGOZZINO’S Cut from 1st 4 Ribs ‘ 1 .1 9 1 2 o z ja r 44c LoROSA Pnine Juice lOoipkf 58c Spaghetti or Shells Spaghetti Sauce 31c Finast Bacon Sliced for savoiy flavor lean 17c $ 1 qt C lb 59c 2 4 o z b t l 66c 11b 16... oz 41 A c btl Slab Bacoii B y the^^ece lb 49c lallon ju t 54c pkgs jar Beef Liver S lic ^ Select lb 49c atozpkf 86c Calves Liver ^ n u in e Sliced 1200 32c lb 99c 45c Colonial Bacon 10 lb $ 1 5 1 'b69c 1.29 bag M Oscar Mayer Bacon Kleenex fw^oi Tissue 0.% 32” Purina Dog Chow lb 89c I Creamer lloijar 69c Del Monte Peaches-“ZD" Welch’s Rmpe JeUy 20 01 can 26c

I S 01 can 47c Pepperoni Carindo’s Ib ‘ 1.49 loipkf 49c 0utehloafc<«ni.|b,;^5gc Olive Loaf eUoictn 32c Flanks Skinless -77c 35c M eat or Cheese 12 ez pkg I P Buddit’s ? .;;2 ^ 7 5 c Franks ik ^ s s >-79c Top Value-Singles-White-^Yellow IZizpiv Bolodna Colonial Ib 79c IS can TOMATDES 01 17c Finest HOMAN BAVIOU 53 Franks ^Sklnteis**^ -89c 37c Americnn Cheese 3 / Imported Plum Fobric Softener Dole Juices ^*'^neapple"&a^fruit ^ 5 cans ^ C & F Mo22arella Cheese 2^89 c Donzi Cheese Pizza ISozpkg 5 9 c tallon Finast Sliced Provolone 2S£89c Finast Buiteni Lasagna 58oz pkg 1 ,7 9 In 28 dz jut Finast Sliced Mo22aralla 2;i£89c Pune cans

Green IZ o z l H C Progresso Soups 4^95’’ ALKASELTZEB Niblets Corn G ia n t can A P P LE PIES Paste I 6oz Finast Imported I cans Bigotoni Finast MaUronl 6 Finast btl Tomato 22 oz of 25 Finast 7V4 02 Serve With pkK Finast Ice Cream Bipe Olives Pitted cans Tomato Finast Imported 3 cans 33 Listerine Mouthwash 3 oz Bonus 17 oz btl 79c Finast 16 02 I English Muffins Finast 42?1 Grapefruit S e c tio n s ' I cans / Dial Shampoo 1.65 Size ll%ozbM 99c Mnncini Roasted Peppers l l | [ ^ J l Finast Swedish Rye, Bread Sate Wheat, Qatfheal


■ / -I.:.


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY jL2, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT -X Tair Play’ Weights Bill Moon Doctor School Control by Labor # 9 9 Chamber Music Proves PITTSBUROH ,(AP) — Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Forecast Under New Bill Popular with the Young G ains A pproval in H ouse MltcheU wUl receive an hon­ orary doctorite of 'engineer­ «TO8TED w ) HAR’TPORD (AP) — House- vote of 87-72 a bill taking atomic open 0 days By MARY CAMFBKLL Ustic convictions, be able h> get ing degree next Monday at approved by the Joint also would eliminate the|right 956 Mfrin Slvwat, Facing Oak ht open thursday ailcng with the other workers in wives would have the chance to planning funcUona ahay commencement exercises of Senate Education Commuiee ^ g^jjool board to win an AP NemfMtnres Writer j 'i-u 1. S^te Planning Council Downtown h4enchefter . . . nights tin 9 _ the group. doublefcheck the weights of foods finance corn- his alma mater, Camegie- would "take the public schools injunction against a I Forking in Ad|oinlng PiibHe Pcnklng Lot NEW TWtK (AP) —■ 'Hie **i*m very pleased that all the packaged by-gjocery stores, un- mlsslonar and giving them to Mellvould lose any federal aid by days contracts signed by their use by their customers. you hi the fine art of shopping. So why wear out those pretty feet girls? Now you can stop hihing Charles Wadsworth, 40, arils- tain a solo projection.’’ u|l,, bill, olii, wnienwhich went totu theuie oeiutw,Senate, passing the bill. In 1668, the local school boards and teachers’ Rlsley said that although strlk- "This is a ‘fair play’ tic director of the soriety, says, Last season, the society’s aoirt l^iwman R- expected to be vetoed by Gov. General Assembly passed under or adipinistrators’ units. That ing would stUl be illegal under and qat all tha info right haca in the Manchester Evening Herald. "I think a majm' reason for our first, members of the Chamber Norwalk* “a reasonabie protec- Thomas J. Meskill if It reaches the threat of losing »8 milUan right was given municipal gov- _ the. proposal, no penalty against success is that audiences aie Music Society were violins Is the law would be al ot One and Only | j U for ’the housewife \rito too **®®*t’ evident- federal aid a blU requiring emments only ta 1969 by the breal^ stimulated because they’re get- Pina Carmirelll and Chartes ia m k 3 often finds that^the word of the reduce the governor’s control motorcyclists to wear helmets— gtate legislature. v, ti, « ting such a variety of signals. I 'irager, violist Walter ’Tram- pJ^SackaLr^nrSgher ta development. „ot Just carry them. But It was proposal. Rlsley said. "Presumably there te AroMtnd Town . .. r. . . Main Street ...... Main Street make up programs for maxi- pier, cellist Leslie Pantas, flu- TO)t a —WoiATrf guarantee of —Struck 'down a Senate vetoed by former Governor John pj^^e for binding arbl- no penalty until after ^ coirt Modern Look To Embroider OF COATS - DRESSES - PANTSUITS FROM ALL DEPTS. mum contrast. We may start tlst Paula Robison Sylvester, Plays ^Sandra’ fair weight." ' amendment------3------A A*..that A ----- wouldw— have ------Dempsey. tratiem after mediation. The te- Issued a^ liyunct^,- ne with an avant-garde piece we’ve oboist Leonard Amer, clarinet- Fairway Some Connecticut housewives hept the witness Inimuldty blU suit, he predicted, would be that said, “and by • that time, of Oeolar Otttaena Special Fadrway AT A ONE AND ONLY KIND OF SAVINGS . . . commisalaned and then go to VI- 1st Oervase de Peyer and plan Susan B. Plese of 468 Wood- "the town would have no say course, the classroom would te Need peridng upT PA2UBIAH How one store can have such I saw the new tray tables at have found by weighing pack- from applying to the crime of FAIRWAY. ’They have single valdl and then to something ro- Ists Richard Goode and .Wads- bridge St., a newcomer to the CXJEFFimB at 86 Oak S t wUl a selection of the right toys ta ages of food at home that .“ the conspiracy. As originally passed on what usually amounts to at completely disrupted.’’ ones for sale without buying a mantle with voices.’’ worth. ranks of the Uttle ’Theatre of -= ------— - - - j - • ’— *•— -hmiba------Hi« bill would offer ctk any Monday, Wednes­ beyond mo. Naturally, I’m talk­ , . ___, . "After the first season Miss Manchester will olav the true weight fell short of adiat yy “t® HOuro, the _ Minnesotans least 80 per cent of a school Rlsley, who made hta corn- set—that’s a help. And young people are attend- -^®\ “J® season sws Msncnesier, piay me ^ nacka^e ’’ have granted immunity from budget ’ ’ ments during an Interview ’Tuea- day or/^Huiraday a shampoo ing about FAIRWAY. . . H ie y tag. Wadsworth says. "Young OarmlrelU Irft. b ^ se s^ ^ femhUne lead of Sandra In tae tWM prosecuUon to aU witnesses who Kill Racing ^ e provision of the bill would day noted that Rep. WUUam and set fo r S2.60 and a haircut have the right toy at toe right Before hanging up a raincoat people are much more respen- commitments In Eui^. ^Uita ^cup’s itorthcoml^r^ucW ^ it to ^ testify for the state in aU kinds „ „ require that school board offl- Ratchford, speaker of the House, if needed for Rl.BO more or a price. slve to the taUmacy and direct- «««s^ Omre have ^ eight of of "A 'nwuswd Oowns tote „ r ^ ^ <>* t«>«»y cases. This ta a broad- . (A P) — A to drip dry, stuff toe pockets parimutuel J)et- cials and the town’s finance of- bas been quoted as sayinsr he permanent Including shampoo, with tissue paper. This will help ness Of chamber music than to a jsi^y «e«d^^ ?!T'“n"*i/*kSLter iS >—• ening of the present AA.oa law, which tingWU toIn ^8^®^Minnesota Pa^ died Tuesday /leers meet before a final offer thinks the bill ta going to P«m - haircut and set fmr $9. Tel. 648- Dress waU-Masoned chopped Ug orchestra or the ego scene viollntats. Next year I think um ta the to dry the inside comers. we’ll add a tmsaoonlst. Sclux.1 on May 20, 21 and S u cs andTS S t when the House voted 96 ta advanced by the school board. H tte bllljs passed, Wstey 9682 fo r cm appointment meat with a milk sauce and of a solo oritat. in favor of an interim Rlsley said the legislation soldi G®v. Thomaa J. ^eskill serve over hot biscuit shortcake M- "On college campuses. It’s of­ On the financial aide, Wads­ The ro'e. ... , , wiin m IH u wnn unen- ous crimes of violence. TTie bill h> House ft Hole we Dennis won criUcal acclaim on Minora, wno saia u. was unen ______^ ______^ ------would require that compensation should veto It. When icing a cake for a style. Makes wonderful eating Summer’s coming and its time ten hard for Mda to get interest' worth says, "Last season r toe hkrt ♦180,500. We were given it Bn«dway. portniys a kooky s<^ ^ s‘^atom”^ ’rS btlf was* spommred by be based only on toe‘poelUons Rlsley c^led toe subject much child’s party, push anlmal- and stretches a small amount to get out toe lawn furniture W^fta^aJLa^^tte^- *>y mdlvlduato. toe board and ctal wmrker who dtoewers she’s resentatlves. state Rep. Gary Ftakne of Mn- of the board or toe union, with “ "f® shaped ew A y cutters lightly tar of meat. and plan for those “lasy days Brahms Violin Sonata, no room for toe arbitrators to dispute over drawing up a state to the plain white icing and fill ahead.” A chaise for leisurely ;2m r7<=J«s““’wrrve'"™ ra^7cut them out of balance. —Debated and then postponed ne'apolta, who has never seen a ht,diret ance for tooee things toe depressed outlines with col­ Watkins Bros. sunning, makes a great gift Idea dropped off teiTlbly. But they go ,^® f®":^ as Ignmento dtapasalon^^, ored icing. Or ice aiilmal An astontahtag value in sight! to h w chamber music, e ^ **'® ®* “ ‘® *i®*‘®‘" *®*' ***«^® M™. Plese. a graduate of Up- or Just give yourself a treat. saia College ta East Orange, wSL,ru.r.S!i»S!“'''TS; "“.sr ilia’s‘IfaTS' iSSZ?!: cntckers.wlto different edeated Don’t miss toe exciting event at HOUSE ft HAliE, 946 Mata clally toe Baroque. They like ®“1®»- *“ ■ “ «*® ^ ®“ »’t icings and acatter about over WATKINS thta Wednesday, May Street has a great selection to THURS.-FRI.-SAT. MAY 13-14-15 the white iced cake. Either 6th! ! tt’s a big factory ware­ choose from and they’re open OFFl tats have to each other and to y®""- We’re 90 per cent sold out .for them as Jenny in "TT^- unanimous. their takes. The vote was poet- Minnesota OouncU ot Churches, result.ta obvious. Who would ne- could determine toe whtae educathm ta thta method give* an effective re­ house clearance of Stem’s and till 9 on ’Thursdays for your toe audience *’ «mon an average.avArafMb Three or four penny rwwa««Opera,” »» tUiddn/f the Step- In other actions, toe House poncd SO that it could be deters other religious groups and some gotiate In supposed good faith course of .^1 1 su lt Foster mismatched bedding shopping convenience. Wadsworifa’a of P®’*” ^*'® completely aold out. daughter ta “Six Omroctera In —'Passed on a strict party-line minedA whether A a • ConnecticutAte - .A ft A law enforcement . . A officiata, te te In Akft toe te tete eairly ftftteAftSft^gftrounds IIf # Fthere’s la AW A * O state.’o F fl.F fk . ^ ^ diamber music ta "any piece concert ta dene twice. Search of an Author.’’ ^ sets. WATKINS bought a cai>- JUNIOR - PRE-TEEN GIRLS’ Fowler OptioIaHiB load of them. *1110 price . . . Before putting a shirt in the where toe peria are not doubled. ®®®®°“ ^ ^<1 P«l™- with toe Actor’s Cafe 'Theater washing machine, button the There is only one peraon to a ™ » seasen we did 12. Six were In East Orange for tvfo s e a ^ Would like to extend to you a |88. per set. Values to $169. . . done on Friday and Saturday playing leading roles in Wj'®® peracnal invitation to visit them Don’t mtas out. Get there NOW cu ffs to toe riiirt front. Thta COATS - DRESSES COATS-DRESSES A&P MEAT CAN'T BE BEAT! We Care keeps rieevea from tangling. “Sometimes you need a con- nights, six on Sunday afternoons Afraid of Vlrgtala W o^,’’ "Joe at toe Manchester Parkade. before it’s too late! ’They' offer a complete llnb of 4 MOTIFS ductor ; someameB you don’t. In and ’Tuesday nights. We also Egg” ^ “T ^ Kn«c^ Blary tiesris Shop PANTSUITS a Beig work tor 18 winds, piano had four sonata recitals by our She ta a optical service and needs, Be An old nylen hose ta good for PANTSUITS straining paint to remove I soltast and vloUntat, a conductor aritato. English at sure to ask about toe new Have you seen the beautiful ta necessary. Without one you’d “Ticket prices are $8 to |6. Of- munlty photo-gray lenses — that dark­ lumps. new canvas totes at toe Mary Reg. 12. to 60. ' Reg. 6. to 36. te retiearstag to death and nev- ten. the person buying a $6 tick- MOC s 1970 en outdoors and lighten Indoors Liowta Shop downtown . . . fan­ er get anywhere. With some et doesn’t realtae that he isn’t Property ta Condemned, y %'C^I fo r your com bort.. FOWLEOEl’S Hartford Framing Co. tastic cotors and only $6.90. ^ 6 0 O i m complex works, you have to paying half of whet It ta costing Teimes^ ^ ta open Monday thru Saturday Fbr a large selection of NOW 7 “ TO 36. NOW ^ TO A I frames arid gift items be sure For a novel treatment of sash have one toree to stop and etari to bring this program to him. It ^ 9:30-6:90 'niursdays till 9 — people.” ta a gift, given by other Individ- Kofsky’s Kofakv’s Shoe Shoe Store at me ’Telephone 046-8672. to step in at HARTFORD curtains made at home, trim Mrs. pii first with wide rick rack braid, Wadswnctfa Is a graduate of uais who care enough, Parkade or by calling | i i FRAMING CX>. at their NEW INFANT —. TODDLER BOYS UP TO then stitch nairow rlckrack ta toe Jutolard Sduwl, but it ta al- “We go by toe original plan to Fred Bltah at 9 Laurel St. TO keep lace from yeUowtag, DOCA’nO N , 680 MAIN S t 'Wkat a beautiful coUeetten to suit either toe same color or a con­ Pants - Suits - most hy chance that hta career have an extraordinary nucleus store in a cool,-dry {dace. Do trasting color down the center ta In music. of performers and to bring ta not fold tightly. When it ta a any decor and pocketbook. The cropped bolero makes Stop and browse soon. of toe wide. A combination of pretty COATS Sportcoats - “I got a masters from Jull- virtuosos not,heard ta the cham- R ockville very huge piece of lace, lay a perfect topping for flowers and playful kit­ liard in 1902 to piano and I ter muaio repertoire ordinarily m tissue paper between fol^ to smooth-fitting pants! No. tens make lovely em­ Reg. 12. to 25. Shirts - Slacks Inunediatdy got involved with to i^ay on siiig with them. Thta Hospital Notes lb. prevent creases. 8129 with PHOTO-GUIDE is broidery motifs to trim C' * *<* in Sizes 8 to 18 (bust towels or other ready­ Special erroup on singers—accompanying and seasen we’ve had Beverly Sills, Female Clown Says Role OFFl and building their pro- Pleire lEVnirnler, Isaac Stem.” Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 Plasa Dept Store 31H-40). Size 10, 32% made items. No. 2207 has rM> ,ftf Hfts Sliced Sliced 63* lb. NOW 7*® TO 15. Sale only grams. I accompanied a singer Usually, not every performer ta p.m. in oU areas expect I j p i ' Is toe place for all your bust. . . bolero, 1% yards hot-iron transfer for 6 2 to 4 of 45-inch; pants, 2% motifs; color chart; trying out for Gian-Cai4o Menot- toe society has a part at every teraity whtee they are qslng needs .. .be It garment Borders Third Dimension stitch illustrations. and 9:80 to 8 p-m. yards. tl one Ume. Later Menotti concert. ALLGOOD BONELESS bags and moth proofing sui>- SON 00$ Is Min Mr MM.JSI- DO YOU HAVE A CASUAL VILLAGE CHARGE ACCOUNT? FULLY COOKED ■ QUARTER LOIN SLICED PatiertiB available only By JOY snU^BY try to tell a story with body Mm Is hMMM flrrtelsM sn lli« piwtetet m e and asked me to “ This sort of programming idles for Indoors or garden in sizes show n. imie a «* certain____ theme___ from______the couldn’t______survive______unless there____ Admitted .Saturday: Louise AP Newsfeatares Writer movement.” Asae '■ Cabot, Moaoliestor OR YOU MAY USE YOUR MASTER CHARGE CARD... gloves and lawn furniture re­ SEND 75S Ift eUfti for sock sst- Blven before graduation in tUiri movement of a synqpfaony. was an ideal sttuatlan as far as E. Kreysslg, Nye St., R ockv^; tofs to iMliSft flnt-clioi ■tlltaf. SrSSHaSMA^nH^t o m . BEEF pair Uts for outdo(«s. Shop NEW YORK (AP) — In blue 1970 she had decided she liked J I didn’t know it. He evl- rriiearsata were concerned. The Blair Kerstetter, HansenlW.. SLICED 8ae Barnett. BUBObester B .T . 