Beat the Heat! Come Inside! Cool

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Beat the Heat! Come Inside! Cool PAGE TWENTY-FOUR F R ID A Y , J U L Y 18, 1989 Manrbt'Btipr lEtic^rnttg iimlb ATHRge Dait)r N et P raw Run Var The Week Ended June M, IMk The Weather Fair, .(Cooler, less humid to­ >15,459 day. Low In the 6(>s. High Sun­ day 80 to 85. ■ ManeheUer— 4 City of ViUofe Charm 1 VOL. LXXXVin. NO. 246 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECnON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA-TURDAY, JULY 19, 1969 (TMeatned AdvertWng on Page 1 8 ) PRICE TEN CENTS 8'V*-' A 'v\ V: \*/ On Tarfret ^ r ^ C \ O f ^ r i ( .............................f l l ( / 0........................................ \ .... ................................................ ........... BEAT THE HEAT! COME INSIDE! COOL OFR Moon Blots Out Sun Apollo ]^ears Goal; V SAVE WITH THESE VALUABLE COUPONS TONIGHT and SATURDAY ■sS' By HOWARD BENEDICT two days of g r ^ t human ad­ He also reported a brilliant AP Aerospace Writer DON'T FORGET TO CHECK ALL STORES — IF YOU FIND YOUR venture. solar corona as the moon ec­ SPACE CENTER, Houshm As they darted Into an arejs lipsed all but the halo of gases (A P ) — Apollo U’b explorers where the moon blotted out the surrounding the stki. NAME POSTED — YOU'RE A LUCKY WINNER! raced Into the shadow of the sunUght at 8:60 a.m. EOT, com­ “ It. looks like an eerie sight," moon today and reported a mander Nell A. Armstrong re­ the Apollo H commander said. spectacular final sighting of ported picking out lunar fea­ Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrln their tatget as they prepared tures Illuminated by light re­ Jr. and Michael Collins were /■ to blast into lunar orbit to start flected by earth. Just 13,000 miles from the moon WITH THIS COUPON WITH im g COUPON and closing In at nearly 8,000 50% TMt coupon 5 0 % I 50®>c miles €Ui hour when they report­ MEN'S WALKING / $2 toword Tha Purchma of A ed the first sighting of the lunar \ SHOP landscape after three days in 4^5 NQYMER MAN’S WALLET off any Ham In our ‘iik i’’ shop— space. SHORTS TREASURE CITY OAS To Police Truce Ihe astrtHiauts headed tor a (Offer Expiree 7-SI-W) climactic moment In early aft­ Res- 2.99. Rag. prieaa rango from ernoon when they trigger their 1.27 SUNDAY spaceship engine to steer Into a TREASURE SHOPPE 9E to nSJM In Central America precise orbit 69 miles above the surface. W. T. ^ N T CO. By TOE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS OAS offer specific guarantiees MANCHESTER PABKMIB FOR SIDEWALK SALE MANCHESTER PARKADE 50% SEARS—MonEfiostor 50% MlHtary observers froim the for the pn>tecUon of IHe lives The firing was scheduled tor SPECIALS! O ^ s a t l o n Of A m e r 1 c a n and p i^ p ^ y 1 7 IZ1:26 p.m. with the spaceriilp be- Mbnchester PtarloMle flu&itesCtateo werewwre scheduledscftiedulGd to movemnv» ino-Ing in HonduraB moon, out of radio <xm- toto Honduras today to poUoe a A Salvadaran claim that its tact. The world was not to know four-point plan to end the unde- 300,000 citizens Uvlng in Hondu- wheUier the engine Ignited prop­ erly until the craft reappeared l o T ^ clared war between Honduras ras have been victijns o f atrod- and El Salvador, an OAS official ties and genocide was a key is- around the edge of the moon 86 minutes later. A .sue in the dispute that led to the The astronauts have the op­ WITH THH COUPON $3 Tills coupon worHi $3 $3 The OAS peace plan, worked outbreak of war Monday. $7 TMs coupon S7 $7 WITH THK COUPON tion to cancel the Ignition If they OUR. 8UPESR. VALUBJ ..t MlnlMer Francisco detect anything wrong. Wlthou MEN'S WOVEN & KNIT toward the purchase of our #S(Me toward the purchase of our #8M8 Amwlcan time” Guerrero said 90 minutes a firing. Apoll 11 merely would BATH TOWELS alKht E3DT) a nuSiini oease-flre began that loop once around the backside SPORT OUTDOOR DRILL ® S^vador had not received and -head beck to earth—one of 3-SPEED PORTABLE FAN Bolide and Stripes ^ guarantees tt demanded. the built-in safety measures of Values .99. Beg. 1.00. hoiOT of ttM ceas^re P i^ en t Oswaldo Lopez Ar- the mission. F ^ r Reg. priced at $12419 f c r o w ^ ^ o f ^ Intemattonal elJano of Honduras p r a ^ the In the shadow of the mocm, priced at 33i99 U m lt 3 p e a c e ^ r e ^ ^ and dls- army tor Its fight a ^ t "the the interior of the spaceship ^ oli^ to police the Saivadomn aggieeelon” and an- scribed the sight. W . G R A N T CO. $3 SEARS— Mondiovlor $3 $7 