- INLANDTROUT AND SALMON REGULATIONS Theinformation in thissection (p.22 - 37)provides fishing regulations that pertainonly to the takingof troutand salmonfrom inland waters. Check the countylistings, arranged by county,on pages26 - 37 for specificwaters and the regulationsplaced on eachaccording to the Typelisted for that entry.Regulations for lakesand streams are listed in eitherthe lakeregulations table (p.22), stream regulations table (p. 23),or the gearrestricted streams section (p.24 - 25).Maps have been developed to assistanglers in identifyinginland trout waters and the regulationsassociated with eachType as indicatedby colorscheme and text. Mapsare only available online at www..gov/fishingguide. An all-speciesfishing license is requiredfor all anglers,age 17 or older,to takeand possesstrout and salmonfrom any publicwaters (see p. 3 for moreinformation).

InlandTrout & SalmonLake Regulations The followingregulations pertain only to inlandlake-iypes A - F Minimum Size Limit (inches) as fisted on p. 26 - 37.

LakeTroutl Jan.l-Oct.31 OtherTrout & Salmonopen for the entireyear

5 fish,with no morethan 3 trout 15 inchesor greater. On TypeD lakes,it is unlawfulto use or possesslive bait, dead or preservedbait, organic or processedfood, or scentedmaterial on any of the watersor on shore. Thepossessionseasonfor|aketroutisJan.1.Sept.30onBetsieLake(BenzieCounty).,;. 5 fish in any combination,but no morethan 3 fishof any one species,except up to 5 salmon(Chinook or coho)may be retained.

Designatedtrout lakes: AffType A, allType D andthose Type B* lakes marked with an asterisk (*) are designated trout lakes (see p. 26- 37).

General regulations , for lakes not classified by Type: ,,,,i;fi., , Excepjfol lakesin theMichigan-Wisconsin Boundary Waters and Area, any other inland lake not classmJW Typeis openfor the entire year to lh,e.takinOof trout with an 8-inchminimum size limit and 5 fishdaily possession limit, no morethan3divhicn mayUe 15inches or greater.Artificial lures and all types of naturalbait may be used.See pages 13 and 14 for Michigan-Wisconsin yVaters Bq*fidary:j andSylvania Wilderness Area regulations. . I' ,

22 InlandTrout & SalmonStream Regulations Thefollowing regulations pertain only to inlandstream Types 1 - 4 as listed p. 26 - 37. Daily All types of naturaland artificialbaits may be used on streamTypes 1.4 Minimum Size Limit (inches) Possession Limit Atlantic Salmon, ChinookSalmon, CohoSalmon, FishingSeason PossessionSeason LakeTrout. Pink Salmon,Rainbow Trout (Steelhead), Splake

5 fish, but no morethan LastSat. in threetrout April- Sept.30 15"or for BrookTrout, grea(er. Openfor the entire BrownTrout, and year AtlanticSalmon Openfor the entire yearfor all otherTrout andSalmon

Designatedtrout streams: All Type1, all Type2, and allGear Restricted Streams are designated trout streams. Some Type 3 and someType 4 streamsare designated troutstreams as indicatedin FO-210.FO-210 is availableat any operationservice center or online(wwwmichigan.govidnrfishing).

