Sl)t--..€llsw0rtf) American. TOW raioa. *1M rt» rut. limn u twooitD -*olam mattu * v. LII. nr pai» iw mmol, li «. | Vol. 1ST ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 30, 1906. ) at raw ituwotn rommot. | **' wmnnniiai, LOCAL AFFAIRS. them from Ellsworth the heartiest good GREEN LAKE ‘•DOWN IN MAINK. will of a host of friends* Mr. Adams’ Raai are now. is to take an interval of a being caught Creditable Performance b Ha- MKW ADVKKTl*KMKNr» THIS WEEK. prescut plan year Burrill before work. Oapt. John A. Lord, of Ellaworth, was fhe National Bank resuming pastoral worth Talent—New Seen C H Wood, E 8 Clark— Notice of foreclosure. here one the week. The slow rate at which licenses are day past OF ELLSWORTH, MAINE. Bankrupt notice—Est James Foley. dog The production of the four-a' itna Fishing rod lost. in seem to indicate that there has Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Benedict and children to commence business October 24. 1887, the coming “Down in Maine”, by a local cat-' J. itur- pioneer National Bank Umbrella loat. will a week at Authorized been in the spend their cottage. < of Ellsworth, Maine. Beads lost. unprecedented mortality dog day even ins:, was a very credits >er- Admr notice—Eat Chas H Cloason. of population Ellsworth during the past The Morse cottage is progressing formance. Hancock hall was v ted, Portland, Ma: year, or else that there soon will be. Up rapidly, and will be a wonder of modern and the proceeds from the entert enk, Mianua motor*. WE SOLICIT ACCOUNTS~OF to noon licenses comfort. which will new INDIVIDUALS, The National Casualty Ina Co. Tuesday only eigbty-two go toward paying for had been issued. At the same date last rTRMS and CORPORATIONS, and OFFER EVERY F. E. Bragg and family spent a week at scenery, were gratifying. The pro- 176 had been issued. The total num- CONSISTENT WITH SFAE ftCHfUHJLK OF MAILS year, their cottage, and returned to Bangor ceeds will be about flOO. ACCOMMODATION ber of licensed last was 207. AT KLLBWOKTH roST U1TICI. dogs year Monday noon. The new scenery was in place, was BANKING. The LEGITIMATE In 6, 190<9. timelimit expires Junel, when the admired. The stage is gre im- 'Ayp effect May Memorial Day quite a number is ex- duly National Shawmut Bank of dog constable will get busy. The increased of feet Corrcajwmlents. Boston ; National Com- pected, and several boats have been en- proved. depth MAILS KKCKIVKD. allows a much better ith- Bank, Albany, New York. Thirty thousand salmon fry from gaged for fishing. stage setting BKTiiai From West— 7.16 a m, 6.11 p m. the Green lake hatchery were planted in out decreasing the seating capacity the From F.ast— 1 l.f« a m, ft JO and 10.17 in. Capt. Horace F. Lord bad his flag-staff p up-river pondM last week. Ten thousand ball. The new drop curtain an inga MAIL CLOAKS AT roSTOFFICK. raised Monday, and will decorate his were planted in King pond, 10,000 in Kift extend flush to the galleries oi ther C. LYNAM & CO. Ooiwo East—7 a m and 6.60 p in. building Memorial Day. FRED pond and 10,000 in Several side, giving an appearance o iucl» Oomo Wbat—llJOa m, ft and 9 p m. Long pond. have been made The Danforths are making extensive width. are contei BLN DATS. plants in previous years greater Changes tted, at these repairs on their cottage. The season which will still further F~ire Insurance. Mull from the West arrises at 7 21 a m; leaves ponds, and the fish are doing well. improve ap- for the West nt 6 to be a one. 07 pm. At Long pond, in which there were no promises lively pearance of the hall. The scenery put salmon previous to the first plant of I. O. Merrill visited the lake Friday and in place by Edgar F. Jordan, and i ex- j3na lo*omoe« Oo. of Hartford Liverpool and London ami Globe Ins. Co.. Eng- fry Mrs. C. A. Hanscom, of ar- four a six and made a catch of three fine the cellent of work. Continental In*. Vo. of New York land Baltimore, years ago, one-half pound bass, largest piece rived for the summer CnotM^tirut InnuitllM Co.. Hartford London Assurance Corporation Hunflay months. salmon was taken this spring. At Green weighing three and one-half pounds. The cast of characters at S rday mefteaa Iu*. Co., of New York Norwich Union Fire Insurance lake from the was as follows Qctuaui A Society, England The Ellsworth festival chorus will meet 100,000 togue fry Monmouth The past week brought many people to night’s production of New York Northern Hope luAunuK-e Co., Assurance Co., of London as usual this evening at Manning hall. hatchery were planted last week. Green Lake. Saturday evening’s arrivals Zeph Cummings, of Hardscrable 1 1. Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriter*’ Agency The sale of stock from Dr. C. C. Morri- included Mr. and Mrs. Lowell and two ’way down in Maine. Believes h e Natlo The poatoffloe will be closed to-day— al Insurance Co., Hartford Golden Rule, and practices wlir e Memorial 9 a. m. until after son's farm at Mariaville, which took daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Providence-Washington Ins. Co.. R. I. Day—from place believes.J A Cum ham Insurance of the distribution of the mail. at Wyman park last Wednesday, was not Mr. Nutter and son, Messrs. Miller, Noyes, Ro)al Company, Liverpool evening ivinpu, uin moiuri, u iiew mri uimn rc, Sun but those who were Insurance Co.. England W. II. Burlen and J. L. Batman are in largely attended, Harlow, Hardy, Benedict, Harry Lord, Milton b with 8L Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. mere came to Day. h.. K. acted wife and a tew friends, of Bangor, MrB. E. Neil a the city to-day (Tuesday) on business con- Hopkins Wentworth, young inventor, Western Assurance Co., of Toronto as auctioneer. The cows sold were fuLl- J. Emery. AL thiira nected with the Union river dam proposi- blooded Jerseys and Dr. Mor- Bingle, the old fisherman.Fred ooke seventeen of this as- tion. Guernseys. The Companies agency represent rison Tomps, the hired man.Martin land had one of the ft nest herds in east- LAKEWOOD. The West Sullivan tug Phillips Eaton a “Fresh Air” sets in the United States of $142,518,401. Seven of these are ern Maine. About fifty head were dis- Jimpsey, Kid...... Halp. loyal was at Curtis’yard last week for repairs Mose (iossin, a stuttering lover, assets of millions more. posed of. One of the largest buyers was Ralph Garland is at home from MLlli- foreign companies representing many and (tainting. She was fitted with a new Charles alpin. W. E. Peach, the Bar Harbor nocket, where he has had employment. one of these has sent to its dairyman, Susie Cummings, Ralph’s daughter, letters agents propeller. who Every companies bought about eighteen Jersey cows. Jeremiah Moore shows slight improve- Miss Effi /avia to all SAN and The schooner M. M. showing its ability pay FRANCISCO losses Lavolta, Capt. F. H. Tapper and N. E. Newman, of Ban- ment, but is still in a critical condition. Mrs Cummings, Zeph's wife, Whittaker, arrived at Bar Harbor with nine cows. still continue in business, ready to meet all future contingen- gor, bought George W. Garland has sold his farm Mrs L Gile® coal Monday. Capt. Whittaker is at hb Keziah, “forty-three and desperate” statement of com- Preparations for the observance of Me- and contemplates moving away in the fall. cies. The of the financial these home here. Miss Helen onsey ability morial in Ellsworth, to the Day according John Frost, of Orono, was called here H W to meet all losses have been verified Insur- E. W. Lord, assistant commissioner of Betsey Tomps.Mrs aynes panies fully by progrumme announced in detail in The last week the death of his Mrs. by mother, Miss Nan 1. was accom mist. education of Porto Rico, is expected to ar- are Druinmey ance •lourimls, by the Daily Press, and by Private Investiga- American two weeks ago, complete. In Polly Frost. rive in for a of a The parts were well and thi •■am- Ellsworth to-day stay the early morning details from the post taken, tion this Wilfred Clarry, of California, who has ateur” was irent by agency. _ few days. will visit the various cemeteries in the only slightly ap been relatives here for a visiting short throughout. To mention any woi d he Chandler Hale spent a few days last w eek vicinity to decorate the graves of comrades. LYNAM CO. time, went to Otis last week to renew old but to of the work of aach. FRED C. & at “The Pines”. He will return with bis At 1 o’clock the members of the post will speak good associations. The entire performance reflected err lit on BAR HARBOR, IS/1E. family next week to occupy “Firlands” assemble at Grand Army hall and march to Mrs. A. H. Wilbur and son those and on the for the summer. the soldiers’ monument where the usual Henry taking part, pains iking started tor the West last week. Mrs. Wil- and efficient work of Mr. Coo e as Mrs. M. E. who has the service will be held. The line will then Dresser, spent bur has been in director. be poor health for some time winter in Southwest Harbor, is the guest reformed and march to Hancock hall and hopes to be benefited by the change There were unavoidable delays b< tween of Mrs. 8. L. Lord before returning to her for the Memorial services. The address of climate. Her son Henry returned from the actB, due to the setting of th new home in Orland. will be delivered by L. B. Deasy, of Bar the West last fall and has the win- but the audience understo «d the T5 EPOHT8 from our Insurance companies state that all Harbor. spent scenery, As Memorial Day this year falls on ter at the old homestead. cause of the delay, and was patient. losses from the conflagration at San Francisco will be ) Melvin M. Davis met with a serious Wednesday, the reguar publication day of There were several specialties uring accident last his paid in full. Tine American, the paper is printed this Wednesday evening, CHURCH NOTES. the evening. During the picnic scene, fractured and the week on Tuesday. kneepan being ligaments several of these were i iclud- out in the Balti- introduced, The companies represented by us paid about the knee injured. Mr. Davis, with BAPTIST. Dr. Harry C. Mason and wife, of Ston- ing singing by a quartette composed of J. more over six million dollars and his brother, Everett J., was driving to Rev. P. A A. Killam, conflagration *fl,000,00u ington, and George Davis, of Rockland, pastor. A. Cunningham, A. L. Witharn, Charles P. his home on the Hancock when the — road, Sunday, June 3 Morning service at and M. H. a may hare to pay ten million tlO.OOO.txsi in San Francisco, wer** in Ellsworth Sunday, guests of C. Halpin Head, recitation by cart dropped into a rut in the road. The 10.30. Sermon the W. Mason and w ife. by pastor. Sunday Miss Helen Bonsey and dancing by Ralph and will on business. seat came and men keep doing loose, both were school at 11.45. Christian Endeavor meet- Between toe third and fourth Ellsworth’s share this of the State Royal. year thrown in front of the cart. went sermon Melvin ing at 7/ Evening service at 7 30; acts Miss Bertha Giles rendered a Your business is perfectly safe in our hands. for libraries 10 cent of the solo, stipend per down between cart and horse, but whether by pastor. and was compelled to to an encore. amount expended by city is 900.17, Ells- respond Moral: Place business with the leading agency his knee was crushed by the horse step- Bible study and prayer service at 7.30 your worth having $901.79. expended ping on it, or by the wheel of the cart, is Friday evening. in Hancock Feigned admiration is as false as the county. William C. Bowden and Miss Nellie C‘. not known. A wheel of the cart also METHODIST EPISCOPAL. love letters of a man who learned to make Stover, both of this city, were married over passed Everett, but, though badly Rev. J P. Simon ton. a ^ _ pastor. love in school. last at the correspondence Saturday evening Congrega- bruised, he escaped serious injury. Mel- Friday, June 1—Prayer service at 7.30. The world in tional Rev. J. M. Adams. vin w ill be laid several — delights sunny parsonage by up weeks. Sunday, June 3 Morning service at people. The old are hungering for love more than \\ illiam T. who has been criti- The caucus for nomina- 10.30. school Jellison, republican the Sermon by pastor. Sunday for bread. The air of ioy is very cheap; cally ill w ith pneumonia, is reported tion of delegates to the county convention at 11.45. Epworth league at 7. Evening and if you can help the poor on with a of it will be better for The GEO. H. GRANT CO., slightly better to-day. His infant daugh- was held Saturday at the service at 7.30. garment praise, evening banquet them than Drummond. is also ill with blankets.—Henry ter critically pneumonia. room in Haneock hall. It was well at- CONGREGATIONAL. A. Goodwin left this tended, over one hundred being present. Rev. J. M. ELLSWORTH. BAR HARBOR and BUCKSPORT. Capt. Sidney (Tues- Adams, pastor. 3fibrrtisnncms day noon for New York to resume com- The caucus was called to order by T. F. Sunday, June 3 — Morning service at mand of the schooner Helena, which i* Mahoney, chairman of the city committee. 10.30. Sermon by the pastor. Sunday school chartered for Savaunahand return to New J. F. Knowlton was made chairman and at 11.45. Bedford. W. H. Titus, secretary. M. Y. McGown, Prayer and conference meeting on Fri- E. J. Walsh and A. W. Curtis were chosen The official call for the Ellsworth demo day evening at 7.30. to sort and count votes. A con- SEED OATS. INSURANCE NOTICE. cratic caucus for the nomination of dele- receive, ROMAN CATHOLIC. test which was in the air to within a To Ora CrsroMKBs : gates to the county convention has not up Rev. J. D. O'Brien, pastor. We are to state that we are in of advices, from the several few hours of the caucus, did not material- pleased receipt been issued, but it is understood the date Sunday, June 3 —High mass and ser- We have a full carload of us, that their financial will not be and one set of was Companies represented by stating standing will be June 9. ize, only delegates mon at 10.30. school after mass. San Francisco Saturday, Sunday seriously impaired by their losses in the conflagration- presented. The list appears elsewhere in seed For ins nau iu .-v. w uuUU 1UI8uas uccuWC at- Benediction at 7.30 m. fancy oats, That able to all losses in that iu and still have .>1 liUmu, p. seeding they will be pay tire, full, this issue. The delegation w'as empow- soitiie the Shaw business collage in UNITARIAN. surplus to meet alt other liabilities. tending ered to fill vacancies. purpose only. Ellsworth. April 24, 1006. C. W. «!fc F. L. MASON. Uaugor, has taken a position as book- Rev. S. W. Button, pastor. keeper and stenographer with the Leonard x lie cummer seaeuuie on me .uaiue neu- Sunday, June 3— Morning service at tral railroad will into effect next Mon- 10.30. Sermon the Call ami see us. heard from every company represented by this agency; and & Barrows Shoe Mfg. Co., in Belfast. go by pastor. Sunday day, except the through New York train, school at 11.45 a.m. 1IIAVEwhile I hart no fears as to their ability to take care of San Francis- The Ellsworth minstrel troupe which which will go on a week later. The ser- Wholesale and Retail. co’s assure me that in no case will the surplus be went to McKinley last Thursday, re- losses, they vice on the Mt. Desert branch is practi- exhausted. port an enjoyable trip by the Percy V., and COMING EVENTS. cally the same as last year. With the I for the business. a warm welcome from the McKinleyites. F\ BAILEY solicit your business largest companies doing change of time a dining-car will be run ELLSWORTH. CO. The minstrel band turned out Thursday O. W. TAPLEY. from Portland to Mt. Desert Ferry on the June at Hancock hall — and marched to the boat. Thursday, 14, ELLSWORTH. New York train, which passes through Graduating exercises Ellsworth high The union memorial services at Han- Ellsworth at noon, and on the return trip school in afternoon; concert and ball in cock hall Sunday evening were well at- Proprietors of Brady S Qreely's of the train will be attached from Mt. the evening. Rev. M. tended, in spite of the rain. J. Desert Ferry to Portland. This is the first COUNTY. Grist Mill. on wheels. of the bargains Adams, Congregational church, time for several years that a dining-car Wednesday, June 6—Basket meeting of an excellent sermon. Pastors of delivered has been run on any train in the State, Hancock association of Woman’s home the other churches assisted in the service. Sniff around South street if you are in need of a good passengers having to depend upon the and foreign missionary societies, at Sedg- Lejok lodge, I. O. O. F., will work the station restaurants and buffets in the par- wick. Second-Hand Punt, Road Wagon, Express second and third degrees on three candi- lor cars. Thursday, June 7—Meeting of Hancock dates next Friday evening. Refreshments Pomona with Rainbow North A sewing machine agent named Zimmer- grange, JORDAN, will be served after work. This is the Brooks ville. or man caused considerable excitement in or Heavy. last work before the summer recess, and Wagon, Surrey, Light Ellsworth Saturday evening. He was Wednesday and Thursday, June 13 and at it is hoped there will be a large attend- (let prices and terms on my 40 jobs. I am closing out lodging during his stay here at F. G. 14—Hancock county conference of Con- FURNITURE ance. Leach’s on Main street. Saturday even- gregational churches at West Brooksviile. Prices Never Before So Low. R. E. Mason and wife brought in a AND ing Mrs. Leach and occupants of an ad- Saturday, June 16—At Bucksport, re- handsome of fish from Branch pond string joining room were alarmed by the report publican class convention to nominate last week. It included an eight-pound of a revolver. Night Officer Finn, who to legislature. UNDERTAKING. and representative NEW German trout, a live-pound salmon, was in front of the in- SEVERAL JIGGERS. standing building, STATE. each. One two trout of about two pounds vestigated and found Zimmerman in his First-class order or job work. June 26, at 11 a. m. of the trout was a cross between Tuesday, Waterville, I have leased the ground hybrid—a room apparently badly frightened. On a If not no —Third district republican convention. Tires set for 25 cents. satisfactory, pay. trout and salmon. stand near him was a revolver. Zimmer- floor of the Eno building June at 10.30 man while Wednesday, 27, Portland, on State and have The Market has not yet com- said it had gone off accidentally street, TWELFTH YEAK Floyd a. State convention. he was The women in m.—Republican moved from pleted arrangements for reopening. The cleaning it. the my temporary IN BUSINESS. were the S. I_LORD. stock has been cleaned out, and house much alarmed, thinking location on Main street. damaged MOSES’ Floral Emblems shot had been tired Society as soon as repairs can be made on the intentionally. Many are always correct. building, business w’ill be resumed. Mr. stories of eccentric actions on the part of Address BAR HARBOR only. Open all the year 'round. Floyd is occupying offices temporarily at Zimmerman during this and previous L. W. JORDAN, visits to Ellsworth were soon afloat. City room 13, Manning block. Iljtirrtisnnnttss. Young Men Wanted Marshal Silvy took Zimmerman in charge. Ellsworth, Maine. of Mrs. Julia Mul- Margaret, daughter He was allowed to remain in Ellsworth FOR 8TREET SERVICE. lan, died Saturday, aged twenty-three RAILWAY until Monday to collect some money ALICE M. " She had been an invalid for many HOOPER, AGES—The highest paid by any company. years. owed him. He left at noon Monday. years. Besides the mother, she leaves or PERMANENCY—No discharge except for misconduct inefficiency. two sisters—Alice and Clara, and one Souvenir DRESSMAKER and KLLSWOUTH FALLS. jj j; Funeral services were INCREASING increases with of service. brother—Robert. PAY—Salary length church this LADIES’ held at the Catholic (Tuesday) Mrs. James Clough, w hose leg was am- TAILOR, men to official afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. PROMOTIONS—Competent promoted positions. on account of gangrene in putated recently ;!Postal Cards;! 8 School St., Ellsworth* 1'or one is in a critical condition. further information apply or write to It is understood that Rev. J. M. Adams, foot, of the is to Mrs. R. F. who has been the of KARL S. 82 Water St., Boston, Mass. pastor Congregational church, Remick, | j Ellsworth 11 BARNES, resign, and close his labors here about past three weeks caring for her mother, Mention this < > and ! SEED paper. July 1. This announcement will be re- Mrs. Moses Cottle, who has been seriously Vicinity. PEAS. ceived with profound regret. Throughout ill, has returned to her home in Bar Har- The Gradus and Thomas his pastorate here of seven and a half years, bor. Mrs. Cottle is better. ;; Q. A. parcher, i: Mr. Adams' preaching has made a deep Uaxton Varieties. FOR THE AMERICAN I I ELLSWORTH. ME. ! ! SUBSCRIBE and Lasting impression upon his hearers. Diligence is the mother of good fortune. and his wife will take with —Cere antes. ELLSWORTH [only COUNTY rarER.) He estimable I GREENHOUSE. unit cat* <.«»»>« 1 Henrinx. IU. ti i CHRISTIAN KNDKAVOR. fllutual benefit Column. cUmcrt II. ttolntnn NATURAL BUILDERS ‘‘The physical examination of new po- f a lot of am use- EDITED BT “AUNT MADGE” licemen often urn ta heft iTbf ertllor tPvttiNi mscreiurk'* of sk Fop the Week of the W. MAN SHOULD CON- men remarked Chief of Police Uajrexi C. T. U. in ZS'i™ BOASTFUL V’ «hlt» rlbboners .inultig Jane 3. it* Motto: and CORDIAL INVITATION gsnerally. to “Helpful Hopeful.” of Kansas City the other day while in a nolutni. ol oontrlbSS'I: £8 :;v. S. H. DOYI.E. SIDER THE WORK OF ANIMALS. report. mwln,, or Items “ft* reminiscent mood, ‘‘thatch qucationa of InlercM to rnrlm In other i; what It is. what it does.— The purpose* of this cuiomn are succinctly coumrouniy. We would like thisthin to lie ! "* ADDRESSEDTO WORKING GIRLS now and he >2 it.' 2. am! motto— U is for the mutual don’t go, of course, but every but It needs um effort n%mi. Heb‘ i xii, 1. staled in ih Mile EXTRAORDINARY INSTINCT AND CA on the nan of W and alms t»* be an*! hopeful of a V. women to It so. II l, » “Faith the substance of beneflt, helpful then they are asked by way joah. coYumni J' things Being f«»r the common good. It Is f*»r the com OF SOME APPARENTLY IN- m»kln«, not ours, ami will he whu Miss Barrows Tells How Mrs. Pink, FACITY “I remember a fellow -he’a now a •• non use—a public servant, a purveyor of In young It. Items nod communications hope i f ud the evidence of things Girls. should i'l ,??!? formation amt suggestion, rawilum for the In ham s Advice Helps Working SIONiriCENT ORK ATITRES. sergeant—who fell into a trap the pretiieat And nee. of course, subject to seen Fills is the definition of Ideas. In ibis It solicits Mitor.} iSror*To?*JS hot given terebange capacity had examined and Its success von ever saw. The doctor iu communications, depends largely by the writer of Hebrews the chap- on be it In ibis Com- Girin who work and support give* re*«>ect himself Ills marvel- him up and down and all around, munications must t>e slgueil, but the name ot Man prides upon ter select* for our study. According are particularly that make a teat noinmwxav karror. writer will not i>e by then declared he would printed except permission to ous Inventions, lie holds up to the ad- we have iu faith will be to nr susceptible fe- For * wcond time to this ehuition. Communications subject approval of his hearing. Taking a watch out of I was premature rejection by the editor of the column, but none rn a 1 e disorders, miration of the world the wonderful in what is real, though uot yet ours, and hia with a wink at me, he asked, announcing the place of the will be rejected without good reason Aiirtwi* especially those which he has constructed and pocket, county con- do all communications to building* ‘Do hear that watch tick?’ vention. It hits been decided also the ovi ienee that things unseen who are obliged you since th,t THK AUKKICaN. thinks himself unrivaled as an archi- that the to stand on the young man an- writing Frances K. Willard really exist. The faith spoken- of in Ellsworth, Me. their ‘Yes, perfectly,’ union "he who man knowl- [feet from morn- tect. hut tenches nounced. will entertain the convention at the this chapter is not what we mean when white smallest insects church June ing until night in edge has instructed the “He held it a foot from the applicant’* 7-8. J. M. M asoe called mani- the letters that came and the letters that of the feet, periods become stinct. may perpetual Abraham believed in God and O, wetting I George Washington's hand was de- All county superintendents who are aud and has the knowledge not his own went. painful irregular, frequently memory, preserved fested his belief by leaving scribed as that of u giant. On the last able to be present are requested to send So eagerly read in the home, camp and tent; there are faint and dizzy spells, with thus communicated, and the art lias country at the call of Got! and going to i <*eoasion of General Lafayette’s visit their reports to Mrs. Kuby J. Wjn- Their envelopes bright with the red, white loss of appetite, until life is a burden. been the countless Tracy, In one iu he was a stran- practiced by myri- abide which a to this he remarked to Mr. Cus- t-r Harbor, corresponding and bloe. All these symptoms point to de- ads of their descendants In all climes country secretary, no ger. The faith of Moses in God was of the female tis when referring to a former visit, later than June 5, keeping a t,>r With banners and mottoes both loyal and rangement organism anti countries. The little bee has been j copy the Illustrated m his willingness to leave which can be easily and promptly i “You were holding to a single Anger of State superintendent. It is eipcctod that engaged In storing away the honey In the court of Pharaoh and give his life We cherish them still. They are links in the cured by Lydia E. Pinkham1* Vegeta- ! the good general’* remarkable hand— every union will tie represented, and these hexagonal cells, constructing the that iu the service of God and of his coun- ble members Compound. the greatest feat you could perform at all will do tbeir part to w m suc- the writers have Miss F. Barrows. Nelsonville. j cells of wax anti placing within them trymen. So down to the last patriarch Though slept many years Abby : that time Washington was the cham- cess. with the slain. Athens Co., Ohio, tells what this great ; the bee bread, a paste made of pollen 1 mentioned in this list of ancient wor- of hi* In one match Mr*. Katherine lent did for her. feke writes : (don Jumper day. Stevenson will bs How we counted each day of the slow-rolling medicine and honey, for the food of the young. thies faith was the mainspring of their be covered 21 feet 3 inches, beat- present during the day aud Dear Mrs. Pinkham :— In each of these cells the bee de- easily evening ot the queen lives. Faith in God should be ba- to tell the ing ail June 8, giving a stirring address on Fri- What boxes were sent, so full of good cheer. “I feel it my duty you good an Some the bees sur- competitor*. sis of human life. To believe In posits egg. of every we E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable ; evening. E. Benson When furloughs was giveu, how welcomed Lydia Compound round their nests with down collected day Stahlst, Him and to trust in Him mean the and Blood Purifier have dona forme. Before ; The Pursuit of best the men; llnpplne«*. County President. I took them I w#& verv nervous, had dull ! from the leaves of plants to serve as a and truest success In life and the sur- There was nothing too good tor our soldier- “What I want." said the earnest clt- headaches, pains in back, and periods were ; nonconductor of heat, to guard against mounting of difficulties that would oth- boys then. I hail been to several and j l*en. "is to see a state of affairs which Baby won't suffer five minutes with irregular, doctors, or crony But where are those brothers and lovers so ditl me no enanges temperature. erwise be impossible. tbev good. will give every man a chance to work.” If you apply Ur. Thomas Kclcctric Oil st once. “Vour medicine has mail© me well and ; Nature taught the inferior orders of The achievements of faith are nu- “Yes," answered the cheerless It acta like magic.