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TEAM TEAM SCUT×POLITO SCUT×POLITO SDC 2017 SDC 2017 TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 INTRODUCTION OF SD INTRODUCTION OF SD SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 The introduction of SD SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 The introduction of SD TheThe SolarSolar DecathlonDecathlon is a solaris buildinga solar scientifibuilding c competitionscientific competitionsponsored bysponsored the U.S. Departmentby the U .ofS. energyDepartment and participa-of energy andted participatedbyThe the globalSolar bytopDecathlonthe universities.globalistopauniversitiessolar building. scientific Sincecompetition the fi rst Solarsponsored Decathlonby heldthe Uin. SWashington. Department DC,of itenergy and participated by the global top universities. Sincehas developedthe first toSolar Europe,Decathlon the Middleheld Eastin andWashington other places.DC, it hasSolardeveloped Decathlonto is Europe,called thethe OlympicMiddle GamesEast and of theother greenplaces. Solar SinceDecathlonthe firstis calledSolar theDecathlonOlympicheldGamesin Washingtonof the greenDC, it building and would be held every two years. buildinghasanddevelopedwould beto Europe,held everythetwoMiddleyearsEast. and other places. The Solarwhole DecathlonCompetitionis calledis evaluatedthe Olympic in theGames actualof con-the green building and would be held every two years. Thestructionwhole and Competitionis divided in tenis contests,evaluated so it inis namedthe actual as The Solar Decathlon.and is dividedSince 2002,in ten thecontests, competitionso itwasis namedheld constructionThe whole Competition is evaluated in the actual successfully in the United States, Europe, China and other as TheconstructionSolar Decathlonand is. dividedSince 2002in ten, thecontests,competitionso it is wasnamed heldplaces,successfullyas TheattractingSolar inmoreDecathlonthe thanUnited. 100SinceStates, universities2002Europe,, the aroundcompetitionChina theand was otherworldheldplaces, to participate,successfullyattracting showinginmorethe Unitedthanthe world's100States,universities latestEurope, energyaroundChina te- and thechnologyworldother andtoplaces,participate, energyattracting conservationshowingmore thanthetechnologyworld's100 universities. latestIt has beenenergyaround technologysupportedthe world byand theto governments,energyparticipate,conservation enterprisesshowing the andtechnologyworld's public latestaround. It energyhas been supported by the governments, enterprises and the and energy conservation technology. It has publicbeenaroundsupportedthe worldby. the governments, enterprises and public around the world. TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 SDSD AUDIENCEAUDIENCE SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 SD audience SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 SD audience 2002 IN TOTAL THE SD HAS RECEIVED: US Washington2002 DC US Washington DC _ more than 6000 corporates 2006 In total, the SD has received: sponsorship 2006Chile In total, the SD has received: Chile • more than 6000 corporates _ more •thanmore 100 than government 6000 corporates 2009 departmentssponsorship 2005 2009US Washington DC sponsorship US Washington2005 DC US Washington DC • more than 100 government US Washington DC _ professional• more organizations than 100 government support departments 2007 2011 • departmentsand professional organizations US Washington2007 DC 2011US Washington DC • and professional organizations US Washington DC US Washington DC _ 3.000.000support people has attended the support 2010 competition as audience 2014 US Washington2010 DC • 3.000.000 people has attended the 2014France Versailles US Washington DC • 3.000.000 people has attended the Spain Madrid France Versailles _ media communicationcompetition as has audience reached Spain Madrid competition as audience 300.000.000 audience 2013 • media communication has reached China Datong2013 • mediathree hundredcommunication million audiencehas reached US WashingtonChina Datong DC three hundred million audience US WashingtonSpain Madrid DC Spain Madrid 2015 2017 US Los Angeles2015 2017China Dezhou US Los Angeles China Dezhou TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 THE INDTRODUCTION OF SD SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017INTRODUCTIONThe introduction of SD OF SD Solar Decathlon China is sponsored by the Chinese Department of energySOLARSolarand DecathlonDECATHLONU.S. Department China CHINA is of 2017sponsoredenergy,The jointlyby introduction the Chineseorganized ofby SD ChineseDepartmentDepartment ofof energyfinance andand U.S.Department Departmentof ofhousing ener- and urban gy,rural jointlydevelopment, organized supportedby Chineseby DepartmentCYL Central of fi School- The Solar Decathlon is a solar building scientific Department and undertaken by the Peking University. nancecompetition and Departmentsponsored by ofthe housingU.S. Department and urbanof ruralenergy