Generalregulations for streamsnot classifiedby Type: Exceptfor streamsin the Michigan-WisconsinBoundary Waters, any otherinland stream not classified by Typeis openfor the entireyear with an 8-inchminimum size limit and a 5 fishdaily possession limit, no morethan 3 of whichmay be 15 inchesor greater,except up to 5 salmon (Chinookor coho)15 inchesor greatermay be retainedin the dailypossession limit on thesewaters. Artificial lures and all typesof naturalbait maybe used. Pleasesee page13 for Michigan-WisconsinBoundary Waters regulations. - GearRestricted Streams Thefollowing streams have regulations that differ from those in Types 1 - 4 aslisted on p. 23.,Red text indicates either a new,additionto this section or a regulationchange to anexisting gear restricted stream. On any stream reach that is being managed under gear restric'tions, it shall be unlawfr.rl to use or possesslive bait, dead or preserved bait, organic or processed food, or scented material on any of the waters or on shore. Au SableRiver, Mainstream (Crawford Gounty) from Burton's artificialflies only; Daily possession limit: two (2) trart; ex€pt that Landing{T26N, R3W S11} to SouthWakeley Bridge Rd. thedaily possession limit shall not include more thhn one (1) trout (WakeleyBridge): Fishing season: open for the entire year; 18inches or grcater; Size limits: minimum size limit: brook trout Possessionseason: closed for the entire year; except that for - 10inches; brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10inches.' childrenunder the ageof 12-yearsold the possessionseason Mileage:11.5 miles. is openfor the entire year; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily BlackRiver (Otsego and Montnorency counties).from Tin Shanty PosseesionLimit zero(0) trout; except that for children under BridgeRd. to the TownGomer Lake Stairc (T32N, RlE, S31 theage of 12-yearsold the daily possession limit shall be one SE/SE):Flshing season: open for the entire year; Possession (1) trout;Size limits: not applicable; except that for children season:last Saturday inApril through September 30 for brook trout; underthe ageof 12-yearsold the minimum size limit shall be openfor the entire year for brown trout and rainbow trout Tackle: 8 inchesand the maximum size limit shall be 12inches for all artificiallures only Dailypossession llmit five(5) trout; except that speciesof trout.Trout less than 8 inchesor greaterthan 12 thedaily possession limit shall not include more than two (2) brook inchesmust be released. Mileage: 9.0 miles. trout;Size limits: minimum size limit brook trout - 10inches; brown SableRiver, Mainstream (Crawford County) from South trout- 8 inches;rainbow trout - 10inches. Mibage: 4.4 rniles. Wakeley (Wakeley BridgeRd. Brldge)toMcMasters Bridge Rd. CooksRun, (lron County) from USForest Hwy 16 (T44N, R37W, (McMasters yea4 Bridge):Fishing season: open for the entire 536)toconfluence with South Branch Palnt River (T44N, R36W, Poseessionseason: last Saturdayin April through September 30 S28):From the last Saturday in Aorilthrough Seotember 30, this for year brooktrout and brown troul openfor the entire forrainbow reachof streamshall be managed under Type 2 regulations. trout;Tackle: artificiallures only; Dally Possession Limit two(2) trout;except that the daily possession limit shall not include more FromOctober 1through the Friday before the last Saturdav in thanone (1 ) trout18 inches or greater; Size limits: minimum size April,this reach of streamshall be managed under gear restricted limitbrook trout - 10inches: brown trout - 18 inches:rainbow trout regulationsas follows: Fishing season: October 1 throughthe - 10inches. Mileage: 8.0 miles. Fridaybefore the last Saturday in April; Posgession seasop: closed; exceptthat for children under the age of 12-yearsold the possession SableRiver, Malnstream (Oscoda power County)from Mio line seasonis open; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily possession limit: (T26N,R3E, S7)to Evans Rd. (McKlnley Bridge):Fishing season: zero(0) trout; except that for children under the age of 12-years openfor the entire year; Poeseesion season:last Saturday inApril oldthe daily possession limit shall be one (1) trout; Size limits: not throughSeptember 30 for brooktrout and brown trout; open fcir applicable;except that for children under the age of 12-yearsold theentire year for rainbow trout;Tackle: artificial lures only; Daily theminimum size limit shall be 8 inchesand the maximum size limit PossessionLlmit two(2) trout; except that possession thedaily shallbe 12inches for all species of trout. Trout less than 8 inchesor limitshall not include more (1)trout greater; thanone 18inches or greaterthan 12 inches must be released. Mileage: 4.5 miles. Sizelimib: minimumsize limit brook trout - 7 inches;brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10inches. Mileage: 15.0 mibs. DuckCreek (Gogebic County) from Railroad Bridge (T44N, R39W 516)to confluencewith MiddleBranch Ontonagon (Crawford SableRiver, North Branch County)from Sheep River:Fishing season: open for the entire year; Possession Ranch(T28N, R2W S12) to confluence with Mainstream: season:last Saturday in April through September 30 for brook trout Fishingseason: open forthe year; entire Possessionseason: andbrown trout; open for the entire year for rainbow trout; Tackle: lastSaturday in April throughSeptember 30 for brook trout and artificiallures only; Daily possession limit: two (2) trout; Size browntrout; open for year , theentire forrainbow trout; Tackle: limits:minimum size limit allspecies of trout-10 inches. Mileage: artificialfliesonly; Daily poesession limif two(2) trout;except hat 6.5miles. thedaily possession limit shall not include more than one (1) trout 18inches or greater; Size limits: minimum size limit brook trout EscanabaRiver (Delta County) from Boney Falls Dam to Mou$ of - 10inches; brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10 inches. SilverCreek (T40N, R23W S11): Fishing season: open forthe Mileage:20.7miles entireyear; Possession season: last Saturday in Apdl through September30 for brook trout and brown trout; open for the entire SableRiver, South (Crawford Branch Gounty)from Chase year.forrainbow trout; Tackle: artificial lures only; Daily possession, BridgeRd. (Chase (T25N, Bddge)to LowerHigh Banks R2W, limit two(2)trout; Size limitE: minimum size limit brook trout - 10 S13):Fishing season: open forthe entire year; Possession , inches;brown trout - 12inches;.rainbow trout - 12inches. Mileage: season:closed forthe entire year; except that for children under 14.2miles. theage of 12-yearsold the possession season is open for the entire year;Tackle: artificialflies only; Daily possession limit zero(0) Fox River(Schoolcraft Gounty) ftom Fox RiverStateForest trout;except that for children under the age of 12-yearsold the daily Campground(T46N, R{4W, S1l) to M-28:From th€ last Satuday possessionlimit shall be one ('l) tnout;Size limits: not applicable; inApril through September 30, this reach of sbeamshall.be exceptthatfor children under the age of 12-yearsold the minimum managedunderType 1 regulations. sizelimit shall be I inchesand the maximum size limit shall be 12 FromOdobef 1 throughthe Fridaybefore the last Saturday in inchesfor all species of trout.Trout less than 8 inchesor greater April,this reach of streamshall be rnanagedunder gear restricted than12 inches must be released. Mileage:4.3 miles. qgulationsas follows: Fishing seaaon: October 1 throughthe AuSableRlver, South Branch (Crawford County) from Lower Fridaybefore the last Saturday inApril; Poesessiofi s'eason: closed; thatfor HighBanks flilsN, R2WS13) to confluencewith Mainstream: except childrenunder he ageo{ 12-yearsold tlre posses$on Fishingseason: open forthe entire year; Possession season: seasonis open; Tackle: artficialflies only; Dally pesession limit: lastSaturday in Apdl through September 30 for brook trout and zero(0) trout; except ftat for childrenunder fte ageof 12-years browntrout; open forthe entire yearfor rainbowtrout; Tackle: oldthe daily possession limit shall be one (1) trout; Slze limite: not 24 -

