V O L . No. 35 Issue 27 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 2, 1946 PRICE THREE CENTS Junior Prom Features Stunt Nite is Fun Nite;

Since colleges were invented, stu- Greatest Show on Earth Return of Mai Hallett «dents have habitually lifted gadgets First Post-War Prom ranging from highway department fix­ Friday Nite, Stunt Nite— tures to 2 x 4 signs bearing mottoes Rite Nite, for Fun Site! Scheduled for May 10 Community Choir like “Men’s Room” — these to grace Dr. Milton D. Farrar The Junior Prom Committee has the walls of their living quarters dur­ The first tryouts for Stunt Night announced that Mai Hallett and his ing their few months of occupation. Accepts Position Here were held in N. H. Hall Tuesday eve­ famous 14-piece orchestra, recent Travels to Boston Outrages committed upon public and ning, before the executive committee guests on the Coca-Cola Spotlight The Durham Community Church private property have gone unpunished Dr. Milton D. Farrar, Research En­ of the Sophomore Class. Band Program, will provide the “ swing Choir wild participate in the Ninth for so long that campus rah-rah boys tomologist of the Illinois Natural His­ These were more than enough to in­ and sway” for this gala event. The date Annual Choir Festival to be held next have come to consider it their right tory Survey, has accepted a position sure that the Sophs’ revival of U N H ’s is May 10th, the time is 9 to 1:30', and Sunday, May 5, at 4:30 in Trinity and privilege to remove a DANGER as Associate Director of the Crop Pro­ own vaudeville show will be the most the place is New Hampshire Hall. The Church, Boston. Seventy-two choirs or a DETOUR sign, the absence of tection Institute, at the University of talked about stage production of the Prom is the first to be held at the Uni­ from greater Boston and vicinity will which might result in a broken leg or New Hampshire, and will terminate year. The first act is going on prompt­ versity since 1943. compose the huge chosus of 1100' a wrecked vehicle. his work with the Survey in July. ly at 7:30, Friday evening, N: H. Hall Well known throughout New Eng­ voices. Dr. H. Augustine Smith of Our brief, however, is not in behalf Dr. Farrar, who came to the Survey — admission is twenty-five cents. The land, Maestro Mai’s smooth and dance- Boston University will direct. of good citizenship. That is more in as a Crop Protection Institute Fellow careful selections of the executive committee have guaranteed that Friday able rhythm has been added to by the Selections given by the combined the province of the municipal dailies. in 1928 and had been on the staff for evening will be the most hilarious return of many of his former feature choirs will ’be “ Unfold Ye Portals” We cry out, rather, in the indignant 16 years, will be associated with Dr. three hours you ever spent at dear old men who are back from the service (Gounod), “Lovely Appear” (Gou­ spirit of all those who love our cam­ W . C. O ’Kane, director of the Crop UNH. and once again combining their talents nod), and “How Lovely is Thy Dwell­ pus and everything on it. W e level Protection Institute. On arrival, he When college students take their under the familiar name of “ Mai Hal­ ing Place” (Brahms). The Durham full cannon against those souvenir will continue his research in insecti­ minds off books and dates, and are lett and his Orchestra.” In view of Community Church Choir will sing maniacs whose empty-headed, infantile cides, fungicides, fumigants; and plant given absolute freedom to create any­ the recent “ rave” reviews from many “Souls of the Righteous” (Noble) in impulse drove them to rip the great pests with the CPI, which serves as thing their longing hearts and sly music critics concerning the smooth­ the North Gallery with 300 other seal of our unviersity from its place a research medium between industry minds can dream up, the results are ness of his dance music, the Junior voices. atop the recently-greeted board mark­ and experiment stations, doing explora­ ing the site of our own Student Union tory work op research problems be­ both startling and sidesplitting. You Class believes it has made *a commend­ There will be over 30 members of Building. fore submitting them as projects to didn’t know SHE could be funny! able choice. the Durham Choir attending. Students experiment stations throughout the You didn’t think H E ’d go out on the The crowning of the “ best-looking from the University of New Hamp­ We ask the ( thoughtless vandals, country. stage and do that? Not ordinarily, couple on the floor,” chosen by the shire attending the festival are Ruth now that they’ve had time to recon­ Formerly of Abilene, Kansas, Dr. but this is Stunt Nite. chaperones, as King and Queen of the Belyea, Edith Anne Emery, Elizabeth sider, to return it. W e suggest that Farrar received his Bachelor of For the most uproarious hijinks that May will be the feature attraction of Hallock, Mary Wadleigh, Rugh Wig- they place it under the board tonight. Science degree from Iowa State Col­ have disturbed the quiet of our learned the evening, and all the pageantry of gin, Phyllis Willey, sopranos; Eloise We further propose that if it is not lege, Ames in 1925, and his Doctor of campus since pre-war days, be on hand a real court will add to the imagery Braun, Katharine Frizzell, Charlotte returned within the week we shall Philosophy degree from the