New Factory Would Locate in Buchanan Portage St

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New Factory Would Locate in Buchanan Portage St Tt' '*«*•. Subscribe to the Rec- v w * ord. It pays to gel the best. :• : ...- L ■■■'J-st: . ■. SIXTY-SECOND YEAR BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929. NUMBER, 32 l. 500 GIL MEN \SZ Partners of Trip Now H ere’s TWO HURT WHEN W. E. Mutchler Sells NEW FACTORY West Half Century TREAS. WHITE F.C. HATHAWAY Mississippi Chain the Ago Meet Again BIG TRUCK CROWDS Of Grocery Stores Fed. Agents Proposition John Curtis left Tuesday for a M, and Mrs. W. E. Mutchler of WOULD LOCATE visit with his cousin, Abner .Barn­ GIVES ANNUAL AUTO INTO DITCH FIRST MAYOR hart, at the latter’s home in St. Gulfport, Mississippi, accompanied Arrest Five by Mrs. Mutchler’s sister, Mrs. F. Lines for n Simp Sliot Album Joseph, Mr. Barnhart returning SIRS: . J. BUSSELL IS SEVERE­ J with him after a visit of a week E. Bartmess of Mobile, Ala., ar­ Bi Hiuvs LY INJURED IN rived in Buchanan, Sunday for an IN BUCHANAN hare.. Barnhart was a former lum­ ACCIDENT. DIST. REPORT indefinite stay. ber man at an early date near OF BUCHANAN Here: we have stayed the. heat of In B ig Haul Mr. Mutchler left Buchanan Time’s swift wings;. Lakeside. The two men were Chicago Concern, Manufac­ companions on a western tour to Mrs, John Russell of the Mt. about 15 years ago .and until re­ Here, by the magi© of a fairy pow­ S100,000.00 is Spent: on the Tabor GrangS district, incurred Resigned Position at Clark er, ' turing Women's Dresses the plains of Kansas, Nebraska cently -lias been the owner of a Operate in. Historic Cotton. and Colorado in 1S72, engaging in Local Schools in tlie painful bruises and her son, V. T. Equipment Company chain of grocery stores centering We have, immortalized: the1 fleeting: Desires to Locate Here. Bast Year. Russell, was slightly injured when Mansion on the St. Joe hour, freighting there for eight months August 1st. in Gulfport. He has. sold the that year.. their car was completely wrecked grocery chain and his plans for River. The: flying, grace o f evanescent 20 TO 40 WOMEN NEEDED ---------o--------- WA G I S 51PER CENT on Hardscrabble Hill last Saturday the future are indefinite, except things; afternoon. Mr. Russell and his WAS THERE 25 YEARS that lie and his family expect to IMMENSE PLANT Here1 is transfixed; the beauty of Immediately Available Help is mother were on their way to Bu­ spend some time visiting here. ,/ old1 springs;: Complete tlie Year With chanan when they were passed by Pays Fine Tribute to His Underground Vats Hold 30,- Here is eternalized1 the transient1 only Qualification Demand­ Casli Balance, of a large truck bound north which flower, ed by Concern. • Predecessor, Claude 000 Gallons of PORTAGE ST. $22,000.00 crowded them into the ditch about V. Glover. Salvaged: from: death, and all ten rods south of the Fred Hall Masli. Time’s, golden dower Possibility of the establishment home. Their car went into the Is treasured1, here for our remem­ in Buchanan of a branch factory The public schools of Buchanan, ditch and struck the high bank F. C. Hathaway, resident of Bu­ RETURN GOODS Operation of a 500 gallon bering. for the manufacture of women’s are a business institution repre­ which overturned it hack into the chanan, during most of his life­ capacity column alcohol still work­ W e snail turn to these storiedi dresses is indicated, in the an­ SEWER NEARS senting an annual turnover in ex­ ditch with the front crushed in ing day and night, shifts to sup­ leaves again nouncement elsewhere in this is­ cess of 8100,000, according to the time, and an employee of the ply' truck line serving city' trade and every glass broken. Mrs. Clai-k Equipment company for the And, yet again in days to come, to sue of Aaron, Strauss & Co.,, of annual financial, statement print­ Russell incurred Severe shock in four states came to an end Fri­ trace Chicago, that a plant will be main­ ed elsewhere in this issue over the past 25 years, became the ; first NO QUESTIONS, day morning when a force of and -was bruised over her entire Old! scenes, old: friends, that, we tained here if sufficient women signature of J. A. White, treasur­ mayor of the newly organized Federal agents led by State Dep­ COMPLETION er, and containing information of body. She was brought to the city, as the result of action taken once more may know employees can be secured to op­ home of her daughter, Mrs. uty Prohibition Administrator Ar­ Childhood's first step and youth erate a local unit. I vital interest to the school patrol'.: Haines, on North Oak street where by the commission at an organiza­ thur Q. Scully raided the former