The Reddening Adam Nevill The Reddening

Adam Nevill

The Reddening Adam Nevill One million years of evolution didn't change our nature. Nor did it bury the horrors predating civilisation. Ancient rites, old deities and savage ways can reappear in the places you least expect.

Lifestyle journalist Katrine escaped past traumas by moving to a coast renowned for seaside holidays and natural beauty. But when a vast hoard of human remains and prehistoric artefacts is discovered in nearby Brickburgh, a hideous shadow engulfs her life.

Helene, a disillusioned lone parent, lost her brother, Lincoln, six years ago. Disturbing subterranean noises he recorded prior to vanishing, draw her to Brickburgh's caves. A site where early humans butchered each other across sixty thousand years. Upon the walls, images of their nameless gods remain.

Amidst rumours of drug plantations and new sightings of the mythical red folk, it also appears that the inquisitive have been disappearing from this remote part of the world for years. A rural idyll where outsiders are unwelcome and where an infernal power is believed to linger beneath the earth. A timeless supernormal influence that only the desperate would dream of confronting. But to save themselves and those they love, and to thwart a crimson tide of pitiless barbarity, Kat and Helene are given no choice. They were involved and condemned before they knew it.

'The Reddening' is an epic story of folk and prehistoric horrors written by Adam Nevill, the author of 'The Ritual', 'Last Days', 'No One Gets Out Alive' and the three times winner of The August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel.

Praise for Adam Nevill's horror novels:

"a mind-twisting journey into the dark backwoods of terror. Deeply disturbing and absolutely riveting." Jonathan Maberry, NY Times Bestselling author, on 'The Ritual'.

"A ruthless and psychologically brutal book" This is Horror on 'The Ritual'.

"Best of all, though, is his depiction of the elemental forces of evil that haunt the hostile arctic wastelands. Superb." The Guardian on 'The Ritual'.

"Often horror loses its power when evil shows its face; in this case it only gets more disturbing" The Sunday Times on 'The Ritual'.

“'Last Days' lit a bonfire. Spooky, eerie delight . . . Nevill should be ranked up near masters like Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. This is what a horror book should be." Suspense Magazine.

"an effectively creep novel that will leave you sleeping with the lights on" SFX on 'Last Days'.

"Readers will lose all hope of peaceful, undisturbed sleep. Highly recommended” - Library Journal - Starred Review on 'Last Days'.

"Obsession and megalomania, sex and power make for a sophisticated, literate and well-crafted paranormal horror." Kirkus on 'Last Days'. "This is riveting, and Nevill is fast becoming Britain's answer to Stephen King." The Guardian on 'Last Days'.

"A wonderfully creepy and disturbing novel." The Independent on 'House of Small Shadows'.

"'House of Small Shadows' is highly likely to induce nightmares set to the sound of the pattering of tiny wooden feet." SFX.

"Nevill’s foray into folk horror is a nail-biting success." Rue Morgue on 'House of Small Shadows'.

"Haunted-house maestros Shirley Jackson, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and Peter Straub would approve—this sets the bar for the best horror novel of the decade." Booklist on 'House of Small Shadows'.

"bleak, disturbing and terrifying - and horribly compelling" The Independent on ''.

The Reddening Details

The Reddening

420 pages , Published October 31st 2019 by Ritual Limited

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Download and Read Free Online The Reddening Adam Nevill Mindi says

So guess who is going to be reading a lot more from Adam Nevill?

I want to start by talking about the actual book, because presentation means a lot to me. Of course that jacket art is amazing, but I always remove the dust jackets when I read a book, and the cover underneath is a brilliant red with a pleasant grainy feel. My copy was sent straight from the author, and he included a bookmark with the title on it, and a very cool inscription in Latin. The book is the perfect size for holding a hardcover (slightly smaller than most hardcovers) and the font is gorgeous and very pleasing to the eye. It also smells amazing. I sniff new books as well as old, and this one is very nice. Let's just say, before I even started reading I was impressed.

Kat is a lifestyle journalist who lives near Brickburgh, in Devon when suddenly a cave is discovered in the Brickburgh area near the sea. Helene is a single mother who is drawn to Brickburgh to try to understand why her brother would take his own life. He spent a lot of his time recording natural sounds in caves and other areas, and his last recordings were taken near a farm that is very close to the newly found cave.

Both women meet and are suddenly thrown together when their separate investigations put both of their lives in peril. The cave and the atrocities the archeologists find inside it turn out to be much more than anyone could image. There is an ancient entity in the vast network of caves in Brickburgh, and those who serve that entity will stop at nothing to keep the two women from snooping around.

