Dr. Holmah S. Humphrey. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ •

all I have. My linnds have been 'swollen fop weeks to twice their usual alzo, cracked open and Ifclilng Bobadly that I would miKAL SKETCH almost tear them to pieces acratchlng. All the doctora treated mo for eryslnolaB; not one of them ever knew what ailed me. I wont to Dr. llolman'S. Humphrey at the hotel In Owosso, and TOL. XXXV.-NO. 34. he Instantly told me I had Eczoma.aud lie has cured mo com­ MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1893. pletely lu ono month's tlnio, although I am taking medicine for WHOLE NO. ]«07. LIFE .AND'CAREER my blood, us the doctor claims that uuleas the ayatom be cleans­ Late of LONDON, now. of CHICAGO, with a Branch Office nnd Laboratory at HILLSDALE, MICH, 'Wf^' ed the skin will agaiu become Borc,, .Fringed chenille table spreads, 85o, ^Tfte front of the State and Savings TIMI'l'B AHD VISITUBM- 01 TIIE- ; . DAVIE WHITEHEAIJ, Corunnn, Mich. ftt xiall's. Bank building is being painted. Has Visited Southern for the past Year, and during these visits has examined and prescribed for Did you see vvhnt n lot of people' hundreds, and effected some of the most Wonderful Cures ever made In the State. P.vuAi.YSis^unED.—-Two yoiirs ago, after child-blctli, I was School begins one week from next The walk around Mrs. M. Phelps' Geo. Story waa In tbe city over Sunday. Grecitest Living Ezponent of Na- taken with severe pain in tlic back accoinpnniod with extreme 20 Per Gent Discount Sale! Monday. Prof. B. H. Gulley waa In lown Tuesday.' went to Grand Ledge Wedncadayi^j Askyour frionda nnd nolBhbora about Dr. ITolninn S. Humphrey. There la aearooly a nolehborhooU the ?oun'y «int hna not had the ^o^rtyis being reconstructed by W. bonoUt of the dootor'a wonderful aklll, ond rarely a family whloh has not had one or more of Its moiiilieraanafohcd from death and nervous chills, during which time I would sluiko like one In J. B. Coy Is building a new walk Burt Green la attending the World's fair. ond these hard times too? Wcllf ture's Secrets. to health after all hope had boon Blvon up and lho family physlolan had pronounced the caao Incurable. If nfflletod do.not fall to oonauit.thlath e severest spaama. This condltitn Avas rapidly followed bv -ON ALL- westofhis home. moat eminent phvalolan and surKeou, All examinations, cbiuialtutlons and Bdvine fraa. nnralyals of tho lower Hinba, BO that I loat the use of iijyBQlf Judge Person has affirmed the title Mra. May Squler la vlaltlng fl^lenda In town. !yo u see most of them have bien i: A Worthy Example of What May be Acsomphshed by from tho walat down and bad to be lifted up and supported nko Judge Person will hold a day of of the Hastett Park associatton to Ward HIU of Lanaing waa In Mason Bun-i At Hudson House lanslng, AUGUST 30j a4 Donnelly House, Mason. Thursda", AUGUST 31. their park at Pine Lake. buying their Hosiery and Fnncy . PerslstoiU "Effort and Tireless Energy. a childj 80 tbat for two years I havo not walked alone. I be- court at Lansing September 4. Mra. s. cafiieVcry dropsical and suiTered untold agony with my stom­ -Eaton Bapids Maccabees have The W. C. T. U. will bold a mothers FrIUoy. H. Culver wna in Jaekaon laat | ^°°^*» Well as Tinware aiidi^^ Kxamluntlon Free to All. Chronic UlHcnaea, ach, liver aud bowels, I was taken to Dr. Humphrey nt tho uieinbcrHhip of more than 100. meeting at the home of Mrs. W. D. Crockery at Ford's Bazaar and iii | hotel in Charlotte in a mo,8^ pitiable condition nu4 so bliie. gnd Lougyear, Friday, August 25, nt 3 p, E&w.^''''''''' 8»» Stroud are at Although the doutor la tn many caaea The dootor triiuts no uunie diseaaea, bnt do- ' Johii S. was III tho 2:15 pace nt Lsn- that way h.ave saved money enough' I oompellcd to use expensive instruments votes hia whole li'no to tho treatment of dlflcouragbd I thoiiglit uo'iiiBlitiu could help me, buf the doctor DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY, chronio nnd :ong standing nnd aurgical dia­ Bald ho could cuuE .ME, and I began hla trwitracnt and followed slug but was drawn in the fourth heat. clvThla we^*"" °' '^*"«'"« ''oen in the and oheniioals in nnikln? annlyaos, mtoro- eaaea; oaaes glv..r. up l>y oi ber dootora and pro­ Teachers' Institute at Mason next to take the whole family out, loraH aoopio and other-aolcntlllo examlnationa nounced Incurablt.-, bo most deslrca to ace. Dr. it faithfully month after month and now I sm able to'got up AND PARLOR SUITS •-.'Miss Olive Faiisoii will tench the Iiumphrey hns Inid nonrly B.OOO euros In the and go where I please, up and down stairs aud nnywliero I de- full term ot school In the Covert dis­ week. Every teacher in IhKbaiii w"k in'lS.Tiali?^.''""'' "P""' " I holiday. - O yes, it pays to rend the:! i r. The sublect of tliis sketch, first opened his eyes to the light of yet he makes no obiiri;ca to anyone, bellov state of Hlchlgnn.whtlo his patients all told In county should be on hand Monday ;: day in tho atato ot Indinna, U. 8. A., lu the yoar 1843. llis poo- siro, and conaidcr myself as having got a new lease of life, and trict, Aurellus. ads. and know wherd»tosave inoneyi!;: Ing It to bo a pnrt of the physlolan'a duty Uinneaota, Wlsonnsin, Illinois, Alabama, Ton- FoiJ< A-xra-rrsi? oitly morning. !: pie wore English, his grandfather migrittuGf to America in to aaocrtain the patient's true oondltlon noesco. Goorgln. Ohio and Indiana, have hcon I.urge the iifllicted to see Dr. Holman S. Humphrey and be frLX-thW^k?'* Vlaltlng Maaon . i 1702, B'jttllntc in Alberiuarle county,- Va., wliere Uohiuin !s. fully live times thntnumbor; nonrly two-thirds cured. Mns, F.VNKIE M. CHALLENDEB, •. Curl Weindermler was drowned in The examination of Dr. Winters of Ford & Ki'rby don't s.ny much- without o.\penso to tho aufferor. AVhen of tlioje siifl'orers were given up ns hopolcas ,7,'.** G'-nnd river, at Lansing Inst • / Humphrev, tlio doctor's liitlior, was born A. 1). 1781. At a later over nnd wherever Dr. Huinplirey docidca Invullds, aonio to be blind, eoino dcnf, nnd Charlotte, Mich. Dansville wns begun last Monday and towniS'j'lj'ttay'. ""^^'^ I'"' "'^y keep up considerable thlnk- 'i ' date he removed witli liis pnrents to Carrolton, Ky.. wliere he olhors a prey to aorofiila, ohronio kidney dls- 'I'hursday night. is to be concluded to-day. They took to locate a inontlily visit crowds flockt o caao, eoiiaiimiitlDn, destrnetlvo female troublea. ,^i?;?ki',5.'.''''''''', "^Lansing vlaited her r"^ antl h.ive just ordered pretty ; i met und nflurwarflB married Mary E. Heron, of Lo.xiiigton, Kv., aoo blin, nnd no wonder, for by the flratox ' Amongoibora, hundre3. J. F. Greve is commencing opera­ any poaltlvoly whether ^O'- of hla profession, and is rich In practical experionoo in hospital, dls-factor tho moat aclenWflo and apoolflo modloation known either In pounda in weigh*, eat and sleep well, and look forward to a long soen In 15 yenra. »«uuv Ihese are no second grade fish •old horse grazing In the fence corner n luilf dozen rods away. and uaeful lifewiith my family and frienda. John Murphy, jeceiitly from Ire­ the Presbyterian church will hold a On another oc.-«8lon, nearly similar, he .vas found curled up in penaary and private prnotloo, nnd many of the truly wonderful this or any other oountry, but alao to tho fact of the direct Influenoo land, wns drowned in the inill pond things ne has aeen and done, If told, woiildread morelike flotlon thano f hts powerful will upon the peculiar mental dopreaaton alwaya Mas. IlENnv BAIICOCK. meeting at their church next Sunday ^^'{'AT^^c^l^^^ J"'»fbright fellows and this -• the fence corner carefully studyin); the habits of a family of aobor truth. In tbo great Imspltnls of Europe hla opportunities havefoun d In such onsea, by whloh ho la enabled to Infiiee a part of hla at Pinckney last Thursday. He was evening, with the following program: and Maaon lost week. ""uuuaga pncg ,g ^^^^ f^^. ^^^^ ^veek •minute iusecta with a Biiiull niHgiiii'yiog glass. Ills father, now tiocn second to no living mnn'a: not only ao, but ho hna tlioroughlyow n energy Into their hooelosa lives. Woro not all auoii ooaea bettV MILLS DRY GOODS CO 21 years of age. traveled, and hla views of life, disease, etc., nro ao broad nnd cosmoi­n tho most aacrod eonfldenco tho doctor could print lettera f rom< To WHOM IT MAY COSCEUN:— t age. Opening exerelaes - Mra. G. W. Brlatol .rri?et"nW^S[S[M»^^^^^^^^^^ We have just received another lot iln a ragen f di3ii].ipolntment nt what ho considered "downriglit politan thnt like n Oonld or n 'Vnnderbllt In mllrond bualnoas, ho y, which made mo rformauism - - . Mlaa Nina Brlntol iluzlness," docldiHl tn send him way to college. Tliis was krcpa wnteh of and overlooks tbo entire medical world oonumntly. llioiisnnds of gmtoful patlonta who have been ourol, nrrt are tp^lay Five years ago V waa atrlckeu with apoplexy, ^ Beans haye suffered aeverely in this Duett . Georgia True and Susie Mllla Baplda and Chicago. napenim Grand of mammoth fresh Water Melons glorinufl iie-.vs tn thi> young-student. Now his dreams and ns- Tbo motliods of McKenzIo, Vlrohow, Pnsteur, Kooh. Urown-Scquaril, perfect men, iTliyaloally and mentally. Discnae or debility of the re^ well nigh helplosR,. and which pasalug ofl left my right side county on account of the dry weather. Seen from » JInrlkiabu Mra.o. C. Caaterlln .M. llergcon, Fothergtll, Iloriinrd, oto., arena famMlarto Iiltji ns to nroduetlvo organa ofutlther aex nipUlly destroys tbeenergica pf both' paralyzed to auch au extent that I could not lift my arm or do MASON, MICH. Story read by . Jlra. J. A. Huntinguin a/»n^gaVM k"ocked out of thJ •piratious were nt hist to bo realized. , AVith slight prepiiratiou tlHrniBOlvea, nnd while ever ready to grasp and retain a fact, ho holdbfxis y nnd mind, robs the atop of Ita elasticity, dims tho "bright eye;, Corn also shows the discourairinir U. la a daughter of Mr. Drew, ™' price barrel. (for fanners' boys in tliose dtiys needed less than now)} lie was last to old I'rlenda tennclously. nnd inalcea now onos oantlously, ux- pnlea tho chook, develops cowardice, and often destroys tbebrlgbtoBf more than liobblo around with n cane. During thia time I had effects of drouth. * Owen Elmer, who lives on thecouu- perlcnoe having long since proven that one old truth well applied Is intollcct. The roprodnotlve function Is the malnaprlng of aiilmall Bpells of aevere vomiting, with oompleto loss of nppolite. I .»5{K;,"-^;»^'f] "H? i"^"' Thorburn an- Saturday we arc goins to kick in ' bundled ort to a. ncigliboring town to live with a widowed hnlf- lifo—preserve It at all hazards. ty line between this und Jackson tertatn frienda Friday evening lu honor t-u^ u„ . i i ivii.»v in fiiator "to work fiu- hia board und.go to school." ; Here he re­ worth a dozen oonjeoturea however plausible. partially recovered from this attack, but while driving chickens A special public exttininatlon of counties, near Arland, had a narrow of Mr. and Mra.H.p. Henderaon. "eads to our cracker barrels and mained for three .years, ahv.ays a clo.so lUid attentive student, from my garden was takon witlt auotlicr seizure which made teachers will bo held ut Muaon Satur- escape lost week. He was driving Mrs. Fanny Butler, haa moved from Lan. "^ll Crackers at a cash nrice •\vinnlng tho respect of both teachers aud pupils. He soon I,ateat nineovorles itHd Iinprovonionta, me BO helpleaa that I havo boon only able to got about with the Highwayinen in Lansing. ,«*''..,''»; -' eoinmeiicing.at 9 o'clock across the railroad track with his alng to Ann Arbor where her daughter Irmn P'»CC!. =r'?Sn^T.o'S^7 a';rorS,1n*°an« greatest dilllculty. I oinployed tlie beat daetars I couldl find. Michigan (TENTRai W. W. WEEKS, CommisBiouer. Cw2 win begin work at Ihe Unlveralty. earned the nppellatlon of "Dnotor" from hia lioiiig ever ready Dr. Humphrey is tho only pliyslolnn who „ and nil , - _ Lansing now claims 19,902 in nopu binder when part of it caught in the to cnro for any phiyfellow injured upon the iilny-griiiuul. bus had tbo special ndvantnge of Eu.-oponii J^ik down the MtualH^^^ •""tis. vnrloocele and nil private diseaaea, Six diflerent »uo» worked over mo with llttlo or uo bomWt till Fronk Mehnn, Fred Owen and Herbert yaDteootrEice^casli Grocers. iHispltal studios In mlorosociiy of tho blood fe^n''sZm5S90s"wb?nl^.lXs'lm^ whethe'"'other from imprudent hathabltl a of youth or last spring I'callod on Dr. Holmau S. llumphroy at tlie hotel " The Niagara Falls Route." liitlon. Last week Hiram Rix Jr., of Leroy plaiik cross-way and he had some dif- Taylor aUrted last Tuesday morning for a IDuriuK tho first yc-.ir in school nu iiicldeut occurred which niiri tiasuca. who carrion with lilin n f nil lino ofiimituataMT I may stop timde.slriiotlvooiier-acxunl excesses in mature years, or anar onuso was ealled to Jackson on account of ilculty iu extricating it. He got It two weeks'vlait at tbe World'a fair. inslrniiients nud appiiratus for making strict­'atlon, stay tho inroiids nf tlio dl»o»se, and tbat dobliilnles the aexual functions, apecdlly tn Ionia nnd commonced trwitinont with lilm. Four weeks 80UTHWAUD. _ Vern Cnrr of Jactson shot himself loose and started oil" the track just in Prod Day and family spent Sunday In brought hi 111 prominently before tlie notice of tlie prol'eassors. ly sclentiftoexnmlimtlons i.rilio various toxD- give tho patient n eomlortablo nnd usolul and imrmanonlly cnrcd. Consultntlon free afterward I walked from my liouao to IOOTJ, a iiiflo and a half, dead hist Friday. Aged 19. Ihe serious illness of his son. The Mason. Mra. Seeley, mother of Mrs. Uoy, re­ A lljtlo fellow had, while eiitinu; jnrolied corn, lodgocl a whole uresandRcarollonsol' tbolioily. ns the urlncj. Sfo. Otlior cases, If negloctetl. nf tor pnsslnif and striotiy confldontlal. Absohito ouree guar p. in. p. in. time to let a pnaslng freight train I'tae Clark House, antoed. Ifo riak inourrod. and buck, which I liad not done for two years, during which a. III. young man is now much Improved. mlsa it by 24 liioliea. turned with them foraevera l weeks' visit. kernel in the ii])per jmrt of the'u r passngos, which in a few blood, discharges of aiir Itiiut, catarrhal se­ n certain stngo. die In spite ot nil that skill Umo I coulfi not oven hobble to the road that runs liy my house. .Mason 1;S7 «10;M Now and second hand schools book , C. H. James completed water workB Geo. H. Mclnt5;ra ol White Oak was in seconds proatriitcd him with paro.xysms of coiighiiVg nnd cretions, etc., etc., which o.VKinlnntlon8 nre now cnn do. Honco it is not only dnngorous to de­Kpllopsy or Flta aclenttflonlly treated and 10:10 2:1.5 11:40 cheap, at Browne's book store. *if considered Indispensable to a eorrcotdlngnoal* lay, but ofttiiiie9 crimlnnl. lor moat nit of uspoaitivel y eurod by a never-falling method. I hnve regnlaed the use of myself nil ovor^ go where I ploaso, .rackHon for A. Denamore of Dansville last The fourth quarterly meeting will town yesterday. Ho boa been aSkent from Btrangllng, nnd while tenohers and puiiils alilcc were paralyzed In nil forms ol' obscure nnd clironio diseases. live tor those wo love, far more than for sll alone, nnd walk all I bavo a mind to. 1 cat well, aloop well, p. m. a.m. bome lor some time aolll ng lubricating oils. with fear our young "Doctor," taking his hnudkerchief betweeu AB very few doctors outfllile tlio Inrgo cities ato-oursoh-os, nnd it ia a crime against those to Forsnns ttnaklllfullytrnntfH l by ignorant Cliloago I:.S0 !i|0O airs. H. M. Willlanis entertained week. Hia Aermotor mill aeiids the be held In the M. E. church next Sun­ B. O. Blahop and fanilly of Leslie, accom- Annual Sclioul Moellnir. thus prepnrea with costly outllt ot inlcrosooiJl& neglect ourselves untU prenmturo death pretendore who keep trifling with thom mohth and am a live old man agiun, where ns before I was worse than Uetrolt (1:U0 lliM l):57:10 pleasant party lust Monday evening. water through about 500 feet of pipe. day. Love feast will be held at 9:30 a. his lingers, caught the boy's tonicue, drew it out of his moutli, after montIV, giving polsououa and Injurloua dead. Uofore taking Dr. Holman 3. Humpiiroy's treatment my a. m. n. m. p.m. and with a spoon liandle fished about until ho dislodged the nnd other essential instruments for making illdofao s thn scono. '^Borii, to Mr, and Mrs. Adelbert in. The sacrament of baptism will be strlotly flrst-classdluK-noal s in innny cases, the UlMsiaoa of TVonicn, oompounds, should call and see tho dootor. bowels did not aiovo for a week or more at a time. Now I aut «r..ThotniiK 10:211 1:6.5 lii:2.i '\Baronmore, once the property ofL. administered ut 10:30, after which obstruction, and tho hoy waa quickly relieved. His teachers nniloled would do well to call upon tlio dootor anfh ns hnve bnniod tho sk'.ll ot nil other tVonderfol Cnroa by my Improved mothod regiilar as a clock, and 1 take pleasure iu urging tho aillietGd N'lngaru i^uUn... 1:.13 5:3fl 1:.W' Bowen, Sunday morning, August 20, C. VVebb, continued his wonderful often allowed liiiii to darken the school room at recess to study nnd got his opinion nnd learn wlioilier tlio pliyslolnns nnd their rouicdlcs, Ur. Iliimpli- members will be received; followed by law- doors of hope aro yot opeu or forever oloaod of treatment aecompllshcd in nervous debility, 80 see Dr. Hamplirey and be titircd. NORTHWARD. a daughter. ' speed at Lansing lust week and was the Holy Communion. At 7:30 p. m. RI,II,II High the action of light upon'tho eyes of tho students, and it was ley(julokly cures. Onncors, tumors,Hbrold premature deollneof-manly.'nowcrs.and kindred second in three stiaiglit lienta, beat went to vlait ber brother, Levi Abbott I animni «™ J?if.'.'?9."0|«« "t tno iiiniinst thom. nnd polypoid growths oiiieUi wltliout the aOlootions. whloh havo boon neglected or un- E. C. PuiM.tv.s, louin, Miclu. Farmers! 'Jolm Liisenby Inm the Rev. G, S. Hickey will preach. The near Danavllle. ' iero thnt ho firstlearne d the pupil of the eye was so unnied There comes a turning point In tho course uio-of the knil'e or onuatloe. No cutting, sklHfully treated. No oxporlmouta o^ailureo. u. III. n. III. u. m. tline2:17i. from the small iumgo of the observer appearing in the eye, ot every dlficn.-io; llils is oapceinlly true ot nil no.ptiln, no danger. Patlonta treated by maU and modlWnea sent .Mason.. •>5:25 IO:.W 5:30 best bean puller iu tho market. Be quarterly conference will be held ^Prof. W. W. Gilford nnd fomily vlaited Dated this 22ud dojr of August, IHIW. progressive diseases, nil or nny ot which are by expresa. Feraonal consultation preferable, To Wno.ni^'r MAV OIJ.VOKIW— 5:17 S:5S sure and see it. *4tf Monday at 7:30 p. m. Preparatory Maaon last Prlday. Mr. G. baa been retained J. T. OAMruBLi,. Diroolor. aoen as a very small individual, looking like a little pupil sitting MniilicM>(l Perfectly Reatnrcil. ANOTIIKU J^AOK HAI-IT BECAUSE CUUED Lansing p. m, Large line chenille curtains, all col­ for bis third year In Bochester, Oakland to school. onriiblo up to a oorlnln time; that Is, until wo guaranteo-auTable esses. .—yor yeara I have (IM Ar. 12:00 7:11 ors, $3.7,5 a pair, at Hall's. * services Saturday ut 3 p, m. county schools, at im luoreosed salary. rnriueralook Hero I such tissue obango In somo important orgnn (Julck, palnlos8.and cortnin cure for impo- suffered with vcrv serious rHaease of the kidneys, bladtler and Owosao Eighteen new inenibers were le- /^AlvoQ.Lyon.J. W.Clark, Cbna. H. Hnll »After a three years' term his father deckled that he had e.\- D't 2:'£) Freo Urinalysis (Exninliinllon of Uiine).-All persons sulTcfllng with ohsonre dl.seasos, or Buspcotod kidney nffeotion^ould ^o\ve\l to pcoatate gland. I had became so bad that I was obliged to 8:t.i -liJtS 9:25 cdved into the M. E. church at Eaton About 100 members of the M. A. C Officer A. Hnntoon will leave to­jfrB. L. Roaecrance, L. F. Clark, Evert Clark jyended enough money on one boy's edueiitloii. So young Hol­ bring from two to four ounces of tho flrst urine passed in the "torn ng for c.vnminjiUon. While Dr. Hump^^^^^^^ draw my \\-liter with a catheter alwaya, and ao jirrilnble was the' EiiyClty p. III. 6:bb a. m. Itaplds August 13. cadets left Lansing August 18 to visit morrow to attend the funeral of hia .9'"'.5!«y. "foro among those who as lu aoreH or wheat, aud with IHMA IV^PII'I > man returned to tho farm and tried hard by severe labor and l^ladwlii 7:60 started for tbo World's fair last 'fuesday. Clilciigo, 111., owing tl) lho large nnnibor of pntlontstn Southern Mioblgan nnd NBrlheiistern Indiana and Ohio, ho has located a branou Madder thnt I was forced to draw the water ewry hour, day or- Mrs. E. Culver gave a "yellow" tea the World's fair, where they will brother, Truman Huntoou, a farmer, self-denial to save aufllcient means to conthiue hia collegiate ollleo Snh dispoiisnrj- at irillartalo. Mlohlgan, wlioro nil letters from this seetlon ean bo nddrosaed. Cor. North and Broad Sta. night. Thla conatiuit irritation .brought on am abccss of the- B Pdo^s. from the dootor'a home, tho little girl with an elder brother ac- cullios without asking :i (luocilioii. This i.s truly a wniid'Triil I wa& totally blind for Iweiity-fMr years with senile cataract. in my grave aoon. Now, however, after alx moiillia of "Dr. :'^;Married, August 21, by Justice rapidly, but about ten days ago he The reaaon wo will not maite Uie Inneer coiupnuyiug them. About ton o'clock while the doctor was power, possessed liy ijut I'e'w, iiml is wiiliout doiilit m.u-i' tiior Dr. Holiiiau b. IPiunpliroy roiiiovod tho cataract aud gave uio Humphrey's treatment I am so well that I consider further at- Bert N. Chapman, a Leslie man, who wna taken sick, with all the symptoms the laundry and ready to wait upon that they «-rare longr oTougirnViVnn/...™" , IBJ°'l».? ofThr o Inquires, Cyrus A. Patten of William "«f,'"'jen it lo New York atate and you. » plowlug in the field a peculiar feeling over-powered his seusoa oughly developed by Dr. iluuiphrny limn nny oilu-r living nuui. gond sight. J.sOu NOKTU, Equ Clalro, AVIB. ttwtioua unnecoasary. Dr. Humphrey haa done more for niCi aton und Ethel M. Bradley of Nov of hydrophobia and died in great \Vpo'n"s''e.Sa"lRi«,?gr I":'-^ m?,kX for a inoment and he then saw ns plniuly as life his sister's lit­ • llis great nbUity nnd siiofess iu (.•iiriug tlio- vuriim.. Inug- Will follow up the fall gatherings. agony last night. He was 50 years than I ever thought it was in tho power of any man to do, more Labor Day at Owosso. 2}4 TnWFllo cost per i;ooo," « D.OO tle girl at the bottom ot a deep hole of water. Tlio imiiression stiitidiiig dilliciilt and cliroiiic disoa.siis nfter all DIIHT.-, hu-.,.' I liad boon very hard ot licaiiiiig tor many years. Waa entire­ than ho ever pronilaod to dov I can now pass my water with­ The farm buildings of Dan Hoi Hon. Alexander D. Crane, once old and was a member of the masonic 12,60 was 80 powerful that he immediately obeyed the impulse, uu- I'liilod lias drawn arouml liiiu tlie wealth and eiiti'irc iniiii ly cured bv Dr. llolmau S. lluiuphroy. out drawing it, sloop all night without getting up, nnd am tak­ comb, Jnekson county, burned lust tidgeof this circuit, died at his home rders and odd fellows. A wife and For thia great event which promises 17.S0 liitched (lie horse and rode with fuUspeod for the stream two every state in the Uuioii, atid Uo has been paid tlio kigUi-.-it V'u- ADJUSTED ON SCIENTIFIC 2S,oa - E. C. C.\.Mi'BEi.T., Hillsdale, Mich. ing aolid-conifort. Aro vou atllicted? Go aud see Dr. Humph­ Wednesday. Loss, $13,000. Insured. tl Dexter August 14, aged 84 yeare. three cldldern mourn his loss,—Lana­ to eclipse anything of the kind ever u'.i.eo luilea away. Dashing up ho threw himself from tho horso and fcssional foes by many grateful piitiouts ever jiaid a iii'r^'oou iu rey and bo healed. Write mo for particulars of my great de­ .'-'RiNCii-'i.r s - L. J. Lincoln is putting down a 4- He won distinction throngli faithful ing Republican. before attempted in the line of n labor plunged headlong into the water and with unerring precision this country, yet his charges to tho comnif^i peoplo nro always I was so deaf for years that I conld oply hoarwhon yelled at. liverance from a most dreadful condition. Inch drilled well for D. Fitzsinimons service on the bench, and everybody day celebration, being the combined llAllKBUdlCO60.tW. ^ hrought tile child to loud. Tearing its clothing oil he rolled it modarato nnd reasounblc. Many aro the grntcfiil keiirts wliicli Dr. Holman S. Humphrey hns cured me euliroly. D. R JoscELYS, West Haven, Jllch. ( FJ.PRATT OPTICIAN ot Alaiedon. He will sink it to ilie respected Judge Crane. Lansing, Mich., to bejliis jiermatient eflort of Lansing und Owosso indus­ JitckHUii stoHo nrnin'j<||« upon ita stomaoh.uhtil the water was all out, then stretching tluiiik liim for life and restored health after many disajipoint- UEUT WHITE, Lansing, Jilcli. rook. locution. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey tries togetlier with a representation of thp body at full length ho covered it with the hot sand, almost mcirts and long years of sitlT.oriii'j. P. S.—Tho public will observe I d» not report cases from II.-I - w MA;N .ST. S. Freahour of Aurellus has a brood aait^Bbv''V4«S}P°o by imu .J W. <3nAwy"'isos on, Edenhaiiu, Mliiandb Californi'ii or Slaine, but thoso of your neighbors only, has finally, after several months ef­ every orgaulzaliou in the four sur­ hot cnoiigli to blister, and holding tho child's nose ho placed After years of successf-ul priiolioe in lloston, NKiw York and I had sull'ored for .years with a so-called Incurablo valvular The Donnelly .House, bf this city, sow that has produced 93 pigs In six fort, succeeded in making satisfactory rounding countiea, including Farm­ Ills lips over lier mouth and blow her lungs full of air, at tho P^lli'dolphia tho demand" for his profcsaional BCWicoa. became diseaao of tho heart. Dr. HunipJu'ey cur.ed mo entirely. Dii. HuMiuniEY. will be olosctl as a hotel on or before litters. At present she has a litter of arrangements to move tu and perma­ ers Alliance, The Grange, Spiritual­ nurKnliia iu FnruiliiK inuili. samo timo pressing the larjTix backward to ptoso the passage BO proasing from the aoutli luid west, where his reputation had •T. V. Buutjiiin, Newark, Ohio. September 1, 1893. H. J. DONNELLY, 10 out of 18 that were born August 18. uently locate In Lansii>g. This will be ists etc., the Michigan Central will in^i" i^J"'*,?^!' some oxoollout fuiuilngv . to the stomach, then pressing iTjion the oheBt to force the air d^Wlint Dr. Hiiiiiphrcy Docs ICot Do* 1 hat's a family record.for you, eapeo- Innd In Midland county, Michigan ono Ifi - preceded hi'mi that he consented to make a number of profes- proprietor. 7tf a very coiiyenlent and central point for run a low rate excursion train from the Imv 2?&"J!!L"°""VoH 111 till. «l?i"o, at ; out; and so kepi this In opefatien untll.hlfl efforts were finally sional vjslta to tho larger cities, wlioro ho mot and curiJd hun­ I waa troubled for yen^s with catarrh, deafness and riiuning lally when pork is high. the doctor as the I'acilities for reach­ /Mason and Lansing, placliig the fare tbolow price of ts.oo per iioro...Sniuii iiiiJ.' lowarded with BUCceBB..., • ' •- from one ear. Was completely cured by Dr. HunipUrey. Ho does not attemiit to frighten people into doctorlug by- Reports say that a Leslie man dreds oi caaoa prouounced iucuniblo by other phyi?ttians. holding up the fear of a apcedy dentil before their eyoa. The people of Eaton county nre be­ ing Lansing from any direclion aro for the round trip at $1.Train leaves SSt'o no1^1S?^'°S.?i""?^'"; romiilndo. 'iffi Those occasional visits developed such-, an cxttnslvo business REV. r. Av. B.VVI.EV-.TOSES, Uliiskogon, Mich. NEWS NOTES. pounded the life almost out of Levi lli'st-clasa, this fact applying equally Miison at7:S0 A. M. Lansing's Inlior h^.'.H.C®'*'''"'"' 'Ihese IniiUa arouuliniirovod'^ Hero are two very remarkable facts: flrat,th e impression re­ He does not try to urge or peraundo the sick t» tako treat­ lueuoh of Jackson at the farmers' nic- ginning to bestir theniselvea toward ft, ,i"h^?^'*''"°l"°"J""'1- r'''lroiiasTi I mills ceived while at the plow; secondly, his pressing the vocal box or' that tho dootor detcrmlnBd'to raturn to and locate lii tho west the enforcement of their prohibitory to the towns the doctor visita. These organizations will go ovor In it body and have good natura Uruihiiuo. Ilioin « and, as during his childhood, makb It his permanent homo, 90- I waa a dreadful Builorer from locomotor ataxia and paralysis ment when ho well knows them to bo Incurable. Born, August IS, to Mr. aud Mrs. nlo lust Thursday. ' visits will continue regularly ns before and all friends of labor at Mason are alao some valuable tlmbor 011 miiiiy uo? loiS larynx firmlybackwar d on the passage to tho stomach to close • of tho will. 1 have been entirely cured by Dr. Humphroy'i Neither doea he by excuses, persuasion or false pretenses liquor law. Of course laws do not en vJ.J,''^".?Call nud see I 8 or wrl that passage and thus prevent the air going into the stomach, Ic'ctlng Chicago therefor on account of its being tlio grfcat west­ .Henry Seymour, u daughter. The enterlaluinent that was to be force theniaelvea, and If more were every four weeks. His bnsinesa day cordially Invited. A special feature of yon want to buy or trade for u gooil liome ern metropolis and buslnosa center bf dearly half of North unusual aklll. Dii. 11. KUSSE^.I., Newark, Ohio. hold tho sick under his caro montli after, month while doing In Lansing each month will be at the the day will be a game of buss ball be­ We also havo aevei-ttl improvoS flriim for > histoad of tho lungs,; nnd that too without any .acquired kno^^- them no good. Two cinnamon bears exhibited three given ut tho Canuuu school house Inst ready to work for temperance rather cdgo of those parts or ovor having heard a practical lUustratioii' America. From this point ho;haa decided to visit a few local­ For nineteen long years 1 suireredl tlio misery and aunoyifnco hriday night wns postponed till to­ than spend their time abusing laws Hotel Downey Instead of the Hudson tween the Auditor general's nine and ities at regularly stated periods for the purpose of meeting his swarthy tourists on .the streets Mon house aa before. See dates in his large a picked nine from Owosso and corun- of their mechanism. of serious deaf neaa'from cn.larrli of throat and middle ear. AVas He does not delude and persuade lielpleas incurables to doc­ day. morrow evening. All are Invited. tho world would be better. ' It will bo obaerved that we call ttols.hqy ('Doctor." Is .it the 'patients''and enlo,irgIng his acquaintance among tlie people. completely cured by Dr. Uuuiplircy. tor out the last moath of tlieir lives or givo up tUcir last dollar ttdvertiaeinent. Dr, Humphrey's resi­ na for u purse of $25. 7w2 This method has uuirked advantages for tho Invalid, thus sav­ Rev. A. S. Badger of Lansing dence ill Lansing will beat No, 518 Will, Sell or Ex«liHii|r«.' aibllity to save lifo under such clrciimstaiioea as tho above which AMOS KENDALF,, HlUadale, Mich. for, medicine. Steliihofl's cider mill, in Alaiedon, The greatest attraction just now is tonstltutos the doctor, or a diploma which can bought in a doz- ing tHeni not alone the expense, but the annoyance, excitement, Ho doea not take patlonta under a false ao-caMed giiaratitoe, will begin business on Tuesday, Sep pieuohed an excellent sermon at tlie the great cash shoe aale ut Brown Grand street south where all mull and •en difi^oront places iu the United States for a few dollars? fatigiio, and in many cases actual danger of a trip to the city I meaaiired 48 Inches around my bolt from a very large fibroid ttmber o. . Presbyterian church last Sunday. He Bros.' Our prices und goods are nn orders should be sent after Sept. 1. The Furniers' Picnio Association of iKilL" il^!" •'l'" whero he oiin got a lino farm ^ whcn.tho vital energies are alni6at worn out. pretending to charge only for mcdicluea, nnd taking whatever ohoap, el thor lor all money or part In amnU?