April/May 2009 HMSCNewsletter of the Hatfield Currents Marine Science Center Community - Newport OR Hatfield researchers featured in Spring issue of Oregon Stater Tens of thousands of Oregon State University alumni will get a comprehensive look at the wide range of research that goes on at the HMSC when they open up the Spring 2009 issue of the Oregon Stater, the OSU Alumni Association’s magazine. The six-page spread, written by OSU alum Mark Floyd, Assistant Director of News and Communications Services on the main cam- pus in Corvallis, highlights the collaborative nature of research at the HMSC, profiling the interdisciplin- ary work of scientists like Bryan Black, who uses den- drochronological techniques to cross-date and verify accuracy of age data on both trees and fish, leading to some interesting findings on climate variations over long periods. The article also covers research collaborations between Jessica Miller and Chris Langdon on efforts to revive Oregon’s native oyster populations, and the work of Michael Banks and Gil Sylvia in cooperation Check out the article on HMSC in the Spring issue of Oregon Stater. Not an with commercial fishermen and hatcheries in Oregon OSU Alumni Association member? See the PDF version, accessible on the web at: www.osualum.com on genetic analysis and tracking of salmon and other key and commercially valuable fish species. The HMSC Currents newsletter is published 4-5 times a year. Your comments and submissions are welcomed! Deadline for next Agency Updates issue is June 8th Send to:
[email protected] ODFW Marine Resources Program welcomes new leader Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife officials in Febru- to survey the distribution and abundance of bay clams in Coos ary named Caren E.