The Glaven Valley Newsletter

Photo by Richard Porter

April 2020

MAIN CONTENTS THE GLAVEN VALLEY NEWSLETTER Page 2 Useful Contacts Page Page 4 Treasurer’s Report Editor: Lorraine Nairn BSc (Hons) Psych 12 The Cornfield, Langham, NR25 7DQ Page 5 Important GVN Information 07983 287088 Page 7 News email: [email protected] Page 9 & 10 Coronavirus – Blakeney Community Support Treasurer: Martin Tyler 01263 740817 Page 15 Cley News Stonebridge House, Bridgefoot Lane Page 19 News Wiveton, Holt, NR25 7TP [email protected] Page 20 Glandford, Letheringsett Page 21 Community News Page 25 Church Contact Details & Production & Distribution Co-ordinator: Monthly Letter Oscar Haynes 01263 712693 Page 26 Readers Letters & Articles Dunelm, Avenue Road, High , Page 28 Farming Article NR25 6RD Page 30 What’s On Information email: [email protected]

Page 33 Sudokus & Wordsearch Printing: Oscar Haynes & Page 34 April Tides Information Chevertons, by Martin Tyler Page 35 Weather Report by Bill Hudson Page 36 Blakeney 12 – Save The Date


Copy for the May Issue must be received by the 15th April at the latest.

Either via email, post or handmail to: [email protected] GVN Post Box at 12 The Cornfield, Langham, Nr Holt, NR25 7DQ.

The Editor does not necessarily agree with views expressed by correspondents.

<<>> Please be aware that adverts containing too much black or block colours do not always reproduce very well and upsets our printer. However, these type of adverts are more suited to our Advert Directory section (yellow pages), so please opt for your advert to be placed here 3 instead. Thank you…Editor… Treasurer’s Report

Please help support the production of the Glaven Valley Newsletter – we rely on donations to help fund its annual costs - each copy costs around £1 of which advertising covers 40p.

You could set up a regular payment to us using the standing order form below or one off donations can be sent in cash or cheque to the Treasurer, Martin Tyler at Stonebridge House, Bridgefoot Lane, Wiveton, Holt NR25 7TP (cheques payable to Glaven Valley Newsletter) or by direct bank transfer to Sort Code 30-94-34, Account Number 00897099.

Many thanks Martin Tyler, Treasurer, Glaven Valley Newsletter

Standing Order Mandate

To The Manager Bank (Your bank) Bank Address

Bank details Sort Code (your bank details) Account Number

Please Pay For the credit of Glaven Valley Newsletter Bank details Sort Code 30-94-34 Account Number 00897099 Reference GVN Donation Regular Amount (In figures) Starting on (enter date of first payment)

Frequency Monthly / Annually Delete as appropriate

And continue until cancelled by me in writing Signature



GVN – Editorial Policy

The Glaven Valley Newsletter aims to provide information about local events and items of interest to people living in the Glaven Valley and in its surrounding villages, and also to non- residents who are interested to know what is going on in this lovely part of North . To make the publication interesting to read we include items such as puzzles, poetry and articles which we hope are amusing. We also welcome occasional contributions dealing with local, national or international affairs. We do not necessarily agree with opinions stated or implied in these articles but we do believe that they make our Newsletter more interesting to many of our readers. We will not however publish anything that is in our opinion illegal, clearly offensive, or represents a personal attack on a named member of our community. We believe that expression of a wide range of viewpoints makes our Newsletter valued in the Glaven Valley and beyond.

Jim Crossley – Chairman of the Trustees

Coronavirus and Glaven Valley Newsletter

We were going to use this slot to say how much the Glaven Valley Newsletter depends on the local community to help print, collate and distribute the magazine and to say that it may be difficult to keep this up.

Of course events have overtaken us and you won’t even get this month in hard copy format. But we will reiterate our appeal now even though it is now for the future. If there are any people out there who may be able to spare an odd hour or two to help the production in Glandford towards the end of each month can you please contact Oscar Haynes on 01263 712693 or [email protected] to let him know. Also we may need people to help in the distribution when we do get back to hard copy. Hopefully we won’t need to call on your services, but we want to try to ensure we can keep the production and distribution of GVN going whatever happens.

Thank you, The GVN Committee

A very big and special thank you to all those volunteers who have tried to get the GVN printed, stapled and distributed this month, even if to no avail!

Oscar Haynes 5

BLAKENEY FILM NIGHT THE GLAVEN VALLEY VILLAGE HALL NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES FOR 2020 Happy Easter to all our film-goers Monthly Advertising from the Film Night Team. Advertising rates for the ‘white pages’ per issue are as follows: Sadly, there will be no Film Night this

Local Charities & Not-for-profit month. Organisations (Charity Rate) ------Up to ¼ page FREE ½ page £16.50 A4/full page £27.50 In line with government advice we have closed the shop for the time being. However, Local Businesses & we are still working and selling our work Non-Local Charities online and over the telephone. one eighth page £16.50 ¼ page £22.00 ½ page £38.50 Look us up on facebook A4/full page £70.00 @madeincleypottery

Non-Local Advertising We are on instagram @made_in_cley (outside the Glaven Valley area) one eighth page £22.00 Check out our website: ¼ page £27.50 ½ page £55.00 A4/full Page £110.00 Give us a ring on 01263 740134 Advert Directory (Yellow pages) This advertising is very reasonably priced and spaces are now available. The Advert Directory is annually based.

For further information,

please contact the Editor: T BATCHELOR Email: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE No job too small, just give me a call. [email protected] Anything considered: tiling, patios, woodwork etc. Reasonable rates – based in Blakeney Mobile: 07983 287088 Please Tel: 01263 741121 Or 07753 325286


Cruise in June. There will also be races at King’s Lynn Regatta in May and, of course, we mustn’t forget our local Blakeney regattas at Blakeney and at in August. The whole season will be completed with the Thames Great River Race in September and the race for the Carrow Cup in December. What a great year of rowing in store! St. Nicholas Church Blakeney If you wish to be part of the fun, both on and off the water, is holding an Easter Egg Hunt on gain an idea of the club’s activities from April 11th - 10 -12noon then phone club captain Humphrey on 07542371469. Rowing is a great experience craft and raffle - refreshments and a and you could take advantage of three trial rows before chocolate raffle. deciding whether you wish to pay for membership of the club. Come and join us and have some fun. Coaching and lifejackets are available. The company is always entertaining, the exercise is healthy.

Make contact soon. We’d love to hear from you. Cabaret Came to Blakeney Church Barry Howes

The Valentine’s Day Cabaret in Blakeney Church proved to Blakeney Ladies Lunch Club be a unique occasion and sell-out success, raising £1000 towards the Friends of Blakeney Church support for essential Lunch will be on Thursday April 9th at Manor Hotel, normal church projects. Over 80 people from far and wide enjoyed a time 12.30 for 1pm. Look forward to seeing you all there. sit-down meal while being entertained by a group of four Val Cox, 01263 741653 friends from Cathedral; Esther and Aidan Platten and professional musicians George Inscoe and Kirsty O’Neill. As a surprise addition to their wide-ranging list of songs from ‘the Shows’ and other popular standards, the Tuesday Club is cancelled until further notice but piano duet by the Rector, Richard Lawry and his wife Brenda we are here to help or if you wish to speak to one of us was also greatly appreciated. for any reason, please do not hesitate. Helen Gimson 07966 494423 Judy Pegden 741497 and Alison Jewell We thank Catherine Temple of Mrs Temple’s Cheese and 740754 Mark Lynton of Lynton Wines for their support of Keep well- Blakeney is a wonderful caring the event. Many thanks to the team of volunteers who helped community, the team will let you all know when it to decorate the back of the church to create the festive starts up again. atmosphere of Valentine’s Day and to help brighten up the dark days of February.