THE REDDENING starts out as a slow burn that soon turns into a nightmarish gorefest. And I love it. The things the characters go through are thoroughly intense and absolutely nail biting for the reader. I read so much horror that I constantly expect any author to just kill all of the characters and be done with it, so no character is too precious from my point of view. I was sincerely on the edge of my seat for a good part of this book, and I had no idea how Nevill was going to wrap the whole thing up. I enjoyed this book so much and cannot recommend it enough to all horror loving readers. Pick this one up for the gore, high tension, and superb writing.

Peter says

What a novel! You have some old bones and references to a cannibalistic tribe in the past (great description) on the one hand and some mysterious murder cult on the other. Helene gets in contact with the group since she wants to visit all the locations her brother went to. He is dead, allegedly committed suicide. Before he died he recorded strange noises at the area of the Red Farm area. Kat is a journalist who is also drawn into the evil cult full of madness of drugs. Who is behind this murderous cannibalistic cult? What about the police? A very dark and at parts extremely compelling novel. At other parts it dragged a bit. At the end the author should have shortened his story. Overall a very interesting and at parts creepy and eerie novel. Is something supernatural going on or is it just a modern cult imitating the past? Has the past come alive? Is it possible to beat old age with those practices? A rewarding long novel for the patient reader set on Britain's coast. Really recommended!

Sadie Hartmann says

5 ++++ stars! “But, alas, in such places where hell is made on earth one can never look away from the business of depravity.”- The Reddening All the stars. This book, THE REDDENING by Adam Nevill gets all the stars from me because this is the kind of horror I want to read all of my days. This will definitely make my Best Books of 2019 list.

First, as a writer, Nevill checks all the boxes for me. His storytelling voice is seasoned with intention and care for the reader; he knows where the story is going and exactly how he’s going to get his audience from point A to point B. He also spends a lot of time on his characters, even characters that are in a scene for a few beats-these are people to him with real lives and motivations--a reason for being on the page. This is so important to me. I cannot stress enough how strongly I desire characters I can invest in when I’m reading horror--I don’t want to show up to a 300+ page book and read intense scenes of violence if I’m a mere observer to these atrocities. I want to feel like the author has invited me to participate and engage in my emotions. I want to care. I want to fall in love and then I want to be destroyed. Also, Nevill painstakingly creates the world his story exists in. There is so much going on in the world- building that I cannot even fathom how much research goes into stories like THE REDDENING. It feels authentic, born out of realism that I appreciate. Too often, I read books where the author didn’t spend enough time on this aspect of storytelling and there is too much telling and not enough showing. In this book, prepare to be shown everything in unflinching vibrancy, the reader will not be left unsatisfied.

The Reddening begins with all of my favorite things. Nevill teases us with a brilliant prologue, Origins. From here, he expertly leads the reader through a series of vignettes, all the while planting seeds of intrigue. Archeological digs, explorations, discoveries, found footage, mystery. We come to meet Kat and Helene--our main protagonists. I adore Kat and Helene. Throughout the book, these two women go through individual journeys, their lives intersecting briefly. Nevill created these women to be our anchors as we navigate through all of the horrors. It’s through their experiences, trials, and tribulations we get to tangibly engage and encounter pure unadulterated savagery. It is terrifying. TERRIFYING! Folk Horror is on-trend right now, having a big moment with the success of the movie, MIDSOMMER but Folk Horror is Adam Nevill’s long-time jam. This is his wheelhouse. This is his ninth horror novel. If you have read THE RITUAL, you know what I mean when I say that Nevill’s unique brand of folk horror reigns supreme. The man knows how to manufacture a realistic folk legacy that feels ancient and profound. THE REDDENING is a new gold standard for this sub-genre. The genocidal cult of this book, The Children of the Red and their bizarre, depraved, ritualistic activities is the stuff of nightmares. At night, after reading, I was haunted by detailed descriptions and images. The most impressive part of this book is the language of the descriptions. I was in awe of Nevill’s word choices, his prose is impactful and original without being overwrought or trying too hard. Telling this story seemed effortless on Nevill’s part which in turn, reads like driving a well-designed car--this is quality, this is prime-time, like sitting behind the wheel and the machine drives itself. At no time during this read was I struggling to make sense of something or laboring with questions. I won’t go into any plot points or tell you the variety of ways in which this story crawled up under the skin but know that this is a well-developed plot with realistic antagonists doing some very horrific things to unsuspecting people who showed a little bit too much curiosity and interest in them. I’m also not going to spoil the climax or the ending of this book. I’m not going to tell you why I’m so in love with Kat and Helene because when you read this, you’ll know. You’ll love them too. I will only say that this hit on all my emotions. Primarily, I was addicted to this story. I felt like I didn’t get enough time with it in long stretches. On Saturday, I read about 150 pages and I could have read for the whole day but you know, life. I hated putting it down. I was engaged, rapt with attention the whole time. I was emotionally invested-- terrified, anxious, heartbroken, overcome with feelings most of my time in this book. This is what quality horror feels like when you’re done reading it: Exhilarating.

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