same col­ at N. H. Hall, Friday evening, at 7:30, of the scene. The decorations will form Haslam, Phyllis Henry, Wanda Lib­ with every power at our command lege in 1933. He received his Master when the 1946 Stunt Nite takes its an appropriate spring background for by, Marcia Setzer, Helen Swan, Eliza­ press for a thorough investigation of of Science degree in 1927 from South place with Carnival Weekend as one the strains of Hallett’s combo. beth Wright, altos; Paul Abell and the incident, including, if need be, an Dakota State College, Brookings. He of the year’s never-to-be-forgotten Tickets at $3.60 will be on sale short­ Richard Starke, tenors; and Frangcon exhaustive search of every student- is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa events. ly. Jones, bass. occupied room and apartment Phi, and Gamma Sigma Delta, pro­ fessional fraternities; the Entomologic­ "BONFIRE HILL” AGAIN BUZZES WITH ACTIVITY al Society of America; and was recent­ Wildcats Cop First As ly re-elected Secretary-Treasurer of the North Central States Branch of the American Association of Economic White Allows 4 Hits Entomologists. Francouer and Krupa Pace Dr. Farrar is married to the former Helen Tremain of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Cats with Two Hits Apiece and they have three children, Doris, Weavers Twirier Wild 18, Lloyd, 12, and Curtis, 6. With Fred White twirling a four-hit game and the Wildcats playing head’s up ball the Swaseymen opened the ’46 baseball campaign by eking out a 2-1 Announce Nominees victory over the Weavers of Lowell Textile. For W.R.A. Board Bob Francoeur tallied the first UNH The following girls have been nomi­ run as he opened up the third inning nated for the W om en’s Recreation with a clean single through the middle, Board of 1946-47: advanced to second on White’s sacri­ President — Jane Whitney, Ginny fice and crossed the plate as Emil Kru­ Skinner, Ellie Smith; Director of In­ pa blasted a single to right. The Cats terclass — Nat Kemp, Shelly Boyd, threatened again in the sixth as they Doris Buser; Treasurer — Joan Ste­ loaded the sacks but the Weavers vens, Betty Cafon, Arianna W'hitte- smooth working pitcher was equal to more, Barbara Young; Director of In­ the situation as he wiffed Joe Beaudoin terhouse — Ralene Martin, Jane Thur- and got Dave McCullough on a pop low, Eleanor Gay, Sarah Peavey; Di­ up for the third out. rector of Co-Recreation — Jean De­ Tally in Eighth land, Marjorie Douglass, Joyce Mit­ Art Massucco salted the verdict in chell; Secretary — Janet Chase, Phyllis the eighth canto as he worked Men- Karpinski, Alfreda Leocha, Joyce Mc- drala for a walk and completed the cir­ Cue; Publicity Manager — Joan cle of bases on two wild pitches. Boody, Doris Hewitt, Ruth Coombs, The Weavers, whom W hitey had and Connie Garbutt. in complete control for eight innings Elections will take place in the vot­ threatened to tie up the ball game in ing booth under T-Hall arch on Mon­ the last frame but a fast double play day, May 6, and all women students erased the threat and gave the W ild­ should vote. cats their first victory of the season. PiekEtfskie, the first batter in the ninth, Newman Club Election of reached on an error, advanced to sec­ ond, White gave Dunn a free stroll Officers on Monday, May 6 and after Mendrala popped up, scored Newman Club will elect officers for on M cNiff’s single. With men on first UNIVERSITY OF KEff HAMPSHIRE the coming year at a regular meeting and third Mattiew lined out to Fran­ next Monday at 7 :00 p.m. in the O r­ coeur who threw to McCullough “ Bonfire Hill,” site of the proposed ping a lighted match on the pile. When dents who had been mistreated and un­ ganizations Room at Commons. Fol­ dou'bling McKniff off first. Memorial Union Building, has been the occasion for a celebration arose, lo and derfed at their summer encampment, lowing is a list of candidates: scene of gun battles, victory fires, and behold — no pile to burn . Private broke into the armory, stole the neces­ For President: Walter McLaughlin, FRATERNITY RUSHING property again began to disappear, the sary implements of war, and staged a Donald Lang, Charles Haug. For mayoralty campaign speeches. Its his­ The Interfraternity Council an­ miniature battle with live ammunition. Vice President: Joan Foley, Normand tory dates back to the first athletic University paid more bills, then banned nounced that the second period of No casualties or property damage was Dumont, Muriel Houle. For Secre­ teams of the University. After vic­ victory bonfires. rushing will begin on Monday, May reported, but few people slept peace­ tary: Madeline Fournier, Barbara De- tories, huge bonfires were built there. Years back, all freshmen were re­ 6, and last until May 15, inclusive. fully in Durham that night. Nute, Katherine McLaughlin. For Material for these fires was garnered quired to wear skimmers and ties dur­ There will be a day of silence on In recent, years, “ Bonfire Hill” has Treasurer: George Houle, Herbert by freshmen, who were ordered to con­ ing spring and fall, and toques in the May 16, at which time the students been used as the stumping ground for Cummings, John Cross. For Assist­ fiscate all burnable material they could winter (sold to them by the sopho­ who have been extended invitations the annual mayoralty campaign. ant Treasurer: Pauline McNulty, Kek find. But the University, tired