Damien Sarrazin
[email protected] 310-741-8659 Asmodee Ruby Nikolopoulou Phone: +1.514.382.8880 x209
[email protected] www.asmodee.com Acclaimed Developer Days of Wonder Announces Digital Release of Splendor Available Now for IOS and Android Award-winning strategy board game makers invite players to dive into a unique world of Renaissance merchantry. Los Altos, CA; Paris, France – July 9, 2015 – Days of Wonder, an Asmodee studio and a leading developer and publisher of board games, is proud to announce today the release of SPLENDOR on IOS and Android and coming soon on the Steam platform. SPLENDOR is a truthful digital adaptation of the Space Cowboys board game, which has sold more than 200,000 copies globally, immersing players in the heart of a unique Renaissance world to deliver friendly and exciting experience. SPLENDOR is an addictive visceral strategy turned-based card game, where players assume the role of wealthy Renaissance merchants, exploiting mines and caravans, hiring craftsmen and leveraging their influence with the nobility. The goal is to acquire the greatest wealth and become the most popular merchant. The player with the most prestige points wins the game! In addition to its exclusive content, the digital version of SPLENDOR truthfully adapts all the various elements of the Space Cowboys’ award-winning board game (2014 Golden Geek Board Game, Family Game of the Year, Origins Game of the Year and 2014 Meeples Choice). Discover the “Challenges” mode, a singular game similar to chess. Players must deal with complex situations, pushing them to achieve specific goals such as reaching a certain number of points, winning a special card, or collecting a combination of gems.