archived as

more of Dan Burisch is at note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from date=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f on February 16, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web-site. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

misc. Dan Burisch postings on the GLP board - (Vol-1 / pp. 61-128) full un-edited and non-exerpted posts are at the referenced URL

(continued from Vol 1 / pp.31-60 - …)

(512) skywatcher22 11/24/2003 9:08 pm EST

Boomerang --

You are asking questions faster than I could answer them.

Dan´s parents both knew what Dan was involved in. His mother has been on the warpath to secure Dan´s release from government service. However, a short time ago their apartment was entered and all momentos on Dan were taken. This has disheartened Doreen, his mother. I have only talked to her once since then.

I and others have a full set of documents and we have checked on some. Some of this came from his mother and others from B.J. Bunyon is confirmed as are many other things.

I have a copy of a letter from Dover School for Boys (U.K.) that says that Danny was a scholar worthy of serious consideration for entry to Cambridge University to read medicine. He was questioned in detail by Heads of Department of Biology and Chemistry who considered that his grasp of their subjects was at a higher level than that required for the A-level course of the GCE.

He took special MCAT and scored a high level and could have easily qualified for medical school. He actually applied to Cambridge, but never attended.

I have copies showing entries in ● Who´s Who in the World 11th Edition (1992) ● Who´s Who in the West 24th Edition (1994-95) ● Who´s Who in Science and Engineering Premier Edition and his listing in the UNLV alumnus. These are all under his former name of Dan (Danny) B. Crain.

There are photos and many other docs, and safekept copies.

212 (513) skywatcher22 11/24/2003 9:12 pm EST

On the ARK, one of my trusted sources gave this answer...

There is/was/has been a "Project ARK"; and as for time range, I would tend to agree with the approximate date. It coincides with a round trip to Mars. Under Arrowhead Stadium, Cheyenne Baldy Mountain, NORAD facility, Utah Facilities, AZ facilities, Carolina and ND underground facilities are real.

Yup, I would tend to agree with an "Ark" scenario.

(514) Dondep unlogged 11/25/2003 12:18 am EST

Boomerang; Dan indicated to me that there was some alienation between himself and his parents regarding his own parenthood, leading to some estrangement between them (Dan and his parents). That doesn't mean Dan's mother doesn't love him, or dote on the grandchild(ren). That was one of the areas I agreed not to discuss in detail, and without any hypothesis that the issue could have major ramifications (as if we don't have enough!). I will honor that confidence.

I'll have more later. Just a quick peek while speed-unloading moving vans.

(515) Anonymous Coward 11/25/2003 12:32 am EST

When I review the material that has been presented, something is reminding me to consider that much of what is written is now 'old news' and that if there are time constraints on these projects … well, you know how bosses are...)

Since the Ark is to be completed late 2004, I would speculate that much of the ´working model´ of the Lotus is in place. Dr. Dan might not want to give up his source codes, but is there no being of relative goodness out there that he can turn to?

Speculation has been given concerning 'chemtrails' which Dr Dan has no involvement in now and probably should be dropped as it could be a source of disinfo.

More important in my mind are these man-made stargates which need to be deactivated according to the sources. Two were in Iraq, one was found. Are we there to find the other one or where is it? Can HAARP signals be sent out to find as a beacon its location? How many of these things are there in addition to the one at Frenchman?

Before Dr Dan was taken to S-4, he was asked what he knew about papilloma viruses. Is that another lab created virus of which there are presently over 60 types one of which affects reproduction?

(516) Jadian 11/25/2003 12:38 am EST

213 Is this the one you seek? Correspondence to Professor N.J. Severs, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Dovehouse Street, London SW3 6LY, UK. E-mail [email protected]

(517) dondep 11/25/2003 2:56 am EST

A note on the Ark …

Dan told me he could not tell me where it is. However, a few months ago I remember reading about an 'Ark', involving a plane crash, and subsequently this was portrayed as a 'movie set'. If I'm not mistaken, it was 'found' in Australia, and involved some recovered film from a partially-burnt camera. There was some talk on this very Forum about it.

I know the Ark plays an important role in our (humankind's) destiny. My (limited) understanding is that it is aboard this Ark that the world-seed Dr B is working on will be placed, leading to our continued evolution into the J-rod form of humanoid.

On a related note, I see a lot of progress on the Dr. Severs front. Jadian-- thanks for that email address for him. We'll use it. Human Subject has done some good research with some promising links I'll be checking shortly. Because if "Nicky knows", we want to know why and what too!

(518) Anonymous Coward 11/25/2003 3:12 am EST

Don-- the previous post on this thread concerning the Ark had it back in Jerusalem covered with some precious Blood. The Ark that Dr Dan speaks of must be as DNA samples and other building blocks of Earth's life, along with the rest of his findings in mathematics, sacred geometry, particle physics, and whatever else we know about in religious and other texts on the outbound track.

In relating to the Vishnu Schist, we have the earliest rock existing at the time of the creation of life, but since that formation had been metamorphosed by the Zoroaster intrusion, all traces of life would have been destroyed. Interestingly enough, there is a 750 million year gap of missing from geologic record. Wonder what Frenchman really holds?!

(519) Ambilac 11/25/2003 3:22 am EST

Re- Prof Severs… not too sure if this is the one you mentioned in previous post, but check the full details, as I notice there was a minor discrepancy in the e-mail so here are the full details:

Professor Nicholas J Severs Position Professor Department National Heart and Lung Institute Faculty of Medicine Telephone +44 (0)20 7351 8140 Email [email protected]

214 He is a heart specialist, but has done much research on mouse cells etc. To get a full list of his research papers go here..

Of course we may be on the wrong path altogether. If you want me to e-mail the guy, let me know as I will mail from an ac. UK address, he will be more likely to reply from an institute address here in UK


(520) Crackajack 11/25/2003 3:39 am EST

Dondep, I recall something about that "burnt camera" scenario. Wasn't it the 8th March 2003 website, which subsequently turned out to be a hoax??

Go get 'em, Zack :))

Bill, have you heard of this Dr Severs? Did Dan ever mention someone by this name?

(521) Yikes! :) 11/25/2003 4:12 am EST

"Dondep, I recall something about that "burnt camera" scenario. Wasn't it the 8th March 2003 website, which subsequently turned out to be a hoax??"

The March 8th thing may have been a hoax, but it is amazingly similar (nearly identical from the front or nose of the vessel) to the "Ark" ship depicted in the circa 1951 movie by George Pal called "When Worlds Collide", which was based on the book by Velikovsky, Worlds In Collision.

In this movie -- as in the March 8th photos -- the vessel is considered an Ark (I believe it also had 'Ark' written on the side of the ship -- depicted in the movie -- as in the March 8th photos), and is situated to go down and then up a huge track to jetison itself into space (although the March 8th vessel was said to be more of a giant submarine--who knows?). The track is almost identical in the March 8th photos, as the one depicted in the early 1950s movie.

When the group of survivors, selected by lottery and necessity, leave their planet (with the rest of the population kept in the dark about their impending doom), because of a planetary impact and resulting pole-shift that cannot be prevented. They land on an identical Earth-like planet to their own planet where, as they disembark from the ship, it's obvious they are up on a very high mountain (shades of Mt. Ararat) and can see -- from this vantage point -- several pyramids identical to the ones in Egypt, and what looks like Window Rock, AZ, in the great distance. T he name of this new earth they've just set down on was called "Zyra" in the movie.

(522) !!! Anonymous Coward 11/25/2003 6:42 am EST

215 Oh myyyyyyyyyyyy heavens! Look what just showed up on the skywatch-discussion list. Seems that the good doctor spoke with 'Peace' and saw something that he disliked. We may be searching for evidence, but we now can say we know as a fact that he can defend himself! He is a bit stronger than I had imagined him, the "Director" came out.

>>>Hi All! I am new to the list, am a friend of Burisch's, and hate to get into the middle of a squabble but feel that I should say something about this, and allow Dan too. I have again spoken with him. His communication was interrupted for a day, but I again have some access, no matter how temporary. Much of this letter comes from his desk.

>>>Ms. Davidson wrote:

"Exactly, what is going on with the UFO lists in regard to the Jewish religion. As an American born Jew (yes, both my parents are Jewish) is I have noticed a hatred of Jews and Isreal on some of these lists that make me sick.

I wish people would stick to the subject of UFOs and not delve into hating my religion. As a Jew, I have to put up with enough garbage from the outside world; and, when I go on these lists, it is to learn about the paranormal not having to put up with Jew or Isreal bashing. If someone wants to talk about religion start another news group.

Going back to Dr. Barish, I have the book Eagles Disobey and was thinking of reading it. Now I don't know if I believe anything in the book that he writes. And yes, I believe there are structures on the various planets like Mars.

Just my two cents worth. Nancy Davidson Des Plaines, Illinois<<<

****Ms. Davidson, I have read everything that Burisch (not Barish- look at the front cover of the book you say you have, it's near the bottom as a co-author. I have a copy.) has written that was ever made public, including the remarks that you are "trying" to comment on. He has never showed hatred toward any religion, but shows contempt when he feels (and everyone can individually judge whether they feel him to be right or not, on any issue) that someone is ramming an ideology down the throats of others. That was the meaning of the text I read. Have you really read it? He has read the comments and wrote the following to me:

"Your argument, if you are basing it on the text below, that I have hatred toward Jews makes no sense, unless you are doing the following- "DISAGREE WITH THE PERSPECTIVES OF ONE PERSON THAT HAPPENS TO BE JEWISH, AND YOU DISAGREE WITH ALL JEWS!" If you are saying that, it is the same as pronouncing a totalitarian attitude- "What we say (and you would have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK FOR EVERYONE) is the way it is, and no one had better criticize it or we'll label you a "____ <---´fill in the blank here´ hater!" Please, don't pull that crap on everyone (or anyone), just because one strong willed person was criticized for the manner in which her strong will was exercised.

Much of the research that now goes into so-called "UFOs" also questions religious connections. If we are to deal with the so-called "UFOs", we are going to have to 216 deal with those issues too. If that steps on the toes of some (or maybe all religions)- then it does. We must face the facts that politics have been layered upon all codified religions, EVERY ONE! I am a former Catholic, formerly in training to be a priest. I recognize the Jewish heritage, its beauty, and it questionable issues, just as I do regarding all other codified religions (including Catholicism). In the past I have been privileged to be an invited guest at a Seder, in the Holy Land. I understand the beauty of the land, its people, the touch that God has placed upon it, some of the meaning of the flame letters (see, some of the wondrous Kabbalah, and am trying to learn Hebrew, properly (meaning under the direction of a Rabbi). I feel privileged to be doing so, but must admit I am having some difficulty with the Nikud. (It is difficult to teach old dogs new tricks, afterall! :) )

Read what I wrote-(notice I don't say JEWS??? I SAY "THE PERSON CONSTANTLY". Your defense seems almost, how shall I say, over emotional and highly personal for the one that was criticized??? I mention something about asking 70 Rabbis and getting 70 replies. I have been to Israel (and, in respect to the land and its people, it is spelled, ma'am, with the "a" before the "e"), and that is said among the people there. It means that if you ask 70 Rabbis for an opinion on a spiritual issue, you will get 70 different replies. I think, really, there is a message there! My perceptions regarding the overtly pushy person (and the person jumped up to occasion to answer to it, just like Prince Charles recently did without being named - indicating they know their place and role...:) ) is that they are pronouncing one view as an "unquestionable answer or be attacked" attitude, when I am aware that many of those at the center of Judaism would never do that. I have found peace in Judaism, not sharp venting. Haven't we seen that attitude enough, lately (within the last couple of years), with extremists - different religion, but extremism anyway? Such extremism doesn't breed good things. So, before I may be further wrongly accused, because it is convenient to remove a "crutch" from the closet that has a label on it which reads "RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE", actually read what was written. If speaking of Judaism in such a manner, as to highlight its Law and the Loving kindness of the One true God, is offensive, I stand guilty of speaking my mind. If speaking against what I perceived as a level of pushy, self-righteous, and indignant snobbishness, not befitting a true representative of what I consider to be a truthful religion, then I also stand guilty of wickedness. So, before anyone stands back and now says, "Oh, how can he say that about little ole me?"... review the acridly harsh diatribes that have been used against others. I stand guilty of applauding the Love to be found in "true" Judaism and exercising free speech to a person that I believe should try to find the same.

I have friends around me, albeit many consider my life as an imprisonment. Why my response to the postings of this one person at all, when I could use this time to rant an rave for myself? I was not the only one offended by the rudeness. I will confess that there are other deeper reasons why I am taking this issue to task, they are important reasons (at least to me).

I have watched many here (for a long time) search for the truth under the guidance of a man I dearly respect, William Hamilton. I applaud your efforts to finding those truths, whether they be personal or global. May I make a teensy little suggestion? Change the topic. Speak to the issues of what may be "aliens" and the environment, or the ever changing gene pool. You see, if you do make such a change, some among us may not be able to use such strong attacks because they may find their 217 soap boxes were used to pack intolerance back into the closet of the dark ages, where it belongs. Supremacy resides only with the One God, not with human interpretations of Him. He can do quite well of His own accord. Read thousands of pages, or just look at a flower opening, a sunrise, a child's smile. Learn what you must, the fruit taken from the Tree of Knowledge has been paid for, but also understand the beauty in the simple truths- your connections to each other and the Cosmos. I wish I had the opportunity to speak more often, maybe some day I will. [Maybe some are hoping not! :() ] No one is perfect, no one human knows everything, that is why we need God, and we need each other. If I can pass only one thing along to everyone, involving this and all other issues, is that it is entirely easy to spot one that speaks of the One True (no religion's name needs to be added here) God- the embracing of humanity, Peace and Love can be found at least somewhere in their messages.

May God Bless EACH AND EVERY ONE of you in your quests.

Dan Burisch"

"...the person constantly says G-d, to show preeminence of the understanding of Hebrew, but in much too much a way as the "Master Race" of Germany once proclaimed their history. This, in my humble opinion, is not the workings of God (the proclivity at soap boxes), but is act of a frail human being, like just anyone with the same past and experiences. While I agree that reverence to the names of God is of utmost importance, her contextual usage while slicing at others in vented anger is akin to taking the name of the Lord God in vain.

I feel sorry for that and wish her healing. When we speak of the great works of inspired persons, throughout history, we see the workings of God, across cultures, and looking at them as a whole, we can see them without the political nefarious natures that people and cultures have lumped on top of their personal meanings, from a personal God to His/her personal peoples. Don't put others' experiences of God down! When hurting others though, I would suggest that their experience of God may be misunderstood, so I would ask them to stop and reevaluate. Ask themselves, or better yet a series of REAL Rabbis (if inclined within the Jewish culture, as I have heard it said- "...ask 70 and you will get 70 replies.") how God heals people with his Law and Loving kindness. In my opinion, God cannot be placed within a single, contextual box, the nature of Him should never be used as angered evil, or as a tool to vent an incomplete understanding of the One whom is indiscernible. Blessed be He!"

Well, I hope some enjoyed that. I hope that I can continue communications. If not, bye!


(523) Peace 11/25/2003 7:05 am EST

Yes, that was him. I got a hold of him tonight when his system's capabilities were turned back on. I am never sure there will be more, but I hope so. He was how he appears. The private reasons he speaks about -- not really sure here he wants me to tell everyone this but -- is an issue that even John Crain, his dad, doesn't even know about his own father, he knows him as James: Dan found out from his file that 218 his grandfather was a Jew from Macedonia who changed his name when coming to America, and that he had survived a Nazi concentration camp.

He was not fighting for himself in this statement. He was fighting against hypocrisy from one person representing the Jewish Religion -- the same intolerance used against her own people to enslave and kill them.

He didn't tell the people in skywatch this. Maybe someone will. By the time I got back to my e-mail address, the p/w had been changed. Tracking is too close to try again there. I used his own desktop to get the info out. So they won't find me /// yet.

Faith continues.

(524) Crackajack 11/25/2003 7:20 am EST

Hello, Peace --

I can understand Dan's point on hypocrisy. He has had one very "different" life. Maybe if he explained his feelings, a better understanding may have developed. It would be hard for someone to do this on his behalf as it may be seen as that person "running their own agenda", especially if they cannot prove that was what Dr Burisch wanted to say.

Peace, we are pleading with you to expand on Dr Severs full ID or his role in "the program". This new information -- if we can confirm it -- may finally move this thread into some much needed new ground. Sure, we have much to disseminate still, but the subject matter is large, and has much conjecture. We need to get some real specifics on this lead. Anything, please.

Peace to you, and to all.

(525) Peace 11/25/2003 7:52 am EST

I suggest strongly to each of you: be careful with this!

Soon after his arrival in Walmer, England, (1980) way before Dan knew what he was being groomed for, and 6 years before he was approached, he sat on a pebbly beach with a young girl with the last name Blunt. He grew fond of her and they dated (he 16, she 17).

Her father was friends with Dr. Bunyan. Dan lived with Bunyan at the Seafield House. Bunyan was the great grandson of the writer of Pilgrim's Progress. He, a "Nicky", a few others and Dan were members of a clique called "The Fatheads Club". Anyway, the girl's father spoke to the "Brit" -- named 'Nick' -- about his daughter's affections toward the young American. That Brit -- a high-up Illuminati -- suggested that Mr. Blunt get his kid married to Dan because he was "going places".

That Brit didn't tell Bunyan about the suggestion he made to their mutual friend, Blunt. Blunt told Bunyan what the Brit had said. Blunt, not being on the true "inside", shouldn't have been told. That caused a rift between the Brit and Bunyan. Bunyan suggested to Danny that he break off contact with

219 the girl. At that time he was also suggesting that Dan break off contact with John and Dodie because he (Bunyan) had plans for him on the east side of the Pond.

Dan pulled back from the suggestion and soon found out that Miss Blunt was pushing for a "closer relationship". Dan broke off the relationship on his own. A small power struggle ensued and Bunyan lost. The eyes of the Illuminati -- via the Brit -- stayed on Dan. The other group (MJ) was looking at him anyway for the reasons that had already been made public. What an interesting turn of events, to see them both on the same paper after all these years! Like Dan always says when he thinks that someone oversteps their authority: "NICKY KNOWS!"

(526) Ambilac 11/25/2003 8:28 am EST

A - J Bunyan traced to an old boy of the Dover Grammar school, gave a talk the old boys in 1962-3 = their association was called PHAROS.. This Bunyan was interested in collecting old microscopes and was a dental surgeon in the 1960´s...same one?

Incidentally the John Bunyan who wrote Pilgrims Progress wrote it in 1675, so would be great-great -great grandson. Just thought I would add that in ../


(527) Peace 11/25/2003 8:42 am EST

Thanks for the correction on "greats"! :-)

Same one. You will find that he was also the inventor of the Bunyan Bag, a burn treatment in World War II. Dan worked with Bunyan on hypochlorite (the stuff in the Bunyan Bag) and that led to his interest in treating Cancer with superoxide. Dan attended Dover Grammar, under Head Master R. Coleman, referred there by Bunyan.

Well done man!! The Pharos' influence came clear across the Pond when naming the particular analysis underway when Dan joined Aquarius. They were called, Kings. He worked on King-24. The training tapes for the project are still called King TUTs. (King) (T)raining (U)pdate (T)ape(s).

Look to Quekett, you will find Dan's name as a member in 1980. That Bunyan also related to a certain microscopical group in L.A.--the leader (a friend of Dan's before his falling out with Bunyan) was also the same type of collector, and one hell of a composer- scary things like music for the "Andromeda Strain", the "Sentinel", and other TV movies about "demons".

Can't make this more contiguous - got to hide now.

(528) Anonymous Coward 11/25/2003 8:52 am EST

Gil Melle Hot Target (1985) ... Music Composer 220 Last Chase, The (1981) ... Music Composer Blood Beach (1981) ... Music Composer Borderline (1980) ... Music Composer Starship Invasions (1978) ... Music Composer Sentinel, The (1977) ... Music Composer Embryo (1976) ... Music Composer Ultimate Warrior, The (1975) ... Music Composer Savage Is Loose, The (1974) ... Music Composer You´ll Like My Mother (1972) ... Music Composer Organization, The (1971) ... Music Composer Andromeda Strain, The (1971) ... Music Composer

(529) Ambilac 11/25/2003 9:03 am EST

Peace-- you are welcome :) Thanks for info. As you may know, I am east over the pond here in Wales and have many "academic" contacts as well as our many contacts via

I will be on the show tonight so if anyone would like to add anything or offer me caveats. Now is your chance..!! "or forever hold thy peace". Well … not forever!


(530) Uncle John 11/25/2003 9:37 am EST

When I see microscopes and a cure for cancer in the same discussion, I have to think of Royal Raymond Rife. I have studied the use of oxygen (ozone) to cure cancer and I will research hypochlorite and superoxide. A very close friend goes under the knife today. God be with her.

It is informative to see the pull between MJ and the Illuminati over Dan. I wonder how these two groups are connected? I wonder if MJ is behind the cover-up of the various cancer cures. I heard on radio from the MD that treated Pres. Reagan´s cancer with oxygen. How can these people sleep at night?

(531) dondep 11/25/2003 9:03 pm EST

Jadian-- just a brief apology for not recognizing you had posted that link re the dialog between the Thief and the Cherubim. I found the reference from Wigam's The Assyrians and Their Neighbors. It's quite a profound allegory, if it is that.

I'm glad to read Dr B's "correction" of the poster from the Skywatch forum. In the next installment of the transcripts from Bill's (the masked man here, Skywatcher22), Dan gets pretty passionate about how people "haven't figured out that 'this' God and 'that' God are all part of the same God".

Speaking of which, Clear Eyes hasn't been seen or heard from since volunteering to help with that transcription. I hope she's 'okay' and can post shortly. There should be many copies of the videotape 221 now in circulation to members of this Forum. And Howard-- I will get you a 'clean' copy shortly. Right now, I will race over to to hear your show. Put in a good word for our search here, and good luck.

(532) Uncle John 11/25/2003 10:58 pm EST

Uncle John here: I went to my spiritual advisor for advice and he said that I should ask 'Peace' for advice. Ok. But first, let me relate a correspondence I had in 1999 when I tried to contact Dr. Michael Wolf. Here is a copy of the email I received back:

Hi, John! My name is 'John' as well. I'd like to be able to set up an interview for you. However, I need to know a few things... What will be the parameters of your questioning? Will questions be limited to The Catchers of Heaven and information contained therein? Will you be willing to provide questions in advance so that Michael has an opportunity mentally to prepare his responses? Will you be willing to accept a time limit to the interview? Will you be willing to accept the phone charges? For whom do you work? How will Michael's responses be utilized? Please advise.

FYI - I do not wish to discourage your desire to interview Michael. Unfortunately, Michael is ill, having good days and bad. We need to ensure that his energy level is not overly taxed as a result of the interview. I'm sure you understand. Thanks in advance for your responses to the above. Looking forward to your reply...

John M. Baird, JD President The Daniel Wolf Memorial Foundation for Children, Inc.

UJ: Peace, can you guess what stopped me from responding? That request for phone charges. Sure I could afford them, but think about it. If Dr. Wolf was who he said he was how could the organization that he worked for, the richest in the world, throw out someone to die who had given so much, without the money to make a long distance call? He was even married to a Kennedy relative. May Dr. Wolf rest in peace. He will not be forgotten. The dolphins remember his soul.

So my question for you, Peace, is how should I proceed. Part of what I want to offer is contained in my heart. Part is contained in my experience. I'm smart but not nearly as smart as your group. But as a wise Sufi once said: "One who cannot get out of the cocoon spun by his emotions is called unaware."

Thankful for your consideration. Peace. Uncle John

(533) Harrdrawk 11/25/2003 11:58 pm EST

… Another reference was made about the data being reviewed here was from Dr. Burisch's earlier writings and therefore regardable as "old insight". It's true. However, I would like to say that just one year ago I had never even heard about a 'crash' at Roswell or a "Planet X" or "chemtrails" or even "crop

222 circles". (been too busy playin' in the dirt to look around) So I'm really waaaaaaaaayy behind the rest of the class. No UFO story or conspiracy cover-up insight seems "old" to me.

It's possible that others happening upon this thread will be even more in the dark than I. In fact, I would greatly suggest and pray that anyone just joining the wagon train that feels so inclined to start at the beginning and read along as if it were just happening. And please take notes for all of us. So many crumbs, ('gems' I call 'em) may have fallen through the cracks in our haste. We have received lots of clues from lots of sources, some pretty discreet. And I for one can't be sure they've all been given careful enough consideration.

To borrow one and a half lines from a poster entitled (Z) on the previous page that sorta reflects my innermost feeling about this whole journey: << "There is no authority, no rubberstamp, just oneself and intuition. The power of one mind is enough to break the chains...">>

(534) Harrdrawk 11/26/2003 12:30 am EST

Regarding chemtrails, Dr. Burisch said he was no longer in that area of work (or that maybe he never was), but he did make reference to the project (Raindancer) which is obviously a code name which --if a genuine one -- gives credibility to the rest of his claims should one ever doubt.

Again, maybe the issue of chemtrails is an old one among the majority here. But this is the first time I've heard anyone from the inside admit to anything. 'We' Terrestrial Biological Entities (TBE) here in Idaho were apparently not worth saving -- or our DNA is already too unwound -- 'cause there have been no chemtrails in our skies. (If you'd like to relocate here, bring a job with you! he he)

(535) dondep 11/26/2003 2:55 am EST

Good to see everyone. And, Harrdrawk, you bring up a good subject and I think you addressed it well. What is going on here affects even newcomers from everywhere. A website would do as I feared in the insight I had during that 1979 experience I called the Ultimate Paradox that I shared with Dan. Once you 'institutionalize' a concept so-to-speak with a website, it becomes one agenda -- one more stick in a pigeonhole.

What we should do is keep our unbound collective consciousness free to flow with the moment. We should also move it to include those at other Forums such as One Step Ahead (some of you are already there!), the Skywatch_discussion group at Yahoo!, and even Badastronomy where some of the boys are simply fiercely proud of their hard-studied for science background. They too -- except for the ones permanently embittered against humans -- need to help rekindle the brotherhood of man. I really think that is the scope of this, what is evident by implication from what we have learned from Dr B.

And I actually took umbrage with the fact Dan isn't even getting this thread's printouts! I'm shocked! Skywatch -- despite the many great minds there -- has more than one participant who exhibits one of the negative traits that is working at cross-purposes. And Dan gets their printouts! [sulk] I think the finest minds are on this thread, though, and I think all of us are playing a role. I get worried that I would offend the rest of you if I only brought to attention one or two names; again, it is good to read all of these posts of late. There are several 'threads' of inquiry engaged, interwoven, which is why it would

223 be counterproductive to provide a 'summary' at this time because we need to stay a moving target [yes, I shared this in a PM just a few minutes ago but I felt I should share it with all].

Whatever the forces are doing that are arrayed against us -- even if they include the 'Unconscious Conspiracy' (another term from the glossary I brought away from that Ultimate Paradox event) -- they should always have a hard time of it if their goal is to harm/injure/insult or otherwise derail the awakening.

On a related note, Howard, I heard you mention Dan's name about 8-or-9 times. Yet I was hoping you would have brought up his statement regarding the 'archetypes' emanating from the Sun, supposedly during these CMEs. Still, great show… Can you elaborate on the Dec 3rd issue, and whether or not it fits in with anything Dan said?

Uncle John, you don't think Majestic would approve an additional expenditure for phone calls to you to simply share that momentous information? I'm sure they have the money. But they were only "allowing" so that wouldn't be the question.

And the beat goes on, for Dr Severs ...

(536) Jadian 11/26/2003 3:43 am EST

Dondepp-- quite frankly I am also shocked and dismayed that Dr. B is only getting printouts from Skywatch and not these.

I've been over to Skywatch and it IS obvious that one individual in particular is using her religion as a "weapon of mass destruction" against others. She is poisoning the board with her obvious "religious superiority complex" and has got everyone on defense. Disputes are breaking out everywhere. Perhaps that is the reason she's there -- to undermine things. I suppose it should be a compliment to the posters off this thread that Dr. B's handlers are not willing to provide him with our printouts as -- in comparison to Skywatch at the moment -- ours are of a "much better quality". :)

(537) skywatcher22 11/26/2003 10:32 am EST

Please see that Linda Howe has posted this on Earthfiles. I originally received these images from B.J. and sent them to sources to authenticate signature.

CL = Clock and DCTP Birds are aliens

(538) Flyingbird 11/26/2003 10:11 pm EST

224 Sector 4 4120201.393&file_name=area51&provider_id=150

(539) Flyingbird 11/26/2003 10:13 pm EST

Jadien-- go here:

(540) Jadian 11/26/2003 10:19 pm EST

Yes! Here it is mentioned,

Page 81 dondep 11/24/2003 4:02 am EST




[signed by G. W. Bush]

[Then another snippet, which has a bit more on the last line....]



DESTROY UPON READING [it was shredded]

[bottom of page shows trans time of 21:04:54]

225 Today, however, Linda Moulton Howe is asking the same question at but she's got "the original document" and she wants you to "pay" for it.

What's up with that? Dondepp, care to explain this? Where´s the "original"?

(541) Jadian 11/26/2003 10:25 pm EST firebird-- thanks!

However, I´m highly suspicious about the authenticy of this document. Something is wrong here, very, very WRONG!

(542) Harrdrawk 11/26/2003 11:06 pm EST

Jadian --

The link you offered from Linda´s site -- -- was really helpful in connecting the dots. Thank you so much. Maybe could be added to the Library.

Also, I agree that collecting money for certain "privileges" is a way bad sign. The document may be legit and no need to condemn. Maybe Linda is in it for the money and therefore doomed to the same end as any who have not been able to recognize it ($$$) for what it is. The whole (Rancher) Doc. may not be available as it was retrieved from someone's trash bin in pieces. Whoever did recover the part being circulated is in my mind a true Patriot and lover of Life.

(543) Jadian 11/26/2003 11:51 pm EST

Actually Harrdrawk, 'flyingbird' (not 'firebird', sorry) provided me with this link for that doc., which "is free". ... but IS THIS REAL?? I STILL feel something is wrong. Deception abounds everywhere!

Remember, "trust no-one"

(544) Anonymous Coward 11/27/2003 12:03 am EST

So the Rancher doc wasn't shredded correctly. Simply torn top-to-bottom somewhere near the middle, eh? Yeah, right!

(545) Jadian 11/27/2003 12:34 am EST

To fake or not to fake, that is the question! 226

Could it be that the "documents were not faked to be a hoax on the American Public, but rather faked by some clandestined subversive organization, to be a deception on the US government itself --to allow a massive foreign intelligence organization to operate on American soil as our own quasi- government agency??? And, since it was so super-secret (or Deep Dark), no one would ever know!!!"

(546) Anonymous Coward 11/27/2003 2:00 am EST

We watch and learn while being aware of the tactics>>>>>>>>>

The Real Story of Barbara Hartwell and Brenda Negri by Fintan Dunne, Editor 26th November, 2003

It was fun while it lasted, but now it's all over. Eh Barbara? Eh Brenda?

As a sidenote, bear in mind that Hartwell openly admits she has worked for the agency. She says she is a "survivor" of the MK-ULTRA mind-control program.

Barbara and Brenda exchanging insults with each other over the Internet, until soon the story of their battle spread far and wide. It's a sort of reverse version of the Madonna-Britney Spears incident. Good attention grabber. A complete stunt. But nevertheless, absolutely great for publicity.

It's also the oldest trick in the CIA disinfo and destabilization manual. In fact, it's so old it has cobwebs on it. Let's say you have a problem of influential Internet activists with a loyal following. All blowing the whistle on CIA dirty tricks. You want to undermine them. But how? Here's how it works:

Well, first step is to place a couple of people among the regular anti-government activist community. Get them to take up popular causes. Say the right things. Cultivate the right people. The bigger the names, the better. Names that have been drawn into this Hartwell- Negri saga. Names like Alex Jones, Mike Ruppert.

Already you have benefits. Such as the ability to spin stuff the agency way, but not too obtrusively. Now it gets interesting.

Next the pre-arranged dispute kicks. Slowly at first and then gathering momentum. Insults are exchanged, attracting attention like any public does. Hartwell has worn out the pages of Rumor Mill News with endless diatribes against Negri. Her counterpart bats these balls back across the net as quickly. Great.

Now all this is confusing people. It's distracting them from real stuff. From issues that really matter. So far so good.

Now we move into high gear. Rayelan Allen -- publisher of Rumor Mill News -- asks Hartwell to quit the libel stuff against Negri. Hartwell publicly resigns and begins to

227 circulate an email accusing Rumor Mill News of censoring her. Negri already has a weblog of all this libel and is mulling over suing Hartwell, Allen or both.

If it all works according to plan, the bigger names can be dragged into all this and smeared by either side for backing the other. It's a beauty. Accusations fly about Alex Jones, about Allen about Al Martin about Mike Ruppert.

The only thing is that by this stage, anyone with a remote inkling of how Intel operations like this are structured has twigged the game. So, now it's over.

Forget Hartwell. If she was ever legit, she has blown it. Definitely forget Negri. Pour over the details of the affair if you have the inclination. It may help reveal the few who are legitimate.

But remember this: There is a vast CIA budget expended for this type of operation. And a lot of the budget is spent simply placing disinfo spreaders among the plethora of legitimate Internet sites. The aim is to counter free expression by fogging it with bought and paid for expression.

It's not easy to spot the disinfo. Don't expect these people to be pro-Government. Instead, expect them to push certain stories and ignore others or argue against them. Expect nuggets of key disinfo among what looks like attractive material. It takes patience and a lot of plodding research to differentiate the good from the bad.

The easiest part is spotting useless waste of time that characterizes real or faked flame wars on the Internet. The hardest part is sifting for the truth. But it is worth it. You get to know what is really going on.

(547) interested bystander 11/27/2003 5:55 pm EST

Last nite on, the guest said that he thinks the MIB are time-travelers who come back to "repair" mistakes in history made by other time-travelers.