of pay­ mores). The following spring the stu­ to join a fraternity will turn in their Lang. For Social Chairman: Claire ing the townspeople for articles which dent body would gather on the “ Hill” What would be more fitting to the bids at the Dean of Men’s office be­ to accept the lowly freshmen as upper­ Rouillard, Gertrude Lukasavi. Jewel­ “mysteriously disappeared,” collected memory of those students who served tween 3 and 5 p.m. ..Rushing rules ry Committee: Jeannette Sullivan, El­ trash and wood and dumped it on classmen by allowing them to build a will be the same as published in their country so well, than this Memo­ len O ’Mara. Publicity: Paul Briand, “ Bonfire Hill” for the students’ use. bonfire and throw into it their garb. “The New Hampshire” during the rial Union Building to be erected on Ramona Cabrera. Dramatic, Jeanma- This plan failed, however, as someone Some twenty years ago, a battle took last pledging period. was continually “accidentally” drop­ place for “Bonfire Hill.” ROTC stu­ the hallowed crest of “ Bonfire Hill.” ry Durant. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 2, 1946 JL • ______• ______The Cat’s Meow TO THE EDITOR New lights often come through The University wants to keep the cracks in the ceiling. %[]t Jfeu Jpmjjsljtre A certain house director was heard students in Durham weekends. Maybe saying last Friday nite, quote, “ I think if the University offered a little bit of Published weekly on Thursday throughout the school year by the students of the University of it’s a shame that they don’t turn up what entices the students away on DRESSES BY THE YARD New Hampshire. the lights more at N. H. Hall . No one weekends, the students might stick at the Entered as second class matter at the post office at Durham, New Hampshire under the act of March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, can see the girls’ pretty dresses.” around. Savoie Silk Shop act of October 8, 1917. Authorized September 1, 1918. * * * Last Saturday night witnessed a Dover EDITORIAL OFFICE BUSINESS OFFICE Dress-up week on campus should be novelty at New Hampshire Hall that Room 306, 307 — Ballard Hall Room 308 — Ballard Hall a must. The dresses should be at enlivened what could 'have been an­

REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY least one more inch above the knee. other dull weekend. Member National Advertising Service, Inc. That’s really dress-up ,isn’t it? A nite clu'b atmosphere*" pervaded Hardware Sporting Goods j * * * Pbsociated Cblle6iate Press College 'Publishers Representative staid New Hampshire Hall. The No 1 Seavey Hardware Co. ] 4 2 0 M a d is o n A v e . N e w Y o r k , N . Y. I’m glad that the Pan-Hel dance on­ Smoking signs were taken down. Ta­ Chicago • Boston • Los Angeles - san Francisco I Quality High Price Correct j ly comes once a year. My date made bles for four and larger parties were f Assortment Large ? D U R H A M , N. H., M A Y 2, 1946 me call for him (in a taxi, no less), set up. .Sandwiches and coffee were f 300 Central Ave. Dover, N. H. 1 buy him a corsage, help him into his served. Clever entertainment was fur­ EDITOR ...... Joseph G. Thomas i TeL 439 I coat, open doors for him, furnish him nished t>y Opus 45 and soft lights ASSOCIATE ED ITO R ...... Margery Byers with cigabutts, and even kiss him good­ added a romantic touch. BUSINESS ED ITO R ...... Claire Hunter night! W hy not more of this on a bigger Victor Shoes EDITORIAL BOARD BUSINESS BOARD Not that that’s bad. One girl in and better scale? A solid six to eight QUALITY SHOES-AT Managing Editor ...... J. W. Knowlton Advertising Mgr...... Earl Goss Scott not only had to take her man to piece could be hired. Soft drinks could POPULAR PRICES News Editor ...... J. H. Blais Circulation M gr...... Joan Foley the dance, 'but to the Club 400 affair, be served, and couples could dance Pat Parker Subscription M gr...... Susie Bartlett plus buying his meals Saturday and when they felt like it or could just sit 382 Central Ave. Dover, N. H. Sports Editor ...... Jack McGinn Board Secretary ...... Alice Dineen Sunday. That’s rubbing it in. and gab. Staff Reporter ...... Mai Priestly Staff Secretary ...... Jinx Creeden * * * Why not, UNH? The “unwanted three” of Phi Dilly, Paul Briand E D IT O R IA L A S S IS T A N T S : C. David Oliphant, Pete Reuter, Ken Cotton, Richard L. Dobson, THE MOST HONORED J Jean Carlisle, Hope Soderston, Joan MacDonald. who were not asked to the Pan-Hel SECRETARIAL: Frances Williams, Barbara Ladd. dance, resolved their frustration by T o the Editor: t WATCH OH THE f.vij SPORTS STAFF: Ralph C. O’Connor, Joan Boodey, Beverly White, Ruth Winer, Bertha Por­ serenading the sororities during the ter, Grant Carrow. After looking at the sign-up sheet REPORTORIAL STAFF: Ramona Cabrera, Frank Keating, Walt Fischer, Norman Dumont, wee hours of the morning. Rough, for the Outing Club trip and seeing CAMPUS Art Flanagan, Barbara Ellis, Dorothy Hirsch, Paul DeQuoy, Irving Cummings, PauJ Briand, Jean Lavoie, Joan MacDonald, Cynthia Saidel, Dolores Maynard, Jane Mc­ isn’t it? again that the trip was called off be­ Donough, Arlene Mason, Bud Spencer. * * * cause of lack of chaperones, I began F E A T U R E S: Jane Harrer, Gerry Smith. Notice to all cultural students and to wonder. W hat’s the matter with faculty on campus — the zipper short­ our faculty: Aren’t they interested in It’s up to the