Ecography ECOG-01312 Riibak, K., Reitalu, T., Tamme, R., Helm, A., Gerhold, P., Znamenskiy, S., Bengtsson, K., Rosén, E., Prentice, H. C. and Pärtel, M. 2014. Dark diversity in dry calcareous grasslands is determined by dispersal ability and stress-tolerance. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.01312 Supplementary material Appendix 1. Figure A1. Study area. Dry calcareous grasslands in the Baltic Sea region divided into nine subregions. Modified from Agriculture, Ecosystems and Evironment , Vol. 182, Reitalu, T., Helm, A., Pärtel, M., Bengtsson, K., Gerhold, P., Rosén, E., Takkis, K., Znamenskiy, S., Prentice, H. C. Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea region, pp. 59-68, Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier. 1 Table A1. List of recorded species (taxa) and their trait values. Species maximum dispersal distance (m) was calculated by applying dispersal function (Tamme, R. et al. 2014. Predicting species’ maximum dispersal distances from simple plant traits. – Ecology 95: 505–513). C, S, R, CR, CS, RS, CRS strategies were fuzzy coded into one quantitative category – S-type with scores being either 0 (C, R, CR), 0.33 (CRS), 0.5 (CS, RS) or 1 (S). Nomenclature follows The Plant List (2010). Version 1. Published on the Internet; <> (December 2012). max. dispersal seed weight average plant S-strategy Species strategy type distance (m) (mg) height (cm) score Achillea millefolium 1.4 0.135 45 C 0 Aegopodium podagraria 0.4 2.21 75 C 0 Agrimonia eupatoria 112.3 23.08 65 C 0 Agrostis capillaris 2450.8 0.06 35 CSR 0.33 Agrostis gigantea 304.4 0.07 65 C 0 Agrostis stolonifera 12.6 0.1 32.5 CSR 0.33 Agrostis vinealis 1492.8 0.06 40 CSR 0.33 Alchemilla sp.
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