^ I At the agoof ai.Dr. Humphrey began the study of niodicine tumor. Was taken to Prof. Liidlam, Chicago, who could do amount lie can get for them; of make tho end and object of iils will occupy that milplt again next matched. ^ 7w2 Jackson and Ingham counties held [Dr. Humphrey has severed all couueclion with Chicago, and nothing for mo. Dr. Humphrey removed ovory voatige of tho . Born, to Mr. nud Mrs. Geo. H. Me­ Sunday iiiorning. The coroner's jury that was con­ their teiith annual plonio at Cowlug's i proper with a regular-preceptor of high Btanding,, and In due lifo to extort money from tho sick. lntyre of White Oak, August IS, a . 'ro:-IIonsckeeii«r|i iP'^pP-vi. f[, i.tlme ho I'oiiiid hfinself a pupil, of a popular medical college, 1B now devoting his entire time to northern Ohio nnd Indiana growth without the use of anything but modlciues. Geo. W. -Parks, of Lansing town­ sidering the case of William A. Smith grove, Pleasant Luke, laat Thursday, ,Sz2 woMld like to aoo you upon n anbieot Neither doea ho rush after each now medical sensation aud daughter. Frank Beedlesoii, a one-logged whowui- killed at Lansing July 28, with an attendance of about 12,000 • Hero, among niueli chaif aiid rubbish, he found some precious and Bouthoru Michigan.] Mus. HAIIVEV S.Mrnr, .Tauesville, Wis. bruit It about ns a'curc-all,' but;uaea the vast experience of SO bloycl St, rode his wheel from San ship, in reporting Inghutn county's IntereatliigBndprontuble to you :Wo 1 iwe fruit prospects says: We would place has rendered the following verdict: persons. The only feature to mar the obtained the ugenoy for .the Amprlinn ; kornels of wheat and fastened upon some - excellent principles years ua a Bpcclttllst among the afllleted. At poliita near ua they have had Francisco to New York in.GO days. 0 pleasures of the day was the failure of Woman's Standard Cfanulnglfem ; ill praotice. Heroj.also, ho witnessed many difllcult aurgical CoNBUMi'TlON CoiiED.—I wns rasldly failing into tho grasp of copious showers. This vicinity still hours and 45 minutes, urilviiig nt his apples at 25. per cent, of an average That thesuld William A. Smith came to Ills death on the evening of July 28, Lieut. Gov. J. Wight GIddlngs, who 8tatrf«'lr«%'"ft.Z°"«"''«.^ proimSn'rat^ll 2 11 bperiitlouB in-the'varlous hOBpitalsof the city. A second year that fell destroyer, consumption, given up by phyalclana nud What He JDoes Do. sufTers from drouth. destination July 20. crop, 'Ihe heft of the crop lies In the had been extensively advertised; to ^'^°"lh Dnkotrt, Iiullnna i: hoValso spent iu like manner in the same instltutiona, graduat- ; TESTIMOITIALS. friends, could fust poke nbOut unable to do anything of account. summer and fall sorts. Peaches arc 1S!)3, by means of being run over by and MIohlgnn In 1801 and IHOll. It la now Dr. Holman 8. Humphrey makes the flrat object of Ida ilfe Ephrniin Vnnhorn, a pioneer of one or more cars of a north ward bound deliver the address. Brief speeches; oheap,.sporfoot -and a great labor «"vw: 'v liig with high.honors. .yct,;notBatlBfled.vylth.the,,facllltles,;fpr Have been entirely cured by Dr. Holman S, Humphrey. to heal the atllicted; the aocond object to got a well dcaervod TheY. M.C. L. will, give an open showing up well where trees nro fo ho were made by Hon. M. E. Rumsey Gives the beat of satisfnotlon. : Ailarpsai M«' • "rhefollbwihgteBtlmonlalfl will servo to illustrate the varied MlSR .IENNIE PllANKl.TN, MaBOu, Mich. Jackson county, died August 21. He air meeting in front of the court house found. I would eatlinato them at 75 train on the Michigan Central rail­ j.; .bbtalniug a modlcaledueiitidn; In the United State8,"he how ''do- , ^ ,. character and qiiuality of the doctor'a work: reputation aa a healer of dlacaaeB among the people; tlio tliirJ caine to Pvives township in 1830. and William HIgdori, of Leslie, and aon. ; V Mil, qua Mita. H, H.'Twm^^^^^^ ' itxirmiuea upon a visit to ,Europe,-where three years-were spent next Sunday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock per cent, of un arvernge crop. Penra road nt the city of Lansing, thesuld Warden Chuniberlaiu; At the busi­ INSOMNIA ANO Nunvous Puos'riiATroN CUIIED.—When I went mrpoao Is to earn a moderate compensation in order to proper- weather permitting. Rev. A. S. Bad' may be estimated ut 25 per cent., and William A. Smith then and there i! in the very centers of iu'edical learning.-/•His time was spent' y caro for himself and family. E. E. HoweofMunlth, once a real ness meeting of the. association WIIN irDullam's Great Germnn 25 fcoht • I- iftrgoly lu visiting the best piedlcul-colleges,^ hospltalsj dlepen-' to Dr. Holman S. Huuiphroy nearly a yoar ago I had no idea of f dent of WhlteOak, receives a teacher's ger of Lansing and others will speak. quinces nt 20 per cent. being in the not of making a coupling laiii Rankin wtw^elected president;' I WSB born deaf In one ear. Dr. Humphrey restored my hear­ getting help, but went simply to please my friends, I could He doea do all Uo agrees to and oftentimes moro, nnd where between two cars, had his left foot ^4. Cure,-at O. 'W. Halstend & 11 Barica, eye, oar, lung and medical snd Burglcsl.'.'lnstltutlonB de- ing complete. OHA L. PEASE, North Adams, Mich. flrst grade certlllcnte iu Jackson coun­ Patrons ot Rayner opera house: JohnDrew, vice president; J. Vnu Bcnrcely step or take a momonVa comfort for contracted physical failure doea occur it can almost always bo traced to carolcaa- ty. Jackson sufTered from a serious flro caught between the main aiidguard Horn secretary, and Jonathan Trum-^ Sou's and F.H. Field's and moutttl auilerlng. At times I thought I should loso my neaa, imprudence or overwork on. tho part of patients, tho chief The enter ainnieiit this evening is for rail; nnd that nt said time said guard r.Buy:Dullum!B G ' ;a was fully Id the clutches of numb piilsy./Dr. Huranhrey the benefit of Mr. E. Culver, who has last Saturday afternoon. The loaa will bull, treasurer, DIreutors were elected cured me completely. Miss JUNIE SLOCUM, Hudson, Mich. inlndj all waa darkness and gloom. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey sin being uaually in over or improper eating. Mrs. W. E. Howard gavo a tea oirgregute $25,000 divided ns follows: rail wns not plugged, blocked, or fliied .a8;f6nows:'-- '•'['>:-P'^7- •r;.;''-.-,t'i-,-'-v;4i-^ Cure at Httl8tpad?&'Son'fli»iidF. H. cured me entirely, nnd I recommend liim to all afllleted. He doea deal candidly, liberally and honorably with all alike, party last Monday evening in lionor been to large expense In fitting the Warner Hardware Company, $8,000; as provided by statute, anu that the V Rives, Ji Fafieyi BlnOkman,' Alva True, I J. multitudes of broken downandysuiferlnK humanity he Bobnde- stage anew in order that he may nro- space between the rails wns greater ,Pleld's.,;/,'--W:;:.c;^,:-'\",';..'; ':•:^^;•:;,.•,.-^'y,'^.k^•:•::#:f;'7, II cldodto devote all his,time' andvBplendId' attainments "to the. • I hod Buffered'for yeara with aerloua deafness from ca'Chrrh. D. E. HAWLEV, Mason, Allch., Ini,^ C. Abs't Office. taking advantage of none na to condition or clrcumstancoa. of Mrs. Anna Gurley, sister of Mr. Weeks' Drug and Chemical Company Henrietta; John B. Town;. .LeonI, B.^E.-St. H, Graham. vlde better entertainment for the neo- than was iiecesanry for the purpose John; Leslie,. Wm. Hlgdom Bnnkerhlll; T Buy Dullatn'a Great German ir> eent iilanagemcnt nnd cure of snch';ciSpei?M. theVbrdinnry fanilly- Dr. Humphrey cured me. „ L r,,,,' , , , EciSEMA OuiiBn.—For sixteen years I suffered untold torture Ho promptly vialta hla town ovory four weeks and will ao ple of this vicinity.- To get the ''Bar­ and C. C. Bloomfleld,ou stock and for whloh it was used, and that said H '' (IbOtor la not and never can be prepared to ;.-troat succesBfully; building, $15,000; Dibble & White, PeterJURbarlsaux; IiigUara,:NiWsmpls:, Ve! • ' ; InA B. GAiin, Hlllsdalo, Mich; • with skin disease, which at times i)vould be BO Und my eyes continue aa long as Qod spares him to the afllleted. Thoinns Corner" of Alaiedon Is kept rel of Money" here he hud to guaran­ Michigan Central railroad company vay, Carlos Boldeni.Aurellnaraeorge Wilson; j 'Dr. Holman; S;. Huiiiphfovipdrfornis; e»oryjope«t|^^^ tb.i wbuld mm THI 8II.VBR DEBATE; V \- SBdtMfrststnrfw (t8.sur«otK ItitshsNd .•-;;>0»srllaar:a tsagna,;-; ;'','f ;;^(Np8;;;^g^^f|B|£^^ ,^ W ImbMB plMM la th* huAi of the riskI t would also share In the glory. : Bpreads tbe infeoUbus air polBot?. nf ehill*; laaa npBtaimi'.-'^/ThiB ;Bdii(«Mili''ol->Vhits the umbrella, thu) bringiiig 'to view a Md fever, a oompltint to the ersdlcaUoa bonldiad ,tbi ffubllo UlBtrnstof tbe^Vres TrAde AdniiHi iaobme^tas»:e^^^ arsoiMls «f th«: lllMoaBloi'lo tbe Vnlted Ur. Haines (dem., N.,ir.) aald he was amaied CUfbwassfimmhaVfrig^ly, but^^^^ aaked-for blMsIng from >h«r lips: large baaket full ot dewy out flbwenL What reioleiag - ,000~ and would solve the ' IK TBB BODSa ' flnanolal ..Byatem .ot, the country. Wall fertile dlstrlet ara.periodioally visited by In-law at home ambnff.hiiir'atoanffe au«>, offspring of iftdavll and a light woman.'* Ninette's hat lay, almoat at her feet enoughforall,."-,i', i i.,-,-;:,',.-- i The views of ttio.ledding rbp,ubllcaii|i .fnatiQlal-piioblein.,-.:-. Oa thettta Mr. ButoblDBoa (dem., Tex.) Street was. tha aavhiSB ba&k ot the na- Uila relenUeSB nalady. Fortify with the foundings.' . ':".'",<-:,':•,;;•,!'.•.•.'•,'a' When the ainoke tromfsotory chimneys told a of congress;, who:'.hove-igatlibrcd 'at^ Sittara and prevent it Rheumatism, eon- MASON. t.: MiOHIGAN. Neither banel nor blessing' ever fell Neva could her saying,'gravely; .'ou.of.'p(n^ Pa.' V yi oonoluded bis Bpeeoli,snd Ur. BlBBObard lUem., tion; It woB to Wall Btreet that the various There were peotdiarltiei! about tha lightly from the lips of the miaireas'of ; "I aim; disb«ssed; that ^my umbrella tale of prosperous .ttiiieB,',. , v Washlngtbx;;nre- pbsltivblj^'.^.the effect - . Br the giUng way ot-ft bridge near i HfFERtONAU:AND POUTtOAU •-v' La.)-spake la favor ot tree coinage. Bp said Beotlona ot the cgiintry Bent tbelr loanobls iur- stipatlon, j billouBneflB, kidney trouble and And pay day never' puaod without'the utual that tlief.dlbl^reesioiiVin business affairs, the Ohloa«a pltttorm bad declared tor the re­ plus, and from there that 'enrplus 'was dlstrlb* nervouaheas are oonqusrable la any stage look on the blg.^bllrMU'ybawera to be White CUfb. Should have caused so much trouble. shnre.of.dlmes..,,.:;, •'':,.,-• , . ,MUfba, ya:vthree lOim dropped so; !: PMF, M.^.^A. KBWKXii, one of Mary* by this vomprehenBlva medicine, lBA',>rBed explained; the looatioii \^of the linen whichhna'cdmb'rapidly ;i)p^ i land's foremost; educators, with a na-. peal ol the Sherman law, and bad declared for utBd throughout the country where capital was PINE AND ASPEN. Vehicles seldom travel this roadi and But that,is, all amemory.s thought of.days, fM|l«ad •oTim penbba Nw^^ blmelolllBm. Tbat portion ot the platform DBBded tor the development of every indtutry. and oommeoded by Intelligeat pbyBiciana closet where ah Inexhatistible supply •'v - - ,. i.aaAPTBB td. yours rolled ao noisel^Sly in; the Mf I! ] go'neby; '•'"'.';.,." ' ,' '" . '' '"'•-'',' • '" .try Bthob,,the,4th.o*;;Marohflitts;^been 'fiiy:y\ . 'V^; V .•:7 ^ . -fbiipliijurilid// V 'y'-' , tlonal. reptitatlbn as author of aohool ought to be carried out in a aingla blU and on a Mr. English (dem., N. J.)'took the Bsmo everywhere, j Who wrote about the Bnctlsb oak ot fresh towels was always to.be foimd, earth that 1 did hot hear^bii 'coining." j.'Not sotisflM with.good enough, we 'heeded' caused by the^denSbbratio victory ht tho works,''died at Havre de Graces blmatalllo slandard. It tbe trlsnda ot allver Wrote sturdy vena and true, A man as miuoh In love with his wife ;^ Jjjl III ;:;lri>port IntelligenicaFiom AllPirtt ' JoBir SBiiTBRBBiT, a rolling'-mfll pro* frounA ' But whUe he would vote tor tb* re­ BRB WABTBO TBB RtmniB.—"Bthel, will to be Indicated;vthdi'vmeaning of tbe iSth of November. TBB Iowa republicans in convention yielded to this demand ot the gold people tbay peal ot the puroboBing olausa ho did not bold And well havaaiingths'poat folk as JbhnLbrimw.was with the woman , Bhehel^toe toedaum^^ prietor In Sf. Louis, shot hia wife and yielded that which nothiuf but revolution could you row with me down the river ot llfel" ... Of wUlow and'ot yawi.:' ' various bells wldoU^onld ring in the heho^taken "on'faith" ,wss not likely ' Thoy insist thot during,the two yeara. inself if atally. Family trouble was In. Pes Haines nominated Frank O. that that repeal would be a panacea tor all our "Me,01arenoe;batlweutdn't mind aoUng hand,withtheotber she bad pushed her And it Isn't like it was . i CONQRESSIONAL. regain. •The United States bod reiohed a pointevllB i that it would restore tbo oonadeneo And what Uiey saM,wcre words at lovst morning was to be mode clear. Then tofraevei^sparkrof susplcion.'into a large hat back'frdiii''her'forehead. , . .•When , 1891 and 1892, under." a, republican ad- the cause. Jaokson, of Des Mbinea, for governor; In wealth, »ro*perltr and Industry tbat tt ooutd whloh the people looked. He thought the pres­ as coxswain."—Brooklyn Life. .'But theirs that praise, not mine. mihistratipn at;Wa^l>iuf7,tbici'nand ifin^or •t;'':?:v'- £itni MMIOO. :;.;;,> •he must examine withher'Wn hanlda, living ooal of mistrust. He would hav« Nora eould see a palei gentle facia ilium- ' ^'jactor* ' ' ^ ' KBELGR & JENNraos* carriage factory W. S. Dnngan, of Chariton, for lieuten­ afford to lead and not follow.^' ident's sagacity was Bufflcient to know that Ihe TBB I rather sing the (larles of ' ;the; operation bi> the-McEinley tariff - .:i-f!;i :;^,BiM,8.-.were;'1ntn3au(se4: In'tba' ••enatiBoa the Mr. Ball (dem,Mo.) mode an argument In mers repeal ot this measure would not relieve fat man ia the side show is lying in -, ,Tlio"«u»kta'aBp|'^'S'iidiplna; • -'^ • toaseif enough covering had been put mno^,Ulcea,t6, bo able 'to.;explain, Ni-i Inated'byl'argegrayeyee. John stood • ''^' whistles^ • !; ; Mvu 10 allow aaUoaat baaka to InorMiiB their at Bochester, N. Y., waa damaged by ant governor;' G. aBobinson, of Storm wait ^or his vlctiin:-malveatoB News. on the bed.' Kothiog was ever - left to and Sherman silver lows, the people of Lake; for supreme judge; J. Vfi Luke, Ihvorottree cotnage and ot some leglslatloB tho people; be bad confidence In the president's nette'miDre clearly- to: his mother and' irresolute'for a second,'thisn he went a sound. clroiilittlon to',tbe'vextent:ot tha fua value of iBre to the extent of 1100,000. that might laereaae tbe volume ot oirouiailng honar that at tha proper time he would redeem When in tha inern ths>edge ot day ehance by themlstreaaof White CUffs." the,trnit^v.S^toa{ enjoyed an,unprece­ >iij.tbo bondsdopcwttedbytbemaeourttrforolr' of Hampton, for railroad commissioner, Feersover thegrentpeaks,'' ' ' the bbyS^ but; aa' he could; not, loyalty S(»pnearer."";' '.' "'-',-' .-'• ••t 'K eulatldn Dotes; to' repeal' tbe .tedeial eteeUo'n TB B treasury department in Wash­ medium to tbe Bam* quooUty it had been wbwever y promise of the Chloago plottorm. But all the while she waa'ihoving to yNora demanded 'his aocoptanoel oi Betoiis the great retonnsr. tboMrUy.OrbyorO, dented -prosperity.' "^Both 'thOfie 'who"^, ington is in receipt of information that and Henry Sabtn, of Dea Moines, for DM debts ot tha oounti7 were sootraoted. Mr. Simpson (pop,, Kon,) spoke In favor o( And down along, thsyallBy way • ,' I'MItlsI.who biight to' apologize foir Bikcked up by mugwump Btatsmonta,. ot.fliuta- ;;';-i;;';»ttw8i-::to'; 'repoal'Vt)iie:'aiate':"'bank;: 'uz; '-to A LHtlp Red Spot Tswhers the, torrent BhrlekB, . about in thlliiddw jihd atateljr^adkion that ,'siDaU' eloud on Us. horizon' nh- fdvor and 'those who oppose the repeal -f;:;f provide for tbe iasw «l iai»,(KU,OI» of flat a scheme ie on foot in Australia to in­ auperintendent of pnblio instructlbn. V. Mr, QroBvenor (rep, Q) Bald It waa :unto^ freeoelhage. Be severely criticised tho demo* trespasssihg.' I'did not,, notice; the olal heresee, .,-..' 'n,.. of tho silver purchasing clause of the ! r:: 'inonay, oxcbHDgcable for government bonds at The platform approves the admintatrap tunate that tho president la hia meBssffa had Jsratio party,tor Us absolute useleBsness. , Who Appeared on mir.lett leg bekiw;ihe knee? ani U Ithuntatromouttha hauntsof shad* of hers, glvinf' Ker^-d^'B'esttovistairma- qnestioiilngly. -.'', w-.i 'reinoval'Of ,the pldVfenee., '.I,nih'abtudl-' Fooled tbe poofdoluded people into voting for veigle young women from that country seen at flrstt o appeal to parUsaiiBhtp and un- ever had heard of tho domooratio party^ever re--trodUBlly.jpread, until I. was covered with Full many a trlond ot mine, . tlon in a ikt^vt«»,j^^ It was during the course of. one of Sherman!:laaslwhot m he had been married, thirty years. pension system now in, practice is a Blon ot business to' republican logialation. mo to take Hood's 8M» From the. small adjoining bedroom ample, accommpdatiohqi that, Nora set Just nllttlo late, ;eizing:thb"dis^inis'^'. thii;n.tbe;bp'er,ationa SBviBNTY-FiVR Holland firms are said ouBBloD, It poltUeal discussion there should be. Be denounced tbe gold standard and predicted \ Mparllla. I did BO Inrobettstoleot .night,,';'..;. was very naturoii" And as eooh: day passes on the never cesBlns of the Sherman law. ,,Vlinid the general .' ivi torsoouro circulation wiis favorably reported In menace to the honor of the brave and Very little of the present. trouble could b* that such a standard would produoo a revolu­ with Joyous and wonder­ Until tho later ruddy gbkre i; which, bad hastily been prepared for him to pondering perplexedly;' "Hay I not even ask after your wel­ j: ttio aenatoaa tbe IBib aod • bill woi Introducedt o have been using the world's fair as a deserving national defenders, and de­ traced to the Sherman oot. The difficult; In ful result The large BucBts down the timber line- 'thoi nnexpected Ninette came the wom­ round. ' Busplcion and uncertainty Syhiph^natnr> ,; 5 ''to auapond for six.mdntbs tbe. operation of the niedium for swindling operations. tion that would Bboko the government tblts Ho had been mtikihg her acquainted fare, Ida?" They And It very different than clares in favor of local option. wblch tho country now found Itself was attrib­ very foundaUon. He was opposed tooompro- scoles peeled off, tbe And nhoda a momlag glory there • an's angry voice. The door was open. When- • "• ally attended the Installation ^a.tyWash-'; law.taxingthoinotcsotnationalataU)banks 10 TBB following bank failures were re­ utable to the fact that Mia people feared tink­ Biiso en any ratio. ' « . spots grew less and diB- On "quoldn* asp'.'^ndpliie.•.' with \ the exterior of all the country She lopked over his shtjulders to ington of a party-pledgod-to reverse the :/ '.lii;: per cent..., In tbe bouse, tbo silver 'debate.wna ering with tho proteotivs turlO by the dem» oppeared, the Itchingund They could see the child dying asleep, houses' within an area of teh miles • the- '[}:.. eontlriucd.'' ported: First national at Dubuque, In., TUB democrats of 'Virginia in conven­ ^ Mr. Morgan (dem., Mo;) and Ur.Tolbert (denk, burning' subsided and I where Ninette', standing up, ini thb cart, factory- I policy under ;whioh tho.Ameripan people tion at Richmond nominated Charles T. oratlc party. . i • Oh, deep within the mountain heart ono'dimpled hand supporting her round about White Cliffs. He had been vast­ was eagerly pointing out the flowers of .V <: IN thcuonalebillawerelDtrpduced'Onthellltb National .bank of South Penn at Hynd- Mr. Snodgrosa: (dem., Tenn.) said be eould S. C.) advocated the tree ooinoge ot silver. Mr. liosticbe.' am perfoetly cnrad> - Aro wondrous tieaaurMBtoredl whistles,, .had lived for, [ thirty-two, yediB, and to • li: f- to diroot the nurcbase ot.sllver bullinn and the O'Perrall for governor and R. C. Kent equal in health to any maa*^ THEO, DESIICBB, And BuUenly the giants part pink cheek,- and-they could- see the ly entertaining, ahd she coeresponding- her preference to, Nbrai , '; • • sound.' ">»" Pa., Farmers' cooperative bank not vote for tho Wilson bill, wblch attacked IN ma HKMATB, ; i . : Oreen Bay, Wlaoonflln,'. Frenchwoman putting, things to order: 'Which ;tho( ..biisincBB .affairs' of .the lasunncoof fl'easury notes therefor, and pro- at , ; domption nnd foir other'p'uTpoaes,.,.;;In the otYorkville, 111., and the bank at Al­ NoRRis MARIS, aged 00. years, one ol not carry out tlie intention ot the Chicago pla^ Hood's Pllla ore tho best after-dinner Plll» 'fYou; see,,Mrs.'John, after this week What an dngelio;'childt,; I thUk the lit> muat go, ,, exprcasiouiiof ..financial ; views from the founders of the underground- rail-' form, Tbat platform pledged: tbe demooratio national banks to Issuo currency to tbe full That la tbo sluices Bhloe - out. Anyone could tell that she waa I will bis In harness. I ath goihg to help tie lady is growing impatient." ' - :.::>.'. And later on the tariff wiU be tinkered, "don't I .beiiMU Kir. McCail (rep., Mass.) spoke la favor bany, Mo; ' ' party not only to repeal the entire infamous amount ot face value of bonds ,depoalted by SB that sweet memory I bold yerltnow,"' the-' president wavfa^ his secretory : ;',;, of the repeal of the purohmlng clause,"of the woy during the war, died at Wilming­ them. This would to Boine extent help the peo­ Ot "quaklo; asp"'and pine. .],,;. the offspring of a devil and a light Lorrle'at thegin." John bit his mustache ' nervously; i Sherman bill and Mr.Bryantdom., Nob.>spoke TWELVE persons were injured by a aot, but to coin gold and silver at a parity, -' 'i-DBi'KIIiBlEB'S - . woman. And now she-sleeps like an He "jollies" 'long the worklogmon. In a most of the treasury 1. wore iI .anxiously .; cblltsion on'the Chicago, Milwaukee & ton, Del. The cry ot the people wits'for more money, and ple. It authorized on increase of (IB.OOO.OOO en 'i'PitcbuiBe, of course.,1 exjpect 1 shall and, turnihg oh hia heel, vvalked hui»- gullelesB way awaited. Dutthey'ollowed the gold ; ij;; I In opposition thereto. the best way to secure that end was to provide the bonds already deposited, and there was 'Ancl'iiobler beauty ne'er was se'en, tafantB^iUt!" 'i;!,; IN tho Bonato a bin was IntrbdMcd on the St Paul railroad near Dubuque, la. JOHN LOGAN CIIIPMAN, member ol As, climbing crag aiid Btobe, , have to mybnt some sort of harness, ricdly back to the, cart. Something had And .tolls them they're tho baokbono of the reserve :in the treasury tO; fall below • congress from the First district of Mich­ tor the free coinage ot silver. Tho present Ugkt not a doubt thnt it would result tn on increase Evidently ,the;bonne.had had her dllB-;. too,' I fancy Mother Lorimer "does not got wrong with the 'hdrhess while the conntry ot to-day. : ' { , . 17th to provide for amoro extended use of gold THE Oliver Iron & Steel company of was between tbe debtor and creditor classes. ot f rom (4O,0M,O0O to irjU,IK)0,ooo—an Increase ot They carpdtwlih a royal green i' Now, all of this la very nice, but it doesn't f uN the one hundred milliou'llmit and thoyi'.- 5 i; I'by tlio people of the United Statea.-.';.Jn the igan, died at his home in , aged currency that would be at this time a solace SWAMP-ROOT Tho stairway to Ood'B throne: . cult evening- too. '.-. : i: • 'J ''•) i i i.''tolerat" e drones graokiusly. But, John horse had been backing and sidling, Pittsburgh, Pa., failed for «700,000; On the 16th Mr. Bryan (dem,. Neb.) said tbat "How ahgiiy her volce-sonridsl"' "Mini." nish food permitted the rumors to circulate thub , I j. houao lipoochos were made favoring.an uncon- assets, tl,600,00i). 03 years. • ' - tho recommendations ot the president meaot and comfort to the people in every quarter ot Moro fitting stair from beaven to earth dear, tell me something about that and it hod to be remedied before he re­ For holt a docen hungry mouths who form tho ; treasti'ry notes would bo paid in silver';. ' I i^;, ditlonnl repeal of the silver law. Tbe death of NEBRASKA democrats will hold tbeii the burial of silver with no promise of resurroo tho United Statea Tho notional banks wore no Than this could none divine. ' John peered anxiously into the room sumed the reins; j. • ; noprcaentoliveChlpman, of the First Michigan THE firm sof John K. & G. B. White, favorites of his. Ho had not been enomored ot When the pure east dawn has its birth place." She pointed, the ferrule of her Iworliman'B brood. ; 1 ratber than gold, thereby exi?odlating ' ' M district, was nnnouriced by Mr. Wcadook. state convention at Lincoln October 4. tion. They were an argument for the single On "Quakin'' BBp"Bndplne, • • where Ninette was sleeping. "I hope lace-trimmed parasol towards the gable Miss Fairbanks lifted the basket of 8o they're looking tor tho roosters worn last operating tanneries near Hyndman, gold Blnndard, Tbey led to gold monometal' them,'nor they ot him, but that was no reason she is not vicious, I had so little time tall when morohing round. the withdrawal of foreign loans' and- ' Mit. VoounisKB, by dlreatlon of tho financePa. , failed for (800,000. ONE of the best known and oldest of Ilsm, over whose door waa written: "Abandon why tboy should not be used to bring about a '-Carl Smith, in Harper's Weekly, of a' .house just discernible through a flowers from the sunny roadside. Ni­ To live upon this whiter - ' pretjlpitoting ' a wholesale (outflow , of C'onimil'tco. introduced in the senate on the 18th American landscape painters, John W. hope all ye who enter here." The advocates ot menauro ot relief if they ore capable of it for selection." thick grove of ancieiit trees supple-; nette sent a shrill petition towards her -''TUl • , : I a bill to .repeal tho silver purchase clause of SEABLE & WBOSTEn, shoe manufac' Mr. Lodge (rep, Masa) advocated tha "You do not speak or understand the yellow metal to Europe'before a : : the Sfiormnn law. Mr. Vest presented a SO-to 1turer s at Haverhill, Mass., failed for Casilear, died suddenly of apoplexy at silver stood on solid ground and donounoed thia mehted by a dense growth of &hrul> before anyone could interfere; • the • tardy denial of silver payments was. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., oged 83 years. cry tbat a gold dollar was tbe only solid dollar adoption ot his resolution to rspeol tha French?" • "Ladyl Ninette wants one. A white . .factory -. '{'ratio substitute for theblll. A bill was Intro- ei,000,000. The most dishonest dollar ever proposed is that purchosing clouae of thq Sherman act, the vote "Not a syllable. I wish I did. for bery. , '; forthcoming. And when, Anally; after : ; i : duccd In nid of • the'California Midwinter Inter- GEOIIOE A. BEANE; aged 07, a member to be taken on the SSd. He sold what the peo­ "Thatis Glenburnie." one." whistles - ; I national exposition. Adjourned to, tbe aisl.... MORE than 5,000 unemployed men in chUd of avarice and Ignorance called tbe •Ninette's soke." sound. the damage had been wrought and tho New York smashed doors and windows of Denman Thompson's "Old Home­ gold dollar, for it would constantly rise in value ple wanted was prompt action. He bad no 'fSo yon told me as we passed it g«> A large white japohica came flutter­ ,—F.fA. Bortlott, in N. V. l>i-eas. avalanche started,' Mr. Carlisle made { ! In the house tlie debate on silver was continued, stead" company, dropped dead from apo­ nnd cheat the debtor. While we cannot secure mind for party politics or delay. He asked Mrs. Lorimer had been accounted a ing through the air, falling directly ' i Bpoochca .by Messrs. Sibley (Pa) and Everett and took forcible possession of a hall. ' an absolutely honest dollar we should approaobBlmpl ; lor action. fair French scholar in her school-days. ing. But I want to know something •matters worse by'dcolarhig that the j (Musa.-) lu.fnvor of blmotalliam attraotlng at- 'TOM KINO," the notorious woman plexy during a performance at Mc- Mr. Wolcott (rep. Col) sold he agreed with more about Glenburnie." into tho chUd's lap. The "flower-lady," treasury would pay 'gold "ns long ns it • I tonilon. 'Vicker's theater in Chicago. it OS nearly aa possible, and tho bimetallic She was glad now that the rusty ac- as Ninette ealled her, kissed her hand .A SARBAROUS ORDER. horse thief, was arrested at Denison, standard ought to be adopted, because with bi­ tho Massachusetts senator that thia was not a qttiroment hod stood her, in such good They were driving homeward. ' It -could"-^thrbwing doubt on tho ability metallism the money unit fluctuatesles s than party question. He hod yet to hear o single in- to the small beggar, smiled at the child's Tha bilferoDco Between Domooratlo and of the nation to maintain the purity uf Tex. FOREIGN. teUlgent man state, on his conscience, that be stead. was she who hod pointed to tho round 'Republican Pension Bullngs. DOMESTIO. MR. AND MRS. MARTIN SCHOLTZ, an under a single standard. Tho miner is not un­ noon shadows at the foot of the trees scream of gratitude, and then placidly its various kinds of money—while the ' THE Hammond colliery breaker at GEN. OMVERA has been appointed fair in asking for free coinage, for such a law believed that the Sherman act hod wrought the "Mr. Lorimer did not write yon about turned her back on the disabled cart. Tho cruel operation of the recent or-' '.'