Many others were involved in preparing the meal and in other Blakeney Cley and District Royal British Legion - ways, to ensure that this ambitious project was a resounding Respite, Wheelyboat, Training and more. success. We have already been asked whether we could organise a repeat event next year. We shall have to wait and More updates: see! Tom Green Wheelyboat –- which is a small ferry boat for wheel chair users and others with mobility problems. We know the boat Coastal Rowing Association of Blakeney we want. Our target is to raise £60,000. Last month we had raised £15,000, this month we are at around £20,000 I’m writing this newsletter just before the final weekend of assuming we get some gift aid. But the really good news is skiff preparation for the Blakeney rowing season. Hoi that the Wheelyboat Trust are fundraising too and seem Larntan’s blue and white hull now sparkles and Bluejacket confident that they can raise about £20k! That leaves us will shortly receive her finishing touches so that she will look £20k to go so were getting super confident!! If you would like equally impressive. Many thanks to all the dedicated to donate please contact me. “Crabbers” who have given their time in the cause of sanding, undercoating and painting. Look at the web site Respite Breaks –Our tailored small-scale family respite to see pictures of members of breaks are entirely complementary to a 21st Century, your local rowing club hard at work. professional, tailored package of measures to support Forces families. That’s a large part of the Legion’s work. The At the time of writing, the date in mind is 11th April when opportunity for families to come together in a place that is rowers will gather for the Blessing of the Boats ceremony tranquil and special is very important. Whether that be as which will be the “curtain raiser” for the rowing year. After therapy, mental health support, financial planning or anything that, everyone will look forward to a new season full of social else. expeditions and competitive events. For example, there will be an expedition to the Lake District in April and a Broads 7

effectively demonstrated that by saying sorry our sins would We had built up to hosting two families a month. In March we dissolve and be washed away. And a "prayer wall" was also hosted our first respite break for carers in the emergency available to push messages into forgiving others, or asking for services. something nice for them. Finally, everyone shared a meal. It’s the case that accommodation is the most expensive part of this programme. So please do get in touch if you can help us No Messy Church in April because of the School holidays. with a week or weekend every now and again in a holiday We look forward to seeing you again soon for more Messy fun cottage you might own. & learning. The Messy Church Team Training- the Harbour room lies empty and unused for much of the week. is a “cold spot “for training. It’s a long bus trip to Norwich, Kings Lynn or . We are working with the Princes Trust to scope out the EASTER LILIES opportunities there may be to provide training and retraining in Blakeney. If you have a background in the industry, or just It will shortly be time to order the Easter ideas you’d like to share (on any midweek uses for the Harbour Room) then do get in touch. Lilies for St Nicholas’ Church, Blakeney. If you would like me to include a Lily in The Harbour Room-Corona virus will have an effect so keep an eye on the website to catch up with what’s happening to memory of a loved one, please contact rd planned events. Stay safe and healthy!! me on 741287 before 3 April.

Tom Harrison Blakeney Cley and District Royal British Legion. Thank you! 07785731804 or [email protected] Jan Franklin


Loving & Forgiveness was our theme this month and it focussed on the story of a man with two sons, the younger of whom wanted his inheritance immediately so he could spend it having a good time. This greatly saddened his kind & loving father. Alas, the money was soon wasted and the young man was reduced to living in a pigsty and sharing the swine's food. Blakeney Channel Coastal Community Team Although he knew his father loved him, he felt too ashamed (BCCCT) to ask for forgiveness. However, when he did go home, he was welcomed by his father with open arms and a celebratory We have been planning for our Public Meeting on 15th April party - all of which greatly angered his brother. However, the but due to the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus situation father explained that while he loved his sons equally, the at the time of going to press, please check on the Blakeney younger son had been lost and now was found. The story Harbour Association or the Blakeney Parish Council website reminded us that God is a kind, loving & forgiving Father - before attending….. regardless of our actions: this message further reinforced by Don Glaister our song, "Jesus Loves Me" whether we are "good or bad, happy or sad".

Onto the various activities... biscuits were decorated with Hearing Aid Maintenance Clinic marshmallow snouts and pink icing ears while chocolate icing from 10am to 12noon. pens were used for other piggy facial features. The children Being held at the Glaven Centre, Blakeney could also make a replica of the pigsty featuring a colourful April 15th - Wednesday pig and the "prodigal son" figure. Other activities reinforced May 29th - Friday the importance of forgiveness. The children carried a heavy bag whilst searching for the hidden matching halves of broken June 17th - Wednesday hearts pinned to a board. Once each heart was "mended" the bags were put down to symbolise how holding on to Podiatry/Foot Clinic grievances can weigh heavy on us. Also, we had a with Katrina demonstration of air resistance, witnessing how paper held in every Wednesday from 9am different ways or made into different shapes will influence its rate of drop - as with resistance to temptation, asking for please ring for appointment forgiveness. Our banner, "God Loves & Forgives - So Should Glaven Centre, Thistleton Court, Blakeney We" had a central cross which was beautifully decorated, 01263 740762 along with mended hearts and the children could add their own messages to God. Effervescent tablets dropped into water


********************************************************* Coronavirus Call to Acon & Call for Help Your local community is here to try and support those in need of non- emergency help during this challenging me. If you need non-medical support please visit the following facebook page that may be able to help… Blakeney Community Support 103772634595832/ Blakeney Community Support is a new voluntary group that has been purposely set up by members of the local community to try and alleviate the potenal issues of isolaon caused by Coronavirus. The help offered is not medical assistance or for the reporng of your symptoms or illness, for advice if you feel unwell please follow NHS hps:// or Public Health guidance. The support group may not be able to do everything that may be asked, but if it can, it will try and help. If you’re a local business and willing to help in anyway and want to offer your services e.g. food / non-food delivery, within this feature of the Glaven Valley Newsleer or on the Blakeney Community Support page, please get in touch If you’re a resident in the local area and willing to volunteer your me and efforts in anyway, please get in touch.

Our thanks to Rachel Bould in insgang the community support group recognised by the Blakeney Twelve Reg. Charity 276758 ********************************************************* Coronavirus Call to Acon & Call for Help Directory of businesses providing services to alleviate isolaon… Local businesses that are offering delivery services

 P & S Butchers— telephone 01263 713227 hps:// tradional-delivery/

 Bayfield catering - hps://

 Cley Smokehouse - hps://

 Pastonacre - Cley - Bakery - hps:// If you do not have any internet connecon, Budgens of Holt offer a local home delivery service, phone ahead to place an order with one of the assistants. For telephone orders, call 01263 715895 between 8:30 am and 10:30am for same day delivery. Free delivery on orders over £20.00—pay over the phone at me of order. Delivery schedule Tuesday—Wiveton, Cley Wednesday—Blakeney, Langham, Letheringse, Glandford Friday—Cley, Blakeney, Langham, Letheringse We already have Blakeney Community Support volunteers willing to help in the following areas, so if you need help get in touch… Blakeney—High Street, Road, Rectory Lane, The Bus, New Road, Morston Road, Queens Close, and Langham Road Blakeney Twelve— Trevor Preston 01263 740 906 & Steven Hall 01263 741 748 More to follow we hope… Be kind, please think of others whilst looking aer yourselves, together we hope we can make a posive difference. Our thanks to Rachel Bould in insgang the community support group recognised by the Blakeney Twelve Reg. Charity 276758 BLAKENEY PARISH COUNCIL-


PC Jason Pegden – 07967 820518 & Email: [email protected] has asked us to share these details with you, and he will pick up messages as and when he is on duty. Please do remember to use 999 in an emergency and that the Police 101 number is still in operation.

Extracts from the March Full Council meeting. February 2020 are signed as a true record.

PC Jason Pegden from the Wells Police (Safer Neighbourhood Team) was present and reported as follows; The following incidents have been reported since the last meeting – 1 x malicious online behaviour and 1 x blackmail, a couple of outboard thefts from Wells. There are an ever-increasing number of scams taking place including phone and online, all persons are asked to be alert and report all scams. The next public open engagement sessions at Wells police station are on 26th March, 15th April and 11th May between 10am and 12 noon, all welcome, no appointment necessary. A lettings company had also advised that oil had been stolen from a property in Back Lane.

Blakeney Parish Council are pleased to announce that David Long and Clive Warnes have been appointed as the Car Park Attendants for the 2020 season.

Open public session – 1 member of the public spoke.

Concerns over the ever-increasing light pollution from properties along Morston Road.

PLANNING – PF = Full Planning Permission, PM = Planning Permission – Reserved Matters, LA = Alteration to Listed Building.

Application no. PF/20/0139 – Proposal; Ground floor bay window extension and associated alterations at, The Old Brew House, 119a High Street, Blakeney. No objection.

Application no. PF/20/0155 – Proposal; Replacement ground floor window in south elevation & LA/20/0156 – Proposal; Internal and external works associated with replacement ground floor window on south elevation at, Melrose House, 107 High Street, Blakeney. No objection.

