(Translation) Minutes of Meeting of Traffic and Transport Committee Date

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(Translation) Minutes of Meeting of Traffic and Transport Committee Date (Translation) Minutes of Meeting of Traffic and Transport Committee Date : 18 September 2017 (Monday) Time : 2:00 p.m. Venue : Islands District Council Conference Room, 14/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong. Present Chairman Mr WONG Man-hon Vice-Chairman Mr CHEUNG Fu Members Mr CHOW Yuk-tong, SBS Mr YU Hon-kwan, Randy, JP Mr WONG Hon-kuen, Ken Mr LOU Cheuk-wing Ms YU Lai-fan Ms LEE Kwai-chun Mr TANG Ka-piu, Bill, JP Ms YUNG Wing-sheung, Amy Mr CHOW Ho-ding, Holden Ms TSANG Sau-ho, Josephine Mr KWOK Ping, Eric Ms FU Hiu-lam, Sammi Mr WONG Fuk-kan Mr WONG Ma-tim Mr WONG Shun-chuen Mr HO Siu-kei Mr YUEN King-hang Mr LAW Kwan Mr LAU Chin-pang - 1 - Attendance by Invitation Mr POON Ka-ho Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility, Highways Department Ms YEUNG Sai-hee Senior Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility, Highways Department Mr AU Chak-hi, Adrian Engineer/Housing & Planning 1, Transport Department Mr TSANG Chi-yan Senior Transport Officer/Planning/Ferry 2, Transport Department Mr TSANG Yee-yeung, Ian Senior Transport Officer/Tunnels & Tsing Ma 1, Transport Department Miss SZETO Hau-yan, Esther Property Service Manager/Service(Hong Kong Island & Islands 3), Housing Department Mr KU Siu-fai Chief Inspector of Police (Operations 2) (Central District), Hong Kong Police Force Mr LAM Mak-ham Inspector, Task Force Subunit, Enforcement and Control Division, Traffic Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong Police Force Mr NGAI Tin-pau Engineer/Transport, Security & Central Services 3/2, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Mr MOK Wai-po Senior Electronics Inspector/Transport, Security & Central Services 3/Transport Services, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Mr CHAN Man-tat Assistant Mechanical Inspector/Transport, Security & Central Services 3, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Ms YU Ka-man, Carmen Senior Administrative Officer (Tourism) , Commerce and Economic Development Bureau Mr Jeff C K POON Assistant Manager, Traffic Operations, Long Win Bus Company Limited Ms Annie LAM Assistant PR Manager – External Affairs, MTR Corporation Limited Mr LI Wai-sing Associate Director, MVA Hong Kong Limited Mr Tommy LAU Principal Traffic Engineer, MVA Hong Kong Limited Mr CHEUNG Kin-keung Deputy Managing Director, Mannings (Asia) Consultants Limited Mr CHEUNG Kwok-wai Operations & Marine Manager, New World First Ferry Services Limited Ms Vivian LEE Managing Director, ActionHouse International Limited Ms Bernice TSANG Senior Account Executive, ActionHouse International Limited Mr Alan FANG Chief Executive Officer, Formula Electric Racing (Hong Kong) Limited Ms Tiffany YIU Project Director, Formula Electric Racing (Hong Kong) Limited In Attendance Mr AU Sheung-man, Benjamin Assistant District Officer (Islands)1, Islands District Office Mr TO Chi-keung, Gary Senior Transport Officer/Islands, Transport Department Ms YUEN Kit-fung Engineer/Islands 2, Transport Department Ms LEUNG Chiu-mei District Engineer/Islands, Highways Department Mr TAM Ka-chun, Tommy Engineer 3 (Islands Division), Civil Engineering and Development Department - 2 - Mr LO Tim-fat District Operations Officer (Lantau) (Acting), Hong Kong Police Force Mr LAM Wai-kit Police Community Relations Officer (Marine Port District) (Acting), Hong Kong Police Force Mr WONG Wah Administrative Consultant, New Lantao Bus Co. (1973) Limited Mr CHAN Tin-lung Deputy General Manager, New Lantao Bus Co. (1973) Limited Ms CHAU Shuk-man, Anthea Corporate Communications Manager, New World First Ferry Services Limited Mr Peter TSANG Senior Manager-Transportation, Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited Secretary Ms CHAN Ka-ying, Florence Executive Officer I (District Council), Islands District Office Absent with Apology Mr CHAN Lin-wai Mr FAN Chi-ping Mr KWONG Koon-wan Mr WAN Tung-yat Mr CHAN Kam-hung Chairman, Lantau Taxi Association ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcoming Remarks The Chairman welcomed Members, representatives of government departments and organisations to the meeting and introduced the following representatives who attended the meeting: (a) Ms YUEN Kit-fung, Engineer/Islands 2 of Transport Department (TD), who attended the meeting in place of Ms KWOK Sze-wan, Cynthia; (b) Mr LAM Wai-kit, Police Community Relations Officer (Marine Port District) of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), who attended the meeting in place of Mr YUEN King-ho; and (c) Mr Peter TSANG, Senior Manager-Transportation of Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited (DBTSL), who attended the meeting in place of Mr CHUA Kwok-cheung, Vincent of HKR International Ltd. (HKRI). 2. The Chairman welcomed Mr LAU Chin-pang, new co-opted member, to the meeting. Members noted that Mr CHAN Lin-wai, Mr FAN Chi-ping, Mr KWONG Koon-wan, Mr WAN - 3 - Yat-tung and Mr CHAN Kam-hung were unable to attend the meeting due to other commitments. I. Confirmation of the Minutes of Meeting held on 17 July 2017 3. The Chairman said that the captioned minutes had been distributed to Members for perusal before the meeting. 