•"''"'"^ """"" .u.uuuj'-.vuuu iu« aged couple living near Chcroltec, la., cannot give back to him any more than de injury under which tho country now- Ninette, I imagine," Nora said, some­ and advised him not to keep the early J J «t^i^ J, _ 1 „ v,^ president's only utterance,, apart from j Girardville. Pa., was destroyed by fire, were murdered and their home ran­ governor of the province of Buenos monotization took away. But the miner's In suffered. Everyone would admit that . He wanted to comfort John. They aU "Who is she, John?" Noro asked, leon- Ayres in place of Gen. Costa, recently what nervously, the tour of the room dinner waiting. She was leaning for­ 1" an attempt it o correct the erroneous im- the loss being 8150,000. sacked by robbers. tnrest Is an IncldenMl one. Tbe Sherman the Sherman net wns vicious in prin- did, in fact Tho bond of brotherly af­ ward in the cart: ing over the dashboard to note progress. ing for sixty days the pensions of thou­ JIosnoB.SMrru, a negro whdassawlted deposed by the radical insurgents. law la not the cause ef our flnanclnicipl o and illogical. It waa vicious being made and her mother-in-law com­ sands of veteran soldiers of tho union pressiou given out by Mr. Carlisle, wns THE firm of T. .T. Davis & Co., whole­ fection was very strong among the Lor- "Thisseemstobothegrondestof all "Miss Fairboalis." a cruel remark to the effect that the |Mrs. D. iE. .Sears, u white woman, near THE decision of tho court of arbitra­ stringency. The moneyed men ot tbe eaal, In that it mode ot silver a commodity. ing to a stand-still on tho hearth-rug. "And her nome is Ida?" army was Illustrated a few days ago sale dry goods in New 'York, failed for without intention, ot course, started the It wns illogical and vicious in thut it left the imer boys. John's face was not that of ;'No. My son was singularly uncom- the grand old places you have shown country needed "on object lesson.'';: Spring ILiU, Alo.,. was hanged by a e300,000. tion on the subject of tho dispute be­ panic by exaggerating the dangers ot gold ex­ sUver bullion in tho treasury uncoined, left It a hoppy.groom. It wore an unfamiliar "How did you learn so much in such a in the case of Joseph King, o bravo wher* It might be dumped on the European J. D. Witxcox. iunicative." me to-day. Go slower, please, John." No bonds were issued to maintain tho|' mob. • THE Pennsylvanio railroad shops in tween the United Stiites and Great portation. When the panic camo thoy wera in< ilook of anxiety-rsomowhat na if, hav­ short while?". union veteran residing in Boston, Jo- treasury's gold reserve unimpaired. No; A TltlEF grabbed a bag contaUiing Britain as to tho rights of seal fishing jured as much as anybody else. The troubla markets ot nny tlmo. These wore the diaad- Ue was tightening a knot with his soph King is a grandson of a patriotic Altoona, Pa., have been ordered to now la that depositors have withdrawn their vantogea; but it had some advnntagea. Its CURED ME. ing consciously wandered very near the extra session of congresa was called! £5,000. in gold at the First national bank work half time. Tho shops employ 8, in Behring sea was rendered in Paris money from fear of tbo banks, and a repeal ot quaai-recognltfon of silver had been of infinite ^edge of a precipioe, he was calculating teeth. Mrs. John laughed maliciously. American who commanded the priva- -j^j^^^ - in St. Paul and made his escape, and is in favor of Great Biriiian on teer Growler in tho war Of 1812. Inher- , ^J^^„,„,,Zt^J°^^y:„ tho crisis. Noj 000 men. the Sherman Inw will not Incronao the solvency value in the hope which it hod inspired ot bi­ the chanciss of plunging over. Lorimer She was busy flecking the dnst from declaration of policy was made. No:' i Tins crops in western Pennsylvania every point of real dispute. of .banks. Mr. Bryan spoka in favor ot tbe metallism, and in the fact that it bad afforded Doctors Said I Could Not Live.; Ninette's soiled plumes with her hand­ iting his ancestor's love of country and THE supreme council of the American an enlarged currency from month to month for turned his eyes from John's flushedfae e positive actlon'of any kind was talcenj|; were being destroyed by grasshoppers. A FISHING float was ovcrwhelihed by retention of tbo ratio of IS to 1, arguing that an to the dusty pampas plumes which Dick kerchief.. readiness to fightln tho country's cause Legion of Honor in session in Milwau­ Increase of that ratio would bs detrimental to tho past three jcArs, The present financial POOR HEALTH FOR YEARS. and, in tho meantime, depression scizcdi: Tms lOrescottt tllour mills. and elevator kee elected J. M. Gwinneli, of Newark, a Btorra in the Baltic off Hnpsal, Rus­ an international agreement as to th« coinage of panic had come partly because of Europeon had criticised so severely. He smiled "I heard you call her Ida, my dear." Joseph King enlisted and went to tho sia, and many boats foundered and front to do battle for tho union against upon tho business interoats of tho lond.i at 'Denver wero destroyed by fire and N. J.. supreme commander. the two metals. The question was not whether losses in South America and Australia, partly Mr. Wlllcoxlaa practical farmer and Post-- ' atthetmdue Importance the boy had "You hove sharp ears," said John, like creeping paralysis. To tho inoa-I' one fireman was injured and {250,000 seventeen persons were drowned. the president was honest or not, but because Russia and Austria were buying gold master In tUo village where ho resides, and iB' looking at heir without any confusion, the hosts of Becesslon. He was in tho THE National bank of commerce at whether he was right. The president had and partly because tho United States had pur- given them. The mantel vases might -, . , J . „ , pacity of Messrs. Ciovelond and Cnrlleloi loss v.'as inflicted. Denver, COl., that suspended recently, SEVENTEEN of nn excursion party oboseU more goods abroad than It hod sold well known for miles around. Ho writes:-"I. have licen ornamented with sides of ' OS he resumed his place in the cart and A. from Killcce, Ireland, wero drowned by won the couUdcncc of tbe people; but he had expedition which captured Roanoke ft_o comprehen_^' d .ithe„ financial.n_„„„i.,i ,1*...:.,situation. , Tim K. Ueck. Lumber company, reopened its doors.. been deceived as to what they demanded. Ua abroad. All these causes wero utterly inde­ had been In poor taaaltli for a long time.' bacon for all tho notice they had ex­ took the reins from her hand. "I told much less to comfort and inspire with! with yards ;tmd offices in South Chicago, the capsizing of their boat in Carriga- was elected upon a platform thrice pledged to pendent ot and irrespectivo ot silver and the Four years ago tho crisis camo, and a number you that wo knew the Fairbanks." islandexplode, dan sdo therneare lil am confederat as to impaie rshel andl . THE Standard Wagon company at Sherman act Prophecy was futile, but be cited. Everybody had been stiff, un­ confidence the financial interests of-the 111., assigned, 'with assets of tOSl.OOO Cincinnati, one of the largest concerns holt bay. the gold and sliver coinage ot tbo constitution. of our best physicians aald I would not natural, uncomfortable. "Intimately, I should judge. But eventually to, diestroy both sight and A NUMREit of military prisoners at Nine-tenths ot the people ot tho United States might be permitted to record hia conviction land, is tho existing depression in largo and liabilities of ?5C0,000. of the Idnd in the west, failed for $700,- are ready to sustain him in the fight,bu t in the that when prosperous days camo back to this live B year. I began using Dr. Kilmer's "Your wife is a beautiful woman, what wos she doing ; sitting on the hearing. Ho also' has a' wound in the measure due. ; ' BitiDOET BovLii, of Philadelphia, cut San Salvador belonging to the com­ Swamp-Root, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure; hip where a rebel bullet left its perma­ 000; assets, 11,200,000. face of an cnomy bold ond insolent ho has or country it would be otter tt had ann«uncod to John," Lorimer said, soothingly. publlo roadside with that big basket ot Butit is not to the,operations of the; off nearly tlio whole of her lip and FIRE destroyed the Grand opera mand of Col. Fiorse, who was recently dered n retreat. Will the party stand by the the world that thia wns o notion ot blmetalllatfl then my doctor said it might help mo tor a, cut flowers at her feet? How very nent mark, '.Joseph King has borne his ahot, tried to eflfect their escape and principles ot Jcflerson and Jackson or will it believing in hard money—both gold and allver, time, but 1 would not bo hero a year hence.- ; John answered almost combatively: Sherman law nor even to the flnanelali broiled, and ate it She said she had house, city hall and ?00 feet of the Mr. Hoar (rep. Mass,) said thtt't whllo mon "Yes, Nora is handsome^ And she is a strange it lookedl" terrible misfortunes, incurred in hia been ordered to make a sacrifice to God seventeen of them were killed. abandon its right to its name? WlU It cbooee My difiioulties, aggravated by Rheumotism, country's cause, with pdtiencc becom­ incapacity of Messrs. Cleveland dnd Cor-- Pennsylvania railroad depot at Atlan­ life or death—whichf on each side ot the chamber might differ aa to aweet, good woman. A better one does "She sells flowerw, I am told." lisle, but rather to tho widespread lean and took this method of obeying. CARL MUELLER, the famous German tho oouseof tho present Unancial dopreaaion he wero so bad I could not get either Imnd to my. "And was sitting atrecelptof custom. ing a bravts, true-hearted soldier, and tic City, N. J., causing a loss of 9100,- Mr. Henderson (rep. La.) said that in his face. I continued tbb medioino nearly a year, not live." of .toriff.BmoBhing, .that tho existing dc-' I'.UE S. P. Taylor Paper company of 000. painter and director of the Art academy hoped that nil could ugrco upon tbo remedy. Ahl" he and his wife, also on invalid, havo at Dusseldorf, is dead. Uo was born at opinion tbo freo coinage of silver would drive The republicans stood ready to hold up the and now I am an well aa any man: "Any family?" pression is due, in the opinion of tho rc-l San Francisco failed for $190,000. . WESTERN Kansas politicians want this country to a silver bnala and would elim­ hands of the president and restore that proa- "In point of foot,** said John, with, mamagod to eke out a frugal existenco Eioirr 'riioUBAND unemployed work- Darmstadt in 1818. of myngo—sUty-cight yoora. "Yes—no. That is, nobody but Ni­ some asperity, "ahe was not on the pub­ v/ith the aid of a, small pensioti grant­ publican leaders: , the capital removed from Topeka to inate from our olrculutlon the 1501,0(10,000 ot perlty which the country enjoyed down nette and Ninette's mother." "'Vast industries have sprung up inl ingmen gathered on the lake front in their sectto n. McPherson is tho town TEN men were killed and twenty-six gold now circulating in tbo United States. to March 4, 1893. The people of his lic rood. It seems the boundary fence ed to the soldier by the government for Chicago and adopted- a resolution to wounded in a flght between French Mr. Moses (dem., Ga.) spoke nfainst tho re­ own section. New England, held the Swantp-RMf Savad My Life "Ninette's mother is alive, then?" has been moved, and the old rood ia disability. this country in almost every orticlo of suggested. peal bill and opposed the proposition to ralM prosperity ot the people of the west as dear and tho good health I now en- "No—yes. Devil take it, lioys, I never production and manufacture," says Sen­ niaa-di to the vcity hall and demand TREASURY oifioers in Washington and Italian workmen near Paris. tho stnndnrd from 16 to 1 to SO to 1. us their own, and believed that whot was Joy Is duo to Its use." now in tho Glenburnie grounds. We Tho other day Joseph King was led wonlc. ... THE number of fresh cholera cases was in such a snarl before. VVhat be­ ator John Sherman, "and u^ion the full have reeeived an appeal from dis On the I7th Mr. Daniels (rep, N. Y.) spoko la wanted all over the country was not a fluotu- J. D, Wir.r/X)X. are trespassers. I fancy she has to get up to the pension office to receive the confidence that; to the extent provided AN offlolal report made by Auditor reported in Russia during the seven favor of tho repeal of the purchusing clause ot ating standard of value, but a fixed one. Robld Jan. 0,.'W. OlmHvlllo. I-a. tween supreme dislike to appear so tho flowersof f the premises without the pension that would be between him tinguishcd Frenchmen asking closer utterances on the finnnctalquestion , whether mysterious here among you all at home, by our tariff ' lows; tho dOmcstio • pro-l Acker-man shows that the world's fair trade relations with the United States, dnys ended or. the 18th was 8,118 and tho S >« ' n ucu Tho error, ho said, had taken At Dranl^t.. cec. or SI.OO Sfai*. old man's knowledge." and his faithful helpmote on the one directory up ,to tlio - Ist inst expended the numberjof deaths 708, hold ot tho public mind that dtiaster was bound from the east or tho west, came from un- "laralid*' OuMe to llcoUh" aht and my desire to respect Nora's wishes, ducer would be protected froiii the comH THE exchanges at the loading clear­ to follow from the accumulation of silver bul­ American ond unpatriotic sources. Upon both OouvUstlaa Free. ''' "Then the 'old man,* as you coll him, hand, and starvation on the other. petition ot cheaper labor in forelgnj for construction and administration THUS far this season the catch of seal I am acting like an imbecile. I don't is not an amiable old man?" ing hotises in tbe United States during lion In the treasury. This fear had been sup­ sides mun wero equally honest nnd sincere Dr. XDmcr A Co.. lllOKhamton, K. T. know what to say or to leave unsaid." This blind hero who had marched countries. •Thia;feeling of distrust has] 623.182,423.03. It still hiad outstanding the tveek ended on tho 18th aggregated in Japan waters has been as follows: plemented and voiced by the president Con­ and, he believed, desired tho same thing. Sen­ "Far from it He is nn infernal old bravely to foce the rebel shells pre­ liabilities of 81,190,-103.82, besides »4,- By the American fleet of eighteen ves­ gress should intervene to give some measure ator Hoar then entered upou o long diacusalon Dr. Kllmer'8 U &, 0 Anointment Cures Piles "Be loyal to her, John. Never mind already greatly, reduced tho price oti $733,542,203, against »720,90,';,334 the pre­ concerning tho production ot gold and sliver, "WILL TOU HOTOALb'MB SAUOSTBB BRFORS ¥OV 00?" churl. But haven't we had about enough sented his sightless eyes dt tlie wldcet wool.and other dgrlcultm'al productsi 44-1,500 of debenture bonds. The total sels, 19,400; by the British fleet of nine­ of relief to the people by changing the llnancial Trial Box FrM. ~- At Drugglelt, SO cinlt. about us." of the Glenburnie people for this once?" of tho pension agent.' Tho money was vious weel^ The decrease, compared policy. For tho last fourteen years this ac- during which he announced himself in favor of John turned a grateful look in Lori- thiit come into competition with jboroignj gato reoeipts to dale were $3,447,037,51, with the corresponding week in 1893, teen vessels, 24,010. The catch is con­ cnmulatlon of .silver had been going on. Instead both these metals as currency on o parity. "Yes; of "cotirse^ , Thiere was no time, John touched the horse in the shafts . [TO sa ooamuEo.] not there. The government ho had tttid from concessions $1,178,540.83. sidered a largo one. mer's direction: "Thank you, Lorrie. products. The democratic party, has: was 37.0. of silver going into circulation it had gone into you know. Everything was so sudden. between his small pointed ears with helped save hod deserted him. Grover now absolute power to pass Buch a law, IN n flght between cattlemen and the treasury, und thoro it had remained oaa On the 16th Mr. Sherman (rep, O.) chomo ,Biinin,^tci.n You are right. It is easy enough not to And—about Ninette ho knew \ nothing the stinging lash of his long driving THE "CRUCIFIXION PLANT." Cleveland's secretary of the interior BENCON, 111,, was visited by a fire UTER. uacloas article aa far as currency was con­ torizcd 08 unwiao and unbuainosHllko a proposi­ mind about you fellows; but how.about' as it may, deem proper. Until this tariff, shtiopmon near Parachute, Coh, three whicli destroyed the city hall, post of­ cerned. Tho p eople had become conQdent that tion by Mr. Cockroll authorizing tho secretary -Hnu[e;':'i at all until after the ceremony." Whip. It sprang forward violently. had ordered the blind soldier's pension Bcheme is presented there will bo pro-! of the former were killed. mother?" Tradition or tha Alleged Ulraoulous Oriels fice and the Chronicle office, THE was not in tho law of 1893 should be repealed. of tho treasury to redeem (at par and accrued "Did not know, what?" "I said slower, not faster, John. And nr Calvary Clover, to be suspended. found distrust" i IK an inddress in Chicago before the TiiuEB children of J. L, Casey, of session on the llitli. In tho house sev­ Mr. Cooper (dem., Fla.) would vote for the interest) suoh of the S percent bonds as may bo will be run from CHICAGO, PBORIAand Lorimer shrugged his broad shoul­ "Did not ' know that she was to be who lives at Glenburnie?" Let us turn for o moment from tho Wilson bin and ugalnst each and every ono of proaontod for redemption, and to pay for them ders dnd looked powerless. Dick grunt­ Those versed in plant and flower lore "When tbo party in power," says congress on Africa Bishop Turner de­ Little Roclc, Ark., are dead and tlie eral speeches ivere made in favnr of tho •T. LOUIS via the with us. I did not know it myself." "Somo people by the name of Fahr- picture of wont and anguish in the Congressman Burrows, of Michigan,! clared his belief that black was the the propositions presented by the silver men. In now legal tender notes. A dlscuaaiou followed, ed dubiously. Bafe laughed nervously. say, that the celebrated "Plant of Cal­ rest of tho family seriously ill from unconditional repeal of the silver pur- Ho argued that the Sherman law was the cause lo which Mr.Cockrell ridiculed the ideaof IctUng BURLINQTON ROUTE "Strange. Exceedingly strange. To banks," vary" wos unknown in the flora of tlie blind soldier's home to a for different "threatens every domestic industry nndi original color of mionkind. chttsc law. tho national bonka incrcaao their circulation, The harassed look came back into spoctocle. Grover Cleveland, who sent "drinking water from a polluted well. of tho proaent depression. Tho want of publlo John's face; evidently none of them whom'doos the child belong?" "Fairbanksl" It was more of an ex­ world prior to the dote of the cruciflx- all the labor employed therein with un-! EionT masked -men boarded a New NEAR Martin's Ferry, O., a ti-action Mns. FosTKit, her two children nnd confidence had canacd the- run.s upon banks, whilu his proposition to Increase the grccnbock John's wife looked away from tho clamation thaa an enho. a substitute to the war, while Joseph had canacd tho failure of substantial bank­ circulation woa oppo.scd by the senator from AUGUST 22, SEPTEMBER 12, was prepared to help him over that ion of Jesus. According to the tradition restrained, violent competition nud con-j Orleans Eaciflc train at Mansfield Junc- engine became unmanagcatilc and ran her sister were drowned at Bonnot's Ohio, tho friend and supporter of notional banka stern face so close to hers, before an­ He turned to look at her. What pos­ King wns lighting tho Confederotes, sequent ruin, ordinary business sagac-r lioti, Ija.., and relieved the passengers ing instltutlon.s and had brought about difficulty. Lorimer offered some ad­ the originol plant sprung up in tha backtvaid down a hill, killing Carrie mill, 12 miles eastof Jefferson City, Mo, tha present llnancial strlngeno.v. The domo- and tho groat geld monometaUlst OCTOBER 10. swering, slowly: sible signification could tho name have track made by Pilate when he went to WBS yachting on Buzzard's boy. Hoke ity prompts o reduction of expendi-l of their vnltiables. AN explosion of firedr.mp in a pit at Mr. Berry (dom.. Ark.) apoko In advocacy of vice: Smith, his secretory of the interior. and Nellie Ackerman, itged 5 and 11 cralic platform at Chicago had declared On these dateo ROUNO-Tmp TI0KBT3 "To me—now. I am all she has in for her? She was os white as the tbe cross for the purpose of placing tures, curtailment of plants and gonor-l THE national cncainpmcnt of the years, respectively, and fatally injuring Dortmund, Germany, killed liity per­ for tho coinage of gold and silver at an cquat the double standard of gold and silver. "It is well to leave some things to stock of ostrich-plumes in the big hat Who hod ordered the old soldier's pen­ intrinsic value and tho man who stood now for On the ISth Mr. Voorhees called up his na­ will ha SOLO at the world. She is the daughter of my that famous "title" over the head of ol suspensloh to dwait tho blow. It is, Sons -of V-eteriins -met at Cincinnati and .Ella King. sons and injured niti.n3' others, chance and to Providence. Tho boys and only sister." under whi.ph Ninette had gone into sion suspended, was enjoying a trip; to freo sliver undertook to override tho demo- tional bank currency hill and moved ita imme­ I will gratefully accept any crumbs of Him of whom the Jews sold: "Say that this .waiting, this fcdr, this dread ot an- the reports -of -officers made a favorable BUSINESS failures to the number of A CARi'.t.^GK ^v!l.s struck by a train at crnlio platform. He wns ready to support any diate consideration. Ho folt called upon to soy "And your slater is—" eclipse. All through the drive she had Yellowstone park, probably free of ex­ impending revaluation which ia caus-j showing. Information you choose to fling us, but He called Himself 'Kingof the Jews.'" 455 occuiTed in tho United States in Leroy, N. Y., and L. .1. Bo'vco iind his measure which would bring the money of the that his bin wns not Introduced for tho benefit To all points In NEBRASKA, KAN­ "Gone." rested one hand on the child's shoulder The plant as it is now known is a com­ pense. Other ofadols of the odmihla-; -ing much -widespread public depression' GuK.^T damage was caused by a cy- the seven days ended on the 18th, wife f.ud daughter and Sli.ss Nancy people out of its hiding plnco and would place ot the nntlonol banka, but was rather intended SAS, COLORADO, WYOMINQ, .vhere mother is concerned I wotUd ad­ to keep ber steady. He could see the trotion that hates tho soldiers of, the; tho currency on a stable basis, but ho did not to moke uso of tho machinery which thoao vise you to confide in her as far as possi­ The answer eamo after a strangely mon trefoil, resembling tho common and calamity. You ask mo the remedy. | clottenoar Humboldt, Neb., and Mr.?. against 208 the preceding week and Wyclis and Miss Einina Bowdon were UTAH. NEW MEXICO, INDIAN sudden contraction of the gloved fin­ union were taking their cose in various Itiasimplc. Let tho party in powori G. Schtiltz -and her son were fatally in­ bellovo that the country could safely provide bunks now emiiloy for tho benellt of tho gener­ TERRITORY, TEXAS, MONTANA. ble." Ills mellow voice rose irritably: deliberate pause. Either John's wife clover in many particulars, especially 201 for the corresponding time lust i'jKtantlj' killed. lor the !rce coinage of silver at tho ratio ot i» al puhllc Thero was o dreadful situation con­ was growing more and more confused, gers. Ninette turned upon her with pout­ in the peculiarities of growth. There ways at tho expense of the government publicly repudiate its Chicago platform| jured -and horses and catllowere killed. MONROE .S.MITII to 1. fronting the American people, and every rem­ Ticket* Bood twentif dnyo, with otop« "You were ridiculously young to think ing lips: which men like Joseph King preserved year.' (colored) was lynched over on eoinx *tlp. Pasaenser* In tha or else she was congealing under the is but little doubt that in truth of free trade and wildcat money and; THK Tubbs liotul at East Oalcland, IN a bicycle race nt Minneapolis J. byaraobfor an attempted assault at Mr.Goldzter (dem.. 111.) paid considerable at­ edy auggestod could only bo a remedy with tho about marrying at all, Johnnie. Only "Auntie, you hurt mo." from destructlbn. promptest action. Here waa au opportunity for East Should purohaoe through tleketa twenty-five last month." frigid conditions of the momctit. John's it was originally a native ot promise to lot- the tavifl alone, and' Cal., Wits burned, the loss being S, Johnson made ;3 miles in 7:1,')%, low­ Old Spring Hill, Ala. tontlon to Ihe mllUoiis of savings bank do- quick work, und he hoped that tho senate via the BURLINOTON ROtlTE Of their She laughed, and hastily removed her Turkey or India, but Christiana Of a republican administration no mointain sound currenc3' ond public':' • ,;' taoo.oiio, • , posltora ot tho oounlr.v, who, he said, wero a nearest ticket asant. For deacrlptlva "I havo been in love with Nora for mother was becoming positively magis­ ering the record 15^ seconds. Fouit linym;ileers were Icilled sonth of creditor claaa just aa murh aa tho dcsniaod would aco tho udvantago to bo gained hy a land pamphtot and furthor Information, terial. hand. But there was no mirth in the who discredit the story of ita mi­ suoh comparison could ever have been credit.' Business' activity will tstlc(5;thoV;^;\;:];v; Tim Armourdale bank at Artnour- prompt pussuRu of the bill. write to P. 8. CU8Tia,aen'l PotsaenKor two years. She boarded at the same WmnAM .1. JAMISON, a negro herb Hnnnewell, Kan., in a collision v/ith a Wall street hankers. He took i«»uc wllh those "And tho father of tho child?" laugh, nnd there was a peculiar glitter raculous origin still claim that its na­ drawn. No blind soldier was • over de­ place of stagndtio'h'just na soon as'tho'.;" •., dalu, Kan., and the First national bank dootor, who murdered Supervisor company of soldiers who were clearing financial exports who presented liguros show­ Mr. Allen (fiop.. Neb.) advocated the adoption Asant, ChlOBBO, III. Form AdlVl-M house with me. She supported herself in her eyes, which John had never seen prived of a pension by a republicon sec­ of the amendment oltcrcd by hliu to suspend In­ "We never speak of hhn-" tive home is Palestine. Under tho name i public can bo made, to' belicvb in ,tho ' ^ of Fort Scott, Kan,, which Euspeudcd Charles N, Aaron April 19, 1S03, was the Cherokee strip of intruders. ing tho contraction of the currency. as a stenographer and typewriter. thero before. retary of the interior. No rcpubliciia Bincerity of such a deoldratiphi^' ,;';;;•'-:y;i^;i;5'i| recently, haye resumed business, Mr. Gold-^ler said that it was terest on tho bouda on which iho inoreaaed cir­ "Humphl- I suppose she has a of Calvary clover it is ImoNvn all over Eu- | hanged at Quiney, 111. This was tho FIVE persons wero fatally injnred by culation is based- In his judgment the bill Good old family, but everything gone. "We must bo near neighbors of these rope. At present the tliree round green ] official ever treated with cold and cruel These views are representativb 'of re-| . , *| A itAiLsiDonM at Goodland, Kan., not tho contraction of the curren­ Old story. Ruined by the war. She imme?" third hanging in Quiney in sixty five lightning during, a storm at Denison, cy, but the contrnotlon of publlo would commit tho country to a policy ot o con­ "Ninette,!' Glenburnie Fairbanks," she said, lean­ leaves of tlio plant each have a carmine j inhumanity the claima of the union vet­ publicanscntimtintin cpngreas.Thcyj;;";;;^^^^ •wrccUed several buildings and fatally years. Tex. - ^ confldonco which created tho present business tinuance of the national banking system and refused me three separate times. - Then ing back in the cart, when it was no spot in the center, which looks for all I eran. The sightless eyes of Joseph are also • reproaentative of rbpublicon ' injured a man named Wood and his two depression. Tlio groat volume of buslne.ss was ho believed that the time had como whon aufoty all of a sudden she asked me one day if "But a surname, One might calL.a TWENTY members of the Meachim DURING apolitical flght at Romero, required the overthrow of that aystem and the longer possible to study the fiioe of the the world like a drop of blood. During King, in his desolate home, speak more sentiment in tho :, country, nt large. eons. done on credit, auu tha only basis ot credit was I was of the same mind. 'NVben I told poodle, a pet lamb, or a stray kitten, eloquently than flashing orbs .could gang havo been killed near Jacltson, Max., between tlio followers of Garza, confidence. For this reason he arguod that it wiping it outof existence uu apocdlly oa iKjasible. Ninette." old house. tho day the three loaves stand erect, the Thereia widespread dpiJrohonalon r«j- TuE Haitford bank of Phoenix. A. T„ Alo., witliin ten days. Five others were Galan and Cardena, rival candidates was more Incumbent on congress to incroato Mr. Stewart (Ncv.) said this 'wua no lime for - her I was, eho said she would marry me speok of the barbarity and injvistice ot gording the party whloh waa votedintb ('/.lyrt-sfi assigned, aiid .Tohnson, Buck & Ca, "It is suffloienb for my pel lamb," said "It is the adjoining place," said two sidooncs laterally taking on almost surrounded, but escaped. for governor, seven persons were conlldence. and thus increase credit, than to the nntlonol banks t« a.«k a further subaldy that day two weeks. .And she did. John, mechanically. Ho folt lilte a man the form of a cross. During the season the policy which, would crush the union power -lost fdll, pledged as-U is^to;'•:'vK*;v bankers at Ebensburg, Pju, with TWENTY-TWO pensioners nt the sol­ increase the money circulation. Ho was em­ until every effort was mado to relieve the coun­ That is all there is to toll you, boys. John's wife, softly. "Then the small veteran to gratify confederate hate, and branch banks at CarroUtowh and Has­ killed. phatically tn favor of repeat try. It that effort was not mode in good faith young woman, perhaps tired of being groping in a dream for a solution to a 0 small yellow flower appears, its form smash the tariff ond to revive'wildcat diers' home in Marion. Ind., received A LARGE portion of the town of Dick­ And if she fails to win mother's heart, a':^d make-up reminding most startling- to answer the muirwump demand for tings, closed their doors, On the IStli Mr. Sibley (dcm..Pa.) spoke In taverit would not be the fault of the silver men. it will be tho Hrst failure for her to re­ badgered, looked the large old woman puzzle, currency. Thero is' no cbufidenco'that i','| notice that their pensions had been dis­ son, Tenn., wiis destroyed by fire, of blmotalliam nnd.thc Johnson Interconvertible They would agree to everything that would "Andof course you know the Fair' ly of tho crown ot thorns. sham economy in tbo interest of British CO, RiCB&(5B.,0f Sfc Paul^dealere continued. This makes over a hundred bond proposition. He said tho time had corns glvo relief. They naked no subsidy, uo ad. cord in that line. Everybody grows almost defiantly in the face, .freetrade.—N. Y. Press. .. CHARLES TART, a fcderid prisoner, when tho clearing houses of tbe great cities vantage, no change ot iwlicy. banks?" Early Christian writers and not a few inicnrpcts und wall paper, mada'4|.n.as- suspensions at the homo since Mny. was lynched by a mob near Fort Smith, IMS Trad* Mark ll on tka belt fond of Nora.' Oh, I say, haven't. you "Mother-in-law, please don't take a ——~"———" ... . ' sSgntneut with liabilities of |I113,(W8;'?7;;' should no longer dominate and control the pol­ Meaara. KePhcrson (dem., N. J.) nnd Mon- anything to tell me about Dennis? Been dislike to my poor little. Ninette. She is "We did Imow them once upon a of tho "vulgar" historiana mention this THE First national bank of Anthony, Ark., for wounding Capt C. C. Peete icy of the 6;,oeo,ooa.worker.'i of this land. The hi- deraon (rep., Neb) orguod against tho Allen time." SSPSince the dem'bcrota come into A CAU, haa been issued for n conven-' Kan., which suspended payment in metolllsts were ns anxious as were the geatlo- WATERPROOF COAT seen? Been heard from?" such a tiny body, eats so little, and oc­ botanical oddity. Julian says that in power the shrinkage in"'stocks''and with a gun during a struggle, amendment "Did know themi How does one go his time each of the loaves hod a white, tion of the Pan-American Bimetallie Jtily, was permitted to reopen its doors OSCAR H. BURBRIDOIT., a Chicago stock men on the other side to put a speedy end to the Mr. Pcffcr (iMp., Kon.) spoke agalnat the na­ glSJ^ In the World I "Neither seen nor heard from." cupies so very little space. One could bonds amounts tb Wi4;359,l84 ih'stocks present depression, aud this end could be easily lose her in this gratid old hease. about unknowing people, John dear?" center in the form of a cross, and that nssociittion to be held in St Loiiis on to business. broker, was said to be missing witii tional tianklng system. Aa banks of issue tho i A. .1. TOWER. vBOSTON. MASS. "And Ida Foirbanks?" "By willing it." and «335,000,000' in bonds. ; Wljcdt, October 3 next attained hero and now by enacting ia law tha Batjouatbanks would have to go. Their useful­ I shall nidke Celeste keep her out .of close inspection would reveal miniotups which wos to be 'Mpllor ; yfh(?iit'.',.if CHARLES WATSON, a negro who cut, $100,000 in cash belonging to customers, Johnson proposition. Ono cause of tbe present ness had expired ond they should no longer "Thlnga are about as usual over there, "But they live so near. I had no idea AN attempt by city officials to tear tip tho throat of little Sam Keith, 10 years panic was tho Reform club, of New Vork, which I suppose," Lorimer wos spokesman, yonr "way, as much as possible." -;', pictures of flgures hanging to each. Cleveland was elected, shoAvso Ipra .of A DOZEN immigrants from the cholera cumber tbe oarth. Ho opposed the bill ond EWIS' 98<^ LYE —thot ia—what docs the family consist The flgitre on the canter leaf wos al­ a track of the Netv Haven road at North old, to secure four dollars, was lynched infected districts of Europe have suc­ hod attempted to fix up tho tariff before tho suggested the issue ot (100.000,000 in greenbacks, "she Wearing her life away uncom­ It! was unwisely said. Mrs. Lorlmier tlOO.OOO.OOO froth that prohiisOk;','., To meeting ot congresa. The Now York bsnkera FowssBEs AND pcama£s felt herself ighobly mlsconstrtiod. .That of, John?" ways clod in white', those on the sides, this may-.-bo .