Spring 2008 Aviv 5768 www.ezrasisrael.org other of our events to celebrate Is- President’s Message rael@60. If you are interested in doing anything else for the celebra- Dear Friends, son as well a move to a new home. tion of Israel@60, please do not These wonderful blessings have hesitate to contact me. Your contri- It is remarkable called on a great deal of personal bution to the celebration makes it to think that it has time as we have embraced these ever more meaningful. been nearly a year since you as the many adjustments. Throughout the Ezras Israel Kahal provided me with process, I thank you all for your con- Let us look to this upcoming year the opportunity to be President of tinued care of me and my family. As for more wonderful programming, our congregation. It is a wonderful we continue to settle into our lives, I for you, our congregants and for our feeling to be part of a congregation look forward to the opportunity to children. And let us strive to wel- that has shared many wonderful give more of my time in the upcom- come new families to our congrega- celebrations and a milestone event, ing year. tion, one that is most special to all our 100th Anniversary. I do how- who are part of it. ever look forward to being a more As approaches, I look active participant this coming year. upon the holiday as a chance to cre- Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher ate a new slate that will provide me v’Sameach, This past year has personally been a the launching point to provide the rewarding, albeit time consuming shul with more. I look forward to Michael, Nechama, one for my family and myself. We seeing everyone at our annual Yom Kaylee, Arielle and have been blessed with the birth of a Haatzmaut Picnic that will be an- Ross

Ron and Tami Unger Honored at Ezras The discussion of Dr. Sheba, along Israel 10th Annual Dinner with the honoring of the Ungers, was appropriate for our theme for the By Michael Richman and drew the parallel between how Dinner as part of our celebration of th all the Jewish people contributed to ―Israel @ 60.‖ Also as part of this We held our 10 Annual Dinner theme, we heard from Daniel Meron, on Sunday, February 10th, at Magen the building of the Mishkan, and how all the members of Ezras Israel the Counselor for Congressional David Congregation. There was a Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in nice turnout, and people liked the contribute to making the shul the wonderful place that it is. Washington, DC, and an occasional food. visitor to our shul. While he began

We also heard from Dr. Irwin Arias his remarks by describing the current In addition to having the food, we difficulties faced by our fellow honored Ron and Tami Unger for about the life and work of Dr. Chaim Sheba, who studied medicine in Vi- in Israel, he also took the opportu- their contributions to our shul over nity to highlight the remarkable ac- the years, going all the way back to enna and then opened his practice in Palestine in the 1930s. He noticed a complishments of the Jewish state 1990 (pre-dating even the Jacobovit- during the past 60 years. ses). In accepting the award, Ron condition that was unique to Persian Jews, and this sparked his interest in told us about the difficulty he had We have many people to thank in trying to get information about the the genetics of the migrant Jewish population. Through his study of this connection with the dinner (in addi- shul before his family came to Rock- tion to the ones mentioned above): ville in 1990. (He did manage to get and other conditions unique to par- Rachmil Jacobovits, for serving in touch with someone just before ticular Jewish groups, he anticipated  they left Israel.) He also described the work that would come later with as our dinner chair and general coor- how he went to shul his first Friday the discovery of DNA and the map- dinator night in Rockville around the time ping of the Human Genome. Having  Doreen Blech, Jerry Roschwalb started, 8:00 pm or so, only known Dr. Sheba, who prompted Dr. and Agi Jacobovits, for helping with to find out that U.S. shuls tend to Arias to spend time conducting re- dinner preparations, and Doreen and daven early when Shabbat starts late. search in Israel in the 1960s, Dr. Jerry for making calls to potential And he said that this set a pattern – Arias had some wonderful stories advertisers for the dinner journal about him and all he did to promote he has been late for shul ever since. Amir and Ayelet Unger for their access to health care and medical  He also referred to the parsha of the video of the Unger home in Recho- previous Shabbat, Parsha Terumah, research in the early years of the about the building of the Mishkan, State of Israel. (Continued on page 2)

Pesach Preparations Pictures From the 10th Note the following matters relating to Pesach: Annual Dinner Maot Chittim Campaign As every year, we will be collecting your kind donations for Maot Chittim - Wheat Money - which enables families in need to purchase wine and Matzah for Pesach. Chametz Sale By Appointment with the Rabbi OR Sunday Morning, April 13, at the Ring House – Activ- ity Room 2 – 9:30 AM (after minyan.)