Application no. PF/20/0153 – Amended plans – Proposal; Demolition of lean to and erection of two storey front and side extension, single storey rear extension, single storey link to garage, installation of dormer windows and erection of detached outbuilding at, Poppyland, Back Lane, Blakeney. No objection.

Application no. PF/20/0210 – Proposal; Single storey rear extension within existing walled courtyard at, Quay Cottage, The Quay, Blakeney. No objection.

Application no. CL/20/0292 – Proposal; Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of the site for the stationing of 6 x static caravans (all year-round occupancy) at, Caravan Site, Galley Hill House, Langham Road, Blakeney. Noted.

Application no. PF/20/0293 – Proposal; Variation of condition 3 of planning permission PF/19/0768 to remove the restriction that 2 of the 6 caravans should be touring caravans at, Grimes Caravan site, Langham Road, Blakeney. No comment.

Application no. PF/20/0323 – Proposal; Construction of single storey rear extension; construction of two dormer windows on rear second storey elevation (one extending existing second floor dormer) at, 58 Morston Road, Blakeney. No objection.

Application no. PF/20/0345 – Proposal; Erection of lean-to pergola in rear garden (retrospective) at, Woodpecker Cottage, 4 Wiveton Road, Blakeney. No objection.

FINANCE Accounts totalling £10,524.51 are approved.


Members were also advised that NORSE have just confirmed that their Grounds Maintenance Contract with Blakeney Parish Council would be ceasing on 31st March 2019. They had undertaken a business review and will be closing 5 of the operational sites around the county, keeping only Norwich. The Clerk confirmed that steps were already in hand to obtain quotes from alternative contractors for this work, with the aim of bringing them to the April meeting.

We will purchase a replacement Noticeboard for The Pastures.

We will be changing the switching regime of the outdoor Parish Office Light (on front of building) to a control sensor, i.e. a movement activated switching, dusk to dawn.

We will purchase the ‘View’ Defibrillator (with associated cabinet) for outside of Parish Office and as previously agreed and this expenditure shall be made from a generous donation by a previous resident.

A very productive meeting with ‘Gray’s Funfair’ has taken place; the rent as proposed by the Fair has been agreed and the Fair will be with us on the11th August on The Carnser.

Given the presentation by our County Cllr on Division Boundaries for Norfolk, which is being reviewed by The Local Government Boundary Commission for England, our preferred choice is the proposal as put forward by the Norfolk Liberal Democrats, our second choice would the proposal as put forward by NNDC and the proposal by NCC would be our last choice. We have a strong desire to remain primarily within a coastal grouping.

We have signed up to undertake Whole Council Training which is easier than members driving miles and is far better done as a collective group. We have opted for a refresher/new councillor session, as things are changing continuously in the world of Local Government.

Please note that the next scheduled FULL COUNCIL MEETING is on Tuesday 7th April 2020, commencing at 7pm in the Parish Office. Planning meetings are likely to be advertised in between meetings, as per the change in response dates, so please do look out on the noticeboard outside of the Parish Office and on the Parish Council website for agendas. Members of the public are of course, very welcome to join us.

Blakeney Parish Council – (Dinghy Park Management Committee)

Sale of Abandoned Boats removed in accordance with the Council Regulations from the Dinghy Park at Blakeney. The Boats for Sale are: - 1. Kayak

2. Small row boat

Conditions of Sale: - a. All boats are sold as seen and interested buyers must satisfy themselves as to the condition.

b. The Boats/Items may be viewed from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday 25th April 2020, at Blakeney Marine Boatyard, where John Seymour, will be present to oversee.

c. Sealed Bids must be in writing, envelopes to be marked “Sealed Bid” and contain the name, address & telephone number of the Bidder together with the amount clearly offered. Please enclose a cheque for the sum that you have bid, made payable to ‘Blakeney Parish Council’. If you are successful this will be banked, and if you are not, then the cheque will be returned to you with a letter stating that you were outbid. This must be addressed to the Clerk of the Council and deposited in the Parish Council Office by 5pm on Friday 22nd May 2020.

d. Successful Bidders will be advised in writing in due course and Boats purchased must be removed within 7 days of notification to avoid storage charges.

e. The decision to accept a bid will be solely at the discretion of the Parish Council/Joint Dinghy Park Management Committee.

Mrs Tracey Bayfield, Clerk to Blakeney Parish Council, The Parish Office, Langham Road, Blakeney, Nr Holt, Norfolk, NR25 7PG. Tel; (01263) 741106 or email: [email protected] ;


YOUR SERVING PARISH COUNCILLORS ARE: - Rosemary Thew – (Chairman) – 740555 – Moonraker, Back Lane Jenny Girling (Vice-Chairman) – 740792 – 11 Queens Close Samantha Arlow – 741297 – 40 Langham Road Jane Armstrong – 741355 – 39 New Road Alban Donohoe – 741741 – Ivy House, Back Lane Shirley Everett – 740819 – Southside, 87 Morston Road Barry Girling – 740792 – 11 Queens Close Edward Hackford – 740616 – Spring Cottage, Langham Road Nigel Sutcliffe – 741714 – Dallinga, 71 Morston Road Jess Tutt – 01328 830973 – 37 The Cornfield, Langham Iain Wolfe – 741967 – Packwood, 41a, New Road

Please note that the next scheduled FULL COUNCIL MEETING is on Tuesday 3rd March 2020, commencing at 7pm in the Parish Office. And the Annual Parish Meeting is on Thursday 19th March at 7pm in the Village Hall, doors open at 6.30pm. Planning meetings are likely to be advertised in between meetings, as per the change in response dates, so please do look out on the noticeboard outside of the Parish Office and on the Parish Council website for agendas. Members of the public are of course, very welcome to join us.


DUE TO THE CORONA VIRUS THE Islands of the mid-Atlantic from Antarctica to Ascension Island TALK BY CHRIS WHEELER DUE TO Take place on Thursday April 30th IN St Nicholas’ Church Blakeney HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.



WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 2020 at 7pm

In the Methodist Chapel, High Street, Blakeney

If you would like to know more about the Society PLEASE COME ALONG!

Contact: Madeleine Collett, Secretary Email: [email protected]


powder toothpaste in cardboard boxes; bamboo toothbrushes; soap; shampoo and conditioner bars; Cley sponge cloths; sandwich and refuse sacks; soya wax wraps and loo rolls.

Cley WI – February Meeting They also offer a service of refilling washing up liquid bottles; liquid laundry containers and have recently From a mighty river flowing across a continent in the grip of started to sell buy-in-bulk items such as oats; nuts; rice; deforestation to a tiny Buddhist kingdom where, by royal pasta; black pepper and various spices for cooking. decree, at least 60% of the country is forested, our speaker, Julia Porter, introduced us to some of the exotic and The shop sells lots of other products so do visit the next time extraordinary sights captured on camera during her you are in and try to do your bit to reduce single visits to the Amazon and Bhutan. plastic waste.

Embarking on a small river clipper in Manaus, she and her It was a lively meeting with lots of questions and answers and group sailed gently along the Brazilian backwaters of the one or two items were purchased by the members before Amazon to Boa Vista and back, making daily excursions by tucking into our usual delicious tea. canoe for close encounters with the local flora and fauna; spotting amazon kingfishers, caracaras, macaws, toucans, Our next meeting will be in the Cley village Hall Club blue headed parrots and the magnificent orange-crested cock Room on April 2nd at 2.30 p.m. when Brenda Pain will be of the rocks; observing sloths, night monkeys and tiny silky telling us the story of her Mother’s Drawers. anteaters; keeping a respectful distance from the Cayman Visitors Welcome - £5 (includes afternoon tea) crocodiles but having the wonderful opportunity to swim with pink river dolphins. We saw intriguing aerial photos of the Mary Roe convergence of the River Negro (dark) with the Amazon (light) where the two rivers flow side by side until finally STOP PRESS! CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 mixing and merging 4 miles later. In line with the latest Government guidelines and advice from From Brazil we turned our attention to the splendours of the Norfolk Federation it has been decided to cancel all our Bhutan, known as the Land of Happiness, a land of verdant WI meetings and walks until further notice. In these uncertain valleys and snow-capped peaks, fortress-like monasteries, times it is felt to be the most responsible thing to do. We will shrines, burial mounds and prayer flags; a deeply Buddhist monitor the situation closely and will let you know as soon as country. it improves enough for us to resume our programme of activities. We heard how, in the interests of best birdwatching, reveille for the group was at 4.30am, so it was a relief to all to discover Cley WI Committee that the truck following their minibus would be going on ahead to set up a sumptuous roadside breakfast! Hydrangeas and pale lilac primulas abounded on the hillsides and there CLEY VILLAGE HALL NEWS were sightings of fish owl, hornbill, magpie, grey pheasant, tragopan, flying squirrel, golden langur, takin (the national For family reasons Christine Williamson has had to step back animal) and Assamese macaque. from the committee and from organising the pop-up cafés. She, together with her dedicated team of helpers did a brilliant Julia’s beautiful photographs and recollections of her travels job running the cafés throughout the holiday period. We hope gave us a fascinating insight into these two very different there will continue to be occasional pop-ups at special events destinations and a lively discussion ensued. like the Christmas Market, but the regular weekend gigs are Alison Cole not happening – unless someone else wants to take over of course. They were a good fund-raiser for the Hall and made a major contribution to its salvation. A big thank you to all involved.