Senate age is over. No more gaposis. the students or what? I know- that * * * whoever was in charge of the trip must A Congress largely subservient to special interests and rife with , I understand that a certain prof have called at least a dozen Profs and short-sighted sectionalism, is about to leave President Truman without whose name must he kept secret (Dr. was turned down by .them all. H ow weapons to combat an upsurge in the cost of living. Towle — I can’t keep a secret) had to do they expect us to go on trips and WINNER o f 10 The prediction of the President’s top executives for the next ten go to Boston without his suit — his enjoy ourselves if they won’t co­ new suit, that is. I’m all fouled up. operate? A weekend Outing Club trip months under the O.P.A. Extension Bill, as it passed the House, is an .World’s Fair Grand * * * can be lots of fun, even for the profs, average rise in consumer prices of at least 5,0 percent — as a starter. At long last the women are going and it gives them a good chance to 5 Prizes, 28 Gold Med* This would amount, through a depreciation of the value of money, to put the ring on the man’s finger for get to know the students informally. ^ als and more honors to a national sales tax o f 50 percent, a capital levy of one third on all the engagement . The National Jewel­ So why don’t they get into the swing for accuracy than any insurance policies, savings accounts, mortgages, bonds, and other capital ry Association announced in a recent of things and offer to chaperone a few investments, and a 3 3 percent cut in wages for every American worker. magazine that before next year engage­ trips throughout the year? It would other timepiece. Caught in the middle will be all government pensionites, people de­ ment rings will 'be given to the big be great fun for them. There are still man from the little woman. Guess I ’ll five weeks more of school and probably pending upon government aid for income. Prices skyrocket, while wait a while 'before I pick my husband. as many trips. So come on, Profs, their income remains stable. I’m broke. come and have fun with us. * * * And will the Bill passed in the House increase production and con­ Anonymous sequently keep inflation down? W alt Page looked like a champion As ceilings are swept away and prices driven upward by impulse marathon runner after being crowned of scarce goods, sellers would begin to hold their goods for the still with the olive wreath, but bet he felt like an exhibit A monkey in a zoo. higher prices they would know were coming. * * * Buyers would rush to convert their shrinking dollars into tangibles The girls who are attending formal Closed nights until further no­ they know would be more expensive next week or next month. dances at Yale this year are appear­ tice because of insufficient sug­ Thus, in many lines, scarcities might be accentuated while the in­ ing “minus flowers.” It was agreed flation urge to get rid o f dollars would draw into the market $145,000,- by the men that no corsages would be ar supply. 000,000 of liquid assets now is consumer hands. permitted at the dances. For the bene­ This money has been quiescent in the confidence that “ the line” fit of those few who “buy one anyway” they have a handy container (waste was .being held fairly well and the dollar would remain stable. But basket to you) at the door where they when and if it once starts to roll, the avalanche of demand will bury any are asked to deposit them before they The Wildcat — Campus Soda Shop production that could be rushed to meet it — because the production it­ enter the hall. self would be creating dollars and there would be twice as many dol­ * * * lars as goods. I hear that Ben Black used to be The hope of blocking this inflation now lies entirely with the Sen­ quite a lacrosse player, but that extra ate. The time is now to let the Senate know the public will. Let the avoirdupois doesn’t help much. * public, not the lobbyists, determine this vital legislation. The large num­ A certain well known dean on this ber of veterans on campus under the G. I. Bill stand to suffer heaviest, campus is known to have the words because by the time legislation is passed to increase their income to meet to “ Alma Mater” taped inside his fe­ rising costs, most of them shall have been forced to leave school. Let dora. We always thought UNH stu­ them take warning and act. Get Congress on the right trail! dents should wear hats more often. Here Ends Ph.D. spoke on “A Catholic Look at the W orld.” That evening an infor­ The Cat’s Tale Charles Heug Officer mal dance was held at Walker Memo­ f f e u rial, M.I.T. Sunday began with a in N. E. Newman Fed. Communion Breakfast and Mall. Daeris Restaurant ctt/i M ew Charles Heug of the University of NOTICE 478 Central Avenue AROMESHES? New Hampshire was elected vice- Mr. Rohl Wiggin, Vice President of Dover, New Hampshire chairman of the New England Federa­ the National Shawmut Bank of Bos­ tion of Newman Clubs at their annual ton and U N H alumnus will speak on convention held in Boston, April 26. “Banking and Finance next Monday Other officers are: Chairman, Norman night at 7 :30 p.m. in Murkland Audi­ Reinhalter, Tufts Dental; Recording torium. Secretary, Ruth Kenny, University of All Business Administration students Conn.; Corresponding Secretary, Ma­ are urged to attend and all others in­ rion Norris, B. U.; Treasurer, Oscar