Wednesday, March IS, 1942 EVENING Tl Mt, S (PHOXE CHEERY S 800) PAGE 5 Where City's Defenses LIBERTY LIMERICKS Major Pritchard STORE HOURS: DAILY, 9:30 to 5:30; SATURDAY, 9:30 to 6:00 . . . TELEPHONE CHerry 5100 Win Praise of Back at Custer You ( an

Freud, Defroii needs air raid wardens. It’s HUDSON’S Col. B. B. As Post Provost Here is a list of the schools where services Tlm*l Sl»lt ( nrrr*|M>ndrnl you may volunteer your for P:3O p. m. By IIOROTHV WILLIAMS FORT Ct’STER. March IS between 10 a. m. and Headquarters. rift between state of Civilian Defense Whatever the Maj. Ftank Pritchard Lansing, Barium Hotel. jnd city authority ti officials over former provost marshal at Fort Miller High School. 2522 Dubois pro- Color defense a’ Chairs with in s Custer, Boudoir Detroit civilian today was bark his old *t Gay reet gram, this still is regarded as a desk again after completing a Southwestern High School. 6921 together % * three tour of duty at the metropolitan area bound T « months West Fort street. by its common problems a« a nat- hattalion staff officer* school, Fort Post Srhool, 8200 Midland ave- . V You Can Choose from 3 0 Attractive Styles Benning. (la. ural target, in the opinion of Col. nue. ' During his absence Lieut. Rich- * III High School, >-* B B Freud. E. ha* been the post * Northern 9026 i Want to brighten up the sunroom, bedroom or living deputy of ard Barrett **. \ The colonel, director There was a young farmer provost marshal Woodw ai d avenue. r. n region which in- room with color and verve that sing of Spring? Then sixth defense transfers to- , 15055 Hub- Detroit, named John, Other announced cludes today had praised day included Lieut. William L hell avenue. select a boudoir chair or two at Hudson's. Kiln-dried the city's civilian defense organ- — Who saitl to himself Kleinpaste. Chicago, who goc* to cushions; covers, ization. Burroughs School, 8950 St. Cyril hardwood frames; kapok-filled cotton "Well, the quartermaster tran* j> or t avenue. Explained Freud: I swan! school, Atlanta, (la. mainly crash. Wc show five that win admiring looks. » Mackenzie High School, 9275 “The purpose of metropoli- Bonds get bigger Lieut. Charles H. Weese, At- tan defense area setup is to Defense Wyoming avenue. lanta. has b«*en relieved a* a-*i*- powers of the , 12800 Kelly co-ordinate the In value I figger tant adjutant at Fort Cu*ter communities to permit instant i>ost road \\ and lias rejsuted to headquarters I am pleased with De- bile helping our Victory Jefferson School, 950 Selden action. the Sixth Corps Area in Chi- troit's Vour cen- of avenue. results. control on.” cago for duty. ter promises to one of the Nolan School. 1150 Ea*t Lant/. he announced yester- best I've seen." Enlistments avenue. day by the [h>st recruiting officer School, the Central High 2125 Tux- SIDESTEPS CONTROVERSY’ included following Frank edo avenue. kumprr yt»M on Titur Roger and Freud deftly sidestepped the ¦lfe Get a Oversmith Charles E UVi Hxnia by inventing tkrm Case Battle Creek. Ralpfi Leroy controversy which prompted Mayor o In l . (. llrfrnw Honda and Priest, Marshall; Bruce Edison Edward J. Jeffries Jr. to offer to Hlampa Arraign /TLs fur VirUM7, Orton* Dav is. Lansing, and Warrerr Grant Defendants resign as civilian defense co-ordi- today! Clement. Switchback W nator of the metropolitan arm. Va. Above: Boudoir '' ' , ‘ “I regard this as a metropoli- In Housing Scandal chair in rose, blue • <- tan target area." the colonel or $13.95 jj "Targets don’t know politi- After arraignment on the state’* wine. said. information, and cal boundaries," of 7 500. Equipment, delayed be- Adventists Meet four individuals two corporation* charged with Jeffries' decision to resign came ' cause of priorities is the depart- con*piracy to hnhe m connection earlier in the day after a visit paid ment s biggest need. Garden* hou*ing him by Col. Harold Furlong, state with the Herman Al l. lil ll.lll\('!