1 A Game of Fate: Report on Indonesia Death Penalty Policy in 2019 Authors: Erasmus A.T. Napitupulu Genoveva Alicia K. S. Maya Iftitahsari Maidina Rahmawati Muhamad Eka Ari Pramuditya Editor Anggara Cover: Genoveva Alicia K. S. Maya Visual Element: Ian Espinosa on Unsplash Copyright License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Published by: Institute for Criminal Justice Reform Jl. Komplek Departemen Kesehatan Nomor B-4, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan – 12520 Phone/Fax: 02127807065 Email:
[email protected] First Published in Bahasa Indonesia: October 2019 2 We understand that not everyone has the opportunity to become a supporter of the ICJR. However, should you share a common vision with us, you can be part of our mission to ensure that Indonesia will have a fair, accountable and transparent legal system for all its citizens, without any distinction of social status, political views, skin color, gender, origin, sexual orientation and nationality. As a little as IDR 15.000 (USD 1.09), you can be part of our mission and support ICJR to keep working to ensure the Indonesian legal system becomes more just, transparent and accountable. support us now icjr.or.id/15untukkeadilan 3 CONTENTS Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................5 In Memoriam of the Third President of Indonesia: B.J. Habibie ....................................................................... 7 1. Track Records of Indonesian Officials’ Statements on Death Penalty ..................................................8 2. Development of Legislations and Policies in Indonesia: Draft Bill of Penal Code ...............................12 3. The portrayal of the Death Penalty: Trend of Death Penalty in Prosecution and Court Sentencing ..16 4. Questions of Time ...............................................................................................................................20 5.