(Continued from page 1) vot (complete with a mobile in every Honorees Ron and Tami Unger (right), with Rabbi Kreiser room) and President Fellner (holding daughter Arielle)  Our Israeli alumni, including immedi- ate past president Cyril Cohen, for send- ing their greetings from Israel  All of you who attended, for making the Dinner such a nice event  And, last but not least, the Kreisers, just for showing up (not as easy as it sounds – they had an 8 ½ hour drive through difficult traffic)

we can grow. Engag- Rabbi’s Message ing in this kind of Our speakers—Daniel Meron (above introspection will left) and Irwin Arias (above) In our Tefillos, Pesach is bring about the proper observance of the referred to as The Time Of holiday of Pesach, and ultimately bring the Our Freedom. Freedom is final Geulah. the state of being free of the May we all merit to have a Kosher and control or domination of another. While the meaningful Pesach. Chag Sameach. Jews were enslaved in Mitzrayim, they were under the control of the Egyptians. They **IMPORTANT NOTICE** were not free to do as they pleased with Erev Pesach falls out on Shabbos this their time. This kind of subjugation did not year. Therefore, Bedikas Chametz will be on allow for an appreciation of their potential Thursday night, April 17th. Chametz should be as a nation that was destined to serve disposed of/burnt on Friday morning between Hashem. The Exodus of Egypt was not only 10:25 and 11:25 a.m. The only Chametz re- freedom from the brutality of enslavement, maining in your possession after that time more importantly, it was the freedom to should be a minimum amount of to be pursue and fulfill their destiny as promised eaten for Hamotzi on Friday night and Shab- to Avrohom, Yitzchak and Yaakov. It was bos day (since we have the custom not to eat the freedom to grow spiritually and to be Pesach Matzah on Erev Pesach). Being that deserving of being Hashem’s Chosen Na- Shabbos morning is Erev Pesach, Shacharis tion. will be at 7:15 a.m. to allow time to make Hamotzi on Chometz before 10:25 a.m., which Chazal tell us that each person must is the latest time one is allowed to eat Cho- feel as if he himself was part of that great metz. Any remaining crumbs should be dis- experience of leaving Mitzrayim. Part of posed of by flushing by 11:25 a.m. Please our celebration and commemoration today remember to be extremely careful with the of this freedom must contain that feeling of Challah. It should be eaten over a contained freedom to be who we were meant to be as area, and all crumbs should be swept up im- a Jew and as a Jewish Nation. In order to mediately so as not to come into contact with properly fulfill the words of Chazal, we any of our Pesach dishes or food. Clothing and must reflect upon what Hashem truly wants floors should be checked to ensure that there from us as a Nation and as individuals. In are no crumbs remaining, and we should rinse the midst of all our preparations, let us be our mouths of all Chametz. sure to make the time to reflect upon how

2 Learning Schedule  Shabbat mornings, Rabbi’s shiur on the weekly Parsha, 8:15am at the shul. Open to all.  Sunday mornings following Shacharis, Rabbi’s Talmud Class at the Ring House. (Men only.) Light breakfast served.  Tuesday Learning Nights at 8pm at the shul (men only), followed by Maariv.  Women’s Learning Group on selected Mondays at 8:15 or 8:30 pm at the shul (women only) (on hiatus until after Pesach).

Mazel Tov Jewish Day School To Vahid Yahoodain upon passing his first set of Dental Board Exams To Michael and Nechama Fellner and family on the birth and bris of their son Ross Jared Fellner (Reuven Yechiel Ha-Levi) To Riva Borbely on her promotion to Lead Research Engineer at BAE Systems - Advanced Information Technologies To Shiran Beroukhim, Maia Lamdany, Jonathan Ahdoot and their families on their graduation from the Charles E. Smith Yasher Koach To all who contributed to making the Pu- Ben and Naomi Beroukhim in memory of rim Matanot L'evyonim a success - we Ben’s father Mordechai Beroukhim collected over $2200 for the poor (Mordechai ben Yekutiel) To the 2008 Annual Dinner Committee: Jerold Roschwalb in memory of his be- Doreen Blech, Charlene Disler, Agi Jaco- For sponsoring a loved wife bovits, Michael Richman and Chairman, Rachmil Jacobovits Ilene and Rick Van Houter in honor of the To Amanda Denemark, Agi Jacobovits, engagement of their son Andy to Saman- and Riva Borbely for being discussion tha Danzig Gift Shop by Mordechai Yahoodain leaders for the Women's Learning Group Manny and Nancy Zymelman in honor of 301.881.0647 Rabbi & Perel Kreiser for preparing and the birthdays of their grandchildren Talia Support Israel—buy Israeli products hosting the shul's wonderful Purim Seuda, and Yossi, and of Lazer Fuerst and to Riva & Pinchas Borbely for co- Skin care, jewelry, Judaica, and more. Ron and Tami Unger to say farewell to sponsoring the Seuda in honor of Riva’s 10% of profits go to Congregation the Congregation upon their return to Is- recent promotion rael Ezras Israel

Are you receiving the weekly Ezras Israel e-mail update? Davening times, upcoming events, and more! To subscribe, visit

