1 February 21, 2019 the Nine Hundredth and Seventeen Meeting
February 21, 2019 The nine hundredth and seventeen meeting of the Retirement Board of the School Employees Retirement System was held in the boardroom at 300 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, February 21, 2019. The meeting convened in open session at 8:32 a.m. and continued with the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the roll call was as follows: James Rossler, Chairperson, Hugh Garside, James Haller, Barbra Phillips, Daniel Wilson and Beverly Woolridge. James Rossler excused the absence of Jeffrey DeLeone, Christine Holland and Catherine Moss. Also in attendance was Isaac Molnar, representative of the Attorney General, various members of the SERS staff, and members of the public. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON December 20, 2018 Hugh Garside moved and James Haller seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the Retirement Board meeting held on Thursday, December 20, 2018. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Yea: Hugh Garside, James Haller, Barbra Phillips, Daniel Wilson and James Rossler. Abstain: Beverly Woolridge. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE BOARD TRAVEL James Haller moved and Beverly Woolridge seconded the motion that requests by Board Members to attend and receive reimbursement for the following out-of-state conferences and meetings be approved: Upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Yea: Hugh Garside, James Haller, Barbra Phillips, Daniel Wilson, Beverly Woolridge and James Rossler. The motion carried. Conference Attendee Conference Conference Estimate Dates Location of Expenses NCPERS Accredited Hugh Garside May 18-22, 2019 Austin, TX $ 2,391.04 Fiduciary Program NCPERS Accredited Catherine Moss May 18-22, 2019 Austin, TX $ 2,391.59 Fiduciary Program Board Chair James Rossler asked Chief Investment Officer Farouki Majeed to present the investment report.
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