19118. SMOKED PORK PliAZA, E. Middle Tpke., next I TteMWHmNL 1160 AVE. knit pants and striped shirt, ear­ performing, traveling and meet­ Prist NMW, «4«rtst snu ZIP Uy was looking for some- artists give an enonnous Vernon; Maxton Owen, OtysW to Pqptihur M arket You’ll te OT«fewc3Srira!W TOBK. rings dangling and ' dark hair cool ftftS Obrta Mssktr. y who wasn’t a synytoony amount of time to preparatlan. Lake Rd., ItockvlUe; Mm ^ N.Y. 19(96. ing people in addition to Bbr glad you did—the price ta right! swinging down to her shoulders, The Spring ti Summer Keneyriopedla. He asked me if I They take inride. If they’re doing Slgguin, Lake St, EUtagton, Mat Wase, AMrois ri«k BP love ot pantomime. She put BACON ROASTS cool, Stn* RnsOtr ss4 tin. Peggy WllUams deltaitedy looks them all together and It added *71 ALBUM is 6 5 f, includes would like to create music con- a now work. In giving toe work Patricia Bronson, Dockerel Ro., )>ostage and handling. (CROSS R ll CUT FROM CHHCR) To i^eed floor wsriiing, use The Spring and Summer like a girl- certs every afternoon toir him at Its best possible performance. ’T ol^^ ^ SHANK PORTION Fanily Pack Caalaias E|ri aa4 Ctattr Cat Ckopt up to becoming a down, eo she SMUMMOTMII'S PATCHWORK . . . ROHEUSSCmiCH two compartment buckets —one ’71 Basic FASHION Book is In wfaitefaoe makeup and bog- Snoleto. Italy It was a craiy Sometimes there will te 21 Dtachargod Saturday. Stanley appUed to Rlngling*s College of 12 MrtMSI SMim iMlIllm compartment for cleaning oolu- $1.00, includes p osta ge gy-pants coetume, ‘ her hair Orfttim PMtal Prittra ftlteMi ip Itmy. K was ^ ^ reheareai for some- Stryesek, Ward St., ^ e y Clowns In 'Venice, Fla. ncUnt. liez-OOt, lacMn psri- tlon, cne for rinse water. and handling. tucked under a furiny hot, Peg­ ‘T’m sUll there, thing. In these days that ta Just Wasilewski, High St., ww P m i During toe eeven-weeks tti Ml kMlIlif. S « i v gy WUUams looks like a clown This will he my 12to summer. an artistic dream. It’s an ex- St. Louis, Upper Bujehw Rd., oourae she studied Juggling, unl- i-4^\ of no i>articular genden—and cycUiv, acrobatics, tumbling, •ftsisvl look like a clown who happens “At toe end cf that time we an awftd lot*^ stuff that isn’t mous washes of color and toe Fresh Hams 6 9 l Ground Beef 69d Chuck Steaks By JOHN BODEBIOK many countries trot^ through to te a girl,” eiqilataed toe first put everything together and If the pattern you are using peWormed. Most iriaces don’t musical ideas couldn’t matter °~^® ^ Tteresa 4tai lONI Associated Press Writer |>ektag, Shanghai and Canton. Roasts IN - On the U.S. table tennis team’ s female clown to work with Ring- gave a show and that was our tears while sewing, mend it have musicians on hand, and re- I®“ - With Chamber b. Silt 59L| Skinless Franks 'i; 59*1 California Steaks ling Bros, and Bomum ft Bailey audition,’’ ahe related. “The heartaU tone, fo r I«r to r n to « yim Ve _muslcal^_toeas ^resh Picnics CENTER TOKYO (AP) — Deprived trip they saw one player to hip­ with tranaporant tape. Audrey Jean, Oak St., FROZEN Circus In more than 20 sreeurs. ^ owner of the circus was there VILLAGE/ the prape so dear to feminine pie garb and girls in minis and them, tt’s g r^ fun. I can say stated In the purest terms, s u a s and Btnne former clowns and all ter; Geraldine Kljowski, Rau Ham Steaks itei. iS S 9911 Loose Link Sausages 8911 Beef Liver midta. What they thought of “ Playing a clown ta like niX Cut bananas iMigtowlse, dot to a flutist, ■Do you know any of You’ve got the pure essence of r ------4 faeeurts, the women of CMna nev- kinds of people. That was toe St., Rockville; fUcdiard Page, erthriesa continue to te among them was not recorded. being quite luiman; it’s not a fe­ each with a little currant Jelly, these four?’ and usually he music.” EARLY GARDEN DEL MONTE DEL MONTE A&P FROZEN hardest audience I ever per- Griirtag Rd., ’Tolland; Alterle Bound feetr-the “lily feet” cf male or a male—it’s swi cf a then mix cue and one-half tea­ ' dpesn'’ t ” ^ ^ the loveliest anywhere. forme4 for.” She was among ■Deprey, Union St., RockvlUe; Gone are the tight-fitting silk toe past, acquired through pain­ third dimension,” she continued spoons o f butter or maigai^iw® 'Wadsworth’s organisation of. toe 18 of the 36 in toe class dho- Glenn Martinsen, New York, cheong-sam skirts with their ful N"Aing and sometimes ac- as she walked to her dresstag with one teaspoon of hot water 956 Main St., Manchester, facing Oak Chamber music concerts at Police Sponsor N.Y.; Myron Rlckert, Christo­ sen for Clown Alley. provocative slits up the thigh. crierated by toe use of ground room through the staging area and put a UtUe of this ou each. brought him to toe at- pher Dr., Vemck; Jeanntoe TOMATO MACARONI Since toe circus left winter OPEN 6 DAYS — THURSDAY NIGHTS till 9:00! DEL MONTE FRUIT Gone are toe lipstick, rouge, at Madison. Square Garden. Bake In a 460-degree oven for tMltlon cf ' linoqln Center in Youth Patrols g^lane—are no more. There may quarters in Venice, Miss ’Wil­ Pudieu, Skinner . Ste yosi'n MORIARTY HilB E D R RM II IT T CS sN*a CihlMh women, except the very equality with men, and from poeed to te in a certain corner perform er. Ernest Thivlerge, 28, o f Bnxdc- JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE 59* BOUNTY TOWELS C .ir :) T r 50* ANN PACE KETCHUP 4 age 20 they are entitled to toe Glen Haven you have to te there but bow ‘ :TUrd, he had to have a conor lyn was fciUed early Wednesday AAPFROXM HOMmVU-UHfOK CHOCOIAT* BLUSOtY CMINCH-SAVi 20*4EG. 79' old and toe very young. Old Is- vote. you g;et there ta iq> to you— plete background of repertoire when hta motorcycle went out BROTHERS t JANE PARKER CAKE r.5 9 *' dlee, who look like the dignllied ( r.vn i: s rm:i'i MACARONI CASSEROLE l£35* CAMPBELL'S BEANS 2 *.:£ 39* HENSHEYCANDYBARSIO . matrons of toe Sung dynasty MaiTlage ta a stanple process: walk, tumble or bounce on your DAY CAM P . and experience playing cham- of control on Allen HUl Road Regtataration with toe appro­ ter music. BVxirth, he had to and struck a guard post. He M \\( Hi;s'n !; JANE PARKER CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE LUNCHEON JANEPARKER statues, wore cherished brooch­ knees.” I'll..Ilf r.i:r. es, combe or ear rings in priate officials. Divorce the­ The 22-year-old AQss ’Williams have a pergohaUty that would, was pronounced dead at the oretically ta Just as easy, but has bestowed her own nickname FOR BOYS AND GIRLS in spite of extremely strong ar- scene about 1 a.m. PLAIN RYE SPAGETTI and pierced eturs. CSiildren, too, w en gay srlto tassels and bells a Chinese srhp has lived abroad —Peletiore—on the clown char­ FULLY ACCRIDITfD OFF WOMEN’S MEATBALLS or STATLER WHITE on their cape, bracelets on their told me It ta less frequent than acter she has devek^ied. It PUMPERNICKEL chubby wrists and outfits of red, one mIRht suspect. ^ m s from a contraction of her ISfli Smsdh blue and great. Women who become mothers name, Peggy Lsoore. “VITien I or SOUR RYE BEEFARONI NAPKINS BREAD The Clilneae permit these ex­ are givei( 66 days of paid vaca­ was UtUe I didn’t like toe letten that went below the line—they CRYSTAL ULKI. RLUNGTON A SSO Rm COLORS SUCEO tremes only at the beginning tion to recover. (YOUR CHOICE) (YOUR CHOKE) ftwA mwr the end of life, ^le The arranged marriage has looked sloppy on the ps^iw-so I root of toe population—men and vanished, along with toe tyran­ cut out toe g's and y imd it Only 14 MOm froER MonelMstGr women alike—arc studies in nical mother^ln-law wlio once came out Pelenore,” she ex­ SWEATSHIRTS blue or brawn, with an occasion­ ruled the new bride's life. plained. JUNE a - AUGUST 21 al «4»ftb of white or Idack thrown MarriagRB, too, are later and She saw her first circus In her SHOES 24 oz. J I O ® 3 -5 1 0 0 2 % in. later. Early marriage Interferes native Msdtaon. Wta., when she WASHABLE, NO-SHRINK loaves Gone, too, are too high heels with work, increases the birth was about 4 arid doesn't recall UM im INROUMfNT Most All Spring Styles and Colors Included w.. I __ I «... , B ) 19# ’*»* — of yesteryear; sensible, flat san- being parUcuiariy Imimssad rate and affects the health of MANY nfPROVBKBINTB IN data, sneakers or cloth shoes, all young mothers, toe tfovemment with toe clowns. What she jloes FACflUTIEB AND PBOCBIAM STRAINED ■ A K iR 'S INSTANT PINE SCENTED JWAFT Ketblif CookiRS te 51' S))f Sow. la 25' ^ emlnwitly suitaMe for woric ta says. ’Ihe ideal marriage ages remember ta aomeone betag DnUBC1IOEROB MITCHBZfti ■KCH-NUT VANILLA MAXWELL HOUSE SOFTPARKAY Nobisco Cookies Wi9- Friei bi., factory or field, have taken their are iid to be 26 for, women and shot out of a cannon. "I thought • AIR STEP • NINA LESTDIL Over 20 years’ Camp Experience ■ABYFOOD E X T R A a CO fFEE MARGARINE Hydrox Cookies ■*.“45' hiisbiiy Nsqvits 'J i IP plftco. 28 foe men. that was rather neat.” CRESLAN O C < Though the fashions of Paris, The enormous dowries and Majoring In speech pathology BS Degree — Univ. of Conn. — Fhj^ Nd- • UFE STRIDE • MISS AMERICA 6 ’L .* 7 3 ‘ : * ^ 8 9 * r ’ 1 . 6 3 hetHe 0 9 49* ^ Chickoii Cbow Mein ^1.23 ^inciiiwkt.Del.rg.nt 7rf7' London or New York mean little MB Degree — Springfield CoUege — Phys. Ed. ■ 160 MEN'S LONG SLEESVE SWEATSHIRTS IN ______'^r huge boriquete whidi went with at the University of YWsconsln. Fried Rico with P<|rk ”,ir59' (otiidriid (tick.n Sr 1.23 to Chinese women, some of CJLXMS. (6to yr.) Univ. of Har&rd — Oulda)Me every marrlage--burdentag She became Interested in panto­ Head Guidance Oounaelor — Windsor Lcoka Jr. H.8. ASST. COLORS. IRREGULARS OP $8.98 GRADE m UO DETERGfNT BURST DETERGENT Martinson Coffee 'r 1.05 C«iil.iiid Cadal.i. Iirl.lt them are aware of toe world of families with debts that took mime while working with the • HUSH PUPPIES • TOWN & COUNTRY IN MEN'S SIZES. Moitimon (oHm 'iT Lit liaiikSoM CettH. ChMsktefl' haute couture. They are the yean to repay—have been abol­ physically and mentally retard­ FOR FURTHER 1NF0SIMAT1ON, OAUJ THURS. 9;30 A.M. women engaged In turning out OUnp Secretary, Bast Horttord 0684T79 Day or Evenings; PLUS KANT OTBBB8... .No Phosphates iniiKk.r's Topping "h 31* Yu^n tofifri”'”” 'il.04 ished. ed, toe deaf and the hard ot 7 3 * I Western style dresses, coots, A Chinese I met took hta bride hearing. or tri. Director Oeoige MlteheU, ORt-lOOl after 4:M p.m. r * 2 . 6 9 (Iww W«in *l~l.l.t Plow Main Hwdln ~'lr3P/-‘ furs, hats and accessories for out for a bottle of beer and a “The natural language qf toe irree TraaaportailMi from Manrhester, Veraon ElraMntMry export. Their handiwork ta on few cakes. Twenty-tore© years deaf ta pantomime,” she said. and Middle Sehoolar al(o. free trsssportetUsi tram YY^plag dtqrioy til® Canton Trade ago, when I last sras in China, "They make very slmide clear SbopplBg Center. Fair twice a year. statements with their bodies; ROOSEVELT MILLS Plaid Stamp gifts...on you they’ll look great! A . comparative handful of the bride’s famUy might weU have thrown them ta the Iwlde- they dtm’t need praposItlonB and Read Herald Adv^tisementa women get a chance to see the vtoereases. Like them, clowns 215 E. MAIN ST.. ROCKVILLE clothiftg, fiiincJb.'iys. fino watches, jewelry select gifts of stylo nnd fashion for modern living at home or nights on the town real nutig as delegations from groom’s'foce. PHfsi EHedhe Mer • • Y6” *•! t 1 Nf CemwwRi Aed VUeRf. Wr Neiem T1» RW Te Ue» DwUltoi. V v v'- A'- T-*Vv.';Vvr\

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,; 1971 PAOE THIRTY-ONB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE THIRTY THE Twins Brought Home the Bacon Spins Herald Angle Momentum Moves Saints Ajr E AB L YO ST Winner l^paUgBOter Montreal Side By PAT McCABE But Boston Red Sox Took the Cake Chances are when you get 13 runs in a game you are NEW YORK (AP) — Home plate is just a whistle three - game losing INDIANS - A’S — Dry Rnn for Scout on Wet Da MONTREAL (AP) — 1?*®^ NEW YORK (AP) — The triumph was Boetca’s assists from Ken Brett Bob Bo- more’s By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stop for Ryan’s Express with plenty of detours along p .. except for toe second period great series, put the CanaEllens going to have a tremendous advantage, however St. Chief scout for the Philadelphia PhillicH in these Montreal Laanaaiens ^yhere we made a couple of ahead l-O a minute after toe T ,T h e Minnesota Twins wth in the last n games and lin and Cal Koonce. streak. Bnxrics Robinson and Cleveland surged to a 5-0 lead American League Bernard’s of Uncasville parlayed not only a 12-hit at­ Peters, who went Into the Dave Johnson drew walks off East Division the way. parts is Dick Teed, the former catcher in the Brooklyn have righted themsqlves coatiy mistakes. game-opening face off. ^ brought home the bacon kept the Red Sox 2 % games In on pitcher Steve Dunning’s Nolan Ryan’s last ball geU tack but also a strong performance by righthando' game with a 8-16 career record Ted Abernathy and Retten- W. L. Pot. G?B. Dodger organization. Like other fulltime major league and just might be in pbsi- "WeWe aiwaya Etlways knowv what w w e’re Stan AQtka j tied it lUt , 3:09 of , Rich OnuiEihEui to whitewEish ^ Tuesday night but the Bos- front of Baltimore in the Amer- against'the Twins, reached the mund then lashed a single off grand slam, his first majo 19 9 .679 — there, all right. But, actually, hnaohnll noniila in fk n i.. n ...... “ P Eigalnst whsH We com e here toe period on a power play goEil Boston the New York Mets’ quickest Bast Catholic High by a hum­ VEUicied to third on Jlm Xnhsns’ -ton Red Sox’ bullpen took lean L e^e East. Over that point of no return in the sixth the«glove of shortstop Freddie league homer, but the young BEiltimore 17 12 .666 va^n n,no4i. ” *** day tion to go on to capture the to play because they are so aw- when Jean BeUveau was In the the once futile Bosox ^ tough at home. penalty box. But some three bling 18-0 margin yesterday at- line' single to right. Granitoan inning, but stldi picked up the patek. hurler couldn’t hold it. Oakland Detroit 14 16 .483 6% arm is never sure of the precise When weather permits — looking^ at potential profes- Stanley Cup the trophy „„ the cake and le ft the gov- streieh,buUpen has compiled a 6-0 temoon at toe IoceU field. got out ot trouble by whiffing win. The Royals had tied the caught up with four runs in the New York 13 14 .481 6% location. , Sional baseball players. He was tipped off that Man* «hich thav 'didn’t fret- & ‘‘lUght now it becomes a beat minutes later, Captain Jean re- emor of Iowa with egg on record with 10 saves and a cheater Community Odlege had Bernard now at a 162 mEirk, toe Ehigles. He had a 5-2 lead on tw«>run two out in the ninth (jfth, .Rick Monday’s homer ac- WEmhn. 