terested students are welcome. Richards, Tufts. The Convention " opened Friday, NOTICE April 26, with a formal dance at the There will be an., election by the U Hotel Continental, Cambridge. Sat­ three upper classes on May 6 at Broadcloth - Prints and pastel urday morning a business meeting was Thompson Hall to determine the out­ held at which the officers were elected. standing ‘Senior who will be awarded shades, also white. Tailored In the afternoon Francis E. McMahon, the H ood Achievement Prize. and dressy. You can and should. Aromeshes are those handsome open weave Arrow ties that team up with your Sizes 32 to 40 summer shirts and suits to complete the job of keep­ ing you cool. $ 4 .9 8 They're ultra-smart, come in a variety of patterns and colors—tie perfect knots. Get a few today. $1. C ollege P harm acy, S tic. SOOP STYLE CENT£ ( T T i


Much water goes by th§ mill the miller knows not of. Schofield Sets Pace First Pentagonal Track In Woman’s Tourney By winning the Interhouse Bowling Tournament, Schofield, a freshman Meet Here Sarurday house, has risen from third to first Bates, B. C., Brown and place in Women’s Interhouse Compe­ By Jack McGinn tition. This is the first time in the % Maine to Run in Initial history of Interhouse that Schofield Still undefeated and still unplayed — Senate Committee well, that’s one way of saying that the Meet Against Sweetmen BOSTON CLOTHING AND has the ldad and the whole campus is wondering how long it will stay on rains came and the Wildcats inaugural by Ralph C. O ’ Connor DRY GOODS STORE Announces Awards top. The nearest rival is the experi­ was deferred in preference to Old Man The Senate Committee on Athletics On Saturday, May 4, at 1:30 p.m., Clothier for Men and Women enced Alpha Xi, who for many years Weather.. the U N H track team will be host to at the University of New Hampshire 368'i Central Avenue has 'been among the top flight of tfiose The squad left Durham at 7:30 a.m. the track teams of Bates, B. C., Brown, announces the awarding of letters in Dover, N. H. houses trying to win the silver Inter­ Saturday morning via Interstate with basketball and winter sports for the and Maine in the first pentagonal track house Tray. Schofield holds the lead the skies clear and the sun shining. It meet ever to be held here. This is 1945-46 season. by a scant 20 points, as its score is 530 looked nice. The first rain came be­ The following are to receive awards one of the most ambitious events to points to Alpha Xi’s 510 points. In yond Newbe given . These lectures 1945-46 is the Archery Tournament. getting a look at the Rhode Island Penn Relays two weeks ago as B. C.’s The Archery Leader has not yet been have been given in Hewitt, in the Pho- campus. One consolation, however, lone entry. Brown will be led by Da­ chosen but the tournament will be held to-lecture room. was that the Cats were on their way vis, a fine jumper who competed well April 20, Henry Lutz on “Toning;” FLOWERS May 11-18. All those shooting in the back undefeated. this winter. Maine is expected to be Archery Tournament will be represent­ May 7, Mr. Thomas, of the Art de­ weak except in the field events and from Side Lights ing the University in the annual Inter­ partment, on “Artistic Photography;” hopes to cop the javelin throw with GARRISON HILL collegiate Telegraphic Meet. Last season’s opener was a near May 14, Round table discussion, fea­ Earl Vickery who makes 170 ft. reg­ washout and was played in weather not turing Portrait Lighting; May 21, ularly in practice. Bates is completely GREENHOUSES a bit unlike Saturday’s. The Cats won Election of officers, for the Fall semes­ unknown. However, just because the HUGHES that opener versus the Maine Bears, ter of 1946. Dover, N. H. abilities of the teams are unknown W alk-Over Shoe Store 19-7. Everyone is invited to these meet­ does not mean that they are poor com ­ ! Rhode Island was toppled in their ings which are on Tuesday evenings Durham Agent - Grant’s Cafe Morrill Bldg. — 472 Central Ave. petitors. Coach Sweet, himself, is first game last Thursday by those at 8:00 p.m. A drive is now going on i Tel. 5 Dover, N. H. starting many men who are untried in selfsame Maine Bears 4-1. Five errors for membership for the Fall semester. competition and many others who have were registered in the duel, three for Any dues paid now will be credited to been practicing football for the past the Rams and two for Maine. Rhode the Fall semester. It is hoped that few weeks and are not expected to be Island’s shortstop is none other than more students will become interested in top running form. in this 'fascinating hobby . So let’s see the famous thinman, Ernie Calvery. B. H. Starters more of you, at our meetings on Tues­ After a brief discussion with Sam The men nominated by Sweet to day nights. Clark, assistant bus driver, Bob Au­ start are as follows: 100 and 220, Bar­ stin announced that the boys were on ker, Lopes, O ’Connell; 120-high hur­ the outskirts of Wyoming. It was in NOTICE dles, Varney, Huntress, Livingstone, Rhode Island, of course, but after a The University Religious Council Reynolds; 220-low hurdles, Vickery 150 miles in a 'bus most of the busload wishes to extend its thanks to those and aill the low-hurdlers; 440, Clapp, were willing to believe that it was the who took part in the colthing drive. Hawke, Dey, Vickery; 880, Coughlin, state of W yoming. Those dorms which did participate, Hall, Hamlin, C. Gozonsky, Fafard; When the rear tire blew, the re­ did so generously, and their represeta- Mile, Fafard, Geary, Searles, Grass; sulting concussion lifted Rudolf Hon- tives are to be commended. 