„added -the ..flnahuiai'>aad- Abington, Mass.. led to a riot in which by a mob near Morganfiold, Ky. ceeded in-entering this country at which would, ho said, go tar toword restoring L' plainingly for a selflsh old sybarite "An old man and a young woman." „ twenty persons were seriously hurt were olao responsible for the panic. The de­ oonfidenoo. (I'ATEN'rEn) docs hot tend to improve a woman's either in block or red. Be also says business depression of three months EiTiNOKR & RussEl.!-, lumber dealers Niagara Falls. mand for the extr» soaaion of coagraso had not Tho Allen amendment bolng rejeotcd, the whoso luxuries are supplied out of-her "A handsome young woinan?'-' , .. I'i'Uconsin the Union national in New York, failed for $400,000. come from agriculturora or laborers, but The ttranorit nnd purett Lye earnings," , , , temper. She abhorred mystery. And that the crosses, figures and bloody under the democratic rpgimc,. Hp.yy- TliK elections ia France resulted in a from the absorbers ot the country's bcxt queatlon was on the amendment offered mndo. UnHko oilier Lyo, Itboing hero wris John's wife tdinting tha pure She' had, .'qtillie recoyertjd -from the spots disappeared from the side leaves- ever tho democrats-'may; prbtMt, -iiHSf: bWikat Hacine and the banks'at River A CIRCULAR, dated Chicago, has been Bofe.majority for the government by Mr. Cockroll (dem, Mo.) for the redemption 0 lino powder nnd packed In a can "Earnings!" '„ emotion, '•.iiiexplleable tdiJohni "which Falls ttjid Ellsworth closed their doors. wealth; not from the [\ «7,000,0(» of nt their lace volue and accrued interest of such with removable lid, the contents air of White Clif!fs with it, at her very: before the flower burst into bloom, but ' whole bod buBlness iyili nattmilly'btf sent to labor organizations throughout An THE result of a Imig spree Doug­ American oltlzons, but from the !!l,03a nro olwaya ready for use. Will "Blown bread and flowerpeddler. " • ihad carried, hor.'for ' a second completely The priva,te bank of Levi HaU at Oswe­ the country urging the unemployed to who had acquired half of the national wealth S per cent, bonds aa moy be presented for re­ make tho best perfumed Bard "Ida Fairbanks?" first appearance;' She turned away that the ce,ntral one (which in all coun­ Boddled on thetn.--TMinneai;tolii" Jour*'- lass Curtis, of Chicago, killed his child, demption and to Issue greenbacks to pay tor Soap In UO minntca without lioiU lout of'her'usnal calmVBcIf-pes^^ nal. go,! ill., aild the Cardlngtoii Banking move on Washington. . and wanted as noon as thoy could the balance tbom- Thia omcndmont wiia opposed "Ida Fairbanks." with a dark; frown. Nora pushed her. tries was tliought to represent the Sa­ fatally woundetl his wife and then took ot It Tho demonotlr.atlon act ot 1873 w as ing. It la the bent for olcanalhg hair, behind her small ears with'a tired j Mid,'as'slib; asked 'this j^'iiestioxiV loipkod' company at'v^Cardingtonj O., also sus- ALL the banks in Le Mars, la,, sus­ by Miv- McPhor.son (dom., N. J.) and waste pipes, dlalnfooting nlnk«, "Great heavonsi She is a fool." jfip"into}>eif'husband's inbiidy fsioeiWith^ viour) "lasted for a good fortnight O^Not a demopralib' paper,-A,lf ti»'|ilti*; poiided. ''^.^ ': his own life. traitorous act and along with tho names'a Mr, Sherman (rep., O.). The latter chor- cloaota, washing bottloa, pnlnts, gestmc. ;Hcr lids ,wero hot w;i'tli the 'after the others had faded from view." iitst fttllit'Wtts a favdrit6''sayihg:':;^;!?;;ij,^| pended. They/ wero the First national Judos laoarlot aud Benedict Arnold would bo I'KNNJI.SALT M'K "I fancy thtit the majority of women •cheorfulcGmpostire^ r:vI• ,':':;-V;\;fj^Si^-!' voice in howls agdihst' "offlcloli'jun'l^eti! Mtisi' of tho mills at Fall River, Mass,, uctorizcd It na an unbualncsaliUe transac­ trcos.oto. '« IIO. tears she would not shod in the. pres­ i—St Louis Republic. : iOcra^S-tliftt tlio re.niiblicah 1 IiH'/jACiunsNT'of President Cleveland and Le Mars national, with a capital of wero closed for an indefinite period, placed tbo names ot thoso wbo wore guilty ol tion. The govornment of tho United Slates «an. ACHiita. PfllCA.. Pa. are when it comes to a question of put­ j But just then the horse iptho'Shdit ing" tbcBO days; yct^.okp,>..Siinih;,^tooU^ and Secretary Carlilslo is demahded by $100,000 eoch; and the Lo Mars atato the crime of ISTJ, In the speaker's opinion the M-^Aitr. luis Pirn mr Una rumitt. ting' their own comfort before that of ence of that stern old woman. Tho mist his father and mbthbr,&lihi ft^if^^/htt^ .tljTbai'ii^'uB(j.tulries''s>^^ throwing thousands of persons out of solvotlon of tho country depended upon the peo­rould not now incrcn.se its demand llubllitica. .'Shied vioietitly. -Ninette's bigh'at turn-' ; .iVanquUl^od,tlie nhost;' < -.-'•.''.•y thoAd:>'ocate, theorgan at Tbpelco of und Germon savings banlcs. It would bo unsafe tu do it Suoh a propoaltlon ACRES OF LAND some man brute ivho.has o ..natural jor tress moved" slowly toward-the door. ; Landlord—Good morning, sirj hopf children and their tutoip,. lwi%m(mN3ijf) ,-efljouliloft';buplnfc^s» ."Kherb' i work, ple who wore living west of tho Allogheniea and Suddenly Norit .stood between her,'dnd • blec},i'yor.thedash'^board.and waa'left'a' the ICansao popu 1 is ts,- • fo'l* failure to pur- • A TARiiK prepaired by Acting Director south or Mason and Dlxon'B lino. . would shako tho foundations ot the govorn- l;000,000 for sale by tbo S* WT VkVh mn acqttirod claiiniupo'ti thom." •"" , ' " yard'.or t^vo 'in," 'thorea'rlof ' thfl .port.be-. ,you enjoyed o good night's rest, sir? from WoBhington tb-'ithe • • " • MtftaiJi EnwARD BRKNNAN,, of New York, mont'a credit Nobody doubted thnt tho gov­ It, DtltUTU R&ILROAD. it - She had.a..wistful.sort'of.faco!aaia park as chiisc tJio jirescrlbed q'u. 'htity of silver of the Mltit Preston shovvs the stock of fell into the river at Niagara Falls and . Mr, Everett (dem., Mass. 1 spoke in, favor ofernmen t wna strong, rich, powerful nnd able to (^ouriNT In Mlnu«90ta, Lorrie's sago conclusion secnacd to set -.foni; John ,cbuld'Olamhor,d6.w!h'[fqr^itai re-. • Traveler—Yea, thanks, pretty fair. ' ih'Jitly.'-. '';"•''^''"f'^-'•'";;•';:'^vT-•',',''•' gold possessed by the' principal coun­ repeal. Ho said the domcoratlo party was Sond for Maps and Circu< voico.oflnftnito-BWoetness:, ^ '^'j I . "Saw 'nothing 'of the 'gliost 'thdt'ir woy train, was carried over the prucipiue. called upon to meet a great crisis. Mr. Cluvo- maintain every dollar of Its money and puy in lais. Thoy will hi) neat to you them all a-thlnking^ Silence fell on iCOVOry.'•:'•."--••- ,-'-j.-,;.) .'V-x'.-;; ok judgments nggregiiting fiiio.oOO tries to be Rs follows: United States, gold ond silver coin, but it wna not able to as­ tho little group, John sighed heavily. "Will yuu'ridt' call me 'dau|KfBripnOe \ Ninette" littered her 'lamentations; sold to'appcar'from time to'time in 'the hot offlecrs THE percentages of tlio baseball clubs land was a great leader, and he was ready to sume now obligations now. virt.>ibus the :siicrii'I seiijed the wprka: of,- thb'Oll'-' •0()4,poo,00p! Great Britain, $550,000,000; In tlie National league for the week support that lender. He did-not care who His pipe lay along the arm of his chair before you go? .Iti wlU bo'Jfrobblng^.no -;aloudl'"'bnt Nora'whs'inorb itttorcated'lh' room you occupied'?" '" bort Car Munnfactnring cbmpany at France, »800,0(JO,obO; Germany, $000,000;- wns roaponatble . lor these presdnt dincultles. Mr, Ckickrcil (Mu) advocated tho amendment qui te dead. As ho leaned over to knock one.' And will you not edyr 'Godibleas' "Ah, yes, J did, though." boii press ^ ended on the 10th wore as- follows; When a great city was.on fire no one cared He urged that there woa no dlfforonce in tho Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, the bbje'otwhleh; had caused the catas­ Trby,'N..-y, :' - v.'',vH,.:'.> 000;. Russia,, $S50,O00;O0O. The silver govornmont'a liability between greenbacks the gray ashes out against tho tall brass John*s wife,' Just once?" -' ;• '• ' -' trophe thaii ih' the fate of Ninette's "And how did you get rid of the i» ^td the'': welfare'of ^tl^o'• Uhitod.^Sttiteil-!;;;;fyl^;^ Boston, '•,701; , Pittsburgh, ,008; Cleve­ whnBo old woman's cow had kicked over tbo Lsnd Oommlsnlonor. st Paul. Minn... ti-uder?" II:^*Tho Ohio dcmocmtlc platform is iMiciiAEi, CLKSAN, a fireman, waa •tbck of these same esnntrlos is given land; .581; Thllodelphiti, .570; New lami). .Every' ono wanted to put out the fire, nud national bonk notes, because the holder of ^redogs, ho was wondering how "poor The rigid llnea about the elder -wom­ hat, although it was her very best. - Free'; -•""•'---•'•-'•-''-•--^----''-'^•'•^' hiil).ccl am] several "others injured at'a' osfolldws:- United States, $615,000,000i national bank notes could demond groenhbckB SDUCATXONAIi. an's mouth relaxed. She raised her as usual the embodiment of, cowardice. York, .681; Brooklyn, .484; Cincinnati, but the responBlblilty to extinguish the fire torithcm ond could then doroond gold tor the little Nora" was "making It" with his An open umbrella, a largo black cot­ "I ofl'orcd him a glass of your wlai • It ottempts to uvold rosponaibility for Wii^fcip'St Paul which.did. «oO,ooo Oreat Britain; $160,000,000;' Franco, ;470; Baltimore, ,448; St Louis, .448; rested with th* demoorata. It tbe republloan' grcenbaeka The question before tbe senate austere mother. He was painfully right liand'With, an uncertain motion. ton tfffalr, with its handle supported when ho vanished with a gesture of »» daniflige to the muslCi house of' W.Jv $700,000,000, Qermanyi Wll.OOO.OOO; Bua- - party' cbase to-betp' them. it. It was willing'to the present (Inahoittl condition, of the ^.eoia'e'i'fdrward ooitbellneB whIoh.Mr.'Cliivela'Dd; woa whether tbe, necessary Increase ot curron- ;PICAG0ATIIEMAEUM*2Z(1«!\C. alive , to the poBslbiUty of his bridal Suddenly it fell by her side like a tiling against a stump, was tho immcdia.te, pfeme disgust" Vyef.fiiliro, : :oy sbbuld.be. mode by'thegovcmipont.'or should ohatnbcF being turned into a chomltev of lead, and she turned away with a ..'^Ohl.Ahl WoU.1 'U^, 'inMtn4*jul'.:..'tli«l...«*AliM.=-K../u,nf' IIB'/balP'-'be Bercolated'^lbroiista tbe'natioDat banka'' - cause of all their, trouble. A, yoiing «f tta'lnqnisitioiitbatsVeni.ne curt "good night" • wonwh tittlng on a atump, with aa Wobhbablatt^.^''"-"-'"'."' • ^ ... jm talie. They report a goocT tU Myron; O. Mted; and ; family are NWIIIIatne ridea a; new bloyole. ,ihBp«tlMoB,dairwi.^^^^ moving to,thelr.term In'Auroll^^^^^^^ ' Postmaster Citll'smmlly, Mra. Nellib IDSOB, BdBilBlBtralor ol Cavendar Is ajwlsttug lu the jHutofQcci BatOni •nd>:lBclUMn4ooanUe^^^^ ttarrlage lloanaca dodug tlie. past . ettste,. repreatBtlng that itia^Baceiauy to The oid 6tb Hioli. iiifiihtry hold to-day. .•r:;...;,.;,:::-, i/: NtirtiiiTS^', Delta Holley who haa been, quite atok la Has opened a; 11 tho r«^l e«UtB wberaof astd daeaateddted their ati'uiial reunion' August, 31 at '\: Mrl and Mrs. W^Oaliley of White Oak were betler.-Mre. Wm. Speocer la>lck.~Hlnnte south of t . Irnugeintata; J[Meph wonts or ovar WlU be awarded a prlsi aelied, lor tbe pnrpcBs, of paying debts and ex- ;KlIee. Boru, August to Mr: and Mrs.i recBntgueaU of their daughter, Mra, G. W. Diokeraon la vlaltlng In OlmoDdale.-Oarrle prlMBar* equitably divided among tta. ptnaia ot •dnflnlatrBtlon, and praying that he Walter Shhier, of Pomona, California, Bfcwei,--Hay Horton of Parma la vlaltlng Barber ofOnoudaga visited here Monday. 'KJBa»k!Mid;Bo^ AUU)(.WUIUmt.UlB(tbnn(....,.»,.,...,...v...... M ma* be anthorlced, lleenaed and empowered to Sbulta' bakery has nioved to the EeroQUsIn Edith Bluokmun.—Wert J. Brewer lerent autes persons retldlDg In any loealli aell aald real esUte for aneb pnrpoaa. , ^ ^ a daughter. Mrs. Bharer>vas formerly baa tieeu very slok but la Improving.—Quite • M*«*«*t have an eqnai opportunity of leautlng the Therenpon It la otderod, that .theaiBtut t dajil r Cook block, oooupylUR rooms lu the Miss Northrup i«nd they are visiting a crowd from thia vl :lnlty aUendeif the Ihr- Holt. free trip fi> Ohlouo, or one of. tbe other or AagnaS aexk. st Ua o'eloclt In the south end fronting on B street. ^Paacy aid CbiB^ valuablepriutfbrtbolrsMie. Thepiibtlitaer forenoon, be atalgned fortb o hearing .o f aaldpe - their friends in Vevay.V inem' pionlo at Plenaanl Lake laat Thuraday. duarteriy meeting will be held at the M. E. wOi^ ^an ittterMtinlk: g^ ball Alilri««llaitoa..t«BtlD«, of "Dominion Illustrated" has already given —Blanche Lewis of Onondaga waa the gueat ..luroh Saturday aflernooirnoon anand Sunday.Sunday.—J. . • ^•yy:;U';yy'(f.MMi .18 away in prtvloos contesU leyen upright tltlonviiiuu. anKuidt tbaiu»t luthse taelrauBu. stls w ofaald.decea.deceaiedi , • The ladies aid society of Eden will George Searle was, brought from ofber oouslu Ida Hill Suuday.-FrankVan- B. Thorbur^ n and fhmllj||y anand JohJohn FaufkneFaufki r which will be sold .nit prices that defy competition. waarplayed ber«' planoB, four aheiland poolee, two trips to and all other petBsaa Inteieited tn aald estate, meet at the' home of Mrs. J. W. ylersh otonoodiiga wuaareceutguestal E. P. attended the World's (htr laat week.-Dr. abdvenamed .nines. The game waa Eulope, two lo World's ftUran d many other are reqnired to appear ats aeaiion of^sald eonrt, Jaokson sboottng tournament last Blackmun'e. _^ Ollnger ooiitemplntes a bustneta trip to prlnoely gifu. Thouiandt ol dollan are be­ then te be bolden In the probate offlce.la the Chapin, Wednesday. Aug. SO, ISOiS. eveuing with a severely Injured ankle. Columbui, Ohio, this week.—Lue florstoen - umpired by Pfeifle,of Maaon, and WlllUm •rbwhiLlAailng.. ing expended for the Puiv«M of InoreMlng city of Maaon, and ahow eanse. If aay there be, He received the sprain lu a friendly .oya a new well.—Mra. Kate McCieady of A FULL LINE OF CASKETS ALWAYS ON HAND. Karker of Wllliamiton. The promi* KtUeO'BrUai lM>*ln«,... .88 our lilt of yearly aabaortbers. "Dominion why the prayer of the petitioner should not be There will be preaching at the Bap- Aoreliog. Dlinondale and Battle Black of Lanalng nantfeaturea of the game were two* lUoitrated" ia the leading and loDgeitMlab. granted: »^ '—' -w.....* — tist church both morning and eveuing souffle with another marksman nam­ dined wlfb thelrparenta last Sunday .-Geo. •MVM Uitaed magaslne In BrlUah Amerlea Oarger ed Parker. . •'.•J'-.^"««.9"5''.an.«> Theron Grlanell take Mark and wile orPottervllle wero the gneata biM« hita by Pulver, Faxon.' Worden than Harper'*, Century, Berlbner's or Ooama- tltloaergl next Sunday. Pastor haa returned. ln,tbe Worid'efair this weeh.-The Aureltua of Frank Oolbath over Sunday.-B; W. Haver andB. Tyler; taomeruna by E. Tyler, Tha foUowng la the Uat of transfers, GRANDMA aald etute, ( ball team play the Auditor General's team and wife are entertalulog relallvea from Bay FUNKRAt, PIREOTOR ANP MANAQEp.s''::7|§ii>: polllan). "Webwye neunmiAlledpromliesto laya it is 30 years since she madt and the beai._- , ... _ . F. A. Wright baa purchased a heavy "SI Pluukard," you have seen him, next Saturday at Lanalug.-The M. fi.aoctet y 9owartb and Ferguaon; and tha In* for one week, endtog Aug. 19, 1888, Mtplaln, taBvlng never broken Ail(ta with the thia order to 6e pabliahed la the INOHAII will be at Bayner opera house again Mlty.--8tellB Decamp viBlted relatives In • •• ..i.vVi:;!;!!',!. ftllible w«y in whicb the Willlamiton wbete tbe oouBideration ia laDO or over: pnblie. Bend twelve IT. 8. twocent •tampa such good biead.as this. She say* UouMTrNBws,a newspaper printed and circn- team for Howard Seely of Beaverton. Grand Ledge aud Aurellua Centre.-Danlel wlUi llsU of words for sample number of this lated in aald connty, tbree aucceaalve weeks He will drive them across tbe country; August 28.. His genlarqualities are nice returned to Six Lak.j...... 880 A WMM'B Fair Oai«a tkafanldMi." Defanlt baving been mUe In tbe eondltlona of Thomas Shepurd of Aurellus, aged relativea,—Sumner May and wile of Alaiedon JDss* M/Bll OM teftm.eemted or kruthtitt Xo it fHll of aanarujrr''^^^^} 'i OwxNQ to tbe laige dlitillerlei not B. Tyler 8 b...... 1 0 • eerUIn mortgage made by Orlew F.,Rlce to moved to the M. O. Mead house and about 10 years, was seriously hurt and Alouio May and wife of Weat Aurellua PaWerrf...... 1 0 iilfM to WiB. FT; Miller • » e< aw Ws iiaveJuat received, "The Best ThiDga, to GUea Bloomfleld, dated Febmary fliat,1882 . and Clyde Eckhart has been quite sick.—A .were gueaU of Horace May and wile one day O»»»ycuf§omtfiieht XiitdryoriHmlUateatonaitlonf Xfthen^ ;,;!,} I being able to pay the government tax 5?5fnSjthe tax shall be paid iu oarr«uoy and TotaJ....!. 0 0 li i"Si^jgtrong"(fec^by'adm^^ giving reodera an Ides ot what they ibould and she hopes she will never have to do Lane, by written asafgnment, which Mtlgnment recover. She was still unconscious yerUaod hl» wife laat. week found her at Bailey of Wheatland visited hia brother Bert 'ci&Vronptfou'?!!^^ S^blk 161, Lan- Beeand what they van beat aflbtd. to, aver- waa on tbo 30th day of Janoanr, 1888, duly^ re­ He was burled lu the potterfs field Lansing and, now they are aettled down In laat week,-Quite a number of our people will notibudge. WtLLIAMBTON. 000 without it again; and we all hope so. too. that uight. yesterday. Ihelr ooBV little home where their frienda C'WCOOKIHI BOOTHJUB EB0WEB»1 Ale^C»nijiB r' Onuidall 8 b and o. 1 0 1 Is to be fonad. It la a book that It would be etatme; and no anlt or proceedings having auother meeting this fall. Leslie. The children nf Mr. Bussell wuB cHlltng ou old friends liere last week.— onliaM heads. . • • , • lat Harner Hoapttal in Detroit laat Howattb 2b 1 0 1 AbelAilknap to Elmer J. Belknap nw weUlorthB vlaltor to read before going to We ftre the people who are been InaUtnted to recover the money secured by WluHelii. Clara Havens ol Leroy, Kansas, visited rela­ beattSyuS'n^a ftmn jrrlriithiB eru; the nao ; Thursday. He bad attained'great Daklnrf. 0 0 . 0 0 u ({otiwK MO 24, Meridian 8(0 tha fair, and la a neoeaalty for all who wish aald mortgage or any part thereof; . , The Ingham County Savings Bank who were petitioning for a guardian, tivea here laat week,—Frank Parman and panumoi uAMi/coiC on an. Octtroy Dieeenattalb 0 i 0 0 1 AKlBelknap to Mairla Belknap to aee the ExposlUon syalematloally.. It eellinff Now, therefore, by Tlttue of the power of aale and tbe coutestant, liy their respect­ Mra. George Monroe and her children r»> iiproinluenoe iu the counolls of hia of sw !^ aeo 34, Uerldlad 1.000 should be In the pocket, of every vlaltor- at Lansing hns commenced suit against wifeare entertaining relativea from Chicago. Ill forward • 'party and waa a worthy man. 0 conUlned In aald moitgagr, and the B,tatute In O. M. and O. F. Barnes for the recov­ ive attorneys, have stipulated that the TBiMpiBiuaa 4 00 SlOlO B. L. BosEGBAMCB, Register. aneb ease made and provided, notice Is hereby plcnlo.—H.P. Whipple and wife of Beldlug up, N«. pw 1^1 4-11' given that on tbe alstta day wf Stoyentbcr, ery nr(60,000, the bank having their court may appoint three disinterested Arthur Wilson an exteaeher has been visit, visited hlB brother Mute here last week— to make It doubly convenient, have .kept the 1803, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, paper to that amount. men to make a tliorough investlgattpu lug here for a few daya.-Mrs. A. B. Hale, QUEEN VIOTOBIA has now passed A CIreat (Jame. Vonimon t'ouneil Proceedings. an old realdent, la at her daughter's.—Mra. C. Prof. F. S. Fitch and family are enjoying the THE len band pages throughout the book nlank I abail aell Bt public ascllon to the^highest of the condition of tbe business as at A. Haynea la very aiok.-The new bridge la oomforta of hiB uiotber'a home thia hot SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., ' I :,the record of Henry III, who ruled One of the hottest con teats ever had [orriotAL.l for memoranda,' and have given a, Uat of C-GROCERIES CHEAP*! bidder, at the front door of the conrt honse la Ou Wednesday of lost week, present conducted and In their opinion «, he .completed, t«-nioirow Auguat 22nd. weather.—Several from here attended the jflfty-six years and twenty*nine days, routes for one, three, alx, and twelve day tbe city of Mason, Ingbsm connty, Michigan, camp meeting in Barber'B woods, Waterloo.— 57 South Fifth Ave.. New York. N. Y. in a game of ball ou Mason ground MASON, Aug. 21.1893. vlalU, Tbe price la but 26 cents. that being tbe place where the Circuit Court lor Clarence Templetou was surprised by say whether or not Mr. Bussell's We think we ahall be able to appreciate It Mrs. Mann and daughter of Wllliamatou are and haa reigned longer than any Eng­ wus experienced between Maaou and Ingham county Is held, the promiaes described a number of his young friends who attairs are attended to in a careful, aa It baa put us to cnnslderable Inconven­ visiting relaUves here,—John Duffy and wife lish sovereign aave George III, who Tlie Council met and was called to In aaid morlgaRe, er ao mnch thereof as may b« presented hliu with an elegant volume ience,—Wliooring cough, mumpa and scarlet Aurellus ' clubs laat Friday. The order by Mayor Beed. Speeimen Cases. necessary to pay the amount due on aald mort- business-like way. Thecourt hns ap­ fever ure at Winlleld. Sherman Van Marter'a orLniisiuR are visllliig at John Coan'a,—F. R, ruled from Oct. 25, 1760, to Jan. 29. Aurelius club is conaldered an excep­ of Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter." pointed Messrs. James Blackmore cliildreu are huving mumps uud scarlet Fltcli and wife of Lunaing vlaited at Mrs. Present, Aid. Elmer, Drew, Mills S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., o, with all legal costs and fees, the promises fever. Dunham's Friday,—Grandma Force's health -'Mir. 1820, a period of flfty-ulne years and tionally strong oue, nearly everything ng described In «ald mortgage as all that Clarence was 17 years old ou that day. nndL. W. Mills of this city and Mr. ia not very good. The warm weather has FREE TO MEN nlnety-ulne days. aud Thorburn. was troubled with Neuralgia and aceruln piece or parcel of land situate and being He says come again. iu the ball line in this vieiuity having The minutes of lost meeting 'read B. A. Davis of Leslie to look into the been very depresslug on account of her age. Wby wsate time, money and health with "dooMnj," wondorful "cure-oils," fallen before them, but last Friday Rbcumatiam; his Stomach was dis­ In the city ot Lansing, eUto of Michigan, known status,of tbe business aU'airs. As tbeir Okemos. She Is OD>ears old.—Caaper Knautf haa Juat apeolflca, etc., when I will aend PlIEB the prescription of a new and and approved.' ordered, his Liver was afTected to an We do not quote prices. Call and described as follows, towit : part of the west From the Livingston Bepubllcan: John Saltmarsli has rented his farm and Is built a lfno_now graunery.—Anna Clark Is posltlTe remedy tor a prompt, lastlnK cure. Lack ot strength, vigor I AccoBDiNo to the latest government Maaon called out a nine that kept part oflot six In block two hundred and forty- duties will be largely to inspect tbe moving to Okemos to give bis iitleulion to visiting at Chus. RIce'a east of Dansvllle.— REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. alarming degree, appetite fell away, eight, Lansing, Uiehlgan, commencing on the Mrs. Minnie E. Einniett of Howell Is large dry goods business of the con­ .Bcrlptiand manhooo d aulckly reatored In young or old men. I send this r~~ crop report the condition of potatoes them busy and were flnally declared and he was terribly reduced In flesh at our Store and we will oast lino of Larch street, throe rods south of the a candidate for the oflice of great his mill which has not been runninIBg fo:r KuauQ'and Hoinnan are getting aioug finely IptlonFBEKorcIiarBe.aodthorelaI nohnohumbi ' i or ftdvoritSaln g the winners. The game was enter­ The finance committee reported on testant these men are eminently qual­ some time, causing the people tn go to Laiis- with Ed. Hawley's lurge horse barn,—It is a kwtch about le. ^ _ you, aa has declined nearly nine points lu the the following claims and recommend­ and strength. Three bottles of Elects convince you that we northwest corner of said lot; thence tsouth four finance keeper of the order of L. O. T. Ing for Hour and iSed,-Those who attendc. d well known fuct that we are always behind [everytblnihoboui t It. Any good druggist or physician can put ft upJveawa for y last months and now stands eighty- taining throughout, both players aud rods: thcaco east twelve rods; theiico north ified for the work, each baving bad time with our school In this (llNtrlcl. What ed their allowance: rio Bitters cured him. four rods; thence west Iwslvc rods to tho place ef M. of this state. Mrs. Einmett is one long experience In that line. It Is the picnic at Qrand Ledge last Friday report ytblng Is plain, and almple, . loannotattordtoadvurUseandgi. quanUti y six or fourteen points below a good apectotora entering into some excite­ are doing just as beginning, being lot nnmber seven of the sub­ of tbe leadlUKnnd most earnest work­ a good time.-Quarterly meeting at the M. D;, we want is more get In our ollicers, which fromsplendi me direcd remedt or advisy unlese youa yoru friend do mse t othefavoro do so. fBu buylngaBmallt you may dqo nti you ment. It was umpired by Mr. John D, Southwiok 9 nights on streeU 112.15 Edward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, III., division ol David M. Bagley. hoped that everything will be found church next Saturduy and Sunday,-Tlie seems to be lacking.—Tliose wiio attended pleoaeaboutt— Yo—u will never regret haviog written me, , as this remed.. y cured mo nttor evory- crop. Tbe condition of thia crop In Geo.-Hosherand men on atreela 14.8» bad a running sore on his leg of eight ers of tbe order, and stands well here prosperous and in good condition, as Piclcettbrothers returned last week irom at­ the camp meeting at AVaterloo last Sunday thing else had failed. Correspondence atrlctly confidential, and ull lottcra Beat la plain, Healed ' August bus only been lowfer twice In Pflfle, and while oue declaion was J.KelleyenighjsouBlreew 6,75 we advertiee. Dated August 8,1893. In social educational and church rela­ pronounced It one of the most disgraceful envelope. Bocloae stamp It convenient. Addreaa Jaa. Burns todraylDg L24 years' standing. Used three bottles bf GABOI.IKE J. LANE. for several years the business has been tending a family reunion lu Wisconsin, airuirsevoralteuded. Such places are a dis­ the last decode. Potatoea will be criticized we believe all are now Electric Bitters and seven boxes of tions. Slie is well fitted for the posi­ They also look iu tlie World's iHir.—Uenry V. O. BABNES, News Agent, Box B, moraball. micli. content with tbe declared record, O. M. Barnes to rent for engine and Assignee of Moitgagu. 111 cliaige of Mr. L. M. Bussell, a Wellman goes to the Worl.l's fair this week. grace to religion and a detriment to the cause potatoes next winter. oouncU room 66.25 Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and WILSON &• Conn, tion, and the Bepubllcan hopes it may stirring and competent man who has — .Many larmers Und it almost Impossiblo to of Christ. In iieathen land we expect noth­ which Is as follows: Geo. W. Whiting to work In cemetery.... 22.00 well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., AUorucys fur Assignee. be awarded her. plow lor wiieat the ground is so liard and dry. ing batter but lu a civilized country such •jaji.V.--. J. A. Holklna to work ou sewer 11 Aug, 10-Kov. 2. there conducted one of the largest acui should be suppressed.-Tlie county ATTonNEY GENERAL ELLIS, al­ HASON. daya 22,00 bad five fever sores on his leg, doctors 8tore.«iiii central Michigan and kept ty drain coinmissiouer is in town for the pur- 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 Andrew TuUmau to work on sower ,11^4 said he was incurable. One bottle Bring your ROBATE ORDEK.—State of Mlcblgnn, E. E. LaiiKley as administrator of Iiigliaui. ways ready with opinions, has had Slinrp 1 0 0 dnys 17.25 county of Ingham, SB, At» session ol tho tbe estate of James Maxwell will sell / up a large trade. Tbe report of these OH« of making out contracts for letting tiie hia most recent one knocked allly by E. Tyler , 0 1 0 Hoyt Bros, groceries furnished for Nellie Electric Bitters aud one box of Buck- Pprobate court for said connty, hold at tho pro­ geiitleineii that things are going all .^y-X"""!-' win tench the Elchell Fiigbam ditch, also for tliu surveyiug and WEAK,NERVOUSIDISEAS£Oi[ I 0 len's Arnica Salve cured lilm entirely. the perso.nal property of the deceased school this fnll.—L, Miller hns returneU from grading the ditch east of town. Judge M. V. Montgomery. Ellis held B. Tyler 0 Odell 2.50 bate onice, in the city of Mason, on the Bib at auction, Friday. September 1, 1893, right will give satisfaction and avoid a °.'',l9'~^'^"'!y everybody took in the picnic Thoasonds of I'ffun^ ond MliMte Aged itm are nnnnnlly Bwopt to a premature frrnvn that tbo new tax law requires that tax Priui Isaac Fields drawing sewer pipe 4.25 Sold by H. M. Williams. Mason, and BUTTER AND EGGSI liny of AuKUst, in ths year one thousaud eight large expense tliut further litigutloii through early imiisoretipn nnd later eicessea. Soi£ abuse and Constitutional bloud Wordeu I 1 S. V, Neely laying and constructing suc­ hundred and ninety throe, „ , . beglniiiuii promptly at 10 o'clock a. atPlensant Luke.-The grist mill Is now In Alaiedon via .llci-Idinu Line. Uiseaaea have rulnod and wrecked the life of many a promiulng young mim. Huvo you deeds arc not entitled to record till Pulver 1 tion pipe at pumping house 75.W F. H. Field, Dansvllle, Druggists. 3 Present, A, E. Cowles, Judgo ofProbiito. would entail. progression .-Fred Miller nnd wife went lo imy of tbe following SymptomB:, Noriroasond Despondonti Tired in Morning; ^o A MlllH 0 u ni. Sale to take place on the Maxwell Uieboygiiu Tuesday lor a week's stay with To late for last week. Ambi- accompanied by ceitillcate of taxes 1 On motion tbe report was accepted. Juat the same as CASH. In the mstter of the estate of Kanaom Dons. farm, two miles south of Holt and tbree Dr. Williams, formerly ol Slockbrldge.—C. "Rather Dry" Is the pass word Just now as tion: Memory Poor; %sily .Fiitiguod; ExoitaWo and Irritable: Eyes Blur: PlmplloiH o_n piild, tbe aamevus other conveyances. Henderson,,, 1 0 1 Vt'hat Malccs a Beautiful Woman. more, deceased. W. Clark and Cloy Miller take iu the World's Uie Face: Droama and .Drm.ns at Night;. Reetloes; Hoggard Looking; Blotohc-s; Bore Laiienby 1 1 Yeas, Elmer, Hoyt, and Thorburn. On reading and filing the petition, duly verl- miles nortli-west of Mason. A lonffllst peoplo puss on the roads.—Farmers nro busy, Throat; Hair Loose; Paini\ " s.-r in- -ii-'!''.'*2."''<"Body; Sonko'n Eyes Eyes:; LifoKMsLifoloss;; DistrustfuDistruattull un undd Liib Luk " o £ Montgomery says they are eutitled to Tout 1 6 2 1 6 0 0 ELKH-t^BT, IND., July 1st, 1991, lied, of Eunice Densmore, widow of ilucciised, Sad and Fatal Accident. fair this week.—It Is a flist-cluss shot tliot liiresiilng out the grain, Somo good yields Enorxy and tjlrongth. OuOurr Jvtio ••— Method• - Trealmcnl will bnild yon np montolly, physically .'.I'll record without the eertilicate. 4-18 The petition of several of the tax­ ofproperty is oftered. Including hogs, Harry Call, son of Postmaster Cal., chnnges his-HlghUi three times on one object of wheat nre reported, but a good deul of the AUaET.IUS. payers of the city of Mason for tbe DuLLAM's GREAT GERMAN MEDI­ Yours truly, representing lhat it la necessary that administra­ cattle, horses, sheep and farm Imple­ us did the supervisor of this township ou his wheat and outs aro slirunkon aud light.— and soxnally. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 tion orsBidostttto be had anifpraylnK thst she aged 17 years, wus killed hist evening. choice lor postmaster. He llrst endorsed F. Qnlte a number of tlie farmers with their Cbns^^Pntterson. 