HOAa AND SONS ** BOQK BI-MDSRS y 49,404 Clinton County News

117th Year Vol. 49 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 30 PflSes April 11,1973. 15 Cents F A Two die in finder weekend

Are y o t| concerned about getting the straight facts,on a accidents question which arises but don't know where to find the answer? CLINTON COUNTY -- Two separate^ automobile accidents in Clinton County claimed the life of Ms Tura Lee Conner, We'll find the facts for ques­ over the weekend claimed the lives of a "20,120 S8th St, Lansing. Ms Conner was tions submitted by our readers. Fowler man and a Lansing woman. a passenger, iff a vehicle driven by Just drop us a line at FACT Elizabeth D Pearl, 35, of the same Jimmie Ray Stacy, 34, 11040 W address. i ' FINDER, Cllriton County News Second St, Fowler, was killed Friday in St Johns 48879. ' an accident on M-21, 3 miles west of Deputies report that the Pearl vehicle Fowler. turned off US-27 at Cutler Rd and was hit by a car driven by Wilfred Sheriff's deputies report Stacy was Gehringer of Howell. traveling on M-21 at approximately 11-: 40 pm when ^ a car driven by a Ms Pearl and 2 of Gehringer's 3 FACT FINDER READERS: Westphalia resident turned into a passengers were taken to St Lawrence During the past few. weeks, FACT driveway. The Stacy vehicle struck the Hospital in Lansing. The accident, FINDER has received numerous turning car. The driver and passenger occurred at approximately 8:50 pm. complaints about the condition of roads in the 2nd vehicle were unhurt. Both accidents are still under- in­ in Clinton County. Another mishap Sunday at the in­ vestigation by the Clinton County Responding to the complaints, R.J.' tersection of US-27 and Cutler Rd Sheriff Dept. 'Hebner, superintendent of the County Road Commission, told FACT FIN­ DER, as many roads as .possible are GOP ready for Lincoln Tribute being graded and graveled. He said, however, when some of the roads are full of mud and water, it is a ST JOHNS -- Plans for the Clinton man James M. Palmiter. waste of time and money to put in County Republican' Lincoln Tribute Tickets to the reception and dinner gravel. Those roads, he indicated, will have been completed for Friday night areavailablefromlocalRepublicans or have to dry out before major gravel at the St Johns High School. may be purchased at the door. work can be done. Main speaker for the evening will be Hebner told FACT FINDER that road Congressman Gerald Ford, minority crews worked overtime this past leader of the US House of Represen­ weekend to take advantage of drying tatives, and one of Clinton County's four conditions, but the snowfall Monday Congressmen. and Tuesday will probably cause more Other guests will be Congressmen problems. Charles Chamberlain, Garry Brown, and Elf ord A. Cederberg. State Senatorl William Ballenger, and Represen­ Speak tatives Dale Warner, Douglas Trezise, and Stanley Powell will also be in at- tendancei Mrs Paul Nobis and Mrs Robert Zeeb, Out co-chairmen_of the event report that a } . LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: turkey dinner will be served at 7 pm Recently %SPEAK OUT questioned following a patrons reception at the whether county residents planned to Winter finale? Community Room of Central National participate if there was a "meat K Bank. •. .„, k boycott." This,week SPEAK dUT Is Winter stopped by Clinlon County for 1 last visit Monday and Tuesday, blanketing the area with wet, sticky white snow. The Conrad Seims, the EdwarcLId- Ft*- interested fn ,knowning if* you -par-? < . .-As for>"l last visit," that is wishful thinking on the part of manyjciinton. County residents^hprhave had their flU>of«now. -skowskiSj-andUhe Vjrgil Zeebs wjll^be ticip'ated in last week's "Meat Think Spring. hosts and hostesses for the VIP «•" , -±Z Boycott." reception for Congressman Ford and other guests.' r YES:*50% "The more who don't buy meat, the Cancer Society goat Distinguished Service Awards will be better the chances for lower prices" presented to two ^outstanding ... "I didn'tbuy meat, but I don't think Republicans for their service to the county by County Republican/Chair­ the boycott is' going to do any good" GERALD FORD ... "The boycott had nothing to do with it - I didn't buy meat because I can't set at $26,600 afford it." CLINTON COUNTY ~ A county goal President of the American Cancer MD, Mich Division President, who Governor appoints of $26,600 has been announced by Society; Robert E. Stone, PhD, spoke on Cancer Society programs in NO: 50% Geraldine Crowell, American Cancer University of Mich Medical School, "I bought more meat. Do the people Michigan. Society Crusade chairman for Clinton with Lryngectomy Patient John Miller; s who boycotted the meat price intend to County, for their fund drive taking* Roscoe V Stuber, MD, Division Service boycott Consumers' increase too buy It is~estimated that 14,400 will die of Fowler man to Stqte place this month. Mrs Crowell reported chairman, who discussed the latest not using heat or electricity for a* that over $24,000 was raised last year. cancer in the state during 1973. En- week?" ... "The boycott isn't going to cancer research, Jack Hendrickson of courgement, however, comes from the lower prices because it doesn't affect Funds collected will be used for Marcom Inc, who presented the 1973 fact that there are now, 1,500,000 Pharmacy Board / the middle man enough"' ,. ."Meat educational programs, service to Media Material; and Charles O, Long, Americans cured of cancer. prices aren't the only high food prices cancer patients and research. and can't stop eating entirely." Mrs Crowell -was among nearly 400 FOWLER -- The Michigan Board of volunteers from all over the state who I Dean Bredwell earns Pharmacy has announced the ap­ attended the.Kick-Off in Lansing i ^ pointment of John W. Spicer of Fowler THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: recently. to serve.as a member of the board. Would you be willing to approve The appointment, effective to 1975, millage to improve roads in Clinton national teaching award was made by Governor William G.. County? ' i Featured on the program with Minnie Milliken. YES NO Pearl, star of the "Grand Ole Opry" Spicer resides at 340 Elm, Fowler. He To express your opinion, mail a card and Win Schuler, 1973 State Crusade FOWLER -- Dean Bredwell, science convention of the National Science to SPEAK OUT, Clinton County News, teacher at Fowler Junior High School Teachers Association in Detroit last and his wife, Ellen, have a daughter, chairman, were Ted Louckes, Division Nancy, at home and son, George, also a 120 E. Walker, St Johns or call the Crusade Committee chairman; H. was elected "Best Earth Science weekend. Bredwell teaches earth County News Office, 224-2361. '/ Teacher of the Year" at the national science using the area around Fowler registered pharmacist. ' Marvin Pollard, MD, National Past as his classroom, taking the students on ' Spicer is president of the Oakland field trips-which involve them in theK interpretation of what >they ysee, and* Pharmacy in Kalamazoo; is a member providing activities which give them a of the APHA, MSPA, ASHP and is a director on the Ferris State Alumni &% Third revenue sharing better understanding of where they live. Board. He is also a member of the. Since field trips have become cur­ Pharmacy Advisory Committee of tailed, he wrote guides for school bus Ferris State College of Pharmacy. routes, so that understanding of the funding due next week outdoors could still be a part of his Herman Fishman, exeuctive earth science instruction. secretary of the Board of Pharmacy, 30) are being issued and stiouia De He is< active in the Michigan Earth said, "Mr Spicer brings excellent ^Congressman Elford A. Cederberg revenue sharing checks for the 3d 1 credentials to the board. A- (R-lOth Dist) has announced that distribution period (Jan 1 through June received by all" governmental units Science Teachers Association and the during the next week. x Michigan Basin Geological Society. He distinguished record in public service Checks received will represent 1/2 of is involved, in the preparation of a field as mayor and councilman in his home trip guidebook of the Grand Ledge area vtown apd residence, Fowler, and an the payment due for this period, * active participant in drug, abuse A total of $140,617 will be distributed which will result from a new study being made of the geoldgy. programs and treatment are examples Sunday is Baby bay for in the county, with the Couniy of Clinton of his professional and public to receive $59,651. He is a'graduate of Michigan State University, where he is working toward ^JOHN SPICER responsibility. The Board is t indeed St Johns is to receive $21,430 With the his Masters degree. He lives in Pot- fortunate to add to its roster the talents "City of^DeWitt due $4,268. and vitality ot Mr Spicer." Clinton County families /-. terville with his wife and 2 children. Following is the breakdown for villages: Eagle, $257; Elsie, $1854; ,- *st r Fowler, $2047; Maple Rapids, $291; Ovid, $5791 and Westphalia, $3132._ ST JOHNS - The public is uwited to ithe Phinney Farm, 2-1/2 miles east of DeWitt Twp enters Farm Baby Day April 15 from 2-4 pm at US-27 oh Price RdP - Townships and the amount they are Larry Phinney, William Ashley and William Ashley will display lambs at / to receive are: Bath, $4596; Bengal, Elmer Smith farms. * his farm 3-3/4 east of US-27, also, on $956: Bingham, $1608; Dallas, $2075; Sponsored by the Kountry Kousins 4- Price Rd. v " DeWitt, $9425f Duplain, $4159; Eagle, H qub, Farm Baby Day offers an . Elmer Smith will offer area residents - $1699; Essex, $1365; Lebanon, $1476; portunity for area* families to view a chance to see Belgian colts at his Olive, $1887; Ovid, $2869; Riley, $1162; road work agreements young farm animate. ' - farm 9 miles east of US-27 on Round Victor, $1447; Watertown, $2992; •Li • Participants will see angus calves at Lake Rd, * Westphalia/ $2034. DEWITT TWP - DeWitt Township A 4th agreement will have Herbison township will agree to supply sewers Board of* Trustees entered into 4 Rd extended in a 3/4.mile area south of south of the river. agreements /or road Work with the Looking GIass"River. Before'this work The board also approved the hiring of Ambulance service Clinton County Road Commission at can be dbne, all other road projects William Swartz as a new DeWitt Twp their regular Monday night meetlrig. must be completed or ready for police officer. ' What Is "Reach - One agreement calls foi* work.on Stoll asphalt. > The board also discussed changes in to Recovery'.' 13A Rd from US-27 to Airport Roadj to the sewer ordinances to come up at a City bowling champs.. 10A sets first aid 6 remove trees, construct ditches and later meeting. Editorials, columns.. ..2-3B replace culverts, In other action, the board tabled a The course will id Monday request by builder Robert Fedewa to An ordinance was passed Monday Classifieds..... 16-13-18A. ST JOHNS - A first-aid course for am until Another agreement will provide night to control subdivisions and lots persons interested in- becoming through Thursday paving for all Shavey Rd, 36 feet wide. have land owned by him in the township t splits within the subdivision and to Volunteers for the Clinton Area "Am­ noon for 2 weeks. Work on 'Solon Rd from Turner to annexed to the City of 'DeWitt, The township Will meet with the City of' "provide for fire lanes on private bulance Service will begin April 16 at 1 Meyers will have^ trees removed, dit­ property, such as mobile home parks the News 10:30 am in the Commissioners' Room Those wishing to for the" ches constructed and culverts replaced. DeWitt to ask the city to build sewers north of Looking Glass River and the and other similar private drives. wmtizmm. in the courthouse basement. course may do so at class. / 2A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973

MT PLEASANT -- Ms "Health Education and a proposed com­ Gayle Porter, Health Strategies for the Years prehensive school health Ambulance service lists Health educator Educator for St Johns Public Ahead," focused on education program for Schools, participated in a 2- workshop sessions dealing Michigan. day conference for Michigan with agency and institutional Featured speakers in­ health educators March 29-30 health programs in the state. cluded Rep Bert C. Brennan 40 more contributors attends conference at Central Michigan Also studied was a report by (R-Saginaw) and John University. President Nixon's Com­ Wheat, program director, Mr. and Mrs. William Buggs Herman Pohl Frederick Spellman The conference, entitled mittee on Health Education WWTV Cadillac. Home Economics Extension Celia Maxwell Gary Brown Council ' Steven Bakita James Price Kurts Appliance Center,' Inc. Bernice Urie Joe Sapp Mr. and Mrs Forrest E. Root Stanley Jumper Gerald Every John Spicer Jerry Pulliam Frank Glowacki 3 Good Reasons to Buy from Kurt's Mr and Mrs John Spousta Farm Bureau Ins James Pierson Mrs Shellenberger Edward Neitzke^ Roger Joraw' Mrs Grace Grinde William Knight Sr Gerry Johnson Mr and Mrs Willard Searles Dennis Worrall •Jack Davis St Johns Hardwood Lumber Howard Jacobus Larry Maier Co Jay McKay OIney Estes Gary Kingsley Wendell Smith Oliver Beck George E. Smith Douglas Worrall Ferd Rademacher Two earn rank of Eagle Scout

ST JOHNS -- An Eagle The ceremony opened-with Mr Morriss and Mr John Court of Honor was held the invocation by the Rev Williams, scoutmaster. Monday, April 2, at the Johannides' of the United United Methodist Church in Methodist Church. Troop During the award St Johns to present the committee chairman, Lewis ceremony the pins were first highest award in boy Moldenhauer, introduced given to the boys parent who scouting to 2 members of William Morriss in turn pinned it on their son. Troop 71. representing Chief Okemos A red rose was given to each Receiving the awards Council, who gave a short of the mothers. were Keith Nowak, son of talk on Scouting. The Spirit The 2 Eagle Scouts make a Mrs Trellis Nowak; and Scouting was read by Ronald total of 15 Eagle scouts in the Steve LeDuke,^son of Mrs Dietz, future scoutmaster'of 15 years upder scoutmaster, Norene Hunnicutt and Mr the troop. The boys were John Williams, and assistant David LeDuke. presented their awards by scoutmaster, Keith Munger. ADVANCEMENT chair­ man, Ross Downing, IRS offers service presented Life Scout Jim up to the deadline Low with 2 merit badges.

DETROIT -- Taxpayers April 16, the filing deadline. Wrong KURT'S APPLIANCE CENTER'S AWARD-WINNING TEAM who have not yet filed their Internal Revenue Service Federal income tax returns personnelwillKeavailable to will be able to get help offer assistance during names HOLDING THEIR 3rd CONSECUTIVE NARDA QUALITY SERVICE AWARD. . . during extended service normal weekday hours and hours being offered by In­ from 9 am to 5:30 pm on Pictured are: DAN FELDPAUSCH-RAY SCHOMISCH-ED COX ternal Revenue. Saturday, April 7. published i Thomas' A*. Cardoza, Taxpayers will be able to District Director, said that obtain help from 9 am to 9 ST JOHNS ~ The names of And... Together with service . . . IRS . offices' will be open pm Saturday April 14 and Mr and Mrs Howard longer on the two remaining until 9 pm on Monday, April Plowman were incorrectly Saturdays and Monday. 16. 'listed as contributors to the WE OFFER A LINE OF APPLIANCES THAT CAN'T BE BETTER! Clinton Area Ambulance ' Service in last week's County Township officers to meet News. The contributors are Mr ST JOHNS -- The Annual Michigan Township Starts Wednesday Meeting of the Clinton Association. and Mrs Harold Plowman. County Township Officers Association will be held at the Clinton County Court­ house Thursday, April 12, at 8 pm. AH township officers are urged to attends, w NATIONAL Guest speaker will be Robert Robinson of the ffl NO INITIATIVE The man who overestimates his ability sometimes loses, but SALE DAYS g the man who underestimates his •" $ Vr&:! \" ability never starts. The wide-awake bank makes tfMsoeasg. * /••''

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Special Prices Special! Well... sometimes he and she feel left out in Ice'n Easy the cold. And they don't always have enough trays room to work in,f or just the right materials On All G.E. Appliances! to do the best job'. Of course, a lot of people give them free advice. 1 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Red tape frustrates them. 8-Track Stereo Tapes Cubes pop out with It's hard to raise enough money , < a twist...no sticking for the kind of work they do. - COUNTRY WESTERN AND ROCK ...trays stack to,save space. Sometimes they get blamed Over ' ioDAYS a "• ** ! LIMITED OFFER for things they can't control. EACH 600 Selections! i ONLY EACH 99* Do they like their work1? You bet they do. compare at $1.95 They're teachers. r It's a great profession! ,

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is APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON CpUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 3A Fluoride program set for 4 school locations The summer topical In Elsie - E. E.' Knight 600 children have been cleaned on the 1st visit and a tained with fluoridated fluoride program will be held Elem - June 27-July 10. enrolled in the program and fluoride application is then water, she said. £" in the following schools this In DeWitt -, David Scott there is still room in Elsie, applied. It is re-applied on In addition to providing summer according to Mrs Elem - July 11 - July 27. DeWitt and St Johns. The the 3 succeeding visits. protection' against tooth Luella Canfield, RN, In St Johns - Perrin procedure consists of 4 visits This technique has. been decay, the program offer$a chairman of the program. Palmer Elem - July 30-Aug to the clinic at ap­ shown to reduce tooth decay valuable dental experience 15. proximately 2-day intervals. by about 40% compared to for children with tio In Fowler - Waldron Elem the 60-65% reduction ob- - June 14-June 26, According to Mrs Canfield, The chili's teeth are discomfort, Pental health education by the clinic i personnel also is an im­ Seventy attend concrete seminar portant part of the program. ST JOHNS - In a concrete Martin Marietta Cement Co seminar made the an­ This year we are again seminar held last Thursday of Bay City speak on and &t the plant and a nouncement to the attending giving a free toothbrush "-to night in the community room problems dealing with descriptive analysis of the group that Karbers would be each child who participates of Central National Bank -concrete. properties and makeup of offering a new transit con­ in the program. Parents .of concrete. children enrolled in the about^ 70 masons, general Also discussed were topics crete service sometime in contractors, bankers,, and dealing with the technical Dean Henning, general May. program will receive ap- real estate personnel heard details of concrete, proper manager „of Karber Block technical engineers from ways of handling on the job Company, sponsor of the about 5 trucks which he said in Clinton County, about would benefit the Clinton 40,000 children will be It's "drfeam trip" time area's contractors, home receiving fluoride ap­ builders and farmers with plications this summer in 200 ST JOHNS ~ Upwards of in the city has his own group to do is 'get them to the quality'product and ex­ similar clinics throughout 3000 boys from 10 thru 14 of supporters and all he has polls'." pedient service. ^ Michigan. ^ years of age will be taking "dream trips" to California in an unusual annual contest now going on in area IGA stores, accordirig to an announcement today by Rick LANSING - Minnie Pearl (left), star of the "Grand Ole Opry," and Win Schuler, 1973 / Anderson, owner of Andy's State Crusade Chairman, chat with Geraldine Crowcll, Crusade Chairman of the Clinton < IGA, St Johns. County Unit, at the 1973 Crusade Kick-Off sponsored by the American Cancer Society, The lucky boys are going Michigan Division. \ to win all-expense-paid trips just by having their friends, neighbors and relatives vote St Johns FFA competes for them each time they visit a participating store. Special t ballot boxes have been set up in state leadership contest in all supermarkets and ' ST JOHNS - On Thursday, Your Host ag forum and parliamentary The trophy is on display in customers are being asked to March 22, the St Johns FFA procedure teams — he feels vote for their "favorite" boy. AL DALEY Agricultural Forum Team the agriculture room' in the The "dream trip" winners that both teams will make it High School. ^ * » participated in the State to the State Finals next year. will be those who'receive the Leadership Contest Finals. most votes. The team, consisting of 6 Anderson said that the members, competed against "The Klondike Room" Knights Templar winning boys will travel by 7 other teams, jet to Los Angeles for 5 full St Johns received a silver days. -Their "dream trip" AT - award and the 6th place to install officers includes a red-carpet visit to trophy. ST JOHNS -- The 104th Bearer; David Smith, P C, movie studios, major league DALEY'S IN ST. JOHNS ' Advisor Don Munger is Installation of Officers at DeWitt, Sword Bearer; baseball games, Disneyland, South U.S.-27 . optimistic about next year's Commandry #24, Knights Marvin Barclay, St Johns, Marineland of the Pacific, as R^nnrt th^ft nf Templar, will be held at the well as to many other glamor lxc ul IMCM Ul Warder;, Arthur F. Chur­ r ' Masonic Temple April 14 at 8 chill, P C, Lansing, Sentinel; points. pm. The public is invited. Robert C. Shaub, Lansing, "Unlike most elections, wheels, tires Officers to be. installed First Guard; Charles J. this is one case where it is IS NOW OPEN include,Franklin L. Ursery, Ream, DeWitt, Second * quite in order to vote often", and tools St Johns, Commander; Cree Guard; Russell Welsh, St said Anderson. "In fact, we L. . Hulse, Lansing, Johns, Third Guard. encourage it - friends and > Generalissimo; Murk A. neighbors of the boys can Bring All Your Friends ' FOWLER -- The theft of Eaton, P C, St Johns, Cap­ vote every time the£ come wheels, tires and a tool box tain General; John Spousta, Tools into a participating market. full of tools from the Mobil St Johns, Senior Warden; Many of the winners will be Service Station in Fowler White Gannaway, P C, from the Michigan area." WERE OPEN TIL 2 A.M. has been reported to the Mason, Junior Warden; stolen^ The winning boys will leave erv n eals Clinton County Sheriff's tGeorge F. Frost, P C, for Los Angeles at a future ALL DRINKS ! j ? f ' Dept Lansing, Prelate; Robert H. date announced in June or It was reported that it is Owen, P C, Lansing, Mort McKillop of Lansing July. sandwiches and believed the station was Treasurer. entered by breaking a has reported the theft of $125 "Through the contest the window April 5. Others to be installed are worth of tools and a toolbox. lucky boys get a wonderful DRAFT BEER Missii^arejjmagjWheelsj^Fr^ d M. Lewis, P C, iSt f chanceytdgenhance^their M J fl thetoojs a,mU°o|^iJorins, Recorder; Raymdnd : He told ^a^of&cials 'the education and see some of tires/anc tern's were missing from a K\, '' .featuredjbjs^i^i^ *>W3fg|S box/va hied at around $300^ *B. Eick, St Jotins, Staridard ' * the greatest entertainment -rl r crane parked at' Gibson and the' countpy^hasi to offer?"- Chandler Rd April 6. said Rick Anderson, > owner FRIDAY & SATURDAY Nut '* $bM ] of the IGA supermarket in St OPEN HOUSE Johns. "Just about every boy SIZE "The Sonny David Trio" Public Cordially invited to attend ClfatM CMMtr Open House of my new office. O-E Jelly for Jour dancing pleasure News Saturday, April 14 Second class postage paid at St. Johns, Mich. 48879. Week success Published Wednesdays at WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING CLEBRATI0N! , 2:00-4:00 P.M. ' 120 E. Walker Street, St. Johns by Clinton County News, Inc. The Ovid-Elsie Jaycee Subscription price by mall: Jelly Week drive for han­ 911 E. State Street I ^Michigan, $5 for one year. $9 dicapped children was for two years, $3.75 for six months; outside Michigan, $6 termed a success with the H.Garapefiart, M.D. for one y^ear. sale of 840 jars, according to a club spokesman. Proceeds from the drive in W^>^> Clinton County will be used to help furnish the In­ termediate School Special Education \ facility in St wide-awake styles Johns with needed equip­ { ... even for those late, late calls.TLlke the STARLITE® telephone... the ment. ; The Jaycees would like to dainty high-style phone with a dial that glows, it's ideaI for her vanity or thank the Ovid-Elsie FFA for night table for after-dark dialing, or just as a friendly soft night light (with their help in the sale of jelly, adjustable brightness). Bedroom or breakfast-oook, kitchen or rumpus the staff from the St Johns room.., every home should have a second phone, a step- and work- ' Intermediate District and all saver for your greatecpleasure, convenience and security, Wherever the people who contributed. your need, whatever your taste or decor, there's a fascinating - selection of styles, colors arid special-purpose telephones . Thanks for in General Telephone's Extension Extravaganza. NEW DODGE CLUB CAB. It's another Dodge exclusive! Only the Dodge Boys have a pickup with 34 cubic feet of extra cargo space Inside the Jelly Week cab to keep things under cover and out.of sight. And both the Club Cab and Dodge regular cab pickups include .. , a long list of standard features such ai Electronic participation J-/ Ignition and front disc brakes. See the truck that's making pickup history today! To The Editor; The Jaycees and the handicapped children of Clinton County wish to send out a sincere thanks to all who made Jelly Week a big success. Many businesses sold jelly ' during the week which helped ever so much and to aid in this the Jaycettes played an important role. We could go on and on naming names of people who helped but our big thanks are to those people who-opened their hearts and their wallets and bought our jelly because without them there wouldn't have been Jelly Week. ' GEHERAL TELEPHOnE ' Our goal of 960 jars was THE GOOD GUYS AT reached with great ease and cHEStPHONE.,-, a real man-type while selling our jelly we decorator phone for the living COMMUNITY DODGE SALES even had a few cash room, his special room, desk or _.donations and they were all table. Modern stylized Instrument STYLELINE* telephone puts the works handsomely 3et In a black leather ARE MAKING PICKUP HISTORY WITH THE appreciated. right in the palm of your hand . , . * Our Thanks To All. STYLEUNE* handset, dial and recall button. Make chest with walnut trim,. •' * In. DODGE CLUB CAB PICKUP! WALLPHONE call after call without setting down the carved,walnut. .; or even With a beautiful, convenient phone. Corned In white, green, ivory, sardonyx stone hunting scene In­ slep-saver for her set on the tidt DRIVE-IH BANKING Wlchan, laundry room yellow, pink, beige, or avocado* . . , for'any place where li'e hard to find ' , A. AS ALWAYS THEY iW\ _HfiMS counler of table-top UI Won. thru Thurf. "p:30 - 5 pm THEY'VE THEY space. Comes lln GOT Frldiyi\ 8:30 - 8 phi chotco ol efghl dell- GOT GREAT t?L \wW DEAL WITH t i?^C>x;*f > cEou^colors, GREAT DEPENDABLE Saturdav*yy ~ 1:30* 1 pm DEALS. CARS. SERVICE. 5v THE I'l'l i|t|j I , |-| Dodge*- CHRvyun COMMUNITY AUtHbmitO DCAltAS ICENTRJOMOMJ DODGE SALES ROVR 200 E. Hlgham St. Johns DUI9 % r 1 I

4A • ^CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 Clinton County News Family and Society Dorothy Stevens ^^mmsmms8&&m3$8i Spring engagements bride of

PEWAMO -- Mr and Mrs OVID -- Mr and Mrs ST JOHNS -- Mr and Mrs Carl Fox announce the Wayne Xckels, 1227 N Kenneth L. Price, 815 Spring engagement of their Shepardsville Rd, announce St, wish to announce the Daniel Botimer 'daughter, Linda Jo, to the engagement of their engagement of their Dennis Fung, son of Mr arid daughter Roxanne to Bryan daughter, Susan, to Jerry Mrs Richard Pung, Sr, of J O'Connell, son of Mr and Brown, son of^Mrs Elinore Route 1, Eagle. Mrs Joseph O'Connell, 1749 Brown and the late Harvey E M-21, St Johns. OKEMOS - Dorothy Ann Peenan of Lansing. Brown. , Stevens, daughter of Mr and The attendents were dressed in gowns with pink The prospective The bride-elect, a senior at Mrs Cecil Stevens, 5426 bridegroom is a 1971 Amber Dr, East Lansing, organza bodices and Ovid-Elsie High School, is The bride-elect is a senior burgundy velvet skirts \ graduate of Pewamo- working part time at at St Johns High School. The became the bride of Daniel Westphalia High School and Leslie Botimer, Ft Lee, W trimmed with floral lace. General Telephone Co in prospective bridegroom They wore organza' bows is employed by Oldsmobile. Owosso. graduated from Laingsburg Va, in a ceremony at The bride-to-be also High School in 1969, and is Okemos Community Church with pink and floral lace and The prospective March 31. The bridegroom is' carried bouquets of white graduated from Pewamo- bridegroom is currently employed at St Lawrence Westphalia High School and Hospital, Lansing. the son of Mr and Mrs Lee carnations'* and pink employed by Richard Botimer, Route 5, St Johns. sweetheart roses. is employed by the State. Rummell. An Aug 24 wedding is being A September 15 wedding No wedding date has been planned. The Rev Cermak per­ date has been set. set by the couple. formed the double ring The bride's mother wore a / ROX'ANNNB ACKBLS ceremony before an altar pink floor length gown, while LINDA JO FOX SUSAN PRICE decorated with candles, Mrs Botimer selected a white gladiolas and car­ multi-colored pink gown. nations. Traditional wedding Each had a corasage of music was played, and a white carnations and pink frjend of the bride sung the sweetheart roses. Blue Star "Wedding Prayer." Mark Torres was best man, while Tim Walling, mothers meet The bride was attired in a oger My grants, Dale white satin gown featuring Sarris and Jim Strauss also re-embroidered alencon lace attended the groom. The chapter 88 Blue Star appliques on the skirt, bodice A reception was held at the Mothers held their meeting and sleeves. She wore a cap Liederkranz Club in Lansing at the Congregational of matching lace with beads following the wedding. Janet , Church on March 27 with 16 and nylon illusion fingertip Strauss and Melinda f members present. length veil. Spendlove served the 'ap­ proximately 150 guests. A' membership check Her colonial bouquet showed the chapter now has consisted of white carnations 65 members and 2 and pink sweetheart roses. The newlyweds left the associates. Patricia Stevens was her following day for Ft Lee, W The chapter voted to sister's maid of .honor. Va, where the groom is donate to the Chaplains Bridesmaids included Janet stationed. They will make Emergency Fund and Local Botimer/ another sister, their home in Prince George, 1SOM S 1U V I BOMS KIJY Cancer Drive. Diane Stevens and Judy Van W Va. REXALL »NEW TRIAL SIZE! Plans were completed for HAND New Awakening the spring party put on by LOTION ... LEMON thej local chapter for the Convenient pump %\SHAMPOO patients at the Grand Rapids dupenser putt iVIn So handy lor tups I softening action for lemony liesh Veterans Facility oh April DAR winners light at (out and squeaky clean 4th. i ImgeitlpiMS'iOi haul 3 oi The dates of the District 884 234 Card Parties were an­ nounced^ as April pih in announced \t' fjipjl CARA NOME Lansing and April 26th in ISONUS BUY I BONUS BUY CLIFTON BONUS BUY BONUS BUY ^JIUL, Birch Run. COLORFUL * (VIETAL FEVER \ HAND & B0DY LOTION a 02 OR REXALL' REXALL ' ST JOHNS--Four students Mrs H.F. Millman, local DISHCLOTHS llAl> TRAY THERMOMETERS FOAMING NO ASPIRIN at* St Joseph's School were CREAM 4oz The annual Blue Star chairman of the contest TABLE Oral rectal or BATH OIL LIQUID Mothers County Meeting will awarded prizes Friday for awarded the prizes. \»* * Coloileit CDtlon, Assayed '•iSfl 1! -i 13" Pack stubby be held at Maple Rapids on their entries in the patriotic pal I ems, 2 FOR P.lilt li In VII wl, DIG }£# *" ^ ( [old away 2 FOR Gn«ff nt 1 April 26th at the essay contest sponsored legs Flu ml Pint I'ircliil Iri 11 *-"• Congregational Chiirch, recently by River Wab- liii 884 '&•«$ $1.19 L c H£ 994 "" 884 $1.13 The Past Presidents Club waysin Chapter, Daughters will have a picnic at Fitz­ of the American Revolution. gerald Park in Grand Ledge BONUS BUY I BONUS BUY REXALL SPUNTEX "TRUE SUPPORT BONUS BUY I BONUS BUY on July 28th an all day outing Winning 1st place among REXALL BRIGHTENER LYCRA is planned. "BIC" AIR CARA NOME CARA NOME 6th graders in the entire TOOTHPASTE 5PANDEX At the April 24 meeting the state of Michigan was Marie BANANA REFRESHER CREAMY J~ PEARLED chapter will hold their 29th 6)J oz tube SUPPORT LIPSTICKS LIPSTICKS Lenon, daughter of Mr and !«_!?/ Finn line Ink Arpeggio Spring anniversary potluck supper Bouquet, Sandalwood Oihi(l(-i Mrs Edward Lenon, whose oi Unscenled PANTYHOSE B sh itidi at6:30witha short program 301 subject was Paul Revere. 774 2 FOR 3 FOR 3FOn following. Her composition has gone on 594 $6.99 $1.00 ty $1.25 D - The committee for next to compete at the national meeting is Francis Halitsky level. BONUS BUY I BONUS BUY REDI-SPRAY DRY chairman assisted by Edna REXALL BONUS BUY BONUS BUY Eldred, Anna Cole and "A Patriot of 1773" was the ' REXALL* TEFLON ANTI-PERSPIRANT official subject chosen by the SHAMPOOS WINDPROOF NOVELTY Evangeline Candy. MONACET DEODORANT National Society of the DAR. IRONING 7 0Z LIGHTER APC BOARD KEY CHAINS 5oz Appointed TABLETS COVER & Emerald Bnle or mreel Other winners at St For last c PAD SET Brile Conditioning Lnjiiia (via/ ell eel i« e pain 2 FOR ilfJl lITIIIl [i 1 (i 1 p,iu 11 • it Joseph's, also 6th graders, telrel 100 s Fit] all standard 2 FOR If III IIH" wereTerri Ba'rker, daughter 54 ironing boards $1.24 ow 724 394 774 ,-t of Mr and Mrs Elmer 694 $1.09 Barker, who wrote on Thomas Jefferson; «DocM Severlnsen, ace trumpet BONUS BUY Margaret Faivor, daughter player and band leader, reminds of Mr and Mrs Charles you of the goal of the American HEAVV, UNBREAKABLE Faivor, who chose Ethan Oncer Society., .to wipe out can* KLENZO POCKET COMB Allen; and Marcia Geller, cer In your lifetime. Featured on TOOTHBRUSHES daughter of Mr and Mrs the Johnny Carson "Tonight* In 5 medio I Black only vRaymond Geller. Her essay show, "Doc" urges every Ameri­ improved can to volunteer his dollars In the stylus was on the controversial fight against^ cancer. "Cancer Is a FOR character, Benedict Arnold, 504 64 who was a patriot loyal to the everybody's fight," says the Cram- colonies in 1773, but who* peter, as well known for his high later allegedly became a style as his high notes. LOR1E PERFUMED BONUS BUY traitor. TALC 2 FOR Soil absorbent, REXALL HOUSEHOLD fragrant' 14 oz $1.29 REXALL t 1 RUBBER REXALL FACIAL TISSUES GLOVES NAIL POLISH golden 2 FOR While and Small ' REMOVER ' colors REXALL medium. Oily (ype A oz 584 ISO 2 ply large years GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES 2 FOR 2 FOR 604 FAST Adults andlnlants 12s 444 HOME PERMANENTS 494 checking ALCO-REX 5 types 2 FOR Cathy Clifton, grand­ RUBBING ALCOHOL 2 FOR 664 BONUS BUY * $1.99 daughter of Mrs J. G. Pinl — For cooling soothing, rub-downs' A COMPLETELY FREE CHECKING REXALL NEWTR1ALSIZE! Matthews, St Johns, has REXALL / SHAVING CREAM „ „ cn REXALL REXALL been appointed assistant to SERVICE FOR PERSONS 62 MILK OF MAGNESIA 2 FOR 824 Lavender or i* *«, COTTON HAND RedKShavd 11 oz $1.19 the president of' Prior 12 oi — Plain Or mint flavored LOTION FAST ) BALLS Associates, Scottsdale, ) AND OLDER REXALL , 200 s ^-^ Hnntlylur DANDRUFF TREATMENT pmill iluik Ariz. She and her husband, 2 FOR $1.34 2 FOR . The wide-auwkbank tmktsitggsoeasy. EYELO EYE LOTION SHAMPOO . 2 FOR Imvot Ron, reside in Phoenix. 802 $1.10 214 8oz — Soothes tired irritated eyes $1.35 REX-SALVINE

BURN SPRAY , •> C1 „ 5oz — Rolleves pain as it promoted heatinh oralg n 2- FORr«pl«/*2 FOR J****?> NEEDLEPOINT CLASSES REXALL •i gram-2 FOR $1.34 t grain - 2 FOR $1.86 AIL-Materials Included * REGISTER NOW! FUNGI-RESACCHARIX GREASELESN TABLETS S' ' Bottles ot 1000 Class To Start As Soon As f i led LIMIT-6 • ATHLETES FOOT OINTMENt tt< ,. 1 LAST 3 DAYS! 1<.oi - Relievesllcmng — — 2FOn!pli"w1 BEGINNING NEEDLEPOINT' DECORATIVE STITCHES REXALL 100 s THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Make a 14"xl4" Pillow 2 FOR $1.22 BUFFERED ASPIRIN 3 Weeks $coq ,$ 4 Weeks 20°° " BARGELLO SEMINAR 4-WAY BARGELLO SEMINAR 00 REXALL 1 Class *3 . J Class' *3°° PARR'S DRUGS NEEDLE POINT \J IN DOWNTOWN ST. JOHNS ,> 701 S. Kibbee St. smmt *# •i^^itft^. 201 N. Clinton Phone 224-2837 y' * \ > if

APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ,St. Johns, Michigan 5A

t\ -L* Barbara Kuhns Former St Joh ns woman bride of married in Alaska Haines, Alaska, was the similar to the bride's, Mrs I i- * setting for the .February 10 Weldyn ' Houger of Haines wedding of Dawn Smith and made the bride's and Maid- Cayle Beagle Marvin Randall. of-Honor's gowns. Organ and piano music The Best Man was Michael filled the Assembly of God Culich of Haines, a long-time • A ceremony uniting Attending the couple were , Church while Ernest friend of the groom. Timothy B^rb^a Jane Kuhns' and Miss Kathleen Beagle, sister Ouellette sang "Bridge Over Terwilliger and Weldyn "Gayle'^Hie Beagle in> of the'groom, and Elliott Troubled, Water" and "The Houger, both of Haines, marriage took pjace in the Smith.' Wedding Prayer" as the served as ushers. home of her mother, Mrs Mrs Mabel Bedaine, couple exchanged their The mother of the bride 'Basil Deibert, at noon on grandmother of the groom, marriage vows. ' wore a lavender princess Saturday, March 24th. The Jimmy, son of the bride, and The former Miss Smith is style dress, while Mrs Rev Hugh Banninga and Rev Mr and Mrs Robert Harrison the daughter of Mr and Mrs Randall chose a blu£ crepe Al Carson performed the of Detroit were special O.D. Smith of 5-Mile, Haines. dress trimmed in beads. The service. guests. Mrs Harrison is the Marvin is the son of Rev and dresses were each accented former Elaine Blackman of Mrs Roy Randall of Haines. with an orchid. St Johns. The groom's father of­ Out-of-town guests in­ PTA Carnival l , A buffet „ luncheon ficiated at the candlelight cluded Mr and Mrs Donald -ft J* i prepared by Mrs Harold * double-ring ceremony. Brown of Salem, Oregon. -> sets meeting Homer, mother, of the Escorted by her father, the The newlywed couple groom, and Mrs Deibert was bride wore an empire satin greeted guests at the ., served to 16 guests following floor-length gown trimmed' Presbyterian Church where OVID - The 14th Annual the ceremony. with a lace bodice and refreshments were served. Ovid PTA Carnival will be sleeves. Her shoulder length They left for a honeymoon in ,held Saturday, May 5, at the veil was trimmed with Juneau and Sitka, and are The party proceeded to ?) East Elementary School in carnations, spiders,, yellow now living in Haines at 2- -Ovid. Chairmen Mr and Mrs Wilcox Hall in the First roses, blue daisies and Mile. Congregational Church at 2 Bert Case and co-chairmen sprinkled with baby breaths, Dawn is a 1968 graduate of Mr-and. Mrs Dave Hill an­ pm where, a reception for the as was her bouquet. , couple had been prepared by Rodney B Wilson High nounce thatall chairmen and The Maid-of-Honor was, School in St Johns, Michigan. workers are being picked the Vesper Division of the MR & MRS MARVIN RANDALL church. Carol Saupe' from Haines Marvin is a 1969 graduate and a, meeting wi]l be held in and formerly from of Haines High and is now the near future, Mrs Terry Foote and Miss Michigan, as is the bride. employed with Schnabel Anyone who has not been P,aulette Martis cut the cake, She wore a blue gown with a Lumber Company. He hopes Hop to it! Send the FTD contacted to work and would Laurie and Chris Foster white lace apron which to further his education in like to are asked to call poured coffee, while Kathy trimmed the dress. She the field of aeronautics. 'either the Dave Hills, Bert Carson -served punch and carried a bouquet of flowers Cases or the Robert Byrnes. Ellen Witteveen and Gret- HappyNest chen Banninga were in Brighten Easter foi charge of the guest book. Announce engagement someone special byj Lowe WSCS MRS CAYLE BEAGLE sending the FTD®. HappyNest. Call or, Mr and Mrs Beagle spent Mr and Mrs Clarence School and now is employed , style show several days in northern Jordan of Bannister an­ at Hancock Industries in visit us today, and' Michigan, and now they and nounce the engagement of Elsie. The groom is a 1969 we'll arrange for your 4 son Jimmy are at home at their daughter, Cheryl HappyNest to be. "' The Lowe Church WSCS 502 W" McConnell Street Clinton area births graduate of Elsie High on its way. ''• 'will-hold a style show at the Lynne, to David S. Boyd, son School and is now employed Lowe Church at 8:00 pm. of Mr and Mrs Mancell Boyd at Roycraft in Chesaning. A' hair stylist will be of Route 1, Chesaning. A June wedding is being present to give _ demon­ Nancy Spicer A boy, David Randall, was A boy, Darrin Ward, was The bride-elect is a 1972 planned. strations. Prizes" will be born to Mr and Mrs David born to Mr and Mrs Stu graduate of Ovid-Elsie High * awarded and refreshments Lauro of Rl, Owosso April 5 Hebner of Tallman Road, will be served. Tickets are gracl of at Owosso Memorial Eagle March 29 at St $1. • Hospital. He weighed 9-1/2 Lawrence Hospital. He lbs. Grandparents are Mr weighed 8 lbs 5 ozs. Grand­ \/ and Mrs Joe Lauro and Mr parents are Mr and Mrs Calendar of t Joan Jewitt and Mrs Merle Redman. The Francis Hebner of Lansing, mother is the former Lois Mr and Mrs Donald DuMond Carriage* EAST LANSING -- Nancy Redman. of Wacousta Road, DeWitt. Coming Events Spicer, daughter of Mr and The mother is the former Mrs John Spicer, 340 Elm St, Elnora DuMond. Township Association. Licenses Fowler, was recently APRIL 12 - The Annual graduated from the Joan A boy, Chad Michael, was Meeting of the Clinton born to Mr and Mrs Jerry County, Township Officers APRIL 12 -- Central Mich Kenneth M. Kralik, 23, 599 Jewett Career School in the A boy, Chad Russell, was Association will be held at Lapidary and Mineral Northcrest Rd, Lansing; Fashion/ Photographic Jorae of Route 2, Fowler born to Mr and Mrs Russell March 23 at Carson City the Clinton County Court Society monthly meeting at Vickie L. Leonard, 18, 960 Modeling 'course. Kramer of 1404 S Swegles, St Room on Thursday, April 12, 7:30 pm at the Everett High wWOODBURY Dill Rd, DeWitt. Joan Jewett Career School Hospital, He weighed 7 lbs. Johns March 16 at Sparrow The baby has 1 sister. at 8 pm. All Township Of­ School cafeteria, Lansing. Tomas E, Leep, 24, 409 is a private girl's school Hospital. He weighed 8 lbs 7 ficers are urged to attend. "Safety for Rock Hounds" Main St, Ovid; Bonnie L. featuring study in the fields Grandparents are Mr and ozs. Grandparents are Mr will be discussed.(Further FLOWER SHOP Mrs Frank Kobel of Fowler, and Mrs Richard French and Speaker will be Robert DeVries, 22'4511,W, Main,, >of Airline,& Travel Agency, Robinson • of Midhigan information: Mary-Clare i 321 N. Clinton St. Johns 224-3216 Kalamazoo. *"* ** ** w "^Secretarial and Modeling^ and, Mr,, and, Mrs,, Donald,—•-Mr , and Mrs Burton Kramer. Boroughs "(120) 349-3546. •> H\ Jorae.* _T.tfe ^motner"^ the":* ^he^metheT^s^tHe -formed former Mary* Lee*'Spitzley. ^ Diana French. SPRING Becker Furniture Inc. A boy, Nathan Edward, SPECU&S was born to Mr and Mrs Edwin Stiles tfOOD Thomas Robinson of Bear Lake, Mich, March 25 at Legion Aux ANNIVERSARY Manistee Hospital. He Kent, Large Slicing weighed 9 lbs 1/4 oz. Grandparents are Mr and BOLOGNA lb. Mrs George Robinson and to meet "^ Fresh Mr and Mrs Edwin Brown. . SALE-.- The mother is the former lb. Sandra Brown. The American Legion Sale Ends APRIL 30, 1973 PICNICS 59 Auxiliary Edwin T. Stiles Henry House Skinless Unit 153 will meet April 17 at t A girl, Angela Maria, was 8 pm at the Legion Post Our entire stock of furniture Bedding, Lamps, and Accessory FRANKS born to Mr and Mrs Roger K. Home. Foreign Relations Lindner of 108 Spring St, St Chairman Jean Dunham will ' . Items have been reduced for this event! Johns April 4 at Clinton have charge of the program. 'Hospital She weighed 4 lbs 6- Members are requested to WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF THE FOLLOWING: . 1/2 ozs Grandparents are bring articles made in Hong Mr and Mrs Wayne Lindner Kong to) display at the FORMAL RIB STEAK Fresh Frozen and Mr and Mrs Eugene V. meeting. Hong Kong is the LA-Z-BOYS DINETTES Lindner. The mother is the Legion CARE country for the SMELT year. $AR00 DINING ROOM nc00 19 former Miss Thibodeau. ' Savings To Savings To 99* $31oo 45 Savings To 75' ft. *1 2 lbs. Spartan Oven Fresh TT PAYS TO SHOP AT SOFAS LOVE SEATS CHAIRS WHITE BREAD CINNAMON tRAOO Occasional dvyac-Klnnon i Savings To 50 Savings To $3300 & Rockers $0000 50 oz. 'loaf 4/95* ROLLS fto< Savings To 23 V 14' oz. 00 FOR BETTER VALUES BEDROOM SUITES END TABLES McDonald's CEDAR CHEATS ,2r NEW SHIPMENT Complete ^ $7f|00 $1700 2% MILK U 39 Savings To Savings To Savings To 17 McDonald's POLYESTER 70' CHOCOLATE DOUBLE KNIT STUDIO NOW $7700'' * 10 NEW SPRING COLORS Crf%Qfl SOFA BEDS Regular $90.00 MILK Q,2/49* 60 IN. WIDE nMiv *<90 McDonald's ONLY Savings To $*%C| 00 *lyd. MATCHING CHAIRS J3900 (Good Selection) ** *" NOW BUTTERMILK LADIES NYLON ' These Have Durable Nylon Covers at. 2V JACKETS $-798 U '- Spartan Whole Kernel Thermolite A AND WIND BREAKERS * P OFF Wall Clocks and Lamps {Chain, Pole, & Table) .'•VKCQRN LADIES SUMMER % 'n $ cups 17 pz; 33« PANTS $7^0 J* H 6/ l 7oz. SizeaO's **W KNITS AND COTTONS UP OFF Entire Stock Of PICTURES 1 Dozen EGGS FREE! y LADIES SUMMER . 2 •' With Purchase of 1 Egg $|69 0FF Entire stock of Beddin .aDecorating Machine at NIGHTGOWNS $049 Tifjij Fresh Sweet Florida Valencid PERMANENT PRESS POLYESTER W up 20% Twiri - Regular - Queen Size' 2 AND COTTONS SIZES 32 to 46 PINEAPPLE ORANGES EXAMPLE pur full size deluxe set 00 Regular $200.00 NOW 160 Each" B lb. Bag 09* GIRLS SUMMER GOWNS 39* $098 WE FEATURE: NORWALK, FLEX STEEL, LA-Z-BQY, FURTURISTIC, DACRON7COTTON im up BASSETT, BROYHILL,' LANE, MERSEMAN, and SPRING AtR. Va Price Sale! 8 Nude H(M;1. NEW BATHiTOWE'L'tS We Invite You Jo Compare Our Prices On Identical Merchandise. I REGULAR Frcnfih Toe SI 23 SHEER VALUE! ENSEMBLES SJ68 FREE FREE ' MAKE UP YOUR OWN SETS G G ?4' ESTIMATES Bunti Hose 6¥ ESTIMATES ft NEW ARE4 RUGSJ FREE BECKER FURNITURE FREE DELIVERY ft FRECHEN'S MARKET FOR ANY ROOM IN THE MOUSE DELIVERY . ±~~ 7 TOP COLORS! \ l.^ FULL t 123 S. MAIN FOWLER, MICH. . • >: FOWLER* M FULL Z4X34 JAM 27*48 ,$fi98 SERVICE Phone 593-3500 SERVICE ' Free Parking In Rear Of Store


&f*«teMAf^ J •* J 6A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS; St. Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 King-Cook vows spokep Morning AAusicale hears Escher ST JOHNS - The music of which will be held at the now fpr the Mich Federation Berlioz was the subject of a Congregational Church April of Music Clubs Convention. study talk by W.J. Escher at 12. ,» Club members will be at­ in candlelight ceremony the March meeting of the St • Mrs''. Winchell Brow, tending, and the Ensemble Johns .MorningsMusicale president, .announced that will sing at the massed ELSIE -- The .United Cook of 8749 Roosevelt Road, pear Is •; She carried a held at United Methodist reservations may be made chorus on April 27. Methodist Church was the Bannister. bouquet of carnations and Church. ' setting for the candlelight Tall baskets'of lavender pink roses tied with lavender Escher discussed the wedding March <3l when and pink flowers, candleabra and pink satin streamers. music of the 'French com-, Constance Jean King and and^a large white wedding. Mrs James King' of poser and his influence ont' Final Lenten service Howard Lee Cook, Sr, spoke candle graced the altar, Chesaning, attended her later French and Russian their vows before the Rev The bride wore an A-line sister-in-law as matron of composers. Excerpts from set in Ovid David Litchfield in a double gown of white organza over honor, wearing a lavender "Fantastic Symphony," ring ceremony. taffeta accented with and whire gingham dress "Harold in Italy," and The bride is the* daughter Venetian lace trim, an with floor-length skirts and "Triumph and ^Funeral .OVID -- The 6th and final responsibilities. He has been Symphony" were-played, in service in a series of Lenten a member of both Rotary of Mr and Mrs" Richard Ct empire waist and Victorian empire style waist with a King of 125 S Church St, neckline. Her cathedral veil white bolero. JHer headpiece addition to selections from Services will be held on and Lions. At Mt Pleasant he Elsie. The groom's parents was secured by a wide band was an arrangement of "L'Enfance Du Christ" and - Sunday, April 15, 7:30pm, at was an organizer and first are Mr and Mrs Clarence- of white flowers and seed lavender and pink flowers. "Romeo and Juliet." the United Church of Ovid on president of "Career West Front Street. Development," She carried a hurricane Preceding this portion' of an lamp with purple violets. the program, Mrs John Dr Robert Charles Smith organization to assist young Mrs Edwajg} Polack of Caudy, organist, played of the United Methodist people achieve their career Frankenmuth served as "Veni Creator" and "Con­ Church will be the speaker. goals. bridesmaid and Miss Cheri trast" by Caesar Frank. His sermon will be, "The He has been a member of King, niece of the bride as Plans were made for the Best and the Brightest." the State United Fund Board junior bridesmaid. Both club's annual Guest Night, Dr Smith was born in almost since its inception, CLINTON Grand Rapids and educated wore gowns identical to the and has been both county matron of honor except in in the public school system of and city chairman of various blue and pink checks y VFW Auxiliary Grand Rapids. He received a United Fund Campaigns. bachelor of arts degree from THSTE. JOHNS respectively. They wore fA"S His responsibilities in the rife'E^™ flower headpieces and also V the old University of Grand church have also been FRI.-SAT.-SUN., APRIL 13-14-15 carried hurricane lamps meets Rapids, and Bachelor of varied. He was chairman of Divinity Degree from Showtime 7:45 P.M. with purple violets. MRS HOWARD COOK, SR the Camp Commission, BANNISTER -- The Garrett" Theological member of the Board of Lori Ann King, niece of the Seminary at Northwestern "GLOWING AND INSPIRIH6!"^r^:^i,. bride, and Kathy Ann Cook, regular meeting of the, Education, chairman-of "the Attending the groom were served in the Navy for 3 Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW University in Evanston, 111. Board of Ministry,' and ROBERT ANNE daughter of the groom, werp- Glen Seeley of Anoka, Minn, years, and is employed by He completed • further flower girls, gowned in Post 6403 of Bannister was jurisdictional chairman of SHAW BANCROFT who served as best man, the Clinton Machine Co at held on Monday'; March 26. graduate work at Boston the Boards of Ministry and ..lontlwlo'eliCix'tU lavender and white checked while William Cook of Ovid. The meeting was called to University a^nd University he is a trustee of Ad rain SIMON gingham with white eyelet Laingsburg and David Cook Theological Seminary of pinafores. Each carried a order according to the ritual College. ' ' * WARD of Bannister, brothers of the by the president Pat New York City. In 1968 at ceramic basket of pink groom were groomsmen. Adrian College he received In 1962 he was a member of roses, carnations and Pageant Devereaux. Roll call found a team thatvisited the Soviet • Rodney King, brother of the 20 members p'resent, also thes Doctor of Divinity violets, all made by the bride and Robert Cook, Degree. Union and other European YOUNG bride. The bridal attendants' brother of the groom, served our aide Faye Walter, and nations in a search' for a gowns were designed and deadline, Eloise Hambleton president He has held pastorates in basis of peace and un­ as ushers. of the St Johns VFW WINSTON made by Mrs Robert Cook, s the St John's Parish, Ben- derstanding. In 1970 he and From COtUMBtA PICTURES sister-in-law, of the groom. For her daughter's wed­ Auxiliary 4113, a guest. field-Dowling, Middleville, Mrs Smith ^traveled to AF.Imby CARL FOREMAN and ding, Mrs King selected a set for May 1 It was voted to cancel the Ovid, Mt Pleasant, and, England, Scotland 'and RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH Howard Lee Cook, Jr, son light pink floor length gown Jackson. Wales. of the groom served as ring next business meeting April in empire fashion with a He was appointed district [PCS-fBr bearer. 9, and have a film on cancer As superintendent of the darker shade of pink ac­ The deadline for entrants which will be open to the superintendent of the Grand Grand Rapids .District he cessories, her, corsage was in the Miss Michigan Teen- public with refreshments Rapids District of the United now has pastoral supervision white spider mums and pink Methodist Church in June, roses. -> Ager competition has been following. of 75 churches and 70 set for May 1. All single girls Delegates elected to go to 1971. ministers in the GOLFING • SWIMMING The groom's mother chose between the ages of 13 and 17 the district meeting May 6 at He is married to the for­ geographical area of greater a lavender gown with silver who are American citizens Perry are Gladys Herron, mer Helen Elizabeth Gray of Grand Rapids. FAMILY AND accessories and a corsage of are eligible to compete,\and Florence Stambersky, Marie Battle Creek. They have one The services are in­ white carnations and may obtain free entry blanks Schreiner, Helen Dunn. son Robert, who is a student terdenominational and open ADULT SOCIAL rosebuds. by writing to: Miss Alternates are Ruth Ferrall, at Central Michigan to everyone. The host Church Mrs Nida Dunham played American Teen-Ager of Margret Osborn, Joan University, and a 3-1/2 year for the evening will be The EVENTS traditional wedding music on Michigan Committee, Box Kristen, and Sharon Herron. old grandson. United Church of Ovid. the organ while the Rev 649, Fowlerville, Mich 48836. Dr Smith has been active Refreshments will be served Litchfield sang "The Lord's All members were asked No talent of any kind is to save Betty Crocker in many community after the service. Prayer. Randy -Cook, required. coupons, and take them to CLUBHOUSE brother of the groom, sang the next meeting. A trip to "The Wedding Song" and the National Home is being AND "We've Only Just Begun". Local competition, which planned He was accompanied at the will consist of a series of Women's Clubs LOCKER piano by his mother, Mrs contests to select the teen­ Marie Schreiner is Clarence Cook.'Danny Cook, ager to compete in the donating the birthday cake SERVICE brother of the groom served National Grand Finals of the for the April birthday party hold convention as the accolyte. 14th annual Miss American at the Maple Valley Con- valescentHome at Ashley, to Immediately following the Teen-ager Pageant in New York City. be held April 5 at 10:30 am. MAPLE RAPIDS - The 'West Mich Conference ceremony, ^the newlyweds th Murton, the couple will reside in their meetings at Calvary Baptist Fenton "in an evening ser-1 Daryll Keller, Grand have been transferred to FOR new home at-215 Hurd St, St Church in Ovid, April 1-7, at 7 vice. He will,assume duties Rapids; and Vicki, who is Howard Air Force Base, Johns. The bride attended MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIP pm nightly, 9:45 and as youth pastor of Colonial attending' Lansing Com­ Panama. Their address is: Elsie High and graduated 11:00 am services on Sunday, Hills Baptist Church in Mt munity College. 384-48-3178 AVAILABLE INFORMATION from Imlay City High and " 24th CAM, Sq-Box 5032 April 8. Morris, working with pastor- Mrs Johannides has been Contact Port Huron Junior College. Evangelist Ken Ouellette Floyd Wehner. The APO New York 09020 b. She is employed of the State president of the PTA and They would enjoy hearing from Greenville, SC will be Ouellette's oldest daughter, Jackson Peace Council. She Paul Schueller 224-3066 of Michigan. .The groom the speaker. Esther, will graduate from from friends. KenMunger 224-7156 attended Elsie High School,' Bob Jones University in is presently chairman of the Manager -~ Treasurer r Rev Ouellette was graduated from Bob Jones May. Bethel, Rachel and University of Greenville, SC Paul attend Hampton Park NATIONALLY in the class of 1953. Christian School in Green­ ACCREDITED BY THE Following graduation, he ville. Mrs Ouellette works spent a year in'Washington, with the Hampton Park COSMETOLOGY Christian Schoolasa reading ACCREDITING ' - DC as chaplain of the Central y •Reks!! 1 * SALE Union Mission. Specialist, a ministry'-of Seewtep COMMISSION v On Jan 1,1955, he became Hampton Park' • Baptist Clinic Open, To LAST 4 DAYS - Sale Ends April 14th! pastor of the Perry Baptist Church. The Public' - Church of Perry. During the rfcAcUttup FREE PARKING - 4 years of his ministry there, 4& the church experienced Beauty considerable' growth and a CAREER OPPORTUNITIES "TWO FOR SALE" ON: -BIG VALUES new building was nearly , pageant Timex Watches completed by Jan 1, 1959 IN THE BEAUTY FIELD Panty Hose f' 59' when he left to become ALL SERVICES RENDERED Vitamins 20% OFF auditions set BY SUPERVISED SENIOR STUDENTS 2 Gallon Cold Spray superintendent of the Detroit Drugs JL ^ With Coupon $12" City Rescue Mission. New Classes Starting The First ^ EVfexpires April f4,1973 . Vaporizer' Entrants from Clinton*,* Monday of Each Month M During the 9 years he For further information, write or call Sundries Eaton and Ingham counties Mrs. Sonnenberg, Manager. 15557 North East St. Lansing Bath Scale »2 served the mission, a new for the International building was completed. , Shaving, Needs IJ»IIIIHT.!IWSW Pageant Systems may 100 ct. Envelopes ' ' 33' Among other activities, he audition April 19 at 6 pm at First Aid Items All Costume conducted a daily radio the YMCA in Lansing. The Jewel ministry over WBFG-FM YMCA is located at 301 W Mouthwashes" 5>- so% OFF] Support Parity Hose 2/*6" and carried on a schedule of Lenawee. pulpit supply and revival OPEN HOUSE Cosmetics Expires April 14,1973, $ 96 campaigns in •- churches A field director from - Support Stockings 2/ 5 throughout Detroit and the Pageant Headquarters will state of Michigan. select 5 girls to represent Deodorants- J ORDER GRADUATION 96 their community in the state s Public Cordially Invited to attend Hair Preparations ^and Heating Pads 2/*7 finals. Since Jan 31, 1968, he has [ COMMENCEMENT t Three to 6 year-olds will be Rubber Goods Lap Trays 99' devoted his full time toHhe auditioning for the title of ANNOUNCEMENTS work of revival and Miss Petite; 7 to 12 year-olds ' Open House of my new office. - Baby Goods V 13.67 Super Plenamins $J69 ' evangelism in the local for the title of Little Miss and * < NOW! 216's church. Rev Ouellette makes 13 to 17 year-olds for the title Thermometers his home with his wife and 4 of MisS Teen. One girl from Saturday, April 14, 1973 Toothbrushes ;'. Cara Nome Lipsticks H 1 children in Greenville. He each of the 2.older divisions Raxall Children! has been in full time tyill be selected purely on her Fast Home Permanents Foaming Bath Oil 88* evangelistic Work for over 5 creative or performing arts Vitamins 2/50* 32 oz. years, and had conducted 150' to. compete at the state 12:00-4:00 KM. Limit 4 revivals in v,Mjchigan, In­ pageant this summer. Razor Blades Hand Lotion With Pump 88* diana, niinoisY Wisconsin, Expirei April 14/1973/ Missouri, North Carolina, Hair Spray South .Carolina, Penn­ 984 Bic Banana Marker 77* sylvania, Massachusetts, Fight Cancer with a checKup, 911 E. State Street Sun Lamp Kit $099 .New Jersey and Delaware. end a Check '- o Finkbeiner's Pharmacy **t Their oldest 'son Rene will graduate from Bob Jones ? AMERICAN Your ?omlly'» Health C«ht«r Windproof Lighter each 39' University in May of 1973, He fcCANCER H. Garapetian, M.D. plans to marry Miss Chris SOClETY- FOWLtft Kendall of Fenton June 9 at APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,. St. Johns, Michigan 7A Learning centers # - offer new i • • exper/ence

"What would I wear If I lived near the equator?" "Which metal does a magnet attract?" "How shall I begin a story about a wild horse?" These and many other questions are being asked and answered every day as children in the second grade at Riley Elementary go from one learning) center to another. They work on individual and group projects which are designed to be fun and exciting as well as educational. With the guidance of their teachers Mrs Marilou Holly and Mrs Barbara Keen, and with the help of volunteer mother aides, the children do activities best-suited to their needs and abilities. Batteries stolen at O-E School

Reported taken were a Two batteries have been battery from a school bus Kevin Irrer and Richard Klein are working in the library center. Here the children are reported stolen from and another from a truck. encouraged to develop an awareness and appreciation for literature. Books, magazines, vehicles belonging to Ovid- poems, the children's own writing (books, poems) can be enjoyed in a relaxed at­ Elsie High School. The incident occurred April 3. mosphere. < Ovid Cub Scouts set supper ' OVID - Ovid Cub Scout , Ricky Veihl and Jon Stenberg are working on individual projects in the Social Studies Pack 575 will hold a pancake supper April 14 at the IOOF Hall in Ovid. Student built Tickets are $1.50 and 75 CYCLES cents for children ages 7-12 ». and under 7 free. Tickets are S50.00 on up house broken available from Cub Scouts or LAWN & GARDEN at the door. Serving1 is- from 5:30 to 8 We have many 3 WHEELERS into, in Fowler pro- stunning new Proceeds will be used to -styles. .More FOWLER - The Clinton purchase new equipment for . than anyone County Sheriff's Dept is the Scouts. SUMMER FUN FAIR investigating a breaking and The supper will feature can offer.. entering of a house under pancakes, sausage and Any Credit Terms BARGAINS! FREE DRAWINGS! construction in Fowler. coffee'or milk!, Taken April 2 were over A bake sale will be held in $700 worth of, power tools conjunction with the supper. SEIKO'S Thurs. & Fri. to 9 from a home being built by students in various Clinton County High Schools. Sat. & Sun. to 5 The house is located across DRIVE-IN BANKING from Fowler High School. HOURS Sdhafers MOTORSPOBTS INC. Mon. thru Thurs, 8:30 -5 pm Fridays V 8:30-8 pm See Our Many Styles SMITH SILOS Saturdays.^, 8:30 -1 pm " • The Service People of Seiko, Wyler&, Of Oxford, Michigan • Bulova Watches. U.S. 27 NORTH DEW1TT 482-5763 ROTO-FEEDERS Service-Parts-Sales-Reritals HARR'S Robert Wilcox 517-834-2387 $«:. ENTRAL NATIONAL •>)) «*-. JEWELRY^ % '30, Years Selling, W £• Diamonds itf &"* ST. JOHNS Clinton Area

ST JOHNS - It's everybody in the pool at St Johns High School. Under the auspices of high school swimming coach Wayne Morrison, lst-5th graders from the area are taught basic swimming skills on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. The great sport shoe. Pedwin's white. A bold toe style made to work with clothes of just about any cut and colon Step into \. a pair soon. Be a sport.•!

1 The difference between a small car

/• and a small car by Buick. ' Power. Apollo Isn't a typical compact • are front and rear armrests and not when you add a Buick V-8 under the . ashtrays. The full-foam seats are very hood". There are two 350-cubic-inch V-fls un-small-car. They're big, thick, and available for Apollo. Both are the same comfortable - with room for legs, hips • engines.thai go :nto our most expensive and shoulders. entury models. And both have the urabllfty, reliable starting, and smooth .Weight. Crosswinds are going to have • idlS e that have become traditional with (rouble pushing this small car around. Buick V-8s. , ' •; Because Apollo weighs as much as 450 pounds more than some other compacts. Hide. Apollo Is not a sports car. We When ordered; the way we suggest, designed it for comfort, not for com­ Apollo weighs more because Apollo comes with more. Standard equipment petition, And we did it with coil springs Includes a rather imposing bumper up front, multi-leaf springs in the rear - system with full-width steel reini each selected by a computer according forcement, Large E7B x 14 tires/And all to the way each Apollo is equipped. - that insulation. Then there are Apollo's Mrs Bunce's 4th graders at East Essex School have a space program of their own.' available and eminently desirable V-8 ^ Here, (from left) Barr Snyder, Becky Skaggs, Abe Nemcik and Karla Grubaugh apply , Quiet. Per Buick thinking. Apollocomes .engines and Turbo Hydra-malic tran­ In Tor more than its share of sound- smission'.. The result Is one of the paint to their model rockets. Dlast off is scheduled for May. deadening. Oh all Apollo models, sound' heaviest small cars" offered today. . ..deadeners are applied to the roof, doors, ^floors and Wheelnouses. 'There's In- , sulatlon below and behind the In- What it alt bolls down to Is this. Apollo la ' -strument panel. With V-3 engines, a full a smart investment One with, per­ Destruction fiberglass hood blanket is included, And formance, prestige, and style. One that to help isolate., noise and vibration,-, moves as easily on the highway as It rubber isolation mounts are used bet- does on 'crowded dty streets, One with > reported at : ween the; body.'and frame. interiors that are bath beautiful and Interior. This Is perhaps Apollo^ most decepUVely roomy. We. think that's the impressive asset Thick carpeting Is kind of small car America has been Union Hall standard. So is a handsome instrument looking Jar. If that's the kind of small panerwith wood-grain vinyl accents. So you've been looking for,., well, you've ESSEX"lTWP \ Destruc­ just found It: tion April 7 til/Union Hall Cemeteryiri Ettex'Twp has. been reported .to the. Clinton County Sherl£ijr§pt. ;.'. it was; __ . Ithata ECONOMY SHOE STORE' Cain Bu v r *'*. K.-T if* weii potter 300 'l -V-::>;'•'.'- : Where yourbusiness is appreciated. • St. Johns : pounds was "'.™ , JrtdAover The wiife-awake bank tmksitajlso easy. 121 N. Clinton 210W. Higham St. Johns and storage srW^&briwas > t damaged. \X v •"*>\

!, \

10A CLINTON COUNTY' NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 City League tournament results Best bowlefrs in town

1973 601 3. Lucky Five 3094 30.00 6. Larry Kuhns 6.00 * ST. JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS 7. Eugene Dunkel 596 5.00 HANDICAP TEAM 4. Dry Dock ' 3047 25.00 5. Cartings 8. Leslie Warner 594 5.00 / Score - Prize 3040 20.00 588 6. Tri-Ami-BowlThurs7pm 3031 18.00 9. Richard Snyder 5.00 1. Sandbaggers 3145 $50.00 Trophies 588 5.00 7. Budweiser 3020 16.00 10. Virgil Zeeb 2. Wall&Webb ams 4n.oo 11. LyleHuguelet 580 5.00 8. Demmers 3018 15.00 578 9. Greens Printing 3009 14.00 12. JackBarchelor 4.00 13.00 13. Bob Andrews 577 4.00 L0. Capitol Savings 2994 576 2992 14. Jack Anderson 4.00 11. Heathmans 12.00 576 4.00 12. JimMcKenzielns 2992 12.00 15. George Smith 16. DickCornwell 576 4.00 13. Tri-Ami-Bowl Wed Morning' 2981 9,50 $93.00 14. Beck Farm Market 2981 9.50 15. CurleysLaudermat 2974 8,00 16. Brunos , 2963 7.00 1973 17. Beef JerEy's 2955 6.00 ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS 18. CentralNationalBank 2953 5.00 ACTUAL DOUBLES 19. Zeebs 2949 5,00 1. Jerry Deitrich-Roger Simcox 1185 $30.00 Trophy 20. Bob's Bar 2939 5.00 2. ErnieLance-RudyMasarik 1166 15.00 $320,00 3. TerryKentfield-RichardSnyder 1144 7.00 4. John Bond-Eugene Dunkel 1132 6.00 5. Larry Childress-Keith Penix 1117 5.00 6. Don Thelen- Alan Thelen 1116 5.00 7. Larry Kuhns-LeoBrunner 1115 4.00 1973 8. AlTiedt-Keith Tiedt 1110 4.00 ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS 9. Dan Martin-Chuck Haas 1106 3.00 ACTUAL TEAM 10. GaryBecker-BarryDean 1106 3.00 Score Prize 11. Jim Rewerts-Fred Barnes 1105 2.50 12. Bill Burnham-George Smith 1105 2.50 1. Sandbaggers 2965 $25.00 Trophies 13. Mel Sehlke- Jim Lance 1099 2,00 2. Wall&Webb 2857 15.00 14. Bob Boettger-Rollin Dunkel 1095 2.00 3. Luck Five 2843 12.00 15. Tom Martin-Don Adair 1094 2.00 4. Tri-Ami-BowIThurs7pm 2791 11.00 $93.00 5. JimMcKenzielns 2737 10.00 , 6. Green Printing 2734 10.00 1973 7. Brunos 2699 9.00 ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS 8. Demmers > 2694 9.00 ACTUAL EVENTS 9. Dry Dock 2692 9.00 1. Keith Barrett 1851 $15.00 Trophy 10. Curleys Laundermat 2629 9.00 2. Rich Snyder 1743 7.00 11. Heathmans 2623 9.00 , 3. Jim Lance 1739 4.00 12. Beck's Farm Market 2601 8.00 4. RudyMasarik 1733 4.00 13. Zeebs 2578 8.00 5. JonTatroe 1727 4.00 14. Roadhouse ' 2557 8.00 6. Ernie Lance 1721 3.00 15. Aloha Drive In 2549 8.00 7. Gene Dunkel 1716 3.00 $160.00 8. LeoBrunner 1710 3.00 9. Chuck Haas 1691 3.00 10. DaveO'Dell 1683 2.00 Leslie Warner took 1st place in the handicap singles 11. Larry Childress 1680 2.00 competition with 708. Roger Simcox (left) and teammate Jerry Deitrich 1973 12. Don Adair 1676 1.00 ( picked up 1st prize for actual double with 1185 and also ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS 13. George Smith 1673 1.00, ACTUAL SINGLES 14. GaryBecker 1670 1.00 won the handicap doubles with 1333 in St Johns City 1668 1.00 Association Bowling League tourney competition. 15. Jerry Deitrich 1. Keith Barrett 639 $15.00 Trophy 16. Mel Sehlke 1668 1.00 2 LeoBrunner 632 8.00 $55.00 3. Gary Becker 614 7.00 4. Jim Lance 613 6.00 1973 5. LyleFloate 612 6.00 ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS HANDICAP ALL EVENTS Keith Barrett 1950 $25.00 Trophy Leo Brunner 1917 12.00 Jerry Deitrich 1911 10.00 Virgil Zeeb 1889 1 8.00 George Smith 1889 8.00 Rich Snyder 1878 7.00 Wm Fillwock 1876 6.00 C. Shunnabager 1874 6.001 DaveO'Dell 1872 6.00 Tom Bishop 1869T . 5.00 Terry Reese 1862 4.00 Jim Rewerts 1857 4.00 Bob Andrews 1856 ' 4.00 Lyle Huguelet 1853 3.00 Ed Cox 1851 3.00 Bill Thelen 1845 3.00 Jim Lance 1838 2.00 Charles Hazle 1838 2.00 Roger Simcox 1837 2.00 $120.00

1973 ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS HANDICAP SINGLES Four members of the handicap and actual winning Sandbaggers team in St Johns City 1. Leslie Warner 708 $25.00 Trophies Association tournament action are (from left) Don Adair, Ernie Lance, Ross Meyers, 2. LeoBrunner , 695 12.50 Rudy Masarich and (not shown) Sam Pardee. They finished 1st in handicap competition 3. Randy Flowers 688 11.00 with 3145 and 1st in actual competition with 2965. 4. Virgil Zeeb 687 11.00 5. Ed Cox 684 10.00 6. Keith Barrett 672 10.00 7. GaryBecker 665 10,00 8. Bob Andrews 662 10.00 9 Chuck Harman 662 10.00 10. Larry Kuhns 661 9.50 659 9.00 11. JackSmalldon In actual singles, actual events and handicap all 12. LyleFloate 654 9.00 652 8.00 events, the winner was Keith Barrett with scores of 639, 13. LyleHuguelet 1851 and 1950. 14. George Smith 648 8.00 15. Tom Bishop 646 7.50 646 7.50 Singing Idol of teen-agers, David 16. Jim Lance Cassldy, co-star of (he popular 17. David Dush 645 7.00 644 6.00 TV show "The Pnrtridge Family," 18. Charles Hazle has a message about cigarettes for 19. JackBatchlor 643 6.00 643 thls friends and fans everywhere. 20. Jack Anderson 6.00 "Don't be a drag," advises the $193.00 youthful star. "Iquit cigarettes. So can you. Give It a try. And here's your best tip, from the 1973 American Cancer Society: If you ST JOHNS CITY ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONS don't smoke, don't start!'" HANDICAP DOUBLES 1. Jerry Deitrich - Roger Simcox 1333 $50.00 Trophy GIVE to 2. Jim Rewerts - Fred Barnes 1266 25.00 3. Gary Becker - Barry Dean 1256 9.50 the American 4. Terry Kentf ield -Rich Snyder 1256 9.50 Cancer Society 5. Bill Burnham - George Smith 1251 8.00 6. Rex Turner - Guy Snyder 1243 7.00 7. Harold Smalldon-JackSmalldon 1242 7.00 , golden 8. Larry Kuhns - Leo Brunner 1238 7.00 9. David Dush - Ed Cox 1229 6.00 years 10. Chuck Harman - Elden Sillman 1224 6.00 11. Alfeidt-Keith Teidt 1222 6.00 12. John Bond -Eugene Dunkel 1222 6.00 checking 13. Don Thelen-Al Thelen 1215 6.00 14. Ernie Lance -Rudy Masarik 1213 5.00 A COMPLETELY FREE CHECKING 15. Bob Boettger- Rollin Dunkel 1209 ' 5.00 16. Larry Powoski - Bill McCoy 1207 5.00 SERVICE FOR PERSONS 62 17. Tom Danley - Mick Ludwick 1206 5.00 18. Larry Childress - Keith Penix 1202 5.00 AND OLDER 19. Dan Martin - Chuck Haas 1200 4.00 20. Lyle Huguelet - Stan Bunce 1196 .4.00v The wide-awake bank makes itg/lsoeasg $186.00

See your "HE WANTS TO friendly Ibid mflKEYOU dealer.,- HAPPY" * ' i EGAN FORD SALES 200W. HighamSt. ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2285 APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON COUNTY 'NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 11A i\ OPEN TO SERVE YOU WI:I:KIUYS M AM TO 12 TM IRlDAYSfc S-VIl-'KIJAYS 1 I AM TO 2 AM Ot'l N AI 2 ON SUNDAYS LIQUOR FOOD DANCING i-ivr MUSIC