2 Mile, Wells, Barnard, Perkins; Pole kala out of the Arms of Morpheus onto The Council sent twenty boxes of vault, O’Connell, R. Kemp, Mullen; the floor of the bus . A rude awaken­ clothes to the American Friends’ Serv­ High-jump, Varney, Lange; Broad- ing. ice Committee storeroom in Philadel­ jqump, Lopes, Barker, O’Connell; Joe Beaudoin can not only pitch but phia. Shot put, Cramm, Carlisle, Reid; Dis­ can also play a mean harmonica. He blew three notes unassisted and then cus throw, Rieoioriak, Cramm, Dear­ born; Javelin throw, Cramm, Waters, retired. The players had a nice ride and Fitanides, Tavitsanen. HAM’S MARKET were completely relaxed but Mgr. Meats and Provisions Lennie Sawyer, the club’s steward, had a pretty tough time. He was the man Lacrosse Informals Tel 5758 * with the roll and handled it as though he were the Chancellor of the E x­ Prep for Scrimmage chequer. Good work Lennie. Those zoot suiters on Boston’s Co­ The U N H informal lacrosse team, lumbus Avenue had Fred White, white after two weeks of intensive condition­ mEHDERS shoes and all, completely enchanted. ing and training in fundamentals, has He wanted Emil Krupa to show him started scrimmaging so they will be how to peg pants. well prepared for any possible games ?lou>er Shop We’ll be back next week. in the near future. Originally, lacrosse was to have Flowers for all occasions “ gone by the boards’ ’this year, but Corsages a specialty DURHAM TAXI with the recently return of Coach Tony Dougal to the campus, things have OPEN EVERY DAY Phone 158 started to materialize. Although not 25c per person 10 Third St. Dover, N. H. a regular season, the daily sessions will Tel. 256 be most instrumental in getting a team ready for New England League com­ petition next year. The league has al­ ANDREA J LAROCHELLE ways found the Wildcats well up near JEWELER the top of the heap. Formerly E. R. McClintock As Coach Dougal is still working Watchmaking, Engraving, and with the gridsters, the coaching reins Dover, N. H. Jewelry Repairing Rochester, N. H. of the strickmen have been in the hands of Tom Niles, Dick Abel, and Grant Carroll. On the squad are such former UNH players as B. Black, S. Benson, P. Wiley, and W . Hastings as well as many new students who Student Supplies and have had previous experience at vari­ ous New England colleges and prep Gold, Cactus, Coral, Lady Slipper, Anemone schools. Sizes 9 to 17 UNH Jewelry —_— ------VENETIS STUDIO ! GEORGE B. FRENCH CO. University Bookstore 362 Central Ave. Dover, N. H. Portsmouth’s Leading Department Store 4 pictures for 25c THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 2, 1946

thing similar. I didn’t get to ask him ence.” Later she modified that state Cursing Men, Clattering Rubbish Campus Combings any more questions, because a far off ment so that the reporter wouldn bell tolled the hour and he jumped up jump to hasty conclusions. I By Bill Heller and was off like a streak of greased “ I guess they’re more mature.” Cans Mark End of Hetzel’s Chute “We need a roving reporter to get lightning. Ah, me! They’re so rude. Ah, yes! . By C. David Oliphant the views of the students on the vital N ow I ’ll have to find another. “ Par­ •issue of the day! Heller .... don me, ma’am, what’s your name?” Rub'bish, rubbish everywhere fellows on top deck, with seemingly no “Pat Parker.” Tell me, Miss Par­ alternative. you’re it! Enter your rushing report­ And banana peels to boot. ker, what are you majoring in? She At a solemn meeting of the digni­ er (I haven’t time to rove!) The first FOUND! Rubbish, rtibbish everywhere— said she was majoring in Social Serv­ taries last Thursday afternoon in Dean person I went up to interview said, They’ve boarded up our chute! ice, in preparation to cleaning up the An opportunity to save real Medesy’s office, not only was the offi­ “We don’t want any! Scram!” I slums. She comes from Newton, Yes, friends, that’s our sad, sad cial death sentence for the chute pro­ could see that this was going to be a money by getting your Mass., is nineteen years old, and an story. Hetzel’s rubbish chute is no nounced, but also defeated was the terrific assignment. Neither wishing attractive blonde. I haven’t got her Corsages and Tuxedoes more. It’s closed to business. The suggestion of having large waste dis­ to rove nor rush, I stood outside of telephone nurriber but you can proba­ dear old empty space in our midst has posal receptacles in the corridors. Rea­ Commons and watched for prospects. from bly find it in the directory. conveyed its last load of refuse to the son? They said the laddies would set I found one. I asked her what she thought the cellar. It had performed faithfully for fire to them, also. Ridiculous? I’ve His name is Bob Piper, he is twenty- ALBEE-SELZER difference was between the returned many years, \but now its cavernous seen it done. one years old, and is finishing out his Fairchild 1 vet on campus and the man who hadn’t jaws are closed, and all Hetzel mem­ “The Hetzel-men must cooperate,” education after a fotn* and a half year seen service if there was any. bers bow in solemn tribute to her the dignitaries said. “ They must carry hitch with the