The Art of Horsemanship
m fW^^M^m-M JBB"' XENOPHON ON HORSEMANSHIP. THE ART OF HORSEMANSHIP. BY XENOPHON. TRANSLATED, WITH CHAPTERS ON THE GREEK RIDING-HORSE AND WITH NOTES, BY MORRIS H. MORGAN, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in Harvard University. Proficies nihil hoc, caedas licet usque, flagello. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. 1893. Copyright, 1893, By Morris H. Morgan. Uniijcrsitg Pass: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. PREFACE. Among technical treatises, that of Xeno- phon on Horsemanship is almost unique in one particular. Even after more than twenty- three centuries it is still, in the main, a sound and excellent guide for so much of the field as it covers. This fact, together with the simple and delightful manner in which the subject is treated, has led me to think that some who are not able or do not care to approach the book in the original Greek, might like to read a translation of the earli- est known work on the horse and how to ride him. To be sure, there have already been versions in English ; but these seem to me, and have seemed to others, unsatisfactory. My translation is made from the Greek text of Dindorf's Oxford edition. Two well-known special editions of the treatise I ; VI PREFACE. have found very useful. These are by Courier, with notes and a translation into French, first published in Paris in 1813, and by Jacobs, with notes and a German version, Gotha, 1825. Hermann's essay, **De verbis quibus Graeci incessum equorum indicant," is indispensable for the study of certain parts of the treatise.
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