Having read this thread from the beginning, it struck me that photos were taken of a supposed MIB at Dr. Dan's apartment. And that there was a "Twelve Monkeys" sticker in the window of the apartment that the MIB may have touched. Time-travel is a major issue in that movie.

Plus, Dan himself has said that J-rod is a time-traveler.

I found it interesting in light of this thread.

(548) dondep 11/28/2003 1:02 am EST

What a difference 48 hours makes!

228 Kent-- I'm happy to know you're still keeping tabs here. Thanks to you as well as skywatch- research, ambilac, of course eaglesdisobey, etc. My own understanding would have been sorely lacking by the time I first started receiving info from ´inside´.

I'm concerned about Clear Eyes who had volunteered to transcribe Part 3 of last year's interview Bill had with Dr B. Now that my move is basically finished, I will tackle it because it will answer some of the questions that have been posed here

'Human Subject'-- that is an excellent suggestion regarding related threads both here and other forums. There are simply so many issues that transcend in enormity what most other 'single-issues' address. What is important is that this information (emanating from Dr Burisch) is drawn from the briefing books he learned from, some refer to them as the "Red Book" (the 'Yellow Book' is the approx. 19" holographic screen that can show nearly any event in history AND the future; on the reverse side is a text that automatically scrolls and can be read in most major languages).

How do we summarize that? It is the subject of those briefing books that is the goal of our quest, and also to understand the agenda of those that provided the information and those that wrote it. Imagine how our minds would be blown if we had too much more than the brief glimpse we've had!

'Skywatcher 22' (Bill, our masked man) has been kind enough to provide me with the "missing half" of the "Rancher" memo. And it turned out my guess was correct! I've asked 'White Rabbit' to post it on the Library site she has courageously maintained. At least thank her for her hard work if you can. Fire should also get a copy for the mirror site.

To reiterate what 'Boomerang' and others have said (great links, BTW); this Forum allows for anonymous posters, and therefore is unique in allowing the opportunity for those that don't feel they can expose a trail leading to who they really are. Forums come and go, but GLP is truly a godsend (pun intended). This thread isn't a chatty social club, much as they have their place. Most posts here truly show some thought, more than just a passing bump with a casual comment. Again I encourage all of you lurking to be a part of this, rekindling that thing they used to call the "brotherhood of man". Not just an idle NewAge-y thing, but a true collective of unique and individual thinkers. And what will hopefully distinguish us is an absence of hate, holier-than-thou selfish-for-salvation, scorn, derision, or any of the other evil attitudes that permeate the rest of this culture.

(549) dondep 11/28/2003 1:34 am EST

Forgot to remind everyone that the Library is at:

(Thanks to 'White Rabbit' for collecting all the source material.) The 4 different images of the shredded document aren't there yet, but hopefully will be soon. Sometimes we are a couple of days away from all this.

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving all, and especially you 'Harrdrawk'. ;-)

On a different note, I too have been nonplussed over Linda Moulton Howe's habit of charging for the truth. I paid the $45US for her Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol II. Which was worth it, and I understand people in the 'paranormal' community need to eat too, etc. But she is the only one that charges a membership fee for her Earthfiles. 229

(550) Harrdrawk 11/28/2003 2:04 am EST

Good to hear from you, Dondep! Had a question brought up about BJ Wolf on the Foyer type thread I started yesterday. It has me thinking now. Didn't 'Peace' say she was in the U.S. recently? Is she under the same thumb as Dan? Would she know Dr. Severs? Any chance we could plead for her to PM you or 'Skywatcher 22' or 'Ambilac', or even 'White Rabbit'?

I'm in the mood for more mind-bending insight.

(551) Anonymous Coward 11/28/2003 2:19 am EST

… then let your mind be bent!

A couple days ago I saw a brief meeting between two men in a Las Vegas hotel kitchen hallway. In my position I was about 15 yards from them; and even with papers flying around the meeting seemed really congratulatory. One was DrB, the other- I won't name him. I heard him tell Dr.B. "Number 2 is ours" and "I just wanted to thank you". I heard Dr.B. say "God willing, sir." After it was done I followed Dr.B. out another hallway and he disappeared into a crowd outside St. Mark's.

Today I found out that someone served our brave men and women dinner. Must have wanted to look at it himself.

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate all the "watchers" here for their hard work on getting the second stargate.

(552) Harrdrawk 11/28/2003 2:42 am EST

Okay, A/C, I gathered Dr. B is free(d)? That Number 2 'something' is somebody's and Thanksgiving day lunch was on the house for someone being brave. What papers flying around? Not exactly as mind- bending as it is spell-binding. Did you say 2nd stargate? You mean in Iraq or Stateside?

Will orbit a minute to give you a chance to re:

(553) Harrdrawk 11/28/2003 3:28 am EST

Hi, 'Human'-- I must have been typing while you were posting 'cause I didn't see you there. I thought 'Carrier Pigeon' was in Hawaii and 'Raven' was in Vegas? How can you tell who's who when they post anonymously?

The Bush visit to Iraq is very telling. Even if I didn't know a thing about a thing, I would be wondering what he was up to. Did anybody see that coming?


(554) Ambilac 11/28/2003 4:14 am EST

Boomerang-- No -- nothing received. Go to following site and mail from my top e-mail address just above "search for the truth" . Sounds like from . Tthere may be a link problem via your ISP..

On the Bush signature -- yes, I am aware of these protocols. Very rare for a direct signature. Usually a pp, etc.

BJ-- you have my e-mail address from last February? Yahoo. If not, go to above mail and send if you can. Thanks … Howard

(555) Jadian 11/28/2003 4:44 am EST

"I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate all the "watchers" here for their hard work on getting the second stargate."

In that case -- instead of the usual choppers -- I would like a dignified "fly-over" -- "snow birds" or equivalent, preferably in formation -- as a sign of appreciation for all the "hard work".

Thank you!

P.S. Hi Ambilac (Howard), good to see you!

(556) Jadian 11/28/2003 4:46 am EST

... as well, please review the "outstanding taxes" I currently owe the Canadian Govt. as a further show of appreciation for helping to save the world (or whoever).

Thanks again!

(557) White rabbit 11/28/2003 5:10 am EST

The 'Rancher' memo is uploaded.

Dondep-- I didn't get your message ??

(558) skywatcher22 11/28/2003 10:31 am EST


The X-Conference speakers are now all listed at this website-

BTW, a note on the Rancher memo. It was specifically directed and was not supposed to be leaked. The signature proves nothing because it is not original and cannot be authenticated. It can be plausibly denied.

B.J. Wolf is fine. She was briefly in Las Vegas recently and I have proof of that. But her future locations are unknown. She is "in" and at peace with that. She would not divulge what she was doing.

(559) Ambilac 11/28/2003 11:19 am EST

HS and Dondep-- mail on way.

Re stargates in Iraq-- They already knew there were two stargates there. As I said, one was in Babil and one 130 miles north of Baghdad. In March prior to conflict -- or just at thestart -- one was activated. Saddam actually activated it and went through. All I know is that Mars was "en-route"!!

Hence his rush to get those inscribed tablets from BM in London. He had to get copies done. Not too sure if it worked properly, though!! From what I hear, he got stuck on the first train-stop -- LOL -- and the location looked red from here!!! LOL


(560) Ambilac 11/28/2003 5:45 pm EST

A report on the rapidly growing number of deceased micro biologists has been written by Steve Quayle (terrorist updates etc) and can be read here:

Whose next??

(561) dondep 11/29/2003 2:44 am EST

'Carrier Pigeon'-- the package has safely arrived. I have watched but 1 disc, with the video segments now uploaded at the Library:

Thank you, 'WR'-- the message was the missing half of the shredded 'Rancher' memo which is now at the Library, if I understood you. The possibility of a faked document was considered; and though the signature can be plausibly denied (the automatic pen the Rresident -- as well as duly-elected Senators and congressmen -- can be misused), the veracity of the document itself is more likely than not. It is very evident that what we have here is an outreach by a certain group from within. And before we go rising up in righteous indignation (if I remember correctly Dr. B DID agree that the decision should be made collectively), I would think we should know who friend and foe really are. 232

Which is why we need to verify who Dr. Severs truly is, as well as the agendas of each of the groups jockeying for position in the wake of the disintegration of the CotM. Apparently one of the MAJI -- or a top aide -- retrieved the memo. Thank that courageous human. Because if we can determine that ourselves -- without a list of White House personnel (or Hank or Ziggy's colleagues) -- think of what the scowling Wackenhut robo-cops could do.

I think the posters that indicate Bush went to see the 2nd stargate for himself are probably correct, on balance. Of course that leads to a whole host of other questions, such as were already posted (Saddam a member of the Annunaki, and 'Ranche' only able to wear [not in dark alleys] the "Old Ironsides" pyramid patch ... would that he could wear his Skull & Bones insignia...).

Boomerang-- I promise I won't show up next time 'til the transcription is done! Don't know what happened to Clear Eyes, though. Hasn't been heard from since she volunteered to do that. I had second thoughts about mentioning this here, but she said basically "not to worry".

Jadian-- that >formation of snowbirds in a fly-by< description cracked me up!

To the 'AC' of 6:44-- it is quite interesting you mention games. In the spirit of keeping this commerce-free, I won't name the game I had co-created and was working hard to market (we were guests of Pink Floyd, as David Gilmour said to us, he felt "honored to have influenced something other than music" when we gave them a copy of the game. And 'Yes' frontman Jon Anderson wrote a song on one of his solo that told the story of the time we gave 'Yes' a copy and sat with them after a show to talk about the philosophy of the game).

But I WILL say it was based on the mathematics and art of the dodecahedral shape. In this game, the original rules were a poem, with rhyming couplets that described the 'moral axioms' that governed the manner in which life is played in an ideal manner, taking into account all of our human emotions. (i.e. "A rolling stone, traveling alone, is easy prey for an attacking play" etc.) I bring this up because one of the things that a frequent player usually finds out pretty quickly is the fact that the glass beads (game pieces) that are in 'superior' positions [on higher levels] and can get out quite easily 'into the Void' must usually wait until all the guys on the bottom exit first, then gracefully exits him/herself. Since the highest is the easiest to get out, it is usually the one that must be the last in order for his ´team´, or ´color´ to win.

It is probable that this realization has taken hold with the humans that are gradually awakening in positions of control (necessitating state visits by the Resident and other heads-of-state in order to avoid the electronic communication that can be monitored). Also, those at the pinnacle may have realized this, and the job now is to do it responsibly.

(562) A. Friend 11/29/2003 2:58 am EST

A few hours ago I came into possession of several photographs that were absconded from a computer system. Some were clearly taken with a flash camera and some through surveillance systems. These nasty tamales come from June 1994 when Dr. Danny Benjamin Crain was pinned to the 'Clean Sphere' wall by the J-rod. Dr. Crain's face wasn't visible but his face wasn't the point of interest after all.

The face of the alien J-rod is visible. And I can tell that careful work to bring out details has been done on these in computer systems. More fotos show the 'Yellow Book' projection on the wall of the 233 'Clean Sphere'. Work was done on these, too, and the face of the J-rod was brought out very well by the technician.

I have others too that show a 'being' of some sort. But I am hesitant to offer them because of what they show: people suspended in the air, and Dr. Crain being pulled into the air into a bright light. I am afraid to offend the being in the fotos by showing them around. Thoughts from people?

I have read the postings of this group and have concluded that this group is the one that is going to be voted "most likely to succeed".

In the past a Yahoo! Briefcase was loaded with the fotos and everyone seemed happy with retrieving them that way. I have a person loading them at a remote location, and will be able to offer them to you soon. If --of course -- you are interested in an almost smoking -- surely smelly -- G-U-N?

Response is requested before I make the move.

(564) dondep 11/29/2003 3:02 am EST

My friend, 'A. Friend'-- I am surely glad that I came to visit today while you are here. I am standing by at the ready and will refresh every 2 minutes.

Refresh edit #1: I saw the broadcast on the WB network a few years back that showed an abduction in progress -- on Thanksgiving no less -- and ended with the family suspended in the air before the camera went to snow as an ET came towards it. Whatever laws that usually ´turn off´ electromagnetic devices and/or mechanical engines were not affecting this particular camera until the end.

Fascinating show -- "Incident in Lake County". I believe it was real footage, though many claim that because there were credits at the end, it had to have been faked. The film -- still in the camera -- supposedly was discovered at the site of the vacant family home where it was shot. By the local sheriff, no less. T he network ran it twice and then would not respond to various inquiries by the press.

(565) dondep 11/29/2003 3:15 am EST

Refresh edit #2: 'Boomerang'-- it looks like Part 3 is once again being upstaged. We will want to corroborate as much as possible what we receive, knowing as we do the ways of disinfo agents. 'HS'-- which link were you referring to? About the painting, referred to in AC of 6:03? I had read the interview at the link at the end, with the Russians. refresh edit #3: 'A. Friend'-- I would not worry about offending the being in the photo. In the hands of those on the dark side, solely -- which is probably the case at the present -- it probably only serves to over-awe them into protecting the development of the Lotus. But if you remember our friends from an earlier page, you would know that they are helping to bring this to light because of their desire to " the human race, for ONCE...". I quote the 'AC' who was obviously once of those that helped to arrange that first interview I had with Dr Dan Burisch (nee Crain, for those that don't know they are one-and-the- same).


(566) A. Friend 11/29/2003 3:25 am EST

DONDEP-- what do you feel about the entity fotos? Should they be sent? I have heard a lot about these beings. What should I do? The one shows the shadowed face of a shocked guard in the upper left when he got a little too close maybe to the being.

I also am hesitant that these should just be put on a website. They come from when Dr. Crain had the telepathic experience. Maybe they should be held privately until Dr. Crain (or others) can be called to account for them?

I am really nervous but willing. What do you think?

(567) dondep 11/29/2003 3:32 am EST

'A. Friend'-- I just edited my last post with just that thought in mind. Sso you can go back on the thread as well as advance!

I can at least accept the stricture on "holding them" amongst the brain/spirit-trust until we have a chance to collectively determine if we hurt more than we help by merely posting them. Also, we have to put everything through the process of validation, especially knowing the dangers of being infected by BS. All the chapters that are currently being written behind-the-scenes as it were will be eventually posted to all, but all things in their right time. I can tell you I am ready to download as per the established method. And 'HS'-- if you're here, I believe you will second that?

Edit: No word on 'Clear Eyes' as yet. I am concerned.

(568) Jadian 11/29/2003 3:36 am EST

The following excerpt is taken from: PHOTONIC MANIFESTO

"One of the experiments conducted during Columbia's ill-fated mission by Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon involved observations of the 'sprite' phenomenon. Sprites are powerful electrical discharges that occasionally leap from thunderclouds to the borders of the ionosphere. But there were no thunderstorms beneath Columbia as it re-entered the atmosphere over California.

"Even if there was a storm in the area, it is not likely to be the cause of such a discharge," said Mark Stanley, an expert in high-atmospheric physics at Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico. Nevertheless, he said the upper atmosphere is capable of building up enormous electric charges. "Streamers" of static electricity can conduct electrical charges at twice the speed of lightning based on the ground.

235 So think of these images creating a collage that reveals the Truth, it is our thoughts that create obscurations, allow your mind to be free of the dominant paradigm. As a part of the interestingly named FREESTAR experiment, the Israeli photographic equipment on the shuttle captured Transient Luminous Events (TLE), a critical event in the revelation of new realms and our planet‟s evolving senescence, as the universal tides get higher. The mission was to obtain coordinated measurements from various locations, both on the Earth and from space; in order to triangulate the origination location of any optically observed TLEs.

A very important event was filmed on Tuesday, January 21, by the shuttle Columbia. They had captured what scientists later said [two days later on Thursday, January 23] was a never-before-seen red glowing arc of light paralleling the curvature of the Earth. It was described as a narrow limb-like glowing arc of light, hundreds of miles in length, horizontal with the curve of the earth.

This was the day I learned about the existence of my daughter, awaiting her birth in my estranged wife‟s womb, and my life was changed forever.

"Two nights ago [on January 21 when the shuttle was positioned] over Africa was an extraordinary image. We saw a huge horizontal line of air glow -- which had been brightened by lightning below it -- which extended to several hundred miles horizontally and we feel it may be something new," said Dr. Yoav Yair. This is the voice of the observer, reporting the discovery of new planes of perception.

Yair was the project coordinator for the Israeli experiments on board the Columbia, and he said that this glow was not a "sprite" nor an "elf," which are two electrical phenomena associated only with thunderstorms. "Sprites" are red flashes shooting vertically up from thunderstorms, which science first „discovered‟ in 1989. "Elves" are spreading red doughnut shapes shooting vertically up from thunderstorms, first „discovered‟ in 1994. "It is raw data hot from the oven," Yair said.

While the shuttle was over Africa, filming a geographical area ranging from mid-Africa to the Middle East, the special video cameras unexpectedly captured this "arc of light". The coordinating ground crews also triangulated the source of this new arc of light. After that, nothing more was said about this phenomenal "discovery". But what was the source and why was nothing more said about it?

The biggest reason for the silence is that the triangulated source of the light was shown to be over Iraq where no thunderstorms were present. What they filmed was neither an 'Elf' nor a 'Sprite', and the Moloch knew this after analyzing the space video and ground equipment information. The crew of Columbia had unexpectedly filmed a light power unknown and unseen prior to this day."

.... hmmmmm! I wonder what it could be?

(569) dondep 11/29/2003 3:47 am EST

Great find, 'Jadian'! And to 'Kent' for posting it on his site! Could this be what is alluded to here: one of the ´stargates´ that had been recently activated by Saddam, perhaps, thus precipitating the urgent rush to war by the Resident and the British cousin? 236

(570) A. Friend 11/29/2003 3:47 am EST

The fotos of the J-rod and Dr. Crain I "personally" know to be real. I know the flash was bad on the crystal. The surveillance fotos are the best that can be gotten. After you look at "embrace", tell me the aliens aren't human. I'll watch and listen from here on out.

Here are all of them.

I hope I am doing the right thing. May God have mercy over my soul.

1ST. LN: preservedestiny

2ND. LN: past2012

(571) dondep 11/29/2003 4:06 am EST

Phenomenal. I wasn't able to get anything from the 2nd folder, "My Documents". Did we miss anything there? The watchers were quick and emptied the folders just as I finished. Even when going back to the "Dr. Crain" folder, it was empty. I did see "Embrace" with the notated side pointing out the eyes, Danny's head, the J-Rod's fingers, etc. Can you stick around and offer comment -- however cryptic -- that will help elucidate as we review these? I will email these around to those that have sent me a PM.

Stand by for some interesting images …

(572) Jadian 11/29/2003 4:07 am EST dondepp-- just kept thinking today about that "piece" for no apparent reason. I'd read it several months ago but couldn't remember where. Kept searching and was surprised to discover that it was an earlier piece from Kent's site.

The "arc of light" over "Iraq". Talk about "if the shoe fits", eh? LOL!

(573) A. Friend of A. Friend 11/29/2003 4:13 am EST Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

'A. Friend'-- We don't appreciate your just taking them but here we are with this now. So ok. We need you to go back to what you were doing.

DONDEP-- What do you want to know about them? Talk on Instant Message on Yahoo? Provide a Yahoo screen name.

237 F-- raise the curtains. Send it via their own station to block here.


(574) Peace 11/29/2003 4:44 am EST

Mr. Dep-- I assume you may be gathering people but I want a few hours sleep before I ride my favorite fili near Waikiki.

Thank you in advance.

(575) dondep 11/29/2003 5:02 am EST

Okay. I will be at 'drbknows' on Messenger, as before with Dan. I'm not familiar with chatrooms, so if someone can brief me on that method then let as many join in.

standing by.....

(576) dondep 11/29/2003 8:38 am EST

I needed to redact some sensitive issues first, but it was not requested that I keep the entire conversation confidential. Ponder this for awhile......

[StealthSkater note: refer to Internet chat-interview #7 for the transcript ]

(577) skywatcher22 11/29/2003 10:25 am EST

Items of talk.

Info on Aviary members is NOT correct. I have been in touch with Aviary liaison. There is a true depth of knowledge.

Plan mission to Las Vegas in late December. Need to get better copies of certain docs.

Document from Dan I received mentions "Preserve Destiny".

From Dan Sherman's book Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny:

Preserve Destiny is only one of many alien projects that I suspect the US government, as well as other governments, are heavily involved with. In releasing to the public what I know, I have tried to take a stand against the keepers of the grey flame within the sacred halls of the NSA, CIA, USAF, NRO and other agencies. Hopefully this will open the door for other 238 insiders to peer through and feel more comfortable stepping out into the light of day. If not, 'they' will continue to suppress the most fascinating aspects of our own existence... that others exist!"

No guarantees on exit gate. Many time loops.

More later. Sorry I missed chat this AM.

(578) Peace 11/29/2003 11:17 am EST

Likelihood of meeting now doubtful! Once Dan was told, I am sure he would have rescheduled it for safety. I missed my ride! My word is still good. The heat is off you, Don and Starry.

(579) greggus 11/29/2003 12:40 pm EST

There are two more threads that will help complete this tapestry, and keep it from unravelling. But you must make the connection(s) each and individually, then you must perceive how they fit together, by gently pulling on them with your intent, and seeing what OTHER threads get tugged at in the process.

Quite literally, only a 'Lord of Time' aka 'Temporal Authority' can "negotiate" travel other than "linear" travel.

To attempt to do so activates the internal security monitors and dispatches a recorder cell from that galaxy's center (much like one makes a "backup" of an affected system, to study the circumstances in which it became ´corrupted´), which uses the Giza grid to regularly dispatch the recorded archive of all that transpires in a particular dimension, on a particular planet.

J.J. Hurtak is inDEED, involved, and please to check out other threads here on glp. Just search on Hurtak .

'Jadien', great work. Yep, we're all thinking along the same lines.

But please reserve both judgment AND sense.

Bush's new "toy" (NOT a toy, and NOT 'his') didn't quite work as expected. And while he was attempting to observe the system in action, three of the teams sent out -- attempting to get back -- have not made it.

It took EVERY persuasion on every person's part present to keep Mr. Prez. from issuing a direct order to allow himself to attempt travel.

The Sirian Council -- along with representatives from every type II civilization whose life forms have been planeted here -- issued requests to galactic center to audit the gates and all activity, with an eye to shutting down and out all unauthorized activity. Meaning, Type I civilizations BY DEFINITION are too young and immature to manage the gates, let alone be playing with either nuclear or temporal "forces" 239

(580) greggus 11/29/2003 12:49 pm EST

Hurtak and operation Terra

(581) Ambilac 11/29/2003 1:02 pm EST


I have it on reliable source -- and others -- that the gates are only operating ONE WAY that is INCOMING and are well protected -- shall we say -- by indigenous "locals". More on that later. For others out there, we have been following this scenario as soon as the gates opened in March and have discussed this issue for some years. It has become complex now with shrub trying to carry on where daddy left off. .lol

(582) REAR VIEW (unlogged) 11/29/2003 3:13 pm EST

Ambilac writes: "...we have been following this scenario as soon as the gates opened in March..."

Presumably this was the "Operation Planet X" plastered all over the media around the middle of March under the byline: Operation Planet X is complete as reported by CNN and other major media outlets on TV.

(583) Ambilac 11/29/2003 5:07 pm EST

Dondep and HS-- pm hitting your box.

'Rear view'-- what do you mean by "Planet X" scenario? This was in reference to ancient gate in Babil and other location.

(584) REAR VIEW 11/29/2003 5:16 pm EST

'Ambilac'-- The USA Gov´t reported that "Operation Planet X" has been a success. A military operation -- not any "planet" stuff or "astronomy" stuff. Just a code name for a military op. From my take on it, it seems that the gov´t reference to "Planet X" was in fact the stargates in Iraq.

(585) REAR VIEW 11/29/2003 5:26 pm EST 240

To all concerned:

I have to sit up and question my rational for even being on this thread, much less participating in one way or another.

Aliens exist--period. End of discussion. The alien agenda is mixed-- period. End of discussion. The question above all remains this: are you 'good' or are you 'bad'?

To oversimplify things, all these folks being talked to and referred to by "spokesman" are scared shitless for their lives, or so it seems. Why? To protect a little secret or two?

Where the first secret above all else is that aliens or ETs exist. And the second secret is that the government knows about it and has agreements with aliens, and keeps it all a determined secret from the public.

So, what is the big deal? These participants are WILLING participants who get paid for their time and efforts; whether they are good or bad. What are the participants (those relating to dondep) really scared of?

Are they scared of being discovered and punished? WTF is going on here?

Disclosure... of what? That aliens exist? That the gov´t is time-tripping and meddling with human DNA?

What is wrong with "JUST SAY NO!" ? Perhaps the participants are not thinking clearly or rationally.

If it were me on their end -- and from what I can gather throughout this long and tedious thread -- either play or do not play.

If the participants are scared: GET A FUCKING GUN AND SHOOT THE PERPS.

I feel like this thread is akin to "Buffalo Bills Wild West Show and Congress Of Rough Riders".

What have we learned from all this: The people speaking with "spokesman" are scared for their lives-as if their life means more to them than mine does to me. And are protective of "special secrets".

You know, at least ZetaTalk writes in plain simple English that is understood, if not believed.

In a way, none of this discussion material with Dr. Dan or Destiny has any real tie-in to WTF is going on other than the obvious: Aliens exist and Dr. Dan and others are scared shitless!

Talk about PsyOps! WTF is all this!

(586) Ambilac 11/29/2003 5:33 pm EST

'Rear view'--

241 One quick and major point to answer your questions, comments, etc. The military or government DID NOT acquire the gates. Hence their push into Iraq. The gates are covered. They will never be able to use them, nor shrub to wield his power or might with them. That will never be allowed. The Priests have control of in-and-out. We are being assisted.

(587) REAR VIEW 11/29/2003 5:57 pm EST


I would give out my phone no. But every time I get close to my "operation", the g-d dam microwave tower mysteriously goes out . Two days last week and again between Wednesday and Friday this week.

I prefer a fair fight out in the open. I just might change my avitar to 'FRONT SIGHT' since that is about all I can control anyway!

(588) Anonymous Coward 11/29/2003 7:50 pm EST

These disclosures are an interesting glimpse behind the scenes, but I wonder how much is dis-info and diversion. The most recent interview with 'destiny' has left me more confused for the moment despite having read it twice. The divisions within the power structure leads me to believe that Dr Dan is inherently out-of-phase with the Luciferian faction who have no inclination to honor anything but themselves. Dr Dan -- from what I gather -- is under some sort of 'divine protection' which is comforting as to his safety; but 'Star' and 'Clock' are under Luciferian control which will offer no assistance to the masses. How many more of these 'man made stargates' are out there?

(589) Anonymous Coward 11/29/2003 8:14 pm EST

Boomer, I do trust too easily I admit. But it does seem to me that our beloved Dondep could summarize developments for us a bit better. He probably cannot, and I do understand why excerpts are deleted. We were all trying to figure out the role of this Dr Severs. Now we have reason to believe his is Illuminati/Luciferian.

It does bother me that these Illuminatis are the ones who are the top of 'chain of command' and that means 'chain us all'. "Need to know" becomes none 'of your business'. I honestly believe that Dr Dan is being used for all he has to offer and will quickly fall from view once his purpose has been exploited. And -- yes -- I really hope I am wrong on this.

(590 dondep 11/29/2003 8:51 pm EST

Thank you for the vote of confidence, Boomerang.

I am just now back here after that exhaustive interview. I believe it took between 3 and 5 hours, and am extremely chagrined to find that some of the information I believed myself to have deleted was not. 242 I scoured the exchange to make sure I had honored my commitment to keep certain confidences. But it must have been the lateness of the hour and a glitch in my (un)mastery of MS Word. I mean I'm truly mortified because a "ride was missed". I aimed for a steady hand, and wonder if it really was the 6:30 am or so end of the exchange that was the deciding factor.

But enough of that; I have spent hours already today while working going over each understanding from last night. I am highly aware of the typical method of being fed 'disinformation'; and always attempt to get corroborative info where possible and make sure what I'm learning resonates with everything else I've learned to-date.

To the ACs who have quite reasonably asked for a summarization-- Earlier I indicated it would be counterproductive to produce such a thing, being successful only in establishing an easy target for the disinfo ops. It is equally the problem of having been unsettled and spending the past month moving lock, stock, barrel and chicken coop. There is more than one story here. But I will try to provide a synopsis from my own perspective since I had written one over a year ago and started distributing it to any who would read the 2-page report I had compiled. I even discussed it with Bruce Maccabee at that time (hello Bruce, if you´re reading this, you remember autographing a copy of "Abduction in My Life" back then?).

At the moment I am still absorbing what I learned last night, same as the rest of you. The pictures that preceded that exchange will hopefully be landing in a few mailboxes so we can collectively determine whether they would be detrimental if released in their present form.

(591) REAR VIEW (unlogged) 11/29/2003 9:06 pm EST

Let me sum it up for you. Those of you NOT participating, that is.

ALIENS EXIST. (Do you all get this much?)









QUESTION: Does it really matter WTF the scientists are trying to hide or trying in vain to tell us beyond what I have stated above. 243

It is high time we got to the bottom line in all this hokus-pokus bull (forum thread) shit!

The bottom line is the scientists are all handled and controlled by the government power mongers. And that each one of them (of their own free will) are involved in one way or another with the evil government AND fear for their own lives as a result of this "pay as you go" system.

I say, fuck that! All you have to fear is fear itself (sic: FDR). Ain't nobody learning anything secret on this thread or on this or any other forum. It is just as I have summarized above. These things as boldly stated and capitalized above are unalterable and undeniable! UNCHANGABLE!

Now, stop the merry-go-round. I am getting off and going straight to the gun show and buying handguns and rifles and plenty of ammo. NO ONE IS GONNA PLAY ME LIKE A FOOL!

Come on, come and fuck with me, I demand it!

The next time my phones go out-I am gonna kick some serious ass . You see, I have no fear and I am not afraid to die!

Goddamn it! I will do and say what I feel is the right thing to do and I will defend my right to do it regardless of what Congress or the Bushmen do to infringe those rights.

Now, either this thread gets headed straight for FULL DISCLOSURE or it retreats to unending episodes of "gottcha"!

(PS: Fuck with me and your last sight will be my front sight!)

I am sorry, I have had enough of this hokus-pokus hide-and-seek crap! I retire!

(592) REAR VIEW (unlogged) 11/29/2003 9:36 pm EST

So, you two AC type dudes still don't get it do you? Let me highlight it for you, clearly and in English.

Dr. B. does not need Mr. Destiny for validation or verification of his talks with Dondep. BUT PsyOps do need this game of "gottcha". Get it yet?

Dondep -- for all his wonderful wisdom and concern -- is being played for a fool and being used for yet more -- dare I say it --.PSYOPS!

Ponder this: with one phone call, Mr. Destiny can call off the 'white vans' and the 'MIBs'. Well, ain't that fucking wonderful! An all-powerful Mr. Destiny can summon his minions and call off a secret government security operation against full disclosure. This is sooooo comforting that I am speechless!


Everything as to what they are up to or not up to is not to be believed in the first place, much less relied upon for future decisions! Stock up on Vodka and Marlboro. You will need these things for trade in the future! We are all still 'human' on this thread, right? 244

(593) REAR VIEW (unlogged) 11/29/2003 9:49 pm EST

I wonder does anyone here still believe that Dr. B. had ANY SAY whatsoever in the 'giving up' of the Lotus? Does anyone here still believe that a measly old scientist or micro-biologist ON THE PAYROLL would follow his moral compass and DEFY the government? PSYOPS-for sure!

(594) Anonymous Coward 11/29/2003 10:02 pm EST

I am glad that Dondep stopped in. He relates that he is still adjusting to what he has learned. I can totally relate to that. I am not looking for a summary of this thread, having read it. The links listed serve to support what is going on here quite well. It is just I get the players and their roles confused from time-to-time and that is the summary I was after. From witnessing the relative civility of this thread, most can probably handle the ET existence. What I cannot handle, however, is our own people using this knowledge for their own advantage to continue the enslavement of us all.

Dondep is our link to this forum from those on-the-know on the outside. Whatever Don does or doesn´t do is for a reason whether we know, accept, or believe-it-or-not. There are also many others who allow or who have contributed to our understanding as to what is transpiring; and we owe them big time also. It does go to show that many can handle what is going on and have an interest in doing what is right. If this is but a part of Disclosure, most seem able to handle it and are interested in the current state of affairs. It might be that a sort of 'testing area' is here already, and there are many who really do care. We are after the truth and hopefully the dis-info can be weeded out.

(595) Anonymous Coward 11/29/2003 10:10 pm EST

Dondep is a sick man, well on his way to becoming as twisted as Nancy. You could do him a favor by not playing into his psychosis so much.

Starryeyes is brainwashed. Dondep -- being intelligent and insane -- has overwhelmed Starryeyes 'tender little brain to the point where she has no thoughts of her own, and can only stand by her man. She is totally in his power. She cannot break free from the dementia that has engulfed her.

Dondep is smart enough to be a real danger. He is becoming a cultist.

History repeats itself. Witness history repeating itself!

(596) Anonymous Coward 11/29/2003 11:29 pm EST

What is important right now is that enough people hear about what has happened. As a suggestion, to remove our personal names we can replace my name with "Interviewer #1", etc. (in order of appearance, HS would be #2, 318 would be #3, etc....). And we could even change Dr B's name to "Top Secret Gov't Scientist". Then we can email the 'sanitized' interviews (I just hate altering the real thing, 245 because once you start where do you stop?) to the media links HS posted, with a link to this thread for corroboration. Known personalities -- like Howard and Bill Hamilton -- will be able to corroborate that the interviews were authentic.

And simultaneous with that, we can as of right now do what we originally did with 'Peace' re: Dr B and ask Majestic-12 (or any of the 4 that will be meeting with Dr B on Friday) to comment to us on this very thread. Why not? We're hiding in plain sight here. Anyone popping in with no attention span will probably believe (as we've already heard) that we are merely writing a novel or that this has been an elaborate hoax, spontaneously committed by dozens of people around the globe and witnessed by thousands of unspoken lurkers.

