Aeschylus, with an English Translation by Herbert Weir Smyth
HANDBOUND AT THE THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BY ^* ' 'T ' E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. T. E. PAGE, mti-.d. W. H. D. ROUSE, Lirr.D. AESCHYLUS II AESCHYLUS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH, Ph.D. ELIOT PROFESSOR OF GREEK LITERATURE IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN TWO VOLUMES II AGAMEMNON LIBATION-BEARERS EUMENIDES FRAGMENTS LONDON: WILLIAM HEINEMANN NP:vv YORK: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS MCMXXVI 2-2>.(I.S^ Printed in Great Britain. CONTENTS OF VOLUME II AGAMEMNON THE LIBATiON-BEARERS 155 EUMENIDES 269 FRAGMENTS 374 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 522 (i ata slip, Aesch. — Vol. II. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO VOL. I Additions to the List of Editions (p. xxxi ff.).—All the plays : 1853-54, Buckley. 1920-25, Mazon. Choe- phoroe : 1729, Oxford. 1774, Foulis press. 1776, Vollborth. Eumenides : 1901, Barnett. 1901, Plaistowe (w. prose translation). Persians ; 1847, Paley. Undated, Haydon. Prometheus : 1887, Plaistowe and Masom (w. prose trans- lation). 1900, Plaistowe and Mills (w. prose translation). Seven against Thehes : 1847, Paley. 1897 (1900), Plaistowe (w. prose translation). — Additions to the List of Translations. Agamemnon : 1823, Boyd (prose). 1839, Fox. 1846, Sewell. 1848, Anon. 1880, Anon, (prose). 1886, Students of the Univer- sity of Sydney (prose). 1888, Anon, (prose). 1890, Cooper (Oresteia). 1893, Campbell (Oresteia, prose). 1900(1911), Sixth Form Boys of Bradfield College. 1919, Davis. 1920, Ellis. 1920, Murray. 1920, Trevelyan (Oresteia). 1921, Robinson in " The Genius of the Greek Drama." Choephoroe, Eumenides : 1890, Cooper (Oresteia), 1893, Campbell (Oresteia, prose). 1920, Trevelyan (Oresteia). 1923-25, Murray. Persians : 1829, Palin. 1855, Wood (prose). 1873, Staunton.
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