development,and participated supportedby the global by CYLtop universitiesCentral School. De- Teams partmentin the competition and undertakenwill design, by the Pekingbuild and a highly efficient, energySince the-efficient,first SolarattractiveDecathlonsolarheldhousein Washington. OrganizersDC, ithope to promoteTeamshas theindeveloped thedevelopment competitionto Europe, willof design,thegreenMiddle buildbuilding, Eastand runandenhance aother highlyplaces effipeople's - . awarenessSolarof environmentalDecathlon is calledprotectionthe OlympicandGamespromoteof theinnovationgreen cient, energy-effi cient, attractive solar house. Organizers hope to signed the Solar Decathlon competition cooperation agreement in Washington and developmentbuilding andof wouldrelatedbe heldtechnologiesevery two yearsand .commercialization promote the development of green building, enhance people's through the competition. awarenessThe whole of environmentalCompetition protectionis evaluated and promotein theinnovationactual and development andof relatedis divided technologiesin ten contests, and commercializationso it is named (In Januaryconstructionof 2011, national energy administration of China, Peking throughas The the Solarcompetition.Decathlon. Since 2002, the competition was UniversityheldandsuccessfullyU.S. Departmentin the Unitedof States,energyEurope,signedChinatheandSolar Decathlonothercompetitionplaces, attractingcooperationmore thanagreement100 universitiesin Washington,around introducingthethisworldworld'sto participate,highestshowinglevel ofthesolarworld'senergylatestapplicationenergy competitionNOTE:technology Ininto JanuaryChina of 2011andfor Pekingenergythe Universityfirstconservationtime and .U.S. Departmenttechnology of energy. signedIt has In Januarythe Solarbeen19 ,Decathlon2011supported, competitionPresidentby cooperationtheObamagovernments, agreementand President in Washington,enterprisesHu introducingJintaoand met this world's highest level of solar energy application competition into China for the fi rst at the Whitetime.public In JanuaryHouse,around 19, 2011,talkingthe Presidentworldabout Obama. the andmatter President. HuIt`s Jintaothe metfirst at the ChinaWhi- -US SDC2013 Team SCUT and their house energy tecooperation House, talking aboutproject the fi rst signedChina-US energyby President cooperation project.Hu Jintao A cooperationduring his signed by President Hu Jintao during his state visit to the United States in 2011 that state visitChinato wouldthe hostUnited the future SolarStates Decathlonin 2011 competition.that China would host the Solar Decathlon competition.) TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 WHERE IT WILL BE WHERE IT WILL BE SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 Where it will be TheSOLAR team DECATHLON of the Politecnico CHINA 2017 di TorinoWhere took part it will in be the competition together with the university SCUT (South ChinaThe University team of theof TechnologyPolitecnico di) in Torino Guan- gzhou. took part in the competition together The teamwith the of the university Politecnico SCUTdi (South Torino China tookUniversity part in the of competition Technology) togetherin Guangzhou . The Solarwith Decathlon the university China SCUT 2018 (South will takeChina place in the cityUniversity of Dezhou, of Technology) famous forin being Guangzhou a "green. city" of China located in the province of Shan- The Solar Decathlon China 2017 will take dog. place in the city of Dezhou, famous for The Solarbeing Decathlon a "green city" China of 2017China will located take in placethe in provincethe city of of Dezhou Shandog, famous. for being a "green city" of China located in the province of Shandog. TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 MASTERPLAN DEZHOU SOLAR DECATHLON COMPETITION Solar Decathlon China 2017 TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 Birdview MASTERPLAN DEZHOU _ SOLAR DECATHLON COMPETITION Solar Decathlon China 2017 North Gate Parking Parking Food Court East Triangle Park West Triangle Park Organizer Office Court West Gate International Flag East Gate Plaza United Nation Panda Electrical Car Solar Station/Camp Demonstration Center South Gate South Plaza SCUTxPOLITO TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 INSTRUCTOR OF TEAM SCUT-POLITO SOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 Instructors of Team SCUT-POLITO Instructors come from Polytechnic University of Turin, South China University of Technology`s school of architecture, civil and tran- Instructors come from Polytechnic University of Turin, South China University of Technology`s sportation and State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science. school of architecture, civil and transportation and State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science. TEAM SCUTxPOLITO SDC2018 TEAM SCUT-POLITO TEAMTEAM SCUT-POLITO SCUT-POLITOSOLAR DECATHLON CHINA 2017 Team SCUT-POLITO SOLARSOLAR DECATHLON DECATHLON CHINA CHINA 2017 2017TeamTeam SCUT SCUT-POLITO-POLITO