Principles of Underfit Streams
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Principles of Underfit Streams GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 452-A Principles of Underfit Streams By G. H. DURY GENERAL THEORY OF MEANDERING VALLEYS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 452-A UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director First printing 1964 Second printing 1967 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1 (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Page Abstract.--_----_-__---_-_-_._____._.._______._____ Al Principles of underfit streams Continued Introduction --.--_.__.________,______._._____.__._. 1 Regional distribution and a regional hypothesis.___ A26 Acknowledgments__ _ _ _____________________________ 3 Climatic hypothesis and underfitness other than Perspective on terminology.-._-_---_______-__-_____- 4 manifest. ____________-_----_--_--__------ 29 Principles of underfit streams_______________________ 9 Meandering tendency of a drainage ditch __ 32 Diversion unnecessary__-_______________,________ 9 Creeks in Iowa------------------------- 33 Diversions other than capture the question of spill Humboldt River, Nev___________________ 35 ways --_--__-_____________--________________- 16 Shenandoah River, Va-__-----_-_-------- 36 Ozarks and Salt and Cuivre River basins, Wabash River, Ind., and glacial Lake Whittle- Missouri- _-_______-_---_--__---_----- 39 sey ---__..______-________..___.__-_._- 17 Rivers in New England________________ 47 Souris River at Minot, N. Dak...____________ 18 Canyons in Arizona.____________________ 55 Sheyenne River, N. Dak., and glacial Lake Problems of the influence of bedrock. _________ 59 Agassiz._________________________________ 18 Canyons as flumes._____________________ 63 Stratford Avon, England, and glacial Lake Summary __________________________________________ 65 Harrison __ _____________________________ 22 References cited---_-_-----__-----____-------------- 66 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Map of the River Bar and the reversed River Agron, France, showing valley bends_..______________------ In pocket 2. Map of the Sheyenne River spillway and associated features, North Dakota.________________------_----- In pocket FIGURE 1. Oblioue aerial view of the Evenlode River, Oxfordshire, England, an underfit stream._________._____-____---- A2 2. Sketch map of part of the Windrush River, Oxfordshire, England, an underfit stream.__________-_____-__-_-- 3 3. Stereoscopic photograph of part of Bois Creek, Grant County, Wis., an underfit stream. ________--__-__------ 3 4. Block diagrams of underfit streams, showing character and possible origin of some combinations of stream channel and valley patterns.______-_________________-_________________---___---_---------_---------- 8 5. Graph showing comparative wavelengths of valley and stream meanders of members of the Warwickshire Avon system and of streams of the Cotswold back-slope, England. ________________________---_-_-------- 10 6. Location map of streams in Swabia, south Germany_________________________-_____---__-----_----------- 11 7-8. Sketches showing stream-channel and valley patterns 7. Eyach, Stunzach, and Schmeie Rivers_....._._______________________________-___-------___------- 12 8. Lauchert and Starzel Rivers._--_____-______-____--_-___________-___---__----_------------------- 12 9-10. Maps showing incised bends 9. Moselle and Meuse Rivers- _________-______________--______________--__-_------------_---------- 13 10. Seine and Meuse Rivers___---__-_____-_-__________-______-___-_---_--__-_----------------------- 14 11. Map of eastern France showing distribution of manifestly underfit streams______-____--------_-------------- 15 12. Graph showing relation of wavelength to drainage area of selected French rivers.________-____----_--_-_----- 16 13. Map of the Auglaize River system, Ohio, showing stream-channel patterns.--------------------------------- 18 14. Auglaize River system, Ohio, as mapped from aerial photographs-___-_______________.-______-------------- 19 15. Aerial photograph of part of the Auglaize River_ -_____-____-__._________-__--_-__----_------------------ 20 16. Sketch of the Souris River valley at Minot, N. Dak_____...________.-____--________-------------------- 21 17. Sketch map showing former drainage basin of the Avon River, Warwickshire, England, in relation to glacial Lake Harrison. _ ________-__--_____-___________________________-________-__-_____-_---------------------- 23 18. Sketches of the Avon River showing river terraces and two interpretations of these terraces._____-_____-__---- 24 19. Known areal extent of manifestly underfit streams in France and southeast England.___________________----- 26 20. Map of the Kickapoo River near Soldiers Grove, Wis_ ___________________________________________________ 27 21. Sketch of the Kickapoo River showing former meanders reconstructed from aerial photographs--------------__ 27 22. Contrasted valley patterns on the Delaware River, Kans - ________________________-_______-----___-------- 28 in IV CONTENTS Page FIGURE 23, 24. Map of conterminous United States showing areal range of manifestly underfit streams in relation to 23. Physical subdivisions____._-_-_---_._---- .