applicableiexcept that for childrenunder the age of 12-yearsold PaintRiver, South Branch (lron Cannty) from the Mouthof Cooks theminimum size limit shall be 8 inchesand the maximum size limit Run(T44N, R36W S28) to the Mouthof the NorthBranch of shallbe 12 inchesfor all speciesof trout.Trout less than 8 inchesor the PaintRiver (T'14N, R35[ S8]:From the last Saturday in April greaterthan12 inches must be released.Mileage:7.6 miles. throughSeptember 30, his reachof streamshall be managed Type Huron River {OaklandCounty) from the Sign below Moss Lake under 2 regulations. Outletto the Signs 100Yards below Wxom Road (T2N,R7E, FromOctober 1 throughthe Friday before the last Saturday in S13):From the lastSaturday in April throqgh September 39, this Aoril,this reach of streamshall be managed under gear restricted reachof streamshall be managedunder Type 1 regulations. regulationsas follows: Fishing season: October 1 throughthe 'l FromApril throughthe Fridaybefore the lastSaturday in April,this Fridaybefore the last Saturday inApril: Possession season: closed; reachof streamshall be managedunder gear restricted regulations exceptthat for children under he ageof 12-yearsold the possession as follows:Fishing season;April 1 throughthe Fridaybefore the seasonis open;Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily posseesion limit: lastSaturday in April; Possession season: closed;except that for zero(0) trout; except that for,children underthe age of 12-years childrenunder the age of 12-yearsold the possessionseason is oldthe daily possession limit shall be one (1)trout; Size limils: not open;Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily possessionlimit zero (0) applicable;except that br childrenunder he ageof 12-yearsold troul exceptthat for childrenunder the age of 12-yearsold the daily theminimum size limit shall be 8 inchesand the maximum size limit possessionlimit shall be one (1) hout;Size limits: not applicable; shallbe 12inches for all species of trout. Trout less than 8 inchesor exceptthat for childrenunder the age of 12-yearsold the minimum greaterthan 1 2 inchesmust be released, Mileage: 10.0 miles. sizelimit shall be 8 inchesand the maximumsize limit shall be 12 PereMarquette River (Lake County) from M-37 to the Downstream inchesfor all speciesof trout.Trout less than 8 inchesor greater Edgeof the BoatRamp/Slide at Gleason'sLanding {T17N, than12 inches must 6e feleased.Mileage: 2.0 miles. Rl3W'513): Fishing season: open for the entire year; Johnson Creek(Washtenaw and Waynecounties) from NapierRd. Possessionseason: closed for the entire year; except that for (TlS, R7E,S24) to its confluencewith the MiddleBranch Rouge childrenunder the age of 12-years old the possession season River(TlS, R8E, is openfor the entire year; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily 'Possession S3): Fishingseason: open for the entireyear; season:last Saturday in Aprilthrough September 30 possessionlimit zero(0) trout and salmon; except that for children for brooktrout and brown trout; open for the entireyear for rainbow underthe age of 12-yearsold the daily possession limit shall be trout Tackle:artificial lures only; Daily possessionlimit two (2) one(1) trout or salmon;Size limits: not applicable; except that for trout;Size limits: minimum size limit brooktrout - 10 inches:brown childrenunder the age of 12-yearsold the minimum size limit shall trout- 12 inches;rainbow trout - 12inches. Mileage: 6.0 miles. be8 inchesand the maximum size limit shall be 12inches for all speciesof troutand salmon. Trout and salmon less than 8 inchesor Little ManisteeRiver (LakeCounty) from North PeacockTrail greaterthan12 inches must be released. Mileage: 8.5 miles. (Spencer'sBridge T19N, R13W 55) to JohnsonRd. (Johnson's BridgeT20N, R14W S24): Fishing seasonr open forthe PereMarquette River (Lake County) from the DorrnstreamEdge of entireyear; Possession season: lastSaturday in April through theBoat Ramp/Slide at Gleason'sLanding (T17N, R13W S13) to September30 for brooktrout and browntrout; open for the entire the UpstreamEdge of the BoatRamp at RainbowRapids (T18N, yearfor all otherspecies of troutand salmon;Tackle: artificial R14W.S27)r From Seotember 1through the Friday before the last fliesonly; Daily possessionlimit two (2) fish,any combination SaturdayinApril, this reach of streamshall be managed under of troutand salmon;Size limits: minimumsize limit brooktrout - Type4 regulations,with the folloring exceptions: Fishing soason: 10 inches;brown trout - 15 inches;all otherspecies of troutand September1through the Friday before the last Saturday inApril; salmon- 10inches. Mileage; 7.5 miles. Possessionseason: September 1through the Friday before the last SaturdayinApril; Daily Possession Limih zero (0) brook trout; zero ManisteeRiver (CrawfordGounty) from CO. Rd. 612to M-72: (0)brown trout; one (1) rainbow trout; Size limits: not applicable Fishing year; for season:open for the entire Possessionseason: brooktrout and brown trout. lastSaturdayin Aprilthrough September 30 for brooktrout and browntrout; open for the entireyear for rainbowtrout; Tackle: Fromthe last Saturday in Apil throughAugust 31, this reach of artificiallures only, Daily possessionlimit: two (2) kout;except streamshall be managed under gear restricted regulations as follows;Fishing season: last Saturday in April through August 31; thatthe daily possession limit shall not include more than one (1) ' trout18 inchesor greater;Size limits: minimumsize limit brook Possessionseason: last Saturday in April through August 31 ; trout- 10inches; brown trout-'t8 inches;rainbowtrout- 10 Tackle:artificial lures only; Daily possession limit two(2) trout or inches.Mileage: 9.2 miles. salmon;except that the daily possession limit shall not indude more thanone (1 browntrout 18 inches or greater, and except that ManisteeRiver (Crawfordand Kalkaskacounties) from M-72to ) the dailypossession limit shall not include more than one (1) rainbow SunsetTrail Rd. (CCCBridge T26N,R6W, 326): Fishing seasonl trout;Size limits: minimum size limit all species of salmon- 10 openfor the entireyear; Possession season: lastSaturday in April inches;brook trout - 8 inches,brown trout - 8 inches;rainbow trout throughSeptember 30 for brooktrout and browntrout; open for - 8 inches;except that the harvest offish greater than 14 inches the entireyear for rainbowtrout; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily andless than 18 inches shall be prohibited for brook trout, possessionlimit two (2) trout; possession brown exceptthat the daily trout,and rainbow kout. Mileage: 10.5 miles. limitshall not includemore than one (1) trout18 inchesor greater; Size limits: minimumsize limit:brook trout - 10 inches;brown trout PigeonRiver (Cheboygan and Osego counties) from Elk Hill - 18inches; rainbow trout - '10inches. Mileage: 16.7 miles. CampgroundHorse Trail (T32N, RIW S10)to PineGrove CampgroundStairs (T33N, R1W S14: Fishingse:rson: open for Paint Creek(Oakland Gounty) from Gunn Rd. to TienkenRd.: theentire year; Possession season: last Saturday inApril through Fishing season: lastSaturdayin April through September for 30 all September30 for brooktrout and brown trou! openfor the entire speciesof trout;Possession season: last Saturdayin April through yearfor rainbow trout; Tackle: artificial lures only; Daily possession September30 for all speciesof trout;Tackle: artificiat lures only; lipit: two(2)trout; except that the daily possession limit shall not Daily possessionlimit: two (2) trout;Size limits: minimum size includemore than one (1) bronrn trout; Size limits: minimum size limit all speciesof trout- 14 inches.Mileage: 5.0 miles. limitbrook trout - 10inches; brown trout - 12inches; rainbow trout - 10inches. Mileage: 5.3 miles. 25 -

