

5(*,21$/ &225',1$725 x Name Ms. Irene 6,-*(56 x Address: Saxion Hogeschool , M.H. Tromplaan 28 / P.O. Box 70000, 7500 KB Enschede x Tel: +31 53 4871 480 x Email : [email protected]


The Region is situated in the Eastern part of the . The number of inhabitants of the region is approximately 625,000 (4% of the Dutch population). The Twente economy has developed in the last few decades from a region with traditionally a lot of textile and metal industry into an economy which is characterized by features such as advanced technology, business services, building trade and and recreation. A further shift to services and social services in particular is expected, with an increase in technology application. In the region there are approximately 32,000 enterprises and (profit and non- profit) organizations. The region has branches of large national/international concerns and many small and medium-sized enterprises.


In the Twente Region five government-funded institutions of higher education are established. 1. 6D[LRQ+RJHVFKROHQ, a university of higher professional education with establishments in Enschede, and . The Enschede establishment has 12,000 students, subdivided into 52 bachelor programmes (engineering, economics and management, care and social studies). Saxion offers 11 master programmes, mostly in co-operation with foreign partner schools. By establishing lectureships (assistant professors) and fellowships the orientation on research positions and transfer of knowledge for the purpose of regional development is enhanced. 2. : established in Enschede. The University of Twente (UT) is an institute of scientific education and research, offering both engineering and social sciences. With 7,000 students the UT offers 19 bachelor programmes and 32 master programmes. The research of the faculty staff is financed by direct funding, indirect funding and by commercial activities. 3. Twente Education Centre, +RJHVFKRRO Edith Stein: this one-sector university of professional education is situated in and is the only one in Twente to offer a teacher’s programme for primary education. The number of students is 1,200. 4. $.,, visual arts and design academy. Together with the &KULVWHOLMNH$FDGHPLHYRRU %HHOGHQGH.XQVWHQ in Kampen () and the $FDGHPLHYRRU%HHOGHQGH.XQVWHQ 9RUPJHYLQJ in Arnhem they are a faculty of visual arts and design. With 2,800 students $UW(= is one of the largest independent art academies in the Netherlands. 5. ,7&The International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, established in 1950 under the name of International Training Centre for Aerial Survey (ITC), is an autonomous organisation operating under the aegis of two Ministries and closely linked to the UT. It is the oldest and largest (over 300 students) international higher-education institute in the Netherlands, and seeks to promote the application of geo-information technology through programmes of research, education and project services.


6D[LRQ+RJHVFKROHQ maintain a large number of structural relations with companies and institutions in all regional sectors (and outside the Twente Region), in order to live up to its concept of market-oriented and professional practice-oriented education: by means of indus- trial placements, final projects in companies and institutions, practical assignments and trans- fer activities. With various companies and institutions there are structural arrangements for cooperation; with some of them there are 6D[LRQ-wide partnerships. Moreover, the lectureship “Innovative entrepreneurship” was established with its complementary entrepreneurial centre.

The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial research university. This is given shape by strategic networks with both public and private partners. Research contributes to technolo- gical and social innovation and is the result of intensive partnership. The entrepreneurship of the UT takes many forms: spin-off enterprises; research and education in the field of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship; co-operations with industry, social services and centers of excellence; patents to utilize knowledge and technology.

At the UT and 6D[LRQ+RJHVFKROHQ developments on the interface between social services and technology take up a central place. Together with regional health care institutions a Medical School has been established, in which education, research and (health care) practice are represented. ICT infrastructure is essential in this partnership.


Local authorities, institutions and companies in the Twente Region are among the stakeholders of 6D[LRQ+RJHVFKROHQ and the UT e.g.: municipalities, profit and non-profit organisations, commercial services, secondary schools and senior secondary vocational educations. These stakeholders are involved in different ways: x Senior executives from (inter) national companies and institutions participate in the Supervisory Board of Saxion Hogescholen and the UT. x The Schools of Saxion have an Advisory Board in which representatives from relevant professional fields participate. In most cases they are representatives from regional small and medium-sized businesses and the regional governmental and care institutions in Twente. In case of the UT many companies, organisations and institutions are represented on the Board of Trustees. x The educational programs at Saxion and the UT have an extensive network of co- operating and advisory tutors who work in the region. These representatives of the professional field are closely involved in (the development of) the institutions. x It is important that stakeholders from the Twente Region are regularly called in as external experts for final projects and exams. x Board members of both institutions and managing directors of Saxion schools and institutes of the UT participate in various regional collaborations, committees and organisations.

 5HVRXUFHV IRU )XUWKHU ,QIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH 5HJLRQ (i.e. web-site, published report etc) www.saxion.nl; www.utwente.nl (www.graduate.utwente.nl); www.edith.nl; www.itc.nl; www.veluweentwente.kvk.nl; www.ikt.nl; www.technocentrum-twente.nl; www.drebbel.utwente.nl; www.oostnv.nl; www.telin.nl; www.rrd.nl; www.regiotwente.nl; www.sciencepark.nl;