---_-_-----_-_-----__----_-_______________..__.__.___ A30 24. Climatic subdivisions.__._____.__...__._...--__-___-_-______--___-_-___-________________________ 31 25. View of drainage ditch at Eagle Pitcher mine near Shullsburg, Wis_ _______-.______.__.._____.____._.____ 32 26. Sketch of ditch shown in figure 25.-......-.....-.-------------_-------------------__---.-__._.__...___ 32 27. Map of part of Sugar Creek, Iowa-._.._-_-_-.__-.__-_-__--_-_-_-_-_-_---___-_--______-___...__._____._ 33 28. Sketch of part of McDonald Creek, Iowa..._._-._-_-______-__-__-_---__--_--_--_-_-__--.__________.._ 34 29. Graph showing relation of wavelength to drainage area of the Humboldt and Owyhee Rivers and Birch Creek_ _ _.. 35 30-34. Maps of 30. Part of the South Fork of the Humboldt River, Nevada......-_--.._.__-____.._._.___.^.,____:._... 36 31. Part of the Humboldt River, including Carlin Canyon, near Carlin, Nev.________.,--.__________________ 37 32. Part of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River near Mount Jackson, Va.._____.__.._._..._.____.... 37 33. Part of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River near Strasburg, Va.----.-___-.__..-.._.^_.._._._... 38 34. Meramec River near Pacific, Mo., showing incised valley meanders_--_--___________- -___ _ ___...__ 40 35, 36. Gasconade River in flood, May 1961 35. Aerial view..____--_-_-_---._-_---_--_---------------------_.-.----__--_----__-___-__._________ 41 36. Ground view.____-___--____---_-_----.___-_-------------------------_---.--.--_..-_....._.____ 42 37. Map of the Gasconade River south of Linn, Mo., showing cutoff valley bend_______......__.-._... ._._.__.. 43 38-40. Maps of parts of the 38. Elk and Middle Forks, Salt River, Mo...._.......- ___..-.._.........-.-..__......._.__.... 44 39. Bourbeuse River, Mo.__.___-.--___.-__-_----_-...--_._-_---.-..---..-.-..-._...-__.... ..__.._.. 44 40. Meramec River, Mo -.___-.._---..-__-__----_-_--..-------------.--------...-......-_..._.__-- 44 41. Graph showing comparative wavelengths of streams in the northeast Ozarks and of the Salt and Cuivre Rivers. - - _ - 45 42. Maps showing ranges of stream-channel and valley patterns on underfit streams...._________________________ 46 43. Channel-bed profile of a reach of the Osage River, Mo.--__-_-_-__----__-----_-_-__-__________._..._.___. 47 44. Aerial oblique view of part of the Osage River upstream from the Lake of the Ozarks-._--_.______.__________ 48 45. Graph showing relation of wavelength to drainage area of streams in southern New England_________.________ 49 46. Map of the Deerfield River, Mass., showing valley bends on an upland reach-_______________________________ 49 47. Sketch of the Deerfield River showing stream meanders on a lowland reach---_-_-_.-______________________- 50 48. Map of the Westfield River, Mass., showing valley bends on an upland reach- .________-_-_--__. ________..- 51 49. Map of the Connecticut River valley showing scrolls.___-__----_-___---_______-_-__--_-___ _-._-__-____.- 52 50. Sketch map showing the possible capture of Pond Brook, Conn.__._-____._____-___--_--_.---_.___..____-__ 54 51. View of scallop of stream meander in kame, Pomperaug River, Conn______________________________________ 55 52. Sketch of the Connecticut River valley showing manifestly underfit streams on the drained floor of glacialLake Hitchcock _-____-__-___-___._________._______.___._-__.___..-_______.____-__.___.________---___--- 56 53-58. Views of 53. Valley bend in Canyon Padre, Ariz___---___-_____-.-___-.___-__.---_-.-..-----__-_.-__---____- --. 57 54. Berms and stream channel in Canyon Diablo, Ariz___--_-______-_-.--_._.-____--_._---_____-__-_-__ 57 55. Point bar of valley meander in Canyon Diablo_-.____..__.__-..__.____.____-______-_.___._______--_ 58 56. Point bar of valley bend, undercut outer slope, and shedding of joint blocks in Canyon Diablo-.--.--.----- 58 57. Sketch of Oraibi Wash, Ariz., showing scrolls and scars__..-_-__._______-_-______--___.-_-_--___--__---- 59 58. Aerial view of Oraibi Wash---____.______.______._____.._________.___.__...__.___.__._______-_______-- 60 59, 60. Views of meandering gullies 59. On highway bank near Iowa City, Iowa._____-___-----_--_-_-___.-.__--_-_-___-__-_-_-__--_-____-. 61 60. On mine tailings near Shullsburg, Wis__.____._.______--_._-___-__--___._._-_________-___--_-__.-- 62 61. View of joint blocks of dolomite shed from valley wall, Mineral Point Branch of the East Pecatonica River, Wis. 63 62. Stereoscopic photograph of Bear Creek Canyon, near Denver, Colo. -.-.__---___-_._-_______-__--__---___-- 64 63. Views of canyons on the west side of Deep Spring Valley, Calif._____.--_..-_-...__--__.__.__-_-_-_____---_ 65 TABLES TABLE 1. Wavelengths of meanders of the Sheyenne River spillway.__._-_.__-_-_-____-_____.-___-__-.-___--_-____--- A20 2.