SATURDAY, APRIL 14 "Music Makers" AT cover charge ROUND LAKE SUNDAY, APRIL 15 COVER CHARGE t WITH "Bourbon Street Six" LIVE MUSIC No Coyer

Want Ads get fast results

Only McCulloch makes a saw this light, for this little money. Only MINI MAC 1

Honored Sunday night during the_St Johns Redwings Basketball Banquet were these players and their coach, Doug Japinga. (l.r.) Alex MacKinnon, recipient of the Defensive Player Award in addition to being named a member of the • Weighs All-Conference team of the West Central Conference; Mike Sutherland, named as one or the Most Valuable Player only 6.9 lbs.* awards in addition to a berth on the All-Conference squad; Doug Woodhams, named as one of the Most Valuable St Johns Redwing co-captain Mike Sutherland • 10;' bar cuts logs up to 20" Players in addition to being named Alt-Conference-Winner of the Most Improved Player Award was Charles Faivor in presents Dr A. N. Sauders with a team inscribed • Zips through a 6" log in addition to being named to an honorable-mention position on All-Conference. Dennis Parker received the 101% Award signature basketball honoring his dedication to the 5 seconds team's physical condition throughout the basketball, •Weight less cutting attachments for his season's performance for the Redwings and Coach Japinga proudly displays the team gift which he received fc during theiianquet proceedings. v season. The award was presented to Dr Sauders during the Sunday night basketball banquet. •REHMANN'S of St. Johns' Ovid-Elsie nine clowns St Johns V Cut your own firewood Become your own Do your own pruning See Our Huge Collection of New Spring starting tor St Johns and Pat O-E's Perrill was relieved doubled and Dan Duffield Ovid-Elsie collected 6 hits Perrill for Ovid-Elsie. ' singled. The super lightweight. handyman The Mini and maintenance and took advantage of 6 St after 2 innings by Rob Leslie. super powerful Mini' Mad has so many work-fasMtoucan - Fashions for Men and Boys. Barz hurled for 3 innings After 2' innings, Jack Picking up the 3 hits for St Mac 1culs through a uses, build your own prune trees, clean up Johns errors to pick up an 10- and was relieved in the 4th Johns were Jeff Hunt and 6" log In justs patio furniture, tables, storm damage and -0 non-league baseball victory Bashore took over for an seconds Great for chairs, swing sets, clear land. by Randy Eberhard. inning/ and Mark Hudecek Burney Grieve with 1 double home and camping and more against the Redwings last Eberhard pitched 1 inning apiece and Chuck Faivor LOAFERS-TIES-BUCKLES week. finished up in the final in­ and Dave Devereaux ning. with a single. .JBoth teams used a variety finished on the mound for the of pitchers with Mark Barz Ovid-Elsie plays DeWittat Redwings. home Thursday afternoon at Ifjf Hitting power for the 4:15, takes on Chesaning Jy ^Jri ^JI \ YO Marauders was provided by April 16 in another home Phillips Implement Co. LCC Cog Tim Quine with a home run' game and hosts St Louis. and single, Tom Kirinovic April 19. ST. JOHNS doubled with, the bases St Johns hosts Alma April go for scholarship loaded to drive m the 1st 3 17 and travels to Ionia April 313 N. Lansing Ph. 224-2777 be used to aid future LCC runs, Rob Leslie singled and 19. LANSING - As a means of F*i faesl pttltimjnce always use McCulltch pintr mitchcri chains, ban inii •picket', obtaining contributions to students. the James R. Banks Memorial Scholarsfhip Fund, WJIM-TVs "Slim Jims" basketball team will compete with the LCC "Stars" in an exhibition game on Monday, April 9, at 6:30, pm. The public is invited to attend |he event;to,beheld in qoif-'H mo' H(t the Jgytnnasiunr'ju; Gardner Junior" High -School in Lansing. A $1 "donation is asked, to be paid at the door. Senior citizens will be ad­ mitted free of charge. The second half of the evening's double bill occurs at 8 pm when the LCC faculty and staff will meet in a ga me exhibiting their athletic CRINKLE skills and physical con- ditioning PATENT DRESS James R Banks, former assistant professor of science at LCC, passed away CASUALS recently following a long and complicated illness. The James Banks Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in his honor, will

Deputy * The } Movers. The Movers have it all; Dave Color/color, everywhere appearing MEN'S SHOES from 4995 UP 4Q95 UP MAPLE RAPIDS -- BOYS SHOES from ^ Deputy, Dave will be ap­ Under our 95% home loan pearing at the Maple Rapids financing, you may be surprised- Congregational Church evening service Sunday, at what you can afford, using mortgage April 15, from 7-8 pm. MEHMANN'S """ There is no admission insurance to cover the loan. Many families CLOTHING • FURNISHINGS - SHOES , charge. A free will offering have already taken advantage of this new for DAD arid LAD will be collected. ST. JOHNS ' plan, and are now living in their ownJiome.. How about you? Why not get all the facts— CITY OF ST. JOHNS - .stop in and,talk things over with us. NOTICE OF BIDS BUILDING DEMOLITION

Bids will be received for the demolition and clearing of the building at 118 E., Walker Street and 110 W. Walker until 3;00 p.m., Monday, April 23,1973 in the office of the City Clerk, 1.21 E. Walker Street. The bids must be sealed and bear i the Jiame of the bidder on the outside of the envelope and be plainly marked/ "Demolition Bids". A bid guarantee of not less than ten' percent" (10%) bid amount shall accompany the bid. The bids will be publicly opened and read at this time and referred to the City Commission for awarding or rejection at their regular-meeting on April 23,1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Commission Cham­ bers, 121E. Walker Street. ' ' '

Specifications and documents may be picked up at the City Offices, 121 E. Walker Street, St, Johns, Michigan. , < ^ / " The City of St. Johns reserves the right toreiectany or all bids and fo waive any defects in the bids or bidding in the best interest of t)ie City of- St. Johns and to NATIONAL BANK accept the proposal, which in the opinion of the City Commission, best serves the interestand needs of the City of St Johns. Now Operating In Its^ 75th Year ^ ! Marvey Weatherwax/* '[ • •', ^ - x , City Manager " - . * ./ • ,B4i PiWAMO ST. JOHNS OVID

{ 12A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 19>3 Boxing fans see 14 bouts in St John?

ST JOHNS - Boxing fans Johns, defeating Ray Gill of match, Harr of Qwosso in novice joined his St Johns team­ in Clinton County saw 14 Mason in the 2d round of the Tony Villereal of Lansing bantam weight action. mates with a TKO over Jerry bouts Saturday night as St novjce light welterweight earned a decision over Bill Jerry Johnston of St Johns Ritz of Muskegon in the 2d f round of the novice light­ Johns hosted boxers from K several areas"in* the state' Marauder thinclads take 2 meets weight match* ' duriqgan exhibition show. In the dpen lighl;., welter­ In the novice flyweight In 2 .non-league en­ weight bout, It was" another 'division, Joe Rodriques of counters, the Ovid-Elsie TKO for St Johns as Garry track. Marauders defeated 4 pm and Chesaning in a Every disposed of his Grand Ledge d^cisioned the high 'hurdles, Jim league meet at home April Perry 71-43 and Carson City Lawrence in the 100-yard Lansing' opponent, Jim Dick Kapulus of Albion. 18. 'Mosher, in the 3d round. Jack Fink of Lansing took 69-1/3 53-1/3, dash and the 880-yard relay Taking 1st places in both team. They will travel to the St Dick Campbell. - of his novice welterweight Louis Invitational April 21. match with a decision over Dimondale defeated St 'John Mosher of Muskegon. Johns' Tom Johnston with a Ovid-Elsie Marauders tap TKO in the 3d round of the , In the open light welter­ novice featherweight match. weight class, Armondo In the novice'' light Rositas of St Johns, fought his All-sparts competition* flyweight bout, Fred San- way to a decision over Dave Miguel of St Johns fought his Butler of Charlotte. -Ovid-Elsie is leading the points, . , ,* , picked up l point each tor way to a decision over Ken All-Sports Standings for the Two sports, track and ' golf and cross country Barrett of Dimondale, Another S^ Johns fighter, Mid-Michigan B Conference baseball,,Remain in,, the Trailing1 O-E and Bullock Greg Burt of Michigan Rich Gregory picked up a with 2 sports remaining on competition. Creek are Ithaca with 29-1/2;' Center decisioned, Dominic technical knock out against the schedule. O-E placed 1st in football Corunna, 27; Chesaning, 25- Marsiglia of Grand Rapids in Dean Winner of Nashville. The Marauders lead the and "wrestling with a 1/2 and St Louis 21, The the open light welterweight Gregory scored the TKO in All-Sports competition with maximum 12 points for each Marauders won the All- bout. the 2d round of the novice 34 points, trailed by Bullock sport, They earned 8 points Sports crown in 1971 and Jessie Gallegos of Lansing middleweight bout. ' Creek in 2d place with 31 for 3d place in basketball and finished second last year. knocked out John Jolly of St Johns in the 1st round of the Rob Gregory punched his open light middle fight. way to another TKO for St Doug Brya, St Johns hopes for a strong showing in the open lightweight competition DRIVE-IN BANKING at the -AAU Tournament Bowling broke his hand against Mike HOURS Sweiger of Grand Rapids Mon. thru Thurs. 8:30 - 5 pm and lost by decision. Fridays fr 8:30 - 8 pm The AAU tournament is Saturdays gX, 8:30 -1 pm SHIRTS & SKIRTS The P'B's 32-1/2 27-1/2 Ind High, Game, Rex May 5 at Charlotte, the 1st W )L Lucky Wonders 30 30 Turner 232, Kay Penix 201; step to the nationals. The DunkelPlb&Htg 39 21 Slop Shots 29 31 Ind High Series, Marsha bouts start at 2 pm and Coldstream 38-1/2 21-1/2 Ralyke Farms 24 36 Snyder 503, Rich Snyder 623; tickets may be purchased at Kelly Tires 37-1/2 22-1/9 Dry Dock 'D Lounge *" * Pierce Bakery in St Johns. .Central Nat Bank * 23-1/2 36-1/2 In the open flyweight bout; CENTRAL NATIONAL 34-1/2 25-1/2 Mai-Tai 21-1/2 38-1/2 Team High Game, .Kelly Tires 770; Team High Series, Mi£e SanMiguel of St Johns BANK Guy's Sunoco Serv Patterson & Sons decisioned Dario McDreano 17-1/2 42-1/2 Kelly Tires 2083. ST. JOHNS 33-1/2 26-1/2 of Lansing. ^ RICH GREGORY OF ST JOHNS PUNCHES HIS WAY TO A TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT DURING t A 14-CARD BOXING SHOW SATURDAY NIGHT 1/ AT ST JOHNS HIGH SCHOOL. BEE'S Chevy-Olds, Inc.

World's Sweetest Place To Deal ********************* 1 Mile South of St, Johns On US-27 . Phone 224-2345 Clinton Area QUALITY Pre-owned Cars 1971 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan, V-8 1970 Chevy II 2-door V-8, standard- automatic, power steering and transmission, power steering, PRE-OWNED brakes. Radio, vinyl top. radio and vinyl top. 1972 Vega Hatchback 4 cylinder, 4- 1972 Chevy Vega Hatchback GT, 4- speed, radio. cylinder, 4-speed, radio. SPOR TS i w 1973 Impala Custom Coupe 2-door 1972 vegavtwagon, 4-cyhnder, CARS N hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio. automatic, radio. *********ir***ic********** 1971 Ford LTD 4-door hardtop, V-8 1972 Dodge Dart Swinger, V-8, automatic, power steering and automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, black vinyl top. brakes, radio and vinyl top. 1972 Chevy II Nova 2-door, V-8, 1972 Chevrolet Caprice 4-door standard transmission, radio. ADVERTISE THE CLINTON hardtop, V-8, automatic, power The differences in steering and brakes, vinyl top and 1970 Chevy II Nova 4-door 6 cylinder, COUNTY NEWS WAY • air conditioning. automatic and radio. 'r a BeeVPre-ownecl car 1973 Oldsmobile Delta Royale, 4- 1970 Oldsmobile 88 2-door, hardtop, door hardtop V-8. automatic, full V-8 automatic, Power Steering Cover the Area power, air conditioning. and Brakes, radio and vinyl top. 1971 Ford LTD 4-door hardtop, V-8, 1970 Oldsmobile 98 Luxury Sedan, V- And automatic, power steering and 8, automatic, full power, air brakes w/radio. conditioning, vinyl top. SAVE MONEY TOO! 1970 Toronado Deluxe, V-8 1971 Chevrolet Camaro, 3-speed, automatic. Full power, AM-FM radio, V-8. stereo, air conditioning, vinyl top. 1970 Pnntiac Tempest 2-door Custom HERE'S THE SCOOP .. . V-8 automatic, power steering and 1972 Chevrolet Impala 4-door sedan, brakes, radio. • Place your classified ads In the Clinton County News V-8 automatic, power steering and " brakes, radioand air conditioning. 1970 Chevrolet, station wagon, V-8 at the regular rate (5* per word, 10-word minimum) 1971 Toyota Mark II station wagon, automatic, power steering and 4-speed and radio. , brakes, radio. 9-passenger. > and get your classified ad in the area's newest 1971 Ford Torino 4-door V-8, • NEWSPAPER, THE TRI-COUNTY SHOPPING NEWS for 1970 Chevrolet Impala 2-door hard­ automatic, power steering and top, V-8, automatic, power radio. an additional charge of only 3* per word. steering -and brakes, radio, air. 1968 Dodge Monoco 4-door hardtop, conditioning and vinyl top. V-8 automatic, power steering, radio and vinyl top. 1970 Chevrolet Impala convertible, ' • Coupled with the 7,400 homes the County News reaches for V-8 automatic, power steering and 1909 Ford dalaxie 500 4-door. V-8 V brakes and radio. automatic, radio you, THE TRI-COUNTY SHOPPING NEWS reaches 7,000 MORE homes. This makes a total of 14,400 homes . Complete Financing USED CARS ' your advertising messages reach. $895 .... 1970 American Motors $1195 1969 Ford LTD, 4-door V-8 Available Hornet, 4-door standard tran­ automatic, power steering and smission, radio. brakes, radioand air conditioning. $1395 . . . 1968 Oldsmobile 98 Luxury $ 795 . . . . l%7 Mercury Comet 4- NO OTHER AREA MEDIA sedan, V-8 automatic, full power door V-8. automatic and radio. and air conditioning. $1295 1968 Dodge Monaco 4- BEE'S CARS ARE NOT $1095.4. . 1970 Chevy II Nova 2- door hardtop, V-8, automatic, CAN MATCH THIS! door, 6 cylinder, standard tran­ power steering and brakes, vinyl smission, and radio. top. , • WE HAVE SPECIAL COMBINATION ADVERTISING MISREPRESENTED S129S ... 1969 Chevrolet Impala 2- •wili 196H Plymouth Station door hardtop V-8 automatic, RATES FOR DISPLAY ADS, TOO. power steering and brakes, radio Wagon. V-8 automatic, w/air' and vinyl top. conditioning. $ 695 .... 1967 Plymouth 4-door ,' 'CALL US FOR DETAILS. 895 . . .*, 1968 Ford station wagon,' V-8 automatic, power steering and V-8, automatic,. power steering and radio. 'brakes and radio.- Discover the "ACTION WAY"of Warranty $1295 ... 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass S 119.') i%8 Chevelle station "S", 2-door V8, automatic, power uiigon V 1! nulomal ic. power ' Available On All steering and brakes, radio. sleeping ;mrl brakes, radio. Advertising by using the $1495,., 1969 Pontiac Bonneville, 4- door, V-8 automatic, power $450 1967 Opel 2-door Kadette, Pre-owned cars steering* and brakes and radio. 4-cylinder, 4-speed. "ACTIONTEAM" TRUCKS 1972 Chevrolet 1/2 Ion pickup, V-8. l%ii Knrd 1/2 ton pickup, fi cylinder, THE CLINTON tJOIJNTY NEW.S> standard transmission and radio standard transmission and indin BEE'S WARRANTY DOES ALL THIS, \ -VAND ' You gat 100% repair or replacement . 1964 Chevrolet 1/2 t'on^ pickup, '6 co*t coverage on engine/ transmitfion, cylinder, standard transmission'. '•' THE rear axle/brake and electrical .system : 1970 Ford 1/2 ton pickup. V-8 1%8 Kord 1/2 Ion pickup, fi cylinder. for 30 days or 2,000 miles..And 15% standard transmission and radio standard transmission, r;idio TRI-COUNTY SHOPPING NEWS discount on parts and labor^for a full 24 months. * Call 224-2361 NOW!

j - \ APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 13A ^ "Reach4© Recovery" - - i ! '" % ^blessing for mastectomy patients

Part 1 of a 2-part series her that she will once again1 these women.for 10 years," can be-worn until the patient Mrs Flory indicated that a lead a normal life, wear she* said, "And heard about is surgically fitted with a training session will be pretty clothes and par­ husbands leaving them and permanent breast form, started soon, but a date has By Laurie Kipp ticipate in the same ac­ thoughts of suicide." letters to the patient, her not yet been selected. This County News Writer tivities. Mrs Flory said that when husband and teenage session will probably meet at she heiird of the Reach to children, and the Reach to the East Lansing Cancer "I'm not a woman Recovery program, she Recovery manual written by Society Building. A training anymore ... What will my An emotional boost for knew this could be the an­ the founder of the program, center for Clinton County has husband and children think these women can now be swer to emotional recovery They also provide advice on not yet been established, of me now?" These are provided by a "-program for many of the mastectomy clothing adjustments and although she is hopeful one thoughts which will go called, "Reach to patients in* the greater cosmetic devices for will be started. disguising scars and through the minds of many Recovery," sponsored by the Lansing area. / Further information about of Michigan's 3000 estimated American Cancer Society. discolor ations. ' Reach to Recovery may be breast cancer victims this This pioneer program was obtained by calling the year, most of whom will begun in 1952 by Mrs Terese Patients discover that, American Cancer Society's undergo a mastectomy. Lasser of New York City with determination, they can Volunteers qa'll on Ingham County Unitat (120) after her own surgery recover to the point where mastectomy patients only 351-0430. convinced her of the need for they can swim, golf, drive a after they have obtained A mastectomy, more such a service. The program car, do housework and written permission from the commonly known as breast became an integral part of participate just as they did physicians in charge. removal, is one of the types the American Cancer before surgery. Volunteer visits are of surgery" most dreaded by Society in ^969, and has been A Reach to Recovery arranged at the request of Slide women. It is also one of the adopted in many foreign volunteer is a special kind of the patient, her family or her most difficult to undergo countries. woman. She must be a nurse. Patient names are for Life... because of problems in mastectomy patient herself, kept completely confidential uterine cancer deaths achieving complete physical and have been screened and between the hospital and drop 65% and psychological recovery. Clinton County's 2 Reach judged by her doctor and her volunteer. ' Surgeons can provide the to Recovery volunteers were surgeon as emotionally ,. . physical cure for mastec­ trained ;n East Lansing last stable and physically well. r A, tomy patients, but they are fall through the Ingham She must be able to In addition to benefitting ' c often too busy to provide •County Cancer Society. This demonstrate motor skills the" patient, Reach to emotional counseling. And, training session was the 1st with ease of movement. Recovery volunteers provide ~&\ the patient is faced with one ever held in the area. A a needed service for doctors. . 1 many questions and fears total of 6 volunteers were Volunteers are taught "Doctors are busy enough which are often not fully trained under the auspices of professional methods of trying to meet the physical answered by a medical Mrs Frosty Flory, coor­ being a helpful visitor. Mrs needs of the patient," Mrs doctor's- explanations and dinator for the program. — Flory emphasized that Flory said, "But the assurances. "Mrs Flory, who initiated volunteers only strive for emotional strain'caused by ' %> Reach to Recovery in this emotional and physical the surgery cannot be* 10 per lOO.OOO'' area, is enthusiastic about ignored." 1 What she needs most at rehabiliation and at no time the program's success? A offer medical advice. "Reach to Recovery, by 1930 1970 this period in her recovery is corsertiere by profession; Goal: a Pap test someone who has undergone Each volunteer brings the helping the patient she has had a great deal of psychologically, can sup­ for every American woman the same surgery and faced contact with mastectomy patient a Reach to Recovery similar doubts about herself. kit containing exercise in­ plement the doctor's by 1976 She needs a friendly face- patients and their problems. structions and materials, a treatment of his patient," Conquer Uterine Cancer someone who can convince "I sat across a desk from temporary prosthesis which she added. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY $ Mrs Frosty Flory, coordinator for the Reach to Recovery program in Ingham County, emphasized that the organization is a service free of charge. "There is absolutely no cost to the patient," she said. Currently there are 2 trained Reach to Recovery volunteers in / Clinton County.

1 Essex Township has annual meet

MAPLE RAPIDS -- The Village HalL at 1:30 pm the minutes from last year's Let Us Watch Your Essex Township Annual Saturday in-Maple Rapids. annual meeting. Meeting was held in the Verne Upton, clerk read Marcia Nemcik, treasurer presented the treasurer's annual report of township - -^-> — t ^ T .» -• • INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! funds. t ^ ^ -A » * 4 ,. £' -•. A discussion followed A HOME-FARM regarding this years Federal You'll Be Revenue Sharing monies. r^,v BUSINESS _ • member at Essex Township received \ ih^\merica Group $5,902, paid to the Clinton AUTO County Road • Commission for road work. TO ^ LANTERMAN INSURANCE Pleasantly 200 W. State, St. Johns, PHONE 224-7614 BRUCE LANTERMAN Clayton Wright, super­ visor discussed the coming years budget. Surprised! VILLAGE OF Legal OVID Notices \ ORDER OF PUBLICATION For Sale Tractor with backhoe and front end — General State of Michigan, The loader. 1960 340 International with 12 inch Probate Court for the County and 24 inch bucket for backhoe and 2 buc­ of Clinton. kets for front end plus blade. Sealed bids will Estate of Herman M. be accepted until 5 p.m. Monday, April 16. Pline, Deceased. We Reserve The Right To Accept Or Reject It is --Ordered that on Any Or All Bids. ^Wednesday, May 2nd, 1973, at 9:30 A.M., in the Probates Courtroom in the Courthouse in St. Johns, Michigan a 1 hearing be held on the Dale Crosslan Petition >of Roger A. Pline, Village Clerk Executor, for Allowance of his Final Account. Publication and service shall be made as provided by Daity Interest Statute and Court Rule. Passbook Savings Dated: April 9th, 1973., TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Henry Block has Judge of Probate. ROBERT H. WOOD 17 reasons why you Attorney for Estate 200 W. State ' • should come to us Str Johns, Michigan. 224-4604 ' - 51-1 for income tax help- ORDER OF PUBLICATION — General i / State of Michigan, The Weill give it tender, loving care .. . make it grow and flourish.. Our Savings Ac­ Reason 14 We are a year-round Probate Court for the County service. We do not'disappear or of Clinton. counts and Certificates will pay the highest rates of interest allowable under the Estate of'Robert F, Hill, go back to some other business Sr., Deceased. Jaw. Come in and consult with us. We'll help set up a plan ty suit your family's sit­ after April 15. It is Ordered that on \ uation and needs. See us soon. You'll be glad. Wednesday, May 2nd, 1973, at 9:30 A.M., in the Probate Courtroom in the Courthouse A in St. Johns, Michigan a hearing be held on the Petition of Robert F. Hill, Jr. for appointment of an Ad­ Home Office: 112 E. Allegan, Lansing ministrator and for a determination oj heirs. HKMMPlWtMMO • UWIIHCMICHICAN . MEMBMiKDIMLHOMlEWANMHKSYSYEW Publication and service shall be made as provided by Statute and Court Rule. * CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN Dated: April 9th, 1973. raro S 2 2/2 N. CLINTON'A VENUE-ST.JOHrTs , TH.E INCOME-TAX PEOPLE TIMOTHY M. GREEN, v r Judge of Probate. 109 N. Clinton Av©., St. John* ROBERT H. WOOD Okemotf Grand Ledge Lsthrup Village "Attorney for Estate Pontiec - Op«n Saturdays B A.M. - S t*.M. 200 W. State t ^ St Johns Williamson Open Weak D«yi 9 A.M.BP.M.Phoni 22*4602 , | t St. Johns', Michigan. 3 DAYS LEFT V NO APPOINTMENT NgCCESSA^V 224-4604 514 14A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan APRIL 11; 1973 Public Service Commission denies CP price increase unanimous one, signed by creased rate of return is missioner William R. Ralls, increase of $3.92 per 1 LANSING ^The.Michigan i isourduty todismissthemin^vseKyicelat the price offered - under N'the . EEconomi< c Public Service Commission Commissioners Lentpn G- approximately $34 million Commissioner Ralls month of 21.6%. • ' order to actively protect thehe , »Jsiitf;e,*there kvno alternative Stabilization Act, Com­ today announced that ap­ Schulthorp and William H. •• and reflects a* requested pointed out that the ap­ oFor the * small people against such exor-"1 'serviHe"'available to them, missioner Ralls said, plications for a $142•million Ralls; as well as Rosenberg. "* increase in the rate of plications, if they had been businessman presently .bitant increases. 'The in- ..The..,.. • price increases The Commission order is rate increase recently filed "We wish to emphasize' return on common equity granted, would have resulted paying $42.87 per'month dividual customer must 'requested,_., ' ar..e. inflationary,, believed to be the first of its . that our action should not be .from 12.12% to 14%.. in the following exorbitant for electricity, an in­ accept gas and electric by Consumers'. Powebeenr interpreted as being a price increases to Con­ crease of $5,63 per month exorbitant and unacceptable kind in the country. Company have 1 Vifriwnr ' * Li. dismissed by the Com- decision to unfairly penalize Secondly; the order states sumers' customers: * of 13.12%. mission. sv utility companies^ in, <' thai the * applications Michigan," Commissioner ^violate both the-spirit and oFor an average family oFor the ' small "We have taken this step Sculthorp pointed out* "We the letter of the Cost of presently paying $12.25 because we, are, convinced inte.ndx to provide • a businessman presently, Living Council Phase III per month for electricity, paying $85.00 per month that the applications filed by responsible forum for the Regulations; which are to an increase of $1.58 per Consumers are inflationary resolution of critical rate, for gas, an increase of , be applied by utilities and month or 12.93%. $22.50 per month or 26.7%. and in'violation of our own relief issues facing all' state regulatory agencies, rules 'and .the-Phase III Michigan utilities in the oFor an 'average family Regulations of 'the 1970's so that the companies in that the ^requested rate presently paying $18.08 "After carefully reviewing President's^ Economic of return on common per month for gas, an the applications, I believe it k will have adequate earnings equjty is v excessive and Stabilization Program," to t provide, quality service Commission"* Chairman and have the ability to raise inflationary. William G. Rosenberg said. the required capital for Thirdly, the order states "At a time when drastic expansion of facilities to that another amplication steps are being taken at the rn^et their customers' needs. recently Submitted by Frank Kelley national level to control We will not, however, con­ Consumersj deals in part inflation ''and rising prices;( sider applications which so when consumer concern clearly violate both the letter with the cost of gas which over food costs and other and the spirit of the program is the same'subject matter *^*V price Increases is at an all to end inflation and control involved in. the' present time <• high, and with prices," hp said. Consumers gas ap­ supports Michigan industry* and • The order dismissing the plication. Approximately unions holding prices and applications cites four major1 $33 million isi involved in wages within the. guidelines reasons for the action which the duplication. of Phase III, tha'Commission was taken on Thursday, believes that utility com­ April 5, at a Commission Fourthly, the order states panies must moderate their meeting: that the applications seek denial rate increase demands so as to relitigate without fc-^v > not to be inflationary," the justification the issue of Chairman added. Eirst, the order states that rate of return on common LANSING -- Attorney General Frank J. Kelley today firm­ the applications 'violate the equity decided in the The applications filed by November 24, 1972 rate ly backed the State Public Service Commission's action Consumers requested rate Commission's Emergency rejecting the $142 million rate increase filing of Consumers Rules, which were adopted case, which was preceded Power Company. increases amounting to $83 pursuant to the economic by a voluntary settlement million for gas and $59 entered into by Consumers "The dismissal of the application was fully warranted," million for electricity. The stabilization program and Kelley said, "because of Consumer Power's failure to which were the first in the t and several interveners comply with Public Service Commission and federal price rate increases would have country to be certified by 'including the Attorney resulted in a 23.8% overall General. , stabilization rules. The Commission is to be commended for - gas revenue increase' and a the Federal government, acting promptly in dismissing the application." 13.5% ov erall electric in that the requested rate Kelley said that he did not expect any appeal to the courts w revenue increase. In'May of of return on common "Gas and electric service by Consumers Power Company, but that he was prepared to 1972) the Commission equity is clearly in excess are basic material vigorously defend the Public Seryice Commission's action, if of any increased cost of >>* ^C granted Consumers an in­ capital which may have • requirements of life, necessary. . f crease fpr gas oft $12.3 therefore, the Public Service million and' in November, of occurred since November Commission, on behalf of the Kelley warned that today's dismissal of the $142 million 1972 an • increase" for elec­ 24, 1972, the date of Con­ sumers' last rate increase. public, must act vigorously i rate hike request does not foreclose Consumers from seeking tricity of $29 million. ' The requested revenue to protect all customers ' a rate increase. "The utility company may well file another IT MAY BE A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT TO SOME. BUT TO - The order dismissing the increase to cover the in­ against exorbitant price application for gas and electric rate increases in compliance MANY A MORE BEAUTIFUL SIGHT WOULD BE A NICE , applications was a increases."* said Com­ with today's Public Service Commission order." BRIGHT SUN TO DRY OUT AN ALREADY WET CLINTON COUNTY. SJ City Commissjon i BE Goodrich Approves park bids .i>

ST JOHNS -- Business was wasread, requesting the city operation of motor vehicles rather routine at the Monday manager investigate the off the roads and parking night meeting of the St Johns problem of storm water in areas in the park was given You Would Expect City Commission. the area. Anthony Kunfcz, president The 1973 Assessment Roll Walter Cole, St Johns'High of the Library Board, was read and approved. School band director, was on presented 4 requests in- Loader bids were tabled to hand to ask the citys to make •Mtiif**i ^ ?crf.,'fatj*tL tii. A Tire This Good h.. proclamations' tluV summer, , Sm3in&rcheslra2»ndj a library separate. Kuntz "the Commission.- choir from the Netherlands. To Cost MucH More. announced that the board is' The first reading of Or­ Adjournment 'was at /ap­ in the process of obtaining dinance 255, prohibiting the proximately 9 pm. contracts from outlying townships to give their penal LIFESAVER RADIAL XL-100 fines to Bement Library. He estimated fines from all sources will total ap­ proximately $14,607 for the HOW'S A RADIAL TIRE DIFFERENT? 'WHO NEEDS RADIALS? coming year. Kuntz also asked the Unique radial construction reduces You do. If your kind of driving demands Commission to' consider damaging heat build-up. Sidewalls re­ a hard-working tire that gives you allowing the board to expand w main flexible to help absorb shock and superior mileage. the library into the keep the tread flat on the road. auditorium in the Muncipal You be the judge. Think about how Building. A final request was The Stretch Woven' \ The Lifesaver® Radial XL-100 has 4 you drive and under what conditions for operating funds to make j belts of tough Dynacor® rayon cord (highway or city, rough roads or up the difference between total penal fines andf SUITS and SPORT COATS • directly under Jhe, tread — to minimize smooth). Then consider what you ex­ j i •*( J fc squirm and scuff-off, major factors in pect from the tire you depend on. estimated operating costs. '---that moves with you likea^(" * J 1 tire v*ear. What's in it for you'* Long A public hearing was held. 1 second skin. And — resist wrinkles. l HOW ARE RADIALS ECONOMICAL? at 8 pm regarding Ordinance mileage. •__ ' 254, which would change the HUNDREDS Long mileage, tough impact-resistance, minimum lot area and width OF WHY BFG RADIALS? great handling, smooth ride, cornering in medium and high-density DOUBLE KNITS and traction ... it all adds up. Radial residential zones'. A B'.F.Goodrich introduced the first Amer­ proposed change in width to TO ican radial "in 1965. Every Lifesaver tires are a better value in the long run. approximately 75 feet was CHOOSE FROM Radial, XL-100-is soundly backed by disputed by .Randy Briggs, years of BFG experience and leader­ Bill Richards and Roy ship in radial tire technology, j Briggs, who want the t requirements to remain at the present 55* feet." They argued that there is a need for small lots to facilitate construction or single family dwellings. J The Scott Rd Storm Sew.er proposal was discussed, with Wtytewalli sfce DR70 13 plus Fed Ex lax off 2 51 and trade Jerry Atkinson reporting that he had contacted neigh­ bors. He said that Lawrence Radolph wishes to be, con­ tacted personally by the City Cornmission* City Manager Harvey Weatherwax -presented a STEEL RADIALS report on the Cass Street Special Assessment for water, curb and gutters and storm sewer, The report was Guaranteed 40,000 Miles accepted, and a public 71 ' hearing was scheduled for - April 23. 40,000 WILE GUARANTEE The only fadials in the world with In normal driving you'll get'at least 40 000 mlles^ Randy Humphrey Cushioned Steel" Constructioq. Steel of tread wear from (ho Lifesaver Radial Sleel R/S presented bids for the park for strength and long wear. Cushioned on your car, l| you don't get 40,000 miles, take the project. Spartan Asphalt Co guarantee back to your BFG retailer. He'll allow was * the low bidder for between double layers of Dynacor you. credit for the difference toward the going trade-In price of new ones And add a small paving the tennis courts, rayon cord for a smooth ride. service charge. with a 'bid of $34,462. E. J.- jSchmitt Electric Co had the low bid of $21,517 for lighting the baseball diamond and tennis courts. The bids were accepted. The total park project will cost an estimated $90,633, with the city's share amounting to $30)731. The Olfara as shown at fi.F.Go^lchSterart compatltlvoly priced at B.F.Qoodrlch Pratart. federal or state government will provide the remaining funds. The project includes provision of play and picnic • equipment, lighting . th HUB TIREXENTER baseball diamond and Clinton County's Largest Radial Dealer B.EGoodrich CLOTHING-FURNISHINGS-SHOES tennis courts , and sadding .•"* t?*9 1411 NbrJlvUS-27 * ' it. Johns Phone 224-3218 AmerkaVfehAfrRadammMaktr 14.2 acreS. ' *n< "for A letter fr,om several DAD and LAD* If you want Goodrich, you'll just have to remember Goodrich- residents on S Swegles; St

r t *K **«*««,» Ir fe 1 -

APRIL 11, 1973 (fLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan

• •--.;•• - . i . ', Correction In the obituary of Lloyd Clinton area obituariies Hartman, Apopka, Fla, it S^SSSSffi^^^ffi^^S^^ was incorrectly stated that he died at his residence. It Jimmie Stacy Carol Stanton 154 of the'American Legion. thur, He married Lotta should have read that he He was* a farmer most of his Madden in St Johns Nov-29, passed away at Winter J»ark life.', 1904, and they moved to Ovid MemorialHospltal.Hewasa FOWLER - Jimmie Ray RICHMOND, MICH --, Funeral, services were in 1926. member of the Lockhart Stacy, 34f Fowler, died April Carol Stanton,/ 71, New held April 8 at the Houghton Mr McArthur was a Church of the Nazarene in 6 as the result of injuries Baltimore, died at Richmond Chapel'< of Osgood \Funeral foreman on the electric Orlando, Fla. sustained in an automobile April 5. ••"' Homes in Ovid. The Rev street car line in Flint; accident in Dallas Twp. • A retired teacher, she was Earl Copelin officiated, with followed by 22 years with the Funeral services were bom in Ovid Jan 29, 1902 to interment in Maple Grove Grand Trunk Railroad. He • held April 10 at Buchanan Thomas ' N... and Dora Mausoleum, was a member of the Qvid County Funeral Home in Stanton. She was a graduate Survivors include his wife, Masonic Lodge since 1911. Oakwood, Va. Visitation was of Ovid High School Vand Pearl; 1 son,, Ernest Nathan Survivors include a son, at the Osgood Funeral Home Wayne State Teachers : Goodfellow of Manistee; a Clare of Linden; 1 grand­ in St Johns. Interment was College\ She taught school in daughter, Elva Grace child and 5 great grand­ made at Greenhill Memorial Birmingham for more than Gardens, Richland, Va. Bright, Tacoma, Wash; 6 children. 40 years and taught 1 yeat at grandchildren and 3 great Dear friends. Mr Stacy was bora at Oak- New Baltimore. grandchildren. One sister, wood, Va, in 1938, the son of She was a lifetime Grace, preceded him in Henry Sperry It deserves emphasis that Rufus and Ocie Matney member of the Eastern Star, death in 1931. the time, .the place,"the char­ Stacy. He married the for­ and belonged to the Ovid acter or the funeralaervlce, mer Holly Lester in Virginia Blue Gill Club. ST JOHNS - Funeral the merchandise used; the Sept 1, 1959. They moved to Visitation and funeral William . services were held April 6 for cemetery selected'- these are the Fowler area 6 years ago. services were held April 9 at Henry H. Sperry, 65, for­ decisions of the family of the He was employed as a line the Houghton1 Chapel of merly of Route 6, St Johns. deceased. The funeral direc­ •McArthur He died April 4 at Sparrow tor acts only as a representa­ ^operator at Diamond Reo in Osgood Funeral Homes in tive of the family. Lansing. Ovid, The Rev Claude B. ' FENTON -- Services were Hospital in Lansing following a lengthy illness. The clergyman should be. Surviving are his wife, Ridley officiated,,with burial held April 10 at the Houghton consulted In matters that con­ -Holly; 2 sons;\Jimmie, Jr, at Maple Grove Cemetery. Chapel of Osgood Funeral Services were held at cern him before any decisions and Russell,, both at home. She is survived by a sister, Homes for William McAr- Osgood Funeral Home in St are made. Mrs Helen MacDonald of thur, 92,16461 Whitehead Dr, Johns, with the Rev Glenn Linden, and former resident Johnson officiating. Burial Kate Corp Lansing; -" Respectfully, j of Ovid. was at South Bingham . Mr McArthur died April 6 Cemetery. Funeral services for Mrs Ernest at Crest Mont Medical Care Born in Olive Twp Oct 12, Kate Corp, 97, 960 Park St, Facility in Fenton. 1907, he was the son of Owosso, were held April 5 at Goodfelldw • Burial was, at Riverside Darvis E. and Lilie M. Delp •^ &?AL-*TJ~ the Carter Funeral Home in Cemetery, Elsie, with the Sperry. He resided in Clinton Elsie. Mrs Corp died April 2. Rev Earl Copelin officiating. County most of his life. ' at Owosso Memorial OWOSSOv- Ernest F. A masonic service was held Surviving are 2 sisters, Swimming class Hospital. Goodfellow, 81,9395 Taft Rd, at the Houghton Chapel April Mrs Charlotte Drake, The .Rev T. K. Foo of­ Route 1, Ovid, died April 5 at 9. Lansing; and Mrs Nellie ficiated/with burial at Ford Owosso Memorial Hospital Born in Gratiot County Sherwood of Ovid; and 2 ST JOHNS ~ Coach Wayne Morrison gives some last minute instructions to the St Cemetery, Elsie. following a brief illness. Sept 1,1880, he was the son of brothers, Gordon of St Johns Johns grade school students participating in the after-school swimming program held at fioag punerd fiomt She was the) daughter of Born in Mayville May 19, Daniel and Martha McAr­ and Kenneth, Lansing. the High School. Benjamin and Jane Batch- 1891, he was the child of ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN lor, . born April,6, 1875-in Nathan. B. and Elva J. Rush Township. She resided Goodfellow.; He moved to most of her life in the C ha pin Ovid with his parents in 1903, area. " ' • where they resided on a farm On April 12, 1896 she 3 mile's, south of Ovid. He ATTENTION!! married Will Corp in Rush, married the former Pearl E. Township. Kilpatrick at Mt Morris Feb Individuals Liable for Lansing Income Tax Surviving are a.daughter, 8, 1918. 1. EVERYONE WITH TAXABLE INCOME (unless Mrs. Lelah Priest, Far- Mr Goodfellow was a your taxable income is less than your exemptions mington; l son, Leon Corp of member and senior deacon at $600 each) MUST NOW FILE AN INCOME- Saginaw; 3 grandchildren; at the First Baptist Church TAX RETURN EVEN THOUGH NO ADDITION­ 10 great grandchildren and 3 in Ovid, and was a member AL TAX MAY BE DUE. great great grandchildren. of the Storrer-Bowlby Post 2. Refunds of less than $1.00 will not be made.

