- INLANDTROUT AND SALMON REGULATIONS Theinformation in thissection (p.22 - 37)provides fishing regulations that pertainonly to the takingof troutand salmonfrom inland waters. Check the countylistings, arranged by county,on pages26 - 37 for specificwaters and the regulationsplaced on eachaccording to the Typelisted for that entry.Regulations for lakesand streams are listed in eitherthe lakeregulations table (p.22), stream regulations table (p. 23),or the gearrestricted streams section (p.24 - 25).Maps have been developed to assistanglers in identifyinginland trout waters and the regulationsassociated with eachType as indicatedby colorscheme and text. Mapsare only available online at www.michigan.gov/fishingguide. An all-speciesfishing license is requiredfor all anglers,age 17 or older,to takeand possesstrout and salmonfrom any publicwaters (see p. 3 for moreinformation). InlandTrout & SalmonLake Regulations The followingregulations pertain only to inlandlake-iypes A - F Minimum Size Limit (inches) as fisted on p. 26 - 37. LakeTroutl Jan.l-Oct.31 OtherTrout & Salmonopen for the entireyear 5 fish,with no morethan 3 trout 15 inchesor greater. On TypeD lakes,it is unlawfulto use or possesslive bait, dead or preservedbait, organic or processedfood, or scentedmaterial on any of the watersor on shore. Thepossessionseasonfor|aketroutisJan.1.Sept.30onBetsieLake(BenzieCounty).,;. 5 fish in any combination,but no morethan 3 fishof any one species,except up to 5 salmon(Chinook or coho)may be retained. Designatedtrout lakes: AffType A, allType D andthose Type B* lakes marked with an asterisk (*) are designated trout lakes (see p. 26- 37). General regulations , for lakes not classified by Type: ,,,,i;fi., , Excepjfol lakesin theMichigan-Wisconsin Boundary Waters and Sylvania Wilderness Area, any other inland lake not classmJW Typeis openfor the entire year to lh,e.takinOof trout with an 8-inchminimum size limit and 5 fishdaily possession limit, no morethan3divhicn mayUe 15inches or greater.Artificial lures and all types of naturalbait may be used.See pages 13 and 14 for Michigan-Wisconsin yVaters Bq*fidary:j andSylvania Wilderness Area regulations. I' , 22 InlandTrout & SalmonStream Regulations Thefollowing regulations pertain only to inlandstream Types 1 - 4 as listed p. 26 - 37. Daily All types of naturaland artificialbaits may be used on streamTypes 1.4 Minimum Size Limit (inches) Possession Limit Atlantic Salmon, ChinookSalmon, CohoSalmon, FishingSeason PossessionSeason LakeTrout. Pink Salmon,Rainbow Trout (Steelhead), Splake 5 fish, but no morethan LastSat. in threetrout April- Sept.30 15"or for BrookTrout, grea(er. Openfor the entire BrownTrout, and year AtlanticSalmon Openfor the entire yearfor all otherTrout andSalmon Designatedtrout streams: All Type1, all Type2, and allGear Restricted Streams are designated trout streams. Some Type 3 and someType 4 streamsare designated troutstreams as indicatedin FO-210.FO-210 is availableat any operationservice center or online(wwwmichigan.govidnrfishing). Generalregulations for streamsnot classifiedby Type: Exceptfor streamsin the Michigan-WisconsinBoundary Waters, any otherinland stream not classified by Typeis openfor the entireyear with an 8-inchminimum size limit and a 5 fishdaily possession limit, no morethan 3 of whichmay be 15 inchesor greater,except up to 5 salmon (Chinookor coho)15 inchesor greatermay be retainedin the dailypossession limit on thesewaters. Artificial lures and all typesof naturalbait maybe used. Pleasesee page13 for Michigan-WisconsinBoundary Waters regulations. - GearRestricted Streams Thefollowing streams have regulations that differ from those in Types 1 - 4 aslisted on p. 23.,Red text indicates either a new,additionto this section or a regulationchange to anexisting gear restricted stream. On any stream reach that is being managed under gear restric'tions, it shall be unlawfr.rl to use or possesslive bait, dead or preserved bait, organic or processed food, or scented material on any of the waters or on shore. Au SableRiver, Mainstream (Crawford Gounty) from Burton's artificialflies only; Daily possession limit: two (2) trart; ex€pt that Landing{T26N, R3W S11} to SouthWakeley Bridge Rd. thedaily possession limit shall not include more thhn one (1) trout (WakeleyBridge): Fishing season: open for the entire year; 18inches or grcater; Size limits: minimum size limit: brook trout Possessionseason: closed for the entire year; except that for - 10inches; brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10inches.' childrenunder the ageof 12-yearsold the possessionseason Mileage:11.5 miles. is openfor the entire year; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily BlackRiver (Otsego and Montnorency counties).from Tin Shanty PosseesionLimit zero(0) trout; except that for children under BridgeRd. to