HOAa AND SONS ** BOQK BI-MDSRS y 49,404 Clinton County News 117th Year Vol. 49 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 30 PflSes April 11,1973. 15 Cents F A Two die in finder weekend Are y o t| concerned about getting the straight facts,on a accidents question which arises but don't know where to find the answer? CLINTON COUNTY -- Two separate^ automobile accidents in Clinton County claimed the life of Ms Tura Lee Conner, We'll find the facts for ques­ over the weekend claimed the lives of a "20,120 S8th St, Lansing. Ms Conner was tions submitted by our readers. Fowler man and a Lansing woman. a passenger, iff a vehicle driven by Just drop us a line at FACT Elizabeth D Pearl, 35, of the same Jimmie Ray Stacy, 34, 11040 W address. i ' FINDER, Cllriton County News Second St, Fowler, was killed Friday in St Johns 48879. ' an accident on M-21, 3 miles west of Deputies report that the Pearl vehicle Fowler. turned off US-27 at Cutler Rd and was hit by a car driven by Wilfred Sheriff's deputies report Stacy was Gehringer of Howell. traveling on M-21 at approximately 11-: 40 pm when ^ a car driven by a Ms Pearl and 2 of Gehringer's 3 FACT FINDER READERS: Westphalia resident turned into a passengers were taken to St Lawrence During the past few. weeks, FACT driveway. The Stacy vehicle struck the Hospital in Lansing. The accident, FINDER has received numerous turning car. The driver and passenger occurred at approximately 8:50 pm. complaints about the condition of roads in the 2nd vehicle were unhurt. Both accidents are still under- in­ in Clinton County. Another mishap Sunday at the in­ vestigation by the Clinton County Responding to the complaints, R.J.' tersection of US-27 and Cutler Rd Sheriff Dept. 'Hebner, superintendent of the County Road Commission, told FACT FIN­ DER, as many roads as .possible are GOP ready for Lincoln Tribute being graded and graveled. He said, however, when some of the roads are full of mud and water, it is a ST JOHNS -- Plans for the Clinton man James M. Palmiter. waste of time and money to put in County Republican' Lincoln Tribute Tickets to the reception and dinner gravel. Those roads, he indicated, will have been completed for Friday night areavailablefromlocalRepublicans or have to dry out before major gravel at the St Johns High School. may be purchased at the door. work can be done. Main speaker for the evening will be Hebner told FACT FINDER that road Congressman Gerald Ford, minority crews worked overtime this past leader of the US House of Represen­ weekend to take advantage of drying tatives, and one of Clinton County's four conditions, but the snowfall Monday Congressmen. and Tuesday will probably cause more Other guests will be Congressmen problems. Charles Chamberlain, Garry Brown, and Elf ord A. Cederberg. State Senatorl William Ballenger, and Represen­ Speak tatives Dale Warner, Douglas Trezise, and Stanley Powell will also be in at- tendancei Mrs Paul Nobis and Mrs Robert Zeeb, Out co-chairmen_of the event report that a } . LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: turkey dinner will be served at 7 pm Recently %SPEAK OUT questioned following a patrons reception at the whether county residents planned to Winter finale? Community Room of Central National participate if there was a "meat K Bank. •. .„, k boycott." This,week SPEAK dUT Is Winter stopped by Clinlon County for 1 last visit Monday and Tuesday, blanketing the area with wet, sticky white snow. The Conrad Seims, the EdwarcLId- Ft*- interested fn ,knowning if* you -par-? < . .-As for>"l last visit," that is wishful thinking on the part of manyjciinton. County residents^hprhave had their flU>of«now. -skowskiSj-andUhe Vjrgil Zeebs wjll^be ticip'ated in last week's "Meat Think Spring. hosts and hostesses for the VIP «•" , -±Z Boycott." reception for Congressman Ford and other guests.' r YES:*50% "The more who don't buy meat, the Cancer Society goat Distinguished Service Awards will be better the chances for lower prices" presented to two ^outstanding ... "I didn'tbuy meat, but I don't think Republicans for their service to the county by County Republican/Chair­ the boycott is' going to do any good" GERALD FORD ... "The boycott had nothing to do with it - I didn't buy meat because I can't set at $26,600 afford it." CLINTON COUNTY ~ A county goal President of the American Cancer MD, Mich Division President, who Governor appoints of $26,600 has been announced by Society; Robert E. Stone, PhD, spoke on Cancer Society programs in NO: 50% Geraldine Crowell, American Cancer University of Mich Medical School, "I bought more meat. Do the people Michigan. Society Crusade chairman for Clinton with Lryngectomy Patient John Miller; s who boycotted the meat