Why wouldn't they use this thread as an 'experiment' to test full Disclosure -- a prototype, if you will. Keep in mind that what is apparent is that the folks in Majestic are somewhat less alien-ated from we humans than that occult organization that seized the power at some point after the mid-50s. It may be that Majestic needs to "come clean" or at least make a break with its past, and is looking to do so without causing global panic. What better test than this place?

Now think of how many Billions of dollars go into maintaining the Cover-up. Think of how many people -- Duncan Kunz comes to mind -- whose very livelihoods are threatened by Disclosure. Not that I have sympathy for their choices, but that the fallout will not make them very happy campers. They will strenuously deny Disclosure even if the J-rods or any alien would land in their yard. They will "go for the gun" without hesitation. A lot to think about...

(597) LOTUS CONTROL 11/29/2003 11:53 pm EST

GENIE: You have his ear, as best as can be passed. He knows how to reach items.

"Produce or get off the throne! State your biological case in cause/effect, correlation, supposition, or other model format. Speak a straight hypothesis. Don't waste my time AND YOURS! You have done some homework, but does that mean anything? Mutation rates, or other? Get to it. You have this chance for input. Time is short and with all due respect, I am a VERY busy man. DBCB"

>>>Mol. Cell. Biol., Aug 1995, 4420-4429, Vol 15, No. 8 Copyright © 1995, American Society for Microbiology

"A mutational analysis of the yeast proliferating cell nuclear antigen indicates distinct roles in DNA replication and DNA repair " R Ayyagari, KJ Impellizzeri, BL Yoder, SL Gary and PM Burgers, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA.

The saccharomyces cerevisiae proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), encoded by the POL30 gene, is essential for DNA replication and DNA repair processes. Twenty-one site-directed mutations were constructed in the POL30 gene, each mutation changing two adjacently located charged amino acids to alanines. Although none of the mutant strains containing these double-alanine mutations as the sole source of PCNA were temperature sensitive or cold sensitive for growth, about a third of the mutants showed sensitivity to UV light. Some of those UV- sensitive mutants had elevated spontaneous mutation rates. In addition, several mutants suppressed a cold-sensitive mutation in the CDC44 gene, which encodes the large subunit of replication factor C. A cold- sensitive mutant, which was isolated by 246 random mutagenesis, showed a terminal phenotype at the restrictive temperature consistent with a defect in DNA replication.

Several mutant PCNAs were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli, and their in vitro properties were determined. The cold-sensitive mutant (pol30-52, S115P) was a monomer, rather than a trimer, in solution. This mutant was deficient for DNA synthesis in vitro. Partial restoration of DNA polymerase delta holoenzyme activity was achieved at 37 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C by inclusion of the macromolecular crowding agent polyethylene glycol in the assay. The only other mutant (pol30- 6, DD41,42AA) that showed a growth defect was partially defective for interaction with replication factor C and DNA polymerase delta but completely defective for interaction with DNA polymerase epsilon. Two other mutants sensitive to DNA damage showed no defect in vitro.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

This article has been cited by other articles:

● Amorino, G. P., Mikkelsen, R. B., Valerie, K., Schmidt-Ullrich, R. K. (2003). Dominant-negative cAMP-responsive Element-binding Protein Inhibits Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen and DNA Repair, Leading to Increased Cellular Radiosensitivity. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 29394-29399 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Matsumiya, S., Ishino, S., Ishino, Y., Morikawa, K. (2003). Intermolecular ion pairs maintain the toroidal structure of Pyrococcus furiosus PCNA. Protein Sci 12: 823-831 [Abstract] [Full Text] Lau, P. J., Flores-Rozas, H., Kolodner, R. D. (2002). Isolation and Characterization of New Proliferating ● Cell Nuclear Antigen (POL30) Mutator Mutants That Are Defective in DNA Mismatch Repair. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 6669-6680 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Unk, I., Haracska, L., Gomes, X. V., Burgers, P. M. J., Prakash, L., Prakash, S. (2002). Stimulation of 3´->5´ Exonuclease and 3´-Phosphodiesterase Activities of Yeast Apn2 by Proliferating Cell Nuclear ● Antigen. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 6480-6486 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Dua, R., Levy, D. L., Li, C. M., Snow, P. M., Campbell, J. L. (2002). In Vivo Reconstitution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA Polymerase epsilon in Insect Cells. PURIFICATION AND ● CHARACTERIZATION. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 7889-7896 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Krawitz, D. C., Kama, T., Kaufman, P. D. (2002). Chromatin Assembly Factor I Mutants Defective for PCNA Binding Require Asf1/Hir Proteins for Silencing. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 614-625 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Kaur, R., Kostrub, C. F., Enoch, T. (2001). Structure-Function Analysis of Fission Yeast Hus1-Rad1- Rad9 Checkpoint Complex. Mol. Biol. Cell 12: 3744-3758 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Schmidt, S. L. G., Pautz, A. L., Burgers, P. M. J. (2001). ATP Utilization by Yeast Replication Factor C. IV. RFC ATP-BINDING MUTANTS SHOW DEFECTS IN DNA REPLICATION, DNA REPAIR, AND CHECKPOINT REGULATION. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 34792-34800 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Gomes, X. V., Burgers, P. M. J. (2001). ATP Utilization by Yeast Replication Factor C. I. ATP- MEDIATED INTERACTION WITH DNA AND WITH PROLIFERATING CELL NUCLEAR ANTIGEN. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 34768-34775 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Amin, N. S., Nguyen, M.-N., Oh, S., Kolodner, R. D. (2001). exo1-Dependent Mutator Mutations: Model System for Studying Functional Interactions in Mismatch Repair. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21: 5142-5155 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Hanna, J. S., Kroll, E. S., Lundblad, V., Spencer, F. A. (2001). Saccharomyces cerevisiae CTF18 and CTF4 Are Required for Sister Chromatid Cohesion. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21: 3144-3158 [Abstract] [Full Text]

247 ● Ola, A., Waga, S., Ellison, V., Stillman, B., McGurk, M., Leigh, I. M., Waseem, N. H., Waseem, A. (2001). Human-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Hybrids. OLIGOMERIC STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION USING IN VITRO DNA REPLICATION. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 10168-10177 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Balajee, A. S., Geard, C. R. (2001). Chromatin-bound PCNA complex formation triggered by DNA damage occurs independent of the ATM gene product in human cells. Nucleic Acids Res 29: 1341-1351 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Bae, S.-H., Seo, Y.-S. (2000). Characterization of the Enzymatic Properties of the Yeast Dna2 Helicase/Endonuclease Suggests a New Model for Okazaki Fragment Processing. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 38022-38031 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Xiao, W., Chow, B. L., Broomfield, S., Hanna, M. (2000). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD6 Group Is Composed of an Error-Prone and Two Error-Free Postreplication Repair Pathways. Genetics 155: 1633-1641 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Gomes, X. V., Burgers, P. M.J. (2000). Two modes of FEN1 binding to PCNA regulated by DNA. EMBO J. 19: 3811-3821 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Venclovas, C., Thelen, M. P. (2000). Structure-based predictions of Rad1, Rad9, Hus1 and Rad17 participation in sliding clamp and clamp-loading complexes. Nucleic Acids Res 28: 2481-2493 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Gomes, X. V., Gary, S. L., Burgers, P. M. J. (2000). Overproduction in Escherichia coli and Characterization of Yeast Replication Factor C Lacking the Ligase Homology Domain. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 14541-14549 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Henderson, D. S., Wiegand, U. K., Norman, D. G., Glover, D. M. (2000). Mutual Correction of Faulty PCNA Subunits in Temperature-Sensitive Lethal mus209 Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 154: 1721-1733 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Tom, S., Henricksen, L. A., Bambara, R. A. (2000). Mechanism Whereby Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Stimulates Flap Endonuclease 1. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 10498-10505 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Ehrenhofer-Murray, A. E., Kamakaka, R. T., Rine, J. (1999). A Role for the Replication Proteins PCNA, RF-C, Polymerase {epsilon} and Cdc45 in Transcriptional Silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 153: 1171-1182 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Chen, C., Merrill, B. J., Lau, P. J., Holm, C., Kolodner, R. D. (1999). Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol30 (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) Mutations Impair Replication Fidelity and Mismatch Repair. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19: 7801-7815 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Schweitzer, J. K., Livingston, D. M. (1999). The Effect of DNA Replication Mutations on CAG Tract Stability in Yeast. Genetics 152: 953-963 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Driscoll, B., Buckley, S., Barsky, L., Weinberg, K., Anderson, K. D., Warburton, D. (1999). Abrogation of cyclin D1 expression predisposes lung cancer cells to serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Am. J. Physiol. 276: L679-687 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Skibbens, R. V., Corson, L. B., Koshland, D., Hieter, P. (1999). Ctf7p is essential for sister chromatid cohesion and links mitotic chromosome structure to the DNA replication machinery. Genes & Dev. 13: 307-319 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Game, J. C., Kaufman, P. D. (1999). Role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chromatin Assembly Factor-I in Repair of Ultraviolet Radiation Damage in Vivo. Genetics 151: 485-497 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Xie, Y., Counter, C., Alani, E. (1999). Characterization of the Repeat-Tract Instability and Mutator Phenotypes Conferred by a Tn3 Insertion in RFC1, the Large Subunit of the Yeast Clamp Loader. Genetics 151: 499-509 [Abstract] [Full Text]

248 ● Kokoska, R. J., Stefanovic, L., Buermeyer, A. B., Liskay, R. M., Petes, T. D. (1999). A Mutation of the Yeast Gene Encoding PCNA Destabilizes Both Microsatellite and Minisatellite DNA Sequences. Genetics 151: 511-519 [Abstract] [Full Text] Martini, E., Roche, D. M.J., Marheineke, K., Verreault, A., Almouzni, G. (1998). Recruitment of ● Phosphorylated Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 to Chromatin after UV Irradiation of Human Cells. J. Cell Biol. 143: 563-575 [Abstract] [Full Text] Gerik, K. J., Li, X., Pautz, A., Burgers, P. M. J. (1998). Characterization of the Two Small Subunits of ● Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA Polymerase delta. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 19747-19755 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Jonsson, Z. O., Hindges, R., Hubscher, U. (1998). Regulation of DNA replication and repair proteins through interaction with the front side of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. EMBO J. 17: 2412- 2425 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Merrill, B. J., Holm, C. (1998). The RAD52 Recombinational Repair Pathway is Essential in pol30 (PCNA) Mutants That Accumulate Small Single-Stranded DNA Fragments During DNA Synthesis. Genetics 148: 611-624 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Ellison, V., Stillman, B. (1998). Reconstitution of Recombinant Human Replication Factor C (RFC) and Identification of an RFC Subcomplex Possessing DNA-dependent ATPase Activity. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 5979-5987 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Zhang, P., Sun, Y., Hsu, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Lee, M. Y. W. T. (1998). The Interdomain Connector Loop of Human PCNA Is Involved in a Direct Interaction with Human Polymerase delta. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 713-719 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Gerik, K. J., Gary, S. L., Burgers, P. M.J. (1997). Overproduction and Affinity Purification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Replication Factor C. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 1256-1262 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Li, X., Li, J., Harrington, J., Lieber, M. R., Burgers, P. M. J. (1995). Lagging Strand DNA Synthesis at the Eukaryotic Replication Fork Involves Binding and Stimulation of FEN-1 by Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 22109-22112 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Arroyo, M. P., Downey, K. M., So, A. G., Wang, T. S.-F. (1996). Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Mutations Affect DNA Polymerase delta Processivity. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 15971-15980 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● Johnson, R. E., Kovvali, G. K., Guzder, S. N., Amin, N. S., Holm, C., Habraken, Y., Sung, P., Prakash, L., Prakash, S. (1996). Evidence for Involvement of Yeast Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in DNA Mismatch Repair. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 27987-27990 [Abstract] [Full Text] ● He, Z., Wong, J. M. S., Maniar, H. S., Brill, S. J., Ingles, C. J. (1996). Assessing the Requirements for Nucleotide Excision Repair Proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in an in Vitro System. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 28243-28249 [Abstract] [Full Text]<<<

(598) REAR VIEW (unlogged) 11/30/2003 3:37 am EST

To be sure, had I logged in I would have edited the post -- edited it for those specific comments you noted above. But for speaking "their language" (I did embarrass myself) which revolves around the value of life and the cost of losing ones life, the post had valid comments.

You see, I understand the heart of the element we are all dealing with and living under. To posters, this forum may appear free or costless. I assure you all it is not! Hard-earned dollars are being spent on our behalf allowing this forum not to mention the cost borne by participants. The enforcers are not

249 immune to harm. Arrogance is enjoyed by all but dying is not in the agenda. Sure the enforcers pledge loyalty and such but "pay-as-you-go" is the system to which they subscribe and under which they guide their lives in pursuit of their individual happiness.

Now, to this point no one has shown contrarian viewpoints to the summary I posted. I have no divine right for answers. But since we are here, I will ask again:


IMHO. either come to a head and admit-or-explain the obvious or continue go on this amazing "cat- and-mouse" game of tidbit information. Information, BTW, that does nothing but obfuscate and detract from the reality. "Working with aliens and controlling DNA..." WOW! So what? Performing time- line experiments and seeking stargates. So what? And this crap is being "forum-ed" to the public- disclosed if you will. Like I have a say so in all of this anyway. HA!

I am telling you all, IMHO everything on this thread is OLD news. Even Mr. Destiny WAS a member of MJ-12. Admittedly disbanded i.e. WITHOUT POWER.


Heck, everyone knows the choice-- Good or Evil -- so what mentioned here helps us?

All we know is Dondep (wonderful person, and has my ENTIRE support all the time under any circumstances) is getting a particular set of information propaganda. And this is recognized and revealed in the interviews.

But the stuff is OLD news. And does not assist in our choice from old sources. The government does this sort of thing from time-to-time, ya know, letting old news out that "pics" the public interest. Everyone knows this thread can be shut down in a heartbeat by any number of alphabet agencies for any reason whatsoever and under any whim blowing in the air.

So what? Maybe I am being hard on a nice thread. But soon if I am patient, events will turn positive. Or we face more episodes of 'gottcha'. But remember, the gottcha is OLD news and not cutting-edge.

(599) Jadian 11/30/2003 3:41 am EST

Can someone "illuminate" me on this? What is "Project Falling Star" and who are "the Gods with the "Chariots Of Fire"?

From: "Rayelan" Date: Sun Sep 2, 2001 7:39 pm Subject: Rockefeller, UFO´s, Mind Control, Freak Cloning and the Anti-Christ

----- Original Message ----- From: Pointman USA 250 To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 4:31 AM Subject: Rockefeller, UFOs, Mind Control, Freak Cloning and the Anti-Christ

The Rockefeller Human Potential Foundation-an all out CIA Front Group-ran by Navy Mind Control Ph.D. C.B. Scott Jones -- alias "Falcon" -- was to retract data from Dr.Greer's CSETI groups, then capture and twist the data for public consumption. Hell-bent on getting the "New Energy" --Tesla Technology -- from the Gods with the "Chariots Of Fire", West Virginia rolls with the graves of the dead from Top Secret Rockefeller Esoteric, Eugenic and ELF -government programs . ( From Pat Parsons and Danny Casalaro to mine!)

W/D/ Ross Project Falling Star CSETI-HPF-NSA-NASA

(600) Crackajack 11/30/2003 8:23 am EST

Dondep-- Fantastic!! Well done. Much more to ponder.

You probably already know, but I believe your interviewee (Preserve Destiny) to be English. The reference to "sticky wicket" is a cricketing term; hence I lean toward an English gent over 60 years old.

Any more you can share on Nicholas??

Continue the patience.... IT WILL DELIVER!!!!

[StealthSkater note: refer to 'preservedestiny' in Internet chat-interview #7 at ]

(601) Anonymous Coward 11/30/2003 10:52 am EST

Lou Gentile Show written during Oct 14, 2003 show ZetaTalk: Dr. Dan Burisch Caller: DonDep...

"Dr. Burisch was a microbiologist from S4. He was working with the Zetas. The US Government know it as the' J-Rod'. This J-Rod had neurological damage to his system and the cells had been studied by Dr Burisch to develop some type of a cure for this disease that we were expected to undergo ourselves. And the reason that J-Rod was a guest of our government at S4 is that allegedly had come back in time to warn us that these cataclysms, these catastrophes. This is confirmation to me that what [ZetaTalk] had been saying was true. And that by warning us, they were hopefully going to receive our help in preparing us -- genetically -- for the period of time after the cataclysms." -- DonDep

ZetaTalk reply: 251

This is a partial truth. What has been relayed to you -- what you have relayed to the audience on the radio here -- is factual. There was such a visitor; there was such information relayed; there was such genetic research done. But this was not ourselves or our brethren in Service-to-Other. As we have relayed extensively in ZetaTalk, the original contact prior to Roswell was not by Service-to-Other aliens but by Service-to-Self -- the Omnipotent Krill and the like. These aliens were the ones below-ground in the Southwest where the public is restricted, who did provide space ships and allow the US Military to attempt to fly them to attempt to reverse-engineer but they never succeeded.

This business about a particular illness that will be prevalent after the Cataclysm and a certain people who will be inoculated that will survive smacks of elitism, does it not? This is not true. Illness is more prevalent. Increasing illness was one of the predictions that we made well prior to the year 2000 and has been much on the increase. Common germs, or opportunistic germs outside of their normal environment. Because of the stress and strain of the core swirling, the erratic weather and the double suns in the sky. After the cataclysms things get even worse. There‟s dirty water, a lack of proper food, a lack of proper hygiene, depression, and most of the die-off that we have predicted comes not from injury or drowning experienced during the pole-shift itself but afterwards, due to depression, malnutrition, and just a willingness to let yourself go rather than subsist in the manner that life is presenting to you.

This is a true story, but it is a false story told by this alien. Another clue that this is a Service-to-Self alien is the fact that it has a name. We do not assign names to ourselves. We don‟t need them. We work telepathically.

(602) skywatcher22 11/30/2003 11:42 am EST

Someone wrote this...

"The Catchers of Heaven" is a blockbuster tell-all book by a scientist on the National Security Council's secret subcommittee that manages UFO matters. From his position on the executive committee of what is popularly known as MJ-12, Dr. Michael Wolf was in a position to know virtually everything about UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth over the last 50 years..."

NO, no, no. There is a lack of discrimination here. I used to talk to Michael Wolf and made an investigation. He is no "Dr.". He did not work with MJ-12. He spent time in a mental institution and he flunked out of Baylor College.

Not so with Dr. Dan. Dan is not anywhere in the same category as the phony Michael Wolf or the alcoholic Bill Cooper who used to fabricate stories once a week. I knew him personally.

As for all the talk on Planet X, there is no Planet X … at least not the one Nancy has been promoting. If there is another planet in the Kuiper Belt, it has yet to be located. However, there are some large planetoids out there that have been identified. They are known as KBOs, Kuiper Belt Objects. ------A large dark object has been found orbiting the Sun along the far distant reaches at the edge of our Solar System. Astronomers call it Quaoar.

252 Measurements by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have identified it as the largest object found anywhere in the Solar System since the discovery of the planet Pluto 72 years ago. Quaoar is approximately half the size of Pluto.

The icy world is known officially as 2002 LM60. Its discoverers dubbed it Quaoar — pronounced "kwa-whar."

After it was detected by a telescope on Earth as simply a dot of light, astronomers aimed Hubble´s powerful telescope at it. Quaoar became the farthest object in the Solar System ever to be resolved by a telescope. ------As for the "Aviary", do not rely on Boylan's data. Much of it is wrong. No one has correctly identified 'Raven' or 'Falcon' yet.

The way to find the truth is to follow the facts and question everything. There are some positive findings.

We do not know what messages from alleged committee members constitute in the way of truth. But "preservedestiny" did reveal something that only a few people know and it is something in my possession. So it is likely that he may be who he says he is.

If I can arrange to meet Dan again, I could check this out with him. Dan is a good person with a feel for the plight of the Earth and a great deal of biological savvy. If only he were free to make his advances public, he may become a stellar scientist.

(603) Dondep unlogged 11/30/2003 12:18 pm EST

Thank you for reminding everyone about that radio interview with Nancy and the zetas, AC. I made the point in my 2nd interview with Dan that perhaps Chi´ielah (the J-rod he befriended as he analyzed the neurological degradation he/she was experiencing) was a 'mole'; i.e., an STO alien (J-rods, though our progeny, come back here via Zeta Reticuli and the Gliese system) that went "undercover" to bring the Lotus to Dan.

I discussed this theory with Rear View prior to posting as some of us were trying to reconcile Zetatalk with the experience of Dr. Burisch and the Lotus. I had trouble with the "hive-mind" mentality espoused by the zetas who answered my question through Nancy. "Communicating with a broad telepathic" is great, but where does it leave the individuality of our unique souls? Chi´ielah was -- according to Dan -- a 'good' person/J-rod. How could the Lotus be instigated by an STS alien? This question is a central one in this quest/investigation/discussion. Both ZT and the Burisch story have confirmed each other's existence and validated certain elements of each other's 'presentation'. Now we have to see what is behind the glaring differences.

(604) Dondep unlogged 11/30/2003 12:39 pm EST to Newswatch--

253 If you are looking for the Hope Diamond -- or whatever prize your typical Hollywood drama would offer as a reward for watching the production -- you already have many to choose from here. But if we had the answer that ties them all together, then we wouldn't be here already.

Your menu: a) The T9 treaty, extended for an additional 2 years from March of this year. The 'rogue' faction wants the abduction rate increased to 10 million humans per year. Signed in the Bandelier National Park in New Mexico, allegedly. b) The Lotus, which is the (fruit? seed?) of the Tree of Life. Desired by the 'rogue' faction prematurely, which would allow them somehow to return us in the time-line to a state of existence before the Fall of Man, a state in which we have our original 3-strand DNA. c) The DCTP -- or Doctrine of Convergent Timelines Paradox -- which delineates how time-travel can not only exist but also the ramifications of this travel as well as how "Time" resets itself at certain intervals, allowing for ruins on Mars that Dr Burisch wrote of in Eagles Disobey that are from our future. And how the gods of ancient Sumer are actually our descendants as well as our ancestors. d) The Ganesh Particles which can rejuvenate life itself in dead tissue, restoring the breath of life. The GP leaves any such title as "cancer cure" in the dust [pun intended].

Is that enough to handle for awhile? Keep in mind what 'preservedestiny' told me about the public's ability/inability to absorb and comprehend these amazing truths behind their reality is "self-limiting". Ponder that. Then ponder it again. That was a huge key to understanding the why and how of this information and this thread.

(605) Uncle John 11/30/2003 1:44 pm EST

Someone wrote this...

"The Catchers of Heaven" is a blockbuster tell-all book by a scientist on the National Security Council's secret subcommittee that manages UFO matters. From his position on the executive committee of what is popularly known as MJ-12, Dr. Michael Wolf was in a position to know virtually everything about UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth over the last 50 years..."

Bill Hamilton wrote:

NO, no, no. There is a lack of discrimination here. I used to talk to Michael Wolf and made an investigation. He is no "Dr.". He did not work with MJ-12. He spent time in a mental institution and he flunked out of Baylor College. ------

Uncle John here: Bill, do you have any evidence of your accusations? Have you read Paolo Harris's book connecting the dots?

A person doesn't hand-out pieces of off-world metal samples to multiple researchers if they are not high up in the black-ops. There are many spiritual aspects of his book that didn't go over my head! Even 'preservedestiny' didn't diss Dr Wolf when he was brought up by Dondep.

254 I am at a lost for words to summarize my reaction to your posts because I have offered you my trust!

(606) Anonymous Coward 11/30/2003 2:47 pm EST

Well, maybe you can be someone's change agent or someone's Solar settler. Maybe just a lunar nomad. What's to freak out about, though? We're no different than each other. Could be I'm a change agent or just a gold baby. Dark power maybe? Does anyone think we need an agent or leader or martyr? Maybe we can all sit down and write a book. Maybe.

Sad to see this thread (which is long but is it longer than what blueskies was) go to the zeta´s. It was more interesting and fun when it was the aliens out to get us. Now it's simply the same old, same old. And it's still they're out to get us.

Seriously, folks. It's always been Good vs. Bad. If you read the papers in congressional records or the records of the CFR, they will tell you it is they (the government) that needs to get rid of and reduce the population back to the population of the 1940s. No aliens are going to do that. Maybe the "rogue" government is creating the idea of "aliens" so that people will not be afraid or will be back their government when the "invasion" happens. And then of course the "deaths and disappearences" that happen from the government will be "thought" to have come from the "aliens".

Seriously, folks. Think . Think. Think. Think.

Maybe you can write a book and make some mindshafts.

(607) Anonymous Coward 11/30/2003 2:56 pm EST

Zetatalk & Rumor Mills are disinfo sites. The best sources of "original material" are the interviews themselves, and require re-readings to get a handle on what is transpiring. Would Dondep have been able to conduct his interview with 'preservedestiny' without Ranchers congratulatory visit? Probably. But it would not have meant as much in light of the developments and an explanation as the identity of Dr Severs.

What does the Djed pillar truly represent?

It does appear that Dr. Dan is presently being watched over by something a bit stronger than Illuminati forces.

The conclusion of the last interview leaves us a few clues as to the direction forward: "both stargates are active, both open... incoming only....shadow priests in charge." Looks like a remote-viewer or somebody has an insight as to what is transpiring.

"It comes down to allowing information to creep out, to reach the right sources, to protect other information, and disable the stargate potential."

(608) skywatcher22 11/30/2003 4:44 pm EST 255

Uncle John wrote:

Uncle John here: Bill, do you have any evidence of your accusations?

Bill: Yes, I do. Or I would not have posted this.

Uncle John: Have you read Paolo Harris´s book connecting the dots?

Bill: I know Paolo -- a fine woman -- but she knows that I disagree with her about Michael. I was one of the first to talk to Michael and had many phone cons with him.

Uncle John: A person doesn't hand-out pieces of off-world metal samples to multiple researchers if they are not high up in the black-ops.

Bill: These metal samples -- one of which was given to me -- are strictly terrestrial. I found an identical piece of this silicon at a bookstore in Pasadena and bought it for a dollar. I had Michael's specimen analyzed by a Canadian lab. And the results were that it was just a highly-pure piece of silicon slag. I was disappointed, but then had to face the truth about Wolf.

Uncle John: There are many spiritual aspects of his book that didn't go over my head!

Bill: That is fine. I will not argue with that.

Uncle John: Even 'preservedestiny' didn´t diss Dr Wolf when he was brought up by Dondep.

Bill: But, he also did not want to comment.

Uncle John: I am at a lost for words to summarize my reaction to your posts because I have offered you my trust!

Bill: Sometimes the truth is not always what we want it to be. I considered Michael a friend. But after talking with his brother and doing further research, I found that he had fabricated his connections to MJ-12. My insider friends who know MJ-12 uniformly said that they had not record of his involvement. I later obtained his Baylor College transcript and legal records that show that he was institutionalized and that his psych. said that he wasn't fit to work at the time.

Michael was involved in contacting UFOs way back in 1958 and had a similar experience to my own with light-beam communications.

(609) zacksavage 11/30/2003 10:46 pm EST

Well, I am thinking about a strong connection between this CotM and Carlyle. I found this interesting tidbit in FHL(C) thread about the Carlyle group. No media coverage as per usual. And people continue to think things are just peachy …

"Anonymer Feigling 11/22/2003 10:07 am EST 256 Re: The Carlyle group

RE: "The Question that needs to be asked is WHY! WHY is the Carlyle group sticking its nose into all the DNA projects around the US, especially the one under the DOD??" GFF ------

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head with that question. Why indeed are they screwing around with everyone's DNA?

Just remember that this goes back a ways. If we look at Hitler and his Nazis, they were experimenting possibly with DNA many, many years ago. The God spark? Don't know about that. I'm not saying you're wrong. How could I since I don't know? But what those scientists just trying to figure out why there are two races and what makes us different genetically?

Yes, I know we usually think of there being more races than that. But what if the important division were only two? There is evidence of this. If we look at the Bible and the ancient Sumerian texts, we constantly see these two bloodlines or two races being talked about. Go back to ancient Persia with the Devs and Peris. The Peris thought they were a different race than the Devs and, therefore, NOT brothers. The same with ancient Greece with the Athenians and Spartans. The Spartans thought they were a race apart from everyone else.

So is this what they're looking for? A way to make everyone one of them? An "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" theme, only scientifically carried out?

There was a very interesting article (doubt I'll ever be able to find it again) on DNA and how it ties in with Mars. Seems there are these things called "alleles" and they either twist or turn right-or-left. Well, the alleles on Mars are left-handed in nature. The hypothesis is that Earth´s DNA ran in a counter direction (right); and that some meteorite (or alien landing) caused the Earthy´s DNA to become infected with this counter twisting DNA. Remember that the Spartans thought their God was Heracles who is Mars himself.

So what if not all of us were "infected" with this alien strain? Is that why the Peris and Devs did not interact? Is that why so many wars involved this "ethnic cleansing" where women were impregnated and the gene pool mixed?"

(610) Peace 11/30/2003 11:55 pm EST

White Rabbit or Don-- are you prepared to receive?

(611) White rabbit 12/1/2003 12:13 am EST

Peace-- I'm ready.


(612) Peace 12/1/2003 12:13 am EST



(613) White rabbit 12/1/2003 12:15 am EST

Got it! Thanks, Peace !

(614) starryeyes 12/1/2003 12:48 am EST

I still think we are pawns (no not the thread). So I understand Rear View's indignation. He is now experiencing what it is like to have them f**k with you.

I am under-whelmed at the dogs being called off (if they have). They were not an everyday occurrence here and the damage -- as far as I can see it at any rate -- has already been done. If those who have the power to call them off could kindly inform me as to why they were put there in the first place and why they have interfered with our life in the manner that YOU know that they have , perhaps I would be more "grateful".

(615) dondep 12/1/2003 1:35 am EST

Yes, Harrdrawk, I'll have a lot to catch up on tomorrow. As you know, I've been spending most every waking moment moving. And though that was done Thursday, there was unpacking (essentials), and entertaining guests for Thanksgiving, of which I feel much to be thankful for.

For one, Peace, I thank you and the others for whatever was done to "call off the dogs". StarryEyes has a (mistaken impression) that those who can do so must have been responsible in the first place. Which I don't share. So please accept my gratitude, knowing how widespread the cover-up goes and how one hand oftentimes doesn't know what the other is doing.

(616) dondep 12/1/2003 2:33 am EST

I just went back to re-read what I just skimmed earlier, and the exchange over Dr. Michael Wolf is worth commenting on.

Bill -- and I hope you take this in the right spirit -- you know we respect you as the 'Godfather' of this 'investigation'. But when you took exception to the characterization of Dr. Wolf as an 'insider', the manner in which you did so calls into question the whole approach of 'UFOlogy' to-date. What you say may be true. But to insinuate that his stint in a "psyche" ward is cause to disbelieve him is not a good

258 sign. Also, knowing how hard we are all working on the Burisch case, it should come as no surprise that his records may have been "doctored" as well and to a greater degree.

'Jadian' had a good piece at the top of this page about disinfo/misinfo which you are more familiar with than most. I happen to own Catchers of Heaven. And though I found it too obtuse and stream-of- consciousness when I got it, I'll be re-reading it shortly (if I can find the time!). Dr. Wolf told Dr. Boylan (another researcher and colleague of yours, we know) that he was only allowed to publish that book if it was sold as "fiction". Which it might be. But consider this possibility: what if Dr. Boylan was the only one "allowed" to get the Wolf story, just as you were the one allowed to get the initial Burisch story? Sometimes pieces are not allowed to be "played" until the time is ripe.

'Uncle John' apparently learned quite-a-bit (as did I) in piecing together the puzzle through Dr. Wolf's story. Sometimes we have to go far afield to get that particular grain of truth. And if the Dr. Michael Wolf story is 'disinfo' (as some suggest of Nancy Lieder), there was certainly a lot of effort that went into it. Not a single soul that is widely known -- other than perhaps Phil Klass -- in the so-called paranormal field can be faulted for being of no value. There is value in each and every one of these instances even if we eventually find that there are 4 parts disinfo to 1 part info.

Those that are truly "crazy" -- with no apparent reason -- usually do not get farther than family members or their therapist. When information resonates -- whatever the source -- we should be thankful for it and corroborate it when possible. If found to be fraudulent, we should find out the 'Why' and the 'Who' (won't get fooled again!) lest we again play into the hands of those that manipulate us for purposes of confusion.

Typed with all due respect, of course....;-)

(617) dondep 12/1/2003 3:16 am EST

Page 98-99 Library bump, for those just joining us:

'Clear Eyes' has returned from holiday travel, and is working on transcription of Part 3 of last year's interview. As am I. (Bill, this was YOUR interview with Dan after all! LOL).

The pictures that prompted my exchange with 'Preserve Destiny' will be emailed tomorrow to those that have PM-ed either myself or 'Human Subject'. For the one website that mentions 'Project Preserve Destiny', go to .

For the cast of characters in this drama, which began before this thread did, here are the main players:

Dr. Dan Burisch - brilliant microbiologist employed by Majestic 12/Naval Research Laboratory at S4, a top-secret facility near Area 51. Also co-author of Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars.

BJ Wolf: co-author of Eagles Disobey..., who began receiving emails from colleagues of Dr. Burisch inside S4 that exposed his real job which had to do with analyzing tissue from an EBE (Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity), specifically a J-rod [an entity from our future, via Zeta Reticuli]. The purpose of analyzing this tissue was to determine the cause of a 259 neurological degradation the EBE was enduring, and hopefully find a cure for it. The first explosive document leaked -- the "smoking gun" -- was the now-famous "Q94-109A" document. It was followed by numerous emails to BJ who confronted her co-author and asked if it was all true, to which he reluctantly admitted it was.