—4drt. can do most kind work person, And are ranks so thin and so few? strong. I any of | animals them to dl- merous and far in their why your carpentry, taught reaching appli without and uiy are ail “but that won't give entire satisfac- Our soldier boys then were cheerful and complaint, periods Tide their houses into various apart- cation to various phases of life. The right. tion. What nearly everybody Is look- Billfold* and Stumbou ‘‘I am in better health than I ever was. ments, to construct domes, arches, most casual review of what faith did, j ing for Is a < ha nee to do bottling and Ye are veterans, now—ye are careworn and and 1 know it is all due to your remedies. I ! mm set forth in this is sufficient staircases and colonnades and to ex- make else work."—Wash- chapter, recommend your advice and medicine to ail everybody of cavate tunnels. The scarlet bangings •Tidence this fact, and it also Their forms were erect, their faces were fair, who suffer.” ington Star. of the ancient city of Tyre excited the teaches us what faith does and may Time has scattered snowflakes over your It is to such that Mrs. Pink- girls | admiration of the then known world, Ilia Nodal. ■till do today. hair. ham holds out a helping hand and ex- j Commencing Dec. 4, i&Oo. was a Critic—That villain In your atorv la 1. Faith mates our sacrifices and tends a cordial invitation to but there little Insect that knew BAB HARBOR They had sweethearts, then, and many, a correspond j TO BANGOh She is of the art. l>efore the celebrated a perfect masterpiece. Where did you ■ervices acceptable to God. Abel's of- bride, with her. daughter-in-law j long A M E. Pinkham and for was of g»t the character? Novelist—t Imag- BAR HARBOR. 10 20 a 15. fering was accepted because of his Grown sons and daughters now stand by your Lydia twenty-five Tyrian dye discovered, hanging man Sontnjo... S .'o. has been advising sick women the wails of Its a ined n possessed of all the forma and “without faith it Is side. years ceil with tapestry of .... 4 faith, impos- I Sullivan 90. free of charge. Her long record of of wickedness which my wife attrib- Hi Bunt 11 Jt 5 O sible to please Him.” To make any Many sleep to-day. W’hile we guard their scarlet more brilliant than that of Terry.. success in woman's ills makes ! u nuke** s rj. n > f 07 graves treating utes to me when she Is angry.—London sacrifice or to do any sendee for God of untold value to I Tyre. lUneock. ill 2$ 5 11 are not her letters of advice Ye forgotten, O living braves! Tit-BIta Tran kiln Road .... til ST *5 I that will please Him demands faith on girl. Address, Selecting the scarlet petals of the Long may ye remain our pride and our boast. every ailing working tVaah'atoD June. 11 IU it r, io 10 oar part. Not to believe In God and to Mrs.* Mass. poppy, the upholsterer bee cots small, ELLSWORTH. II .*« 5 .16 W 17 Grand Army, march on! Long life to the Pinkham, Lynn, On and Off. •erve Him acceptably is evidently an oval pieces as neatly as If done with a Ellsworth Falla. MS 01 5 40 10 a Post! Mrs Illghtooc—You are having trou- Nlcoltn. ru 15 5 66 tie 55 of seizes Impossibility. —Mr*. Mary B. Wingate. pair scissors, the pieces be- Green Lake .. *12 24 « 04 10 44 tested, for it is Just what we cun profit by ble with your cooks? Mrs. 2. Faith makes us to Selected E. P. W. Flashly— I-ake llouae. tit 82 *6 12 fie M obedient God. by but I know would not have tween her legs and carries them to her every day. you j The first one carried on so. 'Ira. tlol>t«n. til « 6 20 11 » in to High Faith God led Abraham obey God. occasion to use it for I never saw nest. She them three or four 00 I 4 11 20 very often, overlays tone—And how about the last? Mrs. Brewer Jane.. 1 one Rocrsstkk. Minx.. May 18, 1906. Ri Hi .. 1 07 « 47 II fj Every who really believes in God yon out of patience during all of our long In thickness, fitting the pieces very Bancor, I Dear Aunt Flashly—She carried off so. I lost two M C.. IK f 6a 11 » seems Madge: continued HANOuK, Should obey Him. It Incredible friendship. I think Charity al- ; and thus her nest t* M AM AM As it* dextrously. banging and a lint. house-cleaning time. I'll try to help has this for dresses that men can believe In God and yet ready recipe did she ever greet ; all around with this scarlet Portland. i & » 1 10 I 30 you out with the M. B. column. splendid iloiioo... i» 04 5 SO 7 30 not Him. Faith and obedience you without a smile on her face? obey All the sisters that could not attend the tapestry. In this beautiful nest her 1 suppose many of the sisters find this ti Ortrverlnff. abonld go hand in hand, and in this reunion, have bow the eggs are batched. BANGOR TO BAR HARBOR. reported they spent very season. I am to I am "Jenkins In n man of remarkable we busy happy say | per- way shall best serve God and shall so 1 will tell what I did. First have P M A M day, you I had all through house-cleaning, and have settled ! Men been ages in bringing pop- severance.” receive as Abraham a 1 I.. 10CO. His blessing did. “Maine” dinner—as near a* I could get— to ulous cities to down my usual every day duties. Have their fullest extent, bnt “Is her a u 3. Faith us to overcome fried salmon and a “mock fish" helps diffi- made from a ... ! 1 (3 US planted sweet peas and few other flowers the white ants require only a few “Yes. Indeed!. He has tried six dif- Portland. meat tell some time how to AM PM culties. This is written in the lives (will you make It), and to see some warm, soon. hope sunny days months to build a a ferent 10 <> 5 moonshine for city containing kinds of hair restorer, ant! be BANGOR .. i» of all these peach desert, golden loaf and I think Ah will not a heroes. Great difficulties regret becoming Mutual much of 10(6 5 04 Dell's hermits. larger number Inhabitants hasn’t given up the fight yet.” stood in the of their service of if her rheumatism permits her to attend the Brewer June. lo :r 5 u way than In all Its 1 also took a drive of twenty miles, and Babylon glory. These liol>ten... -10 .11 *5 SO God. but were rolled In the next re-union, which we are all looking for- they away habitations are l.akr l!ou»e. -!■ i.*) tssi picked a basket of wild plums, came home, ward to in the autumn. built with two stories, Where there Is much pretension there of faith. Him w ho is early 4»reen I*akc. 5 45 presence "Seeing made two and then it with calls, by was bed-time. I am collecting souvenir and sent long galleries and numerous Is much that has been borrowed; na- Nlcoltn. tlo 3»i 336 to whom “all are postals Invisible," things pos- I should like to attend the next Kllftwotih It reunion, but one to A. M. Y. and received a very nice one chambers. The spider weaves his ture never pretends.— La voter. Falla. 1| sible,” difficulties insur- have KL LB WORTH. 11 1* «;s apparently hardly decided yet. in also a view return; pretty of Skowhegan home as a silken net; tile locust con- Waab'gton June. 11 4 75 mountable were overcome, and I wish to to Y. easily say 9. J. that I have tried from Meb. I shall to our N 31 be glad get picturt structs bis of the bark of trees, cut in- To Curt* • Cold in On* I>ny Franklin Road ...... 11 came off “more than her chocolate cookies, and are 1! 45 f« » they conquerors.'' they flue. for l am anxious to see how many I am able to Take LAXATIVE RBOMO Oulnlne TftbteM. Hancock.. to shape by a aawllke organ which he U I.- f u If want to meet the Esther, I know your recipe for I Druffgtat* refund If it fail* to cure- K. W. Waukcag.8 Fy. you successfully using baking- recognize. Dell, hope you will remember money 11 51 «» the rears Is Mt iHrwrt Ferry. in crust is a* I possesses; kingfisher its UKuve'i nature on each box. i*c. trials and temptations of life hold fast powder pie lovely, have used me when you pass this wav again. B. J. A.. I Sullivan.. that in a ant recipe for ten yearn. I wonder if Dell young flouting cradle; the Sorrento ... your faith In God. “Commit way like your pudding very much. thy BAR HARBOR. 12 45: 7 SS got the post-card I sent her, Here is a saw builds winding passages to numerous unto the Lord; trust also lu Him, and sympathizing clipping I in the paper a short fflttiiral. with her when she had sore eyes, and con- time A visitor at the tea chambers. In the innermost of *-U He will bring It to ago. table of old these Train* leaving KHawortr, 7.16 a m ami f pass.” her for such a 11 56 a gratulating having good hus- Phoebe Taft remarked. "How nice this cake chambers the infant treasures are laid m, and arriving Ruaworth ns, 10.17gR» BIBLE READINGS. that could feed chickens connect with Washington Co Ry band, and hang wall is! Would you be willing to give me your re- at night to protect them from cold. In Deut. xxxii. Matt on or notice u> Conductor. 30: viil, 1-10; lx. for it?” It’s as Work Weakens YStop algaal ceipt "W'hy, certainly. easy the when the sun is morning, up. the Tbeae trains connect at Bangor wltb Jfirowk 1-8. 27-31; Mark iv, 30-41; xi, 22; Luke baa a delightful letter from Mrs. Coombs, as nothing to make it. I just take as much trains on Main to and from Portland, Boa and if knew the nice j workers convey the larvae to the upper Line, Xvii, 5, C; xxii. 31. 32; Gal. 11, 20; Heb. you things she said of flour as I think I’ll need, and quite a little ! ton and close St. John. yon, yon would need a few inches in dab o’ and a chambers, under the roof, where Xi. 1-0. put your butter, pinch or two o’ creamy- Paaeenger* are earnestly roqueted to yttjgg band, have warmth. the apron you'd besoswelled up with pride. tartar, an’ sev’ral eggs if they’re plenty, an’ ! they may Kidneys. ticket* before entering the trains, and e*ueclsl7 Ellsworth to Fall* and Fall* to Ellsworth- I was delighted to hear Aunt Maria is on less if ain’t, a mite o’ salt, and : luf Dearer nui is rouna ana arched A Motto For Chriatlan Endeavor. they maybe U. P AT. A. the and Doan's Pills Have Done F. R. BOOTH BY. gain, hope she will soon be able to stir ’em until I get tired, and bake it in an and has a cellar, a a Kidney Christian Endeavor has no disposi- ; flooring, celling GKO. F. write. I wish to thank all the sisters EVANS, that averidge oven until 1 think it’s done. That’s i and a roof raised an tion to rest on its laurels. Spain, who by animal desti- Great Service for who Vlce Prea. and Oenl Manager wrote to my sister, Mrs. E. A. Griffin, as it all there is to it.” I People am glad the directions in j tute of the builder's art and Instructed once held both sides of the Mediter- her gave many hours of pleasure. this column are a little more definite, as I fear ! Work in Ellsworth. EASTERN ranean, on her coins the only by nature. The hare keeps open a stamped pil- I have just sent a letter to Aunt Maria, and not many would have the courage to try them. ! to his burrow for circulation Most Ellsworth work lars of Hercules, with the motto, "X'e hope all the other sisters will write to her. Here is a nice rule for chimney people every day but Tell Grandma G. she isn’t of air, from which In cold countries a In some unnatural — pins ultra." when Columbus dis- so far behind the Ckeam Taffy—Three strained, position Company, cups sugar, one-half Steamship little column of covered the new world that motto was times, as I have scoured my mother's floor cup vinegar, one-half cup water, butter size steam Is often seen to bending constantly over a desk, riding in then of walnut, boll without stirring until it will arise. The SUMMER SCHEDULE. changed to "Plus ultra"—there’s more many times, sprinkled sand over it and chimpanzee builds for him- jolting wagons or cars, doing laborious candy in cold water, flavor with vanilla and 81a a Ween to Boston. made patterns in it. Have also used self a hut of branches Tripe beyond! Let that be the motto of spruce pour into a buttered dish. Pull when epol and leaves, housework, lifting, reaching or pulling, brooms, but never had much luck with them, until white. H. O. ». Christian Endeavor.—Rev. F. D. Power. pure which Is, however, roofless. Many or trying the back in a hundred and one as I never could keep the handle on. After I D. D. Aunt Madge. shellfish have been taught by Mother other ways. All these strains tend to read Grandma’s letter it made me a little Nature to enlarge their houses without wear, weaken and the until homesick, so I tried it on my kitchen floor, injure kidneys Note. From Forplsn Field., then it moving out of them. Birds build vari- they fall behind in their work of swept off and it looked fine. C. E. SUMMER SC HOOL. filtering ous Steamer J T Mora* leavea Bar Harbor A Junior society among the aborigines I wish to to Mrs. James kinds of nests in various kinds of the poisons from the blood. Doan's Kid- say Dodge, of New- except Sunday. at l SO p m for ***** .wl’ of New South Wales took a part buryport, a reader of this if places. They hang them from trees, ney Pills cure sick new Nort. cam Harbor SooUiweM Harbor, Brw»nii. special paper, she will Will be Held Thin Year 111 to kidneys, put a Bend me her full July sew Hodxwtek. Dear late. Surueotvllle In recent Christian Endeavor conven- address, 1 will send her a they them to a living leaf, they strength in bad backs. Ellsworth cures *Dd22it**®® at Harbor, connecting at Hockland with tion there. recipe for raisin pie and tell her how to Aug. 17, Charleston. weave a above matting them, they prove it. for Bo*too. u,. make a bed, with or without a Steamer leaves Bar Harbor®, Each of the Christian Endeavor sol- feather bed. Many Christian Endeavorers are now build them in sections under a common C. W. Heal, painter of Heal Etla- Monexhan I will Ave, ♦lays and for Seal Harbor. Sotv* close with a recipe for Sweden roll* for a root Thuradaya * diers returning to from Man- planning delightful, profitable and in the shape of a purse, they place worth, Maine, sayB: “1 used Doan’s Pills Harbor. Southweal Harbor. Stonh'gtJO Japan and sugar doughnuts: vacation at the Christian En- them in Itocklaml, lea v lux BocaUod at 4 \> m. churia was given a Christian Endeavor inexpensive tufts of grass where ! long before they were so universally iMjar Sugar Doughnuts—'Two well land. Vor PToapeet Harbor, allibrlagk eggs beaten, deavor summer school at from found known. pin by the Japanese union. one one Charleston, They their lowly house of withered Like most painters I have had and Saturday*- cup sugar, cup sour milk in which Joneaport Wednesday* "ut dissolve one 31 to 17. bents Steamer leave# Bluehlll ev ^l« There are uow seven Christian level teaspoon soda, four tea- July Aug. I more or less trouble with on dally, j En- my kidneys at 2 for South Bluehlll, SioningW*. spoons melted butter, one scant teaspoon Dr. of the famous And coarser spear grass. p m, deavor Cronkite, Burmah, account of the and other ma- North eon not at K- ***uJ organizations In Allahabad. In- baking powder, pinch of salt, one teaspoon | turpentine Haven, ling is to be one of the They line their houses with •learner (or Boston. dia. one having been formed nutmeg, flour to roll soft. Drop in hot lard, missionary, lecturers. feathers, terials used in painting being injurious to recently fla.t side Cream can be j up. substituted for Dr. F. L. Wilkins, the successful at leaves, grass, hair, string, moss; those I BBTUKNINQ In the church. milk, and in that case pastor they organs. never was laid up from Baptist omit butter. From Bo#ton Sunday, Free Street Baptist will cement them, they glue them, they plas- the in dally, except cent of the 500 Sweden Rolls—Bevelk flour, small church, Portland, pain my back, but very often felt From Hockland at 5.80 a vxct\» Sixty per Scotch soci- cups ter m,dally, half cup of butter, one-fourth of talks and lectures on the bible. Mr. them. like vu eties are in the I'nlted Free Churches. cup sugar, give giving up. There was a constant dull, dav. way landlnxa. one egg well beaten, one cup of soft yeast The most of From Portland Tueaday* an<1 or one Richmond, who delighted everyone last insignificant nature's across the Bixty-nlne per cent of the 'active mem- compressed yeast cake, pinch of salt, heavy aching kidneys which p m, Hockland Wednesdays and fatuniaj1 pint of scalded milk. Don't make the with his and les- creative bounty have a talent for mak- a dough year practical Beamed to me I n, via .. ..w bers are members of the church, and too helpful weigh down. would get way landing*. stiff; roll out and cut with a biscuit From 5 80 a ni, llomlkT* ^ sons in will be at the school ing houses for their young. The tired after Joueoport at 697 the church last cutter; butter one and fold over. music, again gentry working a while, and want to joined year. Fifty edge Let in Tburadaya, via Mllbrldge and PfUkP**1 them get real light and brush a little butter this year. Rev. C. D. field secre- yellow jackets deposit their eggs in lean against for I new societies were last Crane, something support. All cargo, Uve atock, via the organized year. over top wheu done. Delicious hot or cold. I was also with a except fir* ^ tary, is to be there, too. brown paper cups or in little clay cells; oppressed worn-out feel- of title la lneured against The number of societies In Russia has When in this Company, If Ah, of would write and tell the ing. condition I have used marine rtak. Sedgwick, The Maine Christian Endeavor summer spider, that sly spinner, ties them Doan's increased within the from Kidney Pills and have never Boct. year eighteen me who she is, or her name rather, perhaps I in of they F. 8. Sherman, Superintendent, schools were organized because Endeav- up bags Quaker colored silk. failed to help me. I do not have to take to This would knew as forty-eight. Includes the socie- her, I lived there six years. more uuu^ orers and school workers felt the Some do them up in gray bundles and than a third of a box. We have Calt» ACT!,, Fre.t A 8**'1 ties in Now, Aunt if Sunday Finland, which have increased Madge, you’ll promise to print used Doan's Ointment and it is a won- Mu,. need of some where could to hang them on trees; some And a cradle notion, from fifteen to every bit of this I won’t write for aix place they go good twenty-two. Of the re- again for them in the derfully preparation for the purposes months. learn how to teach the how to lead ripening apple or the for which its use mainder three are British-American and Ida Day Dieter. bible, is advertised.” how to while some shelter For sale all aJifantianncnts. I meetings, interest others in mis- reddening cherry, by dealers. Price 60 cents. twenty-three are in the Russian Baltic am “printing every bit” of yours, but Foster-Milburn sions, how to read the bible, how to lead them beneath the leathern umbrella of Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole provinces. I trust you will not wait six months be- agents for the United States. others to Christ. the toadstool. Everywhere these larvae Rev. fore again. You timed this one Remember the name—Doan’s—and take Horace Dutton writes from coming be found ns “Study to show thyself approved unto may spring opens. They no other. Christiania that the Christiania just right in regard to my house-cleaning. City God,” is the motto of the school. It aims are peeping from holes swinging in the mission has taken up Christian Endeav- I am very grateful for your Hote interesting to furnish for air. laid away in silken New the equipment necessary shrouds, rocked XotiffB. Amsterdam or in letter. JUgal work earnest and that all is hope- in shells of the ocean, St., effective service; it trains young people burrowing In the Fourth Avenue and 21st ful. They have adopted for the name Now come some good words from one all for work in all departments of the church; earth, skulking in the woods, set in of the society two words which mean the mother of through spring cleaning. To some of it is a combination of study and of rest, pearl, put up In ivoty, imbed- New York. Christ." the fa- "Following preserving us she is known as the as afternoon and all are ded In sand. Inld away In the center of “dumpling woman”, every of Monday heart of t,u' miliar letters “C. E.” and like some fallen from Located in the to whom she refers, she given up to recreation. logs, pecking the other side There are now 350 Endeavor societies has a of shells, blue, mottled of Broad- always cheery greeting when you All who desire to be better qualified for and white, each city, one block east in China under twenty-four mission meet her. fulfllling its part in the great fro"1 Christian service, and to enjoy an inex- workshop way, two blocks south boards. General W. of nature. The Secretary George Dear Aunt Madge and M. B. Sitter*: ‘vacation in beautiful Maine, are great monuments of flood model, sketch or photo cl pensive -.. ~ newly Hlnman in a from the Biifree report oa Madison House message sixth I scanned man, his cities, roads, are For free Square. hastily the column this morning welcome. A registration fee of fl a week edifices, but [ How pfttentatftipp^ieotawiity. book, : to Secure* write national convention at Xingpo to the on the arrival of The American to see if pebbles In comparison with the works r Patents decorated aud refuruisbetl- is charged. The board will be from flO to and TRADE-MARKS to I European convention at Berlin said, Aunt Maria was heard from. By her long of those humble creatures who have up- fl5 for the entire term. The railroads Kates $ 1 .OO per day aud "The results of the Christian continued silence I think she is not recover- Endeavor give reduced rates. constructed reefs and Islands In the ing from her severe illness very or movement In the churches of China rapidly, Miss of midst of the sea. Deep down In the ward, European plan. she is Margaret Koch, superintendent have more than perhaps too deep with house-cleaning, Justified the expecta- the is now waves is one of natu-e’s largest work- flower beds or chicks to take much notice of school, temporarily supplying LHOlTU Edward Coyne A Co. tions of those who that was believed it the church at and those shops. and the work is done according TTG?. the “MntualB.” Eden, deserving OPPOSITt U S. »* Just as applicable to n i -smi! churches to nature's order the little coral ani- PATENT TJJFFICE F. S. Willard Zilla, I think you conld safely recommend further particulars should address her by M to those in Christian lands.” mal whose home Is In WASHINGTON. DC.' the as “never fail” if it was there. the ocean. I recipe thoroughly ol.l* HOME. them; and l well remember THE bow, once into harbor, clearing every dangerous rock A PoIInH Spurt. Abbrrtigcmrrtt*. upon a time, I assisted a butcher in round* and shoal. Uncle Bills was beneficent One of tiie favorite of a l.lkc to spurts Polish 1" California ing up a flock of and lambs there Kolk sheep beyond what he ever knew. country gentleman is to capture a wolf of It. for his transfer cart or the llmr traveling*pen; It is very low water and the bar between alive. and a? bis mode of doing it Is ano how and sheepish ashamed I felt while the mainland and Preble's island is Imre. new to of M»'»* ln probably many Englishmen I «< » ***«’ ">«*'■>* tryiu|g to corner those innocent We ,, „r rrtid creatures. cannot proceed to Uncle Oliver’s on a will briefly describe it. A wolf r. i). a-oowr ] being CaU bf But there was among them an old ram direct course. We must jmss out by driven into the open, the well mounted The Wabash Railroad Co. belonging to father and Capt. EUphalet, the outer or off-shore point of the island, horseman pursues It. armed only with gixm PAPKH. THE DIRECT LINE FROM “share and share alike”, that had passing within biscuit-toss of the place of u long whip and seine rope. The wolf 1905. were stamped 0» tliongh Angart 9, his ttrilinit forefeet a great many time® in my my discontent. But the several captains after n time tries to take rest, but the I «y. «h*‘ yesterday, at may presence, as much as to “You look (who are engaged in discussion over some ruler fopi* it on with his JLuy, «.f haddock say, whip till, NEW ENGLAND TO THE WEST. r 1 ate three plate* and had marine after *picnic, out;” once or twice jarred me problem connected with this part repeated attempts at rest, It sinks i *m almost ashamed to own it considerably in a way that seemed of the bay) and the ladies of our party, exhausted. The rider then springs I an. a perfectly Tourist Sleepers Boston to fear that you will think know Chicago. natural and easy with him; ao, when 1 nothing of what is passing in my from his horse, jumps astride the wolf saw mind. that he was snugly stowed away in | and, holding it by the ears, secures it There was see, It was this way. with the said traveling*pen; and the old roan | Uncle Oliver's is not now far away—less the rope. Mori men require the no sooner would I dear VERY LOW it, and mare had started off than two miles in a direct I should assistance of a mounted RATES ■*_tv„| with a lively gait up ! line, companion, than Watson would All it again. plate the road; and I was sure the ram was tak- judge; but to get there we must still run a who ties the wolf while the other holds IN EFFECT but was no use. each time, It ears fLaesicd ! ing his last long ride, I must confess I felt circuitous course, avoiding shoal, bar and Its with both bands, and in this of being no true New Kng- the i a*a ,reused a sense of relief akin to pleasure. weir. In due time we find ourselves and way capture is comparatively easy, TO THE PACIFIC COAST ARP OTHER WESTERN POINTS. man if 1 eould not take in L, eoast By this time we are in the channel 1 craft entering the cove opposite Uncle but to do It single handed is u difficult of haddock smother at a feat plate* have mentioned, and a controversy arises Oliver’s house. Uncle Oliver sees ns Nasty bites and even dangerous meal. So y°u ***th* fl* 1 w" ,n- wounds result should the For write to 17(5 L.