price intend to County, for their fund drive taking* Roscoe V Stuber, MD, Division Service boycott Consumers' increase too buy It is~estimated that 14,400 will die of Fowler man to Stqte place this month. Mrs Crowell reported chairman, who discussed the latest not using heat or electricity for a* that over $24,000 was raised last year. cancer in the state during 1973. En- week?" ... "The boycott isn't going to cancer research, Jack Hendrickson of courgement, however, comes from the lower prices because it doesn't affect Funds collected will be used for Marcom Inc, who presented the 1973 fact that there are now, 1,500,000 Pharmacy Board / the middle man enough"' ,. ."Meat educational programs, service to Media Material; and Charles O, Long, Americans cured of cancer. prices aren't the only high food prices cancer patients and research. and can't stop eating entirely." Mrs Crowell -was among nearly 400 FOWLER -- The Michigan Board of volunteers from all over the state who I Dean Bredwell earns Pharmacy has announced the ap­ attended the.Kick-Off in Lansing i ^ pointment of John W. Spicer of Fowler THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: recently. to serve.as a member of the board. Would you be willing to approve The appointment, effective to 1975, millage to improve roads in Clinton national teaching award was made by Governor William G.. County? ' i Featured on the program with Minnie Milliken. YES NO Pearl, star of the "Grand Ole Opry" Spicer resides at 340 Elm, Fowler. He To express your opinion, mail a card and Win Schuler, 1973 State Crusade FOWLER -- Dean Bredwell, science convention of the National Science to SPEAK OUT, Clinton County News, teacher at Fowler Junior High School Teachers Association in Detroit last and his wife, Ellen, have a daughter, chairman, were Ted Louckes, Division Nancy, at home and son, George, also a 120 E. Walker, St Johns or call the Crusade Committee chairman; H. was elected "Best Earth Science weekend. Bredwell teaches earth County News Office, 224-2361. '/ Teacher of the Year" at the national science using the area around Fowler registered pharmacist. ' Marvin Pollard, MD, National Past as his classroom, taking the students on ' Spicer is president of the Oakland field trips-which involve them in theK interpretation of what >they ysee, and* Pharmacy in Kalamazoo; is a member providing activities which give them a of the APHA, MSPA, ASHP and is a director on the Ferris State Alumni &% Third revenue sharing better understanding of where they live. Board. He is also a member of the. Since field trips have become cur­ Pharmacy Advisory Committee of tailed, he wrote guides for school bus Ferris State College of Pharmacy. routes, so that understanding of the funding due next week outdoors could still be a part of his Herman Fishman, exeuctive earth science instruction. secretary of the Board of Pharmacy, 30) are being issued and stiouia De He is< active in the Michigan Earth said, "Mr Spicer brings excellent ^Congressman Elford A. Cederberg revenue sharing checks for the 3d 1 credentials to the board. A- (R-lOth Dist) has announced that distribution period (Jan 1 through June received by all" governmental units Science Teachers Association and the during the next week. x Michigan Basin Geological Society. He distinguished record in public service Checks received will represent 1/2 of is involved, in the preparation of a field as mayor and councilman in his home trip guidebook of the Grand Ledge area vtown apd residence, Fowler, and an the payment due for this period, * active participant in drug, abuse A total of $140,617 will be distributed which will result from a new study being made of the geoldgy. programs and treatment are examples Sunday is Baby bay for in the county, with the Couniy of Clinton of his professional and public to receive $59,651. He is a'graduate of Michigan State University, where he is working toward ^JOHN SPICER responsibility. The Board is t indeed St Johns is to receive $21,430 With the his Masters degree. He lives in Pot- fortunate to add to its roster the talents "City of^DeWitt due $4,268. and vitality ot Mr Spicer." Clinton County families /-. terville with his wife and 2 children. Following is the breakdown for villages: Eagle, $257; Elsie, $1854; ,- *st r Fowler, $2047; Maple Rapids, $291; Ovid, $5791 and Westphalia, $3132._ ST JOHNS - The public is uwited to ithe Phinney Farm, 2-1/2 miles east of DeWitt Twp enters Farm Baby Day April 15 from 2-4 pm at US-27 oh Price RdP - Townships and the amount they are Larry Phinney, William Ashley and William Ashley will display lambs at / to receive are: Bath, $4596; Bengal, Elmer Smith farms.
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