Contract Leads Powered by EARLY PLANNING Projects in Planning up to Detailed Plans Submitted
Contract Leads Powered by EARLY PLANNINGProjects in planning up to detailed plans submitted. PLANS APPROVEDProjects where the detailed plans have been approved but are still at pre-tender stage. TENDERSProjects that are at the tender stage CONTRACTSApproved projects at main contract awarded stage. WestBridgford Planning authority: Derby Job: Plans 3BP Tender return date: Tender return date 01902663280 Brunswick Court, Victoria Street, The Warfe Plans Submitted for 10 houses Client: Mr. Ltd Agent: Gleeson Developments Ltd, 5 Planning authority: Rushcliffe Job: Detailed Approved On Appeal for nursing home 19th December 2011 for a Traditional Contract. ELY £3M Suite, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 6RE Matthew Stephens Agent: Axis Architecture Defender Court, Colima Ave, Sunderland MIDLANDS/ Plans Submitted for 11 flats & 2 retail units (extension/alterations) Client: The Yews Tel: 01908 666276 OldBishopsPalace,PalaceGreen Contractor: R McLester Builders Ltd, 89 - 91 Ltd, Talbot Chambers, 2 - 6 North Church Enterprise Park, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, Client: Geda Construction Co Ltd Agent: CBP Residential Home Developer: Simon Foote STAFFORD £0.4M Planning authority: East Cambridgeshire Sanders Road, Wellingborough, Northamp- Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2DH Tel: SR5 3PE Tel: 0191 5370070 EAST ANGLIA Architects, 44 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, Architects Ltd, 28 Ashbourne Road, Derby, StaffordVolkswagen,CommonRoad Job: Planning Not Required for historic tonshire, NN8 4TB Tel: 01933 276550 0114 2490944 WAKEFIELD £2.7M NG1 5DW Tel: 0115
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