|f between the several captains as to how we coming, and so he is on his way to the hunter have particulars, Washington Street, J didn't want to. help it. shall read shore to direct us where to miscalculated the of the ani- I couldn't the buoys, and as we have a roll land. He does strength Boston, the New England office of the Wabash. did not end here. There were mal. No a got it of charts on board, we get it out and not come down direct, however, and we one. however, is considered of those splendid biscuit, made by wonder he is till he has done spread out the maps, and by the time we why hearing off so far to the perfect sportsman this, ladies. My attention was called left. he yet many never smieed. Of the large l^oinc And out what our coarse should be, we Presently shouts to us, telling us indeed it need be, and I could assembled our two of tethera, If are through the channel and entering the where to land; but Joe thinks he can laud party only host, been a them, for such had part of as well his stalwart brothers and one other jo< two harbor without any mishaps; but in just straight ashore; and so ig- ,h* In I mar «« phraec) nores his uncle’s advice. man hud obtained this blue rlbbou of HIEO living (if to the our We find out RANGES rounding floating pier, pilot at Then were several time." there when it is too when we Polish sport—Black wood’s Magazine. »y, olden the wheel runs the launch aground, on an late, are making cake made as kted, of tempting by many •bb tide at that. our way up to his house, that Uncle Con Hire tinri III* are I wanted to sample It all; and I Oliver knew and Dnlntv Pupil. endorsed trends. Thia puts os in a very uncomfortable best; that if we had by experi- and have from my earliest rec- taken An old pupil of Conlure tells bow the enced jj, <*ke, position if we are obliged to wait for the his advice would have saved climb- cooks, for they master came Into his schoolroom one gllRtien. next flood tide to take us off. We can’t ing fences and jumping ditches, having a sure »nd day when the model was In depend upon results, then there were doughnut* pie. afford to do so we must good road all the way; but while Joe is a exception- this, act quickly. and sure are of these could I let pa*a by. ally good condition, the light especially results 'ob- A*d neither Several of us jump into the tow-boat and noble fellow, he is little stubborn, withal, flue and the se- an old «■» circumstances of the tained from these 'Hiere sat by my tide captain, thus lighten the launch, while others perhaps. ranges. ance he en- Suffice it to we altogether auspicious. As who. though rich in years’ experience crowd astern, and with boathook and oars say, greatly enjoyed an- The and admira- other haddock tered one of the students got up and dampers wM in heart a* ever; he uudged in the hsnda of strong smother, and had a splen- young men(thc captains) to ble flue in a the did visit with the old It is went the tub of water In the corner, arrangements neon by look and word; and mauler, the taunch is shoved off into water folks. now’ my deeper all the rest turn to convene a so leaving buried in their Kineo make who boilded the boat* which and we are free again as another picnic, and I invite preiK-nt. just work. cooking Joe and all his friends and “What are you going to do?” fcoogbt the party, to him, too, was honor launch comes to pull us off. Wo feel a his friends’ burn friends to meet at asked Couture easy. They equally I wa* Peck’s point, at Skil- roughly. The student doc from me. I felt that deeply in- little mortified because of our clumsy sea- ling's river, on a day fixed upon. And showed his had some well wood or coal. member of the for hands, which debted to every party manship in the presence of many specta- upon this occasion there will be a change paint on them, and replied that he was tbi* joyful occasion, and so I understood tors crowding the pier. But nevermind; in our bill of fare. It will call for had- dock chowder and clambake. going to wash them. Couture dabbed F. B. tfc«t I must do justice to the picnic din- We got to the pier all right, after all, and AIKEN, Agent, Ellsworth. his thumb In some paint on the palette gtr; *nd I fael that I did. waiting half an hour for the Bar Harbor ELLSWORTH of the nearest student and made a Xoyps A; \nttor Mfg. Me. But when I had finished I felt myself to boat, wc get our haddock. MARKETS. Co., Bangor, smear on the dainty pupil's forehead. be like unto some of our electric can—ao While we are here at which I Sorrento, “You’d better wash Kfw in Local Price* — your face, too.” When the rstnie Fixed Hotel Price*. fall that half or more of the passenger* knew as Point Harbor when a youngster, Changes Po- KITTERY TO CARIBOU. he said. The face was tatoes a Little washing the Before, ami for u time after can only find standing room, and badly I have time to look around a bit and note Higher. during of John F. a The Ellsworth markets the week last act the students when they had war tiie courts of Whitney, prominent Bangor that. Just imagine biscuit, the that hav come to the past the Revolutionary •qwetrdst changes place business man for died have been in with the weather- finished their work for the day. The used to fix the many years, Friday, doughnut* and pie standing up in my since the I was sixteen of at keeping the commonwealth year years age, took the aged dull, uninteresting and dainty pupil hint to heart, of tavern board and so sixty-seven years. ftomach for want of apace to recline in; for, which time I clambered up and down the decidedly damp- prices liquor, ening on the of the tradesmen. apologized and sat down at his easel when the from Maynard F. Nystrom, three-year-old sarr is preaching, there seemed to be no beach in my oil-skins and rubber boots. spirits *sojourn‘pig stranger without the tub. If son of when had Country produce has remained un- visiting lie had afar struck Richmond he could Charles Nystrom, Rockland, was loom for them otherwise I ftn- Over yonder stood the camp where I pretty More are not done so he would never have en smothered by the caving in of a of abed haddock amother. However. I am “bunked and with the other changed. eggs being shipped nearly kuow what “horse feed aud pile grubbed” tered the school j away, and they are Arm at ‘JO cents retail. again. breakfast” cost. There was also an bituminous coal near the Wiggin kiln spand around to-day andlfeelingall right “fellers” of the crew; and where Hally did j are a The was found the father turn at haddock amother. Potatoes little firmer, because of assize of bread as well as of drink. Friday. body by (oranother the cooking in good order; but for the life The local at Enrth'a Swift Motion. after an hour’s search. And 10 a. in. finds me here on the outer scarcity farming time, but with The price of bread was regulated by of me 1 cannot set a stake on the exact knows that the earth new potatoes close at hand, there is little Everybody the of wheat. A white Patents have been to Maine in- end of the same pier that figured to prom- site, there has been such a change on the price fourpeuay granted chance of material makes one complete revolution on Its in and I advance. loaf, a twopenny white loaf, a four- ventors as follows: Warren E. Leighton, inently yesterday’s programme; face of nature in this locality. All 1 can axis once In lamb is in the but is each twenty-four hours, have Joe and hi* in I Spring market, still penny brick loaf and a fourpeuuy Lewiston, attachment for grading ma- sighted party coming do is to look at the old picture that nave but few. however, have idea of the a little for the moderate table. any so Charles S. Mount on their launch. Soon I will be on carried in mind for so and high brown loaf had each to weigh much, chines; Leland, Desert, my many years, rate of at which such an im- Coal will be down 50 cents after high speed knife and H. board, and we on our to Uncle I now prices according as they hnd other ingredi- putty chisel; George Mitch- way hold it up against what see, and mense ball must turn in order to ac- the first of June. The has been North vehicle wheel. former is a price f7.50 ents mixed with flour. In those days ell, Yarmouth, note the contrast. The picture the feat of one revo- for the few complish making When the launch arrive* that the past months, but will after a “Boston biscuit” costing 1 cent had The Maine IJfind of a village of rough board houses of fish- lution in a and a A agricultural experiment June 1 be day night. graphic t* made of some of he rrember* |7. to weigh six ounces and two drams station is now bulletin No. 129 jartv up jt •rmcn; ine latter pictures a hcauuiui idea of the terrific pace which the old mailing The quotations below give the range of 1 and so on. The connection between u the of of yesterday’» party, joijied4by other* of summer report. earth after be containing results the analyses of retail in Ellsworth. keeps up year year may friend* of those old of prices loaf of bread and sixty i>ounds of the of commercial stuffs my good day* But across th»- harbor, on Preble’s is- bad by comparing its speed to that of | samples feeding I at so much bushel has in the and I v wheat per collected the station as well por*y schooling bay; cannot land, is a little ut or cove in the solid Country Prodnea. a cannon ball tired rrom a modern high by inspector of the grown beyond the grasp of the modern as those sent in station help thinking Porcupine* (several rock rim of the shore. Here was our first pressure gun. The highest velocity ever j by correspondents Creamery per ft.25 time alands, each of in form and with on ; mind. However, in the old in during the fall and winter of 1905-6. The which, stand. Our shanty stood the bank Dairy.ia»22 attainted by such a missile has been es- ! forwt like ! Virginia the custom of the station urges the users of this class of looking quills, very much above. TiLlie was cook, and a good one. A timated at 1.A20 feet per second, which regulating or. rather, the of a loaf to draw and send them resembling the animal porcupine; and footpath led through the wood* to a little Heal factory (new) per ft.. 16 91b is equal to a mile in 3 2-10 seconds. | price, weight, goods samples to Best dairy (new).. .Ik of bread the of the wheat of the station for and free vhtcb, like sentinels, stand guard at the on the other side of the island, The earth in one | by price prompt analysis, clearing Dutch Imported).* .jc making complete entrance which It was made was universal. So as in this can the feeders the of beautiful Frenchman’s bay) where 1 spent much time hanging new Neufcbatel. .of. revolution in the short space of twen- only way get and far as was concerned, the courts fullest benefit of the of the law. Point Harbor, now Sorrento, s nets to cork and sinker ropes at the be- krk*. ty-four hours must turn with a velocity liquor provisions famous Fresh used to flx not the of a sin- Bulletin 129 will be sent tree to ail resi- resort. ginning of the season. This was “fitting laid, per do*.... almost exactly equal to that of the only price What drink, a or a of the dents of Maine who to the jolly, good timesJweJhsd st these up"-getting our nets ready for use when cannon bail. In short, its rate of speed gle quart gallon apply agrieul- Chickens. 15*25 islands and at the harbor I have at is feet stuff, but also -a gorum* of punch.”— ural experiment station, Orono. named, they would be needed. fowl.18er Buckwheat, pkg Just pity .450.65 Graham, .01 “This sort of thing is of frequent oc- IP*at rush of A Positive porgies in|the bay. w ith the poor “feller” who might .300 66 Kye meal, .04 It is pathise Frank currence in a hospital. strangely CATARRH There were Sugar—per ft- Granulated meal,ft 02* A. Kennedy Honored. CURE days, and sometimes weeks, be suffering as I was, if I could find such of how little the average of Granulttel, OAgOSX Oil—per gal— illustrative weary, ever At a meeting of the board of directors of expectant) waiting |for porgies a one. I believed none such lived. Coffee—A A B, .06 Linseed, .650.70 man or woman understands the deli- focome into the Yellow, C .08>£ Kerosene, 12 Cream Balm bay. During these times I thought myself to be so very unfortunate. National Biscuit Co., held May 10 at New cate mechanism of the stomach and ** Powdered, OHglu absorbed. had music aud ickly games and general was I so miserable while others A. was elected a York Press. Why Molasses—per gal— York, Frank Kennedy stomachic disease.”—New Gives Relief at Once. food times. We Havana, .85 had mu*ic|on shore; mu- laughed and sung and seemed so joyous ** Porto Rico, .50 director. The election of Mr. Kennedy It soothes ***t-laads, going on visits from ia- and happy? 1 thought that 1 must have Syrup. .60 The Cireat Eastern. cleanses, introduces a new element into the direct- heals and protects island, and from the island to Bar been born under a very unlucky star. All Meat* and Provisions. The Great Eastern was G80 feet long. jjodto the diseased mem- ? ®*r*Wr* Music on water is mocked and me to Beef, ft Pork, 1b. ory, and restores to active in draft when load- doubly sweet, mirth and gaiety stung participation 83 feet beum, 28 feet cures Ca- >ou Steak, .180JO 8teak, ft 18 brane. It know and it seems I have time of the bsicuit business one of the of tojme that the heart. It was a very ominous .12 0.25 15 pioneers ed, 23.000 tonuuge; paddle engines, tarrh and drives ***** Roasts, Chop, #inc* heard as sea Ham. ft the Mr. for screw en- such music rang out my existence; and the booming played Corned, .060.10 per 160.22 industry. Kennedy many 1,000 horsepower nominal; away a Cold in the 0Terlb- Tongues, 18 Shoulder, 10 calm waters around those islands me funereal years conducted in Mass., nominal. She Head Re- upon the rocks and sang to Tripe, .06000 18020 Cambridgeport, gines, 1,700 horsepower quickly. the extensive business established his stores the Senses of FEVE OBmooulight nights, fromJ,the throats of dirges all the days long. Veal: Salt 11 by was commenced to be built at Millwall HAY “•PPy Steak. loan Lard, 10 0U and afterwards established in Taste and Smell. Full size 50cts., at Drug- young people. Bar Harbor was Homesick! Yea, homesick! Homesick >10 father, in the spring of 1854 and was launch- Roasts, 0.14 or 10 cts. maiL its an and succes- gists by mail; Trial Size by infancy. to the core; but I didn’t know it, and Lamb Chicago equally important ed after many difficulties on Jan. 30, lamb, 30435 Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. JU mts or joe a several or a fishbone Spring sul plant. Eastern party found it out only after sticking Tongues, each C6 1858. The history of the Great fiends of 12 His business at both was those glorious days with into my hand, which caused me much Lamb, 025 points pur- was from the tirst financially an un- summer Fresh Pish. chased in 1890 the New York inhabitants of these beauti- trouble, and at last sent me home, where I early by fortunate one. She made several voy- Cod, 06 Salmon, Biscuit since which Mr. has FOR sale: I was and I remember was laid on the shelf for a few weeks. It ao@4o Co., Kennedy to States at a great there, 06 ft 20 ages the United *r_^*nda. Haddock, Lobsters, been retired. At HANCOCK HOUSE STABLE, days among thejhappiest of my life. was then that I made the discovery of my Halibut, 12 018 Flounders, doz practically loss to her owners, but in 1865 and 1866 JjJ*i»en I The value of the name is Several business Horses, new and second* get on board the launch I find ailment. Clams, qt Shrimps, qt attested by the she somew’hat redeemed her character good Fresh ale each 20 band Harnesses. Agent for H. A. *« wives, fact their Carriages. must go up the coast a little way And now and here again after the laiae 0J that, notwithstanding purchase by successfully laj’lng the Atlantic ca- Mover's Fine Carriages. Everything as repre- Mt Desert a I Fuel. by the New' York Biscuit Co. and subse- sented or no sale. Terms reasonable. J Ferry, for Joe has given of so many years of varied experience, ble. Subsequently, owing to her vast 'phone W cord ton— National Biscuit both F. H. OOITLD. order to some fish-dealer at Bar am to look upon the site of the ood—per Coal—per quently by Co., size, she was instrumental in laying privileged 5 00 06 50 Hvbor to send do Dry hard, Broken, are still knowm as biscuit haddock there, if he can desolation of my homesick days. And 8 0005 00 plants Kennedy most of the important cables across the o Dry soft, Store, ELLSWORTH on a load works. certain boat, and if ho misses you want to know that it was right here Roundings per Egg. Atlantic, iu the Mediterranean, through w 1 0001 25 Nut, chance, to forward them next boat in me to nd etc. In 1888 she was sold by that the boy began slip away Buttings, hard 5.00 blacksmith’s the Red sea, Steam Laundry and Bath Rooms. sorrento; go in order to be sure of our the man assert himself; and from -.hat Floor, Grain and reed. Duly Announced. at auction In Liverpool to be broken and At a ball the mistress of ; •NO PAY, NO WA8HKI." the haddock, we must call at time the star of hope has ever gone on Flour—per bbl— Data, bu 50 fancy-dress up, bringing the sum of $280,720.—Lou- 4 75 06 00 Short a—bag—1.80 01 33 first. But on we find and is now the of the house stationed a servant at the door Atl kinds of work done at short [er«7 arriving before me, guide my Corn, 100ft bag 130 Mlx&l feed, bag, don Globe._ laundry notice. haddock to announce the their costumes. Goods called for and delivered there; so lose no time getting living from day to day? I never lose 1 8501 40 guestB by 50 Corn meal,bag ISO Mld r^e J®if1® slice it ^ife would seem as if one might up, Day sav* Pills increases. They stand the lost Daimi?? ,om danger and bring quick and having each piece by itself, A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. trom Take Bromo Tablets. every ills (__**?5eleaae constipation and the boatman would rest on his oars, listening Blind, Plies, Laxative Quinine oa* °* Itching, Bleeding Protruding ^ Pfcf/ ^ and slwav. V1.1?® Strength vigor for that strong langh which, when Druggists are authorised to refund money If Seven Million boxes sold In pest 12 months. This bOX. 25c. use- Ouaranteed great PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure in 6 to 14 Signature, ^ u( v?Iow^eir by him days. Moore, Druggist. 25c. them. he caught it, would pilot straight 50c. Try I BAH HARBOR. OTIS CASES. stronger now than then; the present matter could be held In abeyance foi sujoitl) American. his two and if tbe sea-level it sheriff will be renominated by years, type — Season Opens Auspiciously Early Hearing Before Chief .liimlre his elected him; his decided on at the end of that time, 1: \V|,. \ND POLITICAL JOURNAL party; pledges Arrivals—Baseball ami Athletics. wfU on (Talma Against without addi- Town have been in keeping could be put through There wu * PUBLISHED performances Rev. Angus M. MacDonald delivered the hearing before Chief jM AFTERNOON with his to the tional except for more dig lice A. P. VSDNR8DAT pledges, and, say least, expense baccalaureate sermon to the members of Wiawell, in Ellsworth AT he is therefore as now as he This, however, is not so. Suet on the claim* strong ging. the graduating class of the Bar Harbor Thursday, again*! the town LL8WORTH, MAINE. an immense of Otl*. The was then. a delay would cause high school Sunday evening at the Con- largest of three claim* The cannot afford to in and would make church. The ex- that of the Hancock County k COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. republicans change plans, gregational graduating Saving, work foi ercises will be held at Casino bai k, amounting to »ome •’oiLLlffs» Editor and Manager. underestimate this strength, and much of the present ge the Friday P.MW, which wa» referred to Justice H. Titus, Associate Editor. must, in order to win, place in nomi- naught. The President has said that evening. Wiswell it the April term of court. Other if without action, The memorial sermon before the old claim, re- .» PTl«*—oo a •1.00 for sU nation a man of If Congress adjourns year; equal strength. ferred were those of i0 cents for three months; If paid James M. Parker was Charlotte S. do this there can be no doubt as he will go ahead under the Spoonei soldiers of the post Morrl advance, ^1 50, 75 and *8 cents they son, for fhSO, and L. F. OUea for All are reckoned ma- act and construct a lock canal. But il delivered at the Baptist church Sunday fMo. in’ iy arrearages to the result. There is ample tereat and co*U #2 Rev. Charles F. bring tho total per year. on a sea- morning, by McJCoy. mrlebt- terial from which to make a selection. Congress after ail decides ncas of the town to g Rates—Are reasonable, and will George E. Googins will deliver the up about |B,30(:. be > nown on application. The candidates are as follows: R. A. level canal, it will mean a great deal A. W. and F. C. memorial address at the Casino Wednes- King Burrill appeared John E. of additional for the John Bi communications should be addressed Eddy, John Suminsby, expense. afternoon. bank, A. Peter* for to The day •.>nay orders made payable Bar Harbor; P. B. Day, Morrison, and L. F. Oilre for 8 >.otmrr Publishimo uo., Kile- Bunker, Saturday afternoon the Bar Harbor Y. himsaU most and in- John E. and O. Wor D. L. Fields, B. T. Sowle, E. One of the interesting Bunker, Jr., F. Fellow, tf. C. A. baseball nine defeated a combi- for W. 3. Trew- terested visitors that has peered the town of Oti*. K. Hopkins, Ellsworth; Washington nation nine fit m Orono and Old Town at The was to seen for some time is the Uekwar ol hearing determite the orgy, Surry. And there may be Athletic park by the score of 6 to 3. It legal- ity of the claims, and the amount others. Baroda, an Indian prince who, under was a and it is a which well-played game pity the town of Otis could pay. The claim, is it that the British suzerainty, roles over a popu- that more people were not out to see It. Equally important were heard and allowed, and the lation of like and the was a and town convention makes no mistake in the something 9,000,000. Financially game failure, officers were then heard relative to the has an annual income of more than somebody had to go pretty deep into his other nominations. Two senators are financial standing of the town. 000. He has in addition an im- pocket to pay the bills. The boys are to be nominated. From the western 87.000. The taxable valuation of the town CAFT. W. 8. TREWOBQY, of Surry, playing good ball, and they deserve much i, of the county the present sena- mense fortune that brings him in •bout £16,000, and the tax rate is part better than are already support they receiving. .(I# tor, Sumner P. Mills, will be renomi- nothing. It is the rarest collection of CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. high, being on a fair valuation. Ju,. Next Saturday afternoon a game is In the in the world, valued at about tire Wiswell thought the town could nated without opposition. jewels scheduled with the of Maine fay Cniversity 5 cent, of the taxable three well-known men 840.000. 000. But when one comes to per valuation to eastern part second nine. It is hoped that more people CortfgpBnBmtr. meet the claims, or about fl,S00. He are aspirants—Dr. J. H. Patten, of valuations of that sort on jewels, it is will turn out. sug- gested a settlement for f1,100 L. B. of Bar guess work, because some of cash, or for Amherst, Deasy, Harbor, mostly The indications for a successful season in note* KIN worth Falla* Now Pastor. flJWO covering a period of ten and F. Carroll of Ellsworth. tbe gems could not be and Burrill, duplicated at this resort are very bright. Cottages the town to aasea* Nicw Conn*., lflOfi. years, and pay a portion are thus He is a Haven, May 28, For clerk of courts no one has thus priceless. stocky, sre renting unusually well, so the real es- each w ith interest. Toth* Editor of The ^4mrrtran: year, brown-skinned men far evidence of temerity unassuming, little tate say. and everything aeems to The creditors to given Rev. and Mr*. Prigmore passed throogh agreed accept thi, net- to a summer. to contest the renomination man, talks English perfectly at the point prosperous tlenient. It la the town enough Now Haven last week on their way to probable will rate of about 250 words a and Cottagers are beginning to arrive, and raise the to make of the present incumbent, John F. minute, El la worth Kalla. money the cash settle- MOON’S PHASES. has made with about every day there are additions to the Knowlton, who for the past fourteen already arrangements The church at El la worth Pall* i* very summer ar- 2:07 Third ■. c 9 colony. Among the recent | ft has filled the office with con- the fish commission to take back with fortunate In securing Mr. Prigmore for m. | Vt 1 □ years are >c 1 p Quarter rivals A. J. Davis and family, of “I think papa and mamms like* tbs 9 09 !few spicuous ability and fidelity. him to Baroda an expert who shall it* paetor. He is thoroughly fitted for 8 23 Wilkesbarre. Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis baby better than they do me," mud |ogr. & E22 For of O. P. on the fisheries of the the work of the ministry. He took hia First judge probate Judge report princi- B. of Newport, R. I.; 8. W. Flossie to the oonrae in the McCogg, year-old visitor, '‘'came he Oi a. m. of is a can- and show the Barodians how coMege West, and then came Quarter Cunningham, Bucksport, pality Bridghatn, of New York; Dr. and Mrs. lets 'em do just as to New Haven, where he graduated from they please.” didate for renomination. He has to grow Ash. He promises also to Robert Amory, of Boston; A. Y. .Stewart ihe Yale divinity school in 1»M. He re- This week’s edition of The been honored with this office, to send a number of his brightest young and family, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Riddle mained a year longer, doing post-graduate ! 3bt}(ituuiiunt«. Am ricau is 2.2.VO which he has the best part of men to this country next year to Porter and her daughters: Mrs. J. Fred- copies. given work for which he received the degree of at several of the American erick and her aon, Frederick of ll I* now too his days, for the past twenty-two study M. A. May May, early Edmund to think about for the year of 1905, 2,313 record as and ideas on Washington; Pendleton. th*nr Average years, and appeals to his agricultural colleges get For the past year Mr. Prigmore has been ground for his continuance therein. modern methods of farming. supplying the church at Milton, Conn. * HIGH SCHOOL ATHLKTKH. EDN'ESDAY, MAY 30, 1906. His is E. E. Chase, of He has been offered the pastorate of two FARMING TOOLS opponent Judge The members of the Bur Harbor high an COCNTV C.OSS1P. larger churches in but wants to that will aoon be Bluebill, who has been active and Illinois, school track team returned from Brunswick ne»»d. I And tbm labor where can do will come for a score of he the most good. the wiectiou of aggressive republican The rood machine!* are out st last. Sunday morning, where they took part in A State Convention From representations made to him of the Republican ; years, during which he has held many tbe competitions of the interacholastic WILL BE HELD IN opportunities at Ellsworth Falls and SEEDS- = HELU and GARDEN. { officer, town, State and federal, and Nature is very sparing of flowers for meet of the Bowdoin athletic association Hall, Portland, North Ellsworth, he is anxious to take up City i to his record. Decoration Day. Saturday. The boys scored eleven points he, too, appeals that work. fAnner In and fourth beaten Every Hancock county who plant! Charles H. of Bar Harbor, captured place, being a* m : or s acr*** of June 27, Wood, Mr. Prigmore is an ideal pastor and loves many potatoes can aavt Wednesday, 1906, Eden the first festi- by Hebron, Westbrook and Coburn Clas- time aud money by purchasin'* in a renominalion for reports strawberry his A. M.. | expects county- to visit }>eople at their homes, and have AT 10.90 O’CLOCK val of the season. j sical institute, those schools winning the i attorney in accordance with party them feel that he is their friend. Mrs. i Potato for the^purpose of nominating a candidate first three places in the order named. Of •‘Aspinwall” Planter. for to be at the t L. F. of Elis- is a and takes rbi* machine atw Governor supported Septem- usage, although Giles, Prigmore college graduate, the id' dressing and plant* a election, and other busi- Gov. Cobb will deliver toe address at the high schools entered. Bar Harbor ber transacting any a interest in the work of the church. one operation. Soi>t oh «i*y trrm*. come before it. i worth, has announced his candidacy deep nes- that may properly Castine normal school commencement. landed first place, heating Portland high, The basis or will be as fol- I Her cordial manner will win for her representation for this office. many which secured six points, and Bangor lows: Each city, town and plantation will friends. I am agent for !b*^ to one and for each 75 there are be entitled delegate; For county commissioner One Hancock county physician. Dr. A. high, with three points. It was a good votes cast for the candidate for We to for Mr. and Mrs. republican three of speak Prigmore and the school is of its (i ASOUiNH I; Mi I in 1904. an additional and aspirants—Nahum Hinckley, E. of Winter Harbor, has braved showing proud NKS, governor delegate; Small, a warm from our friends at for fraction of 40 votes in excess of 75 votes, greeting Ells- Blnehill, the present incumbent; J. M. the auto-terror, and now makes his pro- representatives. *2 to a further additional delegate. Vacancies in worth, and feel that their work will be lOO horw*-powcr. an more are The following the delegation of any city, town or plantation Hutchins, of Penobscot, who has held fessional calls in auto. And boys, accompanied by can be filled residents of the deeply appreciated. Frank only by county the office and Fred R. of coming. Richards, manager of the track in which the vacancy exist*. before, Page, Yours very sincerely, G. W. YOUNG, The State committee will be in session in team, left for Brunswick Friday: Capt. Bucksport—all worthy men. F. E. Hartshorn. the reception room of the hall at 9.30 a. m. of The steamer Cimbria, recently with- John Evans, William P. Newman, Free- Ellsworth, Maine. the of the convention, for the purpose of The veteran William B. day Campbell, drawn from the Hangor-Seal Harbor route, Ion O. receiving credentials of delegates. In order Richards, Walters O. Hill, Shirley the of will be to be eligible to participate in the convention, present register deeds, is to leave the Penobscot river this sum- Keith’s Theatre* ISo*ton. A. Joyce, R. C. Douglass. must be elected subsequent to date THE— delegates renominated without mer. and will go to Boston to run on the The summer season at of the call tor this convention. opposition—a opens Keith's th® Newman won first place in the shot-put electors their Boston-Na haul route. All of Maine, whatever politi- deserved tribute to his worth in the week beginning June 4, the principal at- with a distance of 35 feet, 8*4 inches, beat- cal affiliations may have bees, who believe in so traction the Fadettos woman's one the principles and policy of the re- office he has held long. being ing by and one-half inches his record CLARION. general | Another divine will make publican party and desire its success at the For treasurer Robert B. distinguished orchestra, the famous organization of made at the Orono meet the previous Sat- polls in the coming election in this State, are county Hancock county his home the coming female musicians of which Bostonian* cordially invited to unite under this call in of Ellsworth, is the man urday when be took first in this event, and Holmes, only summer. Dr. of Ward Whether it's a ran?e or ;i fur- «leetiug'delegates to the convention. j llillis, Henry are so proud, who will continue for sever- a Iso established a new record for the i whose name has thus far been men- Orono Per order. Republican state Committee, Beecher’s old church in N. meet. nace—if it is a “Clarion", it is Seth M. Carter. Chairman. Brooklyn, Y., al wrecks. This season, as last, the or- tioned, and he will doubtless be nomi- a Byron Boyd, Secretary. has rented cottage at Castine. chestra will be composed of forty talented Cspt. Evans won third in the 100-yard sure to meet every requirement. Lewiston. April 20.1906. nated without ] opposition. musicians, and the programmes will be dash and third in the £30-yard dash, and j Made There is no lack of material The American’s correspondent at Hill In by the Woo*! Bishop Co, clearly made up principally of popular music as got third place the half-mile run. j Gouldsboro is in of a from a Sold DISTRICT CONVENTION. to make the strongest kind of a ticket receipt paper hitherto. The concerts will be at 1.45 to Richards secured second place in the JBantfor. by The Third District Republican Convention friend in California, The Free Lance, run. will be held in City hall. Waterville, Tuesday, —one which can successfully with- 7.30 approximately. mile At the Orono meet Richards j 26. 1906. at 11 o'clock a. for the in two after June m., pur- stand the assaults of the printed Hollister, Cal., days Between these concerts an excellent was first in the mile, and broke the record J. I\ of nominating a candidate for enemy ELDRIDGE, pose Congress the It was in a bowl- to be voted for at the State election. earthquake. printed vaudeville programme will be offered, so for the meet. Monday. either on the stump or at the polls. Main Street, Ellsworth. September 10, 1906. ing all^y, as the printing office was de- that the performances will he continuous The basis of representation will be as fol- stroyed. on low.': Each city, town and plantation will be _ Among the entertainers the bill will be Orland fitrl Reported Missing. entitled to one delegate; and for each sev- The Tariff Bill. Philippine the four Lukens, a*rial acrobats, in a great An item to the Bangor AW* from North enty-five votes cast for the can- The terms of settlement agreed upon in republican as was to be Porcelain didate for in I&04, an additional dele- Senator Hale, exhibition; Bert Robert Orland there as to the governor expected the town of Otis cases the doubt- “casting” Leslie, reports anxiety Inlays. and for a fraction of votes in ex- suggest gate: forty of him, stands by his action in op- L. Dailey, in “A Jolly Bit of Tomfoolery "; whereabouts of Laura White, daughter of cess of seventy-five votes, a further additional ful value of town notes as security under j The most dental Vacancies in the of Mr. and Mrs. Perkins in the rural Herbert White. up-to-date delegate. delegation any posing the Philippine tariff bill, and certain conditions. If a town refuses to Fischer, city, town or plantation can only be filled by 1 resents as unwarranted the comedy sketch, “The Halfway House;” Miss White, says the report, left her work. Crown anti Bridge residents of the county iu which the vacancy entirely pay, or is unable to pay, a creditor may, and in a home in with her criticisms of his action that are of attach and sell of Stanley I^onard, comedy singing company uncle, Arthur Work. Ether and The district committee will be in sesei''*> being course, any piece Gas, | and dancing Flood White, to visit relatives in Caribou. ... specialty; Brothers, They the reception room of the hall at 9.30 s. of made. property in the town. The owner of the Cocaine for Bainless Ex- the of the convention, for the of Susie left Caribou on Dec. 4. and have not been day purpose ao seized in his attach comedy acrobats; Fischer, vocalist; credentials of delegates. In order The Washington correspondent of property may, turn, receiving Francis Wood, the man with the hoops, heard from since. The girl’s father and traction. to be eligible to participate in the conven- the Commercial the fol- other property, perhaps the very piece tion, must be elected to Bangor prints and Xible and and mother are much disturbed over her delegates subsequent taken from and so Riley, singers dancers. dis- date of the call for this convention. away him, on, ad lowing statement from Senator Hale The list of and and are John Si'mixsby. infinitum, with the costs continually customary comedy inter- appearance, very anxious to hear J. W. Black. relative to the matter: esting motion pictures will be shown in from their daughter. H. GREELY, W. H. Wildes. piling up against the town. F. G. Kinsman. "I am told the Lewmton Journal finds much the kinetograph. Ellsworth Free Dated Saturday. May 12. 1906. fault with Senator Hale for preventing the Baptist Quarterly. DENTIST. Schooner bill from Haitffur Abandoned. The Ellsworth Free Philippine tariff being reported to Narrow from Baptist quarterly Maiu Street, ElNwortb* When K lifted near Escape Drowning. CLASS CONVENTION. the Senate, and it charge* the aeuator with heavy fog Monday meeting will be held in the Colon church Marlboro, May 28 (special) Fred republican class convention of the pigeonholing the bill in the committee. Sandy Hook, the schooner Annie R. Lew is, at West Franklin, Friday, Saturday and claaseti towns of Amherst. Bucks Hodgkins and Allie Chick, with their ANNIE B BAKEli A port. "The committee on way* and meant of the of Bangor, was sighted with her starboard June 15,16 and 17. Dedham, Mariaville, Otis, Penobacot and had a narrow from Sunday, Hooae. which and the aide in from the effects of wives, escape drowning Graduate •! Beacon Talto School. Back Bay. Bost;i. Verona will be held at Bucksport on Satur- reported passed Philip- atove a collision. Sunday. went out to day. June 16, 1906, at 1.30 p. m., for me purpose pine tariff bill through that body, has just The mainmast was cracked off fifteen feet They get flounders, How’s This? CHIROPODY of a candidate for and when nominating representative done the same thing. It not only refused to they pulled in the anchor in We offer One Hundred to legislature to be supported at the Septem- above the deck and was swinging in the Dollars Reward for Hygienic Facial and Scalp Treatment report to the House the John Sharp Wil- some the boat. any case of Catarrh thst cannot be cured ber election. between the fore and mizzen way they upset by Manicuring. Shampooing. 100 cent, tariff reduction resolu- rigging Hall's Catarrh Cure. Singeing, liams' per Mr. Chick took his wife and swam Mr*. masts. The crew had F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Appointment work. I-eave orders with but also refused to that this reso- abandoned the BKPI ULICAS DISTRICT CONTENTION. tion, report ashore. Mr. and his wife We. the undersigned, have known P. J. George Porter Smith, 14 Franklin sueew which was settled low in Hodgkins clung lution had been tabled and left to slumber in schooner, the Cheney for the last 16 aud believe Ellsworth. republicans of the classed towns of to the boat. Keuel Hodgkins heard the years, him Mt. Desert, Southwest Harbor, Tremont, the of the committee." water. The steam pilot boat New York, perfectly honorable in all business transac- THE pigeon-holes j cries and to tions. and financially Swan’s Island and cranberry Isles, are re- went their assistance. It was able to carry out any "The result was reached by a strict party towed her into port. j made nts firm. one*ted to me?t at Odd Fellows building, two hours before obligations by all of the members to about Mrs. Chick recov- Kik GIRLS Southwest Harbor, on Saturday. June 2, 19wi, vote, republican voting The Annie R. Lewis was bound from | Walding, nan A Marvin, WAYNFLETE SCHOOL FOR! ered consciousness. Wholesale at 1 m., for tbe oi a take no action the resolution, but to Druggirts, Toledo, O. p. purpose nominating upon Norfolk, Vi., to New York. She was built Hall’s OA Stela Street, candidate for to the ncrt Catarrh Cure is taken nternaily. act- representative leg- leave it in committee. the islature; also to transact any other busiuesa at Bucksport, in 1873. The whereabouts ing directly upon blood and mucous sur- Political faces of the bottle. Bold all PORTLAND, MAINE. that may legally come before said convention. As is well Mr. Hale has all of the crew is unknown. The be- Notes. by Druggists. Per order of district known, pilots Take Hail's Family Pills for committee. H. H. of an constipation. M. L. Chairman. non ended that one of the lieve the crew were lost, the absence of Hastings, Bethel, attorney, Allen, along CA«OC.I»« M. C*l»rl«U>, May 23. 1906. J. D. Phillips, Secretary. was at the capitol Thursday in consulta- *Prin.-iml.-l noelP“»- strongest reasons against bringing the the compass indicating that when they lost. i HIM AOKKS LOWELL. tion with Gov. Cobb. After his tariff bill into tbe Senate took to the boat after the crash the shore departure Philippine it was announced that he would ROD — was not in sight, and that the boat was to present Between residence! of REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. was that it would a 8. L. Lord and P. W. Rollins engender long the name of the governor for re-nomina- FISHING on Bridge Works. be steered by direction. The weather has bill, butt end of a steel Oriental tariff discussion and the fishing rod. Will find- Rug encourage tion at the State convention. er kindly leave same at Ambbicax STATE ELECTION, SEPT. 10, 1906. been such that it would be almost i in pos- office, and oM for revision. receive reward? Beautiful, curly, fluffy Bug* made from agitation sible for an ordinary long boat to ride or Carp*®* FOB REPRESENTATIVES. Maine are left * Woolen, Tapestry, Brussels Velvet As the interests of through it. An ounce of confidence in yourself is TTMBRELLA—Carelessly somewhere in From U town, an umbrella:--*-1 wood handleI mak- Carpets cleaned clean. Seal ft»r circular. Eden, for the continu- a Letter *•»» agaiDst revision and better than pound of confidence in uig^ Letter **R" cut in end. If G. Raymond Bar Harbor. others. finder will to Joy, law in Still Another Candidate for rigbtan^lebring Amebica* office, it will be ance of the Dingley tariff oper- Sheriff. returned to owner 1. L. MORWISOW. SKOWHESAN. ME._ Mr. Hale has been unrelenting While no formal announcement has been ation, Nature “makes all things beautiful in their Sunday, between high school The County Convention. made, it is understood that still another and Methodist Piobsstonai £arOs. in Sghting every kind of legislation time." one of life's seasons, when life BEADS—On church, string of gold Every beads. Finder leave at Next Tuesday the republicans of candidate for sheriff is in the field—John moves on Nature’s lines, has its ow n charm please Amkmican office. that might open up tbe tariff question. and women dread £. of Bar Harbor. beauty. Many that period Hancock county will meet in conven- Bunker, when must of Only a few days ago Senator Bailey, they experience change life. paBlTRKILL, tion in Ellsworth to make nomina- Mr. Bunker is one of the best-known They fear that face and form may suffer by JFmmTj. the leader, served notice the chauge, and that they may fail to minority men of Hancock county. He is a please tions for the various offices to leading those whom they love. The value of Doctor UP county if the bill was ADRIFT—On tba aortheeet that Philippine hrooght member of the Hancock and Pierce’s Favorite Prescription in this crisis of part of Bank ATTOIiXEY-AT-LAW, be filled at the election next county bar, PICKED Georges by Capt. Lemuel Septem- woman's life lies in the fact that it assists cjoodwin, ach Cosmos, one can in, its friends must be prepared to has been in public life more or less since buoy painted ber. Nature. Its use preserves the balance and red with ten fathom chain attached. Gov- the tariff his of the mind and sustains the ernment can have same discuss question generally. attaining majority. buoyancy physi- by paying charges. ... Me- Not for has the cal powers. Many women have Caft. Lemuel Ellsworth, many years political He has been a selectmen of Eden several expressed w Goodwin, their gratitude for the help and comfort given May 7.190fi. Southwest Harbor, Me. situation been just like that which terms, and has been chairman of the by "Favorite Pi cription" in this trying D- period. Its benefits are not but F. M. now confronts the party. Under or- There is no question but that the board. He was county for two passing per- SIMON TON, attorney manent aud cMduce to mental happiness as jfat Sait. F. dinary conditions republican nomina- Senate is going to have a beautiful terms. as well as phjflBai strength. PHYSICIAN and SUKGEOX. tions are to elections on its hands over the of Mr. Bunker has been a life-long repub- a bargain If told thia month. Eatate on equivalent in fight type Pine and has in hard- At street, Ellsworth, one-half acre Hancock and not until two canal that is to be built at Panama. lican, participated many abbmiBrnimts. land; house 15 rooms county, and good stable; well lo- Office and Residence (J. M. Hale bouse). battles. catedfora boarding-house. Full had there for a time The will call for a sea- fought political particulars N® years ago long majority report P *T*ATTOW» 752 old South No. 00 MAIN Although entering the field at a late date, “Jdg., Bos- STREET. ELLSWORTH. a that but there will be a U> m been break; at time republi- level canal, strong TKLXPHON K- -■ with the nominating convention less than ~iiURANCE~ SOLICITORS cans broke from their in favor of a lock weather vanes (horses; brand enough away minority report a week Mr. Bunker is in away, engaged the of YANE8—Twon*w» d*recl Dom the manufacturer, to elect a democrat for sheriff— and with the President and the Appreciate advantages direct contract noas and fixtures Notice*. party canal, whirlwind canvass of the complete. Will be sold legal ^ ^ county. relations with their company. It is an Inspi- cheap. Inquire at Ambbicam office. not because he was a democrat—as House both that way, there is pulling ration denied the average solicitor. subscriber hereby gives he has we have said before—but because a contest in Congress The we have THE been duly appointed adinm^ they lively prospect. poor always with us—es- We make a specialty of helping the Agent do trator with of Spttfal Snuta. the will annexed ?ntb«in* believed that, if elected, he would en- wanta to get away, and for that rea- pecially poor excuses. greater things and we put into his hands (a of Charles H. Closson, late of Sedgwick. county of deceased, force the law. son it is it the is much policy without a fee) that will sell. SPECIAL NOTICE. Hancock, h ".»Bg prohibitory possible fight Enthusiasm sets the pace, but common bonds aa the law direct*. All b*Le3 not treapaas In Cnnlcnlocna Park. said uc<. Public sentiment in this on the matter be allowed sense wins in a walk. Let us tell you about it. I demands against the estate of county prolonged, may DO demand protection to life and are same for property desired to present the JJJgj -- The advo- a* of tbaiDe nlStl are reque» enforcement has not changed daring to go over for the session. It’s impossible to defeat an THE NATIONAL CASUALTY Ins. Co. 4 Uit Hancock,MWCI, Rtate of ment, and all Indebted thereto ignorant Maine, and the United States of Amerlea* to is if that the man in an argument. HOMECOnPANY. PORTLAND. ME. make payment immediately. -„t. the past two years; it anything cates of a sea-level canal say Mast 0. Fkbtz Acstiw. May 28, 1908. Hsxby V> Sasosw R. F. D. ROl’TKB. PARTY OK CAUCUSES. THE MISSIONARY SLOOP "SET LINKS.** flTU"'* Every boy criticises the man who > ids ■asbertietmuttt. »-»•* his bat i* will- ~ After Dflfgatf* to the \ iirloim Conventions FI money freely, everybody ,,f signal* J»to rut Yciir’s Work of Coast Miss! on- Commissioner C»trloton’s Interprets ** From Washington Already Chosen. ing to get busy and help him rpend it. order. ary White*. tlon of the Law Of the rami KrKardlnx Thrm. HEALTH IN ELLSWORTH. July 1 P*trr,n» The following are lists of “1 first met wife on a «nd *fter delegates The first Annual report of the Maine The attention of Hon. T. Carle- my trolley car,” wll. be to chosen to Leroy O. A. Paroher Cara of service required attend the coming republican Sea he said. “What awfully funny looking Says Digestion delivery Coast Missionary society has been ton, chairman of the com mi hr (oners o •"* boxe* whenever conventions Solves Problem of Life. on tbeir -thecounty convent ion which people we do meet on trolley cars, don't Long su{n»i« issued. To sail a sloop in a pariah extend- inland fisheries and game, «m ailed by to be collected by the cer- will be held in Ellsworth on June we?” she [ G. A. I'archer believes that the 5; the ing from Kittery Point to Quoddy Head, The American to the law tb< replied, absent-mindedly. after thet d«t* the district convention at regarding on end Wsterville on June the “What’s a I problem of long life is solved proper ,n(t along broken coast of Maine, in all uae of set lines, and he was asked for hit Kentucky breakfast?” asked by not be re.poneible for the 2B, and the State convention at care of „m Portland kinds of weather, is no small undertaking. interpretation of It. cyclone bill. “Why, a Kentucky break- j the digestive organs. Let the li^ri mail unle** on June 27. of the signal* To enter the coves and fast is a a of stomach t harbors, to call on The question came up in connection three-pound steak, boUle g out of condition and soon *“ should car- to the Of course, Up time of going to dele- the and a : displayed. press families on isolated islands, to visit with the use of set lines at the Mann whiskey setter dog.” “What's tie there will he nervousness, irritation, mail In the bores, And gait's have been chosen as follows: dog for?” to out the of *Taoatt leaving the light keepers and the Iife-9aving sta- brook Under Mr. Carleton’i “Why, steak, furred before the will be bridge. course.” tongue, specks eyes, t0 collected, they M. L. is a task of 1 matter Brookilo—county: Dodge, Capt. tions, greater magnitude. interpretation, the practice as carried on weakness, and for doing so O. W. debility, indigestion, no )eaa obligation* Herrick, T. C. The Maine Sea Coast there is a ^fr Stanley-3. Missionary society clearly violation of the law. BORN. other physical and mental troubles was organized at Bar .oB formerly. Brooksville H. ! Harbor in June, 1H05. Mr. Carleton’a letter follows: hand carrier* are to di»- county: Ralph Condon, that directly result from a weakened ltM, other O. I*. The officers were elected: Presi- CARTER—At Sedgwick, May l, to Mr ane Mrs Tapley, Roy Tapley, Oscar Lym following Augusta, May 28, i9oe. their arrival with mail * Asa J Caster, a daughter. stomach. signs:, il"1" burner-4. dent, Angus McDonald, Bar Harbor; To th0 Kditor of The American: it will be seen that this EATON—At Sedgwick, May 2, to Mr and Mrs Of all the vital the stomach .. Thu. Jefferson C. Bar I have your favor, and in I leave Daniel H organs, latter O. F. A. vice-president; Smith, reply heg Eaton, a son. for tbe added eonven- Bucksport—county: Fellows, to "set is the most and change i, planned C. Harbor; treasurer, Thomas Searls; secre- say lines’* are among the prohibited KELLY—At Stonington, May 28, to Mr and frequently abused, •« well Swazoy, George D. Frank W. Mrs of th* «erv*oe, Crane, Ale devices in fishing when used resi- William Henry Kelly, a son. hence the one which most of the patrona Stinson tary, xander P. McDonald, f,eal Har- except by frequently ia the Ginn, Hooper, Luke Soper; Roy dents of the State when LOWE—At South 16, to Mr and carrier*. The following bor; in the K. fishing through the Hope. May and so with the of th* Fred missionary field, Capt. H. Mrs Samuel G Lowe, a daughter. fails, discovery a Page, Blodgett 8. District: E. P. ice in the day time during February, March the order- White, Seal Harbor. ROZZANI—At like Mioni mt of Emerson, A. B. Ames, Dr. N. and Stonington May 21, to Mr and remedy stomach tablets, .it George Towle, April. Mrs Michele a On and after Julv 1. I**, patron* Capt. White entered upon his work last Rozsanf, daughter. on an L. II. T. M. A “set line” is defined in the as which is sold absolute guarantee service will be Chandler, Nicholson. State: dictionary SNOWMAN—At Orlnnd, 27. to Mr and delivery required July. The summer months were April ill rural boxe* when Parker largely follows: **A line with a buited book fastened Mrs Thurman R Snowman, a to the s.nlav sign*l* <’» lhetr Spofford, George W. Reed, O. F. daughter. strengthen digestive system, spent in an investigation of the field and to It set or anchored for Jif-Li m*il in them for carrier* to cot- Fellows, p. p. Gilmore, W. A. Remick. taking fish.” Words STINSON—At Stonington. May 23, to Mr and aid in assimilation of food, and cure carriers when aerv- pro {Miration for the work. the in the statutes are to be taken in their ordi- Mrs William Edmund Stinson, a son. -y is after that date, By gener- all troubles caused *>n' w ill not he reouired to W. O. E. C. WENTWORTH—At by indigestion, an f routes, will not be required Castlne-county: Stevens, ous response of the summer residents nary, customary, usual sense or meaniug. Orland. May 24, to Mr and Mtheir Mrs W L Wentworth, a son. .