Cley WI – March meeting Building the new toilet for the Parish Council has begun with Cley WI was pleased to welcome Jo and Mary to our March Chris Lubbock as the contractor. There will be a bit of meeting when they told us all about their shop in Sheringham disruption while work progresses for which we apologise. High Street called The All-Natural Company. Users of the Hall are reminded that there are other toilets in the Club Room if the main ones are out of use. The Village They have been running the shop for 20 years where their Hall committee are taking advantage of the disruption to main objective is to offer customers an opportunity to buy upgrade the facilities in our own toilets: motion sensitive products that assist the individual in reducing plastic waste lighting control – to save users having to hunt around for the and, where possible, to buy products that are bio-degradable. toilet light switch on the stage – and electric hand driers for better hygiene and less waste are to be installed. Jo and Mary brought along a selection of the products they sell in the shop: The community has rallied around the Village Hall over the last several years, transforming it from a bit of a basket case 15

struggling to survive into a very nice and welcoming venue. and tap into local knowledge. Lots to think about; how do we Now that the hall is financially secure for the present, the action this is the question. committee’s main focus is on increasing the usage of the hall – and it was gratifying to see how the Diary was beginning to fill In the meantime, the Environmental Agency is replacing/fixing up – until the Coronavirus pandemic came along. Our own the Glaven Outfall Sluice which will help prevent river events are intended to provide opportunities for the community flooding. to come together and enjoy themselves, and hopefully make a small profit for the Hall. We are a registered charity with We’re still looking at the possibility of taking on the George as clearly stated aims, namely: “The operation of a village hall and a community pub. The current picture is that the landlords are recreation ground (playing fields) for the benefit of local renovating 10 bedrooms to let through Airbnb and the inhabitants and the wider community. Aims and purposes are bar/restaurant is being offered separately for lease, though as of educational and recreational nature” and this is what we try yet there seem no takers. to do, but we need help. Like most organisations we are short of volunteers to carry our work forward for the next generation. The community loo is being built! Chris has planned the work Anyone tempted to stick their head above the parapet is to minimise disruption to the village hall. Now we have to reminded that the AGM will be 7 May. More info in the May decide who is going to open it and, possibly more importantly, issue. clean it.

Meanwhile we are planning some improvements to the play Our SAM2 should be up and running by the time of publication, area: the rather tired ‘mushrooms’ are to be replaced, and some and our councillors will have been trained to move it around new equipment provided for both children and adults. the village every two weeks. We had a helpful meeting with Catalogues are being perused as I write. We want the Hall and Jason and some east end residents about the relative balance of its ancillary facilities to be something this community can be parking, speeding and pedestrian safety, and we adjusted the justly proud of, something that provides a real benefit to all. traffic cones there slightly to allow for more resident parking.

And last but not least: on Saturday 4 April we are having a Jason will be meeting with a couple of parishioners who are working party to sort out the damage caused by storm Dennis, concerned re speeding at specific times of the day. Jason and tidy up the parking area. Bring your own tools, suggested we have regular public traffic management meetings refreshments will be provided! Start 9am - 1pm. See you there! to discuss issues with himself and Highways, which I think will Richard Kelham be more effective than using our Annual Parish Meeting as that forum. Meanwhile, our community speed watch applications Cley Parish Council Chairman’s being processed.

March Report Councillors joined the Hilltop Management Group for a day to help clear the Parish land and ready a corner for the bench First of all, I hope we get through the coronavirus outbreak which has been kindly donated. We reviewed the east end relatively unscathed. Cley Parish Council wants to make sure which still could do with better access but we’re very pleased we’re doing all we can to help our community, so if you need with progress and have even come to a compromise about the any help because of the outbreak and lockdown, please get in gorse! Many thanks to our supporters for the most delicious touch with the Clerk on 01263513269, or Chair on coffee break and lunch. 01263740348. There are lots of volunteers willing to give you a hand. We have written to Cllr Ward objecting to the proposed approval by NNDC of NWT’s plan to put pay and display It has been pointed out that every mention of the Newgate parking in the visitor centre and the beach, which we see as Green verge improvement project refers to the area we’re going causing unacceptable parking displacement in an AONB. to work on being opposite the Three Swallows, implying that only pub traffic is involved. That is not the intention; cars park We’re firming up plans for our dark skies celebration as part of along the side of the green for many other reasons. the Norfolk Coast Partnership Dark Skies Festival 18th September to 4th October. We’re planning for a night time walk We had a very interesting conversation with Tim O’Riordan, and hopefully borrow a telescope or two to better appreciate Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science at UEA, on the our incredible night skies. Norfolk Wide Coast Forum, which is looking at the soft coast from the Wash to Sizewell, inland to . The definite We have written to Flagship about the inadequate explanation predictions are that the sea level will rise by 30cm but 2050, we have been given for the sale of the Old Woman’s Lane though he didn’t specify what that meant for us in terms of property and the lack of assurance that this mistake it won’t marshes flooded or sea walls breached. He made five main happen again. We have asked for a meeting - as they seem to points: we need a unified authority covering the area, not a have difficulty attending ours - to clarify the process for hotch potch of different agencies; we need a way to look after vacated Flagship houses going forward to ensure in future those who have lost property along the coast; we need to change social housing stays that way. land use next to the coast; we need a mechanism to bring in the next generation; and we need to involve the whole community


We don’t have an update on Arcady. As Easter is nearly upon us, it is not too late to remember a loved one with a lily. Please contact We are cancelling the next Parish Council meeting(s) and Kaye on 740987 if you would like to do so. postponing the Annual Parish Meeting because of the coronavirus outbreak. Please check on the website and Notice Board to find out when business returns to normal We are also in need of a few more Ladies or . Gentlemen to help with our flower arranging. If you Dr Victoria Holliday, Chair have any interest please contact me as above or [email protected] turn up at the church on Easter Saturday at 07557054629 10.00am, we would love to meet you.

Friends of Cley Church 2020 Events Kaye Read

Despite the woes of the coronavirus outbreak, I would like to warmly invite you all to our Friends of Cley Church Events 2020, some of which will have to be postponed. We had put together an exciting programme of amusing, interesting, delectable, harmonious and informative evenings. However, if rescheduled, they will be well worth waiting for. .

WE HAVE HAD TO POSTPONE Charlie Ward’s talk on April 18th and the Friends’ AGM on May 7th; the Safari Drinks on May 30th may have to be postponed but we haven’t finally decided yet.

If we do have to postpone any event due to the outbreak, we will update you as best we can, via the GVN, email and on the Friends Facebook page,

EVENTS LIST POSTPONED Sat 18th April, 6pm - Charlie Ward’s ‘Tales of a North Norfolk Barge Skipper’ POSTPONED Thurs 7th May, 6pm - AGM and drinks party, all welcome TO BE DECIDED Sat 30th May, 6pm - Safari Drinks Party followed by a fish’n’chips supper in Cley Village Hall (meet at Cley Village Hall) Tickets, which must be bought beforehand, limited to 50. Sat 13th June, 7.30pm - The Choral Society, ‘Songs for a Summer Evening’ Thurs 2nd July to Sun 2nd August, 10-5pm daily - Cley 20 Contemporary Art Exhibition, curated by Amanda Geitner, Director of the East Anglia Art Fund and previously Chief Curator of the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts Friday, July 24th, 6pm - ‘The Art of Nowhere and Painting on Glass’, talk and tour of Cley 20 by curator Amanda Geitner and artist Emma Blount Sat 3rd October, 6pm - John Pakenham’s ‘A Walk on the Wild Side in East Africa’ Sat 18th July, 2-4pm - St Margaret’s Fair (Memorial Field) Sun 29th November, 4pm - Advent Carol Service with the Gresham’s Choir These will all be held in St Margaret’s Church, unless specified.

