HNV-Link Thematic Network High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge H2020, 2016-2019 -

Learning Area & CEVENNES (FR)

Coordinator: Conservatoire d’espaces naturels (CEN L-R), in partnership with Regional chamber of agriculture and Interdepartemental alliance for C&C

Behind the scene of a cultural landscape

# 3 territorials units 1 culture : pastoralism The Causses & Cévennes are located in the South-East of , Southern Causses Upper Cévennes Lower Cévennes . The area includes almost every type of pastoralism known in the Mediterranean, like agro-pastoralism, sylvo-pastoralism and transhumance. Due to the outstanding example of the Mediterranean pastoralism activities, the area was added to the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 2011. e

p Larges limestone

a Granite massifs with Narrow schist ridges c plateaus # Key fgures s treeless summits and profound valleys d Steppe-like in n culminating at 1600m mainly forest a appearance 22 000 inhabitans 3000 km² L 140 000 sheeps 1500 km² farmlands

g Goats for cheese and

n Transhumant sheep i Sheeps for cheese and sheeps for lamb 8 500 goats 63 % rangelands

m focks in summer r lamb production combined with other cows grasslands a and cows for meat 8 500 30 % F activities # Treats # Open habitat # World heritage Semi-natural grasslands and scrublands Drystone buildings

Rangelands conversion Herding Herds path

Alouette lulu

Armeria gerardii Aster des Cevennes Oreillard méridional Vautour moine

Invasion by scrubs # Innovations Watering management Lands optimization Cultural practices Emblematic landscape ● Collectives apporach (local slaughterhouses, pasture groups, farm shop) ● Recognition of quality of products ● Eligibility of oak wood and chestnut pasture for CAP subsidies Wolves depredation ● Governance of the UNESCO site Transhumance Natural sites

More about pastoralism within Causses & Cevennes: • • • [email protected]

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 This document represents the views of the authors. The Research Executive Agency is Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 696391 not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.