„a examine any nailnau boxe*boxes except Bowden, W. A. E. H. This 1ms been to- Ztn and examine any except Ricker, Carpen- along the the of friends who being so, it is not difficult from th« important step taken have mall to coast, gifts £1 m which they ter-4. definition to answer the wards solving tlie of deliver, knew the need of such the given above, question question good on which signals are diaplayed work, special MARRIED. health ami life. illthoae Deer as to what “set lines” are. long tb-re is mall, Isle-county: A. O. Gross, P. 8. gifts of Bar Harbor and the Kindle*** friends, per- The in the law G. A. Parclier sells Minna on an ab- wnose boxe* are not expression “single baited Tboec natron* Knowlton, George E. Snowman, Charles sonal interest taken in the movement GREENE—DOUGLA8S—At Rlnehlll. May 19, by hooks and lines” sc solute guarantee to refund the money With signals, inu»t attach there- H. possibly may not be Rev C M G Harwood, Miss Kffie Greene, Scott, Edgar W. Haskell, Elmer P. Key. Lyman funds were by if it does not cure. A box of the device which, when diaplaved, j Abbott, pro- clear, bttttit would seem that there can be nc of Penobscot, to James E Douglass, of large rill 6. State: E. P. F. A. vided and an Sedgwick. tablets costs but fto if it iil! nlainiy show passing camera there ia Spofford Spofford, auxiliary sloop bought and difficulty in arriving at a proper understand- cents, helps not M. I). MOODY—8POPFORD—At Camden, if it fails. to be coll'Ctcd. It ia neceaaar.v Gross, Joyce, H. S. Conary. iwid for. ing of it. May 19, you; nothing Il l by Rev L D Evans, Miss Jessie M of device shall be either rompli- I do not think that Moody, St such Eastbrook-county: J. A. J*wrie, G. S. Following is a summary of the work any fair interpretation Camden, to Ralph Tilden Spofford, of Ston- or » very almple arrange- of Ju4 costly; done the the the law allows one person to use more than ington. No child to school in under answer the purpose. Ooogins -2. past year by missionary, goes Japan Sn; will one line with a hook ROBINSON—COFFIN—At Penobscot. May the on H. E. as single hook, spoon 26, six of a.e. Two hours a week, are t Carriers moil lower signals R. Capt. White, contained in the first bv Rev C H Miss Nina L Robinson, years Eden—county, Ansel Inland, Bertrand spiuners, artificial flies, artificial minnows, 01 Bryant. making collection* provided of the of to Charles H of Penob- set to teach the child ethical knowl- toies sftcr E. C harles F. report society: Bucksport, Coffin, apart left and must Clark, Paine; Fred C. Lynam, artificial insects, except in the case of the five •email i» therein; display Number of miles traveled. 1.885 edge and one hour for the study of eti- when they mall lor Edward 8. Clark, G. Harri- lines when fishing through the ice, as referred STOVER—BOWDEN—At Ellsworth, the signal* deposit Itaymond Joy, Number of settlements visited. <14 May 26, have made re- bv Rev J M Adams. Miss C quette, how to walk, bow, pour tea and unless the patrons son E. Wakefield, Arthur 8. to. Nellie Stover to tatrous, Newman, Total number of visits made. 128 William C both of Ellsworth. t« the contrary. I am aware that it 1s almost, if not the Bowden, hold the hands and fingers, iaest William H. Davis, P. Services quite, ,-arricrs mult he instructed to George Billings, conducted by the missionary ', yp,. Martin universal practice for a fisherman, when troll inform iiatron* of their route* L. Lord, Clarence Madden, Elihu alone. S2 IMKP. Btiaptlv lng from a boat, to use two lines, but the ex- ailb ng*rv1 to thi* order *nd should, T. Hamor, Daniel G. Hall, William L. Service* in which he aided other MUUNE LIST. planation of this is that one is claimed as be- DOW—At Deer without expense to the department, use Pierce, Abbott E. Charles E. workers 74 Isle, May 23, Amos A Dow, moans for !,awrence, longing to the guide or the person rowing the aged 83 years, 8 months, 20 days. whether m--i»»«ry informing Enrolled tn the home of the under- Marcyes, Edward Kirk-18. Alternates: department ELWELL—At North Mark v|i«wor».h Pur. lino. ** Will secure » complete Sedgwick. May 22, Sea Coast Sunday school scholars. 71 L El well, 68 months. standing nnd full compltinc* by all Bllthon S. Higgins, Prank E. Walls, H. | The law does not seem to be Involved or ob- aged years, 7 Hid May M. achs Lola W Eppes, Salem; Min- Encouraged in procuring supplies Sunday HASKELL—At Deer Isle. Mrs on the dale mentioned. Martin ('lark, Uwrrncs Emery, Max scure, but doubtless could be made more May 26, Irene nie Chase, Bar Harbor fatrons school*. 6 Ilaskell, aged 77 years. 2 months. 17 Hid May 27, sch E C Wilson, clear. It is an old statue or law days. Btonington P. V. DkOkaw, Franklin, W. E. Albert H. of man) Ann Brann, Lynam, Organized one Junior Endeavor Ml'LLAN—At Ellsworth, May 26. Miss Mar- Ar May 28, sch O Stuart, Portland. society. and we do not recall of its Fourth Aaa’t I'oatmawer Oeneral, Daniel West, W. Wood, Vernon E. years' standing, garet Mullan, aged 23 years, 1 month, 3 days. HNiKXN'k Coninv I'urts, Joseph “In the distribution of meaning having heretofore been called in literature given NOYES—At Mass. Gon.DSBORO—Ar sch Wilson and Grant, Roy Hamor, Clifton E. Dotliver, question. I am inclined to the opinion that Georgetown. May 25. May 24, Interested one O a native of 311 Willard. by friends, Sunday school the phrase “or in any other wav than by tht Chauncey Noyes, Desert, COVIKK'.ATIIJXAI. CONFKKKSCK Franklin P. Pray, Orlando Wescott, May- aged 66 6 months. was furnished with library of fifty-five vol- ordinary mode of angling with single baited years. nard W. i*nine, Isaac M. Tripp, Albion P. hooks aud lines,” is governed by the word* ROBINSON—At Southwest Harbor. May 27, umes. On the sloop Hope a circulating mode of and the Mrs 75 HOOKS’ FLORAL WORK is widely known. Annual Meeting Will Be Ilelil at Alley, Irving Mitchell. “ordinary angling”, ordinary Abigail Robinson, aged years. mode of angling is with one line to a Add re* -WAR HARBOR June 13*14. library is carried, and many families are person ROZZANI—At Stonington. May 21, infant only. fe»t Hrook*vlllev Ellsworth Alexander C. L. T. Carlton. of Mr and Mrs Michele Otien a«l ih»* county: mo* wttn also daughter Rozzani. .var'round. The eighty-Unit annual meeting of the supplied reading, vessels, I Hagerthy, Thomas J. Holmes, Arno W. homes and schools have been Hancock County Conference of Congrc- supplied King, Arthur W. Austin, Jere T. Giles, with literature. churches will be held at Wert aBbfrttscmnitg. jslional Richmond I. John A. Moore, Peters, “In benevolent work, one trip was made Broofcsvllle, Wednesday am! Thursday, Charles L, E. Morang, Henry Davis, for a two were aided in The will be an physician, persons Jane 13-14. programme Nathan C. John \\. F. King, McCarthy, Hitting to a hospital, five boats were aided j follows: Carroll John Edward L. Burrill, Silvy, while in trouble, many sick were visited, H'nlnftlay Aft+rmM>n. Drummey, Orrin W. Tripp, Howard B. and one funeral service conducted. The praise and devotional service Rev. C. M. O. Moore- 16. winter months were in two Htrvoud. Btuehill. spent mosly No. L. C. Corea and Little Deer Isle. 3 Report of scribe. treasurer. roll-call of Franklin—county: Bragdon, fields, churches, elect ton of nfltasra, welcom- George W. Re must on, C. J. March, H. P “We have caused the different de- ing visiting pastor*. Bia Udell—4. nominations to give more thought to their Conference sermon. Rev. I.. O- Urn* tow, D. Oouldsboro—county: J. A. lilll, E. K. weaker churches along the coast. The un- Talks on D-. Yale Theological Seminary. Merritt, diaries Blance, Arthur B. Holt, denominational character of our society Straight Meeting of the committee of advice and over- E. W. H. D. To has proved of great value in uniting the sight. Cleave*, GuptUl—«. Htate: Fred H. U. Charles different denominations in religious work, it «d»#*«iajr Keeni**0. Bartlett, Moore, especially in those small communities Praise service. Rev. Frederic Brown. Seal Blance, J. B. Clark. Medicines where Patent bigotry the and Harbor. Lafpoine—county: J. E. Young, F. L. separated people prevented Christian and Whst hinders the union of churcbee of dif- Hodgkin*. J. T. Grant—3. fellowship spir- ferent denomination* in our amall com- itual communion. deserve Mariaville— county: K. C. Dunham—1. The “Rexall” Remedies confidence. munities* Rev. C. W Robinson. Stoa- “Our first year’s work has impressed us Mt. Desert—county: W. H. Whitmore, As all these remedies are grouped under one name, they must suc- lagton. vividly with two facta: first, how little of A. E. Clement, J. W. Somes, Chauncey no Disc usslon opened. Rev. John A. Us- the coast line can be covered ceed or fail There must be weak 'inks in this chain. One and Frank efficiently by together. » rv ace Uto nth west Harbor. Joy Spurling—5. one the would mean disaster to the entire If — missionary; secondly, imperative Penobscot county: N. L. Grindie, Bey- unworthy remedy plan. you, Thursday Morning need of just this kind of practical mour F. Ward I*. A. Snow man, A. E. for the “Rexall” Cure and were not cured Saar:**- •. ,cr i*a*»t. If. K. White. well, example, Cough meeting. Christian work we are endeavoring to do. purchased ReaJ ifarhor. Varnura—I, To State : H. A. Friend, B. B. could we to faith thereaiter in the “The most promising work, we find, is by it, how expect you place any Meeting of Hancock County Ministerial Asso- Condon, J. H. Littlefield. with the young people. Our missionary “Rexall” Cure or other member of the “Rexall” ciation. Sedgwick — county: Horace Dority; Dyspepsia any Praise visits the public schools and keeps in and Devotional service. Rev. E. Bean. John W. Pari*, K. E. Hagerthy, J. F. Gray, family ? BlaehUl. touch with the young, and some of them Henry A. Small— 5. You can understand, therefore, such anxious care was I'afiulshrd business, of registrar, of are boys and girls to be proud of—making why given report Sorrento—county: P. L- Aiken—1. committees. the best of their to and the remedies to which the name Rexall was 8. W. meagre advantages to finding choosing The Southwest Harbor—county: New- re-orgatmalion of the Home Mieslonary procure an education. In one place of We have admitted none to this circle until our committee Rev. man—1. given. Society. A. MacDonald. Bar Har- about forty families, where the town was bor. Stonington-B. H. Mills, Fred Torrey, had been convinced and test that it was the too poor to make proper provision for the experts by investigation The Public School Teacher in Religious Work. C. C. Thurlow, A. C. Hamblin—1. winter term of school, the boys and girls best known to medical science for the ailment it aimed Principal Richardaon, C saline Normal Surry—county: W. H. MUliken,|H. C. remedy over twelve hired the teacher themselves School. Young, E. D. Smith-3. to relieve. and continued the school. We find also Conference on the subject of Marriage and Swan's Island—county: A. C. Smith, Who should know better than the leading thousand druggists of Divorce. | bright boys and girls who have completed L. F. Albee-2. ? Praise service. a common school course, but who are diffi- this what are, and what are not, efficient medicines Tremont— county: H. P. Richardson, country Report ,.f Maine Sea Coast Missionary. Capt. dent about going away from home to con- the success of our on the merit of H. Guy Parker, Loren W. Ruinill, W. j. Har- Remember, enterprise depends E. White. Seal Harbor. tinue their and who can- W. Stewart—6. education, often, our business Communion service. Rev. Howard D. per, Frank W. Lunt, Al. each individual Our reputation, which is very not go because they have not the means. remedy. French, Hampden. Trenton -county: Arno Marshall—1. in a “Rexall” We wish some one who is looking for a good existence is at stake. Can you doubt, that buying Remedy, Thursday Earning. Verona—county: K. A. Whitmore—1. investment in educational work, would best that science and can ? Praise service. Rev. Frederic Brown. Scrip- Winter Harbor-county: F. R. Bunker, you are buying the experience give you consider a live, active, healthy boy or girl “ ture and prayer. Rev. Wm. Forsyth. H. G. Smallidge, Frank Western Wat- Here are three prominent members of the Rexall family: Buck and help him to a better start in life. sport. son—3. Addrc«H, Setf-lnauranee. Rev. A. MacDon- “In the care of the sick we feel that the REXALL “93” HAIR TONIC RECALL DYSPEPSIA TABLETS CHERRY JUICE COUCH SYRUP ald. Bar Harbor. It is understood that William A. Walker, cause would be greatly aided by some ar- Address. Rev. C. D. Watervllle. Con- Crane. of Castine, will be invited to preside at rangement with a centrally located hospi- The famous Rexall “93” Hair The remarkable success of A new idea in Cough Syrups. ference closed. Tablets is the republican county convention which tal, for the treatment of patients at mod- Tonic is composed in chief of Rexall Dyspepsia This preparation owes its ef- The due to the new and suc- church will provide entertainment. meets at Ellaworth next Tuesday, June 5. erate terms and in some cases gratuitously. Beta and largely to the of Wild Resorcin, Naphthol cessful method of ficiency presence Those to attend should send “On the islands it costs from to a manufacture, intending of $5 fJO Pilocarpin. Bone- ihtir The republicans Amherst, Bucksport, whereby the well known prop- Cherry, Vinegar Squills, names to Mias Lucy Jones, West visit to procure the services of a physi- Dedham, Mariaville, Otis, Penobscot and Resorcin is one of the latest erties of Bismuth Subnitrate set, Horehound and Syrup. BrooitsviUe. cian. It is difficult for us to realize the have been combined Verona will meet at Bucksport June 16 to and most effective germ-killers and Pepsin All of these have been known hardships endured by many who have not with carminitives and other nominate a candidate for representative discovered by a science, and in moith ok thk kivkk. the means to secure medical treat- for a hundred years as remedies to the proper with Beta agents. legislature. connection Naphthol, for and hoarseness. l^on Bismuth Subnitrate and Pep- coughs E. Swett viiiited relatives and The republicans of the class towns of which is both germicidal and “To make this work effective along these sin are recognized by the entire In Rexall friends in Brewer recently. Mt. Southwest Harbor, Tremont, antiseptic, a combination is Cherry Juice Cough Desert, lines a with shallow medical as specifics larger launch, which not profession all of these remedies The ladies’ aid will meet with Mrs. Cl. Swan s Island and Cranberry Isles will formed only destroys acute or chronic Syrup, draught, having proper accommodations for indigestion W. at Harbor next the germs which rob the hair of have been combined by a pro- Alley Thursday, May 31. meet Southwest Saturday, for at least six the dyspepsia. people, who, during creates a cess manufacture that has June to nominate a candidate for repre- its nutriment, but is manufac- of Mrs Della Whitmore haa gone to South- 2, months of summer as a social settlement, The Pepsin used and condition of a me- ern sentative to the legislature. clean healthy tured under a new process blended them into perfect Harbor to viait Mr*. Amanda Mayo. would go from place to place along the the scalp, which prevents the which develops its greatest ef- dicinal harmony whereby the Mrs. Addle N. ot South coast and would render most valuable ser- of Hodgkins, lodgment and development ficiency. Pepsin not only sup- characteristics of each la her VACATION DAYS. vice in arousing the people to a more support Brsaer, visiting parents, t'apt. new germs. plies to the digestive machinery wholesome of and reinforce the others. Matthew Moon and wite. way living. one of the most important ele- & is a well-known Mrs. In Southern New Hampshire—B. “The report of our missionary will indi- Pilocarpin ments of the digestive fluid, but The Everett Tinker and little daughter to pathological properties M.*a Illustrated Booklet. ac- for restoring the hair a tonic influ- Olive cate something of what he has tried to agent it seems to exert of each does its own were in North Ellsworth Sunday, where the loss ingredient One of the most beautiful and artistic The most of its natural color, ence upon the glands which ■he guests of Miaa Addie Maddocks. complish. secretary spent work in easing the in- season is the new de- of color has been due to a dis- all the other elements. particular booklets issued this the year in an island parish under no ex- supply It is not a flamed membranes, loosening “Vacation Days in to the of the time ease of the scalp. The carminitives add prop- She scriptive booklet, pense society, part Did you let father know* you matter or erties which relieve the and setting up a Southern New Hampshire,” delightfully teaching the common school. The coloring dye—it pro- promptly phlegm owned a presi- lot of house He—1 re- its effect caused food. condition of health in the bron- property? illustrated and describing In detail the dent rendered valuable help in special duces by stimulating pains by undigested hinted at it. She-What did he say? He and hair follicles to combination of the whole sorts of southern New Hampshire. This and an occasional lecture. the scalp The chial and nasal passages. He “Deeds louder than meetings by -aid, speak in a and active life. makes a absolutely in- words." booklet is brand new, and is enclosed “The foundation for a good work has health remedy One will relieve the valuable to any man or woman spoonful handsome cover in eight and we in co- This combi n at ion of cur- lithographed been laid, rejoice the hearty suffering from dyspepsia—and inflamed membranes and tempo- colors. of so interested atives mixed with alcohol as a aSbutisrownts. operation many friends, not only a remedy, but a cure rarily stop the cough. One bot- This vacation country, year by from so sections of our land. In a stimulant, the most ef- re- growing many perfects which works by gradually work a is vacation- tle will cure. It ex- year, is attracting tourists and work such as we are doing, our efficiency fective remedy for hair and and stimulating the NO building to the taste— EXCUSE FOR CATARRH. desires or con- known the di- ceedingly pleasant ists, and any person who and scope must be governed by our Income. scalp troubles to-day. glands which perform M in New functions. 25c. children like it. Per Bottle, 25c. erst Cases Quickly Cured by Brenth- templates a vacation this season Our policy is always to keep within our Per Bottle, 60c. gestive Package, cents for lug Hyomel. Guaranteed by Hampshire, should send two resources. To meet the expenses of the G. A. Parcher. to the general passenger depart- we have postage coming year already pledged Look this Guarantee on each “This There is really not the slightest ex- ment, Boston & Maine railroad, Boston, about |500. To continue the work aboat for H_exall package: for “Vacation in Southern New is which will another is to satisfaction. If it does come cuse for anyone having catarrh, now Days £2,000 needed, place preparation guaranteed give not, that Ilyomei is so widely known and Hampshire”. missionary in the field.” back and get your money. It belongs to you, and we want you to <*o easily obtained. The worst cases have it.” Indian Proverbs. is the excuse some of catarrh are quickly cured, simply “They say” only When a fox walks lame, old rabbit have for by breathing the remedy through the people lying. Jumps. All great discoveries are made by men pocket inhaler that comes with every is than his outfit. The paleface’s arm longer w hose feelings run ahead oi their think- word. ings.— Parkhurat. E. C. The complete outfit, consisting of a MOORE,'Druggist Indian ever sold his daughter for a I had which was neat inhaler, a medicine dropper, and No Would that my secret * bottle of Hyomel, costs only one name. my secret until I told it to the friend of runs faster than the dollar, while extra bottles can be ob- A squaw's tongue my bosom yesterday 1 The Store tained for 50 wind’s cents, making Hyomei legs. It’s a fortunate for the weaker sex ^BSXait tot* thing most as well as the There is so as a rattle- economical, nothing eloquent that the man isn’t more than half ■“oat reliable for average method curing snake’s tail. as as he thinks he is. catarrh. attractive The Indian scalps his enemy; the pale- O. A. Parcher guarantees positively face skins his friends. * cure when Hyomel Is used in accord- MOttKH, FLOBIHT, Before the paleface came there was no BAR HARBOR. ance with directions, or he will refund Subscribe for The COUNTY the purchase price. poison in the Indian’s corn. Open all the year ’round. American—only paper—$1.50 per year. day* last *nk 80 SStibrrtisrmmta. *tth hi* v viERlCAH has Kuhacribers at 107 Hazel Ella Richardson, NEWS. Tm Brown, 87; COUNTY Mr», Ripley. fran-lmethe,, mj th> post-offices in Hancock county. Richard Allen, 91; Rosroe Hysom, 89 F -rndditionnt Ckmnt» Fetes. »*• 1W* Wilfred 87 Mr*. Jane of Jill t 'her papers in the County com- Arch'e Knox, 88; Donelson, Bowden, tW vfll.m- among her old binetI not reach so many. The Ameri- Alvin Hannah, 87; Junior Fernald, 86 CRANBERRY IBI.E8. visiting neighbor* ( fow After * n 88 .887. COURTESY day*. her here ca iot *he only paper printed in Mark Somes, 86; Shephard Richardson, LIBERALITY in 111. ,h„ *.„ Hamuvl Gilley very to Stockton Sana >ounty, and has never claimed to Earl Richardson, 80; Eugene Walla, 79 Spring* to spend the Capt. Benjamin H. Sparling:, in schooner with her Mr. be, >* the only paper that can prop Pearl Richardson, 76. brother, Merrithew HARD TO BELIEVE Veda M. McKown, has gone to the Cape ailed a 00lrNTY paper; all the May 26. Spec. arty _ Shore M,ySS-__' M. The cireula- mackeraling. text. ’leeshj local papers WEST GREAT POND. BUT IT IS A FACT and lobsters are scarce, and BKOOK3VIU.K. ii The American, barring the Bar Fiah very came from the drive thi is hard to be Schooner Phtnea* ■ * Ezra Williams bait obtained-consequently Gay, Bar cord's summer list, is larger That our has shown a gradual increase c«pt. pr.