San Jose CAPITAL OF SILICON VALLEY Economic Development Strategy N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 3 Prepared by Expert Advisors Office of City Manager Dena Belzer, President, Strategic Economics Del D. Borgsdorf Doug Henton, President, Collaborative Economics City Manager Jim King, Founder, Applied Development Economics Office of Economic Development Paul Krutko Stephen Levy, Director, Center for Director Continuing Study of the California Economy Dr. AnnaLee Saxenian, Professor, UC Berkeley Paul Silvern, Partner, Hamilton, Project Leader Rabinovitz & Alschuler Kim Walesh Assistant Director Office of Economic Development Special thanks to the more than 300 people who provided ideas and suggestions for Project Team this strategy (see Appendix for listing). Nanci Klein Michael Bills John Lang Deanna Chow Laurel Prevetti Stan Ketchum Ru Weerakoon Leslie Little Allison Novak Lisa Ranada Ellya Robello Rachel VanderVeen John Weis Please direct comments to: Office of Economic Development email:
[email protected] phone: 408-277-5880 fax: 408-277-3615 2 S A N J O S E E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T S T R A T E G Y TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 4 PART I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 10 PART II. RECOMMENDATIONS IIA. Vision: San Jose’s Distinctive Identity .....................................................................................