More details of each event going ahead will be advertised in the GVN closer to the time.





Please contact Victoria Holliday for more details



welcoming place that it has been for many hundreds of years - and with your help we can do just that. Wiveton If there is any way at all that you are able to help, perhaps by becoming a Friend or making a donation, it would be SPRING FUN QUIZ wonderful.

Wiveton Parish Room The Friends of Wiveton Church have very ambitious, varied, SATURDAY 18th APRIL and exciting plans for fundraising (see below) but we simply 7PM FOR 7.30PM START cannot raise the considerable funds which will be needed to restore the church. 2 COURSE MEAL, BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS If you would like to make a donation or become a Friend, please email Anthea de Loynes £10 PER PERSON at [email protected] or telephone 07746 PLEASE BOOK EARLY 018310. Every penny counts .... no donation is too small.

PNONE MICHELLE ON 01263 711585 Chair of Friends of Wiveton Church

WIVETON PARISH ROOM Diary Dates: Our quiz held in November was a great success, it was a very enjoyable evening with Thursday, 23 April - NB POSTPONED a good quiz and delicious food. Many thanks DUE TO CORONAVIRUS The Jewel Hunter - Chasing Pittas Around Asia to all who contributed and especially to Tim A Talk by Chris Goddie, Vice Chair of the Oriental Bird Club Loseby for being our quizmaster. A profit of £225 was made for Parish Room funds. Thursday, 14th May Rewilding – The Way Forward? BV Lord Hugh Somerleyton has introduced Rewilding in the grounds of Somerleyton Hall, near Lowestoft. Rewilding has the potential to bring fresh diversity to the countryside and provide a for threatened species of plant, St Mary’s Church Wiveton Needs You animal, bird, butterfly and insect life. Rewilding may have NOW MORE THAN EVER! important potential in the Glaven Valley area. Lord Somerleyton will talk about the background to Rewilding and STOP PRESS!!!! Somerleyton Hall and The Wild East, a fledgling charitable foundation that is born out of the need for scale mentally and

physically if we are to succeed in restoring nature to levels of WE NOW KNOW that it will cost in the region of £150,000 sustainable abundance. to repair the Chancel roof and other necessary works. This Cley Village Hall, 6.30 for 7.00pm figure is made up of £128,218 for builders, architects etc with Minimum donation £14 on the door possibly a further £20,000 to be spent on ‘outcomes’ (which Generously sponsored by Back to the Garden are initiatives for community benefit) which we need to be able to demonstrate if our applications to fund raising bodies Saturday, 30th May are to be successful. Jazz on the Green

Further details to follow This is a monumental task for a small village such as Wiveton but we are determined - with your help - to raise this Saturday, 20th June money and hope to be in a position to commence work on Wonderful Wiveton Midsummer Market at Wiveton repairs in early 2021. Barn, 11-4.00pm

See separate ad for details We are in the process of applying to the Heritage Lottery

Fund and in due course will apply to Norfolk Churches Trust Tuesday, 23 June NB CANCELLED and other Grant Making Trusts. In addition, we have been Gresham’s musicians will perform given some amazingly generous donations which is proof, if Music for a Summer’s Evening we needed it, of how very much Wiveton Church is loved.

Saturday, 12th September If you live anywhere in or near the Glaven Valley, or have a Raise the Roof Concert at the Auden Theatre, Gresham’s holiday home here, you will know what a wonderful church School St Mary's Wiveton is and you may well have come to a wedding, baptism or funeral there or to a talk or concert. We need to ensure that this lovely building is restored and maintained and continues to be the vibrant, beautiful and 19

We are delighted to announce that Humphrey Berney (a member of Blake), The Volko Trio, Jacob Harrison and Rattlebox have all very generously agreed to perform at this Glandford very special event to raise funds to repair the Chancel Roof, with Mark Jones as compère. We are most grateful to Gresham’s School, who have allowed us the use of The Natural Surroundings Auden Theatre for the evening. 7.30pm, the Auden Theatre The winter season at Bayfield was very quiet, with few ducks Tickets, £24, are on sale from the Auden Theatre on the floods, a poor showing by our resident Barn Owls (they Generously sponsored by Kelling Designs, Crayford & Abbs probably found plenty to eat and did not need to hunt in and Butcher Andrews daylight), and only small numbers of wintering thrushes and Siskins. What has not been quiet, however, are the Red Kites. We are seeing Red Kites every day, and their eerie whistles have become 'background noise’ as we hear them calling so WONDERFUL WIVETON MIDSUMMER MARKET often. Winter is now over, and as we write on the 15th March

the first Chiffchaff of the spring has been singing at Natural The Friends of Wiveton Church will be holding a Surroundings, but at the same time there was a flock of Wonderful Wiveton Midsummer Market in the gardens and house at Wiveton Barn, by kind permission of Derek wintering Redwings in the trees above. This reflects what a topsy-turvy season we have had. Winter was mild, wet and and Carolyn Newman, on Saturday, 20th June 2020 from often windy, and in response some flowers came into bloom 11.00am to 4.00pm. very early - Snowdrops and Winter Aconites in early-mid

January, for example, while our Wild Daffodils were out in We will have lots of stalls with various items for sale and force by early February, two or three weeks early. But, on the will also have food and drink stalls, face painting etc. This is a perfect opportunity for you to clear out your other hand the blossom on Blackthorn is not early and things seem to have slowed down a little as March has been attic or garage and sell any unwanted items! relatively cool.

If you would like to book a table - minimum donation Looking ahead on a more cheerful note, on Saturday 27th and £25 - whether to sell items you have hidden in your attic, pictures, jewellery, stock from your shop, plants, Sunday 28th June we will be holding our first ‘wild flower handmade items or would like to book a pitch to sell food festival’ to celebrate our wonderful wildflowers. The festival will include guided walks, displays, demonstrations and drop- (hog roast, ice cream etc) or drink or you have a face in workshops. We will also be holding a ‘Really Wild Flower painting business or something similar (please email for Show’ and welcome entries of flower arrangements, cookery cost of commercial pitches) please contact in the first (on a wild flower theme, of course) and art, craft and instance: [email protected] photography. The show will also include a junior section for under 12s. Full details of how to enter and the detailed schedule for the show can be found on our website (www.natural where you will also find information and updates about the festival. Alternatively call in to Natural Surroundings and pick up your schedule - you can also buy plants and seeds in preparation for your entries. This should be a fun event, one in which everyone can join in and help us to create a ‘buzz about wildflowers.