Countylisting of lakesand streams Belowis a listingof the inlandlakes and streams that are managed for troutand salmon, along with their respec'tive regulation Type. Please see pages22-25for detailed regulations for each Type. For inland lakes, the lake name will appear under the appropriate county and will be followed by a lefter(A-F). The letter designates the Type of regulationsthat apply to thatlake. There have been changes to thelake trout daily possession limitand possession season in Type F lakes(see p. 22).For streams, the stream name will be followed by a number(24 orthe abbreviation GR whichstands for GearResfficted Streams) and any upstream/downstream boundaries ftat applyto thatsec{ion of stream.Type 1 streamsare notlisted in thetext. For a mmpletelisting of alltroutstreams, refer to FG210(available online or at allDNR Fishedes Offices). An SCindicates a fishingclosure for the area and time period mentioned. Maps can only be found online at www.michigan.gov/dnrfishing. Miner'sRiver, 4 fromMiner's Falls downstream to Lakes Type LakeSuoerior. O'Brien Lake. A Rock River, 4 (T47N, Reid Lake- B* fromRailroad Bridge R21WS22) South Hoist Lake. B downstreamto LakeSuperior. SC-Closed to Fishing-April 1 - June30 betweendam and its downstream-most Streams footbridge located downstream from M-28 in Au SableRiver Mainrtream, 2 T47N Fl?1W S15 fromEvans Rd. (McKinley Bridge) Sable Creek. 4 downstreamto 4001Bridoe. SuckerRlver, 4 Au SableRlver Mainrtream, 4 upstreamlimit is oldGrand Marais/Seney Road Bridge. fromAlcona Dam to SouthBranch River. BlackRlver, 4 fromconfluence with North Branch Black Riverdownstream to LakeHuron. Lakes Type PineRiver, 3 KalamazooLake/Sllver Lake, F fromF-41 downstream to LakeHuron. fromUS-31 down to LakeMichioan. lrkal8 C PikeLake. C Lakes Type Streams Ackerman Lake. B Black RiverMainEtream, 3 Addis Lakes. A fromconlluence of Northand South branches Bette'sPond. A down lo Lake Michioan. A Brian'sPond. GunRlver Malnstream, 4 B Cheryl'sPond. fit&4N. R19W. S25) lrom122nd Ave. (T2N, R11W S12) Cole Creek Pond. ffit6N. R20W.S24l A downstreamto US 131Bridoe ff1N. R11W.318). GoxPond. A GrandMarais Lake. A fromCalkins Dam (T2N, R14W 515) GrandSable Lake. E darrrna{raam fa I lQ-14 HikeLake. A MiddleBranch Black Rlver, 4 lrwin Lake- A fromconfluence of SpringBranch Creek (Tl N, Johns Lake. East. A R15WS22) downstream to confluence Johns Lake.West. A af Main Brannh Fllank Flivar B Kav'sPond. North BranchBlack River, 3 MirrorLake. B (Upoerl from111thAve. (TlN, R16W 53) North ShoeLake. B annflr rrrilh Rock River Pond. A PineCreek Trlbutary, 4 Rock Lake. A frnm lOlcl Ava to ennfrrencn wilh Fina Creck Sawaski Pond. ff44N. R19W.S14) B RabbitRiver Mainstream, 4 Sitka Lake. A fromUS-131 Bridge (T4N, R11W S31) Sullivan Lake. A downstreamto confluencewith TruemanLake. A Kalamazoo RiverlT3N R'l5W S16l Streams SilverCreek, 2 AnnaRiver, 4 fromM-89 Bridge (TlN, R11W526) fromRailroad Bridge (T46N, R19W S14) downstreamto confluencewith Kalamazoo River, dnwnelraam ln I aka Srrncriar SwanCreek, 4 Au TrainRiver, 4 from109thAve. (T1N, R14W, S7) fromPowerhouse below M-94 downstream downstreamto confluencewith Kalamazoo lo I ake Sunerior River(T2N, R14W S9). LaughingWhitefish River, 4 Note:On the SwanRiver from mouth upstream to fromForks (T47N, R22W S22) the damat 118thAve. it shallbe unlawfulto useother downstreamto LakeSuperior. thanone single-pointed unweighted hook measuring

26 Ravine River, 4 upstreamlimit is SicotteRoad. Sifver River, 4 upstreamlimit is SilverFalls. Slate River, 4 upstreamlimit is SlateFalls. Streams Sturgeon River, 2 Type from US-41downstream to PrickettDam. Devifs River, 4 SturgeonRiver, 3 lfofn US-23Bridge downstream to LakeHuron. fromPrickett Dam downstream to Long Lake Greek, 4 LakeSuperior. downstreamlimit is LakeHuron. SC-Closed to Fishing- April1 - June30 from ThunderBay River, 3 thePrickett Dam downstream to mouthof Clear fromNinth Street Dam downstream to LakeHuron. Creek(T50N, R35W, 512). iii',1,,,. lii,1r,i,r,l,rtliiilriliiiltiriiililiii Lakes Type BellairePond, C Elk Lake, E Gulllake, E Green Lake, B Torch Lake, E Streams Bassett Greek, 4 Streams from BakerLake downstream to confluence j Elk River, 3 withThornappleRiver. fromPower Dam below Elk Lake downstream CedarCreek, 4 to LakeMichioan. from sourcesdownstream to M-37 ;rtr larvgf E ypass, 4 (T2N,R8W S9). fromBypass Dam downstream to ColdwaterRiver, 2 LakeMichioan. from M-43Bridge (T4N, R8W 516) Grass River (inc. Clam Lake and Clam River), 4 downstreamto FreeportRoad Bridoe. from LakeBellaire downstream to TorchLake. ColdwaterRiver, 4 lntermediateRiver, 4 from FreeportRd. downstreamto confluence from IntermediateDam downstream to withThornapple River. LakeBellaire. TurnerCreek, 4 SC- Closedto Fishing-April 1 - May 14 fromconfluence with Baker Creek BellaireDam to HiqhwavM-88 Bridoe. (T3N,R10W S23) downstream to Jordan River, 4 T3N.R1OW. S9 from Graves (T31N, Crossing R6W,S32) UnnamedTributary on NorthBank of 2 downstreamto LakeCharlevoix. ColdwaterRiver, ManisteeniverT (T4N,R7W 518). from headwatersdownstream to CO. Rd. 612 ' .,' , :rr .,1tl,,.' t ;,f,,r,:rl;.1 ,.,, 1f,.'r' ' ' : .," ,,1' ,, AlSnOC r'i.,,. ., , . l.i Streams Type Streams Type Saginaw River, 3 EastBranch Au GresRiver (Whitney Drain), 3 fromM-55 downstream to SaoinawBav. iirl,,,,,.,.,i,,,,,1,it ii,l Rifle River, 3 L*l*iiliitffi,'," from Sage LakeRoad (T23N, R3E, S22) Lakes Type downstreamto SaginawBay. Betsie Lake, F fromM-22down to LakeMichioan BeraS" Grvstal Lake, E Lakes Streams Alberta Betsie River, 4 LakeAlice, D from KurickRd. downstreamto M-22. Roland Lake, B* SC-Closedto fishing year-roundwithin 100 feet of the lampreybarrier and fish passagefacility Streams atT25N,R15W 52. Falls River, 3 Otter Creek, from 4 | US-41to LakeSuperior. from OtterLake outlet (T27N, HuronRiver, R14W 513) 4 downstreamto LakeMichigan. fromBig Eric's Bridge (T52N, R30W S35) I to LakeSuperior. i OtterRiver; 3 fromconfluence of Northand West Branch OtterRiver downstream to SturgeonRiver.