Bill Hamilton: The world-renowned UFO researcher (website: http://www.skywatch- who BJ contacted to help get to the bottom of the story that this email correspondence was alluding to. Bill came to know Dan (a/k/a Dr B) personally and had several meetings with him, interviewing him at length on several occasions, most notably on Sept 18, 2002. It was a videotaped copy of this interview that I received during a year- long surveillance which is now ending (if we are to believe Preserve Destiny/Peace and the other non-Illuminati humans at the heart of Majestic-12) which prompted my own involvement in this story.

Majestic-12: See the links at the Library. The only other website/source that has spoken of this group (other than, which is mostly ´historical´ documents) is -- ready for this? --, which has voluminous commentary from the ´zetans´ on this group with which they have a treaty (plausibly one- and-the-same as the "T9" treaty signed every 9 years since 1964, allegedly). This is NOT an endorsement of Nancy Lieder and Zetatalk, merely a coincidental fact that should be noted.....suspend both belief AND disbelief. But for such a powerful organization, one would think there should be more information on this group (not including the series on the Sci-Fi channel of the same name, which may very well be another example of "hiding in plain sight" in efforts to help prepare humanity for some extraordinary times in our near future).

The Committee of the Majority (a/k/a the CotM on this thread): A super-secret organization, Masonic-based (according to Dr B) that meets in Wash. DC and is comprised of the most powerful people on the planet. For a long time even MJ-12 reported to them, as evidenced by the Q94... document. This group is supposedly now-defunct since it was split into 16 pro-disclosure to the public of the alien presence and 16 against. The 17th (there are/were 33 members) either abstained or was otherwise nullified. The Rancher memo ('Rancher' is Bush, for those uninitiated) supposedly ordered that Project Lotus and Staarflower be removed from oversight by MJ-12 and turned over to the CotM instead, on May 18th, 2003 (this year). [Go to the Library for images of the "Shredded Document".]

(618) skywatcher22 12/1/2003 9:44 am EST

"Uncle John: Bill, is your mind made up, or do you see some probability that your appraisal [of Michael Wolf] could be wrong?"

Bill: I do not think my appraisal of M. Wolf is wrong. I had many phone cons with him and attempted to obtain info not already known. And he never provided anything that was not already in my files. Remember he has been following happenings in UFOlogy and that which was divulged about Majestic since the 1950s.

He seemed a friendly man but boasted of having several degrees (medicine, law, physics, computer science, etc). I, myself, majored in physics and also computer science. And yet his level of knowledge in these subjects was average. 260

The metal analysis down in Italy and Germany may not be correctly reported as I believe the report indicated a variety of substances beside silicon up to 1% of the sample was unknown. This is not uncommon and does not necessarily equate to extraterrestrial.

Michael's performance in school was poor. I don't hold that against him as it might have been due to troubles he was having at the time. But it was not the kind of performance that leads one to believe he could attain what he attained.

Reliable sources that I have been using for some time to check on that which I could not check from the inside have indicated without doubt that M.W. had no connection to the NSC or MJ-12. These same sources are convinced that Dan is the real thing. There are remarkable differences as Dan has a definite postgrad knowledge of microbiology whereas M.W. never discussed quantum physics with me at a level beyond pop physics and he knew I went beyond that.

If you wish a copy of his transcript, email me and I will send you an image copy.

BTW, Don -- if you are reading this, M.W. himself admitted to me that he went through various bouts of depression in his life.

Whatever connection he had with UFOs or their occupants will never be known now as he has passed on to that other world we will all reach at the end of our lives. I do not think M.W. was a bad man in any way. And I liked him and even sent him some gifts.

Today, the relevant issue revolves around Dr. Dan.

BTW, look for a book entitled Origin by Joseph Paige. It is a novelized version of the Roswell story that spells it out: the travelers from the future and the warning about 2012 !

(619) 318 12/1/2003 9:44 am EST

FEN1: flap structure-specific endonuclease 1

LocusID: 2237

Overview ?

RefSeq Summary: The protein encoded by this gene removes 5´ overhanging flaps in DNA repair and processes the 5´ ends of Okazaki fragments in lagging strand DNA synthesis. Direct physical interaction between this protein and AP endonuclease 1 during long-patch base excision repair provides coordinated loading of the proteins onto the substrate, thus passing the substrate from one enzyme to another. The protein is a member of the XPG/RAD2 endonuclease family and is one of ten proteins essential for cell-free DNA replication. DNA secondary structure can inhibit flap processing at certain trinucleotide repeats in a length-dependent manner by concealing the 5´ end of the flap that is necessary for both binding and cleavage by the protein encoded by this gene. Therefore, secondary structure can deter the protective function of this protein, leading to site-specific trinucleotide expansions.

Locus Type: gene with protein product, function known or inferred

261 Product: flap structure-specific endonuclease 1

Alternate Symbols: MF1, RAD2, FEN-1 Alias: DNase IV maturation factor-1

(620) 318 12/1/2003 9:52 am EST


Alternative titles; symbols

MATURATION FACTOR 1; MF1 Gene map locus 11q12



Harrington and Lieber (1994) purified and cloned the gene for a DNA structure-specific endonuclease, FEN1, from mouse cells. In a second publication, Harrington and Lieber (1994) showed that functional domains within FEN1 and RAD2 (133530) define a family of structure-specific endonucleases. The murine protein recognizes 5-prime DNA flap structures that have been proposed in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Hiraoka et al. (1995) reported the sequence of the human FEN1 gene. They showed that the translated sequence is identical to the peptide sequence obtained from maturation factor- 1 (MF1), which is 1 of the 10 essential proteins for cell-free DNA replication. The human protein has the same structure-specific DNA endonuclease activity as the murine protein.

(621) skywatcher22 12/1/2003 11:49 am EST

"Uncle John: Bill, are you saying that everything in The Catchers of Heaven, The October Surprise, and the many Paola Harris interviews were already in your files? Perhaps you didn't strike the right chords with Michael? "

Bill: Not everything was in my files, but everything he mentioned in his book relevant to MJ-12 was already in known material.

"Uncle John: I'm a computer scientist myself. And I wonder if you know of the halting problem for linearly bounded automata? That problem is at the core of the mystery of life. If you get me wound up enough, perhaps I'll explain my understanding of Dr. Wolf's koan: 'The truth is just a lie awaiting to be revealed.' "

Bill: No, I am not familiar with that problem as my career took off in programming before I finished my education in computer science. But I returned with more of a focus on IT.

This does not exclude the possibility of MW having insights as stated in his koan.

262 "Uncle John: Bill, you didn't address the simple findings of Paola concerning her simple tests of the material. If you still have your sample, see what it does to a cell phone, etc."

Bill: I have tried tests with the material sent by Michael and performed tests with the same material bought in a store (as a control), and they behaved the same.

"Uncle John: Try addressing the following from Paola´s book: 'I can verify that Adriano Forgione and I had seen enough documents, photos, and credentials to convince us that this was a serious story. More importantly, that was the only time both Adriano and I had a contact experience. It scared the living daylights out of Adriano -- who had always bragged about wanting to be contacted -- and confused me totally, convincing me that Michael indeed had an ET connection!' "

Bill: I have no doubt that Paola experienced something unusual and I was one of the first she told about this. But I do not exclude Michael from having contacts. I believe Michael had some sort of ET connection in 1958, but sorting out the truth about Michael is not something that bears much fruit today.

"Uncle John: Reliable sources and the NSC/MJ-12 is an oxymoron. Did you ever pose a physics question that M.W. was unable to answer? "

Bill: No. It is just his discussion on physics topics was not very sophisticated, IMHO. My reliable sources are not and were not in NSC or with MJ-12; but know much about MJ-12.

"Uncle John: Bill: 'Today, the relevant issue revolves around Dr. Dan.'

That is sure true. B but let's not forget an important fact that Dr. Dan and Dr. Wolf are the only possible insiders of scientific note to try to reveal what's going on. We can learn a lot by observing what they have said that is the same and what they have said that is different. Again quoting Paola's book: PH: Can you expand on the dual nature of man, and how you see it relating to the Hopi prophecies regarding the fate of our planet for the year 2012? MW: I don't think we have anything to worry about.

This difference goes to the heart of the issues revolving around Dr. Dan! "

Bill: I disagree, but will not try to dissuade you from your belief.

… … … … … …

"Uncle John: In closing, Bill, let me repeat, thank you. You do have my respect and I await your responses to my posts. "

Bill: Thank you, but I am afraid that I will not convince you. I was once persuaded that Michael Wolf was the "real deal" until he sent me the metal sample as proof. And it did not pan out as proof. That is when I did a little digging and found out that his personal history was different than his statements about it. At that point, I felt it was better to move on.

(622) Seeker (unlogged) 12/1/2003 2:52 pm EST 263

Humans have been referred to as "containers" of souls.

The work on the Lotus and DNA seems to be making a connection between our physical bodies and 'spirit' with 'spirit' playing a role in the creation and/or maintenance of the physical body.

I am still trying very hard to understand if our individual souls are somehow connected to specific bloodlines and DNA groups. i.e., do souls reincarnate along blood lines?

Is that why DNA and genetics are so important to the future of mankind and our past?

If souls do not reincarnate along bloodlines, then race, ethnic origin, and religion should be of little importance.

(623) starryeyes (unlogged) 12/1/2003 5:08 pm EST

AC 12:44 --

You do not need to point out any of our differences of opinion. The people on this thread are quite intelligent and I know each respects the others right to hold an opinion of their own. Dondep's and my own differ on many issues. This is nothing new. I believe Zetatalk is psy-ops. It troubles me to see them mentioned on this thread at all. I believe that site is a set-up to discredit all that it speaks of. It is a clever creation.

I do believe that there is valuable info being revealed on this thread.

I just also think that the timing and content is tightly controlled by those "leaking" this information. For what ever reason: power, politics, peace … whatever. They need/want an outlet at this time and God-like appears to be it. I do not suggest in anyway that one "should throw out the baby with the bath water" as the saying goes. Just consider the source, try to corroborate it with as best we can. I find that in the interviews, the questions and the subjects that are ignored or glossed over might warrant some extra attention.

(624) PageMarker 12/1/2003 5:41 pm EST

I tend to side with 'Starry Eyes' on leaving all things pertaining to 'that woman' out of this thread and have suggested Don do the same. Apparently he had some issues he wanted resolved, so now he can move forward.

In re-reading the 'PreserveDestiny' interview, there are a number of issues that have to be more fully discussed. It appears we are given enough information often enough to keep the dialogue moving. But since other information is withheld which only certain players have access to, most of us are out of the loop.

One of the more important disclosures of late has been the 'stargate' as represented by the 'Djed pillar':

264 "The original designers are our future, who presented them as the Djed pillar to the past. The designs have been copied and modified since then."

Perhaps the number of rings -- which in previous instances had been 3, and now almost always appears as 4 -- relates to the ability to travel linearly under the 3 rings with the addition of the 4th ring signifying time-travel capabilities.

(625) starryeyes (unlogged) 12/1/2003 5:56 pm EST


To my understanding, there is very little "other information is withheld which only certain players have access to, most of us are out of the loop".

I believe that which is withheld has to do with possible verification of the sources. To post that publicly at this time would stop the flow all together.

(626) dondep 12/1/2003 6:33 pm EST

This is addressed to both those that think I should distance myself from 'that woman' and those that think I have betrayed any earlier allegiance(s). I had posted this on the thread 'Harrdrawk' started on why this thread isn't heading for the dust bin.... ------Regarding Nancy Lieder;

The only other source of information of any depth on MJ-12 --other than the historical record found at and the sanctuaryofthebirds site ( )-- is Zetatalk. I only found Zetatalk earlier this year when tracking down the Burisch story.

One of my sources for this story -- who sent me snail-mail from Las Vegas and was ´stationed´ at Area 51 -- pointed me to 2 items of interest on the 'Net. One was a paper that was published in the Astrophysics Journal describing the 'brown dwarf' of the Barnard Cloud and specifically the chemical composition (subsequently yanked from the 'Net, I might add). And the other was the Zetatalk page on Art Bell and the now-famous phone call he received on-air in 1997 regarding what many believe to be PX.

Since this second site was the prism I was asked to view this, I had to then investigate the main page of Zetatalk. And it all began to "fall into place", especially the MJ-12 material. Now many researchers - - including Bill Hamilton -- have pooh-poohed ZT. But I'm sorry to say that Ms. Lieder has proven herself to be more genuine and convincing than many of these self-proclaimed experts. She may not be an expert and SHE MAY BE SPOON-FED major "disinfo". But the question of 'Why' (certainly ain't for money and power! That woman is the most castigated woman on the entire web!) is even greater now. In other words, she has too many correct answers on non-poleshift matters that absolutely no-one else addresses except sporadically and through a looking-glass darkly.

I believe her to be genuine; and normally any source that professes to care for the common person and does so persuasively at least warrants a thorough investigation. To say SHE is 'genuine', however, 265 does not mean that her "Zetas" are. However, if they are disinfo, what is their REAL agenda? One does NOT do what she has done merely because of megalomania. And even in Zetatalk it describes why the majestic group "promotes" it through 'interference'. Which I interpret to mean that they are promoting it by paying for debunkers to keep it controversial and therefore in the public eye (controversy ALWAYS sells, doncha know!).

(627) Anonymous Coward 12/1/2003 8:13 pm EST

Apparently PX is the force which causes the natural stargates to trigger. Man-made ones, too!

(628) Harrdrawk 12/1/2003 10:00 pm EST

I knew it would be an A/C who would provide the best insights, but I never expected him/her to be able to expose the meat of this 100 page thread in one sentence. But here it is folks, one more time A/C 9:29 :


YOU RAWK!! Please stand up and take a bow, register,

(629) Peace 12/1/2003 11:19 pm EST

Wonderful people of this thread-- look at the last 72 hours. You are under attack! Do not take the time to respond to it. That is the purpose of the attack: divide and conquer. Look at how 'Dondep' and 'Starryeyes' are being cast as adversaries when they simply disagree with an issue. Search for the answers, not paying attention to the "dark hearts". Look at the vulgar nature of the comments. The evil has arrived.

The whole nature of the attack can be summed up by the statement that you are "a raggedy bunch of loonies" (closely paraphrased). What they are really saying is that you are people striving for truth and freedom, and are not marching in LOCK STEP! For the Americans in here, that is the message for you! Raggedy was the norm; freedom was the calling! FREEDOM!!!!!!! The attackers bear the mark of those that wish ill to the world. Some of them have professional graduate degrees, and you can see how they are acting. The love of status, status quo, and money, my friends ... the love of money!

Respond in peace. You are all on a sacred journey.

(630) dondep 12/2/2003 2:27 am EST

266 I thought I would go over a couple items from the interview with 'PreserveDestiny' (I would still like to know how he/she came to use that moniker!) to see if any issues have been cleared up OR purposely clouded.

For example: ------drbknows: these pics of the exchange with Chi´ielah [private name of the J-rod; I should probably not use it as a sign of courtesy, but it does help to make him out to be more than just a specimen-ed.] preservedestiny: Well, we had a bit of a mix up, 'A. Friend' and myself! drbknows: Is 'A Friend' on your ´side´? preservedestiny: Didn't quite expect them to be handed out. drbknows: A matter of timing, then? preservedestiny: Yes, an op in Cali. [operation in California -ed.] drbknows: so same team, different time-line? drbknows: does that mean they should be withheld? The caption on "Embrace" leads me to believe this is from the IMINVSBL faction preservedestiny: Not really. He interceded on our behalf when we were being threatened by the rogues. He swiped the images and thought he had clear instructions. ------Now, we can see that this non-Illuminist faction that 'PreserveDestiny' is part of was threatened by these 'rogues', who are greedy for the Lotus and ever-more human abductions [for what?? biological tissue for their hybrids?-ed.]. He appears to be talking about 'A. Friend', who ´interceded on behalf of the non-Illuminist faction. Was this a Psy-Ops straw-man, so-to-speak? Prematurely releasing the photos, so as to draw out 'PreserveDestiny' and thereby hold a public discussion under our noses?

Just who is this 'A. Friend' a friend to in this scenario? We can only thank him for releasing the photos in the first place, but again.... what could be the agenda here? To provide this thread and its sleuths with enough information that we can carry the ball on-our-own into the courtroom and have Dr B subpoenaed? This is not a far-fetched scenario. And in fact may be the one we are being led to. We understand now that Dan himself desires some sort of similar outcome.

(631) Silent Type 12/2/2003 2:38 am EST

(I didn´t log in before) So is that an aim? To have a court case?

(632) dondep 12/2/2003 2:45 am EST

One possibility, 'Silent Type'. One that apparently has a lot of support among some of our friends on the 'inside'. As long as these incredible truths/discoveries are allowed to fester in the shadows, Mankind will not only not benefit from them but alsowill suffer unduly as a result. You can be sure that 'Rancher' has no inclination to share the Truth with the public, and neither do most of those in control. Luckily there were troops/extras available for the photo-op at the airport. Otherwise a lot of eyebrows would have been raised since virtually no-one knows of the existence of the actual 'stargate' he really went to see.

Edit: page 101 Library bump: 267

This is where you will find the 'story'. Read the "Q-94-109-A Document" first, the e-books next (email correspondence from Dr B´s colleagues to his co-author BJ), then the "18-page document", then the so-called "Last Letter from Dr Burisch" before his death was faked in order to dissuade this investigation. Then read the Transcripts Part 1 and 2 of last year's interview with Bill Hamilton, then the interviews I did 2 weeks ago with Dan, as well as Human Subject's and 318's interviews with him as well. The latest interview is between 'PreserveDestiny' (apparently a member of the CotM, or when it was still around) and myself.

[StealthSkater note: these are also archived at ]

(633) skywatcher22 12/2/2003 10:07 am EST

I first heard about J-Rod in 1995 from a retired mechanical engineer by the name of Bill Uhouse. I thought he told one fantastic story at the time.

When I first read the Q94-109A doc in 1999 signed by Danny B. Crain PhD, Captain USN I caught the name on the first page AQ-J-ROD. The AQ was for "Aquarius". I was impressed by the scholarly treatment of the report which had no classification markings (being a draft). That is when I started getting involved in finding out who this Danny B. Crain was (now Dan B.C. Burisch) but never dreamed I would meet him one day.

In order to provide a background on this story, I am including here the statement by Bill Uhouse for further edification.

[StealthSkater note: refer to last part of for the text Bill is refeering to here.]

Bill may have been referring to something like the 'Yellow Book'. This book is on a holographic disc. Dan may have seen this 'Yellow Book'. It is said to contain a record of the future.

In my many meetings with Uhouse ,I came to believe that he was a credible person.

(634) Dondep unlogged 12/2/2003 9:29 pm EST


I just checked in before dinner to see what's been developing and was going to put a more thoughtful post on about how the different compartments in the Cover-up have to have their OWN cover-up in order to keep their own curiosities sated. I say that because I understand that there are quite a number of alien-ated (pun intended), disaffected, retired, or otherwise out-of-the-loop military people who have coalesced around a fundamentalist viewpoint that holds that the Cover-up is to cover up the fact that 'fallen angels' controlled by Communists and Satanists etc. in turn manipulate terrestrial sources of technology. In other words, "tell 'em they´re flyin' saucers from another solar system; that'll keep 'em from finding out they're really made by our top-secret Skunk Works by our own people". 268

Think of the folks in "The Truman Show" movie who were "working behind-the-scenes" being told that it was all for entertainment (hoodwinking Truman), when in reality it was for social manipulation. An acquaintance of mine -- who had worked for CIA-front companies with ties to the Dept of Energy -- told me of how he had found out the truth behind the truth he had originally been told about certain "projects". His compartment wasn't authorized to know the real truth about their program, but was necessarily given a "cover story" that allowed them to feel in-the-know about a higher purpose that the public wasn't to learn of.

Then think of Dr B and what he learned from certain briefing books, knowing that if it didn't have to do with his field, that he is perhaps being victimized in much the same way. 'Preserve Destiny' told me that I had "a correct assessment of the situation". Some things I haven't come to a conclusion on. But on the things I have (in my own mind, at least), I have yet to see a single source synthesize these unrelated facts. Perhaps he/she has a remote-viewer that has been able to tell what we/I were/am thinking.

(635) dondep 12/2/2003 11:45 pm EST

I'm setting up the allegory between Drs. Burisch and Severs, if anyone missed it. Has anyone learned anything of Dr. Nicolas Severs, why he would be "Luciferian", and what that means specifically in his case?

I'm sure it's absurd to ask Dr. Severs to come here and speak for himself. But if he is watching this, consider yourself invited to comment, Doctor. Meanwhile, we will look into the reasons why you are important to the "bird" (alien) and "clock" (time paradox) issues.

(636) REAR VIEW 12/3/2003 12:47 am EST

The forum now has heard from both factions through an innocent. I am talking about avatar “Dondep”. Here is what is known to this point and in this time:

The Good Dr. B. and Nancy Leider (ZT) have both personally spoken with Dondep. Dondep has had his day of fame on two web sites (ZT and GLP). Many thanks to Human #58-001 and to '318' for obvious reasons.

My concentration on this post is purposely directed towards “The Dondep Dilemma” because he -- and he alone -- has spoken with both factions and now has their individual attention on the Internet.

Both factions have carefully considered Dondep‟s questions and just as carefully-answered them. The questions in general have remained the same as posited to both factions. However, the particular answers are inconsistent (or so it seems to this forum).

In summary, Dr. B is alive and is human. He is heavily involved in genetic research on human/alien/hybrids presumably for the US Government (sic: Elite) and has much information to “give up”. Nancy‟s position is steadfast and she has virtually played all of her cards at the moment.

269 How is it that both this forum AND Nancy have publicly crossed paths with Dondep over the Dr. B. issue? Why at this time-and-place has Dondep linked up with both factions? For purposes of discussion here on this forum, the factions alluded to are “Good v. Evil” “STS v. STO” and so on.

Nancy confirmed Dr. B.'s existence and the extent of his secret workload with the J-Rod. She belatedly addressed Dondep questions within a 36-hour period, ultimately confirming Dondep statements as factual but for the orientation of the individuals; and concluded same as STS or evil- oriented but nonetheless true.

Now emerges Dr. B. under heavy workload, complete with overlords and handlers. He addresses the same issues with Dondep. The overall strangeness emerges when Dr. B. indicates he has heard of Dondep (correctly spelled his name and anticipated his arrival) before Dondep had heard of Dr. B. As implied within the now infamous Dondep interviews (parts one and two pages 47-48) of this thread.

Now here is the harmonic convergence:

Both discussions with Dondep involved time-lines. Nancy has her time-line (2003) and Dr. B. has his (2012). Nancy is as forthcoming as she can be (or duped as some would say) and Dr. B. is secretive. Dr. B.'s excuse is that any publication of his time-line would alter it! Both factions have also settled in to a self-imposed stance of “we can not disclose the date”. The date is that of massive Earth changes (sic: Pole-Shift).

Dr. B. admits such a pole-shift is now occurring via “electro-magnetic” Earth changes as the Earth's North pole has already begun shifting. Nancy says the same thing explained as “ecliptic plane rise” and “unexplained magnetic and gravitational influences” which are now affecting Earth.

The interview and discussion between Dondep and Dr. B. confirms the “pole-shift phenom”. And Nancy confirmed Dr. B.'s existence and work. Confirmations by each other -- and of each other -- is apparent-but we mortals are still left to ponder and sort it all out. Which is exactly the point and focus of this thread.


Nancy (ZT) stated to Dondep that Dr. B.'s group is STS or Evil but qualified the answer “if the alien has a name” basic logic 101. [If A=B & B=C; then A=C]. Dr. B. said Nancy was right about Earth changes but was wrong about the PX factor (not being a 'planet' and such). Dr. B. said that the T-9 agreement was about to be (or has now been) signed for 10,000,000 human souls.

Nancy said that agreements have to be signed between legitimate parties and -- in the case of Earth -- between duly elected individuals or representatives thereof. Dr. B. confirmed and addressed the “unelected” status of the USA Bushmen to Dondep. Nancy (ZT) also addressed this issue in the “demise of MJ-12" a page in the gov‟t section.

What is Dondep's role in all this:

He has managed quite wittingly to bring both factions to the common man for open and frank discussion. Debate not only regarding “the Earth change event” but who is really in control of our planet.

270 As queer as it sounds and as far out as can be imagined, Dondep is right about his assessment that aliens and humans are intermingling and possibly interbreeding as well as some aliens exist now in this time having come back from earths own future. Nancy concurs.

Dondep now appears to be focused on the fact that both factions are issuing differing directives with diverse agendas to protect.

Dr. B.‟s excuse for not opening up the time-line issue (interview #1) is that such a thing (as was exposed to him) is fragile and subject to alteration if known.

Nancy‟s issue is that 2012 is NOT the date but 2003 is. Dr. B says he has been shown a time-line extending to 2005 -- then Earth changes -- then comes 2012, the end time.

Nancy (ZT) stays away from the 2012 date as such but confirms two passages, the one in 2003 (yet to see it?) and the return passage 7 years hence.

I suspect Dondep was the “chosen one” to relay all this and plays a major part in the human drama unfolding before our eyes.

Dondep is assisting all of us to "sort this out". He alone has spoken with both factions personally and shared his findings.

It is up to each of us to determine the truth from all of the available information, and Dondep is HOT on the trail.

The truth must be weighed carefully (as it comes from both factions) regarding the ultimate agenda for this planet and -- hence -- our individual life.

(637) starryeyes 12/3/2003 2:00 am EST

Rear View--

You make this all sound like it is about saving one's hide. I do not get that feeling at all. Whatever is going to happen, it will probably take all by surprise. And those that are the most prepared materially will likely be -- in reality -- the least likely to make a graceful transition because they are clinging so tightly onto the life as they know it. Just my thoughts on that subject...

Interesting speculation on Dondep. It creeps me out that Dr Dan knew of him. (Now, we were under surveillance for a long time -- day and night -- for over a year before moving. So maybe somebody had their eye on Dondep. But we thought it was to keep him from doing anything to publicize the Burisch story.) It is important to understand that he is not alone in bringing this story to light and trying to work out what is going on. Look at all the people bringing valuable insights, facts and sources to the mix: Ambilac, Uncle John, Boomerang, Human Subject, 318, Bill Hamilton, Jadian, Greggius, Haardrawk, Zacksavage, ACs and so many more. If it were not for the collective and the persistence of the thread, perhaps the "security" around Dr Dan and 'Peace' might not have noticed the thread and no interviews given.

I think the story of the Lotus and the workings of the Ganesh and the stargates are the focus here. I can understand that there may be some tie between Nancy Lieder -> MJ12 -> Burisch. But I suspect 271 they are two different "projects" that really do not have much to do with one another. Of course ,this is just my opinion.

The thing is to question and learn - not look for absolute answers or dates - ´cause i do not think that is ever going to happen.

(638) Anonymous Coward 12/3/2003 2:29 am EST

Don-- in retrospect, are not 'Raven's feelings hurt?? Mine would have been. Any 'Raven' postings since? Not that I saw or read. I love 'Raven' and welcome them to him/her to my team!

(639) dondep 12/3/2003 2:37 am EST

That was an unexpected point! But well-taken. Where IS he/she?

An earlier poster pointed out that one of the infrequent posters here could disappear anonymously and we wouldn't know about it! I'm already still self-chastised over the precious information I leaked inadvertently, even after promising I wouldn't! Can you imagine how bad I've felt about that?

But I have little to gain by self-flagellation at this point. Only to rectify the situation, if possible. I thanked 'Raven' and was glad we received his/her help. And I had the impression that he/she merely lurked here and only volunteered info where it could be helpful to us all. Maybe they didn't feel they wanted/could have more. Or maybe -- since you must know something more -- he/she was taken in by his/her superiors. What is your suspicion?

(640) Harrdrawk 12/3/2003 3:15 am EST

In regards to 'Raven' not reappearing (since 'Peace' chastised him), I distinctly remember coming to his defense even if I didn't agree with his style. I think he has been here on several occasions using a different moniker, if one can trust certain euphanisms of one's culture. His pride is of no more value than ours and -- like any of us -- is now greater than before. Wait and see.

(641) dondep 12/3/2003 3:32 am EST

He's serving his purpose there. He's not a total prisoner. But as I pointed out in an earlier post, he is actually being protected from others who wish him ill. Or wish to have what he has been given to accomplish but on their own terms. And from this he has to be protected.

His benefactors in the power struggle appear to be in the minority, though, which may explain why they are seeking allies to help publicize the situation. Just a possibility. Another is that once the inititial leak had "gone public", they perhaps went to the strategy of co-opting of which we are the target. I would tend to go with love, faith and reason, rather than fear, skepticism, and mediocrity.


(642) skywatcher22 12/3/2003 10:59 am EST

Here some earlier notes by B.J. Wolf that may help shed some more light on Dan's work with the J- Rod...

------Background Information:

In early conversations with Dan Burisch, he indicated that he was very familiar with the biology (cellular biology and biochemistry) of a “Captive“ extraterrestrial housed in a lab located deep under the desert floor at Area-51. I had made some notes concerning our conversations which are reproduced here, at least in part. These conversations were later substantiated by the document Q94-109A which is the main subject of this publication. However, in our earlier conversations about extraterrestrial biology Dan indicated to me that: "They use a somewhat combined variety of oxidative phosphorylation and ARF mediated COP-coated vesicles. It's also involved with an analog of clathrin-like coated vesicles. Through their electron transport chain, both ATP and GTP are formed simultaneously. The organ -- that corresponds to their lungs -- gulps or traps the hydrogen which is then pumped through active transport using 'spiracle'-like tubes into an analog organ, much like our alveoli."

I commented that it didn‟t make sense to me, since hydrogen simply did not seem to possess enough electrons to make it a viable candidate for this function. Dan smiled and said, "Look up the nature of chemiosmotic coupling and translate the Faraday constant under their type of membrane structure and you´ll find it works just fine. The GTP is used in a feedback loop to essentially download the hydrogen electrons... They have a highly powerful ATP-synthase-like enzyme that assists quite well.” Then he looked at me and with a quizzical expression said, “Happy?"

I nodded, kind of dumbfounded and figuring that he was done … but he continued on. “Where the multi-subunit components could be adequately represented in the human system in two parts, 'their' components work in a chain-like matrix; sort of a ratchet function that fully utilizes the energy drawdown. In other words, the f0 and f1 is actually represented by f0a,b,c,d....f0x and so on... The multiple matrices allow for higher yields of lower energy ATP."

As nearly as I could figure it, he was saying that the lower energy ATP was sufficient [possibly?] because of their natural environment. I bounced this idea off him.

He answered by saying "No, not really. You see, 'they' are on an evolutionary downturn. Their entire genome is becoming defunct. My job was to back-engineer their neural cells -- really small microglial tissue."

As incredible as it may seem, these extraterrestrials apparently need our help. They might be more technologically advanced than we are; but they are apparently having some real problems in the 'biology' department. After these conversations took place, I obtained the document Q94-109A which describes Dan‟s interaction with the extraterrestrial that is known as "Captive", living in a 'Clean Sphere' deep underneath the Papoose Lake site at Area-51. In an effort to ascertain its authenticity, I showed Dan a copy of the document with his signature on the last page. I also showed him copies of his signature block obtained from his [now] estranged mother before she moved out of Las Vegas. Dan demanded to know where I got the document; went sheet-white; started to sweat; and refused to make any further comment. ------


My initial intent in examining this data was to find evidence of ET biological entities.

I realize that some of the nonsense posted on this list comes from those who are disruptive and do not pursue a course of discovery in an attempt to search for truth. DonDep has done a wonderful service in giving life to this subject and attracting the attention of those on the other side of the curtain. He has also gathered allies on this side of the curtain who have the potential to contribute much to the ongoing contacts.

Quotations of material such as the William Ross material do not even merit a response. This investigation has been proceeding in a scientific manner though elements of it fall outside the boundaries of normal scientific knowledge.

I have not disseminated all of the info I have collected on Dan since I started this investigation as it would take a full-length book to do so. Perhaps there are those allies of Dan who have inside info that would like to contribute statements to such as Ms. B.J. elected to be my co-author. But now that is no longer possible until we can establish a trusted link and channel of communication with those working for MAJI.

(643) starryeyes(nli) 12/3/2003 5:50 pm EST

[StealthSkater note: 'PreserveDestiny' -- referenced above and below -- is the respondent in Internet chat-interview #7 at for transcript ]

I totally did not like this part of the interview:

drbknows: Which are a weapon, but not against the innocent population, right?

preservedestiny: And I must retire. Yes, the American public will be protected by the military.

drbknows: Used against an unseen enemy among us, many of us suffering flu-like diseases as a consequence, however. Is that an accurate assessment? Before you go....

drbknows: Truly protected, and not merely rounded up for the concentration camps?

preservedestiny: Not my decision. The wider issues of protection prevail.

(644) starryeyes 12/3/2003 6:05 pm EST

I believe 'PreserveDestiny' was in Hawaii. And I have to admit I was asleep for the first part of the interview. I woke up about 1:15 am to get ready for a craft show the next day) - ALBERTA is mountain time - 2 hours earlier than EST

These excerpts jump out at me from the interview: ------drbknows: And if you could add something, after the schedule, regarding the true nature of the ongoing chemtrails and their purpose (aside from Raindancer). 274

preservedestiny: It is a weapon. ------note that 'PreserveDestiny' did not answer this question: drbknows: A reference was made by one of your side -- about 2 or 3 weeks ago -- inferring that there was a need to disclose something regarding the Florida Keys, that there was a subset of a program that was in charge of this. ------

What also bothered me was that the only way (as far as I can see in the interview) he chose to prove who he was by revealing "schedules" of Dr. Dan..... ------and drbknows: "...but have no want to solve the possibility of impending Catastrophe." I am trying to ´wrap my brain around that´ still......

preservedestiny: If the Catastrophe occurs, they will be in direct line from the human race, justifying their evolution and self concept of superiority.

drbknows: "If the Catastrophe occurs"... This is what is troubling me. Us.

preservedestiny: Troubles all of us.

drbknows: Impending. Is it possible it can be avoided? If so, how? And when is it alleged to occur?

preservedestiny: It is completely avoidable. Many are spilling blood as we finger keyboards in relative luxury.