as it was then,. Twenty to forty women will be Progress is Swifter as the and the taxpayers in general. she has since been confined to tion meeting- held Monday night. SAY ITALIANS Pears farm on the north bank of Two candidates were placed for When light of dawn: and life was needed at once to put the plant in Leaky Tile is Total expenditures during the her bed. the St. Joseph river two miles east on its face; operation, and later development fiscal year just closed were 896,- ---------O-r-^---- nomination, Charles Pears nomina­ of Buchanan, ' confiscating . the In happy days; far off and long .will! depend upon the readiness Replaced: 045.78, of which $4S,747.64,. or 51 ting F. C. Hathaway and Frank Families of: Still Operatives plant and arresting five Italian *gO- per cent, represenis tlie outlay, for Merson .nominating Mathias .1. operatives. with which the enterprise expands Kelling, the . former being elected Are Rack on the locally. The firm is an establish-:; FINISHED BY SEPT. teachers’ wages. Total net; re­ Farm. The Italians were taken to Kal­ ed: and going concern and has ceipts for the same period were by a vote of 3 to 2. amazoo and arraigned before ample volume of business: to op­ The Portage street storm and $93,OSS.46. FLAMES TAKE Hathaway states that this is his United Statls Commissioner For­ J. G. B o y le erate the local plant to capacity sanitary sewer, storm center of Of the incoming funds, only first experience in office holding, HOUSE STRIPPED est B. Simon to whom they gave in, addition to a .number1 of other two successive administrations, .$58,657:26 or approximately'. 5C* and that he. had entertained no the following names: Guisseppe factories over1 the1 country which and one of the: knottiest problems per cent were received from, taxes, ambition for political preferment, Anyone who removed house­ Saccken, Joseph Sole,, Joseph Hal­ 'Named Twp. they: are: now running., in finance and engineering that the remaining 41 per cent ^pre­ MORE TOLL having been placed in nomination hold goods, clothing or other prop­ lo, John Lompia, and George Quarters for housing the opera­ has. ever arisen in Buchanan civic senting the sum of $15,118.56 paid by friends at the special election erty from the former Chas. Pears Pari. tions: of the company are being affairs, may be an accomplished by the state on a per capita of against his wishes. During an farm following' the raid Friday, The still was one of the largest S u p erv iso r arranged for. >It is understood: fact by the end of the present the primary pupils, $5,44S.32 , .in active life spent almost entirely in under the mistaken impression ever captured in Southern MichL that; space in vacant buildings week barring a repetition of the tuition received from neighbor­ Buchanan he has gained a wide that it had been abandoned by gan outside of Detroit, according will be utilized for the present, if accidents and unforseen obstacles ing districts, $9,716.90 insurance FARM BLOBS:. acquaintance here and the place the owners, may return such prop­ to Scully, who estimated the daily' Board is Reorganized Bv the: response justifies, the opening which have been the rule through­ collected as a result of the burn­ he enjoys in the esteem of his erty at once without fear of prose­ output at 200 -gallons of alco­ of a branch factory here. out the fourteen months of instal­ ing of the manual training- de­ fellow citizens is indicated by the cution, according to a party Which hol, retailing to the city trade at Appointment of Farm Large Barn on Old Lawrence handsome vote he received. On arrived from South Bend Sunday Residents. No experience1 is1 required.. of lation. partment and equipment, a tem­ $6.50 per gallon. It- was located Progress by the city sewer force porary loan of $6,000, front a local House Farm is August 1st he retired from his po­ to take possession of the place. in the old mansion erected by _ employees,, all employees: being sition as general foreman at the The party in charge consists of paid while: they are: learning the directed by A. E. Hipskind has bank, and miscellaneous smaller Destroyed: William Cotton, who homestead: J)EAN CLARK CLERK been rapid during the past week, items. Clark Equipment company plant ■ two women and several children ed the farm from the government details of the business. The only after years: of service, .ana is representing the families of two requirement is that sirfflcier’ . help due to lessening of the flow of, Second, to teachers’ wages nearly a century ago. The house Organization, of, a , teiupSrary; £>N T H E STATE LINE now at liberty- to devote liis time of the men arrested ., and.
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