27 PlatteRiver, 4 to #;t-ffi:'::t;;iri*-ffi fromUS-31 East of Honordownstream Lakes Type Michigan. Lake I ake Charlevoix E JlJllY;"]'i,ll' Thumb(Louise) Lake, B beu n tawu Ito use otne,'i#""H: Walloon Lake. B unweightedhook measuring 3/8 inchor lessfrom' oointto shank. Streams 4 SC- Glosedto Fishing -Year-roundwithin 300 feet BoyneRiver, of the upper(hatchery) and lowerweirs' fromP. H. Damdownstream to SC- Closed to Fishing - Jan.,Feb., March from the LakeCharlevoix. upper(hatchery) weir downstreamto PlatteLake. Note:On the Boyne River, from the mouth upstream to dam(T32N, RsW 35) it shallbe unlawfulto useother than one single-pointed unweighted hook ,',.iiu.'i.lliiiiiillf measurino3/8 inch or lessfrom point to shank. Lakes Type JordanRiver, 4 fromGraves Crossing (T31N, ROW, S32) Streams downstream to Lake Charlevoix. Blue Greek, 4 MedusaCreek 1 ' DowagiacRiver, 3 SC-Closed to Fishing- wheneverweir is in place. from NilesDam at PuckerStreet Tributaryto LakeMichigan (T34N, RBW S28) (T7S,R17W 513)downstream to andincluding an area of LakeMichigan in a radius confluencewith St. JosePhRiver. of 100feet from the mouth of MedusaCreek. GalienRiver Mainstream, 4 downstreamlimit is LakeMichioan. rrfi1rrtirfli'iir,irill1lii|riirirfiff$iffi#ilffffi$il#ffi1- . SouthBranch Galien River Mainstream only, 4 Lakes Type * downstreamlimit is theconfluence with HemlockLake. D GalienRiver. Silver Lake. B r St. Joseph River Twin Lake#1. B from lndianastate line downstream to Weber Lake. B LakeMichigan. Streams Black River, 1 i:tiLl SG- Closed to Fishing - April 1 - May 14 fromAlverno Dam Lakes Type downstreamto MograinBridge (T37N, R1W 526). Caru | nka C SC-Closed to Fishing- Oct.1 - June15 betweenKleber Dam and Red Bridoefi35N, R1E,Ss). Lake Lavine. C CheboyganRiver, 3 Rose Lake (Lakeof the Woods), C from CheboyganDam downstream to LakeHuron. Streams MapleRiver, a PrairieRiver Mainstream, 4 fromdam (T36N, R4W 510) in Emmet from BowersRoad ff8S, R7W,54) Counlvdownstream to mouth. (T7S,RgW S8). downstreamto MacKaleRoad MillGreek, Pigeon River, 2 from Old VanderbiltRd. downstreamto Streams Type ElkHillCamoqround Horse Trail (T32N. R1W, 510). GR South BranchRice Creek, 4 Pigeon River, from Concord Rd. downstreamto confluencewith KalelnA4qSR.- from Elk HillCampground Horse Trail NottawaGreek, 4 to PineGrove Camporound Stairs. Pigeon River, 4 from PineGrove Campground Stairs * fT33N.R1W 517) to mouthat MulletLake. Sturgeon River, 4 fromAftonRd. (Alsocalled Webb Rd. or Harwood Lake. C WolverineRd.) downstream to mouthat Burt Lake. Hemlock Lake B Streams DowagiacCreek, 2 from MckenzieRoad (T5S, R14W S31) downstreamto confluencewith LakeLagrange HiqhbanksLake, 4 Naomikono Lake. A Naomikono Pond. A DowagiacRiver Mainstream, 4 RoxburvPond East, A fromsource downstream to PuckerStreet RoxburvPond West, A (T7S,R17W 513). TroutBrook Pond, . A

28 Streams Streams Albany Creek, 4 Bark River, 4 fron bridgebelow lamprev weir to LakeHuron. from 9 Road(Section Line BetweenT38N, Carp River,Mainstream, 4 R24W,S20 & 29) downstreamto HalfadayCreek, 4 LakeMichioan. from LakeshoreDrive downstreamto Lake Suoerior. Big FishdamRiver, 4 Pendill's Greek, 4 fromCounty Road2222 Bridge (T41N, from SecondDam (T47N,R4W S28) R18W59) downstream to LakeMichiqan. downstreamto LakeSuoerior. - DaysRiver, 4 Pine River, 4 fromHighway M-35 Bridge downstream to from H-40Bridge downstream to LakeHuron. LakeMichigan. EscanabaRiver, GR $.i fromBoney Falls Dam downstream to mouth Lakes Type q[ SilverCreek (T40N, R23W. 511 ). Little Long Lake, B FordRiver, 4 fromT43N, R27W S35 (Dickinson County) ;1 :; downstreamto LakeMichioan .:' RapidRiver, 4 Lakes Type from BriqhtLake, CountyRoad S-15 (T42N, R21W 519) A dovnstreamto LakeMichiqan. A SturgeonRiver, 4 fromCounty Road442 Bridge (T42N, Shupac Lake. R20W, A 513)downstream to LakeMichiqan. Streams TacooshRiver, 4 Au SableRiver Mainstream, 2 from 29th Lane(County Road G-24) fromBusiness Loop 75 (JamesSt.) downstream to downstreamto LdkeMichiqan. (T26N, - Burton'sLandins R3W.511). WhitefishRiver, 4 Au SableRiver Mainstream, GR from38th Road (U.S.F.S.2236) downstream fromBurton's Landing downstream to South to LakeMichigan. WakeleyBridqe Rd. (Wakelev Bridoe). Au SableRiver Mainstream, GR fromSouth Wakeley Bridge Rd. (Wakeley Bridge) to McMastersBridge Rd. (McMasters Bridoe). Lakes Type Au Sable River Mainstream, 4 Bass Lake. B from McMastersBridge Rd. (McMastersBridge) downstreamto RainbowBend power line (T26N,R2E, S4). ManisteeRiver, 2 fron headwaters downstreamto CO.Rd. 612. Lakes ManisteeRiver, GR Walloon Lake. froqCO. Rd.612toM-72 ManisteeRiver, GR Drreams fromM-72 downstream to SunsetTrail Rd. BearRiver, 3 (CCCBridse T26N, ROW, 526). fromLake Street Dam (T34N, RsW S6) NorthBranch Au SableRiver, GR downstreamto LakeMichigan. fromSheep Ranch downstream to confluence Note:On the BearRiver, from the mouthupstream to withMainstream. LakeStreet Dam (T34N, RsW S6)it shailbe unlawful SouthBranch Au SableRiver, GR to useother than one single-pointed unweighted fromLower High Banks downstream to hoqkmeasuring 3/8 inch or lessfrom ooint to shank.- confluence with Mainstream. Carp Lake River, 3 from Bridqe (T39N, South Branch Au Sable River, Cn in R4W,S32) downstream to Lake- Michioan. from ChaseBridge Rd. (ChaseBridge) to Lower MapleRiver, 4 from (T36N, HighBanks. dam R4W510), Emmet County I downstreamto mouth.

