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11701_Black_2p_bindex.a.qxd 8/23/04 10:12 AM Page 451 INDEX A Ake, Commandant, 45 Abadan refinery,133, 170, 173 Akkadians, 21 Abbas, Abdul, 36 Aleppo, 73, 74, 75, 77 Abbas I, Shah, 65 pasha of, 84, 85, 86 East India Company alliance with, Ali, 33–36 72–73 rebellion against, 34 Abbasid dynasty,36–38 Ali, Rashid, 311, 312, 314, 341 Abdulhamid II, Sultan (Abdul the elimination of, 316, 318–319 Damned), 103–104, 109–110, 111, relationship with Third Reich, 117, 119, 121, 124–125, 127, 129, 315–316 130, 230–231, 280 Ali Mosque, 3, 4, 6–7, 79, 374–375. See dethroning of, 131 also Najaf Abdullah, King, 178, 240, 252, 254 Al Istiqlal editorials, 315 Abraham (Abram), 23, 26–27 Allah, 29, 30 “Absolute neutrality,” 315 All-India Moslem League, 311 Accounting systems, ancient, 17–20 “Almost facts,” xix–xx Ades, Shafiq, 346 Al Qaeda network, 373 Admiralty’s Oil Fuel Committee, 119 Alwand oil refinery,326 Affan, Caliph Uthman ibn, 32–33 Al Zawra newspaper, 108 Afghanistan, 76 Am al-Nakba, 246 Africa. See also South Africa America, 70. See also United States Ottoman Empire in, 56 oil consumption by,264 sea-lanes around,COPYRIGHTED 54 oil exported MATERIAL from, 98 African and Eastern Concessions, 139 oil for England from, 173 Age of Enlightenment, 70, 88 petroleum business in, 104–105 Age of Exploration, 52–53 Seven Years’ War and, 74 Ahab, King, 27–28 American oil company syndicate, 269 al-Ahd, 175, 176, 180 American oil interests, 262–263 Ahmet I, Sultan, 66–67 American oil policy,265–266, 267–271 Air operations, British, 257–258 American Petroleum Institute, 263, Aisha, 33 268 in Battle of the Camel, 34 Amorites, 22 451 11701_Black_2p_bindex.a.qxd 8/23/04 10:12 AM Page 452 Index 452 Anatolia, 52, 53–54, 56.
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