1 construction of n crosswalk across CINE Co: (or some other suitable person) may be appoint­ ments. John Hlmelbergcr auctloner. He was at tlie Lindsay farm u few H. FieiJ, then was Induced to lower his A DISPATCH from Ionia says a se­ EckhRrt,... 0 Maple street and state road on west ed administratrix thereof...... slglit to L, Gcer, then by persuasion ho again wives and cliildreu went to Island Lake to • ^i ^ Al. Edgar.,.. 1 0 0 My daughter has been alllictcd with Tbureuiiou It is ordered that the Int (Iny of Tbe boanhof supervisors that meets miles north of Mason, and assisting raised lils peep sight ou Field, see tbo soldiers, Thoy report u good time £^DRS.KENNEDY^&KERGANDt: rious epldeoiic has broken out John Edgar, 0 side of A street was presented and on, female trouble for over six years and nnd found the Masou boys well and happy,— 0 0 , W. M. PHATT. Senieiiibur next, at ten o'clock in the rorenoun, in this city October 0 will have to have bis uncle G. P, Lindsay in drawing The camp-meeting at Pine Lake was also well among tbe sheep in that country, and Cook U 0 motion ttie inarsbull wus instructed to I have paid out over $7.50 In vain try- bu assigned for the hearlneof said petiUun, and manure. The wagon Imd been un­ tbo disease is killing oif the lamba at Lee Edgar..,, 0 1 construct a block walk across said lhat llic hclra atlaw of saiddeceoaed, and all per- a chairman. It will lu all prohubllity Grovciiburgli. attended by tlie people of tills vicinity-Misa " At U years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined Ed. Eduar. lug to Hnd relief for her, 8ons,lntercBted insaldostalo, arc required to ap­ be a republican cbairnion. We have loaded and Harry wus driving hack to Berlhn Itay ol Lansing wus tlie guest of Sliss an extensive rate. L. B. Townaend, Barnes BtrcctSt A lady friend advised her to secure Dell Pratt has been spending a few days Grace Olds over Sunday,-Mrs. /ane Bay of mo. I became nervous and weak. My book tronbicd mo. I ciiuld N. B. Hays and Amos Welch have pear at a aesnion of said conrt, then lo bo holdon heard of tbree good men who are tbe barn. Iu turning the dump with Rey.C. L. Elllsaud fainlly.-MissHerts!- Lansing visited her sister, Mrs. M. O. Olds Lo Edgar...., 11 On motion the, council adjourned a bottle of Duilam's Great German in the probate olllce, in tho city of Mason, and mentioned as candidates for the place, boards were disturbed und the noise bergaiid Miss DrcKser ofMason visited Ibo stand no exertion. Head and eyes became doll. Dreams and lost nearly 400 lambs which were Im- Oene Edgar 0 0 11 fur two weeks. Bliow cause, if noy there be, why tho prayer of lormoi'.s parents Sunday. Otto Hertzberg of this week.—During the absence of Will A. drains at night weakened me. 1 tried seven Medical Firms", Elec­ Total., 4 1 0 3 1 2 0 1 2 3-17 Female Uterine Tonic and she h us out of business and rid us of prop­ tection to be. The following from tlie cines in order to see whether tlioy were what Every druggist has it. lllli .'.:d the boys moved on to laugii and talk run no risk, Wrlto tlio:n tor an honest ojpinion, no matter who trontod yovu tt may upon the trust of each In tbe general McKlnley Tarifl should be left alone. i County of Ingham, . Probato Conn for essary expense of mining. Their first The building burned coiiialiied ley's Park,—.S. H. Phillips has moved ou to ovar the foolishness of one of tho daughters of save you years of rogrot nnd aulloriaff. Charges reasonable. Write tor a . , BlliuusuesR, etc. Write for a triul said couuty. his farm.-Fred Wellmon and wife of Okemos Mother Eve. good wi'll of his fellows. Wbeu, there­ package, ur if suflbring from any dls- Farmers and Others, EBtuto of Isahcllo Titmus, late :of White Oak, teat win be on the Jesse Gray farm. much inaobiiiery iu the way of parers, visited Addison Stone over Sunday.—Heveral Question Liat aud Book Free. Consultation Free, r fore as often bannens, a niati Is shot Are Van doluir disease, send symptoms. Address, Inehnni Co., Michigan, docraBcd. sorters, coreis and elevators besides Holt people spent Sunday at Pino Lake.- Notico Is hereby given, Thnt Oeoro Tltnuis, It is probable the Eogers Manufac­ Tiio Thompson house In Holt is receiving a Now Try This. dowu iu the public streets unawares lo travel? If so you must be very careful of TABULES MEDICINE CO,, South Bend, artnilnlBtrator of said estate has lUod his an­ several large cider tanks and was and without provocution, what would your health, or your doclor'sTjllI will cost ATTENTION I turing Co, will not begin work again now coat of pi Int.—Mr. Sterling oi Bay City It will cost you nothing, and will Ind. Our remedies for Nervousness nual account, and that I Iiave appointed Uio eth till Monday, September 4. They are valued at $3,000. The berries stored has had a photograph car at Holt for a lew 8RS. KENNEDYMERGAN Detroit'Sf,*'-*', Mich* ; be tho effect did every other member you more than your travelling expenses, A and Consumption are becoming very day of Soptcmbor next, nt 10 o'clock lu tho fore­ In the building were worth at tbe *lays.—WorlE in tills soctlou Is as scarce as do you good, if you have a Cough, of Bocicty abandon this trust In his bottle of Sulphur Bitters will protect you noon, at tho probato oillce in said county, us llio compelled to remain closed so long on 'liens' teeth."—Is it not about time that the Cold, or any trouble witli throat, chest from all sloknons Incident to a chunee of popular, Arc you in debt on your farm or llnioof hearing iborcon. uccountof Inability to get money to do market price $400 a ton, so that tiie tamo warden showed up in Delhi. Wo aro or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery fellow citi/.ens and run oft' to arm climate.—Evening Telegram. 7w2 Dated Maaou, August 10,180:1. total loss was probably nt least $13,- ufoiyned that somo of our leading sports and himself, barricade liis house and cut It Is Strange other property, iind is it about to be A. E, COWLES, business with. Barker & Co., bilck citizens ure In Uie habit of Ushing with nets. for consumption, coughs and colds Is Sufferers from Piles taken from 3'ou; or have you free Tiie Best and Purest Medicine! O. J. HOOD, Judgo ol' Probato. and tlie manufacturers, will also shut 000. Tbere wus carried $1,000 Insur­ guaranteed to give relief, or money the ties. of social Intercourse, even That people suffering from Piles will Probato Ucglator. 7w3p ance ou tlie building and $7,000on the When tliey hear or see a poor man break the -DETROIT. MICH.-; through those which bind together Should know that tho Pyramid Pile Cure „V I ilown with tbis week for the same game law, they promptly call bis attention win be paid buck. Sufterers from La- endure them for years or submit to dan­ and clear property, that you wish to EVER MADE. reason. Some concerns, you see, can stock. If all ibeiusurance Is recover­ to the fact. It moy be well for them to post GRAND RAPIDS. M1CH.> tbe lowest of savage tribes? How long will promptly and effectually remove /^AXVltwin drive thp Htimorf romyoiirl lDMINISTRATOR'l S BALE. By Tirtuo of a Grippe found Itjust the thing and un­ Largest atock In the West gerous, painful, cruel and expensive exchange for something else? In '^K^VJ'l^systcm, and make your skin I u..*. ]llconso , to mo crnntod on tho 2lst day of do that in case ufu stringency, but a ed the net loss will probably be $5,000. themselves up a Uttle, und we wish they under such conditions before tha social every trace of them. Aay druggist will surgical operations, when all the time |4> <8^KXLclenn nnd einooth. Thosel JulyA, 1803, by A, Bi. Cowlos Judge of Probate —Eaton Bapids Journal. would practice what they preach. der its use bad a speedy and perfect ABSOLUTELY £VEnV-| GLASS orguuisui w)•/ 4{^|^Thleh mar your beautyj shall soil at public auction un the llth day of Dansvllle. expense and learn for yourself i ust how ments, ultimately duoiiied to extinc­ For neuralgia, head und toothache, S. C. STALLKNECHT, Senteiiiber, 1803, at one o'clock In the after­ It does not require a wise man to see :hrtol{en out of the grave ,you and .J good n thing It is Trial bottle free at rheumatism and all other pains, use trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure noon, at the front door of the dwelling honao, that papers must now double their would never come out of it. It wo'ltiu TheladlesofthoM.E. church will hold an tion? Yet in tlie great field of human and can bo f(Uind at all drug stores, Anv Room 20, Carter Building, situated on the iirsmisoB horoinaftor doucrlbcd. 'Ice cream social at the reildence of E. H. Clark H. M. Williams', Mason, and F. H. activity connected wiiii money and Duilam's German Liniment, at Hal- ktlnie, If you arc In said county, all tho right, Utlc ayd Interest of elforts to keep tbelr bands at work and litivo been nnothov case of Charlotte .Saturday evening, August 2«.—Mrs. E. T. -—THE stead & Son and F. H. Field. * druggist will get it for you if you ask JACKSON. MICHIGAN. ^ jwlso nnd use. which Wary Tinker, lote of Biinkcrhlll, fn said po.v them weekly. Instead of taking n I Petty and daughter ot Lansing ure guests at Field's, DnnsviUe, Drug Stores. Large buslucss. Is not this thu course exactly him. ^ .tho great! county, deceased, died seized, in and to tlio Cordtiy atteinp.ting to slay' a tryant, IE. 8. Clark's,—Miss Ora Heuld will tench nt bottles 60 cents and $1.00 3 being pursued by the money lioarder? He can find you clear property for bloodpu-l foliowlnR land, to wit: The north half (J^) of ret t The NEWS pays more cash week ly ilici'self slain. It woultl have been an­ 'Leslie tiie comioe } our and Miss Winnie Geer TRAVELING. PUBLIC! Uucklen's Arnica Salr*. jltler. tn Mason labor than doesany other con­ nt Mason. Two successful Instruclors.-Geo. Ho knows Hint the whole structure of A Now Pile Remedy mortgaged property if anybody can. the Boiuhwost quarter (>4> of mictton nuinber other case of ,lohn IJrown attempting Collins threshed 106 bushels of wheat for Den- A New Certain Cure for Piles. trade and industry rests upon a fouud- The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, thirty-livo (35), in township nnmber ono (1) north, cern of its size iu town. MORAL: Fay The mall route irom Dansvllle to Uoaou Bus created a sensation among pliyRlcinns Telephone No. 363. 6tf of range one (1) oast, Duukerhill, in the County tbe paper wliut you owe, aud pay it to freo the slaves, himself hung. It I nls Wriulit in 40 minutes. Who can beat lt?r- Wo do not intend to indorse any except ulion of the same nature us does society Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum- by Its woHclcrfnl effects In spceilily curing of Ingham and Statu of Michi^tan. would have been Death and Christ In a Mrs. D. Hewes lias moved her ell'ects to Mo- articles of genuine merit; we therefore having been discontinued, tbo subscribers Itself: uud yet, heiiriiig of some fluuu- Pever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, proniptii'. ' 'Buln, her future home.—Mra. A. Dutrlsac ia will hereafter run a vehicle over the road Is ever ready tb serve yovi every form of Piles. It Is called the JOIIH W. WHAt.I.0N, •grapple, und Death the victor. Tho making a two weeks' stay at the World's take pleasure in recommending to sufler- dally (Sunday a and the 4tb of July excepted) '••yy--"-:y0 cial tragedy lilie a bunk failure, he Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ Pyruinid Pile Cnre. It. is clicap and siin- AdminlBtratorof the estate ofMury Tinker dc- fair.—J. A, Richards has put a new wire feuce ers from Piles in any form, a prompt and tor the conveyance of passengers, express, best. Kept by ruslicaoirto fortify his house anil cut tions, and positively cures Pllea, or no m mmum mmmm, coasod. A dispatch from Lowell, Mlch.r black ling would have floated on all and a plank sidewalk In frontof hia residence and freight, at reaaonahle rates, leaving Dans. IC to use, but nothing removL-s the .graves and mausoleums of the dead, permanent cure. The following letters oft comiuerclul intercourse with his pay required. It la guaranteed to give One Man Can Cut Tfiree to Five Dated July iJlst, 1803. ISOBwT Aug. 20, speaks of a remarkable faint whicii adds mucli to its appearance,—L, S. speak for themselves: vtUeattlo'olook A. K. and arriving at Hssoo SIscnso so quickly, snfcly and surely. ily thus: The ninety-fourth birthdaj iind hell would have conquered the Miller returned last Saturday ITom his trip atorbeforelOo'olook A. M., returning at aneb fellows. And well lines he succeed In perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Af.y druggist will g«;t It for yon. Acres Per Day. OMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. The under, to Ohio, He met a large nuinber iif old ac­ Mrs, Mary 0. Tyler, of Hfjppner, Ore,, tlmea each day aa ahall beat promote th . „^FRMEl & THORBURII.^^:;,|i^||| bringing about auuiv.liy and li state of Price 25 cents per box. ForsalebyH. signed, having been appointed by the Pro­ of the venerable Abiier Kiinpp of thiii iforccs of Heaven and captured the quaintances and came across landmarks that BEST RESULTS EVER RECORDED. For a C were familiar to him alter an absence ol 80 writes: One pkg. 11 Pyramid Pile Cure eonvenlence of the public. worse than cummerelul barbarism." M. Williams Mason, and F. H. Field, comparatively InexpeuHlve tool tu do thia, bate Court of tbe County of Ingham, Commia- ' place A'us celebrated lust Friday, and ramparts of God, and Satan would have entirely cured n\r i,f piles from which I Thatis^Wliot. uddresa with atamp, sioncrs on tho estate ol James Maxwell, late the day was made tbe occasion for a years. Be was highly pleased with hia trip. CEORCE P. CLYNN. Tiiey -always keep'the Very-'Cho^ic-'^/i^^i^ Dansvllle. Dr. Koch's German Nerve Pills for of Ueibi In said county, deceased, to sotUo and .come to coronation In the palaces of -Cloy Miller and O. W. Clark lelt Tueadoy have suflered for vcars, and I have never 7w4 /. 2. MERfUHIMN, Whitewatep, Wis. adjust all claims against said estate, do hereby . galberiug of relatives In tbe hoine^ Meavcn; and it would have : been devils for the World's fair.—The highway oommis- had tho sllgh'io'' return of them since. • • . , estofair-kindsbf^;v<>i;i,:':;j^i^^ nervous people. Guaranteed to cure give notico that they will moot for tbat purpose stead In thu east end of town. Mr,) Btcner rejected the bridge Jobs Monday. They weak memory, loss of brain power, at tho lato residence of said decenecd in Bald ' lon the throne and sons of Ood in the will be let over again.-Milo Mucklnder will Mr. E. Oliiien, Bock Bluffs. Neb., WOOD'S PHOSaPHODINia, township of Delhi, on Bitturdny. tliv Olli Kiiupp was born In 1709. His wife,! iSiingeon. teach tbe faU term of Bohool at the'*Brlck" In says: Tho I'kg. of Pyramid Pile Cure lost manhood Nlgbtl.v emlsHionM and ns4lr«BtEasUahU«mB8r. y or Mnuteiiiber. A, D. I8B3, and ou Betsy Archer Knnpp, is also living, Wheaineld.—Mrs. Geo. Patrick has gone to HOGS^^g'^BOOM all nervousness In elilier sex. Price, JsBoonful. lt»»tl'»lb^4.V^ > I Moiiday llie 15tl> dny or January, A, D. and Is ninety years of age. They Nol n»' nol When that stone tvas lonlucounty.-The grist mill Is being sblu- entirely reniuvcd every trace ol itching ProiBptly sad penasaintly 1804,atone o'clock tn tbo afternoon of said piles. I <.-,anot.thank you enough for It. In consequence of/<)r/ij^ Coun. Hor 6 for 95. Dullnm'M Medlolne Co., all fenn* ot MmeiM I medicine. Try ft,Jf'>a%b?&,5{'„%> % [ havo nine ctiildren living, four sons polled from the door of Christ's grave led.—TboB. Hanua'a horse broke loose Mou- Flint, Mich,, Manufacturers, Sold by I yea will lie saflsnod. ^ 1 days. Six months from the 14th day of July, it was hucled with such force that It The V\rumid Pile Cure Is a new, cer­ frits aecejiins Amtrieah I'ari, POULTRY AND GAME. ItreotiMW, Aslwdm*, Iftfm "Get It of your Druggist.'^j* ^o^Ji A. D.lBOit, lathe timo limited for the prcaenta- nnd five daughters, all of whom nre Suy night and went home. Tom found the Send fot a daecription of the Hulstead & Son and F. H. Field. * otorrkao, AvoMnoy OBd OS tion of claims, Kiundmothfis nr grandfathers. Mrs. .crashed in all the grave-doors of Cliris- walking good and his buggy badly damaged. tain, piiiiloES curo for every form of piles. tfiMti tfAbnt or twtum. —Some one put a package of out meal In L, S. It is f.i Te, sure and cheap. Any druggist famous O. I. C. nOQS,a.8o6 Oith Paid for Hides atidPeltB JACOB COOK, Harriett Du.v', the oldest daughter, temdom, ivttd now the tomb is only a Mlller'a buggy irday _night . Owner can Iba. the weight of two. Fint ' ptsBorlbed over Sg Jf you are Buffering from ,Kld^^ .\enxnl,. HAitPBB, aged sev^'iity, who Is herself a greiit- g at his hou8e.-F. L. Mil- win got it for you If you ask hfm. ilBttiouBadaof leV Disease, and wish to live to^ CommlHsionecs. bower where tJod's clilldron take a have sameby calling at his applicant gets Pair of Pigi DRPRICE'S , olJ »^.~ se SULPHUR BITTKBS^ Dated August S, 1B»3. 5wS gruiidiiiother, lives with tbe old peo­ (iiesfta, un afternoon nap, to wake np la ler haa gone to Cheboygau with a horae far Dr. WllTiamB.-LouURlohlson WOK here la»t IthenmatUm Cured lu ai Bay. on Tim* and an Agmtyi iTbeyBeverfslltooure. ple and takes cure of them. There mig]jt.y inviporation. "Christ is risen." week on a vlait.—The examliiatlun of Di. uro tlvf generations living, Mr. and WIntere waa only partially oorauieted Men- "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism aud Tb* L. B. SILVEHCO;, AjNEW DRENS llhildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. draoM te WBSI'S PkoethedUMi It b* OOM Bang that lamp among , all the tombe day and was adjourned until Thuraday.— neuralgia radically cures lu 1 to 8 Clevoiand, Ohio " ' Bend's i^o^^Bf^^i^A^T^°^^"^J^^l StumpagOf Choice Lands. Mirs. Kiiupp lii-iiig great-great-grand- . Hi»B a New Dreaa thia Pall by having , ' laplBOBOf tui^ leavs Us S6iMD.MaaB.,lRiM(iBedlcatwotkpublUihedr of my deud. Hung It over ni,v own rest- Ferd Oaborn aud Herbert Sawyer have luused days. Its action upon the system Is ;«rioh'g^eeri,^;^;uven|K>rt of Los Aageles, ditnoea until further notice.—Mark Bmlth and remarkable and mysterious. It re­ Whea Baby wna itek, wo gave her CMrteri*. •lisiai,gt. OiM«f«plN««.ttow«eiw«. Vaawii- aud oottou belt of South Ceutral Georgia Cal.f will) are Mrs. Day's grand child- His wbf'k Is dono. The darU-cst Friday family have left Chloagoand gone to Uaat nga. moves at ouce the cause and the dis­ Evetywhere, i Campeleiil M IB ilate ssM eavslops. • Beats peataga. Ti;i,EqpApHY cheap un easy lerma. Furohaaers cnn put up. rt^ii. The old pe«>|>le are vary feeble, afternoon of .tlio world's lil.stor,y be­ -Mra. K, P. Walker Bocompanled by ber ease Immediately dlssappears. The When she waaa CWld, alio cried for Castoria, saw inlllN and• mora "tha• n »Hy fo• r tlie• lf r land• daughter, Hra. H. M. Parka, arrlvedlaat week. Book-keer^ Ihe only Purie Cream of Tartar P()wder..-NoA»m9iila( No Alum. Wlieu she became Mlis, sho clung to Csatoria, Vha W«*« OhBsalBBl Oa.. with the proceeda pt the timber. ' but exticit to oeleiirNte their diamond comes - the brightest Sunday mornlnff —Jamea Aaqulth and Ihmlly made a abort first dose greatly beueflts, 76 cents. m WoedwsM aveanaklMRilt, MMIb Wanted Young. Hen to leem pnrtlculiira. Hnach Lnmlier CO., St^Writi Equi'tu.e for . wedding In December next. ! of its resurrection joy. The t^ood Fri­ vlait at B.V. Giylord'a Monday .-Walter Sold and guaranteed by H. M. Wllr BBce.-Write for price Hat. L;C. Brpsay D*inir,: ~ in Millions of rHmea--%4oYcflrt the Standa^ Wl.vnaho bodChlldrvn, she gave them rHdorla, ,l«14 ta KHW 49t IritTViiiN ty'AU SngfUU. students. ble Uuilding, Atlautu, Georgia. 77w 4 day of hSttor memories becomes the . Squicti Is here ou a week's visit. Hams, druggist, Masou, Mieh; 1 yr. Co., l4 Randolph Straat, Dfitrott, Mich. ~' TEUaOAPH Ga.OwMu.Klcli. '••' ,* .f.-—.,-,^ „„^'\ • J

IliiiiSiiiii^ mi Handed arid alone yo^ eoriterid - a'fcatriit The gals* et death ware eloaed txt^iUm, IN OHia that, troop; you fllng.thla Divine weapon The Lord Is rlsen.'.He llviei asaln. S.'p;HpPBftroilf)THB;fFARMEII.-^?r^ into their midst, yon scatter those aina 1 give you the third oause of Panl'a ' • Tbiolt It uvsr. mmm. A geiid; giawaaa twa yaatfitea , Mrtagi DotigUM.'''Ua'rtl«>:'ai cnieagaaa, ;Cn»Ba JampUic *Vii not Bjr price ot goad«tn6r grsAe— VMABMtlieaa^ Afffia X^y. T. DeWItt Talmatm ValJia on as'quick aa you can think bV it.' 'fit hi Drink aad Deapoadenajr. Kills Bia Llttto Vfroni.thalWmdoWa oir a Di^ exhilaration; We honor the rlgh$ Be it tlU) very best that's made— '(^p. ''•ltriait|M•ri*a'^'aiioo'l•r^^ .Oiow^ ' MaiirVUBB niv BMUlt la Morder..; : QirL'VortaUr gonads Hte,WUh;am|. ' '•a'enfta'Bribkljn.^;'.' • ' .'.i.^'''•-•-•• Paul's Triumphant O&alldiiGre. Christ that died." Why theri bi-ing upi hand'moro than •we do'^the left ' If ift ' Nor yet by dealing fair; . ':;':iair-^PrioM.iiiibbi«;do{ii^ ; Twrwi a; Aug. Mi-^the hamlet of MlneM and dthem retnming to Ish- to us tiie sins of onr past life? Wliat aecidentor battle we must lose one •na not by tact nor by address, y ot Agrl- the Bcerie ot a bloody row Saturday day flre destroyed a block of tramin tcn- I« tVaannnK at the Feat ot AH ^oleal- ;BinBftl(dmttt'y':',^^n>u»Ue:i|o'o^i*oti^^^ " ;prioea, '.,. ,'•• . I.' Lloyd,were' the prinbipal com­ Friirik Llebor, the father, bJB- :ment ot the'wonidn\'^^ also' mnlioth intercession for us.—Bomans ing for ten thousand years, can not Marshal Noy was Napoleon's right- (> To make One Loaf of Royil Unfermented Bread:' -The iOBKlit* Milling eSriipany at Ne- batants, ...occurred 'at the ' horn* family ... aeemedto, live, .well, t < fie' eaiae pariic-strlokeri ,'arid'' yblllrig his . Shut your eyea and you oan see her in tbe i'(i;'|;-:':i^^(f?itlw;oVbrflbwd^ • ..Tbe.eotton crop wtU;.be harvested on tewer • '... bring up one ot our sins forgiven and hand man; and now you have tho gaunee failed to pay ita diseharged of Peteir" 'Osterholt; In Bascom, bad married , Misa -.Maude Bay. at. youngest '''ehlld'''JoBie,V aged ' baby's obildhood days, I quart flour, I teaapoonfiil aolt, iialf a teaspoonful sugar, talcoB. The orisanizattm popular acres..than last year. As large or'a larger "This is the last aermon I shall ever friineni the three'^niontha' ilraffeadue Keokuk, la., eight years ago.. Du^ 4, in 'a'' iriattrijss threw her forgotten and sunken into the deptlis meaning of Paul when he speaks of Wben tbe golden gleam ot sunset on her tan­ 9 heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder," cold boiled , breadth was planted to this sUple, but the arid was .the ^'restdt; ot a family preach," said Christmas Evans on the gled tresses plays; y,, J: J: / and rapidly reoruiting meinbom iroin: ing the big strike ; oni. the,; Chi­ ot the sea. When a sin is pardoned it Christ who is atthe right hand of God. them.v The irilriera'-will attempt^ the iaabUlty ot many planters to borrow money feud which started-way back in the 50s, out of the window. He shouted to Liz- And the mother, though grown older, still is pouto about the size of large 'hea'a egg, and water. . , the best classes of S(»toh women. ., 18th of June, 1838. Three days after­ is gone—it is gone out of tbo books, it eoUeatlonotk^theiclaims, ambuntlrig to enough to work the ' ordp, toitetber' with when Peter! Osterholt' stabbed and cago, Burlington & Qulrioy road he lost 2ie, aged 17, and Maggie, aged 13, his That mo.ans Ho IS the guest of near enough to call, - sift together thoroughly flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder; rub in Ibe wards ho expired. I do not know what is gone out of the' irienibry, lit • is gone ':ii;r;n>',v'^]. 'Ix.iscliiiinod,'that• the'prlie''f^'pti"'' •7S,(H)0, tor.lahor throDKh leinsl 'process. drought,' floods and worms,'/'and the. atlll nearly killed Qebrge Flack, the father his right hand After that he camo to other daughters', to'jump for their lives. Heaven. He lias a right to sit there. With her ready bands to hold her when she' potato; add sufficient water lo mix smoothly and rapklly into a slUf batter, (reater diffloulty of getting money, tor picking his text was, but I dp know that no out of existence. "Their sins and their lust about to fall. tienco must bd awarded to the soleiitist Many, were, alf eady BU^sistin{g;ori a' diet ot Louis'" Flock. Tile feud had been Chicago and found work. The other, They grasped each 'otbor's bands and The hero of, tho universe! Count His about as soft ai for pound-cake; about a pint of water to a quart of flour will ' combine to seriously curtail produotlnn. Au­ man cnuld choose a ' bettor theme— li liV • who rccoittly: oompUed a cataloguec6n»' barely sustaining life luid'.wpuld^: sufller roomers at 033 Seventy-ninth, street: leaped to almost certain death. Mag­ iniquitjes will I remember rib iriore." wounds; two In the feet, two in tho be required—more or less, according to the brand and quality of the flour; gust indications point to a crop not axoeeding handed, .do\vn. from generation .to, gen­ though he knew it was the last tiriie he Now the baby iaa woman, and sbe's bending 'tfttning lists of the.Tarious kinds of in- for food of any sort" in^'a tew dayi The ,7,800,000 bales, with favorable weather, and very eration and numerous rows have oo. noticed nothing strange' a'bout his gie, was internally injured i and all From otiier tragedies tnen have como hands, ono in the side—flve wounds. o'er a bed, used. Do not make a stiff dough, like yaoit bread. Pour the batter into a' „ isootia Avhiob are to be . found In .the Bhouldover preach—thon tiie subject .iriirier':propBrVr Cw nuoh less than tbat it Inseow and climate con­ curred between the, two families.'.; . actions e.xcept ' that now ' arid' then her I limbs : were fractured. Lizzie away exhoustcd ond nervous ond sleep- O.you li^ivo counted wrong. These aro' Wbere the spirit trom the body ot bcr genUe greased pan, 4Ji by 8 Inches, and 4 Inches deep, fiUlng about half full. The !v • world;^ According", tov bim , .there''' an • tinue unfavorable. ' found in this text. mother fled: guarded dayilud^ riigfiit' by a >pdsae vvtK'i-i :j v*--.'; asserted. that ho lost most of his Internally injured. Her recovery soothes and calms and saves. Calvary severer wounds in tho temples; each placing paper over first 15 mhiutes' baking, to prevent craning too loon on dullnostt in American cotton maQutaoturlng to who became Incensed,'at' Loms Flaok - to the fcot of oil ecclesiastical. and Mother I" hear ber call, '':'!'v,-, parasitic insoots." .' monthly salary, which he drew July 15, is poiislble. Josio was injured inter­ was the stage on which'it wosenacted, thorn an excruciation. But there are no hand* to hold her and she' top. Bake immediately after mixing. Do not mix with milk. | be only temporary, for there is a scarcity rather about a trivial matter, struck'Flack civil outhorlty. He feared neither than a surplas of staple and desirable goods at gambling. There being no roody nally andIsdyirig. .Lleberalso jumped, the curtain of the night failing at mid- My friends, wo must have an ad- just about to tall • Ptifat sueceti can te hadoHfy with tkt Royat BakbtgPowder, btcautt it is th* and Itnockod him down, Flack's two swords nor lions, earth nor hell. Dio­ .,.{:'!:: TrusBE is encouragement" in the fadi !EeEfdrte^,t6^the state and mills aro already starting' up to All orders money In tho hbtise the family suffered ntlyfauider in tuhieh the ingriditnit artfrefared Motto give that continHOM boys, James and. Lloyd, determined to but beyond I'being, badly bruised, and noon was the drop scene, the thundei' Voeate. A poor lawyer Is worse than Launched alone bn life's rough ocean, she Is 11 i 'that tlio flow of gold continues stoadUjr'; by severity obiwrvers^ ^iri dUterent. parts' with every prospect of being crewded to sup­ cletian. slew uncounted tliousandH un­ On Angiist '15; 0111:118 drew another cut was not hurt. i.Maggie and Katie of falling rocks' tho orchestra, no lawyer at all. Wo must have ona ' drifting with tbo yeara. i: action necessary to raise Iht larger iriadleof. ply'the" domestlo demand for the. ensuing six punish young Qsterholt for assault­ der his administration, and the World mm. •! 1 pii^om Europe to America; amounting.iO; .'of »he;»tate't6r the v^eek; ended August I month's pay and quit work. Since thitt Schlang, sisters, leaped from the .win- But tbe voyage is a lonely one, and, samctlmes, months,, English mills cleaned up tholr sur- ing their father 1 and jumping angels in tho galleries and devils who Is able'successfully to present our •* ' . ' • . * ' i f I L the last, few; weeks to upwards of I3d,«. li» • Indicated • that cholera infantum,' has been full of persecution; but all through ber tears plus.durhig the great strike last year and are into a wagon drove hurriedly day he bad beon continually more or dowii at,,'joa'arid, were badly out and in tlio pit the spectators, the cause before God. Where His, e? Who the persecutors of the world could riot She can seem to see. hor mother, she can al (> The best baking powder made is, as shown by analy­ I;| 000,000. Another encouraging feature inflammationof the -kldrio.ys and bron­ now enjoying remarkable prosperity and are less under the influence of liquor. bruised. The.neighbors say the Llebers tragedy a crucifixion. "It is Christ is He? Tliere is only one Advocate in mm toward tho Osterholt home.. Tbo affright Paul. Was it because he was most bear her call, , : tocoatemplato is the fact that the price chitis Increased and .(nflamtnation ot unable to meet tbo export demand. This ex­ (> sis, the "Royal." Its leavening strength has been found young, man saw them coming, and Saturday night ho came homo, late. could have been saved it they had but that died," Oh, triumphant thonght! oil tho universe that can pleod out And by faith she sees another band to bold her plains why cotton commands tho prices our- physically strong? Oh, no, I suppose 11' of New York oxohangis en joyed a pre- the bowels deoreofied in area of preva­ Intoxicated. His wife and little child waited. Loss $40,000.,. , , . cause in tho lost judgment, that can should she fall. (' .rent two years ago nt this date, though the sought shelter in tke houso, locking the hq was Very niuoh weakened by ox If you go through tho picture gal­ superior to other baking powders, and, as far as I know, I I i cipitato drop the othdr day both in Chl« lence. . OiphtheHa'iw.as reported at had already retired and ho lay down plead our cause before God in the great —Cy Warman, In N- Y. Sun. (• 'world's visiblo supply Is somo 1,600,000 bales doors behind him. Louis Flack and NBW YoiiK, Aug. 19.—Saloonkeeper "posnre and maltreatment. Wos It be­ leries of •Vorsailes you will find a greot i.j-; ' oago and Cincinnati; ' thlrty-olgbt places, scarlet fever at on tho floor. Early Sunday morning tribunal. (' it is the only powder which will raise large bread perfectly. mure .now than then.. With a short crop con- Squire Flack accompanied the young C. IT. Myers is said to have refused ad- cause he was lacking in sensitiveness? change there. 1 sold to a friend who ConeernInK Weather. twenty-seven, typhoid fever at thirty- Bumptloa win require more than this excess, (' mon, claiming all tho while that they he arose and went down on the mltjtance to the four children of Frank had been through those galleries: "Are Sometimes in earthly courts attor­ nrhen tbe atmospberio forces and all that sort j '' Exi'ERiMENTs with a bicycle fitted three and measles at nine' places. with a consequent advance in valnes. No; vou And the most dolicotc shades Cyrus Edson, M. D. wero going along to act as peacemak­ street, and sovcral people saw him Llever. y(1\a wcrie iimong the injured nt of thing <> IJ out with a small chemical tank and Present indications point to a crop ot 1,750,- of feeling playing in and out of his lot- thoy as they were before tha French neys have. specialties, and ono man ers, but they Wero soon mixed up in the sitting on the sidewalk about It tho early morning fire on Cooper street, Bring the cold and cutting winter season (> Com'r ot Health, New-York City. j llro ajc are being made by a South " Forest Flree Bum a.ViUage., 000,009 bushels ot corn, contrasted with 1,080,. teirs and 'sermons. Some.ot his commu­ war?" and I wns told there was a great succeeds better in patent coses, on- here. 000,000 lost year and over 2,000,000,000 bushels scrlmmiigc. o'clock. In a fit of despondency ho near the Brooklyn city-line, by which : 1;: Boston fire company. The bicycle haa Matchwood, a little town of 200 in­ nications burst into tears. Whot was change there; that all that multitude other in insurance cases, another in And the iridescent anow flakes of which tbe in tho immense yield of two seasons previous. The Flack boya burst into tho Oster­ went back to his rooms. He scribbled a twenty-two families wore mado of pictures which represnted Napo­ eriminol cases, another In land cases, poets sing Braadmakers using this receipt who will write the result . I cushion tires'and with its whole outfit habitants on the Buluth.'