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ezrasisrael Condolences

ther information and a tour of the site. You Shul News may also get additional information at Jonathan Abecassis and family on the loss www.gardenofremembrance,org. of his father, Mose Abecassis z‖l Cemetery Spaces Available Gan Zikaron (Garden of Remembrance) is a Sponsor a New Chumash Baruchim Habaim There are opportunities to sponsor a new Chu- Jewish community owned and operated ceme- New Members tery. Spaces are available in the section previ- mash for the shul - $50 to sponsor a regular Rose Glasner ously purchased by Ezras Israel Congregation Stone Edition Chumash, and $36 for a com- bined Stone Chumash/Siddur Travel Edition. of Rockville for $1,800 each. You will have Refuah Shlemah the benefit of a tax deduction. Please contact Please contact Rachmil Jacobovits (see box below for contact information). Morris Altschuler at (301) 770-5591 for fur- Dora Feldgreber Rabbi Seymour Panitz

Memorialize a loved one Donate to the Donate a Machzor, Siddur or Chumash Ezras Israel Hachnosat Orchim Fund to support the Call Rachmil at 301-770-4342 or 301-461-4984 or hospitality the Rabbi extends to the community. e-mail [email protected]

For the holidays and all your Celebrate a special occasion! special occasions, send Sponsor a Kiddush personalized Call Judy Lowitz - 410-358-0066 or 240-240-6670 or by Chesed Cards and e-mail [email protected], or reserve online at Help Ezras Israel at the same time Call June Graff 301.770.7129 www.ezrasisrael.org


Minyan Times

a.m. 8:15 Friday Wednesday, Tuesday,

Torah) read we weekdays other & Chodesh Rosh on time the (Also a.m. 8:05 Thursday Monday,

refreshments. and only) (men shiur Rabbi’s by Followed a.m. 8:30 Sunday

2: Room Activity House, Ring at Shacharit Friday – Sunday

Maariv and Shlishit Seudah by Followed above. See Mincha/Maariv

a.m. 9:00 Shacharit

status. for 1661 - 627 - 240 Call Israel: Ezras at Shabbat

7:20pm. around , la kehil the with accepted be should Shabbos ideally emergency, an of absence In latest. absolute the are times Candlelighting *

9:27 8:10 7:00 8:20 Fri) - (Thu Tamuz Mevorchim - Korach Sat - Fri Jun - 28

9:26 8:10 7:00 8:20 Shelach Sat - Fri Jun - 21

9:24 8:05 7:00 8:17 Beha'alotcha Sat - Fri Jun - 14

(Yizkor) - II Shavuot 9:22 8:15 XXXXX XXXXX Tue Jun - 10

9:22 before preparation food begin not Do - I Shavuot XXXXX 8:15 XXXXX 9:22 Mon Jun - 9

XXXXX XXXXX 8:15 8:15 Shavuot Erev Sun Jun - 8

9:21 8:05 7:00 8:14 Nasso Sat - Fri Jun - 7 Luach HaZmanim

Yerushalayim Yom XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Mon Jun - 2

9:15 8:00 7:00 8:09 (Wed) Sivan Mevorchim - Bamidbar Sat - Fri May - 31

9:09 7:55 7:00 8:04 Bechukotai Sat - Fri May - 24


9:02 7:45 7:00 7:58 Behar Sat - Fri May - 17

8:55 7:40 7:00 7:51 Emor Sat - Fri May - 10

HaAtzma'ut Yom XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Thu May - 8


8:47 7:35 7:45 7:45 Tue) - (Mon Iyar Mevorchim - Kedoshim Sat - Fri May - 3

(Yizkor) - VIII Pesach 8:41 7:40 XXXXX XXXXX Sun Apr - 27

XXXXX 7:40 XXXXX 8:40 VII Pesach Sat Apr - 26

XXXXX XXXXX 7:00 7:38 Tov Yom Erev Fri Apr - 25

8:34 7:30 XXXXX XXXXX II Pesach Mon Apr - 21

8:33 before preparation food begin not Do - I Pesach

XXXXX 7:30 XXXXX 8:32 Sun Apr - 20

Tov Yom Erev - HaGadol - Mot Acharei 8:32 7:20 7:00 7:31 Sat - Fri Apr - 19

8:24 7:15 7:00 7:24 Metzora Sat - Fri Apr - 12

(Sun) Nissan Mevorchim - HaChodesh - Tazria 8:17 7:05 7:00 7:17 Sat - Fri Apr - 5

Ends Mincha Event - Chag - Parsha Day Date

Mincha Tov

lighting* Yom Tov Tov Yom Tov Yom Erev Yom Yom Erev

Shabbat / / Shabbat / Shabbat Candle Friday / / Friday

Congregation Ezras Israel P.O. Box 2281 Rockville, MD 20847