13 16 .448 8% "I’U never have the control qf cheater Commiinitv rMiann hurt „Knn»n ♦/. ^n-FnnA loot iroon three series,” continued tallated with a power play goal his face. composite 1.20 earned run aver­ a red-hot prospect. Unable to enance TO IMI y ^ Reay, “and the next game is and toe Canadlens were off and only losing to unbeaten Xavier The gEune’s length EUid hot homers by Duane Joe^hsen Keough’s double and a counting for the last three. ClevelEind 10 19 .346 9% a 'Tom Seaver or a Jerry Koos- High and Naugatuck High, dom­ BUi Lee provided Boston’s age. man,” says Ryan, comparing be In two plEuies at one time, When they failed to make the most crucial in the series flying. , weather seemed only to nutice andana Carluari Yastrzemskl but ^ West Division . inated play from start to finish • dally relief with four hlUess in­ Elsewhere, the Orioles edged Phil Hennlgan, Just back himself to his illustrious mound Dick delegated! bis younger the playoffs. / - for both teams.” Although the Hawks outshot maitters worse as toe Bligs and walk 8,nd two singles by L «o * * « 21 12 .636 — as OranitoEm completHy himd- nings to preserve one of Gary Kansas City 5-4 in 10 innings, Cardenas and Rick Renlck sic- from the minors, took over at Oakland mates, “but it’ll come—I’ll brother, BUI, to' Mt. Nebo last The Ctuu(dlena, who were The thing toe Hawks have go- toe CanEullens 17-12 in toe secr White committed six errors in a Peters’ rare victories over Mln- ANGELS - ’TIGERS — that point and blanked the A’s KansEis City 16 16 .516 ■4 Saturday to get a first-hand down two games to none liwt Ing for tivem Is the home ice ond period, Yvon Coumoyer CONNIE McOURBY cuffed toe hometownera, hold­ contest that took three hours Cleveland topped Oakland 7-5 counted for one run and fin­ 4 eventually get my walks-per- ing them to a mere thnee hits. . nesota 5-4. Solo homers by ^en Berry the rest of the way on two hits. CEilifomia 17 16 .516 look at toe player In question. week, made It two straight over advantage since gEun'e five and scored his two goals to keep toe EUid45 mtoutes to complete. and California blanked Detroit ished Peters. Lee allowed game down to three.” GnuiEtoEui, who now holds a It was Iowa Night in Min­ V a d a Pinson’s fifth-inning Minnesota 16 16 .484 6 BIU Is a former player and the Chicago Black Hawks Tues- seven. If necessEury, will be Chicagoans from seriously . EEUt travels to West Hartford 5-0. New York at MHwaukee George Mltterwald's sacrifice and Ken McMullen backed Ryan lost home plate for a McCurry Wins 2-0 individual msu-k. stymied nesota and Gov. Robert Ray single, an infield out and Roy Milwaukee 12 16 .444 6 coach who turned' to umpiring day night with a 6-2 victory on played in Chicago. threatening. E’riday in a HEirtf(»d' County and Washington at Chicago p,y jmjj then slammed the door. Clyde Wright’s eight-hit pitch- time again ’Tuesday night, but toe Eagles with a biuuUe o f ef- brought along a pig to present ing as the Angels whipped the Foster’s double snapped the Chicago 10 18 .367 8% and part*time scouting. their home ice. However tog momentum m The game was marred m toe Conference meeting with Ncnth- were rained out. was able to get untracked and No-Hit Game fedtive pitches. The rlghty went Catholic, to the first ’Twin hitting a home ORIOLES - ROYALS — ’Tigers. McMullen also scored deadlock and the Indians added 'Tuesday’s Results The weather Saturday weui That evens the best of seven, toe series seems to be swinging fbud three minutes when a ' run. Peters and Lee took care Cleveland 7, Oakland 6 spin a three-hitter as New York series at two gEimea each with toward toe Canadlens. series of fights broke, cEUising ming Junior mgh’s Connietoe distance fanning ,^ 13 while g,. Bemnrd’i REDSOX - TWINS — Merv Rettenmund, drove in a on a single by Jerry Moses a run an inning later on singles whlsUed by Houston, 61. better suited for ducks and toe lowing only- four free passes. »•» e rfol to see that no one did, though, Baltimore 6, Kansas City playing field at Nebo, which game number five scheduled The turn ccune Sunday when referee Bruce Hood to mete out MoCurry hurled a no-hlt, no-run *11®'*4ng only-tour free passw 0 0 The big reUef work lor Boa- run with a fifth-inning single, while Berry carried another by Jack Heldemann and Ted ‘ "The lack of concentraUon Eagle Russ BUoifoau absorbed 4 and the porker went instead to 10 innings WEusa’t touched up fo r toe Extoed- tor CtalcE^(o Thursday night Eittd toe Hawks took a two-goal lead a load of penalties. game yesterday eigEtoist Koe- *»*'«■ <» r tDT*a withnWfK a grounil arvnatnd rulg rsiln itmihlAdouble SniacnettLconnpm, p, P, h it s — Oliva, Minn., 48; tamed AUanta on six hits for a neaota (Blyleven 2-4), night Ryan, who picked up his pray that Ryan finds his way toe squad but he wasn’t setting either Bolton or Bast Hartford, Rojas, K.C., 39. swers to the name Mays. Sears vs. Police & Fire, Wad­ “THia ‘Siiner ” aim- vation becomes dear-money. p.iA., EDT, by TVS, an Inde- “ 4 volunteers vtoo helped to to right c^ter Md a tiro oirt 30 0 3 6 9 4-3 season mark as the Dodgers dell ’Thursday’s Games fourth victory without a loss— home. toe world on fire as a player. R-g not too late for those In­ DOUBLES — Oliva, Minn., Willie McCovey, coming on “Actually, there’s not much 1 ^ “What should be of interest is pendent network. The television moke the concesidon stand tor single in toe fifth. Vto 128456789 Totals moved percentage points ahead Moriarty’s vs. Bonanza, New York at Milwaukee seccxid only on the staff to Beav­ in fact, he wasn’t even a start- terested to look into toe matter erstar^^ Osew Robertron quality of prod- receipts will go to suiujlement Uttle League at Watldell Emd Steve Remus eOso tallied st 201034012 18 10; T.Ooolgllaro, Calif., 9; Kia- strong after a slow start this can do about it,” said Hodges. er on a squad that has very lit- ^ moe deeper. 2b: Gurin, St. Louis, Hnrrincton: season, belted three hits, in­ o f the Braves into seccwid place Buckley Oakland at Kansas City, er’s five—said he has unbound­ will show tli& t t ll6 jjQ sees.” to© pension plans for toe play- a reality, two hits each. sb: CIriUo; ap:_Soucier______to Oaudreau. . ' ebrew, Minn., 9. in the west. night ed confidence in his ability to "It’s all up to Nolan Ryan. He tie EiU-around tEtient. Bast was paced by shortstim Harrin^n to Edgar to Ramua; bb: t r i p l e s — Sohaal, K.C., 3; cluding his seventh home run, Summer bEiseball doesn’ t twO pro l6a£fU6S Can play (NBA com m issioner WEilter ers in both leEigues with a ^ think everyone should have Only games scheduled throw strikes, despite what toe has toe arm. But that’s not Teed stayed Eiround for a few 6»iiinns« ^ Bllodoau (4), SmachotU (6), Coo- ' 9 tied with 2. as the San Francisco Giants INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE iiminra start in these ports until toe agaillst each other at the Kennedy refused to say what s'nare of it also going to toe the experience I had through Bob Perron who tallied two non (2), Granadan (4); so: Bllo- CARDS - EXPOS — Two big innings — a seven- records say. enough. He has to get toe ball in the three hits. deau, (4). Smatchettl (2), Connoni HOME RUNS — Oliva, widened their National League National League boy bat. schoolboys end their play in highest competitive level achon the league might tsUie to participating players in toe sh this. They would find out ^sn.ns.s.s.n « ...ns.1t .,4. (1),. Orauahan (13): hlU 'off: BUo- West lead to eight games with Torre broke a 3-3 tie at Mon­ run second and a six-run third “I can’t wait for my next toe strike zone.” East did manage a small up- 7 fQ^. g in 4; Smatchettl Minn., 9; J.Powell, Balt., 7. East Division ’I run to toe What does Hodges do to help? It was a dry run for toe scout „ „ „ without an illegal merger.” halt the contest but a b a com- game. Manchester rising In the second as Tpim 4 for 6 nma in 4: Ooemon for 2 STOLEN BASES — Pinson, a 6-1 triumph over Cincinnati treal with a two-run homer in — carried toe Professional Bar­ W. L. Pot. G.B. start,” he says, Tvro t ^ The game pits all stars from mUstoner Jack Dolph said hla The NBA players will be cen- “I let him pitch every five on a wet day. knows Happeny drew a walk and ad- ^ BUrfeau^ 8in5oi?]“? ’: BuSSSaui • Cleve., 10; OUs, K.C., 9. ’Tuesday night. toe fifth inning and walloped bers to a 16-7 win over Steven­ New York 19 9 .679 mound.” n diester High and Bast pathoUc wairliur National Basket- would **take steps to tera Lew Alcindor o i Milwaukee ^ ^ think anyone ... PITCHING 4 DeclslMis — Sle- Willie Davis, meanwhile, con­ his sixth homer of toe year- son’s 'Esso last night at Ver- Pittsburgh 19 11 .633 Ryan’s mental toughness days,” he said. IRgh players would be -a good Association and American players from particl- iand Nate 'Ihurmcmd of San I'o'W' to say no when you am - bert. Best., 5-0, 1.000, 1.89; tinued his torrid hitting with anotoer two-run shot—^In the planck Field. The iBarbers are St. Louis 18 14 .563 Wants Baseball Back niKleus. Basketball Association May 28 Patlng If It Is decided toe game iW clsco, ‘forwards Billy Cuil- tor » Blue, Oak., 61, .M9, 1.02. three singles and a triple, help­ ninth. Jose Carfenal and Dick now 2-2 and Stevenson’s 1-2. Montreal 12 11 '.522 Jeff Koelsch is a guy on toe Youngsters who didnt b|J^® Houston Astrodome. would be detrimental to toe ninghEim of Philadelphia, Dave when it comes to to© uttie Schofield also homered for toe Big sticker for toe Barbers, move, he can’t sit stlU. He’s Legion team from Blast Louis and Schmeling S’TRIKEOUTS — Blue, Oak., ing the Los Angeles Dodgers 14 17 .462 " *' By agreeing to the first meet­ leiq^e—which we have not. DeBusschere of New York, Loaguers. CJards. was Mike Quesnel with five hits phu^. on Loses No. 2 where toe acti<»i is, as long Eto OathoUc banded together Eind * 78; Lidlch, Det., 56. whip AUanta 61 to snap a 9 19 .321 ing between toe two loops, toe "A player’s contract requires John Havllcek of Boston and "Ihe list of volunteers, headed three-g;ame losing string and * • * , including two doubles. He also West Division NA*nONAL LEIAGUE move into second place behind PIRATES - PADRES — struck out eight batters in toe San Fran. 24 9 .727 — Meet, Talk Old Times ‘ BATTING 70 at bats — Garr, the runaway Giants. Sangulllen drove in two runs «ve innings. M)ocPhearson .486 8 Against East Windsor Los Angeles 16 17 have a hand i" ^rpxmising a _ i AU., .408; W .Davls, L jA., .396. Davis has banged out 11 hits for toe Pirates, who overcame collected toe other Barber hit, AtlEinta 16 16 .484 8 hand in o i^ iti^ r ^ a |)aMbaU except for Mori- m erger occurs, But Ar(en Preblud, attorney Wailt Frazier of New York and ... . , . LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — Joe Louis and Max RUNS — Bonds, S.F., 29; in his last 13 trips to the plate, a 2-1*/.n fifthTirrn inninginnine' deflcHueiicxL andojm the team getting only six. Car- Houston 14 17 .462 8% Breezing ^long undefeated througl} six games, Elling- league, such as the uto old Twilightxwimbih. gj^y.g entryaatry in tnetoe warnoraHartford 'Rie players’rfavem’ group opposes tor the ABA Players Assocl- Bobertsl mark in toe triple Jump, form er- 880 Relay—1-!38.5. Memchester— mont,” Arthur Sseligson, owner drove in the only run. pace toe club. Teammates Ken Klock Co. tied toe gsune In EEist Granby at Ellington with BiU Halloway winning the g Llnslnblgler. marks in a trlEuigular track ly held by Chuck Lankford, Rhodes-Chllson-Slade-Prior 100 and 226yarf dEishes. _____ meet wli)i Windham smd Nor- The latter had last year a Jump 440 Yard—51.5, Alden (N), Bleller of Uncteisclous, said Tuesday. Widiiott, now 6-8, collected iperry had a circuit blow and toe sixth and added another run OoU (M), Peck (M) BRINS YOUR ‘ MEIRNCHOLY BABY” South Windsor, Bloomfield at ’The Pats are now 161 oyeraU pABM LEAGUE wlch Free Academy. of 44’. Angelo’s record Jump was 180 Yd. Lows—22.3, Lavallee (N). SeellgscHi SEild hto horse ^ut eiglit Mte but took Eulvan- three s in ^ s Emcountlng lo r two in toe seventh to down Norm’s and 6-0 in toe COG; Next m eet chj-ia Luz pitched a no-hlttjer Morgan (M). Slade (M) would be flown to New York tage of 18 basea on balls, 11 off r r i ', and Howie Skinner rap- Catering, 7-6, in a closely con- PteinvlUe ______^______’The Indians split toe m eet 46’6% ” . 8M Yd.—2:02.2, Miner (N). Gates TO MILEX...WE’1L MAKE IT SIN6 A6AINI is Friday against Rham High in Stevenson’s Esso beating Windham Hlg^i 89% to Steve Gates continued his drive (M), Geyer (M) sometime this week to prepare atEurter and. loser Pete Depka, p^d outt hree singles. tested contest, THURSDAY, MAY 18 220 Yd.—23.5, Lavdlee (N), Prior for next month’s Belmont to win In a walk. Sldp ^er- uanor 6U 421 x 1621-2 Tony KEmtauskas jdngled li) PRICES ARE BORN Hebron. topped toe 'Professional Bar- 65%, hut losing to Norwich Free in toe mile run with a clocking (M), Rhodes (M) Track Shot — KeUeher (C ), Walter bers, 163. Academy, 76-70. This was toe of 4:87.7. BUI Rhodes won toe 2 kUe—10:29.8. Rice (N). HUl (N). StEikea. man’, three hito—one tor three Sportoman 200 018 1 77I8 -4 toe winning run for Klock. Mike (C ), Wyzykowskl (Y ) 46’6%” . Coco (N) boM s—^pEuiod Wolcott. Orlowaki hEid three hits with South Windsor at Bloomfield 1 MUe Rly.—3:36, Manchester— ENGINE TUNE-UP URAKE SPECIAL M MANCHESTEH OLDS ASD at Ellington Discus—Wyzykowskl (V), Kel- Bleller<5owen-Gates-Peck Walcott Tech Acadia Restaurant allowed Kaatauakas and A1 Grzyb . Rockville at Woodrow WUswi leher (C ), CEirlson (V ), 134’6%” . Javelin-188’7". Walsh ,(M), In- Indian Ckilfers Dean, 2b, 2 "i Tedfmfi’a Barbers only four hlte out two safUe.. .# 46rtep elertrenlo ettgine awdyrts e Beptooe brake IhdBg aU 4 wheels 512 W CENTER ST,, MANCHESTER Javelin — WyzykoWskl (V), tagllata (M), Korenklewicx (N) ZukowskI, p. 1 0 and one run 08 they buried Norm’s, outoltting too winners I Tennis Shot—46’8V4” ’, Hamel (N). Duffy e 8 6.t^ preeisioa tane.«p by e Parte aal labor gaaraateed K M Nelson (V), Peracchlo (C), (M), Rose (N) Sherman, u, mUeo/186 days ooort to oeort 643-1 51 1 Simsbury at South Windsor Divide Matches Sobol, c. 1 8 them, 161 behind a 22-hlt ou6 17.11, were paced at toe plate specirttot. Discus—^ISO’i ” , Mahoney (N) e Brake Uatag gaaiaadeed 4M66 Rockville at Bloomfield 160’8” . Hamel (N), Lurocher (N) Not being aWe to put bolea ContoA-^ « . g J put. . by John Roberts’ four hlte fol- e neetrottle oorboretor adjostment Long Jump — Howell (V), High Jump-5'0” , Hayes (N), Irt- ot ffood gdkt together, Mancne8> poUo^ cf. 0 0 Roland E^^earln, with a tr^e lowed by Dave (Jartoon, Ray e Ortlbrote borte fimbm mllee/86 maalhs Bristol Eaattm at Mimches- taglmta (M), Dunn (N) e Ports MttI hdior guaiOateed 6,666 e SpeehdlrtB la dtoe brakw . . . AND RAISED ELSEWHERE PapEinoe (C ), Walter (C), Long Jump—^22"3%” , IntEudlata ter a triangular rf. 0 0 and two ringles 'that drove In Janeck, Dan Gagnione, Jack ter OD. Degado (N), Anderson (M) mlles/lM days oeort to coast on Ameileaa A Vsrrtga ears. ' GoU 20’11%”. match with Bristol Central Sellno, cf. 0 0 three runs, led toe winners at McAdnm and Jim ChomweU, all ’Triple Jump — Papanos (C), 'Triple Jump—tf'6%”Jump—45’ , Intagliata llEUddewicz, rf, ' East Catholic at Fitch (M), Perry (N) Dunn (N) emd Wethersfield High yes­ Richardson, Sb, ® g toe plate with Ron Nlvtoon ^th two hlte. Platt, Hall at Manchester Howell (V), Peracchlo (C), Pole Vault—iO’O”,” alt—iO’O” Tongo----- (N), terday at. toe Wetherafleld ------pounding out two doubles and Klock 021 021 1-7-11-8 41’6” School Record. Kasel (M). Bunco (M) 27 17 Manchester vs. Windham Cbuntry Cflub. The Indians d6 TotoU Chenoy Toeh (1) 8 9a safety with Jeff Ltberwlrto Norm’s Oil 202 0-617-4 FRIDAY, MAY 14 High Jump — BlweU (C), 120 Yd. High—16.9, Tyo(M)V Rey­ h rbi getting three singles nolds (W), Gowen (M) tested Brtotol 61, but bowed to ab r Baseball Howell (V), St. Martin (C). 6’0” . 100 Yd. Dash—10.3, Rhodes (M). Wethersfield, 62. The Trlbi g Tedford’s four hit. were com- DUSTY LEAGUE Th« IntxpBnsivH O nt For Pole Vault — Ooms (C ), St. Prior (M). Potvln (W) EEist Catholic at Northwest Mile—4:^.7, Gates (M), Stone- record to now 8-61. Deltosa, lb. 0 pUed by SchllUng*. After hwliig their Mawn open- Catholic Martin (C). Baines (V), 181’1%” ^ mon (ML J. Switchenko (W) MUie Bonadies f« r the E a gle. j j ’p ’ Q doublM, J^m Lebans double ^ defending league champion School Record. 880 Relay—1:35.6—MEUichestei— 1898 HeiU at MEinchester Rhodes-Chllson.BIade—^Prior w a . medEtitot with a 78, aeven Donnelly,' ^ 0 Ciiter CSongo regrouped their TOYOTA Cheney ’Tech at WlndhEun 120 HH - 7 Elwell (C), Hawes 440 Yard—52.9, BleUer (M), Peck ovsr par. He fired a 87 on toe g a stogie and drove in the only ^ Multi Clr- COROLLA TWO DOOR SEDAN Tech (C ), Roberts (V ), 17.6 (M). Charron (W) front nine and esu^ded 41 on toe ss, 0 taUy. • 4 Spead Syn. Tftnt. • .Whitawalli 100 — HEiHoway (V ), Benoit* 180 Yd. Lows—23.0, Reynold* (W). ... —- ,.««« Robertoon MifJMC BS THE NAIIOM'S LEADING AIB OONDITiONlNO SPECKAUBT South Windsor at Windsor Moigon (M), fflade (M) bao kride. Bmliav**’ if Acimia Psu*. 81-9. The gam e w a . call- • D iic Irak*! • Full Vinyl Iniarier PlEiinviUe at Rockville (C ), Baines (V ), 10.7 880 Yd.—2:07.6, Harrington (W). BESULTS: Wetoerrfleld — CTaSle. 'rf. T ed forf’s • NyUn Carpah e Caniplata Toal Kit MUe — Andeen (V ), (3urry Geyer (M), Levesque (W )' 010 000 0 1* at to© end of five and h£df Ask for Dovo • Cifaiatla Lighltr • Undarcoating Stafford at Ellington 230 YdT-24.0. Prior (M). Rhodes “ Ooumeen 44-4687, Bonadle. 87- 24 1 5 1 Inning because of dEurkness. Coventry at Bacon Academy (C), Powers (V), 4:66.2 (M), Potvln (W) 41-78, CkondElU 8S-47-86, O irtin innings 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 Total* INDY LEAGUE O' Flew Thni Vant,. • Touch Up Paint 440 — K. Gankofskle (C), Lull ~ Mile—10:; '3:12.4._____ HInkley (W), 164412X 17 Bob Magnano went 6 6 with 249 IRO AD STHBET • R a in in g Front Saati • Thaft Proof Locks Bolton at PorilEmd Williamson (W), Geyer (M) 44-47-91; Manchester — Henllc 0001000- 1 Playing catch-up ball, VFW (V ), F arad (V ), 64.3 1 Mile Rly.