^onth Shore But unless abundant rains provitil throughout it that lifted Paul into this triumphant hasty note to his brother at Keokuk, homeless. This aroused indigna­ Chase thcmaelves. In chilly frolic, through ' : , weighs about sixty pounds. The tank & Atlantic railway, was almost entirely the corn belt in August, followed by mild holt residence, breaking open five doors mood? The thonght of a Saviour dead, leonic triumphs had been taken atvoy, another in will oases, and his success ii of their experience will receive, free, the most practical cook Io., saying that ho was going to com­ tion, which deepened during tho tho air; i holds about two gallons of chemical. wiped out by flre. The flames crept ia weather, prodiiotlon may shrink to 1,000,000,- in order to reach Fred Osterholt, whom n Saviour risen, a Saviour exulted, a ond.jn the frames were other pictures generally depends upon his sticking 000 bushels, and may even drop to tbe size ot mit suicide and alleged adversity as tho da.y until it culminated in a book published, containing 1000 receipts for all kinds of ' ; which amounts as an extinguisher to from the burning forests and every­ they followed into an upstairs chamber Sorlour interceding. representative of Germanic suocoss nnd to thot specialty. I have to tell you When the winds are penetrating, and the frost the 1890 crop, when we harvested less than any cause. His wife and little ono wore riot in the evening, in' which M.yers' is on tha ground. and beat almost to death with a club. AU the world has sung tho praise of victory. Oh, that all tbe scenes of Sa­ that Christ con do many things; but it cooking. Address ' ; about twolvo pails of water. thing was so dry that before the people year for a Ucoadc, with a single oxoeptloa The And pedestrian locomotion's rather slow; Perry Osterholt was struck in tho both sleeping. He looked at them on saloon was demolished after ;much ot tanic triumph in our world might be seems to me that His specialty is to realized their danger tho town was in review palms out that while tho area ot corn is Princess Alice, One child having died When the cars are halt an hour lata whenever instant and took up the revolver. He its contents bad been destroyed, -The ':; BOYAt BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WAtL ST., NEW-YORK.' ,; A BusiNiESS man of Colfax, Wash., flames. It was then a scramble among some 2,000,000 o( acres greater than last year, head with a large stone thrown by of a contagious disease—sho wos in tho blotted out, and that the whole world take the bad case of tho sinner and homeward bound labile seven corn-supply states over 1,000,000 placed It close to tho bead of his sleep­ rioters were onl.y dispersed after sever­ Lloyd Flack and will die. Old man room whero another was dying, and might be a pictitre gallery represent­ plead it before God until be gets etern­ Because the horses oan't get through the 11 i proposes to stoolc that country with the terrified people t« save themselves, less acres are devoted to maize than was the Osterholt nnd two married sons living ing wife and fired. For a moment al had been wounded b.y shots fired by ing, tlie triumphant Jesus! Down with al acquittal. Oh! wo must hove Him snow; (' ; Chinese pheasjints. A largo poultry The loss was estimated at 150,000. case two years aga the court physician soid to her: "You •: 'W. she was dazed, then fully awoko deputy sheriffs from Newtown. A sec­ bouse has been built at his homo and The wheat crop will not exceed 413,000,000 near by, .ramcs and Frank Osterholt, must not brciitlie the breoth of this the monarchy of transgression! Up for our advocate. Then the voice ot man arises and be tells "MA," said a discouraged urchin, "I ain't MANAQER—"That young friond of yonrs'la- to tho situation. With ono bound ond and third attack was mado upon going to school any more." "Why, deurt" a sleepy sort of follow. What sball I do< lie has liatcbed out foVty young bbrds Attached for Wases. bushels, according to the American Agrioult. and James Osterholt, who came to tholr child or you yourself will die," But with the monarchy of our King! Hail! But whot pleo can he make? Some­ funny tale urlst's own retxirts aud its Interpretations of she sprung out of bed and ran Myers' houso and at midnight the mob AS to how he loves tho geaUo summer days, tenderly inquired his mother. "Cause 'taint wlthhlml" Merchant—"Seo If you can't . on his place. MaUy more eggs are now Ono hundred and fifty miners of thc rescue, wore also horribly beaten and seeing the child mourning because of Jesus, boil! times on attorney in court will plead any use. I can never learn to apell. Tbe government returns, compared with 014.000;000 out thc door. Mrs. Whitchouse was Wben the flowers nod and whisper in tho love­ find him u place in tbe night shirt depart Buffalo Mining company ai Negaunee cut up, Tho two Flack boys were also wns still fighting with tho constables teacher keeps obooging the words every in his incubator. His hens bave laid as the average for the two last seasons and thc deoth of her brother, the mother But I must give you the second con Be tho innocence of tho prisoner. Tliat ly hawthorn dale. ment,"—TO-Bits. badly carved with a razor In the hands startled by a polo woman in night robe nnd the rioting hud assumed serioua doy." i over SOO eggs sinco last fall, but none secured judgment against the companj 400,000,000 bushels in 1300. Nearly 2,500,000 Btoopcd down, and in sympathy kissed of Paul's exhilaration. If Christ hiid would be inappropriate for us; we ore And he basks beneath tbosmllingsun'a bright less acres wero dovotea? to wheat than last P I stumbling into her room. "I believe proportions. BiLSNCB is golden, but you hove never oi them has yot offered to sit ' for $20,000 for wages due for tho months of Fred Osterholt. the little one, caught tho disease, and all guilty! guilty! Unclean! uneleanl rays. year, and tho bulk of this decrease was In the ond ' I'm shot," and Mrs, Curtis foil into tho staid in that grove we never "WBAT mokes you so sure that Wrlghtor reaUzed bow golden until you havo to buy It, of May, June and Jul,y. Exccutloni Every resident of the hamlet perished. All tho world sang tho he­ Christ, our advocate, will not plead our —Atchison Globe. ^ surplu.s states, wbiob bid fair to have 78,000,000 other woman's arms. Everybody in IMPROVEMENT SHOWN. would have gotten out of it. But when tbe whirligig ot time brings "gen­ is going into fiction} Has he ever done ongr- ' IT is not often that tbo engineering were placed in the hands of the sherlfl fewer bushels than last year and 12.5,000,000 many neighboring farmers, full,y SOO roism and the self-sacrillco of Princess The gr.ave would have been as innocence. Sometimes the attorney in Ue summer" on. thing la tbat line)" "No; but he's planning the building was at once aroused ond IN apple plo order—tho choeso that cornea and an attachment was placed on thc bushels under tbe surplus states' product of The Situation in Trade Circles Grows And he wilts and molts beneath tho scorch­ to spend two weeks ou a fisbing trip."—Buf­ .world ia called upon to witness tha persons, surrounded tho houso during Alice, but I have to tell you tluit wlien dark and dismal as the cori- court tries to prove on olibl. He soys: with it.—Puck. ISUI. Availabls supplies of old wheat are 40,000,- two young men started for a physician. ing disk. falo Courier. ^^^^ completion of a work nearly 3,500 years machinery and stock piles. tho riot. When tho affray ended tbo More Kneouragrlng — People IJoeomlns our race was dying tho Lord Jesus clorgcrie during tho Reign of Terror, "This prisoner was not at the scene; ''V-i: 000 bushels irroater tban a twelve-month sinco, In the meantime Curtis was complet­ The inconsistent mortal sings another kind interior of tho Osterholt bome pre­ Nolf-Reilant. stooped down and gave us the kiss of ho was at some other place at tha Tm: great danger of looking too much up after it was flrst projected, but such is but oven allowing that farmers also hold 17,001),- where tlie carts came up only to take song, New state Instltntlon. ing his work. There lay his llttlo on the wine when It's red is that one may the case with the canal through tho 000 bushels moro old wheat now than then, sented an appearance more liko that NEW YOBK, Aug. 10.—R. G. Dun & His everlasting love, tind perished that the victims out to the scaffold, I do time." Such o plea will not do in As to bow he loves the winter cold and brisk. Gov. Rich has appointed tho follow­ child, with beautiful blue eyos and begin using it for paint—Philadelphia Isthmus of Corinth. Projected 600 tho total supplies for tho ensuing j'ear aro only of a slaughter bouse. James and Co.'a weekly review of trade s.ays: wc might live. "It is Christ that not wonder that the ancients tried by our case. Tho Lord found ns in all —PhlladelphlB Lodger. ing members of tho board for locatlnf) 600,000,000 bushels, or 117,000,000 less than the gold hair. Witb tho sound of tho first Ledger. , years before Christ, agitated again 800 Lloyd Flack, mounted bn swift "There Is a rift In the clouds. Paint and yot died," embalmment of the body to resist the our sins, and in tho very place of onr the home for the feeble-minded which average of tho two previous crops. Our home shot still ringing In his eors Curtis ad­ dellnlio signs of improvcmentare ull tho better Home Seekers* Ezenralons. JCAMMA—"Little Bobbie Jones always aske years later, actually begun by. tho Em­ horses and plentifully suppliffl with dissolution of death. iniquity. It is impossible to prove nn was established by tbe last legislature! consumption has averaged 305,000,000 bushels vanced. Another report ond tho life of becauso thoy come, not from possibly delusive Can you tell me how tender-hearted On August 2Snd, September lath and Oc­ to be excused when he leaves tbe table, and peror Nero, it is completed in 1893. annually, leaving au apparent export surplus money, dccamx^cd as soon aa tha alibi. Sometimes an attorney will Ex-Gov. C. G. Luce, Coldwater; John G the child went out, Tho revolver wns hopea or from momoutary foreign aid, but from Paul could find nnything to rejoice at Tbe grave is the darkest, deepest, tober lOlh, 1803, round trip tickets at very you never do. Why is it?" "WoB, I guess of 135.U00,CO0 bushcl.i, agulnst exports last year bloody work was ended, and a the Booa sense and the wonderful rocuperatlvo plead the insanity of the prisoner, and low rates will be sold by tiio Santa Fo Route placed close to little Leslie's head and in the hoirible death scene of Calvary? ghastliest chasm that was ever opened It's 'couse he's ashamed of eatin' so much,' Sharp, Jackson; L. A. Sherman, Port of l(i'.',000,OUO and Ihe season before of 225,- detachment of citizens beaded by power ofthe people themselves. Buslncsa is say he is irresponsible on tliat account to tbe following deatinationa, viz; Te points don't know."—Inter Ocean. Tins London Optician, in describing 000,000. she never after moved. We weep nt funerals, we ore sympa­ if there be no light from tho resurreo- in Boutb-western Ulsaourl, to oil points in Huron. Tifiiu police aro hot on their trail! trying to go ahead without waiting for Wash­ That plea will never do in our ease. , tho remarkable progress that'has boen Tills year's aorooga of oats was never ex­ ington. Imported gold, 50,000,000 or moro during thetic when we see a stranger die, when tion throne streaming into it; but KonBas,Kebraako^lorado,Wyomrng,Utah CosTOMEB—"Do you suppose you oan take Justice Flack has disappeared. Louis Then It was that Curtis thought of Wo sinned ngainst light.ngaiust knowl­ ^ulado of lato years in the treatment of Old Pioneers Ateot. ceeded except in 1880, when over 750,000,000 tho weelc, does not go to tho right spot, but iho a murderer steps upon a scaffoldVe Christ staid in the tomb all Friday Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma am a good picture of mo?" Photographer—"I Flack was arrested and held to await himself Ue sat down on tho floor close edge, against the dictates of our own Texas; the greater part of Now Mexico, and shall have to answer you in the negative, ! cj'o- diseases, says that with the opb- Ton thousand pioneers of Ivalamazot bushels wero grown on 27,400,000 acres, coin- people aro creating a hoine-mado currency for pray for his departing spirit; nnd could night and all Saturday, all Sat­ pareU with G'M,000,000 'oushels on a slightly tho result of the wounds inflicted on to where his wife had slept. Ho raised themselves by using certlDcd checks In paying consciences; we knew what we were also to Phoenix and Tempo In Arizona. sir."—Vogue. thalmoscopo and pphtaiinoinetcir thero county met in reunion at Long Laki Paul—the greafrhearted Paul—find urday night and part of Sunday morn­ Tickets will be good from starting point on smaller aercnge this season. This is within the Osterholt boys. The raostintensa the stump of his right hand ond x>laccd hands, settling local accounts and pur­ doing. What thon shall tho plea be? nro very few probleins, with regard to and elected officers as follows: 40,000,000 bushels of last yoar'.s outturn and chasing groin nnd cotton. Ltltlo money anything to be pleased with at tho fu­ ing. He staid so long in tho tomb that date ot sale only, and for continuous pas­ Auditorium, Chicago. c.\citeiuent prevails in tho village. his left arm over it. Tho weapon sage in both dirootions, with a final limit for tho functionsatid.disoaBcs of the htiman TheroQ F. Ulddlngs, of Kalamazoo, president; Just about an average ot the previous three comes back us yet from timid hoards, and tbe neral of a God? Besides that, Christ had Ho might fit it for us when we go there. The plea for our eternal dellvoranco That most gorgeous of stage spectacles William Henry Little, ol Elchland, vice pres­ clenched tightly in his left, hand, ho paralysis of exchange is nearly as complete as return passage of not more twenty days "America" retains its tenaoious hold on the cyo that can not be' deterinin'od by an crops. only recenly died, nnd the sorrow was Ho tarried two whole nights in the will be Christ's own martyrdom. He from dote of sole; except that stop-ovora ident; Addison i/L Brown, of Sohoolcratt, secre­ ever, but that very fact pushes each section and public. The Italian opera season is post­ export in a very few moments of time. Tho usual quantity ot rye, buckwheat and A BIG STOCK SHOW. placed the muzzle in ills mouth. A wUl be grunted within tba limit beyond tbe tary; A. Cameron, Jacob Lemon, Orriu Snow, city luto relying more 011 Itself and losa on gov- , fresh in the memory of the world, and grave,so that Ho saw how imnortant it will say: "Look at all" these wounds. barley will be garnered. moment later the revolver was dis­ first Harvest Excursion point on toe route poned until March, IStK. executive committee. It Opens nt the World's Fair arnunds— ornmenl and Wall street. Resumptions aro how in the fresh raoraory^of a Saviour's wns to have plent.y of light, and He By all these sufferings I demand the TnK laying of tho telegraph cnblo The supply of hay (over 8:1,000,000 tons) and charged and hu, too, lay dead. of tbe ticket other forogo is abundant, though mill feed Splendid Horsea und Cattle from Mau/ now bocomiuB somewhat frequent, and in tho death could Pirul be exultant? hna flooded it with His own glor.y. rescue of this man from sin and death TUE difference between o tight window Detailed information can be obtained from between Queensland and Now Caledo­ Short But Newsy Items. and cotton seed meal may be higher tban last Mra. Curtis was removed to Mere.y very shrinkage of production men seo evidence and hell. Constable, knock off tha and o "tight" man on o railroad train is tbat Lands on Kxltlbltlon. that demand must soon overtake supply. It was because Pjiul saw m that Iti.seiirly Sunday morning, and we the nearest ticket agent of the Santo Fo one you can't ODcn and the other you can't KNOWLEDGE nia, which is intended to form tho first A 4-year-old son of Henry Marks, oi winter. hospital, where her wound was pro­ shackles—let the prisoner go free." CniCAQo, Aug. 31.—Never bof ore sinco death his OWE deliverance and tho de­ start np to find the grave ol Christ. Route or ou opplibaticn to Jno. J. Byrne, shut up.—Yonkei's Statesman. Brings comfort and improvement andl l^f section of a trans-Pacific cable between Mlchigammc, was burned to death by The serious reduction la the supply of live nounced of Buch a character that sho "The decrease of 25 por cent, in clearings out­ Assistant Passenger Trafilo Manager, Chi­ stock is reflected la reduced arrivals at our do­ horse fiesh and fino cattle first grew side New "iTork last week and 30 per cent this liverance of a race from still worse dis- We find the morning sun gilding the Who is He that condemneth? It is Australia and Canada, will be begun would probably die. The remains of cago, III. BoTcnEn—"Didn't liko that ham? Why, tends to personal enjoyment when^ ^ h^^^^^ his clothes catching firo froin a stove. mestic markets and decreased exports during has there been a live-stock exhibition week Is only natural. A litUo more money is Christ tliat died, yea, rather that is ter; he saw the gap into which the dew, and tho shrubs are sweet ns the It was somo I cured myself." Customer- rightly used. The many, who live hot- V; j.; .very sUortl.y, and is expected to bo fin­ The barge Mary Prlnglc, owned by tho last seven months, with a very fair ten­ tho father and daughter were token to now found for commcroial loans and failures so representative and complete as that race must plunge, and he eaw the foot cru.shes them. Whot o beautiful risen again, who is even at the right "Is THOMPSON In business now?" "Onlv "Call tbat ham cured! Why, man. It wosn't ter than others and enjoy life more, with J i;]- ished by tbo ond of this month.. It Is Thomas Cnrrio, of Port Huron, was dency 10 values. Much stock in Europe Is be­ tho morgue, of banks have become both lo.ss Important and In o very quiet way. He is silent partner which opened at the stock pavilion at bleeding haads of Christ clo.se it. The place to bo buried in! Wonder they hand of God, who also maketh inter­ oven convalescent."-Boston Transcript. less expenditure, by more promptly ; i/!' :statod in Sydney that tbe cable will be ing slaughtered because of drought, and later less frequent, though tho grootest caution is in 0 private deaf and dumb institute."—In burned there. The vessel had no carga the 'world's fair this morning. Without FIVE PERSONS KILLED. shown In acoommodatloua. The receivership did not treat Clirist ns well when H<^ cession for ns." adapting tho world'a best products'tv •completod to Vancouver within two on the export demand is lllcely to bo large. glittering steel on the top of the ese dianapoils Journal. Loss, $11,000; fully insured. tor Northern Paclilo had been so fully But why all this gladness on tho OUTHAOED ACTHOB fflercoly)—"Sir, your Butter, ohocao nnd milk have boon in only or­ considering tlie thoroughbred run­ Shocklns: Accident at n Crossing of the cutioner's s-pear in his siglit kindled was alive as they do now that He is abuse of my book udmiisof uo explanation 1" the needs of pliysical being, will attest i r ; i .years. dinary suiiply owing to the reduced number of dlscountod that tt produced little offoct. The Copper Falls mine, which has ning horses and the high-strung trot- Into o torc'h to light mon heavenward. dead, Givo the military salute to the faces of these sons and daughters of Cheap Ezonrslons to tbaTyest. Candid Critic (calmly) "ub, yes, it does. the value to health of tho pure liquid ; <: cows. StocKs arc light and dairy interests Loliigh VaUey Railroad. . though this la the third groat railroad been worked for nearly forty years, tors, tbe finost animals of America and The persecntors S.TW over the cro.ss five soldiers who stand guarding the dead. the Lord Almighty? I know what you An exooptlbnolly favorable opportunity 1 read It "-Puck. • laxative principles embraced in the -'tt; '; "XaE British custom, houso has been were never In better shape for a prontable LuBoy, N. Y., Aug. 31.—An accident default this year, and tho aggregate stocks for visiting tbe rlubost and most productive and is one of only two mines left In from several of tho European countries, But hark to tho crash! An earthquake! are thinking of, A Saviour dead, a remedy, Syrup of Figs. '! 1 .^aoiztng Greok statuettes representing winter. occurred here Sunday on the Lehigh and bonds of tho throo roads amount words written in Hebrew, ^reek and aections of tbe west and northwest will be KERF the pores open Is essential to health. Keweenaw county, closed down perma­ to Mno.OOO.QOO. Prices of securities have -satyrs, on tho ground of indecency. An 'The Amorlean Agriculturist notes aa in­ where well bred stook Is highly valuoa, 'Volley railroad crossing of Lake street Latin; but Ptiul saw over the cross of The soldiers fall back as though thoy Saviour risen, a Saviour exalted, a afforded by the series of low rate harvest Glenn's Sulphur Soap does this. Its ezcoiience is duo to its presenting ' nently. yielded comparatively lilUo. Cotton fell o -examination of the inculpated statu- creased domestic crop of sugar, but a shortage will be on exhibition and will compote in which flve people were instantly Christ only one word—"expititionl" wore dead, and the stone at the door of Saviour interceding. "What," say yon, excursions wbicb havo been arranged b.v Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, 60 cents. iu the form most acceptable and pleas-. 1 iu tbe world's production ot 300,000 long tons ot quarter of a cew with somewhat butler re­ the North-Western Line, Tickets for thesa An arrangement has been made b.y In thc ring for valuable prizes. Tho Uilled. Their nomes are: L. J. Boreo, Ho heard 'i-n tho dying groan of ChriJt Christ's tomb spins down the hill, flung "is nU that for rao?" All! All! Never ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly v( •cttes reveals the fact that there is no sugar; but "prices are more likely to bo alloot- ports of probable yield. Wheat drags near the excursions will be soid on August 28d, Sep­ is blind; but its imagination Is the regents of the university for a stock pavlllion, where daily trials will by the arm of an angel. Come forth, let ma hear you complaining about LOVE beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ' .•indecency whatever. Tho statuettes ed by changes in legislation than by cbnages in wife and daughter. Miss Nancy lowest figures ever known In spite of decrease bis own groan of eternal tort«re taken tember 13th and October lOtb, 1803, te points equipped with double-barreled telescopes.— In visible supply, for, though wealorn receipts ativo; effectually cleansing tho system, '.are curious examples of human and practice court In the law department protluetiou." A reduced yield of heav.T loaf and be hold, will bo tbe liveliest place on Weeks, all of this place, and b.v- nnotlier. Paul said to liimself: 0 Jesus! from the darkness into the anything again. With your pardoned in Northwestern Iowa, Westeru Minnesota, 'I'ruth. are not large, stocks on hand aro far beyond A fire In tho Gabriel and Boach blocks plug tobacco is assured and tho cigar loaf crop the world's fair grounds during the Miss Emma Bowden, daughter of sin behind you, and a successful Christ North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, dispolluig colds, headaches and fevera Togotablo forms combined, like tha tho power of, spooulators to carry with money "Had it not been that Christ volun­ sunlight. Come forth, and breathe tho Nebroeka, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, at Sault Ste. Marie caused a loss ot of the Connecticut and Housatonlc valle,ys has next throo weeka Uev, Samuel Bowden, of New pleading above you, nnd a glorious DYSPEPSIA, Impaired digestion, weak and permanently curing constipation. • . well-known figure of Daphno turning been curtailed by drought and hail. An advance ..markets in their present condition. The move­ teered in my behalf these woald havo perftime of Joseph's garden, and wiil be good f«r raturn paasoKa wlfbia stomach, and constipation will be Instantly Heaven boforo you, how can you ba It lias given satisfaction to millions and! into a laurel tree. rso.ooo. in prices is predicted. Ever sinco last Wednesda.y train York. Tho five unfoirtunatos started ment ot corn is decidedly largo, wllh crop pros­ been my mauled hands and feet, my Christ comes forth radiant, and nsHo twenty daya from data ef aula. Blop-over relieved by Boocbam's Pills, 25 cents nbox. prlvUogoa will be allowed on going trip lv met with the approval of tho medicalt ; Frank Moe, of Jackson, who was loads of line stock havo come into tlio with a spirited team to drive to church. pects improving. gashed side, my crimson temples." despondent about nnything? Hops will make a fair average yield in tho stoi)s out of the excavation of the rook territory to which tha tiukata ara sold. For When on the tracks the east-bound Le­ "Important relief comes from the abatement "THAT," said tbe rapid young man. as he profession, because it acts on the Kid--;; 1 CincAssrAN women, it is said, who shot in tho back twenty years ago by a United states, but aro only half to two-thirds exposition grounds, Tho stables, "But," sayssome man in the audnenco, further information call on or address of the drain upon savings banks and of tho de­ Men of gretit physical endurance 1 look down into the excavation, and lointed to his ateam yacht, "ia my floating neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- prisoner whom he prevented from ot a full crop in Germany, and with a light high 'Valloy flyer struck the forward "all that is very good and very true for Tlcltot Agents of connectinff lines. Circu­ aro noted for the velvety softness ot which are tho most commodious ever mand upon other banka for currency to bo used in the distance I sec others coining ndebtedness,"—WashmRtou Star. yield in Esgland tho export demand will take part of the corrioge and a second loter aometimes carried ver.y heavy burdens lars giving rotes and dstalled inforwotiou emng tbem and it is perfectly free froms^ tholr complexions and rosy bloom, breaking jail, is dead- He had been at gDod prices every bale of American hops built for an exposition, are over­ in paying bauds in this and adjacent slates. hond-in-hand, and troop after troop, those who are inside tho Kingdom; but m tho crushed bodies of the occupants —three hundred pounds, four hundred will bo mulled free, uDon application to W, every objectionable substance. . nevor use ointments of any kind. confined to his homo for .years and dully thai can be spared. run ond hundreds of head of flno '"rho commercial failures this week number how about those of ns who are outside?" THE reason that tho geysers at the Na­ potands—and they have still said: "My and I find it is a long procession of tho A. Thrall, General Passenger and Tickol tional park leap ao bigli is because tbey are . Syrup of Figs is for sale by aU drugr ^'i . had from ten to sixty fitJs. wero flying through the air. All were 455 in tho United States, against 192 for the Then I S!iy: Come into the Kingdom, Thoy apply te their faces half an hour Potatoes havo felt tho drought and about stock aro sheltered undor temporary precious dead. Among them are our Agent, Chicago & North-Vir astern Bailwav, composed of spring wotor.—Lowell Courier. Ifti.OOO.OOO bushels are looked for—slightly more mangled beyond recognition, Mi's, same week laat year, and 27 la C:inada, against strength is not yet tcstetl; put ou Chicago, gists in 60c and $1 bottles, but it is man-- ,'i before their bath a thorough coating A Cornish minor by tho name of tents. Among the horses thoro are a, •own loved one.s—father, mother, como out of the prison house into the than lust year, compared wllh 21.%000,000 in Bovee was decapitated. Tho train BSlastycar. Two of tho fiillures wore of firms more weight." But alter awhile thoy ufactured by tlw California. Fig Syrup- of white of egg. When this has com­ Tucker was killed at the Tamarack hundred or moro Shetland ponies, great employing over »l.000,000 capital eaoh, twelve •brother, sister, comp.anion, ehildren, glorious sunlight of God's mercy and A boy was asked what the Sunday the bounilful crop of two years ago, stox)ped and backed up to the scene, werecompeled to cry out: "Stop! I TUB man who recently countermanded MTTB Co. only, whose name is printed on every , I j^j pletely dried they wosh it off with mine in Calumet by a falling rock. He Pcrehorons, Clydesdales, French and others wero employing each over SlOO.OflO nnd pardon, nml come now. school text was. He answered: "Man Kevlnwlne tho nnanolal situation from tho butimiuodiatoly moved onward. can carry no more." But the Wfden coming up out of tho excavation of tlio his wife's order for photographs did so be­ paclcage, alao the name, Syrup of Figs; \, y-AA'iyfi topid water and thon proceed to hatha bad been in this country but a few Ilussian trotters, G crman coach, saddle, nlootyiwo wero llrms of over $5,000 oupllal." It was in tho last days of thc Reign of uro cold, butfow are frozen."—NowarkCall fanners' standpoint, ilie American Agrioultur- of Christ wns Illimitable. First, there •rock until the last Ono bus stopped ont cause he bod heard it was u "speaking" like­ and being well informed, you will not- j; as usual in soap and water. months. isl coiicluaos that "Iho prospect for prices in liacknc.y, thc beautiful Arabs and all Terror, the year 17I)s'. Hundreds and ness. WOULD INCREASE CURRENCY. was His own burden of hunger, nnd 'into thc light, and I am bewildered, accept any substitute if oflercd. Miners have decided to try legal the early f niuro dcpotulg more upon the mone­ tho others of high breed. OVER THE FALLS. thousiinds had peri,shed under tha tary silualion than upon natural condltion.s, all thiT.s;t, and bereavement, and a thou­ ^and I can not understand the scene "Tnann are conditions," said tbo man Tai! price of a first-class Pullman cq,r Fate of a nontiiuin Whose Craft Was Coinage uf Silver Ilullloii in tlio 'Cronsnry French guillotine. France groaned who started tbo ventihitlng fan, "under means of collecting tho wages duo of which point to causes that should result iu Perhaps tlio most interesting single sand outrages that havo l>een heaped •until 1 see Christ wave His liand over wbicb one IsiiistlQod in putUugou airs."— Ti-eatedflreB., la about SIS.OOO, while tbat of what ia them for work in tbe Buffalo at hislior prices." exhibit of horses is that from the sta­ GapHiznd ill tho Nlagarn River. Would Soouro fSCU,t>l)0,ono. •the advancing procession from the with the tryannies of Robespierre ami rnlllnlr GISW . upon Him, and on top of tlmt burdon Washington Star. ^ known as a flat car, such us are used to Negaunee. The total amount is 875,- Stocks abroad are not materially larger than bles of the czar of Russia, Tlio flnest NiAOAliA FALLS, N. Y., Aug. 'Jl.—Ed­ WASUINOTON, Aug. 19.