4. No amendment was proposed and the above minutes were endorsed unanimously. II. Next Phase of the “Universal Accessibility” Programme (Paper T&TC 48/2017) 5. The Chairman welcomed Ms YEUNG Sai-hee, Senior Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility, and Mr POON Ka-ho, Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility of the Highways Department (HyD), as well as Mr CHEUNG Kin-keung, Deputy Managing Director of Mannings (Asia) Consultants Limited to the meeting to present the paper. 6. Ms YEUNG Sai-hee said that on 21 July this year, HyD received via the Secretariat a public suggestion to retrofit a lift at the footbridge across Ying Hei Road near the Visionary (No. ID01). She wanted to seek Members’ view about whether the Members would nominate this suggestion to be implemented under the Next Phase of the “Universal Accessibility” Programme (UA Programme). Mr POON Ka-ho presented the paper with the aid of PowerPoint presentation. 7. Mr Holden CHOW supported the proposed lift retrofitting at the above footbridge. Based on his observation on site, the footbridge connected the above residential developments and was used by many residents nearby. With the recent commissioning of the adjacent bus stop, it was expected that the pedestrian flow of the footbridge would increase. As the footbridge linked to the ground with only 1 staircase and there was no other convenient access connecting to the residential developments, residents had to make a detour to go home. Retrofitting of lift at the footbridge could provide convenience to the elderly and mobility- handicapped persons. As set out in the paper, the Government would bear the construction cost of the lift. However, the maintenance and repair of the footbridge was not within the purview of HyD. He asked which government department would be responsible for the maintenance and repair cost of the lift after opening to public. 8. Ms YEUNG Sai-hee said that although the above footbridge was not maintained by HyD, HyD would be responsible for the maintenance and repair cost of the lift. 9. Mr Bill TANG also supported the above proposal of lift retrofitting. He asked how HyD would handle the proposals of lift retrofitting on other outlying islands such as Cheung Chau and Peng Chau. - 4 - 10. The Chairman said that Mr TANG’s question was related to the next agenda item and suggested HyD respond to proposal of lift retrofitting in other areas of Islands District then. 11. Mr WONG Wah said that the bus company supported the proposed lift retrofitting at the footbridge (No. ID01). 12. The Chairman concluded that the Committee endorsed the implementation of the proposed lift retrofitting at the footbridge (No. ID01) as set out in the paper under the Next Phase of UA Programme. (Mr WONG Shun-chuen joined the meeting at about 2:15 p.m.) III. Question on lift retrofitting proposal (Paper T&TC 53/2017) 13. The Chairman welcomed Ms YUEN Kit-fung, Engineer of TD; as well as Ms YEUNG Sai-hee, Senior Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility, and Mr POON Ka-ho, Engineer 4/Universal Accessibility of HyD to the meeting to respond to the question. The written reply of TD had been distributed to Members for perusal before the meeting. 14. Ms LEE Kwai-chun briefly presented the question. 15. Ms YEUNG Sai-hee said that HyD had replied in writing to the Secretariat on 25 May this year, stating the reason for not including the proposed lift retrofitting on Cheung Kwai Road to connect to Cheung Kwai Estate on Cheung Chau under the Next Phase of UA Programme. She added that the criteria for inclusion in the Next Phase of UA Programme included that the walkways (i.e. footbridges, elevated walkways and subways) span across public roads maintained by HyD, and were open for public access from public roads at all times. The proposed lift retrofitting works on Cheung Kwai Road for connecting to Cheung Kwai Estate on Cheung Chau, which was suggested by Ms LEE Kwai-chun, did not meet the above criteria. As the proposed lift retrofitting at the footbridge across Ying Hei Road near the Visionary, which was discussed just now, met the above and related criteria, it could be included for implementation under the Next Phase of UA Programme. The lift location proposed by Ms LEE Kwai-chun was not situated at a public walkway. As the suggested lift location was at a ramp constructed along the hillside, it could not be included in the UA Programme. HyD had referred Ms LEE’s proposal to TD for follow-up, and TD would explore whether the proposal could be included in the programme of Hillside Escalator Links and Elevator Systems (HEL). 16. Ms YUEN Kit-fung said that, as stated in the written reply from TD, the Government had prepared a set of objective and transparent scoring mechanism for assessment of HEL proposals. The Government also planned to commence a study to review and improve the assessment mechanism, and in the light of the study findings, conduct preliminary assessment, traffic assessment and preliminary technical feasibility study for other proposals received in recent years (including the above lift retrofitting proposal of Ms LEE Kwai-chun).
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