Army. I asked him “Oh yes! There’s a difference. I memory with overstuffed wastebaskets the baskets. There are three men to where he came from, and he claimed dunno just what, but there is a differ- in either hand. Alas, she smoked too every one man now in the University residence in Northwood N. H. He’s taking an education curricula and plans much, and the authorities sealed her who are itching to gain entrance, three SHARPE lips forever — our chute that is. men to every one man now occupying to be a high school teacher after he FRANKLIN acquires his degree. He intends to PLATTER CHATTER Durham, N. H. Perhaps all this calls for an explana­ the dorms who would cooperate, three men to every one man who would teach both English and History. Com­ The outstanding record of the week: tion. You see, through the years, the Thurs. May 2 ing to' the crux of the matter, I asked “ Full M oon and Empty Arm s” and inmates of Hetzel have not been love to carry his wastebasket down to him what he thought of the campus “ Come 'Closer To Me” as sung by Bob LADY TAKES A averse to dropping lighted matches the sub-basement.” Perhaps they would, if that were the only prerequi­ co-ed. He gave me a straight answer: Eberly accompanied by Carmen Caval- CHANCE down the rubbish chute, while fire­ Jean Arthur John Wayne “ I spent three years of my life in laro at the piano. The Eberly voice crackers, it was found, caused a most site to gain entrance, but it doesn’t New Guinea. Need we say more?” I is twice as fine as ever before, and satisfying roar . But our dear old in­ solve our problem. Fri.-Sat. May 3-4 then asked him what he thought of who’s forgotten the O ’Connell-Dorsey animate esopagus just couldn’t take it. W ho can help us in our dire days their attire. “ I have no objections at days? The top male vocalist backed FRONTIER GIRL Its lining was worn out. It breathed of distress? Throwing it out the win­ (in technicolor) all, I wouldn’t even mind if they went by exquisite piano. fire ifito the partitions, it belched toxic dow is not the solution, nor is burning Rod Cameron Evonne de Carlo around entirely devoid ...... ” I pre­ Blues-shouting by “the” blues- gases from burning cardboard which it in the corridors — buring doesn’t sume he was to say slacks or some- shouter, Joe Turner, on “Rebecca” and threatened to “ put the bite” on the destroy bottles. Sun.-Mon. May 5-6 “It’s The Same Old Story.” The Pete hands that fed it. Our rubbish chute is boarded up HOODLUM SAINT Johnson Trio with Pete at the boggie- All this means that the lads have to W e cannot use it more. William Powell Esther Williams "LittleFoxes” Features beat piano are behind Joe. transport their rubbish to the sub­ So weary men with baskets full On Decca Personality Series label Tues.-Wed. May 7-8 basement, five floors down for the poor Trudge from floor to floor. Bing sings “It’s The Talk Of The SCARLET STREET Southern Atmosphere Tow n’ ’and “ Give Me The Simple Joan Bennett Ed. G. Robinson Am ong the busiest people on cam­ Life.” A balanced band led by Jim­ pus today are the actors and stagecrew my Dorsey accompanies Crosby on Thurs. May 9 Human Guinea Pig working on Mask and Dagger’s forth­ both. BRING ON THE GIRLS Sam Legg, one of the 36 conscien­ can we expect them to learn on empty coming production of “The Little Also on the same label is R oy El- (in technicolor) tious objectors who were guinea pigs stomachs? We wonder why the Eu­ Foxes.” The Heilman play is one dridge playing a straight, but tricky, Veronica Lake Sonny Tufts for the governmental starvation unit ropeans aren’t building their own which presents a great challenge to solo on “Twilight Time.” Reverse is experiment carried on at the Universi­ countries up, but neither their minds any group of players, professional or “Fish Market” with more Roy, with ty of Minnesota, recently spoke to sev­ nor their bodies are willing. amateur ,because it is a “well made” and without mute, and a solid trom­ play. No line or scene is extraneous bone. Tw o sides by a top man and eral groups and classes on the UNH The conclusion arrived at, was that and the actor must be able to make STRAND campus. The purpose of this govern­ the Europeans need 1500 to 2000 calo­ his band. the audience realize the importance of mental experiment was to find out the ries more than they are receiving now. For “The Ink Spots” fans we have Dover, N. H. each seemingly inconsequential re­ minimum requirements of the human UNRRA is not enough. Only one “The Gypsy’ ’and “Everyone Is Say­ mark. ing Hello Again.” This distinctive vo­ body for normal functioning. There is third of its quota has been met and Thurs.