Simon & Anne Harrap, Natural Surroundings


There is no news from Letheringsett


Norfolk Coast Path: A 1.7mi (2.8km) stretch of the Norfolk Coastal Path between and Wells has been given a Community News makeover which has opened up a new 6.75mi (10.9km) circular walk. I feel it is a privilege to live in such a beautiful part of this county and projects such as this one allows more News from County Councillor Dr Marie Strong people to enjoy our wonderful North Norfolk coast which is Wells Division why I was especially pleased to meet two wheel chair members of Active Trails (an organisation which assesses [email protected]/07920 286 597 routes for accessibility). Whilst there is still more work to be carried out, I listened to positive comments and spotted their Coronavirus, - COVID-19: ‘thumbs up’. Forgive me for repeating what you will have heard a thousand times but whilst it seems so obvious it is also what the experts believe is the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Budget 2020: Details can be found (and probably so many other bugs!) in the following press release: The latest information and advice from the Department of budget-agreed and to learn about the debate which took place Health and Public Health England (PHE) can be found access NCC website for the minutes of the meeting. here: information-for-the-public. This includes the current situation Fines to Utilities Companies: Whilst the majority of planned in the UK and advice about the virus and its symptoms. works are completed on time NCC imposes charges where roadworks overrun and this income is reinvested into the • Reduce the risk of catching and/or spreading viral highway service. During the three-year period NCC recorded 817 incidents where companies were penalised due to work infections. Wash our hands! It sounds obvious, but extensions with fines ranging from £100 to £82,000 which is there are so many occasions where we put our invested in highways work. A comfort to those discommoded hands to our mouth giving viruses an easy way in. by extended disruption to travel! (In 2018/2019-year, Energetic Electricity and Gas Ltd paid £344,625.) Regular handwashing can reduce that risk

significantly, and it only takes 20 seconds to wash Reporting Highways Concerns: A reminder of how to report them properly. highways problems (e.g. potholes) direct to [email protected] or telephone 0344 800 8020. • Avoid touching your hands to your face as much as Upwards and onwards possible, especially to your eyes, mouth or nose. Marie

• Catch it, Bin it, Kill it … Germs can live on some **SCAM ALERTS IN BRIEF** surfaces for hours. To protect yourself and others, always carry tissues with you and use them to Telephone cold calls claiming to be from ‘Amazon’ catch your cough or sneeze. Bin the tissue, and to kill the germs, wash your hands with soap and Text messages appearing to be from Argos stating water, or use a sanitiser gel. ‘Congratulations, you’ve won the £500 gift

Resources for schools and communities are available Telephone cold callers claiming to be Police Officers at: The toolkit contains social media assets and posters translated into 15 Emails claiming to be from ‘TV Licensing’ different languages and will be kept up to date to mirror the latest advice from Public Health England Rogue Trader Alert – Doorstep Cold Callers offering to ‘fix fences’ AND Doorstep Cold Callers offering ‘Tree Reminder regarding the Independent Local Government and Garden Work’– Commission Review of Norfolk County Council Divisions: The LGC extended the initial consultation period by six weeks to 24 March. The draft recommendations will be Information Alert – Benefits Advice published on the Norfolk review site at Information Alert: High Winds caused damage? Make reviews/eastern/norfolk/norfolk-county-council. The second sure you choose a trader with care – public consultation on the draft recommendations will now take place from 2 June - 10 August 2020. I feel it is very Emails claiming to be from PayPal important for everyone to at least check on the proposals during the final consultation period.


POSTPONED Tales of a North Norfolk barge skipper by Charlie Ward


Event kindly sponsored by Neil Thompson Boats

Proceeds to Friends of Cley Church



Rogue Trader Alert – Doorstep Cold Callers offering ‘roofing work’ – 20 February 2020

We are warning residents to be on their guard after three cold calling incidents in Norfolk this week offering roofing work.

In the first incident a resident in the Norwich area was doorstep cold called by two males who claimed that there was a problem with the roof of the property. One of the males climbed on to the roof and dislodged some roof tiles.

The second incident was also in the Norwich area. Two males visited a resident and informed them that they needed work on the roof due to a loose tile. A sizable payment was made, and after the work was completed the males stated further work was required. They requested even more money for additional work however the home owner refused.

Finally during an incident in the Honingham area, a cold caller visited a resident and advised them that their chimney was and in need of a repair. The resident declined the offer and reported the incident.

We always advise: • NEVER deal with cold callers looking to undertake work on or around your property • NEVER agree to have work done by somebody who is ‘just passing’ or take their word that it needs to be done at all • NEVER allow a cold caller access to your home, roof or gardens even if they are offering to do tasks for a small fee or free • NEVER pay for work before it is completed • When looking to have work done on or around your property ONLY deal with reputable companies you have researched and chosen yourself and have obtained a written quotation from before commencing the work

It is possible these doorstep cold callers could move on to other areas around Norfolk.

Anyone sighting these cold callers in Norfolk please contact us through our partners the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 (freephone) or via 101.

If you feel intimidated or sight these cold callers and are concerned for vulnerable neighbours call 999.

Information Alert – Benefits Advice – 13 February 2020

We have been made aware of individuals offering to assist people to ‘access benefits’ including the completion of application forms. For this ‘service’ a one-off fee or a percentage of the benefits received is charged.

We are reminding residents that there are a number of services available that offer free advice and support to access benefits, including Citizens Advice Norfolk and Age UK Norfolk.

Information Alert – Step Change – 13 February 2020

We are highlighting a warning from the FCA regarding clone versions of the Step Change Debt Charity website.

If you are looking to visit Step Change online for advice and support with debts, please make sure you only use and not any other website with a similar name or design.

Step Change offer free debt advice and practical help and support, they do not charge for their services.



CHURCH OF ENGLAND At the eleventh hour, after the monthly deadline RECTOR but just before final compilation of this edition The Revd Richard Lawry The Rectory, Back Lane, Blakeney, NR25 7NP of the GVN, the direction came from the Bishops 01263 740686 Email: [email protected] of the Church of England that all public services should be suspended with immediate effect, HONARARY ASSISTANT CLERGY The Revd Joanna Fawcett because of the current Covid-19 crisis. This is 14 The Cornfield, Langham 01328 830415 likely to continue for some time, including all The Revd Robert Roe through April. Larchmount, High Street, Cley 01263 740369 The Revd Giles Hunt The Fairstead, Cley 01263 740471 As you will notice, a great many events planned The Revd Canon Frank Telfer across our communities have had to be similarly Holbrook, Glandford 01263 740586 cancelled. The Revd Dr Claude Scott 26 The Pastures, Blakeney 01263 740573 We have therefore withdrawn from this edition LAY READERS all information about services in the Glaven Roger Bland Valley Benefice. We're very sorry to have to Stallgates, 2 Langham Road, Blakeney 01263 740806 Penny Thewlis take this important but necessary step. We will 45 Eccles Way, Holt 01263 715667 hope to provide some resources for people to use for prayer in their own homes in due course, BENEFICE OFFICE and will be looking at all the ways we can c/o St Nicholas’ Church, Wiveton Road, 01263 740583 Blakeney, Holt Norfolk, NR25 7NJ increase pastoral support during this period. Email: [email protected] I have already been struck and greatly The Benefice Office is open: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9.30am - 5.00pm heartened by the number of offers from people The Church Tower in St Nicholas’ Church is also to help and support where they can in open on these days between 9.30am and 4.00pm. our communities, especially those in particular need. That says a great deal not just about the CHURCHWARDENS Blakeney Chris Wheeler 01263 740442 wonderful people in our villages, but also about Barbara Bent 01263 741508 the extraordinary way that goodness comes out of adversity. Thanks to everyone for their Cley Roger Bland 01263 740806 selfnessness and thoughtfulness.

Glandford Robin Combe 01263 712058 Averil Monteath 01263 740179 This will be a very difficult period, but we can do great things together. Letheringsett Ann Thomson 01263 712821

Wiveton Jim Woodhouse 01263 740935 Please take care, and may you know God's Margie Bennett 01263 741384 blessing.

BLAKENEY CATHOLIC CHURCH Richard. PARISH PRIEST Father Keith Tulloch Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells next the Sea, NR23 1EY Blakeney Methodist Church 01328 713044 PRIEST IN RESIDENCE All Methodist Church services and community Father William Wells The house behind the Church events are suspended until further notice.


MINISTER Pioneer Rural Church Planter The Revd Cliff Shanganya, Blakeney Methodist Church : 110 Blakeney 8 St Andrews Close, Holt, NR25 6EL. 01263 712181 High Street : NR25 7PS Email: [email protected] Samantha Parfitt, Steward/Pioneer Rural Church Planter 07725 077810 : [email protected] [email protected] 01263 711824

The Blakeney Lunch The Blakeney Breakfast in St Nicholas’ Church, Blakeney St Nicholas’ Church, has been Blakeney has been SUSPENDED

SUSPENDED Due to the Coronavirus Due to the pandemic we have Coronavirus decided to follow the pandemic we have latest guidance from decided to follow the the Church of latest guidance from England to suspend the all catering events in Church of England to church for the time suspend all catering being. events in church for the time being.


historian, John Allan, has researched the events and this is his story of that day in 1945.