DAR meets at Bross home .\ • 3. Any person who anticipates taxable income from - which the city income tax is not being withheld, ST JOHNS - The River 29th. Special guests were the must file a Declaration of Estimated Tax (Form L- Wabwaysin Chapter, DAR Good Citizen, Sharon Daughters of the American Barnes and her mother Mrs 1040ES) if the total estimated tax less any credits Revolution met at the home Charles, P. Barnes. that are applicable exceeds $40.00. This, require- of Mrs H. Manning Bross on The business meeting was ment is comparable to that for IRS of State tn- Thursday evening, March conducted' by the Chapter come Tax. The Uniform City Income Tax Ordiri- . Regent, Miss Maralyse ance also provides for assessment of penalty for, failure to file such Declarations when required. Mi, Brooks. Devotions were •given byUhe'ChapIainj'Miss* R.E.BENSON Shirley Pouch. The If yourtiave any questions concerning your liabili .^ President General's file, you may call the\ Income Tax Office (372-4970* PLUMBING" message was read by Mrs or come to the Office at 208 E. Michigan Ave,. (•• Harold F Millman. The CITY INCOME TAX DIVISION I National Defense article on DETMER C. SMITH, Administrator the "Post-War Recon­ HEATING struction of North Vietnam" by Paul Scott was given by . 106 N.Clinton Mrs Dale F. Calder, the DOWNTOWN SAGINAW INC. chairman. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF St. Johni, The DAR Good Citizen pin was presented to Sharon by Phone 224-7033 Miss Brooks' for Mrs Van WX0X... RADIO 1250 Hoag, the Chapter Good- Citizen Chairman. INVITES YOU TO A WARM WONDERFUL The program was oh 3 MASTER "Early American Music" ST JOHNS - Mrs Hlla Bross, (rear) librarian at Bement Public Library, and Mrs Walker (in foreground) took the 6th EVENING OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT WITH from the time of the Colonies graders at East Essex School on a tour of the facility last week. The students registered for library cards, learned how through the American to use the card catalog and checked out books. PLUMBERS Revolution period was presented by Mrs Kenneth L. American-Standard Jones, assisted by Mrs Bross Plumbing, Hot Water at the piano. .' Heating Other guests present were It's Library Week Mrs John F. Caudy and Mrs ( Lennox Warm Air Lloyd BCampbelK • Heating and Air Conditioning in St Johns \, This Space CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP FOR RENT - -r Phone 224-2361 ST JOHNS - This is Mrs Bross said that program. Their teacher, Mrs 47 Years Same Address . members. Library Week in St Johns. A suckers will be given away to Walker, explained that the The governing board of-the PAT BOONE registration drive is being all children who return students learned how to use- library, Whose members are conducted to sign up overdue books. Coffee and t the card catalog and how appointed by the St Johns residents for cards', as well cookies will also be served. books are loaned to sup­ pity Commission, includes' FRIDAY, MAY 11 8 P.M. as remind those with Sixth graders from East plement their program. Anthony Kuntz, chairman; overdue books to return Essex School recently toured The Friends of the Library Mrs Frazier MacKinnon,.. SAGINAW CIVIC CENTER them, according to Mrs Hila the library as a part of their are helping with the. Roger Feenan, Hugh Ban- Bross, librarian. Behavioral Objective registration drive, in ad­ ninga and Ladd Bar­ A BEAUTIFUL MOTHER'S DAY SHOWWITH PAT dition to past activities such tholomew. ' BOONE AND THE EXCITING SONGS OF THE as the used book sale, Mrs Bross said special : sponsoring prizes -for emphasis will be made to McCRARYS ' ; >.:. 'O COMPLETE'BODY WORK children's hook reports and seek return of their overdue RESERVED SEATS v AND GLASS REPLACEMENT purchase of a bicycle rack. books from 1972. : ' ' • L' >v Officers of the Friends BOB'S AUTO BODY include Don ^ Isbell, MO N. Lansing Phone £24-2921 president; Mrs Dale Finch, USE YOUR BANK AMERICARD'; vice president; Mrs SAVE Lawrence Fish, recording YOUR secretary; Mrs Delbert SOLES USE THIS HANDY,COUPON TO ORDER *;_. Oonklin, corresponding WTHE PUBLIC NOTICE secretary; and Howard YOUR ADVAMCPTICKETS; • ; , > Casler, treasurer. The club has approximately 60 WANT St. Johns City Commission 'ENCLOSE AtSELF-ADDRESSED,STAMPED /' ADS ENVELOPE AND MAKE YOUR CHECK ft * April 23, 1973 The way from sorrow to OR MONEY ORDER-PAYABLE TO: solace can never be hurried, -., - NOTICE- ; SAGINAW CiViCCENTER so we never rush or pressure 303 JOHNSON families in any way. (i ; 1 Notice is hereby given that the St. Johns City Com­ DEWITT TOWNSHIP SAGINAW, MICH. 48607 mission will hold a Public Hearing of necessity, as re­ PLEASE SEND ME. quired by Ordinance No. 171, to hear «Hpersons in-. TICKETS teretted in a proposed Special Assessment for installs-1 LAND USE HEARING FOR THE PAT BOONE SHOW MAY 11,8 pirn. tion of Water, Curb & Gutter and Storm Stwer on 0-1 CIRCLE PRICE TICKETSDESIRED :.•:••- West Cass Street. ~ •. . j "V , • i' ' .. • VI- Saturday; April 14 3.50 4.50 5.50 FONEkAL HOMES Said Hearing will be held at 7:45 P.M. in the City ENCLOSED CHECK ORiMONEY ORDER OS600Dt^GDERGEt%«£ Commission,Chambers, 121 E. Walker St., Sti Johns, FOR ST, JOHNS fOWUH, Michigan.-. •-. ' -i .'.' •"• I ; DeWitt Township NAME .PH. Thomas UHtmdhiy Hal! ADDRESS: ••r CifyCleiik \ r.t CITY ZIP- at 1 ?M. , DETAIL DAILY ON THE BIO OX / CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan ' 16A APRIL 11, 1973 y

round. .House furnished/ UonSj automobile furnished, insurance available, good 7^1973 ZIG-ZAG, $48.50 FOR SALE: Potatoes Help Wanted Good wages and extras. Small paint damage , in ::W:%%¥:Wft^^ Apply in person or call retirement plan. Apply in Johns onion, farm. 2 3/4 person, all applications con­ shipment, in walnut sew jmiles north on UJS, 27. Real Estate 862 - 5002 or 862 - 4427. 'tablei. Sews stretch mat-; CLASSIFipD AD PAGES 'SHOE SALESMAN.Fulltime William Chapko, Rt. 1, El­ fidential. See- Norman Cain - .; 48-tf-tc. ; and'part time. Fringe bene- at Cain Bulck Pontiac, 210 erlal. No attachments sie, Michigan 48831. 50-3 needed, as all controls FOR SALE: 8-rdom house,^ .fits and gqod working condl-- W. Higham; St., St. Johns, 2 large lots. By owner/ Mich. Phone 224-3231. are built-in. Makes but­ VACUUM SALES & SERVICE, CASHRAT£: 50pei-word, • ,'Uoris.' Apply'at. Economy 511 W. Cass, i . 50-1 Shoe. Store in St Johns. tonholes, sews on buttons Kirby Center of St. .Johns, t 32-tf-nc 1104 S. US-27, Federal Land Minimum 500 per insertion.. 49T3P and does many fancy de­ Bank Building. 224-7222. STROUt REALTY - Large E Mrv c Ue b signs. Only $48.50, Cash p-dj £22!iwithin i1n0 tydays oif ?insertion , V Pav'n, -"a -fo r your charge" *d or Terms arranged. 23.-tf-nc lake front lot on Little,Rain- • WANTED:' Male or 'female Jobs bow Lake. $5950. terms Market research, hourly BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Trade-ins accepted. Call BOX NUMBERS in care of-this office add $1^00 • BEAUTIFUL' WEDDING^n- possible. No. 219. ,Phone rate and expenses. Car nec­ Earn free Easter clothing Wanted 641-4333 collect 9 a.m. vitations and accessories. 517-584-^3284. 50-2 essary.' -No • selling. Hours • by having a. Queen's Way to 9 p.m. Electro Grand Speedy service. Flnk.- '.flexible. Call 372^1349. Fashion show in your home. Would like to do spring 50-tf cleaning. 862-5406. 50-1 beiner's, Fowler. Ph. 593- .FOR SALE: 3 be.tiroom home • 49-lp Call 224-4195 today. 2606* 4i_tf ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED ,< 49-lp-tc call 224-2282. If no answer UIMtlL 5 PM MONDAYS WITH THE FOR SALE: 1972 Yamaha call 224-2613'. 50-3p WANTED: Part time man motorcycle, road modelLS2 ELECTRQLUX $19.95 EXCEPTION OF THOSE ADS GOING NEW EXCLUSIVE OFFER­ WANTED: Babysitting in my INTO Trtl-COUNTY SHOPPING or woman to :work in small -Excellent condition. .Call Only 6 left in A-1, con­ ING in St. Johns area, 138 home. 834-5718. 49-3p-tc FOR SALE: Wooded water NEWS. DEADLINE FOR THOSE IS *appliance(business; 224- 224-3023. 44-tf. dition with cleaning tools year old company seeking front lot' on Nagauhee Lak& 276ft. . . . : .. -49-tf. and ,toss out paper bags. 9:00 AM MONDAY r\ distributor in St. Johns area WANTED: Babysitting in 6 miles south' of Evert, Guaranteed only $19.95. Opportunity unlimited. Earn your home* Have small WANTED ;< We would like THERE IS NOW a TlmeX Cash. Call collect, 641-' Osceola County. Call 834- FOR FAST RESULTS-PHONE 224-2361 $15,000 a year part time or child of • my own. Day or to welcome you'into the ? Repair Service in Michigan. 4333 9 a.m. to 9 p.m/ 5854.. 49-3p-tc or ENTERPRISE 8201 •>'*££,:._. more full time. $1500 invest­ night. Call 224-2753. Also 4 world.of vReal-Ji;state. We Free estimates will be sent Electro Grand. ' 50-tf need aggressive •: sales ment is protected by invent­ wanted - small apartment. on all repairs, do not send 4 NEW HOMES under con­ 1 FOR SALE OR RENT: 25 'people td'help;us in a grow- ory. Write State Wide Incor­ 49-3p~ money. We also repair all acres, * Westphalia twp. struction in Westphalia and . ing business. Prefer exper­ porated. 3308 S.' Cedar St., other makes of watches. 'STOVE FOR SALE-Electric Mettetal, 19301 Shiawas­ surrounding area for sale. ienced but will consider Suite # 7, Lansing, Michigan POSITION WANTED: Cus­ Please send watches to 39" stove. Very gobd con­ see Detroit, Michigan Call Fedewa Builders Inc., training any eligible person. 48910 for information. 49-2p tom plowing by the acre, Timex Repair Service, P.O. dition. $25.00 Call 224- 48219.-. 50-Ip 587-3811. I||p 42-tf Call Mr. Furman, -224-3236 . Kenneth Heibeck Sr, Rt. 5 Box'128, Kinde, Mich, 48445.' 2545. 50-ldh St. Johns, Mich. 224-4066. -, or come into'Furrhan Real­ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 40-tf 49-3p-tc WE/ OURSELVES, will buy ONE LOT FOR SALE on ty C.o« J515 .N. U.S. 27 We are expanding our whole­ your land contract. For Lehman Road. Will build St. Johns/" 49-3p sale and retail business. using your plans or ours. SIDING - AWNINGS - EN­ Pets prompt, courteous action, HELP WANTED: Waitress Earnings $30.00 to $3,000 . Will help'^rrange financing. 200 W. State St. Lost& Found 21 CLOSURES. Winter dis­ call Ford S. LaNoble, La- "•and cook. Apply in person per month. Full or part- Call FedewaBullders, Inc counts available. For your FOR SALE: Moving and must Noble Realty^ 1510 E. Mich­ PHONE 224-2301 " at the Roadhouse, 902 E.1 time. For appointment call igan, Lansing, Ph. 517-482- 587-3811. HU 28-tf LOST one large ..canvas in free estimate call Raven sell AKC registered male 651-5920. 48-3p-tc 1637. Evenings 517 - 337' ELSIE BRANCH State St. 224-9982 48-3p the vicinity of Meridian Rd. Enterprises. 882-5025. St. Bernard,! year. Had all YOU pAN build a new home 1276. 37-(f Phone 862-5391 cook-Daytime^ Some cook­ and Hollister Rd. Small re­ 38-tf shots. Loves people; house- and*; finance it at 7 1/4% broken. $75. Call- 834-2867 ing experience desirable. MOTHERS AND OTHERS1 ward. Contact 834-5939. , FOR SALE IN PEWAMO-3 interest with . low monthly 49-3p 49-lp ,Must be neat and dependable. If you need money we need FOR SALE: 1972. Kawasak* bedroom home with walk­ payments and very small Apply in persW at the L you! Earnings of $120 for 1700 miles. 862-5068.4B-3p out basement. Now under closing costs if you qualify. &li Restaurant, 318 N.'CIlri- Under this plan you can build LOADS OF ROOM 4 bed­ r three evenings' work. Will Miscellaneous FOR' SALE: A.K.C. regist^ construction. Financing 1 ^ ton, StvJoiihs.^ 50-ip a 3 or 4 bedroom home. rooms, ,2 baths,' family train.. Queen's Way To- ered St' Bernard puppies. available. Phone ' Fedewa BLUE Lustre not only rids- rm. w/fireplace, separ­ Fashion. Call DeWitt 669- Items __ Excellent markings. Father Builders, Inc., 587-3811. ' If you can't qualify for this carpets of soil but leaves financing program, we have ate din. rmn utility ? CLERK typist position. Must 9346. 44-l2p-nc FOR SALE: Keep cool this was AKC Champion. Phone 37-tf-nc space, 2 - car attached be good typist; Salary range pile soft and lofty. Rent 669-3885. ' 49.Ip other financing programs - summer with a Whirlpool electric shampooer - $1. available which can be garage, prime area, 1101 . $5,000 - 6,000. Applicants TO SETTLE ESTATE 1968 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: 5000 BTU air conditioner. Dean's Hardware. 50-1 adapted to your budget. For Hampshire Dr. #143. t- submit,, short resume and In excellent working condi­ FOR SALE: AKC Registered New Moon mobile home : mail to Box -P. 50-2 Men and women-looking for more information, call tion. $60 or best offer. ","_""","-• r ~ " Golden Retriever puppies. 5 12 X 55, Includes skirting OWNER LEAVING TOWN your own business. Be your -Fedewa Builders, Inc. 587- Call after 5:00 p.m. arid FOR SALE: Carpathian weeks . $75. for male, $100 Excellent condition. Ideal This 3 bedroom ranch of­ '' HELP WANTED:' Men want- own boss, part or full time. 3811. or stop in at our.of­ anytime weekends. 224- English walnut trees. 5120 fpr'female. 224-2744 49-3p for lake lot. Call 224-4256 ! ed|, part time or full time, Earnings from$30.00 to$3,- fice located 5 1/4 miles fers a large well-land­ 000' per month. For appoint­ 3437. 50-1-nc E. Parks. Harold Coffman' after 6:30 p.m. 49-4p-tc • scaped lot w/prlvacy pat­ • for sales work.- Must have FOR SALE: 3 Purebred south of Fowler on Wright ment call 651-5920, 50-3p 48-3p-tc io, rec.. room, carpet­ '' car and telephone With good beagles, one registered, Rd.£E| 27-tf • ed bath, 1 1/2 car gar­ " credlt'references, aboveav- FOR SALE: 430 Case Die­ 224-3085.^ -48-3p , erage earnings. No invest- FOR SALE: '.Swanson's sel tractor like new. 69 LET US RECOMMEND a FOR SALE: 10 X 15 Mobile age, lots of storage, *ment necessary. For in- Range Hood in coppertone, low hours with 3.14 point painter or paper hanger for home, 2 bedrooms. Just space, excellent condi-- Never been used. Hotpoint,, H FOR SALE: 2 purebred St right format, lot up. northi; U terview write Rainbow Ap- ,. ,t. hitch, diskwblad&^^ultt- llyo'u, Your'SHeVwin Williams rr ft: CONCRETE f, C , vator ant^ crane. "Ford "Dealer, Firikbetner's, Fow­ 15 Bernards ZS/^OO ^r 6est .'$1300. W t&e lot or small* Ppliances, 931 BridgeSV*g& »faS#S®t? ^ Ca1,7??1 vi!?? ; DON/T BUY BEFORE? brand Rapids, Mich. ^4%;?l| ^J™.W' > ° * ' Fairlane 500, 1964; New ler. Ph. 593-2606. 41^-tf I* offers" Ph.' i651-6209. ; '.and contract in trade. 675- T10L YOU CHECK on this 3 '-; T r.n A- '834-5721 after 5:30 p.m. 49-3p WALLS 50 4p brakes, has radio and heat­ bedroom Colonial in V • • - ' " 50-2. er, power brakes, power A new home is a lifetime investment. Let us help Prince Estates, offering WANTED, married, man,, steering also new tires. -family room, 1st Jloor An opportunity for aggres­ Needs a little work. 224- AUCTION CALENDAR you secure \his in­ some background in gen- V vestment with the best laundry, 11/2 baths, den, sive man or woman who. 2749. * 48-3p HONDA } eral farming and dairy wants to sell new and used basement wall possible - 2 car attached garage, ' work.- To" work year a- cars. Good Working, condi- HONDA a poured concrete wall, choose your own floor CAMPERS .-\PICKUP COV­ Wo are equipped to do covering. 500 Lambert ERS AND EQUIPMENT - HONDA the complete job or any Dr. $118.: part of it. Bring your . Sales and Service - WING Thursday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m. Eldqn Gingrich. See Or Call prints over or calLfor an GOOD FAMILY HOME at MFG. AND SALES Farm machinery. Dairy and feeding equipment. appointment 587-3811. WANTED 5349 Wisner Rd. 1/2 mile Harvestore silos and cattle. Located 1 mile east, 1/2 604 E.Oak, 4bedrooms, west and 1 3/4 Miles North south, 3/4 east and the first place south of Leroy, NORM READY-MIX CONCRETE kitchen offers dishwash­ Local firm desires aggressive young lady to of Ashley,' Phone 847-3171 Michigan, (follow the auction signs from 131). NORM For All Your Needs er, disposal., built-in QUALITY-SERVICE stove, den or din. room 49-tf NORM assume position involving talents in meet­ Saturday, April 14th at 12:30 p.m. Harold Jamieson off kitchen area, new car­ FOR SALE: Winegard color and Mr and Mrs Garrett Boursaw. Orchard and farm DETRICH peting & drapes included, equipment. Located 1 mile north of Mapleton, FEDEWA 2 car garage, don't miss ing people and handling sales by phone. T.V. antenna with rota and AT MIKE PUNG Michigan on M-37 to Smokey Hollow Road, then 1 mile this one.- #136. all hardware. Only $99.95 northeast. Premises located approximately 12 mi MOTOR SALES /Must be a high school graduate and have 651r6l39. 49-4p-tc north of Traverse City on Old Mission Peninsula. ALMA PH. 463-2161 BUILDERS, PICTURE . YOUR FAM­ ILY in this new home ability to type. Previous sales experience OR EVENINGS Inc, at 1005 E.Sturgis, many SHADE TREES- 6 to 8 ft. Saturday, April 21st at 12:30, Robert Pohl, Farm SHEPHERD 6218 Wright Road, plus, features such as helpful but not-essential. Will train the $2;75 Fruit trees, flowering Machinery.- 3 miles east of St Johns to Chandler Rdt 3 PH. 828-5882 5% Miles South of Fowler. family room w/fireplace, trees and shrubs," ever­ miles north to Hall Rd, 1/2 eastat Pit Location, . right person. Please submit a short resume 11/2 .baths, lstfloor laun­ greens, grapevines, berry dry, large llv. room, 2 plants, rhubarb and aspar­ Saturday, April 28th at 12:30 Andy Miharik. Farm car attached garage. #138 of job experience'. Applicants will be con- agus roots. Largest selec­ Machinery. 5 miles north of St Johns on US-27 to Hyde AL GALLOWAY tion in central Michigan, Rd. 3-1/2 miles east. ' JUST SIT BACK &, EN JOY "tacted for personal interview. Mail your Big 33rd anniversary sale USED FARM EQUIPMENT YOURSELF in this 3 bed­ Bargain prices. FOERCH Saturday, May 12th at 10 A.M. Construction equip­ TRACTORS - COMBINES - CORNHSADS room ranch w/a finished reply to Box S c/b Clinton County News, NURSERY, 2 miles north of ment. 1/2 miles north of Flint City Limits on Dort High­ basement, there is alsoa Shepardsville.. 49-3p^tc way. TILLAGE TOOLS - PLANTERS -PICKERS 120 E. Walker St., St. Johns. All corres- covered 30'X 10 patio, 'TRACTOR PARTS - REBUI LT HEADS. TO GIVE AWAY-electric CCC BIN SITE AUCTIONS lots of storage and the pondence will be held in confidence. range. 224-2126. 50-1 Allstartingatl2:30 kids can have their own GOOD SELECTION AT ALL TIMES play room', possible 4th 1 bedroom in the basement^ Thursday, April 19 Sunfield, Mich. :Phone (517) 224-4713 or 224-4300 just $29,900,00/ #140. Thursday, May 10 Three Rivers, Mich. • -f Thursday, May 31, Elwell, Mich. Eifst Farm North of St'. Johns on Thursday* June 14 Marshall, Mich. 606 N. Morton - Sold . Thursday * July 12 Vernon, Mich. US-27 821 N. Spring ^ Sold Thursday, August 2 School Craft, Mich. ST. JOHNS, MICH. S. DeWitt Rd. - Sold , A Hahn rotary Thursday, Aug 16 Middleton, Mich. i 206 N. Klbbee - Sold 615 S. Morton - Sold 609 S. Morton - Sold tiller makes gardening 1011 S. Church - Sold We Specialize in Farm Machinery and Dairy Cattta Auctions TRACTORS MFllWDiesell8X4X34 tires. ^704 S. Scott Rds - Sold • -. more fun. IF PLANNING A SALE SEE US Ford 9N good tires, new paint, sharp. li - XSy ' ' • Choose, from three models to GALLOWAY'S COMPLETE SERVICE Oliver 1800 Diesel w/diials. . We can sell your proper­ handle soil preparation chores M.F. 65 Diesel w/,13.6 x 38 tires. with ease, ty! ;.,';.,"' AL GALLOWAY, AUCTIONEER pn. 224-4713 St. Johns Farmall M engine, overhauled, good tires. • Digs easier* deeper, faster wl|h A.C. WD new engine overhaul. specially designed tines that PLENTY OF PLACES TO pulverize packed, grassy.soil. HIDE EASTER EGGS in • Removable transport wheels and STEVE'S REFUSE PLOWS this large family home, adjustable depth bar simplify John Deere 5 x 16 semi-mounted plow a must to see, the up­ handling. John Deere 316 mounted trash plow; stairs party room w/bar • Weight is tiver tines finished lti barn wood & where it works for... not SERVICE MF516 semi-mounted plow.no. 83. , aqalnsi.you. ?v4 (Liscensed Refuse Service) ' shingle shakes, includes From • • *»*' DISCS plenty of appliances. #116 , $ 95 OVID-ELSIE John Deere 12 ft. Heavy Duty wheel disc. EAST M-21 NEW 3 BED- UP JD.lOft.Wheeldisc. ' ROOMj just $27,900.00,1- International 12ftwheeldisc . , 1/2 baths, 2 car garage, ST. JOHNS, EUREKA MFibitwheeldisc full basement, you can't to wrong on: this onel #526 WE'RE ALSO OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 8 P.M. OTHER EQUIPMENT AND BANNISTER AREA. Home phones to as­ Freeman Loaderfor MF 65. sist you week-ends and We have the complete line of 2-John Deere 494 4 rby planters. otherhourst • :••* ifohn Deere 290 2 row planter. \ HAHN ECLIPSE MACHINES Bruce Lantermania24*4746 Derrill Shinabeiy 224-3861 Commercial and Container Service Bill HoUay 224-7580 or 862*5391 UGallowiy 224-4713 ' Roy F. Briggj 224-2260 DALMAN Saltier & Son, Inc. Rmnny Brlggs 224-6074 PHONE 834-55391 V Ralph Green 224-7047 103 Bridge DeWitt 669-6785 Archie Moore (DeWitt) 669-6645 4007 Carland Rd. ; Eliia.Mlch. :<.-"? '0 Annette White 224^4296

-{. APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 17A conditioning, stove and re­ year serving the more , ag­ apt, with kitchen. Private of Westphalia. William Huf- SPRING FEEDER CATTLE frigerator, utility room with gressive and cost,conscious NORWOOD hay savers and and quiet, separate units. FOR SALE: 5 springing Hol­ nagel, administrator. Fow­ SALES Saturday April 21 washer and dryer hookup, Adults only, no pets, 224- farmers. Silos for everypur- ' silage bunks, all steel 1 Real Estate stein Heifers. Neil Harte. ler, 593-3621. 48-3p and Saturday May 12 at with recreation room in 7740. 50-1 pose. Get all the facts be­ welded with rolled edges to 1 2378 W. Price Rd. 50-3 Wanted basement. Fedewa Builders fore you buy. Find out what last' a lifetime. See at our I the CLARE LIVESTOCK a really heavy plaster coat yard, 5 i/4 miles south of ' AUCTION. 4B-4p-tc WANTED TO BUY: Farm 587-3811. 49-4p-tc BLANEY Is. Is it applied with a cement Fowler. Ph. 587-3811, Fe- land. Good dairy farm. 100 Farm Hogs & HI-POTENTIALS mile radius. $50,000.00 to glue like we do? We install dewa* Builders, Inc. '22-tf PEWAMO: New 3 bedroom Produce the foundation. Our trucks Sheep CUSTOM BUTCHERING $90,000.00. Phone 313-266-, Are well adapted to this AND PROCESSING. We ranch, financing available. FOR SALE: .First cutting are self unloading with hy­ FOR SALE: Delaval 4 unit 4425 evenings. 43-9p-nc FOR SALE: Hamp-Duroc- locality. We urge you to butcher on Wednesdays and Call Fedewa Builders Inc*, alfalfa, Brome-grass. 224- draulic booms.Silo-Maticand magnetic pump and line for plant and compare with 587-3811. 46.^ VanDale equipment. EARLY 30 cows. 3 units and one ex­ York 3 way cross, 200 lb. Fridays. Beef-Pork. Halves 7638. 50-1 boars. Jim Pung. St. Johns any of your favorites. and quarters, also' retail ORDER DISCOUNTS NOW IN tra pail. $400. 50 gallon You'll be bushels ahead NORWOOD APARTMENTS EFFECT. Order now' and water heater, $35. 6654 Rt. 4, 7 miles south of cuts. All meats MDA inspec­ For Rent Fowler and 1 mile east on1 at harvest time. ted. Pendell's Meat Proces­ IN DeWitt, Rustic Villa FOR SALE: Hay and straw. save $$$. Booms Silo Co., Meridian Road, Elsie 862- Roy Pung apartments in Westphalia, Inc., Harbor Beach, Mich. 5347. 49-3p-tc Pratt Rd. 49-3p sing. West City Limits on 669-9874. ,50-3 593-2135 or Bussell Rd. Just off M-57, FOR RENT: Office space Riverview apartments in* 48441. Phone 517-479-6654. Donald Irrer Portland, 2 bedroom units, HAMPSHIRE purebred Boar Carson City. Phone 584- available, May 1. Inquire at FOR SALE: Corsoy Soy­ f ^.(nSMlTH SILOS OF OXFORD 593-3483 6640. Jake Vaughn. 5-tf-nc all feature built-in appli-' beans 1 year from certi­ and Gilt Weanlings to 6 the Farm Credit Building, Roto-feeders and silo- months old. 2 Purebred ances, private entrances, fied. 90% germination. Re- FOR tsALiE,: international .1104 South U.S. 27. Phone matlc equipment. Nubian Buck kids, tame trip­ 224-7127. 49-tf carpeting, security deposit' clean and ready to sow. R 52 combine in good shape required. Nopets. 669-9879, with motor fair. 3 3/4 south Robert Wilcox 517-834-238'i les out of high producing Phone 587-4101. 50-3 Doe. 7 3/4 miles west 587-3811 or after 4:00, 060* 1 mile east of Westphalia. FOR RENT: Furntshad 9815. iS3 28-tf of DeWitt. 9800 Howe Rd, John Miller. 48-3p 50-3 apartment for single per­ FOR SALE: Soybeans. Te- son. Private entrance and weles Hi bean No. 55. Ger- bath. Close in. Ph. 224- FOR RENT: Large, pleasant mation tested 95%. Steve FOR SALE: John Deere 4465 or 224-3681. 48-tf sleeping room. Phone 224- Simmon 593-3312. 49-3p 1 bottom 16" plow. 224- 3061. 50-3 6096. 49-3p USED TRACTORS 2 John Deere 4020 diesels. John Deere 4020 gas.

CLASSIFIED 2-1947 John Deere "B'\ 1950 John Deere "B". USINESS SERVICE DIRECTOR FarmaH 400 Gas, narrow front. Farmall 350 diesel, narrow front. MAPLE VALLEY Use This Classified listing For Fait Service From Clinton County Business Firms Farm a 11 806 diesel. / REALTY Farmall "M" diesel, wide front. • 41 REAL ESTATE CARSON" CITY 3 bedroom ranch walk-out base­ ARTS & CRAFTS HETTLER'S MOTOR FOODS Massey Ferguson 85 diesel (late 1960). ment. 2 car garage, nine acres with large SALES 24 Hr. Wrecker Massey Ferguson 85 gas (late 1960). creek on property with island. All for $23,500 Sercice, Good Used Trucks.

SPECTACULAR This INVENTORY FINDING! Week Only! In taking inventory "lit wefound more ;** » L\ Men's Better'Quality [ ' beautiful discontinued patterns this year. LOAFERS (Dexter) COME IN AND PICK OUT . YOUR PATTERN AT SQ88 70% Off! ' Broken Size's'"

107 N. Clinton 'ST. JOHNS Phono 224-2412 CLOTHING — FURNISHINGS — SHOES for DAD and LAD 'OLD FASHIONED FRIENDLY SERVICE' AT v St. Johns Diamonds - Watches • Jewelry Playtex 18 Hour LAST 3 DAYS THESE UPER PRICES ARE Girdle and Bra for the REALLY -aexall sm . *2.01 Off Girdles "TWO FOR ONE" '1.01 Off . Bras Sale Starts April 16th. SALE SHOP THIS PAGE THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY i THE AT EVERY WEEK! REXALL SHOP 104 N. Clinton 201 N. Clinton 224-2837 St. Johns ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC at homq or on the road. SPRING FANCIES Fine selection of ... , Fascinating 8 TRACK STEREO Needlepoint Bag TAPE PLAYERS Kits from- All Tape Players „ COLUMBIA- Discover New Decorating Installed & Repaired . Ideas - Shop Boron's Where I The Finest Selections Are MINERVA Available, '*p0 0FF 1 SOLID STATE MARKED, PRICE! E.F. BORON CO. A ELECTRONICS HOBBY LOBBY / Chevrolet-Olds, Inc. < 221 N. CHriton ' * „' . - St. Johns 122 N. Clinton . . Phone 224-6226 St. Johns 1002 E. STATE ST. JOHNS South U.S?27 St. Johns 224-2345 * V- / mms&mc^i-^m-^^^ Poor weather may lower /snowmobile deaths Clinton County / / Poor weather - - rather from Auto Club, the State roughly one week in / / colliding with .fixed objects, the fact that 53,500 Michigan $ News than safer sriowmobilers - Police and otHer December and two weeks in showmobiles that were in such as trees or parked cars. youngsters successfully | operation' on highwaysf or Six deaths occurred when was the probable reason why organizations concerned February. The 1972-73 0 completed snowmobile. |j Michigan recorded 25 with snowmobile safety, is season ended about six highway shoulders. Eleven victims, driving on lakes, safety courses this winter. j$ snowmobiles fatalities this hard to gauge at this point, weeks earlier than usual. deaths were off-road went through ice and • The safety instructions, & past winter as compared to Rehm said, noting that; "Snowmobilers are to be fatalities. These figures drowned. * * coordinated by the State v 30 during the 1971-72 "Compared to previous congratualted for the 17 continue the pattern set last o .Darkness was a con­ Department of Natural season, when 66 percent of tributing factor in an SECTION snowmobile season, ac­ seasons, this past winter was percent reduction in deaths Resources, will become APRIL 11, 1973 cording to Automobile Club a disaster for the this winter as compared with the snowmobile fatalities estimated 72 percent of the mandatory after Jan 1,1974, of Michigan. snowmobile sport. Warm the season before," stated were highway related. snowmobile deaths. for all children aged 12 to 15 "We suspect that the weather and lack of "snow Rehm. "At the same time, o Eight of the 15 highway- Eighteen fatalities occurred who want to operate B snowmobile death toll will almost completely the snowmobiler should keep related fatalities occurred between 6 pm and 3 am, snowmobiles without adult again climb upwards next eliminated snowmobiling in in mind that the shorter- south of an imaginary line including 12 between 10 pm supervision. the Lower Peninsula during between Bay City and and 3 am. winter due to the recently than-usual season played a • ••_•••• enacted state law that allows most of January and major role in the reduction Muskegon, an area where o The average snowmobilers to drive on March." and efforts to make snowmobilers previously snowmobile victim was a 34- most highway rights-of-way •Trails in southern snowmobiling a safer sport were prohibited to travel on year-old male. The youngest By Laurie Kipp in southern Michigan," said Michigan generally were should not be relaxed." or adjacent to roadways. victim was nine years old Fred Rehm, Auto Club reported open only five An Auto Club analysis of o Collision with other and the oldest, 63. Five of the general manager. weeks this past winter. All- this winter's 25 snowmobile motor vehicles caused eight 25 who died were women. round good to excellent deaths shows these facts: snowmobile fatalities, in­ In assessing the 1972-73 It's personal The impact of the new law, cluding five deaths as result which took effect in January snowmobiling prevailed o Fourteen (or 68 percent) snowmobile season, Auto throughout the state for of the deaths involved of collision with cars. Eight Club notes as a bright spot despite strenuous objections other persons died by "Love" is kind of a funny and^uccesses of others, and provided me with a cup of word, and can mean many upon reflection find it's true. coffee and seemed truly differerit^things to different I'd be willing to bet that concerned about setting me people. Romantic-type love much of the frustration felt on my way again. It was so IRS keeps eye on food prices seems to be plenty abundant, today could be alleviated if nice to be treated this way. as does parental love, but people would just take the So, what began as a lousy whatxeally is missing in our time to be concerned with day ended with me smiling. DETROIT - On March 30, • on enforcement of the new computing ceiling prices. seller in transactions with Calculation of Ceiling the happiness " of other And they've just gained a Cost of Living Council rules. These investigators • society is "brotherly-love." that class of purchasers Prices I hear many people say human beings. customer. Director, John T. Dunlop, will supplement the regular After posting, IRS during the 30-day period It takes so little to make^ The other night a friend of announced that the Internal stabilization staff of 2,500. routinely will spot check prior to March 28,1973; or in that nobody wants to become T-Bone involved with the problems someone else feel good. Even mine was surprised by a Revenue Service began a IRS and Cost of Living retail, wholesale and the case of a seller who had Total lbs sold equals 330 a friendly smile and hello birthday supper given in his nationwide surveillance Council officials met Friday manufacturing firms for no transactions during that 30 @ $1.75 can make a big difference in honor. There were about 14 effort Monday, April 2, to with the heads of the major compliance with the ceiling period the nearest preceding a person's mood. A sincere food trade organizations to 100 @ $1.70 North of us and we signed a card assure compliance by food prices. Monitoring will be 30-day period in which he 200 @ $1.69 compliment at an ap­ and ate chicken and drank firms with the meat price review and explain the done on an item basis (e.g., had a transaction. regulations. propriate moment can work wine. It was sort of a spur of ceiling regulations. chuck roast, bacon, pork The following examples 30 divided by 330 equals .09 Bengal wonders too. ^ the moment party, and "President Nixon has loin). show a firm how to compute $1.75 would not be the After a very depressing everyone had a good time. On Monday, IRS District The new regulations Mr and Mrs J.B. Bancroft taken a dramatic step\ fn the Offices contacted all the a ceiling price on each item allowable ceiling. day last week I noticed The best part, though, was fight against inflation by requires retailers to post of meat offered for sale. The 30 plus 100 divided by 330 and children of SW Dallas smoke coming out from the grin on Ed's face. It's a major food firms with prices by April9. Thereafter, visited Mr and Mrs William establishing this ceiling," Dr corporate headquarters in meat ceiling price com-, equals .39 ^ under the hood of my car. fine feeling knowing you Dunlop said. "And we cer­ consumers who detect putation form may be used to Ernst and Maxine on Great, I thought, try to find have friends who care, and it their areas informing the counter prices exceeding compute meat ceiling prices. $1.70 would then be the Thursday evening, March 29. tainly expect the continued fjrms of their obligations. allowable ceiling for T-Bone. service for a foreign car on a took us so little to let him cooperation of the housewife', posted prices should contact Kathy and Ann Moritz Saturday afternoon where I know. Before the ceiling prices are their local IRS office. spent the weekend at the the farmer and the food posted as required April 9, EXAMPLE can use a credit card. Little things like these industry in this joint effort to home of their brother and Prospects were looking enhance the pleasure of life IRS will review the major Bacon sister-in-law Mr and Mrs bring down the rising costs of firms' method of com­ CEILING PRICE Ceiling Prices Total lbs sold equals 145 pretty grim. so much. It seems a shame food. Clare Mortiz of rural Grand I'm happy to report that I everyone doesn't show at putation and verify the The ceiling price with The store sells bacon, T- 15 @ $1.35 Ledge caring for little Randy "However, any program accuracy of the ceiling respect to a sale of an item of 30 @ $1.33 found 2 of the friendliest least a small amount of such as this requires steps to and Janet while their people at a gas station, who brotherly love toward one prices. meat to a specific class of bone, and pork chops. 100 @ $1.30 parents were in Detroit. assure compliance and we; not only fixed my car but another. IRS will make available to purchasers is the highest During the 30-day period Mr and Mrs Curtis are again calling on the IRS price, at or above which, at prior to March 28, 1973, the 15 divided 145 equals .10 to assist us in this area." " all food firms technical and Swanson from Houghton in interpretative assistance least 10 percent of those store sold the following: $1.35 would then be the the Upper Peninsula spent The IRS will have a 250- items were priced by the allowable ceiling for bacon. investigator force working and a standard format for T-Bone part of last week with his mother Mrs Clare Swanson 200 lbs @ $1.69 per lb. Pork Chops •A- 100 lbs @ $1.70 per lb and family. Total lbs sold equals 550 On Saturday evening, €$&& P-W dramatists present play 30 lbs @ $1.75 per lb 50 @ $1.45 200 @ $1.40 March 31 Mr and Mrs wfl Bacon Clarence Efirnst of Holt 300 @ $1.39 visited their uncle and aunt, 100 lbs @ $1.30 per lb Mr and Mrs William Ernst 30 lbs @ $1.33 per lb 50 divided by 550 equals .09 and Maxine. 15 lbs @ $135 per lb $1.45 would not be the allowable ceiling. Sunday, April 1 visitors of Pork Chops Mr and Mrs Fred W. Pasch 50 plus 200 divided by 550 were their son-in-law and 200 lbs @ $1.40 per lb equate .45 300 lbs @ $1.39 per lb Clarence Ernst of Holt ' $1.40 would then be the Bancroft and Jay and Joyce MIM., 50 lbs @ $1.45 per lb *3fc, allowable ceiling for Pork '•of SW Dallas. *«#*•*> Chops. *-.•**.