—Of tho many Tock, and liear Him cr.y: "I am the tho Jacobin club. The last gi'oupot "German i>UllT«|,UllI» . ward Bronnan, whose homo is in New wa« 13ie sorrows of his poor old moth­ nont4ln. IISTI ' haul gravel and dirt, is about 8880. . A 000. a year ago, so that tho o.>:coS3 of ri0,000,ou0 bush­ animals iu tho imperial stiibles wero financial schemes proposed to speedily Tesurrection and tlie life; he who be- sufferers had had their looks shorn by HAU-'S CATAKIIU Ci;nB Is a liquid and is cured miny tho» els In the United St.itos stocks of old wheat York, went out on tho river in a small er, srnd on the top of those Imrdens the -'.••''I common, fiat-bottoinod coal car costs selectod to come to tho fair, and they relieve the stringency in money tlio ono Monoliotte, tho prison barber, so tliat takeu intornully. (Sold by Druggists, TSc »5 nnd cnM» A project is under way to drain Mat- still leaves an Indicinert slionogo in tho broad boat nt noon Sunday. While oft' Grttss criniefi.of those ruffians who were exe­ •lieveth iu Mo, though he were dead, From nnldino jyitiptonii npldly dlMppcij, •$500, while a car with a double hopper- are moat beautiful ones, whoso pedi­ regordod by treasury oiUcials as the yet sh.all ho live." Ami then I notice tho neck might be bare to thu Iceen WnuWSVloVirwo-iiirrdVoYM^^^^^^•ilrd, ofall «rniiiloui^ i nro tcmnr ed.. tlson lake in Braiich count.y, whereby crop of the world of lOO.O'JO.OOi) hiisliols of wheat island ho attempted to fasten his cuting Him. ".Stop!" you cry, "it is of li!,llniolil«li ot mlr«culoui euro, tcnl FRBB« bottom is quoted at a hundred more. A With no extra surplus of tho broad crops, most practicable is tiio one to author­ knife of the guillotine. The carts 10,000 acres of land will bo reclaimed. grees can be traced further back than craft to a passing steam yacht, enmiB:h;Christ can bear no more," And -that tbo long dirge of the world's woe THE MARKETS. Syrup • •• wall and an assured doflcU of wheat, thu United .refrigerator car costs 0550. A combined Tho Wyandotte steol shipyards, lo­ tlio ancestry of most people. The most' In so doing his craft was over­ ize the secretary of the treasury •suddenly stops at the areliungelic shout came np to the prison, the Slates is lil:cly to Ue ealloil upon to oximrt as Chrast-says: "Roll on moro burdens; baggage and mall car costs »3,500, and turned iind ho was thrown into to issue cui'j'cncy against the poor wretches wero placed. In tho -VBW YOllK. Aug. 21 Boschee's German ^jrup is more cated at 'Wyandotte, havo closed, throw­ much wheal as last year, If nol moro. Indeed famous stallion in the lot has a pedi­ roll ''y..«55Lwlilebmnr your bcautyi tire nation, and nfter that, roll on 'me Oh! my friend, if Chris'v had not Shiep , •• - • - .NoiaUoMloocrl^iClTo U.aqlc, KrM, than last season. "The conclusion i.s juslilla- TUo inspector of tho German impe­ tioolnago of silver bullion in tlia fold; b«t while they wero going Hngs A 75 (D a 25 sumption than any other remedy Kalamazoo ships twenty-five carloads n»V •'^//'l^sre cnnscd by Impure the sins of the inhabited cnrtli, and broken out of the grave you and . I 2 45 ® .S 45 CO., laiS.anioitlotoaiiito,Clil»K,lu; . A CoK-anEGA'MONAi, clergyman ol blo that preaeut prices of all grains aro abnor­ rial stiiblos will bo at tho show, too Bhal treasury. There are now 130,000,000 •o^VBrd tho scaffold there was an out­ FLOUK-Fair to Fancy 'awi una r.tpinii,[f Un rni mill. of celery every week. mally low, as there Is little evidence of our iV V„*'>,\.^SSLj'Ioa'>. «"« can ho' then roll on mo the sins of the fonr would never come ont of It, It wo'itlii' Minuc-aota Patents il OU 4 ;io prescribed. It has been tried under •Ohio, according to tlio Congregatlonal- with a fine collection of Gorman coach ounces of silver bought under the act cry in the sf rCBt, and then the shook 07S4ia m Marquette county has decided not to ability to s|>are as much wheat as ISuroi^e StJ'^, °t/ 4?,,''t*JSLromovedlnashort tlioti'sajid 3'ears post, so for jis tho.se have been another ctisc of Charlotte WHEAT-.NO. a Hud iw ® ou every variety of climate. In the '-Pliio'B Remoay for Catarrh la the ist, has forwarded to thc patent olHco horses. They come from thc Holatein sltul of 1800, nnd notes against the seignior- of firearms, and ihr't^the cry,"Robos- Uugnvded Ked hold anj' agricultural fair this year. wants, unles.s a largo under consumption pre­ V^oST'^J^Ltlme'" you aro sins have been forgiven." And thc •Coi'dii.v attemp.ting to slay' a tryant, 47«(i9 47J4 bleak, bitter North, in damp New Best, Etisicst to Use, and ClioaposW ait Washington a model of a dovioo for vails iu the United Stales." marshes aad from tho Oldberg und JI^I^'JI age on that omount would add nearly pierro has fallen! Dow;i with tho eOKN-No. '2 47ii(ift 40 Tho Michigan Central railraad has •ingelsof God, seeing the awful pres­ 'herself slain. It woultl have been nn- Uugradod Mixed ' .England, in tbe fickle MiddleStates, furnishing communicants with Individ- Tho hay crop Is believed 10 represent a value Hanoverian districts, and are among V.''*oV ''<>/'fe:V^it''?,B'.'>»' coui 850,000,000 to the circulating medium, Jacobins! Let France be frtp!" But OA'l'S—Mixed Westera 31 l3> 32 discontinued six of itsoBelt line passen­ i-*4> "a* "^Oj^ ^j-^^^Lbloodpu.' sure, cry: ".Stop! He can bear no .other case of .lohn Brown attempting in the hot, moist Soiith^very-' oial Clips. Tbey are about two Inches to tho farmers of tl,O0O,00O,0DO. Corn at 45 the best-bred horses in tho German em­ fal' A largo proportion of the notes ore al- the armed soldiers rode in upon theso R'.'B—Western 65 more.'! And the blood rushing to the to free the slaves, himself hung. It POIJK—Mess 14 60 laii.s uo liigli, one inch at the' mouth, tapering ger trains on the Detroit & Boy City cents a bushel comos next wllh a total of 8TS5,- thiJ ready .printed and could be put into resetiers, BO that the poor wretches in (is 0 uo wliere. It has been in demand by 000,000, followed by wheat valued at 8000,000,- pire. France sends a fine collection nostril and lip seems to cry out: would have been Death and Christ in o LAHl)—Western Steam 8 90 b Bold by;drugBlBtjio'r ^Boiit 'liy faiailli 'down to nearly five-eighths of an inolt spur. ofr circulation, it is said, tho day after con- tho carts were taken on to the scaf­ B l7TTElt—Western Creamery. 17 Q, 2& every nationality. It has been em­ I BOo;:;. B. T.. HaitoUlno,- AViVrren; W 000, If worth UO cents a bushel, and by oats also, coach horses iigd trotters occu­ "Enough! Ho can endure i&o more," •grapple, and Deoth the victor. The at the bottom. As many as forty can Prod Lomerand, ayoungman, dropped worth SlK,0O3,O00, If valued at SO cents on tbo gresa authorized tlie .secretary to act. fold, nnd horribly died. But that CHICAGO. ployed in every stage of Consump­ pying mos.t of tho stable room assigned But Christ *ia.ys: "Roll on a. greater 'black flag would hove floated on all BEEVES-Shlppiiig Steers.... »3 09 (ft 5 OS AN. K.-A ." ....Kl. I conveniently bo carrle^in a frame, and dead at Monroe from bursting a blood farm. I^otatoes promise to net an ,iivorago of to thot country. very night these monsters of perse­ Cows 1 25 & 2 95 tion. In brief it has been used 70 or 75 cents 0 bushel or a total of S1S,'>,OW,000. *cea« Kdlson Makes I'rocious Stones. burden—roll on the sins of the ne.tt 'graves and mausoleums of tlio dead, Stockers 2 00 a 2 76 .Ibo replenished in a few scconda vessel. cution were seized, ond Robespierre by millions and hs the only true and This lust is about one-half the proapeottve The show of cattle will be no less Dati CHICAGO, Aug, 19,—Thomas A, Edison ninetctin bundred years, roll on me nnd hell would hove conquered the Feeders.. 2 t» «> 3 SO wuEN ivni-riMo TO AnvKirriseKs PLBASK Mrs. Jacob Palmer, aged 60, died from perished under the very guillotine that Butchers' Steers 2'flD @ 3 65 value of the cotton crop ot 1803, reckoned at t3S complete thon tbe horse show, though in the city yisiting tho world's fair, the sins of all tho succeediiag ages, iforces of Heaven and captured thb reliable Consumption Remedy. ® sui* tkat yaa saw ths AdTcrllssmoDl IB lUa: Tm! natural rosourcos of South Da- lockjaw at Lansing caused by stopping a bale. . . he had i"earod for .others, all Franca Bulls 1 60 et'i'ih the exhibitors are confined mostly d'he great . Inventor declares he has roll on me tbe agonies of hell, ages on r.imparts of God, and Satan would have Hoos„ 4(u ©sSb Jiota have not boon overrated, judging bn a rusty nail. clapping their hanc> with joy as his »•»«..:.-,;••,• \-\:: .'••.1 •'^•,='r.!-'«;.?il renatonora to Go to Law. to this country and to Canada. Jl"}!^^ !ibnndoned electricity and has turned ages, thc furnaces nnd tlie prison tioinc to coronation In tlie palaces of SHKEP .• 2 00 0 4 20 by tlio reports bf the new artesian'well Poi:t Huron's fall race meeting it henrt rolled into the executioner's BUTTER—Creamery 10 a '^4 '..,;,-v:i-V'.'j-'--i!,,.| WASHINGTON. Aug. 81.—Col. Charles Thoro are shorthorns, Heroforde, Gol- ofoSiis attention to metallurgy. During houses and tihe tortures," That is Heaven; ond it would hove boon devils iJalry liwa 21 at Pierre. That well emits 7S0 gallons trom September. 5 to 8. . adju^in interview ho said: basket. Then the axes of the excited P. Lincoln, late deputy commissioner loways. Jerseys, Holstelns, Guern­ what the Bible means when it soys: i(7n the throne and sons of God in the EUGS-B'rcsh . 2 a IS Oi water a minute at a temperature ot M th' '"'*''' always used a great many sapphires populace were heard pounding against BHOOMCOKN— we recommend and . John Logan Chipman,. congressman bf pensions and a prominent candidate seys, Devons, Durbams and several town'" manufacture of phonographs. Thoy aro "He bore our -sins, and curried our ilttngeon. flurl 4 @ 6 400 degrees, and also 96,000 feet of nat- from the First district; died at Detroit other breeds. In tho shorthorn class the gates of the prison, ond tho poor . t'olf-working 4 Q \y for coinmandcr In chief of the Q, A. B.. •loyVary expansive and sometimes very hard to sorrows," iiral gas ovory twrentyrtonr houra Tha 6t pneumonia aged 03 years', ' Col.' Moberioy, ot Kentucky, Is hero Nol no' no! When that stone was prisoners wollced out freo. My friends, 0/ookwl 2 (a 214 is authority for the statement that an inful. Itistb^ IHuiProcuro at alt I analyzed tho chemical compo- ' a a s:uarantee . • '.gas has a heating power equal to three i and eheapea "Now," says Paul, "I nm free;'tfant polled from the door of Christ's grave sin is the worst of all Robespierros; it SS3.'iS'^''i!^'='*'-N""'(P"''05 0 73 'All employes and officials of the be; effort Is' soon to be .made to prove with a fine hord, at the head of 'which lanaitien ot tho sapphire, aad tinding out what it f OHK--Mesa 12 36 «,I2 06 ijtons of, good bituminous ooiil every Jdlclne. Try ft,a . 11 was hurled witli such force that it Is tho tyrant of tyrants; it hns troit,' Lansing <& Northern railway, through, the courts thht the suspensions stands tho famous bull Young Abhorta-' juwiUliesaHBflsd.^, ^ daysjwas started to make sapphires. I now mako suffering purohs^scd my deliverance; LAUD—-Steam 8 'Jo a 8 88 jtwonty-fomr hours. Other wells like burn, that has a show record known Get it ot your DruggiBt. God never colloets a debt ttvice, 1 have ontshed in all tbe grave-doors of Chris­ built a prison houso for our soul; FLOUR—Spring Patents 8 50 O 4 00 hayis been notified of a 10 per cent.' re- of pensions granted .under the act ot A- DBU that I uao. I can make rubles for 56 a pound .Spring Straights 2 60 f 87 against the 98:3 oi last year. Thb THAT a tow drops oi salad oil on .lengo you. Who ii; He that condemn- nil tho wiirdsof tho prlKon. Revolution! Flooring,..; 37.0(1 (^38 00 nans;palntBd-byljrT; Ives;' a Detroit' manlty.-;-Plutarch.'' ; ' or Br^"**^"' United States senator, and ' !j*vorago,in Ohio ia.86.1,:,:Indiana othr It Is Christ tbat died," Oil, Vvhat His wbpk is done. The darkest Friday Revolution! "Wliere sin abounded Commou Boards.,. )4 25 ©14 60 artist, was ..presented to tho state and trii:; sttiiris vyill remo,v;e therii.' .;. . ':;. | and|there is no doubt whatoyer that It will THE COOK HAD NOT USED EvKitYOOT; who'p^^^ afternoon of 'tho world's history be­ grace does much more abound, that Fencing.,,.; 13 (» (itie 00 JiWllnolB 81,,.Iowa 108, Missouri 91S,.Kari hung, in the executive chamber . of, the ' THAT' hot water applied, to the ohMbo Indorsed'with 'entliusiasm by tho a str^ing argu ment that pu ts in the hand Liith. Dry,... 2 7U a 2 75 out Jnore.tlian he tencesiri... , ' , ,, comes the briglitest Sundiiy morning wh/erens sin reigned unto death, even Shingles y 45 0 3 00 j' llsas 89, and Nebraska 84., The exhibit for^ oapitoi"!' ,.; , back bf' the,'neck..will],rolioT^ nerroua IT'lill^ori'ventlori, It v/njil determined by a of every Christian mnnl Some day nil of its resurrection joy. The Good Fri­ m : spring wheat last year wos,77.4 and thia' ' IF industry ds no moro^thari ahabit, fatigu'o..' •M'i...-i.'.'•.';','-• •'. I..'.' '.' . 1 •. the past sins of bis lifo comedown BO grace may reign unto eternal Ufa • KANSAS CITY, ^ • :;\The> Lansing.gradua^^^^ 'mtSaf'%>^a%Oo.'tL%il paritonfercnco'of democrats in Des Moines, OATTLE-Shipplng Steers...., K 00 dj 6 15 it isiatloastari excellent oneii 1. ;,, day of bitter memories becomes the through .Tesus Christ our Lord." Glo« lyoar lfc];|9 07, whioii; i^^^ _ , _ ,„ Ifdld^c'urel/ni'ot'orid :orgariized;'a local - THAT tinware badly tiirnished should f TEltaRAPHCftiOwMtcWdi '•'^ % consultation was had with Gov. Boies on him in a fiery troop, and they pound T,^J?JI!*<-'hor»' Steer ,2 00 o 4 10 mm i erodv*l'b'|roffard6d as flattering. ; Rye- i«y ' THAT which Is a tempest to some, to bo boiled in soda and water before away at tlie goto of his soul, and thoy Euster of glorious transformation and rious truth 1 A Saviour dead, a Saviour Hggg;;" 4 60 (ii 6 16 v-...i.,_ .io learn hia v/ishos. lledoesnot desire others is a pleasant and prosperous resurrection. " .' • ' risen, a Saviour exalted, a Saviour in 'fpJBKP--'. --• 8 45 (a 8 84 ;alnstthe 89 o< 1808, scouring. What you say about him. Either tho ofllco of governor or senator Bay: "We have come for your arrest Ye mourning saints, dry evoi7 tear OMAHA, gale. ;,,'•,' .;',•, . . ;-• ; THAT it is said children's clothing Any oueof va could overcome.you; wa tercedlng. CA'PTLB,,..i,|8 8R 4 76 ^afes Ta^ht^SSSi 'Against the wishes ot her parent* - V TuEBK is lots ot low in this country, ^nd wonts to go bade to his home at For your departed Lord- te.;^»;88.8..a slight deeljnefr^^ To WB'traduced by ignorant tongues arc ten thousand strong;. surreUderl" •.^jri***"''"'' •••••• •• -' «> ®»"0 may be rendered fireproof by adding tfut not a surplus of justice. : Waterloo and make law.yors of his sons, Bebold the place: He ia not hen( GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. U the rough brake tliatvbrttte must go anorinoe ot,alum to the last rinsing Aiid ydti open liho doiir. and idnirla. %THB ploy of Imagination la a M HOaSij...... ; '4 M «6,1» -A IT is always hard work to find a rlok V J^.'V his daughter, who is in .'Tba tomb la aU unbarreA (ha work ol Jniagiaatton.--Puc».'••r-': water when tbey are waabed.: man responsible for anything. ' l'oaltl>' N«» ' ^*^.::::r:--.::.:::: 3APOLIO SHOULDBBUM* IN EVBRY KITCHEN^ \

iiiiSiiilii, i all I have. My hands have been swollen- for weeks to twlco their usual size; cracked open and Itching ao badly that I would BIOQRflFrilC/1L SKETCH almost tear tbem to pieces scratching. All the doctors treated ne for enrsipelas; not one of them ever knew whatatled me. I went to Dr. Holman 8.' Humphrey at the hotel in Owosso, and ho instantly told me I had Eczema and he has cured me com­ New and second hand sohools books Justice Chas. D. Long Is to be before pletely In one month's time, although I am taking medicine for: cheap, at Browne's book store. »tf Viai'M A»D TIBITUBW. ."Slip my blood, as the doctor claims that unless tbe system bo cleans­ the board of pension examiners In De­ Don't forget that we are selling wall troit this week to see whether there is Eva Walts visited In Lanaing laat week. Did ypu see what a lot of people i;'} Late of LONDON, now of CHICAGO, with a Branoh Office and Lahorotory nt HILLSDALE, MICH., '1^. ed the skin will again become sore. merit In the action of Hoke Smith in -OF THK- DAVIB WniTBHEAD, Coninna, Mich. 20 Per Gent Discount Sale! paper nud window shades very low. Mlaa Louie Rice Jlaa returned from camp, went to Grand Ledge Wednesday ''' •'{ Has visited Southern Michigan for the past Year, and during these visita has examined and prescribed for BiioyvNE's BOOK STORE. *tf his caae. j^"yBol Ion of Leslie was In town yester- nnd these hard times too? Welli^' i^^^^^^^^ hundi-eds, and effected some of the most Wonderful Cures ever made in the State. PARALYSIS CDBED.—Two years ago, after child-birth, I was -ON ALU ^. Vy. C. Nichols of St'ookbrldge Or. C. C. Sherman of Riverside, Greatest Living Exponent of Na- taken with severe pata In the back accompanied with extreme California, sends us a copy of au 80 ^jJJrjjS^ Varrlel baa returned flrom her InUl- you see most bf them have been ' ' '^'^ Ask your friends and nelKhbors about Dr. Ifolninn B. Humphrey, There la acaroely anolahborhood In the oounty that has not bad the nervous chillB, during which time I would shake like one in threshed 504 bushels of oats from 10 beneUt of tho dootor'a wonderful aklll. and rarely n family which baa not had one or more of ita menibera anatohod from death and restored uqiesof ground. If you" can beat It page pamphlet illustrating and de- buying their Hosiery and Fancy- iffil^i'^^^' •'• ture's Secrets. . tu health after all hopo hud been given up and the family physician had pronoimoed the oaao Incurablo. If afllioted do.not fall to ooBSOl^thla the severest apasma. This condition was rapidly followed by say so, sqribing "Riverside, the home of the A. Ury and wife were In Lansing last moat euiluont phvalolan and aurgeou. AU exsminationa. oonaultatinna and advira free. paralysis of tht lower limbs, BO that I lost the use of myaolf orange." It is one of the most beauti­ Thuraday. Goods, as well as Tinware and A Worthy Example of What May; baAcc»mplishod by from the walat down and hod to be lifted up and suppj^rtedllko 24, ' Married, August By Rev, H. ful places on the footstool. Crockery at Ford's Bazaay and in ! hpWPorslstont Effort and Tireless Ene • At Hudson House Lansing, AUGUST 30; at Donnelly House, Mason. Thursda<', AUGUST 31. a chlld,'so that for two vears I have not walked,^ aloue. I be­ \V, Powell at his residence, Mr. Clins. trrai?5|SB°5ny°"'°" v'«ltlbB her many came very dropaical ana suffered untold agony with my, stom­ H. Beat of Vevay and Miss Matilda All indebted to us are hereby notified that way have saved money eno||^h nch, liver and bowels. I was takon to Dr.^ Humphrey at the A. Cone of Gregory. that wo must have our money to pay frffiaYi.rTlflalla^.'"'' ^'"'""^ Wllliawston Ksuiiilnutlan Vtve to All. Olii-onlo Dlaiiuae*. hotel tn Charlotte In a moat pittabie condition and so blue and bills. .BKOWNBROS. 7W2 to take the whole family out lor a Although.tho dootor la In nmny oasea The dootor treats no aoiira dlsoascs, bnt de­ AND PARLOR SUITS • Hon. Geo. P. Sunford again has votes hia whole timo to the treatment of discouraged I thought BO mortal could help me, but tho doctor Su^fi'd'o'/lliTaX! holiday. O yes, it pays to fend the DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY; ooinpellod to uso e.vponslvo inatrumonts Bald he could cunE ME, and t began his treatment and followed charge of the State Democrat to tiie The funeral of Hurry Call was at­ and chemicals in making.annlyaoa, micro- ohronio and :ong suindlng nnd eurglcsl dta- tended' by a large crowd of people last ads. .md know where to save money. oaeea; onscHglVw. up by other dootora and mo- It faithfully month after month aud now I am able to get up :F03E2/ complete satisfaction of its patroiis. vl?f£inT2t"H?»oi^Sf.°»^ °' acoplo end other eoioutltla examlnationa, nounocd tiiouraUl,!, lie moat doslree to see. Dr. and go where I please, up and down Btalrs and anywhere I de­ He will hold It steady. Friday. Harry was thought much Ford & Kirby don't s.iy much ' 1' 'The, sublect of this sketch, first opened his eyes to the llglit of yot ho makes no ohargca to anyone, bellov. Humpbroy hns liud nearly 3,000 curoa hi the ofand hud many special friends. The i day in tho state of Indiana, U. S. A., in the year 1843. flis peo­ atato of Mlohlgan, whllo hla patients all told In sire, and consider niysoif as having got a new leaao of life, and Mr. Williams, our new coiner, has Fr?d»y*',?irM°iL^o»n3S?°' ing it to bo a pnrt of tho pliysiaian's duty Mlnneeota, Wiaconsin, Jlllnola, Alabama, Ton- I urge the atllicted to see Sr. Holman S. Humphroy and be - profusion of flowers about the casket but they keep up considerable think­ ple wore English, his grandfather migrating to America in to naoertnlii'. tho patient's true oondltlon neeseo, QeotvlH, Ohio and Indiana, have boon sold the checkered front und his evidenced the fact. There were over 1703, 8'jttling in Albermarlo county, Va., where Holman S. f nlly flvo times that number; nearly two-ihlrda curcil. Mns. FANSIE M. Cii.u.i.EnnEn, corner property ncross from Hortoii *M'ai.o?'fy/iEd?th}a"?v''ee*i["'- ing and have just ordered pretty' without oxpcnso to tho aulTorer. When of tiiOM aulfei'ora wero given up as hopoleaa ._ Charlotte, Mich. AT Fa La STROUD^S. 50 pieces of handsome flowers uud the •••:.,r Humphrey, the doctor's father, was born A. D. 1781. At a later ever and wherever Dr. Humphrey doeldos Invnllfls, eoino to b« blind, aome deaf, and House to L. C. Townsend of Jackson. designs were very appropriate. Rev. .^iS'„H?'"^*.^J'"'> Ohlldron of Detroit near a drny Ic-id of those F.-ist date ho removed with his parents to Carrolton, Ky., where he re vlalllug at Jamea Burua'. to locate a monthly visit crowds flook to otheraa prey to scrofula, chronio kidney dis­ 'Frank Wright started Tuesday for H. W. Powell ofllolated. Black Hose to sell for loc a p.iir. '•iJ \ met and afterwards married Mary E. Heron, of Le.\iugton, Ky., see him, and no wonder, for by tho flrstex ­ eaao, coMHUiiiptldii, deetructlvo foinale ttoublca. • LOWELL, June 23,1893. Among olhors, huuilreds of ohlldron bopoless- Beaverton with another team for Samuel J. Tomliuson has procured n.¥,'.?i.,^*".'*'«,^?y*"'''"' >'etnrned to ber home I'in 1823, thoy fln.'dly settling in Indiana, whero a large family amination, and ofton without asking a ly deformclccn, kiaiioys, bowels, repro­ pump and pumped steadily lor three other children as to attract universal atteutlou. He cared littio 'I'lio doctor'a methods dlll'cr inarlasdly ductive orgniia, urinary organs, brain and BO bad I could only eat from ono to two small crackers a day, term of ofllce does not expire but Otis Meaijomes A. E. Cowles and W.E.Howard and Wall Paper and it will be a for the sports and pastimes.of other boys, but was ever of a from tho general prnotltloner In all ro- nervous system, paialysla, growtlifl, joint dis- when ope day my huabnnd Bnt rending tho Ionia Sentinel nnd thinks it does. hours without noticing nny decrease started for the World'a lalr lastTueaday. flbber,'thoughtrul cast of uilnd, At school ho was not consid­ siiocta. Following the plan of St. George's cnRCs, piles, hip dlsonsca, sciatica, alfln disenaoa, ho aiiw Dr. llolmau S. Hlimphroy's advcrtlsemcat nud he eagerly In the supply. And Ita quality la good thing for you to invest your Hospital ot London, ho roiflHters ovory nicurs und every form of weakness of either Mr. C. S. Curry has sold his white Mra. G. A. MInar started last Thursday for ered a bright scholar, altliough passionately fond of books, b\it particular ua to the patient's phyalonl con­ male or female. _• grasped at it and aald lio wna tho doctor for mo. He waa to be flrst-closs. an extended lake trip with her husband. money with them. he was over ready to interpret nature in all hor moods. An dition and mental stato. Tlie condition of at Ionia March 2!), so wo made arrasgemonts to go and see him, Arabian horse to , A. A. Wilbur of We are Clearing Out Dr. W. W. Watson, who located in ant's nest with iis busy'worker.-^j a bee gathering honey, bi^-ds caoh organ, locntlnii ot any nnd nil dls­ The doctor a speoiflo medlclnea go straight to and he prouounced'my case hifiauiniation of the stomach. Ho Lansing. He Is a beauty nnd Wilbur Chaar.?o*J''T'^?5";?r<''.P"°.'"". J., lu this olty last8 Prldavlaiteyd .an hlda uncleBatur,l biiilding their nests, the llight of swallows, the distant cow beJJ, eaaed parts, nnd whether sympathotio or tho diseased organ, nnd e«n bo plainly felt at Bsld ho could cure me, ao wo commenced to doctor with him gets a good animal for $100, making Grand Ledge a year ago and more, day. organic, tngothor with the amount and work in tho dtseascdiiaria very ahortly after him a well matched team. this week removed to Holt, Ingham tho bark of the lonely watch dog, wjis sufllcient to give a luituro of the disease. In this way tho en- their use la begun. Thoy are pleasant to tako, and doctored ihreo months, and to-day, thanks to him, I am a- Mrs. E. y. PrentlsCor Lansing visited her far-a-way dreamy look to his large, earnest eyes. He learned tiro amount of viuil energies are readily ,nnd but Boarching in action, yet ngroo with new woman. I will cheerfully advise all peoplo thnt need a county. He had a fairly good prac- gareuui, Mr. nnd Mrs? A. E. Cowlea, loat Fri- computed nnd the restoring power of tho .he most delicate lady or child, do not reduce ODDSN^ David Malone found a piece of pet- tice here, but for various reasons a the hablta of every insect from the doodlebug (Ant Lion), in its body moaeurod ngnlnst tho./orco nnd en­ doctor to call on Dr. Humphroy. rifled wood on the lot of^ Mrs. G. D. We Are In It. llttlo cup of Baud, to tho great beetle whoso droning sym­ ergy and deatruotlve onpnbllltloa of the dis­ the strength, and can bo uso1 The entertainment given at the op­ Mlsaes Myrtle and Ida Bowdlah returned embryo doctor .bandaging the leg of a wouuded mouse whose I but nice, bright fellows and this A Life of Exporlonoo nnd Opimrtunlty. to R dlsoased body, a dlseaaed mind, and imaginations fliled with carried Into the parlor. began treating thnt day and am now be regular services at the Presbyterian era liouse on Tuesday evening of last neat tho "ruthless plow-share" had torn In frngmenta, and the morbid desires and fearful approhenalona. Dr. Humphrey's un- keeping house aud doing niy own work; have galacd ovor 20 churcli both morning and evening. .week by Miss Jennie Clowes and Mr. price is good for the week. old horso grazing lu the fence corner a half dozen rods away. Dr. Humphrey'a entire life haa been devoted to tho study and work parallolcd aucceaa with tboao unfortunates ariaoa not only f aom tbo pounds in weight, eat and sleep well, and look forward to a loug Mr. Cllzbe spent a week at the World's D. H. Wright returned Inst Saturday from On another ocraslon, nearly similar, he was found curled up in of bis profession, nnd la rich in practical cxporloneo in hospital, dia- fnbt of tho most aclontlflo and apeolflo medication known either In Frank Bnteman, of Mason, was de­ We have just received anotlier lot ' ponsary nnd private praottcc, and many of tho truly wonderful tills or any otlicr oountry, but alao to the fnot of tho direct Influence and useful life with my family and friends. fair and since that time has been nt serving of a much larger audience jna"y'. ^~"''°°' «"«•«"'' the fence corner carefully studying the habits of a family of things no bos scon and dono, if told, would rend moro like Action than ot hla powerful will upon tho peculiar mental depression always Stua. HEsnv BAIICOCK. Buy View. than was preaent on the occasion. A Mr. and Mrs. Root ol Colorado visited of mammoth fresh Water Melons, , minute insects with a small magnifying glass. His father, now sober truth. In tho great hospitals of Europe hla opportunities hnvo found In such caaoa, by which he la enabled to Infuse a part of hla with the price knocked out of the in a rago of disappointment at what he considered "downright boon second to no living mnn'a; not only ao, but ho baa thoroughly own energy Into their hopeleea Uvea. Wero not nil auoh caaes held Glad to hear that Roy Robli hegai The night was stormy aud that per­ &"{^ffi,i."s%'Ma"^r"« laziuoss," decided to send liim aixay to college. This was traveled, and hla vlewa ot life, disease, etc., are ao brood and ooumo- in the most sacred eonfldenco tho dootor could print lettera from To WHOM IT MAY CONOEHN;— . work at the agricultural college this haps kept some away. Those who price barrel. polttun that like a Gould or a Vandorbllt in railronrt business, be thoiianndH of grateful patients who havo boon cured, ai?d aro to-day Five years ago I was atrlckeu wiUi apoplexy, which made me were present speak very highly of glorious news to the young student. Now his dreams and as­ Itoops watch of and overlooks tho entire medical w-orld cnnaUintly. week. He will take the mechanical M?->T-'>™S^» «n? Tbo methods of MoKenzio, 'N'lrehow. Pasteur, Kooh. Brown-Sequard, perfect men, phyaloally and mentally. Disease or dobMity of the re­ well nigh holidess. and whicli passing oft left my right side course uiiil his diploma from Mason Miss Clowes as an elocutionist, and of this place for IS months. Satui-day we are going to kick in pirations worn ut last to be realized. With slight preparation productive orgaiia of cither aex rapidly destroys thoonerglos of both paralyzed to auch liii e.itent tliat I could not lift my arm or do (for farmers' boys iu thoso days needed less than now)} be was M. Uergcon, Fntherglll, Uernard, etc., nre na familiar to hini us to body nad mind, robs the step of its ehistlolty, dims tho bright eye, schools starts him us a sophomore. should she appear before a William- i,i^'Sv?,*?.®." ^-"5 T"^S.^ Detroit and Miss the heads to our cracker barrels and themselves, nnd whllo ever ready to grasp nnd rotnin n fnot, lie holds paloB tbe cheek, doveiopa oowardico, and often dostroya tho brightest more tlian hobble around wltli a cauc. During tills lime I had Roy ia a good student aud we predict stoii audience again she will undoubt­ Ida Moirltt ol Eaton Rapids visited their sell Crackers at a cash price. bundled oH to a neighboring town to live with a widowed lialf- fast to old f rionds tcnnoloualy, and makea now ones cautiously, ox- flpella of aevere vomiting, witli complete loss of appotlte. I edly receive a more liberal patronage. Maaon friends over Sunday. Btator "to work for his board and go to school." Hero Uo re­ porlenoo having long slnco proven that one old truth well applied ia Intellect. The reproductive funoUon la the mainspring of animal Read notice of "Lost." hi.., success. Minor Lnyton and Mias Pearl Annis and mained for three years, always a close and attenlivo etudcut, worth a dozen conjectures however plausible. life—preserve It at all hazards. mrtiully recbvered from tliia attack, but while driving chickens MICHIGAN (TENTRAL ^ -Enterprise. Morton Annis of Leslie attended the show rom my garden,wns tnkon with another sclzviro which made Golden rod is in its glory. The reception in lioner of Judge here last Thursday evening. & Rice, Casli Giwrs. winning tho respect of both teachers and pupils. He soon and Mrs. H. P. Henderson lust Fri­ or organs baa taken place, ns to nlfcot tho tence, lost manhoed, siiermatorrhcoa, loaaes. me so liclplosa that I liavo been oijly ablo to gt-t about with tho " Xhe Niagara Falls Route," I- »^Iuson came to the front at Bay Mrs_ . J. A. HunUngton— , Mrs. Smead. Mlas earned tho ttppellation of "Doctor" from liia being ever ready I.ateiit Dlticuvurlea and liiiproveinenta, weiiknesa end nervous doblllty, alao for pros- greatest dimculty. I employed t^io best doctora I could find. .See notice of rooms to rent. day evening, given by Mesdaiiies Frii'^ View the other week. Miss Maude P. • ~ 1 Miss to care for any playfellow injured upon the play-ground. Dr. Humphrey is the only physician who proper f iinotlon of siikl orgnn and Anally tatltta, voricocelo and all private diaeaaea, fofn,".h'iw!Ji?5.''