-^:86.ft Manchester— eight RBI’s With teEunmate. (Near ttw Paikade la Maaohertw) • Tintad ,6 U si A ll • Rally Typo Gauges ' Rham at Esist Hiimpton 43-40-88, Home 42-89-8(1, Downey ------squeaked poM Gunver’a Stsunp- cia ien ce SwlUer, Bob Herdlc • And 11 Other Standard Extra Faaturas A t No Extra Charga | 180 LH — Waiter (C), Hawes r Bleller-OowenklateB^l^eck Track JAvelln—1B8'7” , Walsh (M), In> 464686, Annum 42-47-89; B r ^ era, 169, last night .^t Keeney and Oari Reggerlo' aU had four' (C ), Hubbard (V ), 22.4 Smith 48-48-86, Kennedy B o t s t a r e W a m e o 6484U67 K.MU Jk'il Manchester at Wethersfield ----- , Duffy ■ (M), CSiall- tiA — Tom Boto- Field. The winners scored three hit. with Gordon C)eer rapping Vstd Ctrl GoU 8 ^ — K. GEinkofskie (C ), Lull foux (W), Crockett (H) 47-44-91, flobota 48-46-89, Okula- BOSTON (A P ) HOURS: Mea. - 8a*. 65 (V), D. Carden (C), 2:07.4 , (Herald pboto by Bucelvlclui) Discus—124’S%", ChainJlfoiuf (W). ture, former bead coach at run. In the fourth luid two more gut three Mfeties. Mike MePar- ★ Ellington at East HEUtforf Duffy (M), Horn (W) 48-4689. in the rixth. thy and John Hatoe. had a psdr We Hsaor Baak Aaaerleard, Martsi 220 — Halloway (V), Curiy SENIOR cm Z E N CHAMPS — Ernest Segerberg, Blanche Millett and Ivan High Jum p^’lO"', IntagllaU (M). — Holy CroMS, was named by toe GATUBOAY, MAY 15 (C), Benoit (C), 23.6 i' ' Bolt (W), Chose (ID, Hammond (W) ANTONIO, Texa»-^An- New England Patriot, of toe A1 Lange, gotog 4-4, drove in of hit.. MagnEUio otoq Usd a u n BOlex, lae. Cterge aai OAF Johnson were winners in yesterday’s second annual golf and bowling tourna­ „Long Jump—19'7" Steams (w). SAN LYNCH MOTORS Baseball 2 MUe — Barbieri (V ), Nelson ments of the Manchester Senior Citizens. Segerberg i>aced the golfers with a Bolt (W). Anderson (H) gel Macias, 181, Mtodoo Oty, National FootbaU League Tues- toe winners 1 ^ tw o^ ^ rfth ^ e EUst Catholic at Gilbert (V). Zuzel (C), Triple Jump—46’6%” . Intagliata out Thomas, day to a port of full time scout a smashing double. Dick Fon- Congo 8 6 2 9 7 X ■31—81—2 Arttft iMTgtst Toyota Oaa/ar” nine-hole score of 44. Mrs. Millett and Johnson won the bowling titles with 205 (M),, Steams (W), Walsh (M) 860100 9 - 1 4 - 6 34S CMttr St., Manchester Mi-4321 Track 880—Coventry (Curry, Hawes, Pole Vault—lO-O ", Sadlon (W), S^SSa^JouTS!, 8 . ^ pertoSnel lurtrtant. tanella, Jim OeUo. Bto Sohlok, Multi St. Paul’s InvitationEd, Bristol PEtpanoe, K. GEinkofskie) 1:89.6 and 243 scores. Prizes were awarded at last night’s sports night at the center. KEuel (M)," Bunce (M)

<*• . y. w V

MANCHlSSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. C''N>T. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,> 1971 PAGE THIRTY-THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 PAGE THIBTY-TWQ BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wonted-Femate 35 Help ¥^eiHed Mole 34 OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Busineu Serviees 13 THERE OUGUTA BE A LAHV BUGGS BUNNY GEunmAi, ootm uenNo — ^ ■' ...... PART-TEMB sales women, LUBRKJATION men lor gi^as- Antmr to Provioat Pozxb ply in person only, 8 to U a.m. ing trucks and traUera with NO job too email, none too W O MATTER WHERE THE OFFICE CHICWS B u t im a r e s t a u r a n t w h e r e h e m ig h t r THERE SHOULP BE o r 8 to 7 p.m., Pine Bakery, mobile unit to work in Hart- Singing Groups CLASSIFIED Urge, wlU paint or make dog OO, LUPUS IS RlGHTtHERE WITH 'EM! •» BE EXPECTED ID PICK OP THE TAB '■ SOME WAV TO ENP THIS - BOV. 668 O nter St., Manchester. - ford area. Experience neces­ /WENIAl. A S S H S N M e m - VA PRACTICE. O l i ^ WH6 M IW S E T T D house, landscape anything, THe/ JUST CAST LOSE HiM - . DOES HE KEEP HIS DISTANCE ! sary. AU fringe benefits. $8 p e r HOOPl-E O>«R80ABP WrrHCXIT HAKINkS AAARIHA Latvia build or paint bridge. Bstl- o u T s to e . PISTRNJSHT/ WHAT ACBOSS WATIRBSS — Bar maid, part- hour to start. OaU-for appoint­ T IU . y A & E T HG IMAGES A LOCKV PIMCH/ 53 Heavy weight m atea w ith sm ile. 644-2874. I D O N 'T RREHT1U06E GIRLS FR0M| WrtERe?«-0H,HO- NOW I'M STUCK WITH HIAA A P r r v T H A T I 'M T O O 1 ----- club ADVERTISING JJPUS, time, no experience. Apply In ment, 688-^33 between 10 a.m. A v r u . VAUuAsi.e TO ate 5 Group o { two 54 Pine or 4EE0AHV HELP! QUIT VOURO=FICE.SIR?'■WANT. I’M PRACTiCALLV person. VlUa Louisa Restau­ UNTIL. H6 FAP6S RiNRfYI poplar CliEiANINQ — Interior — both an d 8 p.m .‘ B&TTER.V BUT I'LL TU R N IN M.V epAIZep.'SOMETIMES singers \ FINISHED-'-C^UICN? X ENVY THE IHAN O f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS residential and commercUl. POLI0WMG ME AROUND.' METD9EAT1HEM rant, Bolton. BARSe BEFORE t 8 Group of three \ DOW N WrW W3U? (sIMME MV DRIVERS for school buses, SMAUL TAUENTSi singers 8 AJi. to 4:80 PJL Satistacto^ work. guaranteed. PROAAOTE WhM 1 ^ u e n t CHECH.' WOMAN WANTEa> — ‘ Ught Manchester schools. 7:80 to 12 Free For friendly free eatimates, cooMng and cleaning to r nurs­ 8:46 a.m., 2:16 to 8:46 p.m. Ex­ 14 Tear asunder 2 Resort near Venice COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Call Suburban Floor Mainten­ ery schoed. FuU time. 669-lSlO. cellent part-time opportunity. 15 Worshiper 3 Black (p oet.) ance, M9-9229. 16 Feminine W e tra in you. 643-2414. 4 Slippery fish mountain 40 Semiprecious 4tN PJO. DAT BHFOKB PUBUOA'nOM CTiBRK — Must like to work name stone DetmUne tor SatiBdiV end M«kUgr ia «|M p.in. FMtey TREBS cut — Free estimates. 17 Japanese 5 Stunned 23 Marsh plant with figures. Benefits. Gaer DRUG.Clerk o v e r 2 1, peut- 6 Shoshonean 24 Sleeveless 41 ^Ucitude Have pick up truck will do odd Bros., 140 Rye St., South Wind- time, evenlngs or weekends, fe ^ v a l 42 Waste 18 French Indiana garment job e. C o ll 742-6016. experienced, driver’s license. 7 O ver (p oet.) 25 Concerning allowance sor. JJ plural article PLEASE READ YOUR AD No phone calls. MlUer Phar­ 8 British (2 w ords) 43 Am erican LAWN mowers almrpened and | 19 Incorrect 26 Spanish rive r state m acy. BY LANK LEONARD 20 Ancient vehicles Ctaaellled or "Want Ads” ere token over tbe plMMie e » e rqialred. Pick-up and deliver. MICKEY FINN 9 Painter, 27 K illed 44 Russian eonvenknoe. n e edvertlaer eheold read Ida ed tbe FIB8T 21 Cattle genus emperor- CaU 649-7968. CLERK SETWING ENGINEER Elxperi- 22 Roman god G uido----- 28 Social DAT IT APPEAB8 and BBPtHKT ERBOR8 in time tar tta YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO GEORGE RAYFLAX! WE'RE PLACING YOU 10 Hostelries gath erin g 45 Chateaubriand next Inaertlmi H m Herald is responsible tor on^-ONH In- enced In sewing machine me­ PLBASB COU£ X L E T M E o f the low er hero AMBSTTB work. Repairs on For warehouse office to CALL M Y RHONE YOUR LAWYER FROM \ UNDER ARREST! THE CHARGES world 1 1 Poetic forms 30 Ages and oerreet or emitted Inserthm tor any adverttaement and then chanics in textile or garment , W ITH u s ! W C 'fff ^ 13 Small brooks ages 46 C olloquial , driveways, walks, holes, etc. ' work nights, Sunday 8 p.m . FROM THE DISTRICT LAWYER! TH ER A -’S O FFICE! YOU ARE ARE EXTORTION AND FIRST 4 n 25 John (Gaelic) A H ij to the extent of a "make good” Inserllan. Brrora ntdeh industry. Good growth poten­ DEGREE MUJRDER! 19 Excellent 31 S p y,----- Hari ascbnt N o jo b to o sm aU. CaU 648-9112. to 4:30 a.m., and Monday ATTORNEY'S OFFICE!, CHAR6EP WITH MURDER IN 26 Superlative do net leeaen tbe vahw ot the adverUeement will not be tia l. S tarts to $12,000. N o fe e , THE FIRST DEGREE! (coU.) 33 Distinct part (2 w ord s), through Thursday 7 p.m. to V HERE'S THE WARRANT! • t su ffix 48Feline oarreeted b j “ make good” IniiiftliH Rita Personnel, 646-4040. 29 Multitudes 20 Expel 37 Acute LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also ; 3:30 a.m . 1 ANPSO 38 W ild animal 49 Ultimate 30 Voices and 21 M ale voice moving large appliances. ALL THREE 22 Greek 39 Embellish (ab .) ENGINEER Senior Mfg. any _i> e c p E T instruments Burning barreU delivered, $4- Company offers excellent AAE/MBERS 32 Composition degree -with 6-10 years experi­ • n to u s H T s - i 3 4 r - T“ 1 “ 5“ IT 644-1776. wages, and working condi­ , O FTH E , fo r seven r - ence in the manufacturing and CO/MAAANP 643-2711 tions, convenient free park­ . singers 12 13 l4 YOUNG MAN wUl mow and ing and excellent free bene­ processing of printed circulta • a r e 34 District lAPPREHENOEa trim law na. C a ll 649-9428 fo r fit program. Apply including plating, etching, 35 Refreshing i ! ” Autom obiles For Sole 4 drink ______estim ate. laminating etc. Starting to OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN $16,000. N o fe e . R ita P erson n el, 38 Compass iT” 1967 V A L ^ 6 cyltader, aulch STEPS, sidewalks, stone walU, FIRST NATIONAL reading matic. BxceUent running con­ 646-4040. 37 Packs away flrepUces, flagstone terraces. / a e r w it h i t o r a m p - p a c k ' VCXJ DO WHAT you LIKE WITH dition. $700 or best offer. Phone STORES, INC. -)OOR RAZOR IN A^orm BALLS HOUR b a c e a n p t l l d o l ik e 38 Tw ice 27 n AU concrete repairs, both in­ Building Controeling 14 Bonds - Help Wanted-Female 35 ENGINEER — ELECTRICAL I WISE/ NOWARE MOU OONNA (m usic) 22 W IT 872-4566, an ytim e. PARK & OAKLAND a m p CO ItaJR TMINOIA SET - 4 side and outside railings, land- BSEIE. Three years experience OF MUTTON CHOPS WOOLP I STOP WITH THAT HOORAV-FDR- 39 Exclamation w scaping. Reasonably priced. CARPENTRY and remodeling, SfOCkS — M OTtgogCS 27 ------AVENUES In circuit design of underwater BY AL VERMEER LOOK OREAT ON M30 —OR WHISKERS PITCH AN’ OlVE ME o f Udumph 1964 COMET, V-8, 4-door sedan, a- U ttle m ore PRISCILLA’S POP MAVBe THE FULL TREAT­ A SHAVE—OR AM 1 OONMA BE 40 Group of C a ll 643-0661. re c room s, d orm ers, kitchens, m OR'KJAOBS — 1st, and 2nd., detection systems required. s r air-conditioned, mint cimdition. than average, have a G.C.S. EAST HAR'TPORD, MENT WOULP BE FORCED TO GAMBLE AND ASK eight singers additions and g garages. a ra ge s . CaU mortgages —Interim financing A r e a com pany. S tarts to $14,- MOUR MOTHERTO no IT f CaU 643-5496 a lte r 6 p.m . RUG cleaning, -window clean­ house p a rty . CaU 646-0067, 643- CONN. TOURBAO... 43 Harem room w U p r TOm O orb ltt, 648-0086. — expedient and confidential 000. N o fe e . R ita P erson n el, OH, IT ISN'T 44 Three times ing, floor reflnishlng, floors ______TODAV, IN M Y^ PRETTY YOU HAVE 1967 FAHtLANB XL, V-8, 0 6 4321. 646-4040. ' BOOK, 1 SCALE NICE, T ALL THE ALU THAT EASY (comb, form) service. J. D. Real Estate PT automatic transmission, buck­ stripped and poUshed. R A R UoofJng _ Siding ,THE TOWERIN® HOLLYHO< /FUN AND PRISCILLA! 47 Estuary o f ' F lo o r C a re, 625-4392. A ssoc. 648-6129. MONEY for a spring wardrobe ' MANAGER — Ehivironmental ^ HIMALAYAS.^ N O N E O F the Aniazon Hi IT 42 46 46 e t seats, 644-80CM. TMB can be yours as you meet peo­ poUution control department. 48 Companies 40 Help Wonted-Mole 36 .DANGER! o f singers v r 1969 KARMANN GHIA convert- ple, win prizes, have fun. Avon Must be degreed and experi­ 50 G reek war md SuJmliv!, U 1 lH««- «»> ------Territories are available now. enced In environmental poUu­ BO 81 Ible, low mileage, one owner. SALES and Service representa­ god light trucking. Free estimates. Just caU : 289-4922. tion control technology, sci­ B eat o ffe r . 646-2610 o r 628-0222. trim. Roeding instaUation and tive — Opening for an ambi­ 51 Means of S3 54 CaU 649-7469. GULP ence, instrumentaUen systems! transportation ii rep a irs , 649-6495, 876-9109. tious reliable, hardworking I960 C H R Y S L E R 300, air-con d i­ LET ONE of our trained coiin- etc. Must also be a proven 4 52 Man from TIMBERLAND Tree Service— person who would like to woik tioned, exceUent running c m i- SERVICE STA'nON selora assist you In finding manager and top communica­ (NIWSPAPIR INTIRPklii ASSN.) into management. Five-day d ltion . $700. CaU 872-2218. r^mired and replaced. Rea­ your next action packed posi­ to r. S ta rtin g s a la ry $20,000- cleared. No job too big FOR LEASE week, salary plus commission sonable prices. Free estimates. tion. All fees paid by client $30,000 ran ge. N o fe e . R ita P e r ­ smaU. Fifteen years experi­ and car allowance. Other com­ 1088 VOLKSWAOEIN, bug, sun- 646-1899. companies. Rita Girl, 99 Blast ence. Bonded and insured. 648- sonnel, 046-4040. m ro o f $1,200 o r b est o ffe r. M ust ------Located at comer of West Mid­ Center St., Manchester. 646- pany benefits. Apply In per- ______c a 0473. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER seU. 742-6662. Roofing and dle Tpke. and Broad St., Man­ 3441. son. Singer Oo., 866 Main St., b u s i NEJSS partners seek ambi­ r - ii S1 i es a Chester—one of the busiest in- Manchester. tious persons to grow wlOi ex- 5-tt T.M. Ujt Nt.n 00. \ \ 1969 MGB wire wheels, over- AIR-CONDl'1'iONINQ sales and CIlliniMyS ****** tersections in town. pandlng of^xMlunity. EYm: ap- service including installation, PART-TIME, medical assistant fl! 1 »i\\ drive, new Mlchelln tires, Ex­ or LPN wanted for local medi­ p c ^ tm e n t c a ll 648-0664. 1 . ceUent condition, famUy out­ both commercial and private ROOFING — Speclal^g re- presently In operation, BY PHIL KROHN t i u 9 cal office, experienced not ne­ TECHNICIAN GUMMER STREET grew car. 6464899. homis. Also commercial re- pairing roofs of all kinds, new jj-oeiient opportunity for the TRUCK driver wanted — to cessary, wiU train. Hours frigeraUcMi service. Ccaico Me­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys indlvldu^. travel 16 states covering Elast 8-12. cleaned and repaired. 80 years moiv.uua.. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Ebcperienced Pneumatic and m , 0oc?p*»■<*• VOLKSWAGEN sedan 1966, ex- ch an ical S ervices, 648-9345. cOast and mid west. Must have F rid a y , 1-6 p.m . T u esd a y e v e ­ Blectircal assembler. Must YOU A LjoflPreP?... P 0 (? 6 £ r ceUent condition, one owner, experience. Free estimates. paid Training two to three years experience. WU A I'a 5HO(D POWER lawn mowers over­ CaU H o w ley , 643-6361. nin g 6-8 p.m. Please reply to be capable of reading I'M AWFUUTAlie$tY.. IT! EOCIIJ8 $960. 644-1364. Contact Russell Feed Company, Lott and Found 1 hauled, call 649-7774 after 4 e Financial Assistance Box N, Manchester Herald. Schematics of both types of OH M 6 S m B T Andover, Conn. V 0OT U5.... y p.m . H eating and Phim bing 17 systems and assemblying BY FRANK O’NEAL FOUND — The best place to 1951 VOLKSWAGEN 6 passen- e Excellent retirement and in­ AT l 6A$r5MllGBOl>t'CAR6$ SHORT RIBS SALESWOMEN, full or part- same on small machines. EXPEaUBNOElD John Deere GRANT'S Plumbing Service — surance program iw Tiia te» frO ^ o m e U cbooee home decorations and g-er pick-up, 742-7416. time. Phone, 646-4422 for Inter­ Position offers good wages, backhoe operator and dozer. glfU . la Your Gift OaUery at ------JUNK cars removed, $8. CaU EVee eriimates, plus quality view. Pilgrim MUls, Manches­ For more Information call— working conditions, liberal S teady w ork . CaU 742-6190. W atU n a, 936 M a in St. Y o u r 672-9483. w o rk . 648-6341. te r, Conn. fringe benefits for fuUy ex­ home town friendly world of Trucks - Troeton CALL us for all of your heating 1-800-922-2488 days (toll free) perienced applicant. NO EXPERIENCE gifta. Telephone, 648-6171. TREE SERVICE (Sourier)— GIRL for p€u1-time work, some 1967 FORD EcotioUne aU good REQUIRED—SELL Trees cut, building lots clear­ and or plumbing Meds. Free 1 ^ 3. 588.8935 evenings, lyplnfi? small Manchester of­ tire s, less than ^30,000 actu al LOST—Btamese cat, emswers to ed, treee t<9 ped. Got a tree estimates gladly given. Leak­ fic e . $2 p e r hour. 623-6276. 3 3 -Ling, -vicinity of Maple St. miles. Inquire Fisher Clean­ problem! Well worth phone ing faucets fixed, no job tpo ------NOBLE & WESTBROOK (jCX)D HUMOR ers, 325 Broad St., Manchester. P le a s e c a ll 649-3266. caU, 742-8262. small. M AM Plumbing A WOMEIN to care for two school 20 Westbrook St. / \ \ ^ K H ea tin g, 649-2871. age children for working moth­ 1970 EL CAMINO, blue with SHARPENING Service — Saw s, ______er. CaU after 6 p .m ., 649-6890. East Hartford, Conn. ICE CREAM FOUND — Large black rabbit, white vinyl top, 360 engine, 4- knives, axes, shears, skates, SAM WATSON Plumbing and OPERATING start at once BY FRANK BAGINSKI caU 649-3747 a fte r 3:16 p.m . speed transmission, meuiy ex­ rotary blades. Quick service. Heating, Bathroom remodel­ DRIVERS for school buses, Earn High Income PLAIN JANE tras. C a ll 643-6016. Manchester schools. 