(645) starryeyes (nli) 12/3/2003 7:17 pm EST

Yes, Boomerang, it does sound like Iraq. My concern is that 'PreserveDestiny' sounds like he is from the military-industrial complex. He has that "air". I grew up with a bunch of those types. Athough my dad was in the military, I dido not really know him (estranged before my birth). My friends' parents were all USAF. 'PreserveDestiny's answers are not very reassuring. In fact, I find them very troubling.

Re: HAARP not being much of an issue for Dr. Burisch. Maybe the Sun IS the bigger threat at the moment. The HAARP stuff was discussed a lot in the documents before they were successful getting the Ganesh to activate. Then again, maybe Dan is being told only one side of the story (which I think is what 'PreserveDestiny' is doing with Dondep in the interview).

(646) PageMarker 12/3/2003 7:45 pm EST

275 'PreserveDestiny' did seem "military" and that would come as no surprise as political administrations come and go. He did seem to support 'Rancher' more than I would have expected, but maybe the reasons are sound. Soros is Zionist Illuminati, Bush is of Windsor Illuminati. As for how many of these stargates are out there, I don't know. But I am under the impression they need a 'natural' stargate to feed off of to activate.

(647) Anonymous Coward 12/3/2003 8:07 pm EST

Boomer-- I think the 'Earth ascension process' is "hot-wiring" our DNA and those who appear as 'shape- shifers' have no ability to "shut it off". I think the Solar activity is related to this as well as man's technological progress in the inter-relatedness of man and his environment. Man has progressed technologically quite a bit. And his spiritual nature has fallen behind. As for chemtrails, be careful of dis-info. I honestly don't know but think it is related to climate changes. But they could be using the chemicals to kill off air-born viruses

(648) Crackajack 12/3/2003 8:52 pm EST

Boomer's right. Let's analyse a bit more...

drbknows: So you believe the population could be prepared to accept the facts of the situation, eventually? And the 'Others' also believe in the population knowing though for different reasons, perhaps? So it has nothing to do with whether this Illusion is exposed, but to what ends?

preservedestiny: The path being followed by the rogue group only wishes limited exposure of Dan for the reasons outlined above. The population's exposure to these extraordinary issues would be self-limiting. Many will not grasp them. Their lives are framed within a certain space. These are some of the reasons for the necessary maintenance of Domestic Tranquility.

I'm interested in the way 'PreservedDestiny' says "necessary maintenance of Domestic Tranquility". The way it is written, it almost sounds like Domestic Tranquility could be a "project" of sorts. Why the capitals??

I guess the outline here is that our collective consciousness is simply not ready to deal with the many implications of this knowledge. And hence our knowledge is continually framed -- or dumbed down -- by The-Powers-That-Be.

There must be recognition by TPTB that this simply cannot last forever, or until 2012 at least :)). And also that the groundswell is building from unexpected quarters. Not just the "Ufers" and "Crackpots" anymore. The subject matter is now tearing at the fabric of the mainstream, including science. How long can they hold off???

It's all a matter of time.

276 (649) Crackajack 12/3/2003 9:12 pm EST

Yes, Boomer, I can accept that Hawaii may be the location. But would like more analysis for an exact location. Have we done enough to that end?

It is coincidental that Hawaii was, in fact, the drop point for the snail-mailing of the discs. I recall these were sent by IMINVSBL (I think) and collected by none other than Carrier Pigeon (again, from memory). We may need to find the page for confirmation.

This, if confirmed, is a coincidence we need clarified. Haven't seen CP around for quite a while, but hopefully he/she can shed some light??

(650) Crackajack 12/3/2003 9:26 pm EST

I read it a little differently. An "op" in CA, may mean an "operative", instead of an operation??

I have seen the pics referred to, and there are quite a few with 'A.Friend' in the title. Assuming 'A.Friend' is depicted, I'm coming to a cautious understanding that 'A.Friend' may not be "one of us" if you get my drift.

On the other hand, it could just be a reference to 'A.Friend' being the contributor or actual "taker" of the pics, and hence has the name included in the title.

As Don said, we must remember that the premature release of these pics was the whole premise behind the hurriedly arranged interview with 'PreserveDestiny' in the first place.

(651) dondep 12/3/2003 10:32 pm EST

Boomer-- Thanks for pointing up the need to focus on the investigation. In the immediate aftermath of the first interviews, I had this naive idea that perhaps Dan could address this thread, take questions, maybe even arrange for a field trip to the old saucer hangars. But such was not to be the case. Dan is supposedly cut off from this forum, and has been isolated even further than he would like. But to address a few of your questions....

Midnight--the time of the interview with 'PreserveDestiny'. I made the comment about 12 because it is my "special" number. It is the basis of all measurement in time and space, and the root of the game I co-created (which I mentioned earlier). And when I have that unconscious pull to look at the time, it invariably turns out to be either 12 minutes after the hour or -- in the case of midnight and noon -- 12 straight up. If 'PreserveDestiny' indeed had a glimpse of me in the 'Yellow Book', it may have included something about this fact.

I have also alluded frequently to "midnight" in a song or 2 I've written ... and then there is the symbolic "midnight hour". 'Peace', if you are checking in on us and read this, can you indicate if it is acceptable that I pass on to the group just where our midnight interview came from? I'm still sore with myself for allowing that last glitch that caused you to "miss your ride" and wouldn't want to compound the problem. But it seems the folks here are spending too much time calculating where 277 'PreserveDestiny' was at that time. I can tell you, Boomer, that it wasn't in the 4 continental time zones of the U.S.

'Carrier Pidgeon' is a different entity. And in fact has anyone seen or heard from him/her? I am still reviewing the first disc, having just received it a few days ago. I should be able to comment later on the images.

The pictures that prompted the exchange with 'PreserveDestiny' have been sent around, and most of us feel there would be no harm in releasing them to the Library for posting. What say you on that, 'Peace'? Good idea or not yet? Then again, it could've been a "set-up" to prompt the communication. 'A. Friend' was the poster who offered them. I added that moniker in front of most of the images before emailing them.

(652) PageMarker 12/4/2003 12:42 am EST ubleck--

You raise some points that I have pondered on also. But I do not see the Pyramids as man-made stargates, but rather the activation units of the 'clock'. Natural stargates harness the energy from these 'sacred' sites of man's antiquity as gifts from the "gods" of our future. Since the US had been in Iraq and in control a while, then how is it the second gate took long after territorial dominion to take possession if it was not a moveable object, like the Djed?

I think this figure -- related to raising the dead -- was possibly a teleportation device which depended on the activation of the natural gates through a man-made ring. I have little to support my ideas, I admit. Maybe more will come out later. We know little of the 'clock' other than it relates to DCTP. I surmise it has to do with these gates but the danger lies in the synchronicity of portal activation.

(653) dondep 12/4/2003 1:33 am EST

And I would suggest that" Domestic Tranquility" -- as used by 'PreserveDestiny' --is a euphemism for the Cover-up. In all its guises.

(654) dondep 12/4/2003 1:50 am EST

And now for something on Dr. Nicolas Severs, from …

The cardiac electrical and mechanical cell-cell contact structures at the intercalated disk were beautifully reviewed by Dr. Nicolas Severs (London). The expression of different connexin isoforms was correlated with the precisely orchestrated spread of current throughout the myocardium. Gap- junction remodeling in heart disease was discussed as a potential source for arrhythmias. Dilated cardiomyopathies are characterized by remodeling of the mechanical interface at the intercalated disk, the adherens junctions, as pointed out by Dr. Elisabeth Ehler (Zürich).


(655) PageMarker 12/4/2003 1:58 am EST


I thought the dossier on Dr Severs was fabricated after he had published a report on DCTP. He heads up 'clock', which to me means the integration of the natural stargates in conjunction with the 'electric rods' man has made in the ancient past with the man made ones we now have. I had the vague idea that the engaging of the stargate had repercussions throughout the system; and this was overcome by reconciling the activation sequence. Sorry, I get confused easily.

(656) Crackajack 12/4/2003 2:16 am EST

Boomer, for when you awaken :))

I think the discussion may have been arranged hastily, after the images were released, to possibly ensure the flow of discussion went the "right" way, or in a helpful way, to keep us on track.


Thanks for clearing up the image names detail. Saves me chasing another goose. LOL..

I tend to agree re: "Domestic Tranquility". It rather does sum up the whole cover, which includes the human mushroom effect. :))

I've read myriads of PDFs on Dr. Severs. But nothing really alludes to the subject matter except maybe some of his more non descript microbiology work. Even then, it is difficult to make the link. Where's the "juice" on this guy. It must be out there.

'Peace'-- It's been a while. Would love an update if you have some TIME.

I still feel 'PreserveDestiny' is English, but not necessarily in Britain.

'Carrier Pidgeon'-- where are you???

(657) dondep 12/4/2003 2:18 am EST


You may be right about Dr. Severs. 'PreserveDestiny' DID say that Severs may not be who we think he is.


I know you;re fast asleep about now. But since this Dr. Severs is in London, can you look into his background? Usually when a top scientist enters 'Majestic' service, he is "erased" from all human 279 records (as much as possible) if only for his own protection within the black-ops community. The Dr. Severs we need to find may be in a totally different field.

(658) PageMarker 12/4/2003 2:23 am EST

Agreed on 'PreserveDestiny', Crackajack. I perceive he is British because he knew about 'Nick' and other events that transpired there. As for where he was, we know it was not Eurasia. I thought it was Iraq at the time. If it was Hawaii, so be it.

A charming individual with an upbeat attitude. But I perceived he passed tidbits of disinfo, too, as an assurance to his superiors to be discreet. Nothing too harmful to the overall picture. Get ready in order yet??

(659) Crackajack 12/4/2003 2:42 am EST

Actually, 'Pagemarke'r, I think Dondep is aware of who and where but -- by mutual agreement -- cannot state these things. I fully understand that.

I realise also from Don's earlier post (if I understood correctly) that we would be better served moving away from this as an area of investigation. But having said that, it would appear the "Old Dart" (England) has quite a role to play in this whole scenario.

That would make sense Illuminati-wise, not to mention the bankers and backers. The aristocracy is in this up to its neck, IMO. I remember the Queen herself recently alluding to "powers at work in this country of which we have no knowledge".

Ponder ponder.

(660) Raven 12/4/2003 2:44 am EST

My birdie senses have awakened again and have watched the event take place tonight. Devices were used to listen to the conversation. I heard it with my birdie ears too! This birdie is telling you this because Dr. said his true feelings about 'Peace' and 'IMINVSBL' to a couple of people.

'Peace' knows that Dr. is now awake about him too! Dondep speak to the couple of people to confirm what this birdie says. An upset 'Peace' gave the information to handlers who are very upset for their own reasons. I see -- with my birdie eyes -- a Dr. in very hot water. Dr. knows of the doublecross but can't quite figure how he is being pawned.

Four sides against the middle and a man trying to stay straight with his God. This birdie doesn't envy him. This birdie will keep watch.

(661) Crackajack 12/4/2003 2:55 am EST 280

Ahh, the 'Raven'. In the right place again. Thanks for this update.

'Peace' STS?? Dr Dan is alone in there. How can we help him? Bill will be interested in this, if he doesn't already know.

(662) Dondep unlogged 12/4/2003 3:01 am EST

'Raven' --

Why is 'Peace' upset? And what is the different reason "the handlers" are upset?

(663) Raven 12/4/2003 3:10 am EST

They know he moved with the couple. They heard both ends of the conversation "outside and inside" but thought that Dr. was a believing soul. He said one thing in your interviews on-line: "Peace is a good guy". But truly believed another. He was covering his ass!

'Peace' ('PreserveDestiny') was handed to the couple on a spit by Dr. Good going Dr.! He figured him out. But now Dr. answering tuff questions of handlers. Many handlers thought 'Peace' as good as 'J'. But conversation on-going is now swaying to Dr.'s favor. His hot water for talking to them at all remains very hot!

My birdie ears are very keen tonight!

(664) Anonymous Coward 12/4/2003 3:17 am EST

'Raven'-- enough. 42

(665) Raven 12/4/2003 3:22 am EST

Have not broken faith with Dr., 42.


((((( (((( (( ;) >>>>>------(( (((( (((((


(666) Crackajack 12/4/2003 3:54 am EST

… … … … …

42 ?? Ironic. The answer to Life, the Universe, and everything :-))

The 'Raven' shall not be silenced. Another twist, another turn. Getting difficult to discern info from dis-info, but the challenge is what drives.

'Peace'-- we need to hear from you, moreso now.

(667) Harrdrawk 12/4/2003 5:44 am EST

Well good for you, ,Raven,! He tries to contribute something -- even clarify it -- and along comes 'watcher 42' and tells him to get back in his birdcage.

You'd better watch your ass, 'Raven'. Your partners don't trust your judgment. You'll come up missing for real, and we won't know where to look for the body. And if one was found, we wouldn't know if it's even yours. If we never hear another peep out of you, we at least know your heart was same as Dan's. God Bless you.

'Referee 42': How are we doin' here? Think we got "enough" disinfo and loose ends flyin' around? Are we getting closer or further from the spot you think we should be at this time in the time-line? Ever see such a bunch of stumbling grokkers in your whole life? ENOUGH??? Must be nice sitting where you're at, knowing what you know, watching us pray for each other, and squabble over any freakin' piece of information or idea that pops into our little minds...

I'll be thinking about you every day.

I'm not wishing you well.

(668) Crackajack 12/4/2003 6:02 am EST

Hi, ,Harrdrawk,. I almost posted with a similar line of thought on '42', but decided to sit back a bit. When I saw the reassuring post from 'Raven', I thought maybe -- just maybe -- '42' is a partner -- albeit a cautious one -- who would prefer not to jeopardise his/their mission. I hope I'm right.

I feel there is more to come on this.

Although I'm bursting at the seams with an insatiable thirst for more succinct detail, alas -- as I keep reminding myself -- patience is the key.

Godspeed, 'Raven' and '42'. Your communications and research centre (this board) awaits further information / instruction.

282 Peel away the disinfo.

Peace to all.

(669) Harrdrawk 12/4/2003 6:15 am EST

Dr. Dan didn't say " 'Peace' was a good guy". He said 'J' was a good guy! So are we to assume 'J' is rogue and 'IMINVISB'L is not? What we don't need is more 'maybes'. We need less 'maybes'´.

Man. the water IS getting hot. And Dan-the-Angel-Man steered us wrong about 'J'? This white lying has got to be curbed, or this thread deteriorates to the level of Zetatalk.

I'm going to bed.

(670) Crackajack 12/4/2003 6:54 am EST

Found!! The chemtrail projects that Dr. Dan didn't mention....

[StealthSkater note: refer to ]

(671) Anonymous Coward 12/4/2003 7:26 am EST

Hey, hold on a minute here! Did 'Raven' say 'Peace' = 'PreserveDestiny'? I thought 'Peace' was a woman (Dan's wife maybe or BJ Wolf?).

I know 'Peace' frequents this place around midnight EST. And one time he/she used the term "chum" when referring to an unknown poster some 20 pages back. So I figured him to be out of country -- UK or AUSTRALIA -- and not Vegas.

Man, now I'm all messed up. 'Raven'! Get back in here and cleanup the mess you made!! 'RAVEN'??

(672) Anonymous Coward 12/4/2003 8:06 am EST

Who knows what we're supposed to know? I thought 'Peace' was a male security guard or a driver or something that is a close friend & contact with Dr.Burisch. Not someone four time zones away? Master Don and Uncle John, call in the Marines. We got lost!

(673) Howler 12/4/2003 8:14 am EST

283 Dan Burisch was at one time (1990s) an evening security guard in Vegas. Why? I do not know. According to BJ anyway

(674) Anonymous Coward 12/4/2003 10:30 am EST

Jadian-- chemtrails are sort of a necessary evil.

The question posed is what happened to the discussion of the Ganesh particle in all of this? Has it become lose in a thousand sidetracks?? Is Project Lotus completed? What is the status of the 'Ark'? Will stargates be used to off-world it?? That would be totally insane. Who is running the show: 'Rancher'? Severs? Dr Dan?? Who has the final say so?

Have the Ganesh particles been cloned yet? What is their potential? What is left for us or are we left in the dark?? I don't have many answers either, but let's not lose sight of what started this. Belittling manners I can do without, but what answers do we have to join all these fragments??

(675) dondep 12/4/2003 1:42 pm EST

'Cracka..'-- simply great piece on chemtrails. So many on this Forum have known about these things, that they somehow fit in with our dumbed-down and diseased state. And that piece helps to flesh it out. … … …

Even more than before, we need to stay on the main track as we cut-n-paste important info that helps us understand where we are at. As 'Boomerang' said, we should start putting together all the pertinent questions that need to be answered. Each of you that has followed this (meaning please review everything to date so that we don't ask questions that already have answers). Keep these questions at- the-ready. And everyone here should obtain a Yahoo! Messenger username/password and get up to speed on how to use it. Also (self included!) learn how to use Yahoo! chat.

In this manner, if we are afforded a chance to hear from 'Peace'/'PreserveDestiny'/'IMINVSBL'/'Raven'/'42', etc., we can all be "in" on the discussion and can lend our collective consciousness to discerning the truth. Once everyone has done this, we will discuss how to "queue" (get in line)our questions so that we are not all jabbering at the same time.

Our first action together is the current review of the pictures that prompted the exchange I had with 'PreserveDestiny'. Although most of you have voted to release the pics to the Libraries (White Rabbit's and Fire's sites), there are 2 concerns you should know of that few of you have addressed: 1) By releasing them, we may have jeopardized the lives of those patriotic humans that are risking a lot by giving us this insight "behind the scenes". National Security oaths are incredibly dramatic affairs. One must go to the NSA and spend a week going through the formality of signing. Films of grisly deaths are shown to the signatories to remind them of what will happen if they flout their oath. We don't want anything happening to our allies if we can prevent it. 2) The pictures themselves are quite blurry, and without context could be easily dismissed as dis- info or mis-info. If we consider they may aid any case we may bring to the attention of the public -- and disclosure now would hurt that effort -- we wouldn't want to waste this asset. 284

The discs I received from 'Carrier Pigeon' (please check in if possible, CP) show some amazing pictures, most of which transcend what 'A. Friend' released. The video clips of the Ganesh Particle are particularly revealing. And my sources in academia will be better-able to comment on their authenticity. These clips are labeled "Vishnu Cinema". There are also the 626 images which include an aerial view of Frenchman's Mountain near Las Vegas, labeled "Stargate". This would be the stargate referred to in the "18-page Document" at the main Library for this thread:

(676) Fire 12/4/2003 4:21 pm EST

The pictures that were received from 'Peace' are now available:

(677) ubleck (nli) 12/4/2003 4:37 pm EST esletspacestormsin

As early as 1961, theorists suspected that this opposing scenario might generate cracks in Earth's magnetosphere, as the magnetic field lines of Earth and the storm connect. A rupture was first detected in 1979, but scientists have since wondered if they were fleeting or of longer duration.

Discovering that the gaping breaches indeed last hours involved some fancy formation flying by a fleet of NASA (news - web sites) satellites.

In one set of observations, the Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite looked upward and monitored ions slamming into an area of the upper atmosphere above Earth´s North polar region. It was determined to be a crack almost as big as California.

During the event, a team of four other satellites, called Cluster, flew above the IMAGE craft and directly through the crack. Cluster detected the solar wind ions streaming through the rip in Earth's defense system.

The crack, which widened at higher altitudes, appeared to remain open continuously for nine hours.

(678) skywatcher22 12/4/2003 6:16 pm EST

Ok, everyone, listen up.

'Raven' is right. 'Peace'='PreseveDestiny'. And he is English. I know now who he is and know now who 'J' is, but am not going to release that info until I know all is 'OK' with Dan.

'Raven', we knew you were around and listening in but we just couldn't spot you.

285 By God, it was great to see Dan again! His sense-of-humor is still intact though he knows someone is out to get him. I also experienced deja vu afterward. Maybe I was there before in the same place at the same time with minor variation.

I consider him a true friend and hope that the human quality of friendship might still prevail in the black world.

The one thing that will save us all is the willingness to communicate and understand one another.

'Peace', I heard nothing to convince me that your intentions were not good. Dan is just wary and -- because of personal issues -- is inclined to not trust everyone who works in secret. Who would?

Consider this: what if we could not keep secrets from one another? I once met a woman so adept at knowing what was on my mind that it was impossible to hide anything from her. She had extraordinary abilities. If there is just one, there could be more. And those who could also know your every thought.

There are others beyond those that Dan knows about. It's a big Universe which exists on many levels.

Peace be with you all.

(679) Crackajack 12/4/2003 6:44 pm EST

Thanks, Bill, for clarifying. It is comforting to know you are still able to spend time with your friend. We understand you need to keep certain "things" quiet at this time.

As posted earlier, I had a feeling you already knew. Thought it might be you with Dan. So glad to hear his humor is intact.

Everybody clear? 'Peace' is 'PreserveDestiny", is English, and is a HE.

'Peace'-- I know you will be watching. It seems Dan has not "turned" on you but is simply very wary of his surroundings. We have also not turned on you, but would like to know why you chose to give information (or disinfo) as 'PreserveDestiny'. And why your role in this changed all of a sudden. Was it damage control?

Harrdrawk-- take a deep breath, erase some assumptions, and continue with us. I shared your exact frustrations, then slept on it and thought "ok, another twist another turn, let's persist". Just when we think we can "lock away" a section of this history of life, someone breaks the lock and throws away the key. I always remember the reason 'HumanSubject' put this up in the first place, and the unimaginable suffering people have gone / are going through. That thought tends to reinvigorate the drive forward.

Peace to all.

(680) Raven 12/4/2003 8:06 pm EST

286 Yes, Bill, and my birdie ears heard about the 'Moon' last night: "My guess would be the Moon!" Heard today's headlines but the White House is denying.

((((( (((( ((( (( ;) >>>>>>------(( ((( (((( (((((

(681) Jadian 12/4/2003 8:10 pm EST

Report: Bush Wants Mission to the Moon,2933,104800,00.html

(682) dondep 12/4/2003 8:40 pm EST

Quick footwork there, 'Jadian'. At this very moment, Paula Zahn is interviewing Norm Thagard(sp?) about why the Moon missions were discontinued in the first place (expense; no "return on the investment"!). "White House is downplaying" the moon trial-balloon....

Bill-- are we to wait then until we can confirm Dan is okay and unscathed in the wake of the interview?

(683) PageMarker 12/4/2003 11:32 pm EST

As the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together, we might ask ourselves what is in for us? Heretofore, 'Raven', 'Peace', 'Dondep', 'Starwatcher' Bill Hamilton, 'Boomerang' (how-on-earth you do that, I have no idea.. clues that is… … …

Ganish Particle is done, Lotus Project is done, the Ark project is pretty well done, 'Staar Flower' needs some work. Too bad they don't ask Dan on that one as his knowledge of sacred geometry really would have helped.

We should realize that whatever information we are receiving is old news. It is the results of projects gone by.

(684) dondep unlogged 12/5/2003 12:04 am EST

287 Actually, 'PageMarker', the Ark is not completed yet. We shall have a complete report soon from our resident skywatcher and masked man, whose recent interview with Dr B was arranged and confirmed (i.e. is not a random fabrication).

Apparently the Ark is quite the massive affair. And the comment made by 'Raven' regarding the Moon has much to do with the Ark and today's announcement/back-pedaling.

(685) PageMarker 12/5/2003 12:33 am EST

Don-- you always keep me in suspense. I warn you and all that transport of the Ark via stargate is forbidden! Take your own chances at your own risks! Dan knows, tell him 'translucidity man' sent you.

(686) Raven 12/5/2003 12:57 am EST

Dr. is fine. My feathers ruffled and flight wings clipped.

((((( (((( ((( (( :) >>>------(( ((( (((( (((((

(687) dondep 12/5/2003 1:11 am EST

Sorry to hear that, 'Raven'. You're observations have proved invaluable to us all, and I sincerely hope you are okay after this. I wasn't there, so I wouldn't have even mentioned you. Had no mention been made, wings may not have been so "clipped". Were your birdie ears in the head-light? At least we know you are real, and thank you.

BTW-- IMHO, I don't think Dan has been given proper clearance for the proper PX "beanbox" (Dan's term for his 'compartments' such as Aquarius for which he is a Working Group Leader). Thus we may not have any light shed on the none-dare-say-its-name phenomenon, but it would confirm virtually every aspect of his other "beanboxes".

(688) Ara Pacis 12/5/2003 1:48 am EST

So, if the world is gonna be destroyed, George Bush takes a rocket to a Moon base while the angels block us from the stargates. What´s a soul to do? Just up and die?

288 I'm new and trying to follow. But if "Planet X" wrecks Earth, what's the worry about GP and CT and SG and JR and DCTP and all that? Dead is 'dead', right?

(689) dondep 12/5/2003 1:59 am EST

As a possibility to consider, 'Ara Pacis', the shift itself is the first Catastrophe. But the true point of no return is the famous 2012. After that point in time, allegedly, there will be no 3D Earth. There will still be a need to produce what we will need to [figuratively speaking] travel in time to either a future or past world that would repopulate the species. Especially since the lifestyle for the remaining 10-12% of the population would be severely limited in the years 2004-2012. This would mean, theoretically, that the means to do so -- the Ark -- must of needs be ready for use at the time of the shift. The state of humanity by that time (2012) will be overtaken -- now this is conjecture on my part -- by the fourth dimension. The three-dimension reality will cease to exist.

Edit: Under that scenario, the purpose of those that remain and ascend to the higher dimension is basically for the "meek to inherit the Earth". It will be "all aboard that's goin' aboard" for 3D; some will escape to Mars and/or the Moon, which is why there was trash on the Moon when we landed officially in ´69 as well as the Martian ruins that Dr B discovered in NASA footage (what he called Inca City, and no I haven't read the book. I wWould like a copy, though.) Then there will be the hybrids that will be brought forth to repopulate the earth, allowing for new "soul containers" that will be able to survive to 2012 in 3D (and provide for the 4D model when necessary --my conjecture).

(690) Harrdrawk 12/5/2003 2:30 am EST

Crackajack-- Thanks for the patience and the reminder. But I shall retain my assumptions about 'Peace' a.k.a. Preserve "Density" until we hear from Dan.

'Raven'-- You are my hero for providing a SOLID piece to the puzzle we may have never had. Doesn't surprise me that you got your wings clipped for just telling the truth. The PTB is the only ones who can decide anything on this planet, don't you know? Don't worry, my friend, till the end. Those "good guys" ruffling your feathers won't make the transition to the New World, and they know it!

I'm not done analyzing all this yet. I presume that the "couple" that 'Raven' referred to was a couple of two´s as in 'Skywatcher 22'?

(691) dondep 12/5/2003 2:43 am EST

Harrdrawk --

Being that I wouldn't want to step on SkyWatcher-22's presentation, I wouldn't think it appropriate that we advertise who this entity ('Peace'/'PreserveDestiny') is. I was just asking 'StarryEyes' why not ask what would you do if you knew who this person was? I can tell you it is an actual member of what had been a functioning Committee of the Majority and also Majestic 12.

289 The first validation is the fact that he knew Dan's schedule, which only Dan or his superiors would know. And who is higher than an employee of Majestic? Why, a member of Majestic 12, the governing board, of course. And above them -- until the fracture resulting possibly from the death of Edward Teller -- the Committee of the Majority. There will be additional info soon, but to what purpose would it be to positively ID him? Would it only hurt his chances at surviving, at least a few more months until this all changes?

(692) Harrdrawk 12/5/2003 2:48 am EST

Back on p.110 Kiwi Cocky asked: <>

I've been wondering the same thing since you asked, and have looked for something in the pages since then but still am not sure. I took the liberty to re-post it again now that some of the excitement has abated. Anyone know if the neurologically degenerative condition discovered in the J-rods is yet manifested in humans yet?

(693) dondep 12/5/2003 2:52 am EST

KC and HR--

The condition is referred to in the supplemental material 'skywatcher22' provided to 'White Rabbit' is known as MGUS. I only remember Mono..... and "U" stood for Uncertain. It was the actual neurological degenerative disorder suffered by the J-rod. The entire focus of Dr. B's work at that time was to help find a 'cure' for this. This was, I believe, what became Project Lotus, he having found the Ganesh Particle.

(694) Crackajack 12/5/2003 4:59 am EST

Just a little sobering reminder of what we are dealing with....

The Aviary has been described as follows:

"An important link in the communication chain between the civilian population and the intelligence community in regards to UFO matters is what has become known as the Aviary. This is the final link next to the public network, and so it must be heavily disguised by its own surrealistic smoke screen. The Aviary functions best by amplifying people's own misconceptions about the paranormal. It does this by helping to over-inflate individual pieces of the puzzle so that particular investigators get pushed further into their own blind alleys"

Stay vigilant friends.

290 (695) skywatcher22 12/5/2003 12:47 pm EST

Meeting Notes 12/5/2003

I am writing this from memory now, but I wish to summarize what I consider two primary topics that I discussed with Dan on my recent meeting with him.

One is a question about the 'ARK'. Initially, as I told him, I thought the ARK was an underground facility. And then from other messages I thought it might be a spaceship. But Dan says neither. The ARK is a device that might best be described as a TIME MACHINE. The description of this device is very similar to what was described by abductee Brian Scott as “the rings of time” that he had seen on a spaceship back in the 1970s.

The ARK is a scaled-up version of the machine used in "Project Looking Glass". Dan said the rings in the L-G device are around 30-to-40 feet in diameter and the scaled-up version is much larger. I found it interesting that his device is similar to something referred to as the “Bell” by Nick Cook in his book The Hunt for Zero Point, an experimental device tested by German scientists to warp space and time.

'Project Looking Glass' dealt with the physics of seeing the effects of an artificially produced gravity wave on time. This -- as with the other projects -- all embraced gravity and the control of it, and therefore the control of Space/Time as the key element.

Descriptive notes from B.J.'s contact:

(I feel confidant that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas injected into the barrel. (Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components.) These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind. Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Depending on the direction of the spin (I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect), time-space can be warped forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present. I have reason to believe that the scientists have completed a map of the exact positions and speeds of the magnets necessary to reach targeted times both forward and back.) Apparently, images of the events at different places -- relative to the location of the device -- can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a teleprompter or "crystal ball", for lack of a better example.

But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move -- or that mass is not affected -- since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the L-G project involving a test subject of some kind. As I understand it, there was significant movement of mass during that experiment; and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. (I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through. So I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected).

I wish I could offer you more information. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with 291 some kind of gas. These components seem necessary for L-G to function as a viewing device. And as for any changes in mass -- or movement within time-space -- I really don't know since my information sources would only tell me 'so much' about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. But it can be reasoned -- based upon what they did say -- that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back-and-forward through time, many of which were successful. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.”

Dan said the device looked like a gyroscope. He has been to the site of the new device as he was asked to check out some biospheric components that were going to be sent to?? He did not know the destination but believed it might be the Moon. He said that physics was not his forte so could not give me a technical description of its operation.

The second subject he discussed in some technical detail concerned his own work with the Ganesh particles and using a conduit to stream these particles into certain selected cell samples. One of these cell samples was taken from sarcomas which -- when bombarded -- transformed into a mass of vibrating stem cells.

Stem cells have two important characteristics that distinguish them from other types of cells. First, they are unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods through cell division. The second is that under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become cells with special functions such as the beating cells of the heart muscle or the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.

The Frankenstein aspect of this research is the understanding of how to program the stem cells to fashion a new part for the body.

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have successfully turned adult stem cells into bone and cartilage, forming the ball structure of a joint found in the human jaw with its characteristic shape and tissue composition.

Tested so far only in animals, the tissue-engineering procedure to create a human-shaped articular condyle could be used one day to regenerate the ball structure of joints in the jaw, knee and hip that have been lost to injury or diseases such as arthritis.

The leaps in biotechnology are extraordinary and Dan is just ahead of the curve with his discoveries involving the Ganesh particles and their generated crossbridges.

Perhaps, the most startling implication is that Dan and his team is on the verge of using his discoveries to make a change in human evolution. This is powerful stuff. Dan would just like to use his knowledge to cure cancer, a goal he had set for himself a long time ago when his grandfather died of the disease. His early research in college involved his study of cancer cells.

Let us hope we all are headed for a bright future and that Dan is truly one of many geniuses that can take us there before the sociopaths put an end to life.

Sincerely, Bill Hamilton

292 (696) dondep 12/5/2003 1:33 pm EST

Boomer -- I too wondered about a certain poster prompting Howard's response re Largest Optical Telescope is in Hawaii. That poster is believed to be a lieutenant JG and has opined before that this thread be "closed". The link Howard provided showed that 8 of the world's largest state-of-the-art observatories are on Mauna Kea, and coincidentally (or not) certain characters in this drama are there or have spoken to us from there.

I can't speak for Skywatch -- not being there -- but maybe he can comment on the presence/absence of a certain stargate, the fact of which may have much to do with the time-traveling ARK. My own supposition is that such a large ARK would only be constructed to transfer 3D objects such as humans and their machines. The fact that Dan is working on the "biospherics" should tell us that much.

Edit/add: The inference was made earlier that the man-made SGs needed to be destroyed with the insinuation that they provide a "doorway" for 'evil' aliens to enter our reality and incite murder & mayhem.

(697) skywatcher22 12/5/2003 4:14 pm EST

A 'stargate' is actually a wormhole or Einstein-Rosen bridge that connects two points in space. It is surmised in theory that one can use a wormhole to speed travel to a distant solar system. A wormhole could also be used for time-travel.