Readers’ Letters & Consolidated B-24J Liberator-Wikipedia

Articles The Crash On 17th Feb 1945 the 466th Bomb Group, home based at , was tasked as part of a raid on the Magdeburg Langham dome news and temporary closure Oil Refinery in . The raid was, in fact, recalled before reaching the target due to poor weather both over ( Europe but also deteriorating conditions of low cloud and poor visibility over the bases in East Anglia. Given the latest Government guidance on the social distancing measures we should all be taking to minimize B-24J Liberator serial number 42-50717 and named “Berlin social interaction between people, and the self-isolation Bound” had taken off from Attlebridge shortly after 09.00. guidance for the elderly and vulnerable people needed to Immediately prior to starting the engines it had been noted reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), the that the ground crew chief had been working on some sort Trustees of Langham Dome have taken the decision to of technical problem with the No2 (left inboard) engine but delay opening the Dome for the start of the 2020 season. reported the issue had been fixed. Seven minutes after take- The wellbeing of all of our staff, volunteers and visitors is off, at approximately 09.20, and about 12 miles out to sea the first priority - thus the Dome will not re-open as from the North Norfolk coast, the navigator alerted the planned on 2 April and will not open in either April or captain to a fire in the No2 engine which was rapidly May. The planned VE Day celebration on 8 May is spreading to the wing, which contained fuel tanks full of cancelled. We will review the situation in mid-May and high-octane aviation fuel. issue further information on when the Dome may be able to re-open. The picnic garden will of course still be The captain immediately turned back towards land with the available, although preparatory work for the mounting apparent intention of trying to get back to Attlebridge. A of the replica Spitfire (also delayed until we can re-open) radio message was sent out asking for a safe place to jettison may disrupt part of the area. We will update our web the bomb load which also suggests the pilot believed he site and Facebook and Instagram pages as more could keep the aircraft for at least a limited time. information becomes available. Unfortunately, the situation deteriorated rapidly with an increasing possibility that the fuel tanks could explode. The The Langham Dome winter talks have proved to be very crew prepared to abandon the aircraft and, while still over successful - raising funds for the charity and also providing the sea, and without the abandon aircraft signal having been an enjoyable and informative evening for all attending. given, three of the air gunners bailed out from the camera Thanks to COVID-19 we have had to postpone the last one hatch near the waist gun position in the rear of the aircraft. th from 26 March until the Autumn, but we intend to hold These three men landed in the icy waters of the , new talks in the winter of 2020/2021, and we already have two of them drowning before they could be rescued. The plans for talks on the “History of the Ghurkhas”, RN navigator and front gunner remained in the aircraft until the Submarines in the Cold War and more locally the “History captain give the bale out signal then abandoned the aircraft of the RAF’s 100 Group” based here in Norfolk. Details at less than 1000 feet, also via the camera hatch. They will follow. landed on RAF Langham airfield without significant injury.

As readers will have seen in Issue 445 a memorial is being It was known that the Flight Engineer and Radio Operator placed at the site of a B-24 Liberator which crashed in Field had been seen putting on their parachutes and preparing to Dalling on 17 February 1945 - to honour those members of jump from the aircraft. Some reports have suggested that the the crew who died and also two Italian POWs killed remaining crew including the pilots had attempted to working as farm labourers in the field where the crash abandon the aircraft but were too low for their parachutes to occurred. Two of the survivors landed by parachute on open. Langham airfield and the Italian POWs were on the strength of RAF Langham (by then identified as “co-operators” The aircraft crashed at around 09.30 at Church Farm, Field rather than POW’s) albeit billeted in the internet camp at Dalling. Official records indicate three bodies were . Given these links to Langham our Dome

recovered at the crash site and it seems likely that both One Good pilots, the Flight Engineer and Radio Operator were still in the aircraft when it crashed. They may well have realised Each spring and summer a band of volunteers help the that they were too low to bail out and instead hoped to nurse National Trust Rangers to look after the rare and vulnerable the aircraft to a safe landing. Little that nest on Blakeney Point. Having arrived back from the seas off West Africa, where they spend the Sadly, a group of Italian prisoners of war were working in winter, some 100 pairs settle to breed on the Point, many on the field where the aircraft crashed and tragically two were the shingle ridge, where their colony is cordoned off and killed – one instantly and a second succumbing to injuries closely guarded. four days later. If you have the chance this summer take a walk out to see Casualties and Survivors them - the nearest pairs are only about a 30-minute walk Pilot: 1st Lt William C Lindhe – Believed killed in crash – from the Cley Beach car park. The volunteer rangers at the Buried at American Cemetery Madingly temporary hide will be delighted to show them to you and Cambridgeshire UK. tell you about their amazing life-cycle and the threats they Co-Pilot: 2nd Lt Robert H Brennan – Believed killed in crash face. - Buried at Cambridge American Cemetery Madingly Cambridgeshire UK. But remember always keep as far away from the cordoned Navigator: 2nd Lt John F Fay – Baled out over Langham areas as possible, so as to prevent disturbance and don’t airfield – Safe. forget to leave your dog at home. Radio Operator: Staff Sergeant Claire W Eclov – Believed killed in crash – Buried at Greenwood Cemetery, As well as Little Terns the Point also has a colony of Brookings, South Dakota USA. Sandwich and Terns with a smaller number of Flight Engineer: Staff Sergeant Robert D Gautreau – Arctics. Because of predation, the fortunes of these ‘sea Believed killed in crash – Buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, swallows’ has varied in the last few years and in 2016 the Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts USA Sandwich Terns deserted. The National Trust quickly took Front Gunner (1): Sergeant (Technician 4th Grade) Robert advice from Professor Tony Martin, resulting in the Robinson - Baled out over Langham airfield – Safe. Sandwich Terns returning last year when 788 pairs raised Waist Gunner (2): Sergeant (Technician 3rd Grade) 400 young. The Common Terns also did well, raising nearly Kenneth B Hoffman – Baled out over sea but managed to 80 young, whilst the rare Little Tern had a great season with swim to shore and survived. 74 young from 108 nests. Tail Gunner: Staff Sergeant (3rd Grade) Archibald (Archie) W Patterson Jr - Baled out over sea and drowned, body As you read this the first of the Sandwich Terns will have believed to have washed up on French coast – Buried arrived back, shortly to be followed by Commons and by Arlington Memorial Park, Whitehall, Lehigh County, the end of April the first Little Terns will probably be Pennsylvania, USA. starting their courtship displays – wooing their chosen Ball Gunner: Sergeant (Technician 4th Grade) Robert C loved-one with a wet fish. Short – Baled out over sea and drowned – Place of burial unknown. The National Trust Rangers rely on the support of Caporale Maggiore Raffaele Di Luca – Died of injuries 21 volunteers to talk to visitors on Blakeney Point about these Feb 1945 – Buried Brookwood military cemetery Surrey. birds, what’s special about them and why we need to protect Soldato Giordano Romagnoli – Killed instantly by crashing them. There’s also a feel-good factor knowing you’re B-24 17 Feb 1945 - Buried Brookwood military cemetery helping one of Britain’s rare and threatened birds. Surrey. So, a big ‘Thank You’. As always if you would like more information on the Dome and how to become a Friend of Langham Dome (where Leighton Newman annual membership gives unlimited free admission) or to National Trust, Blakeney National Nature Reserve Ranger join us as a volunteer please contact our Dome Manager Calum Meadows on e-mail [email protected]. For more details on opening hours, talks, events, etc, you can also check our web site at

John Blakeley


THANK YOU! has just been dug next to Saxlingham Church. It looks a bit crude at the moment but I am sure that over the coming years May I through the columns of the GVN convey my it will become a thriving habitat for many of the ditch- dwelling flora and fauna that bring beauty to the countryside. sincere thanks to all my staff and patron’s past and Who says ditch water is dull?! present, who supported me during the 16 years of tenure at The Three Swallows, Cley. As most readers will Jonathan Darby already be aware, I have decided to pursue other Farm Manager, Albanwise Farming Ltd interests, in so doing wish the incoming tenants every success in their new venture.