> director, (’apt and Donald date. • Buildings and engineer- Battle Creek awaiting a trial Leonard, In protective m i vice direc- safety The defendants, all of whom for . ing ('omrnissionei Joseph Wolff tor stood mute had not guilty plea* Furlong explained ID stale ad- reporting: BATTLE CREEK. March 1R- y.V Above: Chair in the de- entered for them and had iheir Approximately 250 Seventh Day . rose, ministrative hoard wanted Tiie department has lister! all bonds continued. They are: S wine, blue. agency buildings may a* air- Adventist ('hutch leader* were in fense work under a state I which serve Brook* Barron and Oscar Adel, beige. sß.^s supplying raid shelters and now is listing ail Battle Creek ready to tiegin »h*' since it was founds. attorneys: Dr. Lyle C. Ling, su*- places of assembly. All buildings quadrennial meeting of the Lake \( < Ot NTINt.s si RMITTED ('onference. I* nded deputy coroner; Samuel ate classified as to construction Union Committee Berman and the Rai*ler corpora- from; . meetings and pre- Freud heard recountings and type of occupancy tion and the Huron-Port land • Health Commission**! wif*-ien«-e far*irv*-'« sr**inns have heads of Detroit d< parimotvf- t**cd which will I been commandeered. Fifty-seven - fj. BIG SELECTION recruiting of tmo *{>*•. hospitals take 1 drr**od by Elder W. Turner. launch the 1 I in this area can OF USED nal patrolmen w full pnh< e < * xxi extra patients and an addi- Washington D. ('. vice president :*ll of ihe gene ral conference of North power to he calh (l only for war i tional Ji.fioo more on a temporary < ( Amer ica v rni n g emrrgrn< and liable u i fm< - nr I basis >ne industrial plant is E tabernacle meeting* are open to the public. TREADLES detention if thrv fcl to report | planning mobile first aid trucks Department irurh w air D ng I for imr ;n the plant vicinity. g:\en a ha*ic f\< iivihan fcn*e I*lBEK WORKS REPORT rour*o. J'ofiee at. d<>.ng firger- 2d Battle Man • Commissioner Creek prn’irg fo> a" nvi an defense [ Public Works ’ Walker V'»l UT 'feel idr r fir it ;Or William M Jr. reporting: Sttert repair - , rescue work and • f Lost in Pacific Battle Cnmmiss op.i r Louis .V Sehrenk ' demolition are the department s ' r.,ef war emergency tasks. Ap- BATTLE CREEK March IP chaise rr porting . tutted 7/Ktfi are A Rattle Creek resident * Tw enty-f' u-hrnit g. *d • are op proximately men availa- second longue in wine hue. Extended Payments Atailable V .\i nth Floor—Bridge I any today wa* lost in aetiop mI |j, \ ble now on 21-hour call for reported duty a* all ’al [kh-c Employe* $27.50 on Purchases 525 up \ £ d Contractor* are making a* a result of the naval battle of and $ Section am rorr.plet.rg trait. 1 on tl ejr ' -aster. < 'c,f available. dc- recently between the fleet of the duties m the ever* of air • •¦*rei*- l equipment The p.irtn i* doubling Ms United Nation* and the Japanese • Water 1 ent demoli- tion crew of SO and is planning He is seaman Roy E Wilemon. sinner Lauren e Ler.h.. ; rdt, ie- C. *on of Mr and Mrs. Silas Van porting rescue squad* • American Red Cross A J. Her- \\ demon. 70 Vulnerable l ive been re- *i«*''* re* r < tmg parent* were informed ye*, SINGERS pot ted i! auth f, iit , How f*or Hi* to fedet The Cross is preparer! terday by the navy department AND will s tpply water if railed Red for Detroit including a* r disaster work; emer- Previously h*ted mi**ing in the Upon to defer -s. u , is . s ' s»i! 1 11 feeding. Robert A assist- gency *ame battle wa* J. Free- hugest prohiert mutual * man. WHITES anee program he he. n worked out Other Popular Mahet \» 'h Highland Patk aid Gins»e pr Sop , portar. * Dempsey ¦•nte :n n. if.holes Trainer for Complaint Delays are being weld' i I PARKS XND ItI( RI \TION At Reception Center ‘l4®? ¦ i m ' nil ’ Big • Parks and P.r r • C ".;¦*¦ is Contract Awarding election of reconditioned FORT CFSTER. March drop-head treadle*. s • nr: Clarer.n K. Brewe: report- tin k Russel, professional wrestler BATTLE CREEK. March "" 111 I ing: \ w no r>nee fn .ght Lius Angel Firpo The Lakeview School l>oard today BRAND NEW arc! \V •’ Victory gardens j - ~rd ar-trd a* conditioner for Jack wa* investigating a complaint GRAfBAR PORTABLE P“ UviUf' piar, • mporvm.' on pro. ] Dempsey i« in the recruit re- fill'd hv the Brotherhood of I United Fle*tri(' .