From Dr. Eric Davis: (a) Travel time through the wormhole tunnel or throat should be £ 1 year as seen by both the travelers and outside static observers (b) Proper time as measured by travelers should not be dilated by relativistic effects (c) The gravitational acceleration and tidal-gravity accelerations between different parts of the travelers‟ body should be £ 1 gÅ (gÅ = Earth gravity) when going through the wormhole (d) Travel speed through the tunnel/throat should be < c (e) Travelers (made of ordinary matter) must not couple strongly to the material that generates the wormhole curvature; the wormhole must be threaded by a vacuum tube through which the travelers can move (f) There is no event horizon at the wormhole throat (g) There is no singularity of infinitely collapsed matter-energy residing at the wormhole tunnel/throat

The 'ARK' is principally a time machine, but could be used to displace material to another location.

I have not asked Dan why or which artificial SGs need to be inactivated.

The problem with this is we only get bits-and-pieces and no one has laid this all out as you expect to hear at a science conference. Also, we do not know how much disinfo is mixed in or why. These are problems when dealing with black projects.


(698) Howler 12/5/2003 5:17 pm EST

I have been advised from reliable sources (plural) to tread with caution with some of the info that has been released -- 'released' being the operative word..

Have been back to "old contacts" and current … appears to be a number of leaks on various levels. And it has gone so far now no-one knows what the heck is going on. They have back-tracked and covered-up so much that they have fallen into their own black hole..

Sorry if this is confusing, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and am waiting for the train to come out. Very shortly. Wll post asap

Howling as much as I can

(699) Dondep unlogged 12/6/2003 12:55 am EST

Boomerang-- Thank you for pointing out the obvious to that AC. BJ had been promising for months to send a copy when she disappeared.

Harrdrawk-- I referenced that post because of the pics as an example of how dangerous this arena is. Just because we couldn't determine whether these pics were 'authentic', it was the time/date stamp on one of them that convinced Dr B they were indeed authentic. Even he was (purportedly) unaware that they even existed. Which goes to show you how much someone "in-the-know" (at least about these secretive projects that are primarily for the benefit of a small elite and their alien allies) can be ignorant of.

To answer your question directly; there has been information passed to me that has allowed us to arrange to see Dan. As 'Skywatcher' said, there are times when things have to remain secret in order to make some true progress. Otherwise our allies could just post it here for all to see and no-one would be able to make any headway.

Look at the setback we had when I inadvertently (I swear I scoured that interview before I posted) left the crucial info in that exchange regarding BJ's meeting. There was no excuse. I have promised myself to paste the censored version in a separate notepad folder, and then re-review a 3rd time before posting. And keep in mind this is all new. We are writing the handbook as we live it. Just as we can't expect to be spoon-fed and to question even that which we do get, we can't expect our allies to direct our every move, either.

Soon it will be our turn to start taking this knowledge public -- in small and effective ways -- without falling into the same sandtraps the 'Ufers' of yesteryear would run afoul of. I'd hope that we would be worthy of a 'Bob Lazar' were he to come forward today. He's virtually a recluse, having given up on the 'sheeple' knowing the truth. We have a responsibility to do what we are doing responsibly, knowing that it ain't just "Us and Them" anymore.

(700) Ur Elektra 12/6/2003 9:12 am EST

294 Just a thought regarding our origins.

In the beginning of humankind, our DNA was changed from XXX to XY. The 'Y' factor was added and we fell from grace in God's eyes. The XXX are the Greys -- what we supposedly evolve into in a couple of thousand of years.

Now my thought is that the y factor is the Annunkia (sp). They are warlike, aggressive, tall, etc. and some say from Mars, the planet associated with masculinity. All masculine qualities that these Annunkai have (sorry for the Yoda sentence structure). Our DNA is then a combination of the greys (XXX), the Annunkai (Y) and apes (?) as well as others. Why then do we only evolve into the greys and not the Annunkai? They, after all, look more like us. And as a whole the human population has been getting taller every year. Could this have been the goal of the Nazis? To breed out the zetas and make us evolve into the "Gods of Mount Olympus. A truly masculine race.

As for Mars, I think Richard Hoagland said (quoting somebody else) "I have seen the aliens and they are us".

There are some more thoughts but let me have my coffee first on this snow day.

(701) Ur Elektra 12/6/2003 9:20 am EST

I suppose the point I am trying to make is that maybe the Anuunkai ARE us or maybe one possible version of us from the future. That would explain how the monuments of Mars are from our future.

(702) Dondep unlogged 12/6/2003 12:09 pm EST

Boomerang-- any thoughts connecting this Rumsfeld visit to our investigation?

I´ll be posting the next installment of the transcripts from last year´s interview with Dan later today. Also, a brief synopsis for the newcomers to the story, just for purposes of putting the Library materials into context. page 120 Library bump:

(I haven't memorized Fire's site, but will re-post it later if no-one else does.)

(703) dondep 12/6/2003 1:06 pm EST

'Boomerang'-- IMO they must communicate "n person" with others at the pinnacle because large segments of the electronic communication network are now controlled by patriotic humans who simply can't be trusted by the minions of the Illuminati. (Sometimes I picture in my mind's eye the plastic bubble that was used in the old TV series "Get Smart''.)

295 Before I get to the synopsis, I would like the reader to consider the following because there seems to be an expectation of many among you that we should be handed the whole truth if we are to be handed any truth at all. As if our allies -- who may aid us in many areas -- are responsible for our predicament to begin with. Nothing could be further from the truth; but it's understandable why you would feel that way. I'll use the issue of chemtrails to illustrate:

Dr. B spoke of Project Raindancer -- a chemtrail project -- which he believed was a "bioremediation" project. What if his role was to develop the vaccine that was to be used by the pilots and other military worker-bees and not the content of the chemtrails themselves? How would he know, since he would be as far removed from the loading of the cannisters onto the tanker planes as any of us? In the meanwhile, an 'Illuminist' scientist such as Dr. Severs could be (if we are to believe 'PreserveDestiny's insinuation), is actually developing the aluminum-particle-based 'weapon' that is the source of the chemtrail sickness. Under this possible scenario, the theory that chemtrails are an attempt to maintain our vibratory frequency at a certain dumbed-down state would be valid. Sadly, just because we now know that Dr. B was involved in a chemtrail project, many will think that he should be shot for treason, when in actuality he was working for the Good.

Then consider that 'PreserveDestiny' may have known about all this, may have agreed in the past about maintaining the Coverup, and finally determined -- along with others on the CotM -- that they were simply rubber-stamping an evil agenda and the only way to stop it would be Disclosure. They may not have initiated the chemtrail projects -- at least the evil intent behind them -- but have enough involvement to resist further damage to the human race. Unfortunately, Disclosure is not a simple matter of "going public" by making a statement on CNN and the BBC ('Fix' News is even worse; almost flagrantly a mouthpiece of the Illuminists.)

That was just a sampling of how unwinding the "good" guys from the "bad" guys is a lot harder than many of you probably suspected.

(704) dondep 12/6/2003 1:14 pm EST

Has everyone that is interested obtained their Yahoo ID? Boomerang-- I just IM-ed you.

EDIT: 'Peace'-- if you are still out there, can you let us know you survived your recent disclosures? It would allay our concerns; we know you risked a lot to communicate with us and we wish you the same good health you wish on us.

(705) dondep 12/6/2003 1:24 pm EST

IM-ed is like PM-ed. .. Instant Message, using Yahoo Messenger. Do you have it on? If so, you should have received an IM from me saying "Hello Boomerang, this is a test. Are you there?" You must have it connected; you should have a window that pops up everytime you go online that connects you to the Yahoo Messenger server.

EDIT: This is the preferred method of our allies who have chosen it to communicate with us those things which they cannot communicate on the thread immediately. Also, I (and others here,

296 I'm sure) are not familiar with IRC chats. This method also allows for webcam visual, which is how I was able to tell it was definitely Dr. Burisch I was communicating with.

(706) Wyzyrd 12/6/2003 10:43 pm EST

"This is a home page for those who are interested in researching a newly defined neuro- immunological disease named "Human T-cell Lymphotrophic virus type I (HTLV-I)- associated myelopahty (HAM)/ Tropical Spastic Paraparesis (TSP)". We are trying to summarize comprehensive understanding and therapies of the disease."


I found this while attempting to answer a few questions about exactly what testing is done on blood donations. I knew that the organization for which I work tests for HIV and hepatitis and STDs and various other things, but was interested to discover HTLV-1 in the list, since I had never heard of it.

(707) dondep 12/6/2003 10:58 pm EST

Thanks for the URL contributions, Wyzyrd. It appears that many of the missing pieces are to be found in the biology of these "new" diseases/disorders, especially those having to do with the neurological system and the possible connections to chemtrails.

(708) Anonymous Coward 12/6/2003 11:18 pm EST

Don-- chemtrails and immunological disorders are one byproduct of what is going on behind the scenes. A functioning Lotus requires a lot of test and evaluation; hence T-9's high extraction numbers request. As the natural stargates open, the attempt to manipulate one's own DNA to avoid the fruition of that which is inherent within becomes increasingly more absurd.

(709) Dondep unlogged 12/7/2003 12:07 am EST

Help me understand here, 'AC':

"A functioning Lotus requires a lot of test and evaluation, hence T9´s high extraction numbers request."

Are you saying that the higher abduction rate requested in the T9 treaty (10 million humans) is to provide more test subjects to test out the Lotus??

297 "As the natural stargates open, the attempt to manipulate one's own DNA to avoid the fruition of that which is inherent within.."

I take it "one's own" refers to humanity in general, not each individual frantically trying to alter our own DNA to prevent ,,, what? some type of higher consciousness within ourselves? That the opening of the natural stargates is supposed to allow some kind of blossoming of our true selves?

I'm deadly sober here. Do I understand you correctly?

(710) Howler 12/7/2003 5:37 am EST


Time to count the numbers and know where you all stand.

Note to the A/C who reportedly said>>> "I can´t help, I am both of these AC´s who feels like he is talking to himself!!"

I think it is time to start talking "turkey" and not in riddly-rees!

There are one or two here who know my ID, and of course I for one know and appreciate the need for being anonymous. So the ones that know me are able to verify my sources also.

To A/C-- I have several sources and contacts who know of the Dan Burisch scenario and are in contact with "related" workers from a previous "command" structure from the 1980s. We now deal with physical acquisition matters of "unknown" artifacts. If you are 'who' you say you are., then you know what I mean. (and I am not talking ACIO who have discovered nadder for over 20 years)

Without revealing sources (for then they would know exactly where the info comes from, or at least trace rapidly back to the source), I have given a number of major clues and answers over several pages back. May be a good time to collate these pieces.

What I say to A/C, 'Peace' and 'PreserveDestiny' etc. is to "lay on the table" as much practical "evidence" or information that you can without the "cloak-and-dagger" airy fairy Nostrodamus quackery. You do not have to reveal yourselves, just help people here to understand and tie up some of the loose jig saw pieces. Time -- literally -- is running out (in this 3D time-line anyway)

NOTE: I understand on "good authority" that the info you are receiving back in 'Command HQ' is a mix of mis- and dis-info coupled with half-truths in order to see what reflects back here.. I would suggest you go back to 'MJ' and seek out what the heck is going on. As if we did not know (a cabal elite hell bent on saving their asses prior to the big "lift"). I suggest we exercise our aeons-ago-selected covenant free will and go with the flow, but keeping that above caveat in mind (that is, the possibility of an exercise in mis-info of confusion).

It is also my understanding that while Dr. B is doing his level best in unusual circumstances, he is not being fed the full deck. And the usual compartmental need-to-know will soon fall flat on the faces of the very people who continues this "doomed-to-failure" project which started in fear many years ago.

298 The people involved are already up to their eyes in the proverbial and fans will soon start to fly. So truth will come out whatever.

Re: pictures sent: we need to see fuller referenced material. Many of those sent are too fuzzy with no reference, and anybody with first-year undergrad biology experience can equate those slides to X number of known basic laboratory experiments and procedures. If we are to understand and thus explain to others, then we require sensible and clearer visuals.

I understand there is a video available. Until then, the jury is out until at such time it can be analysed as to its veracity and purpose..

BTW- those involved in Yahoo messaging etc.: You were being watched and interfered with yesterday (Saturday)

Howler - who is only trying to assist for the greater

(711) Raven 12/7/2003 1:22 pm EST

Howler-- that is really cute! My birdie eyes read

"There are one-or-two here who know my ID, and of course I for one know and appreciate the need for being anonymous. So the ones that know me are able to verify my sources also." then they read

"...practical "evidence" or information that you can without the "cloak-and-dagger" airy fairy Nostrodamus quackery. You do not have to reveal yourselves,..."

If you really have the contacts, then you know that 'Peace' sent everything he had, fater the break. Expect him to be back here? He can read! He heard Dr. name him to Bill. He didn't expect to be known this way. Now the old ways come back for him to the public: denial is the only rule.

The videos from the crystal sphere at S-4 are impossible to dredge. The lab videos are nearly as bad but you say the ones that got out as any possible lab experiment. Better take closer looks. Better yet get someone qualified to do it. I for one have never seen a particle turn into many complex cells in just a few frames like the one video of the Ganesh particle seems to be doing. How many lab experiments have you seen with little men popping out of a flash of light that came from a void of dark? You really must be a high-flyer!

Bottom-line for a medium-flying bird: I don't think we will ever again hear from 'Peace' here. He is busy covering himself in the UK.

If you are so much a high-flyer, you would know the post sounded like my little chicks when I bring them a worm. They keep chirping "MORE! MORE! MORE!" This birdie thinks that all should look at what's there … much more than has ever been leaked from anywhere like this. If you are looking for the perfect picture, they only exist when made in PhotoShop. No amount of pictures will satisfy -- and no matter how real they are, there will always be -- that special certain someone saying "they aren't real.... naaaa, they can't be!". And others that pretend to be things they aren't will always scream for more 299 because they truly don't understand what they are looking at. They do that instead of getting a professional's opinion!

From my vantage, I can see all the little Howlers romping in the fields. They need to look up and around them, and get the help of the other beasts of the field … so they can get answers.

((((( (((( ((( (( ;> <<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(712) CoL 12/7/2003 1:44 pm EST


(713) Harrdrawk 12/7/2003 1:54 pm EST

Sir 'Raven' on High--

Good to hear from you again so soon. Thought you'd been transferred (maybe you were), but I think 'Howler' was referring to we unscientific readers when he said they (the pics and videos) aren't very telling. I assumed the evidence has been sent to experts but haven't heard any feedback yet. So one wonders. What I thought we were going to see was Dan drinking coffee with a J-rod wearing a shirt by the water cooler. The embrace photo was heralded as something convincing beyond all doubt. Which it wasn't.

We haven't seen our best day yet. And you're right about a conviction based upon a photo (pretty sandy ground there). We'll work with what we have until we have more. (cheep, cheep)

So you gonna be in town for long??

(714) Raven 12/7/2003 1:57 pm EST

Right! Right! Right!

Keeping them on the ropes with information coming out is the only way to keep it coming! This birdie's practical suggestion to 'Howler' is to take all those "contacts" and get at least one of them to cooperate to be a contact with Bill Hamilton. Another is to go with the litigation; they are REALLY afraid of that! Or better yet onto the Congress Dr. B is subpoenaed.

300 ((((( (((( ((( (( :) <<<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(715) skywatcher22 12/7/2003 2:11 pm EST


Thanks for posting.

Just want to make a comment to all here than Dan did confirm to me the blurry photos in the sphere. The date/timestamp on 6 June 94 and the Zulu time of 0817 indicates it was just after midnight PST which Dan recollects as correct.

My biology knowledge is undergrad-level so I barely keep up with what Dan says. But it helps to research it further.

On the "time machine", I get skeptical responses. I have written to a Professor Mallett who is building one using ring lasers. Will see if he can evaluate the description of Looking Glass.

I know another Dan -- a physicist who worked at Site 9 on RE projects -- but he is incommunicado until about 2006. I need to make contact with another like him to get more specific data on the physics going on.

I am on Yahoo too, BTW.

I think I have a positive ID on Peace, but will not reveal it for now.

Well, back to the future...

(716) Dondep unlogged 12/7/2003 2:52 pm EST

G´morning, Bill. You might want to revisit what 'Raven' just told us regarding your recent meeting with Dan. Methinks your earlier guesstimate was correct despite your skepticism. And even though I agree it would not be wise to release this individual's identity here, the really "important"(sic) people that would be dangerous to 'Peace' were they to know his/her identity already appear to know. That individual we knew as 'Peace' -- if approached -- would merely go into "Denial mode" now that he/she is known.

301 Thanks to the birdie ears at your meeting. This person risked quite a bit (we WILL keep tabs on unexpected developments in this individual's professional life such as "unexpected auto accidents", etc.) to further our case. We should all be so fortunate and thankful we've been given some pretty far- reaching and TRUTHFUL info here. ['Howler'-- notwithstanding your position, but the only dis/mis- info in this story would be that which has been fed to Dr B and not that which has been arranged by 'Peace'/'PreserveDestiny'.]

Remember the so-called ´Third Man´ in Budd Hopkins' Witnessed? The Secretary-General of the UN? Remember how inscrutable he was when confronted by Budd and a reporter at the airport? 'PreserveDestiny' is on an even higher level in some ways (the CotM being more powerful than even the Resident). And though it's not feasible to have him/her "removed", the heat is on because of this leak. This thread, this forum, this slice of citizenry has been given far more than we should reasonably expect. And we better start putting this puzzle together soon and start making use of it. Too often valuable insight gets lost in intellectual cliques for chit-chat amongst the like-minded, and goes nowhere.

Speaking of the Secretary-General, wait until you hear what Dr. B had to say about the current one in the next installment from last year's interview. I'll try to have it posted later today.

(717) Howler 12/7/2003 3:37 pm EST

Let us take five.

Dondep-- confirmed. And as I previously posted, you are correct in the assumption that DB is being fed a certain mix of disinfo. Unfortunately, my words were "not fed a full deck of cards". How much this is reflected back on certain handlers, I am not too sure. It goes too deep and I think for our purposes we should not dig there. The aim here is to bring what truth we know to the surface. (searching too deep in that direction is a distraction)

Now a note for 'Raven':

If you are indeed in the loop, then you must be aware (advice) of someone you mentioned for feedback -- may be like the proverbial chameleon. And he may also be spoon-fed if you get my drift. Hence my caution. This is what I have been advised…

Regarding the pics-- already shown to qualified PhD scientists. Result: although too fuzzy, worth a second look. If you have any clearer pics, I believe Dondep knows where to send them. We will know more when the video is seen. FULL results will be posted here. Until that time I cannot comment further on the actual procedures.

'Raven', I am doing all I can at this end to extract reasonably accurate information -- without jeopardising anyone's ID -- with the result that we get a clear picture as possible in order to demonstrate to others what this is all about. They in turn may make that free will choice.

I have to add that the result of the BIGGER programm (ancient "experiment") has already been (up to a point) executed and will hopefully be benficial for mankind. We are dealing with one cosmic jump that should have been executed many thousands of years ago. This is but a "minor" part but an extremely important one.

302 I can see I will have to "squeeze" again for confirmation. I just hope it will be worth it. To sum up, I think we basically all require and want the same outcome. Some have different ways of getting there and often seemingly from disconnected paths. But I assure you, "all roads lead to Rome".

(718) starryeyes 12/7/2003 5:10 pm EST

'Raven': "How many lab experiments have you seen with little men popping out of a flash of light that came from a void of dark?"

You have to admit that these are difficult images to interpret. I have tried. As in with what little I know about "paranormal" photography, it is really hard to use as proof of anything. I do graphics and effects work for a living -- have for years -- not to say that makes me a skeptic or a convert. It is just that I have seen and created many illusions.

I would also like to point out that while these images may mean a lot to those who witnessed the event, it is very hard to see what is going on for one who was not there. There is a big difference when a photo or video representation is used for recall. The physical perception of the initial experience is imbedded into the "evidence" by the one who has witnessed the reality. "You (used in the most general sense) know you were there and you have the memory of what happened and these images are perfectly understandable and an accurate representation of what was seen..." As opposed to when such images must stand alone and new eyes are asked to see the "recorded impression". They are not privy to the same references, experiences, and emotions that make them so obviously concrete.

Does this make any sense?

(719) Zack Savage 12/8/2003 2:06 am EST

Hi 'SAS'--

Well, I didn‟t catch all of the first half hour. But basically Art played a recording of a interview with John Lear, whose story has many tangents with our understanding here; (e.g., many abductions,.. mutilations, Kennedy alien disclosure => assassination, 18 different alien races,…. etc.)

Dr. Greer debunked 75% of his story and is now telling a more positive slant. He says most UFOs are (human) PTB-controlled to insure their power. He leans toward Operation "Blue Book" in his content. He seems to be saying that the whole war/terrorist posture is to withhold technology that would prove the whole oil industry is bogus and has been bogus for some time. It would seem that there are people that would stagnate the collective growth of the planet to insure their 'godhood'?

Greer says he has seen (basically)free energy. And that although there are aliens, they are not evil. The PTB need to have us perceive them as "evil". Like all the other boogie men that have been created.

Worth a listen. Between Greer and Lear lies a partially-opened door toward the truth, IMO. One or both must be disinfo. Right?

Who knows.


(720) Raven 12/8/2003 2:47 am EST

I am flying high above the stargate mountain, and what have my birdie eyes seen?

At 22:30 hours a focused bright flash of light on the southeast corner of the mountain! Dr. said the stargate had gone missing. But I guess it's found. Dr. and the Wolf were there by their cars with a few guys. After the flash, my birdie eyes saw the rocks on the ground steaming. A small cloud rose from them. A few others appeared from the West side of the mountain and it looked like the little green army men descended on the area. 20 minutes went by and the little green army men used radios to the Dr. and the Wolf.

Dr. went in first, walked around, and put his bright light on the ground. He backed away and held his head and shook it like he didn't believe what he was seeing. He walked back to the cars and they spoke for a long time. My birdie ears heard a radio transmission that was from the Dr. He said that a Staar team needed to pick up the ARTIFACTS. Next the Wolf cancelled it and she said she was using her "authority to stand by" and "that is the way it is". My birdie eyes saw a really heated argument between the Dr. and the Wolf.

The Wolf took one of the guys and they went to the steaming rocks. My birdie eyes saw the Wolf bend down and remove a 1/2-foot piece of flat tablet like rock from the area. She put it in a silver case. After returning to the cars, the Dr. put his hands up in front of him and waved her away from him. He started walking away from the cars up Lake Mead. The Wolf left in one car with one guy and the other car picked up the Dr. about ¼-mile to the West of the stargate area. This birdie has watched big doings in tinsel-town tonight!

((((( (((( ((( (( ;() <<<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(721) Harrdrawk 12/8/2003 3:33 am EST

I read the John Lear story on a site by Michael Scallia earlier and wondered of it was legit. I'm getting tired of wondering about everything. Then up pops a 'Raven'.

I don't know how you do it, but I hang on every word, hoping you get the message out before the line goes dead. It's like a play-by-play in real time, not an 18-page document that happened way-back- when and recorded according to who's memory. Must have caught 'watcher 42' on a break 'cause he didn't cut you off. When they read what you wrote, that's gotta piss somebody off.

You must have guardians watching over you day-and-night. I hope you do, ,Raven,. Do be careful.

304 … … … …

(722) SAS 12/8/2003 3:34 am EST


Yes, I immediately thought of the Ancient Arrow site when I heard the word "artifacts" as well. I have seen a similarity between the two scenarios since I started reading this thread. Although it's been sometime since I read the Neruda material.

I noticed previously on this thread, though, that those "in the loop" say the ACIO has done made no progress for 20 years!

(723) Howler 12/8/2003 3:42 am EST

First … RAVEN-- Thank you. Doing a bit of Remote-Viewing work, too?!

Second… As far as that arrow site is concerned, the ACIO as far as we are aware have not found any artifacts of any use in over 20 years. The jury is still out on the validity of that desert site

(724) ;) 12/8/2003 4:17 am EST

L(i)EAR... is total dis-info. But this guy seems to know and understand more than most "in the know". O Art Bell now.

Artist and researcher Bill McDonald ( ) will discuss his investigation into artificially intelligent molecularly fabricated vehicles which interface with the brain for navigation.

(725) Harrdrawk 12/8/2003 4:18 am EST

'Raven' is a remote viewer? Sheala?

(726) dondep 12/8/2003 4:23 am EST

Yes, many thanks, 'Raven'. Your observations tell us quite a bit. I think the "Wolf" spoken of must refer to BJ who is now part of the "team". Although it IS true Mrs. B has the power to call off the dogs whereas BJ may not have enough rank to do that yet.

305 The "tablet" reminds me too of the Ancient Arrow site. I suspect there is a true story to the Wingmaker's saga. I also think that the Bell/Lear scenario can coincide -- without too much discrepancy -- alongside the Greer Disclosure project (I would tend to discount his recent swing to UFOs being primarily terrestrial, and believe one of the greatest crimes of the Coverup has to do with with-holding free-energy technology) and especially the Dr. Burisch saga. I suspected that Dr. B was holding out on Bill when he told him the stargate was "no longer there". And if this stargate truly is a wormhole through time, it is no surprise to get a tablet through it. The question is, what does it say? And why was Dan even against reading it?

(727) Raven 12/8/2003 4:34 am EST

Dondep-- can you sign on with your Yahoo Instant Messenger? I have something that you gotta know.

(728) Raven 12/8/2003 5:24 am EST

Have to fly. Will try within a day. Maybe the info will still be good.

(729) skywatcher22 12/8/2003 10:08 am EST


If you can send an IM during day from 5 am PST to 2 pm, I can receive it. I am only using messenger on my work machine as it fouls up my home machine with my home firewall.

Your ref to the "Wolf" is interesting. Usually gets along fine with Dan, but has argued with him in the past.

From what Dan said to me, the stargate moved. It might have closed and re-opened or re-anchored itself.

(730) Anonymous Coward 12/8/2003 12:04 pm EST

Top Secret Advisor To 4 Presidents Dies ´Violently´ In DC From ´DC´ Dave Martin [email protected] 12-8-3

Gus W. Weiss, 72, adviser to four presidents on top secret policy matters, died violently in Washington, DC, on November 25, 2003, but his death was not reported by The Washington Post until December 7, 2003, in the obitiuary section at the bottom of page C12. His home town newspaper, The Nashville Tennessean, was only a week late in reporting his death, but at that late date all the could say was, "The circumstances surrounding his death could not be confirmed last night."


Readers of The Tennessean might have had their suspicions aroused not only by the delay in the reporting of this important man´s death, but also by the very next sentence in the article: "Friends of Mr. Weiss expressed shock at his death."

But the article is not at all clear as to why that might have been the case. The man was already two years past our allotted three score years and ten, after all. Subsequent passages in the article only heighten the mystery:

"Driven by an insatiable intellectual curiosity and a desire to solve foreign policy problems, Mr. Weiss devoted his life to his career, friends recalled.

He served as assistant to the secretary of defense for space policy and on the Pentagon Defense Science Board and the U.S. Intelligence Board under President Carter. Mr. Weiss was a foreign affairs officer and member of the National Security Council under Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan."

"Mr. Weiss...was involved in numerous intelligence projects, and friends said there were many aspects of his career he could never discuss with them."

´´´He was wired into the intelligence community, and there were a lot of mystical secrets we weren´t privy to,´ said Harris Gilbert, a Nashville attorney who had been friends with Mr. Weiss since childhood. ´He was very interested in diplomatic strategy and was VERY, VERY OPPOSED TO THE IRAQ WAR. It was the first military action he ever opposed, but he believed we shouldn´t go to war in the Middle East without knowing what we were getting into.´´´ (emphasis added)

… … … … … … … … … …

(731) skywatcher22 12/8/2003 2:06 pm EST

Zack wrote an interesting post on some DNA experiments referring to wave genetics ( ). I wrote an article on biophotonics which may be relevant. See:

(732) dondep 12/8/2003 7:54 pm EST

For those of you who must know, yes -- I had a chance to hear some chirping from the 'Raven'. Some things must be held in secret for a time, later to be revealed as soon as the events in question transpire. 'Peace' is alive-and-well for now. Much displeasure though from his titular peers and superiors. Not to worry; we will keep his identity safe since publicity would only impact him adversely. At the appropriate time, he will be recognized for the patriotic human he is. Those who admonish him are hereby served notice: Our determination grows and the time grows short for you to do the right thing. Serve your fellow man and not the Other. 307

(733) Raven 12/9/2003 12:33 am EST

Yes, the 'Raven' chirped. And now I know that even Dr. isn't sure of who I am. Not that I don't trust him, but the added security makes me feel warm under the feathers. I heard what you said but luv ya anyway, Dr.!

My birdie eyes have seen that the interception was a smashing success. The Dr. and the Wolf still seem to be at odds over procedures but it is clear now that she holds the sway. What a "ladder climber" that Wolf! With her few months in she can direct a Dr. that has 17 years in the service. What a ladder climber this birdie sees!

But the Wolf is sadly in hotter water than the Dr. got into a few days ago! This birdie saw her escorted away and questioned. I think it had to do with the late coffee after the interception at the stargate. Maybe it was because she let Alan see and hold an alien artifact from last night's fiasco. And yes, Alan, it doesn't matter what sides of a room are closed off! Get with it, man! It's the 21st century and we 'Raven's have developed keen birdie eyes and ears!

Back to my night flight high near the silvery moon.

((((( (((( ((( (( ;() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(734) Dondep unlogged 12/9/2003 12:54 am EST

Thank you, 'Raven'! Finally a discretion kept! We awaken, though slowly ...

(735) Raven 12/9/2003 1:03 am EST

Everyone is welcome!

There was only one type of artifact -- the stones cut with letters from the Voynich alphabet. My birdie ears have heard that when the target plate was missed, the stone was dug by mistake and then it blew apart into a thousand tiny pieces. They went back to pick up the few that were left behind last night. The Dr. calls them "Bacon Bits" because Roger Bacon is supposed to be the man that wrote down the Voynich information from the future. I chirped loudly in laughter when I heard that! Bacon Bits! : ( ) 308

Now, back to soaring!

((((( (((( ((( (( :) <<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(736) Raven 12/9/2003 2:29 am EST

Do my birdie eyes see some puzzle pieces clicking into place?

A good friend of Deborah Burisch's grandfather (James Huffman) -- Secretary-of-State James Forrestal -- died the same way. Out the window they went. Sad they didn't have wings. :(

((((( (((( ((( (( :( <<<<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(737) Crackajack 12/9/2003 2:31 am EST

Thanks 'Raven'.

I've been chasing any relevance to the "Bacon Document" the Dr. mentioned in an interview a while back. Cheers to you, birdie, for providing me another piece.

Fly high and safe friend.

(738) Raven 12/9/2003 2:38 am EST

309 I like to help. Here's some more for you, Crackajack …

1. James Huffman - related to Rev. Huffman of the 1941 Missouri UFO case investigated by the Woods.

2. 'IMINVSBL's identity was found out. "Out the window he went". Find some of the guys writing examples and compare them against 'IMINVSBL'.

((((( (((( ((( (( ;<> <<<<<<<<<<- (( ((( (((( (((((

(739) Crackajack 12/9/2003 2:56 am EST

Incredible stuff, 'Raven'.

Thanks again. Hope you're flying high enough to avoid the fallout from the "windows".

Pieces continue to link.

If I were the PTB, I would seriously be dusting off the "contingency" plans. I would also be assisting this effort in some shape or form as immunity must now be gathering momentum in the minds of the few who still own a conscience. (HS-- I finally got the word separation to be ironic.. lol :))

The wings are strong, 'Raven'.

(740) Crackajack 12/9/2003 3:22 am EST

Rev. Huffman.s son and granddaughter mentioned here along with a few specifics related to the original story. How ironic are the "grandchildren" inter-relationships in this story?? Hmmmmm....

Ponder on.....

(741) Crackajack 12/9/2003 4:36 am EST

A whole lot of Voynich related material =>

310 and an interesting list =>

(742) Howler 12/9/2003 5:44 am EST

For Dave - and anyone else …

Dave said: "I just don´t understand why TPTB would use a clunky old thing like the Internet to communicate top secret information? Either they're dumb or cocksure"

First, I can tell you that here, and many mails, and Yahoo chat etc. are being monitored. It is a SOP anyway. But by the time they collate all the info and try to figure it out -- compartments etc -- we are onto something else. LOL

Second, they are running with the fox. See where it pans. They have the reigns to a point, but they are not running the show. They try to be one step ahead. But time is running out. And when that occurs, they will try and do anything.

So to answer your question, it now does not matter when "speed overrides security". I think the watchers will know what I mean. Hope that helps...

Howler - who is howling mad from the full moon last night..!!!

(743) Dondep unlogged 12/9/2003 12:30 pm EST

Incredible. Simply incredible. Especially following on the heels of Ariel's unabridged post from exopolitics. Thank you so very much, Ariel. Looks like our own White Rabbit's Library site has been noticed by quite a few! If that article -- and its subsequent disappearance -- isn't enough to prompt a few pennies from each of us to keep it alive, then this human race surely is in a bad way.

Human Subject-- which link did you get this from, and was there a date it was written? The first thing that came to mind was the story at .

Referencing the ´burning´, the ´eye´. The ´burning sky´, shades of the pinnacle of the pyramids ... and the recent sale of HAARP to an Illuminati-related British firm. There are many clues here. Should we be convinced that the tablets sent through the stargate truly are from Roger Bacon, from the future, or from the past? Maybe they were written by our Zetan progeny from our future (does everyone understand that these J-rods are allegedly from our future via Zeta Reticuli? At least one branch of future humanity) and sent through the stargate to make it look like it was from Roger Bacon?

Perhaps the entire scenario has hoodwinked our "best & brightest" into thinking they are 'us' from a future time-line. Always ask the next question why -- question everything -- yet suspend both belief AND disbelief so that the natural cynicism of human nature doesn't prevent us from awakening. Somebody over at exopolitics obviously knows this and is acting on it. I thank them profusely for their hard work. And thanks again for posting it, Ariel.