„t1,11 Savings Department Perkin*, h*» uiled all the other week quite ill with the grip. Mrs. WTil the fishermen are doing poorly. for Bangor. th of papers printed the winter months. In .7- ->ck liams is improving. during The Rebekahs, of Northeaat Harbor, Mi*. Lory Hale county SAY- Tapley arrived hom. YOU from Eugene Chick has returned from Ma gave an entertainment and dance in the Atlanta, On., That It must be due to the opening of new accounts. Wednesday. chias, where he has been employed by thi town hall last week, to a crowded bouse. Jerome P. Tapley, Jr., 1. painting Fred C* ilTNTY NEWS. Lumber Co. WE SAY— Ellsworth The ladies are to a ball in the town rick Whitney•» The fUll see other give cottage, Spruce*. Jo County Actr*. paget That is but the main reason is that our oldest Mrs. Gertie Shuman, with her tw( partially true, hall June 1. and Kelley will furnish Jame* H. the Habit and make Ray Opt. Tapley i, home is depositors have acquired Savings regular !roni children, Valina and Charles, visiting music, and Mrs. Luella Stanley, refresh- New London, Cfc, while hi* SOUTHWEST HAKBOR. regardless of the season of the year. steamer is „„ her husband’s parents, J. R. Shuman anc deposits ments. NEXT dcrgoing alight repair*. is a few weeks of who is in ACgi'IRK THE SAVINGS HABIT BEFORE OUR George Lurvey spending wife. A. H. Stevens, Milo, verj Tb« local lobotar warden is WHICH BEGINS JULY IlMHI. creating Mia* Lucy W. Jonea returned •with relatives in Camden. health, is also a guest there for a few INTEREST QUARTER, t, from poor quite a commotion here among the lobster Buckaport weeks. Monday, accompanied hT h*r John of Island, is here some snd Robinson, Long catchers, prosecuting scaring nephew, James New hall Jone*. ms.nsting in the care of his mother, Mrs, Mrs. Clara Williams entertained th« more. Opt. George H. and Robinson, who is very ill. circle on All the Tapley Jnhn P Abigail sewing Wednesday. THE FIRST NATIONAL Charles E. has been very lame BANK, Spurling Bakeman have been drafted to Gott has found at members were present, and two visitors— serve u Everton employment ELLSWORTH, MAINS. from sciatica for the last month, and is at and grand Jurors the U. 8. district for the summer. His wife and Mrs. Richardson, the (teacher, Mrs. court Btonington still unable to get out or do any work, and which ia to be held at Lewis of Franklin. A wai Bangor on June 5. daughter are with him. William Murphy Shuman, banquet suffers much all the time. *eoe pain May 36. h« rented his for the season. served and a very pleasant time reported. ACCURACY STABILITY Tosihon, cottage Mrs. Myra O. Steele, who has been at Patterson and Williams have made ar- ! grets are felt over the small supply of work in Philadelphia for more than two HOtTH BKOOKSV1U.K. with F. E. Mace to convey flowers to be obtained for Memorial Day. rangements is home and will years, expected Saturday, The W. C. Pendleton, Gray, I* Narcissus and are doing bravely to their p irties to and from Bangor. They loading tulips tbe bay near Hadley's Point, May be housekeeper for Tyler H. Stanley. wood for A. W. Gray. make for the tardiness of wild flowers. have a Boston party at Gamp Octagon. M. NEWS. up COUNTY 20. Small was alone in tbe boat at the ('apt. The engineer, Mr. Coombs, has arrived M. D. Chain. baa F. Brackett, of Bangor, brings parties #V>r additional County N**r* *«« olhor pace* bought a yoke of Isaac Whitmore, an aged and respected j the time the Are broke oat. He headed snd is the steamer Sunbeam in for this week. Mr. Stone and getting heavy cattle of Curtia of who has been out of health for j Alligator OTIS. Durgain, West citizen, the boat toward shore, and barely suc- readiness for Hon. Seth Lowe, who ex- to work his brother, Harry Stone, Mr. Crawford Sedgwick, for the granite rom. tome time, was recently attacked by the j to Bar Har- ceeded in saving himself. His loss was to arrive at Northeast Harbor and Mr. of Worcester, Mass., are oc- Ferd Robbins went Monday pects early. pany. and after a brief illness died at the Coe, grip where he has about f1,000. copying Lake view camp. Frank Conning- bor, employment. Mrs. Benjamin H. Spurling, of Booth- L. P. Hutchinson home of his son William on Thursday 25. 8. Opt. and Jay I„ T. as and wife and of May hss arrived here to the bam is with J. Haynes guide David Philbrook, daughter*, _ bay Harbor, get who have morning. May 24. j Roper, steward, been to llaitjt ; Stephen Ober, of Trenton, cook. North Mariaville, were guests Sunday of DEER ISLE. Preble house in readiness for the family more in the Charles J. went to Boston last Willard, are at Harvey Hodgkins May 25. E. Jed Salisbury and wife. of Rev. A. P. MeI>onald, who hss rented home. week to the Cochrane steam of Mrs. Harriet Small went to Portland get yacht have the for four months. Mr. Mc- Willis Salisbury and wife the sym- a place The Jame* A. which he is during the summer Friday for week's visit to her brother, Webster, Ladd, and Louis* captain SOUND. death of their in- Donald leaves here to-day for Maasachu- of friend* in the Gardner j are •eason. On his return to Sorrento he will pathy Joyce. Prance*, Chain., hading Butler is at North- setts snd to return with his crushed Miss Mina employed fant, who was four days old, last Tuesday. expects family atone and call for his w ho is cottage house- Mrs. Ed. who has been curbing for Bangor at the wife, (or the season. Richardson, on June 5. east Harbor Warren and wife, of keeper for Mrs. Cochrane. Benjamin Edding- spending the winter in Quincy, Mass., granite company'a wharf. Horace Brown, of Southwest Harbor, is ton Bend, visited their aged brother Freeman Young, of Georgetown, Mass., May 26. Miss Marie Sawyer left last week for returned home Tuesday. a seriously ill at Mrs. E. C. Sargent's. George Warren and family last Wednes- after an absence of eleven years, is visit- New Hampshire for a few' months, having Mrs. Ed. Parker was thrown from her of Southwest ing relatives and friends at this, his OOULD8BOHO. keen advised to from the sea- Stephen Harmon, Harbor, day. horse go away carriage by shying, and sustained former home. He is of was here to see his Horace and wife went to the eighty-one years Ashe shore for awhile to free from a Thursday uncle, Nathan Salisbury a Andy joe* to-day to Bangor,where get cough quite painful injury. snd lives alone in his small house in Brown. last where Mr. age, he will be left the grip. Her sister Marion ac- | Bangor hospital Tuesday, employed. by Ralph Hpofford, one of Deer Isle’s popu- Georgetown woods, one mile from the companied her. Her friends here hope for ; G. H. Sargent, whose eyes have been Salisbury wiil receive treatment for his Mr». Mary 8owle, who hut been lar young men, was married Saturday to railroad track and two and one-half miles visiting her complete restoration to health. I troubling him lately, left Monday for Bos- eyes. relative* In ia at Miss Jessie Moody, of Belfast. from th“ village. He is hale and hearty, Prospect Harbor, home. 26. Spray. ton to receive treatment. is late in this on May Farming very vicinity Schooner Wllaon and Willard i» at Mrs. Lettie Spofiord, who has been on a and but for his lameness, would pass for a the Mrs. Walter Blake and daughters Ger- account of so much rain. Atwood Edge- old maid'a trip to Florida, stop)fe>d at Springtleld to man of sixty years. landing loading with hard WEST TREMONT. trude and Flora arrived home from Ston- comb, one of the earliest farmers, who wood. visit her son Fred on her home, May 26. R. fora few weeks. this time was his way who has had a new ington Wednesday, last year at hoeing early Roy Eaton, just arriving here Tuesday. There were aeveral bad forest flow at has about fifteen acres to SOUTH PENOBSCOT. naphtha built, is doing very well fishing. School closed here Friday after a suc- stuff, yet plant. Gouldaboro Point Judson Haskell has been laid with a Tueaday. Considerable Kubie and Master up The West Tremont cessful term taught by Miss Hig- Little Marion Edgecomb Harry Weacott came home May 23. wa» bat no improvement society bad knee, caused by an accident in hand- property deatroved, buildings. those who received in a school three met with with Mrs. L. Reed Thurs- gins. Among prices Irving Salisbury, pupils M. L. Grlndal came home from Stockton Efficient work more serious Sylvia ling a gasoline engine. He has so much prevented lose. for not being absent one-half day were: miles from home, are the latest heroes day. improved as to be out again. to-day. May».__ Jex. Kathleen Wasgatt, Reuben Brown, Leo at present with those interested in the de- All arc well pleased to see Frank Saw- Rev. Mr. Bos Mm. A. C. Condon is still in very poor Etbeiyn Carter and Leewood struction of the troublesome hedgehog. worth, of Bristol, preached LAMOINE. in town once more. He is at L. W. Butler, yer at the church at Deer Isle health. Brown. Those not the term killed a one on their Congregational Tbe are Bumill’s. tardy during They very large way grange halls about to be con- Sunday. They have extended a call to E. P. Perk ins baa 375 chicken*, and more were: Estelle Gray, Vivia Havey, Julian to school one morning, which delay made nected with tbe main pipe of the Cold Benjamin Mayo and wife, of Southwest him to here the on the Tracy, Ethelyn Carter, Pearl Higgins, them tardy, but the progressive teacher preach during coming way. Spring Water Co. Harbor, visited Mrs. Mayo’s Mrs. mother, Rueben Brown, Leo Butler and Leewood didn't mark them. year. P. H. Staples is able to go aronnd a L. M. Mina Olive Coolidge, who is teaching Lent, Thursday. Brown. A picnic dinner was greatly en- May 26. Davis. The Bluehill academy students will give little on crotches. the Went Franklin grammar school, iiat L. B. Fred C. and Roscoe an Deasy, Lynam joyed by all. entertainment at the town hall Satur- Frank has left for the Banks on M’KINLEY. Staples home for a week-end visit. of Bar and M. L. Allen, of 26. H. under Eddy, Harbor, May day evening, the management of a Bocksport vessel. Mrs. Annie Linarott, who un- Bomesville, were here last Saturday. Eugene Dix is at home for a few days. W. H. Patten, their who was a recently principal, Newell Roberts is as SULLIVAN. employed night derwent an operation at the Portland Harold Lawson and Will S. Trask, who Daniel Ladd ia quite ill at bis home here. former high school teacher here. watchman on the dredge. ia her wonted in the schooner Rena James Urann has returned to boapital, rapidly regaining are fishing Percy, Capt. Almona is a few in A party of twelve from Pine Tree Reed spending days chap- Mrs. Sarah Grindle is at home and will be at summer in this from strength, home Wednesday. made a short visit home this week while spend the vicinity. Ellsworth. ter visited the chapter at Sedgwick Tues- Hluehill, where she spent the winter. May a. H. the vessel took on her bait at Orland. Miss D. is at and Simpson Camp Lyon, is in day evening, witnessed tbe working Mrs. Margaret Pickering Ellsworth Fred White went near for a season of of the Arch A toBargentville Monday Capt. Abner Pomroy died at his home Bangor, change. for a few weeks. Royal degree. fine banquet EAST FKANKLIN. build a was to cottage for G. 1. Bowden, of la<»t Wednesday morning. He was one of I>r. is absent for a much-needed served, and all expressed themselves Phelps LoweLl Bunker spent a few days this Mass. Mrs. William Welch it quite ill. ©ur oldest citizens, and his home had al- and will be about his business as having greatly enjoyed the Hingham, rest, again I week in Portland. trip. is John U. Hardiaon. who is in Newport, ways been in this place. He had been next week. May 25. Rex. A dredge working in the harbor Knowlton returned Ia home for the seven Miss Gertrude has the work left last fall the exported Tuesday. bedridden past years, and Miss Ida Bennis arrived home finishing by Friday from a brief visit at Northeast SOUTH DEER ISLE. was a but Harbor. dredger Falmouth. The Franklin Granite band is to play at great sufferer, very patient. He from Cambridge, where she has passed the had been cared for son & will hold another of their Orin Sylvester baa a new horse. Eaat Sullivan Memorial Day. tenderly by his winter with the Saundersons. Kelley Kay An entertainment was held at Bagaduce dances here even- Alton and wife, since the death of his enjoyable Wednesday Lewis Judkins has moved his family hall May 28. Ice-cream was sold after the Arthur Madiaon, who has been away The summer sojourners here, and in this ©wn wife three years ago. The funeral ing, May 29. into O. E. Sylvester’s house. entertainment. On account of the from borne tbe paat winter, has returned. vicinity, are having their put in was held at the home of his son places Alton Clark’s minstrels, of Eilsworth, played A was born to Mr. and Mrs. weather there was not a very large attend- Mrs. Bartlett Stover and Mrs. Seth order, in anticipation of an early occu- daughter Joy Rev. Mr. Barnard ance. Friday, officiating. to a and audience in Mt. Samuel T. of South on visited Mr*. Stover’s aunt, Mr*. Adair, in pancy. large appreciative Lowe, Hope, May 26. Thelma. Desert hall 24. 16. May 28. O. Bar Harbor 20. Thursday evening. May May _ Hay Miss Helen Smith, of the Bar formerly All were well but the* parts taken, perhaps Mrs. Julia of May 26. It. Harbor Record, at last accounts was so- Roberts, Milford, Mass., SARGENTVLLLE. BASS HARBOR. the “hit” of the was made evening by has lately been the guest of Mrs. J. journing in Italy, and sends postals from Lydia Charles Simmons is at NORTH LAMOINE. Miss Maude Cloaaon returned Walter J. Clark, jr., in the “Rube” spec- Warren. employed Egge- Thursday Orvieto containing fine views of that frem a visit to Bluehill and Surry. ialty act. Monaghan’s orenestra furnished moggin. Charles Christie went to Bar Harbor last place and the beautiful cathedral there, Mrs. Roberts, of Milford, Mass., was music lor the dance after the entertain- Nevells a few to he John Dawes ha« gone to Boston to take Edgar spent days last Monday employed. whose elegant windows are among the called here by the illness of her brother, ment. week in Stonington. Christie arrived bom*- from command of the schooner Watchman. world-wide wonders. Miss Smith will Beth Fifleld. George 26. Anon, weeks' -Mr. of down May j Mm. Amanda Haskell visited friends in Worcester last Monday for a tw o Barron, Northeast Harbor, is settle in Germany for a season of Mrs. Mary of Deer and An- Powers, Isle, Brooksville last week. vacation. ■visiting his Mrs. after the continent. granddaughter, Maude | study, touring ATLANTIC. geline Robbins, of South Deer Isle, are Torrey. May 26. R. Mrs. Cora Harding sprained her ankle Capt. A. B. Holt and family have spent Benjamin Gott and family left last Fri- visiting Mrs. Powers’ sister, Mrs. George Schooner Elias McFarland, of quite badly last week. the paat week at the Urns. They return Commerce, Capt. Rich, is FRANKLIN. day for Booth Robbinston. Rockport. in the harbor with lumber for Lewis Albert Billings and Mon- Monday to South Gould*boro. Tor- Drusilla went to The county commissioners were in town spent Sunday Miss Clara is a Mrs. Joyce Ellsworth 28. Y. new house. Leavitt spending week with friends in May rey’s the road day South BrooksviUe. with friends at Sunday. Eldie Smith is keeping house Wednesday. They designated Orrington. Miss Eva The Ellsworth minstrels gave a very for her. leading from the town line at South Deer Grindal, of Deer Isle, la spend- Elder H. B. Haskell con- Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natu- entertainment in Presiding Isle to Scott's at North ing a short vacation with her Mm. good Thursday evening was in bridge landing aunt, ducted conference at the church M. V. Babbidge town last week ral movement*, cure* coustipatiou—Hoan’i Jit. Desert hall. It was w*ell attended. quarterly Deer lale as the State road. Hattie Nevells. calls on old friends and Regulet*. Ask your druggist for them, as Tuesday evening. making visiting While Mm. C. L. Babson was * Through the efforts of the O. S. H. club his sister, Mrs. A. II. Staples. Mrs. Mary Parker, of Mountain- called to Egge- cent* bos.—sdri. Mrs. J. H. West and Miss 8. A. • flag-pole was erected near the school- ! sister, ville, with little and Nora moggin on Wednesday the illness of The men from Massachusetts are daughter Davis, by Brackett, returned home after doing house last week. The club is composed of Wednesday, were on their w ay toStonington, the horse her daughter, Mrs. W. K. Babson. albeit tammu- several months with friends in tine work on the Baptist church. They girls under twelve years of age, who have spending became frightened and threw them out. Mrs. Gower New York and Connecticut. expect to be through by Saturday next. Lydia and family, of Mel- worked hard to was accomplish their object. Mrs. Parker seriously injured, the rose, arrived will 26. B. and Mass., Thursday. They May Capt. Emery Joyce wife will soon others M»y X. Y. Z. escaping with only slight bruises. spend the summer as usual at Ashlawn. move to their summer Island Ml ANUS MOTORS home, Cafe, 25. H.. BUCKSPORT. May Mm. Frank Redman and DEDHAM. having rented their cottage to the same daughter Buck sport baseball team met of Newton are i Are seminary party as last year. NORTH DEER ISLE. Agnes, Upper Falls, spend- Guaranteed Miss Lena Black is at home for a few defeat at the hands of Higgins' classical ing a few weeks with Mm. Mary Milliken.! visit. i istitute Several from Atlantic availed themselves Lawrence Dow has returned from Rock- days’ at Charleston Saturday. Score May 24. Sim. to Please. 6 to 5. of the invitation the D. of P. of land. Miss Hattie is given by Gray very ill with spinal We use the disease. Swan’s island last Wednesday evening. : Mrs. Michael Snowman has been visit- AMUEK8T. a and 3buotisnnmt«. They report very pleasant evening ing relatives here recently. Lucian Sumner ia Bert of is a of enlarging hia atore. Venadstein, Brewer, guest a nice entertainment. Schebler Carburetor. W. W. Black. Amos Dow died at his home May 23, of Charles Hall ia 26. A. visiting hia sister, Mrs. May disease _ _ incident to old age. McDonald. Miss Bertha Burrill, of Brewer, is visit- Lucy The Better The sidewalk will be our ing relatives in town. SEAL COVE. society entertained Hiram Jelliaon ia at home from South Try by Mrs. Ralph Gray next week. where be has Emery Osgood has returned from Can- The condition of Mrs. Hannah Dodge, Brewer, been at work. Self-Starting Magneto. where he has been who is seriously ill, remains unchanged. Miss Alice White, of Chicago, reached May terbury, employed in Way Do with batlcrla 26._D. away Snaking last blocks. Her many friends hope for her recovery. here Thursday to spend the summer. LEACH’S POINT. of who has been Miss Ethel has gone to Russell The tissues of the throat are Mrs. Elva 9tanley, Center, and her George Hill, employed on Fogg Wendell Leach went Bennet wife and the steamer J. T. ii at home. to Bangor Saturday- hospital in Brewer to receive treatment son, Stanley, little son, of i Morse, SUPPLIES FOR MOTORS. inflamed and irritated; you on business. for nervous troubles. Salem, Mass., visited Capt. and Mrs. J. H. i Montaford Haskell, who has been on the and there is more irrita- cough, Rum ill Wednesday schooner Susan N. Harry B. Small and wife were at The school at No. 7 gave an interesting Pickering, arrived tion—more You take home Decatur Leach's Sunday. entertainment May 18, the proceeds to be coughing. A forest fire starting from a burning j Thursday. C. D. THORNDIKE, A fisherman came the river used in purchasihg a flag and pictures for a mixture and it eases the match carelessly thrown down, did con- Capt. Charles Scott leaves for Boston up Monday Hale* Agent for Malm*. the schoolhouse. cough siderable to the wood lots of H. this week to make buying fresh alewives for bait. Portland Portland irritation—for a while. You take damage arrangements for the PWr, May 25. B. Baker and George JCeilay on Monday last. summer yachting business. Mr. and Mrs. Blake and daughter Doris, The men turned out en masse, and extin- of East Or Mrs. Meredith Ellis has gone to Brooks- land, spent Sunday at Lyman MARLBORO. guished the fire before much Banking, headway ville with her daughter. Miss Allen, who Sawyer’s. and Albert been Joseph Harvey have gone had gained. has returned from New Archie of SCOTT’S York for the sum- Ripley, Bucksport, spent a few awa.v coasting. L. B. Deaay, Roseoe Eddy, Fred Ly- mer. Caiman Hodgkins is building an addi- nam, of Bar Harbor, M. L. Allen, of Mt. May 25. E. Do you use an atouilisr in treating Nasal tion on his house. EMULSION and Sargent, of Catarrh' Then yon will Desert, Perry Manset, appreciate Ely's 1* what your money will earn if BIRCH HARBOR. Liquid Cream the Eben went to took at the Lily Lake house Fri- Balm, mildest, quickest. Invested In shares of the Kingman Ellsworth supper Burest and it cures the cold. That’s night. Frank Sawyer, of remedy Tor this disease. In all cura- on business. day Bangor, Mrs. C. A. Crane and E. E. Rice recently Thursday and H. F. Whitcomb, of were tive properties it is what is the Ellsworth, visited friends in Steuben. identical with the solid Oscar Ford has to necessary. It soothes at L*ke house Cream gone Northeast Har- Lily Wednesday. Balm, which is so famous and so suc- Ellswortli Loan and Building Ass’d. B. F. has bor. where he has employment. throat because it reduces the May 20. N. Cowperthwaite moved to cessful in overcoming Catarrh. Hay Fever and Prospect Harbor for the seasou. Cold in the Head. There ia Peter and have irritation cures the relief in the drat A George McIntyre bought ; cold because EDEN. dash of NEW SERIES M. H. Winslow aud wife went to spray upon the heated, sensitive alt- a gasoline to Cherry- ia now seven-horse-power engine it drives out the passages. All open. Shares, SI each; monthly paV inflammation ; -D. G. Hall has about fifty bushels of po- field druggists. 75c., inc'.ufiiug saw pulp wood. Saturday, returning Sunday. builds tatoes spraying tube, or mailed by Ely Bros 56 merits, SI per share. up the weakened tissues planted. Mrs. L. A. is in Steuben Mrs. Adalbert Hodgkins has gone to Bar Lindsey visit- Warren St., N. Y. because it nourishes them back The W’s will have a strawberry festival her son who has been ill. Harbor, where she has employment for ing Wilson, very WHY PAY RENT at grange hall Thursday evening. the summer with Mrs. Everett Brewer. to their natural That’s Joy & Fifleld and Orlando Ash, of Bar xUfiftrturarats. when yon cau borrow on your strength. ;‘0« 2d. Abe. The road machine and a crew of men are at Bunker's shares, give a first mortgage May how Harbor, building cottages reduce it month? Monthly Scott’s Emulsion deals with the roads in this every scraped neighborhood Harbor. I. E. payments and interest together SOMES VTLLE. a sore a a last week. RALPH, will amount to but little wore throat, cold, W. F. who has sailed cough, Davis, the than you are now pay mg for The average ranks for the term or Mrs. Caroline Richards is and In spring bronchitis. improving. schooner Ralph K. Grant for six years, has rent, about ten years you of the Somesville school are as Her Mra. is grammar daughter-in-law, Robinson, given up the command and plans to stop Architect and Ada WE’LL SEND YOU Builder. OW* TOUR OWW HOME. gallows: Brown, 96; Abbie caring for her. on shore season. Hannah, A SAMPLE FREE. this Nahum Stevens will Lucre tia 94; Richardson, 90; Roger Allen, A large naphtha launch belonging to be her new commander. 93; Arthur Ellen Bunker, 92; Reed, 90; SCOTT 5 BOWNE, ftSS- Capt. Small, of Blue hill, was burned in May 26. C. Northeast Harbor, Maine. rake Is dead, am' we’re gulag to begin asbntifltmmt*. o lives afresh." COUNTY NEWS. IP Judge stroked additional County A>w»a $ee other page* his chin In n way In that The Lady meant he was seriously trouble.! All the clerks CASTINE. In his offices km w (hat the Case sign, hut It conveyed nothing whatever Mis# Lucy P. Qty returned tbi# week to dale. from a several week#* in Boston. stay The road "Yes, and next (umpike mouth we’re Bills are Leila Wenti going out for the production at Em- to By Virginia back to the States peoples' hearts, together. We"— erson hall of the play “Utah’* on Monday "is I that quite fair to the June find, Leila Weata woman, do evening, 4. in. Virginia you think:’ broke In the Lies their fi.-vri. Judge quietly. C. B. Witherle and through ’’1 dare wife, of Portland, say she may love you or I mis enough were here several days this week on a visit mouths, to sacrifice herself, ,,!■ bare to retnlu your only”— to Dr. Witherle’s take mankind.— tL you'll "larve Die parents. for several other enough’;’’ repeated Gale Peter Pindar. fork The house of William Hooke on Main b:({ Brew- etilmslaatirally. And then more ten- ,,i tb<> lion. Joseph street has been rented for the summer to tourw-' derly: ’’Why. she loves ine to It was enough « ..iter of fact way. risk life James Dunbar, of Brookline, Mass. (ter la with me! I, too, am —And the illnner on willing turnpike guide post a table dilate now t.» risk Mis# Elsie Stover returned on durin? It, although there was a Saturday trade mark of the National Biscuit uiul he addressed the stran- time when I wasn’t" from McIntosh, Oa., where she haskbeen It the to the food after ’’Love as Company. points way at lirst gtnnee shortly Isn’t everything, my friend.” employed teacher the past winter. *" of quality—biscuit and crackers so perfectly j,.,,; steamed out of Cologne he pursued the Judge meditatively. -It Mrs. Mary Hatch, of Medford, Mass., so a fellow. Isn’t baked and properly protected; cleanly was Hkahle everything not even from the arrived Saturday and will spend a few answered the young world’s packed and freshly kept, that they never fail to ■y,. re; 1" point of view. Have you days here with her brother, J. P. Whiting. sure __ bit .lilheult to tie of when in their mission to the and heart. „n u thought, you're advising her to Invitations have been received for the please appetite mi foreign shores." take lids step with of ®*Tj etiquette you, what the wedding in June of C. A. Wheeler, one of This trade mark in red and white. sure were an Atner- world will always appears *^jh 1 f,.i: you say?” Uastine's boys, to Miss Maud Marshall, of ehler man delightedly, "Oh, It is placed on each end of a dust and moisture proof wn'“ riel the likely enough, the world will Chelsea, Mass. 1 «u that the contents in their condition. I *« to you because call her a f ail. Hut let the world package keeps original •onil "P go Rev. Mr. Pierce returned this week from hi>: sfor the voice of one hang! When two people love each dhur his vacation, and will occupy his pulpit National Biscuit Company products are thus distinguished and men today"— other as much as she ami I do 1 tell bit country at the Unitarian church to-morrow. the most If across warranted—you are thus and guided, in buying w here there twanged from yon there isu’t much else that counts. protected While gone he visited Oklahoma. a butch \\ e are of table the voice of Chicago very serious, aren't we? perfect bakery products. who has been at work Chance acquaintances should Joseph Peterson, will «r: enjoy the As an example try a package of GRAHAM CRACKERS. You instantly recognize ... for E. H. at his office the «' 1 niean business. moment. What a Carpenter past their oxer Graham crackers ever tasted. contain all the -Uhe ’eta to Awing lot of people superiority any ordinary you They good are winter, has accepted a position as druggist the best Graham flour enhanced winked to nobody 111 particular and going to get off at Bingen!’’ of by perfect baking. Hu for the summer with W. A. Walker. In as be The meditative look had not left the w (wrybody general poured of the waiter. Judge’s eyes while Gale had lieen talk- Governor Cobb has accepted an invita- Uto llie hand surprised NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY tion to be at the commencement Interrupted 1“ ,l1* tloties. a quantity ing. When he ceased he recalled him- present self with an cITort. exercises of the normal school next of sio.’.il change. month. While here he will be the 1; ibie Stranger looked at Judge ’’Beg parth'ii? Oh, yes, all the Bam guest of W\ A. gp'.sr.r l murmured humorously deker people." Walker. man's smile; The had taken such a Kev. Dr. II ill of M he earn/ I the ehler kindly Judge is, Plymouth church, •Well, there's another one of our fancy to Gale that he bated to see him Brooklyn, N. Y., has, through C. H. Cue a hit ashamed go wrong, and as the dusk rented the cot- wended their their hearts Xctia*. fonii r. 'aeu gets deepened Hooper, “Spruce Knoll”, way homeward, legal ILrgai Notices. though—eh?" thickly he made one final plea. tage owned by Rev. Dr. Little, and will, were filled with thanksgiving that it was of the sp'-='■» To all persons interested in either of the es- STATE OF MAINE. went on deck together shortly ’’I eau't forget what been with his it the their good fortune to know these aged tates hereinafter named. tics you’ve family, occupy coming To the Honorable, the of the Pro-tale At a court held at in and Judge left Coblenv The younger telling me about-about the holy In summer. Mr. Hooper has also rented the people and to be able to meet w ith them probate Eden, Court in and for the county of Hanco after they for the county of Hancock, on the first on represents.Ralph n&mor, whose name was dale. tokl the ease.” said hi1 solemnly. “You see. Burr cottage to Mrs. Clarence Conger, of this happy occasion. day of a. d. 1906. fdle*. May, Respectfullyof Mt. Desert, in said county o' ,tu- where he had so J. Mr. and Mrs. received rtor «a of the Philippines. 1 am much older than you are.” he Morristown, N. Hutchings many following matters having been pre- cock, guardian of Elihu T. Hamor, minor sented for the action herein- child of Cora L. late of said tit. llie He had Important went ou In a lower tone of “that valuable gifts. THE thereupon Hamor, teeti for years. voice, About twenty members of Hancock after indicated, it is hereby ordered that no- Desert, deceased: come 25. In Germany and had you can't take offense. No? F. and an May Spec. tice thereof be given to all persons interested, That said minor is the owner of certain real bgslness surely lodge, A. M., accepted invita- _____ by causing a copy of this order to be pub- estate situated in said town of Mt. Deser t, and that way-for the Cnlted States Then 1 may speak? It’s like this: If tion Irom Star to home Rising lodge, Penobscot, Humming Bird’s lished three weeks successively in the Ells- described as follows, to wit: He bad Ways. worth a ai common was home to him. Interesting the woman you love run* off with visit it on Wednesday evening last and American, newspaper published First lot: Two forty fifths parts in of the Wm. Lovell Finley, the new naturalist- Ellsworth, in said county, that they may ap and undivided of a certain lot or parcel of tahs of the Philippine lalanita, you, the world Isn’t going to say she’s witness the work of that in the at a court lodge writes of the pear probate to be held at Ells- land situated at Northeast Harbor, in aid photographer, humming in said on things that bad been done daring braving It. Do you realize what a Master Mason's which was con- worth, county, the fifth day ot town of Mt Desert, and bounded anti de- peat degree, bird as follows in the Calendar: a. at and of the Country June, d. 1906, ten of the clock in the scribed pa follows, to wit: the American occupation thing you suggest means to a nice wo- ferred on one candidate. At the close of forenoon, and be heard thereon if see at a rock in the it “The way the mother would on they Beginning brook, ng were to do. He alight H. L southwest corner, and t. 1 ow- osar things that yet man—that the people she likes won't the work a bountiful supper was Savage’s partaken her nest was a marvel to me. She said brook about one rod to the to of the wealth of always Ceylon Hoyt, late of Bluehiil, in said coun- ing southerly Md something say speak to her; that her friends must t>e and a smoke talk followed. The visit- town road near the head of of, on the dead of a be- ty, deceased. A certain instrument purport- Gilpatrick’s C ve, also be stopped twig maple sou> virgin material in the country: among a set of people who really are ors returned home in the small hours of ing to be the last will and testament of said so called; tben following said road ly fore to her home. 1 saw her do and to said H. L. south* as* to of the trials and dropping deceased, together with petition for probate easterly Savage’s hail aomethlug nay what she Is rant'd, and that she’s the with the recollection of a then said H. L. sou h lino only morning it several times. She came at the nest like of same, presented by Sears B. Condit, Junior, corner; by Savage’s tm if tt— thrown away everything hut love for very pleasant evening, and expressing ap- the executor named therein. westerly to place of beginning, the who e lot a meteoric streak. I held my breath lest Otis H. late of in said containing one-fourth of one acre more o I so, Obviously, the Judge concluded, this a man”— of the entertainment afforded Small, Bucksport, preciation the whole be to county, deceased. A certain instrument pur- lving between said town road and th< uth the thing splintered atoms, line of H. L. and the » likable chap bad experienced trag- “Oh, yon don’t understand.” Inter- them. porting to be the last will and testament of Savage, being mo for she hit the little cup without the said with for described as conveyed by 8amu- N. as well as the comedy of life. It deceased, together petition pro- premises sly rupted Gale. summer of Gilpairick to Julia T. Savage ted The schedule the steamer slightest pause that I could see. But, bate of same, presented by William L. Small, bydetd was true he had a good, honest laugh —’’who have the executor named therein. May 14. Ih87, and recorded in the registrj of didn't love big enough Golden Rod is to go into effect Junel. when she it to shame the of alighted, put Frances E. Hall, late of Ellsworth, in said deed for said county of Hancock, in voi 214, and a certain merry way saying for her to her from her 31)9. to which deed and said record ro- keep ruluing The schedule embraces two trips a day touch of floating thistle-down. county, deceased. A certain instrument pur- page things, but. also, lu repose then* was a finished porting to be the last will and testament of of express reference is hereby made. life,” the judge calmly. “Now, from Castine, Brooksville and Lime Kiln, “While the were Second lot: Four in tn- the month as of nestlings very young, said deceased, together with petition for pro- forty-fifths parts uteris sadness about of Uils husband 1* a mon and undivided of a certain lot or cel course. If lady's Isles boro, to Belfast and return, leaving the mother never left them alone at a bate of same, presented by Henry M. Hall,the pa has suffered overmuch. The long of land situated at Northeast Harbor, in id one who brute or doesn't or executor named therein. supiiort her, any- Cystine at 6.45, and arriving in Belfast in time. If the was if the sun town of Mt. and bounded an de- found himself wishing he day warm, Otis Hinman, late of Sullivan, in said coun- Desert, kindly Judge she can leave him and scribed as follows, to wit: thing like that, time to leave there on arrival of Boston shone on the nest, the mother hovered ty, deceased. A certain instrument purport- knew more about him. Perhaps he to be the last will and testament of said Beginning on the shore of Gilpatrick’s >ve get a divorce In order. I’m and at Castine at about 9.45. ing regular boat, arriving over with wings and tail spread wride. with for at an iron bolt in the line of high watei rk was for a leader when, ns the deceased, together petition probate hunting for divorce* and in the side line ot a :o of not lu myself, though per- The afternoon boat leaves Castine at 3, When it was hottest, I have seen the of same, presented by Marriannetta Hinman, northwesterly twilight was coming on. he remarked: the executrix named therein. l*nd conveyed by Abram Gilpatrick t< »r- haps that’s a matter of taste. But If w ith a direct return from Belfast. Th^s mother sit forward on the nest garet S. Hubbard deed dated Octobe a man w as fund of the edge, Abby H. Back, late of Orland, in said coun- by 25, "Strange ho’s a. d. and in r* she leaves him and runs away with an- will give for the summer much better ac- spread her tail till she showed the white ty, deceased. A certain instrument purport- 1905, recorded the gi or Stans ns you are should have left ing to be the Isst will and testament of said deeds for said county of Hancock, in vo i28, other man”— commodations than we have ever had, and of her and a con- 200; thence about south 62 19 ns tips feathers, keep up deceased, together with for probate page deg them for live years—especially you petition minutes west a ot dd “Another man?” echoed Gale nrntiz- give the people on the other side of the stant quivering, fanning motion with her of same, presented by A. K. Buck, one of the following production northwesterly side line of said lot *o don’t lielotig to the army." w ings and tail to give to the executors named therrin. on- Then an of under- time to take the to and protection to 8. t w edly. expression hay trip Castine, .•vioion rv. r, muuKvu. mve oi oruiusvmf, vcyed said Margaret Hubi aid ihii» un »uv «.viu|nvm h frail midgets in the nest.” standing dawned in his eyes and lie have about hours there in the middle in said county, deceased. Petition that Ira J. water mark in said Gilpatrick’s Cov* ; nee men out tiveA in a direction, folio «h» r. .11 that ninety-nine Cousin* or soae other suitable person be ap- generally southerly ug burst Into a happy, boyish laugh. of the ti * said line of low water mark in its v is a ft woman." Fortunate Missourians. pointed administrator of the estate of said of hundred m prehensible after all. ville, Mo., “three of ray customers were Nickerson, minors, of Wellesley, Common- saiii northerly line of said land of Wil'i vv. rather toward the of Dr. wealth o! Massachusetts. Petition filed Frazier to th*- line of high water mark he gravely grim, gaunt, Frank Webster is on the cured consumption by by "Don't yen see?” Gale began, grasp- employed permanently Frederick J. of said shore of said Gil Patrick’s Cove; thence a m.i" v skeleton of and are well and Ranleit, guardian minors, departed prowess, King’s New"Discovery, of northerly direction following s tid bis arm “She's not going steamer Rockland. One was to sell his for license to sell certain real estate said ing heartily. sirong to-day. trying ne of water mark in its various n- heaped high above St. Canr. minors, situated in the town ot Eden, in said Reneralivhigh to run oil with one but her hus- Charles who has been ill for property and move to Arizona, but after and windings to the of “That's Uhelnfeta.” volunteered the any Witham, county ot Hancock, and described in said pe- ings place begin g. using New Discovery a short time he That it would be for the benefit of shi.i or band, tbe reformed rake. The lady In some tune, is improving. Judge. But lila companion seeuuxl not found It unnecessary to do so. I regard Thomas Milan, late of Southwest Harbor, in that said real estate should be so'd uj 'he wife the at interest. the case has been my all Howard Heath and wife are his Dr. New as the most said county, deceased. Petition filed by Ellen proceeds placed to bear. visiting King’s Discovery Wherefore th he time.” wonderful medicine in existence.” Surest Maria Milan, widow, for an allowance out of your petitioner prays “You see." he breathed, half to him- mother, Mrs. Georgia Heath. the estate of said deceased. may be licensed to sell said real estate < ub- and Cold cure and Throat and Lung personal Cough Serenus H. Kodick, late of Eden, in said lic or private sale for the purpose afores d. self. “I loved hi-r too much to stay, so Mrs. Ada and Mias Goldie Dunbar healer. Guaranteed E. G. A Mistake Somfnhfrf. Joyce by Moore, county, deceased. Petition filed by Pbebe 8. Dated at Mt. Desert this d of surae- and bottle free. twenty-fifth I determined to myself are home from Maas. 50c fl. Trial Kodick, for an allowance out of the a. d. 1908. Ralph Ha..i< u. bury mau who that Brockton, Druggist. widow, April, The young professed estate of said deceased, wbere The I’hlllpplues were as good personal STATUS Ur MAIN*,. he could read character from baud- Hancock Pom ona(g range w ill meet w ith Elwell L. Gross, late of Bluehill, in said as other ittmctU'srmnita. Hancock ss— At a court h» at say place." Rainbow* at North county, deceased. Petition filed by Maria T. probate writing looked atteutlvely at the acrap kgrange Brooksville, Eden, in and for said county of Haiu It. “So she was then—that's Gross, widow, for an allowance out of the per- married, on the first of in the «•» our of a letter which had been given him June 7. sonal estate of said deceased. day May, year why you couldn't stay?" Henry W. late of Orland, in said coun- Lord one thousand nine hundred and six by a friend and shook his bead. Mrs. Phebe*Hatch has returned home Gray, On the petition ordered: nat “She was to a drunken ty, deceased. First account of Mary E. Gray, foregoing married notice thereof be to all u r- 'The woman who wrote that,” he from Massachusetts, where she has spent Bluehill executrix, filed for settlement. given persons wretch who ought to have been horse- History. Joshua P. Sawyer, late of Caatine, in said ested, causing a copy of said petition ad un- by said In his most Judicial tone, "Is this order thereon to be «*e the winter. county, deceased. First account of K b. published wbipped all over the states. He gam- in Ai. ri- doubtedly possessed of personal attrac- Brown, administrator, filed for settlement. weeks successively the Ellsworth un- Heath and Ross Conner w ill leave a at Ellswon in bled; he raced; he made her life aware Elijah Henrietta Sawyer, a person of unsound can, newspaper published tions aud unfortunately too well said tnat at a ro- bearable.” Monday for South Boston to join the mind, of Caatine, in said county. First ac- county, they may appear of them, but her character, sir, Is weak NOW OUT count of Howland B. Brown, guaidian, filed batecourt to be held at Ellsworth, in an or “How hard that must have been for yacht Glenda. for settlement. said county, on the fifth day of ne. as water. She lacks determination, a. d. 1906, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, ad Jou.' And she loved Charles left this O. P. CUNNINGHAM. Judge of said court. you?" ambition of a order F.|Wardwell morning show cause, if any they have, why the pi yer consistency, high A true copy, Attest:—T. F. MaHonby. Register. The judge spoke with genuine sym- to resume his work, after a few days’ visit of the petitioner should not be granted. and originality. Am I not correct In PAMPHLET O. P. of Pr< which IN FORM. CUNNINGHAM, Judge pathy. It was the sort of night with his family. subscribers, Thomas Biddle, Richard A true of the a> d or- my synopsis so far as you know?" rpHE copy original petitiou Induces 1 M. Cadwalader, and William M Meigs, all der of court. confidence— the i>enceful river, said the The farmers here have been "M-ra, well, you may be," busy tilling of Philadelphia, state of Pennsylvania, Attest:—T. F. Mahoney, Regi r. the little the glid- notice that have been ! sleepy village, quiet other, "for I’ve never seen the writer. their land the past few days, and several 50 CENTS. hereby give they duly ing of the boat. appointed executors of the last will and testa- STATE OF MAINE. She's the widow of my cousin Jim. in have put in their grain and potatoes. ment and codicils of Meigs Biddle, late Emily Hancock ss.—At a probate court n at SUV wveu Uiv. U of said Philadelphia, and Iowa. When I knew Jim he was nu of deceased, given Eden, in and for said of ck. The mauy friends Leroy Ward well, bonds as the law directs. county of tliat which in the end SENT POSTPAID ON RECEIPT on the first of in the of knowledge who never stayed are Not residents of the State of Maine, day May* y< agreeable scapegrare who has been very ill the past week, being our Lord one thousand nine hundre< nd f*ve me the to tear the subscribers have Edward B. pluck myself away. In one or for more than appointed six. position place glad to know that he is more comfortable. OF PRICE. of Hancock State of Out there in the 1 don't Mears, Eden, county, CERTAIN instrument be Philippines six months and was always in debt. Maine, whose postoffice address is Bar Har- purporting A time is at the a copy of the last will and testan e of •oppose there's* been au hour In all pleasant anticipated Maine, their and for the A married her twelve years ago, set- bor, agent attorney Kate Forrest late of the count ud He hall A in the revised statutes Gray, the*. ,»er *t look- Grindle, quite ill, subscriber George W. W. Dove, resid- in the Ellsworth American, last, breaking a long silence. as the reader of handwriting sat rpHE at at 111- able to be out. Bankrupt’* Petition for Discharge. 1 ing out of the State of Maine, to wit at printed Blit worth, in said county “She's at Wiesbaden at with a dazed Andover, Essex Commonwealth of cock, prior to the filth day of ine, Just present ing at the scrap of paper In the matter of > county, diaries who has been ill for Massachusetts, gives notice that he has a. d. 1906, that they may app* at She's the season there with she Wood, very J a m em Folky, > In Bankruptcy. hereby spending expression, "I had imaglued might executor of the last will a probate court then to be held at Llls th, is Bankrupt, ) been duly appointed her younger who’s been perfect- character, but I dare the past week, improving. and testament of Isabella Dove, late of said in and for said county of Hancock. en sister, have considerable of the Dis- To the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge Andover, deceased, no bonds being required o’clock in the forenoon, and show cu< it ing herself in music—in Munich. I Companion. Miss Mamie Wood, who haa been work- for the Dis- say you’re right.”—Youth's trict court of the United States by the terms of said will. And that he has any thev have, against the same. WttW tell you tales that would make ing in Bangor, returned home Thursday. trict of Maine. appointed Henry M Hall, of Ellsworth, in U. P CUNNINGHAM. Judgeof I' te. FOLEY, of Eden, in the coun- the of Hancock, and State of A true copy, attest:—T. F. Mahoney. He er. *ven a heart of stone love her—tales of Intelllic**u«'«* of » liaouer. Ber- Slate of county Richard Greene and wife and Misa JAMESty of Hancock, and Maine, Maine, h.s agent in said State of Maine. All her said subscriber hereby ^ives notu >at devotion to Hose (that's her little “There la u neighbor of mine," says went to Isle au Haut last in district, respectfully represents persons having demands against the es- rjpHE tha Trumble of last he X. he baa been duly appointed exe< of a that on the 14th day April, past, tate of said deceased are desired to present *i*ter), of the sacrifices she has en- one of our readers, “who keeiia big under the Acte the last will and testament of Alphon* C, Thursday. was duly adjudged bankrupt, the same for settlement, and all Indebted discussed of to that he Madison, late of Franklin, in the tty dured, the deprivations she has under- flock of geese, and I recently Congress relating bankruptcy; thereto are requested to make payment im- of and bond.' The crew which haa been laid off wait- has surrendered all his and Hancock, deceased, given he in have the of Intelligence duly property mediately. law directs. All dr ,d« order that Hose might with him degree rights of and has fully complied persons having for stock at the Chase Granite resumed property, May 15, 1906. Gkorgb W. W. Dove. the estate of said the these birds. As an Illus- ing with all the of said acta and of against deceesed te- very best musical education. Oh. possessed by requirements sired to the work this orders of court his present same for settlem*-' nd I story: morning. the touching bankruptcy. notice that all swear she’s a woman in a million!” tration, he told me the following Wherefore he that he be de- subscriber hereny gives indebted thereto are requested t< ke who has been the prays may he has been admin- The not old came borne alone one Miss Irene Marks, creed the court to have a full discharge THE duly appointed payment immediately. Judge noticed-he could help ■That gander by istrator with the will annexed of the es- 12, 1906. Georgk W. Maui Miss Ethel White the few from all debts against his estate May hut In a burry. He was guest of past provable of Sarah Jane Eaton, late of notice—that his young friend's deep morning great under said bankruptcy acts, except such debts tate Sedg- to her home at Ston- in the of Hancock, deceased, NOTICE OF FOKKCL.O8U K chest was with unaf- In trouble about some- days, has returned as are law from sucn discharge. wick, county swelling evidently great excepted by as law directs. And deeply of 1906. and given bonds the Frances A. Moore, o ls- to me and bowed Dated this 10th day May, fected pride, that his eyes were flash- thing. He rushed up ington. a^d. being a uon-resident of the State of Maine, WHEREASworth, Hancock county, St of Jim. he has Elmer P. of Deer ing and several times; then he said something May 26. Jam as X Folky, appointed Spofford, Maine, by her mortgage deed dated irst that a color had crept _ { his ruddy Witness: mark Isle, in tne county of Hancock, agcentin day of April, a. d. 1903, and recorded he Into the which I could not understand and, said State of Maine. All having de- brown of his chlu. **By Jove, ORLAND. A. H. Bankrupt. persons Hancock county registry of deeds in v 188, the Lynaiu. mands the estate of said deceased are he s a handsome he commented wheeling round, waddled off down against page 463, conveyed to Cora D. Saundei s chap!” desired to the same for settlement, tain lot or of land situated i la- to arrived. GOLDEN WEDDING. Order of Notice Thereon. present parcel himself. by which he had Just and all indebted thereto are requested to make worth, at Ellsworth and path and Mrs. Falls, county he to see If I was The golden wedding of Capt. District or Mains bb. payment immediately. aforesaid, and bounded and describe it: Gale consulted his watch. Presently stopped d. 1906. Jambs Eaton. was at their a. d. on I April 3, a. Beginning at a certain rock on the ro d d- and, finding I was not, be Edwin P. Hutchings observed On this 26th day of May, 1906, “Just think,” he said as he slipped following, it is— ing from Ellsworth to at a -mt 14. On account of reading the foregoing petition, Bangor, it and the perform- home Monday, May that a be had where tbe old Reed’s Brook road, *0 into his pocket again, ”iu a few hours came back repeated Ordered by the court, hearing NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE. •d, his health of and the same on the 16th day of June I comes out into said county road; thenc th- 1 shall see ance. This time I followed, to impaired Capt. Hutchings upon Genieve Wyman Birge, of her! We’re due at Biebrich a. d. 1900. before said court, at Portland, in said erly In a line of said road eleven rcu ud me the immediate was Eden. Hancock county. State of Maine, at manifest satisfaction, and he led his wife, only family at 10 o’clock in the forenoon; and that WHEREAS twenty links; thence north t ad 8:30, and then Wiesbaden!” Me district, on the first of June, a. d. 1905, mortgaged thirty notice thereof he in the Ellsworth day one-balf degrees east one hundred un en- W,1K to the On the bank all his geese present. published to E. 8. Clark and C. H. Wood, both of said like a boy in his fresh gladness. pond. American, a in said dis- ty-eight auo one-balf rods to a stake, ce host is of age newspaper printed Eden, the following goods and chattels, viz.: around the grand- The seventy-one years and that all known creditors, and other in a northwesterly direction twent ea "But.” said the Judge slowly, trying were squatting trict, All the household furniture, both useful and and she a sea Mrs. Hutch- in interest, at the said rods to a poplar tree and to the sou< h of get goose of the family, and retired captain. may appear ornamental, then in the cottage and cow I’ into the spirit of the thing, “you mother me and and show cause, if any land owned by Charles Dunham; theuce st- her Miss of Deer Isle. Bersons place, they house of the said in said Eden, said «ee, had a rat trap securely gripping ings was Julia Robbins, the of said should mortgagor on line of said Charles Dunhau. you didn’t tell me. Her husband have, why prayer petitioner being on the western side of the Ocean erly was hailed have been sent to cheer their not be building of beginning, thirteen ac A boautifu) o Count* mm, mi i«Air pa«u — The etill, wide waters sweep clear and cold. A tell mast crosses a star in west, CAP t v IN PKE3ERVBD FISH, WHO SWAN’S ISLAND. BLUE mix. A white sail gleams in the west world’s fold; Mr*. Blanche William*, of Portland, la THE BEST Xt leads to the shor- of the River of Rest— HAD a will of his own. B. E. Rowe waa in Bangor the past REPUTATION her Mm. Ralph. The lily-lined shores of the River at Rest. w««k. visiting mother, Oeorge A ten-cant capper wy eerred in the The boatman rises, he reaches a hand. THATH r A STTTMVV N*W ENOLANDKR, Capt. Emery Oott la having a cottage A STORE CAN POSSIBLY HAVE he will steer true, Congregational vestry Tbureday, May Mt He knows you well, you RAiLoH AND LANDSMAN WHO LIBS built. ills the ladies’ circle. About was Uktn. And far, so far from ali ipon land, here by |B CITT. Mr*. Leslie Joyce spent Sunday TO GIVE HONEST From hates, from faces that pursue and IN VAULT IN NSW TORN ot New York, IS VALUE with her brother, Capt. A. H. Barbour. Mm. Ethelbert Neren, ON pursue; ■pent two or three daya in town laat week. Far over the River of Rest-- In New York Capt. Benjamin Paschal, in his atone Mly-lined Il the Marble cemetery She will her cottage at Mill la- EVERY DOLLAR YOU of Rest. an to occupy SPEND. Dear mystical, magical River more sloop, is building addition his quarry city, among tombstones of men land next month. wharf at Toothacher cove. storied, sweet stream is this River of Rest; with the A or less Intimately associated The Lotus quartette, of Lewlaton, haa The souls of all time keep its ultimate shore; stand.' Schooner Charles H. Tricksy, of Port- is M. Gallert’s early history of the metropolis, been for the commencement That or west. engaged Reputation. And Journey you east, Journey you land, loaded random stone at M. Baird one bearing the "Preserved I la la en- Unwilling, or willing, sure-footed, or sore. Inscription. concert. ainging alwaya greatly Contracting Go’s. wharf for New York. COXSIOEIUNO we tell You surely will come to this River of Rest— Kish's Family Vault." The Inscription joyed hem. QUALITY goods cheaper than ant Mrs. Emma Prock has returned from store In Maine. This beautiful, beautiful River of Rest. has a queer ring to It, suggestive of Misa E. A. Macomber baa arrived from Miller. Camden, where she has spent a week with store is —Joaquin the odd character whose name It per Waterville and opened the Bluchiil laun- Our especially interesting-to housekeepers at the present her cousin, Mrs. Beta Greenlaw, on the petuates. According to all the tales dry for the summer. Her many friends Double-Decked Bird-Nest. yacht Delna. Our Line of Axminster, Wilton, told of him, Preserved Fish was an ec- here are glad to welcome her. Brussels and Last spring, to our great delight, says a The Old Harbor band jave a concert centric sort of man. and that definite, Georgia, the youngest daughter of is Extensive and writer in the Halifax (N. 8.) Herald, a and ball Monday night at Herrick’s hall. Tapestry, Large Rugs almost defiant declaration of owner Herman Sargent and wife, who haa been of robins determined to baild a nest The Prescott band, of Isle au Haul, was Handsome. pair is as ia on his tombstone is in keeping very ill with pneumonia, better, and rear a brood in one of the trees of my ship invited to take part in the concert. also Mrs. who has been ill. We will save you$5.00 on each Hug if you of us. about with the rugged, self reliant character Sargent, buy front garden. The sparrows, The degree of Pocahontas gave a recep- In her Our line of numerous of the man life. Mrs. Dunbar Marshall, who leased CARPETINOS, STRAW MATTINOS, twenty, objected, and gave tion to about fifty of its pale-face FLOOR OIL There Is some doubt about the man at Parker Point for four years ART and scoldings to the intruders. friends at Herrick’s cottage CLOTHS. LINOLEUnS, SQUARES CARPETINOS 15 Fish Wednesday evening Mrs. Robin ner in which I'reserved came by and spent that time abroad, spent a week EXTENSIVE. A week or tw-o after Mr. and hall. The evening was delightfully passed. his name. According to one sto- to business. 