-'•* Garland -***'-!<- JSews The Literary Club of the Carland area met at the nm home of Mrs Vern Stinson in Gen Tel is Carland this week. Three poems were read we're setting and evaluated; with the idea that in the Spring a-young helpful people man's fancy turns to a place thoughts of poetry. The door' prize was won by Mrs Howard. likeH.Prajapati for you The next meeting is to be PEWAMO - The Per- year-old girl, frustrated Thelen, Roy Piggott, Steve held at the home of Mrs forming Arts Company at because nothing happened to Riley, Jan Thelen, Kim Charles Snyder.. Pewamo-Westphalia High her. Suddenly many unex-, Fedewa, Valerie Hill, Bill Mrs Snyder served LA four-piece starter unit of distinctive dinnerware is School presented the play pected things occurred and' Blauwiekel and Bill Har- refreshments after the , yours free for a savings deposit of $25 or an initial "The Moon's Still Yellow" made her life complex. man. meeting adjourned. I deposit of $100 in a new CNB&T checking account. April 5-7, directed by Dennis ,, - Proceeds from the play [Choose from two beautiful patterns;"English Village", Pilmore of the P-W English Starring in this years will be used toward fur­ Mrs Leo Deming, Mrs Don thering P-W's dramatic (((pattern shown) or "Silver Elegance" and begin your dept i production were Steve Wood, and Mrs Shirley 61-piece service for eight today. Future deposits en­ The story dealt with a 15 Martin, Kathy Savoie, Ken program. Winkler, all daughters of Mr and Mrs Lewis Walling of titles you to additional units. Elsie, attended the mother 8th District meeting held and daughter banquet with their mother at the Elsie ADDITIONAL UNITS United Methodist Church OWOSSO -- The Patterson - Mt Clemens and American Dinner and meeting will be this week. Mr and Mrs Leo Dawson - Crawford - Arnold Legion Auxiliary Eastern June 10. Commander Deming live in Carland, Mr $3.00 Post and Unit 57 of the Area Membership Chair­ Thompson's Post 312 of and Mrs Don Wood live near American Legion in Owosso man, Thelma Simpson of Saginaw will host the event. Morrice, Mr and Mrs WITH $25 DEPOSIT hosted the , 8th District Lansing. Service officers school is Thomas Winkler live near Dinner and meeting April 1. Director John C. Carey of at 12 pm. Dinner at 1:30 pm. Ovid. Honored guest attending the Grand Rapids Veterans meeting to follow at 3 pm. were Michigan American Facility told of the new wing SAVE $500 FOR 90 Legion Department Com­ being built and the services Lansing Diocese schools mander and Mrs George it will be able to offer the DAYS ON OUR Johnson of Dexter; patients. Department Vice- Eighth district Com­ names superintendent GOLDEN EAGLE Commander of the 3rd Zone mander Arthur Thompson of CERTIFICATE and Mrs Donald Huntley of Saginaw conducted the LANSING '- Edward B. position with the State Civil * GET ALL Saginaw; Department Legionnaire's meeting and Fech, assistant superin- Service Department, and buy the AQ50 Membership Director, Eighth District President tendent of schools for the 61-PIECES ' comple te se tfor TT w George Harms of Ann Ar­ Kay Mishler conducted the Diocese of Gary, Ind., has Fech, who will assume his bor; Department Chaplain Auxiliary meeting. been named superintendent [new post in June, was Rev Fredrick R. Davidson of The next 8th District of education for the Roman'selected from a number of NOW SAVE $500 ON A Catholic Diocese of Lansing, candidates screened by a the * Most Rev Alexander committee of the Diocesan 1-YEAR CERTIFICATE Zaleski, Bishop of Lansing, Board of Education corn- ...an engineer and receive 10% off announced today, prised of Rev William WITH TIME the above price A A 55 This is Fech,40,willfilla vacancy Meyers, Ann Arbor; Sr. which has existed since Jan Leslie Hartway, O.P., Lora Ripple 13, 1973 when William J. Adrian; and John Gaffney, who's a"protectionist" SAVINGS SAVE $500 ON A (Blackburn resigned to take a DeWitt. helping protect customers and their phone, equipment, to 2-YEAR CERTIFICATE Week issure maximum service, is Hart Prajapati's behind-the- and receive the icenes job at Gen TePs state headquarters in Norton Shores. w For many years Mrs Ripple has been working LET US BE YOUR 61-piece set plus _ft & closely with the public of Clinton County. For the past 'As a transmission and protection engineer," he explains, electric casserole t A Q5Q ™ thirteen years she has served as Deputy County Clerk 'my job is to help make sUrc that each individual phone bonus at only i "J and prior to that she was an employee of Clinton ystem is not only designed with the proper equipment, but County News. Now as she approaches an April 20th ilso with devices and techniques to protect the equipment, retirement, former co-workers and patrons of her he customer, and the customer's property should lightning services have not forgotten her work abilities and >r anything else interfere with the system." constant spirit of cooperation for all and we honor their JIM- ielpful protective people like Hari Prajapati are what we nomination by selecting Mrs Ripple as our citizen of Dean when we say: Gen Tel is many things. Mostly it is CUNT0N NATIONAL the week. Aside from her work with the county's vital ieople helping people communicate. records, she has added to her list of friends as a lUtlU IIMKIHtl tr""*"".' • member of the Congregational Church and others, who may have reason, know well of her broad knowledge of election procedures. We are pleased to name Loraij USE YOUR £Ei The wide-awake tank rwtkesfrggsoeag. Ripple as our citizen of the week and wish for her many GTE pleasant retirement years* ' * REMEMBER WE WANT AND APPRECIATE VOUH MJSMISS Cooper TIKIS GEnERAL TELEPHOnE CLINTON NATIONAL CLINTON NATIONAL ST. JOHNS AUTOMOTIVE BANK and TRUST COMPANY BANK & TRUST CO. & TIRE CENTER MEMBER FDIC

^ N > -\

2B CLINTON. COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns,,Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 Clinton County News A PERSONAL LOOK AT THE NEWS Between the lines

with Jim Edwards

SPRING IS: ...Husband and wife beginning the day ...The Detroit Tigers losing the 1st game of Saturday morning with the question "Well, the season in their famous "2-1" style. what are your plans for the day?" Miracle drug ***** ***** ' 25 YEARS AGO associate with Lewis in ...My wife saying, "Maybe it's time you cut ...Making plans for the weekend with fingers A* wise public health official once made a startling April 8,1948 private practice. the grass -we had tosend a search party for crossed that it won't rain. The City Commission 3 of the neighborhood kids who got in over ***** ^ A petition bearing '53 their heads." statement about cancer: "If someone invented a drug that instructed City Manager signatures asking that 80 ...Not having to bundle up in a coat every ***** would cure half of all cancer cases the excitement would be, Palmer Tuesday night to percent of the, Hurd School ...Washing the car just before it rains. time you leave the house or office. beyond belief. We have such a drug: It is communication." take steps immediately to district be transferred into ***** effect the repair and Lansing public school ***** ...Tackling chores around the house and, the ...Understanding teachers scheduling a The truth of that statement lies in the fact that half of all reconstruction of defective system was submitted last next morning, discovering muscles that those with cancer could be cured if the disease were found , sidewalks in St Johns. The week to County Superin­ weren't used all winter. class to meet outside on a bright sunny, day. Commission's action came soon enough and received prompt treatment At present, tendent of Schools Carl ***** ***** 1 after the City Manager Bates. 1 ...Trying desperately to make the grass only one-third are being saved, mainly because people reported that at least 125,000 ...Smugly knowing you won't have to put up Although the Clinton grow and wondering why it's time to cut it. don't go to the doctor in time |or early diagnosis. square feet of sidewalk in the County goal is $7,000, only the screens ~ they were never taken down in city needed to be repaired or $4,430 was pledged on the the fall. ***** So we are faced with a massive problem of com­ rebuilt county share of the interfaith ***** ' ...The fun of friends "just dropping by" on a munication and motivation. What this means in terms of The James DeRose and chapel at the Traverse City ...Finding out again that'it can actually be Sunday afternoon. Son store, which has been State Hospital, according to fun to walk instead of drive. .human lives is that more than 108,000 cancer patients died1 ***** operated by members of the- County Chairman Tony ***** ...Having the last hour of the day drag by on last year who might have been saved by earlier and better DeRose family in St Johns Kunte. ...Working or playing outside and^hating to a-beautiful Friday afternoon. treatment. since 1914, has been sold to The 1963 Easter Seal fund go inside when it becomes too dark. During the month of April, the American Cancer Society1 Joseph and Alfred Bozzo, of campaign' is lagging in ***** Ches ailing. Clinton County, according to ...Having a child young enough to be excited conducts its annual educational and fund-raising Crusade. Clinton County is over the Mrs Fred Tiedt of Fowler, "If It Fitz . . . by things she discovers outside for the 1st Volunteers will be spreading the word that annual health top in the 1948 Red Cross county chairman of the time. drive. The quota of $6,000 drive., checkups, including cancer tests, can save lives. They will was passed this week and the be distributing leaflets which tell about cancer's seven drive total now stands at The wrong kind of father warning signals. $6,257.07, according to ONE YEAR AGO Norman R. Sleight, chair­ April 12,1972 The volunteers will ask you for funds to support)the man of the Clinton drive for City commissioners ex­ American Cancer Society's threefold program of funds. pressed a willingness to education, research and service to cancer patients. They Lester Lake had his "thrill annex 153 acres into the City Editor, Lapeer County Press of a lifetime" Friday af- of St Johns at Monday II will urge you to have a health checkup now -- if you have .ternoon when he bowled the night's commission meeting By Jim Fitzgerald not already had one -- and do so every year. •711 series that enabled him if they can agree on zoning. to take the singles lead in the Construction work has And then I wrote . . . wife said (or was it my daughter?). \ ABC tournament at Detroit begun for a $400,000 water The right kind of a father spends his Though his tenure as pace­ pollution control system at ' Anyway, I played. And in only 5 minutes: weekends doing jobs around the house and my weary legs buckled and I fell hard to the Oppose meat boycott setter was short-lived, he the St Johns division of playing with his odd kids. ground. I heard a rib crack. Every kid in the experienced the thrill of Federal Mogul Corp, John Or something like that. Sometimes it is neighborhood was watching. I wanted to being top singles'man in the Fox, plant manager an­ difficult to understand exactly*what my wife bounce right up to show them what a great tournament, an honor that nounced Friday. is saying, expecially when she talks at the sport the old man was. Except I couldn't most keglers would give Food prices in the county same time she is doing something else, such move.' REP DOUGLAS TREZ1SE their eye teeth for. are decreasing with the 87th District as hitting my ears. "Are you ok, Dad?" Eddie asked after biggest drop at the meat Anyway. It was Saturday and the sun was counter. The thrifty shopper he'd picked up the ball and made 2 points 10 YEARS AGO shining and the air was warm. Perfect while standing on my hand. April 11,1963 ' can buy many cuts of meat weather for outdoor athletics." And that's at a savings of at least 10$ I assured him I'd'live. The only question William Hufnagel of what I was doing — watching some outdoor was whether I'd ever get on my feet again. I Dallas township, the only per pound, athletes on TV. Far be it from me to be sanction and even support of economics, not good politics, new member of the Clinton A rise in the 1972-73 kept hoping my moaning and screaming critical of the Michigan government. which will determine "Come out and play basketball with me," would bring my wife to the door, tears in her County board of supervisors, operating budget for Capital my son Eddie asked. eyes. But she* never showed. I finally Senate but I could hardly After all, isn't that what whether /the state of took the chair formerly City Airporti will push ex­ believe it when I noted last has^ happened to the Michigan is going to be a "I'm too old for that game," I answered. staggered into the house and collapsed at occupied by Joseph Feld- penditures above the $500,000 her feet week that our "upper house" automobile business? When good place to work and live. pausch Tuesday morning mark, according to Robert "Gee," he said. had adopted v a resolution prices of Michigan-built cars when the'board convened for Mooney, Capital Region "What kind of a father are you?" my wife "The bulb over the sink in the bathroom supporting the boycott of skyrocketed, customers in For the past year and a' its annual organizational asked. "Your only son asks for vour com­ just burned out," she said. "Change it" half, we have had some form Airport Authority treasurer. meat by Michigan the free market decided to meeting. The White Oak Subdivision panionship but you'd rather watch_TV." "Don'tyou care that I have been mortally housewives. Would a buy cheaper, foreign models. of wage and price control on "Speaking of TV," I said cleverly, "I keep wounded while making my son my buddy?" most of our economy. During Norman J. White of in DeWitt Township will legislative body in Michigan I can even see some of those Saginaw, 28-year-old have street lights within the seeing these commercials where the'mother I asked. really endorse a program cars in the Capitol parking this period, food prices have "Do you Want to shave in the dark?" she graduate of the University of next two months. This move and daughter are frolicking together and ,nn aimed against a'segmentsof lot' belonging ' tof fellow' been uncontrolled and left to they are both so well stacked no one can tell •anSwerd. *' seek their natural levels with Michigan School of Law, was was taken Monday night at V! the second largest industry legislators. " ' " appointed assistant- county* the .regular > township which one is* the mother until she opens her *J I had'to stand on the sink. A huge globe in our State? * ^i,-. But the point is that each respect to the rest of the mouth and you see it full of Grape Nuts'. But enclosed the bulb. It stuck. I jerked. The economy. It was only after a prosecutor this week by meeting after the White -Unfortunately, it is~true.' buyer, looking at his own Prosecuting Attorney Fred you never see commercials where no one globe'fell, breaking into millions of pieces long period of adjustment Oaks residents petitioned the and smashing a hole in the side of the sink. Including such rhetoric as pocketbook and the product, M. Lewis. White will also township for action. can tell the son from the father. The reason "jastronomical meat prices"' made up his own mind as to that the President, last tjiat Dad works too hard to stay young and I do not make these things up. Just stop by and "prices are'at an all- ; which product he would buy week, imposed controls by trim, with soft hands. He is too busy making and ask to use our purple rest room. Move time high", a resolution and at the price he was saying, in effect, "the ad­ Funny Page t ' money to buy jeweled identification the soap dish a few inches and you'll see the sponsored by 25 senators willing to pay>There was no justment has gone far Every Bind of daily paper ' K bracelets for his wife and daughters so they hole which shall remain in our family from all over the state was government persuasion or enough." That we survey Now-a-days can tell each other apart. I think I'm going forever as a reminder that the man of the adopted, urging that pressure'involved. Isn't this To a great extent I feel Carries myriads of sections to cry...." house is not the right kind of father. Michigan citizens abstain, the same thing that should farmers should be grateful For the "info" it conveys; "If'you don't play basketball with Eddie, Onward and Upward and my ribs still from purchasing meat happen to meat prices? for this opportunity to catch When I tire of frothy headlines you will have something to cry about," my ache. during the week of April 1-7. Shouldn't the buyer be free up with other segments of ' And the features I engage I can't help but wonder to make up his (or more our system. And, if food All the heroes N' the villians what the reaction would likely, her) own mind as to prices, with respect to the That make up the "funny page". have been had the resolution what will be purchased rest of our economic system, Be they black n' white or colored Letters to ihe Editor urged Michigan citizens to ' without governmental have really caught up then I I explore them all once more, refrain from purchasing new persuasion? To this I say don't think there should be The Editor: NIX ON inflation and that members that this action And though some I rate less funny about says it. automobiles when the last "Yes". ~* too much unhappiness that I persue to the core; As inflation roars along on could do nothing but defeat price increase on those items Should the government of some of the programs which its destructive path, it's L.L. Barger itself and cause an even "MajorHoople", "Dagwood", Blondy", ' Riverdale U was announced. a state where agriculture is were designed to artificially • "Mutt n' Jeff", or "Uncle Mun", getting harder and harder to shorter supply of meat from Or suppose the Legislature so important an industry try equalize farm income,have For some quiet reaction find a Republican, of all of the producers'-and therefore took a position against to discourage the purchase been discontinued. Try'the "Funny Paper" fun. the excuses for * the Dear Editor, the result would be an even people coming to Michigan of its own products? To this destruction that comes out of The members of United higher price to the con­ to " spend their vacations question my response has to sumer. Whether meat prices will So I sort ythe sheets all over Washington. There's none Dairy Workers Local #86 of because motel rates have be an emphatic "No!" stay where they are or fall is, Every artist has his line good enough to explain the Michigan Milk Producers' > gone up. What kind of There was probably a lot of indefinite. But itseems to me. And the best of them must suffer reasons for Hooverizing Association, Ovid, wish it to Many of our members are reaction would there be if' good politics in the resolution that whatever happens For material lack sometime; amidst a plenty. There's just be known we are against and very closely tied into both this had happened? adopted b'y the Senate. should be the result of a So I join hands with the kiddies noway these facts add up, it do not support the meat producer and consumer end . It's not that I'm eager to Friends can be won by relatively free market with } As their heroes mount the stage appears the Republican boycott. of this situation and know pay today's price of meat. supporting this kind of you and I making our own Share their keen anticipation administration is out to get At the Local's regular very well what the costs and But r have a strong c6n- >' legislative action. After all, decisions about buying or not In the antics on "funny page". even with their constituents meeting Tuesday, April 3, other matters that are in­ viction that the market place there are more people and not as the result of an for voting them in office - 1973 the members voted volved in meat production. is where the question will be buying meat than selling it. artificial, temporary market Men and women are still children maybe we can't blame them unanimous against the Members of Local #86 settled and not through some But, I suggest it is darn situation brought on by In the way they think and do, either. boycott and the feelings were United Dairy Workers tempo ra ry, 'artificial poor economics and, in the' something as emotional as a Michigan Milk Prod. Ass'n Ever dreaming of the future, This is not to be taken that very strong. boycott entered into'with the long run, it's good boycott. there was any choice the last It is the feeling of our Ovid, Michigan 48866 Will their fondest dreams come true? round at the polls, the record » All-the wisdom known to sages shows that the great Find relief from storms that rage ' majority of the voters didn't From Me To You Solace for the young and aged ' want to see any American In the realms of "funny page". " ^ creeping across North Vietnam,to surrender this Where to contact country to a few In­ Surprises! ternational gangsters, we TODAY'S ]*tel prefer to do the job standing, your representatives then it can be said with honor BY HAROLD SCHMALTZ and for those who fail to Real Estate understand the double-talk US CONGRESS Philip A.-Hart (Dem) they can bug the Watergate 3D DIST 253 Old Senate Office Bldg For those of you who. Rapids for fighting such When Dad and I used to by HANK FURMAN and get the answer. Garry E. Brown (Rep) Washington, DC 20510 followed state basketball obstacles as not having their watch the Wednesday and Over the past twelve years 404 Cannon House Office tournament action a couple own home court to play on. Friday night fights boxing we have heard of the New Building MICH SENATE of weekends ago, wasn't that According to reports I've apparently had a fan it didn't Frontier, The Great Society Wash., DC, 20515 Willam S. Ballenger III ' just a big bundle of sur-, read, they've used about six know it had. and even the Great (Rep) - prises? different gymnasiums Names in boxing sorta Politician. We -have had State Capitol , Donkeys and Elephants and 5TH DIST One particular game drew throughout the season as the come and go. I used to keep Wall-to-wall carpeting, is the American dream for Gerald R. Ford (Rep) my interest. That was the school itself has only been in up on all of them, especially family living. You will be surprised to find how many quite a few rate, because MICH SENATE they have wasted over 55,000 H 230 Capitol Bldg. one between Grand Rapids existence about six years in the days of LaMotta, homes on the market today offer this feature as an Washington, DC 20515 30TH DIST Covenant Christian and Flint and has a small enrollment Sugar Ray, Jersey^ Joe and added attraction. However, floors of all types can be American lives, $200 billions William S. Ballenger III Holy Rosary In Class D. You'd just have to mark it up Marciano. Oh yes, I beautiful depending on .your taste and budget Oak of dollars and cut our natural 10TH DIST. (Rep) Some of you might recall to one tremendous amount of remember the night Joe flooring is always a desirable feature, and today's new resources to the bone plus State Capitol Bldg 1 inlays are also very durable and beautiful. In the creating many thousands of Elford A. Cederberg (Rep) that.it was G.R, Covenant desire and talent Louis beat Billy Conn , too. I Lansing, Mich 48933 Christian who lost, to Fowler never could figure why Dad market for a house? Flooring is an important feature cripples to suffer the balance 2303 Rayburn House Office in district finals last year in SPEAKING ON SPORT was for Billy Conn. I wanted to consider! \ of their lives, not to mention Bldg MICH HOUSE OF double overtime. Wow, what TOPICS, what in the world the "Champ" to win. Ap­ almost pulverizing our Washington, DC, 20515 REPRESENTATIVES parently there was a little' The experienced salespeople at FURMAN REALTY supposed friends South a game that wasl I still happened last week to the 7 56TH DIST remember the sadness of the. famous "Louisville Lip", racial prejudice floating CO, 1515 North U.S. 27, 224-3236, can knowledgeably Vietnam as well as our Dale Warner (Rep) alias Cassius Clay alias around those days too. In advise you on the many considerations involved in supposed enemy, the North 6TH DIST Grand Rapids' crowd when Charles E. Chamberlain 9188 Cockroft their big star, Jon Bol, fouled Muhammed All? Once spite of what Dad thought I choosing a new home and can often save you many and all of this for what? The Eaton Rapids, 48827 feared in boxing rings still think of ole Joe as the, costly mistakes. And as a member of MLS, we can Washington arm chair ar­ (Rep) out with about two minutes 223 Rayburn House Office ' left to play. His, six-foot everywhere, the Lip met Ijis "Champ" as I'm sure many offer you the widest possible selection of available chitects of war just wouldn't Waterloo' for the second allow our people to win. It Bldg. 87TH DIST seven inch frame certainly people do. homes. Open: 8:30-5:00, Mon-Fri; 9:30-3, Sat. & by R. D_ouglas Trezise (Rep) came in handy this time time at the hands of a mister Let's see, what sport takes app't. was like a boxing match, Washington, DC 20515 nobody. Even my mother, with one man forced to stand ' 515 Moore, around as the team which the limelight now? Oh yes, Owosso, 48867 was about the same fellows and believe me, she's no baseball gets underway and HELPFUL HINTS: in a keg. We can't blame one sports fan, voiced her delight as last year went on to upset all of us can now start ' '/ President, one political US SENATE 88TH DIST in Ali getting beat. Gosh talking about the Tigers and party or one group, but the Robert P. Griffin (RepX number one ranked Holy Mom, I didn't know you Pure vinyl Is one of the best kitchen floor coverings on Stanley Powell (Rep) Rosary for the state title. their pennant chances. Just records show the whole 353 Old Senate Office Bldg Rt'l, Box 238 cared! Here you've had me the market, _ * T ' action Was nothing less man Washington, DC, 20510 You've got to hand it to faked out all these,years. one tip., .don't buy, your Ionia, 48846 those kids from Grand World Series tickets yet. criminal: Now It's .time to O A CLINTON/COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 SB ~~Vi Educator's viewpoint An ounce. of By Don Kenney, Ovid-Elsie superintendent prevention By Jose' J Llinas, MD , Director v of Community Today every teacher faces, other group in the world or appreciating and tolerating Mental" Health Clinton, baffling questions, What for that matter in the history differences, capable of Eaton arid Ingham shall I teach? How do I teach of the world. If the goal of - spiritual and asthetic 1 it and how can I tell if it has education in this country has thought ~ goals which I feel are needed to keep this world HOW TO UNLOAD A ment is so anxious to unload been taught? been to achieve the highest HOSPITAL the "boxed" hospitals. These questions are standard of living for our together. Thd first one is, How many people - we have achieved it. complicated because of new It may come as a surprise times have the packages developments in the Our technical advances are to you that your Federal been used? material of instruction and unmatched, Therefore, we Cnilond News government is the proud The answer is that there because of a growing have arrived right? Are you bV Mrs. Pudge Doming possessor of about 130 has been an average of 20 demand on the part of sure? Is there any material f - -" -i million dollars worth of emergencies per year when educators and others ouside thing generally lacking in Skipper Gilbert, son of Mr crated emergency medical some of the supplies were of education for the our society today? Material and Mrs Clyde Gilbert of supplies and hospital used. evaluation of learning things - hardly, spiritual, Carland, celebrated his 8th equipment. At least, it , The second, and most outcomes. asthetic, brotherly things, birthday this week with a surprised me very much important question is, How All educators agree that yes. birthday party at big home, when I read about it in a muchdoes itcost to maintain temporarily learning what We have high crime rates, when several of his recent issue of the journal, the program? the book says is fruitless. I accident rates, suicide rates, boyfriends met to take a hike Medical World News. If you are an average think many of us can testify and drug addiction to the creek to catch taxpayer, the answer will to this fact. Very few of us problems. Why? Is education polywogs. They played That this material has makeyour hair stand on end. who had Algebra can falling down? Not if our goal games in the Gilbert yard been stashed away for a It costs upwards of 8 remember anything about it. has been toward an affluent and Skip opened his many number of years was million dollars a year to keep Does this mean that Algebra society, becuase we have nice gifts in the living room discovered by the new the hospitals in moth balls! was valueless? For many arrived there. Is it possible of the Gilbert home. Mrs Secretary of Health, I would say, immediately, people yes but for many no. that a high standard of Gilbert served the Education and Welfare, as an administrator, "For Learning to read the lines in living, of acquiring material traditional birthday cake to Caspar Weinberger. In God's sake, get rid of the a book or newspaper is not possessions is not enough for the boys. Washington's bureaucratic darn thing!" enough. We must be able to a full life? If it is possibe then circles, Mr Weinberger is But, it isn't that easy. affectionately known as read between and beyond the we need to have some Mrs Inez Downey is a "It takes four men four lines,'^You must be able to discussions as to what is Posing with the proud prize winners of L & L Restaurant's First Anniversary "Casp the Knife", because of days of work to check and patient in the Owosso his well recognized budget- interpret, to be critical "in lacking. Where do we need to Memorial Hospital, where celebration drawing are owners Fred Kundrata and his wife, Marilyn. Local St Johns revamp one hospital reading, listening and ob­ change our emphsais? The winners were: (l.r.front) Kenyon Hathaway and Duane Davis, recipients of a steak knife slashing and reducing type package", says one of the she was taken last Saturday. of leadership. serving and be able to apply schools have really provided She is being treated for set and a ham. (l.r. back) Gerald Powers, two steak dinners; Nick Kurncz, an RCA radio HEW chiefs, "and they'd your learning. society with products and Joseph Sobula, cutlery set. Judy Snyder of Alma was the winner of a ham but was The medical cast offs may have to make hundreds of upper-respiratory problems be offered to state and local What should be the goal of (Students) that have fit in, and for observation. unable to be present for the picture. trips; there is 70 million education in a given school well with our goals. agencies, but because of the dollars worth of equipment district? For that matter Where we have problems s limited time allowed for in 12 depots around the what should be the goal of today is in the area of human disposal of the packages, country, and 60 million education in this country? relationships. Is it important Ballenger stresses music education some 25 million dollars dollars more spread through Many people these days are to love your neighbor or is he worth of equipment and the states!" there so you can have a goal OWOSSO -- State Senator complishes nothing," Ballenger also pointed out Should the Legislature supplies will not be govern­ making statements on the Ballenger stressed. "I think ultimate goal of education to shoot for ~ like keeping up William S. Ballenger told a ^that over the past years, the follow his lead and actually ment inspected and *THE OUNCE OF with the Jones'? Is it im­ crowd of over 1000 at the the Legislature is coming to Michigan Legislature's appropriate some $600,000 to revamped, and thus will PREVENTION below the college levels. We realize that so many hear that every .child should portant to see beauty in Owosso All-City Music support of the arts has grown the Arts Council, you should have to be destroyed. Hoarding away for the nature or does nature exist Festival yesteray, April 3, curriculum requirements dramatically. As evidence, see a real increase in the future is a habit that not only be given a saleable job skill. have been written into our Is this a right statement- -1 as a raw material for us to that the future of music he cited an initial ap­ number and quality of music UP IN THE ATTIC individuals, but government use for gain? Should it be education in Michigan is statutes in the past that our propriation of only $5000 to programs , offered by Just as families put things bureaucrats get into. Con­ don't know. Ten years ago, schools probably find it stant vigilance is needed, so employers were saying just important for those who "inextricably bound up in the Michigan Council for the Michigan citizens around the away in the attic, hoping to have greater talents to share the future of all education." impossible to completely Arts in fiscal year 1965-66. state in coming years. be able to use them some that being prepared is not give us a high school grad* obey the law today." perverted into paying large whocan think and we'll train with those who don't, or is it Speaking at Owosso High "Our appropriation to the "How big the increase is day, government sometimes sums of money to get help for him to our needs. Now our every man for himself? School, Ballenger declared Ballenger advised Council has grown to $251,000 may well depend on how gets carried away, ap­ a disaster ,which may never career education push is to A long time ago, it was that not only the quality but teachers, parents and during this current fiscal effective and influential parently out of similar come. give every student a job possible for every man to be frequently the very year," he added, "yet funds music people are in con­ motives. 1 students that if they really skill. Personally, I feel that for himself, but I think we existence of music education wanted to see music for music programs account vincing the Legislature it The supplies we are most 18 year olds do not yet have come of age. The world is a meaningful indicator of education given its rightful for less than 10% of this. In should honor the Governor's talking about were collected Liaison to know what they want as a powers have the capability the quality of the total stature, they should exert his annual budget message recommendations and how over the years by HEW's life work and before they are to destroy each other 20 educational program in any their political "muscle" by to the Legislature two much clout they have with division of emergency health visit Fowler 30 will have changed not only times over. This thought given school or' school encouraging the Legislature months ago, Governor the Arts Council in seeing to services, which is to be ST JOHNS - Congressman similar jobs but will have boggles the mind. The whole district. Milliken recommended that it that a substantially higher phased out by July, 1974. to respond "not with edicts percentage of its budget is Elford A. Cederberg's moved to entirely unrelated world can be destroyed in a "In general, where a good or directives or dictated appropriations to the Arts They consist of over 2,000 liaison man, Ronald W. types of jobs. few hours. Whether or not educational program exists, curriculum, but with Council for 1973-74 be more allocated to music," he prepackaged hospitals, each Stolz, will be visiting Clinton Let's briefly look back at your neighbor has a better music education is regarded dollars." -. than doubled over this year. concluded. of which provides all the County at the Courthouse in what our educational car than you do can be of as an indispensable part of material, except the St Johns on Monday, April process has done for the very little importance, if the curriculum," he noted. building, to set up and 16, from 11 am to 12 noon. country to this point. everyone decides to use their "Where a mediocre Social Services director maintain a 200-bed unit Cederberg reminds those We probably have the destructive potential. .program exists', music 1 H ii -111 . f*jl( llti I 1> 4 J f i 1-1' - i il * K I • Hoi •"*- • tv->H i 1 > »1 ' I nil during an emergency; in­ who.imight have a problem M, higheststandard of living in. This is a time I think for all education, is^ considered a cluding complete operating witiiMa- -Federal agency to* the worldi Americans eat < *qf us to look for goals in the "frill*', expendable when an omeets to new-regulations room ^equipment, lights, bring along any documents' better, own more, travel education of man which will extra-voted millage request supplies, la boratory gea r, that-inight help' to-identify more, leisure more than any allow us to live in harmony, goes down to defeat. And Social services for millions cannotbesilent in the face of At present, a former drugs, bandages, cots, his case to Mr Stolz. where a poor educational of Michigan citizens, in­ attempted undercutting of recipient is one who has been blankets, diesel power program exists, music cluding programs ranging services to potential off the welfare rolls for no generators, and water DRIVE-IN BANKING golden education may not exist at from day care to senior recipients who are mentally longer than two years. A pumps. all." citizen centers, would be retarded, drug addicted, potential recipient is one who HOURS years The 32-year-old lawmaker, LIMITED COST BENEFIT CUHTDNNXnOKU. eliminated or sharply cur­ alocoholics, in need of family is likely to need public Mon. thru Thurs. 8:30-5 pm a member of both the Senate tailed under proposed planning, foster care of day assistance within five years. Everyone will agree that, Fridays ;; 8:30 - 8 pm checking Education and Taxation federal regulations, ac­ care, all or which havei People in these categories like the boy scouts, the Saturdays p^ 8:30 •* 1 pm Committees, stressed his cording to R. Bernard Congressional protection." are eligible to obtain ser­ government better '*be opposition to the idea of Houston, director of the vices which assist them in prepared" for any kind of A COMPLETELY FREE CHECKING dictating curriculum by law The Social Services gaining a greater.degree of medical emergency or Michigan Department of Regulations published in the 6r SERVICE FOR PERSONS 62 as a means of ensuring the Social Services. independence. But the new disaster which may involve presence of music education Federal Register by HEW on regulations reduce the time large numbers of people. in Michigan elementary and In a letter to Secretary of February 16 have drawn periods to three months for Two questions are im­ CENTRAL NATIONAL AND OLDER • protests from a number of secondary schools. Health, Education and former recipients and to six portant to understand, BANK- The wide-awake bank makes itajlsQeasg "To have the Legislature Welfare Caspar Weinberger, day care, welfare and senior months for potential however, why the govern­ dictate curriculum 1 ac- Houston has objected to the citizen groups, including the recipients] ST. JOHNS new "regulations, stating they National Countil of State would "wipe outv or sub­ Welfare Administrators. The stantially reduce services to regulations, which HEW no more the poor, leaving a void in officials say represent an GENERAL PUBLIC SURVEY the face of proposals which attempt to prune back social may never see life.' services programs and We at Ditmer Broadcasting Company desire to obtain your opinion wi9gles 'n ji9gles Houston outlined some dollars as painlessly as as to the most important needs and problems of the area. The results implications of the federal possible, are seen by these of this survey are to be submitted to the Federal Communications regulations for specific groups as a major blow to in connection with an application to be filed by Radio Stations on a "MAGIC CARPET" programs in Michigan: delivery of such services. WRBJ-am & WRBJ-fm. . Protective services and Under ' the proposed smooth 'n' quiet Case services to battered children federal regulations, states YOUR NAME. DATE: would be reduced 30 percent. may not use privately This represents services to donated funds toward their ADDRESS. 21,995 children who are matching share in. obtaining neglected ^by parents who federal money to implement RACE: .SEX. live at poverty levels by social service programs. Michigan standards. Foundations and charitable AGE: (Circle one) OCCUPATION .•Services to adults - in­ groups frequently donate to cluding 128 receiving governmental welfare 12-15; 16-18; 19-21; 22-30; 31-40; and over 50 protective services, 631 agencies for specific receiving self-care services programs such as the pur­ and 298 receiving foster care chase of day care services or - would be cut by $1.6 million. the initiation of community 1. Identify one or two of the most significant problems or needs . The pending $3 million mental health projects. of your community: service program for Detroit Eligibility for social public housing residents will services would be limited, be dropped. Similar for all practical purposes, to programs in Lansing will be those receiving public dropped. assitance. Only the "We share the concern of "pporest of the poor" would DHEW for accountability receive help. 2. How can our station help meet those needs? and controls on costs in The definition of "former" .social services," Houston and "potential" welfare Mode! 108 8 hp. Stick Shift wrote. *'However, ... we recipients would be changed.