Crackajack-- any thoughts on whether 'Raven´s suggestion that Gus Weiss was head of the 'IMINVSBL' faction is correct? Have you had a chance to "compare examples of writing"? 311

(744) skywatcher22 12/9/2003 12:55 pm EST


Problem with James Huffman. According to Ryan Wood who checked with Huffman family, he said, "Bill, all I'm saying is that James Huffman is not related to Rev William Huffman. Thanks for asking...Ryan"

We need to know the geneological connection. This one did not check out. Why?

(745) Raven 12/9/2003 9:33 pm EST

As far as I know, Major Ebson is as real as a solid PX.

Skywatcher-- The problem is they are related according to the dossiers we read on the people we watch. James Howard Huffman was a 'black sheep' of the family with his relations to Canadian officials and how he "expanded" his idea of marriage (married to one woman and keeping compnay with many of them). He also had a close friend by the name of Wm. McDowell [BJ Wolf?] (someone's father) who worked as a courier between Majestic and the Canadian PM. Circles close.

Ryan may have checked with the surviving girls and boys but they only know what Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa have told them.

((((( (((( ((( (( ;) <<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

(746) Raven 12/10/2003 1:31 am EST

My birdie ears have heard two attempts by my feathered friends to reach Dr. this evening for the thread people. Both were successful, but only for seconds. The handlers are getting better.

((((( (((( ((( (( :< <<<<<<<<<<<<- 312 (( ((( (((( (((((

(747) Anonymous Coward 12/10/2003 1:37 am EST

You are right, 'Raven', and we both stand by. Your input has been invaluable. 'IMINVSBL' did not suffer so as might have been imagined.

(748) Anonymous Coward 12/10/2003 2:16 am EST

Damn, 'Raven', I want to know of his latest research. Lotus is almost done. Setback, failures, the line is still open!!

(749) Crackajack 12/10/2003 2:23 am EST

Don-- in light of the above AC post, I'm glad I didn't answer the 'Gus Weiss' question ... LOL. I was toiling for the day. Actually, I couldn't find any example "writing styles". Might have something to do with me getting sidetracked.

The thread is alive and well, vibrant in fact. Can you feel the QUICKENING??

I'm finding the Voynich stuff tough, and am instead on the trail of certain Lords, Generals and Admirals. Some new, some over-the-HILL... great brain food!!!

'Howler'-- yes, I did notice the correlation to the stargate but wasn't 100% on the names. It seems everywhere we turn, there is a link, a relation, a situation which may warrant further digging.

It all runs back to Grandaddy Vannevar [Bush?] as far as I can discern. Oh, freaky thing I just noticed. Vannevar backwards is RAVEN NAV. LOL l... Sorry, 'Raven', no offence intended.

I-m trying to stay on track. But if I spy a "rock" out of place, I just have to turn it over. :))

'Human'-- thanks for the calming influence you continually provide. It helps for maintaining the focus/patience, and I'm sure is welcomed by most.

'Raven'-- keep it coming friend, but safely. It seems there are others assisting from similar perches, but more silently and infrequently. They will come.

Anyone near Frenchman?

Where´s '318'? Hows the DNA research coming along??

Peace to all. 313

(750) Anonymous Coward 12/10/2003 2:44 am EST

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(751) Crackajack 12/10/2003 2:51 am EST

'AC' of 2.44-- Why so?

(752) Dave 12/10/2003 2:51 am EST

>>First, I can tell you that here and many mails and yahoo chat etc are being monitored, it is a SOP anyway. But by the time they collate all the info and try to figure it out, compartments etc.. We are onto something else. lol<<

Thanks for your patronization. Do you REALLY believe that the ultra-secret PTB would use the Internet to communicate? After they passed it on to us to use?

Get real. LOL


(753) Anonymous Coward 12/10/2003 2:56 am EST

Yeah, birdie man, I am sitting on the wire too. You guys blew it too..) What do I know???

(754) Crackajack 12/10/2003 2:57 am EST


To communicate? Probably not. Not TPTB. Not to us anyway. Only to deceive and mislead, where required.

To monitor? Why -- most definately -- yes!

TPTB do not communicate with us -- never have -- in the context of being the ultimate PTB.

For what it's worth ...

(755) Dave 12/10/2003 3:54 am EST

So, you are saying that all of those transcripts purported to be coming out of TPTB are fake? Subterfuge?

I doubt it. I don't think any PTB are trying to bullshit us here. The Whole story is fake. It's bullshit, Clever, but bullshit nonetheless.

Get your wits about you, folks. If you fell for this one, God help you in the future.

Sorry, 'Dondep', 'human' ...

(756) Crackajack 12/10/2003 4:13 am EST


The "transcripts" or interviews came from and via courageous "helpers". Dr. Burisch, 'Peace'/'PreserveDestiny' are not TPTB. Nor in fact are the "arrangers" of these interviews. Nor was 'IMINVSBL'. They are all under variations of control by the ultimate PTB.

TPTB did not release anything directly to us, and are finding out about this after the fact. You must understand this for it to make sense. As I stated before, the ultimate PTB have not communicated with us. And if they have as 'AC's, it would only be to mislead.

It's sort of like the insubordinate but clever-and-tenacious student, who for good reasons doesn't like the teacher and -- through a like-minded but quieter and less obvious student -- passes his knowledge 315 about this teacher under the door to the suspicious students in the class next door. The teacher suspects something and becomes nervous at the new and unwanted attention, but can't pin it down to any one source. As soon as the teacher turns his/her back in the next class, what do you think happens?

I don't wish to influence your opinion, Dave, but that's how I see it.

Stay with us for the ride if you wish. I'm glad you're here as we need to check our own understanding now and again. This is merely mine.

Hope I've helped.

(757) dondep 12/10/2003 4:26 am EST

Hasn't anyone here noticed the 'AC' @2:44 ??? It appears as if someone has caught our favorite 'Raven' , at least metaphorically.' Raven', if we don't hear from you soon, you will be in the forefront of the whirlwind these evil traitors will reap. I have promised not to break your cover. But if we don't hear from the real you, it will be time to tell the rest of this group who you were so that we can start researching the hospitals and morgues in the Las Vegas area.

Thanks for keeping watch and being there, 'Zack' and 'PageMarker'. I understand it was Dan that was allegedly speaking to you. I'm sorry I was away all day working on the real-world aspects of this case, and am glad to know someone else had a chance to finally talk to Dan, albeit for 2 sentences only. But if the PM I got has been interpreted correctly, it looks like both Dr B AND 'Raven' were busted.

'Raven'-- please check in within the next 48 hours (by 4:00 am EST Friday morning), or we will have to ´break´ cover so that this 100th monkey stays bound to heaven.

(758) Crackajack 12/10/2003 4:44 am EST

Yeah … I noticed. Don. And asked' why', but no reply from the AC. He had the time to draw the "snip" picture, but not clue us in, unfortunately. It seems from the previous posts that maybe 'Raven' posted here a little early, as the line of coms was still open when he posted. According to the ACs anyway.

Hopefully the 'Raven' was flying high enough.

(759) dondep 12/10/2003 4:56 am EST

"as the line of coms was still open"... 'Crackajack', can you clarify that?

(760) Howler 12/10/2003 11:40 am EST

To 'Raven'-- 316

Methinks your feathers got scorched. I placed a question for you prior to your last landing here... no reply.

In the hope you make a safe landing once more (and take the ear piece out for awhile), please can you advise why the ACIO and not the PEAT guys were involved. May be you have been left to carry the can. This is what I have been told, seeing as military was involved.

Thank you

(761) dondep 12/10/2003 11:44 am EST

Thank you. Everyone. who has acquired a Yahoo Messenger username. Eeven though last night's events may have resulted in the discovery of our beloved 'Raven', there were at least 2 of the participants here that were at the ready for chat. If all that have registered and added "drbknows" to their group list can now add the rest of us as well, we can see at a glance who else is on to monitor this thread so that we won't need a hard-'n-fast schedule. There are at least 12 now that I am aware. Once you add "drbknows" to your group list, I will message you the rest of the group's usernames.

Also, a gentle suggestion: I hope everyone else has a chance to speak with Dr Burisch. And when it may happen (or anyone else that wants to address us), please let him/them start the conversation and direct it. Having been there -- and new to this method of communicating -- I can appreciate the difficulties …

(762) Wyz nli 12/10/2003 12:36 pm EST

Helpful Hints about Yahoo Messenger (c:

You can block anyone who adds you in order to harass. This works at the server, and will remain blocked on any computer once you sign in. You can also unblock at any time, again from any computer, once logged in.

You can transfer files between logged in users up to -- if I recall 00 5 MB.

You can use Yahoo Messenger on Winblows, Mac, and Linux.

You could also goto and get a multi-instant message program, with which you can consolidate Yahoo IM, AOL IM, ICQ, and MSN. It also features IRC and a few other slightly more obscure protocols.

(You can also get a Windoze-only program called Trillian that does the same thing. I mentioned GAIM since I do not do Windows. (c: )

Once you have your Yahoo ID, you can create a "home page" and store up to 1000 bookmarks, which are available from any computeronce logged in. You also have 30 megs of storage space in your Briefcase.

317 Goto and log in for details.

Your Yahoo ID is also used for yahoo mail, found at using [email protected]

End Commercial (c: btw, I'm the_wyzyrd

(763) 10:33 12/10/2003 1:33 pm EST

The link to Dan Winter's page and subsequent searching has been fruitful. Thank you all.

This is the best X-files episode ever.

Inquiring minds want to know if a certain retired admiral is involved in the two main projects of interest: Lotus and Starflower. A certain 'B.R. Inman' [Bobby Ray ?]. Any thoughts?

I feel a certain connection to that person and have contacted once. He came up again and I am trying to fit together the pieces. I don't know if I should try to make contact again, but some force pulls me that way.

I thank God for always giving me what I want and need. I am led to the info most important, as I always have for my development I see now, but for which ends I do not see, but so want to.

Here is to all those looking on from the sidelines. As I was one of you before now, so now I am one of 'them'. Activity leads to activity.

For I am TAUBAR.

(764) dondep 12/10/2003 1:54 pm EST

To 10:33 (Taubar)--

You really should log in! Water's fine! Can get a bit hot at times!

You are very observant! I had come to the same conclusions only very recently. But my advice is to NOT make contact, at least as of yet. A frontal approach -- as has been used in the past -- only frightens the crabs back into their shells. Thank them silently, and use the identities to help our sleuthing.

These are our allies, even though on some levels they are involved in spoon-feeding activities. Under NO circumstances would I advise open, blatant contact. They go into "Denial mode", get admonished or worse, and fall silent to their former endeavors. Besides, we are still unwinding Good- guys/Bad-guys, though the 2 are inseparable in the same entities at times.

Still, great sleuthing! Register or at least get a Yahoo username to communicate these observations and more.


(765) Howler 12/10/2003 2:13 pm EST

Uncle John--

First, a caveat with wingmakers site. Some truths, some not. Not the fault of the website.

Now 'ACIO': Agency for Clandestine Intelligence Operations. Formed just after Roswell, and main aim is to search for "anomalous" artifacts.

'PEAT': although I know what it means, I am awaiting a reply from 'Raven'. Let's just say it is more of a specially hand-picked offshoot who have had more results. I would suggest you contact 'Ambilac' for a rundown.

(766) dondep 12/10/2003 2:42 pm EST

To Uncle John--

No, if you think about it … if you were to simply pick up the phone and call the appropriate flag officer, do you think they would deign to tell you? Why not just pick up the phone on their own end and call Lou Dobbs? Much more credibility, but we're not looking at the critical factors here.

The Cover-up is a trillion-dollar enterprise. Not only economical and political in nature, but also spiritual. Once these people are found to be aiding the "enemy´"(us 'Ufers' as they call us; average citizens trying to find out why we're being lied to and dumbed-down), they will go into "Denial mode" and remain silent. Lest they suffer the same fate as Mr. Weiss did a coupla weeks ago.

No, we need to unravel much more than just the identity of one or two flag officers and astronomers.

(767) 10:33 12/10/2003 6:45 pm EST

Thanks Dondep--

It seems that all the "informants" are getting taken out of the picture.

'IMINVSBL', 'Peace', and now 'Raven'. If so, then that's 3 "patriots" that have been outed for giving out classified info to public. Could this whole thread be an op to find out who on the "team" would likely leak info? And then punish them? Not that the info isn't important, but in counter-intelligence circles, to find 3 leakers in the span of a couple of months is pretty good work, no?

I hope I'm wrong and all who participate in this thread are safe. It'd would almost bring piece of mind if this all WERE a hoax -- as some would want us to believe -- and that none of the "players" are in any bit of harm's way.

But alas, this is the real world.

319 The world of Star Gates, Secret Societies, Alien Abductions, Time Travel, and funky little Particles. Who'da thunkit.

Aside… anyone think it strange that on the day that the Chinese Premiere is here visiting -- and the day that Bush said no to Taiwan -- that there would be earthquakes in both Taiwan and DC?

Thirty-three is everywhere for me. I wonder if it has to do with 12-12-03. I guess we will find out Friday.

(768) ac 12/10/2003 11:45 pm EST

Hey! On Coast-to-Coast tonight!

The Nuclear Receptor

Tonight's guest, Fred Bell, is the inventor of such objects as the "Nuclear Receptor". Pictured above (click on image to view larger) is a version with an amethyst gemstone. According to Bell, "the ultimate goal of the Receptor is to reverse and repair cellular damage at the DNA level."

The concept for the Receptors comes from the Pleaidians, he says. "By means of electronic and scalar wave technology, the Nuclear Receptor allows our bodies to process all forms of toxins and poisons," writes Bell. More info. is at


(769) Harrdrawk 12/11/2003 12:06 am EST

Dondep-- That was pretty quick on your feet. I can't recall seeing poster 'Natasha' appear on this thread before but you two obviously know each other's style. Do you think the "Northwestern way" refers to HAARP?

On another note, I would caution everyone about assuming any of those passing information from beyond the curtain are actually dead. Can we confirm anything? Be it my suspicious nature (or the one in denial), we should wait to see what washes up on the shore. Patriots -- fearing for the lives of their loved ones -- might decide to lay low, allowing us to think they are dead, till the heat subsides a bit. They could always resurface later with a different unregistered moniker. True patriots are like that.

At any rate, regardless of the actual cause of silence, they would want us to continue their work which we will try to do. Even if it leads to our erasure as well. There is nothing I'd doing. Hearts high to Freedom.

Just a Rawk in the park.

(770) dondep 12/11/2003 2:46 pm EST

320 'Raven'-- please check in. Even if you are merely alive but can no longer talk. At least let us know. We know that 'PreserveDestiny' was ´="discovered" yet still alive. I hope the best for you. But last night my heart was heavy just realizing the enormity of the Cover-up machinery arrayed against us and how you may have been permanently silenced.

I don't relish posting this latest chapter because there are others where you came from that may be jeopardized when I tell the readers about you. But be assured we value your courage and it will be remembered.

The deadline still stands.

(771) Anonymous Coward 12/11/2003 3:59 pm EST


An electromagnetic wave consists of two primary components—an ELECTRIC FIELD and a MAGNETIC FIELD. The electric field results from the force of voltage, and the magnetic field results from the flow of current. Although electromagnetic fields that are radiated are commonly considered to be waves, under certain circumstances their behavior makes them appear to have some of the properties of particles.

In general, however, it is easier to picture electromagnetic radiation in space as horizontal and vertical lines of force oriented at right angles to each other. These lines of force are made up of an electric field (E) and a magnetic field (H), which together make up the electromagnetic field in space. The electric and magnetic fields radiated from an antenna form the electromagnetic field. This field is responsible for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic energy through free space.

An antenna, however, is also part of the electrical circuit of a transmitter or a receiver and is equivalent to a circuit containing inductance, capacitance, and resistance. Therefore, the antenna can be expected to display definite voltage and current relationships with respect to a given input. A current through the antenna produces a magnetic field, and a charge on the antenna produces an electric field. These two fields combine to form the INDUCTION field.

(772) Anonymous Coward 12/11/2003 4:01 pm EST

Big hint right there. Did you get it?

(773) Natasha 12/11/2003 4:58 pm EST

Much more than a mere mechanical process as it involves an inherent link that is in most all living matter, not only humans. Labels will not be used by me as they are all wrong and all can not grasp the nature.

321 (774) Ambilac 12/11/2003 5:18 pm EST

The EM part most certainly is And we write much on the DNA/covenant part of our spiritual nature and solar connection.

But what is occurring now shows that our geomagnetic field is breaking down, and the area in our immediate solar system is electrically charging. People should be aware of how highly dangerous this is in the immediate timeline. High doses of X-rays, etc.

(775) Natasha 12/11/2003 6:33 pm EST

Altering otherwise stable electro/magnetic fields can and most certainly will change the material in question and can cause undesirable results. If the variable in question was naturally forming and anticipated in advance of any experiment, measures would be taken to limit the variables effects.

Such as a change of location to a more stable, less reactive environment. Or more controllable environment.

(776) Norman Rozwell 12/11/2003 10:43 pm EST

I just learned a lesson in the importance of saving things as soon as you find them. On Sunday I followed a link posted by an AC on page 124 to an aerial view of Area 51 on the TerraServer site. I spent over an hour scrolling around at high magnification and found some interesting spots. It even showed longitude and latitude coordinates for wherever I placed my mouse.

I bookmarked the link with the intention of going back and taking screen shots of the "interesting areas" to bring into PhotoShop for enhancement. Tonight when I went back using the bookmark, I got a 'Page-Not-Found' notice. Next time I'll grab them while I can.

Did anyone else get a chance to check out that page before it vanished?

(777) Wolf 12/12/2003 12:15 am EST

The website changed. Go to and to the "Area 51" section. I can almost see a tunnel-like opening near where Bob Lazar said the side entrance was to S4. Also a darker area where the hanger doors slope down. Look closely. 755&lry=4120257.393&file_name=area51&provider_id=150

Compared to this:

322 There is also this spot, where a road leads to nowhere, into Papoose Mountain, closer to Groom Lake. I´m sure there are more areas to S4 than first, though. 274.755&lry=4122553.393&file_name=area51&provider_id=150

(778) Addendum: 12/12/2003 12:17 am EST

It kind of looks like the photo was sort of airbushed in a way. It's kind of blurry where the alleged hanger location is. Just my opinion.

(779) dondep 12/12/2003 1:52 am EST


A quorum of us got together and decided it would not help if we divulged too much about you in the event you were still maintaining a low profile. At least until a time certain when people will recognize you for the hero you are. We would hate to think we were learning to work together at such enormous cost. But we do have evidence that resulted from your sacrifice. When the moment is ripe, we will be ready.

Here, then, are the two most recent conversations with Dan by two of us ('ZackSavage' and 'PageMarker' using the name 'judas_of_Galilee'. Don´t ask me, but it isn´t Iscariot). These apparently show Dan using 'Raven's username. Draw your own conclusions for the moment:

------ravenmaji: I can connect to Dr. Burisch´s sys by means of backdoor. judas_of_galilee: so be it... ravenmaji: I am not sure he will respond to this name. Can you select another? He is rather suspicious and superstitious. judas_of_galilee: I apologize for the inconvenience. I wish he knew Josephus better. ravenmaji: Let´s try. judas_of_galilee: I know of his works with the Ganesh and the shiva. ravenmaji: I will try to connect to one of his cams. If you get through, hail him and see if it reaches his sys. It will run via this name. … standby. ravenmaji: If the cam turns on, try to call him. judas_of_galilee: Many await his words, but I have no cam to turn on. ravenmaji: It's a feature of the messenger system. Just 'accept' it if you get an invite. 323 judas_of_galilee: So I shall. I have read of Dr Dan, and respect him and his efforts. ravenmaji: Attempt contact. judas_of_galilee: I see the image of Dr Dan. I accept that it is him as such. ravenmaji: Yes. ravenmaji: Call his sys. ravenmaji: Hello? ravenmaji: Call number or code? ravenmaji: Judas of Galilee? ravenmaji: Is anyone there? judas_of_galilee: here judas_of_galilee: have no # to call. ravenmaji: (Judas, you have Dr. Burisch) ravenmaji: This is DB, who is this? I doubt Judas. judas_of_galilee: My name is Brian C. ravenmaji: Okay. Brian...???? judas_of_galilee: I don't doubt it. That is why I chose that name. As did Don. ravenmaji: Okay. I won't ask how you got through. judas_of_galilee: Acts 5:32 or 5:37. ravenmaji: sb judas_of_galilee: How is your work proceeding? Are you safe? ravenmaji: As safe as can be. Everything is proceeding well. judas_of_galilee: Despite setbacks, progress continues. ravenmaji: Setbacks are every day! Did Don send you to chat with me? judas_of_galilee: No, he did not. You are experimenting on sophisticated levels. ravenmaji: As you have probably heard, I am nearing the completion of the work, leading to the model for the Lotus.

324 ravenmaji: I often think the levels are experimenting on me. judas_of_galilee: I am not sure as to the status of the project, only that it could hold great hope. ravenmaji: The status rests that we know of 3 parts to the Lotus, and have delineated several subparts ... standby … I have a call. judas_of_galilee: The Ganesh, the Shiva, and the crossover bridges integrated into one cohesive unit of function? ravenmaji: Well... the crossbridges are present to provide an archive of information to repair a damaged cell. judas_of_galilee: To what extent does uncertainty play a participant? ravenmaji: JUDAS OF GALILEE, BRIAN C. YOU HAVE ACCESSED THE WRONG TERMINAL AND HAVE CONTACTED THE WRONG PERSON. PLEASE DISCONNECT YOUR TERMINAL ACCESS TO THIS SCREEN NAME. THANK YOU. judas_of_galilee: Tell DB we are safe here. judas_of_galilee: Tell ops SST/SNK + MQT ------

And with Zack Savage: ravenmaji: Hello? zacksavage2003: Hi ravenmaji: He was cut off from Brian C. ravenmaji: I will try to patch though with you. zacksavage2003: Okay ravenmaji: Hello? zacksavage2003: Hello ravenmaji: Okay... merry-go-round... Who's this? zacksavage2003: Zacksavage ravenmaji: This is Dan. I was just, … ahem ... cut-off from someone else. zacksavage2003: Judas? ravenmaji: DBCB CUT COM. ravenmaji: Why? 325 ravenmaji: I am reading ravenmaji? I don't even know who that is? ravenmaji: THAT´S THE PROB HERE... OKAY, WE´LL TAKE CARE. zacksavage2003: That is read ravenmaji as well. zacksavage2003: Hello? ------

(780) Anonymous Coward 12/12/2003 4:48 am EST

( ~ ( ( ~ ( ( ( ( ~ ( ( ( ( ~ ( ( ~ ( 2 X [ <<<<<<<<<<<<< ------X 2 ( ~ ( ( ( ~ ( ( ( ~ ( ( ( ( ~ ( ( ~ (

(781) Harrdrawk 12/12/2003 4:58 am EST

Hey, A/C 4:48 --

Don't play with us, man! If you want to say something about 'Raven', just do it. We are waiting to hear WORDS!

Your drawing still has the x-ed out eyes. Does that mean what it does in cartoons? We can't know for sure ! … Arrrgh! Now there are 2s where there used to be SNIPS?

(782) skywatcher22 12/12/2003 9:41 am EST


This main page link is good in order to get whole story on Vishnu Schist and the Great Unconformity at Frenchman's Mountain:

326 "Frenchman's Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present. The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members. [Note: some scientists believed that the origin of eukaryotes was about 1.7 billion years ago. However, older evidence has emerged making it 2.7 by ago -- skywatcher]

Soon after research was initiated and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rock's electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was also observed nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit and the so-called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. " -- Dr. Dan Burisch

Early form of Ganesh particles in Hinduism:

"In ritualistic worship of Ganesh, the concluding ritualistic worship (uttarpuja) is the final step in augmenting the frequencies. During the concluding ritualistic worship all the pure particles (pavitrakas) present in the idol are expelled suddenly. This ritualistic worship is concluded by shifting the idol from its place. Consequently all the pure particles abandon the idol and the one performing the worship can acquire them."

P.S. Sorry to the A/C who posted about a new friend. Ref to Rendelshem. Don't know who he refers to. I met the Rendelshem witnesses a long time ago. S/b a good show tonight on Sci-Fi.

I am still working on getting tape of Dan on Sci-Fi.

(783) Anonymous Coward 12/12/2003 4:39 pm EST

I have been reading Dr. Dan Burisch's material for years now. Everything I can find. I have followed this thread for about a month. I have a few questions if anyone can help me understand about the "StarGates" Dr. Burisch speaks of. Mainly the difference between a natural and a manmade stargate. And what if someone were living on top of a mountain where quartz crystals naturally grow-- the entire mountain range being composed of quartz crystal under them -- would a compass spin backwards inside a stargate?

Would reality warp randomly inside this area? Such as taking a step forward and finding yourself in different surroundings; and then taking a step backwards and reality returns to your norm? I remember reading somewhere on a question posed by someone-- What will happen with the natural quartz crystal veins in the Earth when the HAARP frequencies reach the next level and begin vibrating to that frequency? This is not a quote -- just the best I can remember of the question concerning the vibrating quartz crystals and their actions/re-actions to the HAARP frequencies.

I know all are really busy on this forum. And if this is not the right place to pose these questions, I apologize for taking up your time. Any thoughts concerning this would be greatly appreciated.

(784) Howler 12/12/2003 4:53 pm EST

327 A/C--

You are correct -- 2 types of stargates. The natural gates -- of which there are around 15, many on ancient scared sites -- controlled by a form of ancient priesthood handed down to protect many of these areas, such as that in Iraq. It is these gates that will activate naturally when the energy of the crossover point of zero time arrives on December 21st 2012 in our timeframe. You cannot pass anything through these gates. 'Physical' artifacts, that is. The only people -- up to now -- that are able to project their mind and body through the gates are the shadow priests.

The "man-made" gates -- there are a few around the planet -- some unstable. However, the one south of Baghdad near Babil has been activated earlier in the year and used on a number of occasions. These are controlled by another set of Priests of ancient Babylonian tradition. You can be invited through -- as 'HC' was recently but refused. But the access is complex. DNA thing, but can be altered via your frequency etc. chakra thing.

This is one gate that the Sirians use. Saddam tried to make a deal just at the start of the war with a few Sirian "henchman. Now the "good guys" -- our forefathers, if you will -- are about to re-enter to see what-the-heck is going on.

So to the "watchers" out there: take that back to your handlers! There is going to be some mass flying from the nests pretty soon!

(785) Anonymous Coward 12/12/2003 4:54 pm EST

One more interesting formation south of Groom. 4.755&lry=4122893.393&file_name=area51&provider_id=150

(786) Anonymous Coward 12/12/2003 5:01 pm EST

Thank you, 'Howler'. I understand. So whatever is occurring in this area I spoke of just -- some sort of anomaly or warp -- has nothing to do with the stargates. That is reassuring. I appreciate your time. Thank you again.

(787) Howler 12/12/2003 5:04 pm EST

#1 is original. The people who run the site are photographic and illustrative manipulators. They say so themselves. So having seen the rest of the pics with their "rendering", it distracts from what really occurred..

(788) Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 12:07 am EST






(789) Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 12:32 am EST




(790) Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 1:56 am EST


(791) Harrdrawk 12/13/2003 2:15 am EST

A/C 12:32--

Skywatcher is presently asleep. He said he arises at 3:30 am (told me yesterday). Is there someone else you trust that I could contact for you?

Skywatcher22: <>

(792) dondep 12/13/2003 3:17 am EST

The music has been heard. Thank you, 'AC'. We will make sure Bill hears them, and may post them in the Libraries. Would there be a problem with that? 329

(793) Harrdrawk 12/13/2003 4:07 am EST

To the A/C who dropped us some Angel Rawk--

We are (I am) glad to be of service. The word that 'Raven'hood is alive-and-good is of much comfort. Tell him (them) that they spoiled us rotten. To you, A/C, we send our prayers that you will remain situated and ever near a clean computer. My username you have, and this is my watch. I've PM- ed Bill with the notice since the file was quickly emptied.

I had one question from your posts above: was the "Prof" you referred to Dr. Burisch? I took it to mean they were one and the same. But no one has referred to him as Professor Burisch.

(794) Fire 12/13/2003 5:03 am EST

For any of the readers who want to be able to get raw data to this thread, you can upload it to . Anything related to this thread will be added to .

(795) skywatcher22 12/13/2003 1:00 pm EST

Sorry, but I am in dreamland by midnight. So when someone tries to reach me at that hour -- instead of during the day or early evening hours -- I have to rely on others to do the pickup. Thanks to 'harrdrawk' for being a monitor on these messages.

My associate in Las Vegas who has also met with Dan and B.J. has some concerns. Please read this through as I have a major proposal I am presenting here. He says …

"BJ told Sandy and I that her mother was still in Canada and that she (mother) was wondering when BJ was going back. BJ did not think she would be here this long and told S.... and I she had no idea how much longer she would be here. I suspect that BJ will be around here for awhile also. I'm not sure that we will have another meeting. I hope so, but I can't think of a reason why. If they want info fed to the general public, they better find a better way of accomplishing it.

"BJ's original purpose was to gain Dan's freedom. That was years ago. All the meetings in between were to show how important he was. With BJ on the other side now, that game plan is out the window. Her interest is no longer in gaining his freedom. Since she has gone over -- in the several meetings with her -- she has never mentioned Dan's freedom. It is no longer the prime directive."

I have to agree with his assessment as Dan told me now that he is no longer as interested in obtaining his freedom and he is afraid that some faction is trying to target him. B.J. no longer seems interested in getting the word out at this point.

330 We are all concerned that -- after investing a couple of years into this -- we are not achieving what we set out to do. Though I have managed to convince a couple of "heavyweights" in this field, many remain unconvinced and demand evidence of me that I do not have. I was hoping that Dan's parents would have documentary evidence. But the critical pieces they needed to have were not there. Now, they have been robbed of all they did have.

We both like Dan and B.J. very much, but we need to negotiate with Majestic or its reps directly sitting at the table. That is what I would like to see. A core group of us and a core group of them sit down and decide how we can use Dan to disclose the truth to the American public and in what stages. I can muster some fairly heavy backups if I need to.

I will be telling this story in Washington D. C. in April and have even invited Dan to join me (expenses paid). He seemed to warm up to that idea. So, how can we make it happen?

This is a bold proposal, I admit that. But we need to move this in a big way to give it focus or else -- as my associate says -- it is going nowhere.

(796) Dondep unlogged 12/13/2003 1:19 pm EST

Bill-- As you were typing the above, I was sending you requests on the Messenger system this little 'group' has created. There is information that we have not posted (as you are very aware; some of it you yourself have possession of). If you would prefer a different time for this group to discuss this, then please use the Messenger system.

You have seen how Majestic -- at least certain personnel -- prefer to use it; and now we have begun a collective consciousness using it as well. It is important that we all work together as this is a novel form of communication and a group that will supercede the efforts of a single entity such as a 'Skywatch', or an 'Ambilac', or a 'Stargate Production', or a 'Majestic Documents', or a host of other niche sites and efforts.

(797) hue 12/13/2003 1:25 pm EST

Will the information from your "group talks" be posted here for all to read? Or is some of this still being kept secret? Very curious about the "music file" that was sent from the A/C last night! Thanks.

(798) dondep 12/13/2003 1:27 pm EST

And to that above list you can add 'Earthfiles'. Many will not "get" it -- there will be no Disclosure the way everyone has attempted to grapple with it before. We have been given hints. But what will it gain us if we can name our sources and they happen to be only steps away from the pinnacle of power?

These sceptics that demand "proof" … Yes, they will have proof. But as with all knowledge it won't come in the form of names and dates. But how it all fits together. That is the reason for the massive info-gathering effort going on behind the scenes as I type this. And the readers and participants here should realize the train is getting ready to pull out of the station. 331

(799) Harrdrawk 12/13/2003 3:13 pm EST

To 'Hue' it may concern--

The daily chat sessions are mostly just that. A few regulars have been here growing and getting to know each other's "background" etc. for a long time (seems like longer than 9 weeks). It was only a matter of time in the same arena with one another that it would graduate to the next level, that being a more personal one.

Issues concerning the thread are aired -- yes -- and ANY conclusions drawn will always be posted. We have no secrets. Everything that we know, anyone can know. Just because one may be new to the scene doesn't mean he/she should feel out-of-the-loop. The sessions are recorded by several, so it's conceivable that they could eventually be made public. On the other hand, personal chat is always something "personal" and may never find a good time to be made public.

(800) Uncle John 12/13/2003 5:29 pm EST

Group talks or the half-life of a chat group.

There is a good reason for the chat talks not to be posted. We discuss things off the top of our head. Several members are replying at the same time. No spelling checking is possible. Anytime I post something that will be broadcast to the public and be stored for a long time, I spend a lot of time going over what I write to be sure I use good English, spell correctly, am coherent, don't offend anyone, show respect, look stupid, include humor or reveal something I shouldn't. Word-wrapping is really a pain. I always reread my posts several times before posting. I've spent a half hour on this post. I sure wish we all did this in the public forums.

We have no illusion that the group talks are not read by TPTB.

We are dealing with ET and human organizations that have very serious concerns about secrecy.

Just what is said in group talks and this golden thread has to be chosen with restraint in mind. We have established some dialog with the insiders and don't want that to go away . Perhaps some or all of it already has gone away. This dialog -- if it is restrained enough -- can be beneficial to insiders and outsiders both. Long-term dialog is better than a lot all at once. Hindsight is very beneficial and one slip is much better than multiple ones.

Don has done a suburb job of letting the insiders choose what to talk about, rather than blurt out with questions burning in his heart. This builds trust and allows things to continue. The insiders know that their dialog is monitored by TPTB that enforce secrecy. Those guys are not to be messed with! Both sides don't want to be slipped into saying things that would get them in hot water.

As to inviting others into our group discussion several things:

They sure are fun and mesmerizing. Eat your heart out. LOL.

332 I assume that my inputs are private and I feel others think this way.

Dondep is our leader and he is looking for consensus and feedback.

A/Cs are not allowed.

One bad apple can spoil the whole process by posting the dialog, by spamming us or introducing agenda that takes us off track.