-Sat. May 2-4 Inasmuch as the action of “The cal group does it for the hundredth a distinct correlation between the find­ even if all of it were, five million to Little Foxes” occurs in a part of the TARZAN AND THE ings of the experiment and the pres­ ten million people would die. There time in the same groove. South that is deep enough to make “Perdido” by Jimmy Dorsey spot­ ent situation in Europe. As Sam said, personal contributions, no matter'how LEOPARD WOMAN even Senator Claghorne feel at ease lights many great soloists with the “We starved on 1800 calories. Many small, are needed. Y O U R coopera­ Johnny Weismuller there is another problem for the cast. best all-around band Tom’s brother people are getting far less than that.” tion is necessary. There are three Johnny Sheffield Brenda Joyce Nine of the ten actors are Yankees, has had in many years. The electric The minimum ration for health is ways the student body and residents through and through, but a play of 26501 calories a day. While the aver­ in the town can help. The first is guitar on this as well as on the “ B” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. May 5-6-7 the deep South calls for a large supply age American gorges on- 3300, else­ complying with President Truman’s side is worth raving about. “J.D.’s of authentic sounding “ you-all’s” and Jump” as played by a quintet of top ZIEGFIELD FOLLIES where people are withering on from famine program. The second is by “suh’s.” Several records of real South­ Dorsey-men has enough room to give 400 to 1500 calories a day. sending food boxes, and the third is by OF 1946 ern voices are being studied by the Fred Astaire Diets Cut giving freely to the boxes for all a solo break. cast so they can realistically cope with “Beware” finds Louis Jordan giving Lucille Ball The first three months they were C.A.R.E. which are placed in strategic this problem. advice to all you men who have Spring Judy Garland given a normal American diet consist­ places around the town. The girls in The time of the play is the first de­ and women on the brain. A fine novel­ Kathryn Grayson ing of about 3600 calories. The second South Congreve have already collected cade of this century when barber shops ty vocal by Louis assisted by a shout­ and Scores More phase of the experiment was when the enough money to send to the CARE were mainly places to hold quartet re­ ing band . On “ D on’t Let The Sun members were cut down to 1300 calo­ headquarters in New York for a 49- hearsals. At least that is the impres­ Catch You Crying” Louis gives out Wed.-Sat. May 8-11 ries of a normal European diet con­ pound box. Information concerning sion that five of the men in the cast with a straight vocal with a muted sisting of potatoes, ca'bbage, turnips, the CA R E drive and the food box have received. In the interest of main­ trumpet obligato behind. v BAD BASCOMB water and dark bread. Sam’s weight drive will be found on the library bul­ taining realism about the production Two Decca albums composed of mu­ Wallace Beery Margaret O’Brien went from 155 to 102 pounds. At letin board. these men were forbidden to have a sic from the W alt Disney pictures “ Sa- least 15 pounds of this was exedema, haircut until after the show has been ludos Amigos” and “The Three Cabal­ excess fluid which wanders around in­ produced. By now their locks are leros” are certain to bring back the side the^body. Sometimes it results tickling their ears and their collars — pleasures - of these outstanding car­ STATE THEATER in a bloated face, swollen ankles or Mike and Dial Elects but the show must go on. toons. Such hits as “Tico Tico,” Washington Street knees or death when it comes to rest “Brazil,” and “You Belong To My Dover, N. H. in the stomach of a child. New Officers for Fall NOTICE Heart” are included. Charles W olcott Become Beasts Mike and Dial elected the following There will be a meeting of the and his orchestra, assisted by a Latin Fri-Sat. May 3-4 Every function of the body slows officers for 1946-47 at a recent business “Junior Greeters” Hotel Administra­ American group do justice to all the down and there is a general weakness meeting: Don Clough, program direc­ tion Club on Monday night, at 7 p.m. great music. HAWAII CALLS and lethargy which robs the person of tor; Earl Hill, head announcer; Nata­ in the Alumni Room in New Hamp­ < Bobby Breen any incentive or will to do the most lie Fairchild, dramatics director; Vir­ shire Hall. Guest speaker will be Mr. ordinary task. Not only physical but ginia Helff, secretary-treasurer; David Herbert Brewster, manager of the BRAD MCINT1RE mental apathy predominates until Oliphant, publicity director; and Bar­ Carpenter Hotel, Manchester. D u r h a m , N e w H a m p s h i r e GUN TOWN nothing is more important to the bara Lane, script director. Kirby Grant Fuzzy Knight starved person than food. The aver­ It was decided that Mike and Dial age person who would be normal with business meetings would be held the enough nourishment becomes a psy­ first Friday of every month with tech­ TUXEDOS Sun.-Mon.-Tues. May 5-6-7 chopathic case with no sense of moral­ nical meetings on the second and all styles ity and humanity. To quote Sam fourth Fridays of the month. SEVENTH VEIL again: “Hunger drove out all our complete with shoes Don Clough, who succeeds Earl Hill James Masoli Ann Todd idealism. We became beasts. We for as program directors, says that the hated strangers on the street because club hopes to have membership pins, JUNIOR PROM they were well-fed. We envied small Wed.-¥hurs. May 8-S in the shape of a microphone, before boys we saw pedalling bikes because the end of the present school year. they could pump easily, and to us each Hall - McLaughlin STATE FAIR Theta Kappa Phi curb along the streets was a hill. Noth­ Jeanne Crane Dana Andrews Patience is a flower that grows not ing mattered but our hunger. It was Tel. 5375 in every one’s garden. all we thought about.” Europe’s Plight The things which happened to them — their skin, internal organs and their minds — is happening all over Europe BoupJi 0*t! and Asia today.. W e are teaching the Germans democracy, but how much