Exclusive f|| Before you decide to buy any compact tractor, test-drive the 3. Other comments: Case space-age new "magic carpet" Case. (8-16 VILLAGE OF rubber engine hp) Four space-age rubber engine mounts isolate engine vibration OVID mounts make from you and the tractor chassis. You'll sure feel the difference. the difference New, improved muffler system- makes Case noticeably more For Sale Tractor with backhoe and front end On beh'alf of the Ditmer Broadcasting Company, I would like to quiet, too. And, all-season loader. 1960 340 International with 12 inch and 24 inch bucket for backhoe and 2 buc­ thank you in advance for participating in this survey. You may drop J I Case "SNAP-FAST" attachments make kets for front end plus blade. Sealed bids will it off at our studios or majl it to: A Tennetio Company yard care fun again! be accepted until 5 p.m. Monday, April 16. WRBJ-am & WRBJ-fm We Reserve The Right To Accept Or Reject' j P.O. Box 320 Take a free "Magic-Carpet" ride today! Any Or All Bids. St. Johns, Michigan 48879 Thank you, * Dale Crosslan Robert D. Ditmer, Pres. G2&13 HAFNER'S ELECTRIC Village Clerk 616 S. Main FOWLER 593-2188 Ditmer Broadcasting Company

(,i CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan .APRIL 11, 1973

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If you've got 12 items or less, we'll in a vast variety are yours for selecting at Kroger. have you on your way again in 5 As with everything we sell, our fresh fruits and minutes or less. Kroger Express lanes vegetables are sold with a replacement or money are open every hour we're open ... back guarantee. Kroger's The Place To Buy QUALITY ready to serve you. Produce.

Hundreds of prices reduced even further! You asked for I I Everyday Xtra Low Discount Pricing ... and Kroger's got it!

WAS is WAS Deodorant 4-Lb j. ,. 7-FI Calgon...'. . Pkq 1.14 1.09 Right Guard... oz can 93* Super Cleaner Hair Color 4FI Miracle White...£5 79* 75* Nice-n-Easy.a.ozBti J1.44 A Arm 8i Hammer Hair Color 55 Oz 3FI * Washing Soda...£?. 49* 45* Loving Care...ozeti 1.28 SAVE£ /WAS Home Pride Hair Spray \57* £ 13-FI T^AT WAS /is Cleanser....2 wfX, 27* 12* WAS is WAS is Adorn... OzCan 1.47 is All-Purpose Cleaner Dishwashing Detergent Kellogg's Kraft Hair Spray 13-FI Dove Liquid offi 55* 54* Pine Sol Sm 89* 87* White Vinegar..V . ofmi 25* 18* Miracle Whip ...«!& 29* 27* Aqua Net o/c™ 56* Close-Up wrrubo 76* 58* Dish Detergent Clover Valley Kroger 'I Spray Deodorant Ivory Liquid ££ 58* 54* Peanut Butter.mS 1.19 1.07 Catsup Stm 48* 45* Listerine Q?M 97*83 * Dish Detergent Peter Pan Kroger Pkg of 3 Arrid Extra Dry Mouthwash 0z: ?? an 1 12-FI 7Bt Joy a?'£i 57* 54* Peanut Butter ,.wJ£ 97 94* Orange Juice..oz cSs 4.33 H.29 Scope , OzBtl /O 61* 6-FI For Disrjes Smuckers i'2-oz WtJar Poly Perx Oz Can Capsules Pkg Lux Liquid. o?5»58' 54* Strawberry Preserves..; 47* 44* Coffee Creamer..£'£* 29* 19* Contac «fc 87* 76*

Liquid ¥ fsAVE?. Kroger Hamburger Banquet Supper Bayer Btl Vel S& 55* 53' Dill Slices StS 55* 53* Salisbury Steak wf% 1.23 U9 Aspirin > Of 100 68* 41* Presoak Vlasic Kroger Rolls 8 Ct

BJZ VUtPhg '1.12 1.03 Polish Dills fiff 95* 76* Orange Danish vlnSba 33* 29* Alka-Seltzer..„....o?|5 44* 32* Liquid Heinz Kroger Sliced Singles Phillip's Mr. Bubble H& 59* 49* Genuine Dills.... wKr 95* 89* American'Cheese K 98* 95* Milk of Magnesia. .£'5t 76* 63* Laundry Bleach Kroger ; Kroger Midget Longhorn Liquid Clorox .*..ff*fl 24* 22* Sweet Relish....Jf2 48* 42* Colby Cheese wmL 1.15 •1.09 Maalox '.o?S 96* 82* Home Pride Vlasic Fleischmann's Soft Johnson's

Fabric,Softener..:..Si' 79* 68* Sweet Relish ...m£ 35* 33* Margarine wtSg 51* 49* Baby Shampoo..ofBu 1.44 1.27 WAS is Rinse ' King Designer • Ohio Henri Sour Cream Eatmoro Dandruff Shampoo 6 pi Oz Btl Gillette Blades Pkg Of 10 Pkg 33, 8-Fl StaPuf .£.' '1.19 98* Matches of BO French Dressing, .oz BH 47* 44* Margarine K 23* 22* Head & Shoulders.. 1.14 95* Super Stainless Blades 1.23' 1.18 Ajax Reg, Oil, Dry For Dishes 1S-FI WindowJC!eaner *£„ 49* Breck Shampoo ozB,il.37 83* i Palmolive Liquid Scott Wood Cleaner Mennen Liquid Gold..cL°£n 1.69 Skin Bracer..-•&eti 98* 92* Furniture Polish Gillette 11-n OzCan Favor.>_;;..»'..oz"Bt. 77*. Lemon-Lime Foamy •••88* 53* ^SAVEi i|Floor Cleaner Reg or Mint ' Crest wtTut* 76* 72*

« e *tf-f•*? i r- CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan •/ 7B 6Bi CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 APRIL .11, 1973,

Copyright, 1973. The Prices Good thru April Kroger Co, We Rmm 7ht 16,1973 In Lansing, E, Right To Limit Quantities Lansing, St. Johns and Eaton Rapids. Soup Meat, Lb 49*

i?^ _f Eggo Blueberry Kroger o Short Ribs Lb 98* 10" -4 Varieties X Waffles 4 vJS*1, «1 X Brown-n-Serve Rolls3 ££ '1 tfel Beef Jene's Pizza Kroger Kroger .- iSfi. Neck Bones •'•" «-b 88* X Whipped Topping...an 28* X Speedy Beef , Banquet Sour Cream wTctn 49* Spare Ribs Lb 69* Kroger Shredded Ea. .Cherry Pies ffff. 29' Alka Seltzer Sliced Pizza Cheese vSt°pkg '63'

Lb 99* Kraft Sliced Natural Beef Liver Sun Gold ^ y J[&tHt<4. SiVtyZtK Btl s Swiss Cheese vftt*g 69* Of 25 Butterball 10/14 Ib'SiZu .' White Bread Kroger Shoestring o ZOOt oot Kroger X Potatoes Turkeys & Wtpkgs OO Grapefruit Sections •. vwSn 31' Kroger 20-Oz The ol' come-on Copyright, 1973. The Wt Loaf Toaster Treats... 3 mpkos '1 Kroger Co. We Reserve The Prices Good thru April 15, Red, X Right To Limit Quantities. 1973 in Lansing, E. Laming, St. Johns and Eaton Rapids Hawaiian Punch StL 34* 22 Shampoo 2%-ot tube or 4 fl oz Lotion only. >• Salad Dressing Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee XHead & Shoulders ^WE?" 58* , f The Peoples Choice can prove costly. - 59 _. ... 15 3/8-Oz .«, Country Club Fresh Miracle Whip U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice Deodorant "Save 6rf on Fryers." 'Save 3tfonPprkancU them Bonus Bargains. We. identify them with Pizza Mix wtpkg 49' Fleece - Kroger Sandwich or * Hamburger Beans." "Get a Melamine cup and saucer free." an "X" in our ads. Our Bonus Bargains are made Right Guard £&» 79' Boston Roll c possible by special purchases or manufacturer's Spotlight Kroger ' Toilet Tissue .*T 33' X Wiener Buns.... 3 nS' 89* Sound exciting? You bet they do - on the sur­ Bayer 5-Lb allowances or favorable market conditions. face. But whether they really save you money Salad Oil o?£ 79' • . . ' 100 Ct .1t $«48 Tube ^g Wishbone Reguler 10/14 tb S\t% Bean Ceffee Henri's uountrCountry Oveuven or not depends on what's underneath the sur­ The important part to remember is: aiong with Aspirin Bti 41' Save 294 Lb X Tastee Dressing....ozrni 39' Homestyle Donuts,. wc? 39' Lb face. our come-ons we have Xtra Low Everyday Dis­ A Turkeys Lb 57* Kroger X over rag 8 0z Mouthwash retail < count Prices throughout the store. Since they Home Pride _* Country Oven 10 Varieties 99 _^ Armour Golden Star 10/14 |b sue - Lb 99 Tartar Sauce wt^ar 39* 1 If the store that offers these "specials" jacks up ( are planned to save you money on your total O Pkg X Trash Bags %? 88' X Cookies 2 "*•» 89' Scope ozS\ 61 a lot of other prices, these come-pns could cost food bill in themselves, our come-uns — Bonus XTurkeys Lb 59* ^ Green Giant you more in the long run. Bargains — really mean additional sayings for Furniture Polish Hair Spray ^ > Betty Crocker v Mel-O-Soft 7FI you. Wishbone . 1 X Green "Beans.... 4 m'Sn *1 71( At Kroger, we have come-ons, too. We call Pledge • Oz Can / X Aqua Net d?cL 37' _- Easy Slice Country Club Potato Buds m%q 98* White Bread.... 4 wt LS '1 Cornish Hens wt°s°B Ea 95* X SottXd SeVtfO&t Kroger XPot Roast .....Lb 4.68 Fresh Hamburger, Tube '3.09 Country Oven Wall Washer Liquid Tasty Glade Fruit Cocktail 4 mean '1 10-Oz S1 s z Tha Peoples Choice U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice BigWally..., Maalox i S 82' Countrv Hub Air Freshner £ can 45* Pretzels 3 wtBag s i as, i.o9 Whole cry-O-Vae pkg. What are Bonus Bargains? Corn Dogs "> 88* X l-Lb Hungry Jack Fresh Hamburger-. Tube '1.05 Rib Eye Lb '2.49 When you see an "X" next to an item in Kroger's ads or E-Z Biscuits 18%. 25* Green Giant WK or Country Club stores, it means a Bonus Bargain, good for a limited time Kroger Clover Valley Fryers Lb 69' Freezer Pleezer The Peoples Choice U.S. Gov't, Graded Choice and made possible by a special purchase or a manufactur­ Cream Style Country Club Delmonico Steak ; Lb '2.59 Hamburger Patties .. Lb " '1.19 er's allowance or a favorable market condition. ^ Stuffed X Ice Cream Bars *? 58* v l |i Roasters Lb 59 Kroger Cheddar Corn Cottage Quartered Ice Cream Regular Cheese Crocks wfpig '1.29 l 17-Oz H Split Broilers Lb 59 Eatmore Soft (Pkgi of 2 Wt Cans H Cheese Margarine Margarine.. 3 8 Oz Tubs) '1 16-Oz WtCtn -16-Oz WtPkg Mixed 1 Kroger Sherbet %G* 58' EASE THE SQUEEZE WITH MEATLESS MENU Fryer Parts Playtex West Virginia Flat water added by mf r Kroger SUGGESTIONS FROM KROGER Fresh Farmer Peet Whole Kroger Macaroni fit Cheese Sea Pak 9% Oz w* Pkg $ Boneless Ham ..Lb '1.99 SavelOtf Gloves Mandarin Oranges...4 man '1 Minute Steak Lb 1.49 Lb over, Bonanza Ham reg retail Orchard Pride Farmer Peet 49 15 Oz Dinner.:... 5*1.17* Perch Dinner 59* Fresh Lean Wt Can Save 144 over reg retail 14 *f 29 X Applesauce . 7 Save 64 over reg retail Kroger ' Sea Pak Baby Bonanza Ham.... Lb '1.39 Ground Chuck Lb '1.39 Save 204 Lb _» Stokely Lb over rag West Virginia Whole water added ay mf r Tuna w?(X . 41* Shrimp Dinner w?rX 79* Fresh Ground j retail X Kidney Beans..;. 6 m£n '1 Kroger Sea Pak 1 Semi Boneless Ham....Lb 4.29 Meat Loaf L \ '1.29 Geisha Navy Beans.... mm 41' Seafood Dinner ....wmg 79* D West Virginia Half water added by mfr Barbeque Pineapple mSn 27* Kroger Full Moon 5-Lb Box Semi Boneless Ham....Lb '1.39 Country Club M Longhorn Cheese.... m % '1.07 Perch Fillet * $3.9S Beef Ribs Lb '1.08 Clover Valley Solid Margarine vvm'g16 Oz * 19' Ice Cream VlasicJar 5-Lb Box V ."&>• ^4rft;-**^Rrcta(,Tissue Kraut.....&*,....££ 49' M G Whiting Ea '2.39 Yubl . " i y\ CU4- St^KW Pork Loin '1.19 7-Oz X S&W& SeuvpU* X Tuna Helper 2 wVpkgs '1 Shampoo 3-Lb & Down 1 Creamettes Golden Wheat Spare Ribs Lb '1.19 2 Head & Shoulders X Macaroni. wt p°g 35' Remarkable Franco American Canned Pears • wt can 39' Fresh Picnic Style Spaghetti vSS 20' Subjcrt to iopllciblc itite ind loc.il Kroger U«tt One coupon per cuilomtr per Embassy ilaie vidt Pork Roast Stuffed Olives m% 59' Good thru April 15, Pancake Syrup -...OHM 39' X 7 ; 1973 In Lansing, E. Hillcrest Lansing, St. Johns & "SUNRISE-FRESH* jEatort Rapids only -| All Purpose Fresh Green Save 84 Lb B Tomato Juice...... o;can 29* over reg X Crisco Oil oz Bt'i 98' Fruits and Vegetables , Broccoli • • Bunch 39 Lb Hi-C retail 46-Fl Orange Drink oz can 33* -j Fresh Florida Sno-White 69 Detergent X 'SoHeta- 'W&tqate Kroger Cut, X Sweet Corn Ea 10' Mushrooms Lb Tide Asparagus Spears. *. • wt can 38' Bleach Boneless 64 Fl California Red Ripe GARDEN CENTER Clorox OzBtl 37' _ IO-OI Pork Cutlets Lb '1.39 49 Oz r=r' Wt Jar Wt Pkg . Easy Monday Bonnie Maid Pan Redi Strawberries SPECIALS Subject tu Jpol'CitJit itjlt ma local Boneless Breaded IIHII One coupon on cuitomn prr X Fabric Softener i» 59* itora vliit X Breaded Pork Patties,. Lb 98' 88 Available Good thru April 15, Good thru April 15, X Pork Cutlets Lb '1.29 Bleach 1973 In Lansing, E. 1973 in Lansing, E. _ uieacn Wednesday, April 11th Lansing, St. Johns & Laming, St. Johns <• Eaton Rapids only. Eaton Rapids only. Chunk _f Bonnie Maid Pan Redi y X Miracle White S& 49* Beautiful Qt out X Braunschweiger Lb 69* X Breaded Veal Patties., lb- 98* Napkins 79 Hanging Baskets ...Ea '3.99 ^ Bonnie Maid Pan Redi Breaded Kotex A '1.28 _* Baker's Angel Flake Georgia Country Style X Meat Drumsticks Lb 98* X Coconut wtpkg 29' X SoHxd ^cn^oot White Marble Chips3 &"'5 Kroger White Jiffy Decorative Pork Ribs ^ Bakers X Meat Dinners....2 P£ '1.49 X Chocolate Chips.... wtr^g 19* Liquid Lawn Fence 3-Ft section Ea 88* "Early Bird Special" Home Pride 23-7-7 Shurtenda (California Seedless 48 Ct size 2 *0 '2.29 Avondalej Detergent 2 Beef Patties Lb '1.09 X Navel Oranges. 8 *» 99* XUwn Fertilizer ^ '2.95 Plumrose Flour Bag 44* 22-FI Assorted Varieties Fresh Etearole, Romalne, Boston or and Canned Bacon Lb '1.19 Kroger Pure OzBtl Rose Bushes...... 99* uP X &W«4 C^tT^wi* Pork Hocks Lb 79* Vanilla Extract £», 88* Endive Lettuce Ea 19* West Virginia X Home Pride ,39 50-Lb Florida , Michigan Peat ....Bag 99* Pig Tails Lb 49* Beef Sausage,... 2 na '1.49 Sliced Bacon t... u> '1.39 X Herrud Jumbo West Virginia Red Radishes Lb 19' 1 Lh Pig Feet u> 59* X Polish Sausage Lb 99* Sliced Bacon...... #. '1.99