.trti{a,H#f:-rr;:.iisF3!rB{{i:;i#fiif if ii,$...trffi#ffi *ffi li;1i:}S;l!i*. Lakes Type BearLake. A Lakes Type-B Garr Lake, A Beatons Lake, CairPonds, A Black River Lake, B Kilpecker Pond, A Castle Lake, A Norway Lake, A CorneliaLake, --EA Section1 Pond, A Fingerlake, WntergreenLake, A lmp Lake, B ZigmaulPond, A LittleDuck Lake, B* Mishike Lake, A Moon Lake, B Redboatlake, D

29 Streams Big Carp River, from a point100 yards downstream of Bathtub R45W BlackRiver, Pilgrim River, from RainbowF.alls (T49N, R46W 510) limit SalmonTrout River, Black River, from from US-2 RainbowF

TrapRock River, upstreamlimit is CemeteryRoad (T56N, R32W,S29).


,rji;rl':..,,;i11i:jti Streams TYPe 4

Streams Au Sable River Mainstream, from FooteDam downstream to LakeHuron. SC-Closed to Fishing- Year-round,the portionbelow the FooteDam includingthe to 175feet fromthe dam.

Van Etten Creek, from Van EttenLake downstream to mouth. SC-Closed to Fishing- August15 - Nov.30 from dam at Van EttenLake to mouthat Au SableRiver in, T24N, RgE, S27 & 34. ,"r.; Lakes Type East Branch OntonagonRiver, M-28. Elm River. from RoadBridge between (T53N, R36W -

Torch River, from Torch Lake downstream 4 to LakeSkegemog.

Type c

Streams BallCreek, from US ForestHwy 16 4 to confluence downstream BranchPaint River River. fi44N Buck Creek, Paint River,South Branch. 4 from the Mouthof CooksRun (T44N, River. R36W ColdwaterRiver, S28)to the Mouthof the NorthBranch fromFreeport Rd. downstream to confluence of the PaintRiver (T44N, R35W. S8). Nash Creek, 4

Rogue River, 4 downstreamlimit is confluencewith GrandRiver. Streams ChippewaRiver, fromOutlet of Lakelsabella, (Ti5N, R6W S35)lsabelta Co. Lakes downstreamto confluencewith the Tittabawassee Type Rivel (T14N,R2E, S21), Midtand Co. D A

Type 4 c c Fanny Hooe River, 4 Streams Type South BranchRice Creek. 4 GratiotRiver, A fromBridge (T57N, from ConcordRd. downstream to confluencewith KalamazooR. R32W519,20) iil.fr.ilir SilverRiver, I Type Silver Creek. E Falls Tobacco River, upstreamlimit is mouthof BlackBrook Streams Creek. Augusta Creek, 4 from LittleGilkey Lake and FairLakes ouflets _downstreamto KnappenMills Dam. Streams ] PortageCreek, - Type Little ManisteeRiver. downstreamlimit is KilgoreRd. (T3S, R11W S3). GR from NorthPeacock Trail (Spencer,s Bridge T19N, R13W S5) Road Little . from JohnsonRd. (Johnson'sBridge) downstreamto ManisteeLake. SC-Closed to Fishing- January1- March31 - from a point300 feet upstreamof the DNR

Pere MarquefteRiver, GR from M-37to the downstreamedge of the Gleason's Pere Marquette ManisteeRiver, GR River, GR from lrom M-72downstream to SunsetTrail Rd. the downstreamedge of the boatramp/slide at Gleason's T26 to at Pere Marquette ManisteeRiver, 4 River, fromthe from SunsetTrait Rd. (CCCBridge T26N, R6W 526) upstreamedge of theboat ramp at RainbowRapids (T18N,R14W S27) downstream to ReekRd. ilndian Brirtoe) Pine River, Rapid River, 4' from Elm fromAntrim (RuSS) Pond downstream to TorchRiver. FlatsPublicAccess Site to confluencewith Dam backwaters 'f"""'l;tt't it :''i#ffi Type Lakes Type Lakes A Bio Glen Lake. E Castle Rock Pond. Lime Lake, L E North Lake Leelanau, Streams Streams Black River, 4 GrystalRiver, 3 rrnslreamlimit is PetersTruck Trail Footbridge. fromFisher Dam dow BrevoortRiver, 4 I aland River. rrnstreamlimit is BrevoortLake. StratUaCreek, 4 ao^ Pi.or Mrinelraam 4 fromLittle Traverse Lake outlet (T29N' R13W 510) Crow niver, 4 downstreamto LakeMichigan. rrnstream limit is outfall of Amadon Pond. tvtilakokia River, 4 (T41N' 51) iitilfl::{ti*lil#trtri,tfd1 ffiiffisii&ilff.,sfisllrii: lnland-LimstoneCo. Railroad Bridge R13W' TYPe downstreamto LakeMichioan. Lakes MillecoquinsRiver, 4 Allanc I nka C Michigan c fromH-40 bridqe downstream to Lake oeepl-ire, Pine River, 4 to LakeHuron. ,r*iltil from H-40Bridge downstream fiiii*{p,ffiijiti:t;tii#,;!,i*iryj,-ffi#,si*#l{;g{itiji$id#M;:ijjl ":,.*;.^};}'mffir}rrrrri..j'hilili:]i.i||iiiildd8rffix;iliili;ilffi ". Lakes TYPe :,,A*,";i : {"f*r{:: . *l}"{,f?"t"{}":;:ffi.:.:-""": Trout Lake. C Type (lsland RecreationArea): Streams SpringMill Pond, Lake River, 4 - March31 ' Catchand release Clinton Nofishing March 15 fromYates Dam aboveDequindre Rd. - luresonly - April1 through fishingfor trout artificial downstreamto LakeSt. Clair. lastSaturday in April; from the theFriday before the North BranchGlinton River, 4 March14, 5 fishlimit, 8-inch lastSaturday in April through fromdam above Romeo-Plank Rd. no morethan 3 fish15 inches or larger, minimumsize limit, downstreamto confluencewith Clinton River' andnatural baits may be used. artificial ririir:iri!*ii*srtiii.4irlllr$f:d;rii{r$i#tliffilriir*il,il,!'K*6tfl#*l[ilbw*S$g1i,S$l$iffiiffiiw; ,,,;l..ljf.{* iillldiiriilll*riif/itrStilli{lif$i[$i.l{Sffi,t#"'x,tiii:;!1ffi,fl:ltffiEffi4rii{ir,i*ffi.r{${i#ffiw#iu,}*ErssffilFr: TYPe TYPe Lakes Lakes Arcadia Lake, F BelleLake 1. E 4-^H :-t^r ^f aa..rana l^raalz ln I alra hilichinan bennettSprinssLaU tltanistee take, F RllW S1) A erocries Pond. fi46N. Bridgebelow M-55 (T21N' A from Railroad Bullhead Lake, 56)to LakeMichigan. B* R16W camp 8 Lake, 'September6 - October15 or A SC- Closedto Fishing OairvLake, quota of chinookeggs are D wheneverthe established DeerLake, taken - The southernend of ManisteeLake in the vicinity Lake, A bitlinqham of the mouthof the LittleManistee River, being that area Holland Lake. A of ManisteeLake south of a line drawnfrom a squared Lacf Uke. red post,located 100 feet southeastof the launchramp A Little Whorl Lake. DNR PublicAccessSite on the eastshore, D at the Moon Lake, a squaredred post on the E extendingsouthwesterly to FeanutLake, locatednear the southernend of the A west shore Pratt Lake, PackaoinoCorooration of Americaplant' Pretfv Leke Portaqe Lake, F D Streams Sid Lake- 3 Pond, A BearCreek, Silver Greek (T23N, 56) Snrino Creek Pond. A fromCounty Road 600 14W downstreamto confluencewith Manistee River. Svohon Lake. A 4 Tank Lake. B Betsie River, A from Kurick Rd. downstreamto l\4?2- 4 Wlrd I ako A Little Manistee River, (Johnson's downstreamto ManisteeLake' Wolverine Lake. A fromJohnson Rd. Bridge) - September1 - November14 and YounqsLake, A SG-Closed to Fishing January1 - March31 from a point 300 feetdownstream Streams fromth-e DNR weir in T21N,R16W S25 to ManisteeLake. Blind Sucker River, 4 SG-Closed to Fishing 'Year-roundwithin upstreamlimit is BlindSucker Floodinq Dam. 300feet of the DNRweir, T21N, R16W S25. Two-Hearted River, 4 SC- Glosedto Fishing 'January 1 - March31 from from Co. Rd,407 (HighBridge) downstream to LakeSuperior a point300 feet upstreamof the DNRweir to Spen Manistee River, 4 from HodenpylRes. downstleam to Red Bridge. 32 ManisteeRiver. Salmon-TroutRiver, Research Area: from the lastSaturday fromTippy Dam downstream to Railroad in April-August14, Type 2 streamregulations apply, EXCEPT belowM-55 ff21 brooktrout regulations are as follows:18" minimum size limit, PineRiver, dailyharvesUpossession is (1 ) fish. FromAugust 15 - Friday fromElm Flats Public Access Site to beforethe lastSaturday in April, the riveris closedto fishing. confluencewith Tippy Dam backwaters. Theseregulations apply to that portionof the Salmon- TroutRiver from LowerFalls (T51N, R28W 513) downto LakeSuperior. Lakes Type Lakes Type Pere Marquette Lake, F Beds A Streams Big South Branch , from confluence of BeaverMinnepesaug Clear A creeksdownstream lo confluencewith Pere Lincoln River, fromconfluence of Northand South Branches of LincolnRiver, (T19N, R17W, S32) down- streamto Little Manistee River, 4 Lake from JohnsonRd. (Johnson'sBridge) downstream to ManisteeLake. SG.Closed to Fishing- January1-March 31 from a point 300 PereMarquette River, D fromthe upstreamedge of the boatramp at RainbowRapids D (T18N,R14W; S27)downstream to Reek Rd. (lndian Bridse). Pere Marquette River, 3 from ReekRd. (lndianBridge) downstream D to OldUS-31. n13 A SC- Closed to Fishing - Year-roundwithin 300' upstreamand Lake B downstreamof the lampreybarrier. A SC- Closed to Fishing - Whenthe lampreybarrier A is in operation,from 300'above the lampreybarrier in T18N, E the mouthof B Sable River, 4 D fromBridge Crossing (T19N, R15W S3) A B Sable River, 3 B from HamlinLake Dam downstream to LakeMichigan. Note: On the SableRiver, from the mouthupstream to Streams HamlinLake Dam it shallbe unlawfulto use otherthan Big Garlic River, 4 one single-pointedunweighted hook measuring 3/8 inch from Forks(T49N, R27W 512) downstream or lessfrom pointto shank.