Brian W Pennington

Farming update January – February 2020: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Drain and gain I wandered lonely as a cloud Travelling through Britain, particularly on foot or by bicycle, That floats on high o'er vales and hills, it’s easy to appreciate the beauty of the many rivers and When all at once I saw a crowd, streams that meander their way through the countryside. A host, of golden daffodils; Writers and painters have expended thousands of hours trying to capture the sense of tranquillity, from being near such Beside the lake, beneath the trees, waterways, in their work. Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Funny, then, that the word ‘ditch’ does not tend to conjure the Continuous as the stars that shine same feelings of peaceful splendour. It’s a shame! There is a And twinkle on the milky way, lot to like about ditches: they harbour amphibians, invertebrates, small mammals and occasionally birds like the They stretched in never-ending line snipe, as well as being great places for ferns and wildflowers Along the margin of a bay: to flourish. Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. So, where does the water they carry come from? Some of it is simply surface run-off that has found its way to the ditch but what people might not know is, beneath many arable fields The waves beside them danced; but they in the UK, there is a subterranean network of pipes carrying Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: water from the soil and into ditches. These pipes, typically A poet could not but be gay, around 80mm in diameter and situated about 2-3 feet below In such a jocund company: the surface, are perforated, thus allowing water to flow in to I gazed—and gazed—but little thought the pipe from the surrounding soil. The pipes have a gentle gradient so once water has percolated in, it then runs off to the What wealth the show to me had brought: exit, or “outfall”, of the pipe and into a ditch. This allows the soil to maintain enough moisture to keep plants thriving but For oft, when on my couch I lie not so much that it becomes waterlogged. In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye It’s a relatively simple idea that has been used in the UK since at least the bronze-age, when settlers in the Fens realised the Which is the bliss of solitude; benefits that systems of ditches could bring and latterly drains And then my heart with pleasure fills, made of stone and brush wood. Much later in 1845, Thomas And dances with the daffodils. Scragg invented a system for extruding clay drainage ‘tiles’ which vastly improved the effectiveness of the drains, at which point the UK underwent periods of extensive drainage up to the present day. William Wordsworth

The increase in productiveness from a correctly drained field can be huge and the highly damaging effects of soil run-off and waterlogging are vastly reduced but even so, water coming through the drainage system carries residual phosphates and nitrates into watercourses. In order to mitigate this, nutrients can be ‘trapped’ in shallow ponds, situated along the ditch network, where water plants can extract them as the water slows, leaving the water purer long before it reaches the main tributaries of the rivers. One such silt trap




What’s On Information Wednesday 6th May at 7.30 pm at Blakeney Scout HQ

“Butterflies and other wildlife of the Pyranees”

An illustrated talk by Greg Bond

The Flower Festival planned for

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak St Nicholas’ Church, Blakeney Glaven Sings Gospel has been from the 8th to 11th May has SUSPENDED regretfully been postponed due UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE to the Coronavirus pandemic.


THE Islands of the mid- Atlantic from Antarctica to Ascension Island TALK BY CHRIS WHEELER DUE TO Take place on Thursday April 30th IN St Nicholas’ Church Blakeney HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


‘theatre from the East’ would anyone want to come and NWT NORTH NORFOLK see it? In 2010 they decided to find out. Mandy and Rob formed fEAST Theatre and took their first show out on GROUPfe for the the road. BLAKENEY POINT: A RANGER’S In the past decade the company has staged seven new plays and undertaken eight regional tours. fEAST has PERSPECTIVE travelled thousands of miles and has performed in theatres, schools, dozens of village halls and once in a An illustrated talk by Leighton Newman world-famous mustard factory. And yes, those audiences did come. The company has slowly won a th loyal and enthusiastic following and many of their Thursday 19 March recent shows have been sell-outs. In addition to touring and performing fEAST is proud of the work they have Cley Village Hall at 7.30pm done in helping writers new develop new work, in mentoring young actors at the start of their careers and in running educational workshops with students in £2.00 members, £3.00 non-members schools and colleges across the region. The company has Including refreshments recently completed its first residency, a Christmas show No need to book, just come along which ran for 18 performances at the newly refurbished Maltings theatre at Wells. In 2019 the company were nominated for the Norfolk Arts Award for theatre. The 2020 season finishes with Rob John’s new play Rosa Mendoza. Set in a Cromer guest house this story of an explosive triangular relationship begins in Spring 2016 and will carry the action forward right up to the moment the show opens at Wells Maltings on October 16th. Dawn Finnerty says ‘This is a brilliantly dark comedy for our times and like the fast-moving events of the past three years we have no idea how things will turn out.’ ‘It’s an exciting time for fEAST Theatre,’ says Dawn. ‘Rehearsals are already under way and if you live in Norfolk or Suffolk, we’ll be performing at some point at a venue near you. Please come and see us!’ The Canada Boys opens on 19th March at The Garage, Norwich and tours until 18th April.

The double bill Dulcie and Walter and Henhouse opens on 18th June at Wells Maltings and tours until 11th July.

Rosa Mendoza opens on 15th October and tours until 7th November.

See for further information about the company and full details of all three tours


SCAM ALERTS…continued

Scam Alert – Emails claiming to be from HMRC – 11 February 2020

We are warning residents to be alert for fake HMRC emails.

This follows reports from a number of Norfolk residents who have received emails claiming they are ‘eligible to receive a tax refund’ and providing a link to ‘submit your tax refund’.

HMRC will never send notifications by email about tax rebates or refunds. There may be several variations of this email stating different amounts.

If you receive this, or a similar email do not:

• click on any links • open any attachments • disclose any personal or payment information

Fraudsters may spoof a genuine email address or change the ‘display name’ to make it appear genuine. If you are unsure, forward it to HMRC on [email protected], and then delete it.

If you have been a victim of fraud or cybercrime, you can report it to Action Fraud online or by calling 0300 123 2040

Rogue Trader Alert – Doorstep Cold Caller offering ‘guttering work’ – 10 February 2020

We are warning residents to be on their guard after receiving reports of a doorstep cold caller in the North Walsham area.

This follows an incident where three males cold called at a property and told the resident they could see issues with the property’s guttering. The cold callers then offered to ‘fix’ the issue. Our advice is always to never deal with anyone who cold calls at your property offering to undertake work on or around your property no matter what claims they make or ‘issues’ they point out.Anyone concerned about possible rogue trader activity in Norfolk can contact Trading Standards through our partners the Citizens Advice consumer helpline via their online reporting form or on their freephone number 0808 223 1133.

Looking for a Trader you can Trust? Try a Norfolk Trusted Trader. To search our directory and read feedback from their customers visit Could your community help stop doorstep cold callers from targeting vulnerable people by becoming a No Cold Calling Zone? To find out more about the scheme or to apply visit


April Sudoku: Easy Hard

Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every

3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 Wordsearch

Medium S E H I S F Q E J S U G L G B E N G A D L J B H C X O R G R S I C E Z Y I O T Y W A B G S O D N H H E W D Q S S N R R U R N E M I E L F O S D Z T N M M A S L R T X C C F L U W Y M I L T S K T T U A G F A B Z E R E I E Y E T I V T P A Y Y R P C N O W T R O N S K L D E T B R G P I C I O G G M I R E I R E L N D S P O R D W O N S M Z S G Q P Q R W F Q S K Q S E L S D O D F S E E D L I N G S H E W U S T S O R F J X F M K B L U E B E L L S H O O T S B




FEBRUARY 2020 Warm, very wet and very windy.

20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 -5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

.. Maximum and minimum temperatures 0c February 2020 Average high 10.32c Average low 3.69c Mean 5c Rainfall 89.5mm. Average 50.2mm.

The past month has been unique in that we have had three named storms, Ciara on Feb 9th, Denis on Feb 15th and lastly Jorge(named by the Spanish) on March 1st. Denis caused the worst flooding as the land was already saturated by Ciara.

Rainfall was 178% of average but up North it was double the average. Mean temperature was 7c. 2c above the average for the last 20 years that I have been recording temperatures at Cley.

It has also been a very windy month with storm Denis giving gust up to 60mph at Weybourne on the 15th and continued on 16th with gusts of 50-60 mph.

The wet weather has made lifting the sugar beet a difficult progress. The Wissington factory is keeping open till April to enable farmers to finish the harvest, a month later than usual.

100 80 60 40 Column D 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rainfall mm 2011-2020

Bill Hudson, Cley. March14th 2020 ****************** Back By Popular Demand ******************

Blakeney Twelve Lobster, Crab & Shellfish Supper on Blakeney Point

Sunday 7th June 2020 To include Fizz on reception at Morston Quay Ferry trip to Blakeney Point to see the seals Lobster, crab and shellfish salad supper by the Lifeboat House Strawberries and cream Limited to 100 Tickets Further details to follow, tickets go on sale mid-April All proceeds in support of Blakeney Twelve Reg. Charity 276758