^ ft 8B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns; Michigan APRIL .11, 1973 Farm Bureau Services Farm Tips holds feed prices "CLEAR SEEDED*' ALFALFA IS Area livestock and poultry Farm Bureau Services producers who placed feed may be the only major feed BRIGHT ALTERNATIVE orders last fall during the 45- supplier which is holding its day booking period spon­ price line. Several others By WILLIAM LASHER sored by Farm Bureau have discontinued the ad­ Extension Agriculture Agent Services will remain fully vance booking plan or protected against current shortened the coverage "Clear seeding" of alfalfa • 1) Correct the pH by pounds of 0-14-42 will supply soaring prices, according to period. offers a bright alternative liming to at leat 6.8. Soil the phosphorus and Farm Bureau^officials. Under the Farm Bureau for livestock farmers who should be well drained and of potassium for a 3-ton hay Services program, livestock Art Homing, manager of have difficulty getting good ; good water-holding capacity. crop. ( men who placed ' orders seedings in oats or who have 2) Seed as early as 6) Use press wheels on the the St Johns Co-operative during the, 45 day period little use for oat straw. possible in April on a well- drill or cultipacker behind which supplies Farm Bureau starting in' mid-September Spring must be on its way. These not-so-timid ducks were sunning themselves Farmers who want a high prepared seedbed. the drill to conpact the soil services feeds locally, an­ are guaranteed delivery of Saturday and didn't even flinch when a County News photographer took their picture and nounced that the cooperative x amount of home-grown 3) Control annual weeds around the seed and cover it feeds at the lowest price the strobe went off in their eyes. ( , protein during the establish­ with three pounds EPTC shallowly- for fast will hold firm on livestock during that period. The ment year will find clear- (Eptam) acid equivalent per emergence. feed prices in spite of recent guaranteed price holds for a seeded alfalfa superior to acre sprayed on the seedbed 7) Check the second cost hikes for high protein one-year period. Water treatment operator any other annual legumes and worked into the soil cutting of alfalfa . for type feeds and feed grains. Shortly after the Farm grown for forage. Three tons immediately afte'r ap­ leafhoppers in July and Art Homing, said action by Bureau Services feed during the seeding year is an plication. Or spray 3/4 pound August. Spray with an ap­ the cooperative assures booking period, feed costs exam set for May 22 attainable goal for clear- 2, 4D-B ester when the propriate insecticide if most farmers who took advantage skyrocketed and many seeded alfalfa cut two or seedlings have two or three stems have one or more leaf­ of the booking program a farmers not jn the program three times in the seeding leaves, usually four to five hoppers. Insecticide cost per savings of from $50 to $100 have seen prices rise to An examination for vision and control of the . commodate individuals year. weeks after seeding. If acre is about $1.50 for per ton on feeds. record levels. Michigan certification of Water Resources Com­ : serving as assistant or back­ The new system calls for broad-leaved weed problems material and $2 for ap­ industrial and commercial mission. The Commission up operators. This allows seeding alfalfa alone in April develop after using EPTC, 2, plication. wastewater treatment examines wastewater persons unable to attend the (the earlier the better) and 4D-B can also be used. facility operators has been treatment plant personnel previous sessions or those harvesting three tons of 4) Inoculate and band, 8) PLAN FOR 3 cuttings IOOLS HI 04 snace DivroeR scheduled for May 22. and determines each one's who were unsuccessful in clean hay in the seeding seed 12 pounds per acre of a for more hay of better Under Michigan ability to meet the obtaining a passing grade to year. A herbicide replaces fast-growing wilt-resistant quality. Take the first when legislation, every industry knowledge and experience take the test. the companion crop and alfalfa such as Saranac. the alfalfa is flowering in and commercial enterprise requirements. Application forms for gives the necessary weed Saranac outyielded Vernal early to middle July, about 3 which discharges liquid In addition to providing an admission to the exam may KOOLS control,. The hay crop by a half ton per acre in 1971 months after seeding.- Make . •s'^BBaminsmc wastes into State waters opportunity to certify be obtained from the Water provides income during the / trials. Seed rates of 16 the next 2 cuttings at'6-week principal operators, this Resources Commission, must have waste treatment seeding year, Lasher ex: I pounds or more per acre intervals - about Aug 20 and facilities under the super- examination will ac- Bureau of Water plains. l gave no greater yields. Oct 10. Three cuttings in 1971 Management, Dept of! Three years of Michigan i and 1972 tests yielded about Natural Resources, Stevens NOWISTHtTIWIO State University research 5) Fertilize according to 3/4 ton more than 2 cuttings. FIRM UP YOUP PC A T Mason Bldg, Lansing, IINC OF CPtOIT Underwriters shows that spring "clear- soil test, and band the fer­ 9) For high second yields, Mich. They must be filed seeded" alfalfa yielded an tilizer under the seed for a topdress in the fall or next Avisittoyour with the Commission no later average of 3-1/2 tons during quick start. Three hundred spring according to soil test. to meet than April 23. the" seeding year. Saranac^ PCA OFFICE Applicants will be notified alfalfa seeded on May 2, The Mid-Michigan Chapter of testing locations and times may well be the of the Society of Chartered 1969, yielded 3-1/3 tons per at least 2 weeks before the acre when cut on July 30 and Property and Casulaty May 22 examination date. . A silage divider that really Works! In­ mostprofitable Sept' 23. In 1971 tests, stalls on standard. 9"~pipe. Simple Underwriters will hold their • -- I n - - I -* I ill I Fowler News Saranac seeded on April 10 move you make April meeting at the Albert By Miss Cecilia Ttielen design with no electric motors or any yielded 4.4 tons in three moving parts, Puts silage in 3 piles Pick Motor Hotel ,in East inside silo. Even distribution gives all year! Lansing April 10 at 6:30 pm. Kincaid District cuttings - July 9, Aug 20 and Oct 27. In 1972 tests, Saranac improved compaction with more si- This will be the final Mrs Purler C. Parks Mr and Mrs Robert Pettit, age in silo and smoother unloader Purptttts M*tt+ fa ffrvmmbff f*tmfft- Mrs Betty Long 'of Jef­ seeded on April 27 yielded 3.1 Mrs Ed Simon, Mrs Weber, operation. One size fits all silos'. The meeting of the current year tons in three cuttings. ferson, Wis is visiting her for the Chapter. Election of Kevin Sherman of Grand Mary Deiter, Mrs Helen mother Mrs Emma Vance. K104 is another fine Kools product. officers for the coming year Twelve pounds appear to Armbrustmacher and Mrs and other relatives. Ledge, grandson of Mr and insure greater yields, fewer will be held. Plans will also Mrs Donald Sullivan had a Agnes Fox attended the Mr and Mrs Joseph Thelen be1 completed" for the All- weeds, and cleaner hay than Cancer Kick-off - dinner in of Pewamo were Sunday tonsilectomy Monday at if eight pounds per acre were S& H Industry Clinic to be held in' Sparrow Hospital. He came , Ann Arbor at Weber's Inn on afternoon visitors of Cecilia pnooocnoM «•( Detroit on the new Michigan . used. Eight pounds is the Saturday. Thelen. home Tuesday. "standard" seed rate for 1104 S. US-27 St. Johns No-Fault Automobile In­ Donald Sullivan returned Pauline Thelen and Mr and Mr and Mrs Marvin Miller #4 KOOLS FARMS Phone 224-3662 surance law. alfalfa seeded in oats. MSU Mrs Bruce Campbell of to work last week after 2 tests show that yields the and Mr and Mrs Arnold y operations in Sparrow Lansing were Saturday Miller were Friday evening ;>;>'' N. U.S. 27 & French Rd. St. Johns year after taking three visitors of their parents Mr visitors of Albert Pung of St Hospital. cuttings of a clear seeding Garry Sullivan after and Mrs Martin Thelen and Johns. are as good as or better than family. recuperating from his last seedings made in oats or operation in Florida Mr and Mrs Paul Shafer STRANGE DISEASE seeded alone in summer. and daughters of DeWitt. Marriage is like sneezing. golden returned to work 2 weeks Lasher lists nine ago. spent Sunday with her Even when you feel it guidelines for successful parents Mr and Mrs Arnold coming on you can't stop. years Mr and Mrs Donald clear seeding of alfalfa: Sullivan and Garry, Mr and Miller. - Globe, Mason City, la. Mrs* Otto Dickinson have checking f been attending -the U-. -w.J . .' Evangelistic meetings* at the A COMPtETEir FREE CHECKING Seventh-day ' Adventist 'Jiff/* vtihiiui'.. Church in Lansing. SERVICE FOR PERSONS 62 Friday, Mrs Donald me Sullivan had lunch with Mr AND OLDER and Mrs James Rodgers of Grand Ledge. Home Economist The wide-awake bank makes itallsQeasg Sunday evening, Don Ingersoll and Beth Nelson of Grand Ledge visited Dan Sullivan. t For women only Mr and Mrs Raymond By: ELAINE CINCALA Sherman and son of Grand Get corn yields up, with Ledge were Sunday dinner fc County Extension Office guests of Mr and Mrs Don Sequestrene Liquid Zinc. Sullivan and boys. You're invited! .opportunity to get away from muters pay only an activities Fastest way to overcome zinc deficiency Is with Wednesday evening, Mr What's the occasion? * it all and give dorm life a fee of $10 (meals are not Sequestrene Liquid Zinc. It feeds your crop. Won't get and Mrs Raymond Sherman College Week for Women whirl. It's exciting, it's included). tied up In the soil like other zinc products do. of Grand Ledge visited the June 18-21 at Michigan State educational-but mostly it's Don Sullivans. University. It's loaded with just plain fun. If money is an obstacle, Get your corn on the move again with Sequestrene Mr and Mrs S.C. Swanson classes and activities And it's for you, no matter contact the Cooperative zinc. Easy to handle and apply. Compatible with liquid of Grand Ledge visited Mr Extension Service at 224- fertilizers, too. Try it. specially designed for what your educational and'Mrs G.V. Pyle Sunday today's busy women. background might be. 3288, 1003 S Oakland St, St afternoon. This year's theme is' The cost for full-time Johns for information on Harold Hoerner was at "Women Can.. .Can You?" participants-10 meals, three scholarships. The women's ST. JOHNS home last week sick with the Assemblies and classes will nights' lodging in MSU's Extension Council believes flu. paint a picture of women's Akers Hall and all activities- in extending the opportunity Harvey Holmes entered St interests, concerns and -is $45. If you can't come for to attend College Week to all Lawrence Hospital Tuesday the whole 4 days, come for women and they are ac­ potential. It is a picture of cepting names during the COOP with pneumonia. opportunities: you can just one-$5 will cover ac­ month of April. become what you want to be, tivities and lunch. Com­ March 21 Mr and Mrs Otto choose among a wide variety ST. JOHNS PHONE 224-2381 Dickinson attended the of life styles and careers and funeral of a cousin, Russell "do your own thing.," Sage of Belding. Two major assemblies will focus on self-understanding LET WESTPHALIA and communicating with others and on women's potential apd choices. Thee MILLING PUT THE ANNUAL FENCE SALE speaker will be Ruth Morrison, director of Human Relations Associates in Three Rivers. GREEN BACK Like To Save Money? Choice of classes will range from careers and vocational opportunities for ST. JOHNS CO-OP IS HAVING A FENCE SALE. . women, communicating with INTO YOUR LAWN! children and population control to getting the most for your money, playing your • Grass Seed April 9 thru April 21 role in politics and knowing your legal rights. from "24* to 4« The evening hours will LB; feature a host of get- We Stock A Complete Line Of STEEL & WOOD POSTS, BARBED WIRE, acquainted activities and demonstrations in college, ONE YEAR Lawn Seed From Rye Grass AND WOVEN WIRE creative stitchery, weaving, To A Grade "A" Mixture, ) flower arranging,, stone polishing and pottery. SOYBEANS • Fertilizers 16-8-8 ' 5" x 7' Wood Posts $J33 Each College Week is more than • Turf Food WONDER GR0 $J49 classes and assemblies, of AVAILABLE! Each course. It's a chance,to meet , 6Va'Steel Posts , and share concerns and • Weed 'N' Feed interests - with other fr"Bag . Or Bulk < Light Barb m* per roll Michigan women. It's an • 46% Nitrogen Heavy. Barb , l1219 per roll AMK* rttfa FREE USE OF LAWN SPREADERS \>w- -' DRIVE-IN BANKING WITH PURCHASE s i Complete See the St. Johns Co-op for all HOURS. See The Experts Mon, thru jliurs. 8!30-Spm , , Spreading. Service your farm supply needs! Frldiys fe> 8:30 - S pm On Lawn Care At Srittirdays eL* 8:30-1,pm WAYNE ID,I utfip* - t fcl FEEDS WAYipi WESTPHALIA ANIMAL HEALTH ST. JOHNS CO-OP CENTRAL NATIONAL ELEVATOR AID! BANK •Westphalia ' ,/ -. Phone'587-4531 N. Clinton St. ST, JOHNS Phone 224-2401 FOWLER, MICHIGAN ST. JOHNS. . APRIL 11, 1973 CLINTON qfOUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan \ 9B DH/A report High coWs Measurement of acreage is still available EAST LANSING -- measure, stake and the producer is guaranteed J^y a few weeks remain for March Producers who have enrolled reference the acreage a* Breed No of Lbs of Lbs of • he has complied with set- before the final certification Name for the 1973 wheat and feed producer is designating as a, urged farmers to Cows Milk BF The top two cows listed below ranked third and fourth in aside requirements. *»*« £ . the state for all records which were completed during March grain programs still have set-aside and the cropland make their of 1973. time to request and get acreages the producer wants The ^ASC Committee , measurement Vanzee Brothers Holstein 69 44.7 1.94 measurement and inspection measured so that a farmer ^Chairman pointed out that requests as soon as possible. *• Joe Wing Holstein 42 43.0 1.79 services before the final knows when he certifies that LeoKowarch&Sons Holstein 103 51.4 1.73 Name Breed Milk Butterfat Leo Kowatch & Sons ^ Holstein 24891 1054 certification date, Walter his certification is correct. EdDeLamater Guernsey 25 32.0 1.72 Wittenbach, Chairman of the Even if an error were to be FRICKE FARM SERVICE Warren Swanson Holstein 31 48.9 1.71 Don Witt & Son Holstein 26017 1011 George Smith Leo Kowatch & Sons Holstein 22670 911 Michigan Agricultural .made in the land Guernsey 20 32.2 1.70 Stabilization and Con­ measurement,' a producer Robert Borton Holstein 54 43.9' 1.65 • LeoKowatch&Sons Holstein 22621 894 Leo Kowatch & Sons Holstein , 23159 885- servation Service (ASCS) who followed the area staked Nobis Farms Holstein 92 45.2 1.64' Committee, said. when the land was measured Mervin Chamberlain Holstein 45.2 Leo Kowatch & S ons Holstein 19896 845' Located 2% Miles North 28 1.64 Russel Ormsby &Son Holstein is guaranteed he will be *• Ervin Marten Holstein 38 44.5 1.63 21000 832 "Measurement and in­ Wyrick Brothers Joe Wing ^ Holstein 23734 828 considered in compliance Holstein 30 43.4 1.57 spection services are with program acreage , of Mid die ton on Ely Hwy. Laweda Farms Holstein 41.2 Dennis Thelen Holstein 23857 812 provided at a nominal 49 1.57 Holstein requirements, Wittenbach , Marvin Simon Holstein 57 40,2 1.56 Leo Kowatch &Sons 21881 806 charge which covers the cost SERVES ALL YOUR NEEDS IN STEEL * Frank Rivest& Son Russel Ormsby & Son Holstein 19135 801 said. Holstein 109 39.2 1.45 of ASCS as a service to The same is true for Dennis Thelen Holstein 41.5 William Mayers Holstein 19039 798 farmers to help them assure FARM BUILDINGS, BUTLER GRAIN 92 1.53 Holstein quality of set-aside land. If Daniel Thelen Holstein 38.5 Dennis Thelen 21210 795 compliance with the farm 62 1.53 Dennis Thelen Holstein the set-aside land is in­ Darrell Martin Holstein ' 37 43.5 1.49 21157 777 programs they participate BINS AND KAN-SUN CONTINUOUS William Mayers Holstein 44.9 1.47 Duane & Velmar Green Holstein ' 21750 773 in," Wittenbach said. spected ahead of cer­ Darrell Martin Holstein tification and accepted for Kenneth Thelen Holstein m50 39.1 18360 766 FLOW GRAIN DRYERS 1.46 Frank Rivest&Son i Holstein Trained ASCS personnel eligibility and productivity Robert Wilcox Holstein 28 36.9 19914 761 1.46* Leo Kowatch & Sons Holstein" 19029 759 Call Us For Alt 77*e, Details. Robert Nurenberg . ' Holstein 51 36.8 1.45 Laweda Farms WE ARE ALSO DEALERS FOR George Hazle Holstein 29 35.8 Holstein 19226 752 1.45 Frank Rivest&Son Holstein 17580 744 CLAY AND CARDINAL EQUIPMENT LINES Dennis Thelen Holstein 19423 Horse physical Leo Kowatch &Sons 740 MIDDLETON_ Phone 236-73681 Richard Feldpausch Holstein 21234 735 Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 21298 "734 Bernard Thelen Holstein 20189 734 important Morton Ford Tractor, Inc. Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 21279 733 Holstein 19952 731 EAST LANSING - - "With The ratio of a horse's pulse Leo Kowatch & Sons to his respiration rate should "The Friendly People" Bernard Thelen Holstein 19648 728 the increasing interest in Holstein 19304 horse activities, the physical be about 3 to 1 at a complete Duane & Velmar Green 727 rest. Kitchen says a horse is Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 18459 725 condition of a horse is par­ OFFERS THESE Holstein ^ 17703 potentially in danger if the Leo Kowatch & Sons 718 ticularly important," ratio is less than 1 to 1 and is Homer Dolan&Son Holstein 19083 715 reports Dr Hyram Kitchen, seriously in danger if the LeoKowatch&Sons Holstein 19403 714 Michigan State University ratio is 1 to 2. BIG PLOW SPECIALS A.W. Cobb & Son Holstein 21670 713 veterinarian. Bruce Mehney Holstein 17790 711 "Proper condition of the FORD 132 SEMI-MTD. The wide-awake bank makes-hajlsocasy. Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 18857 709 horse is necessary to per­ "THE SECRET to con­ 6-BOTTOM 16" PLOW Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 17994 709 formance in any athletic ditioning a horse is pushing NEW WITH SPRING TRIP Duane & Velmar Green Holstein 19503, 707 event," he says, "but it is him one day and slacking off BEAMS Dale Anderson &Sons Holstein 15416 707 especially crucial to the fast the -next," says Kitchen. 2000 Darrell Martin Guernsey 12506 706 growing sport of competitive "Ride every day when the EdDeLamater Holstein 17329 704 trail and endurance riding." horse shows no signs of Guernsey 15951 703 He suggest that riders stress from simple exer­ MELROE 7-BOTTOM 16" condition their horses cising. Work up to a DEMO AUTO RESET PLOW ' gradually. But before riding, strenuous 10-mile ride one (ON LANDl PULL TYPE '2400 Agriculture in Action they should determine fit­ day followed by a relaxing, ness by checking the horse's quiet five-mile ride the next. temperature, pulse and "You never have to ride 40 MELROE 6-BOTTOM 16' Boycott Tlnieliness? continue producing meat at miles to go on a 40-mile aU. respiration (TPR), recover DEMO AUTO RESET PLOW movu -xtouj Bonu/ rates and_ signs of fatieup. endurance ride," said Kit­ SEMI-MTD. Why was the boycott set-up Farmers have been caught chen. "The most important 2000 during Lent? This question in an inflation cost-price Kitchen says pulse can be thing to remember is the has not been answered. squeeze for many years. taken on the leg or under the rate at which you do the They can no longer afford to jaw of the horse. Respiration FORD 8000 TRACTOR (Demo) Americans eat according can be measured by watch­ exercise." to seasons, traditions and produce animals for market with cab, duals, 18.4 x 38 Rear religious beliefs. We just unless they can be assured a ing the in halation - The worst things you can naturally figure that turkey reasonable profit. exhalation movement of the do to a horse the day before Tires, 10x16 Front Tires should be eaten on Consumers would do ribs or by holding your hand the ride or show is change his (200 Hours) »10,800 by the horse's nostril to feel tack or, put on new shoes, Thanksgiving, ham goes better to call for curtailed the exhalation breath. with Easter and steak is for a government spending, which comments Kitchen. banquet. We eat less hot would go a long way towards dishes in the summertime or correcting the real problems Village of Fowler 1HC 560 DIESEL (completely we refrain from eating meat - inflation, than to stage a overhauled) • .- _ _ _t on a certain day of the week meat boycott. COUNCIL MEETING $ or specific religious seasons. 3100 It seems to me that it Regular Meeting returned on the N Main St would be normal to ex­ Shepardsville March 12,1973 proposals. Twenty-three You buy the tractor. perience some decline in the The meeting was called by votes were for Proposal A demand of red meat during'' By Lucille Spencex Pres Pettit at 7:00 pm with 5 (24 £t j;pajwa.y with.com-, councilmen present. Motion pacted shoulder), ten votes We'll buy the mower. . the Lenton season. A boycott t= , Tuictors MORTON set-up at that same season During the Worship Ser­ was made arid supported to? werej,for/Pj oposal'B'(48 ft Equipment Boy this International® Lawn & Garden Tractor accept the minutes^as read. roadway uwith'curb..&, gut­ at our low price, and we'll Include the mower perhaps could look better vice on Sunday,' April «1, than it would at any other Kevin Iwin Baker, infant son Motion was made and ter), one vote was un­ FORD TRACTOR, INC. attachment at no extra charge. time of the year. of Mr and Mrs Rex A. Baker, supported to pay the current decided. Motion was made to You could pay as much as $150—or even Any change in the eating was given the ritual of bills in the amount of contact the county to request 5122 North Grand River Lansing, Mich. more—for this mower. But if you buy now, we'll habits of consumers, natural baptism. The infant's $3,544.96. It was decided to 24 ft roadway with com­ include it with the tractor at no additional charge. or instituted, affect farmers. mother, Mrs Nancy Baker table the $700.00 fee from the pacted shoulder, ditch and 517 485-4355 That's a big saving. Now, during our "Mow The production of red meat was also baptized. Present Dallas Township Fire Dept drain. 'n Tow Bonus" promotion! is not something that can be for the occasion were the Motion was made to Motion was made to pay IH Lawn &.Garden Tractor, Mower turned on or off like a water parents and grandparents of request the Village the $700.00 fee to the Dallas spigot. Farmers must plan Nancy and the great- Engineers to proceed with Township Fire Dept. Get Prepared For Spring their production goals one, grandpa rents of Kevin. the necessary applications Motion was supported and S & H FARMS two or even three years in On April 29 at 7:30 at the and permits to construct a passed by a roll call vote. By Visiting { advance. Shepardsville United well. Supported and carried. Motion was made to return N. U.S. 27 & French Rd. St. Johns Methodist Church there will Motion was made to approve $1,037.00 to the Major Hwy Presently, farmers are the purchase of Lots 6 & 7, concerned about the effects be an Old-Fashioned Hymn Fund from the Local Hwy YOUR DEALER FOR of a boycott on meat. Not Sing with special music by a, Block 16, Village of Fowler Fund, due to a late transfer GOWER'S quartet from Owosso and a for a well site. Motion was in 1971. HARDWARE AND GRAIN ELEVATOR only on the agricultural supported and carried. FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES industry, but also on the soloist from St Johns. Motion was made to BOTTLED GAS - PLUMBING a HEATING consumer who may want to The Administrative Board Motion was made to transfer 25% of our MVHF to Model SS of the Shepardsville United purchase a $30,000.00 Title the Local Hwy Fund each HDWE 324-3953 eat steak in the future. EUREKA TtLCPIIC MICHIGAN Ins policy for the property CUCV 324*3695 'An emotional attack on Methodist Church met on quarter. farmers, such as the meat, Monday evening, April 2 purchased as a well site. The SDM License transfer boycott, may, discourage with a small attendance. It was decided to have the from Earl Frechen to them from increasing It was voted to purchase a Village Engineers recom­ Richard Frechen was ap­ production or even make it cassette recorder to be used mend a plan on a 10 year proved. SOIL SAVER" Any way you cut h. lNTCMtJttlONALHJUWESTEIt impossible for them to in the hospital and nursing basis for a city water line The Jaycees were given a home. replacement and storm permit to sell Jelly during A NEW TWIST TO TILLAGE! A totally new and different It was voted to authorize sewer study along N Main St Jelly Week with the fee approach to soil management! The Gtencoe "SOIL SAVER" the Youth to use the school Meeting adjourned at 11:05 waived. creates a non-compacted, "ridged" field that just naturally Think Spring house for church-related pm. It was decided that the protects against erosion by wind and waterl Instead of activities with the provision Village of Fowler will not simply turning over the soil and leaving it bared to the Special Meeting elements the "SOIL SAVER" opens up the land down that the youth assume the participate in Mayor Ex­ deep to catch and hold available moisture. Controls runoff, Think Carson City Farm Service responsibility to prepare the March 15,1973 change Day this year. holds and stores rainwater for thirsty crops - - soil surface is building for use and to The Meeting was called to Meeting was adjourned at left open and blended with crop residues that protect For Top Notch Values . . . establish guidelines and order by President Pettit 9:50 pm. precious topsoill Cutting "slicers" cut up heavy stalks, present them to the board for with 4 councilmen present. Catherine Rademacher leaves and root crowns and leave the toil ready to be turned MISC. approval. Motion was made and Village Clerk under by the helical blades following. Designed so you can SEVERAL GOOD The congregation of the supported to ratify the # _ work your stubble immediately after harvest, generally TRACTORS 1-row Gehl Chopper Case SC PLANTERS RE­ Shepardsville church have election of March 12,1973, of KlTlCaiCl NeWS without chopping or shedding. See our display today! J.D. 507 Rotary Cutter been invited to join the Price 3 Trustees for 2 years. The Farmall H CONDITIONED & Kools Blower FIELD READY Church for the Easter re-elected trustees are Allen Fisher of ' In- M.M.'G 1000 Sunrise Service. Dudley McKean, John C. terlochen, brother of Mrs The New Twist Int. No. 37 Baler Rademacher, and Roy Alexander Lang went from To Tillage 4020 J.D. Diesel w/th rower 494's - 494A's Kincaid District Smith. the Langs to visit friends in M.H. 30 Superior Loader for 1 - Oliver 4 Row Texas. After his return, Mr M.F. 180 Diesel Wednesday afternoon Mrs and Mrs Alexander Lang and _ Ford NAA Harold Hoerner, Mrs Donald Regular Meeting Mr Fisher spent the day with J.D. B J.D. 15-hoe Grain 1-l.H-C.4Row Potts, Mr and Mrs Roger March 26,1973 another sister, Mrs Mary J.D.A , Hardenburg visited Harvey The meeting was called to Drill M.M. 1-row- order by Pres Pettit with 4 Greenman of Battle Creek, J.D. 70 Diesel Hoerner at the St Lawrence Thursday. J.D. 4-row Cultivator Hospital. councilmen present. The J.D.227-NI-7 minutes were approved as Mr, and Mrs James JD 3010 Gas J.D. 46 Loader Harold Hoerner visited Morrison have moved from Harvey Hoerner Wednesday read. J.D. 3-14 Mounted J.D. 237 our neighborhood to Lake evening. Motion was made and Odessa, Mr and Mrs Gary Int. 2 pt. Fast Hitch Mr and Mrs Donald Potts supported to sign well site Davidson and baby have 3 Bottom Plow N.1.311 w/HuskBed and Mike attended orien­ contract. bought the house. Little Giant/Glencoe COMBINES tation night at Olive Center, Motion was made to accept Loader for Farmall H Tuesday. the bid from Cook Bros on PORTABLE ELEVATOR DIVISION sewer work for the DEFINITION J.D. 95 Diesel w/16' AC Chopper w/1 Row & Mrs Edward Atherton of Recreation project Gold Digger: A girl who! DYNAMICS Bloomington, ill, USED SPREADERS Wacousta is in serious CORPORATION Glencoe, Minn. platform & 4 row , Hay Heads Thirty-four votes were hates poverty worse than OF AMERICA n. corn head & bean condition at St Lawrence sin."_ Hospital. Mr and Mrs Duane J.D.AW-Disk11'2" • New Idea 208 M.M. Uni-Harvester J.D. 8' - 3 Pt. Disk Dietrick "and family are w/combine & picker J.D. 5-14'f Plow expected anytime from • 205 Massey Florida. New Idea Uni-702 2-N.H. Chopper Box • Case - belt drive • See your ' Unitw/bean Oliver 3r16" Plow DRIVE-IN BANKING "HEWflNTSTO combine, platform Trailer • New Idea 210 and pickup Oliver 12' 6" Disk HOURS friendly fold mflKEYOU J.D. 42 Combine N.H. Green Chopper • 516 New Holland Mon. thru Thurt. 8:30-6 pm Fridays * - 8:30-Bpm I.H.C-80-Bean New Idea Shelter for t • JD 40 'Saturdays *^<. 8:30 -1 pm J.D. 25 Combine mounted picker dealer..- HAPPY" JUJajfefe: Carson City Farm Service ENTRAL NATIONAL! NEW IDEA JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE EGAN FORD SALES BANK 200W. HighamSt. ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2285 CARSON CITY PHONE 584-3550 s^ JOHNS 1 10B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johrff, Michigqn APRIL 11, 1973 * ; ; <\ ; Business and Professiohal Announcements/ Legal News Probate Court and Martha May to Lyle Jay entrance of the Clinton ORDER OF PUBLICATION at 9:30 A.M., in th? Probate April, 1971, in Lioer 2bu of allowance of his Final Ac­ ORDER OF PUBLICATION and Patricia Gantz Lot 6 County Courthouse, in the — General Courtroom in the Courthouse Records on page 508, upon count — General. 'HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN McLouth Hills. City of St Johns, County of - Judge of Probate State of Michigan, Probate in St Johns, Michigan a which mortgage there is now Publication and service State of Michigan, Probate HELENA M, BURK Mar 29: Julius Keusch and Clinton, State of Michigan, Court for the County of hearing be held at which all claimed to be due and ' shallbemadeasprovidedby Court for the County of Sons to Wesley Jr and Mary that being one of the places Register of Probate Clinton. creditors of said deceased payable for principal and Statute and Court Rule. Clinton. C. Mitchell Lot 182 River- where the Circuit Court for Estate of Robert M. are required to*prove their interest the sum of Eight Dated: March 29, 1973. Estate of Martha Platte, Wednesday, wood. the County of Clinton is held, LeValley, Deceased. claims and heirs will be Thousand Three Hundred • TIMOTHY M. GREEN April 18,1973 deceased. Mar 29: Clayton Cor­ sell at public auction to the It is Ordered that on determined. Creditors must Eleven and 67/100 ($8,311,67) Judge of Probate It is Ordered that on June Arthur W. Atherton — poration to Norman J. Virag highest bidder the premises Wednesday, April 25,1973, at file sworn claims with the Dollars; and no suit or Robert H. Wood Claims 6, 1973 at 9:30 A.M., in the, Lot 28 White Oaks. described in said Mortgage, 10:30 A.M., in the Probate Court and serve a copy on proceeding at law'having Attorney for Estate George W. Brenner — been instituted' to recover Probate Courtroom St Johns, Mar 29: Harr, Edwin J. or so much thereof as may be Courtroom St. Johns, Dean R. Parks, 15499 Wood •200 ^W. State, St. Johns, Michigan a hearing be held Probate of Will and Bernita M; Fedewa Bros necessary to pay the amount Michigan a hearing be held Road, Lansing, Michigan said debt, or any part Pauline Thelen—Probate of Michigan. 49-3 at which all creditors of said Inc to Peter J. and Catherine as foresaid due on said on the petition of Clinton 48906 prior to said hearing, 'thereof, said mortgagee deceased are required to Will F. Schafer property in Sec 11 Mortgage, with seven (7%) National Bank & Trust Publication and service having declared its election Maude Sharpies — Final ORDER OF PUBLICATION prove their claims. Creditors Westphalia. percent interest, and all Company, Executor, for shall be made as provided by to consider the whole sum — General. Account must file sworn claims with Mar 30: Fedewa, John G. legal costs, together with allowance of its final ac­ Statute and Court Rule. unpaid on said mortgage' State of Michigan, Probate the Court and serve a copy Wm. D. Carr, Jr — Adm. and vand Helen E. to Clare D. and said attorney fee, which said count. Dated: April 4, 1973. debt to be now due and Heirs Court for the County of on Ferdinand Platte, P.O. Bernadette L. Feldpausch premises are described as Publication and service TIMOTHY M. GREEN payable by reason of the Clinton. Box 48, Westphalia, property in Sec 17 Dallas. follows \n said Mortgage: ' shall be made as provided by Judge of Probate nonpayment of certain in­ Estate of Douglas Darrell Michigan 48894 prior to said - Real Estate Transfers Mar 30: Dyer, Phylis W. to Commencing at the center Statute and Court Rule. Robert H. Wood stallments of principal and Sump, Billie Joe Sump, & hearing. Also, on the petition (From records In office ot Paul F. and Carolyn S. of Section 10, T5N, R2W, Dated: April 6th, 1973. Attorney for Estate interest as provided for by Register pf. Deeds) Wendy Lynn Sump, Minors. of Ferdinand Platte for Platte Lot 160 Riverwood. DeWitt Township, Clinton TIMOTHY M. GREEN, 200 W. State Street said mortgage, notice is It is Ordered that on license to sell real estate of Mar 30: Cassel, Fred M. County, Michigan; thence Judge of Probate. St. Johns, Michigan. 50-3 hereby given that on Friday, Wednesday May 2nd, 1973 at said deceased. Persons Mar27: Jury.LorenC. and and Audrey W. to West- South along the North-South WALKER & MOORE* May 18,1973, at ten o'clock in - 9:30 A.M., in the Probate interested in said estate are Daisy; Jury, Harry W. and phalian Builders and Supply 1/4 line 1452 feet to a con­ By: Jack Walker ORDER OF PUBLICATION the forenoon of said day, at Courtroom in the Courthouse directed to appear at said Alice; Searles, Willard D. Co Lot 9 Green View Subdv. crete monument that is 33 Attorney for Estate — General. the North entrance to the in St Johns, Michigan, a hearing to show cause why and Lillian to Leon D. and Mar 30: Larry G. Shaefer feet North of the center line 115 E. Walker Street State of Michigan, Probate County Building in the City hearing be held On the such license should not be Donna J. Searles property in Inc to Lloyd C. and Joan K. of Webb Road; ttfence 1591.2 St. Johns, Michigan. 50-1 Court for the County of of St Johns, Clinton County, Petition of Joan Kay granted. Sec 10 Bengal. Dayo property in Sec 11 feet North 89 50' West to the Clinton. Michigan, (that being the Huguelet, formerly Joan Publication and service Mar 27: Searles, Willard Riley. point of beginning; thence ORDER TO ANSWER I Estate of Robert J. Kelly, place where the Clinton Kay Sump, praying that shall be made as provided by D. and Lillian C. to James R. Mar 30: Skurkis, Daniel M. North 89 50' West 75.0 feet; State of Michigan, In the deceased. County Circuit Court is Joan Kay Huguelet be ap­ Statute and Court Rule. Smalley; Kathy M. Kimber and Armida; Skurkis, thence North 0 10' East 175.0 Circuit Court for the County It is Ordered that on April held), said mortgagee will, pointed the Guardian of said Dated: March 29, 1973. property in Sec 33 Green- Margaret L. to Robert and feet; thence South 89 50' of Clinton. 25, 1973 at 10:30 A.M. in the by virtue of the power of sale minors to the exclusion of TIMOTHY M. GREEN bush. Cynthia Vitek Blk 7 Em- East 75.0 feet; thence South Roxie A. Knapp, Plaintiff Probate Courtroom St Johns, in said mortgage and in Darrell Douglas Sump, the Judge of Probate Mar 27: Bollinger, Harry monsville. 0 10' West 175.0 feet to the vs Roger L. Knapp, Michigan a hearing be held pupuance of the statute, sell father of said minors who is Kemper, Wells & Lewis L. and Freda E. to Bruce A. Mar 30: Denovich, point of beginning. Also a Defendant. on the Petition ofEdithKelly at'public auction the lands legally liable for and able to By: William C. Kemper ' and Joan L. Childs Lot 193, Frederick R. and Elizabeth right of way beginning at the On March 26, 1973, an to determine the heirs at law described therein, or so support and care for the Attorneys for Estate 168 Blk 24 DeWitt. J. to Rozen Woodard Inc point of beginning; thence action was filed by Plaintiff, of said deceased. Also, on the much as shall be necessary education of such minor 103 East State Street ' Mar 27: Childs, Bruce A. property in Sec 16 Green- North 0 10' East 175 feet; in this Court to obtain a Petition of Edith Kelly, to satisfy the amount due at children and who has St Johns, Michigan. 49-3 and Joan L. to Gary F. and bush. thence South 89-50' East 33 decree of absolute divorce. Executrix, for allowance of the time of sale, together • nevertheless failed and Apr 2: Ma Hand, Leonard feet; thence South 0 10' West IT IS HEREBY OR­ Marcella S. Underwood Lot her Final Account, and' for with all legal costs, interest neglected to do so for a ORDER OF PUBLICATION D. and Beverly A. to Richard 175 feet; thence North 89 50' DERED that the Defendant, assignment of residue. at seven per cent (7%) from 193, 168 Blk 24 DeWitt. 1 period of more than one year — General L. and Linda S. Martin West 33 feet, to the point of Roger L. Knapp, shall an­ Mar 27: Bowen, Robert Publication and service date hereof, and an attorney last preceding the filing of State of Michigan, Probate property in Sec 28 Bingham. beginning, this right of way swer or take such other and Doris to Jack J. and shall be made as provided by fee of Seventy-five Dollars saidPetition, for the purpose Court for the County of Apr 2: Tubbs, Fa"rley F. to Webb Road shall be ter­ action in this Court as may Joyce M. Wassa Lot 1, 2, 3, Statute and Court Rule. ($75.00) as therein provided, of consenting to the adoption Clinton. and Angela J. to William B. minated when this 33 feet be permitted by law on or Blk 12 Ovid. Dated: April 3, 1973. a parcel described as: of said minors. ESTATE OF Charles Bowerman property in Sec strip is made into a street. before June 26,1973. Failure Mar 27: Witt, Herbert W. TIMOTHY M. GREEN The South 8 rods of the Publication and service Mathews, Deceased. <' 29 Lebanaon. Subject to easements and to comply with this Order F. and Olga J. to Richard G. Judge of Probate East 32 rods of a parcel of shall be made as provided by It is Ordered that on May Apr 2: Hotchkin, J. Ward restrictions of record. will result in a Judgment by and Diana K. Hopp property Kemper, Wells & Lewis land described as: The South Statute and Court Rule. 3rd, 1973, at 1:30 P.M., in the Jr and Bette Jane to Douglas *Excepting however, the Default against, such in Sec 33 Bengal. By: F.M. Lewis 15 rods of the North 1/2 of the Dated: March 29th, 1973. Probate Courtroom in the D. and Nancy L. Carter Lot 6 East 3 feet of the following Defendant for the relief Bengal. Attorneys for Estate South 1/2 of the Northeast TIMOTHY M. GREEN City of St. Johns, Michigan a Monty's Acres. described property: Com­ demanded in the Complaint Mar 27: Hopp, Richard G. 103 East State Street 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Judge of Probate hearing be held on the mencing at the center of filed in this Court. and Diana K. to James D. Apr 2: Searles, Willard D. St Johns, Michigan. 50-1 Section 36, Town 5 North, Robert H. Wood petition of Tony Sovis. for Section 10, T5N, R2W, and Ruby J. Stephenson and Lillian C. to Peter W. IT IS FURTHER OR­ Range 2 West, DeWitt Attorney for probate of the purported DeWitt Township, Clinton property in Sec 33 Bengal. and Judy Kay Goodman DERED that the fees or State of Michigan, The Township, Clinton County, Said adopting parents Will, for granting of ad­ County, Michigan; thence Mar 27: Noble, Harold E. *. property in Sec 2 Bingham. costs of publication be paid Probate Court for the County Michigan. 200 W. State, St Johns, ministration to the executor South along the North-South and Joyce to Roy F. Briggs Apr 2: Briggs, Roy F. and by Clinton, County. of Clinton. The length of the period of Michigan. 49-3 named therein, or some 1/4 line 1452 feet to a con­ property in Sec 1 Ovid. Pauline Ahr to Kim W. and LEO W. CORKIN, At a session of said Court, redemption on foreclosure of other suitable person and for crete monument that is 33 Mar 27: Thelen, Richard J. Theo Ann Geiger property in HONORABLE held at the Probate Office in the within mortgage shall be ORDER OF PUBLICATION a determination of heirs. feet North of the center line and Phyllis A. to Paul B. and Sec 1 Ovid. (Countersigned) the City of St. Johns, in said six months from the time of — General. Publication and service of Webb Road; thence 1591.2 Mary M. Golupski property Apr 2: DeLine, Gerald E. VIRGENE KREBEL County, on the 2nd day of such sale. State of Michigan, Probate shallbe made as provided by feet North 89 50' West to the in Sec 9 Westphalia. and Marilyn J. to Ella Mae Deputy Clerk April, A.D. 1973. Dated at Lansing, Court for the County of Statute and Court Rule. point of beginning; thence Mar 27: American Central Terpenning Lot 32,33 Evelyn DATE OF ORDER: March PRESENT: Hon. Timothy Michigan, April 1, 1973. Clinton. Dated: March 7th, 1973. Corporation to Timothy L. Cutter. North 89 50' West 75.0 feet; 26, 1973. M. Green, Judge of Probate. AMERICAN BANK AND Estate of William H. thence North 0 10' East 175.0 THOMAS L. BROWN, and Donna J. O'Brien Lot 203 Apr 2: Jubb, Roy to Perry EHMj IN THE MATTER OF TRUST COMPANY Gregory, Deceased. Acting Judge of Geneva Sh No 2. F. and Kathy Ann Haines feet; thence South 89 50' THE APPLICATION OF A Michigan Banking cor­ It is Ordered that on East 75.0 feet; thence South Probate. Mar 27: O'Brien, Timothy property in Sec 19 Bath. DRAINS - NOTICE OF DAVID EUGENE EVERY poration, Mortgagee. Wednesday, April 25,1973, at PAUL A. MAPLES ' L. and Donna J. to Erik R. Jr Apr 2: Lane, OrvilleT. and 0 10' West 175.0 feet to the MEETING OF BOARD OF to have his name changed to Schram and Behan 10 A.M. in the Probate point of beginning. Attorney for Estate and Kathleen A. Erikson Lot Mary F. to James H. and DETERMINATION. DAVID EUGENE McCAIN. Attorneys for Mortgagee Courtroom St Johns, 210 North Clinton Avenue 203 Geneva Sh No 2. JoAnn Wilson Lot 49, 50, 14 The length of the State of Michigan, Office DAVID EUGENE EVERY Business Address: Michigan, a hearing be held St. Johns, Michigan. 48-3 Mar 28: Fruchth, Audrey Loving's West Side Plat. redemption period as of County County Drain having filed his application 702 American Bank & Trust on the petition of Emma A. Apr 2: Wilson, James H. Commissioner. G; Grubaugh, Edward F. provided by law is one (1) in said Court that the name Bid. Bates for probate of a pur­ (Con'ton page 11B) and Clio, Foote,Lionel J. a,nd and JoAnn to Elizabeth B. year from the time of sale. In the Matter of Clinton of DAVID EUGENE Lansing, Michigan 48933 50-5, ported Will and for granting Artin Lot 14 Loving's CAPITOL SAVINGS & County Drainage District EVERY be changed to Norene to William L'yriri"and l l j>l«adminisJr£tion_tQJJhe. *si >; Caroline' Lee Coffman" Westside Plat. - v LOAN ASSOCIATION "" Nor North Swagart* * ' *J' DAVID EUGENE McCAIN. Executor. named, or some property in Sec 20 Biftfbam. t 4 DATED: April 4, 49$^ Most everyoiie*ga'rjrishe's'&' Mar 28: Buell, Dolores J; V LEGAL NOTICES Cummins, Butler & Thor- OiC^SSsSF P 0F DETER" 23rdday ofTtfay 1973at 11:00 ^General. ' a determination of heirs. bowl of eggnog with a i MINATION sprinkling of nutmeg. For a Bush, Loucious to Gary L. burn ' o'clock in the forenoon .at State* of Michigan, Probate Publication and service Notice is Hereby Given variation, though, use" and Colleen Miller property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Attorneys for said Probate Court be and is Court for the County of shallbe made as provided by that the Board of Deter­ .shaved chocolate curls, in Sec 28 Riley. SALE Capitol Savings & Loan hereby appointed for hearing Clinton. Statute and Court Rule. mination, composed of fluffy whipped cream, or red. Mar 28: Faggion, Arthur J Default having been made Association said petition. Estate of Verne Hettinger, Dated: March 29th, 1973. Herman Openlander, and green maraschino' Sr and Antoinette to Edward in the conditions of a certain 301 Capitol Savings & Loan It is further ORDERED Deceased. TIMOTHY M. GREEN Almond Cressman and cherries. If you're planning' Pisa rski; EUgene mortgage made on the 21st Building Lansing, Michigan that piiblic notice thereof be It is Ordered that on Judge of Probate Merglewski Lot 179, 180 day of November, 1961, 48933 Walter Thelen, will meet on given by publication of a Walker & Moore on serving the adults a April 24th 1973, at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday April 25th, 1973 Westchester Hgts. between VERLEN E. Telephone: 517/487-3613 49-5 copy of this ORDER for at 9:30 AM, in the Probate By: Jack Walker '"spiked" eggnog punch,- Mar 28: Padgett, Carl D. KRUGER and GENEVIEVE c atStanleyThelenfarmonM- three successive weeks Attorney for Estate garnish the children's 21, first place east of Forest Courtroom in the Courthouse and Carlene to Jeffrey, Faye M. KRUGER, husband and previous to said day of in St. Johns, Michigan, a 115 E Walker Street variation with mini-scoops of and Juliann Kaye Silm wife, Mortgagors, and PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Hill Road on south side, hearing in the Clinton County St Johns, Michigan. 49-3 vanilla ice cream. Section 16, T7N,-R3W hearing be held On the property in Sec 5 Riley. CAPITOL SAVINGS & OF HEARING News, a newspaper printed Petition of Nyal Flegel, Mar 28: Capitol Savand Ln LOAN ASSOCIATION, State of Michigan, The Michigan to hear all in­ and circulated in said terested persons and to Administrator, for Assn to Ina Marrison Mortgagee, and recorded in Probate Court for the County County. allowance of his Final Ac­ property in Sec 11 DeWitt. the office of the Register of , of Clinton. determine whether the drain TIMOTHY M. GREEN | in Drainage District, known count and for a determintion Mar 28: Lietzke, Richard; Deeds for Clinton County, Estate of Elsie M. Web­ Judge of Probate of heirs. * SPECIAL CLINTON Medlyn, Jeannette to Virgil Michigan on November 22," ster, Deceased. ! as North Swagart, as prayed A True Copy » for in the Petition to Helena M. Burk Publication and service H. and Barbara K. Lietzke 1961 in Liber 233 of Mort­ TAKE NOTICE: On April shall be made as provided by property in Sec 4 Eagle. gages, Pages 103-104, on 26,1973, at 9:30, A.M., in the cleanout, relocate, widen, Register of Probate 50-3 COUNTY ZONING deepen, straighten, tile, Statute and Court Rule. Mar 28: Lietzke, Carl G. which mortgage there is Probate Courtroom, St. Dated: March 29th, 1973. and Agnes; Lietzke, Virgil claimed to be due at the date Johns, Michigan, before the extend, or relocate along a MORTGAGESALE highway for a county drain - Default having been made TIMOTHY M. GREEN' COMMISSION MEETING H, Barbara K; Plankenhorn, of this notice for principal Hon. Timothy M. Green, Judge of Probate Virgene; to Virgil H. and and interest the sum of Four Judge of Probate, a hearing also said drain shall be in the terms and conditions maintained by spraying, of a certain real estate Robert H. Wood Barbara K. Lietzke property Thousand Five Hundred will be held on the petition of Attorney for Estate in Sec 4 Eagle. Fifty One and 45/100ths Walter S. Kyes, dated April dated March 16, 1973, is mortgage, whereby the necessary and conducive to power of sale therein con­ 200 W State, St. Johns, Mar 28: Dunckle, Barbara ($4,551.45) Dollars and an 3, 1973, for the allowance of Michigan. 49-3 to Virgil H. and Barbara K. the public health, con­ tained became operative, The Clinton County Zoning Commission will attorney fee of Seventy-five his final account as executor r Lietzke property in Sec 4 ($75.00) Dollars allowed by of said estate, for the venience and welfare, in made by LAWRENCE hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 26, Eagle. law as provided in said allowance of the fiduciary accordance with Section 72 GIBSON, SR. and JANICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION 1973 at 8 p.m. in the Courthouse, St. Johns. Mar 28: Hopp, Janice to Mortgage, and no suit or and attorney fees requested of Chapter IV of Act No. 40, FAYE GIBSON, husband — General. P.A. 1956. and wife, of East Lansing, State of Michigan, Probate Virgil H. and Barbara K. proceedings at law having in said account, and for an Any persons having interests in the county or Lietzke property in Sec 4 been instituted to recover the order assigning the residue Dale R. Chapman Michigan, the mortgagor, to Court for the County of Eagle. moneys secured by said of said estate to those per­ Clinton County Drain the AMERICAN BANK AND Clinton. their duly appointed representatives, will be Mar 28: Lietzke, Donald Mortgage or any part sons entitled thereto. Commisser TRUST COMPANY, a Estate of Ilene Hettinger, heard relative to any matters that should pro­ 50-1 and Lorraine to Virgil H. and thereof; Dated: April 3, 1973. Michigan banking cor­ Deceased. perly come before the Zoning Commission. Barbara K. Lietzke property NOTICE IS HEREBY , WALTER S. KYES, poration, of 101 South It is Ordered that on ORDER OF PUBLICATION Washington Avenue, Lan­ Wednesday, April 25th, 1973, in Sec 4 Eagle. GIVEN that by virtue of the Petitioner — General. Mar 28: Titus, Carolyn to power of sale contained in 13137 Webster Road sing, Michigan, the mort- 'at 9:30 AM, in the Probate State of Michigan, Probate Courtroom in the Courthouse Virgil H. and Barbara K. said Mortgage and the Bath, Michigan. Court for the County of gagee, dated March 26,1971, Lietzke property in Sec 4 statute in such case made and recorded in the Office of in St Johns, Michigan, a Arnold R. Minarik, THEODORE W. SWIFT Clinton. hearing be held On the Eagle. and provided, on the 4th day 900 American Bank & Trust Estate of Etta M. Brown, the Register of Deeds for the Administrator Mar 28: Lietzke, James County of Clinton and State Petition of Nyal Flegel, of May, 1973, at 10:00 o'clock Bldg. Deceased. Administrator, for and Judy to Virgil H. and in the forenoon, the un­ Lansing, Michigan 48933 It is Ordered that on of Michigan on the 2nd day of Barbara K. Lietzke property dersigned will, at the South Phone (517) 372-8050 50-1 Wednesday, June 13th, 1973, in Sec 4 Eagle. Mar28: Pung, Leon L. and Marilyn P. to Robert D. and Patricia G. Ringle Lot 30 Luroma Pk No 1. CLINTON COUNTY ZONING Mar 28: Hood, Henry Business Directory Charles and Mary Ellen to Howard L. and Helen E. ' Lynk property in Sec 29 I APPEAL BOARD MEETING Bath. AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE 161 ft, th. E. 171 ft. to the POB, subj. to the right of A regular meeting of the Clinton County Zoning Appeal public and any governmental unit in any part thereof Mar28: Pingel,HerbertE. For the BEST BUY 1% Board meeting will be held on Monday, April 16,1973 at and Agnes M. to Roger C. GOWER'S HARDWARE taken, used or deeded for street, road or hwy. pur­ New & Used Chevrolet; Purina Feeds 8:00 p.m. in the Courthouse, St. Johns, Michigan. and Betty Theodorski and poses. See Means $ S $ In Your. Pocket property in Sec 5 Watertown. At that time the following applications will be acted on: Mar 29: Story, Charles M. EDINGER & WEBER Mathews Elevator Co. GRAIN ELEVATOR DEWITT TOWNSHIP Gtain—Feeds—Seeds and Claudia J. to Edward W. FOWLER Phone 582-2401 BOTTLED GAS OLIVE TOWNSHIP and Leora C. Smith property *T FOWLER The appeal of Walter Neller Company to erect a Cylinders or Bulk J structure with less rear yard than the minimum property in Sec 34 Bath. The appeal -of Dora Menhinick to occupy a mobile Mar 29: Ducharme, ——————— Eureka allowed by the Clinton County Zoning Ordinance also, a Phone 224-2695 home on the following described parcel of land: Donald R. and Marlene to ,/?e a Partner CREDIT BUREAU variance in screening requirements, on the following Phone 224-2953 desc. par. of land: Ludwig and Dorothy , Ann : NOT JUST A CUSTOMER Com. 20 ra&ETt&SW cor. of Sec. 34, T6N-R2W, th. N. Frankenburger Lot 5 Ro Die he Co-op Way CLINTON COUNTY Buy t 40 rods, ET| 10 rods, S: 40 rods, W. 10 rods to beg. 2.50 Lots #118, 119, 120, 121, Boichot Acres //3, Sec. 27, CREDIT BUREAU INSURANCE D.eWitt Twp. Mar 29: Kaufman, Walter FARMERS' CO-OP EAGLE TOWNSHIP Junior and Edith Pearl to FOWLER Phone S82-2«« Phone 224-2391 Complete Insurance Service VICTOR TOWNSHIP Thomas J. and Virginia Credit Reports Collections The appeal of William Graham to erect a dwelling on a Micka property in Sec 32 Since 193S • ' FARM ' AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE • lot with less square footage than the minimum allowed The appeal of Mr and Mrs James Archer to occupy a Duplain. ? by the Clinton' County Zoning Ordinance on the , mobile home on the following described parcel of land: Mar 29: Mesh, Joseph P. DRAINAGE FOR YOUR LISTING IN THE FIRE INSURANCE following jdfecribfld'parcel of land: and Joyce; Kuhnmuench, GENERAL CASUALTY / E1/2 of S$ 1/4, Sec. 19, T6N-RlWf exc. E.v2 ac. of S1/2 Andrew and Joan to Richard JAMES BURNHAM 1 Business Directory - Alloby-Briwbaker, Inc. Part of ttoiSE lift of NE1/4, Sec. 31, T5N-R4W, Eagle - of NE l/4of SWfrl. 1/4, Sec. 19, T6N-R1W. < G. and Diana K. Hopp Phone St. Johni 224-4045 Twp, Clinton County, Mich, desc. as fol: Beg. at the SE Arnold R. Minarik , ' , R-S, St. Johns ' Over Gamble Store' v property in Sec 18 Bingham. Phone «4-2«* cor. of sd.lNE l74, run. th. N, 161 ft, th. W. 171 ft, th. S. *.- 1 . Administrator , ,» .. . Mar 29: Powell, John W. J3t. Johns 'Phone'224-3251