Carp River, 2 from Deer Lake Dam (T48N, R27W S27) Streams Type Carp River, 3 fromMoroan Creek downstream to MuskegonRiver, 4 Chocolay River, 3 fromUS-10 downstream to RiverBend Bluffs Public from confluenceof Big Creek(T47N, R24W 59) AccessSite (T15N, RgW S31).

Ford River, 4 from T43N,R27W S33 (DickinsonCounty) Streams Type downstream Big Cedar River, 4 Harlow Creek, 4 from VeteransMemorial Park Dam (T38N, from RailroadBridge (T49N, R26W, S24) Ford River. lron River, 4 fromT43N, R27W S35 (Dickinson County) from LakeIndependence Dam to LakeSuperior. downstreamto LakeMichigan. Creek, 4 Walton Creek (River) North Branch Crockery I (T10N,R13W, 536) fromWestmann Dam (T35N, R25W 518) mainstreamfrom KenowaAve' Creekmainstream downto LakeMichigan. downstreamto confluencewith Crockery at Ravenna. White River, 4 i$iiii$' from HesperiaDam downstreamto Streams Type LakeMichigan. ChippewaRiver, 3 : from outletof Lakelsabella, (T15N' R6W S35) rttfll;lttsili;;t ,ii;,.'. lsabellaCo. downstreamto confluence withthe TittabawasseeRiver, (T14N' R2E' S21)' Lakes TYPe

Tittabawassee River, 3 from SanfordDam downstream to confluencewith the SaginawRiver' Streams South Branch Pere MarquetteRiver, 4 SC- Closed to Fishing 'March 16 - Friday Big confluence of BeaverMinnepesaug beforelast Saturday in April between from downstreamto confluencewith SanfordDam and the mouthof the Salt River creeks (T15N,R1W, S24). Little Muskeqon River, SC- Closed to Fishing 'March 16 - Friday River, 4 beforelast Saturday in April betweenthe Muskegon D CrotonDam downstream to BridgeStreet DowDam and Gordonville Bridge (T13N' R2E, 51) from (NewBridse T12N, R13W, S24) Garfield Twp' 3 , ,1,,1. ,if'Ll r i:l Muskegon River, fromBridge Street (new bridge T12N, R13W S24) Lakes Type GarfieldTwp., downstream to M-120. TamarackCreek, 4 Nevins Lake, C Streams Oakland 4 4 Lakes TYPe FishGreek, C fromSidney Rd. downstream to confluence MacedayLake, withMaole River. Streams Little Muskeqon River, 4 Huron River, GR PrairieCreek, from the Sionbelow Moss LakeOutlet to the Signs100 yards TamarackCreek, 4 belowWixom Rd. (T2N, R7E, 513). Paint Creek, GR i from Gunn Rd. to TienkenRd. ': Lakes Type ' ' ', ' .., .' r., l OcEonal, ,.i,' B Clear Lake. Lakes Type I aka Fifteen- B Pentwater Lake, F Mccormick Lake. B from confluenceof Northand Southbranches Streams of PentwaterRiver to LakeMichigan. GR Black River, Silver Lake, F fromTin ShantyBridge Rd. downstreamto the TownCorner downstreamlimit is LakeMichioan. LakeStairs (T32N, R1E, S31)' Stony Lake, F \: from inletof StonyCreek to LakeMichigan.

