Congressional Record-Senate. 163
1887. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 163 0Fll'ICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COlii!IO:YWEALTII By Mr. BUNNELL: Of citizens of Litchfield, Bradford County, Penn 1 HarrisbU1·g, December 20, A.. D. 1831. sylvania. Pe~·nsylva nia, ss: _ By Mr. DINGLEY: Of D. A. Lawrence and others, and of 1r1icliuel I do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is o. full, true, anci correct Hickey and others, of Maine. copy of the original concurrent resolution of the General Assembly, approved By Mr. ENLOE: OfW. P. Holton and 32 others, of Jester, Chester the 22d day of April, A. D. 1887, as the same remains on file in this; office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the County, Tennessee. se.::retary's office to be affi.xed the day and year above written. By 1\Ir. ERMENTROUT: Of citizensofBerksCounty, Pennsylvania. (sEAL.] CHARLES W. STONE, By Mr. GLASS: Of citizeng of Abernathy, of McBride, and of Dur Secretary ojthe Commonw~alth. hamville, Tenn. By Mr. GOFF: Of Michael Shepard and others, of Wileyville; of J. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented resolutions adopted by the R. 'Vindom ·and others, of Short Creek; of P. A. Poundstail and others, American Bar Association, favoring the celebration of the Con titutiona.l of Troy; of Elliot Stump and others, of Stumptown; of G. M. Warner Centennial; which were referred to the Select Committee on the Cen and others, of Aberdeen; of Henry Estep and others, of St. Joseph; of tennial of the Constitution and the Discovery of America.
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