Create Te a Lunar Outpost Post

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Create Te a Lunar Outpost Post WHY GO To THE MOON? MEET A MISSION ENGINEER — Ms. Cathy Peddie, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center What do you do? How did you get to be doing what you are doing? What is the greatest engineering challenge about putting an outpost on the Moon? —— Why do YOU think we should journey to the Moon and beyond? Why should we return to the Moon? If someone wants to be an engineer, what should they do? BE PART OF THE JOURNEY! CHALLENGES TO LUNAR EXPLOR ERS TRY THIS — What’s Needed Ice at the Poles! Students explore why the lunar poles may contain concentrations of ice. Getting Started What to Do What do the students observe about the shadows cast by the toothpicks? Are there any areas on the lunar surface that are shielded permanently from the Sun? When they illuminate their clay Moon as they did earlier, what do they observe about the light in the cratered regions? Wrapping Up What do the student’s observations suggest about temperatures in these permanently shaded craters? Comets are made, in part, of water ice; if comets delivered ice to the Moon, where might temperatures be permanently cold to preserve the ice? LUNAR RESOURCES CREREATETE A LUNARUNAR OUTPOSTPOST Artist Pat Rawlings illustrates space exploration, from futuristic space travel to human investigation of Mars to lunar outposts. His images integrate imagination with scientifically and technically accurate information. Invite your students to use materials at hand to create, draw, or animate a lunar outpost of the future. Have them consider the questions that follow as they construct their Moon habitats. WhatWhat buildingsbuildings aarere nneededeeded fforor tthehe aastronauts?stronauts? HHowow ddoesoes tthehe hhabitatabitat ggetet ppower?ower? WWhathat ssciencecience ooccursccurs aatt tthehe ooutputpost?ost? Water Ice, Maybe. Hydrogen, Yes! HHowow ddoo tthehe aastronautsstronauts aarriverrive aatt tthehe ooutpost?utpost? HHowow ddoo ttheyhey mmoveove aacrosscross tthehe llunarunar ssurface?urface? HHowow aarere tthehe aastronautsstronauts pprotectedrotected ffromrom rradiationadiation aandnd ttemperatureemperature eextremes?xtremes? WWherehere iiss eequipmentquipment mmaintainedaintained aandnd sstored?tored? HHowow iiss aairir ggeneratedenerated fforor tthehe aastronautsstronauts ttoo bbreathe?reathe? WWherehere ddoo ttheyhey ggetet ttheirheir ffood?ood? WWherehere ddoo tthehe aastronautsstronauts ggetet mmedicaledical ttreatment?reatment? HHowow ddoo ttheyhey ccommunicateommunicate wwithith eeachach ootherther aandnd EEarth?arth? WWhathat ddoo tthehe aastronautsstronauts ddoo fforor eexercise,xercise, rrelaxation,elaxation, aandnd ffun?un? WWhathat kkindind ooff jjobsobs wwillill ppeopleeople nneedeed ttoo ddoo aatt tthehe ooutpost?utpost? Regolith Revisited Invite your students to submit their work to the Lunar and Planetary Institute at Got Sun? FURTHER EXPLORATION MORE CLASSROOM RESOURCES Explore! To the Moon and Beyond with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter — ONLINE DISCOVERY Lunar Camp Teacher Resources — Other Energy Sources Return to the Moon — What’s for Dinner? ADDITIONAL READING Home on the Moon: Living on a Space Frontier Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Return to the Moon Outposts are built Picture It partially under- ABOUT THIS POSTER ground to protect Robots mine lunar astronauts from soil to extract oxygen, front sixth- to ninth-grade students space radiation. titanium, aluminum, back educators and other elements Lunar soils in used for buildings permanently dark and life support. regions near the pole contain hydrogen and may Solar panels on contain water ice. robots, transports, and outposts provide power. .
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