*""r tbe World's fair to-morrowy^ Goruin Start hns had tbo special advantngo of £Ui'oponn nroak do-n-n tho actual atrueturo itself. whether from imprudent babita of youth or Six dilforent ones -worked over me with little or no benefit till aOUTHWABD, Light rains Monday morning. zel and Thorburn was a line aflair. Rhodes was' asked to recite in the liospltnl BtudloB 111 microscopy of lho blood Even in somo oasea when thia has happened aexuni exoosaoa In mature yeih-s. or nny oauae Inst spring I colled on Dr. Holmau 8. Humphrey at the hotel A large number of guests were preaent Leon Tooker nnd his slater Lillian of Lans- lost. During the flrst year In school an Incident occurred which unusual tkiU may stop tlio deslriictlve oper- a. m. p. m. p. m. Ruilionds report an increase in their place of an absentee on Monday, Aug. Ing were In Mason last Prlday attending the nnd tlssuea, wlio onrricH with Iflin a full line of "atlon, stay tho Inroads of tlio disease, and that deblUtatos the soxuai funotlons. apcedtly in louia and coiuniouced troatmeut with him. Four weeks Mason,. Oris •10:40 and the evening wns enjoyed In all ils 14tli, and rendered the "Pleasure funeral of their Cousin, Harry Call. August 25,1803. one block, Prince Albert brought iiim prominently before tho notice of tho professsors. iiistrumenta and nppnratus lor inuking atrlct- give the patient a comfortable and useful and perinnnontly cured. Couauitation free afterward I'walked from my hoiiso to town, a mile and a half, 10:10 li:45 11:30 trafllc. uppoiiitnieiits. f,^nV„''?'J'.®i*" ""OsvIUo and the Dart school A littio fellow had, 'while eating parched corn, lodged a whole Iv eolentiflo cxnmlimtlons of tlio vnrloua text­ life. Other onaes. if neglected, after pasaloir ond strlotly conndontlnl. Absolute ourosguar­ JitolCMun Exertion." This was n great honor, Henry Adams of Argentine Is visiting flSSi?'if^.''*."''^,°"*8V. J.A.Sly'M If tlio ures and aeorettoiia of tho body, as tlio urine, n certain stage, die In spite of nil tbat skill anteed. No rials Inourrod. and bacic, which I had not dime for two years, during which p. ni, a, m, Some new bridges are being built in "A Barrel of Money" wns a good only the beat talent being sought for among Ingham, eounly friends tbls week. kernel lu tbo upper part of the'air passages, whicli iu a few btood, dlacbargca of any kind, catarrhal se­ can do. Honcelt is not only dannroroiia to de- time I could not oven hobblo to tha road that runs by my house. Chlca^o 1):10 7:15 He make us a pleasant cnll Mondoy. ?r.?,ifXV „' ^""h-. ho will greatly oblige tho Boco.ndB prostrated him with paro.vysms ot coughing and cretions, etc, etc., which oxainlnntlons aro now RplIopHy or Fits Bolentifloolly treated and -llHO Leroy tort'iiship. play. It WHS well given laat such occasions. About 3,000 persons oonsldorod indispensable to n oorrcnt diagnosis Iny, but ofttlmes criminal, for mostall of us I have regained the use of myself all ovor, go whero I please, Detroit (1:00 0:00 6:50 Thursday night. A good audience were inside the Auditorium and Miss Kate Lnndfalr of Leslie goes to Call- villi. Sifch. W. Ctrnaiw "''onii"° Btraiigliug, and while teachers and pupils alike were paralyzed in all forma of obaouro and ohronio dlseascfl. live for those wo love, far more than for poaitively cured by a novor-falllng method. all alone, and walk all I have a mind to. 1 eat well, sleep iveii, a.m. n. m. p.m. Grasshoppers are devouring tilings fornla on account of a throat dllllculty. The with fear our young "Doctor," taking his handkerchief between As very few doctors outside tlio largo cities aro ourselves, and it is n crime against those tp Peraona unakinfttHy treated by Ignorant 8i.,ThoinnH .„ 10:2(1 10:20 1(1:25 In Jacltaon county. saw It and laughed. The mill scene hundreds were unable to gain admit­ kindest regards of many flrleiidag o with hor. thus prepared «1tli costly outflt of inloroscoplo neglect oorsclvcs until promaturo donth aud am a lire old man sgiTiii, where ns bofero I was worse than Nlagnrii Falls B:S.5 5:35 1:.57 was something new here aud wns tance. Tb her great credit nnd to the 'rbniikii. his flngera, caught tho boy's tougiie, drew it out of hia mouth, closes tbe scone, pretenders who keep trifling with thom month dead. Before taking Dr. Holman 8. Humphray's trcatraont my Mlsa Minnie Leo of Gindwin visited her and with a spoon handle fished about until he dislodged the and other esBcntlnl Instruments for making n after iQonth, giving poisonous and injurious XORrHWARD. Oddfellows at Tompkins center are quite thrilling. A geiitlemaii who credit of the Mason school of elocu­ grandmother and other relntlves Intblsoity serious afllloUoii-the sn-lotly flrst-olnsadiagnosi s In mnny caaoa, the Blaennoa of Women, oompounda, should call and BOO tho dootor. bowola did not move for a week or more at a time. Now I am building a new hall.- had the role of Amos Garrison did tion, she was.Invited to recite again last week. She is n daughter of Chas. H. death of our Harry, wo fully aunrcolato tlin obBtructlon, aud tho boy was quickly relieved. His teachers nllliotcd would do well to call upon the dootor auoh na have baffled the aklll nt all other n. in. Leo. and get his opinion and learn wbotber tho Wonderful Curoa by my improved method regular aa a clock, and 1 take pleasure in urging the afllleted 11. in. p. m. some star acting. ou Tuesday when she gave the 5'o"alfif''v^,';''rW''«'Pf"'^ often allowed him to darken the school-room at recess to study doors of hope aro yot open or forever closed physiolans and their romcdlcs. Dr. Humph­ of treatment noooupliabcd In nervoua debility, to soo Dr. Husiphrej' and bo cured. Mason..... v^rlS 10:50 5:80 There wns a line sliower in Miison T. VonOstrnnd and wife, Jnmea VanCnmp tho action of light upon the eyos of tho stucients, and it was against them. rey quickly euros. Canoera. tumors, flbrold promaturo doolineof mttniy.powcra.nnd kindred Luuslug 3:37 11:12 5:55 last Thursday evening., Mrs. .Tohnson Montgomery of AttI "Whistling Regiment." and wife. L. Near nnd wife, Mrs. Darrow and thanks * " ^ w^'n^^^. •'*"'''"' o'Tslucora ; bore that he first learned the pupil of the eye -was BO named and polypoid growtha cured without the affectiona, which have boon noglectod or un- E. C. Pitii.Lii'.s Ionia, Mich. n. 111. Mrs. Dwiuell started for Chicago on Tucs- There comes a turning point In the eourso uso of the knife or ouustlcs. No cutting, Bklllf ully treated. No experiments or f allurea. Owosso 0:2.1 Ar. 12:00 7:11 ca, N. Y., who ia now visiting here is , ^Fred Casterlin rides the bicycle at a inauKs. H. o. CALL AND FAMILY. from tho small image of tho observer appearing in the eye, ot every disoasc; tills is CBpcdally true of all An ISaton Rapids girl smokes and the grent-uunt of Mias May Wlilte, no pain, no danger. Fatienta treated by mall and modlolnea aont To WHOM IT MAY OONCEUN— D't 2:2(1 treats lier fellow to cigarettes. Hanks gait. Or ruther, he did. He On Monday Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Williams. In&ai°tlMc"e" «°''<>°>''"» Boen as a very amall individual, looking like a Uttle pupil Bitting progressive rtiseasca, nil or any of whloh are Mnnliood Perfectly Iteatored, by expreaa. Pern>nal oonsultation preferable BnyOlty. 8;30 i:X> 0:25 the mysterious Slockbrhlge sleeper, seldom let nny pass him. Last Satur­ Mrs. Plielps and Mrs. Ed. WlUlnras of Mason, in school. eurablo up to a certain time; that ia, until wo guarantee curable oases. AMoriiKU JIADE HAPPV BBCACSK CUUED.—For years I have aindwln p.m. 6:55 , a. vn, took dinner with Mr. and Mra. A.' B. L. such tissue change In eonio Important organ Quick, painless and certain cure for impo­ suffered with very sorioiia disease of the kidneys, bladilor and Mackinaw .... 7:50 6:55 -M. Byruin of Ononduga township is and stutea that not one-half of the day he and Henry Longyear, another Covert.—Leslie Republican. Polniia Clilnns. After tt three years' term his father decided that he had ex­ story of her wonderful malady has yet prostate gland, -1 had become so bad that I was obli/od to •Dally. O. W. IIUQGLE8, building a good farm residence. hard to beat, went to the race track Wo had a ploasent call Wednesday from Two tlioroagh.bred Polond China pigs for pended enough money on one boy's education. So young Hol­ Free Urlimlysla (E.vanilnutlon of rtino).—Ail persons aulTorlng with obaonre dlaeasM, or Buspoeted kidney alTeotlons, would do w^l to draw my water witli a catheter always, and so irritable was the Qen'l Pnss .and Ticket Agent, Ohioagb. been told in the piipeis. Her wise haa aud took ft whirl at good speed. our old chum—D. P. Whitmore of Mason, uAH-i™"". H- B. PAKKEB, Lansing' man returned to the farm and tried hard by severe labor and lirlngfrom two to four ounces of tho flrat urine passed in tho morn ng for examlnaUon. Vrhllo Dr. Humphrov s pormanont ttddrcaai s A new crosswalk ncross Maple street bullied all the phyalcluiis in atleiid- who, with Ills wife, came on the excursion.— Mlob., box S88. Chicago, III., owing to tholarge number of patients |n Southern Michigan and Norflicnstern Indiana and Ohio, ho haa located a branoh bladder that I was forced to draw the water every hour, day or M. J. MUBBAY,Ticket Agent,Maaon. from Randall's barn to L. C. Webb'a Henry wns Jahead, but Fred overtook Bolf-denial to save Bufflolent means to continue his collegiate olllce anb dtspooanry at Hllladale, Michigan, whero all lettera from this section can be addressed. Cor. North nnd Broad Sta. night. Thla couBtaiit Irritation brought on an ubcess of the aiice. Mrs, Moiiigoiuery goes to-day uud was passing him when his (Fred's) Grand Ledge Independent. course. corner. to vLsither gruiid-iiiece.—Eaton Rap Mr. Victor Curry of New Orleans Is visiting The Famoutt Iludy Wheat proatate gland, -ivhich, becoming chronic, dlscliargod constant­ wheel broke and threw him violently bis nioUier and sister who are the guests ol During tbo summer of hia 19th yoar a clrcumstauce occurred ^r"All lotviii-s liiuliibliig ahiiup for poatnge.niiaworoa free. All curreitpondenco and consultation In atrlcteat eonfldenco. ly and often laid ino up for v^oki at a time with acute attacks. Eaton County Battalion, old veter­ Ida Journal. ^ forward. When he gathered himself the Curry Brothers. Mr. Curry wns here two Pdfn«v'"l?il''i,{fT0'''°' has yield, which is wholly outside of the dom.iin of acquired knowledge, None cau appreciate luy siifferiiigB and chagrin from tho pecul­ ans, meet at Eaton Rupids Sept. 12, yearn ngo nnd could not resist a second visit. ed forty.six bushels peruerooto teat ot the The editor of the Cadillac News nnd up It waa found that one of the bones "Weleoine." Ohio, experiment station, whloh was the and which indelibly stamped its iufluenco ujion tho lifo of Dr. iar condition 1 wna in. Added to this my liver and stomach 13, 14 and 15. Express says sadly: "A scieiitlHo of Ills left arm, tho rndlua, was broken grcatosl yield of fifty varieties toS od. It la a Humphrey. It waa in the month of July, the weather being became BO bad from constant doping with drugs that I could Clay Call of Potoskoy, A. T, Call of Lake l^'J!JX,?'H''^''l '""•B" B"""'"' ^'oo'" fit well and Fanners! John Lnsenby has Ihe aualysis is snid to reveul the fact that and he was otherwise severely bruised. •View, brothers of Harry O. Call, nnd Mr, and hot. A sister of the doctor waa visiting at the old homo, hav­ In long standing and chronio diso.ises his woudorful euros I was blind with cataracts in both eyes. Was operated on by neither eat nor digest anything. 1 finally, through the per­ the clietiiicul compounds which go to Or. Culver reduced the fracture and Mrs. A. Carrot Webberville, wero in nttend- }SJl.'iR"' T° \h ."•'•?''"?• I' "'""da tho win. ing with her a little fl-year-old daughter, to whom the doctor sistent urging of my family, went to see Dr. liolinan S. Humph­ best bean puller In the market. Be anco upon the funernl of Harry Call last Prl »f f • ^ °'F''^ wheat cleaned for seed . aro nuniberod by tho thousand, and hundreds o-f peoplo lloolc Dr. Humphrey and luy sight restored.; sure and see it. *4tf make up the average man of 154 Fred makes the best of it, ?.$.oK'"'y oents per bushel. My farm Is in the was warmly attached. Upon thia particular morning some to aee him wherever ho visits, uud no woiidor, na iio r..-iuis dis­ JIiiM. A. llusaiiLL, Augusta, Wis. rey at the hotel in Owosso. At tliat timo I had not sat up four pounda have a monetary value of day. Mrs. Carr is a slater ofH. O. Call. ?,°„'Ji O^^^'AW °'Af^"*""'! .township, iSi. neighbor boys were going fishing to a stream nearly two miles eases like a book, diagnosing and doscribiiig nil iir;j';iuic i!i;ll- hours In ns many montlia and (Irmly believed I would be laid Tlie industrial fair and races at about $18,000. Prompt inquiry at the The Ionia Dully Sentinel gives the Miss Etta and BertleBrown.artornoarlya from tho doctor's home, the little girl with nn older brotiier ac- following account of the lust heat iu four weeks' visit at Fort Gratiot, returned cultloa without askiii.g a question. This i.s truly a wuiidfriiil 1 was totally blind for twenty-four years with senile cataract. in my grave aoon. Now, however, after six montliB of Dr. Flint this year will be held September local bank brings the disappoiiiilng homo Friday, accompnined by their ount compauylng them. About ten o'clock while tho dootor was power, posses-wd by but few, aud is without dyirin more Innr Dr. Holman S. Uumiihrey removed the cataract and gavo me Humphrey's treatment I am so well that I cousldor further at­ 10, 20, 21 and 22. Iiil'ormntiwii that chemical compounds the 2:30 class trotted at their meeting Mrs. Dr. 0. G. Brown nud grniul-fnther, W. C. Annual Soliooi ItlootUiir. . plowing in the field a peculiar feeling over-powered his aeiisea oughly developed tiy Dr. Huuiphroy than any oU,<;r li.'iii.^; lu.'.ii. tentions uuneccasary. Dr. Humphrey has dono more for me lust week, the race in which the good sight. JNO. NOUTK, Eau Claire, Wis. regardless of weight will not be ac­ Brown, Mr. 15. leturnlugou Tueaany, The annual meoUng of district No. 1. ofthb for a moment and he then saw as plainly ns life his sister's lit­ llis gn.'ut •ability and au(;r:(!S.s in curing tlm viirioii.-. IM-.^'- than I ever thought it was In the power of any man to do, more ADJUSTEDoN SCIENTIFIC The Central Michigan Savings Bank cepted as satisfactory collateral. Greenbacks ninre Lorettn B went in • Ml88 Kittle Seymour has returned trom township of Vovuy and olty of Miisoil, ibr I e tio girl at tho bottom of a deep hole of water. Tho impression staudiug dilMciilt and elirouic disu:is(?.s utter all IIIIU-M ii.inj tlian he ever promised to do. 1 can now pass my water with­ at Lansing declares a dividend of 12 the list: For tho fourth heat pools Flint wliere she hns been spending tlievaca. el«?"o» otdlstrlot omcor»: and for 0 trans- 1 had been very hard of hearing for many years. 'W'aa entire­ pRiNcii-'i.r s Hon wlUi her sister, Mrs. G. W. -VanNosa. notion 01 snob olher bualness ns niny law- r---:'r^'-:i;i',:wa wua BO powerful that he immediately obeyed the impulse, un­ failed has drawn around hiiu the wealth aud ciluiru li-jiii ly cured by Dr. Holman S.Lliuuplirey. out drawing it, sleep nil night without gettiiigup, and am tak-, per cent, to-inorrow. Phul M. Chunilierlalti of Aurora, sold with LOretta B strong favorite When Kittle oaine homo she found ade- hitched tho horse and rode, with full speed for the Btroam two ing solid comfort. Are vou afllleted? Go and see Dr. Humph­ 111., hns been mipointed ii.saistant pro­ liiguiiist the fleld, but her backers got SehLTmflhU f^" 1'' J'"Hlih every state iu the Union, and he has l>eeu paid llie fcitiMiestpro ­ E. C. CAMI-UELI., Hillsdale, Ml-jb. Webboi-ville schools will bo tuitght Ughtrul birthday gift In foi'in ofn Utile alsler, Hciiool Building ou Monday .the 4lb iluv of ; miles away. Dashing up ho threwhimSelf from the horse aud fessional fooa by many grateful patlonta ever paid a surgc-oii iu rey and be healed. 'Writo iiie for particulars of my great de­ FJ.:P..RATT. OPTICIAN fessor of iiieehuiiieal engiiioeriiig at uiitiiercifuily dumped by her driver Mr. Otto Jlyors of Now Orlcnns mnde a September. 1803. at 8 o'oloolc p.ui .''«y « iluuged heodlong into fhe -water and with unerring precision liverance from a most dreadful condition. • •• . ir>t • w MAIN ST. .next year by G. H. Harvey, Nellie short visit with Mrs. Fiinnlo and Miss Alice Dated this 22nd day of Aukust, MS. this country, yot his ciuirgos to tho commou iieopio are always I was so deat for years that I could only, hear .when yelled at. Murray and Lizzie Muriier, the Agriciiltiirul College. Profe.ssor who threw the race to Jim Burns by Curry at tbe home of Ed. B. Curry a iiari of brought tho child to land. Tearing its clothing oil ho rolled it moderate and reasonable. Many are the grateful hoaita which Dr. Holman S. Iiumphrey has cured nie entirely. D. F. JoscEi.YN, West Haven, Mich. Chainberhiln was gtiuUuited from this nn outrageous viohitloti of the rules. Inst week. Thin was Mr. Myers' flrst visit J. T. OAMI'UIIH.. Dlreelor. upon its stomach until the water was all out, then stretching thauk him for Iito and restored health after many disappoiul- , - BEKT WiriTR, Lansing, Mich. Maaon Nutwood won the two-year- institution in 1888 und from Cornell in The judgedid a very unwise tiling by to Michlnan nnJ lie was very mnoh plensed tho bod.y at full lougth ho covored it wifli tho hot sand, almost P. S.—The public will observe I do not report, cases from with the people nnd our beautiful Utile city. : Furiniirs look liiirc i..' , • nuiuts and loug years of aii/tfi-riji^'. Calil'ornhi or Maine, but thoso of your neighbors only. old trot nt Jackson hiat Thursday. 1890. He entered upon the discharge not puiilshiiig the parties aeverely, ,.^^liJ''''"?,'"^hoat wbouJi iioio ofthe Egyh- ••:':''-'y'P'" "iPP'\ hli}. lips ovor her mouth and blew her lungs full of nir, at the Phi'ladelpliiu tho demand for his profegsioual Borviit;es hecamo dlBeiisa of tb'e heart. Dr. llumphroy cured me entirely. Dii. HuJinniEY. nnd put anotlier driver behind Lorettu Boyand girls be sure tobuy.your as 10 uoros ef, wheat, aud with loss worlft 'iv;'-;' Bttiiie.timo pressing the larynx backward to close the passage The greatest attrnetion just now is ment of tlie fall term, Wednesday. M?;OroptW»ypor brings8150 poraero. Anor • v" -T so nreaalng from the south and west, where his repiUiftion bad ',1. Y. BtniNun, IS'owark, Ohio. B. tnbleis, i paper, slates, sponges, pens, «5S?"*id2[i"-H**" tor-wlS- call and Bee ' •' •:..:',:,:% to the stomach, then pressing upon the cheat to force the air preceded him, that he consented to make n number of Jirofea- t!3'~Wliat Dr. Uiiiuplircy Docs Dfot Do. NEWS NOTES. the great cash shoe sale nt Brown State Bank Commissioner Sherwood ptnclls, etc., at Lougyear Bros'. Star •'^fo™ liarvcateu; 7 miles north of',:: •.•i'-P< out, and so kopt this in operation until hia eilorta were finally Bros.' Our prices nnd goods are un­ was In Maaou last Thutsday uud Fri­ The chemical building at the Jack- Bionnl vislfs to the larger cities, wlicre ho mot and cured liuii- I was'croubled for yeara with catarrh, dcafuess and rjinning Ho does not attempt to frighten peojiJo into doctoring bj Drug Store. 8tf Mnapn on Okemos, rood. ""—> . li.; rcn'arded with success. from oile car. Was completely cured by Dr. Humphrey. matched. 7w2 day on his oflicial duties looking in­ sou pulp mills was destroyed by lire girdon-for-«a!o-To 7,rrniof^8"»ot''ii;i{f'^iri^^^^^ dreds of coses proaouuced incurable by othor physlclsns. holding up tbe fear of a speedy deatli before their eyes. iScliool next Monday. August 24 with all its contents.- The The Amerlciiii Hand Laundry Is at Highest cosh price paid lor eggs, > 'mt Hero aro two very remarkable facts: first, tho improasion re­ These occasional visits developed aueh au extensive buBlUcsa REV. P. \V. BAVi.Ey-Jo.NKs, JIuskegon, Mich. The Donnelly .House^ of this city, to the conditions and afTalrs of the work lit the old stand, C. J. Barnaby Ho does not try to urge or peraundo tho sick to take trent- Some cool nights of late. banks liere. To the NEWS he aaid "I flro cattght from a pile of straw and • WM. .\. OLDS. ceived while at tho plow; Beooildly, his pressing the vocal bev or that tlie doctor doterniined to return to aud locate In the west meut whon ho well knows them to be incurable. will be closed as a hotel on or before chemicals, and before the lire depart­ proprietor, und l.ts work is guaranteed larynx firmly backward ou the pa'seage to the stomach to close and, as during his chlklhood, make it hia pormaueut bome, Be- I Was a dreadful sulterer from locomotor ataxia and paralysis September 1,1893. H.J. DONNEI.LY, tell you, you aro all right here. Your lo be Hnlisfnctoiy. Don't go dirty but .Wiuit-i»''Tr»4ics'^'> of the will. I have been entirely cured by Dr. Humpbroy'g Neither docs be by excusos, persuasion or false pretenses Iiooturo by Prof. Hull nt M. E. bnuka are in flrst-claas shape." Mr. ment could reach the scene the entire Iwanttooxchaugoanow'top buggy for 11 - that passage nnd thus prevent tho air going into the atomach lecting Chicago therefor on account of its being the greaf west­ church this evening. proprietor. 7tf structure was In flumes. An explos­ patronize the laundry. . * inatead of the lungs, and that too without any acqulKgd knowl­ ern metropolis and business center of neaxly half of North unuaual skill. • Dn. II. RI)SSKI,L, Newark, Ohio. bold the sick under his care mouth after month while doing Sherwood says that the State banks of goodSyeiir-oldcolt. ,1 ' ••'"'^^ '*:r-i~-''-:-:;:v)iiiS/ them uo good, Michigan make better showing for ion of chemicals took place, which 'I'lie annual election of the ladles' OOtf L.p. CHASE, DansvlHo.'MloU. ' • i- •'''•> edge of these parts or ever having heard a practical flluBtration America. From this point he has decided to visit a few local­ Someone can sell 50 cords of good M. E. Rumsey Ima sold the old Soo- acultered the flro in all directions, and library association will be held Sep­ of their moohanlBm. ities at regularly stated wrlods for tho purpose ot meeting his IJ'or nineteen long yeara I suilered tho misery and annoyance He does not delude and peraundo holplcsB incurables to doc­ wood to MuHon scliool board. Call at fleld farm north of Leslie village to tiiese times thnn do the National of aerloua deafness from catarrh of throat and middle ear. Was NEWS olllce. the Scoflelds who are again pleased to banks. but for the fact that a heavy rain hud tember 6, nt 2 o'clock p. m., ut their It will be obaorved that we call this boy "Doctor." Is it the patientB/ and enlarging Ilia acquaintance among the people. ^completely cured by Dr. Humphrey. tor out the last month of their Uvea or give up their last dollai aet in, the entire mills and a long line rooms. The president wants to see The reason we will not make tile" lOBBor.T^ r „ ability to save life under audi circumstances as the abow which This method baa marked advantages for the Invafld, thus sav­ for medicine. become Its owners. }i'5.'„i''S^?3;»J?.\\S_onough_npy,15of^^^ - • .' ing tbem not aloue the expense, but tlie annoyance, ('xcitomout, AMOS KENDALT., Hillsdale, Mich. The next covenant meeting of the Hiram Wing, of this village, is 89 of box ours standing on the Michigan every iiicmber itreseiit. layinng a rod, nud/ prosuut - prices make bu ' •'':'.•,,• constitutes the doctor, or a diploma which ca;n bought in a doz­ He does not take patients under a false so-called guarantee, Baptist church will be held Saturday years of age, his sister Mercy, who lives Central side track would have been smalllexpense,ol e„ s fofiows: ^ x'-i'-'r.iP en diiterent placea in the United States for a few dollars? fatigue, and in many cases actual danger of a trip to tho city Zadock Washburn, of Leslie, aged 2>Slnch I measured 48 inchea around my belt from a very large fibroid pretending to c*argo only for medicines, and taking whatever at tl o'clock p. in. 02 yeara, walked home from the farm­ witli lilm, will be 88 next March and a destroyed. The loss amounts to about . Labor Day at Owosso. nch hie costperl^,...... ,.;..:;.-.;.;....„:» 9.^;^^ At the ago of 31 Dr. Humphrey began the study of medicine when the vital energies are almoat worn out, tumor. Wns taken to Prof. Ludlara, Chicago, who could do amount he cnn get for them; or make the end and object of liia brother, John L., of Strawberry Point, 5)7,000, and la fully covered by Insur­ proper with a regular preceptor of high standing, and in due DuBoia school district No. 3, Alaie­ ers' picnic at Pleasant Luke August For tliisgieat event which promises [Dr, Humphrey, hua severed all connection with Chicago, a^tid nothing for me. Dr. Humphroy removed every vestige of tho llfo to extort mouey froiUitho sick. 17, a distance of nine miles. Iowa, who ia now visiting him, la 82. ance. 5 time he found himself a pupil of a popular medical college. la uow devoting his entire time to uortherii Ohio aud Indiaua growth witiiout tho use of anything l)iit medicines. ' don, wauls a school teacher. Inquire Monday, the three went to Paddack'a to eclipse anything of the kind ever 26.L , „ , Noither does ho riish lifter each now medical aenaatlon aud UPTON e Hero, among much chaff and rubbish, ho found some precious aud Bouthorn Mlchigan.J Mns. IT.utVKY S.MiTii, Janesvilie, Wis. bruit it about ns a cure-all, but uses the vast exporisnco of 8li of W. , Director. C. F. BIttenger, who taught the and had a family group taken. It is The Grand Ledge excursion coni- before attempted In the line of a labor ,8a.M.'S:,-;!i;|S;::Pi;i'i; kernelfl of wheat .and fastened upon soiiio excellent principles remarkable that the three children, nilUee desire through your columns to day celebration, being the combined --^ a't"a..-J^ir;, years as a specialist among the nfllictod. It is the duty of every voter to be Okemos schools two years ngo, died at acknowledge their appreciation ofthe eflort of Lttiislug and Owosso Indus­ inipfuctico. Hero', also, he witnessed many difllcult surgical CoNSCMmoN CURED.—I wna rapidly failing Into tho grasp of present ut the annual school meeting Cttsa City last week of iniuries received every member of the family, fhouia BAIUCBKACO. J * y I' oporfttlohs In tho various hospitalB of the city.: A second year that foil doatroyer, consumption, given up by physiclauB nnd What Ho Docs Do. reach such an advanced nge.—Howell patronage of a generous public. We tries together with a representatloU of ho also spent in like manner in the same Inatitutlons, • graduat­ TESTIMONIALS. in Masou next Monday evening. in n foot ball ganfts last full. also owe ndebt of gratitude to those every, organization In the four sur­ friends, could fust poke about unable to do anything of account. Dr. Holman S, Humphrey makes the flrst object of his life Republican. ing, with high honova. Yet, not s.itlsflod with tho faCiirties "for Have boen entirely cured by Dr. Holman S. Humphroy. Tho, Indies' mission circle of the Dr. B. G. Boone, nn eminent In­ who kindly aided in the sale of rounding counties. Including Farm-, obtalulng a medical education in tho United Btatea, he how de- The following testimonials will servo to illustrate the varied to heal tho afllleted; tho second object to get a well deserved Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Harry Call, aged 10, son of Postmas­ llckots, to the Mnson cornet bund, to era Alliance, ^The Grange. Spiritual­ character and quuality of the doctor's work; I MISS JENNIE EUANKMN, Mason, Mich. reputation as a healer ot diseaaes among the people; the tliird diana educator, has been elected prin­ tornilned upon a visit to Eiirope, where throe years,wore spent Gowdy Thursdiiy. Sept. 7 at 3:00 cipal of the State Normal school to ter H. O. Call of Mason, was killed those liaving charge of baggage and- ists etc., the Michigan Central win in tho very centers of medical iearnlngi .His time' was spent purpose Is to earn a moderate compensation ia order to proper­ Wednesday afternoon In n runaway all who in any way contributed to run a low rate excursion: trulu from; iNSOTtNtA AND NEUVOUS PUOSTUA'HON CuiiED.—When I wont ly caro for hlniBolf and family. o'clock. succeed Prof. Bill, resigned. largely In vlBltlng tho host medical colleges, hospitals, dispon- to Dr. Holmnn S. Iluinphyiy nearly a year ago J had no idea of accident three miles uorth of that vil­ make this one ot the most successful Mason and Lansing, placing the fare Barlea, eye, ear, lung and medical and surgical Institutions de­ I was born deaf in one ear. Dr. Humphrey restored my hear­ lie doea do all ho agrees to and oftentimes moro, and whero Your attention Is called to tho ad- and pleasant excursion parties that for the round trip ut $li Train leaves ing compete. OKA L. PEASE, North AdaniB, Mich. getting help, but went simply to please my friends. I could yertlHenieiit of the Genesseo Fruit Co. Our orthodox city of Albion has a lage. The young man was well known voted o.xcliiBlvely to spoclallzed pnicUce, not only.In England, Bcarcoly step or tnko a moment'a comfort forcontracted physical fnihiro does occur it can almost always be traced to ciireloso- •'hugger." Diflerent Indies have been In this olty, where he had many hns ever left Mason and vicinity. We Miiaon Ht 8:30 A. M. Lanslug's labor Toiltohaoic ness, imprudence or overwork on tho pnrt of patients, tho chief Ill another qolumn. They want older biitialBO lu ErauGO and Germany. Returning to Amerlcii he I was fully In the clutches of numb piilsy. Dr. (Humphrey and mental Builcrlng. At times I thought I should lose my .'ipples. assaulted while on evening walks. friends. His mother nnd aunt, Mias here und now kindly invite all to Join organizations will go over in a body <; We wonld ilka , now began hla life's work iu enrnf at. Observing everywhere mind; all was darkness and gloom. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey Bin being usually iu over or improper outing. Tho fellow la bold and brazen. May Lindsay, were visiting in Jack­ us In our next, nnd promise to do all and all friends of labor at Masbh are cuiied me completely. Miss JUKIE SLOCUM, Iludsij^n, Mich. "Mr. Grant Moshcr wns married to interesting andprofltable niultltudoB of brokeudown'aiidleuflerlnc huihnnlty he Booh de­ cured me entirely, and I rncommend him to all allllctod. Ho does deal candidly," liberally and honorably with all alike, son the flrat of the week nnd went to we can to make it a duy full of plensufe cordially Invited. A Bpeblnl feature of SVomanli Standard dinning j-rocpsa.; at ls/>.-; ,u >v cided to devote all his tlinc and .Bplendid- attainments to the ' D. E. HAWLEV, Mason, Mich., lug, ;0. Aba't Olllce. f.risa Alllo Williams of Lnlugsburg Rate of ono nnd one-tliird flrst-olnaa Grass Lake Wednesday where the toyounU. A. J. HALL, ' the day-'" ' -'- ^ -u.- L...... I had BufEered for years with serioua deafneaa from catarrh,; taking advantage of none aa to condition or clrcumstancoa, last Wednesday evening nud thoy jinanagoinont and cure, of, Buch-.caiies as ,;the,^ordlridry-;^ ' He promptly visits his town every four, weeks aud will so limited fare for the round trip to Sagi­ terrible news reached them.They , Rupus RAYMOND, fweent doctor la not andiiovorciittho prepared to 'treat;'siicceBBfuliy, Dri'^Huihphirey cured me. v^ii^— _ , ^ ^;• 1 EozBMA CCHED.—For sixteen yeara I suilorod untold torture imve since visited Mr. Mosher's returned honio Thursday.—Jackson P' P.' ':'• ••:'P''/B. OABP, 'Hlll8dn,lo, Mich.P continue as long as Qod.Bpnreshlm to the alllicted. naw. , Date of sale, Aug. 31, Sept. 1 L.'.W:; MILLS, aploked withskin disease, which at timea would Do so bad my oyea friends In thia city. and 2; return not Inter tbnn Sept. 3. t Citizen. - ;v •V;-..4'^''''^'''C6iiiinlttee.-:j:,, would beswbllen shut foir wbekaaiid my face, twice Its natural ' Lnst, but not loaBi,7te cures after qll other methods hvthU has • iiBfor ft.1 failed,, Sis consultation with everyone it free. His oUke it 55-'