the TownGomer Lake Stairc (T32N, RlE, S31 theage of 12-yearsold the daily possession limit shall be one SE/SE):Flshing season: open for the entire year; Possession (1) trout;Size limits: not applicable; except that for children season:last Saturday inApril through September 30 for brook trout; underthe ageof 12-yearsold the minimum size limit shall be openfor the entire year for brown trout and rainbow trout Tackle: 8 inchesand the maximum size limit shall be 12inches for all artificiallures only Dailypossession llmit five(5) trout; except that speciesof trout.Trout less than 8 inchesor greaterthan 12 thedaily possession limit shall not include more than two (2) brook inchesmust be released. Mileage: 9.0 miles. trout;Size limits: minimum size limit brook trout - 10inches; brown SableRiver, Mainstream (Crawford County) from South trout- 8 inches;rainbow trout - 10inches. Mibage: 4.4 rniles. Wakeley (Wakeley BridgeRd. Brldge)toMcMasters Bridge Rd. CooksRun, (lron County) from USForest Hwy 16 (T44N, R37W, (McMasters yea4 Bridge):Fishing season: open for the entire 536)toconfluence with South Branch Palnt River (T44N, R36W, Poseessionseason: last Saturdayin April through September 30 S28):From the last Saturday in Aorilthrough Seotember 30, this for year brooktrout and brown troul openfor the entire forrainbow reachof streamshall be managed under Type 2 regulations. trout;Tackle: artificiallures only; Dally Possession Limit two(2) trout;except that the daily possession limit shall not include more FromOctober 1through the Friday before the last Saturdav in thanone (1 ) trout18 inches or greater; Size limits: minimum size April,this reach of streamshall be managed under gear restricted limitbrook trout - 10inches: brown trout - 18 inches:rainbow trout regulationsas follows: Fishing season: October 1 throughthe - 10inches. Mileage: 8.0 miles. Fridaybefore the last Saturday in April; Posgession seasop: closed; exceptthat for children under the age of 12-yearsold the possession SableRiver, Malnstream (Oscoda power County)from Mio line seasonis open; Tackle: artificial flies only; Daily possession limit: (T26N,R3E, S7)to Evans Rd. (McKlnley Bridge):Fishing season: zero(0) trout; except that for children under the age of 12-years openfor the entire year; Poeseesion season:last Saturday inApril oldthe daily possession limit shall be one (1) trout; Size limits: not throughSeptember 30 for brooktrout and brown trout; open fcir applicable;except that for children under the age of 12-yearsold theentire year for rainbow trout;Tackle: artificial lures only; Daily theminimum size limit shall be 8 inchesand the maximum size limit PossessionLlmit two(2) trout; except that possession thedaily shallbe 12inches for all species of trout. Trout less than 8 inchesor limitshall not include more (1)trout greater; thanone 18inches or greaterthan 12 inches must be released. Mileage: 4.5 miles. Sizelimib: minimumsize limit brook trout - 7 inches;brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10inches. Mileage: 15.0 mibs. DuckCreek (Gogebic County) from Railroad Bridge (T44N, R39W 516)to confluencewith MiddleBranch Ontonagon (Crawford SableRiver, North Branch County)from Sheep River:Fishing season: open for the entire year; Possession Ranch(T28N, R2W S12) to confluence with Mainstream: season:last Saturday in April through September 30 for brook trout Fishingseason: open forthe year; entire Possessionseason: andbrown trout; open for the entire year for rainbow trout; Tackle: lastSaturday in April throughSeptember 30 for brook trout and artificiallures only; Daily possession limit: two (2) trout; Size browntrout; open for year , theentire forrainbow trout; Tackle: limits:minimum size limit allspecies of trout-10 inches. Mileage: artificialfliesonly; Daily poesession limif two(2) trout;except hat 6.5miles. thedaily possession limit shall not include more than one (1) trout 18inches or greater; Size limits: minimum size limit brook trout EscanabaRiver (Delta County) from Boney Falls Dam to Mou$ of - 10inches; brown trout - 18inches; rainbow trout - 10 inches. SilverCreek (T40N, R23W S11): Fishing season: open forthe Mileage:20.7miles entireyear; Possession season: last Saturday in Apdl through September30 for brook trout and brown trout; open for the entire SableRiver, South (Crawford Branch Gounty)from Chase year.forrainbow trout; Tackle: artificial lures only; Daily possession, BridgeRd. (Chase (T25N, Bddge)to LowerHigh Banks R2W, limit two(2)trout; Size limitE: minimum size limit brook trout - 10 S13):Fishing season: open forthe entire year; Possession , inches;brown trout - 12inches;.rainbow trout - 12inches. Mileage: season:closed forthe entire year; except that for children under 14.2miles. theage of 12-yearsold the possession
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