\ CLINTON CpUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 11B APRIL 11, 1973 Defendants, NOTICE OF of the SE corner of Section r MORTGAGE 11, T7N, R1W, and 50 feet Legal Notices', FORECLOSURE SALE. North of the center of Trunk- Weil Elsie Default having been made / Line Highway M-21, as now By Mrs Wayne Mead (Con'tifrom page 10B) in the terms and conditions' surveyed over and across, Phone 862-5447 of certain mortgages, made said Section 11, thence West'" Duplain Cancer Crusade Area bowlina ORDER OF PUBLICATION by Eugene W. Plonta and 624 feet, North 208 feet, East and Education Kick Off — — General - Joan K. (Plonta) Hugelet, as 624 feet and South 208 feet to 1 Fresca * 27-1/2 53-1/2 State of Michigan, probate Eighteen Volunteer Cancer NIGHT HAWK Series, Chas Edwards 612; B. Schueller, I. Urban, D, husband and wife, and by the place of beginning. Workers' gathered at the Team High Game, Schmitts Linman 5-10. Ind High Game, Man- Court for the County of Eugene W. Plonta, a/single W L' Barclay 225; Ind High Clinton. Township of Ovid, Clinton home of Mrs Eleanor Becks 58 32 971; Team High Series, man, mortgagors to the County, MichiganJ Thornton for the Duplain Bruno's 2654. FIRST NIGHTERS Series, Ralph Kridner 565; Estate of Ellen M, Central National Bank of St Zeebs 57 33 Team High Game, Co-op's Stambersky, Deceased. There being more than 66- Township Cancer Crusade G&I 55 35 HONOR ROLL — PaUl W L Johns, Clinton Coun.ty, 2/3% of the original in­ and Education Kick Off, Schueller 201; Ross Myers Dog & Suds 31 13 978; Team High Series, Co­ It is Ordered that on Michigan, mortgagee, said Legion 54 36) op's 2560. Wednesday, May 30th, 1973, debtedness still due and Following the breakfast the McKenzies 52 38 215-208; Floyd Bulock 200;, Nick's FrMkt 29-1/2 14-1/2 mortgages being dated the owing, the- redemption kits were given to the Jon Tatroe 206; Dick Corn- Lewis Hdwe 29-1/2 14-1/2 HONOR ROLL — Bob at 9:30 A.M., in the Probate 30th day of June, 1967 and Coca Cola 49-1/2 40-1/2 Pratt 200;- Ralph Kridner Courtroom in the Courthouse period shall be six months workers. The slogan this HetUers 45-1/2 44-1/2 well 265; Chas Edwards 204-, Andy's IGA 28 16 recorded in the Office of the from the date of sale, as year is "We Want to Wipe 208-200; Rog Heathman 208;! D&B Party Shoppe 214; Dick Robbins 205; 'Jack in St Johns, Michigan a Register of Deeds for Clinton Dunkels 45 45, Batchelor 222; Steve Price hearing be held at which all aforesaid. Out Cancer in Your 41 49 Ray Kentfield 225; Bob • 25-1/2 18-1/2 County, Michigan, on the Dated at St Johns, Lifetime/' Volunteer Egg Station Upton 212; Dick Urbn 224; 218. creditors of said deceased 20th day of July, A.D., 1967 in Randolphs 34 56 Simon Realty 25 19 are required to prove their Michigan, this 19th day of workers are Eleanor 31 59 Keith Penix 238; Powell Lantermanlns 22 22 Liber 250, Pages 85-86 of March, A.D., 1973. Thornton, Chairman, Shell Jil3; Don Strouse 203, COFFEE CUP claims and heirs will be Mortgages, and dated the St Johns Oil 18 72 Cartings 20 24 W L determined. Creditors must CENTRAL NATIONAL Jerrine Mead, Neva Betzer, Hub Motel 15 29 23rd day of February, 1971, MICHIGAN, Mortgagee High game Ind, A. Mohnke TEN PIN KEGLERS General Tire 33 15 file sworn claims with the Florine Peabody, Nellie 205; High three games Ind, Homeliters 14 30 Jays Service 16 and recorded in the Office of Dated: March 15,1973. Washburn, Dprothy Har­ W L 32 Court and serve a copy on HhesRegister of Deeds for J. Greer 557; High games Citgo 14 30 Daleys 30 18 Mary E. VanEtten, Ad­ By: Paul A. Maples mon, Dorothy Ballantine, team, Zeebs 945; High three McKenzie's Ins 40 12 Beck's FmMkt 10-1/2 33-1/2 Clinton County, Michigan, on Attorney for Plaintiff, Allaby & Brewbaker, Inc Mission Impo 28 20 ministratrix, R.F.D. HI, Hazel Ballantine, Helen games team, Zeebs 2543. Ind High Game, Carleen Clinton Crop 22 the 16th day of March, 1971, Central National Bank of St Fabus, Helen Beck, Anabel 33 19 26 Elsie, Michigan, prior to said in Liber 260, Page 393 of HONOR ROLL — A. Eaton 213; Ind High Series, Roadrunners 25-1/2 22-1/2 hearing, Johns, Michigan. Peck, Pat Erickson, Joan EJ's Standard 30 ' 22 Carleen Eaton 541; Team Mortgages, which said mort­ 210 North Clinton Avenue ' Mohnke 205; M. Hayes 200; %f ""^'."Si",, 23 Tastee Freez 24-1/2 23-1/2 Publication and service Ladiski, Kathy Walters, J.Greer200 W.Dush202; H.' JJasank's Shell 29 High Game, Lewis Hard­ gages are claimed to be due St Johns, Michigan 48879. • 29 23 Jim's Radio 21 27 shall be made as provided by Bernice Walker, Norma Schmid 200. HaUenbeck's Const ware 840; Team High Series, Houghton's 20 28 at the date of this mortgage 47-5 Hilton, Andrea Warren, Sue Daley's 28 24 Lewis Hardware 2447. Statute and Court Rule. ^for the principal and in­ American Legion 25 27 Snack Bar 18 30 Dated: March 22nd, 1973. Greene, Kathy Wehster, HONOR ROLL — B. Chaparral 15 33 terest, in the sum of Mearl Kindel, Dee Holley COMMERCIAL, LEAGUE Julie K 23 29 Martin 539; M. Simmon 524. TIMOTHY M. GREEN, $15,730.57, on the June 30, 21 31 OverwayAg 15 33 Judge of Probate. Garland News , and Delores Batora, W L Clinton Nat Bank SPLITS — G. Pung 6-7; M. 1967 mortgage, and $2,942.14' 'bv Mrs. Pudge Deming Dry Dock 52-1/2 37-1/2 Hub Tire Center 19 33 Ind High Game,M. Magsig ROBERT W. WOOD . on the February 23, 1971 The preceding Saturday 6 Pease, M. DeLong 4-7-10; J. and J. Payne 183, B. Van- from Duplain Township, Gallways 52 38 Bruno's 19 33 Martin 5-10; B. Martin, L, Attorney for Estate mortgage. Mr and mrs Leo Deming of Brunos 50-1/2 39-1/2 Parr's Rexall Drugs 16 36 Fleet 181, C, Seidel 180; Ind 200 W. Sjate namely Eleanor Thornton, Munro, J. Albring, J. Pease High Series, M. Snyder 464, And no suit or proceeding Carland attended the Florine Peabody, Neva Rehmanns 48-1/2 41-1/2 Ind High Game, Betty 3-10; N.' Smith 2-7; H. St. Johns, Michigan. 48-3 at law having been instituted, wedding of Connie King and Demmers 47 43- Martin 236; Ind High Series, J. Payne 463, J. Purvis v461;i Betzer, Helen F ibus, Thompson 6-8-10; P. Nelson, - Team High Game, to recover the debt secured Howard Cook Saturday Dorothy Harmon and Nellie Schmitts 47 43 Thelma Miller 607;.Team J. Mulligan 5-6. ORDER OF PUBLICATION by said mortgages, or any evening in the Elsie Daleys 45 45 High Game, McKenzie's 936; Roadrunners 840; Team — General part thereof; Methodist Church. Washburn, went with the Road House 41 49 Team High Series, High Series,. Mission Impo State of Michigan, Probate County Group to Ann Arbor TWIN CITY 2426.- NOW, THEREFORE, by Mr and Mrs Edward to the State Cancer Crusade Sprite 41 49 McKenzie's 2571. Court for the County of virtue of the power of sale Greene spent this weekend W L SPLIT CONVERSIONS — Clinton. and Education Kick Off at Redwing Lanes 40 50 HONOR ROLL — T. Miller Cains Buick \ 24-1/2 11-1/2 contained in said Mortgages at their cottage at Otsego Aloha 40 50 204, 214; B. Martin 544; E. M. Mikulka, P. Gilroy 4-5; B. Estate of Leah E. Nourse, Weber's Inn. Between 4 and Willetts Studio 23-1/2 12-1/2 Martin, D. Houghton 5-6; L. and pursuant to the statutes Lake in Northern Michigan. 500 hundred men and women Strouse OH 35-1/2 54-1/2 Harsh 518; D. King 508; Jo Deceased. of the State of Michigan in James, the son of Mr and Hazles Mob Fds 20-1/2 15-1/2 Hopp2-7; L. Uribe, D. Hopp, It is Ordered that on were there to hear talks by Ind High Game, Dick Rogers 504. MoriartyBldgs 19-1/2 16-1/2 such case made and Mrs Ed Greene spent the Cornwell 265 ; Ind High SPLIT CONVERSIONS — R. Conklin 3-10; W. Ferrall, Wednesday, May 30,1973, at Dr Pollard, Dr Long, Dr Coca Cola t 19 17 C. Seidel 5-10; W. Armstrong provided, notice is hereby weekend with his maternal Stuber as well as several 10:30 A.M., in the Probate given that on the 4th dayof grandmother in Laingsburg. Lewis Plb&Htg 18 18. 6-7-10; J. Purvis 5-7-9. Courtroom at St. Johns, other interesting and Clinton Nat Bank 18 18 May, 1973, at 10:00 am, Mr and Mrs Archie Moore educational speakers. Michigan a hearing be held Eastern Standard Time, said Sr have returned to KurtsAppI 17-1/2 18-1/2 TUESDAY TEATIME at which all claims against Everyone enjoyed Minnie VFW 15 21 mortgages will be foreclosed Michigan to spend the Pearl who is the Co- LEAGUE said estate will be heard. by sale at public auction to summer after having spent Cooks Acad 15 21 W L_ Creditors must file sworn Chairman for the 1973 Andys IGA 14 22 the highest bidder, inside the winter months in Crusade. The subject of Art's Refinery 37 15 claims with the Court and the front door of the Clinton Florida. Sprite U-l/2 24-1/2 Gratiot Farmers 29 23 serve a copy on Robert W. cancer is very near tocher Ind High Game, Steve County Courthouse, located Val'sPizzeria. 28-1/2 23-1/2 Nourse, executor, R#i,.Box in the City of St Johns, heart because of losingvher Fulton 214; Ind High Series, Redwing Lanes 28 24 13A, Eagle, Michigan 48822, favorite sister, Dixie, with Charlie Edwards 553; Team Michigan, that being the West Elsie S&HFarms 28 24 prior to said hearing. place for holding Circuit Mr and Mrs Raymond cancer. High Game, Cains 842; Team Randolphs 27 25 Publication and service Mrs Ethel Scanlon of High Series, Cains 2440. Court in the County of Buck have returned home Aloha Drive In ' 27 25 shall be made as provided by Clinton, Michigan, of the after spending 10 days with Cheboygan called on the HONOR ROLL — Bill Clinton Machine Co Statute and Court Rule. Betzer and Mead families Jones 203. premises described in said their daughter and son-in- 25-1/2 26-1/2 Dated: March 19, 1973. mortgages and so much law, the Myron Tethals. last Friday. E-Z-Flo Chemical 25 27 TIMOTHY M. GREEN, thereof as may be necessary Cen Nat Bank 21 31 Judge of Probate. to pay the amount due as CAPITOL Furman Realty Co 20 32. WILEY E. BEAN • NO. MATTER WHAT YOUR NtEDS- W L atoresaid, on said mort­ Paradise Radio & TV Attorney for Estate * gages, with interest thereon Coca Cola 58 23 17 35 223-1/2 So. Bridge Street Moor Man Fds 48 33 at the rate of 7% per annum, LP GAS WILL DO THE JOB! Ind High Game, R. P.O. Box 97 and all legal costs, charges BeaufaresBbSp 46 35 Kanaski 222; Ind High Grand Ledge, Michigan Co-op's 44 37 and expenses, including Series, J. Heathman 563; 48837. 48-3 attorney fees allowed by law, 6560 S. Begole Kd. Capitol Sav&Loan 43 38 Team High Game, E-Z-Flo Prompt Delivery Bobs Bar 41-1/2 39-1/2 State of Michigan, In the and also any sums which PERRINTON Chemical 858; Team High Circuit Court for the County may be paid by the un­ Central Nat Bank 41 40 Series, E-Z-Flo Chemical 1/2N-2W -1/2N Woodburys Flower Sp of Clinton. dersigned, necessary to WHITE'S *2455. CENTRAL NATIONAL protect its interest in said From Pompeii 39 42 OTHER 200 GAMES — J. PHONE POMPEII Moriarty Bldgs 39 42 BANK OF ST JOHNS, premises, which premises Heathman 210. Plaintiff, vs. EUGENE W. are legally described as Carlings Beer 33 48 OTHER 500 SERIES — C. The wide-awake bank makes ifagsoarsg 838-2201 VFW 30 51 PLONTA AND JOAN K. follows: GAS Spitzley 510. ' (PLONTA)-' ^HUGELET, Commencing 665 feet West H PLANNING FOR A WEDDING? You can choose from a wide selection No job is too large or too small of the newest and best in * for CAINS COMPLETE TEST DRIVE Wedding Stationery AUTO BODY THE'73s at the Clinton County News office Any Make-Any Model Bumping-Painting-RecQndltioning •the finest workmanship makes it look like new. Chevrolet Caprice Buick 120 E. Walker St. Johns c Jim Edinger Chevrolet 3, CAINS inc. o°;:r 210HIgham St. Johns 224-3231 GMC ~^& Fowler Stationery and Accessories! for the Brlde-to-Be Wedding |§j invitations •Announcements § •Reception •Mass BooWets '8 Invitations EVERYTHING ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR Cards *lnformals g • Oats • Com • Wheat • Soybeans *ThankYou *Wedding Guest if. As low as FOR THE • White Beans SOIL Sell, Store, or Grain Bank $1Q50 BULK AND BAGGED FERTILIZER for 100 AND BULK DELIVERY OF PURINA FEEDS St. Johns Ashley MATHEWS ELEVATOR Including Double Envelopes! 224-3234 847-3571 VIRGIL ZEEB Fowler, Mich. Ph. 593-2111 Cards Books g i *Paper Plates *Thermo Cups $ ClintoPERSONALIZED ITEMnS Count1 y *Ash Trays 'Napkins 1 PLUMBING AND 1 'Coasters *Cake Knives $ * "Match Books 'Place Cards | HEATING 'Reception DecorationNews s|

* RESIDENTIAL* COMMERCIAL FOR MORE INFORMATION *QUALITYWORK _»tl DUNKEL Call Charge your purchases to: St. .Johns ^ . PLUMBING ft HEATING Ph. 224-4726 •^^*" 224-2361 ST. JOHNS

We/come Spring With Our "Happy Easter Things SEE US FIRST FORI Distinctive EASTER CARD and LAND B ATM K FARM LOANS -PRIMING PARTY GOODS '/1 HT//•////>// A RUSSELL STOVER CANDY * Now Facilities? When Time Means Money FIRST COMMUNION CARDS 1104S;USi27 • Repairs? We can save you both. We'll PtU-224-7127 meet your deadline and save j * yptU money. 220 N. Clinton St. Johns, Mich. • Kxpansion? 1 CALL us Clinton County News, St. Johns Serving America's Farmers: Modernization? rNOWI mvt-1 224-2719 Provider* of Plenty 12B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. JohVis, Michigan APRIL 11, 1973 Westphalia Next Sunday in Area M ST MARY'S CHURCH Rev Fr Aloyslus H. Miljer, Pastor Clinton County churches Fr Martin Miller Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses - 6,8 and 10 am All Churches In Clinton County are invited 10 send Weekdays • During School Year 1 7:00, 7:45 and 11;15 am their weekly announcements to The Clinton County , Saturdays - 6:45 am and 7:30 am .News. They must reach us by lb aim; Monday to Insure • HolyDays-5:3Q,7:30.9amand8pm Evening Mess • Friday 8:00 pm publication in the current week's issue. f~ "

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH * HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Francis C. Johannldes - Minister , SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 380 WHerblsonRd, DeWitt , Rev Wayne Gassman Maple Rapids C86 North Lansing Street . Telephone; 669-3930 M-21 at Elsie Rd- Palm Sunday EIderLE.F. Herzel, Pastor David B Franzmeier, Pastor 9:45 am Sunday School 9:30 am Church School Services held on Saturday Telephone: 669-9606 11:00 am Morning Worship i Area 10:00 am Fellowship 9:15 am - Church Service • Sunday School-9:00 am \ 7:00 pm Evening Worship 11:00 am Morning Worship - Baptism 10:30 am - Sabbath School Service Sunday Worship - 10:30 am 7;oo pm Wednesday Prayer meeting of children Tuesday - Directions 0,1 Dawn 7:00 THE UNITED METHODIST Cantata by Chapel Choir "So Send I WEST PILGRIM UNITED am CHURCH You" METHODIST CHURCH MAPLE RAPIDS Tuesday, April 17 Corner of Parks and Grove Rd Pastor Rev Abe S. Castor 0;00 am Mary Magdalene Circle Rev Brian K. Sheen, Minister ST ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fowler Area Parsonage-Middle ton meets. 9:30 am - Worship Service- Corner US-27 and Webb Road _ Phone 23B-7742 9:30 am Ecumenical Breakfast at 10:45 am - Church School ' Rev Glenn V. Cathey, Jr, Vicar MOSTHOLY TRINITY CHURCH Sunday -9:30 em - Worship Service. Congregational Church 1 ASSEMBLYOFGOD Residence 669-3967 Church 669-9308 Rev Fr Albert J. Schmitt, Pastor 1Q:30 am Sunday School. 7:00 pm Boy Scouts SUS-27&EBaIdwIn First & Third Sundays Sunday Mass es-6:30,8:30 and 10:30 Tuesday - 1:30 pm WSCS first Wednesday April 18 Joseph F. Eger, Jr. Pastor am Tuesday each month. 7:00 pm Senior Morning Prayer 9 am Choir practice, 7:00 pm Scouts. 4:00 pm Carol Choir rehearsal 10;00 am • Sunday School Second & Fourth Sundays Weekdays - During school year, 7:30 G:30 pm Chapel Choir rehearsal and 8:30 am 11:00 am - Morning Worship Holy Communion 9 am 1 7:30 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal ' 6:30 pm - Youth Service Holy Days - 5:30, 7:30 am and 7:00 GREENBUSil UNITED METHODIST 7:30 pm - Sunday Evening pm andj 7:00 pm eve before CHURCH 7:00 pm - Wednesday, second anc VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH Sorrowful Mother Novena - Friday, Scotland Marshall Roads FIRST CONGREGATIONAL fourth WMC 241 EState Road 7:30 pm CHURCH 7:30 pm-Wednesday evening service Rev LaVern Bretz, Pastor Saturdays • 7:30 am and 7:00 pm Pastor - Everett M. Love 1 Averill M. Carson, Minister 9:45-10:45 am-Church School. There' Sunday: 9:45 am Church School. PRICE UNITED METHODIST r 11:30 am Worship • Is a class for everyone from the ST PAUL LUTHERANCHURCH Thursday, April 12 CHURCH > youngest to the oldest. The Bible Is our, Thursday: WSCS 4th Thursday at • Rev. Darold B. Boyd FOWLER 8:00 pm 7:30 Board Meetings .textbook H.E. R0SS.OW, Pastor 8:30 Church Council Meeting 9:45 am - Church School 11 am -12 Noon • Morning Worship, 9:30 am Worship. 10:30 am Sunday LOWE UNITED "METHODIST 11:00 am - Morning Worship Junior Church for children through 6th School & Bible Class Saturday, April 14 Women's Society meets the last ,grade CHURCH 9:00-1:00 Bake Sale Wilcox Hall, Wednesday of each month. Dinner at 5:30 pm - BYF for both Juniors and . * Lowe and North Lowe Road Vesper Division 12:30. Meeting at 1:30. Seniors Pastor - Everett/M. Love - 12:30 Junior Choir Rehearsal Youth Fellowship meets the first 7:00 pm - Evangelistic Service Sunday: Church Service 10:15 am 1:00 Children's Choir Rehearsal and third Monday of each month at 8:00 pm • Morning Choir Practices Tuesday: Choral Actors 3-4:30. Tuesday, April 17 7:30 pm Elsie Area Wednesday: Bible Study 7:30-8:30. Wednesday, 7:00 pm - Mid-week Senior Choir 7:30-8:30. 9:30-11:00 Lenten Coffee ' Council of Church Ministries and Prayer Service; 8:00 pm - Morning ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH 1:00 Priscilla Alden ' Administrative Board meets the first Choir Practice Rey David Litchfield, Minister 1:30 Elizabeth Winslow Sunday of each month following a 1 Saturday 10:00 am - Jr Choir 9:30 am - Morning Worship , 8:00 Pearl Caldwell Vesper potluck dinner at noon. CONGREGATIONAL practice ,10:30 am -Sunday School, Supt Merle Wednesday, April 18 Youth choir meets each Wednesday CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1st Thursday 7:30 pm - Woman's Merle Baese Maple Rapids, Michigan 6:45 Boy Scout Troop AB1 Wilcox Hall at 7 pm Mission Society 8:00 Chancel Choir rehearsal Rev Robert E. Myers, Pastor Senior choir meets each Wednesday 2nd Saturday 2:00 pm - Ann Judson DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH at 7:30 pm Guild for Jr Hi_girls_ . Rev David Litchfield, Minister , 10:00 am Worship Service FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm - Men's JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 11:00 am Sunday School South US-27 Fellowship 10 ami - Sunday School, Supt Ken­ Brop pm Fellowship meetings on Paul A. Travis, Pastor • Kingdom Hall neth Kiger Wed. 1993 North Lansing St SOUTH DeWITT CHURCH OF 11 am - Worship Service 9:45 am Bible School Tuesday, 7:30 pm - Congregation 6:30 pm purs. Cherub & Junior CHRIST Choir Practice 10:55 am Worship Service Book Studies. Text studied: "The Temporarily Meeting at the 11 am Children's Churches FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 8:30 pm Thurs. Chapel Choir PracL Nations Shall Know That I am ' DeWitt High School "> Rev Charles Cowley 1: 6 pm IN-TIME and HI-TIME Jehovah-How? H _ ,3° Pm Every 3rd Thurs. Women's Evangelist: Richard J~. Wotfcale 10:00 am - Worship Service Fellowship Meeting 7 pm Evening Worship Thursday, 7:30 pm • Theocratic Telephone: 669-3395 5:00 pm Church Training 11:00 am - Sunday School,'Paul Attend the Ministry School-Texts Used: "Bible" 8 am - "Revival Fires," Channel 5 6:00 pm Evening Worship and "Aid to Bible Understanding" 8:30 Brown, Supt TV: "Revival Fires," 1110 Radio 6:00 pm - Junior and Senior BYF pm Service Meeting 9:45 am - Bible School Each Wed 7 pm The Hour of Power 7:00 pm - Evening Serlvce Sunday, 9:30 am - Public Lecture - 10:30 am - Morning Worship. Ser­ 3:30 pm Wednesday - Junior and Eureka Area for the whole family. 8 pm Choir Given by Qualified Representative of mon: "The Mind of Christ." practice. Senior Choir practice the Watchtower, Bible and tract Weekly Communion. 7:00 pm - Wednesday - Prayer and CONGREGATIONAL 8:00 pm - Choir Practice - .Society. 10:30am- Watchtower Study - 6:30 pm - Youth groups for grades 1 Bible Study CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 i Jr. Basketball Current issue of the "Watchtower" through freshman in college 2619 E Maple Rapids Road magazine studies. y-j Rev Paul R Jones, Pastor 6:30pm-Evening Worship. Sermon: DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST First Sunday-Communion Service PUBLIC INVITED Phone 224-7709 "What the Church of Christ Stands 3 miles west Ovid-Elsie High School First Tuesday-Deacon's Meeting NO COLLECTION TAKEN For." 10 am - Bible School for everyone Second Tuesday-Ladies' Missionary 5565 E Colony Road 11 am - Morning Worship church of Circle. Wednesday, 7 pm - Hour of Power, 8 FIRST CHURCH OF GOD classes Justin SHepard, Minister 7:30 pm - Adult Bible discussions. Mon-Fri "Moments of Meditation. Rev Jeff Webb Thursday, 7 pm - Fishermen's Club,. BUI Nichelson, Youth Minister Nursery provided during services 9il5am Radio WRBJ 312 N US-27 9:45 am - Sunday School 6-30 pm - Youth Meetings Church office hours Phone 224 2448 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11 am-Church * 6:45 pm - Wednesday, Jr, Choir; 9-12 & 1-3 Mori thru f=rl 9:45 am Church School. 11:00 am OF DeWITT. SBC 6 pm - Youth fellowship and Chancel Choir, 7:30 pm 'Worship Service. 7:00 pm Evening , Rev Jerry Cole, Pastor adult Bible, Study ST JOHNS'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Worship. 8:00 pm Youth Fellowship 1st Meeting in the Memorial Building 7 pm - Evening Service Corner of Mead and Walker and 3rd Sunday of the month. 7 pm Wednesday - Prayer Meeting Rectory 406EWalker Wednesday: 7:45 pm Family Bible' while we build ournew worship center. Phone 224-2600 Study. Sunday School -10:00 am Matherton Office 224-2885 Morning Worship • 11:00 am ST CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 5:00 pm Evening Worship Rev Thomas M Kowalcyzk, Pastor 1973 Schedule 515 North Lansing Street Meeting in homes - POBOX97517EMainSt Area Mid-week prayer service Wed-7:30' Bannister, 48807 Phone: 862-5270 your choice Every Sunday 8 am Holy Com­ Rev Wesley Manker pm Sunday Liturgies: Saturday - 7:00 munion Youth prayer service Thur-7:30 pm pm Sunday - (May l to Dec 1) 8:00 and MATHERTON COMMUNITY Phone 224-7950 CHURCH 2d & 4th Sunday 10 am Holy Com­ 10:00 am • Sunday School Join us In worship where 10:00 am (Dec 1 to May 1) 8:30 and "everybody is somebody and Christ is 10:30 am 2:00 pm - Sunday School munion and Sermon .11:00 am - Morning Worship 3:00 pm - Worship Service Other Sundays - 10 am - Morning 6:15 pm - Young People's Service • Lord." Holy Day Liturgies: 7:00 am and Prayer and Sermon 7:00 pm • Evening Worship For more information call 669-9752 8:00 pm Nursery & church school 10 am for Wednesday, 6:30 pm - Caravan, 7:45 or write Box 30G, DeWitt. Confessions: One half hour before nursery through 6th pm Bible Study and prayer hour all Sunday Liturgies Every Monday eve 7 pmiuSpiriUial VALLEY FARMS UNITED Wacousta Healing Service ' ( FREE METHODIST CHURCH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH < EAGLEUN1TED METHODIST* 1st • 3d Mondays 7 pm,. Senior' 155 E Sate Rd CHURCH e 305 Church Street Citizens ~ , Phone 224-3349 Rev Neil Bollnger, Pastor Rev Ray McBratnie, Pastor Area 2d & 4th Tuesday - Noon - Senior Robert Bentley, Minister Phone 4B9-1705 Telephone 627-6533 or 489-3807' Citizens 10:00 am • Sunday School 9:30 am • Sunday School 9:30 am - Morning Worship \ WACOUSTA COMMUNITY UNITED this Sunday Every (Tuesday morning and 11:00 am - Morning Worship '11:00 am - Morning Worship 10:30 am - Church School r METHODIST CHURCH evening weight watchers 6:00 pm - Evening Worship 7:30 pm - Sunday evening 7:30 pm - Wednesday, Bible Study Rev Edward F. Otto, pastor 2d Wednesday. 1-.5 pm Family Prayer service as announced. Evangelistic and prayer meeting Phone 626-6623 Planning Clinic ' Wednesday, 7:30 pm - Youth service Morning Worship: 10:00 am 1st & 3rd Wed morning OEO SALEM UNITED METHODIST Thursday, 7:30 pm - Bible Study EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH Church School Classes 11:15 am We cordially invite you to attend any Nutrition Class I CHURCH Rev and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastor Jr and Sr Hi Y.F. 6:00 pn> Every other Wed evening 7:30 Cadet Parsonage and Office: US-27 and or all of these services 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Cherub and Youth Choir Wednes­ Girl Scouts County Line Road . Listen to our international broadcast' U;15 am - Morning Worship ( day, 3:00 pm Pastor - Charles VanLente HARVESTIME Sunday morning at 7:30 pm - Wednesday Prayer Chancel Choir, Thursday, 7:30 pm Every 4th Thursday Jaycettes B pm 10:30 am, WRBJ, 1580 on your dial. meeting THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS Every Thursday 8 pm AA Al Anon Phone 224-6166 ' WSCS Noon meetings every 3rd Every Friday 3:15 pm Brownies Sunday; 9:30 am Worship, 10:30 am- Wednesday Church School ST PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH WXYZ Noon meeting every 1st Wednesday: 7:00 pm Choir practice, MISSOURI SYNOD Wednesday MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE CHURCH OF CHRIST OF ST. JOHNS 7:30 pm Mid-week Service 4-1/2 miles west of St Johns on M-21 Bath Area Council on Ministries every 3rd 400 Estate Thursday: 7:30 pm WSCS Third 5-1/2 miles south on Francis road Monday at 7:30 Mike Hargrave, Minister Thursday 2 miles west on Church Road ' Administrative Board, 4th Monday r 9:30 am Sunday School Marvin L. Barz, Pastor BATH UNITED METHODIST of every 3rd month w&smm&mmmHmttsm ST. JOHNS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:30 am - Worship CHURCH 5:30 pm Youth Fellowship DeWitt Area 9:15 am - Sunday School and Bible Rev Clarence Keith 9:45 am Church School 6:30 pm Evening Service WAYSIDE CHAPEL Classes. ' Wed. 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting 11:00 am Worship- A BIBLE CHURCH Holy Communion first Sunday of (he 7:00 pm Bible Study Call 224-4293 for more Information 14337 Turner Road, DeWitt month at 8 am, third Sunday of Ihe Victor 1 entral Nat'l Bank Schmitt Electric St Johns Co-op Rev Douglas Beach, Pastor month at 10:30 am E ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Phone 4B9-9251 BATH BAPTIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHNS 1002 E. State Rev William G. Hankerd, Pastor 10 am Sunday School Rev Richard Cole, Pastor Township Rev. Raymond Goehring 11 am Worship Service St. Johns N. Clinton 10:00 am Sunday School ' GROVE BIBLE CHURCH St Johns-Ovid-Pewamo Associate Pastor ' 6 pm Young People 6:30 pm Youth Fellowship Phone 224-4277 Phone 224-2381 Rectory—109 Linden St.—Ph. 224-3313 7 pm Evening Service Ovid Area Rev Robert Prange, Pastor Member FDIC 7:30 pm Evening Service Price and Shepardsville Roads Convent — 110 S. Oakland—Ph. 224- 7:15 pm Wednesday-Bible Study and Midweek Service on Wednesday 7:30 3769 THE UNITED CHURCH OF OVID 10:00 am - Sunday School, Classes Prayer West Front St, Ovid pm for all ages School — 201 E. Cass—Ph. 224-2421 A friendly church with a message Rev Claude B Ridlev, Jr, Pastor Mass Schedule 11:00 am - Morning Worship for today Services are now being held at 10 am. 6:30 pm - Young People Saturday Evening—7 pm Bible Loving - Bible Believing - Sunday School at 11 am. —_ Sunday—7:30, 9, 10:30 and 12. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS 7:30 pm - Evening Service Bible Preaching _ Board Meeting - 2nd Tuesday CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 7:30 pm - Wednesday, prayer S & H Farm Phillips Allaby-Brewbaker, Holy Days—See bulletin. DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH' Women's FellowshIp-2nd Wednesday Weekdays—7:30 and 8:30 am and Comer Upton Rd & Stoll Rd meeting (Inter-denominational) Circle Meetings - 3rd Wednesday Elder Jerry Balrd ~ Ladies Missionary Circle meets 4th 7:15 pm Murl J Eastman, Pastor Children's Choir-Wednesday, 4 pm Sales & Service Implement Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays, Sunday School • 10 am Preaching Thursday Inc. "Jim McGovney, Junior Choir • Wednesday, 4 pm Service -11 am Couples Club meets 4th Saturday in 3:30 to 5 pm: after 7 pm Mass until 9 Sunday School Supt. Chancel Choir - Wednesday, 7 pm COMPANY pm. Weekday evenings—a few Choir Practice - Wed 6:30 pm . month New Holland Machinery ManlynKrol, Co-Supt Mid-Week Prayer Service - Wed 7:30 minutes before evening Mass. 3:45 am - Sunday School Our Specialty First Fridays—Sacrament of WESLEYAN HOLINESS CHURCH pm 313 N. Lansing St. 1108W N. Clinton St. 11 am • Church Everyone welcome Penance, Thursday from 4 to 5 pm and B pm - Youth Fellowship 127WWilHamSt,Ovid , 4 Mi. N. on US-27 to Phone 224-2777 St. Johns, Michigan after the evening Mass until all are- 7 pm - Sunday Evening Service Rev Richard D Purchase , Lansing French Rd. heard. Mass and Prayers of Adoration 7 pm - Wedesday Bible Study and 10 am Sunday School and Morning Phone 224-4661 at 7:15 pm. Holy Communion on Prayer Meeting Worship. Sunday Evenings 7:30 pm K1MBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST Friday at G and 7:15 am. Adoration of 7:30 pm Wednesday Prayer Fulton Area ' 1007 Kimberly Drive the Blessed Sacrament, 8:30 pm qn Meetings REDEEMER UNITED Lansing, Michigan Thursday through 7 pm on First John Halls Friday. METHODIST CHURCH FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 105 N Bridge St 1/2 mile east of Perrinton on M-57,1/2 11 am - Morning Worship Devotions—Our Molherof Perpetual OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 10 am • Bible Study Help Novena — after 7:15 pm Mass H. Forest Crum, Minister mile south 9:30 am - Worship, (nursery' Main atOak Street Rev Larry Rhoads, Pastor 6 pm - Evening Worship each Tuesday. Rev Earl C Copelin, Pastor Midweek service 7:30 pm Wednes­ Egan Ford Burton Abstract Federal-Mogul Religious Instruction Classes- provided), 10:30 - 11:00 am. Coffee 9:45 am • Sunday School Fellowship, 11 am Church School 11:00 am • Morning Worship day night Adult Inquiry Class, Tuesday at 8 pm. Mary Ptacek, Church CORPORATION High School CCD, Wednesday at 8 pm. 7:00 pm - Youth Service/ Sales, Inc. COMMUNITY OF ST JUDE, ' School Supt. 7:45 pm - Evening Service and title Company Public Grade School CCD, Tuesdays SHEPHARDSVILLE UNITED from 4 until 5 pm. Catholic Church .Mrs Pat Deisler, Organist 7:45 pm • Thursday, Prayer and 200 W. Higham St. Johns Plant Father Jerome Schmltt, Pastor praise service , METHODIST CHURCH 119 N. Clinton, St. Johns Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by 409 Wilson, DeWitt 9:45 am Church School. 11:00 am Dr Darold Boyd, Pastor Phone 224-2285 appointment. Other arrangements by Daily Mass: Mon and Thurs - 7:30 Morning Worship. 7 pm Evening 445 Division Street appointment. pm, Tues, Wed and Fri 7:00 am Fellowship East Lansing, 48821 9130 am Worship Service, 10:45 am Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 am Wednesday 10:30 am Bible Study; 7. Pewomo ST JOHNS LUTHERAN CHURCH pm Prayer and Bible Study; 8 pm Church School The Church of The Lutheran Hour ' Services at Middle School, DeWitt, Senior Choir Wednesday: 7:00 pm Choir practice. FOWLER U.S.-27atSturgis 8:00 pm Prayer service , EAST DeWITT BIBLE CHURCH Area IlK•^K*K•^»w^^:•:*:•v•"•"•".•••••••••.>."•.•.1RtfsssWiSSM'SfovAviwXTOSx*:*;*:-::•:** Robert D.Koeppen, Pastor OVID FREE METHODIST CHURCH , Administrative Board first Monday 9:00 am Sunday School and Bible (Non Denominational) in the month Round Lake Road 1/4 mile East of US- *"the church with "acts 20:20 vision" UNITED METHODIST CHURCH D&B Wes' Gulf Service Discussions UOONMaTnSLOvid Pewamo, Michigan General meeting- of WSCS third 10:15 am Divine Worship 127 , .Dr Lloyd Walker Thursday in January, April and Mathews Elevator 8:00am 3rd Sunday of Each Month- i Glen J. Farnham, Pastor Rev Richard Gleason 1636 Horizon Drive, Ionia September Party Shoppe Matins Service Sunday Church Phone 834-5950 Sunday: 10:30 am Morning Worship Afternoon Circle meets second Grain-Feed-Beans 10 am - Sunday School, Classes for Thursday at the homes of members Open Monday thru Saturday WE GIVE S&H STAMPS 10:15 am Holy Communion 1st and T Parsonage Phone 834-2473 7:00 pm United Methodist Youth : Phone 593-2111 3rd Sundays each month i. alj ages 10:00 am Sunday School Fellowship Berean Circle meets third Thursday Complete Party Supplies Free Pick-up & Delivery 7:30 pm 1st Tuesday of each month 11 am • Morning Worship 11:00 am Morning Worship WSCS meets third Thursday of the ' evening In each month at the homes of 224 N. Clinton S. US-27 - Ladies Guild and LWML 5:45 pm • Youth Fellowship, Senior, 6:00 pm Youth F.M.Y. month at 2 pm I members' 1 Phone 224-2212 8:00 pm 3rd Tuesday of each month 14 and up; Jet Cadets, 10-13 7:30 pm Evening WorshiD Phone 224-3535' • Book Discussion Club 7 pm - Evening Service 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study every ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 3:15 to 6:15 Weekly on Wednesdays Wednesday Tuesday Pewamo, Michigan Farmers Co-op - Weekly Day School September 7:30 pm - Bible Study and prayer. 7:30 pm Wednesday evening Prayer , RlRevMsgrThomasJ.BoIger,M.A„ Bridgeville ELEVATOR through May Supervised nursery for. babies and Service . Pastor small children in all services, Confirmation Instruction Wed after 6:00 pm Teen's Soft Ball every Daily Mass • 7:30 am " ( 3:15 pm • "An open door to an open book" •Friday Wayne Feeds and Grain 7:30 pm Wednesdays - Adult In­ .... A Bible preaching church with a Saturday 4i30 pm & 7i45 pm Area message fx you.... Phone 593-2420 formation Classes, beginning each HOLYFAMILY CATHOLIC' Sunday 81OO am & 10*00 am September and February • Call 224-1 BRIDGEVILLE GOSPEL MISSION Antes Cleaners ST THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH Holy Baptism - Sunday, 1 pm Capitol Savings 3544 or 224-7400 (or specific In-' Ovid, Michigan 4 m lies south of Pompeii Fathers Francis Murray, Joseph Sacred Confession - Saturday, 3:30 PflslorJSDirtgm*n formation Fr Joseph Aubln ! Pickup and Delivery Droste and Lawrence Delaney "tend 7:30 pm Sunday 3pm Bible School i XND LOAN ASSN. ' 9SSeSSSS3SS8eSSS8S88SS8S8388S8Sesa Church Office Hours - 9:00 • 12:00' Rectory: 102 W Randolph, Lansing 10:30 am - Mass on Sunday 108 W. Walker am, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Family Holy Hour for Peace - 3:45 pm Worship Swvic* - Phone 4894051 " 7:00 pm Evening Mass on Wednes­ Saturday, 7!15pm ' Phone 224-4529 222 N. Clinton , and Friday day ' Thursday 7:30 pm Cetftft WESTPHALIA Mass Schedule • Saturday: 7 pm. Prayer Meetit* f Phone 224-2304 Sunday: 8, B, 10,12: DeWitt, Bam Confessions 10 to 10:30 on Sunday (Announced frota pufctltL, THE WAYSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Holiday: 7, 8,10 km; 5:30, 7:30 pm morning . Rev. Richard Abney, Pastor Weekday Masses: 8 am, 7:30 pm Gunnisonvllle About 12 miles north Confessions-Salurday:'3:30to5and Maynard-Allen The Corner of N US-27 and Roosevelt ,7:30 to 9; Eves of Holidays. 8 lo9 Area Rds. . ~ , ' Baptism: Sunday at 1 pm Please call Parr's Rexall Jim McKenzie STATE BANK i Sunday School - IOIOO a.m. \ in advance. This Morning Worship - lliqo a.m. > SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH GUNNISQNVILLE **• Sunday evening - 6tOQ pm Willard Farrier, Pastor UNITED METHODIST CHURCH' Store Agency Portland-Sunffeld-Westphalia Wednesday evening service Located 1/2 mile east of Francis Road Clark and Wood Roads FOlt «INT Rev Dan Miles, Minister Member FDIC 7)00 pm t on Chadwick Road The Corner Drug Store 212 N. Clinton, St. Johns Capital Arai 9:30 am Church Service Phone 224i2361 Phonej587-3111 10 am - Sunday School 10:45'am Sunday School , Phone 224-2837 j 214 W. Washington! Ionia A church where everyone Is 11 am * Worship Service United Way, Inc. welcome • rf