81ie finished and were settled given here recently attending in the line of building, nicely Mrs. G. L. of Southwest Everything Curtain:., Portieres, Couch wheu a small be was up Lurvey, Harbor, her for the season to Coverings in a home not far from my upper ry. boy picked has rented cottage and coaey was called to the here Draperies. in midooean hanging to a bit of broken lighthouse Saturday Mrs. and will return to window, I was horrified one morning to Holden, Germany with that determination which he by the illness of her son, who was taken notice that several sparrows were busy spar soon. evinced in after life in such a marked ill while on a visit to his consm, O. L. 28. M. We Hit it this Season in our Cloak away the straw and mud com- I May Department. picking declared then Milan. of Robin’s degree. His rescuers Coat is the lead posing the underneath part The Tourist taking among the young the ami there that "Preserved” was the members of the of DEATH OF CHAPNCKY O. NOYK*. people, seemed a clear case of Twenty degree home. It piracy short among the older. Every Suit, Skirt and Coat tsjoriginal and dis- name for the youth, and Preserved lie Pocahontas, of Stonington, were enter- The following is from the Georgetown without one redeeming feature; the a model as it was made No. tinctively though for you. It will need no too. darted at was called. tained by Nanonie council, 32, at Her- correspondence of a recent issue of the robins thought so, They on our to Edmund Norman special effort part to get you to appreciate what we and made their lives a But, according rick’s hall, Friday evening. Everybody Haverhill (Maas.) Oasettc: have for the sparrows in the matter Leslie, a relative. Preserved was a the work done the Chauncty O. Noyes, one of the most con- you of stylish, rich-look ingioutslde garments at burden. What was my delight to find enjoyed by degree moder- common name the Hn lenots team. After the council fire was men ia this part of the county, died ate cost the third that Mr. and Mrs. among spicuous day Sparrow- direct to the American and refreshments were served and lest evening at about 9 o’clock a* the had excavated a nice for a nest in prior Revolution, quenched, place result of an received on even- came his name in the hours. injury Tuesday basement of Robin’s and were his ancestors by games played until the early the nest, ing. May 8. On that date Mr. Noyes took his SHOE DEPARTMENT. same manner as of the 28. Spec. to furnish same for house- prosaic many May proceeding _ horse from his barn on Prospect street, and Our shoes for the Hurt and period, being born the son of a Porta- special Aomen, Patrician. They fit keeping. EAST was leading the animal up to the pump for mouth I.) blacksmith in who SULLIVAN. better, they wear better than the shoes at the The robins soon seemed to catch on to (K. ITtiG, water. The ground is up grade from the barn ordinary price had been christened Preserved. Hanna Bros.’ store is again are better. the sparrow’s neighborly method, and open. to the pump, and in some manner Mr. Noyes they Like many other boys of the time he E. W. A Co. have a and fell. In the horse became Our shoes for for we cordiality grew apace. May 24, 1905, I Doyle shipped load slipped falling men, very high grades, offer the celebrated ran to sea. shipping as cabin boy of staves. frightened and jumped just as his master spent most of the afternoon watching the away makes, the Graham, Stetson and Walkover. Everybody knows these on a whaler. He rose rapidly, and at fell. The horse’s front hoof struck Mr. proceedings of these tenement families George Hatch is at home until after Me- as being the heat any manufacturer can produce. waa a Noyes on the top of the bead, causing a an The twenty-one captain. Evidently morial through opera glass. young Day. bad fracture of the skull. The Walkover shoe for ladies we have added to our the odd name already ex- robins made their first start outside the Captain I-'iah appreciated Dunbar Bros, are extensive re- The best medical service that could be ob- tensive line. a is of him that making and the were as he bore, for story told nest; sparrows clearly on their mill before in the tained was summoned and everything possi- We make a of of a New Bedford whal- pairs putting specialty children's shoes;.if you have had much as the two while captain any pleased parents. Nearly new and lath machine. ble was done to save his life, end for a time er he waa held a revenue cut- rotary trouble in the wear of children's shoos try ours. We are the weeks later the baby sparrows started out up by hopes were entertained for his recovery, but only deal- ter. The rainy morning did not prevent a ers who a full and line of shoes for from the basement. I hope the two young be suffered a relapse yesterday morning, from carry complete misses, l>oys. and "What ia that?" demanded the Urge audience from gathering at the which be never rallied. small children. robins got away south with their parents. ship of the cutter. church to listen to an eloquent memorial Mr. Noyes leaves a wife and one son— The sparrows stayed all winter. A few captain "The Flying Fish." answered the sermon delivered before D. L. Weir post William H., and two sisters—Mr*. Milton G. mornings ago, before the sun was up, Our New and commander. by the new Methodist pastor. Rev. N R. Tenney, of this town, and Mrs. Bslch. of Spring Summer Dress Goods there was a confab between robins youthful great 8anta Barbara. Cal., who is at on was next Pearson. The church was the present In all Tahiti assortment* of where the nest was “What's her cargo?" the decorated; shades. color* and patterns. We bate and sparrows near her to this town. There is also on* choir rendered several selections way last year. question. which all the season's favorites in our selections. Waite in ail brother— Henry, who was at one time in good* quali- ‘Tickled was the an- were much enjoyed; the J. O. U. A. M. at- and fish, prompt business in Georgetown, but who now lives in ties styles. Muslins for graduating dresses. Dimities. Lorraine swer. tended in ft body. The w hole aervice was Connecticut. Checks, Sateens, Dragoon Chiffons, Cotton Taffetas, and OOUNTY ^EW8. "And who Is full of for the and honor Gingham* captain?" respect living Mr. .-Noye*. on tcconni ox ms con- all kinds of Wash dress jm i*yiitu*n*il K*tc* see other goods. County page* “Preserved Fish." for the dead. the Memorial ad- with erma.------—---*■"” '■' May 30, nection town ind county affairs for In Woolen Dress Goods we are These answers had a fishy sound to dress will be delivered by Rev. Gideon many years bad an extensive acquaintance all showing Serges, Henriettas, EASTBROOK. Cashmeres, Mohairs and the revenue officer. He ordered the brig Mayo, of Winter Harbor, at Temperance over the state, and will be sorely missed from Eoliennes,Poplins, Veilings. These Fabric* was a are the MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS. to heave to and boarded her. only to hall, which will be the center of all of the the community. He soldier in the stylish Fabrics for this season. It has our Civil war, saw service in nearly ail the more Whereas, pleased Heavenly find that the answers were true in ev- events of the day. For Tailor-made walking and Shirtwaist Salts we have a fascinat- Father to take from the ranks of David A. important engagements and won the title of ery detail. May 28. H. ing assortment of new designs in Checks and Mannish lodge, F. and A. M., of Sullivan, our captain for frail ant service. He was taken Suitings. Hooper Captain Fish turned landsman in beloved and esteemed brother, John Crimmin, MARIA MULE. prisoner, and lay for some months in one of the sea Into of therefore be it 1810, quitting and going the worst of the southern He was Eastbrook, Serenua Jellison and wife have moved prisons. That in the removal of Brother business in New Bedford. He entered on the state for several LACES AND Resolved, to Brewer. constabulary years DRESS TRIMMINGS. Crimmin. we have lost a devoted politics, and after a most troublesome under Chief George W. He was a member, Boynton. Another lot of new Laces and Embroideries at popular prices. whose interest in masonry was an inspiration time suddenly decided to leave New Mrs. Whittier and brother, Mr. Qrover, past commander and present quartermaster Pretty designs in Mechlin and Vais to match. to us. He will long be remembered for his Bedford. have moved from the Morrison farm to of Everett Peabody post, 10k. G. A. H., and al- withjinsertions steadfast of and took an active interest in the of character, integrity purpose, “I want you to selfsny house," he de- their former home in Eddington. ways work those sterling qualities of mind and heart the post. He was a member of tbe Massachu- clared to an auctioneer whom he There were two funerals here which are requisite characteristics of a true Thursday, setts association of Vnion ex-prisoners of chanced to meet in the street. those of Mrs. of GOOD CORSETS. and noble man and Mason; therefore be it Polly Frost, Lakewood, a “But we will not get anything Use former resident, and Mrs. lamina Frost. Resolved. That while the ail-devouring v Mr. Noyes was elected a member of tbe Xever a word of complaint do we hear of "Warner's its Uust-proof scythe of time has cut the brittle thread of value here,” protested the auction- Mrs. Nellie of board of selectmen in 1877 for the first time DeLaittre, Eden, and Mrs. Corsets", lletter try a pair. Ask for them. Prices from $1.00 to life, we realise that he has to that eer. and served a number of In 1877-8 be gone John Hodgkins, of Bar Harbor, who were years. rep- $.'1.50. celestial lodge above, where the ‘T>id I say anything about its resented bis district in tbe State legislature. Supreme getting called here by the illness and death of their Architect of the universe presides, and from value? Sell It—value was the 1 n 1900 he was re-elected to both the selectmen behanged!" mother, Mrs. Louisa Frost returned to whose bourne no traveler returns. fierce of l-'lsh. and assessors, and had been chairman of both rejoinder Captain So. their homes and Resolved. That we extend to his Saturday. boards that time. Previous to that Hosiery Underwear. grief- sacrificing hla property, the captain during stricken family our heartfelt condolence, and W'inslow wife and two little time Mr. was town auditor for several left New Bedford and settled in Flush- Frost, sons, Noyes We are sole agents for Lord A Taylor's Onyx hosiery and .Mrrode direct them to the God that he worshiped, of Waterville, are here visiting his years. He was a past master of Charles C. ing. N. Y., as a farmer. It was while Vnderwear. Spring and summer in =. who doeth all things well, for a consolation Mrs. Dame lodge of Masons of this town. He was Weights, plain Cotton, Li or there mother, Matilda Frost. Mr. Frost, which earthly things can never living that a disagreement arose ex-chairman of the trustees of the Carleton Lace, In Black, White, and Tans. give. it will was between him be remembered, run over by Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions and a neighbor who had Home for the Aged, and was a member of the Agents for the Ladies' Home the cars last v. .uter and had to have his Journal paper patterns. be sent to his bereaved family, one spread on teen his closest friend. The two be- trustees of the Peabody library, and was an our leg above the knee. records and another sent for publication came bitter enemies, and. Indeed, so amputated Although active member of the fish and game associa- in local and that our altar and minus one leg, Mr. Frost is in excellent newspapers, deep was the hatred on Captain Fish's tion. charter be draped in mourning for thirty health and spirits. In all the various with which part that on one occasion when the organisations M. days. 28. 8. he was affiliated he was interested, neighbor saved his life after hla cat- May deeply GALLERT. Better a death when work is done and was always an active and moving factor. boat had been wrecked in Hell Gate Than earth's most favored birth; NORTH SEDGWICK. Mr. Noyes was a native of Mt. Desert, Me., he did not even thank his enemy for Better a child in God’s great house where he was born on Nov. 16, 1840. Mr. me act. Mrs. Beulah Campbell, of Bath, was the Than a king of all the earth. Noyes was a carpenter and contractor by of Mrs. 1L A. Elweli last week. decrease from last year’s rate which w*i Soon after this incident Captain guest trade, and had established a good business. COUNTY NEWS. W. B. Blaindbll, hundred. Flsli moved to New Allen and who #br Additional County .Vcirt m oilier f2.73 per John Mortimer. York city. Turn- Eugene wife, have beeu pagty ing his back upon political office, he visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hunt in Charleston SURRY. E. F. Clapham. BKOOK1JX. Committee on resolutions. formed, with Joseph Urinnelt. the for a few days, returned WINTER HARBOR. Saturday. £. C. Withe*? has gone to Bangor to house of Fish & E. C. Koland Radcliffe returned to Rockland shipping partnership Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Elxa Herrick work at his trade a* houae Hammond vu In Baugor Halur* carpenter. Monday. A wise man treats his friends as though Grlnnell, and the first regular line of and of day. daughter Jennie, Bluebill, spent A many ale wives are was good being caught Mrs. A. W. a at he expected them to become enemies some Liverpool packets started. with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ab- J. Howard dvr is Bridges spent few days Sunday in the stream here men and Bay erecting a house Fish by boys with South Blue hill day. Captain got along finely In the bott. on last week. nets. Forest street. business dip shipping until In 1826 bo Manton moved his here When most people talk they waste a lot Mrs. G. A. Grindle, of who Miss who has been Gray family went to with Brooklin, Fred Warren, who went to Colorado Myra Smith, spend- of valuable in Liverpool about $100.00(1 from Brook »v ilk* last week. time giving unnecessary de- spent a few days last week with her sister, ing the winter la Boston, returned Fri- of capital and an unlimited amount several months ago (or his health, arrived tails. Mrs. Elweli, and daughter, Mrs. G. M. day. Mrs. Lydia Roberts, of Brookavilk, i» of ambition. Two years later he home a few days ago. returned home her Allen, Saturday. Capt. L. B. of visiting sister, Mrs. J. B. Babeon. came back minus the ambition and Schooner Maud 8., (apt. A.C. Curtis, ar- Cole, yacht Creedmore, airijrrtismnita. H. L. Elweli and Mrs. Maude cut his J.J. wife and two-thirds of his fortune. Smallidge, rived from Rockland Last Friday night, leg quite severely Thursday, ne- Bridges, daughter »ient of and S. several a few in week. It was after that venture that, bav W’oodfords, Harry Elweli, of with (reight (or the merchants. cessitating stitches. days Ellsworth last Thousands Hare Trouble New arrived Kidney formed a with York, Thursday morning, to H. H. who has Union hall is a new coat of Ing partnership Sam- At a caucus held last Satur- Hanson, been employed having paint. attend the funeral of republican and Don’t Know it. uel of New York their father, M. L. upon a owned H. W. has work. Allay city, the grouty the were chosen yacht by Mr. WethereU, of Flye charge of the who day following delegates old the Elweli, pasaed away May 22. New came home How To Find Ot»t. captain entered office late one to attend the convention: W. it. York, Friday. Miss Beatrix Tibbetts, who has been 28. Rae. county Fill a or common morning. -> | May bottle glass with your Milliken, U. C. Young and E. D. Smith. Mrs. Myra Fuller, of Massachusetts, is employed at Sooth Bluehill, ia at home. water and "I let it stand twenty-four hours; a hope you are well this morning, in town, called here the serious BARTLETT’S ISLAND. Owing to the storm there was no by illness Harry Neville returned from Boston captain,” remarked big partner. of her mother, Mrs. Martha Hammond. with Airs. memorial service in the Baptist church Tuesday. He brought a flue turnout tling indicates an "This, sir,” growled Captain Fish, Katie Bartlett has returned home him. Sunday night. It probably will be held Rev. Gideon Mayo was in Watervllle unhealthy condi- “Is a for from Center. place business, not compli- last week Blue- tion ot the kid- next Sunday night. on business. Mrs. Mayo ac- Mrs. Blanchard Bowden, of South ments." Mr. was a Mrs. Caddie Allay himself Bartlett, who has been quite is Mrs. KU* neys; if it stains While E. D. Smith and wife were at companied him, visiting friends in hill, visiting her mother, man of some spirit In leso time than is able to sit the Bangor your linen It is ill, up. and Ellsw orth. Tibbetts. It takes to grange meeting last Friday night, their evidence of kid- tell it the firm of Fish & Mina Robbins with Ruth Port- spent Sunday Mrs. Jessie Bmall returned W. H. Tibbetts came home from became a house was broken into. Bureaus, cup- from Houl- ney trouble; too Allay thing of the past and Davis at Otter Creek. land Saturday, where he had been tor and were ton where she was desire to the sign was converted Into boards trunks ransacked, and Saturday, in attend- medical treatment. frequent being of Nahum Hinckley, Bluehill, was here beds were torn as if in search of ance upon the annual session of the pass n or pain in kindling wood. apart grand Judge E. E. Chase. of Bluehill, '*iU last week on business. the back is also As was it is chapter, O. E. S. deliver the address at this Captain Fish could never forgive money. nothing missed, sup- Memorial Day convincing proof that the and blad- Leonard is at Marsh that it was some one in the as C. E. place Wednesday kidneys any one for failing to be punctual. To Guy Pretty work- posed place, Grover is building a machine evening. der are out of order. shop 28, UNK him the mau who failed to ing for George Haynes. there were a watch and rings on the stand near his hardware store. He is May Femme._ What to Do. keep an putting have taken. in a "ntere is comfort appointment was wholly unworthy of W. W. A. Heath, of Seal Cove, has been they might large amount of and an in the knowledge so machinery, often trust in the future. here the week land May 28. 8. eight-horse-power airfjntisnnnitB. expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Once In the early past surveying for Mr. engine. Root, the of the great kidney remedy fulfills every days shipping business the pilot Loring. Qapt. Sanford Joy, who under- wish in INDIAN POINT. recently curing rheumatism, pain in the who was to take a vessel to sea at a May 28. L. went a serious tor ______operation appendicitis back, kidneys, liver, bladder and certain hour on a Mrs. Seth who has been ill at every part certain day was Harding, the Eastern Maine general at MH©©Lrt Burn” of the urinary It corrects hospital passage. inability prevented from getting to the ship at EAST FRANKLIN. with pneumonia, is about the house, and Bangor, returned to hold water and scalding pain in Monday. An passing the time agreed upon, though through Mrs. William Welch who has been ill is hopes soon to be out. Carrol Early Form of Dysprpsi* ft, or bad effects use of Bargent sustained a severe following liquor, no quite wine or fault of hla own. Captain Fish pi- somewhat better. Mrs. L. Dorr is house for beer, and overcomes that unpleasant Gagie keeping fracture above the right ankle But loted the vessel to Friday, It Is a Warning Thai Should necessity of to sea himself, and Dr. is her mother, Mrs. William Walls, who is caused a being compelled go often George K. Salisbury spending a by Urge stick of timber falling during the day, and to when the pilot appeared he discharged in Bar Harbor tor a short time. Be Heeded get up many times tew weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. upon it. At present writing he is the The mild and him without a very during night. the extra- hearing. J. H. Patten. Dr. Salisbury and his broth- Samuel Leland and wife have returned comfortable. ordinary effect of is soon Fish was January 6, I9°+ Swamp-Root Captain married three er Clarence are fine where realized. It stands having times fishing from Manset, they spent several A very fine Dear Sirs:— the highest for Its won- times, but had no and his Pope-Hartford touring car children, life and in a weeks with their Mrs. Orrin derful cures of the most camping. Friday they brought daughter, was received this week H.n.u 1 distressing cases. was to by Dr. A. E. husband was troubled with "preserved" the good old age fine of trout. Per nail. My If you need a medicine you should have the string I and is a lot nrn until » of elghty-one An oil painting of him attracting of attention. and could find no relief best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. May 28. R. Mrs. Ida who has been There are several 1* _ Harding Abram, other friend him Is to be seen in the Chamber of Com- intending pur- advised to take your You may have a bottle of this has chasers in F" sample at home since March, gone to Bar this and the adjoining town of Atwood's Bitters. wonderful merce building. TRENTON. cured discovery Harbor, where she has accepted a position Gouidsboro, and soon the of Since talcing it he is entirely and a book that tells The bones of several men of note rest shed on the W il appearance The house and bur place, for F. E. Sherman. the auto as bookkeeper will be a common occurrence Gratefully yours, more about it, both sent In the Marble cemetery, among them owned the heirs of Mary J. Wilbur, by of last upon the streets. MRS. absolutely free mail, those of Allen, at one time Cap4 Hall, Sedgwick, Sunday, MELISSA MERCHANT, by Stephen were burned Thursday. The buildings 28. a of from May E Me. address Dr. Kilmer 4 mayor of New York and the man took party young people this Hall Mt. Desert, who, were unoccupied. The loss is estimated Quarry, Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men- while state place to Long Island, Bluehill bay, on an I treasurer. Installed the Cro- at Don’t neglect your digestion until tion this offer in this fl,200. _ the reading generous paper. ton water system; William E. Tread- excursion. They visited Sunday bucksport. >s too late. Duet make bet remember the does in school on the island and a The At any mistake, well, inventor of cracker making ma- But the roiling stone acquire, report very assessors have completed the valua- You can depend upon “L. F. name, Swamp.Boot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. looj and two the course of its a first-rate day. tion of the town for wood's An establish* aad the address, Binghamton, S. T, on erert chinery. South American gen- wanderings, pleasant the year 1906, and fli Bitters. old 28. H. the rate at erals.—New York Tribune. polish. May f2.B6 per hundred. This is s family remedy of merit.