My suggestion is not to include others unless they have made 10 coherent posts to GLP over the space of one month. So there might be the way to join. Until then, I wouldn't suggest emailing Dondep with a plea as he is already stretched too thin.

In closing, God bless Dr Burisch, Dondep and Bill Hamilton. We and the rest of humanity owe them so much.

(801) Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 8:52 pm EST

Forgive me as I am a little new at this. First post to the "www" actually! Congratulations to me! Out of the early 20th and into the early 21st!

Burisch has been sequestered. Mr. Hamilton, you were warned not to come to the Las Vegas Strip. Yet you did. We steady ourselves by your institutionalized senses. I thank you for your good sense! Thank you as well, Mr. Alan G. You are using your wits!

In the past 12 years BJ Wolf managed to convince some 20 people that they should release information on Burisch. After they did, each was found out and dealt with. Now even his parents find their frames empty. Memories must do. The gist of all these 140 pages of messages has been lost. We are here and are doing something to prevent what bad could happen to everyone. It IS time to leave this alone! Burisch has been convinced of the error of his ways (to continue being chatty about these matters). He understands now.

His calendar is logged BUSY for April, 2004. I checked it personally and made sure I was certain.

Up to this moment 'J' has been amused. But not anymore. No more will spill into our halls.

So, please leave this man alone and let the issue fade into what it is supposed to become for the masses of people --a myth wrapped in deja vu. When you wake on December 22, 2012, smile and say, "It was a myth!"

May the good Lord bless you. a jr. to 'J'

(802) hue 12/13/2003 9:39 pm EST

A/C 8:52-- 333

What on Earth makes you think anyone here is going to FORGET about what we have read here? Too much has been seen and heard now! And if you think we will all just go away and forget, you are very wrong! What exactly do you mean you have CONVINCED Dr. Burisch that he has been wrong to give out information? Again, do you really believe the information given here is going to disappear from anyone's mind?! Guess again.

(803) Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 10:50 pm EST

AC 8:52 Or Jr to J

If you are who you imply you are, you know those on the thread to contact.

Since our surveillance has not stopped and our electronic communications are still being tapped, you know what is up and those you need to contact.

I respectfully suggest you take your "well meaning (?) suggestions" into the real world. You know where we live. I am inviting for a visit; it is time face-to-face chat. Why the sudden lack of amusement by 'J'? I am tired of these clandestine games that you and your co-workers play. You know that any info that was spilled onto this forum was for a purpose. You (or your superiors) also know the course of action that this has all been leading up to. It is not like it is a matter of free will. If you are who you say, you know this.

I actually do not believe you are speaking for anyone other than yourself. If I hear from you -- by another means than this forum -- off of the Internet, we can discuss what course of action it is that 'J' suggests. But, of course, you will need prove who you are.

(804) Anonymous Coward 12/15/2003 10:07 am EST

I presume the term "Luciferian" is being used in a colloquial sense.

In the Bible -- when they appear on Earth -- angels appear as human and they are quite beautiful. Even 'Lucifer' is translated as "light-bearer". And most scholars indicate that the sole reference in the OT in Isaiah 14:12 refers to the King of Babylon who was son of the morning who had vain ambitions.

These human-like angels may possibly have been what we call the 'Nordics' today.

The 'Cherubim' that Dan refers to may be some form of 'energy being'. These have also appeared as balls of light (orbs). Most likely such communication with Dan is for unknown purposes and is not anything he should really make public as it reduces his credibility as a scientist. He may not care; but I can tell you for a fact that his testimony will not be accepted by those who favor disclosure, much less the public beyond. They will listen to the story of J-Rod which others have also mentioned including retired Major Tom Mack and Bill Uhouse.

Something not openly discussed here is that Dan was drugged and his memories obscured at one time. However, I have been told he was drugged frequently at one time. He may be clear of that now -- 334 and he does sound rational and in full possession of his faculties when I talk with him -- but so many unknown factors lurk behind the scenes that it is difficult to judge how much tampering has occurred. He is truly a good guy and very bright.

I do have a person in the wings who can turn this around and may do a great deal to bring Dan out in the open. But Dan would have to agree to meet with this person who not only has many credentials, but also has been briefed in the UFO-ET docs.

The reason why I have requested a meeting with others (Maji, Staar, Aquarius members) is to verify the existence of these members behind-the-scenes. They must be friends of Dan and be willing to share some info on him with a team of us. In other words, we want limited access to the solid evidence so we can proceed with the disclosure process in D.C. Without further verification, there will be no disclosure based on the beliefs of a few who have chatted with Dan. I know how tough and demanding researchers are in the UFO field and I have had to go to great lengths just to prove that 'lights over Phoenix' were not flares! It's not a walk-in-the-park. With all the docs I have collected on Dan -- more than any of you have seen on the internet -- I cannot prove his case to just a group of television producers. They say he is convincing but they demand greater proof. And they are mild in comparison to some researchers I know (and I am not speaking of debunkers either). I believe Dan, but my belief is irrelevant as far as making him a proven part of the disclosure scenario.

I hope you all understand the dilemma.

I also hope you all have a Happy Holiday season as I think you guys in the core group who help Don are great.

(805) skywatcher22 12/15/2003 10:09 am EST

The above post was mine -- not an 'A/C'. And my user name was plugged in but did not appear. Strange!

(806) Anonymous Coward 12/15/2003 7:41 pm EST


Dr. Burisch is alive.

There are many 'Raven's, all with agendas. I believe at least one is a 'she' and can remote-view. We hear from them here and in personal messages, but it's hard to cater to any of them. They do represent a very real world that ['hue's] our relatives and friends can't believe exists.

Several here have tried to nail down some basic facts about this saga. But just about the time you think you got something figured out, the rug gets yanked out from under you. So we have become cautious.

What 'Hue' said is true-- not many want the truth about their world. The Controllers rely on this.

335 When I realized what this thread was possibly implying, I did not hesitate to do whatever I could to get to the truth behind it. It was a big step for me because I'm not very computer savvy as all of you seem to be. I have never regretted the move. You still haven't done all you can to know what is here. Maybe you don't really want to know either.


(807) Raven 12/16/2003 12:32 am EST

Don and the gang--

I have been using piggy-back systems to connect to you all. But now certain alphabets are in here watching to dredge an IP even when secure. So, I will have to fly off into the sunset for awhile for my own safety.

As for Bill, I don't suggest that he hold his breath to become important enough for the Maji to invite him to their next soiree to talk over their diplomatic intentions with him. He may find himself getting low on oxygen and even more fair game for the academic people that are setting him up in the first place. Dr. Dan sets down with a loving caring biologist that Bill is sure to trust … Then whammo blammo … all-of-a-sudden it is announced that Dr. Dan can't be real because the self-appointed minister of disinformation says it as so!

Then what would Bill be able to do? Give up! The whole plan! If my information is correct, Dr. Dan made himself available for what? 4-5 other meetings -- all that Bill had enough good sense to not bring in a coot that would hurt the truth -- and now? I thought he was too old to "suck" at that troff. For everyone-- Dr. Dan is lucid. Maybe crazier than the next person, but lucid.

Set down with Bill? Yea, right! The chair would be wired with an instant switch that dumped the participant into a grave.

Best to everyone!

((((( (((( ((( (( :) <<<<<<<<<<<------(( ((( (((( (((((

The above represents a Raven that is still alive and intends to remain that way! But if that doesn't square with the academic people or those that are in charge of what people are allowed to believe in the field of ufology, okay by me!!!!!

Bill-- if you aren't able to prove that I am still alive because your academic sources say it can't be so, believe whatever you want, dude!!! :-()


(808) Harrdrawk 12/16/2003 1:12 am EST


I have been inspired by your fearlessness, and will do whatever I can to remind those here what you have done. Those 4-or-5 meetings were much more than we could have hoped for. Feeling Dan's spirit is life-blood to the cause. The "alphabets" dug in here will never understand what we garnered from those meetings. They will never ´"get it". They will have an eternity to try to find absolution for their choices. Places everyone... the hour fast approaches.

(809) skywatcher22 12/16/2003 9:02 am EST

Now that 'Raven' has misunderstood my remarks, I wonder if I should proceed. Meeting with Maji was really directed at "him" and the others who have helped Dan.

When B.J. was in the open, she had contacts. And some of those contacts understood my position and tried to help by providing info. Now that we have the 'Raven'(s), we do not get that same level of help. How do I know there is a real other person identifying himself as the 'Raven'? I don't. These are only exchanges over the Internet.

I raised a red flag about Dan and drugs because no one knew this before -- that he had been administered drugs to the point that at one time he no longer recognized B.J. or his parents! I have the docs that B.J. gave to me to prove this. This is a mitigating factor just because we do not know when these drugs could be administered again, and this was for Dan stepping out-of-line as the time when he had his hand smashed. He revealed information and someone(s) objected to this very strongly.

As far as vetting Dan in public -- to the UFO community or even a wider public -- as was done in the Bob Lazar case, it won't happen. Lazar's public statements and the discrediting of his background sent the whole case into a tailspin though there are ways I used to validate it. I did not want the same to happen with Dr. Dan and was hoping to get a slam-dunk in the end. But I see that is not going to happen. I have enlisted the aid of helpers with this cause just as B.J. enlisted my aid and now all are discouraged because we are no further ahead than we were last year. And this year is at an end.

I wanted Dan to meet with Dr. Kit Green who was deemed to be the most educated and experienced person to evaluate Dan. This was also urged by Dr. Hal Puthoff who is leaning toward believing Dan's story, but wants assurances from his friend Kit who is an M.D. and has extensive knowledge of the UFO field. I argued a lot to bring Kit around, including statements made in reference to microbiology.

If Dan doesn't want to meet with Kit and if 'Raven' wants to rant, then we are at the end of a road here. The reasons Dan reached out to us initially no longer seem to be valid. So, what is the new purpose in keeping up these contacts? The information we have received so far is very interesting but cannot be authenticated. And the first rule of research is to authenticate the material. One person alone cannot do this. It takes many specialists.

337 I love Dan and B.J. and would like to be free to meet them directly or talk to them on the phone with the same facility as any American or Canadian citizen. But we evidently have those in this country who believe differently and want to suppress truth and open communication. What are they afraid of???

(810) skywatcher22 12/16/2003 2:07 pm EST responding to 'Uncle John's recent post:

------[Uncle John here]: Bill, I'm responding to your post. But first, I greatly appreciate all the work and information that you have put into the Dan Burischcase.

Bill, don't loose heart. My feeling is that no one should attempt to remove Dan from the environment that he is in now. Dan has work to do. His continuous meetings with the Cherubim is the most amazing thing I've ever heard and gives me great hope that situation of Satan ruling this Earth can be turned around!

[Bill]: I have not lost heart and do not want to engage in a religious discussion here.

[UJ]: Do you know of any drugs that can "selectively" erase a persons mind. I have never heard of this. In order to selectively erase memory, it seems to me that you would have to be able to read a persons mind. Not just the current thoughts but all stored thoughts.

[Bill]: No need to read a person's mind. As scientists work to develop drugs that improve memory, an article in the current issue of Science indicates that neurobiologists are coming closer to developing drugs that may make it possible to selectively "erase" memories. If perfected, these drugs could enable a person to eliminate, or significantly dim, specific memories. You can bet these drugs have already been developed by the "Alphabet soup" guys.

[UJ]: I agree with you here about vetting. I strongly disagree with you that we have not made progress in the last year. It appears that 'Dondep' and 'Raven' are currently in the "drivers seat" and you are acting like a "spoiled child".

[Bill]: Then "spoiled child" I am because I do not see the 'progress' toward a goal. I have made progress in obtaining documents and testimonies.

[UJ]: Bill, I have yet to deem anyone to have more experience to evaluate Dan than me. Who did this "deeming"? Do you, Dr Green, or Dr Puthoff have any spiritual experience? I've seen no evidence of that! We are dealing with the struggle between God and the Devil here. No one is stopping them from evaluating all they want.

[Bill]: Ohhh … that is certainly a conceited statement on your part.

[UJ]: Bill, you are acting like a child here.

[Bill]: Your opinion. Maybe a "child shall lead them".

[UJ]: Authentication is not the first rule of research. Gathering and considering "All" the data is the first rule of research. You took one look at a Dr Michael Wolf Kruvant transcript and made 338 your mind up. You have no idea how much Dr Wolf evidence there is that you have swept under your table.

[Bill]: I knew Wolf. Did you? I don't think you have anything corroborating Wolf.

[UJ]: Who are you talking about suppressing communication here? I hope not 'Dondep' and 'Raven' because I strong disagree.

[Bill]: I was not referring to them but to Majestic and the CotM.

(811) dondep 12/16/2003 3:32 pm EST

At long last -- 3 hours later -- I make it to the thread and can post! Whew! The closer we get, the more resistance grows. Part of the ´spiritual calculus´ I wanted to discuss..

"For those about to rawk, we salute you..."

For everyone that is following recent events, I want you to know that Bill and I had a long phone conversation. And even though it might appear we are at odds, we are working together. We all should know that Bill has been "laboring in the fields" on this case longer than anyone else, with the exception of BJ and Dr B himself.

What is at issue is the manner in which we will succeed in our efforts. Dr. Burisch is being held securely in an environment in which he is not only restricted from giving and receiving information, but also is being "protected" allegedly from forces that want to steal/obtain/acquire what he is working on -- the 'Lotus'. Which is nothing less than the Divine Blueprint as best as we can understand it.

Because of the security involved, people such as 'Raven' and 'Peace' risked their lives to allow us to communicate with Dan and vice-versa. Our little rag-tag bunch of global citizens has been blessed to have this opportunity. And it carries with it a responsibility. Some of these "patriotic humans" -- as I call them -- are doing this because they recognize that Dan is destined for a quick demise once he completes this work they are exploiting him for. But this work is for the benefit of humanity and not just the privileged few that exploit him.

Up until this point, Disclosure as was known in the past was quite naive. Pioneers such as George Adamski, Marcel Jessup, and leading all the way up to John Lear with Bob Lazar have believed it was simply a matter of telling the "Truth" to the public. The Cover-up is a trillion-dollar industry. Do you think it will simply "roll over" for a couple of naive college professors and professional UFO investigators? If you believe that, you must still believe in a "tooth fairy".

No, it is going to be quite the affair. And not merely a matter of the MAJI phoning Tom, Dan, or Peter (or Wolf, Lou, or Judy for that matter). People are either dying or growing rich off the knowledge that elements of the U.S. government. is hiding.

Awhile back, I posted a "Menu" of subjects that are raised by this saga, and I'll point out an analogy concerning the "Four Flicks" DVD of the Rolling Stones, just issued. This DVD allows the viewer to view the same show from the benefit of several cameras: you can watch Keith the entire time, or Mick, or Charlie, or Ronnie … or mix n´ match.

339 Here again are the topics that should concern everybody:

Planet X. (As noted just a couple posts above.) Here is an example whereby several stories have been told. And it may be that those in non-Planet X compartments have been given cover stories of a higher nature to ensure they continue in their efforts up until the last minute. Seen from this perspective, everything from Dr. B, 'PreserveDestiny', 'Raven', AND Nancy Lieder can co-exist and be explained.

The T9 Treaty. Doesn't anyone care that these J-rods are asking for an increase of the number of humans they are allowed to abduct up to 10 million per year? TEN MILLION HUMAN SOULS, he said. Perhaps you are one of them! We have learned recently that the extension of this treaty was signed back in March in the Bandolier National. Park in New Mexico. We have more details about this meeting, but to share all of them would betray our fellow patriots (thanks for explaining about that, 'Boomerang').

The Stargates. Specifically the stargate at Frenchman´s Mountain near Las Vegas, which is opened by HAARP and through which stone tablets with a strange script arrived last week. (See the pictures at the Library! YES! Also, listen to the sounds emanating from it which according to Dan reflect the natural ´human´ frequency. You will find the main Library at: ) These tablets have allegedly come to us from Orionus from the future. The text has been corroborated by others working at a similar stargate at Giza, home of the Great Pyramid. Go to the website that Howard has provided.

The Ark. A time-travel machine that Dr. Burisch has been working on the biospherics for. Who is to travel in this time-machine? What is the nature of it? Is it true that it will take certain humans to a point in time where they will become the Sumerian gods of our past, as well as our future? Perhaps THIS facet of the story will shut your mind down.

There is more-than-enough knowledge we have about these things and more. And we have been not only collecting this information, but we have also been waking up and slowly learning to work together without having a corporate or political hierarchy to accomplish this. Which is the beauty of this effort. If we give a name to it -- titles, shop a script, write a book -- we risk losing the credibility the citizens of the globe will recognize in due course when this story will metastasize.

Which it will. Why else would players -- human and otherwise -- waste their time here with the "lunatic fringe"? Perhaps the angel needs to pay another visit to 'J's wife, although we hope this time she won't climb the walls. 'Jr'--take that to your "associate". Those walls have ears. We wish no harm to anyone other than those that wish us harm and who wish to continue our darkness. And even then we don't wish them 'harm' but ever-more Love. For when they truly walk in the Light, we all will.

One final note: Thank you to the posters above -- especially Uncle John -- who recognize that this is as much a 'spiritual' issue as a scientific issue. Bill, you indeed will be permanently discouraged if you are unwilling to accept the 'spiritual' nature of this struggle. It is true -- as you point out -- that if Dan were to speak publicly of the Kabbalah, sacred geometry, etc., it would so blind the average citizen tuning in that their minds would shut down. That doesn't mean the problem is insurmountable. You have all the scientific authentication and are in a higher league than those you think you must defer to (they will defer to you, ultimately). The other aspects will be dealt with by others on the team. And when the time comes, you will see how the science will be fitted to the 'spiritual' for the benefit of the global audience. Trust in the Creator on this, as even Dan would tell you. 340

(812) Raven 12/16/2003 5:46 pm EST

Dondep-- read your messenger from me. and Bill-- call logic self-preservation a "rant". That's fine by me. You've never been closer to the reality than this. But that old enculturation to follow institutions just makes you fawn, doesn't it?

Enuff of you.

(813) skywatcher22 12/17/2003 9:56 am EST

Let me address the subject of the 'Aviary' by *comments put below. The following is a list of reported members of the 'Aviary'. This 'Aviary' list is usually disseminated by Dr. Richard Boylan and is highly questionable.

BLUEJAY: Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, MD, Ph.D., Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors; former custodian of the CIA´s UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; received the National Intelligence Medal for his work on a classified project during the period of 1979-1983; recently reported to be White House UFO liaison. Birds of a Feather, Pg. 3

*Dr. Kit Green is NOT a member of the 'Aviary' but was briefed one time on Roswell.

PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology, and current custodian of UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; involved in the White House Initiative, as UFO liaison, to expedite (at Laurence Rockefeller´s behest) the release of UFO information to the public; and has been quietly leaking UFO information the past few years.

*Possible member, but not very contributory.

OWL: Hal Puthoff, physicist with the Institute for Advanced research in Austin, TX who specializes in Zero-Point Energy, a quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential for above unity ("free") energy; formerly an Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and reported DIA researcher, (along with psi guru and fellow Scientologist Ingo Swann,) into parapsychological, psychotronic, remote viewing, and mind-control projects, and reportedly involved in classified ET-technology studies.

*Dr. Hal Puthoff is not a member of the 'Aviary' though at one time was a Naval officer and worked for NSA. Lots of military people do.

RAVEN: (Identity not yet determined.) RAVEN appears to be a kingpin in The Aviary, and a Washington insiders´ guessing game has sprung up, as devotees of UFO intelligence data argue for the probable identity of their favorite "candidate." 341 [Possible candidates: Henry Kissinger, Ph.D., Edward Teller, Ph.D.; General Brent Scowcroft.]

*There will be some material published later that was supplied by RAVEN (not the 'Raven' that's been posting here, but an elderly scientist. Definitely a member of the 'Aviary' who wanted Disclosure.)

PENGUIN: John Alexander, Ph.D. in Death Sciences [Thanatology], Lt. Col., ("Ret.") U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security Agency (NSA). Colonel Alexander is director of the Non-Lethal (sic) Weapons Department, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and has been reportedly involved in counterintelligence remote viewing, psychic warfare, psychotronic and mind control projects with military/security applications, while maintaining the cover of non-lethal military/crowd control physical-countermeasures research. Dr. Alexander is a Board Member, (along with General Al Stubblebine and INSCOM Major Ed Dames), of PSI-Tech Corp. [involved in proprietary remote-viewing projects].

*Maybe a member. He is with Robert Bigelow's NIDS. A group I don't trust, BTW.

HAWK: Ernie Kellerstraus, security cleared for UFO information, worked at Wright- Patterson AFB in the 1970´s, and is reported to have lived with an extraterrestrial for a while; reported to have worked with Dale Graff (*HARRIER*?) and Captain Bob Collins (CONDOR), Air Force Intelligence, to supply UFO information to USAF/AFOSI dis-information operative/ "UFOlogist" William Moore.

(Bird name unknown, [PARTRIDGE?]): Jacques Vallee, Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment´s UFO investigative agency, later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left and denounced the military´s Project Blue Book as a dis-informational smokescreen; prolific author on UFO subject, lately turning to metaphysical explanations for the phenomenon.

*Ernie did not live with an ET,; but as I understand he did come into contact with one.

SEAGULL: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., research scientist in optical physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Lab, MD; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant, and prolific author and consultant expert on selected "leaked" or dis-informational UFO cases/topics, such as the Gulf Breeze-Ed Walters alleged UFO photos, the Canadian "Carp UFO" hoaxed "incident," and the documented repeat UFO landings at the hyper- secure Manzano Canyon Facility at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories-Military Reservation.

*Bruce is NOT a member of the 'Aviary', but is just a little egoistic. A scientist with a good background in optical physics. I argue with him on certain issues.

CHICKADEE: Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence and other Agencies; with 30 years service in U.S. Intelligence overseas; involved in government research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence 342 Agency (DIA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) and other organizations; former Senate aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal, and has tried to get Congressional Hearings held on UFOs; President, Human Potential Foundation; and "pointman" for Laurence Rockefeller on UFO matters, currently tasked to contact world leaders concerning upcoming public announcements of UFO/ET reality; recently convened the May, 1995 Washington, D.C. "When Cosmic Cultures Meet International Conference."

*Don´t know.

CONDOR: Capt. Bob Collins, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related intelligence operations; reportedly appeared clandestinely on 1988 Kodak produced network television (dis- )information program "UFO Cover-Up Live," where Collins, *reportedly* along with "former" CIA contract employee and current UFO conferences dis- information lecturer, John Lear, presented accounts of alien autopsies, UFO retrievals, and the government´s awareness about UFOs and ET presence.

*Bob is a friend of mine and supports Dan. It was he who got the letter from Tom Mack and had it verified by Rick Doty. Bob is not CONDOR; but he knows who Condor is and has met him several years ago.

FALCON: Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in UFO dis-information projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM; and of allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz´s electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28, 1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

*Doty is not FALCON though it has been believed for years. Doty is a real insider and now has a law degree. H e has confirmed that what he saw at S4 was depicted by drawings made by Bob Lazar. The real FALCON is an aged member of the "intel" community (now retired) who has a great deal of knowledge about the 'Yellow Book'.

(bird-name unknown [SPARROW(?)]: William Moore, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; prolific UFO "author"; reportedly publicly admitted at a MUFON Conference to being an Air Force Intelligence operative involved in UFO-related dis-information projects.

*Moore is not a Sparrow; he is a weasel. This disinfo agent now lives in Vegas and has severed all ties to the UFO groups.

343 It took me a while just to get this info. And yet there is much more I haven't learned about the Aviary. They are inactive now as the tide of secrecy has returned during this administration. Just trying to get this much info was like pulling teeth. I will try to find a quote from 'Raven' (just one paragraph from a 60-page doc) and post it here if anyone is interested.

(813) skywatcher22 12/17/2003 10:17 am EST

Food for thought... Not the 'Raven' posting here...

Quoth The Raven: "One of the first surprises from Raven was the existence of an Ultra Top Secret group called the OROCA Panel, a panel, which had been in existence since the '50s. The panel is above MJ-12 and meets at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) room underground at Level 3. The existence of this Level 3 itself is highly classified. In fact, it is bypassed when accessing other underground levels...

A Very Brief Quote From The "Einstein Notes": Project Jehovah...."The qualitative picture is a local field of positive cosmological constants contributing to the local metric field in a small boundary layer around the skin of the craft. The layer was controlled by the E & M brainwave of the pilot. The pilot has a Q* type of field. Dr. Einstein expanded...... The fuselage of the craft was more liken to a high temperature superconductor to which the occupants do not feel the g forces at high accelerations or sharp turns. There is a direct correlation to mind-linkage via headband and hand- panels. There is an exotic field surrounding the vehicle. The hull has super-conducting capabilities and properties..... 0800/23/6/52/EODCI/DSC/OSI/E"

The untold story of Einstein's involvement is one of the biggest yet and hopefully will be revealed one of these days. Einstein worked with Oppenheimer and was contracted to the Navy to help with the physics. Einstein had "contact".

(814) Ambilac 12/17/2003 12:07 pm EST

The Mayan end-count of December 2012 in our present timeline and known calendar -- this is the time when the global grids cross over throughout our part of space, thus coming to ZERO TIME. A time -- as we know it -- when 'time' itself is RE-SET. A time when the natural stargates will align and activate. Now that is what we at "ambilac" have worked out from our research on the Giza --Genesis work -- over many tears and have written many articles on this scenario at .

What Dan B was saying is that the energy released -- as "Planet X" passes through -- will (or may) activate the gates. And it possibly could mean by using these activated gates, the whole of Earth would pass through a form of "vortex" (if you like an ascension "en masse").

The timelines -- I can tell you now, all being well -- are about to change to assist us in our "jump" upwards and forwards. If this is the case, then the DNA manipulation may not be needed. We ARE talking some HEAVY helpers in this scenario

Hope that helps


(815) Ben Thinkin 12/17/2003 3:18 pm EST

If the timeline work or manipulation is going on at Giza, are they cooperating? Rapheal, you said, was on one of the tombs. So you're trying to get the gate down there to activate to relieve us of the fate a passing PX will bring upon the poles of our planet? Or you are going to change the course of tomorrow to be different than what it was destined to be?

(816) skywatcher22 12/17/2003 3:34 pm EST

Dan B. says that the natural stargates (wormholes, E-RBs) are in the galactic rift zone which we are now passing through. An object outside of the solar system -- that others are calling "Planet X" -- is really a natural stargate.

The 'Yellow Book' is a holodisk containing the history of the J-Rods and our future. It was given to us by EBE-2 at Area-17 in 1964.

(817) Ambilac 12/17/2003 4:53 pm EST

Re. Giza: One of the tombs we discovered back in May 2000 deep below the surface was in fact the tome of one we know as 'Joseph'. It was nearby that the PEAT guys found the crystal that was "jammed. They assisted to move up the notches which then aligned with our present electromagnetic global grids.

These grids are found on many planets and many systems. I believe Plato had it correct when he mentioned we were a template... all work together otherwise = chaos.. whatever is carried out on this side of the cosmos effects many other parts - the butterfly flaps his wings in a Brazilian forest concept - hence the great audience building up for 2012 and the time leading up to it, our greatest opportunity - to get the best seats in the house to see how we make our free will choice..

The chamber (some refer to it as the "Hall of Records") is more than a chamber. It is held in this timeline frequency the frequency needs to be adjusted UP to make our next step on that cosmic ladder. A choice we failed to make aeons ago which left us dumbed-down on terra ever since..

The connection with Dan B's work here is that if this access is successful, then maybe the timeline will be altered and we will make that jump both physically and spiritually. For whatever way you look at it and whatever one's personal beliefs, there is a definite 'spiritual' connection here and one major one..

Once our present DNA is slotted into the requisite frame, then our "Covenant" will be fulfilled. It is a complex task. And there are "others" who do not wish to see this occur.

While we banter away here, there are a few risking body and SOUL in order to make this possible.

(818) Harrdrawk 12/17/2003 5:16 pm EST 345

A/C 10:33--

Many of us had the same reaction initially (grinning again).

'Clear Eyes'--

Great Find! Have there been any articles about this since then? Or was this the most recent? Cover- over is suspected.

Ambilac and The Giza effort--

We're about 9 years exactly form the scheduled arrival of TIME ZERO. How certain are you that today's sacrifices and efforts there will actually change [the End]? Is there anything as ordinary citizens that we can do to help you? You mentioned a connection between the Giza project and Dr. B. But I didn't get it. His work is directed at finishing the Lotus protocol or some such before a deadline in 2004 as I understand. Are you talking about something different than this? Is Dan's present preoccupation assisting/affecting the ongoing effort in Giza? Please clarify.

(819) Ambilac 12/17/2003 5:51 pm EST

Harri--… may I call you 'Hharri'?? LOL

On the surface, the work is quite different. However there are many connections under the waves so to speak..

The tablets for eg -- the glyphs on the ones at Frenchman's Mountain and others our colleagues have found, not necessarily at Giza -- are the same type. And the same Sirian Lingo/glyphs (ancient script) may have been used by Orions, also. As I tried to explain awhile back, in our English today many words are founded from Latin and Greek. So the same may apply here -- Orion and Sirian connection.

What is being attempted at Giza is in some way similar to that of Dan's work. Except at Giza this is a physical input of OUR DNA (as opposed from any other race no matter of what timeline or dimension, etc.). For it is our DNA that was set in place aeons ago. And subsequently we were genetically manipulated which placed us on the path we are now on..

The "jump" for our spiritual and physical development should have occurred aeons ago. It was prevented. And as the Bible says ( a book of sciences and philosophy really), we should have received the covenant. Our free will choice will enable this to occur -- all being well -- and the chamber accessed..

Dan B mentioned that time-lines may be altered. It is THIS very scenario that will be carried out from the activation of our frequency. Except this will be more of an "electromagnetic" come 'spiritual' concept rather than physical manipulation of our genome in a lab. Hopefully, then, the "gene manipulation" will not be required in this time-line and the 'greys' as you know them will continue on some other time-line who knows.

But all being well in the coming days ahead our "covenant" will be fulfilled.

346 I hope I have made that clear. But I will be writing up a full explanation in the coming week ahead. This is (as you appreciate) an extremely complex scenario being enacted (ever tried to write the Bible on the back of a postage stamp??).

(820) skywatcher22 12/20/2003 12:38 pm EST

Dr. Burisch: ------1. Approach 2. Biochemical Negotiation 3. Absorption 4. Anchorage 5. Penetration and 6. Amplification (into protocells).

These are the 6 outer petals of the Lotus.

The Lotus might be called the first of all flowers, generally blossoming on stagnant and murky waters with so sensual and imperious a perfection that it is possible to imagine it as the very first sign of life upon the undifferentiated vastness of the primeval waters.

In this, you will see the significance of the Lotus. Originating in darkness and mud and blossoming toward the sunlight, the lotus spans heaven and earth. The Lotus represents the purity and excellence that are the essence of the human enterprise, the origin of all manifestation that lies coiled (DNA) within human being.

The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral.

34 and 21, of course, are numbers in the Fibonacci series and their ratio, 1.6190476 closely approximates phi, 1.6180339.

In double-strand deoxyribonucleic acid, there are 10 nucleotide pairs in each revolution. This makes the angle between them 36 degrees, the same angle as at the star point of the regular pentagonal star, or pentagram, i.e. the Golden Triangle.

It is the mathematics of creation that displays order and design, the imprint of spirit in matter.

Years ago, I discovered that there was a universal geometry, that a ratio connects all form to thought, that this ratio appears not only in polygonic progressions, but in the physical constants. This ratio was 3:16. It can be used to form a ladder of nested polygons. This is only one element of a universal and grand design that reveals itself to the discerning. ------

(822) skywatcher22 12/23/2003 2:40 pm EST


There are 3 copies of the Yellow Book: one is/was kept by EBE-2 (QB note: not sure what that is); one in a "vault" near the "Mall" in Washington DC; and one in a special vault at Los Alamos: Also, laid in the floor of one of the main entries to this "Mall" building ("vault") there is a board game called "King´s Table."

The 'Yellow Book' is said to be a sort of holographic compact disk which can project images of the information it contains -- a combination of text and holograms. It's read on sort of a "transparent tablet type screen". When your eyes reach the bottom, it automatically scrolls to the next page. It's said -- from people who have supposedly read -- it that it would take one a lifetime to get through it. It is alleged to contain references to Biblical events, even including a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ: And,

(1) The YB was written by the Ebens.

(2) The YB is a history of the Universe: And a history of their visitations to Earth for the past 10,000+ years. Perhaps a visit (i.e.; start of Pyramid age in Egypt, circa; 2450 BC ? In circa 2450 BC the Giza Pyramids mirrored the "Orion Belt" of 10400 BC & 2450 BC). The new estimated age of the Sphinx in Egypt is ~12000+ years. Also, what is termed the "Chinese Roswell" seems to add support to this.

(3) Earth is an out-of-the-way stop in their 5-or- more trading routes. note: Also, there is said to be 5-or- more "groups" of aliens visiting Earth.

(4) An observer was left here 2000 years ago. The observer not related to Christ according to some sources. "They" may have holographic images of the crucifixion of Christ and other Biblical events. The visitors have supposedly been asking the question "why them" (i.e., humans) and not us to have a "Christ Savior"?? See Historical Art Work And UFOs for Christ's Crucifixion paintings showing UFOs in the background.

(5) Their own Social history and Religious beliefs. They believe in ONE GOD, but do not accept our ideas of a Christian Trinity.

(6) The 'YB' is said able to predict the future with a 100 percent accuracy since 1964 when it was reportedly given to us by the Ebens at the first official contact site: Area 17, White Sands, NM; April, 1964. Some politicians, we understand, don't want to read the 'YB' because of its reported accuracy in predicting the future. And can one imagine if "normal humans" got their hands on this? The 'YB' is highly classified and under very heavy security. EBE-2 was to have said: "It would take an entire human lifetime to read the 'YB' and another lifetime to understand it."

… continued at …

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