7:S0 to Tel. 289-2717 Oapltol Elquipment Co., 38 ing and repairs. BVee esti­ 8-BAY SUNOCO AU Expenses Paid FOUND — Bassett hound, tan Main St., Manchester. Hours m ates. CaU 649-3806. 8:46 a.m., 2:16 to 8:46 p.m. Bx­ IWAS GpOINGTO g iv e her some Qwi white female. CaU Andover FDRD 1966 EconoUne — no win------^------No cash bond required. High SPEAK, S-IX daUy 7:80-6, Thursday, 7:80-9. ceUent part-time opportunity. EXCERPTS FROM PLATO'S Dog Warden, 742-7194. dows, exceUent condition. Orig- SERVICE STATION MAN to work part-time In fast ub^rai percentage. Over 18. C U A R t L ^ I . S atu rday, 7:80-4. 648-7968. W e tra in you. 843-2414. •REPUBUC‘,BUTSHEfe FOND In al m U eage, 66.000. CaU 1-749- MIHIneiy, FOR RENT food operation In Manchester, driver’s license essential. WANTED — Legal secretary, 9729. Dressm cditng 19 6 days 3-6, one day on week- cSiolce territories available, o Po n o n o b Vernon Circle area. CaU 647- ends 9-midnlght, 80 hours A^ily dally and Saturday 9-6. 1968 CHEVROLET Van, red, Household S ervlc;^ 13-A CUSTOM tailored ladles’ dress­ 9961 or write P.O. Box K, Ver­ w e e k ly . $2.26 p e r hour. CaU URGENT! witnesses to May jovv mileage, 6 cylinder, one------machine repairs, es, suits, alterations and NOW non, Conn. M r. Annum , 647-1076. GOOD HUMOR CORP. 10th, 7:20 a-m . c o llis io n in haU ton. $1,695. CaU 643-4861 W A S H IN G costume jewelry In your stone ------— SUlUvan Ave.-Kennedy Rd. RCA Whirlpool, Kenmore, S - l l ^cklond, between 1070 blue a fte r 6 p.m . p re fe re n ce . 649-1183. SERVICE station salesman Windsor, Conn. Maytag. Reasonable rates. 648- ) mi hr HiA. Uc, TJd. taf. UA Nt. OR. CheveUe MaUbu and 1971 green Sun Oil Co. is taking appli­ GENERAL CLERK with good mechanical experi­ Chevrolet G-60 truck of L.B. 4913, 647-1719. cations on this excellent op- ence, full and part-time work. PAINTERS wanted, experi­ “ I said you’ve been listening to too much Haas Oo., please call Thayer TfO llerS — ------<------— -— ------MovInO — catroiio on mio Full-time opening for an ex­ Apply In person. Silver Lane enced. Top pay and benefits, lUiuMlo kJAklla HnmrT A.A GARDENS, flower beds, lawns Jr , portunity now. rock m usic!" a w w n e , 648-8479.______Mobile Homes 6- a ^to-tiued. caii after 4 p .m .. Trucking - Storage 20 perienced figure clerk In our SheU, 262 Spencer St. year 'round work. CaU 649- Inventory control depeut- 9666. 643-4063. TRUCK DRIVER — Minimum 8 e <5i emtfcfMtAta, TM.ii»u.NLaH ^ ^ COMPLETE travel traUer and ______MANCHESTER — Delivery- • Paid Training m ent. years experience as truck driv­ JANTTOR — Experienced, part- AirtomobBes For Sole 4 TWO handymen want a variety Ught trucking and package de modification, welding, wood­ • Financing Available. Company offers good wages er with same employer. Must time, evenings, East Hartford of jobs by day or hour. We Uvery. Refrigerators, washers working, plumbing and electri­ and working ccwidltions, also have good drivhig safety a re a . CaU 643-6691, 3 to 6 p.m ., BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEW AY NEED CAR? Credit very bad? clean yards, attics and cellars. and stove moving, specialty. MR. ABERNATHY ca l. CaU 742-9747. convenient free parking and record. Starts to $130. No fee. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ R eason a b le. CaU 648-6306. Folding chairs for rent, 649-, For details call Mr. Cox, on ly. BY DICK CAVALLl an excellent free benefit R ita P erson n el, 646-4040. WINTHROP est Douglas accepts lowest 0762. „ . , I canY— ------568-3400 Evenings and program. Apply: , 1 f o r s a l e - 1963 Hi-Lo camp PART-TIME mechanic handy HOINA90UrMlAKIN(7 ^ I HAVE where. Not small loan finance attics cleaned, odd jobs, lawns, ^ . __ O LD ASE 19 pica^ D S 0 ? ID c h a s e THIS MORNING 1 CDOLDN'T traU er, 12’ , $860. CaU 876-0212. with construction equipment Wanted - b f b a c u p o f lD 9 N m * company plan. Douglas Mo- trees cut and removed. Call Pointing - Poporlng 21 weekends, Frank Spilecki, FIRST NA'nONAL O R = 1 HE <3REEPIN<3 CARS ALL C?Ay EVEN CATCH A KID ON and trucks. Call 644-2427. ! ar Femcrie 37 A TTRICyCLE. to n , 346 lifo in . 1967 NEW MOON, 12x60, at lake. 643-6000. R k n o . UPCNAAE... WITHOtrr EVEN C»NTRAC?rOR — Interior, ex- 649-6445. STORES, INC. I'M SLOWING BREATHING HAJZD.. CHEVROLET — 1967 Station orfy as surfer repair power mowers and terior painting, paper hanging, m a n for driving and general W ANTED ^ Ambitions man or PARK & OAKLAND store work, i>art-tlme alter- woman to seU real ests.te fuU DCM/N. w agon , V -8, au tom atic tran s­ residence. Elxcellent condition, gjjarpen hand mowers. Sharp- Discount on waUpaper. Call extras. 875-1666. gjj saws, electric hedge cllih Oscar Hebert, 646-8048. AVENUES noons and all day Saturday, time. For appointment call mission, power steering. Ebc- Apply In person. Flower Fash- Philbrlck, 646-4200- ceUent condition. Call 649-6889 pers and hedge shears. Pick ------— .. ----- r-r 7“ ^ s e rv ic e . SharpaU, 648-6806. E X P E R IE N C E D p a in ter In- EA R N $15,-$25,000 BAST HARTFORD, Ion, 86 B. Center S t . ------a fte r 8 p .m . Motorcycles-Bicycles 11 ______terior — exterior, with refer- AS A CONN. EXPERIENCED ameslte men. ______, 1668 A M X . N e w pain t. C rane Tnsurnnee ^ AIPPLLANCBS moved, efficient- ences. Work guaranteed. CaU MOTORCYCLE Must be able to drive dump PERSONS INTERESTED cam, Janhn's pistons, line lock, ath e *y’ rea son ab ly, even in gs o r 649-8719, lo w rates. CaU Betty Turner, SHELL DEALER trucks and do some laboring. Cragar mags. Ebccellent condi­ w eeken ds. CaU 648-9761 a fte r Crockett Agency, for low rates INSIDE)—outside painting. Spe- SEX3RBTARY - receptionist — 742-6190. IN INTRODUCING 6 p.m . 542. tion . 649-0678. including passenger UabUity. ______clal rates for people over 66. Ambitious man desired now Interesting and challenging for existing 4-bay service position -with a local physlcan. LIGHT delivery In Covwtry SHAKLEE PROD­ BY ROY CRANE 1966 CHEVROLET BelAlr wag- 643-1677, 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . REWEIAVING of burns, moth- Call my competitors, then call BUZZ SAWYER station lo ca ted on M ain Bt. Good typing and accuracy with area, full or part-time. Must C mi kr NIA. Im.. TJd. IU» UX ft. OR. 5 '-< 2 la w holes, zippers repaired. Win- me. Estimates given. 649-7868. AFTER UVIN6 IN PLEASANT ..NOW ITS TO TEXAS WHERE HE WANTS TO STOCK A RANCH on. mUeage. One ow^r. 1939 T R IU M P H T rlte n t, 760 cc. In Manchester, Conn. Excel­ figures essential. Abmty to have transportation Md neat UCTS IN THIS AREA. VVOULD VDU PESCRIBE V e r y g o o d con dition. $700. CaU 3.cyu„der, low mUeage, excel- dow shades made to m easure ------—— ' t— t t ';; VALUEV ALL ms LIFE, HE WITH SAME ANIMALS— GATELLES, WIUPEBEESTS, EVEN all size Venetian blinds. Keys RICHARD E. M ^TIN . B1U1 lent opportunity for aggres­ meet the public a must. Hours appearance. Fold d ^y. Apiny YDUR HUSBAMP'S AfHIONS 118 North Elm St., Manchester. ASAFirCRR/fflCSIMCE „ SUPPENLY WANTS TD MOVE g iraffes a n p e l e p h a n t s . BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE ______le n t condlUon, $1,160. 742-9074. made whUe you wait. Tape professional painting servlM, sive type individual who de­ 9 u n til 6 p.m., Monday through CALL FOR AN AP­ FIRST IT WAS 10 A RANCH CAPTAIN EASY rent. Marlow’s, Interior-exterior. Free esti- sires to be his own boss. HIS RETURNING PROM / TK , C X K A N on e-ow n er 1969 F o rd 1970 R O Y A L E N F IE U D , 760 CC recorders for Thursday, alternating Friday h e a d Discount Teller — three AFRICA? / ' ALL KI0HL. THAT& the CATCH', THEY s o THERE'S NOTHIMO THE ) THAT'S un>, iow mUeage, -vinyl top, 867 M a in St., 649-5221. mates, fuUy Insured. 649-4411. and Saturdays, 9 until 1 p.m. years experience in commer­ POINTMENT. THBFB'S THIS FORMER AMERICAN AOTHOKITIES>/WHEKE W Interceptm*, exceUent condi­ SH ELL OFFERS OF WIUP AMERICAN m . - 8 m m E L b u t n o w YOU’RE A Bie, LIVE IN ITALYAMP SHE V-8, automatic transmission, 4 Send qualifications to Box cial bank teUlng required. BRAVE F B I I KENOUMCED HER U.&. CAN P O l 5— — — T COlWE IN '- tion. M ust b e seen. 649-4688. JAD Painting and paper hang­ 633-9543 notions. SBB* ANP6He» SH E 'S IN new Ores plus 2 snow caps. ”0 ". Manchester Herald. Starts to $160. No fee. Rita RIEP TD A PRIMCB A6ENT..SO /citizenship when s h e 15V, OLP ing. Interior, exterior. Free • ExceUent paid training trouble ANP iPORT P r ic e d rig h t. CaU 643-1164. 1666 Y A M A H A , 260 cc, s tree t -^HKCO VALENT!I SHE MEEP5 HELP HER' Building Confraering 14 estimates. Reasonable. Call •.Financial assistance REXrlSTEUUZ) Nurse — Maine P erson n el, 646-4040. scrambler. Model YD&|3^, HELP! 872-4666. Music Camp. Excellent work­ SHALA dune buggy, 140-1- Cor- manxm and white. ExceUent NEWTON H SMITH A SONS— • Insurance and retire­ ing, living conditions, beside valr, kfickey Thomson, Stew- condition. $ ^ . 64M.477 after, Remodeling, repairing, addl- EXPSaUENCED local teachers ment plan m b eau tifu l lak e. June 28 to U g d art^Wamer, Sun, Durachrome, ions, rec rooms, porches and looking for homes to paint this • Many more benefits AEWI 6 p.m . A ugust 23rd. CaU 649-2666. WANTED $3,600 In v e rie d . $2,000. 647- summer. CaU for free esti­ roofing. No job too smaU. CaU GET THE FACTS ^ I f 1701. 649-3144. m ates, even in gs, 649-4466 o r BOOKKEEPER — part time, MALE FOR LIGHT Buslneu Sendees 13 668-9187. CaU coUect week days' 1-628- no set hours. Apply in person. DORMERS, garages, porches, TRUCKING, LOAD­ WRITB 1966 SUPBSR Sport CSieveUe, q iRIVEUVAY sealing, tree re- 9401, Mr. t'alumbo. Nights Podunk 3011 Restaurant, 989 rec roopis, room addiUems, b . H. MAGOWAN JR. A Sons, and w eeken ds, 1-666-6100 M r. Ellington Rd., South Windsor. ING, DB^JVERY, etc. L . * ' V - '■ I $1,800. 648-2061. moval, also Ug^it trucking and kitchens, add-arlevels, roofing, Interior and exterior painting, Jarvis. Or write SheU Oil PLUS GENERAL P.d. BOX 711 KY V. T. HAMLIN odd jobs, yard work. Reason­ siding, general repairs. Qual­ A LLE Y OOP F O R D 1966 Countiy Squire, paper hanging. Hilrty years O o., 477 Conn. B lv d ., E ast m a t u r e woman to be com­ able rates, free estimates. CaU ity woriimanship. Financing ‘ WORK — CALL MANCHESTER ' . 1 power steering, power brakes, experience, four generations. H a rtfo rd , Conn. 06108. panion housekeeper to elderly TEAH( VCXJ I I w,m « llnovv, WQke, 289-6829 o r 643-8676 a fte r available. Economy Builders, _ HOMMMAfn«UBS RUNNINfA 'COURSE, I alXLcondltioning, 862, V 8, 2-w ay Free estimates, fuUy Insured. lady Uving in one-level ranch. 568-5000 O B C A L L A0.7HMredPlE eucssiFTOU 6 p.m . In c ., 648-6169, 872-0647 e v e ­ CANT a o WITH \OUf POLICE SIKTE BY MDL.'rON CANIFF tailgate, exceUent condltipn. 643-7861. Light housekeeping duties, KRAUSE CATERERS R E A U Y STEVE CANYON nings. work every other week, alter­ 649-5277 IMLNTAfiQ. ess-0 0 8 9 . ______MANCHESTER Welding Ser- NAME your own price, painting, nate week oft. Also most Sat­ 465 Hills St., E. Htfd. — ^ ^ vice comer Durant and West l b o n CIBSZYNSKI buUder — paperhanging, rem o v a l. 35 AU repUee eonfMawtlal have I BEEN ONLY '^UMMER.HONEV, V v o ilR OENUINE SYMPATHY^ pT NOW THEY VE TURNEpVyou BOUSHT HIM A TKXET' J A V E L IN S8T , 1968, V 8 auto- urday afternoons and Sundays ON H IM -IN THE JONOLE BACK TD HIS JOB INSTEAP Middle Turnpike. General new homes custom buUt, re­ J WINDOW Df!ES$IN6 FOR THE STOREKEEPER FOR BENNY /MADE HIM ihatlc, ftiMiy equipped. CaU af­ PT^pt ^service, fuUy Insured. ^N,, Nurses Aide’s and off. Own room and TV. Please POTS HIS MOST ACCEPTABLETOTHEREAL FASHION OF HUNTEP . OF A KNIFE IN THE BACK welding repairs, home owneni modeling, additions, rec Satisfaction gukranteed. OaU __,,__ a ,u ^ - steve,ipo n Y www ’benedet'-id DEUVER t e r 4 , 6494)679^______O rderU es. AU Shifts, fuU or c a ll 649-8068 a ft e r , 6 p.m . OOPfiEOUS THINOS PE5ERTERS CREATURES! t^ ^ F R O M A REP COUNTER-ACENT and sports equ^xnent. rooms, garages, kitchens re­ WHETHERTD BEANSKV . that microfilm TD J e rr y K en n y, 647-9664. p art-tim e. BxceUent benefits IN TH E WINDOWTD 1968 IK P A L A , 3-doM’ hardtop, modeled, bath tile, cement to include fliU paid insurance, EXCHANGE spare time for MAKE HIS ROrMTl iP. LEWIS A SON, custom V-8, automatic, radio, other ex- BULLDOZER bMUioe worii. Steps, dormers. Resl- J. cash. Earn up to $5 per hour land cleeolng, state Ucensed decorating, interior and ex­ vacation, hoUdays,. sick pay, O- tras. Original owner, excellent dential or commercial. CaU demonstrating Lau ren e’ s FEMALE HELP WANTED terior, papeihanging, fuUy In­ etc. Meadows Convalescent con dition . 648-2880. for instaliotlon of septic tanks 649-4291. Spring line of gifts and jewel- sured. For free estimates caU C en ter, 646-232L and sewers. Paul Schendel, 1 7 . We want three pet^le in fcP m a s o n a r y work, steps, slde- 649-9668. I f no an sw er 64341862. 6494M35. PART-TIMB beauty salon your area. Managers needed in " * S sm t. 1988 M G B , lo w m U eoge, re a ­ -wallu, floora, patio, walls, re- receptionist. CentraUy located. some areas. Free catalog. CaU pairs, etc. BTeld stone ft spe­ sonable. CaU 648-616L______24 Pleasant atmosphere and 643-6942 o r w rite L au ren e Oo., A fuU-time permanent posillcn Is now open for a time- ciality. Free estimates. AU Floor H nM ilfig Iqeeper. This position wlU appeal to the woman who enjoys 1962 F O M T IA C B onnevlU e, pow - TOP QUALITY working condltionsi Reply Box G oriien , Conn., 06763. work guaranteed. Call after SANDING, and refin- "RR” , Manchester Herald. w o n i^ with figures and is able to do light typing. B Y COKER and PENN er steering and brakes, low t^ANCELOt PX' LOAM AND FILL 6 p .m ., 643-1870, o r S44-3975. ishing (specialising in older The employe hired wlU train in our Stafford Springs {dost mileage, very good condition. for approxtinately one month and then wlU be permanently POMT THINK OUR NEW TREE ^ Reakcnably priced for quick WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ floors). Inside painting, paper­ ing, ceilings, etc. No job too transferred to our TalcottvlUe plant. lA N C H ! IS REAI7V FOR A HOUSE V eTfJ s a le . OaU 64641966. Also excavating, buUdozing, modeling specialist. Additions, iaaii£3 grading and drainage work, small. John VerfalUe, 649-6760. We (^ er a good Starting salary, a comprehensive benefits rec rooms dormers, porches, program and pleasant working conditions. tt)AlT! FONHIAO station wagon, 1966, commercial and residential. — cabinets, formica, buUt-lns, SECRETARY Come in and see us today. Our employment office In Staf­ // V 8, automatic, transmission, FuUy Insured. bathroom s, kitchens, 840-3446. f BY ROUSON power brakes, i>ower steering, ford Springs is' open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through LITTLE SPORTS Immediate opening for sharp individual. This is F rid a y . radio, excellent running condl- h a l l m a r k BuUdlng Oo. For tkm. $799. OaU d ays, 6434)214. Stocto - Mortgogw 27 Our Personnel Manager wiU be in oiir TalcottvlUe plant on LATUUPPK BROS., INC. home improTOiiMrt, addlUw, a cballenging position involving some figure ap­ Wednesday, May 12th, for interviews. rec rooms, gara^, m ORTQAOB», loana, first, sec- 1969 CUOCARO, sU ver g ra y , 8- a >70 s o a a 742-9477 speed, console, good condition. »7iS-4860 gutters. ^ end, third. AU kinds. Realty titude. Sbortband and typing a must. Good pay, w ork gu aran teed . 347-1290. sta tew id e. C re d it ra tin g unne\:- AMF CUllO DIVISION / CaU after 6, 649-3802. liberal benefits. Call 569-1330, Mr. Centini for essayy. Reasonable. Confiden- STAFFORD SPRINaS PLANT ^ CHBVRfHKn' impala, TWO YOUNG married men N. J. L^TUAMME - Carpenter Additions, lemod- Ual, quick arrangements. A1 Route 82, River Road, Stafford Springs, Conn. convertible new radUUsT^- wUl do smaU repair jobs and. cimtractor. appointment. o o ellng and repairs. CaU any­ v ln Lu n dy A g e n c y , 627-7971. An equal oppmtunity employer. ceUent rumilng condition. One painting, also ceUar d e a i^ 100 C onstitu tion ' P la z a , H a rt­ © o a Mi— tim e for free estimate. 876- (tj IWI kf HtA, Ut, ow n er, $978 « make offer. 646- and light trucking. CaU 346- fo rd . E ven in gs, 233-6879. BOOe 2802, 643-2047. 1642.