Lakes Type Duck Lake, F

Half Moon Lake, C Mona Lake, F from US-31to LakeMichigan. Muskegon Lake, F fromM-120 to LakeMichigan- White Lake, :' F from BusinessRoute US-31 to LakeMichigan. Streams GedarCreek 3 fromRiver Rd. (T11N, R15W, S33) downstreamto confluencewith Muskeqon River. Muskegon River, 3 from BridgeStreet (new bridge T12N, R13W S24) GarfieldTwp., downstream to M-120. 34 Streams I North Branch Pentwater River, 4 fromOceana Dr. downstream to confluence Lakes Type withmainstream of PentwaterRiver. GenterLake, North BranchWhite River, c 4 Wells Lake, C fromArthur Rd. downstream to confluence withWhite River. Streams PenturaterRiver, 4 MuskegonRiver, 4 fromHart Dam downstream to confluencewith frqmUS-10 downstream to RiverBend Bluffs PentwaterLake. PublicAccessSite (T15N, RgW S31). White River, 1 fromHesperia Dam downstream to LakeMichigan. Lakes Type CraterLake, A

Lakes Type Streams DevoeLake, B Au SableRiver Mainstream, 4 fromMcMasters GrousehavenLake, B BridgeRd. (McMasters Bridge) downstream LakeGeorge, = to RainbowBend power line (T26N. R2E. S4). Au uaoteKtver.Maanstream, 4 Streams fromMio Dam down to the Miopower line at RifleRiver, 3 (T26N,R3E, S7). fromSage Lake Road (T23N, R3E, S22) Au SableRiver Mainstream. GR downstreamto SaginawBay. fromMio power line (T26N, R3E, 57) downstreamto EvansRd. (McKinlev Bridoe). - Au SabfeRiver Mainstream, 2 fromEvans Rd. (McKintey Bridge) dorvnstream to 4001Bridge. Lakes Type GourtneyLake, B Mirror Lake, B Paulding Pond, B Lakes Type Trout crgek pond, C Bis ChubLake, B BridseLake, B Streams F J Big lron River, 3 xeartlake. J fromKoshak Rd. Bridge (T49N, R43W S2) picrerelLake. A downstreamto LakeSuperior. SectionFour Lake, D EastBranch , g West Lo6t Lake, D upstreamlimit is Hwy.M-28. - EastSleeping River, g Streams fromrailroad tresfle (T53N, RASW S25) Black River, GR downstreamto LakeSuperior. fromTin ShantyBridge Rd. downstreamto the TownCorner FircsteelRiver (lncluding East & Westgranct)J LakeStairs (T32N, R1E, 531). upstreamlimit is Hwy.M-26. - ManisteeRiver, 2 Little lron River, a- fromheadwaters downstream to Co. Rd.612. upstreamlimit is NonesuchFalls fi50N. R43N.- Sl). PigeonRiver, 2 MiddleBranch Ontonagon River, i fromOld Vanderbilt Rd. downstream to ElkHill downstreamlimit isAoate Falls. CampgroundHorse Trail. MiddleBranch Ontonagon River, g PigeonRiver, GT AoateFalls is upstreamlimit, fromElk Hill Campground Horse Trail MiseryRiver, g to PineGrove Campground stairs. upstreamlimit is bridsein TS3N, R37W S15.

UnionRiver, 4 fromSouth Boundary Rd (T51N, R42W S22) downstreamto LakeSuperior. WestBranch Big lron River, 3- fromBurnt Dam Bridge (T50N, R44W S36) downstreamto confluencewith Bio lron River WestBranch Ontonagon Rlver, C upstreamlimit is confluencewith Mctoria Hydro Stationtail race(T50N, R39W S29). SC-Glosed to Fishing- Aprit1 - June10 from its confluencewith the MctoriaHydro Station tailrace in theSE1/4 of theSW1/4 of T50N. R39WS29 upstream to VictoriaDam.

35 Ott€n*ta r::ii St, Clair Type Streams Lakes Belle Macatawa, F Lake Black River, private in PortHuron State Game F from dam PigeonLake, Area with St. C Lakeshore Streams Crockery Greek Mainstream, fromMoore Rd (T10N,R13W 54) in St. JosePh MuskegonCounty downstream to confluence Lakes E :.,::,,,.,North Branch Crockery Creek, 4 Corey Lake, mainstreamfrom KenoaAve' (T10N, R13W 536)downstream . Streams _ls (1raak wutttrYrYYl,% . ,.:.,,,,,',,; SandCfeek,Qanrl 4 FlowerfieldCreek Mainstream' 4 Presquelsle ffiirioutaries,' Llttle Swan ureeK ano trlDularles' + Lakes Type t-I MillutittCreekcreek and tributaries,tribuiiries, 4 , I fromPreston Road (T7S, R12W' 57) iror.rtCreek Pond (f35N, RsE, S17), q 4 Streams I PrairieRiver Mainstream' OcqueocRiver, 4 tromBowers Road (T8S, R7W, 54) downstream from BarnhartLake downstream to Lake Huron. I to M Swan River, 3 Spring GreekMainstream' fromUS-23 Bridge downstream to LakeHuron. fromM-66 Bridge (T65, RgW' S]ill"Yl:g:T I 51 SC- Closed to Fishing -Wheneverweir is in place- from 300 to confluencewith R1OW, 29. I UnnamedTributary to SpringGreek Trout River, 3 RlOW516 fromdam (T35N,RsE, S17) downstream to LakeHuron. UnnamedTributary (T65,R10W 526). Roscommon VanBuren Lakes Type HigginsLake, E Lakes Shafer Lake Saginaw Streams Streams TYPe Black RiverMainstream, _ _ SaginawRiver. 3 TittabawasseeRiver, 3 from SanfordDam downstream to Brush Creek Except ReynoldsLake Drain, 4 :'' confluencewith the SaginawRiver. from 63rdAve. downstreamto confluence

South Branch Paw Paw River (aka Gates Drain or West Branch)and tributaries, 4 Washtenaw Streams Lakes Fox River, Pickerel Lake, irom Fox RiverState Forest Campground T46N,R'l4W 511)to tt{-28. ManistiqueRiver,

Milakokia River, 4 lnland-LimstoneCo. RailroadBridge (T41N, R13W 51) downstrean,to LakeMichigan. I I __l Streams Huron River, from BellevilleLake Dam in WayneCo.

Johnson Creek. from NapierRd. (T1S,R7E, S24) to lts conftuencewith the MiddleBranch Rouge River (T1S, R8E, S3).

Manistee River, from SunsetTrail Rd. (CCCBridge T26N, R6W 526) 15. Pine River. 2 from Elm FlatsPublicAccess Site to confluencewith TippyDam backwaters.

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