• • Full Sit* •Aaa Ap gam D< parte f. ( •r s are m ¦ ¦ •y.‘ ion center awaiting assign- Plumbers and Steamfttter* again*t H»«d ' Smooth- )QM 9 ar ailahle free to servicemen ment one of the bidder* on the con- Runninc Motor! ** ** ’ i • Guiiintrrdl He flaked classification ofTicers st met ion of the proposed $290,000 Br V M tford repot tmg a training soldiers m the senior high srhool building I for iot> W* a**lir All Mikn Marhif<»t f'»» |ftimit*l Demo]it .on v m. ids ¦'and f f aid , u ’ n;qu« of physical combat par- member* the low M/F* V * Union claim r' >w s a¦» pt' •mi ¦• 1 o - « • \\ a ¦ ! P ing of contracts on the building MAIN STORE, 1376 BROADWAY y Ml are Dung held up until the in- Vo. YOU Cm 1W Ouo a t 1 l - -' i \ op*n«,t» R r.idai, r»Aill*r ll*< Jury vestigation i* completed, officials : Mil# Slow Mli't Aratint. eiki l 7 Md. Aft AV44 * .gt Selection a 1! the £'• t‘ • i• > n< f* t said. .44 in f, -•r * R|,»l «t Trun-Butt Tl I-IMA * 'sarv a : rid 1 n. r .»• » RRB i f,r§rg R i .*r. .1 M.rttndtl* Ty 4-JAT7 Renner* • • • 1 .n ‘¦ • ••met - lor the “Inside NewV* of All? V4» just ask for your copy of Hudson's “A. B. C's of Mak- f• ¦ men t i\ l npa red 1 o their Howevet.1 there is a '|»ecial panel Tlh $ 50 ho • !> • ng Th» * 500 jurors which can hr called ]|!Pg* hours i i common of ing Your Own Slip Covers and Draperies.” The instructions Big Wardrobe 22 * council i - it. i | ~ , |to p .rcha -r if necessary. •>. have been tested for reliability. As for fabrics, here you will I*o air ra,d sr. a • tdy -1 leT After two day* of examination imp mum It’s just what you need for storing your ' of jut or* then* were 10 women find bright printed cretonnes. Spring-beckoning with floral de- registered uitli a « ,ti fop a total tentatively1 selected winter clothes. Sturdily made of steel, signs, sparkling with striped effects. A yard. $1 and up. Portable Phonograph the wardrobe is 70 inches high, 26 wide, Hand HUDSON'S —Light h Hoot—Grand Rner Atenue Building—Section A 20 Brown a tiHf— deep. color. It's value. I '• • )<' Eleienth Floor— ferrmer^—Section B '*¦ s' r FLOWER SHOW fjm / ' t Piar* S ub’ftl to Salr< I*\.

Full-f.atur. mnd.l CI fyens£atuttlay/ pav $3 \ fBH s.l OO down, 90 *3 1 J'l monthly—aavt carry- I M UU a chargaa. Choose Patterns in* | I I acgL- Variety FRIDAY...The Last Day to Buy Regular from of $1 Admission Tickets for Only

GnoV for Admmiow A«• i During thf (LOWER SHOI MARCH 2i-2* M HpnHRM CONVENTION HALL s IhriUOHUG lOf TAX Tickets Nou mi Stile at . . , HUDSON'S—IOth Floor—Gardon Section CROWLEY-MILNER S— at All Service Desks KERN S—Main Floor Service Desit KINSELS DRUG STORES General Electric floors with Colonial decora* haauty, ? f)P PRESS—32I W. Floor Of farm a C* "| 1 * ion, choose hook DETROIT FREE Lafayette—Main » des^rn parformanca and par- J I ft II Admiral Automatic W DRUG STORES far! ton*, plu. .an- I/¦ UU (such as the rug shown CUNNINGHAM .a I inn. I valua bal- IAA Phonograph Radio $54.95 anca $1 00 waahly. • * Plava 12 10-inch or „ We have INDEPENDENT HARDWARE STORES 90 pa>a Sum. ¦* fa«h 10 12-mrS Eighteenth Century r.rnrd. aiHomalu all v a fm. radio. FLORIST SHOPS Throughout Detroit Inn, with all n.w faafura. in a florals for period rooms: all- 14)5 luaurinu* rahtnal Ganaroua allow- SCHETTLER'S— JB'iecutuHiu ant. for your old radio Pav nra- AT GRAND RIVIR fifth down. Ralanra $.900 monthly. Xof all colors tan MES IS UNIFORM ADMITTED TO SHOW FREE »lcr» Hour. Ilnwnln.n, #:M A M In A St) T M ; 'flihhnrhmK), tto A M. Blue beige rose SERVICE p »n 9 T M , F.trapt Tna.rfa* 9nrt Hfdnfitfai frnilni>, I In.rd at 9;90 M. 1?J1 6r«"< Pivar TVlar |.|l« S4J* Mlrhi«tn* A*'* Eighth Floor-farm** Street f,r»nH * Bulling Serf**" C ... . CASS AVENUE 17971 Biv.r . ~.Vtrin.»l A-WIIO 11147 J«« Camratl Tow«aof 901* MICHIGAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 4H70 14711 Ini J.H.r*.. Ll"*« 4Wl* n.o.ral Malar. png Tft'.'ty l-~77* 94(0 I*S2¦ Woaifwarß ...... T0»"«*"A 1-9700 *9*2 Gratia! Pl»/» A NON PROFIT EDUCATIONAL OWGANrZATION |