■J, •'i'i

PAGE THIRTY-FIVE MAliJCHESTER EVENING HERALD, mNCHESTER, CX5NN., W^ftNESDAY, MAY A3., 1971 MANC3HESTER-EVENINGi h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN, WSpNESDAY, ^ Y 12,1971 Houses Fbr Solo 72 Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole AnIiqiiM 56 Howoc For Sole 72 Resort Property Out of Town Crash-Resister Bumpers CHA-RO-LAItB Antiques Spe­ MANCHESTER. -^L«rge exec­ U>VBLY four-bedroom Coloiil- __ For Sole 74 For Sole 75 cial. Stenciled pine 5-piece bed­ utive 6-bedroom Ranch. Many, ANSALDI BUILT al in desirable Hollywood sec­ BERRY’S WORLD many features including in- tion. Mr. Zinsser, Belflore COVENTRY — Summer cot- OOVB1NTR.Y — Price reduced— ScunJLjatJthiL Held Car Care Cost Cut CLASSIFIED room set Including lift-top Six-room Colonial, plastered Offered by the ground ' pool and overslsed Agency, 647-1418. tage, 4 rooms, aluminum quick sale. Carol Drive, par- conunode, p(he caudle rtand, walls, fireplace, tile baths, WASHINGTON (AP) — Sena- 1973 autos must be capable of double garage, 60’s. Heritage storms, carpeting, treed lot, tlaUy finished 9 room Dutch tors Investigating the high cost wlthstancUng a 6 miles-per-hour circa 1840. Old ott lam ps a buUt-lns, large breeseway, ASSUME 5% per cent mort­ House, 640-2482. .log cabin design, fireplace, Colonial, Borders State Fbrest. of auto repairs have been shown Impact in front and an impact 8i>eclalty, some . electrified. 2-car garage, city utilities, gage or Uberal new financing ADVERTISING $9,000. Hayes Agency, 546-0181. Only $8,500. GoodchUd-BarUett, a bumper designed by an Inven- of 2.6 m.p.h. In the rear without Vl^pping Wood R d., R t 74, BIU- MANCSHBSTER l o w 20’ s large lot, quick occupancy. on this shaded Colonial in es­ PHILBRIGK Realtors, 6492098, 0497887, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ington, 873-S879. tor who claims it Is cheaper, damage to safety features. Eie CHILDREN . . . PRICED to sell. tablished nelt^itxsrfaood. New 6691744, 742-6786. more efficient and safer than rear bumper standard goes to 4 roof and fiimace. Mr. Lom­ Out v f Town 8 A Ji. to 4:S0 PJL Seven-room Raised, Ranch By Sol R, Cohen bumpers planned by the auto ta- m.p.h. by 1974. Who wartt.^ their own bed­ bardo, Belflore Agency, 647- AGENCY « SOUTH WINDSOR' — 7-room Wanted - 1o luy 58 room can have it in this 2 fireplaces, tile baths, For Sole 'V dustry to meet new federal reg- In movies of tests they said COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1418. SOUTH WINDSOR, —.. Birch w HIU, ——------J------Split. Recreation ’ x resolution condemning The measure concerns con- ulatlons for 1978 models. were filmed last Friday and to HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques, neat 4-bedroom C i^. A buUt-lns, 2-car garage, large large 7-room Ranch, cathedral OOVENTRY - Three-bedrown carpeting ^ Soviet suppression of the Jews tributions to the cost of the re- bric-a-brac, locks, frames, large fenced ih yard fea­ treed lot. SEVEN-ROOM clean older After watching movies of tests J{|® ^paonstraUon for sen^te^ «:N PJt. n&T IIEFX»B PIIBUCAHOII ceUtag In Uvlng room, formal C®P®. breezeway, 1-car ga- C^sar Bon Agency, 649 House by a voice hnWiuaMon dlvlslan of the Work- A glassware. We buy estates. tures patio with outdoor home with 2-car garage and and taking test drives Into, a ^® Hornet wtthsto^ DeadUne tor Sotnrda^ and Blonday la 4M pjn. Friday dtatag room , modern kitchen 15*200’ lot. $19,900. Call "083.______yesterday with only State men’s Compensation Oommls- Senate Office building loading Impacts both front rad ^ k of Village Peddler, Auctioneer, fireplace. See it ntow with with areftt faniily Wayne liDller Agency, 228-94&i------.... k ____ /\# ov^iiaiui _*— Mr. Brennan. Call 649-5806. CHARLES LESPERANCE ^ ._xe_.•>______. __ <><>0.01(10 TOLLAND — 4H-room Ranch. Rep. Robert King of Ttolland g|on. platform at more than 6 miles "«>re than 6 m p.h. wlto no 420 Lake St., Bolton, 549-8247. room, 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, 2298618. $16,600. Carpeting, appUances, speaking In opposition, in the twenties. Belflore Agen­ an hour. Sen. PhlUp A. Hart, D- ^ °"® 649-7620 2-car garage, swimming pl, ' amesite drive. Good startbr. The resdluUim calls upon the Manchester State Rep. BYan- Mich., said he Was impressed. « ‘ >"®d t®®^. however, the en- DIAL 643-2711 WANTED — antique furniture, cy , 647-1M8. glass, pewter, paintings or • • B &. W • • large wooded lot. Principles <»ly. 876-6784. leaders of the Soviet Union to ois Mahoney wan given the . , , gine was shaken loose by a 7.5 BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. BOLTON __ ^------:___ ------“cease Immediately all poUU- privUege ef moving for the pas- He appeared to be sU^tly p jj impact although there other antique items. Any quan­ CUSTOM - BUILT L-shaped Manchester Park^e OOVENTRY — Large 8-famlly, of repression and dis- shaken by one jolt after riding a visible damage to the Continued Prom Preceding Poqs tity. Tbe Harrison’s, 048-8709, ranch, 7 spacious rooms, 2-fuIl bright red American ^t

rl8»>‘ red American Motors Manchester 649^1806 baths, ilormal dining room, chUd - BarUett Realtors, 643- front-to-back li'vtag room, „vn., teens Uvtag In the Soviet ^ jg^eiop- Dinner Speaker ------... ■ In previous testimony, the PRIVATE collector wishes to NINI^ROOM ctwtom built Oar- try kitchen, G.B. buUt-lri waU ;______family room, porches, 2-car 2098, 5691744, 742-6736, 6497887 Union.nlon." 'i\ ' onHirlfiM tiAV. thnt|,« /iiiuUictlsfimctioils . . .. "®™®r was committee has been told the av- Help Wanted - Articles For Sole 45 formal dining room, kitchen buy proof sets, old coins, silver risen Colonial 2400 sq. feet, 4- oven, counter-top range, boUlfniT atmoq;>here, near garage, $36,600. B also calls upon Soviet lead- state iDevelcmment Com- Uanlel Mazur of Hartford, a the car. ' repair bill for a similar 37 with built-in oven-raiige and ers to permit Russian Jews to sales representative for Put- _®^dJie woiUd demand car with standard bumpers runs Mole or Female DARK RICH stone free loam, dollars, silver coins before bedroome, Mflce, 2% baths, placed-living room, paneled conveniences...... features BAST CENTER ST. Large 19 5 yards $20. sand, gravel, 1964. CaU 643-4438. dishwasher, also pantry emigrate to their homeland HELP wanted part-time days. double garage, carpeting. den, priv^ this 7-room Raised Ranch with room ColiMiial m ay be used for SOUTH WINDSOR stone, mandre, pool, and patio Hayes Agency, 546-0181. master bedroom. I^BOO. Mey- ^ Manchester, ...... - Inquire Bonanaa, 287 W. Mid­ WANTED used restaurant, tav­ home or offices, large lot with closet. Three large bed- said that he wanted to ^ ^® 8*®*® «"®"®« oommls- of Advest, wUl wu. r beoe keynotexeymne committee why it suggested lo ^m.p.h. pj, crash.crash, sand. 648-9604. er Realtors, 643-0609.______^ Funderburks, Belflore Ehccellent value ta this llke- dle Tpke. ern, hotel, grocery store, bank- TWO FAMILY 5-5, recent posslblUty of acquiring more nx>ms, 1^ baths, fireplace. make tt very plain that hU ob- slctner. speaker at the May 18 dinner putting off new bumper stand- Taylor said a Ford new 9rom Colonial that ot­ Taylor said a Ford Motor Co. BRACE yourself for a thrill the rupcy equipment. Also have 8 iriti-iiAnQ, ejctra building lot. EIOHr units, two buildhigB on Agency, 647-1418. land. Attached garage. One a<»'e lection waa not to the purpose passed by m mieetlng ot the CSiamber of when. If the g g j ^ i y test car with his bumpers CHEMICAL Trainee for routine ters a Uvlng room with fire­ first time you use Blue Lustre floors of used equipment for Wdlverton Agency, Realtors, one lot Paved parking area. -pAniouS Oolonlal-Cape in treed lot. Quiet location. lating _ (9 1*71 NtA, Ik. Realtors, 649-2818.______rounded rear yard, lovely prl- family room and lay on first the same car, In a collision with Equipment, 527-6771, 473 Wind­ MANCHESTER — Oambolatti r OCKLEDGe:—Dynamic 9-room the resolution, concerning the Predictions are that If the Mazur's topic will be ‘"nie stalledA...... on next .....V. year's „ —models, v.™. another vehicle at combined helpful. Vernon area. Write sor St., Comer of Canton St., three-bedroom Raised Ranch MANCHESTER— Pitkin Street, vate enclosed porch. Large floor. The second flr has trials and tribulations of Rus- bUl passes the Senate, Gov. gt^cji Market: 1670 ta Retro- Taylor and his 23-year-oId23-year- gpegjjg g, 55 m.p.h., sustained Box "NN”, Manchester Her- p r i q i d a IRE alr-cmidltlwier, ^ e d ^Ranch 6 bedroom®. 2% u& R R E A LTY CO., INC. fouy bedrooms, and 2 baths, Hartfoiti. on lovely Somerset Drive. Stately 11-room Colonial, to Uvlng room md dln^ room. baths, large family room, ca- ’ slan Jews,” he aald. Mesklll wUl veto it. .„.e talk wUl be follow- m. Dousr. a mechanical eturi- damage. aid. 40,000 BTU, as Is. 8175. 649- "Our company is structured to attract today's collepe Built 1966. Must be seen. one of Manchester’s premlef both carpted. Kitchen is a the Master bedroom being "What I'm objecting to is not ...... j v. uai neer, said DOT has repeatedly WANTED — We buy and sell. locations. Must bq seen to be housewife’s dream, has every- thedral celling Uvtag and dining 648-2692 extra large with a walk-in — 0016 anytime. graduate— we offer freedom from responsibility, an unin­ Helen D. Cole, Realtor, 643- room,XWIII* modemAiiwZAcaia kitchen.nzwszvzt. A verwa the sentiment ei^resi^, for we H.B. 7170, Introduced b y State ed by a quekUon-answer ses- ignored attempts to call Its at- Want old furniture to refintsh. appreclated. T. ' J. Crockett, thing and is the very best! closet and full bath. One-car hibited social life and we're group-oriented!" satlle home In an exceUent lo- Robert D. Murdock, Realtor aU agree with tt, I know,” he Rep. Thomas Donnelly of South slon. tenUon to -their device, which Situorions Wanted - Also china, glass, what have Realtor, 648-1577. Finished family room. Two- garage. Convenient location. Medina Trial cation. 2-car garage. explained. ‘T objrot to the re so- Windsor, passed the House yes- The 7 p.m. dinner, the last works like a shock absorber. In Female you. Cha-Ro-Lane Antiques, SHALLOWBROOK LANE — ex- car attached garage. Belflore Only $36,900. lution______because it's not the func- tefxiay____ without debate. fpr______the contractors until Sep- . other words, a plunger Is Boots & Accessories 46 tremely spacious customized'9- $24,500 — IMMACULA’TE 6- 947.1413. Is Postponed 872-3279. JUST OFF PORTER ST.—4- e A s t HARTFORD — Large 7- Uon...... of the Connecticut ------General The The measure measure provides provides guaran- guaran- tember tember wUl wUl be be at at WllUe’s WllUe’s Steak Steak *>y hy the toe Impact Impact Into Into a cylinder a cylinder (API I^ I^ ! LooM^ for an^er Marine Service, an------. ------room Raised Ranch on huge room Ranch, carpets, vanity ______’ _ _-X-X* Im. AUaIm ...... «-*x w -- 1 « - - Houses For Rent 65 bedroom Dutch Colonial with an room Raised Ranch, waU-to- U&R r e a l t y CO., INC. Assembly to pass on Its views tees for state leglelaten In their House, 446 Center St. Reserve- tilled with compressible sUlcone^ a ’„—tHgi heartaE' for <3ai>t lady to help with spring clean- tj^o^xed Evlnrude outboard ------A portm ontS - MOfS - wooded lo t BuUt-in kitchen, bath, 19x24 recreation room , c h e n e y ESTATE — AU tlto assumable mortgage, formal 2H tiled baths, 2-car garage.' Assiunable mortgage, trees, cSieney charm plus aU the wall carpeting. Reefeation to Russia or to any other for- private employment, by provid- tlons may be made through the *1716 o“- Taylors also said (DOT pmestErnest MedinaMedina, chanredchained with ing? CaU 649-2968. service. Also Rooms Witfiout Booid 59 Tenements 63 MANCHESTER — Bus line — -----living„ ----- and------dining„ rooms, eat-in room, fireplace, aluminum sld- 643-2692 elgn country. , ^ that he may retain his sen- cSiamber office, 257 E. Center Th® Taylors also said (DOT Ernest Medirm, charg^ ______■ boating accessories. 1082 Tol- 6%-room older home. Com­ Olympic size in-ground pool, bus, city utilities. Hutchins niodem conveniences on al- THE THOMPSON House—Cot- DELUXE 2-bedroom apart- kitchen, large fam ily room , garage. $30,900. Hutchins '‘Thatxna. function,” he insisted, Toritylority ttatoi,Irtstiis, htahis choice Ofof shlfts,shifts, 5^“...... “ gt. ^ ignored their wa^^s that land Tpke. Buckland, Conn. pletely redecorated. , $200. Richly decorated and immacu- Agency, 649-5824. 3 acres o f trees artd Robert D. Murdock, Realtor tage St., centraUy located, ment, waU-to-wall carpeting, Situations Wanted - monthly. References, lease. lately kept. For the fastidious shrubs. Mr. Lombardo, Bel- NEW LISTING — Oversized A g ^ y , 0496324.______. ^ ere prt^Ky^srriutoZk. been postponed from May ’24 to 648-2868. large pleasantly furnished complete iqipillances, 2 alT' Mole 39 conditioners, ‘?;Si”‘’{,astmeTt; buyer. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. al^im tlore Agency, 647-1418. Garrison Colonial, less than b OLTON — Oozy 6% - room unanimous voice ^® ‘‘‘o ford High School and earn^ ^e force June 1. FIBERGLASS suppUes, 10 rooms, peurUng. CaU 849-2858 one year Airt old. rhm Owner .f tnitis.trans­ Ranch, lake privileges, inrlva^ ■nie near unanimous voice wy. ^ Cdllege. He ^ impactImpact to the car’s occu- The AArmy announced Tuesday wasber-dryer hook-up, vanity Agency, 646-0181.______tom buUt 8-room Garrison. Ranch, lake privileges, iwlva, ... . » __ i vote lloUowed. YOUNG MAN avaUable to mow ounce boat cloth, $1.26* per for overnight and permanent L aige 7 - 4 - ASKING $20,000. Fast sale ferred. Eight rooms, 2% baths, cy, oversized wooded lot, gar WOnfOO ■ KOOI BlHHe ## UtU3has tUDUalso takenU courses at the pants. that the delay had been ordered lawns, paint and do odd Jobs. yard. Pedyester resin, $6.96 guest rates. type bath, glass sUdlng doors b>io ^ . r o o m older Colcmlal, room apartments. Two-car FaniUy.^ room 'with beamed wanted.______'WIU help with fi- first-floor famUy room 'with •Welfare Commissioner Henry universityuiuvo.wwjf of Connecticut TTiey said they have offered to by C61. Kenneth Howard, mlli- 649-1694 after 5 p.m . per gaUon. 644-1820. onto patio. $220 per month, ^replaces, garage, laige lawn, garage. New roof, separate ■ ceiling and builtrin bar, dream gix - room Cape. rrage,ToiV v $19,6^6499623 Louis Dlmock, dBLILNQnp.Tj.TWfi your nome home or acre- BVxir top leaders of the Con. r< White hasha. caUeil exIlKd a press Dress ggimoi__ . ^gf .La^ and Is presently ggjj thgip dgylces to the auto- tary Judge In the case. CLEAN funiished room for eld­ fireplace, formal dining room, Realty, 6499828. ^ ...... Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, parking area, convenient loca- fiim aces. Lot 70xl«i’ . $28,600. kitchen with barbecue, etc Aluminum siding. Ceramic 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, Realty. 649962 .______prompt friendly serv- conference for 8:16 tomonw. gnpQUed In business admtalstra- mtdtere at $6.80 a unit or less Howard presenUy Is presiding erly gentleman. Inquire 4 M8-2692. tiou, working adults. 648-2880. M. H. Palmer, Realtor, MIB, etc. Call Now. Hayes Agency, BROAD BROOK — ’Twenty Ice, cOU Lmiis Dimock Real- ®f®ong state leglriative leaders explain what he says is an courses at the University than $26 a car over the court-martial of M. 4* Peart St., or call 648.985S. ______tiled bathroom, modem kitch­ 2-car garage. EhcceUent nelgh- Dogs-Hnb-rctt 41 Horim - NyHKto 648- 8321, Gertrude Hagedora, 646-0181. en. Come make a reasemaUe bortio(x]. $41,900. minutes from Hartford, four ty. Realtors. 6499823. Important new development In g, HortHord. The Industry Monday told the Sgt. WllUam Higdon at ^ ------^ w 1 -rr 'i------— Z— a FIVE-ROOM apartment, second MANCHESTER — Seven-room 649- 0688. rooms. aluminum siding, 2-car property ^^usT^^ldent «*®_oP«™“on of the WeUare De- jje vms a claims supervisor committee that DOT bumper stone Arsenal, Ala. J ^ on te SWEET lovable playful at- pine COMBDRTABLY f u r n 1 s h e d ^ gtove, refrigerator, furnished home. ’Three bed- FOUR FAMILY, AU four-room offer! Belflore Agency, 647- SWEET, iwaDie, pia^ui lui trees. Ideal fo r hedge, dig your — ■— ------*------— - - lunuauou RANCH—Ehctra large modem garage. $18,600. Char B^. _ ^ federal programs and appUca- range and diitog area, one-car 646-4740. other household Items. Call ^ADj^jg nj^ely furnished monthly. Handy to Main St. For Rent 67 and beautiful! Seven rooms, We NEED LISTINGS kitcdien, paneled family ^l^ement that Is both ro- G^® J- uons. garage. Mid 20s. WolverUm pqvB-ROOM Ranch, large kit- two fuU ceramic baths. sponrive to employe asplratlcms chairman irf A ^ b a ^ R ^ty Mr. Anderson, 6484341. aU utUlties In- CaU 644-2427. GIANT’S NECK Heights — 69 S-car NOWI “Thinking of SeU- room with rustic fleldstone Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. Chen with buUt-in oven and garage. FuU-shed dormer, two ing your properly?’' Call an ^ ert to changing customer Com|^e8 of SECOND TIRE SINGER touch and sew with eluded, private bedroom ^th pivE-ROOM second floor Edgewood Rd., 2-bedroom cot­ fireplace, carpeted floor and , ,, ed chairman. Irwin M. Kaplan, Vernon range. Three bedrooms, two fitmt dormers. Many extras glass sUdtag doors, also Articles For Sole 45 cabinet. Monograms, hems, community . Utchen, -rj Uvlng . apartment, newly decorated, tage, sleeps 7, secluded and MANCHESTER TODAY! ^ , Middletown's director ot com- room and 2 baths. IdeaUy lo- ^ot wa- quiet, $110. weekly. Mrs. Car­ baths. Lot 100x125’ . Marion E. Including window alr-con- housewife’s dream type laun­ Part of the reforms have al- ^y^lty development, was nam- • TWO National cash registers, embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ STICKS & STONES Robertson, Realtor, 648-5963. cated to bus toe and stows. g monthly. CaU 648-2262 ter, 742-8142. Plus board and bricks are acre lot, trees, recess ceilings, diowrooms. Main St. CaU 648-2171. 643-2692______board’s______Hth______member. mutual - Insurance------companies,------class at*■ Rockville Hightii» ii School a,>iinoi ^ ^ ______Apartments - Flats - eludes, stove, refrigerator, p r i v a c y under the (toes, flve- MANCHEFTER -Picture book fr r ^ ColonhU, carpet- and factories. $4 each and up. sE W IN G madtoe — Singer zig -r ------a- x j 'The legislation estabUeiied the passed the House without de- Miss Karen Krut has J®®® utUlties. 