SEARS— Moncliostof $ 7 ^ .. nounceanounced' uiotthat toethe nation’snation's troops 'It’s“ » «•a very marKeamarked tnreethree m-dl- MANCHESTER PARKAOB W. T. GRANT CO. natlora adapted the call had been ordered to obey the menslonal effect wtth the solar DOWNTOWN . MA IN . OT.. ONLY foror a coase-ftre,cease-ftre. but the Salva-S a lv a -cease-fire_____^ corona_________ coming_ .from___ behind the doran Foreign Ministry said El Pre«iA>^ Tm. moon," he said. " I guess what’s Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Edwin E. Aldrin at- Salvador would not withdraw Us S ^ h e z Her- grlving it that three dimensloival tache.s a camera which will lie used to photograph troops until Honduras and the (See Page Three) effect is earthshine. I can pick out features on the moon In the first man to step on the moon to a bracket earthshine. I see the crater Ty­ in the lunar, module after Aldrin and P’light Com­ WITH THH COUPON WITH THIS COUPON ^ YOUR CHOICE WITH THIS COUPON cho fairly clearly. I can see the mander Neil Armstrong crawled into the vehicle Luna Changes Course sky all around the moon, even «•” ESKIMO POWER \ QUEEN SIZE MAX FACTOR WITH 1HB3 COUPON on the rim of It, where there's to prepare it for the moon landing. At the time JODREU. BANK, England tompumry ksw <if alBfuLU Hint no earthshine or sunshirte.” (AP) Jodrell Hank ustrono- oMUHed snlenllMUi bars to spwth Of Voyage Birth Control Stand the telecast was lieing sent the spacecraft was BREEZE BOX HAIR SPRAY 88c Armstrong said he could see mers aald the Soviet unmanned lat» earliar U luul rlmnga'd LAW N M OW ER RUBBER THONR SANDALS aiiout 201,2.'>() miles from earth racing toward the HPACK CENTER. Houston the corona light extending out Lunn IS probe changed Its orbit course. OB IA1>)/ Here arc highlights of Rag. 59.95. (Z o tiea) about 200 diameters from the moon. (A P Photofax) algnlflcantly this afternoon after Observatory lUnecUs- » r Her 10.88 /■ Apollo U's third and fourth day moon. clr< ling the moon In an unal- mud Iii>vell sold rignuU fnsn Use of Flooi^-TaUe—Window Value 57c. Draws Backers, Foes in a|au-e. ^ t lm « Enatem Day­ JOHNSON FOOT SOAP 4 81. \ tered course for more than two Ijuna 18 were rsceived nt U to Saftey Grtd — Extra Quiet With the glare of the sun light . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher. pres- masked by the moon, OoUlns a m (8 to EIVTl lie told the HOUSE and HALE HOUSE and HALE •Populatlon and sex informa- le’ ent of Planned Parenthood, Scientists speculated that the probe's two-hour path aroumi Today: HOUSE End HALE NS MAIN 8T —DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER said "It's a real change for us. NS MAIN m — DOWNTOWN MANOHBSTBR S4S MAIN ST— DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER tlon experts have praised Presl- proposal was the “ mag- Now we're able to see stars probe,may hrjve l>een sent <n\ Its the m(Ksi was um-hanged AstrisukUta Nell A Arm- f a i r W a y T V ’s Biggest Show: way back to earth. But th«y Mrong, MIHiael OolUns and Ed­ dent Nixon's proposal to „a k e again and recognize oonstalla- When rngmlm were loot asr- I. DOWNTOWN MAIN 8T.-MANCHE8TBB al government policy which tions for the first time on the added thta could not be con- Uer. an nbaervafury spotunsnan win E Aldrin Jr awake at 6 :10 free birth control advice and evolved over several years trip. firmed. said M appMivd likely that the a m. after'an eight-hour rest pe­ contraceptive devices available "It 6ertainly should make pos- "The sky’s full of stars,” he A Vast Wasteland They aald It alao Is possible imibe had sMlter landed <in the riod and eat breakfast. wilhin five years to all low-ln- gibie babies by choice rather added, 'It looks like it's night that I.una 16 had changed Its muon or was returning tii earth •Mission ixiiilrol makes go-no- COUPON come American wromen of than ,by chance tor all Amerl side on earth.' By HARRY F. ROSEN rilA I. kind must undertake free men course to head toward ths He aald It was unlikely lltnl go de<-ls1on fur nxswi orbit al child-bearing age. cane irrespective of financial or Associated Press Writer must fully share." moon. the prolie had rimply at-qqsKl 1:18 p.m If no-go, Apollo It 20 LB. B AG Many- church offlclala de---caii^ any other considerations," he (See Page Six) SPACE CENTER, Houston In the quiet way that has transmitting nwte signals whipe aniund the muon'M bock- CHILD’S DELUXE JODRFJX BANK.
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