The London Gazette, 8 November, 1910. 7983
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 NOVEMBER, 1910. 7983 mission to retain his rank, and to .wear the 5th (City of London) Battalion, The London prescribed uniform. Dated 9th November, Regiment (London Rifle Brigade); the 1910. undermentioned officers, to be Lieutenants. 4:th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment; Dated 17th October, 1910: — Second Lieutenant Geoffrey St. J. Jones to Second Lieutenant Charles W. C. Hore. be Lieutenant. Dated 29th October, 1910. Second Lieutenant Gilbert R. Frere. Second Lieutenant Robert E. Otter. 5th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment; Lieutenant Arthur L. Stevenson is appointed (County of London) Battalion, The Instructor of Musketry. Dated 6th October, London Regiment (Artists Rifles) ; Second 1910. Lieutenant Sydney W. Neighbour to be 6th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Battalion, The Lieutenant. Dated 13th July, 1910. Hampshire Regiment; Edwin George Thomas ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Tims to be Quartermaster, with the honorary East Lancashire ' Divisional Company (Head- rank of Lieutenant. Dated 8th October, quarters), East Lancashire Divisional Trans- 1910. port and Supply Column, Army Service 8th (Isle of Wight Rifles, " Princess Bea- Corps; Second Lieutenant George A. Sykes, trice's ") Battalion, The Hampshire Regi- from the Manchester Brigade Company, ment; Major Charles G. Brodie resigns his East Lancashire Divisional Transport and commission. Dated 9th November, 1910. Supply Column, Army Service Corps, to be &th Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Volun- Lieutenant. Dated 21st July, 1910. teers (South Lancashire Regiment); Captain ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Garrard Elgood, The Queen's Own (Royal 1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, Royal West Kent Regiment), to be Adjutant, vice Army Medical Corps; Lieutenant Octavius Captain Geoffrey R. Mott, The Prince of Roberts Ennion, from the list of officers Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regi- attached to units other than medical units, ment), whose tenure of that appointment has to ba Lieutenant. Dated 3rd October, 1910. expired. Dated 1st November, 1910. 2nd Lowland Field Ambulance, Royal Army 4th Battalion, The Queen's 'Own (Royal West Medical Corps; Lieutenant David Shannon, Kent Regiment); Cadet Private Robert M.B., to be Captain. Dated 15th Septem- Leslie Hardy, from the Oxford University ber, 1910. Contingent, Senior Division, Officers Train- ing Corps, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated (Attached to Units other than Medical Units.) 9th November, 1910. Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Sur- 5th Battalion, The Queen's Own (Royal West geon-Colonel James B. Ronaldson resigns Kent Regiment); Captain Arthur E. Hills his commission, and is granted permission to is appointed Instructor of Musketry. Dated retain his rank and to wear the prescribed 14th October, 1910. uniform. Dated 9th November, 1910. 7th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own (For attachment to Units other than Medical (Middlesex Regiment); Lieutenant Chris- Units.) topher F. F. Pagan is seconded for service with the University of London Contingent, Jacob Frederick Farrow to be Lieu- Senior Division, Officers Training Corps. tenant. Dated 6th September, 1910. Dated 14th October, 1910. ARMY VETERINARY CORPS. 6th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment; John Hill to be Lieutenant. Dated 7th Lieutenant Joseph Holt is appointed In- September, 1910. structor of Musketry. Dated 8th June, 1910. 5th (The Sutherland and Caithness Highland) UNATTACHED LIST FOR THE TERRITORIAL Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire FORCE. Buffs, The Duke of Albany's); Supernume- Captain James Menzies, from the 5th (the rary Captain Peter Sutherland, Instructor of Sutherland and Caithness Highland) Batta- Musketry, resigns his commission. Dated lion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, 10th June, 1910. the Duke of Albany's), to be Captain. George Granville Sutherland, The Mar- Dated 1st September, 1910. quis of Stafford (late Second Lieutenant 2nd Edgar Prosper Edmond Chottin to be Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)) to be Cap- Second Lieutenant, for service with the St. tain. Dated 1st September, 1910. Lawrence College Contingent, Junior Division, Officers Training Corps. Dated 6th (Renfrewshire) Battalion, Princess Louise's 1st September, 1910. (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders); The undermentioned officers (serving with Supernumerary Captain William McA. the Cambridge University Contingent, Milne resigns his commission. Dated 9th Senior Division, Officers Training Corps) November, 1910. resign their commissions: — Dated 9th Nov- 1st Battalion, The Monmouthshire Regiment; ember, 1910. Captain Gerald Edmurid Byng Stephens, Lieutenant Gerald A. Boddam-Whetham. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Second Lieutenant Frederic T. C. Young. Own), to be Adjutant, vice Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Arthur D. Ager. Arthur P. Evans, The King's Royal Rifle Second Lieutenant Henry C. D. C. - Corps, who has vacated that appointment. Mackenzie-Kennedy. Dated 27th October, 1910. Cadet Corporal Charles Herbert Reid to 3rd (City of London) Battalion, The London be Second Lieutenant, for service with- the Regiment (Royal Fusiliers); Emile Valen- Infantry Unit of the Cambridge University tine Noel to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Contingent, Senior Division, Officers Train- 13th October, 1910. ing Corps. Dated 9th November, 1910t.