649-4454. Tootti cottage to rent on shore- B (Sl W tag, first-floor fam ily nx>m, when yon buy the 1st tire at our n g . sxchaiigB price (plus Fed. Ex. tax) Ebctramwftwi bulbs, KaelKxs 8 O fo r *1$1. r&WZVriTnrkGremmo _ Button_a-_e___ holes,_____ monograms,__ I dlRFIWWftliWm IP*# Cape, 7 room s, 2 baths, cu ^ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor postal service as an independent bate yesterday. The motion for named valedictorian and Miss 50%0FF front property on Little Sebago BAiRROWS and WALLACE Co, pettag, garage, fireplace, double garage, $89,900. 646-4200 agency of the executive branch Its passage was made by Man- Diana Lee, salutaltorian. ft Sons Soles, 819 East kOddle hems, etc. OiiglnaUy $849, now NORTHWOOD Apartments — ------Lake, Gray Maine. Modem Manchester Parkade Hutchins Agency, Rotors, shade trees, anctaor fence, ______virlth authority to establish Its Chester State Rep. Donald Gen- Miss Krut is the daughter of T[Ae., Manchester, 649-9953. »niy $54. Easy terms. Call One and two-bodroom apart- Fum lslwcl conveniences, fully equipped Manchester 649-6306 649-5824. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, CXIVEINTRY — 7-room custom costs and revenues. ovesl. ______Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knit of TENT ’TRAILER, sleeps 8, ex- 622-0981, Dealer. ments, central air-condition- n . 11,. i.unnti. 63-A kitchen. Weekly rental. CaU, MANCHESTER — New large 640-5824. built Ranch. ’Two fireplaces, Rockville and Miss Lee, the SMOOTH-RnUNfi tag, carpeting, balcony, car- ceUent coadition, extras. TRADER “P” — Antiques, Mrs. R. Hall, 644-2855 o r 644- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- ports, plus other luxury fea- t h r e b >ROOH apartment, fur- custom 7H-room Ranch, 8 Lots For Sole 73 extra large rooms. Garage. 648-1610. . used fumlturr laundry room , 6-zone Murdock, 648-2682. It C(»talii8 8 bedrooms, 2V4 Bolton, C^eoUcut 06040 lots. $3,600 each, five acres. „„„ Ranch.k. Finished base- ^rm ls^ ler•®*' said he was not against toe took) ?h® — ®‘y^ ® JL.1®‘- lOTCHKN «l, «»a.. banka, air-conditioned, auto- heating and much more. Must Tremendous vaUey view. $10,- ment recreation room, IH sWl toe equl^ent ot ^ equipment but he repeated he ter portunlty. Hayes dining room, country Utohen 1971 when bids wlU be publicly 900. Paved road. Hayes Agen- i^ths. garage, 100x187’ lot. Bel playgrounds which are used concerned If toe board was Scholarship 648-2711.______center leaf, 5 padded chairs, apartpient, children welcome, Marlow’s, 867 Main St, «pleiOea, ■ «picturesque r* irAcmiiA area. Agency, 646-0181. ununer recreation pro- , ^ jetting chll- QuaUfytag Test. Ehur beautiful rentals. Com- and pfuieled family room 'with open^ and. read, cy, 6490131. Air Real Estate. 6499882. the summer recreation p^ „,mdnir a risk by letting chll- Qu^ylng T®®‘- _ MOTORCYCLE _ 1966 Red Su- no cuts o r -worn spots. $27.tio. <»rpeting, appUraces, heat, ______— ------gram. The schools are: «ita- The announcement of the GRERN plOtely renovated. Leased to RELAX — 4-4 two famUy, fire- built-in bar and brick wall Arrangements to Inspect the zukl with windshield, 160 ccs, 648-6664. hot water, pcukliig. Tmmedl- fireplace. Owner transferred, site may be arranged ai^ ctp- BOLTUN —One mUe from Man- jjuflT______BE Moved — Four-room______------ner Road, Maple 6 t., Lake------St. 'pro Decision ‘‘O'^ ^®8 "8®^ ate occqpancy. $180 monthly. Ground floor, 000 sq. ft front exceUent tenants. Buy one or places, new kitchens, carpet Chester. Wooded com er lot. cottage on Lynwood Drive, and Vernon Elementary. decided tt ®<*ool princ^ Martin Fag^ SAVE $260. Ted Wmiarns tent traU- Juno occupancy. Priced to low ^ BLOND kneehede desk and portion carpeted, secemd floor, both. $28,500 each. CaU Pat tag, freshly decorated ’Two j/v. oAii.>7art- Office of the Superintendent of LAWN MOWER, 7 h.p., 32" cut. $30. CaU 648-7017. or 640-0688. Real Estate, 742-7141. ______Agency, Realtors, 6496824. FOXm-FAMILY In fine condi 0638. ment. Range, refrigerator, Sohoola (648-1669) Notch Road, — partmOTt from Its bu^et and p^ig^ouncll decided it would nuftftjr.Huffy. Color TV AT cuii«iuuftantenna with w&ut _ _ _j. a •* MANCHESTER — Five bedroom Ctoodtave^ont proper- eSm ^cut VBJRNON— Exceptional 9room roto turner. 647-1310 after 4 waU-to-waU carpeting, air- HIDBAWAY — Large heavily - 'UUie mi —— Brick CUonlal. Ideal central ty. 40s. wolverton Agency, Dated at BolttHi, Connecticut, wo-year periixl. Spivey, councU chairman Road Gut p.m. condition, $75. firm. Delivered concUtioner. Heat. Convenient OIFBTCB space available Imme- HOUSOS FOT S flio 72 wooded AA zone lot. Ideal fur 1 5 < ° '2 4 Realtors, 6492813. In town. 211 Vernon St. 648- location. $196. monthly. 846- dlately, $85. monthly. 646-0882. ____ .... location In preferred nelgfabor- this 4th day of M a^ 1971. nan acre loi, inIn a letter to toe board, Don- . ™x>inted a committee . - n w g • Douglas Cheney, Chairman tri-level home. Call 6491441 af- TAG SALE — bfiscellaneous 7160. - MANCHESTER ylcjtaty faood. .Oonvenieht .to every- 6060, 643-6165. HIGHWAY location, modem room SpUt Level, 60’ s. Also 11- PubUc BuUdtag Commission ter 6. W*Sn*i^nDy?S S 'Zt“tl!°"educ^ h ^ d b ^ ^ m a s Freetoy and g y I s r U e l l S . P E R m iR articles, good ccmdlUon, priced thing. Immaculate. Bel Air ---- ^ In™ ^ lUS-SoaO w T 547-1078.547- l i 78. P^tedf ---- , out • \ that toe education J wnen puuia m o ox/jiipxowo..^^pieted they __ - / ? m riaht n Columbus St Mav ®®‘*“ AV.AILABLE June 1st. 4-room dwwrooms, offices, storage twteom brick Ranch, 60’s. Must Real Estate, 6499882. NOTICE — tor®.‘ ®™’ ______------board board muat muat make make two two d®‘ de- ^lU be presented „rea-nted to to toe toe Board Board Q gg/\ro 14 15 16 10 a m — 6 n ilrape®. 8 pair 72" nylon apartment, appUahees, heat, parking suitable any retail be seen. Heritage House 649 WHITEWALLS r«4 . MANCHES’TER WATER AND Resort Property VERNON — fflgli 1® the hlUs, ciaions, one InviUvtag aUowing ^ gdupatl"" M 3 d r U > l > O U j O BLACKWALLS ’ ’ ■ ■ sheers. •------643-4260 after — 5." ..... pp wholesale bustiiess, re- 2482., MANCHESTER — To settle es­ SIZE X n dT ira T o u S a v . (Tm Uc* CaU 6499389. central l(x»tion, references, ______SEWER DEP.8RTMENT 74 huge 7-room custom Ranch, 3 his department to tastaU toe ^he board also heard a re- .. ^ vmm. Ane 1st Tiro XndTire Y o u Save la tT Ir a security deposit. $170 monthly. modeler, builder, lumber yard, ------_ . . , . „ tate, 7-room older Odoolal. Eix- NOTICE For Sole — b a th s, garages, sweeping equipment and the aecond ^ from The Rev. Paul Bow- (Ciontlwwn from Wg® BUY SCREENEJD loam, sand, gravel, K T roiB N set, ^ l e and fabricating, trucker, equip- SIX-ROOM Colcnlal In exceUent ceUent c o n itlin , i n baths, POSITION VACANCIES XKVBNTRY LAKE, waienront j 7 acres. Hutchins would Involve toe 44 weeks of nhoii-man of toe trans- foccea of Soviet-supported Presl- 6498340. coniUtion. Dream kitchen, TOWN OF COVENTRY E7914 (7.8911) $2.21 processed___ _ gravel, ^ stone, fiU. chairs brown and cream, rea- ______ment sales,_ fuel oil, etc. CaU large lot. Oarage. $28,600. SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 3 3 7 5 m i 41617 with built-in oven-range dish­ summer cottage. 190’ well, 6496824. the year when toe equipment portatlon committee, concerning dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of Also buUdraer and backhoe aonahl®- CaU after 6,. 6497877. jjEW duplex 6 rooms, 1% baths, 621-7878, 1-228-4460. Hayes Agency,,. 546-0181. PLANT DIGESTION ft ZONING BOARD lovely porch overlooktag lake. _Z ______'— ------will not be used for the summer sidewalk tastaUatlon. Egypt and otoer Arab armies washer. Fireplace. Upper 20a. FILTRATION OPERA’TOR OF A PPE A LS F78-14 (7.7914) 2 1 8 service and drain fields. ptmiTnAtT«^V*>airiTaf-aw9 mirror, * and ^ yeUow appliances, Ttilv gar^e. lof T9 ZhFatMknAfta $ ^ . Oc- fireplace.aa*«^aiZM«V| exceUent—— - nelg^ibor-^ SOUTH WINipSOR — SevOT- program. Bowman said his committee had suffered extensive d ef^ . 117918 (7.78-18) I 3 L 2 S 416.62416.62 3 5 . 5 0 TL76 1176 2.42 George H. Grifflng, Andover! fZuca'wShT'ser^'^ mis- ^ IJIBOIUmRY At an^cutlve ^ hood.- Bel_ - Air------Real- Estate, AA9.643 —room OftiftAiiRaised Riulfih.Ranch, double Berger ■Dcrav*' saidwmu thew c Recreationxvemvmxxm . get up a schedule wltt^ Johnson said he re^ionded by 742-7886. 646-4288, 5eS-45U. engineering space available. 6492813 area, 9bedroom Oarrisen Co- TECHNICIAN: To bo In Coventry Zoning Board of Ap- heated garage. Carpeting, DepartmentiftTwurtwitiit* would moftrtainmaintain tllAthe ..___ az*ftaa OPdcrin^ the U*S» 5th FlOOt ClOS* 078-14 (8.26-14) 2.65 cellanequs. CaU 6499586. 9832. heated garage. Department would tnaimam me three top priority areas. The ordering toe U.S. 6th Fleet clos- 3 4 . 2 5 3 9 . 0 0 2.64 Heating, air • conditioning. lonlal, family room, 2 fire- pjyygy gu testing faculties peals held Monday, May 3rd, pool, fireplace. $8,500 down, equipment throughout the year, grst would be from Wilahlre er to the Syrian coast as a "slg"slg- 078-15 (6.25-15) HJ2 1112 ttiO N.50 PILE is soft and lofty .. . cd- sOFA for sale, overstuffed, $16. ®"‘®'K«“®y lighting system!’ nirrn 1R00 Colonial tof primary and secondary sew- the foUowtag appeal was denied, Hank Stack, 742-5744, Paaek however thatmat department’soepartmeiu's su- jtj. to Loveland HUl, along,along. Rt.m. nalnai thatuiav toeme Unitedumiw States of 2.74 ors retain briUlance in carpeto or best offer. CaU 646-8484 af- rooms, full size M ^en burglar and fire alarm sys- '$87,500. Hayes Agency, 649 ' - — - _ tH7914 (8.88-14) age treatment plants and 'water Ralph L. DePietro, of 428 Realtmrs, 2897476. pervlslOT and related reqxmsl- 93_.. phis would___ AmA be1®‘_ Hutchins g jjj Buply quaUty bcntrol. Two years Pleasant VaUey Road, South electric ahampooer $1. Pine- ______— bath, self-cleaning stove, _ 2- new Industrial and commercial Agency, Realtors, 649-6S24. NOTICE bUlty would cOTcem only toe erly side of Rt. 88 to be used was prepared for the sttuation MANCHESTER—New on mar- coU®ge training and/orequiva- Windsor requested permit tor eight weeks during too sum- by the high school students. that •would confront It if It were J7915 (8.8515) 5 5 • s • s • • • • • • • • • 4 7 7 5 2.96 wood Furniture Shop. MODEHIN PECAN 72” triple door refrigerator^ heat and hot perk. Two private entrances. u 6492818. similar employment but wlU the foUowtag appeal was acted who are found to be qualliieu gp^LLATTON OP 8” &AIH- jjj favor ot using toe equipment voted against a request made used during toe 1967 war. Q ^ l- MANCHESTER new rug pads. 647-9564. ■room apartment, encloeed post office. EbcceUent business 647-1418. NEWLY painted 9ro(Hn r®l®t®d experience of upon. to be Electors of the Town of p^RY SBW^ H(0U8B y by Mayor Prank McCoy to uae fled ^.8. omclals repm^ ^1 and 2-bedrcxMn apart-^ ----- porch, heat, hot.water, garage, location with buUdtag. CaU SEEING la beUevtag! Words famUy-slze ga- ^°*® mechanical aptitude. Mrs. Elisabeth C. Johnson of Andover. , ^ a guarantee It would not mean toe driveway which runs along toe “«*®^* MORIARTY ments. On bus,line. AjpU- central, no stove or refrigera- 6492426, 95. ______cannot------describe. this richly------car- vacancies to bo fUled for Proepect. Street, was unanl- TTie quallflcationa are aa fol- ST PAUL DR.jM^TON ^ expending any money. He ques- the Northeast School for a pub- saged J o h ^ ot 5, ^ ances, caipettag, heat and . Musical InstnimenH 53 t®*-. ®«»pi® ««^7i4 lows: AppUcant must be elgh- ^ fo.^, g®®“ ® Z^H ho wLld au^rvise^dur- lie throughway. morotag the f « ^ ^ ^ 5 after 8 p,m . BULUJING 80’x88’ wlUi office at peted, superbly decorated 7- Wsbo. Braithwalte Agency. * °P®™««»»- ^ „ mously ^ ted .« exception ro 'hot water. For iqipotat-i 8 Griswold St. Ideal for small room kanch. It's a “must Realtor 6494698. Salary — $8.65 per hour; $7,- she could keep a goat on her teen years of age, must bo a Services Office, 41 Cen- ing the school year. Albert Smith, chairman ®*Bie ment or further taforma- I BENDER bass guitar, and case, resident of the Town of Andover gtjeet, Manchester, Connec- Robert Dubeau UUd toe board textbook committee showed that the United States and $125. Upright piano, needs tun- LARGE three-room apart­ business or storage. Businelte see". Here’s a hint though ’ 692 — year. property of one acre. \ ------^ ter Street,itreet, Manchester, Connecvx* uuj»-- Robert Duoeau loia me Doaro lexmuu*. ------to ^tlon, caU anytime. ment. Range, refrigerator, zoned. CaU 6494426., it has everything Including MANCHESTER — Newly list- liberal fringe benefits, Signed: fo r six mOTths, If foreign born y cu t he felt It had already ^M»wed copies of toe new books chosen Soviet Union w ^ t^ etor to BROTHERS .tag, $95. CaU 6497818...... nn's.Tfmsn am u s 'Mr PHONE '643-5135 waU-to;wall carpeting, air------^------flreplaced famUy - room, IH ed, aluminum sided two-fam- Apply to the Personnel Office David Roach, must be a naturalized citizen. t o w n o p MANCHESTT®, ^ concept at a meeting and especlaUy praised several^ t^ r e peace 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER 646-Z623 Ruth K. Munson, ’ OONNIDCnCUT earlier In toe year and "I think to be used by toe home eco- vlet Union did ^ want war In VOX electric bcu9s guitar with conditioner, heat. Oxivenlent ^ baths, equipped kitchen, Uy 'with double garage and a Municipal Building, 41 Center Chairman nniRiDRrP B. WEISS, earner m at toe hishhigh toe the Middle East, according to case, exceUent coniUtion. CaU screened porch, garage. Elva lovely lot. West side location. Street, Manchester, COnecUcut Marilyn Richardson, we have an obUgation to ap- nomlcs loiation. $175. monthly. 649 Read Hcrrfd Ads toT ^ ^ tor Admlsrion GBi S l ’nANAoiBlR reports at the time. 6496920. 6080, 643-5156. lyier. Realtor, 649-4469. Heritage House, 6492482. 06040 by May 24, 1971. Secretary prove it.” school. of Electors. r u WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 Most Manchester Stores Open Until 9 OVlock PAGE THmTY-SIX liandii^Bter lEvmitig Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather North Methodist Al-Anon fam­ Deadline Near ily groiQ) will meet tonight at 8 For The Weak Ended Periods of rain tonight; low About Town at the Second Oongiegatlonal Reservatloiis for the Man­ A j^ 4,1971 Free vlalaa and hearing: testa Church Parish House. The chester Chamber of Com­ near 50. Tomorrow clearing, for children t n m J t to.6 years of Thursday group will meet to­ VEGETABLES merce. Public Affairs Com­ age wlU be conducted Monday morrow at 8:80 p.m. at the cool, breezy; high near 60. mittee, 'nteet Tour Legisla­ 15,695 from • toU :80 a.m. at the Com- Pathfinders Club, 103 Normah MaMhester-—A City of VUtage Charm munlty T, 7» N. Main 8t. The tors” breakfast on May 21 at St. Both groups meet weekly 8 a-m. at the Mancheater clin ic is q^KXiaored by the Man- and are open to friends and Country Club will chwo Fri- cheMer Public Health Nursing relativea living with a drinking are BETTER at VOL. LX XXX , NO. 190 (FORTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1971 (Otawrifled Advertising on Page 21) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Assoclatloti. AppointmenU are problem . needed cnly for the hearing David O. Odegai^ teats, and may be made by con­ and Reiw. N. Charies Bogr Dr. Brio Denhdff, pediatri­ ginl, Donald 8. Oenoveal and tacting the agency’s office, 71 cian a ^ medical director of the B. Center St. FranoU J . Mahoney wUl par- Meeting . Street School Chil­ tlcipan in a dlscuBBton fo­ PINEHURST dren’s Rehabilitation Center, Republicans South Viets Repulse First Church of Christ, Scien­ cusing on legislative issues McGannon Providence, R.I., will speak on presently being voted tq>on tist, wlU have Its regular mid­ ’’Medication as an Aid to Edu­ And a comparison test proves prices are lower . . . This week we fea­ week testimony meeting tonight In the State Capitol. A ques­ cation,” in regard to mentally tion and answer session will ture our special large heads ot Icebercf Lettuce at 29c head, Rare­ Inch Toward BidRejected at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main handicapped and handicapped follow. Two Counterattacks -St. The meeting la open to the chlOdren, tomorrow a t .8 p.m . in ripes . . • ^oBloiis and tiny Radishes 10c. Tomatoes . . . 4^pock are public. the Qengras Center of St. Jo­ lower at 29c and our everyday low price on yellow fancy Boiiaiim is Income Tax ByGovemor seph OoUegfe, W est H artlM d. ’Today through May 28, any­ 2 Ibu 29c. W o will have Native Rhubarb, Fresh Strawberries from Cali­ one who takes 100 wire coat A midweek service of prayer The lecture is open to the pub- fornia and our Vegetable man says that the largo 36 size CmtoioMpes HARTIFORD (AP)—Nine Re- HAWTFORD (AP) —- Gov. In VaUey Campaign and Bible study will be held to­ Uc. hangers to the Frlendty Ice pubUcan state Senators moved Thomas J . MesklU rejected night at 7:80 at Calvary Church. Cream Stores at Burr Comers which will be featured at 49c, 2 for 89c, are the finest of the season. a bit closer toward the camp Thursday a sugge^on from By GEORGE ESPER Lincoln School PTA will meet Shopping Center and 480 Main favoring a state Income tax McGannon, chairman of Associated Press Writer A Bible study will be conduct­ tonight at 8 at the ariiool. St. will receive a free Ice cream the Oommlsslon )he populous coast^ low^ course will be held tonight at ’the Sunday School staff of The Women’s Auxiliary of the SIZE Ivory Bars ment on the exact form an. In­ -‘"niis would give me control of the commission,” MesklU ob­ lines came at 2:30 p.m,, with la™s> Including the cities of 7:80 in the Feden||^» Room of Zion Bvangfellcal Lutheran Little League of Manchester come tax bill should take. Couple Marks Anniversary served Ihursday, “and I don’t hundreds of North Vietnamese Hue tnd Da Nang. It Is a major the church. Church will meet tonight at 7:80 wlU meet tonight at 8 at the Ar­ STEWED ______WITH THIS COUPON “It Is now up to the Demo­ think that was Intended.” at the church. my-Navy Club on Main St. The hon^e of M rs. M erovonlch’s moving behind the cover of an (See Page Twenty-nnee) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Merov- cratic leaders, who contrcil the Asked what he thought of Me­ artlUery barrage. But this The Junior choir of North He- meeting la en to all mothers onlch of 22 Ridgefield St. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. UTthoilt Ooiq)on 28o v. legislature, to propose a fair Q^imon’s proposal to add three thodlst Church will rehearse to­ The Trinity Oovenent Church of boys participating bi any of and M rs. A lfred K arg l of 166 TOMATOES brought the North Vietnamese were guests of honor Sunday and equitable method of raising members to the CHE, MesklU into the open in daylight, and morrow at 8 ;1B p.ni. at the Choir will rehearse tonight at the little League tesun's in Man- afternoon at 2Sth wedding an­ Ferguson Rd. Good Only at Plnehurst Grocery the revenue needed.” the state- g^jd; - j don’t think It should 7:80 at the church. American B52 fighter-bombers church. cheater. niversary celebration at the About 50 frloids and relatives ment said. be enlarged.” attended the surprise party or and heUcopter gunships pound­ U.S. Would eeeeeeeeeeew e e e e e e e e Offer Expires May 16, 1971 It said the Democratic leaders The governor said he had “no ed them. Three of the B62s aoeooeeeooeeeeooeeee eoeo given by Mr. and Mrs. Kargl "must face up to their respon- quarrel with Mr. McGannon,” and Mrs. MerorvWch’s mother, lMiT d m oovroN m necmase. dropped 90 tons of bombs on -.J**-. ‘ LESEUR CAW VALUI I/IBTM Of l CiKT. OOVT. MUMATIOMS AffLT. slbllltles. . .and if this means an as . far as McGamum’s perform- concentrations of the enemy. FlyPO W sTo Mrs. Nicholas Maltempo of Ihcome tax for the state of Oon- ance on the cammlsslon was Another 36 marines were re­ Manidiester. I____ ,__jEanaHHL____ ..-J nectlcut, those \riio control our concerned.TTie only reason 'he Reps. Brock Adams, D-'Wash., left and Silvio Ck>nte, R-Mass., jokingly square ported killed or wounded In the ’Ihe couple was married May, TINY Plnehurst has the low price bn Tard Clean Up Bags. Both packed 10s . . . ttiey are the large Trash Barrel or state leglslH.tnre should have the asked for McGannon’s reslgna- off after the SST project was revived. GOP Leader Gerald Ford, center, and GOP Leader second battle. Spokesmen said Neutral Land 1»I6 at St. James’ Church by guts to say s o ” MesklU said, was because there were U.S. advisers with the Rev. Robert J. Wood. They lawn and yard clean up sise. Adams voted for the revival bill, while Conte was opposed to it. (AP Photo) PEAS ■me Senate’s toro top Demo- of McGannon’s apparent concern the battalion, but it was not PARIS (AiP) — The United have two children, Gregory TOTEM RAGS BAGGIES entis, PTOsddent Pi5o T^m to* mlnority-group representa- known if any of them were cas- States offered today to fly out or Merovonlch, 28, who will grad­ PUuittO PlMtlO Led Drive To Oiarles T. T^ano ^d Majority ^ serious,” ualtles. send by sea to a neutral country uate from the University of Con­ U raslty jM.0 SpGotato The 200 North Vietnamese re- North Vietnamese prisoners of ' Leader J . Edward Caldwell had governor said. “He evldent- necticut in June, and Denise ported kiUed In the two fights war held in South Vietnam, Fi m '. asked the nine to clarify their jy Q,at serious.” Chairman at Boeing Says Revive SST Merovonlch, 10, who Is employ­ special 6 9 ^ ______were nearly double the 117 ene- The offer, made by Ambassa- position on an Income tax. The McGannon, who la board chair- ed at MeiuSliester Memorial By JIM ADAMS my casualties reported during (jor David K. E. Bruce at the Soft Parkav a good buy at 48c n>., 18^- group had urged only its “se- man of Westlnghouse Broadcast- H ospital. 808 Cans Associated Press Writer the previous 28 days of the A Vietnam peace talks, was an ef- Coffee 81-68. Save 18o on PINT OIF SBAZ/TEBT rious consideration” last week, jng, was an original member of Mrs. Sileravonich la employed V'l and)^) (t o r coffee or cereal) 26e Shau Valley operation. fort to get the North Vietnamese at Pioneer Parachute Co., and Alfano and Caldwell have the CHE, which was created by SST Revival Will Be Costly WASHINGTON (AP) The , , __, , _ . 1 1 .i w Just to the north of the valley, b> agree to Internment In a neu- backed a p*an to tax dl'vldends the General Assembly In 1968. ______„ ,, , her husband is a beautician. Our strategy will be to try the Vietnamese Infantrymen tral country of prisoners of war (Herald photo by Pinto) and in to ieria t 10 per cent In- McGannon was named chairman By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON w a n ^ t Inside out. ^ u s e back- ROUND Associateda ___VKTavlAAw Press Writer Ckv*aers rof v f Tfederal t w i a v o i subsidiesa i i n a l f l i A a Tfor f \ r tthe r i A and beat it, beat It up and ninno wna destroyed a base camp contain- held by 'both sides. The United CHUCK (See Page Twelve) (See Page Twenty-Iluee) faster-than-sound, passenger, down,” said Sen. William Prox- ^ r tog an arms shop and 100 small states and South Vietnam made Bidi^ Invited GROUND WASHINGTON (AP) — plane engineered a 201-197 loop- mire, D-Wls. He declared to P ‘ structures with underground gyeh a proposal recently, but It GROUND The American supersonic hole victory Wednesday hailed newsmen he will use any tactic _ ' i i bunkers, headquarters said. The ^vaa Ih, effect rejected by the On'Sewer Job ib lb 1.09 holds more The town will open bids May 89« S-lb. lots 86o Ib. 8-Ib. lots 8LM lb. Vietnamese 28 at 11 a.m. In the Municipal Panther Defense Rests Case m nv need SROO m illion to Spokesmen for the aerospace He said the WMtmrafl The sewers were requested Flour “present” for the 201-197 ■victo­ country,” Bruce said. TsHiMt n a toiBlir % Tn Per Tire. Ni 2 tablespocms soft shorten­ EcMMmif the Stand. Lon^e M c ^ c a ^ ^ ^^tlally. tin tries Prise TrateNsstst by several residents in the area He expressed hope that “a ROAST ing ry. Legislators Y 6.50x13 B-78-13 $3435 $1737 $1.76 and stirred up conalderabte 1 medium-sixed onion, CHUCK ROAST Mrs, HUgglns had finish^ her im^ndlng d ^ th when he empha^zed ^ t he was “We’d won,” said Rep. Sidney number of countries will moke controversy before the Board of (bone in) testimony a short time before, .^^ted New Haven In May, 1969 very much in favor of contlnua- R. Yates, D-Ill., leader cf House known their readiness to receive 7.00x13 C-78-13 $37.05 ^18.92 $1.95 ? slice d . Directors approved the Installa­ •nie prosecutor In the case, t„ address a Yale University U™! toe SST progrtm, but Lockheed Loan Proposal prisoners under the Geneva con­ 7 3 5 x 1 4 E-78-14 $38.55 $1937 $2.01 F ir s t Cuts 2 % ciqis water SST opponents. “We had the S ile n t On tion. 1 Lipten’s Beef or Vege­ State’s Atty, Arnold Markle audience. McLucas was convict- salti realities must be faced, votes imtU then.” vention.” 7.75x14 F-78-14 $40.80 $2030 $2.14 Under the compromise which table Dry Soup IWx asked for additional time so he ^ conspiracy to murder, but He said Boeing has had to ter- Ford was openly urging Re­ Sweden has indicated it would $44.60 $22.30 $232 Scored by Sen. Proxmire 8.25x14 G-78-14 the directors adopted, residents Season meat with salt and could call additional witnesses acquitted of three more mlnate lts subcontracts and dds- publican opponents on the floor be prepared to be helpful In the $24.40 $2.50 Mail Reform 8.55x14 H-78-14 $4830 along the sewer lines will be as­ pepper and sprinkle with from out of state. serious charges. perse a large part of the team WASHINGTON (AP) — The nomlc coUapse has no merit, to twitch their votes before the question of repatriating prison­ 8 J 5 x l 4 J-78-14 $55.10 $2739 $Z81 'lb flour to coot lightly. Heat Ib sessed if and when they tap In­ Seale’s attorney, Charles R. The prosecution maintains that that has been working on the proposal to grant 8260 million In the senator added In a prepared roll call ended, as he acknowl- By MIKE SHANAHAN ers if an agreement can be 7 3 5 x 1 5 E-78-15 $38.55 $1037 $2.05 to the line. shortening in a large sauce­ Garry, had said earlier that seale, during that -vtslt, ordered airplane. federal loan guarantees to the statement, edged later, and a GOP con- pan or Dutch oven ovter mod­ Associated Press Writer’ reached at the Paris talks. 7.75x15 F-78-15 $40.80 1 $2030 $2.16 The cost in January was esti-. Seale would testify at his trial Rackley killed. Boeing has committed itself tottering Lockheed Aircraft "A Lockheed bankruptcy gressman s^d Ford had lined Bruce recalled various recent mated at 870,000. Assessments erate heat. Brown meat thor­ 8 3 5 x 1 5 G-78-15 $44.60 $2230 $237 oughly on both sides. Add here In Superior Court. in her testimony, Mrs. Hug- already as far as it can go, or Corp. “Is bad economics, bad would not mean the loss of thou- up even more than five switches WASHIN GTON (AP) proposals by the allied side, In­ 8 3 5 x 1 5 H-78-15 $48.80 $24.40 $2.54 were estimated at 826 a front onion during the last few The trial was recessed until gins had said she tried unsuc- fgally farther than would be jus- public policy and bad news for sands cf jobs,” Proxmire said, if tbej' wore needed. Congressional overseeps of the eluding release of all prisoners 8 3 5 x 1 5 J-78-15 $55.10 $2739 $2.75 foot In Greenwood Dr. and 810 BLOCK CHUCK minutes and brown lightly. 10 a.m. Friday cessfuUy during the visit to teU ggid. the American taxpayer,” says “Most of their work, especlaUy But five, was all it took and service say they will held on both sides, and told the a front foot in Overland Dr. 9.00x15 $5530 $27.70 $2.89 Heat' oven to 826°F. (mod­ BONELESS Seale and Mrs. Huggins are geale about Rackley. , in Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis. their defense contracts, would when the vote was announced _ North Vietnamese- ” Bv retfus- The ELBsessments wlU be higher Center Cnta erately low). Stir water slow­ charged with the capita^ c ^ s under cross-examination by ^ e tave ® Pnncmlie, one of the most go on. the House had rosurrected, at 'valt tor results before passing ^ r t h V l e t a ^ ^ ^ ^ on Greenwood Dr. because soil ly into dry-80iq> mix. Pour Cross R|b of kidnaping resulting In death State’s Atty. Arnold Markle, toe progom, a lot more than we government “What It means Is a change In least temporarily, the SST pro- judgment on the sweeping re- tog even scuss ese ends Sat night I • Free Mounting! tests have indicated that there over and underneath meat. and aiding and abetting murder Mrs. Huggins said she did not ^ ^ spending poCdcies, commented in management which is long over- gram scrapped by Congress two organization of the malls an- Cover and place in ovmi. (See Page Five) Is a large amount of rock In the lb. 79* in connecticHi with the slaying of rtomf^rnfic iftnyi ®^vance of Introduction today of due.” months ago and already being nounced by Postmaster Gen. a re a . Bake pbout 2 hours, or until BEEF RO AST Alex Rackley, a Black Panther (8«e Page Kigtat) fork-tmider. If necesimry, add ^ admlnlstratlcfi bill providing Tlhe administration blU, which dismantled by the Boeing Co. In winton M. Blount. A GBEAT FAVORITE a Utile more water during V ® toe guarantees. He challenged the Senate Banking Committee Seattle. The Postal Service chief said Public Records LEAN, TENDER cooking to prevent sticking. said he wlU not bring Ute bui jhe White House to produce a jg expected to start constdering The revival still faces Uie Sen- Wednesday the current 16 re- SUoe meat and serve with ib1.05 contalnlng the SST funds before -gingie reputable economist In „ext week, contains some tight ate. And Boeing says the pro- gtonal mail centers wlU be cut Britain Near Warranty Deeda Shdulitor Clod the pan gravy. Serves 4-6. the Senate until the d ^ t exten- support cf the proposed ball- restrictions cn how the 8260 mil- gram cannot be restarted with- to five, which will have more Henry G. and Anna Suchy to Jewish League Members sion debate Is completed ^prob- out.'-’ non can be spent but says noth- out a new contract includingcentralized authority, and there Robert and Ontiileen Sylvester, Hoy use the above recipe and bake the roost In the aibly sometime in June unless “The argument that It Is nec- j^g about management, “large costs” of pulling back to- ^ manpower reduction, two parcels on Oakland Ter­ BEEF ROASTS Membersbip oven witqtped in Aluminum FOIL an agreement can be reached essary to ball out Itockheed in .Alan Cranston, D-Callf., gethei the disbanded project, Though his announcement race, conveyance tax 86.06. b o n e l e s s c l o d fyuf.w. BOAST OF TENDEB “to handle It In a limited time.” order to prevent widespread u- BM6( CREDIT Indicted by Grand Jury said nothing of how many em­ 3 WAYS CAROS HONORED AT Keimeth P. and Anna B; Salo Turning a congrea|lonal death employment and general eco- (See P ofe lliree) (See Page Isglit) QOOOYEAR SERVICE to James E. and Gloria A. CHUCK WASHINGTON (AP) — Ililr- Russian who is a naturalized ployes would be affected, In Market congressional sources said 3,600 TO I OuftaacrGiUitnq, \ STORES AND MOST Carey, property at 688 Wood- BRAISING teen members of the militant U.S. citizen and Is currently hi • OOOOVEAR DEALERS. bridge St., conveyance tax Jewish Defense League, Includ- jail In Israel; Stewart Orfien, 18, older, white collar workers BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — 828.06. SH O R T M B S tag Its chairman. Rabbi Meyer of Queens; A'vraham Hershkov- would be encouraged to retire. Britain and the six Comzpcn CHARGE Blount did say none of 640,000 .Market nations made a major Harold D. and Mary R. Clark U ri. C BO IC E ____ Kahane, have been Indicted on Itz, a native of Hungary and an to Richard C. and Mary M. LONDON BROIL charges of conspiring to violate Israeli citizen now serving a postal workers protected by breakthrough early today to Ellington, property at 82-84 Con- CHUCK PATTIES federal gun laws, the Justice five-year federal sentence for unions would be affected. That their negotiations on the British greoB Bt., 828.60. Center Cuts of this 4 Iba. 820 lb. Department announced today. passport violation; NanCy means the local mailman won’t application for membersbip to Federal Tax Uen change. the European Economic Com- DHIAJXB Hie sealed Indictments, re- Hershkovltz, who Is awaiting U.S. Government against Shoitldar Clod turned by a federal grand jury sentencing on the same charges "Orrly time will tell if the sys- munlty. Raljdi A. Saunden, Paint Con­ O npH SlritiB FriUM < Ik SIjN In Brooklyn Wednesday, were as her husband, and a man tern will improve,” said Rep. Agreement was reached . lo ts 8 1 .M Ib . Brieose of Tax Lien lb. 1JS9 Wednesday and early today of Dov; Nc. 2 Democrat on the House g formula to reckon Brlt- Eighth Utilltlea Dlotrict eight of the defendants, Atty. Cohen, Nancy Hershkovltz Postal Committee. “It would gjg.g payments Into the jnie two indlctoients accuse and a 810,000 fine. tions about cutting the regional Europe’s dwindling farm popu- For Imported Cars Marriage Uoenaea Note . . . the top grade U.8. FBlMiB brood breasted U front Dubuque Kahane and 12 others with fire- The JD L charged in New centers but he said he would not POWER CUSHION to 14 Ib. plump oven ready Ralston Purina "6800" RADIAL PLY TIRE EUla Culbreath and Barbara arms craisplracy charges In- York that the arrests were chaUenge the change "even resolved are, the RADIAL PLY "N" TIRE'78" SERIES Jean Reed, both of Hartford, no I^rge AUMeat volvtag the alleged production made to get Kahane and others though there Is ^ready a great u&ns of New Zealand’s date set. and possession of Incendiary out of circulation In order to deal of dlssatlrfacUcm to toe exports and the' future of blackwall tuOsItu TURKEYS Prices whitswtll tubslsss slzs BR 71-13 Prices Barry Donald Hayes of 69 BOLOGNA! and pipe bombs and of Illegally prevent protests against the Congress vrith the deterioration sterling. The negoUa- plus tl.tS Fstf. E«. Tax and old tlra start Rt I ll s ISS SR 13 plui -xie««iaxinsB>[ start St $1.39 Ftd. Ex. Tax Cambridge S t and Rita Louise purchasing and transporting trial of nine Jews In Leningrad In service,’’ r> tors were optimistic that these 3 B 4 0 and oM lira Other sizes avillable at slightly higher prices. Mulready of 10 Preston Dr., firearms. on charges of participating In M ay 14. 54 01. The grand jury returned two organized anti-Soviet activity. c h t!!^ a ^ cf® the Senkte p it a l ““ " ‘'■ Donald Warren Noyes of 42 GIANT Spl£ Indictments. One names Kahane The JD L issued a statement Benton St and Irene Jeqn Oon- SIZE I and 11 others. The second saying: GOODYEAR—THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS* TIRES dlo of 186 Oak St., May 23, St names Kahane and three othera "The State Department of the "za^ l^ rb ^ i^ tfffl^ k in n ; HOC Schumann said the session I From 1st Prise “ ’ produced a major breakthrough Jam es’ Church. Span WITH THIS COUPON | A New Yankee The eighth United States, In ctdluslon with R ob ert Wayne H alsted of 213 was apprehe^ ^ by ry soviet Union, wants to stop " ’Mcciee said he was concerned 'I with the “aboUtlMi of the white P^ted by the end of -1^®- Greenwood Dr. and Nancy Jean mthout Ooiq)(« 88c MEAT LO AF agents to Phi ^ ^ ^ V o rk by -J®L from demonstrating as Begg of 68 Plymouth Lane, May coUar workers and what he will «le Koster of the Dutch Foreign : Doodyeor Sorvioo Slom M A N CH ESTER TIRE. Ine.; 22, South Metbodist Church. T r ^ “^ a S n te toe Justice planned at 4 p.m. tomorrow do with the expertise that’s Ministry predicted that negoUa- Good Only at Finelhirst Grocery jpjf ,, . tions to admit Derunark and Ire- Hart and Vincent Kenerecn of ^ ^ ^ S e n t said, were Kahane, (Thursday) tor those Jews who Morton W toer, Irving Calde- are on trial at this moment In KSLLT KOAD AND VERNON CIBCIA 295 BROAD HIBEBT ; | Rockford, ni. and Ann Cecelia Offer Chqdrea May 16, U71 — Limit 1 Ooevon per purebaae Blount’s plan calls tor new re- l“ 'YEAR _DEALER. > May 22 at St. Bridget Church.
